
00 The entire opening of Orphan is based around the multiple personalities of the character. The scenes flicker between normal childish drawings and glow in the dark versions showing the characters real emotions towards the people in the drawings, these glow in the dark versions are violent, which shows that one side of this characters persona is evil, whilst the other appears to be innocent. This is also used when we are shown the company logo’s to maintain continuity in the concept of the sequence; It makes the company logo link in with the film rather than having a colorful happy logo next to a dark twisted opening. The fact that this style of drawing has been used instantly gives the audience a clue as to whom the main character will be. The titles are shown next to the drawings, doing this introduces us to the actors as well as the concept at the same time, which saves having a double opening. For the music they have used strings in the minor key with flickering disjointed sounds that match the flickering images on screen. The camera only moves very slightly and very slowly during the opening sequence whilst the music gradually becomes faster, this uneven balance creates a sense of

Upload: gothwolf6

Post on 05-Aug-2015




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The entire opening of Orphan is based around the multiple personalities of the character. The scenes flicker between normal childish drawings and glow in the dark versions showing the characters real emotions towards the people in the drawings, these glow in the dark versions are violent, which shows that one side of this characters persona is evil, whilst the other appears to be innocent. This is also used when we are shown the company logo’s to maintain continuity in the concept of the sequence; It makes the company logo link in with the film rather than having a colorful happy logo next to a dark twisted opening. The fact that this style of drawing has been used instantly gives the audience a clue as to whom the main character will be. The titles are shown next to the drawings, doing this introduces us to the actors as well as the concept at the same time, which saves having a double opening.For the music they have used strings in the minor key with flickering disjointed sounds that match the flickering images on screen. The camera only moves very slightly and very slowly during the opening sequence whilst the music gradually becomes faster, this uneven balance creates a sense of discomfort in the audience. We aren’t told the name of the film until the end of the sequence, this could be because if we where shown the film name at the beginning of the sequence it would be a predictable opening and wouldn’t create as much tension.