orientation sonal

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  • 8/9/2019 Orientation Sonal




    O Presented by : Dr Sonal BatraMds IInd year

    Department of prostodont!"s #"ro$nand br!d%e

  • 8/9/2019 Orientation Sonal




    T*EORIES O( *IN)E A+ISImportan"e Of Or!entat!on Ja$ Relat!on

    (A&E BOW

    RE,IEW O( (A&E BOW


  • 8/9/2019 Orientation Sonal




    O &ON&L'SION


  • 8/9/2019 Orientation Sonal


    Or!entat!on -a$ relat!onOTo or!ent to lo"ate

    O It !s te -a$ relat!on $en te mand!ble

    !s .ept !n !ts most poster!or pos!t!on # !t"an rotate !n te sa%!ttal plane aro/ndan !ma%!nary trans0erse a1!s pass!n%tro/% or near te "ondyles23)PT 45

    OTe pos!t!on of te ma1!lla or mand!ble

    !n te s./ll !s re"orded /s!n% an!nstr/ment "alled te fa"e bo$2

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    OTe open!n% mo0ement

    to br!n% te -a$ fromo""l/sal to rest pos!t!on!s almost a p/re !n%emo0ement2

    O *ere te mand!blemo0es on an ar" of a"!r"le $!t a de6n!terad!/s from te TM J

    OT!s pat of te "ondyle!s determ!ned by te"/r0at/re of te"ondylar ead and te

    "/r0at/re of %leno!d

  • 8/9/2019 Orientation Sonal


    O S!n"e te rad!/s !s not"onstant for all te

    pat!ents !t as to bedeterm!ned for e0ery!nd!0!d/al pat!ent2

    O Relat!on of ma1!lla to te

    open!n% and "los!n% a1!sas to be determ!ned

    O Open!n% and "los!n% a1!s"an be lo"ated $en temand!ble !s !n !ts mostposter!or pos!t!on bymeans of a FACE BOW

  • 8/9/2019 Orientation Sonal


    Term!nolo%!esO *!n%e a1!s : A""ord!n% to Bo/"er 7An

    !ma%!nary l!ne tro/% te t$omand!b/lar "ondyles 8 aro/nd $!" temand!ble may rotate $!to/t translatory

    mo0ement2OTe open!n% a1!s :It !s an !ma%!nary l!ne

    aro/nd $!" te "ondyles may rotated/r!n% open!n% 8 "los!n% mo0ements ofte mand!ble2

    OTerm!nal !n%e pos!t!on :It !s te mostretr/ded !n%e pos!t!on2 In t!s "ondylesare !n de6n!te pos!t!on !n fossae2

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    *!n%e a1!s !s a or!9ontal a1!s

    aro/nd $!" te "ondyles rotated/r!n% open!n% and "los!n% mo0ement/p to te ran%e of ; mm2

  • 8/9/2019 Orientation Sonal


    *!n%e a1!s po!ntsTe left and r!%t "enters $ere

    "ondyle e1!b!ts p/re rotat!on !s

    .no$n as !n%e a1!s po!nts2

  • 8/9/2019 Orientation Sonal


    *!n%e a1!s also "alled *or!9ontal a1!s #Inter"ondylara1!s# Term!nal !n%e a1!s#Trans0erse or!9ontal a1!s 2

    Terminal hinge axis

    S!n"e rotat!on of "ondyles o""/r $en mand!ble !s!n !ts term!nal retr/ded "entr!" relat!on pos!t!on# !t $as.no$n as term!nal !n%e a1!s2

    Transverse horizontal axis

    Today $!t te "an%!n% "on"ept of &R# 0!9 antero mm !nfer!or to te l!ne e1tend!n%from te s/per!or border of tra%/s to o/ter"ant/s of te eye2

    6.auritzen and *odner

    O mm anter!or to "enter of e1ternal a/d!torymeat/s and mm !nfer!or to por!on "ant/s l!ne

    3.*randnu7 and 8ognsen

    O mm anter!or to most prom!nent po!nt ofposter!or border of tra%/s on l!ne from !t too/ter "ant/s of te eye2

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    . Teteru9 andundeen;s 7oint:

    lo"ated = mm anter!orto te tra%/s on a l!ne fromte base of te tra%/s tote o/ter "ant/s of te eye2

    appro1!mately at le0el of most prom!nentpo!nt of poster!or border of tra%/s2

    !.Prothero:On l!ne from s/per!or mar%!n of EAM to O&E

    !nterse"t!n% $!t l!ne =mm anter!or toanter!or ed e of EAM2

  • 8/9/2019 Orientation Sonal


    F2 *ergstrom 7oint

    ;mm anter!or to te "enter

    of te sper!"al !nsert forte e1ternal a/d!torymeat/s and Fmm belo$ te(ran.fort or!9ontal plane2

    42 *eyron;s 7oint

    =mm anter!or to teposter!or mar%!n of te

    tra%/s of te ear on a l!nefrom te "enter of tra%/se1tend!n% to te "orner ofte eye2

  • 8/9/2019 Orientation Sonal


    ". %ysi 7ointlo"ated =mm !n front of

    te most /pper part of tee1ternal a/d!tory meat/s ona l!ne pass!n% to te o/ter"ant/s of te eye2 T!smetod $as proposed by

    )ys!# *ana/# Sno$ and)!lmer and !s te most"ommon po!nt /sed today

    1>.4ein?erg;s Point

    A po!nt

  • 8/9/2019 Orientation Sonal


    Anter!or Po!nt of

    Referen"eOTe sele"t!on of te anter!or po!nt ofte tr!an%/lar spat!al plane determ!nes$!" plane !n te ead $!ll be"ome

    te plane of referen"e $en teprostes!s !s be!n% fabr!"ated2

  • 8/9/2019 Orientation Sonal


    Reasons for sele"t!n% an

    Anter!or po!nt of referen"eO Wen tree po!nts are /sed# te pos!t!on

    "an be repeated# so tat d!Cerent ma1!llary"asts of te same pat!ent "an be pos!t!oned

    !n te art!"/lator !n te same relat!0epos!t!on to te end "ontroll!n% %/!dan"es2

    O A planned "o!"e of an anter!or referen"epo!nt $!ll allo$ te dent!sts and a/1!l!ar!esto 0!s/al!9e te anter!or teet and te

    o""l/s!on !n te art!"/lator !n te sameframe of referen"e tat $o/ld be /sed$en loo.!n% at te pat!ent2

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    O ,ar!o/s Anter!or Referen"e Po!nts tatmay be /sed are as follo$s:

    5 'r?itale:

    OIn te s./ll# orb!tale !s te lo$est po!ntof te !nfraorb!tal mar%!n2 On a pat!ent !t"an be palpated tro/% te o0erly!n%t!ss/e and s.!n2 One orb!tale and t$oposter!or po!nts tat determ!ne te

    or!9ontal a1!s of rotat!on $!ll de6ne tea1!s

  • 8/9/2019 Orientation Sonal


    6@ $mm ?elo8 'r?itale:

    OTe (ran.fort or!9ontal plane passestro/% bot por!on and one orb!tal po!nt2Be"a/se por!on !s a s./ll land mar.# S!"erre"ommends /s!n% te m!dpo!nt of te /pperborder of e1ternal a"o/st!" meat/s as te

    poster!or "ran!al landmar. on te pat!ent2O)o9ale9 po!nted o/t tat t!s poster!ort!ss/e landmar. on te a0era%e l!es Fmms/per!or to or!9ontal a1!s2

    Te re"ommended "ompensat!on for t!sd!s"repan"y !s to mar. te anter!or po!nt ofreferen"e F mm belo$ orb!tale on te pat!ent2

  • 8/9/2019 Orientation Sonal


    3@ 63mm ?elo8 asion

    O A""ord!n% to S!"er# anoter s./lllandmar.# te nas!on "an beappro1!mately lo"ated !n te ead as tedeepest part of te m!dl!ne depress!on

    -/st belo$ te le0el of eye bro$s2

    O Te nas!on %/!de# or pos!t!oner of G/!".Mo/nt fa"e bo$ $!" !s des!%ned to be

    /sed $!t te $!p m!1 art!"/lator 6ts!nto t!s depress!on

  • 8/9/2019 Orientation Sonal


    O @ Alae of the nose: A part of many "ompletedent/re te"n!/es !s to ma.e tentat!0e or te

    a"t/al o""l/sal plane parallel $!t te or!9ontalplane2

    OT!s "an be a"!e0ed !n t$o $ays:

    35 A l!ne from te ala of te nose to te "enter of

    te a/d!tory meat/s des"r!bes &amperHs l!ne235A se"ond metod of establ!s!n% t!s

    relat!ons!p !s to ma.e a $a1 o""l/s!on r!mparallel to &amperHs l!ne on te fa"e2 Te des!redlo"at!on for te ma1!llary !n"!sal ed%e so/ld bemar.ed on te $a1 o""l/s!on r!m as an !n!t!alstep !n determ!nat!on of te o""l/sal plane2

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  • 8/9/2019 Orientation Sonal


    Cinemati9 method

    O Most a""/rate metod forre"ord!n% te "orre"t

    or!9ontal a1!s !s by a

    Tr!al and error metod

    de0eloped by M"&oll/m

    !n K /s!n% a .!nd of

    .!nemat!" de0!"e2

    OTe te"n!/e of lo"at!n% te term!nal !n%ea1!s pos!t!on !s essent!ally te same fordent/lo/s and edent/lo/s pat!ents# b/t temetods of atta"!n% te "l/t" to temand!ble are /!te d!Cerent2

  • 8/9/2019 Orientation Sonal


    (a"e bo$O

    It !s a "al!per l!.e de0!"e tat !s /sed to re"ordte relat!ons!p of te -a$s to te open!n% a1!s

    of te -a$ 8 to or!ent te "asts !n t!s same

    relat!ons!p to te open!n% a1!s of te art!"/lator2

    O P'RPOSE:

    Is to or!ent te ma1!llary "ast to te art!"/lator !n

    te same relat!ons!p to te open!n% 8 "los!n%

    a1!s of te art!"/lator as e1!sts bet$een te

    ma1!lla 8 te open!n% and "los!n% a1!s !n te


  • 8/9/2019 Orientation Sonal


    Ad0anta%es for /s!n% a

    fa"e bo$:Perm!ts more a""/rate /se of lateral rotat!on po!nts

    for te arran%ement of teet2

    5Its a!d !n se"/r!n% an anteroposter!or "ast pos!t!on

    $!t relat!on to te "ondyles of te mand!ble2

    =5It re%!sters te or!9ontal relat!ons!p of te "asts

    /!te a""/rately# and t!s ass!sts !n "orre"tly

    lo"at!n% te !n"!sal plane2

  • 8/9/2019 Orientation Sonal


    5It !s an a!d !n te 0ert!"al pos!t!on of te "ast

    on te art!"/lator2

    >5Te fa"e bo$ transfer $!ll be e1a"t !n te

    pos!t!onal relat!on of te "asts2

    5Te fa"e bo$ transfer allo$s a more

    a""/rate ar" of "los/re on te art!"/lator $en

    te !ntero""l/sal re"ords are remo0ed and te

    art!"/lator !s "losed2

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    Re0!e$ of te fa"e bo$

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    OTe d!stan"e from te"enter of ea" "ondyleto te med!an !n"!salpo!nt of te lo$er teet

    !s ; "m 2

    OTe "ast $as mo/nted$!t o""l/sal plane !n aor!9ontal pos!t!on

    m!d$ay bet$een te/pper and lo$er part ofte art!"/lator 2

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    O *e made a apparat/s tomeas/re te an%lebet$een te o""l/salplane and te planepass!n% tro/% te l!nes

    e1tend!n% from te"ondyles to te !n"!sal l!neof te lo$er teet 2

    O An%le ;

  • 8/9/2019 Orientation Sonal


    O In 44; *AES /sed a ton% l!.e de0!"e

    $!" e "alled "al!per2

    O )SI de0eloped an !nstr/ment s!m!lar to a

    fa"e bo$ pr!mar!ly to re"ord te pats of

    te "ondyles2

    O At te same t!me !n 4KK SNOW

    !ntrod/"ed te sno$ fa"e bo$

  • 8/9/2019 Orientation Sonal


    O In K;># &AMPION made %rap!" re"ords ofmo0ements of te mand!ble of a l!0!n% s/b-e"t2

    *e e1pressed te !mportan"e of lo"at!n% te!n%e a1!s2 *e empas!9ed tat ma1!llary "astso/ld be at te same or!entat!on on teart!"/lator as te pat!ents ma1!llae !s to te


    O In K# M"&OLL'M# ST'ART and otersreported te d!s"o0ery of te 6rst pos!t!0emetod of lo"at!n% te a1!s2


    !ntrod/"ed a metod of re"ord!n% te !n%e a1!sand de0eloped te 6rst !n%e a1!s fa"e bo$2

  • 8/9/2019 Orientation Sonal


    O In K=4 T*IELEMAN !ntrod/"ed anter!orreferen"e po!nt orb!tale2

    O In K> SLOANE stated tat te mand!b/lara1!s !s not a teoret!"al ass/mpt!on# b/t ade6nately demonstrable b!ome"an!"al fa"t2It !s te a1!s /pon $!" te mand!ble rotates!n an open!n% and "los!n% f/n"t!on $en"omfortably# not for"!bly retr/ded2

    O K>> M&&OLL'M AND ST'ART de0elopedpanto%rap2

    O In K> SI&*ER sa!d tat te !n%e pos!t!on

    or te term!nal !n%e pos!t!on !s tat pos!t!onof te mand!ble from $!" or !n $!" p/re!n%e mo0ement of a $!de ran%e !s poss!ble2

  • 8/9/2019 Orientation Sonal


    O In K># L'&IA "on"l/ded tat te "enters !n

    te term!nal !n%e pos!t!on pro0!de a de6n!testart!n% pos!t!on relat!on of te mand!ble to tema1!llae or te!r d/pl!"ates on an art!"/lator2

    OTe anter!oposter!or relat!on of mand!ble tote ma1!llae at te term!nal !n%e pos!t!on !ste same as &R2 It !s a repeatable borderpos!t!on2 Terefore# !t !s a po!nt of ret/rn2

    O L!.e &R# !n%e a1!s !s stable# reprod/"!ble andrepeatable2 Terefore# !t !s /sed as an!mportant referen"e !n mo/nt!n% "asts !nart!"/lator# so tat te open!n% a1!s of te

    art!"/lator "o!n"!des $!t te term!nal !n%ea1!s2

  • 8/9/2019 Orientation Sonal


    O In K LA'RITEN AND WOL(ORDdemonstrated te 0ary!n% de%rees of a""/ra"y!n lo"at!n% te trans0erse !n%e a1!s amon%

    s.!lled operators !n te ran%e of ;2> to mm2O In KF O*NO termed te or!9ontal a1!s

    "onne"t!n% te left and r!%t rotat!onal "entersas !nemat!" a1!s2

    O In K>F 8 K4 S&*ALL*ORN AND &O*EN )reported tat an arb!tary a1!s re"ord!n%te"n!/e $!ll l!e $!t!n >mm of te .!nemat!"a1!s !n 442K4Q of a pat!ent pop/lat!on2

    O In K; BROTMAN )eometr!" s!%n!6"an"e of

    trans0erse a1!s2O In K WEINBER) An e0al/at!on of fa"e bo$


  • 8/9/2019 Orientation Sonal


    O In K4 '&ERMAN )eometry of arb!tary

    !n%e a1!s as !t !s related to te o""l/s!on2Demonstrated te !mportan"e of te a1!stro/% matemat!"al models of o""l/salerrors tat $o/ld res/lt $!t de0!at!ons fromte trans0erse !n%e a1!s of te pat!ent2

    O In KFK WILIE Te ant

  • 8/9/2019 Orientation Sonal


    Types of fa"e bo$ :

    Ar?itrary fa9e ?o8

    O(a"!a type

    OEar p!e"e type

    O*ana/ fa"e bo$ 3 spr!n% bo$ 5

    OSl!demat!" 3 denar 5


    OT$!rl bo$

    Cinemati9 fa9e ?o8

  • 8/9/2019 Orientation Sonal



    '7ening axis is lo9ated


    &otational 7oints lo9ated ?yatta9hing to mandi?le as

    7atient o7ens 9loses hismouth . A 7ointer is adusted

    until axis of rotation is lo9ated

    (sed in /.P.D full mouthreha?ilitation

    &eFuires ela?orate eFui7ment is time 9onsuming

    o9ates the true hinge axis 8ith

    ex9e7tional a99ura9y


    Axis is lo9ated using anatomi9


    -enters of rotation arelo9ated 13mm anterior to

    EA= on lines to8ards outer9anthus of eye

    (sed in fa?ri9ation of 9om7letedentures

    ot as 9om7li9ated as inemati9

    o9ates the rods 8ithin

  • 8/9/2019 Orientation Sonal


    arious 9ommer9ially availa?le fa9e ?o8s andtheir a77li9ations

    40)P =)



    0AA(+P&)% *'4

  • 8/9/2019 Orientation Sonal



    O It !s a earp!e"e type of fa"ebo$2

    O It as a Nas!on Relator $!" !s pos!t!oneda%a!nst te br!d%e of nose2

    O It as !nter"ondylar s"ale !n front offa"ebo$2

    OTe fa"ebo$ !s "onne"ted to p!ns on te"ondylar o/s!n% of art!"/lator2

    OTese p!ns are lo"ated be!nd te !n%ea1!s 8terefore a/tomat!"ally "ompensatefor poster!or lo"at!on of te e1ternal ear2

  • 8/9/2019 Orientation Sonal


  • 8/9/2019 Orientation Sonal



    (A&EBOWO It !s a earp!e"e type fa"ebo$2

    O A Denar referen"e plane lo"ator !s /sed to

    lo"ate te anter!or referen"e plane 2O It also as Transfer J!% $!" allo$s te

    mo/nt!n% of ma1!llary "ast to te art!"/lator$!to/t atta"!n% te fa"ebo$ 2

  • 8/9/2019 Orientation Sonal


  • 8/9/2019 Orientation Sonal


    0anau fa9e ?o8

    Ear 7ie9e ty7e /as9ia ty7e Cinemati9 ty7e

    *ana/ >= ser!es

    *ana/ spr!n% bo$

    *ana/ t$!rl bo$ K

    =K m!n/tes to !ns/re ades!on ofplaster to stone2

    O Se"/re te !n"!sal %/!de p!n $!t !ts top/s $!t te top of ma1!llary member ofte art!"/lator2 Open te ma1!llary

    member of te art!"/lator and apply a"reamy m!1 of dental plaster to te topof te art!"/lator /nt!l te !n"!sal %/!dep!n !s stopped on te %/!de table and te

    mo/nt!n% plate !s embedded !n teplaster2

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    O &aref/lly remo0e te e1"ess plaster2 Allo$

    te plaster to arden before remo0!n% tefa"e bo$ assembly2 Te ma1!llary "ast !srelated to te open!n% a1!s !n teart!"/lator !n te same anteroposter!orand or!9ontal pos!t!on as te ma1!lla !nte s./ll are related to te open!n% a1!s !nte TMJ

    O (rom ere f/rter re"ords "an be madestart!n% $!t a tentat!0e "enter relat!on


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  • 8/9/2019 Orientation Sonal



    O (a!l/re to /se te fa"ebo$ leads to error!n o""l/s!on2

    O *!n%e a1!s !s a "omponent of e0ery

    mast!"atory mo0ement of te mand!bleand terefore "annot be d!sre%ardedand t!s !n%e a1!s so/ld bea""/rately "apt/red and transferred tote art!"/lator2 So !t be"omes a 6ne

    representat!0e of te pat!ent andb!olo%!"ally a""eptable restorat!on !sposs!ble

  • 8/9/2019 Orientation Sonal



    O &arles m2 eart$ell # art/r o2 ran 7syllab/s of "omplete dent/re 7 ted!t!on2

    O )eor%e a2 9arb # "arles l2 bolender 7bo/"er s prostodont!" treatment foredent/lo/s pat!ents 7 ;t 8 ted!t!on2

    O Seldon $!n.ler 7 essent!als of "ompletedent/re prostodont!"s 7 nd ed!t!on2

  • 8/9/2019 Orientation Sonal


    O Syllab/s of "omplete dent/res U &arles M*eart$ell# tEd!t!on

    O S"alorn# R2 )2 A st/dy of te arb!trary "enterand .!nemat!" "enter of rotat!on for fa"ebo$mo/nt!n%2 J Prostet Dent F: F2

    O )ran%er# E2 R2 &l!n!"al S!%n!6"an"e of te *!n%e

    A1!s Mo/nt!n%2 D&NA# Mar K>K:;>

  • 8/9/2019 Orientation Sonal


    O Preston# J2 D2 A reassessment of temand!b/lar trans0erse or!9ontal a1!s teory2 J

    Prostet Dent : ;>>=>K# K44

  • 8/9/2019 Orientation Sonal


    T*AN O'