ork, alesan9ria, marshall sale vai.va8i1e mnos^ virginia ... · from fthwacbuset'a, by messrs...

from fthwacbuset'a, by Messrs Ful- bt tiiA Kf?d lro,n Ne<V.\ork, by Mr. i/t'iodal*; ironi Obio.bv Messrs. M'L'ean r" iVinmn; lioon Louisiana, by Messrs. ' C«n! * Gurley, and Livingston ; from N- was from inhabitants of rvrolina.~t>y Mr. Williams! #rThis petition was from f Jsiana, prav>«£ for an adjustment of Baron o ^rou’s claim, and was referred to a select ♦oBnnittee of five. Mr. Brent stated, as his * asonfor preferring this course, that the claim 1,3d been before Congress for ten years, and Kad been referred to the Committee on Public Lands, but, owing to the complicated nature cf the claim, it bad never been brought to a decision ) ']'be following r*?ofution, offered ye?» terday by Mr. Livingston, was then taken yP and agreed to : Resolved, That the Secretary oftheTreasu. fVbe directed to lay before this House au ac. cM'nl of the unclaimed dividends on the pub- lic stock, if any, since the establishment. The resold ion, offered yesterday by Mr. 0renf, was then taken up and agreed to. The btll to authorize the Secretary of the Treasury to adopt a new Hydrometer tor ascertaining the proof of liquors, was jead a third time and passed. Mr. IVicklitfe offered the folio 1 wmg re«o* which was ordered to lie on the Jut ion ; table: Kesolved, That it is expedient to amend the act ot Congress of the first of March, 1792, re* lath e to Electors of President and Vice Presi- dent, that the appointment of Election, by the tcveral States, shall be made upon the same dtv throughout the United States. Mr Jfickiiffe stated that the same rea- sons which rendered it necessary that the rotes ol the Electors of President should be given on the same day, operated to mak*j it equally necessary tn»( the election el Ulectois should tie made on the same day throughout the United States ; and re* cent events had rendered bis conviction on this subject, more settled He should move to lay the resolution on the table ; which was agreed to. On motion ot Mr- Hamilton, it was Resolved, That the Committee on Military Affairs be instructed to inquire into the expe- diency of providing bylaw tor the appointment an additional number ot Deputy or Assistant Quartermasters, with a view of securing a more effective responsibility in the disburse- ment of property in that department. On motion of Mr, Tracy, the House re- solved itself into Committee, on the Bill further to amend the act authorising the payment for property lost, captured or destroyed by the enemy while in the mili- tary service of the United States, and for other purposes—Mr. Campbell, ot Ohio, io the Chair Alter several amendments were offered and discussed, on motion of Mr. Dwight, the Committee rose, reported progress and obtained leave to sit again. On motion of Mr. Williams of N. C. the bill was ordered to be printed. On motion of Mr. Taylor, the House then adjourned. In consequence of the modification by the Senate ot the convention between the United States and Great Britain, tor the suppression ot the African slave trade, Mr. Adams, as soon as congress adjourned last spring, 9ent the amended treaty to Mr. Hush, our minister in London, with in- structions to lay it before the British go- vernment, and to request its acceptance of Ibe modifications proposed A correspon- dence accordingly took place between Mr* Kush and Mr. Canning, the British Secretary of State, on the subject. The British Secretary, though bis government would have preferred the original treaty as submitted to the Senate acceded to all the modifications made in it by that bo- dy, except that which excluded the right ot searching vessels suspected of slave- trading on the coa9t of America. Mr- Canning considered that while this right ot search was authorized to be practised in the West Indies.lhe principles of equal- ity and mutual confidence required it to he authorized on the American coast.— Willing to ralilv the treaty with the res- toration of this provision, the British go veroraent sentan authority to Mr. Adding- ton, its charge of affairs at Washington, to agree to the instrument with that amend ffieot. To this effect Mr. Addington ad- dreied to Mr Adams, in the early part of la3* month, a letter. In the reply ot Mr, Adams, be states the unabated earnestness ot our government to accomplish the en- tire extinction of the odious traffic in slaves and states that the President would refer the whole subject to the deliberate advise- meat of congress, with whom it now rests Philadelphia Aurora. At the period of Sir Joshua Reynold's visit to Rome, it was a custom with the Kaglish painters there to meet in the e- venirgs for conversations, and frequently to make little excursions together in the country. On one ot those occasions, on a summer afternoon, when the season was particularly hot. the whole company threw off their coats, a9 being an incumbrance to them, except one. named Astley, who alone showed great reluctance to follow' this general example: this seemed very unaccountable to his companions, when some jokes made on his singularity at last obliged him to take his coat off also. \ he mystery was then immediately explained; for it appeared that the hinder part ot his waistcoat was made, by way ol thriltiness fiut of one of his own picture?, and thus displayed a tremendous waterfall on hi? hick, to the great diversion of his com Ramons’ l or Rent, The house on WashinjftoTi^treet lately occupied by the subscriber, it h* in a very gv>od stale ol repair, a healthy situation and genteel fteijthbprbiwMi. Application may be maoe absence, to C. I Catlett, esq. or to JHr- Sanvi. Mark. JOHN LLOW dec 18 M Negroes W anted, subscriber not having completed v. * his coMip!eineyt,iinte nis remaining towti a itw days, and wishes to pur- chase 8 or 10 Likely Young Negroes which he will £ive th<* cash Aoply at k" Lego’s Tavern, upper en i of K«ng-st. «ec 18 AUSTIN WOOLFOLK. ALESAN9RIA, SATURDAY" MORNING, DEC. 18, 182*. Oil ^ ednesJay last tlie first commence* oncMn of the Columbian College took place «*’. D* Laurie s Church, ic Washington Am01.4 die visiters at this interesting spec* tacle, were the Presidentol the U.S, Gen. La Fayette, George W. La Fayette, Gen. Jackson, Mr, Adams, Mr. Calhoun, Mr. Southard, and Gov. Barbour. The fol- lowing were *be order ol the exercises: MUSIC—PRAYER. Orations of Original Composition. Under Graduates. 1. Responsibilities of Ameriran Youth, by John Boulware, Soph. Va. 2. I’he Superiority of Grecian over Roman literature, bv John VV. James, Soph. Va. MUSIC 3. 'I imoleon and Washington, by Thomas D. Eliott, jun. D. C. 4. 1 he inliuence of Mathematics on the mind, by Baron Stow, jun. N. U. MUSIC. Candidates for the First Degree. 5. The United States, by Alexander Ewell, Va. 6. The Spirit ot Liberty, by Albert Fairfax, Va. MUSIC. 7. Philosophy of the ative pov'ers of Man : an Oration, with Valedictory Addresses, bv James D. Knowles, R. 1, Conferring of Degrees, MUSIt. Baccalaureite Address, by the President of the College. BKNEDICTIOjN. The General seemed much affected at some parts of the exhibition, and when- ever his name was mentioned, the audience testified their approbation by loud and re- peated plaudits. About three o'clock the Nation's Guest was received at the College by the Facul- ty and Students, with the banners belong- ing to the several Societies, The venera- ble President of the Institution then de- livered a short but feeling address, to which the General made an appropriate reply. The Students were, afterwards, se- verally introduced, and each had an op* purtunity of taking by the band, our com- mon friend and benefactor. He was then conducted to Dr. Staughton’s dwelling, where, with (be beads ot Departments and other distinguished individuals, he partook of a splendid collation* It is hoped that the mischievous and «m- pudent chap who sent us an advertisement, which appeared in our last, will find some- thing better to exercise his wonderful wit upon in future, than the concerns of an old inhabitant ot our town, whose years de- mands respect. Washington, Dec. 17.—Yesterday Gen. La Fayette. accompanied by Dr. Kent and Mr, Mitchell, of the House of Representatives, from Maryland, and se- veral other gentlemen, and escorted by Major Andrews' Dragoons, left the city for Annapolis, in compliance with the in- vitation •! that city. At the District line be was met by a Deputation irom Annapolis, and Gov. Sprigg's Troop of Cavalry. At this place a most interesiing & affecting scene was witnessed—it was* the meeting be- tween the Genera) and the Soldier who bore him Irom the field of battle, when wounded, in our Revolutionary War. We understand he was to proceed no further last night, than the residence of Gov. Sprigg: and to leave there this morning for Annapolis. A at. Jour. Office of Commissioners under the $y. Petersburg Convention, Washington December 14» ORDERED: 1. That the Board will sit with open doors, each morning of its meeting, lor the purpose of receiving proofs, motions, and other communications, from the claim- ants, and their agents. All motions shall be in writing, and if supported by argu- ment, the argument also shall be in wri- ting. 2. That the Board will, on a day whicn shall be hereafter appointed and announ- ced, proceed to call over the definite list, in the presence of the tbimants and their agents, for the purpose of ascertaining what claimants are ready to submit their cases lor examination and decision. 3. That the claimants, respectively, or their agents, upon producing a special au- thority to that effect from their principal?, shall be permitted from time to time* to lake out of the Office of the Commission- ers their original documents and papers, for the purpose of investigation and exam- ination, giving to the Secretary an engage- ment for their sate and punctual return within one month. i, That the Board, until! it shall further order, will meet at 11 o’ clock A M. The Board adjourned until Thursday next, the 16*h mst. JAMES BAKER, Secretary. MEXICAN PAPERS. New York, Dec- 15—A passenger in {he Emma* has favored us with the loan of a* tile of the ‘Sol’ of a late date* The following are extracts: Mexico, Nov. 2 The Hon. Sr. 3antamaria has permitted us to print a partot an official communica- tion Irom Sr. Koca, Inteudant General of Guayaquil, as follows: Guayaquil, Sept. 28. 1824, ‘To the Hon S* Miguel de SaQtamaria- ‘Honored Sir, ‘After having put in the letter bog the despatch that l send you by tbi9 vessel, at the moment that she was about to sail, a brig arrived from Guancinaco, and the Captain asserts, that our army bgd a se- cond time crowned itself with llurels, by destroying tbe enemy beyond Guamanga, with the exception of only one corps i loen who tuvo escaped; tbe doubt is,whe- tber this is a second defeat of Canterac,or whether the action bas been vriib the co» lumn competed ot distinct detachments, that was marching to the assistance of the army; but whatever the eorps was* it is a complete victory^ the enemy being redu- ced to a slate of nullity.’ Mexico* Oct* 3o* Our loud and earnest demands for pub- lic security have been beard, and we have the satisfaction ot announcing that ener* get c measures have been taken by ail the authorities, to pursue and punish the evil doeaa who have recently dared to throw this capital into consternation; but we cannot avoid calling the attention of our fellow citizens, although it may offend his native modesty, to the singular activity of our worthy commandant general the citi- zen Ignaier Mora, who bas already sue' ceeded in apprehending many well known robbers, and is pursuing their comrades with the utmost diligence, as well within as out ot the city, insomuch, that if he proceeds with the same vigor, we doubt not that in a little time be will purge this so important a part ot the republic-'-of the miscreants that infest if. We have understood that the offenders are to be t e I by a military tribunal, and con- sequently the public vengeance will be sa- tisfied as speedi!*' as possible; and in lact that is the very measure which peaceable citizens are urgently demanding; by ap- prehending them nothing is gained* the jails being lull ot criminals of every class. IN COUNCIL, Dec. 15. Mr. Norman R. Fitzhugb, the mem- ber elect from the fourth Ward, appeared was qualified and' took his seat. The Committee to whom was referred the petition ol Henry Bayne and others, reported a bill entitled an Act regula- ting Coal yards,” which was read a first time and laid on the table. The Committee on the petition of Charles Bradford made a report which was read, and thereupon ordered that the Supermten- d*nt*of Police notify the proprietors of the lots on the west side of Pitt,between Wolf and Wilkes street, to open the foot way on said street, and that they be allowed thirty days lor removing their fences. The Committee to whom was referred the petition ol A. P. Gilpin and other-, made a report which was read, and there upon ordered that the Supermteudant of Police do make a loot way from William Lanpbier’s corner to the bridge on Pitt st. three feet wide of durable materials.— Also the following footways to the pump corner of Cameron and Fayette streets, viz : one from the footway opposite John Douglas’s house, on Cameron street, to the i high grounds west of Henry street, and | one from the pavement opposite Westley Beedle\* dwelling house, on Fayette st, A communication from the Mayor on the subject of the Act creating a Corporation Stock, &c was received and read, and referred to Messrs- Mandeville, Douglass, Veitcb, and the president of the the Coun- cil A communication from the Board of Health was received and read, whereupon the recommendation of the Board ol Health for an allowance of two hundred and fifty dollars to the Superintendant of i Police in addition to bis present salary, and twelve dollars and filly cents to the | Messenger, was concurred in by council. A communication from S. A. Marsteller was received and read, and referred to Messrs. Robinson, Mason, and Fitzbugb. Ordered, That the Attorney of the Cor- poration do furnish council at their next meeting, with a written opinion how far the law of Congress of last session amend- ing the Charter of Washington, operates on the town of Alexandria, and that the Messenger do serve him with a notice of the meeting of Council. The Auditor’s Report of Expenditures was presented and laid on the table. Extract, I. P. THOMPSON, C. C, SAILED—Dec. 16- Sloop Constitution, Bishop*Philadelp’a* Schr Penelope, Norris Boston- 17th-—Schr. Exchange, Harris N.York Sloop Vernon, William?, New York and New Haven. I Brig Mary and Elizabeth, Bray, Boston. ARRIVED—Dec, 17. Sloop Fanny* Mitchell, Baltimore, 5 day?; freight for the district. Just Received, 200 drums fine figs ]2 barrels refined sugar 1 bale cotton goods. Per sloop Fanny, and for saie by dec 18—tt S. MESSER5M1TH, Bank of Alexandria, December 18, 1824. THE Stockholders in this institution aie hereby notified that an ELEC- TION for ten Directors, to manage its af- fairs for the ensuing year, will be held at the Town Hall, on the third Monday, (the 17th') of January next. By order of the board. JAMES L. McKENNA, Cashier, dec 18 tJ19 Cheap Houses and Lots. 1 OFFER for rent for the next year, or tor a term of years, se- veral houses situated at this place, they would accommodate respect- able families bavirg three and four fire- places each, with good gardens, &c. I will rent them on very reasonable terms to punctual tenants, and put them in good re- pair. Possession to be bad 1st January, I8?6. Also, several unimproved half acre lots on ground rent forever, or on sale in fee simple, one ot which lots i9 handsomely and advantageously situated for a Tan- Yard- To a Tanner capable and who would carry on that trade on a tolerable large scale, the lot would be let or sold, on bis own terms. 1 invite any persou de* sirous of houses* or lots, to call and see them, when 1 have no doubt, but they will be satisfied with the terms. It is a healthy situation and a very public one. It. RATCLIFFE, Dec 18—3t Fairfax Court-House* Marshall Sale of VAI.VA8I1E MNOS^ IN VIRGINIA. VIRGINIA: At a Superior Court of Chancery held in the town of Fredericksburg' on the 28th day of May, 1824— Yearnan Smith, Plaintiff, Against William Grayson, Doddridge P. Chiches- ter. Hancock Lee, Thompson F. Mason, Margaret McCarty, Sarah McCarty, John M. McCarty. William iVI. Mc- Carty, and Daniel and Ami McCarty, infants by John Stanard, assigned their guardian; John \V. Bronaugh aod Ann E* his wife; Robert I. Taylor, and Jo- seph Brewer, Defendants. JTnHIS suit abates as to the defendant JL Sarah McCarty, by her death—and coining on to be beard upon the orignal bill, the exhibits and examinations of w itnesses. and the answers of tbe defendants William Grayson, Hancock Lee, John (VI, McCar- ty, William M. McCarty, and Daniel arid Ann McCarty infants, and upon the sup- plemental hill of the plain thT, and the an- swers thereto of John M and William M. McCarty, and of the infant defendants; and it appearing to tbe Court that the plaintiff has proceeded in the mode pre- scribed by law against the delendants Thompson F Mason, Margaret McCarty, John VV. Bronaugb and Ann E his wife, Robert !• Taylor and Joseph Brewer, who are out o( this Coramouweallh; and these aeienaams miii tailing 10 appear an- swer the original or the supplemental bill; and it moreover appearing to the Court, that the orders entered at rules have been duly served upon the defendants William Grayson and Hancock Lee, and they tail- ing to answer the supplemental bill, the bills are taken for confessed as to the ab- sent defendants, and (he supplemental bill is taken for confessed as to the said defend** ants William Grayson and Hancock Lee, and wa9 argued by counsel: On consider ation whereof, and with the assent of John M and William M. McCarty, by their counsel, the Court doth adjudge, order and decree» that unless the defendants, or some ot them, shall, on or befora the 28th day of November, 1824, pay and satisfy to the plaintiff, or such person as shall have been authorized by him Jto receive the same, the sum of tourleen thousand two hundred and fifty-six dollars, with interest at the rate of six per centum per annum from the 10th day ot June, 1820, until paid, the defendants and evtery of them claiming title in the land herein after di- rected to be sold, shall be barred and lore- closed ot all equity of redemption and all right and title therein derived„by inheritance or otherwise, by, from, or under Edgar McC*riy, deceased; and in case of default in the payment of the said principal money and interest within the time aforesaid, that then it shall and may be lawful for the Marshal of this Court, n ho is hereby directed and empowered to act as the Commissioner of this Court in what followeth: to wit, to sell at public auction, for ready money, the residue of the tract ot land described in the indenture exhibited by the complainant, bearing date on the 8th day of November, 1817, pur- porting to be an indenture between the said Edgar McCarty of the first part, VVj|- iiara McCarty of tbe second part, and Wil- liam Grayson of tbe third part, and called Cedar Grove, after deducting from the said tract ot land that part which is charg- ed to have been sold, or agreed to be sold, by the said Edgar McCarty in bis life time to Doddridge F. Chichester, and another part to tbe defendant Hancock Lee, which residue, or so much as may be necessary for the purpose, shall be sold upon the premises, alter having advertised the lime and place of sale for five weeks successive ly in or more newspapers printed in the District of Columbia, and out o( the mo- ney arising from such sale, alter defraying the expenses attending tbe same, pay to tbe plaintiff, or to such person as shall have been authorized by him to receive tbe same; the surplus of the said money, or so much thereof as may be sufficient to satisfy the said debt and interest; and it there be any surplus remaining, pay the said last mentioned surplus into tbe Office ot Discount and Deposit ot fhe Farmers’ Baok of Virginia at Fredericksburg, sub* ject to the future order of tbe Court in this cause*, and make report of his proceedings | to the. Court ♦But this sale is to be made ; subject to the undivided interest in tbe ! premises of the infant children of Daniel I McCarty.deceased,which they inherit from j their uncle Thompson Ma^on, deceased; | and subject also to tbe undivided interest 1 which Sarah McCarty, deceased, had in the premises as another heir ol the said Thompson Mason. A copy. Teste,—J. H. WILLIAMS, C. C. C. pT Notice. Q^-Pursuant to the foregoing decree, l shall, on the 26th day of January next, on the premises, expose to sale by public auction,, to the highest bidder, lor ready money, the residue of the tract of land, thereby decreed to be sold, subject to the undivided interests therein! mentioned. This tract of land is ca lied CEO Jill grove, and lies in the county of Fairfax, about twelve miles from Alexandria, and two from Janney’s Mill, and is bounded 10 part by tbe Potomac river, and two tide wa- ter creeks, tbe (Accotink and Pohick.— By reference to ibe deed, of tbe 8th Nov, 18 17, referred to in the decree, it appears that there were 1600 acres in tbe tract.— One thousand and fifty acres of which is charged in tbe supplemental bill to have been sold, or agreed,to be sold by Edgar McCarty in bis lifetime, to Doddridge P. Chichester and Hancock Lee; tbe residue therefore, which is now to he sold under tbe foregoing decree, is five hundred and fifty acres, which includes all tbe im- provements. as I am informed. WILLIAM M. CK AIG, D’y of JOHN STANAKD, M, F C D. dec ?8 6w Almonds, &c. J Q bngrs fresh soft shell almonds 12 boxes do capers and olives—Just received from New York, and lor sale by itz 14 CLAGETT& PAGE. AUCTION SALKS. •Public Sale; ON TUESDAY, at 10 o’drcfc wi-ll fee- sold at the auction office&it*Tar in bbls.. vinegar do. brandy in pipps, gid do. lime juice do. tumblers- in boxes, s/de- boards, secretaries, bureaus, sofas, ch^ir3, (variety) beds, bedsteads, fable.*, stoves, looking1 trf3ss>-s A£so;clotbs, cassimerhs, cassinetts, blankets, hdkfs, shavvie, plaids, cottons, 1 piece &up. caipfeMirg^boinba zettes, stripes, threads, button3, sew silk and cotton. Also without reserve, 6 cases men’s fine lor hats. dec 18 S A, MARSTSLLftR- INitfht 8al<*. ON TUESDAY EVENING, si 7 o’- clock, will be sold at the auctions store, in lots to suit purchasers—Hats, cloth, cas?imereti, cassinetts, hombozetts, War* plaid, cottons, umbrellas, thread, silk, cotton, uuns.. callicoes, bose> vesting, etc etc. A I*.), Chamber's Cyclopedia or (Jnivemal Dictionary of Arts and Sciences, with Rees’s edition, a London edition in d VOiP. dec 13 S, A MARSTLLLER, anc. Notice. BY virtue of a decree of the chancery court of Fredericksburg, pronounced on the 10th day of Way, 1824. in a suit in the name of Jacob Weaver, Plaintiff, a- gainst George W Foote, adminislran r de bonis non of Richard H Foote, dec’d, and Alexander Scott and Elizabeth, bis wile, Defendants—l shall proceed to sell, for cash, at the front door of the tavern ot Hoziah Hickerson* near Elk Hun Fau- quier county, on the 5tb day of March, 18?5, three several tracts of land, lying and being in Fauquier county, containing about eleven hundred ami thirteen acres, or 90 much a9 will be sufficient to answer the provisions contained in a deed of trus', executed on the btb June, 1817, by in* said Alexander Scott and Elizabeth h;S wife, to the said Richard H. Foote, to secure to Jacob Weaver a certain sum of money therein mentioned, with interest, arid all costs and charges necessarily in- curred in carrying into effect said sale.— The deed referred to is duly recorded in the office of Fauquier County Court, and will be exhibited on the day of sale.-*— Such title only will be conveyed, as is vested in the subscriber by virtue of said decree. GEORGE YV FOOTE, Substituted Trustee, hy the decree of said chancery court, in the place of R H* Foote, deceased. dec 18—t5.M For Freight, The fine brig LEADER,Edward fStanard* ir.aster; burthen looobbls; will take a freight for South America, the West Indies or New^Orleans. Apply to dec 16 A. C CAZENOVE & Cof Notice. THE creditors of Thos- Shreve and *1 Shreve & Co-are requested to cali^ at Braden, Morgan & |Co’«» counting- room, to receive rbeir dividend a? per deed of trust- JOHN MORNAN% 12th mn 16—3t One of the Trustee*. Chocolate. \TINETY boxes and half boxes Baker 3 ! JL 1 No, 1 & 2 and Lupbnn’s No. 1 cho- colate, fresh from the manutactory, receiv- ed per brig Cypher, and for sale by dec 14S MESSEKSMITH. Stop the Thief. 30 DOLLARS REWARD. STRAYED or was stolen from the Ca- pitol Hill, Washington City, on Tues- day night 7th inst. about 7 o'clock, A ROAN MARE, saddle and bridle she is about 15 bands high, well made; on the left side oi uer back was a soar which occasioned ber o be scitfifh when mounting; walks and trots last, easy canter, and gallops remarkably fine The said mare was hired to Messrs Morse & ,/osstlyn of this place* was rode to the Capitol Hill and hitched to a post. Mr Josseiyn states that while be was engaged in transacting some business in the bouse, fbe mare abscond- ed. The above reward will be given tor the delivery of the mare, and conviction of the thief* or Id do.lars for the delivery of the mare, saddle and bridle. dec 16—3t GEO, W, CATLETT. Little River Turnpike Com- pany. ^HE stockholders in this institution will JL meet at Horatio Clagett’s Hotel, in the town of Alexandria, on FRIDAY the SEVENTH of 7ANf ARY, 1825, to elect a President, four Directors, and a Trea- surer, and lor the settlement of the ac- counts of the last year- On the lollowiig day the Superintendents ol the Road, and Collectors of Tolls at all the Oates, will be appointed. By order of the President. JONAH THOMPSON, Treasurer, dec 4 st7J Southern Bank Notes Wanted. North Carolina,! south Caioiioa. (. Bank Notes Georgia and l New-Orleans, J Which will be taken at fair rates by S. & M. ALLEN <$• CO, Lottery Exchange Brokers. Pennsylvania Atenue. Washington City. Where may he nad, at eight, or short dales, drafts on liALTIMOHE, PHItADEtnilAf New York, k Boston. dec 14 __[[_ Marine Insurance Comply of JUia Notice. rpHE stockholders in this company are JL hereby notified, that an election for fifteen Directors, will lie held at tht :* of** fice on Saturday the \blh day of Janiicu'j next, fiu£U 10 till 'i o'clock The Ubiisier book will be closed from Wednesday the Igih January, until me election is over. J. 15. MCKOLLS, Se« V- dec 9 J3v*3t£td*

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Page 1: ork, ALESAN9RIA, Marshall Sale VAI.VA8I1E MNOS^ VIRGINIA ... · from fthwacbuset'a, by Messrs Ful- bt tiiA Kf?d lro,n Ne

from fthwacbuset'a, by Messrs Ful- bt tiiA Kf?d lro,n Ne<V.\ork, by Mr. i/t'iodal*; ironi Obio.bv Messrs. M'L'ean

r" iVinmn; lioon Louisiana, by Messrs. '

C«n! * Gurley, and Livingston ; from N-

was from inhabitants of rvrolina.~t>y Mr. Williams! #rThis petition was from

f Jsiana, prav>«£ for an adjustment of Baron o ^rou’s claim, and was referred to a select

♦oBnnittee of five. Mr. Brent stated, as his *

asonfor preferring this course, that the claim

1,3d been before Congress for ten years, and

Kad been referred to the Committee on Public

Lands, but, owing to the complicated nature

cf the claim, it bad never been brought to a

decision ) ']'be following r*?ofution, offered ye?»

terday by Mr. Livingston, was then taken yP and agreed to :

Resolved, That the Secretary oftheTreasu.

fVbe directed to lay before this House au ac.

cM'nl of the unclaimed dividends on the pub- lic stock, if any, since the establishment.

The resold ion, offered yesterday by Mr. 0renf, was then taken up and agreed to.

The btll to authorize the Secretary of the Treasury to adopt a new Hydrometer tor ascertaining the proof of liquors, was

jead a third time and passed. Mr. IVicklitfe offered the folio 1 wmg re«o*

which was ordered to lie on the Jut ion ; table:

Kesolved, That it is expedient to amend the

act ot Congress of the first of March, 1792, re*

lath e to Electors of President and Vice Presi- dent, that the appointment of Election, by the

tcveral States, shall be made upon the same

dtv throughout the United States. Mr Jfickiiffe stated that the same rea-

sons which rendered it necessary that the rotes ol the Electors of President should be given on the same day, operated to

mak*j it equally necessary tn»( the election el Ulectois should tie made on the same

day throughout the United States ; and re*

cent events had rendered bis conviction on this subject, more settled He should move to lay the resolution on the table ; which was agreed to.

On motion ot Mr- Hamilton, it was

Resolved, That the Committee on Military Affairs be instructed to inquire into the expe- diency of providing bylaw tor the appointment

an additional number ot Deputy or Assistant Quartermasters, with a view of securing a

more effective responsibility in the disburse- ment of property in that department.

On motion of Mr, Tracy, the House re-

solved itself into Committee, on the Bill further to amend the act authorising the payment for property lost, captured or

destroyed by the enemy while in the mili- tary service of the United States, and for other purposes—Mr. Campbell, ot Ohio, io the Chair

Alter several amendments were offered and discussed, on motion of Mr. Dwight, the Committee rose, reported progress and obtained leave to sit again.

On motion of Mr. Williams of N. C. the bill was ordered to be printed.

On motion of Mr. Taylor, the House then adjourned.

In consequence of the modification by the Senate ot the convention between the United States and Great Britain, tor the suppression ot the African slave trade, Mr. Adams, as soon as congress adjourned last spring, 9ent the amended treaty to Mr. Hush, our minister in London, with in- structions to lay it before the British go- vernment, and to request its acceptance of Ibe modifications proposed A correspon- dence accordingly took place between Mr* Kush and Mr. Canning, the British Secretary of State, on the subject. The British Secretary, though bis government would have preferred the original treaty as submitted to the Senate acceded to

all the modifications made in it by that bo- dy, except that which excluded the right ot searching vessels suspected of slave- trading on the coa9t of America. Mr- Canning considered that while this right ot search was authorized to be practised in the West Indies.lhe principles of equal- ity and mutual confidence required it to

he authorized on the American coast.—

Willing to ralilv the treaty with the res-

toration of this provision, the British go veroraent sentan authority to Mr. Adding- ton, its charge of affairs at Washington, to

agree to the instrument with that amend ffieot. To this effect Mr. Addington ad- dreied to Mr Adams, in the early part of la3* month, a letter. In the reply ot Mr, Adams, be states the unabated earnestness ot our government to accomplish the en-

tire extinction of the odious traffic in slaves and states that the President would refer the whole subject to the deliberate advise- meat of congress, with whom it now rests

Philadelphia Aurora.

At the period of Sir Joshua Reynold's visit to Rome, it was a custom with the Kaglish painters there to meet in the e-

venirgs for conversations, and frequently to make little excursions together in the

country. On one ot those occasions, on a

summer afternoon, when the season was

particularly hot. the whole company threw off their coats, a9 being an incumbrance to them, except one. named Astley, who alone showed great reluctance to follow' this general example: this seemed very unaccountable to his companions, when some jokes made on his singularity at last obliged him to take his coat off also. \ he mystery was then immediately explained; for it appeared that the hinder part ot his waistcoat was made, by way ol thriltiness fiut of one of his own picture?, and thus displayed a tremendous waterfall on hi?

hick, to the great diversion of his com


l or Rent, The house on WashinjftoTi^treet

lately occupied by the subscriber, it h* in a very gv>od stale ol repair,

• a healthy situation and genteel fteijthbprbiwMi. Application may be maoe

absence, to C. I Catlett, esq. or to

JHr- Sanvi. Mark. JOHN LLOW dec 18 M

Negroes W anted, subscriber not having completed

v. * his coMip!eineyt,iinte nis remaining towti a itw days, and wishes to pur-

chase 8 or 10 Likely Young Negroes

which he will £ive th<* cash Aoply at

k" Lego’s Tavern, upper en i of K«ng-st. «ec 18 AUSTIN WOOLFOLK.


Oil ^ ednesJay last tlie first commence* oncMn of the Columbian College took place «*’. D* Laurie s Church, ic Washington —

Am01.4 die visiters at this interesting spec* tacle, were the Presidentol the U.S, Gen. La Fayette, George W. La Fayette, Gen. Jackson, Mr, Adams, Mr. Calhoun, Mr. Southard, and Gov. Barbour. The fol- lowing were *be order ol the exercises:

MUSIC—PRAYER. Orations of Original Composition. Under Graduates.

1. Responsibilities of Ameriran Youth, by John Boulware, Soph. Va. 2. I’he Superiority of Grecian over Roman

literature, bv John VV. James, Soph. Va. MUSIC

3. 'I imoleon and Washington, by Thomas D. Eliott, jun. D. C.

4. 1 he inliuence of Mathematics on the mind, by Baron Stow, jun. N. U.

MUSIC. Candidates for the First Degree.

5. The United States, by Alexander Ewell, Va.

6. The Spirit ot Liberty, by Albert Fairfax, Va.

MUSIC. 7. Philosophy of the ative pov'ers of Man :

an Oration, with Valedictory Addresses, bv James D. Knowles, R. 1,

Conferring of Degrees, MUSIt.

Baccalaureite Address, by the President of the College.

BKNEDICTIOjN. The General seemed much affected at

some parts of the exhibition, and when- ever his name was mentioned, the audience testified their approbation by loud and re-

peated plaudits. About three o'clock the Nation's Guest

was received at the College by the Facul- ty and Students, with the banners belong- ing to the several Societies, The venera-

ble President of the Institution then de- livered a short but feeling address, to

which the General made an appropriate reply. The Students were, afterwards, se-

verally introduced, and each had an op* purtunity of taking by the band, our com-

mon friend and benefactor. He was then conducted to Dr. Staughton’s dwelling, where, with (be beads ot Departments and other distinguished individuals, he partook of a splendid collation*

It is hoped that the mischievous and «m-

pudent chap who sent us an advertisement, which appeared in our last, will find some-

thing better to exercise his wonderful wit

upon in future, than the concerns of an old inhabitant ot our town, whose years de- mands respect.

Washington, Dec. 17.—Yesterday Gen. La Fayette. accompanied by Dr. Kent and Mr, Mitchell, of the House of Representatives, from Maryland, and se-

veral other gentlemen, and escorted by Major Andrews' Dragoons, left the city for Annapolis, in compliance with the in- vitation •! that city.

At the District line be was met by a

Deputation irom Annapolis, and Gov. Sprigg's Troop of Cavalry. At this place a most interesiing & affecting scene

was witnessed—it was* the meeting be- tween the Genera) and the Soldier who bore him Irom the field of battle, when wounded, in our Revolutionary War.

We understand he was to proceed no

further last night, than the residence of Gov. Sprigg: and to leave there this morning for Annapolis. A at. Jour.

Office of Commissioners under the

$y. Petersburg Convention, Washington December 14»

ORDERED: 1. That the Board will sit with open

doors, each morning of its meeting, lor the purpose of receiving proofs, motions, and other communications, from the claim- ants, and their agents. All motions shall be in writing, and if supported by argu- ment, the argument also shall be in wri- ting.

2. That the Board will, on a day whicn shall be hereafter appointed and announ-

ced, proceed to call over the definite list, in the presence of the tbimants and their agents, for the purpose of ascertaining what claimants are ready to submit their cases lor examination and decision.

3. That the claimants, respectively, or

their agents, upon producing a special au-

thority to that effect from their principal?, shall be permitted from time to time* to

lake out of the Office of the Commission- ers their original documents and papers, for the purpose of investigation and exam-

ination, giving to the Secretary an engage- ment for their sate and punctual return within one month.

i, That the Board, until! it shall further order, will meet at 11 o’ clock A M.

The Board adjourned until Thursday next, the 16*h mst.

JAMES BAKER, Secretary.

MEXICAN PAPERS. New York, Dec- 15—A passenger in

{he Emma* has favored us with the loan of a* tile of the ‘Sol’ of a late date* The following are extracts:

Mexico, Nov. 2

The Hon. Sr. 3antamaria has permitted us to print a partot an official communica- tion Irom Sr. Koca, Inteudant General of

Guayaquil, as follows:

Guayaquil, Sept. 28. 1824, ‘To the Hon S* Miguel de SaQtamaria-

‘Honored Sir, ‘After having put in the letter bog the

despatch that l send you by tbi9 vessel, at

the moment that she was about to sail, a

brig arrived from Guancinaco, and the

Captain asserts, that our army bgd a se-

cond time crowned itself with llurels, by destroying tbe enemy beyond Guamanga, with the exception of only one corps o»

i loen who tuvo escaped; tbe doubt is,whe-

tber this is a second defeat of Canterac,or whether the action bas been vriib the co» lumn competed ot distinct detachments, that was marching to the assistance of the army; but whatever the eorps was* it is a complete victory^ the enemy being redu- ced to a slate of nullity.’

Mexico* Oct* 3o* Our loud and earnest demands for pub- lic security have been beard, and we have

the satisfaction ot announcing that ener* get c measures have been taken by ail the authorities, to pursue and punish the evil doeaa who have recently dared to throw this capital into consternation; but we cannot avoid calling the attention of our fellow citizens, although it may offend his native modesty, to the singular activity of our worthy commandant general the citi- zen Ignaier Mora, who bas already sue' ceeded in apprehending many well known robbers, and is pursuing their comrades with the utmost diligence, as well within as out ot the city, insomuch, that if he proceeds with the same vigor, we doubt not that in a little time be will purge this so important a part ot the republic-'-of the miscreants that infest if.

We have understood that the offenders are to be t e I by a military tribunal, and con-

sequently the public vengeance will be sa- tisfied as speedi!*' as possible; and in lact that is the very measure which peaceable citizens are urgently demanding; by ap- prehending them nothing is gained* the jails being lull ot criminals of every class.

IN COUNCIL, Dec. 15. Mr. Norman R. Fitzhugb, the mem-

ber elect from the fourth Ward, appeared was qualified and' took his seat.

The Committee to whom was referred the petition ol Henry Bayne and others, reported a bill entitled “ an Act regula- ting Coal yards,” which was read a first time and laid on the table. The Committee on the petition of Charles

Bradford made a report which was read, and thereupon ordered that the Supermten- d*nt*of Police notify the proprietors of the lots on the west side of Pitt,between Wolf and Wilkes street, to open the foot way on said street, and that they be allowed thirty days lor removing their fences.

The Committee to whom was referred the petition ol A. P. Gilpin and other-, made a report which was read, and there upon ordered that the Supermteudant of Police do make a loot way from William Lanpbier’s corner to the bridge on Pitt st. three feet wide of durable materials.— Also the following footways to the pump corner of Cameron and Fayette streets, viz : one from the footway opposite John Douglas’s house, on Cameron street, to the i

high grounds west of Henry street, and | one from the pavement opposite Westley Beedle\* dwelling house, on Fayette st,

A communication from the Mayor on the subject of the Act creating a Corporation Stock, &c was received and read, and referred to Messrs- Mandeville, Douglass, Veitcb, and the president of the the Coun- cil

A communication from the Board of Health was received and read, whereupon the recommendation of the Board ol Health for an allowance of two hundred and fifty dollars to the Superintendant of

i Police in addition to bis present salary, and twelve dollars and filly cents to the

| Messenger, was concurred in by council. A communication from S. A. Marsteller

was received and read, and referred to

Messrs. Robinson, Mason, and Fitzbugb. Ordered, That the Attorney of the Cor-

poration do furnish council at their next

meeting, with a written opinion how far the law of Congress of last session amend- ing the Charter of Washington, operates on the town of Alexandria, and that the Messenger do serve him with a notice of the meeting of Council.

The Auditor’s Report of Expenditures was presented and laid on the table.

Extract, I. P. THOMPSON, C. C,

SAILED—Dec. 16- Sloop Constitution, Bishop*Philadelp’a* Schr Penelope, Norris Boston- 17th-—Schr. Exchange, Harris N.York

Sloop Vernon, William?, New York and New Haven.

I Brig Mary and Elizabeth, Bray, Boston. ARRIVED—Dec, 17.

Sloop Fanny* Mitchell, Baltimore, 5 day?; freight for the district.

Just Received, 200 drums fine figs ]2 barrels refined sugar

1 bale cotton goods. Per sloop Fanny, and for saie by

• dec 18—tt S. MESSER5M1TH,

Bank of Alexandria, December 18, 1824.

THE Stockholders in this institution aie hereby notified that an ELEC-

TION for ten Directors, to manage its af- fairs for the ensuing year, will be held at

the Town Hall, on the third Monday, (the 17th') of January next. By order of the board. JAMES L. McKENNA, Cashier,

dec 18 tJ19

Cheap Houses and Lots. 1 OFFER for rent for the next

year, or tor a term of years, se-

veral houses situated at this place, they would accommodate respect-

able families bavirg three and four fire- places each, with good gardens, &c. I will rent them on very reasonable terms to

punctual tenants, and put them in good re-

pair. Possession to be bad 1st January, I8?6.

Also, several unimproved half acre lots on ground rent forever, or on sale in fee

simple, one ot which lots i9 handsomely and advantageously situated for a Tan- Yard- To a Tanner capable and who would carry on that trade on a tolerable large scale, the lot would be let or sold, on bis own terms. 1 invite any persou de* sirous of houses* or lots, to call and see

them, when 1 have no doubt, but they will be satisfied with the terms. It is a healthy situation and a very public one.

It. RATCLIFFE, Dec 18—3t Fairfax Court-House*

Marshall Sale of VAI.VA8I1E MNOS^


At a Superior Court of Chancery held in the town of Fredericksburg' on the 28th day of May, 1824—

Yearnan Smith, Plaintiff, Against

William Grayson, Doddridge P. Chiches- ter. Hancock Lee, Thompson F. Mason, Margaret McCarty, Sarah McCarty, John M. McCarty. William iVI. Mc- Carty, and Daniel and Ami McCarty, infants by John Stanard, assigned their guardian; John \V. Bronaugh aod Ann E* his wife; Robert I. Taylor, and Jo- seph Brewer, Defendants.

JTnHIS suit abates as to the defendant JL Sarah McCarty, by her death—and

coining on to be beard upon the orignal bill, the exhibits and examinations of w itnesses. and the answers of tbe defendants William Grayson, Hancock Lee, John (VI, McCar- ty, William M. McCarty, and Daniel arid Ann McCarty infants, and upon the sup- plemental hill of the plain thT, and the an-

swers thereto of John M and William M. McCarty, and of the infant defendants; and it appearing to tbe Court that the plaintiff has proceeded in the mode pre- scribed by law against the delendants Thompson F Mason, Margaret McCarty, John VV. Bronaugb and Ann E his wife, Robert !• Taylor and Joseph Brewer, who are out o( this Coramouweallh; and these aeienaams miii tailing 10 appear an-

swer the original or the supplemental bill; and it moreover appearing to the Court, that the orders entered at rules have been duly served upon the defendants William Grayson and Hancock Lee, and they tail- ing to answer the supplemental bill, the bills are taken for confessed as to the ab- sent defendants, and (he supplemental bill is taken for confessed as to the said defend** ants William Grayson and Hancock Lee, and wa9 argued by counsel: On consider ation whereof, and with the assent of John M and William M. McCarty, by their counsel, the Court doth adjudge, order and decree» that unless the defendants, or

some ot them, shall, on or befora the 28th day of November, 1824, pay and satisfy to the plaintiff, or such person as shall have been authorized by him Jto receive the same, the sum of tourleen thousand two hundred and fifty-six dollars, with interest at the rate of six per centum per annum

from the 10th day ot June, 1820, until paid, the defendants and evtery of them claiming title in the land herein after di- rected to be sold, shall be barred and lore- closed ot all equity of redemption and all right and title therein derived„by inheritance or otherwise, by, from, or

under Edgar McC*riy, deceased; and in case of default in the payment of the said principal money and interest within the time aforesaid, that then it shall and may be lawful for the Marshal of this Court, n ho is hereby directed and empowered to act as the Commissioner of this Court in what followeth: to wit, to sell at public auction, for ready money, the residue of the tract ot land described in the indenture exhibited by the complainant, bearing date on the 8th day of November, 1817, pur- porting to be an indenture between the

said Edgar McCarty of the first part, VVj|- iiara McCarty of tbe second part, and Wil- liam Grayson of tbe third part, and called Cedar Grove, after deducting from the said tract ot land that part which is charg- ed to have been sold, or agreed to be sold, by the said Edgar McCarty in bis life time to Doddridge F. Chichester, and another

part to tbe defendant Hancock Lee, which residue, or so much as may be necessary for the purpose, shall be sold upon the premises, alter having advertised the lime and place of sale for five weeks successive ly in or more newspapers printed in the District of Columbia, and out o( the mo-

ney arising from such sale, alter defraying the expenses attending tbe same, pay to

tbe plaintiff, or to such person as shall have been authorized by him to receive tbe same; the surplus of the said money, or so much thereof as may be sufficient to

satisfy the said debt and interest; and it there be any surplus remaining, pay the said last mentioned surplus into tbe Office ot Discount and Deposit ot fhe Farmers’ Baok of Virginia at Fredericksburg, sub* ject to the future order of tbe Court in this cause*, and make report of his proceedings

| to the. Court ♦But this sale is to be made

; subject to the undivided interest in tbe ! premises of the infant children of Daniel I McCarty.deceased,which they inherit from

j their uncle Thompson Ma^on, deceased; | and subject also to tbe undivided interest 1 which Sarah McCarty, deceased, had in

the premises as another heir ol the said Thompson Mason.

A copy. Teste,—J. H. WILLIAMS, C. C. C.

pT Notice. Q^-Pursuant to the foregoing decree, l

shall, on the 26th day of January next, on the premises, expose to sale by public auction,, to the highest bidder, lor ready money, the residue of the tract of land, thereby decreed to be sold, subject to the undivided interests therein! mentioned. This tract of land is ca lied

CEO Jill grove, and lies in the county of Fairfax, about twelve miles from Alexandria, and two

from Janney’s Mill, and is bounded 10 part by tbe Potomac river, and two tide wa-

ter creeks, tbe (Accotink and Pohick.— By reference to ibe deed, of tbe 8th Nov, 18 17, referred to in the decree, it appears that there were 1600 acres in tbe tract.— One thousand and fifty acres of which is

charged in tbe supplemental bill to have been sold, or agreed,to be sold by Edgar McCarty in bis lifetime, to Doddridge P. Chichester and Hancock Lee; tbe residue therefore, which is now to he sold under tbe foregoing decree, is five hundred and fifty acres, which includes all tbe im- provements. as I am informed.


dec ?8 6w

Almonds, &c. J Q bngrs fresh soft shell almonds

12 boxes do capers and olives—Just received from New York, and lor sale by



•Public Sale; ON TUESDAY, at 10 o’drcfc wi-ll fee-

sold at the auction office&it*Tar in bbls.. vinegar do. brandy in pipps, gid do. lime juice do. tumblers- in boxes, s/de- boards, secretaries, bureaus, sofas, ch^ir3, (variety) beds, bedsteads, fable.*, stoves, looking1 trf3ss>-s A£so;clotbs, cassimerhs, cassinetts, blankets, hdkfs, shavvie, plaids, cottons, 1 piece &up. caipfeMirg^boinba zettes, stripes, threads, button3, sew silk and cotton. Also without reserve, 6 cases men’s fine lor hats.

dec 18 S A, MARSTSLLftR-

INitfht 8al<*.

ON TUESDAY EVENING, si 7 o’- clock, will be sold at the auctions

store, in lots to suit purchasers—Hats, cloth, cas?imereti, cassinetts, hombozetts, War* plaid, cottons, umbrellas, thread, silk, cotton, uuns.. callicoes, bose> vesting, etc etc. A I*.), Chamber's Cyclopedia or

(Jnivemal Dictionary of Arts and Sciences, with Rees’s edition, a London edition in d VOiP.

dec 13 S, A MARSTLLLER, anc.


BY virtue of a decree of the chancery court of Fredericksburg, pronounced

on the 10th day of Way, 1824. in a suit in the name of Jacob Weaver, Plaintiff, a-

gainst George W Foote, adminislran r de bonis non of Richard H Foote, dec’d, and Alexander Scott and Elizabeth, bis wile, Defendants—l shall proceed to sell, for cash, at the front door of the tavern ot Hoziah Hickerson* near Elk Hun Fau- quier county, on the 5tb day of March, 18?5, three several tracts of land, lying and being in Fauquier county, containing about eleven hundred ami thirteen acres, or 90 much a9 will be sufficient to answer the provisions contained in a deed of trus', executed on the btb June, 1817, by in*

said Alexander Scott and Elizabeth h;S wife, to the said Richard H. Foote, to secure to Jacob Weaver a certain sum of money therein mentioned, with interest, arid all costs and charges necessarily in- curred in carrying into effect said sale.— The deed referred to is duly recorded in the office of Fauquier County Court, and will be exhibited on the day of sale.-*— Such title only will be conveyed, as is vested in the subscriber by virtue of said decree. GEORGE YV FOOTE, Substituted Trustee, hy the decree of said chancery court, in the place of R H* Foote, deceased. dec 18—t5.M

For Freight, The fine brig LEADER,Edward

fStanard* ir.aster; burthen looobbls; will take a freight for South America, the West Indies or New^Orleans. Apply to

dec 16 A. C CAZENOVE & Cof


THE creditors of Thos- Shreve and *1 Shreve & Co-are requested to cali^

at Braden, Morgan & |Co’«» counting- room, to receive rbeir dividend a? per deed of trust- JOHN MORNAN%

12th mn 16—3t One of the Trustee*.

Chocolate. \TINETY boxes and half boxes Baker 3

! JL 1 No, 1 & 2 and Lupbnn’s No. 1 cho- colate, fresh from the manutactory, receiv- ed per brig Cypher, and for sale by


Stop the Thief. 30 DOLLARS REWARD.

STRAYED or was stolen from the Ca- pitol Hill, Washington City, on Tues-

day night 7th inst. about 7 o'clock, A ROAN MARE,

saddle and bridle she is about 15 bands high, well made; on the left side oi uer

back was a soar which occasioned ber o

be scitfifh when mounting; walks and trots last, easy canter, and gallops remarkably fine The said mare was

hired to Messrs Morse & ,/osstlyn of this

place* was rode to the Capitol Hill and hitched to a post. Mr Josseiyn states that while be was engaged in transacting some

business in the bouse, fbe mare abscond- ed. The above reward will be given tor

the delivery of the mare, and conviction of the thief* or Id do.lars for the delivery of the mare, saddle and bridle.

dec 16—3t GEO, W, CATLETT.

Little River Turnpike Com-

pany. ^HE stockholders in this institution will

JL meet at Horatio Clagett’s Hotel, in the town of Alexandria, on FRIDAY the SEVENTH of 7ANf ARY, 1825, to elect a President, four Directors, and a Trea- surer, and lor the settlement of the ac-

counts of the last year- On the lollowiig day the Superintendents ol the Road, and Collectors of Tolls at all the Oates, will be appointed. By order of the President.

JONAH THOMPSON, Treasurer, dec 4 st7J

Southern Bank Notes Wanted. North Carolina,! south Caioiioa. (. Bank Notes Georgia and l New-Orleans, J

Which will be taken at fair rates by S. & M. ALLEN <$• CO,

Lottery Exchange Brokers. Pennsylvania Atenue. Washington City.

Where may he nad, at eight, or short

dales, drafts on

liALTIMOHE, PHItADEtnilAf New York, k Boston.

dec 14 __[[_ Marine Insurance Comply of JUia

Notice. rpHE stockholders in this company are

JL hereby notified, that an election for fifteen Directors, will lie held at tht :* of**

fice on Saturday the \blh day of Janiicu'j next, fiu£U 10 till 'i o'clock

The Ubiisier book will be closed from

Wednesday the Igih January, until me

election is over. J. 15. MCKOLLS, Se« V-

dec 9 J3v*3t£td*