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Page 2: Original St. Peter’s Seal Traditional Papal Sealstpetersparishny.com/bulletins/20160612.pdf · Original St. Peter’s Seal Traditional Papal Seal ... Business Hours & Mass Cards

Original St. Peter’s Seal Traditional Papal Seal

Mary Magdalene Washing the Feet of Our Lord

A Window of Our Lady’s Chapel

Our Lady of the Rosary Chapel

Confession: School Chapel, Saturdays 3-3:45 P.M.

Baptisms: Saturdays 1pm & 3pm / Sundays 2:30 P.M.

at Our Lady of the Rosary

Marriages: at Our Lady of the Rosary

Anointing of the sick: Please call Ext. 111 concerning theadministration of Confession, Baptisms and Marriages and Ext. 101for Anointing of the Sick.

St. Peter’s ParishIn Our 183 Year October 14, 1832rd

Poughkeepsie, New YorkMother Church of the Hudson ValleyMailing Address for all Parish Business:

6 Father Cody Plaza, Poughkeepsie, New York 12601 _Parish Administration Offices: Salt Point Turnpike, St. Peter’s Cemetery (845) 452-8580

St. Peter’s Parish Website www.StPetersParishNY.com

Served byFather Patrick Curley


Weekend Assisting PriestsFather Armand Padula

Father Zeverin EmagalitFather Benjamin Zirra

St. Peter’s Convent, 186016 Fr. Cody Plaza, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary

The Chapels of St. Peter’s Parish

Our Lady of the Rosary, 1906Entrance at 99 Inwood Avenue, Poughkeepsie

Our Lady of the Way, 1903at the Culinary Institute

Our Lady of the BlessedSacrament, 1965

at St. Peter’s ConventOur Lady of the Holy Souls, 1995

at St. Peter’s CemeteryOur Lady, Seat of Wisdom, 1965

at St. Peter’s School

Administration Building, 1995Business Hours & Mass Cards

9am-12noon Monday-FridayParish Secretary Ext. 111

Parish Bookkeepers Ext. 110Mass Cards Ext. 111

Baptismal & Marriage Certificates Ext. 114 Bulletin Ext. 120

Envelopes & Sponsor Certificates Ext. 110Visitors to the Homebound Ext. 111

Emergency Ext. 101

St. Peter’s Cemetery, 1853171 Salt Point Turnpike

Poughkeepsie, NY 12603Mailing Address: 6 Fr. Cody Plaza,

Poughkeepsie, NY 12601Business Hours 9am-12noon Mon.-Fri.

Grave Openings & Sales Ext. 115Deeds for Graves Ext 114

Website: SaintPetersCemetery.com

Religious Education For PublicSchool Students (CCD)

1 thru 8 Wed. 6:15 - 7:15 PMst th

Coordinator 471-6600 Ext. 205

The Archdiocesan RegionalSchools of Dutchess County

Holy Trinity’s SchoolRegina Coeli’s School

St. Denis/St. Columba’s SchoolSt. Mary, Mother of the Church’s School

St. Mary’s SchoolSt. Peter’s School, 171 Yearst

Mass Schedule

SundayOur Lady of the Rosary Chapel

7:00AM, 9:00AM, 10:30AM, 12:00Noon, & 5:00PM

SaturdayParish Auditorium


WeekdayOur Lady of the Rosary Chapel

Monday 7:00PMTuesday 8:30 AMWednesday NoonThursday Noon

DevotionsOur Lady of the Rosary Chapel

First Friday Massof the Sacred Heart of Jesus


Mausoleum Chapel ofOur Lady of the Holy Souls

St. Peter’s CemeteryFirst Saturday Mass

of the Immaculate Heart of Mary12:30 PM

Our Lady of the Rosary ChapelMiraculous Medal Novena

Monday 7:30PMRecitation of the Rosary

6:45 PM MondaySt. Anthony Novena

Tuesday 9:00 AM

Holy Day ScheduleOur Lady of the Rosary Chapel

4PM Vigil Mass7:00AM, 10:00AM, Noon & 7:00PM

(Special Schedule for Christmas & New Year’s)

The Six Holy Days of ObligationJanuary 1 - The Motherhood of the BVMst

40 Days After Easter- Ascension Thursday August 15 - The Assumption of the BVMth

November 1 - All Saintsst

December 8 - The Immaculate Conceptionth

of the BVMDecember 25 - The Nativity of Our Lordth

Emergency Weather MassesParish AuditoriumSaturday, 4:00 PMSunday, 10:00 AM

(only if OLR is closed due to snow) For any questions regarding M ass schedule during

hazardous weather conditions please call (845) 452-8580ext. 111 and listen to the recording and listen to the radio

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A Reading from the second Book of Samuel (2 SM 12:7-10, 13)

Nathan said to David: “Thus says the LORD God of Israel: ‘I anointed you king of Israel. I rescuedyou from the hand of Saul. I gave you your lord’s house and your lord’s wives for your own. I gaveyou the house of Israel and of Judah. And if this were not enough, I could count up for you still more.Why have you rejected the LORD and done evil in his sight? You have cut down Uriah the Hittite withthe sword; you took his wife as your own, and him you killed with the sword of the Ammonites. Now,therefore, the sword shall never depart from your house, because you have looked down on me andhave taken the wife of Uriah to be your wife.’” Then David said to Nathan, “I have sinned against theLORD.” Nathan answered David: “The LORD on his part has forgiven your sin: you shall not die.”

Lector: The Word of the Lord. People: Thanks be to God.

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June 12, 2016Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

(The people’s responses in bold represent wording that Pope Benedict had changed in the Mass throughout the world.)


Priest: The Lord be with you.People: And with your spirit.

The Confiteor

I confess to almighty Godand to you, my brothers and sisters, that I have greatly sinnedin my thoughts and in my words,in what I have doneand in what I have failed to do, (And then striking your breast three times)through my fault, through my fault, through my most grievous fault;therefore, I ask blessed Mary ever-Virgin, all the Angels and Saints, and you, my brothers and sisters, to pray for me to the Lord our God. Priest: Lord have mercy. People: Lord have mercy.Priest: Christ have mercy. People: Christ have mercy.Priest: Lord have mercy. People: Lord have mercy.*

*(Or any other option the priest chooses. “The Lordhave mercy” can be sung as “Kyrie elÁison” or thePenitential hymn “Asperges” may be sung.)


Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to people of good will.We praise you, we bless you, we adore you, we glorify you, we give you thanks for your great glory, Lord God, heavenly King.O God, almighty Father.

Lord Jesus Christ,Only Begotten Son,Lord God, Lamb of God,Son of the Father,you take away the sins of the world,have mercy on us;you take away the sins of the world,receive our prayer;you are seated at the right hand of the Father,have mercy on us.

For you alone are the Holy One,you alone are the Lord,you alone are the Most High, Jesus Christ,with the Holy Spirit,in the glory of God the Father. Amen.

The Responsorial: Lord, forgive the wrong I have done. (PS 32:1-2, 5, 7, 11)

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-Page 2-

A Reading from the Letter of St. Paul to the Galatians (GAL 2:16, 19-21)

Brothers and sisters: We who know that a person is not justified by works of the law but through

faith in Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Christ Jesus that we may be justified by faith in

Christ and not by works of the law, because by works of the law no one will be justified. For

through the law I died to the law, that I might live for God. I have been crucified with Christ; yet I

live, no longer I, but Christ lives in me; insofar as I now live in the flesh, I live by faith in the Son

of God who has loved me and given himself up for me. I do not nullify the grace of God; for if

justification comes through the law, then Christ died for nothing.

Lector: The Word of the Lord. People: Thanks be to God.

A Reading from the Holy Gospel according to Saint Luke (LK 7:36—8:3)(The shorter Vatican approved version.)

People: Glory to you, O Lord.

A Pharisee invited Jesus to dine with him, and he entered the Pharisee's house and reclined at

table. Now there was a sinful woman in the city who learned that he was at table in the house of

the Pharisee. Bringing an alabaster flask of ointment, she stood behind him at his feet weeping

and began to bathe his feet with her tears. Then she wiped them with her hair, kissed them, and

anointed them with the ointment. When the Pharisee who had invited him saw this he said to

himself, "If this man were a prophet, he would know who and what sort of woman this is who is

touching him, that she is a sinner." Jesus said to him in reply, "Simon, I have something to say to

you." "Tell me, teacher," he said. "Two people were in debt to a certain creditor; one owed five

hundred day's wages and the other owed fifty. Since they were unable to repay the debt, he

forgave it for both. Which of them will love him more?" Simon said in reply, "The one, I suppose,

whose larger debt was forgiven." He said to him, "You have judged rightly." Then he turned to the

woman and said to Simon, "Do you see this woman? When I entered your house, you did not give

me water for my feet, but she has bathed them with her tears and wiped them with her hair. You

did not give me a kiss, but she has not ceased kissing my feet since the time I entered. You did not

anoint my head with oil, but she anointed my feet with ointment. So I tell you, her many sins have

been forgiven because she has shown great love. But the one to whom little is forgiven, loves

little." He said to her, "Your sins are forgiven." The others at table said to themselves, "Who is

this who even forgives sins?" But he said to the woman, "Your faith has saved you; go in peace."

Priest: The Gospel of the Lord. People: Praise to You, Lord Jesus Christ.

Lector: Alleluia People Only: Alleluia (Stand)

Lector Only: God loved us and sent his Son as expiation for our sins.People Only: Alleluia

Priest: The Lord be with you. People: And with your spirit.

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-Page 3 -


I believe in one God, the Father almighty,

Maker of heaven and earth,

of all things visible and invisible.

I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ,

the Only Begotten Son of God,

born of the Father before all ages.

God from God, Light from Light,

true God from true God,

begotten, not made,

consubstantial with the Father;

through Him all things were made.

For us men and for our salvation He came down

from heaven,

and by the Holy Spirit was Incarnate of the

Virgin Mary and became Man.

For our sake He was crucified under Pontius


He suffered death and was buried,

and rose again on the third day

in accordance with the Scriptures.

He ascended into heaven

and is seated at the right hand of the Father.

He will come again in glory to judge the living

and the dead and his kingdom will have no end.

I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the Giver

of Life, who proceeds from the Father and the


Who with the Father and the Son is adored and

glorified, who has spoken through the prophets.

I believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic


I confess one Baptism for the forgiveness of

sins and I look forward to the resurrection of

the dead and the life of the world to come.


Priest: Pray, brethren, that my sacrifice and yours maybe acceptable to God, the almighty Father. (Peoplethen Stand)

People: May the Lord accept the sacrifice at your hands,for the praise and glory of his name, for our good andthe good of all his holy Church.

Priest: The Lord be with you.

People: And with your spirit.

Priest: Lift up your hearts.

People: We lift them up to the Lord.

Priest: Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.

People: It is right and just.

Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of Hosts.

Heaven and earth are full of your glory.

Hosanna in the highest.

Blessed is he who comes in the name of the


Hosanna in the highest.

Priest: The mystery of Faith.

People: We proclaim your Death, O Lord,

and profess your Resurrection until You

come again.

Priest: The peace of the Lord be with you


People: And with your spirit.

Priest: Behold the Lamb of God, behold Him

who takes away the sins of the world. Blessed

are those called to the supper of the Lamb.

People: Lord, I am not worthy that You should

enter under my roof, but only say the word and

my soul shall be healed.

Concluding Rites

Priest: The Lord be with you.

People: And with your spirit.

Priest: Go forth the Mass is ended.

People: Thanks be to God.

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I Heard the Voice of Jesus

I heard the voice of Jesus say, “Come unto Me and rest;

Lay down, thou weary one, lay down Thy head upon My breast.”

I came to Jesus as I was, weary and worn and sad;

I found in Him a resting place, and He has made me glad.

I heard the voice of Jesus say, “Behold, I freely give

The living water; thirsty one, stoop down, and drink, and live.”

I came to Jesus, and I drank of that life giving stream;

My thirst was quenched, my soul revived, and now I live in Him.

I heard the voice of Jesus say, “I am this dark world’s Light;

Look unto Me, thy morn shall rise, and all thy day be bright.”

I looked to Jesus, and I found in Him my Star, my Sun;

And in that light of life I’ll walk, till traveling days are done.


Come, Holy Ghost

Come Holy Ghost, Creator Blest,

And in our hearts take up Thy rest;

Come with Thy grace and heav'nly aid

To fill the hearts which Thou hast made,

To fill the hearts which Thou hast made.

O Comforter to Thee we cry,

Thou heav'nly Gift of God most high;

Thou fount of life and fire of love,

And sweet anointing from above,

And sweet anointing from above.

Praise be to Thee Father and Son,

And Holy Spirit, with them one;

And may the Son on us bestow

The gifts that from the Spirit flow,

The gifts that from the Spirit flow.


-Page 4 -

Let There be Peace on Earth

Let There Be Peace on Earth and let it begin with


Let There Be Peace on Earth, the peace that was

meant to be!

With God as our Father, brothers all are we.

Let me walk with my brother in perfect harmony.

Let peace begin with me. Let this be the moment


With ev'ry breath I take, let this be my solemn vow;

To take each moment and live each moment in

peace eternally!

Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me!


Eat This Bread


Eat this bread; drink this cup.

Come to me and never be hungry.

Eat this bread; drink this cup.

Trust in me and you will not thirst.


I am the bread of life, the true bread sent from the


Ancestors ate manna in the desert, but this is the bread

come down from heaven.

Eat my flesh and drink my blood, and I will raise you up

on the last day.

Anyone who eats this bread, will live forever.

MeditationPangi Angelicun



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St. Germaine Cousin

Pope St. John I

June 12th

In the 2016 Yearth

Since the Birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ

Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

SATURDAY, June 11 Green Vestmentsth

The Vigil Mass of Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

School Gym 4:00 pm ^ Pauline & William Egan by Stanley & Michael Hornak

SUNDAY, June 12 Green Vestmentsth

Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

Our Lady’s Chapel 7:009:00

10:30 12:00



^ Mary Constance Burns^ Tamara A. Claire^ Freeman Hoyt^ Jack Graney^ Antoinette Kowalski

by MaryBeth & Peter Wagnerby Allison & Brendan McMahonby the Wermuth Familyby his Familyby Judy & Pete Kowalski

MONDAY, June 13 White Vestmentsth

St. Anthony of Padua, the most famous of the Medieval Franciscan Preachers, born of nobility of the Royal Court of King Alphonse of Portugal, became a Canon (advisorto a Bishop) of Lisbon Cathedral, two years after his election as a Canon he transferred to the poor life as a Franciscan. A reformer and defender of the Catholic Faith,Patron of Things Lost. Died at the age of 36. Padua, Italy ^ 1231

Memorial MassOur Lady’s Chapel

7:00 pm ^ John & James Jr. Sowarby by Noreen & Jim Sowarby ^ Jack Graney by Mary Graney ^ Steven Amarillo by Teresa

Builes ̂ Johnny Amarillo by Jose Amarillo ̂ Nicholas & Theresa Turletes by Mary Ellen Turletes ̂ Sean Sinon by Mom,

Dee & Kara ^ Ignatius Osinde Emagalit by Barbara & Robert Citarella ^ The Puzewski, Kelly & Schraff Families by

the Family ^ Donna Scullion by Carole Chambers ^ Robert & Kathleen Wermuth by their Children ^ Deceased

Members of the Wermuth, Martin & Mullady Families by the Children of Kathleen & Robert Wermuth ̂ MJ Muldowney

by Carol Chambers ̂ Raquel Gutierrez-Builes by Teresa Builes ̂ Beverly Traver by Barbara & Robert Citarella ̂ Ann

Lombardi by Maggie Verrotti ^ Shemain Family & Friends by the Family ^ Francis & Mildred Peters by Mary Peters

^ Victim Souls of 9/11

TUESDAY, June 14 Green Vestmentsth

Weekday in Ordinary Time St. Vito, child Christian, martyred with his nurse, St. Crescentia, who is the Patron of Nurses. Palermo, Sicily ^ 303

Our Lady’s Chapel



^ Deceased Priests and Sisters of St. Peter’s Parish

by St. Peter’s Church

WEDNESDAY, June 15 Green Vestments th

Weekday in Ordinary Time St. Germaine Cousin, child Martyr. London ^ 1601

Benefactors’ MassOur Lady’s Chapel

12:00 noon ^ M arguerite Cam pbell ̂ M artin Naughton ̂ M argaret M ary Russell ̂ M argaret M ary W alsh ̂ John Francis Fitzpatrick ̂ Grace Rider D’Engenis

^ Catherine B ialosuknia ̂ A lice M ary Rohan ̂ Rita S im m ons ̂ Helen Luty ̂ M ary Helen Davis ̂ S teve W oznica ̂ Shirley Yager ̂ M ary Agnes

M orris ^ Peter Cahill ^ Joseph Dosio ^ Helen M ary S telm ach ^ M arguerite M arconette ^ M ary Lynch M arconette ^ George M arconette ^

M argaret M arconette O ’Donnel ̂ Joseph M arconette ̂ Anna Joseph ̂ M argaret Heady ̂ John Hadigan ̂ M argaret Bunten ̂ M ildred VanVlack

^ Carol W ood ^ Kathleen & Robert W erm uth ^ M ary M iller ^ Theodore Luty Jr. ^ S teven Eric Kowalski (The benefactors perpetually

rem embered are those who donated to the parish in their wills.)

THURSDAY, June 16 Green Vestments th

Weekday in Ordinary Time St. John Francis Regis, Jesuit Priest. ^ 1660

Our Lady’s Chapel 12:00 noon ^ Sr. Rita Elizabeth by Annita Gilbride

FRIDAY, June 17 th

Weekday in Ordinary Time

SATURDAY, June 18 th

Weekday in Ordinary Time Pope St. John I, computed the date of Easter, fought Arian heresy which denied the Eternal Divinity of Christ, died oftorture as a captive of an Arian King. Ravenna, Italy ^ 526 St. Eric, King of Sweden, Martyr. ^ 1160

The month of June is dedicated to Our Lady of the Sacred Heart.Mass Intentions and Mass Cards are Available at the Administration Building at St. Peter’s Cemetery from 9am-12noon, Monday to Friday

Mass cards are also available for all Holy Days located on the front cover

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Father’s Day envelopes are available at the entrances to the Chapel. The loved ones that you list

on the envelope will also be printed in the bulletin to be remembered and prayed for.

-Page 6-

Weekly Schedule2 Sunday of the Monthnd

Place Saturday, June 11 Sunday, June 12 Monday, June 13 Tuesday, June 14 Wednesday, June 15th th th th th

OurLady of


1pm - Baptism of M ackenzie Jo

O’Connor- Fr. Benjam in

M asses







Fr. Benjam in

Fr. Arm and

Fr. Arm and

Fr. Patrick Curley

Fr. Patrick Curley

Fr. Patrick Curley-

Baptism of Kelsey

Rose Kraus

6:30pm - Rosary for all unborn


7pm - M em orial M ass- Fr.

Benjam in

7:30pm - M iraculous M edal & Our

Lady of Victory Novenas for the

protection of our troops overseas-

lead by -Fr. Benjam in





Fr. Benjam in

Fr. Benjam in-

Novena to St.


St. Peter’s Parish

Prayer Group

M ass

12noon- Fr. Benjam in



1-3pm - Setup School Gym for

Saturday M ass

M ass

4pm - Fr. Benjam in

1-4pm - Church Cookout

sponsored by the Parish Events

Com m ittee

7pm- B ingo

9:30am - Pre-K Graduation 1

1pm - Pre-K Graduation 2

9:30am - Pre-K Graduation 3

1pm - Pre-K Graduation 4




3-3:45pm - Confessions- Fr.

Benjam in



Open 9am -12noon Open 9am -12noon Open 9am -12noon

9am - St. Peter’s Parish Needlework




St. Peter’s


3-8:30pm - Dutchess Com m .

College Children’s M usic Program

3-8:30pm - Dutchess Com m .

College Children’s M usic Program

3-8:30pm - Dutchess Com m . College

Children’s M usic Program




7am -6pm - St. Peter’s

Archdiocesan Regional School

7am -6pm - St. Peter’s

Archdiocesan Regional School

7am -6pm - St. Peter’s Archdiocesan

Regional School


St. Peter’s Parish Sacramental Schedule 2016

June 16June 17July 3July 4July 16July 17July 22July 23July 23July 24July 28July 29July 30July 31Aug. 4Aug. 5Aug. 5Aug. 6Aug. 26Aug. 27

Thurs.Fri.Sun.Mon.Sat.Sun.Fri.Sat.Sat. Sun.Thurs.Fri.Sat.Sun.Thurs.Fri.Fri.Sat.Fri.Sat.

6pm2pm6:30pm1pm6pm2pm6pm3pm6pm2pm6pm2pm 6pm2:30pm 6pm2:30pm6pm2pm6pm3pm

Wedding RehearsalWedding CeremonyWedding RehearsalWedding CeremonyWedding Rehearsal*Wedding Ceremony*Wedding RehearsalWedding CeremonyWedding RehearsalWedding CeremonyWedding RehearsalWedding CeremonyWedding Rehearsal Wedding CeremonyWedding RehearsalWedding CeremonyWedding RehearsalWedding CeremonyWedding RehearsalWedding Ceremony

Sept. 1Sept. 2Sept. 3Sept. 4Sept. 9Sept. 10Sept. 16Sept. 17Sept. 17Sept. 18Sept. 23Sept. 24Sept. 24Sept. 25Sept. 30Oct. 1Oct. 8Oct. 9Oct. 14Oct. 15Nov. 3Nov. 4

Thurs.Fri.Sat.Sun.Fri. Sat.Fri.Sat.Sat.Sun.Fri.Sat. Sat.Sun.Fri.Sat.Sat.Sun.Fri.Sat.Thurs.Fri.


Wedding RehearsalWedding CeremonyWedding Rehearsal Wedding CeremonyWedding Rehearsal Wedding CeremonyWedding Rehearsal Wedding CeremonyWedding Rehearsal Wedding CeremonyWedding Rehearsal Wedding CeremonyWedding Rehearsal Wedding CeremonyWedding Rehearsal Wedding CeremonyWedding Rehearsal Wedding CeremonyWedding Rehearsal Wedding CeremonyWedding Rehearsal Wedding Ceremony

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-Page 7-

Times & Types of Masses:School Gym

(Sat.) 4pm - Low Mass (No Singing)Our Lady of the Rosary Chapel

(Sun.) 7am & 9am - Low Masses (No singing) 10:30am, 12nnon & 5pm- 4 Hymns with organ.

Directions to Our Lady’s Chapel at 99 Inwood Avenue, Poughkeepsie _ÎFrom Hyde Park going south on 9G - turn right onto Bahret Avenue (½ block before Fairview

Fire Company) travel (1 block) ,turn left onto Inwood Avenue then make an immediate right ontofirst road ,Keep bearing left for one mile. Chapel will be on your right at bottom of hill. ÏFrom Poughkeepsie going North on 9G: turn left onto Bahret Avenue (½ block past Fairview

Fire Co.) -then follow the above directions.

The Front Cover of the BulletinThe front cover depicts St. Anthony of Padua with the Child Christ.

This Monday, June 13 is the Feast of St. Anthony of Padua.th

Hyde Park Knights of Columbus

Used Clothing Drop Off Shed; 1278 Route 9G, Hyde Park. Please bag and tie your donations.

RECEIPTS available at the Drop-Off Shed

Do You Know A Graduate ?

We would like to honor our high school and college graduates from our parish in the

bulletin. Please leave their name (please spell), the school they graduated from, and

their degree and or distinctions (if college graduate) at 452-8580 ext. 120. Thank you

and congratulations!

Weekly Schedule2 Sunday of the Monthnd

Place Thursday, June 16 Friday, June 17 Saturday, June 18th th th Sunday, June 19


Father’s Day

Our Lady


the Rosary


M ass

12noon- Fr. Patrick Curley

6pm - W edding rehearsal for Joseph

M ichael Czick & A llison Kathleen

Kochis- Fr. Patrick Curley




W edding for Joseph M ichael

Czick & A llison Kathleen

Kochis- Fr. Patrick Curley

8 Grade Baccalaureateth

M ass and Graduation- Fr.

Patrick Curley

12noon- Baptism - TBA M asses







Fr. Benjam in

Fr. Arm and

Fr. Arm and

Fr. Patrick Curley

Fr. Patrick Curley

Fr. Patrick Curley- Baptism of

Anthony Edward Foglietta



1pm - K indergarten Graduation

7pm - B ingo

1-3pm - Setup School Gym for Saturday

M ass

M ass

4pm - TBA

School Building


3-3:45pm - Confessions- TBA

M ausoleum




Open 9am -12noon Open 9am -12noon

St. Peter’s


3-8:30pm- Dutchess Comm . College

Children’s M usic Program

3-8:30pm- Dutchess Com m . College

Children’s M usic Program

Parish School


7am -6pm - St. Peter’s Archdiocesan

Regional School

7am -6pm - St. Peter’s Archdiocesan

Regional School

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Helping Hands from St. Peter’s Parish Food Ministry

Is someone in your family sick, recovering from surgery, or receiving

treatment, such as chemotherapy or radiation therapy? Has your

family experienced a recent death, divorce, or other major change in

family life? St. Peter’s Food Ministry would like to help our fellow

parishioners. If you or someone you know, could benefit from having

prepared meals or supplies delivered to the home, please let us know

by calling the Parish Office at (845) 452-8580 ext. 111. We’ll need to

know any preferences or dislikes, dietary restrictions, as well as, how

many are in the family, and what days/times are best for delivery of

meals. We look forward to extending our helping hands to you and

your family through a difficult time.

- Page 8 -

In Memory of

Victoria Elaine Martorano

7/23/92 - 9/3/09

Forever Loved,

Dad, Viv & Nick

St. Peter’s Parish Prayer Group

The St. Peter’s Parish Prayer Group meets on Tuesdays at 6pm at Our Lady

of the Rosary Chapel. All are welcome to attend and offer up their prayers

and intentions before the Blessed Sacrament in the tabernacle of our Chapel

dedicated to Our Lady.

In Loving Memory of

Sean E. SinonMay 5, 1988 - February 11, 2012

Forever Loved,Mom, Kara, Deidra & Jason

In Loving Memory of

Carmela Marie ManninoSafely Home in Heaven

January 16 , 2010th

Always & ForeverThe Mannino Family

In Loving Memory ofPatrick Mannix

(Dec. 23, 1935 - June 7, 2006)On his 10 Anniversary in Heaventh

From his Family and hisXeroderma Pigmentosum Family

We love you & we miss you.

In Loving Memory of

Mrs. Phyllis E. Moore

Love your Children,

Sue Lynn, Jim, Carole

and Wendy and

Your Grandchildren,

Bryan, Shaun, Jimmy,

Kelly, Kimmie and


In Loving Memory of

Blanca E. FasolinoSafely Home in Heaven

August 11 , 2009th

Always & ForeverJoe & Family

In Loving Memory of

Mrs. Daisy B. DymesLove Your Grandchildren,

Sue Lynn, Jim, Carole,Wendy and Sharon Ann

St. Peter’s Parish Needlework GroupDo you knit, crochet, quilt or sew? Join St. Peter's new needlework group! Our

main focus will be to create baby blankets as gifts for babies christened at theChapel. But we hope to also share our skills, ideas and experiences with each other.

We meet every Wednesday at 9:00 am at the Administration Building located on thecemetery grounds. Don't worry if you can't make the meeting(s). Everyone

interested will be included by some means of communication (e-mail, phone,bulletin, etc.). If you'd like to participate, or simply want more information, contact

Kathy at [email protected]. Please include 'Needlework group' in the subjectline. Or, you can call me at 845-266-4202.

St. Peter’s Church Memorials. Never Forgotten.

St. Peter’s Parish Life

Page 11: Original St. Peter’s Seal Traditional Papal Sealstpetersparishny.com/bulletins/20160612.pdf · Original St. Peter’s Seal Traditional Papal Seal ... Business Hours & Mass Cards

St. Peter’s CCDRegistration for CCD is ongoing thru June. Forms may be

downloaded on the parish website or you may call 845-264-

0693. Classes are held on Wednesday evening from 6:15-7:15 for

grades Kindergarten - 8 Grade.th

Thank You

Our thanks to the Hyde Park Knights of Columbus for theirgenerous donation of $800 to St. Peter’s School. The donation willbe applied to scholarships for needy students. Thanks again to theKnights of Columbus for their continued extraordinary generosity

to St. Peter’s School and Parish.

Altar Assistants Schedule For Saturday, June 11 - Sunday, June 19th th

Sat., June 11 th

School Gym

Sun., June 12 th

Our Lady’s Chapel

Thurs., June 16 th

Wedding Rehearsal

Fri., June 17 th


Baccalaureate Mass

Sat., June 18 th

School Gym

Sun., June 19 th

Our Lady’s Chapel































Altar Server








Sacristan T.B.

Sacristan T.B.





Francesco Jerry


Altar Server

Sacristan L.C.

Sacristan M.F.

Sacristan M.F.

James McKenna

Brohdi Decker

Sacristan J.H.


Sacristan E.H.


Sacristan L.C.

Sacristan M.F.

Cody Romani

Joe Heavey

Marco Jerry

Sacristan J.H.


Head Assist.

L.C. ***

M.F. ***

M.F. ***

M.F. ***

T.B. J.H.

T.B. J. H.

T.B. E.H.

T.B. E.H.

T.B. ***

L.C. ***

M.F. ***

M.F. ***

M.F. ***

T.B. M.V.

T.B. M.V.


Joan Murnin

Sacristan M.F.

Tom McNamara

Robert Tortorella

Sacristan T.B.

Sacristan T.B.




Sacristan L.C.

Sacristan M.F.

Sacristan M.F.

Nellia Olivencia

Sacristan T.B.

Sacristan T.B.


G.M. and G.B.

Sacristan M.F.

Sacristan M.F.

Sacristan M.F.

Sacristan T.B.

Sacristan T.B.




G.M. and G.B.

Sacristan M.F.

Sacristan M.F.

Sacristan M.F.

Sacristan T.B.

Sacristan T.B.

St. Joseph’s Catechism for Children - Why I Am Catholic

Q 503

Q 504

Q 505

Q 506

How can we prove that the soul of man is immortal? We can prove that the soul of man is immortal because man’s acts of intelligence are spiritual;therefore, his of miraculous strength, permanence, and unchangeableness, thus showing the world that it is under the special protection of God.soul must be a spiritual being, not dependent on matter, and hence not subject to death or decay.How can we prove that all men are obliged to practice religion? We can prove all men are obliged to practice religion because all men are entirelydependent on God and must recognize that dependence by honoring Him and praying to Him.How can we prove that the religion God has revealed through Christ is worthy of belief? We can prove that the religion God has revealed throughChrist is worthy of belief, because: first, Jesus Christ, announcing Himself as the ambassador and the true Son of God, whose coming was foretoldby the prophets, preached doctrines which He said all must believe.How can we prove that Christ established a Church which all are obliged to join? We can prove that Christ established a Church which all areobliged to join, because: first, He gathered about Him a group of disciples, and called it His Church; second, He promised that this Church wouldlast until the end of time; third, He declared that all men must believe and be baptized, that is, join His Church, in order to be saved.

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Page 12: Original St. Peter’s Seal Traditional Papal Sealstpetersparishny.com/bulletins/20160612.pdf · Original St. Peter’s Seal Traditional Papal Seal ... Business Hours & Mass Cards

Holy Communion is traditionally is brought to the Homebound by Visitors to the Homebound once a Month. Pray for the home-bound:The Parishioner The Visitor The Parishioner The Visitor The Parishioner The Visitor Connie & Anthony Magliocca Dorothy & Robert Sullivan Margaret Garrison Family Catherine Jurutka FamilyAnn Sweeney Gessie Laguerre ,

If you would like to bring communion to those listed below please call Ext. 111If you know anyone who would like to receive Holy Communion on a monthly basis please call Ext.111

Remember parishioners and former parishioners now in Assisted Living Facilities:The Parishioner The Visitor The Parishioner The Visitor Parishioner The Visitor

Janet Thomas & Grace Orton Carol Speier Bill & Kay Armeno The Family Bessie Stelback The Family

1 Bannsst

Alexander Campbell Kipp&

Jennifer Marie Stokes Sunday, July 24th

at 2pm

1 Bannsst

Brendan Patrick Lanigan&

Mary GillenFriday, July 29th

at 2pm

Kelsey Rose Kraus

daughter of

Michael & Courtney

Sunday, June 12th


2 Bannsnd

Peter Loughran&

Cecilla MaddenSunday, July 17th

at 2pm

2 Bannsnd

Alexander Joseph Papa&

Daria Lauren AnuszkiewiczSaturday, July 23rd

at 3pm

Anthony Edward Foglietta

son of

Anthony & Chantal

Sunday, June 19th

at 2:30pm





Banns of Marriage Baptisms


PRAY FOR THE SICK OF OUR PARISH8 Year Old Jacob Wurster by his parents * 10 year old Katlyn Bolander by the Family * 8 Year old Ava Marie Trocino by Maryann Lysko * 2 year oldAudrey Marie Michels by the Family * Marilyn Moran by Mary Grieger * Dan Mahar by Nancy & Tom Mahar (parents) * Kathleen Kozlark by her Family* Michael Einfeldt by the Family * Michael Roussey by George & Mary Roussey (parents) * Gyna Gonzalez by Jack Scott * Bob Spilbor by the Family *Loretta Walicki by a Friend * Gary Guido by Sharon & Thomas Kowalski * Kathy & Anthony Farina by their Friends * 2 Year old Trinity Borschel by theFamily * Melanie Krieger by the Family * Debbie DiRusso by John (husband) * Daniel C. Dugan by Helen Dugan

PRAY FOR THE SICK OF OTHER PARISHES13 year old Victoria Wynne by Bob & MaryEllen Wynne (grandparents) * 1 year old Rachael Way by Donna Szymanski (friend) * Madeline Gilroy byher Family & Friends * Eddie Rudden by his Daughter & Friends * Seth Freedman by his Aunt * Eileen Cunniss by Virginia Poznack * Joseph Manionby Sr. Anne Manion (sister) * Stella Nesheiwat by the Lasher Family * Fr. Peter Vianney by the Family * Gwen Robishaw Stinard by Nancy & JimRobishaw (parents) * Fr. Peter Vianney by a Friend * Bobby Nilsson by his Friends * Marlene Roth by the Fontanella Family * Andrea DelVecchio &Toby Collins by Maria Clark * Roz Young by Kathryn Farina (friend) * Julie Pelish by Jo Kupiec (friend)

*If would like to add the name of a person to be prayed for to any prayer list, please call 452-8580 ext. 120 and please spell the name of the individual as well as yours since both the sick and the callers name are needed for the request and specify the list for the individual to be prayed for.

PRAY FOR THE RECENTLY DECEASED SOULS OF THE PARISH^ Brian McCavara (68) entered into eternal rest on 4/9 Funeral M ass by Fr. Curley on 4/15

^ Catherine Gorman (87) entered eternal rest on 4/14 Funeral Mass by Fr. O’Hare 4/18^ Dorothy Still (89) entered eternal rest on 4/28 Funeral Mass by Fr. Curley 4/30^ Patricia Hannon (75) entered eternal rest on 5/1 Funeral Mass by Fr. Curley 5/6^ William Armeno (91) entered eternal rest on 5/12 Funeral Mass by Fr. Curley 5/18^ Roxane M. Cribley (82) entered eternal rest on 5/29 Funeral Service by Fr. Curley 6/2^ Jean Kirchner (86) entered into eternal rest on 6/2 Burial Service by Fr. Curley on 6/6

PRAY FOR THE RECENTLY DECEASED OF OTHER PARISHES^ Ann Gaughan (81), April 5, 2015 remembered by Alice Hart (twin sister)^ Anna M. Griffin (92), April 11, 2015 remembered by the Family^ Sharon M. Daley (56), April 19, 2015 remembered by the Daley Family^ Ann Lombardi (87), July 12, 2015 remembered by M aggie Verrotti (sister)

^ Steven Fekete (79), December 22, 2015 remembered by M aryAnn Lysko (daughter)

^ Fred Beyer Jr. (86), February 8, 2016 remembered by M ary Ellen Bialosuknia

^ Bucky Tucker (86), February 23, 2016 remembered by M ary Ellen Bialosuknia

The Mass Intentions for next weekend Sunday, June 19 .th If you would like one of the priests to visit the sick, please

call ext. 111, if an emergency call ext. 101

School Gym 4pm

Our Lady’s Chapel 7am





Floyd & John Sr. Kadar

Our Fathers Living & Our Fathers Deceased

Our Fathers Living & Our Fathers Deceased

Our Fathers Living & Our Fathers Deceased

Our Fathers Living & Our Fathers Deceased

Our Fathers Living & Our Fathers Deceased

- Page 10 -

Banns mean “Announcement.” Banns of Marriage are to be announced 3 times before the wedding in the bulletin. If you would like them announced at M ass

please call Ext. 120 at least six weeks before the wedding.

Page 13: Original St. Peter’s Seal Traditional Papal Sealstpetersparishny.com/bulletins/20160612.pdf · Original St. Peter’s Seal Traditional Papal Seal ... Business Hours & Mass Cards

Sat. - Sunny 87ESun. - Rain 74E

First Collection

Goal is $6,900exceeded goal by


Weekly Average Church ExpensesWeekly Average Church Expenses: [includes Our Lady of the Rosary Chapel, Rectory, and Administration Building] (DOES NOT include Cemetery, School, Convent or C.C.D.., as they are self-contained except for monies from loans to school

from cemetery, second collections and estate wills). Archdiocesan Fee on collections and wills (Increased by the Archdiocese in September 2012 from $3,775 to $4,164 per month or $1,040 per week), Electric ($335), Fuel ($480),

Phone System for Church Buildings ($100), Water Cooler ($20), Exterminator ($75), Contribution Envelopes ($160), Fax Machine Line ($12), Postage ($25), Septic Service ($75), Security System ($55), Cleaning & Supplies ($300), Payroll

Services ($125), Bulletin Paper ($50), Rectory Housekeeping, Cooking and Supplies ($150), Bulletin Editor ($144), Bulletin service contracts, supplies and printing ($100), Sacristans (7) ($316), Music (3 Masses) ($775), Visiting Priests for Sunday

Masses ($600), Pastor’s Weekly Salary for Administration of Church, School and Cemetery and Masses ($500), Cleaning and ironing church linens ($25), Office Supplies ($25), State Required Water Monitoring ($38), Water Tax.($65),

Advertisements ($70), Missed 1 and 4 Sunday Second Collection goal for Archdiocesan medical & building insurances. ($1,100), Laundry Service for Church Linens ($25) and Rectory Laundry ($25), Weekly contribution recording ($75),s t th

Secretary ($165), Church Supplies ($100 paid for by Shrine Candles), Fee for Vassar Hospital Chaplain ($37), Bookkeeper ($125), Total = $6,982

Updated & Revised: December 8, 2013 The contributions at all the Masses including poor box and shrines, envelopes and cash, go directly from the pews to a sealed bank bag at the rear of the Chapels. This sealed bank bag is then signed

by an usher and a sacristan. The Trustees and six other people all together open the sealed bank bag at a designated time and count, record and reseal the donations in a new bank bag. The new sealed bank bag is then transferred to the

bank where it is unsealed by the bankers. Any monies withdrawn from the bank account for bills is only done by way of a checking account. A copy of each check is then sent by computer to the Archdiocese for verification.

The Poor Boxes are located on

the exit walls. There is $7,281.11

currently in the Poor Box



Last Weekend’s FINANCIAL REPORT – June 5, 2016TO TAL WEEKLY CO LLECTIO N (1 , 2 ,& Emergency Collections) - $10,419.59st nd

exceeding our total weekly collection goal of $9,900 by $519.59

WEEKLY FIRST COLLECTION - $8,183.11 (includes $1,155.12 in loose cash and $455.49 from Parish Pay)This was $668.05 more than the First Collection last year which was $7,515.06 with 28 fewer families attending this year as last year.

Archdiocesan Fee for the Six Dutchess County Regional Catholic Schools - $481.00 missing our goal of $1,000 by $943.00The total amount of donations this week received from all collections, appeals, shrines, and poor boxes was $11,941.70

Prepared by James Daley and Kathleen Myers, Trustees (Trustees are those entrusted by the Pastor with the counting & recording of the Sunday collections)

The total number of those families attending on June 5 was 481 families or 943 adult worshipersth

Average First Collection donations per family $17.01 exceeding our goal of $14.00 by $3.01

Second Collections for School Debts and Archdiocesan FeesSunday Collection Date Average Second

Collection per FamilySecond CollectionsReceived this Month

$2,000 Goals

Beginning Balance CurrentBalance

First Old Debts for SchoolUtilities and Maintenance


6/5/16 $3.64 missing our goalof $6.50 by $2.86

$1,748.48missed goal by $251.52

(includes $550 in loose cash)

Old Bills for2012-2013



Second To Cemetery for loan for schoolteachers’ salaries and benefits

and Archdiocesan Fee(1999-2000) & OLR Parking

Lot (2011)

5/8/16 $4.07 missing our goalof $5 by $0.93

$1,856.54missed goal by $143.46

(includes $464 in loose cash)

1999 Loan Amount


2011 OLR Parking Lot


2012 School Septic & Chapel

Generator $14,500


Third To Cemetery for loan for schoolteachers’ salaries and benefits

and Archdiocesan Fees(2012-2013)

5/15/16 $3.39 missing our goalof $5 by $1.61

$1,756.52missed goal by $243.48

(includes $602 in loose cash)

2013 Loan Amount


Fourth To Archdiocese for theirInsurance & Fees on Chapel,

Rectory and Convent Buildingsand Medical Insurance Fee for

Parish Clergy

5/22/16 $2.93 missing our goalof $6.50 by $2.07

$1,479.39missed goal by $520.61

(includes $548 in loose cash)

Bill forSeptember 2014 -

August 2015


$29,002.77Balance to be paid

by First Collection

Fifth* Past School Debt to theArchdiocese for ArchdiocesanTeachers’ Medical Insurance1975-1999, 2007-2010 and

Archdiocesan Fees which were75% of bill*

5/29/16 $3.17 missing our goalof $5 by $1.83

$1,480.50 missed goal by $519.50

(includes $514 in loose cash)



Sat, June 4 th

School Gym

Sunday, June 5 th

Our Lady’s Chapel

*This is the total number ofadult worshipers only.Not including children.











Poor Box: Our Lady’s ChapelPoor Box: School Chapel

Shrine Statues: Our Lady’s ChapelShrine Statues: School Chapel

May 50/50Monthly 50/50 envelope must be paid by check or cash by May 29th

drawing will be May 30th

Received from on Friday 6/3 and Monday 6/6. BINGO FOR PARTIAL SCHOOL BLDG.

MAINTENANCE and SCHOLARSHIP (Prepared by: Keisha Forde, Bingo Chair) Total (2)




- Page 11 -



is Gerry

W ilkinson

who won


Page 14: Original St. Peter’s Seal Traditional Papal Sealstpetersparishny.com/bulletins/20160612.pdf · Original St. Peter’s Seal Traditional Papal Seal ... Business Hours & Mass Cards

Remembering our Mothers

In Memory of: Donated By:

† Sandra Vana..................................................................................................................Christina Pavlak

† Dorothy Hawkes, † Lillian Bernhard Lavarna,

† Agnes & Norma Lapan, † Theresa McCombs,

Bridget Romani, Erin Kozakiewicz.............................................................................Gail Bernhard

† Alice Corbo, † Anna Chupay...................................................................................John & Alice Chupay

† Marie Anna Sutton, † Lillian Langlais....................................................................Ray & Sylvia Sutton

† Ann Schiefele, † Elizabeth Holl, † Alice King,

Elizabeth Mutzel, † Mary Vinitore............................................................................Hedwig & Karl Holl

Jean Tursic.......................................................................................................................Joan Murnin

† Emily Moran...............................................................................................................The Family

All Mothers Living & Deceased.................................................................................Duane & Jeanne Pearson

Margaret T. DeMarco, Patricia A. Walaszek............................................................Charles & Alicia DeMarco

† Anna Ladzinski...........................................................................................................Florence Creeden

† Ann Walsh, † Joyce Chiarito.........................................................................Christine & Mike O’Dell & Family

† Adeline Citarella, † Dorothy Biro.......................................................................Robert Citarella

Helen Whitman......................................................................................................Christine & Rianna Ricci

† Johanna Evans, † Frances Relyea, † Mary Evans,

† Anna Baker, Linda Leonardo............................................................................Florence Baker

† Bertha Simmons, † Millie Will, † Madeline Will.............................................Cecilia Simmons

Marie Colletta, † Anne Ellis, † Anna Simone,

† Sadie Colletta........................................................................................................The Ellis Family

† Eileen Kristofik......................................................................................................The Family

† Jane Fanelli, † Frances Malik................................................................................Peter & Diane Fanelli

Linda M. Laub........................................................................................................Craig Laub

Mary Weiden, Rita Philipbar, † Ernestine Weiden,

† Catherine Duerr, † Frances Philipbar ...........................................................Elizabeth Weiden Philipbar

The Deceased Mothers of the Volkmann & Tompkins Families..................Alvara Tompkins

Christine Albera....................................................................................................Dianne Witter

† Rosemary Schlude, † Sylvia Richard....................................................Kathleen, Alexandra & Andrew Richard

† Mary Labulis, † Anita Myers........................................................................Barbara & Ray Labulis

† Clare Fenton McManus, † Esther Bernstein, Pam Bernstein,

Kate Schiff, Mary Sachson, Claire Bourget McManus................................Jane Bernstein

† Abby Garrison, Margaret Garrison, † Mary Cahill......................................The Thibault Family

† Mary Jankowski, † Josephine Palascio, Patricia Fishkin,

† Connie Fishkin, † Jennie Palascio, † Theresa Sprague.................................Patricia Fishkin

Joan Lankard, † Concetta Anzovino,

Alonna Lankard, Maria Rogers......................................................................John Lankard

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Page 15: Original St. Peter’s Seal Traditional Papal Sealstpetersparishny.com/bulletins/20160612.pdf · Original St. Peter’s Seal Traditional Papal Seal ... Business Hours & Mass Cards

St. Peter’s SchoolEst. 1844

The Oldest Catholic ElementarySchool in America

Registering for the2014-2015 School YearPlease call 471-6600 ext. 200

Please help support our bulletin by letting businesses that yousupport know that they can place ads for $130/6months or

$250/year, a savings of $10. Please call 845-452-8580 ext. 120for advertising information.

We are depending upon you, our parishioners, to help fill these empty boxeswhich will help cover our costs for writing, printing, and distributing this

weekly bulletin.

Happy Anniversary!

44 Wedding Anniversaryth

Bob Spilbor&

Nancy Lowerywere married on

June 4, 1972

Remembering our Mothers

In Memory of: Donated By:

† Anna Bromm Peterson, † Albina Bator............................................................................Marie Bator

† Helen Dimisko, † Filomena Buonaiuto,

† Francesca Volino..........................................................................................................Brian & Filomena Dimisko

† Josephine Klein, † Emilie Klein, † Mary Klein,

† Marie Klein, † Rose Porter, † Rose Germano.............................................................John Klein

† Maria A. Moore................................................................................................................The Moore Family

† Mary Barry Brown, † Anna Woodland Barry,

† Johanna Ryan Brown......................................................................................................Virginia B. McCauley

† Mollie Manna.......................................................................................................................Shawn Lawey

† Virginia Carola, † Ann Blackert,

† Irene Ortiz, † Theresa Bencivenga.................................................................................George & Lynn Carola

† Mollie Manna...................................................................................................................Rose Marie

† Kathleen Wermuth..........................................................................................................Johanna Wermuth

† Anna Simone, † Sadie Colletta, Patricia Toth,

Natalie Ellis, Donna Colletta..........................................................................................Marie Colletta

Please call Ext. 120 if there are any errors. We will reprint the corrected name next week. Please remember to always

print carefully. Thank You. † = Deceased

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Page 16: Original St. Peter’s Seal Traditional Papal Sealstpetersparishny.com/bulletins/20160612.pdf · Original St. Peter’s Seal Traditional Papal Seal ... Business Hours & Mass Cards

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