organizational communication course project outline

Organizational Communication Course Project Outline I. Introduction A. Identify the organization 1. Brief overview of the organization. The Davis Hospital (TDH) is a small community hospital which serves the local community and the surrounding areas. TDH is a locally owned and a not- for-profit organization. TDH offers inpatient, emergent and outpatient services. The facility has a growing population of individuals utilizing the organization for their primary care needs. TDH is one of the largest employers in the City of Richmond with over four hundred employees. 2. Identify your role in the organization. I am currently a staff nurse in the in the intensive care unit when needed. As a staff nurse I assist in the delivery of care to patients and the promotion of the organization’s mission and values. I assist fellow nurses, physicians and ancillary staff in providing health care to the individuals of the community and those from the surrounding area. 3. Identify issues, events and actions that contribute to the problem being discussed. The development of new policies and procedures, changes in the department, new guidelines established by accrediting organizations, TDH organizational news and changes, and general information is not distributed or communicated to the staff in a consistent manner. The lack of communication, inconsistencies with communication delivery, and receiving information by way of the hospital grapevine from administration and management leads to misunderstandings, increased frustration by the staff and ineffective delivery of services. II. Problem Statement A. Define the problem. 1. The nature of the problem is the inconsistencies and lack of communication from the administrative and management level to the lower members of the organizational hierarchy. The organization has many staff members that are working during the hours when administration and management are not on the premises. How can

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Organizational Communication Course Project OutlineI. IntroductionA. Identify the organization1. Brief overview of the organization.The Davis Hospital (TDH) is a small community hospital which serves the local community and the surrounding areas.   TDH is a locally owned and a not- for-profit organization.   TDH offers inpatient, emergent and outpatient services.   The facility has a growing population of individuals utilizing the organization for their primary care needs.   TDH is one of the largest employers in the City of Richmond with over four hundred employees.

2. Identify your role in the organization.I am currently a staff nurse in the   in the intensive care unit when needed.   As a staff nurse I assist in the delivery of care to patients and the promotion of the organization’s mission and values.   I assist fellow nurses, physicians and ancillary staff in providing health care to the individuals of the community and those from the surrounding area.  

3. Identify issues, events and actions that contribute to the problem being discussed.The development of new policies and procedures, changes in the department, new guidelines established by accrediting organizations, TDH organizational news and changes, and general information is not distributed or communicated to the staff in a consistent manner.   The lack of communication, inconsistencies with communication delivery, and receiving information by way of the hospital grapevine from administration and management leads to misunderstandings, increased frustration by the staff and ineffective delivery of services.  

II. Problem StatementA. Define the problem.1. The nature of the problem is the inconsistencies and lack of communication from the administrative and management level to the lower members of the organizational hierarchy.   The organization has many staff members that are working during the hours when administration and management are not on the premises.   How can communication be improved for the staff of the Davis Hospital? Using modern technology and awareness a solution to this problem will be established.  

B. To whom is it a problem?1. Staff- The lack of communication leads to frustration and uncertainties for the staff members.   Staff includes: nurses, physicians, caregivers, and all ancillary service staff.

2. Patients-The lack of communication affects the delivery of care and services for the patients.  

C. To what extent is it a problem?1. The extent of the problem is affecting the staff performance, patient care, organizational behavior, and inconsistencies with the organizations overall goals. 2. The inconsistencies in the care delivered and the staff’s performance is the reflection of the lack of communication from management and administration.   This is part of a larger problem.   Failed communication has led to failed compliance with standards of care, miscommunication between staff, lack of understanding of changes, and a decrease in the moral of the employees.

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D. Show it is not a symptom of another, more fundamental problem.The organization has been established for many years.   Healthcare changes are occurring on a regular basis.   With the changes affecting the way in which care is delivered, the reimbursementby private and government agencies, and the organizational changes by TDH, it is imperative that communication be improved.   Failure to establish improved communication can have devastating effects on the organization.

III: Literature ReviewA. Identification of sources and uses of information.1. Ahmed, Z., Shields, F., White, R., and Wilbert, Jessica. (2010). Communications & Conflict. Journal of Organizational Culture , 14 (1), 107-120.I will use this article to gain insight to the affects of communication on conflict.   Reflecting on the ways in which communication can facilitate a solution and how communication can have a negative effect on conflict when not applied correctly.   The article supports the importance of proper communication to facilitate understanding and to prevent misunderstandings.   Conflict resolution is assisted by successful communication.2. Bell, A. a. (2010). Management Communication (3rd ed.). USA: Wiley.I will use this book to identify the effective ways for management to communicate with staff and to develop a plan of action to address the problem of failing to communicate.   I will provide referenced material to describe appropriate use of communication when in a management or leadership role.   This will assist in establishing what makes a strong competent leader. The book identifies that basic communication skills are necessary for administrators and managers to work effectively with staff, members of the healthcare team, patients, families, and all individuals including superiors and subordinates.3. Carroll, P. (2006). Nursing Leadership and Management. In P. Carroll, Nursing Leadership and Management (p. 6). Clifton Park, New York, USA: Delmar, Cengage Learning.I will use this book to establish what communication is.   This resource will assist in defining key effective communication skills.   The resource will also provide identifications of the barriers of communication which are contributing to the problem.   Following the identification of these skills, I will use the information to assist in the development of a proposal to the solution of the organizations problem of in effective communication.   Thus, providing the means in which TBH can improve communication from the administrative and management levels.4. Darling, J.,& Beebe, S.,. (Spring 2007). Effective entrepreneurial communication in organization development: Achieving excellence based on leadership strategies and values. Organization Development Journal , 25 (1), 76-93.The article provides information on the effects of leadership strategies to influence communication.   This will be beneficial to the solution to improve communication from administration and leaders by assisting with the importance of understanding the necessary skill needed to be an effective leader.   Effective communication is essential in the development and success of the organization.5. Davis, K. (1953). Management Communication and the Grapevine. Harvard Business Review , 31 (5), 7-20.This article reflects on the effects of grapevine communication.   It establishes the fact that many perceive the grapevine form of communication as being a negative.   The article states that this form of communication; spreads rumors, destroys morale, challenges authority, and leads to

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irresponsible actions.   It also recognizes that the "grapevine is only part of the picture of communication in management".   The characteristics of grapevine communication are evaluated for their affects and their abilities to influence communication.   This information will be useful in establishing ways in which administration can analyze the grapevine communication and consciously try to influence it.6. Hamilton, J., & Martin, D. (2007, November 23). Clinical Development: A framework for effective communication skills. Retrieved August 30, 2011, from Nursing Times. Net: development-a- framework-for-effective-communication-skills/296359.articleThe article established the effectiveness of developing a framework for effective communication skills.   Having effective communication skills is essential for all levels of an organization.   The framework consist of five I's; interaction, intention, intervention, impact, and implications.   These areas are used to provide guidance for the communication and to assist with the flow of complete communication.   This will be beneficial to my development of a solution as a means of providing complete communication.   This will also provide information to the upper channels providing communication, as to the areas to be considered when communication is needed to be provided to employees.7. Marquis and Huston. (2009). Barriers to Effective Communication. Chamberlain College of Nursing.The information received from a class lecture provided by Chamberlain College of Nursing described the barriers to communication.   This information is valuable to this project in developing a means to provide communication to employees by acknowledging the barriers and making the necessary accommodations to overcome those barriers.   This will be another positive contribution to improving communication at TBH.8. Marvel, K., Bailey, A., Pfaffly, C., Gunn, W., & Beckman, H. (2003). Relationship-centered administration: transferring effective communication skills from the exam room to the conference room. Journal Of Healthcare Management / American College Of Healthcare Executives , 48 (2), 112-123.This article addresses the importance of relationship-centered communication.   Although the article begins by applying this to the physician/patient environment, it later explains its application to organizations as well.   There are benefits to having a supportive and trusting partnership between administration and management.   This can further include staff.   Relationship-centered attributes are beneficial when combined with a disciplined focus on accountability and achievement of goals.   This information will further anchor the need to have proper communication provided to all employees of the organization to promote success in the organization.   9. Newstrom, J. W., Monczka, R. E., & Reif, W. E. (1974). Perceptions of the grapevine: Its value and influence. Journal of Business Communication , 11 (3), 12-20.The article established that the form of communication provided by the grapevine is a simple fact of life which is present in all organizations.   Managements and administrative authority can be undermined when left unnoticed or uncontrolled.   The article provided the results of a study conducted on the mechanics of the grapevine system, along with the value and influence it has on the workers of the organization.   The article will validate the effects from grapevine communication on staff and employees.   This will assist in my plan for the solution of improving communication by presenting to management and administration that they must be willing to accept the existence of the grapevine in the communication process.   Secondly, this

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will allow administration and management to realize their own individual, as well as their subordinate’s perception of the value and influence of the grapevine.   Then, both will be able to use the grapevine to improve communication rather than to allow the grapevine to be an ineffective means of getting information out to the members of the organization.10. Schermerhorn, J., Hunt, J., Osborn, R., & Uhk-Bien, M. (2010). Organizational Behavior (11th ed.). John Wiley & Sons.This book will offer many areas of value to the development of a solution of improving communication from administration and management.   Providing information on; understanding individual differences, emotions, attitudes, perceptions, attributes, and learning.   Applying the gained insight along with the information on communication and collaboration, I will be able to enrich administration and managements understanding of the importance of effective communication for staff to improve the overall functions of the and their ability to serve the community safely while maintaining staff support for the organization and effective delivery of care.  

B. Reintroduce your research question.The literature review provided information to support the importance of communication in an organization.   There are communication skills and barriers which can impact the delivery of communication.   Administration and management must develop means to provide proper, thorough, complete, and effective communication to all employees.   The information gained in this review will assist in my development of a solution to the problem of poor communication at TDH.

IV: Analysis of ProblemA. Causes of problem• Lack of communication• There is a lack of communication from administration and management.   Often ommunication is passed out by means of e-mails, voice mails, letters, or spoken word.   This communication does not reach all employees.   Evening and night shift employees fail to be present during the hour’s administration and management are present.   Communication is not forward to these individuals consistently.     • Lack of responsibility/accountability• Currently administration and management are not held responsible or accountable for communication to all employees.   Employee concerns for the lack of adequate delivery and necessary contents of communication are left unattended.

• B. Leadership and Organizational Behavior (LOB) concepts present in problem• 1. Communication & Collaboration-How can the delivery of communication within the organization be improve to increase staff performance and the quality of care it delivers?• 2. Leadership styles-What styles of leadership are being used currently by the organizations leaders, and how can these styles be adapted or changed to assist in better meeting the communication needs of the organization?• Teams and Teamwork- As the staff is reflective of one team and administration another, along with management yet another.   How can we improve the team performance of each team through the use of communication?

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V: Solutions• Alternative #1• Inform administration and management of the need for improved communication fromemployees.   This can be accomplished through a formal letter from the staff, or by presenting the concern at the hospitals next scheduled employee meeting.   This may not be taken seriously by administration or management.   This could be perceived by administration as complaining, and therefore, not be taken seriously.• Alternative #2• Provide data on the effects of the lack of knowledge on behalf of the employees as the result of inadequate communication of necessary changes and information.   This would assist in establishing a need for improved measures of communication for employees. This could prove to be time consuming as it would require data collection and analysis.• Alternative #3• Present employee concerns for the lack of communication from administration and management.   Gather employee concerns, perceptions and feelings towards communication and the way in which communication is delivered to employees.   Develop a proposed solution to this problem to present to administration and management at the next scheduled employee meeting.   • Chosen Alternative• I have selected alternative #3.   Having the support of ell employees can emphasize the degree of severity in which the employees see this as a problem.   All employees can actively participate in validating the problem and devising a proposed solution.   Teamwork on the behalf of the employees will demonstrate their support for the organization and their commitment to improving the quality of the organization.   Simply sending a letter to management or administration may not be taken seriously.   A letter can get misplaced or thrown away and once again the employees are faced with yet another lack of communication.   Collecting data can take a great deal of time and resources may be difficult to obtain or be unavailable for this extensive measure.• Steps involved in implementation a. Develop a committee to evaluate the effectiveness of communication within the organization.b. Survey the employees and determine their concerns for communication and their suggested solutions. c. Establish the need to improve the way communication is reaching the employees at all levels, and improve the content of the information being communicate.d. Present the employee concerns and the committee recommended solution to the problem to administration and management.

VI: Reflection• Overview of how problem influenced your professional developmentThe problem of communication is faced on a daily basis.   It is very important to communicate appropriately and accurately for the situation.   It can be very easily misunderstood or perceived in a negative manner.   Communication is the key to success and to the improvement of any organization.   • Overview of how problem influenced your personal developmentPersonally, I have gained a great deal of knowledge regarding organizational behaviors and all the elements involved required for the success of the organization.   These behaviors can

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certainly be applied to personal life and situations as well.   Rationalizing the way I do things can allow for greater relief from stress by thinking ahead and realizing alternatives that can actually lead to the same end result. • Overview of how problem influenced your academic developmentThe problem has assisted me with thinking about what I will write in the post or in a paper.   I have increased my knowledge of how to address areas with improved communication skills and therefore, have increased my ability to write more like what I am thinking.

VII. ReferencesAhmed, Z., Shields, F., White, R., and Wilbert, Jessica. (2010). Communications & Conflict. Journal of Organizational Culture , 14 (1), 107-120.Bell, A. a. (2010). Management Communication (3rd ed.). USA: Wiley.Carroll, P. (2006). Nursing Leadership and Management. In P. Carroll, Nursing Leadership and Management (p. 6). Clifton Park, New York, USA: Delmar, Cengage Learning.Darling, J.,& Beebe, S.,. (Spring 2007). Effective entrepreneurial communication in organization development:Achieving excellence based on leadership strategies and values. Organization Development Journal , 25 (1), 76-93.Davis, K. (1953). Management Communication and the Grapevine. Harvard Business Review , 31 (5), 7- 20.Hamilton, J., & Martin, D. (2007, November 23). Clinical Development: A framework for effective communication skills. Retrieved August 30, 2011, from Nursing Times. Net: framework-for-effective-communication-skills/296359.articleMarquis and Huston. (2009). Barriers to Effective Communication. Chamberlain College of Nursing.Marvel, K., Bailey, A., Pfaffly, C., Gunn, W., & Beckman, H. (2003). Relationship-centered administration: transferring effective communication skills from the exam room to the conference room. Journal Of Healthcare Management / American College Of Healthcare Executives , 48 (2), 112-123.Newstrom, J. W., Monczka, R. E., & Reif, W. E. (1974). Perceptions of the grapevine: Its value and influence. Journal of Business Communication , 11 (3), 12-20.Schermerhorn, J., Hunt, J., Osborn, R., & Uhk-Bien, M. (2010). Organizational Behavior (11th ed.). John Wiley & Sons.