oriel windfarm ltd

Oriel Windfarm Ltd Oriel Wind Farm Foreshore Licence Application for Marine Survey Issue 1 | 12 November 2018 This report takes into account the particular instructions and requirements of our client. It is not intended for and should not be relied upon by any third party and no responsibility is undertaken to any third party. Job number Ove Arup & Partners Ireland Ltd Arup 50 Ringsend Road Dublin 4 D04 T6X0 Ireland www.arup.com

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ReportIssue 1 | 12 November 2018
This report takes into account the particular
instructions and requirements of our client.
It is not intended for and should not be relied
upon by any third party and no responsibility
is undertaken to any third party.
Job number
| Issue 1 | 12 November 2018 | Arup
Document Verification
Document title Foreshore Licence Application for Marine Survey File reference
Document ref
Draft 1 24 Sept
Name Gillian Madden Marie Murphy Michael Daly
Filename Oriel Wind Farm foreshore license Draft 2.docx Description Second draft
Prepared by Checked by Approved by
Name Gillian Madden Marie Murphy Michael Daly
Filename Oriel Wind Farm foreshore licence Draft 3.docx Description First Issue
Prepared by Checked by Approved by
Name Gillian Madden Marie Murphy Michael Daly
Issue Document Verification with Document
Oriel Windfarm Ltd Oriel Wind Farm Foreshore Licence Application for Marine Survey
| Issue 1 | 12 November 2018 | Arup
1.2 Marine Surveys 1
2 Description of the Proposed Survey Works 4
2.1 Survey Vessels 4
2.2 Geophysical Survey 6
2.3 Geotechnical Survey 10
2.4 Ecological Survey 13
2.5 Metocean Survey 14
3 General Requirements 15
3.1 Quality Assurance 15
3.2 Operating permits 15
3.4 PSDP/PSCS 15
Example Survey Equipment Data Sheets
Oriel Windfarm Ltd Oriel Wind Farm Foreshore Licence Application for Marine Survey
| Issue 1 | 12 November 2018 | Arup
1.1 Project Background and Description
Oriel Windfarm Limited (Oriel) is an Irish renewable energy company that has
been developing the proposed Oriel Wind Farm, which is located offshore in the
North West Irish Sea, 22km off the coast of Dundalk, County Louth. The
development will include an offshore substation and interlinking cabling between
the turbines and the substation and between the substation to the shore.
Oriel was granted a Foreshore Licence in October 2005 from the then DCMNR,
giving permission to carry out a technical work plan to investigate the suitability
of an area to the East of Dundalk Bay for the construction of an offshore wind
farm. This included geotechnical site investigation, an engineering assessment and
the completion of an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), and Natura Impact
Statement (NIS).
Following the completion of this work, Oriel applied for a Foreshore Lease in
February 2007, for permission to construct an offshore wind farm of up to
330MW potential within the surveyed area. This application is pending. For a
number of reasons, the development of the project was delayed, however, recent
policy announcements the project has been reignited. Oriel has introduced
Parkwind NV as a strategic shareholder.
Oriel now need to initiate a set of surveys (both onshore and offshore) to update
and complete the planning application and the environmental assessments
previously undertaken.
This document forms part of a Foreshore Licence Application to the Department
of Housing, Planning and Local Government seeking permission to undertake
marine survey works within the proposed development site to support the Oriel
Wind Farm project. These surveys will include the acquisition of updated baseline
environmental data and updated seabed assessments, to establish the optimum
design parameters for the wind farm and to enable the preparation of an updated
Environmental Impact Assessment Report and Natura Impact Assessment. The
scope and methodology of the works are described in this document.
1.2 Marine Surveys
Oriel intend to carry out geophysical, geotechnical, ecological and metocean
marine surveys of the proposed development area. The objective of these site
investigation works is to build upon information gathered in previous surveys by:
• Confirming the geological/geophysical model of the site,
• Determining the vertical and lateral variation in seabed conditions,
• Providing the relevant geotechnical data for the design of the offshore wind
farm, including description and index classification, strength parameters,
deformation parameters, permeability and in-situ stress conditions.
Oriel Windfarm Ltd Oriel Wind Farm Foreshore Licence Application for Marine Survey
| Issue 1 | 12 November 2018 | Arup
• Providing a detailed geological model of the site.
1.3 Schedule
It is anticipated that the survey works will commence in early 2019 subject to
approval of the Foreshore Licence Application, appointment of a suitable
contractor, availability of vessels and suitable weather conditions. In order to
allow for unforeseen delays we seek approval of a Foreshore Licence for a period
until 31 December 2019.
Table 1 outlines the approximate durations for the survey works required.
Table 1: Schedule of survey works.
Survey Time Conditions
Geotechnical Survey 1 month
Weather dependent; may be
existing data collected from
previous surveys
In parallel with the Geotechnical and Geophysical survey works, ongoing Benthic
and Marine Mammal surveys will be undertaken.
1.4 Foreshore Application Area
This Foreshore Licence Application is for the survey area between the Lowest
Astronomical Tide (LAT) and the 12-nautical mile limit. The survey area includes
the proposed windfarm site and a proposed cable route corridor and is
approximately 52.29km2. The cable route corridor extends from the edge of the
windfarm site to the landfall location at Dunany Point, remaining 1km outside the
Dundalk Bay SPA. The coordinates of the survey area (to WGS 1984 and ITM)
are provided in Table 2. The extents of the survey area within the foreshore limit
can be found in Figure 1. Further details of the application area are shown on
drawings FL001 - FL006 which are included in this application package.
Oriel Windfarm Ltd Oriel Wind Farm Foreshore Licence Application for Marine Survey
| Issue 1 | 12 November 2018 | Arup
1 53°51'43.30" N 06°13'22.49" W 716891.98 791750.41
2 53°53'16.71'' N 06°05'25.07'' W 725536.54 794863.98
3 53°53'13.02'' N 06°02’54.22'' W 728293.88 794824.93
4 53°55'13.29'' N 06°01’38.52'' W 729572.58 798580.30
5 53°56'47.91'' N 06°02’28.34'' W 728582.84 801479.47
6 53°56'52.39'' N 06°05’32.27'' W 725225.64 801526.42
7 53°55'20.15'' N 06°06’30.24'' W 724244.85 798647.22
8 53°52’39.84'' N 06°13’15.36'' W 716978.47 793501.08
Figure 1: Extent of Survey Area within the Foreshore
Oriel Windfarm Ltd Oriel Wind Farm Foreshore Licence Application for Marine Survey
| Issue 1 | 12 November 2018 | Arup
2.1 Survey Vessels
The marine survey works will be carried out by a dedicated marine spread,
suitable for the scope of work required, the water depth and the anticipated
conditions of the survey area and the transit routes. The exact equipment to be
used will be confirmed following a tender process to procure the site investigation
It is anticipated that two survey vessels will be required to complete the works:
• A larger vessel suitable for offshore site investigation;
• A smaller vessel suitable for nearshore site investigation (in more shallow
These vessels will be comparable to those typically used in the industry for
carrying out similar technical work and will possess all relevant classification
The vessels will conform to the following minimum requirements as appropriate:
1. Station-keeping and sea keeping capabilities required by the specified work
at the proposed time of year; the appointed contractor may provide
supplemental tug assistance if such assistance benefits the operation;
2. Endurance (e.g. fuel, water, stores, etc.) to undertake the required survey
3. Staffing to allow all planned work to be carried out as a continuous
operation (on a 24 hour per day basis for the offshore activities and on a 12
hour per day basis for the inshore activities);
4. Equipment and spares with necessary tools for all specified works;
5. Appropriate accommodation and messing facilities on board;
6. Adequate soil laboratory testing facility.
The vessels used for the surveys will be sound and capable of remaining safely at
sea for a minimum of thirty (30) days under weather conditions typically
encountered in the marine survey area at the time of year that the operations are to
take place. The appointed contractor will be responsible for all shipboard systems
and equipment calibration and re-calibration, including spares. For every 30 days
of operations the vessels will accrue one day of maintenance time.
Vessels shall have breadth and draft of suitable proportions to provide adequate
stability for the duration of the intended operation. The vessels shall be capable of
passage speeds in excess of ten (10) knots and extended survey operations at
speeds less than two (2) knots.
In addition to AIS-A and Active Radar Enhancing Systems, the vessel shall have
the following communications equipment as a minimum:
Oriel Windfarm Ltd Oriel Wind Farm Foreshore Licence Application for Marine Survey
| Issue 1 | 12 November 2018 | Arup
Page 5
• Multi-channel VHF and HF radio capable of working at all marine frequencies
and with a dual watch facility
• Mobile phone
• Hand-held radios
• Frame and winch for the deployment of equipment and sensors, sized for the
required equipment/sensors loads and pulling force. The winch speed and size
must be compatible with planned surveys.
• Gyrocompass
• SATCOM facilities (phone/fax and e-mail)
• 2 independent DGPS systems, a primary and secondary system (DGPS has a
greater degree of accuracy than GPS)
All survey vessels and marine support vessels will conform to the relevant ISO
and API technical specifications for drilling equipment and will maintain valid
class with the recognised Classification Society.
2.1.1 Offshore Vessel
The survey vessel used for offshore works will be either a jack-up barge or a
Dynamic positioning (DP) vessel.
Jack-up barges utilise a fixed anchoring system in order to maintain the required
position within the site. The vessel consists of a self-elevating platform and
several “legs”, that are deployed to the ocean floor mooring the vessel in place.
The survey works are carried out from the self-elevating platform, which is raised
above the water’s surface. If used, the jack-up barge will meet with the following
minimum requirements:
• The vessel will have at least four mooring points
• The self-elevating platform must be permanently manned (i.e. off-shift
personnel to stay onboard even if the accommodation is not a permanent
equipment of the jack-up);
• The platform must be provided with a class certificate verifying the provision
of adequate safety equipment for the type of vessel and the number of on-
board personnel;
• The platform should be certified in compliance with the MODU Code and the
BWEA guideline;
Unlike jack-up barges, DP vessels maintain station via inputs from satellite DGPS
signals, allowing the vessels to be positioned over any point on the seabed and
maintain position without employing a fixed anchoring system. Using thrusters or
propellers, a DP vessel can maintain position within a 2m to 0.5m window
depending on the sea state/weather conditions and available power. The vessel
may also transit under DP control along a given pre-determined path.
If used, a DP vessel will meet the following minimum requirements:
Oriel Windfarm Ltd Oriel Wind Farm Foreshore Licence Application for Marine Survey
| Issue 1 | 12 November 2018 | Arup
Page 6
• The vessel must be fully equipped with a Class II DP system as a minimum
• Two DP certified operators with the necessary experience must be members of
the crew
The offshore works will be carried out on a 24-hour shift basis, with personnel
working two 12-hour shifts. This will allow the works to be continuous.
2.1.2 Nearshore Vessel
The smaller, nearshore vessel will be used in locations where the water depth is
too shallow for the larger, offshore vessel to carry out the works. This vessel does
not need to have a dynamic positioning system, however must have full DGPS
capability. The vessel is usually held on station by joy-stick control and will
deploy an anchor to assist in maintaining station (depending on sea state and
weather conditions). The smaller vessel will use similar equipment to the larger
vessel to carry out the required survey works.
The nearshore works will be carried out on a 12 hour per day basis, with the
vessel returning to port at the end of each day.
2.1.3 Survey Navigation
All navigation equipment and instrumentation will be calibrated and used
correctly. Calibration and/or verification shall be repeated in the event of any
equipment malfunction, which may nullify earlier calibrations and/or
Qualified surveyors will be used to operate the navigation and positioning
equipment continuously throughout the survey while maintaining a continuous log
of all navigation activities throughout the survey.
Sufficient survey and positioning spares and consumables will be provided to
enable the survey to be completed without any degradation of navigation and
positioning quality and effectiveness and without the need to return to port to
acquire additional equipment.
2.2 Geophysical Survey
2.2.1 Scope of Work
The purpose of the geophysical survey is to determine the sediment conditions
within the survey area in order to update the information gathered in previous
survey works. This additional data will be used to better understand the sub-
surface structure, in particular the sub-surface stratigraphy, and to confirm the
bedrock elevation.
• Produce detailed bathymetric mapping;
• Obtain detailed seabed morphology;
Oriel Windfarm Ltd Oriel Wind Farm Foreshore Licence Application for Marine Survey
| Issue 1 | 12 November 2018 | Arup
• Identify the nature of the seabed;
• Acquire both shallow and deep geological cross-sections of the wind farm site;
• Confirm the export cable route within the cable route corridor.
The geophysical survey will include bathymetric, side scan sonar, magnetometry
and seismic sounding of the proposed site, as shown in
Figure 1. Details of the exact survey equipment shall be made available prior to
commencement of the works; however, it is envisaged that the geophysical data
acquisition will involve the following acoustic-based techniques:
• Multibeam Echosounder (MBES) system for detailed bathymetric mapping;
• Side Scan Sonar for detailed seabed morphology and seafloor mapping;
Magnetometer for detecting geomorphological anomalies and ferrous
• Sub-bottom Profiling (SBP), both single and multi-sourcings, to identify and
characterise the layers of sediment/rock underneath the seafloor along the
cable route corridor.
characterise the layers of sediment/rock underneath the seafloor within the
windfarm site.
The Contractor appointed will be responsible for performing transects with a total
length of circa 84km and a distance of 1km between each transect. The seismic
source shall detect the geological strata to a depth of 40m bsb min. The transects
will be located within the survey area shown in Figure 1 above.
Oriel Windfarm Ltd Oriel Wind Farm Foreshore Licence Application for Marine Survey
| Issue 1 | 12 November 2018 | Arup
The MBES system will be used to provide detailed bathymetric mapping
throughout the survey area. An MBES is a type of sonar (acoustic surveying) used
in seabed mapping wherein acoustic waves are used to indicate depth-to-seabed.
The device is typically affixed to a vessel’s hull or towed in its wake. The process
is non-intrusive, and the device will not make contact with the seabed at any
point. The Kongsberg EM710 may be taken as an indicative example of a MBES
system to be used in the completion of these works and datasheet for the
Kongsberg EM710 is included in Appendix B. The equipment will operate within
a frequency range of 300-500kHz with sound pressure levels in the range of 200-
228dB re1µPa at 1 metre range. Side Scan Sonar
The side scan sonar will be used to achieve detailed seabed morphology and
seafloor mapping of the survey area. The survey is carried out using a sonar
device attached to a vessel that emits fan-shaped pulse down towards the sea floor
across a wide-angle perpendicular to the path of the sensor through the water. The
intensity of the acoustic reflections from the seafloor of this fan shaped beam is
recorded in a series of cross-track slices.
When stitched together along the direction of motion, these slices form an image
of the sea bottom within the swath (coverage width) of the beam. The equipment
will operate within a frequency range of 100-500kHZ with source levels at 235dB
re 1µPa at 1 metre range. Magnetometer
A magnetometer detects ferrous objects and as such is used to locate and identify
ferrous objects on or buried in the seabed within the range of the magnetometer.
The device precisely measures the earth’s magnetic field and detects any
anomalies, which represent ferrous objects such as lost anchors, sunken ships and
buried piped. The magnetometer is typically towed behind a survey vessel or
affixed to a vessel’s hull. The process is non-intrusive, and the device will not
make any physical contact with the seabed at any point. The G-882 Marine
Magnetometer may be taken as an indicative example and datasheet for this
device in included in Appendix B. Sub-Bottom Profiler (SBP)
The SBP will be used along the cable route corridor only. This device uses
reflection seismology to give a 2D image of the sub-seabed geology. It is typically
towed behind the vessel during survey works or affixed to the vessel’s hull. The
process is non-intrusive, and the device will not make any physical contact with
the seabed at any point. The Innomar SES-2000 Quattro Parametric SubBottom
Profiler may be taken as an indicative example and the datasheet for this device is
included in Appendix B. The shallow sub-bottom profiler system will be used
within the cable route corridor and will have the following general specifications:
Oriel Windfarm Ltd Oriel Wind Farm Foreshore Licence Application for Marine Survey
| Issue 1 | 12 November 2018 | Arup
• A vertical resolution better than 0.2 metres
• Penetration of 5 metres
The profiler will be supplied with the following recorders and peripheral
processing equipment: Ultra-high-resolution multi-channel seismic (UHRS)
The UHRS will be used within the windfarm site only, commonly used variants of
this technology are known as Sparkers and Boomers. It will have the following
characteristics as a minimum:
• broadband width in excess of 2.5kHz at -10db,
• vertical resolution better than 0.5 metres,
• penetration 50 metres,
• record length suitable for the maximum depth required (250ms),
• sampling rate 0.25ms.
A multi-channel hydrophone streamer shall be supplied. The streamer should be
neutrally buoyant or controlled, well maintained and free of air bubbles. The
hydrophone should have a response appropriate to the source used but should
generally have a flat response between 500Hz and 10kHz. The streamer should
have at least 16 channels and be 50m long.
Tail buoy with a radar reflector shall be used. A means of detecting the feather
angle shall be available and recorded at regular intervals along the line. Feather
angles for a streamer of this length (120m) will not exceed 8 degrees. Should the
vessel configuration dictate that the use of a trail buoy is not a suitable option,
compass birds shall be used instead or in addition.
The cable shall have no more than 2 dead channels – these shall not be
consecutive or within the first 5 channels of the streamer.
The UHRS should, as a minimum, be supplied with the following record and
processing facilities:
• Online QC stack
Oriel Windfarm Ltd Oriel Wind Farm Foreshore Licence Application for Marine Survey
| Issue 1 | 12 November 2018 | Arup
2.3 Geotechnical Survey
2.3.1 Scope of Work
The purpose of the geotechnical survey is to provide relevant information about
the soil to a depth below which possible existence of weak formations will not
influence the safety or performance of the wind turbine and its support structure.
The geotechnical survey will include up to 10 geotechnical boreholes within the
proposed windfarm site and 13 cores within the cable route corridor.
Figure 2 below shows the locations where these works will take place. Drawing
number FL005 provides a more detailed overview of the geotechnical works.
Oriel Windfarm Ltd Oriel Wind Farm Foreshore Licence Application for Marine Survey
| Issue 1 | 12 November 2018 | Arup
2.3.2 Boreholes
Ten geotechnical boreholes will be drilled at pre-defined locations within the site
to a nominal target depth of 40m below the seabed.
Oriel Windfarm Ltd Oriel Wind Farm Foreshore Licence Application for Marine Survey
| Issue 1 | 12 November 2018 | Arup
Page 12
Figure 2 and drawing number FL005 show the locations of the boreholes within
the windfarm site.
The equipment used to drill the boreholes will follow the ISO and API technical
specifications for drilling equipment and at a minimum will have:
• A heave motion compensator system on board (seabed frame and/or drill
string) with a minimum heave compensation of 1.5m;
• Capability of mud production to different densities (when mud production is
required for the works). The mud shall be water or bio-degradable organic
The boring log, a detailed description of the soil types, and the in situ geotechnical
properties determined for the boreholes will be documented to characterise the
Coring and sampling shall be done in general accordance with EN ISO22475-1.
Rotary coring equipment, such as Geobor-S is expected to be utilised.
In situ testing shall include the option of either down-hole wireline piezocone
penetration testing (PCPT) associated to PS logging or down-hole wireline
seismic cone testing (SCPT) over full length of borehole.
Alternate sampling and PCPT/SCPT shall be carried out throughout the whole
borehole depth.
The boreholes are to be advanced by alternating PCPT/SCPT and push/core
sampling; requirements will depend on the material type encountered. Within a
granular deposit, the boreholes are to be advanced by alternating PCPT/SCPT and
push sample. Where the sample recovery is poor using the push sampler, a
hammer sampler shall be used instead. Blow counts measured during hammer
sampling shall be recorded and presented on the Borehole Logs. Within the
cohesive deposits, the boreholes are to be advanced by PCPT/SCPT followed by
two push samples (repeat cycle). Rotary coring may be used instead of push
sampling in suitable materials, in which case the CPT and cores shall be
The samples/cores shall be recovered in liners or in Shelby tubes for all soil types
and the appropriate technique should be selected to minimise soil disturbance and
maximize recovery.
SCPT tests shall be executed at a minimum of four of the locations, which will be
confirmed following the results of the geophysical survey. Two seismic
measurements shall be carried out during each SCPT stroke at a depth interval of
1m; the envisaged volume is 40-60 SCPT tests in total.
2.3.3 Vibrocoring/Gravity Coring
The appointed contractor will be required to carry out 13 vibrocores/gravity cores
within the export cable route corridor as shown in Figure 2. The cores will be
carried out along the line of the cable route which is still to be defined. Drawing
number FL005 shows an indicative line for the cores.
Oriel Windfarm Ltd Oriel Wind Farm Foreshore Licence Application for Marine Survey
| Issue 1 | 12 November 2018 | Arup
Page 13
Vibrocoring is performed where cohesionless soil is expected. The rig will be
fitted with a PVC liner, core catcher and cutting shoe. The vibrocorer is lowered
onto the seabed, position and depth are noted, after which the vibrocoring process
is started. Upon refusal or at target depth, the stop condition is recorded and the
vibrocorer is recovered on deck where the recovery rate is measured. If required, a
core catcher can be used to prevent the sample dropping out of the PVC liner.
A cap must be fitted to the bottom end of the core and affixed with electrical tape.
The core is cut into approximate 1 metre length sections from top and capped as
well. All caps will be sealed with tape. All cores are examined and tested offshore
before any sealing of the sample. Soil found in the vibrocoring shoe is stored in a
Gravity core (wireline self-weight penetration sampler) is performed where
cohesive soil is expected. The rig is equipped with a PVC liner. The gravity corer
is lowered on the seabed and penetrates in the seabed under its own weight. Upon
refusal or at target depth, the gravity core is recovered on deck where the recovery
rate is measured.
A cap must be fitted to the bottom end of the core and affixed with electrical tape.
The core is cut into approximate 1 metre length sections from top and capped as
well. All caps will be sealed with tape. All cores are examined and tested offshore
before any sealing of samples.
2.4 Ecological Survey
2.4.1 Scope of Work
The purpose of the ecological survey is to update the baseline environmental data
collected from previous ecological surveys. This data will primarily be used to
inform the environmental impact assessment (EIA), by describing the
environmental conditions within the site, and subsequently developing appropriate
mitigation measures for any potential environmental impacts. The ecological
scope of work will include a marine mammal survey and a benthic survey.
The marine mammal survey will be undertaken by the on-board Marine Mammal
Observer. Three to four CPOD’s may also be installed for the purpose of acoustic
monitoring on marine mammal activity within the wind farm area. This will be
supplemented by the vessel-based sighting surveys.
The benthic survey will be used for the collection of sediment sample for analysis
for benthic infauna, particle size, total organic carbon and anthropogenic
contaminants. Benthic ecological assessments will be carried out using drop down
cameras and grab samples. It is estimated that 10 Benthic stations will be
examined for fauna and sediment. One grab will be taken to collect data on the
fauna and a second to obtain a sample for sediment analysis. Grab samples are
similar to grab buckets on land and tend to be either hydraulically or manually
operated. There are many different tools used to recover samples; the method used
will depend on the water depth, currents and sample size required. Typical tools
include a Van Veen type grab sampler.
Oriel Windfarm Ltd Oriel Wind Farm Foreshore Licence Application for Marine Survey
| Issue 1 | 12 November 2018 | Arup
2.5.1 Scope of Work
The purpose of the metocean survey is to obtain site specific atmospheric, wave
and wind data at the 10m and 120m water levels over a minimum period of 12
months. All metocean survey works will occur at one location within the marine
survey area which will be determined following the appointment of a suitable
The data will be collected via a floating weather station, which will include a
wave rider and a wind measurement LiDAR current profiler. The wave rider will
be used to collect wave height and current data across the site, while the LiDAR
system will be used to measure the wind characteristics within the site.
Oriel Windfarm Ltd Oriel Wind Farm Foreshore Licence Application for Marine Survey
| Issue 1 | 12 November 2018 | Arup
• Operate Quality and Environmental Management Systems based on and
conforming to ISO9001:2008.
• Provide a Quality Management Plan for all the marine operations.
• Provide operational procedures for all the marine operations.
3.2 Operating permits
The marine survey Contractor shall obtain and comply with all necessary marine
operational permits including routine and customary vessel/crew/equipment
clearances from Customs Agencies, Port Authorities, Marine Survey Office, etc.
3.3 Health and Safety
Health, Safety and Environmental protection shall be given foremost
consideration in the execution of the work and shall be promoted in a proactive
and highly visible manner throughout the workforce. The marine survey
Contractor shall operate International Safety Management (ISM) and Health
Environmental and Safety (HES) systems based on legislation relevant to the
proposed activities. The marine survey Contractor shall have an overall Health,
Safety, Security and Environmental (HSSE) plan for each stage of all marine
operations. The plan shall cover all parties and operations.
Parkwind’s Health and Safety Protocols will be followed by both survey and
ship's crew. Care will be taken to maintain contact with fishing vessels operating
within the area of operations. The contractor will ensure notifications of the
intended work and time lines are posted in the relevant press well ahead of
schedule and a fisheries liaison officer will be employed.
All vessels shall operate under a certificated Safety Management System (SMS)
that provides policies, procedures, and a framework for continuous improvement
to ensure the safety of personnel on-board.
The appointed contractor will designate a competent PSDP and PSCS under the
relevant legislation. Method Statements and Risk Assessments will be submitted
to the Foreshore Unit following the appointment of a suitable contractor and prior
to commencement of the Survey Works.
Oriel Windfarm Ltd Oriel Wind Farm Foreshore Licence Application for Marine Survey
| Issue 1 | 12 November 2018 | Arup
3.5 Environmental Protocols
Environmental factors will be taken into account in all decisions during the survey
campaign. Environmental efforts should be preventative rather than remedial;
where required as a condition of permitting, the Contractor shall form and comply
with the obligations of an appropriate Environmental Management Plan.
All vessels shall comply with the latest International Maritime Organization
(IMO) and Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) and environmental requirements for
their classification and with any national requirement of the territorial or
continental / EEZ waters to be operated in. All vessels will follow Parkwind’s
Vessel Management System.
The appointed contractor will take particular care when handling or storing
hazardous materials, radiation sources and chemicals. All storage and handling
must be carried out in accordance to accepted guidelines; appropriate safety
precautions must be taken, and safety clothing must be worn as necessary. Liquid
or non-liquid pollutants or waste material will not be dumped, thrown or
otherwise disposed of into the sea. All refuse and materials shall be kept onboard
the vessel and safely disposed of onshore according to the MARPOL convention.
All substances handled and/or used whilst undertaking the works will be handled,
used, stored and documented in accordance with assessments and
recommendations of the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH)
Regulations 1994. Where Fuels, Oils and Lubes are required to bestowed on
boats, suitable containers will be used and stowed to allow ventilation and safe
dissipation of any accidental leaked gas and retention of any leaked liquid. No
liquid will be discharged into the water at any stage of the work on site. No
smoking will be permitted in the vicinity of fuel in storage or when in use.
All survey works that involve the use of acoustic instrumentation will follow the
Guidance to Manage the Risk to Marine Mammals from Man-made Sound
Sources in Irish Waters, 2014. Measures to be implemented include but are not
limited to:
• A qualified and experienced marine mammal observer (MMO) shall be
appointed to monitor for marine mammals and to log all relevant events using
standardised data forms
• Pre-start monitoring: If marine mammal species are detected within 500m
distance of the sound source, seismic survey shall not commence.
• Periods of peak sensitivity to survey operations for marine mammals will be
avoided where possible.
• Ramp-up Procedures will be used - a controlled build-up of acoustic energy
output shall occur in consistent stages to provide a steady and gradual increase
over the ramp-up period.
Archaeological survey works will be carried out under licence from the National
Monuments Service (NMS) which will be obtained in advance of the survey. All
geophysical survey shall be undertaken to the specifications and resolutions that
allow for the identification of underwater cultural heritage.
Oriel Windfarm Ltd Oriel Wind Farm Foreshore Licence Application for Marine Survey
| Issue 1 | 12 November 2018 | Arup
3.6 Access and Egress Arrangements
There will be no access to the foreshore from the landward side. All works will be
carried out from a vessel. The offshore survey vessel may mobilise directly to site
from its base or from a suitable facility such as Dublin Port.
Oriel Windfarm Ltd Oriel Wind Farm Foreshore Licence Application for Marine Survey
| Issue 1 | 12 November 2018 | Arup
Oriel undertook an extensive public consultation campaign during the original
Lease application process for the project in 2006 and 2007, to ensure that all
members of the public and the many interested and relevant bodies were kept
fully informed of its proposals. The following actions were undertaken:
1. Statutory consultation was undertaken with a list of key stakeholders as part
of the EIA scoping process and during the formal assessment phase after an
EIA was submitted.
2. Over 360 consultees including statutory bodies, local and national
community groups and individuals were contacted during the original EIA
preparation process, with follow up meetings held with 90 of these.
3. A public information office was also in the Renewable Energy Centre at
Dundalk Institute of Technology throughout the EIA preparation and
decision phase.
4. During the 2-month public consultation phase following the submission of
the EIA all application documents were made available at Garda stations,
council offices and Libraries around the coast from Newcastle Co. Down to
Drogheda Co. Louth. The EIS was also made available for download on the
project website.
Oriel propose to roll out an extensive stakeholder identification and consultation
plan linked to the stages of the consent process. This will include formal
consultation to comply with legislative requirements and additional engagement
with stakeholder groups. Oriel’s intention is to ensure that all members of the
public and the many interest groups and relevant bodies are kept fully informed
and engaged during the project assessment and consents processes.
Local groups and associations will be contacted during each phase of the project
consent process to provide information on the latest project developments and to
allow for opportunities to participate in the consent process and provide feedback
on relevant issues of concern. Meetings will be arranged with these groups on
request. A series of public open days will be scheduled at locations around the
coast to coincide with key project milestones.
Oriel undertook extensive consultation with CRU and the Louth County Council
during the original Lease application process for the project during 2006 and
2007. Oriel intend to undertake similar consultations linked to the stages of the
consent process.
Oriel undertook extensive consultation with all relevant authorities during the
original Lease application process for the project during 2006 and 2007. Oriel
intend to undertake similar consultations linked to the stages of the consent
An email was sent to the DAU on 20th September 2018 notifying them that this
application was to be submitted and requesting that they revert with any input or
Oriel Windfarm Ltd Oriel Wind Farm Foreshore Licence Application for Marine Survey
| Issue 1 | 12 November 2018 | Arup
Page 19
An initial response was received on the 25th September and a letter was received
from the Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht on 2nd November
2018. A copy of these emails and letter can be found in Appendix A.
Appendix A
Consultation Correspondence
Oriel Windfarm Ltd Oriel Wind Farm Foreshore Licence Application for Marine Survey
| Issue 1 | 12 November 2018 | Arup
Page A1
From: Marie Murphy [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: 21 September 2018 12:20 To: Manager Dau Cc: Garrett Connell; Michael Daly Subject: Oriel Windfarm, Co. Louth
To whom it may concern
We act on behalf of Oriel Windfarm Limited (Oriel, an Irish renewable energy company
which has been developing the proposed Oriel offshore wind farm located in the North West
Irish Sea, 22km off the coast of Dundalk, County Louth. Oriel was granted a Foreshore
Licence in October 2005 from the then DCMNR, giving permission to carry out a technical
work plan to investigate the suitability of an area to the East of Dundalk Bay for the
construction of an offshore wind farm. This included geotechnical site investigation, an
engineering assessment and the completion of an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), and
Natura Impact Statement (NIS). Following the completion of this work Oriel applied for a
Foreshore Lease to construct an offshore generating station in February 2007. In Autumn
2008 the MLVC made a recommendation to grant a lease. Due to government policy
changes the project was delayed however it is now coming back on stream.
We are conscious of the time lapse since the previous investigations and so wish
to undertake a new set of surveys which will comprise of geophysical, environmental,
metocean and geotechnical marine surveys of the marine cable route corridor and the
windfarm site.
The surveys are intended to aid the design by improving the geological and geotechnical
understanding of the site. The data would also be used to inform environmental appraisals by
providing information on the current situation and allowing impacts to be predicted and
subsequently, appropriate mitigation to be developed.
We will be submitting an application fora foreshore licence for the SI, including an AA
Screening shortly.
We are seeking input or comment from the DAU in respect of the proposals as outlined. In
particular, if DAU has any specific requirements in respect of the initial surveys, which it is
hoped to undertake early in 2019, then we would be grateful if a response could be provided
as soon as possible.
Should you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Kind Regards,
t: +353 21 4223200 d: +353 21 4223372

Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht
Aonad na nIarratas ar Fhorbairt Development Applications Unit
Bóthar an Bhaile Nua, Loch Garman, Contae Loch Garman Y35 AP90
Newtown Road, Wexford, County Wexford Y35 AP90

Development Applications Unit, Newtown Road, Wexford, Y35 AP90
[email protected]
02 November 2018
Via email: [email protected]
Re: Oriel Windfarm, located in the North West Irish Sea, 22km off the coast of
Dundalk, County Louth
A chara
On behalf of the Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, I refer to
correspondence received in connection with the above.
Outlined below are heritage-related observations/recommendations of the Department
under the stated heading(s).
Nature Conservation
This Department notes that the applicant previously had a foreshore lease in 2008 for an
offshore windfarm at Oriel which did not progress, and, due to the lapse in time, now
wishes to conduct offshore site investigation work to an area east of Dundalk Bay and will
be applying for a foreshore licence for same with an AA screening. Please find below
comments on marine, birds, and appropriate assessment issues that may assist.
The proposed development may be within and adjacent to Dundalk Bay cSAC (site code:
IE000455). It would also be within and adjacent to Dundalk Bay SPA (site code: 004026).
As noted in previous correspondence these sites are designated for a range of habitats,
communities and species. In addition, there are a number of other designations within a
distance of the proposed development.
According to Article 6(3) of Council Directive (92/43/EEC) (the Habitats Directive) any plan
or project not directly connected with or necessary to the management of the site but likely
to have a significant effect thereon, either individually or in combination with other plans or
projects, shall be subject to appropriate assessment of its implications for the site in view of
the site's conservation objectives. The provisions of this article have been transposed into
the Irish Statute by Regulation 42 of the European Communities (Birds and Natural
Habitats) Regulations (SI 477 of 2011).
It must be noted that all cetaceans are listed under Annex IV (including those in Annex II) of
Council Directive 92/43/EEC (the Habitats Directive). Accordingly, under Article 12 of that
Directive, it is an offence to deliberately capture, disturb or kill a cetacean or take actions
that result in deterioration or destruction of their breeding sites or resting places. This has
been transposed into Irish Law by Regulation 51 of the European Communities (Birds and
Natural Habitats) Regulations. Introduction of certain sound sources into the marine
environment, as may result from construction or surveys (e.g. geophysical survey) over the
foreshore, have the potential to cause injury and possibly mortality in these species. All
marine mammals are protected wild animals under the Fifth Schedule, which includes all
cetacean and seal species, of the Wildlife Act (39 of 1976) and Amendments. Under
Section 23 (as amended in 2000), it is an offence to kill, injure or willfully interfere with or
destroy the breeding place or resting place of any protected wild animal.
Details of the site synopses and qualifying interests of Natura sites are available on
http://www.npws.ie/protected-sites. Further information related to site specific conservation
objectives are also available at this location by entering the Site Code (as in first
paragraph). Additional supporting information and referenced publications are also
available to download from this resource. Site boundaries and mapped habitat resources
are available to download from http://www.npws.ie/maps-and-data. The proponent should
pay particular attention to the conservation objectives framed around the Area, Range,
Structure & Function and Future Prospects for each qualifying interest. It might also be
useful to review recent case law surrounding the development of Article 6 of the Habitats
Directive and in particular the application of conservation objectives for Natura sites.
In order to fulfil the Article 6 legal requirements the following information should be supplied
within the application in relation to Annex I habitats:
A. Full description of proposed operation/activity
A full and finalised description of the proposed methodology including the likely time-
scale of works. It is not currently clear what level of interaction would occur within
Dundalk Bay SAC/SPA.
Are there similar operations/activities already in the locality? If existing
operations/activities occur adjacently then a justification for additional facilities should
be included. Would the proposed works act in conjunction with any existing or planned
The facilities or licensing to be put in place to cope with both biological and industrial
waste (e.g. extracted drill materials, etc.) generated during the proposed survey work
should be detailed. Detailed contingency plans sufficient to address potential negative
interactions with the marine environment e.g. oil spills.
B. Baseline description of relevant environment
A description of the biological environment over which the activity would impact,
including the marine and terrestrial flora and fauna, must be included if work is
envisaged with Dundalk Bay SAC.
Consideration should be given to whether the likely works would result in disturbance or
loss to Annex I habitats. Any loss or interruption of normal processes must be
quantified relative to the entire designated area not just within the direct footprint of
In addition to the information related to the Annex I habitats the proponent should also
evaluate whether the operations would have a potential to interact with marine mammals.
The proponent must ensure that the survey operations are compliant with “Guidance to
Manage the Risk to Marine Mammals from Man-made Sound Sources in Irish Waters”. The
latest version of this document was published in January 2014 and is available to download
from http://www.npws.ie/marine/bestpracticeguidelines/.
No map has been supplied, but it seems likely that the proposed site investigations could
be within and adjacent to Dundalk Bay SPA Special Protection Areas (SPA) (site code:
004026) designated under the EC Birds Directive (Directive 2009/147 EC). In order carry
out an AA screening and to assess the likelihood of any impacts, including ex-situ impacts,
on the SPA it would be necessary to have data on bird usage in the vicinity of the proposed
site investigations.
Where bird surveys are necessary, surveys should be carried out by suitably qualified
persons at an appropriate time of the year depending on the species being surveyed for.
The AA screening should include the results of the surveys, and detail the survey
methodology and timing of such surveys. It is expected by this Department that in any
survey methodology used that best practice will be adhered to and, if necessary, non Irish
methodology adapted for the Irish situation.
Baseline Data
With regard to the scope of baseline data, details of designated sites can be found at
www.npws.ie/ . For flora and fauna the data of the National Parks and Wildlife Service
(NPWS) should be consulted at www.npws.ie/ . Where further detail is required on any
information on the website, a data request form should be submitted. This can be found at
www.npws.ie/sites/default/files/general/Data%20request%20form.doc. Further information
may be found at http://dahg.maps.arcgis.com/home/index.html. Other sources of
information relating to habitats and species include that of the National Biodiversity Data
BirdWatch Ireland (www.birdwatchireland.ie) and Bat Conservation Ireland
(www.batconservationireland.org). Data may also exist at a County level within the
Planning Authority.
Complete details of site investigations methodology
Complete details of the site investigations need to be provided in order to allow an
adequate assessment to be undertaken. If necessary something similar to an outline
construction management plan (CMP) may be necessary.
Appropriate Assessment (AA)
Guidance on AA is available in the Departmental guidance document on Appropriate
Assessment, which is available on the NPWS web site at:
and in the EU Commission guidance entitled “Assessment of plans and projects
significantly affecting Natura 2000 sites. Methodological guidance on the provisions of
Article 6(3) and (4) of the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC” which can be downloaded from
However CJEU and Irish case law has clarified some issues and should also be consulted.
Conservation objectives
In order to carry out the appropriate assessment screening, and/or prepare the Natura
Impact Statement (NIS), information about the relevant Natura 2000 sites including their
conservation objectives will need to be collected. Details of designated sites and species
and conservation objectives can be found on www.npws.ie/. Site-specific, as opposed to
generic, conservation objectives are now available for some sites. Each conservation
objective for a qualifying interest (QI) is defined by a list of attributes and targets and are
often supported by further documentation. Where these are not available for a site, an
examination of the attributes that are used to define site-specific conservation objectives for
the same QIs in other sites can be usefully used to ensure the full ecological implications of
a proposal for a site’s conservation objective and its integrity are analysed and assessed.
It is advised, as per the notes and guidelines in the site-specific conservation objectives,
that any reports quoting conservation objectives should give the version number and date,
so that it can be ensured and established that the most up-to-date versions are used in the
preparation of Natura Impact Statements and in undertaking appropriate assessments.
Where further detail is required on any information on the website a data request form
should be submitted. This can be found at:
Cumulative and ex situ impacts
A rule of thumb often used is to include all Natura 2000 sites within a distance of 15 km. It
should be noted however that this will not always be appropriate. In some instances where
there are hydrological connections a whole river catchment or a groundwater aquifer may
need to be included. Similarly where bird flight paths are involved the impact may be on an
SPA more than 15 km away.
Other relevant Local Authorities should be consulted to determine if there are any projects
or plans which, in combination with this proposed development, could impact on any Natura
2000 sites.
The above observations/recommendations are based on the papers submitted to this
Department on a pre-planning basis and are made without prejudice to any observations
that the Minister may make in the context of any consultation arising on foot of any
development application referred to the Minister, by the planning authority/ies, in her role as
statutory consultee under the Planning and Development Act, 2000, as amended.
You are requested to send further communications to this Department’s Development
Applications Unit (DAU) at [email protected] (team monitored); if this is not
possible, correspondence may alternatively be sent to:
The Manager
Newtown Road
Data Sheets
Oriel Windfarm Ltd Oriel Wind Farm Foreshore Licence Application for Marine Survey
| Draft 2 | 2 October 2018 | Arup
Top 3-axis receiver element
Bottom 3-axis receiver element
FUGRO DIGITAL SEISMIC CONE SYSTEM The seismic cone penetration test (SCPT) provides in-situ seismic wave velocities as well as piezo-cone penetration test (PCPT) parameters.
Seismic wave velocities give high-value
information about in-situ ground
modulus for use in earthquake design
studies and analysis of dynamically loaded
Cone System are:
two 3-axis receiver set at a fixed
spacing of 0.5 m (downhole mode) and
one 3-axis receiver set (seabed mode)
Seismic source with trigger
Digital seismic trigger module
the seismic source activation
The signals are digitized inside the
penetrometer, reducing the number of wires
in the cable and reducing noise pickup and
cross talk in (long) cables.
In downhole mode a dual element seismic
penetrometer has the advantage of a single
source activation being recorded at two
depths simultaneously. This enhances
dependency on source reproducibility.
hydraulic underwater Shearwave Hammer
remotely operated.
Digital Seismic Cone Penetrometer
10 cm2, 15 cm2
0.5 m
28 Hz
sequence of the following steps:
Interrupting the standard CPT
test level
cycles to permit stacking
the preliminary depth profile within the
data acquisition software
as required.
traces for, usually multiple, test depths. The
use of data filtering techniques is common.
Data processing includes calculation of
seismic wave velocities, with additional
options such as:
maximum cross-correlation of
law of refraction for ground layers
showing abrupt changes in density
or stiffness
Fugro Tool Data Sheet
1005 Four Arm Calliper Instrument The 4 arm calliper has two pairs of arms which give two orthogonal hole diameters plus an average borehole diameter. This tools works in most borehole conditions and will function above and below the water table. General Data Supply Voltage 80-150VDC Supply Current 30-60mA Current with motor 150-200mA Type of Top-Sub ANTARES 14-pin Length 2.177m Diameter 52mm Weight 15kg Pressure Rating 40MPa Max Temp 70°C Sensor Data Calliper 1-3 Cal13 in mm Calliper 2-4 Cal24 in mm Cable Head Voltage CHV in V Electronics Temp Temp in °C Sensor Position Calliper 1-3 and 2-4 2.10m below top of top sub Measuring Range Calliper 1-3 and 2-4 50 to 800mm +/- 2% Rec. Min. Bh. Di 75mm Rec. Max. Bh. Di 800mm
Fugro Tool Data Sheet
Application The calliper is used to measure the diameter of the borehole. It can be used in both open and cased boreholes. This tool is usually deployed before any other tool to check the integrity and condition of the borehole. The 4 arm calliper has 2 pairs of interdependent arms which measure the X and Y diameter of the borehole. This gives a measure of the ovality of the borehole which can indicate differential squeezing of the formation. The tool is normally deployed before any other tools to check the integrity and condition of the borehole. The calliper curves indicate the location of different casing types and breakages, fractures and fissures, and borehole caving and squeezing. It can also be used for the identification of soft and hard formations which can be correlated with other measurements to further refine lithological interpretations. As borehole condition can affect the quality of many other geophysical readings the calliper log is very important for quality control of other survey data and is required for environmental corrections to other measurements.. The curves can also be used to calculate borehole fluid, cement or backfill volumes. Example Log
O ffsh
High Performance Corer - HPCTM
Fugro Alluvial has developed a High Performance CorerTM to cope with the demand for longer sample
recovery in dense granular and stiff cohesive materials.
sample barrel design. The new motor technology allows an
optimisation of excitation frequency and vibration amplitude
to suit any particular soil conditions. At it’s most powerful
settings the HPCTM can apply more than twice the power and
five times the vibration amplitude of a standard vibrocorer.
All of this translates into much longer sample recovery.
The HPCTM may also be used with a newly developed low area
ratio sample barrel which minimises the sampling disturbance in
clay soils.
Optional Features
• Umbilical spooler for deep water projects
• Easily transported by road, sea or air
• Real time penetration and base tilt registration
• Offshore oil and gas pipeline geotechnical investigations
• 3m to 6m core barrel (8m optional)
• Mild steel barrels 101.6 mm o.d. 93.6 mm i.d.
• PVC Liners Sample diameter 84mm
High Performance Corer - HPCTM
Fugro Alluvial Offshore Limited Morton Peto Road
Gapton Hall Industrial Estate
[email protected]
High Performance Corer - HPCTM
This document includes technical information. Reasonable effort has been made to verify its
correctness at the time of compilation but details may change with the passage of time and
without prior notice. Fugro does not accept any liability for loss or damage of any kind arising
from use of the information.
The HPCTM penetration and soils data may be used in combination
with CPT data to further refine stratigraphic and soils parameter
logging along pipelines or in discrete location seabed soil
engineering projects.
Example of HPC™ data set:
FUGRO EXCALIBUR Excalibur is the largest in the Fugro fleet of jack-up barges, in class with Germanischer Lloyd. This 8-legged barge is capable of working in water depths up to 40 m and has been used extensively for installing foundations for offshore wind farm projects and also can be equipped with an integral foundation drilling unit.
The jack-up provides a very stable working
platform with accommodation for up to 40
Navigation and communication
Classification society: DNVGL Notation: Non propelled self-elevating unit Full refurbishment: 2018 Year of last class survey: 2018 (renewal every 5 years) Flag: The Republic of Vanuata Jacking system: Pneumatic/hydraulic Power pack configuration: Diesel hydraulic Max. separation: 45 m (length of leg below hull) Draft: 2.73 m Max. payload: 1031 t Max. deck load: 785 t @ 10 t/m2 Gross tonnage: 2390 Net tonnage: 717 Deck construction: Steel monohull
Length: 60 m Breadth: 32 m Moulded depth: 4.24 m Number of legs: 8 Max. operating water depth: 37.1 m (dependant on environmental conditions) Main crane: Huisman Max. boom length: 62.4 m Max. platform lift: 230 t @ 17.5 m Marine lift (min. radius): 190 t @ 9 m Auxiliary crane: Hydralift (5 t) Max. leg length: 55 m Leg dia.: 1.8 m Number accommodation: 40
SPECIFICATIONS Excalibur Jack-up Barge
[email protected]
FUGRO FUGRO 1200 The Fugro 1200 is a sturdy jack-up platform for support of geotechnical investigation, foundation piling and general heavy lift marine construction operations. The fast jacking speeds and the wide envelope of the pile gate complete a package which, for the class of vessel, is hard to beat.
Fugro purchased this vessel in 2010 and
upgraded the jacking system from a 0.25 m
jacking ram stroke to an impressive 3.0 m,
as well as installing a cantilvered pile gate
currently set up for installing vertical and
raked piles up to 1.8 m diameter.
The vessel has been mobilised for a
number of projects including jetty piling and
superstructure installation, wave energy pile
installations and offshore desalination
geotechnical investigation drilling in deeper
water where smaller modular jack-up
barges are not able to operate. Fugro own
over 7.0 m diameter.
to support drilling operations up to 3.5 m
diameter. The vessel is able to operate in
water depths up to 30 m and has a design
payload of 1000 t with category four storm
survivability in suitable water depths.
Jacking System
Type: Fugro / De long hydraulic system with pneumatic grippers
Stroke: 3 m Legs: 4 Leg length: 55 m Leg diameter: 1.8 m Leg weight: 100 t each - new in 2016
SPECIFICATIONS Fugro 1200 Jack-up Barge
Fuel capacity: 100 000 l Fresh water capacity: 100 000 l Reverse osmosis and sewage treatment plant
Barge length: 50 m Beam: 24 m Depth: 4.3 m
Legs / jacking system: 4 no. new 55 m legs, 1800 mm dia with Fugro gripper/ bladder system - 2016
Payload: 1000 t Deck loading: 15 tm2
© FU
Constant penetration rate of 20 mm/s
independent from required thrust.
High CPT data quality
by varying penetration rates.
Improved safety, reduced
the system safer to service and easier
to deploy.
maintain. Due to the improved force
transmission, the rods, either coiled or
built from conventional 1m sections,
will have a longer operational lifespan.
Coiled rods can easily been replaced.
MKIV – CONTINUOUS DRIVE The Fugro SEACALF® MkIV is a novel seabed deployed Cone Penetration Test (CPT) system, employing a coiled push rod and a compact continuous thrust machine.
COMPACT AND EFFICIENT CPT SYSTEM By using a novel combination of
techniques, the new SEACALF® MkIV
provides higher efficiency, a smaller system
to handle and improved reliability compared
to conventional seabed CPT systems.
This new continuous drive system (CDS)
has been developed to improve reliability, to
ease handling and to reduce build- and
maintenance costs. Special clamping
the rod, resulting in an efficient system with
a push- and pull capacity of 200kN and a
very constant penetration rate, resulting in
higher quality of CPT data. The drive
system consists of simple components,
volume and easy to maintain.
Traditional seabed CPT systems of this
order typically employ manually assembled
1m push rods. The SEACALF® MkIV can
employ such a conventional rod but can
also be equipped with a coiled push rod.
The coiled rod allows for compact storing
and safe handling and can, thanks to an
advanced straitening- and recoiling device,
be coiled and stored inside a small frame.
The use of a coiled rod eliminates the need
for manual rod handling, it creates a safer
work environment and enables a significant
reduction in deployment time.
Weight submerged max 260 kN Height 5.5 m Footprint 3 x 3 m Rated water depth 3000 m Push capacity 0 – 200 kN Pull capacity 0 – 200 kN Penetration length 0 – 55 m Penetration rate 20 mm/s
Communication Fibre Optic Seabed System Sensors Roll and Pitch Thrust Machine Sensors Thrust, displacement, velocity
System Diagnostics Various pressure and displacement sensors
Sensors and communication
Electrical Conductivity cone Electrical conductivity (S/m)
Temperature Cone Temperature (°C) Seismic Cone Shear wave velocity (m/s) Natural Gamma cone Natural gamma ray (CPS)
Magnetometer cone Magnet flux density, magnetic field horizontal and vertical angle (T, °)
Piezoprobe Pore pressure (MPa)
comprises the following components:
used for advancing the penetrometer to the
required test depth. Coiled during transport
and storing, straightened by mechanical
device upon CPT testing. Or, also possible,
built from conventional 1m sections.
Piezocone penetrometer (CPTU or PCPT) -
Cylindrical terminal body mounted on the
lower end of the push rod, including a cone,
a friction sleeve, a filter and internal sensing
devices for the measurement of cone
resistance, sleeve friction, pressure and
inclination. By default, a standard 15 cm2
piezocone penetrometer is employed, but
other penetrometer sizes can also be used.
Continuous Drive System - Machine
required constant rate of penetration is
controlled. The thrust machine provides a
nominal force of 200 kN. Nominal
penetration and retraction rate is 20 mm/s.
Cyclic testing is also possible.
Deployment frame – Frame for mounting
and handling, providing reaction weight for
the thrust machine. Weight and size of the
frame may be adjusted to suit expected soil
conditions, vessel and handling options.
Data acquisition and control system -
Apparatus and software, including sensors,
data transmission apparatus, recording
FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS Sea trials were successful and indicated
that the requirements set in the original
design philosophy are met. The SEACALF®
MkIV system proved to be efficient and
robust, providing similar or better
performance compared to existing systems.
The current design of the SEACALF® MkIV
mainly focusses on servicing the offshore
wind industry and traditional oil and gas
industry, but the concept offers many
opportunities for a wide range of
General description
Fugro gathers high quality soil data with the help of
experienced personnel and state of the art techniques.
With the geotechnical information Fugro consults in
foundation engineering, interpretation, scientific projects
and geohazard advice.
The data is collected in-situ by performing Piezo Cone Penetration
Tests (PCPT), or other probe tests, and by taking (core) samples.
The samples are tested in the laboratory and combined with
the PCPT results, provide a detailed profile describing the soil
downhole operation and seabed operation. This folder describes
the seabed operation.
During seabed deployment operations, PCPT’s and other probe
tests can be performed to a maximum of 40 m below seabed
(bsb), and soil can be sampled to 25 m bsb, depending on the
system and the soil conditions. Seabed operations are well suited
for investigations for shallow foundation types.
A geotechnical site investigation is generally performed from a
specialised geotechnical vessel or a vessel of opportunity such
as a survey or supplier vessel. The vessel is positioned above
the testing location and the seabed unit or sampling system is
deployed with the aid of an A-frame, a crane, through the ship’s
moonpool or with a special deployment structure over the side of
the vessel. After the seabed unit or sampling device is placed on
the seabed, the test is performed and/or a sample is taken. The
approach and programme is adapted to client requirements and
site conditions, such as water depth, heave, current, seabed slope
and weather conditions. Two basic subsystems can be identified
in seabed operation mode: systems using hydraulic thrust and
gravitational systems.
FUGRO SMARTPIPE® is developed for in-situ testing to model flow
lines and pipe-soil interaction with very soft soils in water depths
to 2,500 m. By reducing uncertainty in pipe-soil interactions,
pipeline design can be more effective, leading to cost reduction
and risk mitigation for the overall project. It is an in-situ testing
system which consists of an instrumented pipe segment. This
pipe segment directly measures the interaction forces and can be
moved in vertical, axial and lateral dimensions. In addition, pore
water pressure is measured at several discrete points along the
underside of the pipe.
The seabed frame is also equipped with a T-bar, mini T-bar,
camera, frame settlement gauge and a roll and pitch sensor. It can
be deployed from a specialised geotechnical vessel or a vessel of
investigations. Both systems use the same base reaction frame
which is controlled through a combined power and data umbilical
cable, which also is used for hoisting the frame.
Systems using hydraulic thrust
The SEACALF® system is an electronic testing platform able to
perform continuous PCPT’s and other probe tests to 40 m bsb
in water depths to 2,500 m and is mainly used for geotechnical
site investigation for seabed structures, jack-up rigs, production
platforms and other offshore structures.
The SEACALF® system consists of Fugro’s Seabed Frame (SBF)
with an integrated drive unit. The drive unit uses two or four
hydraulic powered wheels which are pushed against a sounding
rod (string) using hydraulic cylinders. The rod, equipped with a
cone or probe, is pushed into the soil by the rotating wheels at a
controlled rate. If additional thrust is desired, two drive units can
be stacked. Electric power, data and real-time communication are
transmitted via an Underwater Power Cable (UPC) with the vessel.
The SEACALF® system is usually deployed from the moonpool of
the vessel and can also be equipped with additional equipment
such as a camera and a frame settlement gauge.
The SEAROBIN® is a conical lightweight reaction frame, designed
to perform 3 m PCPT’s using a small drive unit. An integrated push
and grab sampler allows soil sampling during the same deployment.
Deployment time is short, thus this system is particularly suited
for investigations involving a high number of test runs, such as for
pipeline and cable routes. The maximum water depth in which the
SEAROBIN® can operate is 2,500 m.
The SEAROBIN® is controlled through a combined power and
data umbilical cable, which also is used for hoisting the frame.
The SEAROBIN® can be deployed from specialised geotechnical
vessels or vessels of opportunity.
The SMARTSURF is used for geotechnical investigations to 2,500
m water depth. The SMARTSURF can performe PCPT’s and other
probe tests, mini T-bar and take a sample in a single deployment. It
has the same deployment frame as the FUGRO SMARTPIPE® and
a change to SMARTSURF can be quickly made and complement
the data necessary for flow lines and cable routes.
The SEASCOUT is a lightweight in-situ test system that is primarily
used for cable route investigations. It has a very small, fast deployed
spread and can even be used from a ROV and therefore can test
in hard to reach places, for example underneath an oil platform or
within pipeline trenches.
A 5 cm2 piezo-cone is attached to a coiled rod that is pushed into
the soil with a drive unit to 10 m bsb. The SEASCOUT can be
deployed using an A-frame or crane in 2,500 m water depth.
Roson Seabed system¹
The Roson seabed frame is equipped with one or more stacked
Roson drive units used to perform PCPT’s and other probe tests to
15 m bsb in 500 m water.
Gravitational systems
Fugro uses a range of seabed sampling systems such as corers and
bulk samplers. The sample systems are used to retrieve high quality
and relatively undisturbed samples in very soft to soft soils. Only the
High Performance Corer - HPC™ (Vibrocorer) can be used in harder
soils. Some of the systems are lowered fast on the wire to retrieve
the sample; others have a trigger release mechanism that allows
the corer to free-fall once the corer is suspended a couple of meters
above the seabed. Most of the corers also have a stationary piston
that prevents the sample flush away when the corer is retrieved.
STAtionary Piston Gravity CORer - STACOR®¹
The STACOR® is a piston sample corer able to retrieve, large
diameter (105 mm) and long samples in very soft to soft soils. It
can sample in water depths to 3,000 m and the maximum sample
length is 25 m.
The STACOR® has a trigger release mechanism and is deployed
with a specialised deployment system.
Kulemberg Piston Corer
The Kulemberg Piston Corer can retrieve very soft to soft soil
samples in water depths to 3,000 m. It also has a trigger release
mechanism. The maximum sample length is 6 m. It can be deployed
either from the side or the back of the vessel with an A-frame.
Variable Weight Gravity Corer
The Gravity Corer can retrieve soft to stiff soil samples in water
depths to 3,000 m; the maximum sample length is 6 m. The mass
of the Gravity Corer can be adjusted by adding weight blocks to
the corer for different soil conditions. The tool does not free-fall
but is lowered on a wire and uses the winch speed to penetrate
the seabed. It can be deployed either from the side or the back of
the vessel with an A-frame.
SMARTSURF deployment
2264 SG, Leidschendam
© Fugro 2011/300
Seabed Operation
Jumbo Piston Corer¹
The Jumbo Piston Corer is a large trigger release corer used to
retrieve large diameter and long samples in very soft to soft soils. It
can sample in water depths to 3,000 m and the maximum sample
length is 20 m.
It can be deployed either from the side or the back of the vessel
with an A-frame.
High Performance Corer - HPC™ (Vibrocorer)¹
The HPC™ is a sampling device with an electric motor that creates
vibrations which drives the core barrel into the soil. The working
water depth is 450 m and it can retrieve 6 m samples in stiff,
granular soils.
Box Corer¹
The Seabed Box Corer is a bulk, sampling device for sampling
the seabed top soil. These samples of the very soft, cohesive top
layer are very suitable for sub-sampling, laboratory testing and mini
T-bar testing. A bar with weight blocks pushes a square box into
the ground. When the box corer is lifted, a lid closes below the
sample box.
Grab Sampler
The grab sampler is also a bulk sampler which is triggered when
touching the seabed. Grab samples are disturbed and are used
for examining mineral deposits, aggregate prospecting and
environmental and pre-dredging research. When the sampler is
lifted, the scoops close around the soil.
¹:For detailed information of this seabed system please
consult the specific brochure.
Very soft/soft soils
2.5 tons
25 kN
approx. 4” sample tube
barrel witch core catcher,
core diameter 86.4 mm
capacity: 30 liter
THE SEABED UNIT The penetration force for this evolution of the SEACALF is provided by the Fugro BLOCK- DRIVE system. The rods are driven from a power pack mounted on the seabed frame. The frame is 3.4 m high and the base is 3 m x 3 m. It weighs approximately 25 tonnes in air. For extra reaction this can be increased by the addition of ballast blocks. The unit can be set up to provide 100 kN (10 tonnes) or 200 kN (20 tonnes) of penetration thrust, by using one or two block-drives systems.
PERFORMING A TEST An electronic cone penetrometer, connected to a string of rods, is pushed into the seabed at a controlled rate. As it penetrates the variations in cone resistance, sleeve friction and pore pressure (or other parameters) are continuously recorded. Signals from the sensors pass through a control and data transmission module on the seabed frame are then transmitted, in digital form, to the surface via a combined power and signal umbilical. The results are displayed graphically on the monitor and simultaneously recorded. The operator main-
tains complete control of the seabed unit through the computer.
Block-Drive Seacalf CPT
The BLOCK-DRIVE SEACALF is a further development of the SEACALF system, which has been in use for offshore geotechnical investigations since 1972. It is an underwater rig for performing continuous static cone penetration tests (CPT) from the seabed in water depths ranging from 10 m to 500 m. Tens of thousands of tests have been performed with the SEACALF to investigate sites for wind-turbines, jackup rigs, production platforms, pipelines and other offshore structures.
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TEST PENETRATION The amount of penetration that can be achieved at a specific site depends on upon the soil con- ditions and the available reaction force. In 200 kN mode with full ballast, penetration typically ranges from about 20 m in dense sands and hard gravely clays to between 30 and 60 m in softer ‘normally consolidated’ clays. Any length test rod can be built into the rig prior to deploy- ment. The rod is kept vertical by means of ten- sioned wire connected to the rigging system.
INSTRUMENTATION Standard instrumentation incorporated on the seabed frame includes a dual axis inclinometer and a water pressure transducer. A CCTV cam- era can be attached to the frame and the sig- nals transmitted via the main umbilical. The system can also be adapted to perform vane shear tests, plate load tests or push other instrumented probes into the seabed including:
• seismic cone • thermal and electrical conductivity cones • full displacement pressuremeter • dilatometer • nuclear density probe • model caisson structures
DEPLOYMENT VESSELS The BLOCK-DRIVE SEACALF can be used from any of the Fugro geotechnical drilling ships or can be modified for deployment from other suit- able vessels. It can be deployed on twin line through a moonpool or via crane or A-Frame over the side of the vessel. The system is installed on our own specialised geotechnical investigation vessel – the Fugro Commander.
EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATION Thrust capacity Weight in air Height Base size Power supply
Fugro Alluvial Offshore Limited Morton Peto Road, Gapton Hall Industrial Estate, Great Yarmouth, NR31 0LT UK Tel : +44 (0) 1493 650484 Fax : +44 (0) 1493 440319l Web: www.alluvial.co.uk / www.fugro.com
Fugro Alluvial Offshore Limited is a member of the Fugro Group, with offices throughout the world
Oktober 2008
200 kN 250 kN 4.9 m 3m x 3m 20-40 kVA
BlockDrive.qxd:3D_Mapping_Pro2.qxd 13-10-2008 11:01 Pagina 2
High Performance Corer - HPCTM
The HPCTM utilises innovative electric motor technology and sample barrel design. The new motor technology allows an optimisation of excitation frequency and vibration amplitude to suit any particular soil conditions. At it’s most powerful settings the HPCTM can apply more than twice the power and five times the vibra- tion amplitude of a standard vibrocorer. All of this translates into much longer sample recov- ery.
The HPCTM may also be used with a newly developed low area ratio sample barrel which minimises the sampling disturbance in clay soils.
• Umbilical spooler for deep water projects • Easily transported by road, sea or air • Real time penetration and base tilt registration
Applications • Pre-dredge surveys • Environmental investigations • Mineral/Aggregate prospecting • Inshore civil engineering site investigations • Offshore oil and gas pipeline geotechnical
Specification • 415V, minimum 45 kVA power supply • 3m to 6m core barrel (8m optional) • Mild steel barrels 101.6 mm o.d. 93.6 mm i.d. • PVC liners 88.9 mm o.d. 84.14 mm i.d.
Optional sample sizes available
High Performance Corer - HPCTM
Optional Features
Fugro Alluvial has developed a High Performance Corer to cope with the demand for longer
HEIGHT(m) BASE(m) WEIGHT(kg) • Maximum working water depths of 350 m
Fugro Alluvial Offshore Limited Morton Peto Road Gapton Hall Industrial Estate GreatYarmouth NR31 OLT UK Tel : +44 (0) 1493 650 484 Fax : +44 (0) 1493 440 319 www.alluvial.co.uk [email protected]
February 2008 274
The specification of the equipment in this data sheet may be subject to modifications without prior notice
The HPCTM penetration and soils data may be used in combination with CPT data to further refine stratigraphic and soils parameter logging along pipelines or in discrete location seabed soil engineering projects.
Example of HPC™ data set:
q q g
cone) for performing a piezo-cone penetration test (PCPT
or CPTU). Fugro has developed a range of state of the art,
in-house designed and built piezo-cones.
A PCPT involves the measurement of the resistance of the soil to
steady and continuous penetration of the piezo-cone equipped with
internal sensors. The measurements comprise penetration depth,
cone resistance, sleeve friction, pore pressure and inclination from
during penetration, as well as the hydrostatic pore pressure.
The transient pore pressures can be significant for some low-
permeability soils. Measurement of the dissipation of the transient
pore pressure is feasible during a penetration interruption. The
dissipation measurements permit the estimation of the in-situ
coefficient of consolidation.
ground conditions, provide a stratigraphic profile and thus an
accurate knowledge of the soil layering which is essential to a
geotechnical study.
Fugro Piezo-cone-penetrometer
2264 SG, Leidschendam
© Fugro 2011
Piezo-cone penetrometer
Instrument Details
The basic and most commonly used piezo-cone measures three
parameters: the cone resistance (qc), the sleeve friction (fs) and the
pore pressure (u). The cone and the friction sleeve consist of high-
quality steel that is resistant to corrosion and abrasion. It has a