osc bulletin

The Ontario Securities Commission OSC Bulletin March 3, 2016 Volume 39, Issue 9 (2016), 39 OSCB The Ontario Securities Commission administers the Securities Act of Ontario (R.S.O. 1990, c. S.5) and the Commodity Futures Act of Ontario (R.S.O. 1990, c. C.20) The Ontario Securities Commission Published under the authority of the Commission by: Cadillac Fairview Tower Carswell, a Thomson Reuters business 22nd Floor, Box 55 One Corporate Plaza 20 Queen Street West 2075 Kennedy Road Toronto, Ontario Toronto, Ontario M5H 3S8 M1T 3V4 416-593-8314 or Toll Free 1-877-785-1555 416-609-3800 or 1-800-387-5164 Contact Centre – Inquiries, Complaints: Fax: 416-593-8122 TTY: 1-866-827-1295 Office of the Secretary: Fax: 416-593-2318

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Page 1: OSC Bulletin

The Ontario Securities Commission

OSC Bulletin

March 3, 2016

Volume 39, Issue 9

(2016), 39 OSCB

The Ontario Securities Commission administers the Securities Act of Ontario (R.S.O. 1990, c. S.5) and the

Commodity Futures Act of Ontario (R.S.O. 1990, c. C.20)

The Ontario Securities Commission Published under the authority of the Commission by: Cadillac Fairview Tower Carswell, a Thomson Reuters business 22nd Floor, Box 55 One Corporate Plaza 20 Queen Street West 2075 Kennedy Road Toronto, Ontario Toronto, Ontario M5H 3S8 M1T 3V4 416-593-8314 or Toll Free 1-877-785-1555 416-609-3800 or 1-800-387-5164 Contact Centre – Inquiries, Complaints: Fax: 416-593-8122 TTY: 1-866-827-1295 Office of the Secretary: Fax: 416-593-2318

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The OSC Bulletin is published weekly by Carswell, a Thomson Reuters business, under the authority of the Ontario Securities Commission. Subscriptions to the print Bulletin are available from Carswell at the price of $868 per year. The eTable of Contents is available from $148 to $155. The CD-ROM is available from $1392 to $1489 and $314 to $336 for additional disks. Subscription prices include first class postage to Canadian addresses. Outside Canada, the following shipping costs apply on a current subscription:

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March 3, 2016 (2016), 39 OSCB

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Notices / News Releases ...................... 1939 1.1 Notices ........................................................... (nil) 1.2 Notices of Hearing ......................................... (nil) 1.3 Notices of Hearing with Related Statements of Allegations ........................... 1939 1.3.1 Mark Steven Rotstein and Equilibrium Partners Inc. – ss. 127, 127.1 ......................... 1939 1.4 News Releases .............................................. (nil) 1.5 Notices from the Office of the Secretary ............................................ 1944 1.5.1 Garth H. Drabinsky et al. ................................ 1944 1.5.2 Hong Liang Zhong .......................................... 1945 1.5.3 Mark Steven Rotstein and Equilibrium Partners Inc. ................................................... 1945 1.6 Notices from the Office of the Secretary with Related Statements of Allegations ............................ (nil) Chapter 2 Decisions, Orders and Rulings ............ 1947 2.1 Decisions ...................................................... 1947 2.1.1 O’Leary Funds Management L.P. et al. .......... 1947 2.1.2 Schneider Electric S.E. .................................. 1959 2.1.3 Canaccord Genuity Wealth Management (USA) Inc. ...................................................... 1964 2.2 Orders............................................................ 1969 2.2.1 Online Direct Inc. – s. 144 .............................. 1969 2.2.2 Garth H. Drabinsky et al. – ss. 127, 127.1 ............................................. 1974 2.2.3 Hong Liang Zhong .......................................... 1978 2.2.4 Gildan Activewear Inc. – s. 104(2)(c) ............. 1979 2.2.5 Gildan Activewear Inc. – s. 104(2)(c) ............ 1983 2.2.6 Gildan Activewear Inc. – s. 104(2)(c) ............. 1987 2.2.7 Manulife Asset Management Limited and Manulife Asset Management (Europe) Limited – s. 80 of the CFA .............................. 1991 2.3 Orders with Related Settlement Agreements .................................................... (nil) 2.4 Rulings ........................................................... (nil) Chapter 3 Reasons: Decisions, Orders and Rulings ................................................... 1995 3.1 OSC Decisions ............................................... (nil) 3.2 Director’s Decisions ..................................... 1995 3.2.1 Greg Thompson ............................................. 1995 3.3 Court Decisions ............................................. (nil) Chapter 4 Cease Trading Orders ........................... 1999 4.1.1 Temporary, Permanent & Rescinding Issuer Cease Trading Orders ......................... 1999 4.2.1 Temporary, Permanent & Rescinding Management Cease Trading Orders .............. 1999 4.2.2 Outstanding Management & Insider Cease Trading Orders .................................... 1999

Chapter 5 Rules and Policies ................................ 2001 5.1.1 CSA Notice of Publication of MI 11-102 Passport System and MI 11-203 Failure-to-File Cease Trade Orders in Multiple Jurisdictions .................................. 2001 Chapter 6 Request for Comments .......................... (nil) Chapter 7 Insider Reporting .................................. 2095 Chapter 9 Legislation ............................................... (nil) Chapter 11 IPOs, New Issues and Secondary Financings ............................................. 2179 Chapter 12 Registrations ......................................... 2187 12.1.1 Registrants ..................................................... 2187 Chapter 13 SROs, Marketplaces,

Clearing Agencies and Trade Repositories ............................... 2189

13.1 SROs ............................................................... (nil) 13.2 Marketplaces ................................................ 2189 13.2.1 Aequitas Neo Exchange Inc. – Amendments to Trading Policies – Notice of Approval ......................................... 2189 13.3 Clearing Agencies ......................................... (nil) 13.4 Trade Repositories ........................................ (nil) Chapter 25 Other Information ................................... (nil) Index ............................................................................ 2191

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Chapter 1

Notices / News Releases 1.3 Notices of Hearing with Related Statements of Allegations 1.3.1 Mark Steven Rotstein and Equilibrium Partners Inc. – ss. 127, 127.1


R.S.O. 1990, c. S.5, AS AMENDED




(Sections 127 and 127.1 of the Securities Act)

TAKE NOTICE that the Ontario Securities Commission (the “Commission”) will hold a hearing pursuant to sections 127 and 127.1 of the Securities Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. S.5, as amended (the “Securities Act”), at the offices of the Commission located at 20 Queen Street West, 17th Floor, in the City of Toronto, commencing on March 24, 2016, at 10:00 a.m. or as soon thereafter as the hearing can be held; AND TAKE NOTICE that the purpose of the hearing is for the Commission to consider whether, in the Commission’s opinion, it is in the public interest for the Commission to make the following orders:

(a) that trading in any securities or derivatives by each of Mark Steven Rotstein (“Rotstein”) and Equilibrium Partners Inc. (“EQ”) cease permanently or for such period as is specified by the Commission, pursuant to paragraph 2 of subsection 127(1) of the Securities Act;

(b) that the acquisition of any securities by each of Rotstein and EQ is prohibited permanently or for such period

as is specified by the Commission, pursuant to paragraph 2.1 of subsection 127(1) of the Securities Act; (c) that any exemptions contained in Ontario securities law do not apply to each of Rotstein and EQ permanently

or for such period as is specified by the Commission, pursuant to paragraph 3 of subsection 127(1) of the Securities Act;

(d) that each of Rotstein and EQ be reprimanded, pursuant to paragraph 6 of subsection 127(1) of the Securities

Act; (e) that Rotstein resign one or more positions that he holds as a director or officer of any issuer, registrant, or

investment fund manager, pursuant to paragraphs 7, 8.1 and 8.3 of subsection 127(1) of the Securities Act; (f) that Rotstein be prohibited from becoming or acting as a director or officer of any issuer, registrant, or

investment fund manager, permanently or for such period as is specified by the Commission, pursuant to paragraphs 8, 8.2 and 8.4 of subsection 127(1) of the Securities Act;

(g) that Rotstein be prohibited from becoming or acting as a registrant, an investment fund manager, or a

promoter, permanently or for such period as is specified by the Commission, pursuant to paragraph 8.5 of subsection 127(1) of the Securities Act;

(h) that each of Rotstein and EQ pay an administrative penalty of not more than $1 million for each failure by

each of them to comply with Ontario securities law, pursuant to paragraph 9 of subsection 127(1) of the Securities Act;

(i) that each of Rotstein and EQ disgorge to the Commission any amounts obtained as a result of non-

compliance with Ontario securities law, pursuant to paragraph 10 of subsection 127(1) of the Securities Act;

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(j) that each of Rotstein and EQ pay the costs of the investigation and the hearing, pursuant to section 127.1 of the Securities Act; and

(k) such other order as the Commission considers appropriate in the public interest;

BY REASON OF the allegations set out in the Statement of Allegations of Staff of the Commission, dated February 29, 2016, and such further allegations as counsel may advise and the Commission may permit; AND TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that any party to the proceeding may be represented by counsel at the hearing; AND TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that upon failure of any party to attend at the time and place stated above, the hearing may proceed in the absence of that party, and such party is not entitled to any further notice of the proceedings; AND TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that the Notice of Hearing is also available in French, participation may be in either French or English and participants must notify the Secretary’s Office in writing as soon as possible, and in any event, at least thirty (30) days before a hearing if the participant is requesting a proceeding to be conducted wholly or partly in French; and ET AVIS EST ÉGALEMENT DONNÉ PAR LA PRÉSENTE que l’avis d’audience est disponible en français, que la participation à l’audience peut se faire en français ou en anglais et que les participants doivent aviser le Bureau du secrétaire par écrit le plus tôt possible et, dans tous les cas, au moins trente (30) jours avant l’audience si le participant demande qu’une instance soit tenue entièrement ou partiellement en français. DATED at Toronto, this 29th day of February, 2016. “Josée Turcotte” Secretary to the Commission

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R.S.O. 1990, c. S.5, AS AMENDED




STAFF OF THE ONTARIO SECURITIES COMMISSION Staff of the Ontario Securities Commission (“Staff”) make the following allegations: A. Overview 1. The respondents Mark Steven Rotstein (“Rotstein”), a former registrant, and his company, Equilibrium Partners Inc.

(“EQ”), engaged in the business of trading in and advising in respect of securities without being registered, in breach of the requirements of the Ontario Securities Act, R.S.O. 1990, C.S5, as amended (the “Securities Act”).

2. Rotstein was registered under the Securities Act for more than 15 years, from 1997 until 2012.1 In October 2012, just

over three months after he ceased to be registered, Rotstein incorporated EQ. Rotstein was the founder, owner and directing mind of EQ, as well as its sole director, officer and employee. EQ has never been registered under the Securities Act.

3. Between July 2, 2013 and October 4, 2014 (the “Material Time”), Rotstein and EQ carried out more than 500

transactions for and with clients, with a settlement value exceeding $14,450,000. Rotstein and EQ obtained personal and corporate information from clients, including their passwords. Rotstein then communicated with market participants in order to execute buy and sell orders for clients, and to convey or obtain information about clients. During most of these communications, Rotstein impersonated his clients. In so doing, he repeatedly misled market participants and their employees, in order to conduct activity for which he and EQ should have been, but were not, registered.

B. Rotstein’s Disciplinary History While a Registrant 4. Rotstein resides in Toronto, Ontario. He was registered under the Securities Act from February 1997 until April 2011,

and from July 2011 until July 2012. 5. While he was a registrant, Rotstein was named in two disciplinary proceedings brought by the Investment Industry

Regulatory Organization of Canada (“IIROC”). 6. Rotstein worked for RBC Dominion Securities Inc. (“RBC DS”) from February 1997 until April 2011. By the spring of

2011, while still employed by RBC DS, Rotstein had about 2000 client accounts, with assets valued at about $500,000,000.

7. Rotstein was terminated for cause by RBC DS on April 5, 2011. IIROC brought a proceeding stemming from Rotstein’s

conduct while at RBC DS. 8. Meanwhile, Rotstein had joined Scotia Capital Inc. (“Scotia Capital”) in April 2011. Many of Rotstein’s RBC DS clients

moved their business to Scotia Capital. Rotstein was subject to close supervision at Scotia Capital as a term of his reactivated registration.

9. While still employed at Scotia Capital, Rotstein settled the IIROC proceeding and admitted that he had engaged in a

practice, for over a decade, of signing client names and passing those signatures off as the clients’ on account and investment documents, in dozens and potentially hundreds of instances. An IIROC hearing panel accepted the settlement agreement on April 18, 2012. Among other things, Rotstein paid a fine of $250,000.

10. Scotia Capital asked Rotstein to resign on July 10, 2012, which resulted in the automatic suspension of his registration.

IIROC then brought another proceeding. Rotstein settled this second IIROC proceeding, and admitted that in June 2012, he had entered a trade for a client without the client’s knowledge or authorization, contrary to IIROC Dealer Member Rule 29.1.

1 But for a two month period in 2011, as explained at paragraph 4, below.

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11. An IIROC hearing panel accepted the settlement agreement on July 3, 2014. Among other things, Rotstein was prohibited from registering with IIROC for a period of 18 months and, in the event that his registration was reactivated, he agreed he would be subject to strict supervision and to terms and conditions regarding his record keeping. As a result, Rotstein was not eligible for registration until January 3, 2016 at the earliest. However, as described below, by the time the second IIROC settlement was accepted, Rotstein had incorporated EQ, and they had been engaging in unlawful trading and advising for a year.

C. Rotstein Incorporates EQ and They Trade and Advise Unlawfully in Order to Operate Outside of the

Registration Regime 12. Rotstein incorporated EQ on October 29, 2012. Rotstein is the founder, owner and directing mind of EQ, as well as its

sole director, officer and employee. Rotstein is responsible for all activities undertaken by EQ. EQ has never been registered under the Securities Act.

13. Rotstein created a website for EQ, and described the company as being “in the business of partnering with individuals

and families to help ensure financial and personal balance in their lives, delivered through a ‘Family Office [which] acts as a trusted advisor to families and individuals.’”

14. Rotstein and EQ solicited and otherwise obtained clients, some of whom had been Rotstein’s clients when he worked

as a registrant at RBC DS and/or Scotia Capital. During the Material Time, Rotstein and EQ traded and advised by, among other things: (a) recommending that clients open self-directed investment accounts; (b) assisting clients with the investment account opening process; (c) accessing clients’ investment accounts; (d) preparing investment planning reports for clients; (e) offering an opinion about an issuer or its securities; (f) making recommendations about an investment in an issuer or its securities; (g) communicating with market participants in order to execute buy and sell orders for clients, and to obtain and

provide information about clients and their investments; and (h) exercising de facto discretionary authority over client investment accounts.

15. Rotstein encouraged clients to set up self-directed investment accounts, and had the clients provide him with information, including their date of birth, social insurance number and their passwords, which he could use to access their accounts. On most occasions, when communicating with employees of market participants, Rotstein impersonated clients, thereby misleading the employee and the firm as to his true identity.

16. Rotstein also engaged in trading and advising when clients maintained a trading or advising relationship with a

registered dealing representative. For example, Rotstein recommended the purchase or sale of specific securities to an EQ client, who in turn communicated those trading instructions to a registered dealing representative.

17. During the Material Time, Rotstein and EQ conducted about 511 transactions, of which about 486 were carried out

electronically and about 25 via telephone. Of these transactions, 354 were buy transactions and 157 were sell transactions. The settlement value of these transactions was approximately $14,450,000.

18. Rotstein and EQ charged clients for the services that they provided, including their unregistered trading and advising.

The fee arrangements varied among clients, but mainly consisted of an annual retainer. D. Breaches of Ontario Securities Law and Conduct Contrary to the Public Interest 19. During the Material Time, without being registered to do so, Rotstein and EQ engaged in, or held themselves out as

engaging in, the business of trading in securities and engaged in, or held themselves out as engaging in, the business of advising with respect to investing in, buying or selling securities, and as such, breached subsections 25(1) and (3) of the Securities Act.

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20. Further, Rotstein authorized, permitted or acquiesced in EQ’s non-compliance with Ontario securities law and as such is deemed to have not complied with Ontario securities law pursuant to section 129.2 of the Securities Act.

21. Rotstein’s and EQ’s misconduct was contrary to the public interest and harmful to the integrity of Ontario’s capital

markets. One of the stated purposes of the Securities Act is that investors should be protected from unfair and improper practices. Further, it is a fundamental principle of the legislation that high standards of fitness and business conduct are maintained, in order to ensure honest and responsible conduct by market participants. The primary means by which this is achieved is through registration under the Securities Act. Throughout the Material Time, Rotstein and EQ did not comply with the registration requirements of the Securities Act, thereby avoiding any regulatory oversight, and depriving their clients of the protections to which they were entitled.

22. Staff reserve the right to make such other allegations as Staff may advise and the Commission may permit. DATED at Toronto, this 29th day of February, 2016.

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1.5 Notices from the Office of the Secretary

1.5.1 Garth H. Drabinsky et al.



R.S.O. 1990, c. S.5, AS AMENDED




TORONTO – The Commission issued an Order in the above named matter which provides that:

1. The hearing dates scheduled for June 20, June 21, June 24 to June 28 and July 19, 2016 are vacated;

2. The hearing in this matter shall commence at 10:00 a.m. on September 19, 2016 and continue on September 21 and 22, September 26 and September 29 and October 19, 2016 or at such other time or times and on such other dates as may be ordered by the Commission;

3. A further confidential pre-hearing conference shall take place at 10:00 a.m. on June 20, 2016 or at such other time and on such other date as may be ordered by the Commission;

4. The parties shall disclose expert and/or industry practice evidence according to the following schedule:

a. The parties shall identify the expert and/or industry practice witnesses they intend to call and the subject matter of their testimony by no later than 105 days prior to the commencement of the hearing;

b. Each of the parties shall serve his or its expert report(s) on the other parties by no later than 75 days prior to the commencement of the hearing;

c. Each of the parties shall serve his or its response report(s) on the other parties by no later than 45 days prior to the commencement of the hearing; and

d. Each of the parties shall serve his or its reply report(s) on the other parties by no later than 30 days prior to the commencement of the hearing;

5. Each of the parties shall disclose his or its initial witness lists and witness summaries by no later than 60 days prior to the commencement of the hearing; and

6. Each of the parties shall serve his or its hearing brief materials by no later than 20 days prior to the commencement of the hearing.

A copy of the Order dated February 24, 2016 is available at www.osc.gov.on.ca.


For media inquiries:

[email protected]

For investor inquiries:

OSC Contact Centre 416-593-8314 1-877-785-1555 (Toll Free)

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1.5.2 Hong Liang Zhong






HONG LIANG ZHONG TORONTO – The Commission issued an Order in the above noted matter which provides that:

1. Staff’s application to continue this pro-ceeding by way of a written hearing is granted;

2. Staff’s materials shall be served and filed

no later than March 7, 2016; 3. Zhong’s responding materials, if any,

shall be served and filed no later than April 4, 2016; and

4. Staff’s reply materials, if applicable, shall

be served and filed no later than April 18, 2016.

A copy of the Order dated February 25, 2016 is available at www.osc.gov.on.ca. OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY JOSÉE TURCOTTE SECRETARY For media inquiries: [email protected] For investor inquiries: OSC Contact Centre 416-593-8314 1-877-785-1555 (Toll Free)

1.5.3 Mark Steven Rotstein and Equilibrium Partners Inc.


March 1, 2016


R.S.O. 1990, c. S.5, AS AMENDED



TORONTO – The Office of the Secretary issued a Notice of Hearing setting the matter down to be heard on March 24, 2016 at 10:00 a.m. as soon thereafter as the hearing can be held in the above named matter. The hearing will be held at the offices of the Commission at 20 Queen Street West, 17th Floor, Toronto. A copy of the Notice of Hearing dated February 29, 2016 and Statement of Allegations of Staff of the Ontario Securities Commission dated February 29, 2016 are available at www.osc.gov.on.ca. OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY JOSÉE TURCOTTE SECRETARY For media inquiries: [email protected] For investor inquiries: OSC Contact Centre 416-593-8314 1-877-785-1555 (Toll Free)

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Chapter 2

Decisions, Orders and Rulings 2.1 Decisions 2.1.1 O’Leary Funds Management L.P. et al. Headnote Policy Statement 11-203 Process for Exemptive Relief Applications in Multiple Jurisdictions – Approval of change of manager of investment funds, and investment fund mergers – merger approval required because merger does not meet the criteria for per-approval – continuing fund has different investment objectives than terminating fund – fee structure not substantially similar – merger not a “qualifying exchange” or a tax-deferred transaction under the Income Tax Act – manager of continuing fund is not an affiliate of the manager of the terminating fund – securityholders provided with timely and adequate disclosure regarding the change of manager and the mergers – change of manager and mergers is not detrimental to securityholders or contrary to the public interest. Applicable Legislative Provisions Regulation 81-102 respecting Investment Funds, ss. 5.5(1)(a), 5.5(1)(b), 5.6, 5.7, 19.1.


February 12, 2016


QUÉBEC AND ONTARIO (the Jurisdictions)






O’LEARY FUNDS MANAGEMENT L.P. (O’Leary or the Filer)









O’LEARY U.S. STRATEGIC YIELD FUND (collectively, the O’Leary Mutual Funds),

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(collectively, the Reference Funds),



(collectively with the Reference Funds, the O’Leary Closed-End Funds) (the Mutual Funds and the Closed-End Funds are collectively referred to as the O’Leary Funds)


Background The securities regulatory authority or regulators in each of the Jurisdictions (the Decision Maker) has received an application from the Filer, on behalf of the O’Leary Funds, for a decision under the securities legislation of the Jurisdictions (the Legislation) approving (i) the change of manager of the O’Leary Funds from O’Leary to Canoe (as defined herein) (the Change of Manager) pursuant to paragraph 5.5(1)(a) of Regulation 81-102 respecting Investment Funds (c. V-1.1, r. 39) (Regulation 81-102) and (ii) the mergers of certain of the O’Leary Funds into certain mutual funds managed or to be managed by Canoe (the Mergers) pursuant to paragraph 5.5(1)(b) of Regulation 81-102 (collectively, the Approvals Sought). Under the Process for Exemptive Relief Applications in Multiple Jurisdictions (for a dual application):

(a) The Autorité des marchés financiers is the principal regulator for this application; (b) the Filer has provided notice that subsection 4.7(1) of Regulation 11-102 respecting Passport System (c. V-

1.1, r. 1) (Regulation 11-102) is intended to be relied upon in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland and Labrador; and

(c) the decision is the decision of the principal regulator and evidences the decision of the securities regulatory

authority or regulator in Ontario. Interpretation Terms defined in Regulation 14-101 respecting Definitions (c. V-1.1, r. 3), Regulation 11-102 and Regulation 81-102 have the same meaning if used in this decision, unless otherwise defined. “Asset Purchase Agreement” means the agreement entered into by O’Leary and Canoe as of October 14, 2015 with respect to the Proposed Transaction. “Canoe” means Canoe Financial LP. “Canoe Continuing Funds” means each of the Canoe Enhanced Income Fund, Canoe North American Monthly Income Class, Canoe Global Income Fund, Canoe Strategic High Yield Fund, Canoe Canadian Monthly Income Class, Canoe Global Equity Income Class, Canoe Equity Income Class and Canoe Canadian Asset Allocation Class. “Canoe Funds” means certain mutual funds and non-redeemable investment funds managed by Canoe that are formed as trusts established under the laws of Alberta, as a corporation established under the laws of Alberta, and as classes of Canoe ‘GO CANADA!’ Fund Corp. (Fund Corp.), a corporation established under the laws of Alberta. “Canoe IRC” means the independent review committee of certain of the Canoe Funds within the meaning of Regulation 81-107. “Circular” means the notice of meeting, proxies and information circular within the meaning of Regulation 81-106 prepared in connection with the Proposed Transaction. “Closing” means the closing of the Proposed Transaction. “Closing Date” means on or about February 16, 2016. “Continuing Funds” means the Canoe Continuing Funds and O’Leary Floating Rate Income Fund (to be renamed Canoe Floating Rate Income Fund).

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“Continuing Trust Fund” means the Continuing Funds that are formed as trusts. “Corporate Class Funds” is defined at paragraph 64(e) hereof. “Extraordinary Resolution Funds” means O’Leary Canadian High Income Fund, O’Leary Emerging Markets Income Fund, O’Leary Global Bond Yield Advantaged Fund, O’Leary Global Growth & Income Fund, Convertible Debentures Income Fund, Floating Rate Income Fund and O’Leary Canadian Diversified Income Fund. “O’Leary IRC” means O’Leary Funds’ independent review committee within the meaning of Regulation 81-107. “O’Leary Continuing Funds” means O’Leary Canadian Bond Yield Fund (to be renamed Canoe Canadian Corporate Bond Fund), O’Leary Canadian Dividend Fund (to be renamed Canoe Canadian Dividend Fund), O’Leary Floating Rate Income Fund (to be renamed Canoe Floating Rate Income Fund), O’Leary Global Infrastructure Income Fund (to be renamed Canoe Global Balanced Fund) and the Reference Funds. “MERs” is defined at paragraph 11 hereof. “O’Leary Merging Funds” is defined at paragraph 30 hereof. “Proposed Transaction” is defined at paragraph 26 hereof. “Qualifying Exchange” has the meaning ascribed thereto in section 132.2 of the ITA. “Regulation 41-101” means Regulation 41-101 respecting General Prospectus Requirements (c. V-1.1, r.14). “Regulation 81-101” means Regulation 81-101 respecting Mutual Fund Prospectus Disclosure (c. V-1.1, r.38). “Regulation 81-106” means Regulation 81-106 respecting Investment Fund Continuous Disclosure (c. V-1.1, r. 42). “Regulation 81-107” means Regulation 81-107 respecting Independent Review Committee for Investment Funds (c. V-1.1, r. 43). “Special Meetings” means the special meetings held on January 15, 2016 and the adjourned special meetings held on January 25, 2016 in connection with the Proposed Transaction. “Stanton” means Stanton Asset Management Inc. “Sub-Advisory Agreement” is defined at paragraph 28 hereof. “Tax-Deferred Mergers” is defined at paragraph 44 hereof. “Taxable Mergers” is defined at paragraph 45 hereof. “TERs” is defined at paragraph 11 hereof. Representations This decision is based on the following facts represented by the Filer: The Filer 1. The Filer is the investment fund manager and the trustee of the O’Leary Funds. 2. The Filer is a limited partnership formed under the laws of Ontario. 3. The Filer’s head office is located in Montreal, Quebec. 4. The Filer is registered as an investment fund manager under the securities legislation of Québec, Ontario and

Newfoundland and Labrador. 5. The Filer in not in default of securities legislation in any province of Canada.

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The O’Leary Funds 6. Each of the O’Leary Mutual Funds is a mutual fund formed as a trust. 7. Each of the O’Leary Closed-End Funds is a non-redeemable investment fund formed as a trust. 8. The O’Leary Funds, other than the Reference Funds, are reporting issuers under the securities legislation of each

province of Canada and each Reference Fund is a reporting issuer under the securities legislation of Quebec. 9. The securities of the O’Leary Mutual Funds are qualified for distribution by simplified prospectus governed by

Regulation 81-101 and are currently offered under a simplified prospectus and annual information form each dated June 23, 2015, as amended by amendments to each dated November 27, 2015.

10. The securities of the O’Leary Closed-End Funds (other than the Reference Funds) were distributed in each of the

provinces of Canada under a long form prospectus governed by Regulation 41-101. 11. The O’Leary Funds are not in default of securities legislation in any province of Canada.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Filer announced on January 11, 2016 by press release that it was refiling the interim management report of fund performance of Floating Rate Income Fund and O’Leary U.S. Strategic Yield Advantaged Fund for the six-month period ended June 30, 2015 (the MRFPs) to restate the management expense ratios (MERs) as well as restate the trading expense ratios (TERs) of each of these two funds since their respective inception dates to take into account the fees and expenses of the relevant reference fund. Given that the two funds have been in existence for less than 5 years, the refiled MRFPs contain all the relevant MER and TER information for the two funds. The Filer has paid for all the costs associated with the MER corrections.

12. Stanton is the portfolio manager of the O’Leary Funds. 13. CIBC Mellon is the custodian of the O’Leary Funds. Canoe Financial LP 14. Canoe is the investment fund manager of the Canoe Funds. 15. Canoe is a limited partnership formed under the laws of Alberta. 16. Canoe’s head office is in Calgary, Alberta. 17. Canoe is registered as an investment fund manager under the securities legislation of Alberta, Newfoundland and

Labrador, Ontario and Québec, as a portfolio manager under the securities legislation of Alberta and Ontario and as exempt market dealer under the securities legislation of each of the jurisdictions of Canada.

18. Canoe is the trustee of the Canoe Funds that are mutual funds and formed as trusts. 19. CIBC Mellon is the custodian of the Canoe Funds that are mutual funds. 20. Canoe is not in default of securities legislation in any jurisdiction of Canada. Canoe Continuing Funds 21. Each of the Canoe Continuing Funds is a mutual fund governed by a master declaration of trust or a mutual fund

structured as a share class of the Fund Corp. as the case may be. 22. The Canoe Continuing Funds are reporting issuers under the securities legislation of each of the jurisdictions of

Canada. 23. The securities of the Canoe Continuing Funds are qualified for distribution by simplified prospectus governed by

Regulation 81-101 and are currently offered under a simplified prospectus and annual information form each dated July 27, 2015, as amended by amendments to each dated October 30, 2015, December 4, 2015 and January 5, 2016.

24. The Canoe Funds are qualified investments for registered tax plans, as such term is defined under the ITA. 25. The Canoe Funds are not in default of applicable securities legislation in any jurisdictions of Canada.

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The Proposed Transaction 26. Pursuant to the Asset Purchase Agreement, Canoe has agreed to purchase from O’Leary the rights to manage the

O’Leary Funds, along with certain related assets in consideration for a payment in cash and, subject to the level of assets under management of the O’Leary Funds 12 months after the execution of the Asset Purchase Agreement, the issuance of an equity interest in Canoe, which is expected to represent less than 10% of the aggregate equity interests in Canoe. Canoe intends to, amongst other things: (a) change the investment fund manager, the trustee and the portfolio manager of the O’Leary Funds, change the

names of those O’Leary Funds that contain “O’Leary” in their names and merge the O’Leary Merging Funds into the Continuing Funds;

(b) terminate or wind-up O’Leary Floating Rate Portfolio Trust into Floating Rate Income Fund (to be merged, on

or about the end of July 2016, into O’Leary Floating Rate Income Fund (name to be changed to Canoe Floating Rate Income Fund)) and terminate or wind-up O’Leary U.S. Portfolio Trust into O’Leary U.S. Strategic Yield (to be merged, on or about the end of May 2016, into Canoe North American Monthly Income Class);

(c) change the investment objectives and strategies of certain O’Leary Funds, have certain O’Leary Funds adopt

the form of master declaration of trust used by the Canoe Funds and have certain O’Leary Funds adopt the fixed administration fee expense structure used by the Canoe Funds; and

(d) retain Stanton, the current portfolio manager of the O’Leary Funds, to act as sub-advisor in respect of certain

Continuing Funds and for Mr. Kevin O’Leary, Chairman and a director of the general partner of O’Leary, to enter into an 18-month part-time consulting agreement with Canoe pursuant to which he will act as Vice Chairman of Canoe in order to provide marketing assistance to Canoe during the transition following Closing.

(the Proposed Transaction).

27. As a result, effective as at the Closing Date, and subject to receipt of all necessary regulatory and unitholder approvals and the satisfaction of all other required conditions precedent set out in the Asset Purchase Agreement, including approval of certain Mergers, the Change of Manager will occur.

28. Also effective on Closing, Stanton will become sub-advisor of the following O’Leary Funds in accordance with the terms

of a sub-advisory agreement between Canoe and Stanton (the Sub-Advisory Agreement):

• Canoe Floating Rate Income Fund (formerly O’Leary Floating Rate Income Fund); • Floating Rate Income Fund (until such time as it is merged into Canoe Floating Rate Income Fund, formerly

O’Leary Floating Rate Income Fund); • O’Leary Floating Rate Portfolio Trust (until such time as the forward agreement is terminated and the assets

are transferred into Canoe Floating Rate Income Fund, formerly O’Leary Floating Rate Income Fund); • Canoe Canadian Corporate Bond Fund (formerly O’Leary Canadian Bond Yield Fund).

29. A press release in connection with the Proposed Transaction was issued and disseminated on October 15, 2015 and a related material change report was filed on the same day, and an additional press release and material change report concerning the Proposed Transaction were issued and filed on October 26, 2015. Amendments to the simplified prospectus, annual information form and fund facts documents of the O’Leary Mutual Funds were filed on SEDAR in connection with the Proposed Transaction on October 26, 2015.

30. After the Closing Date, the fourteen O’Leary Funds set forth below (the O’Leary Merging Funds) will be merged into

corresponding Continuing Funds, as follows:

O’Leary Merging Fund Continuing Fund

O’Leary Mutual Funds

O’Leary Canadian Balanced Income Fund Canoe Canadian Monthly Income Class

O’Leary Canadian High Income Fund Canoe Equity Income Class

O’Leary Conservative Income Fund Canoe Enhanced Income Fund

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O’Leary Merging Fund Continuing Fund

O’Leary Emerging Markets Income Fund Canoe Global Equity Income Class

O’Leary Global Bond Yield Advantaged Fund Canoe Global Income Fund

O’Leary Global Bond Yield Fund Canoe Strategic High Yield Fund

O’Leary Global Dividend Fund Canoe Global Equity Income Class

O’Leary Global Growth & Income Fund Canoe North American Monthly Income Class

O’Leary Tactical Income Fund Canoe Global Income Fund

O’Leary U.S. Strategic Yield Fund Canoe North American Monthly Income Class

O’Leary Closed-End Funds

Convertible Debentures Income Fund Canoe Canadian Asset Allocation Class

Floating Rate Income Fund O’Leary Floating Rate Income Fund (to be renamed Canoe Floating Rate Income Fund)

O’Leary Canadian Diversified Income Fund Canoe Equity Income Class

O’Leary U.S. Strategic Yield Advantaged Fund Canoe North American Monthly Income Class

31. The O’Leary Continuing Funds, other than the Reference Funds, will continue to exist with certain changes following

Closing. The Reference Funds are expected to be terminated or wound-up prior to the Merger of the corresponding O’Leary Merging Fund to which each relates.

32. Those O’Leary Funds that contain the name “O’Leary” in their name will undergo a name change at the time of Closing

and continue under the Canoe banner. 33. In accordance with the provisions of Regulation 81-107, O’Leary referred the Proposed Transaction to the O’Leary IRC

for its review. On November 18, 2015, the O’Leary IRC advised O’Leary that, after reasonable inquiry, the Proposed Transaction achieves a fair and reasonable result for the O’Leary Funds. Canoe also referred the Proposed Transaction, including the Mergers, to the Canoe IRC for its review. On November 5, 2015, the Canoe IRC advised Canoe that, after reasonable inquiry, the Mergers achieve a fair and reasonable result for each of the relevant Canoe Funds.

34. The Circular was mailed to unitholders of the O’Leary Funds on December 18, 2015 and filed on SEDAR in accordance

with applicable securities legislation. The Circular contained: (a) sufficient information regarding the business, management and operations of Canoe, including details of the

funds it manages and its officers and board of directors; (b) all information necessary to allow unitholders to make an informed decision about the Change of Manager and

to vote on the Change of Manager; (c) all information necessary to allow unitholders to make an informed decision about the Mergers and to vote on

each Merger; and (d) all information required in connection with the Change of Manager and the Mergers as specified by section 5.4

of Regulation 81-102. All other information and documents necessary to comply with the applicable proxy solicitation requirements of securities legislation for the Special Meetings have been mailed to unitholders of the O’Leary Funds. The most recently filed fund facts of the relevant Continuing Funds, as applicable, were also included with the Circular.

35. At Special Meetings held on January 15, 2016, unitholders of each O’Leary Fund were asked to vote on the Change of

Manager and unitholders of certain O’Leary Funds were also asked to vote on certain other proposals relating to a change of trustee, a change of investment objectives, a change to a fixed administration fee and the Mergers.

36. Unitholders of each O’Leary Fund approved each proposal at the Special Meetings held on January 15, 2016, other

than the Change of Manager proposal for the Extraordinary Resolution Funds.

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37. As the Extraordinary Resolution Funds did not obtain quorum at the January 15, 2016 meeting, the Special Meetings in respect of the Change of Manager proposal for these funds were adjourned to January 25, 2016. Unitholders of each Extraordinary Resolution Fund approved the Change of Manager proposal at these adjourned Special Meetings.

Details of the Mergers 38. The specific steps to implement the Mergers are described below. The result of the Mergers will be that investors in the

O’Leary Merging Funds will cease to be unitholders in the O’Leary Merging Funds and will become securityholders in the Continuing Funds.

39. Unitholders of the O’Leary Merging Funds will receive securities of a similar series of a Continuing Fund as they

currently own in the corresponding O’Leary Merging Fund. 40. The management fee of each relevant series of each Continuing Fund is the same as, or lower than, the management

fee of the corresponding series of its corresponding O’Leary Merging Fund, other than the corresponding series of each O’Leary Closed-End Fund, where it is the same as, or lower than, the effective combined management fee and trailing commission (and management fee of the Reference Fund, if applicable) of the O’Leary Closed-End Fund.

41. The Canoe Continuing Funds have all adopted a fixed administration fee structure while the O’Leary Merging Funds

have a floating expense structure. Unitholders of five O’Leary Mutual Funds approved, at the Special Meetings, a proposal to adopt a fixed administration fee structure. The Circular clearly delineates the differences in the management and administration fees and expense structures between the O’Leary Merging Funds and the Continuing Funds.

42. The investment objectives of each O’Leary Merging Fund are not substantially similar to the investment objectives of its

corresponding Continuing Fund. The Circular clearly delineates the differences in investment objectives, investment strategies and other material differences between each O’Leary Merging Fund and the relevant Continuing Fund into which it will be merged.

43. No sales charges will be payable by unitholders of the O’Leary Merging Funds in connection with the Mergers. 44. Five of the Mergers will be effected as a Qualifying Exchange (the Tax-Deferred Mergers). 45. The other nine Mergers, involving a merger into a Continuing Fund that is a class of Fund Corp., will be effected on a

taxable basis (the Taxable Mergers), as follows:

O’Leary Merging Fund Canoe Continuing Fund

O’Leary Mutual Funds

O’Leary Canadian Balanced Income Fund Canoe Canadian Monthly Income Class

O’Leary Canadian High Income Fund Canoe Equity Income Class

O’Leary Emerging Markets Income Fund Canoe Global Equity Income Class

O’Leary Global Dividend Fund Canoe Global Equity Income Class

O’Leary Global Growth & Income Fund Canoe North American Monthly Income Class

O’Leary U.S. Strategic Yield Fund Canoe North American Monthly Income Class

O’Leary Closed-End Funds

Convertible Debentures Income Fund Canoe Canadian Asset Allocation Class

O’Leary Canadian Diversified Income Fund Canoe Equity Income Class

O’Leary U.S. Strategic Yield Advantaged Fund Canoe North American Monthly Income Class

46. The Circular provided a summary of the anticipated tax implications to securityholders of the O’Leary Merging Funds

and the Continuing Funds as a result of the Mergers.

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47. The costs and expenses associated with the Mergers (consisting primarily of proxy solicitation, printing, mailing, legal and regulatory fees), including the costs of the Meetings but not including certain fees and expenses with respect to the IRC, will be borne by O’Leary or Canoe and will not be charged to the O’Leary Merging Funds.

48. Unitholders of each O’Leary Merging Fund which is an O’Leary Mutual Fund will continue to have the right to redeem

their units for cash or switch into units of another O’Leary Mutual Fund at any time up to the close of business on the business day immediately before the effective date of the applicable Merger. Securities so redeemed will be redeemed at a price equal to their series net asset value per security on the redemption date. Unitholders of each O’Leary Merging Fund which is an O’Leary Closed-End Fund will continue to have the right to redeem units of the O’Leary Closed-End Fund in accordance with the provisions and in respect of the annual redemption option applicable to such fund prior to the effective date of the applicable Merger including the ability to redeem at 100% of the net asset value per unit (less any costs and expenses incurred by the O’Leary Closed-End Fund in funding the redemption) prior to the effective date.

49. Following the Mergers, all pre-authorized purchase plans that had been established with respect to the O’Leary

Merging Funds will be re-established on a class or series-for-series basis in the applicable Continuing Funds unless a securityholder advises Canoe otherwise. Securityholders may change or cancel any pre-authorized purchase plan at any time.

50. The Mergers will not constitute a material change for any of the Continuing Funds. 51. The O’Leary Merging Funds have complied with Part 11 of Regulation 81-106 in connection with the making of the

decision by the board of directors of the general partner of O’Leary to proceed with the Proposed Transaction, including the Mergers.

52. O’Leary is not entitled to rely upon the approval of the O’Leary IRC in lieu of unitholder approval for the Mergers due to

the fact that one or more conditions of section 5.6 of Regulation 81-102 will not be met, as required by paragraph 5.3(2)(c) of Regulation 81-102, as described below:

O’Leary Merging Funds

Continuing Funds Reason why pre-approval is not available

O’Leary Mutual Funds

O’Leary Canadian Balanced Income Fund

Canoe Canadian Monthly Income Class

• s. 5.6(1)(a)(i) – not the same manager • s. 5.6(1)(a)(ii) – fundamental investment objectives and

fee structure not substantially similar • s. 5.6(1)(b) – merger not effected as a Qualifying

Exchange or other tax-deferred transaction under the ITA

O’Leary Canadian High Income Fund

Canoe Equity Income Class

• s. 5.6(1)(a)(i) – not the same manager • s. 5.6(1)(a)(ii) – fundamental investment objectives and

fee structure not substantially similar, however they will be substantially similar if the investment objectives and fee structure changes are approved by unitholders

• s. 5.6(1)(b) – merger not effected as a Qualifying Exchange or other tax-deferred transaction under the ITA

O’Leary Conservative Income Fund

Canoe Enhanced Income Fund

• s. 5.6(1)(a)(i) – not the same manager • s. 5.6(1)(a)(ii) – fundamental investment objectives and

fee structure not substantially similar

O’Leary Emerging Markets Income Fund

Canoe Global Equity Income Class

• s. 5.6(1)(a)(i) – not the same manager • s. 5.6(1)(a)(ii) – fundamental investment objectives and

fee structure not substantially similar • s. 5.6(1)(b) – merger not effected as a Qualifying

Exchange or other tax-deferred transaction under the ITA

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O’Leary Merging Funds

Continuing Funds Reason why pre-approval is not available

O’Leary Global Bond Yield Advantaged Fund

Canoe Global Income Fund

• s. 5.6(1)(a)(i) – not the same manager • s. 5.6(1)(a)(ii) – fundamental investment objectives and

fee structure not substantially similar

O’Leary Global Bond Yield Fund

Canoe Strategic High Yield Fund

• s. 5.6(1)(a)(i) – not the same manager • s. 5.6(1)(a)(ii) – fundamental investment objectives and

fee structure not substantially similar

O’Leary Global Dividend Fund

Canoe Global Equity Income Class

• s. 5.6(1)(a)(i) – not the same manager • s. 5.6(1)(a)(ii) – fundamental investment objectives and

fee structure not substantially similar • s. 5.6(1)(b) – merger not effected as a Qualifying

Exchange or other tax-deferred transaction under the ITA

O’Leary Global Growth & Income Fund

Canoe North American Monthly Income Class

• s. 5.6(1)(a)(i) – not the same manager • s. 5.6(1)(a)(ii) – fundamental investment objectives and

fee structure not substantially similar • s. 5.6(1)(b) – merger not effected as a Qualifying

Exchange or other tax-deferred transaction under the ITA

O’Leary Tactical Income Fund

Canoe Global Income Fund

• s. 5.6(1)(a)(i) – not the same manager • s. 5.6(1)(a)(ii) – fundamental investment objectives and

fee structure not substantially similar

O’Leary U.S. Strategic Yield Fund

Canoe North American Monthly Income Class

• s. 5.6(1)(a)(i) – not the same manager • s. 5.6(1)(a)(ii) – fundamental investment objectives and

fee structure not substantially similar • s. 5.6(1)(b) – merger not effected as a Qualifying

Exchange or other tax-deferred transaction under the ITA

O’Leary Closed-End Funds

Convertible Debentures Income Fund

Canoe Canadian Asset Allocation Class

• s. 5.6(1)(a)(i) – not the same manager • s. 5.6(1)(a)(ii) – fundamental investment objectives and

fee structure not substantially similar • s. 5.6(1)(b) – merger not effected as a Qualifying

Exchange or other tax-deferred transaction under the ITA

Floating Rate Income Fund

O’Leary Floating Rate Income Fund (to be renamed Canoe Floating Rate Income Fund)

• s. 5.6(1)(a)(i) – not the same manager • s. 5.6(1)(a)(ii) – fundamental investment objectives and

fee structure not substantially similar

O’Leary Canadian Diversified Income Fund

Canoe Equity Income Class

• s. 5.6(1)(a)(i) – not the same manager • s. 5.6(1)(a)(ii) – fundamental investment objectives and

fee structure not substantially similar • s. 5.6(1)(b) – merger not effected as a Qualifying

Exchange or other tax-deferred transaction under the ITA

O’Leary U.S. Strategic Yield Advantaged Fund

Canoe North American Monthly Income Class

• s. 5.6(1)(a)(i) – not the same manager • s. 5.6(1)(a)(ii) – fundamental investment objectives and

fee structure not substantially similar • s. 5.6(1)(b) – merger not effected as a Qualifying

Exchange or other tax-deferred transaction under the ITA

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53. Each Merger was contingent upon the Change of Manager. All required approvals from the unitholders of the O’Leary Funds for the Change of Manager were obtained at the Special Meetings.

Steps for each Merger 54. Prior to effecting the Mergers, if required, each O’Leary Merging Fund will sell any securities in its portfolio that do not

meet the investment objectives and investment strategies of the applicable Continuing Fund. Consequently certain O’Leary Merging Funds may temporarily hold cash or money market instruments and may not be fully invested in accordance with their investment objectives for a brief period of time prior to the Merger being effected. Each of Floating Rate Income Fund and O’Leary U.S. Strategic Yield Advantaged Fund will, prior to effecting the Mergers, settle its forward contracts under which it obtained its investment exposure to the applicable Reference Fund and consequently will hold (i) cash and money market investments, (ii) units of the applicable Reference Fund, or (iii) portfolio assets transferred by the applicable Reference Fund.

55. The fair value of each O’Leary Merging Fund’s portfolio assets and other assets will be determined at the close of

business on the effective date of each applicable Merger in accordance with the constating documents of the applicable O’Leary Merging Fund.

56. Each Continuing Trust Fund or the Fund Corp. (in the case of Canoe Continuing Funds that are classes of Fund Corp.),

as applicable, will acquire the investment portfolio assets and other assets of the corresponding O’Leary Merging Fund in exchange for securities of the Continuing Fund.

57. Each Continuing Trust Fund and the Fund Corp. will not assume any liabilities of the corresponding O’Leary Merging

Fund and the O’Leary Merging Fund will retain sufficient assets to satisfy its estimated liabilities, if any, as of the effective date of the applicable Merger.

58. The securities of each Continuing Fund received by the corresponding O’Leary Merging Fund will have an aggregate

net asset value equal to the fair value of the portfolio assets and other assets that the Continuing Trust Fund or Fund Corp., as applicable, is acquiring from the O’Leary Merging Fund. The securities of the Continuing Fund will be issued at the applicable class or series net asset value per security as of the close of business on the effective date of the applicable Merger.

59. The O’Leary Merging Funds will distribute a sufficient amount of their net income and net realized capital gains, if any,

to unitholders to ensure that they will not be subject to tax for their then current tax year. 60. Immediately thereafter, securities of each Continuing Fund received by the applicable O’Leary Merging Fund will be

distributed to unitholders of the O’Leary Merging Fund in exchange for their units of the O’Leary Merging Fund on a dollar-for-dollar and class or series by series basis, as applicable.

61. As soon as reasonably possible following each Merger, and in any case within 60 days, the applicable O’Leary Merging

Fund will be wound-up. 62. The Tax-Deferred Mergers will be implemented in a manner that would constitute a Qualifying Exchange. As a result,

these O’Leary Merging Funds and the unitholders of such O’Leary Merging Funds will not realize any net capital gains or losses on these Tax-Deferred Mergers. However, the O’Leary Merging Funds will realize capital gains and capital losses on the sale of portfolio assets, or the settlement of forward contracts, prior to the Tax-Deferred Mergers.

63. The Taxable Mergers cannot be implemented on a completely tax-deferred basis and therefore these Mergers will be a

taxable transaction. The capital gains and capital losses on the portfolio assets and the forward contracts of these O’Leary Merging Funds will be realized, and any net capital gains will be distributed to unitholders of these O’Leary Merging Funds. The unitholders of these O’Leary Merging Funds will realize any accrued capital gain or capital loss on their units of such O’Leary Merging Funds.

64. In the opinion of the Filer, the Mergers will be beneficial to unitholders of the O’Leary Merging Funds for the following

reasons: (a) Canoe has indicated that the management fees of each series of each O’Leary Merging Fund will not increase

on completion of the Mergers and that the MERs of each series of each Continuing Fund are expected to be similar to the MER of its corresponding series of the O’Leary Merging Fund after waivers and absorptions;

(b) each Continuing Fund will have a portfolio of greater value, allowing for increased portfolio diversification

opportunities, which may lead to increased returns and/or to a reduction of risk;

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(c) each Continuing Fund, as a result of its greater size, will benefit from a larger profile in the marketplace by potentially attracting more securityholders and enabling it to maintain a “critical mass”;

(d) a line-up consisting of fewer mutual funds that target similar types of investors will allow Canoe to concentrate

its marketing efforts to attract additional assets in the Canoe Funds; ultimately this benefits securityholders as it ensures that each Continuing Fund remains a viable, long-term investment vehicle for existing and potential investors;

(e) for those investors that become securityholders of a class of the Fund Corp. (the Corporate Class Funds),

the Continuing Fund will allow greater investment flexibility as investors can switch into other classes within the Fund Corp. without realizing an immediate capital gain on the securities of the Corporate Class Funds; each Corporate Class Fund represents a different portfolio of assets with a separate investment objective providing investors with investment flexibility and diversification opportunities; and

(f) for those O’Leary Merging Funds which are closed-end funds, investors in each Continuing Fund are entitled

to buy or redeem all or any portion of their securities daily at the applicable net asset value, resulting in greater liquidity.

65. The Taxable Mergers involve mergers of an O’Leary Merging Fund that is a trust into a Continuing Fund that is a class

of Fund Corp. There is no fully tax deferred method to effect such mergers because: (a) a Qualifying Exchange is only available where the Continuing Fund is a mutual fund trust under the ITA; (b) a tax-deferred amalgamation under section 87 of the ITA is only available where the O’Leary Merging Fund

and the Continuing Fund are both corporations; (c) a tax deferred transaction under section 86 of the ITA is not available where a trust, such as an O’Leary

Merging Fund, is merging into a corporation; and (d) a tax deferred merger would be available under section 85 of the ITA but it does not result in a fully tax

deferred merger. Under this provision, unitholders of the O’Leary Merging Fund would be offered the option of deferring a capital gain on their units by way of a transfer of those units to Fund Corp. Those gains would effectively be transferred to Fund Corp. and realized upon the wind-up of the O’Leary Merging Funds. As a result, Fund Corp. would be required to distribute those capital gains by way of capital gains dividends to other shareholders in Fund Corp. (i.e. to those who were not unitholders in the O’Leary Merging Fund) which Canoe does not view as equitable, as only those shareholders who were formerly invested in the O’Leary Merging Fund experienced the gains.

66. O’Leary and Canoe have analyzed the tax implications of the Mergers from the perspective of unitholders of the

O’Leary Merging Funds as well as from the perspective of the O’Leary Merging Funds and the Continuing Funds and have concluded that it is more appropriate to effect the Taxable Mergers on a taxable basis.

67. No commission or other fee will be charged to unitholders of the O’Leary Merging Funds on the issue or exchange of

securities of the O’Leary Merging Funds into the Continuing Funds. Change of Manager 68. In the opinion of the Filer, other than with respect to the changes related to the Proposed Transaction and disclosed in

the Circular, the Proposed Transaction is not expected to have any material impact on the business, operations or affairs of the O’Leary Funds or the unitholders of the O’Leary Funds. Canoe intends to manage and administer the O’Leary Funds in a similar manner as O’Leary.

69. All material agreements regarding the administration of the O’Leary Funds will either be amended and restated by

Canoe or be terminated and Canoe will enter into new agreements with the relevant service provider, as required. Subject to obtaining any necessary approvals, Canoe will become the successor trustee, investment fund manager and portfolio manager of the O’Leary Funds. CIBC Mellon will remain the custodian of the O’Leary Funds. Stanton will cease to act as portfolio manager of the O’Leary Funds but will be appointed as sub-advisor to certain O’Leary Funds.

70. In the opinion of the Filer, the Change of Manager will be beneficial to unitholders of the O’Leary Funds as it is

expected to lead to greater efficiencies, economies of scale and a pooling of resources which will create an even stronger group of Canoe Funds to serve investors.

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General 71. Neither the O’Leary Funds nor the Canoe Funds will bear any of the costs and expenses, including any portfolio

realignment costs, associated with the Proposed Transaction, including the Mergers, Change of Manager, change of investment objectives and other changes, except for certain fees and expenses with respect to the independent review committees. Any costs and expenses associated with the Proposed Transaction will be borne by O’Leary and/or Canoe, as determined between the parties.

72. The Proposed Transaction has been the result of an extensive analysis by the Filer of trends in the investment fund

industry and the need for consolidation given increasing costs and regulatory requirements. After exploring various possible strategies, the Filer determined that a sale to Canoe of the rights to manage the O’Leary Funds would be the best alternative for the O’Leary Funds.

73. The current individuals comprising the O’Leary IRC will automatically cease to be members of the O’Leary IRC by

operation of paragraph 3.10(1)(c) of Regulation 81-107 following the Proposed Transaction. Canoe intends that the new members of the independent review committee of the O’Leary Funds will be the same individuals that currently comprise the Canoe IRC. As a result, the O’Leary Funds will continue to have independent oversight from individuals who are experienced at considering conflict of interest matters in the investment fund industry.

74. The Filer considers that the experience and integrity of each of the members of Canoe’s current management team is

apparent by their education and years of experience in the investment industry. Following the Proposed Transaction, it is expected that all of the current officers and directors of Canoe will continue on in their current capacities and that they will continue to have the requisite integrity and experience as contemplated under subparagraph 5.7(1)(a)(v) of Regulation 81-102.

75. The Closing will not adversely affect Canoe’s financial position or its ability to fulfill its regulatory obligations. 76. Canoe and O’Leary are not related parties. Except pursuant to the Proposed Transaction, there are no relationships

between Canoe and O’Leary (or their respective affiliates). 77. The Approvals Sought are not detrimental to the protection of investors in the O’Leary Funds or prejudicial to the public

interest. Decision Each of the Decision Makers is satisfied that the decision meets the test set out in the Legislation for the Decision Maker to make the decision. The decision of the Decision Makers under the Legislation is that the Approvals Sought are granted. “Hugo Lacroix” Senior Director, Investment Funds Autorité des marchés financiers

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2.1.2 Schneider Electric S.E. Headnote National Policy 11-203 Process for Exemptive Relief Applications in Multiple Jurisdictions – Application for relief from the prospectus and dealer registration requirements for certain trades made in connection with an employee share offering by a French issuer – The offering involves the use of collective employee shareholding vehicles, each a fonds communs de placement d’entreprise (FCPE) – The Filer cannot rely on the employee prospectus exemption in section 2.24 of National Instrument 45-106 Prospectus and Registration Exemptions and the Manager cannot rely on the plan administrator exemption in section 8.16 of National Instrument 31-103 Registration Requirements and Exemptions as the shares are not being offered to Canadian employees directly by the issuer but through the FCPEs – Canadian employees will receive disclosure documents – The FCPEs are subject to the supervision of the French Autorité des marchés financiers – Relief granted, subject to conditions. Applicable Legislative Provisions Securities Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. S.5, as am., ss. 25, 53, 74. National Instrument 31-103 Registration Requirements and Exemptions, s. 8.16. National Instrument 45-102 Resale of Securities, s. 2.14. National Instrument 45-106 Prospectus and Registration Exemptions, s. 2.24.

February 23, 2016


ONTARIO (the “Jurisdiction”)








Background The principal regulator in the Jurisdiction has received an application from the Filer for a decision under the securities legislation of the Jurisdiction (the “Legislation”) for: 1. an exemption from the prospectus requirements of the Legislation (the “Prospectus Relief”) so that such requirements

do not apply to (a) trades in:

(i) units (the “Principal Classic Units”) of an FCPE (as defined below) named Schneider Actionnariat Mondial (the “Principal Classic FCPE”), which is a fonds commun de placement d’entreprise or “FCPE,” a form of collective shareholding vehicle commonly used in France for the conservation of shares held by employee-investors; and

(ii) units (together with the Principal Classic Units, the “Units”) of a temporary FCPE named Schneider

Relais International 2016 (the “Temporary Classic FCPE”), which will merge with the Principal Classic FCPE following the WESOP (as defined below) as further described in paragraph 13 of the Representations,

made pursuant to the WESOP to or with Qualifying Employees (as defined below) resident in the Jurisdiction and in the provinces of British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Québec, New Brunswick, Nova

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Scotia and Newfoundland and Labrador (collectively, the “Canadian Employees”, and Canadian Employees who subscribe for Units, the “Canadian Participants”); and

(b) trades of ordinary shares of the Filer (the “Shares”) by the Principal Classic FCPE and/or the Temporary Classic FCPE to or with Canadian Participants upon the redemption of Units thereof as requested by Canadian Participants;

2. an exemption from the dealer registration requirements of the Legislation (the “Registration Relief”) so that such

requirements do not apply to the Schneider Electric Group (as defined below and which, for clarity, includes the Filer and the Local Affiliates (as defined below)), the Temporary Classic FCPE, the Principal Classic FCPE and NATIXIS Asset Management (the “Management Company”) in respect of: (a) trades in Units made pursuant to the WESOP to or with Canadian Employees; and (b) trades in Shares by the Temporary Classic FCPE and/or the Principal Classic FCPE to or with Canadian

Participants upon the redemption of Units as requested by Canadian Participants. (the Prospectus Relief and the Registration Relief, collectively, the “Offering Relief”)

Under the Process for Exemptive Relief Applications in Multiple Jurisdictions (for a passport application),

(a) the Ontario Securities Commission is the principal regulator for this application, and (b) the Filer has provided notice that section 4.7(1) of Multilateral Instrument 11-102 Passport System (“MI 11-

102”) is intended to be relied upon in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Québec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Newfoundland and Labrador.

Interpretation Terms defined in National Instrument 14-101 Definitions and MI 11-102 have the same meaning as used in this decision, unless otherwise defined. Representations This decision is based on the following facts represented by the Filer: 1. The Filer is a corporation formed under the laws of France. It is not, and has no current intention of becoming, a

reporting issuer under the Legislation or under the securities legislation of any other jurisdiction of Canada. The head office of the Filer is located in France and the Shares are listed on Euronext. The Filer is not in default under the Legislation or under the securities legislation of any other jurisdiction of Canada.

2. The Filer carries on business in Canada through certain affiliated companies that employ Canadian Employees,

including Control Microsystems Inc., Invensys Canada Inc., Schneider Electric Systems Canada Inc., Power Measurement Ltd., Schneider Electric Canada Inc., Schneider Electric IT Corporation, Telvent Canada Ltd., Telvent DTN, LLC, and Viconics Technologies Inc. (collectively, the “Local Affiliates,” together with the Filer and other affiliates of the Filer, the “Schneider Electric Group”). None of the Local Affiliates is in default under the Legislation or the securities legislation of any other jurisdiction of Canada.

3. Each of the Local Affiliates is a direct or indirect controlled subsidiary of the Filer and is not, and has no current

intention of becoming, a reporting issuer under the Legislation or under the securities legislation of any other jurisdiction of Canada. The Canadian headquarters of the Schneider Electric Group are in Ontario, there are more assets of the Schneider Electric Group in Ontario than in any other jurisdiction of Canada and there are more clients of the Schneider Electric Group in Ontario than in any other jurisdiction of Canada.

4. As of the date hereof and after giving effect to the WESOP, Canadian residents do not and will not beneficially own

(which term, for the purposes of this paragraph, is deemed to include all Shares held by the Principal Classic FCPE and the Temporary Classic FCPE on behalf of Canadian Participants) more than 10% of the Shares and do not and will not represent in number more than 10% of the total number of holders of the Shares as shown on the books of the Filer.

5. The Filer has established a global employee share offering for employees of the Schneider Electric Group (the “World

Employee Share Ownership Plan” or “WESOP”). The WESOP involves an offering of Shares to be subscribed

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through the Principal Classic FCPE via the Temporary Classic FCPE (as further described in paragraph 13) (the “Classic Plan”).

6. Only persons who are employees of a member of the Schneider Electric Group until the end of the subscription period

for the WESOP and who meet other employment criteria (the “Qualifying Employees”) will be allowed to participate in the WESOP.

7. The Temporary Classic FCPE has been established for the purpose of implementing the WESOP. The Principal

Classic FCPE has been established for the purpose of implementing employee share offerings of the Filer, generally. There is no current intention for either the Principal Classic FCPE or the Temporary Classic FCPE to become a reporting issuer under the Legislation or the securities legislation of any other jurisdiction of Canada.

8. Each of the Temporary Classic FCPE and the Principal Classic FCPE is an FCPE which is a shareholding vehicle of a

type commonly used in France for the conservation or custodianship of shares held by employee-investors. The Principal Classic FCPE and the Temporary Classic FCPE have been registered with the French Autorité des marchés financiers (the “French AMF”). Only Qualifying Employees will be allowed to hold Units issued pursuant to the WESOP.

9. All Units acquired pursuant to the WESOP by Canadian Participants will be subject to a hold period of approximately

five years (the “Lock-Up Period”), subject to certain exceptions provided for in the Schneider Electric International Employee Shareholding Plan and adopted under the Classic Plan in Canada (such as a release on death or termination of employment, or the exception that the Canadian Participant’s employer ceases to be an affiliate of the Filer).

10. Under the Classic Plan, Canadian Participants will subscribe for Units in the Temporary Classic FCPE, and the

Temporary Classic FCPE will then subscribe for Shares on behalf of Canadian Participants using the Canadian Participants’ contributions and the employer contributions from Local Affiliates that employ the Canadian Participants, as described in paragraph 11. The subscription price will be the Canadian dollar equivalent equal to the average of the opening price of the Shares (expressed in Euros) on Euronext on the 20 trading days preceding the date of fixing of the subscription price by the Management Board of the Filer, less a 20% discount.

11. As indicated above, the Local Affiliate employing a Canadian Participant will also contribute on behalf of such Canadian

Participant an amount into the Classic Plan. For each contribution that a Canadian Participant makes into the Classic Plan up to and including the Canadian dollar equivalent of 1,000 Euros, the Local Affiliate employing such Canadian Participant will contribute an additional 100% of such amount into the Classic Plan on behalf of such Canadian Participant. For the portion of each contribution that a Canadian Participant makes that is equal to or greater than the Canadian dollar equivalent of 1,001 Euros and up to and including the Canadian dollar equivalent of 1,800 Euros, the Local Affiliate employing such Canadian Participant will contribute an additional 50% of such amount into the Classic Plan on behalf of such Canadian Participant.

12. For clarity, the maximum contribution by a Local Affiliate in respect of a Canadian Participant is the Canadian dollar

equivalent of 1,400 Euros (i.e., 100% of the Canadian dollar equivalent of first 1,000 Euros contribution and 50% of the Canadian dollar equivalent of the next 800 Euros contribution).

13. Initially, the Shares subscribed for will be held in the Temporary Classic FCPE and the Canadian Participant will

receive Units in the Temporary Classic FCPE. Following the completion of the WESOP, the Temporary Classic FCPE will be merged with the Principal Classic FCPE (subject to the approval of the supervisory board of the FCPEs and the French AMF). Units of the Temporary Classic FCPE held by Canadian Participants will be replaced with Units of the Principal Classic FCPE on a pro rata basis and the Shares subscribed for under the WESOP will be held in the Principal Classic FCPE (the “Merger”).

14. The term “Classic FCPE” used herein means, prior to the Merger, the Temporary Classic FCPE, and following the

Merger, the Principal Classic FCPE. 15. Under the Classic Plan, at the end of the Lock-Up Period a Canadian Participant may

(a) request the redemption of Units in the Classic FCPE in consideration for a cash payment equal to the then

market value of the Shares, or (b) continue to hold Units in the Classic FCPE and request the redemption of those Units at a later date in

consideration for a cash payment equal to the then market value of the Shares.

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Subject to certain changes in the regulations of the Classic FCPE which may be made, a Canadian Participant may be permitted to request the redemption of his or her Units in the Classic FCPE in consideration for the underlying Shares (instead of a cash payment) at or after the end of the Lock-Up Period.

16. In the event of an early unwind resulting from the Canadian Participant exercising one of the exceptions to the Lock-Up Period and meeting the applicable criteria, a Canadian Participant may request the redemption of Units in the Classic FCPE in consideration for a cash payment equal to the then market value of the underlying Shares.

17. Dividends paid on the Shares held in the Classic FCPE will be contributed to the Classic FCPE and used to purchase

additional Shares. To reflect this reinvestment, no new Units will be issued. Instead, the reinvestment will increase the asset base of the Classic FCPE as well as the value of the Units held by Canadian Participants.

18. The subscription price will not be known to Canadian Employees until after the end of the subscription period.

However, this information will be provided to Canadian Employees prior to the start of the revocation period, during which Canadian Participants may choose to revoke all (but not part) of their subscription under the Classic Plan and thereby not participate in the WESOP.

19. Each of the Temporary Classic FCPE and the Principal Classic FCPE is an FCPE, which is a limited liability entity

under French law. The portfolio of each of the Principal Classic FCPE and the Temporary Classic FCPE will consist almost entirely of Shares, but may, from time to time, include cash in respect of dividends paid on the Shares which will be reinvested in Shares and cash or cash equivalents pending investments in Shares and for the purposes of Unit redemptions.

20. The Management Company is a portfolio management company governed by the laws of France. The Management

Company is registered with the French AMF to manage investments and complies with the rules of the French AMF. To the best of the Filer’s knowledge, the Management Company is not, and has no current intention of becoming, a reporting issuer under the Legislation or the securities legislation of any other jurisdiction of Canada.

21. The Management Company’s portfolio management activities in connection with the WESOP and the Principal Classic

FCPE and the Temporary Classic FCPE are limited to subscribing for Shares from the Filer, selling such Shares as necessary in order to fund redemption requests and investing available cash in cash equivalents.

22. The Management Company is also responsible for preparing accounting documents and publishing periodic

informational documents as provided by the rules of each of the Principal Classic FCPE and the Temporary Classic FCPE. The Management Company’s activities do not affect the underlying value of the Shares and the Management Company will not be involved in providing advice to any Canadian Employees with respect to an investment in the Units. The Management Company is not in default of the Legislation or the securities legislation of any other jurisdiction of Canada.

23. Shares issued pursuant to the WESOP will be deposited in the Classic FCPE through CACEIS Bank (the

“Depositary”), a large French commercial bank subject to French banking legislation. 24. Under French law, the Depositary must be selected by the Management Company from among a limited number of

companies identified on a list maintained by the French Minister of the Economy and Finance and its appointment must be approved by the French AMF. The Depositary carries out orders to purchase, trade and sell securities in the portfolio and takes all necessary action to allow each of the Principal Classic FCPE and the Temporary Classic FCPE to exercise the rights relating to the securities held in its respective portfolio.

25. The Unit value of the Classic FCPE will be calculated and reported to the French AMF on a regular basis, based on the

net assets of the Classic FCPE divided by the number of Units outstanding. The value of Classic FCPE Units will be based on the value of the underlying Shares, but the number of Units of the Classic FCPE will not correspond to the number of the underlying Shares (e.g., dividends will be reinvested in additional Shares and increase the value of each Unit).

26. All management charges relating to the Classic FCPE will be paid from the assets of the Classic FCPE or by the Filer,

as provided in the regulations of the Classic FCPE. 27. Participation in the WESOP is voluntary, and the Canadian Employees will not be induced to participate in the WESOP

by expectation of employment or continued employment. 28. The total amount that may be invested by a Canadian Employee pursuant to the WESOP cannot exceed 25% of his or

her gross annual compensation for the 2015 calendar year. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the employer of a Canadian Employee shall have the discretion to permit a Canadian Employee to use his or her estimated gross annual

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compensation for the 2016 calendar year instead of actual 2015 gross annual compensation for the above-mentioned limits.

29. None of the Filer, the Management Company, the Local Affiliates or any of their directors, officers, employees, agents

or representatives will provide investment advice to the Canadian Employees with respect to an investment in the Shares or the Units.

30. The Canadian Employees will receive an information package in the French or English language, according to their

preference, which will include a summary of the terms of the WESOP and a description of Canadian income tax consequences of subscribing for and holding Units of the Classic FCPE and requesting the redemption of such Units at the end of the applicable Lock-Up Period. These documents will be available in both English and French.

31. Canadian Participants will have access to the Filer’s French Document de Référence filed with the French AMF in

respect of the Shares and a copy of the rules of the Temporary Classic FCPE and the Principal Classic FCPE. The Canadian Employees will also have access to copies of the continuous disclosure materials relating to the Filer that are furnished to holders of the Shares.

32. Canadian Participants will receive an initial statement of their holdings under the Classic Plan, together with an updated

statement at least once per year. 33. There are approximately 2,747 Canadian Employees resident in the provinces of British Columbia, Alberta,

Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Québec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Newfoundland and Labrador (with the greatest number, approximately 694, 680, 662 and 648 resident in Alberta, Ontario, British Columbia and Quebec, respectively), who represent, in the aggregate, less than 2% of the number of employees in the Schneider Electric Group worldwide.

34. The Shares and Units are not currently listed for trading on any stock exchange in Canada and there is no intention to

have the Shares or the Units so listed. Decision The principal regulator is satisfied that the test contained in the Legislation that provides the principal regulator with the jurisdiction to make the decision has been met. The decision of the principal regulator under the Legislation is that the Offering Relief is granted provided that the prospectus requirements of the Legislation will apply to the first trade in any Units or Shares acquired by Canadian Participants pursuant to this decision unless the following conditions are met:

(a) the issuer of the security

(i) was not a reporting issuer in any jurisdiction of Canada at the distribution date, or (ii) is not a reporting issuer in any jurisdiction of Canada at the date of the trade;

(b) at the distribution date, after giving effect to the issue of the security and any other securities of the same

class or series that were issued at the same time as or as part of the same distribution as the security, residents of Canada

(i) did not own, directly or indirectly, more than 10% of the outstanding securities of the class or series,

and (ii) did not represent in number more than 10% of the total number of owners, directly or indirectly, of

securities of the class or series; and (c) the first trade is made

(i) through an exchange, or a market, outside of Canada, or (ii) to a person or company outside of Canada.

“Debroah Leckman” “Garnet W. Fenn” Commissioner Commissioner Ontario Securities Commission Ontario Securities Commission

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2.1.3 Canaccord Genuity Wealth Management (USA) Inc. Headnote National Policy 11-203 Process for Exemptive Relief Applications in Multiple Jurisdictions – Application from U.S. broker-dealer for relief from dealer registration requirement, adviser registration requirement for incidental advice, and the prospectus requirement for the distribution of foreign securities that are traded pursuant to the registration exemptions on conditions that are similar to those provided in NI 35-101 Conditional Exemption from Registration for United States Broker-Dealers and Agents – Dealer registration relief includes relief for the filer and its dual representatives to trade in any securities for an individual ordinarily resident in the US who is temporarily resident in Ontario, or for an individual’s tax-advantaged retirement savings plan if the plan is located in the US and the individual was previously resident in the US. Applicable Legislative Provisions Securities Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. S.5, as am., ss. 25, 53, 74. Multilateral Instrument 11-102 Passport System, s. 4.7. National Instrument 14-101 Definitions. National Instrument 35-101 Conditional Exemption from Registration for United States Broker-Dealers and Agents. OSC Rule 32-505 Conditional Exemption from Registration for United States Broker-Dealers and Advisers servicing U.S. Clients

from Ontario.

February 26, 2016









Background 1 The securities regulatory authority or regulator in British Columbia and the securities regulatory authority or regulator in

Ontario (the Dual Exemption Decision Makers) have received an application from the Filer for a decision under the securities legislation of those jurisdictions (the Legislation) for an exemption that:

(a) the dealer registration requirement and the adviser registration requirement do not apply to the Filer

and its agents, who are also registered under the Legislation to trade on behalf of Canaccord Genuity Corp. (Canaccord Canada) as its dealing representatives (the Dual Representatives), in respect of trades to, with, or on behalf of, individuals referred to in section 2.1 and section 3.1 of National Instrument 35-101 Conditional Exemption from Registration for United States Broker-Dealers and Agents (such instrument, NI 35-101, and such individuals, NI 35-101 Clients), and in respect of advising activities that are solely incidental to the trading activities provided to NI 35-101 Clients by the Filer and the Dual Representatives, provided that such dealing and advising activities are conducted in accordance with all the terms and conditions of NI 35-101, except for the requirements that the Filer and its agents only trade in foreign securities (as defined in NI 35-101), that the Filer has its principal place of business in the United States of America (the U.S.), and that the Filer has no office or other physical presence in any jurisdiction in Canada (the NI 35-101 Client Relief); and

(b) the prospectus requirement and underwriter registration requirement do not apply to a distribution of

a foreign security made by the Filer and the Dual Representatives when acting on behalf of the Filer, in respect of the NI 35-101 Clients, if they satisfy the conditions to the NI 35-101 Client Relief, and if

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the distribution is made in compliance with all applicable U.S. federal securities laws and state securities legislation in the U.S. (the NI 35-101 Distribution Relief, together with the NI 35-101 Client Relief, the Dual Exemptive Relief).

The securities regulatory authority or regulator in British Columbia has received an application from the Filer for a decision under the securities legislation of British Columbia (the Local Legislation) for an exemption that:

(a) the dealer registration requirement and the adviser registration requirement do not apply to the Filer

and its Dual Representatives in respect of trades in securities to, with, or on behalf of, persons or entities who are resident in the U.S. (U.S. Clients) and with respect to investment advice provided to such U.S. Clients while the Filer and the Dual Representatives are located in Canada (the Passport Exemptive Relief).

Under the Process for Exemptive Relief Applications in Multiple Jurisdictions:

(a) the British Columbia Securities Commission is the principal regulator for this application; (b) the Filer has provided notice that section 4.7(1) of Multilateral Instrument 11-202 Passport System

(MI 11-102) is intended to be relied upon in Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Québec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland and Labrador, the Yukon Territory, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut (collectively, the Passport Jurisdictions);

(c) with respect to the Passport Exemptive Relief, the decision is the decision of the principal regulator;

and (d) with respect to the Dual Exemptive Relief, the decision is the decision of the principal regulator and

evidences the decision of the securities regulatory authority or regulator in Ontario.

Interpretation 2 Terms defined in National Instrument 14-101 Definitions and MI 11-102 have the same meaning if used in this decision,

unless otherwise defined. Representations 3 This decision is based on the following facts represented by the Filer:

1. The Filer is registered as a broker-dealer under the 1934 Act, and is a member of the Financial Industry

Regulatory Authority (FINRA). The Filer is not registered as a dealer in Canada. 2. The Filer is registered as an investment adviser with the SEC. The Filer is not registered as an adviser in

Canada. 3. The Filer is an indirect subsidiary of Canaccord Genuity Group Inc., a reporting issuer in every jurisdiction of

Canada and whose common shares are listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange and the London Stock Exchange.

4. The Filer was incorporated under the laws of the state of Minnesota and has its head office in British

Columbia. 5. Canaccord Genuity Group Inc. is also the parent company of Canaccord Canada which is registered as a

dealer under the Legislation in the category of investment dealer and is a dealer member of the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada (IIROC).

6. Canaccord Canada is not registered under U.S. federal securities laws or otherwise to carry on the business

of a registered broker-dealer or investment adviser in the U.S. 7. The Filer and Canaccord Canada operate their head offices out of the same premises in British Columbia. The

Filer does not currently have an office located in the U.S. Wherever the Filer has an office in Canada; the Filer operates out of the same premises as Canaccord Canada.

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8. The Dual Representatives are representatives of the Filer who are registered under U.S. federal securities laws in respect of their trading activities and are also registered under the Legislation to trade on behalf of Canaccord Canada as dealing representatives of Canaccord Canada.

9. The Filer and its representatives are members of FINRA and the Filer’s representatives are permitted to act on

behalf of the Filer in respect of trades in securities to, with, or on behalf of, both institutional and retail U.S. Clients. The Filer and its representatives are subject to the full oversight and compliance requirements of FINRA.

10. The Filer is registered with the SEC to permit its representatives to provide discretionary and non-discretionary

advice to U.S. Clients on behalf of the Filer. The Filer is subject to the full oversight and compliance requirements of the SEC.

11. In the course of the relationship between the Filer and its U.S. Clients, some U.S. Clients move to Canada

with U.S. individual tax-advantaged retirement savings plans (U.S. Plans) maintained in the U.S. These U.S. Clients wish to continue to place trades through representatives of the Filer for their U.S. Plans.

12. NI 35-101 provides for exemptions from the dealer registration requirement, adviser registration requirement,

prospectus requirement and underwriter registration requirement, for U.S. broker-dealers and their agents trading with or for NI 35-101 Clients, upon satisfying certain conditions.

13. The exemptions in NI 35-101 require that the U.S. broker-dealer have their principal place of business in the

U.S. The Filer is unable to rely on the exemptions in NI 35-101 since its principal place of business is not in the U.S.

14. It is a condition of the exemption for U.S. broker-dealers in subsection 2.1(a) of NI 35-101, and for their agents

in subsection 3.1(b) of NI 35-101, that the broker-dealer and their agents have no office or other physical presence in any jurisdiction in Canada. The Filer is unable to rely on the exemptions in NI 35-101 because the Filer has offices in Canada.

15. It is also a condition of the exemption for U.S. broker-dealers in subsection 2.1(b) of NI 35-101, and for their

agents in subsection 3.1(c) of NI 35-101, to only trade in foreign securities. NI 35-101 Clients, who are now resident in Canada, wish to place trades with the Filer in both foreign securities and Canadian securities as their U.S. Plans permit investments in both foreign securities and Canadian securities. Accordingly, the Filer and the Dual Representatives wish to trade in both foreign securities and Canadian securities on behalf of such NI 35-101 Clients and therefore cannot rely on the exemptions in NI 35-101.

16. Other than NI 35-101 Clients, the Filer does not conduct any registrable activity with residents of Canada. 17. Where the Filer and the Dual Representatives trade to, with, or on behalf of U.S. Clients and NI 35-101

Clients, they comply with all U.S. federal securities law, and any other applicable U.S. securities law, in respect of those trades.

18. All U.S. Clients and NI 35-101 Clients of the Filer will enter into a customer agreement and associated

account opening documentation with the Filer. All communications with U.S. Clients and NI 35-101 Clients will be through the Filer and be clearly identified as communications of the Filer.

19. The Filer commenced operations in Canada on or about October 1999. Its activities have been restricted to

executing trades for and providing non-discretionary advice to U.S. Clients and NI 35-101 Clients. The activities of the Filer were conducted in compliance with applicable U.S. registration requirements and U.S. federal securities law. The Filer acknowledges that by virtue of engaging in registrable activity while having offices and employees located in a jurisdiction of Canada, the Filer is subject to applicable registration requirements in the applicable jurisdictions of Canada.

20. Other than engaging in registrable activity in Canada since 1999 without registration, or a registration

exemption, as described above, the Filer is not in default of securities legislation in any jurisdiction of Canada. 21. The trading services offered by the Filer to NI 35-101 Clients is ancillary to the Filer’s principal business. 22. British Columbia Instrument 32-525 Exemptions from the dealer registration requirement and the adviser

registration requirement in respect of trades and advice for U.S. resident clients, and the related orders issued by the Passport Jurisdictions (collectively, the Parallel Orders), provide an exemption from the dealer

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registration requirement and adviser registration requirement for U.S. advisers, broker-dealers, and their agents who are located in Canada and advising or trading for U.S. Clients, upon satisfying certain conditions.

23. It is a condition of the Parallel Orders that the U.S. broker-dealer or U.S. adviser does not trade securities for

or advise clients resident in British Columbia and the Passport Jurisdictions. 24. The Filer and the Dual Representatives are unable to rely on the Parallel Orders as the Filer and Dual

Representatives provide trading and advising services to NI 35-101 Clients, some of whom are resident in Canada.

25. In Ontario, the Filer and its Dual Representatives rely on Ontario Securities Commission Rule 32-505

Conditional Exemption from Registration for United States Broker-Dealers and Advisers servicing U.S. Clients from Ontario with respect to advising services provided to U.S. Clients and trades in securities to, with, or on behalf of U.S. Clients. As such, the Filer is not seeking the Passport Exemptive Relief in Ontario.

Decision 4 Each of the principal regulator and the securities regulatory authority or regulator in Ontario is satisfied that the decision

meets the test set out in the Legislation for the relevant regulator or securities regulatory authority to make the decision. The decision of the Dual Exemption Decision Makers under the Legislation is that the Dual Exemptive Relief is granted provided that: 1. the dealer registration requirement and the adviser registration requirement do not apply to the Filer and the

Dual Representatives in respect of trades to, with, or on behalf of NI 35-101 Clients, and in respect of advising activities that are solely incidental to the trading activities provided to NI 35-101 Clients by the Filer and the Dual Representatives, only if (a) such activities are conducted in accordance with all the terms and conditions of NI 35-101, except for

the requirements that the Filer and its agents only trade in foreign securities, that the Filer has its principal place of business in the U.S., and that the Filer has no office or other physical presence in any jurisdiction in Canada; and

(b) the only physical presence or offices that the Filer has in any jurisdiction of Canada are the premises

it shares with Canaccord Canada;

2. the prospectus requirement and underwriter registration requirement do not apply to a distribution of foreign securities to NI 35-101 Clients if that distribution: (a) is made by the Filer or a Dual Representative that is exempt from the dealer registration requirement

and the adviser registration requirement under paragraph 1 hereof; and (b) is made in compliance with all applicable

(i) U.S. federal securities laws, and (ii) state securities legislation in the U.S.; and

3. the Dual Exemptive Relief granted by this decision will cease to be effective in a jurisdiction on the same date

that rule amendments are made effective in the jurisdiction to the equivalent exemptions that are presently provided for in NI 35-101 where such amendments materially affect the subject matter of this decision, in respect of any such trading or advising activities of the Filer or the Dual Representatives carried out after that effective date.

The decision of the principal regulator under the Local Legislation is that the Passport Exemptive Relief is granted provided that: 1. the only physical presence or offices that the Filer has in any jurisdiction of Canada are the premises it shares

with Canaccord Canada; 2. the Filer and each of the Dual Representatives are in compliance with all applicable licensing and registration

requirements under applicable U.S. federal securities law and state securities legislation in the U.S.;

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3. the Filer and the Dual Representatives are permitted to engage in such activities with U.S. Clients under applicable U.S. federal securities law and state securities legislation in the U.S.;

4. the Filer is subject to full FINRA and SEC oversight and compliance; 5. the Filer does not act as an adviser to, or trade to, with, or on behalf of, persons who are resident of any

jurisdiction of Canada, other than NI 35-101 Clients; 6. the Filer, and the Dual Representatives acting on behalf of the Filer, will not solicit clients that are resident or

located in any jurisdiction of Canada other than existing NI 35-101 Clients; 7. the Filer files with the regulator all information and records about its trading and advising activities as the

regulator may request from time to time; and 8. the Filer files, with the regulator in each applicable jurisdiction, the information report required by the Parallel

Orders before relying on this decision, and files an updated information report, with each applicable regulator, within 10 days of a change to a previously filed information report.

“Mark Wang” Director, Capital Markets Regulation British Columbia Securities Commission

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2.2 Orders 2.2.1 Online Direct Inc. – s. 144 Headnote Application for partial revocation of cease trade order – variation of cease trade order to permit certain trades for the purpose of debt settlement and private placement financing – partial revocation granted subject to conditions. Statutes Cited Securities Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. S.5, as am., ss. 127, 144.


R.S.O. 1990, CHAPTER S.5, AS AMENDED (the “Act”)



ONLINE DIRECT INC. (the “Applicant”)


(Section 144) WHEREAS the Applicant is subject to a cease trade order dated October 30, 2001 made pursuant to subsection 127(8) of the Securities Act, R.S.O. 1990., chapter s.5, as amended, ordering that trading in securities of the Applicant cease until it is revoked by a further order of revocation (the “Cease Trade Order”); AND WHEREAS the Applicant has made an application to the Ontario Securities Commission (the “Commission”) pursuant to section 144 of the Act for a partial revocation of the Cease Trade Order; AND WHEREAS the Applicant has represented to the Commission that: 1. The Applicant was formed by certificate of amalgamation under the Canada Business Corporations Act on March 31,

1999. 2. The Applicant’s registered and head office is located at 65 Queen Street West, Suite 510, Toronto, Ontario, M5H 2M5. 3. The Applicant is a reporting issuer under the securities legislation of Ontario, Alberta and British Columbia and is not a

reporting issuer or equivalent under the securities legislation of any other jurisdiction in Canada. 4. The Applicant’s authorized capital consists of an unlimited number of common shares (“Common Shares”), of which

16,990,665 Common Shares are issued and outstanding. 5. Other than as identified in paragraph 18, the Applicant does not have any securities, including debt securities, issued or

outstanding other than the Common Shares. 6. No securities of the Applicant are traded in Canada or any other country on a marketplace as defined in National

Instrument 21-101 – Marketplace Operation or any other facility for bringing together buyers and sellers of securities where trading data is publicly reported.

7. The Cease Trade Order was issued due to the failure of the Applicant to file audited annual statements for the year

ended March 31, 2001 and interim financial statements for the period ended June 30, 2001 (the “Financial Statements”).

8. The comparative financial statements for the year ended March 31, 2001 were filed on December 28, 2012. Financial

statements for the years ended March 31, 2010, March 31, 2011 and March 31, 2012 and related management’s discussion and analyses were filed in December 2012 and February 2013, respectively. Interim financial statements for the three, six and nine-month periods ended June 30, September 30, and December 31, 2011 and 2012 were filed in June 2013. Financial statements for the year ended March 31, 2013 and related management’s discussion and

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analysis were filed in August 2013. Interim financial statements for the three, six and nine-month periods ended June 30, September 30 and December 31 2013 as well as related management’s discussion and analyses for the six and nine-month periods ended September 30 and December 31 2013 were filed in November 2013 and February 2014. No other continuous disclosure documents required by applicable securities legislation have been filed by the Applicant since the Cease Trade Order was issued.

9. The Applicant is also subject to cease trade orders of the Alberta Securities Commission (the “ASC”) dated October 30,

2001 and the British Columbia Securities Commission (the “BCSC”) dated January 31, 2002 (such cease trade orders being together referred to as the “Other Cease Trade Orders”).

10. Other than the Cease Trade Order and Other Cease Trade Orders, the Applicant has not previously been subject to

any other cease trade order. 11. The Applicant’s principal assets consist of less than $1,000.00 in cash as of the date hereof. 12. The Applicant has accumulated debt of $764,853.88 as of the date hereof, of which $720,678.88 (the “Shareholder

Loan”) is owed to Jean-Claude Bonhomme (the “Creditor”), a shareholder, officer, director and unsecured creditor of the Applicant. The Applicant used the majority of the advances made under the Shareholder Loan between 2001 and 2013 to meet its operational and administrative expenses.

13. The Creditor’s province of residence is Ontario. He is an accredited investor, as such term is defined in subsection

73.3(1) of the Act and in section 1.1 of National Instrument 45-106 – Prospectus Exemptions (“Accredited Investor”). 14. The Applicant suffered financial distress as a consequence of ceasing to carry on an active business in 2002. The

Applicant periodically used some of the advances made under the Shareholder Loan to prepare, file and deliver financial statements and other continuous disclosure documents required by applicable securities legislation, as described in paragraph 8. The failure to prepare, file and deliver financial statements and other continuous disclosure documents required by applicable securities legislation for certain periods was due to insufficiency of funds.

15. The Applicant is seeking to effect a financing transaction to enable it to bring itself into compliance with its continuous

disclosure obligations and to fund its business operations, one or more of which transactions, or the actions associated therewith, may constitute a contravention of the Cease Trade Order. More specifically, the Applicant proposes to complete a brokered or non-brokered private placement of its securities (the “Private Placement”) with Accredited Investors resident in the provinces of Ontario, Alberta or British Columbia (each Accredited Investor, a “Potential Investor”) to raise gross proceeds of up to $300,000.00. The Applicant is proposing to raise the $300,000.00 by selling Common Shares for a subscription price equal to $0.005 per Common Share.

16. None of the Potential Investors are insiders or related parties of the Applicant. 17. The proceeds from the Private Placement shall be used to prepare and file continuous disclosure documents with a

view to obtaining a full revocation of the Cease Trade Order and the Other Cease Trade Orders, to pay filing fees with respect thereto to the Commission, the ASC and the BCSC, to pay outstanding fees to the Applicant’s transfer agent, to fund the preparation of the application for the revocation of the Cease Trade Order and the Other Cease Trade Orders and to provide working capital.

18. The Applicant also proposes to issue Common Shares in satisfaction of the debt of the Shareholder Loan at a deemed

price of $0.005 per share owed to the shareholder and director of the Applicant referred to in paragraph 12 (the “Debt Conversion”). The issuance of Common Shares and the forgiveness of debt are each a “related party transaction”, pursuant to subsections (g) and (l) of the definition of that term in Multilateral Instrument 61-101 – Protection of Minority Security Holders in Special Transactions (“MI 61-101”). The issuance of Common Shares is subject to the formal valuation and minority approval requirements in MI 61-101. The forgiveness of debt is not subject to the formal valuation requirement in MI 61-101, however, it is subject to the minority approval requirement of MI 61-101. Regarding the issuance of Common Shares, the Applicant will rely on the exemption from the formal valuation requirement contained in section 5.5(b) of MI 61-101, since the securities of the Applicant are not listed on any stock exchange. Regarding both the issuance of Common Shares and the forgiveness of debt, the Applicant will rely on the exemption from the minority approval requirement contained in section 5.7(a) of MI 61-101, since neither the fair market value of the securities issued, nor the fair market value of the consideration for the transactions, insofar as it involves interested parties, exceeds 25% of the Applicant’s market capitalization as determined by the board of directors of the Applicant acting in good faith. The foregoing shall be disclosed in the disclosure document for the Debt Conversion, being the news release and material change report which material change report will be in compliance with section 5.2 of MI 61-101.

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19. The Shareholder Loan is comprised of two types of cash advances made by the Creditor. A number of non-interest bearing advances were made between 2001 and 2011 in the aggregate amount of $443,218.00 (the “Non-Interest Bearing Loan”). No instruments were issued by the Applicant in connection with the Non-Interest Bearing Loan; however, such advances are reflected in the financial statements of the Applicant. In addition, the Creditor made a number of advances bearing 12.5% interest per annum evidenced by promissory notes (the “Promissory Notes”), as per the table below:

Date of Promissory Note Advance Amount

May 14, 2012 $60,000.00

November 19, 2012 $50,000.00

March 22, 2013 $50,000.00

April 17, 2013 $25,000.00

September 13, 2013 $5,000.00

September 13, 2013 $10,000.00

September 13, 2013 $10,000.00

TOTAL $210,000.00

As at December 31, 2015, the Promissory Notes had accrued $67,460.88 in interest such that the combined principal and interest owing under the Promissory Notes is now $277,460.88.

20. The Applicant is of the view that the funds advanced to the Applicant under the Shareholder Loan evidenced by the

Promissory Notes may have constituted the distribution of a security by the Applicant in contravention of the Cease Trade Order and the Other Cease Trade Orders.

21. The Creditor currently owns 615,645 Common Shares (3.62%). 22. Following the Private Placement and Debt Conversion, the Creditor will own 144,751,421 Common Shares (65.46%),

which is calculated based on the addition of the Common Shares that will be issued to Potential Investors as a result of the Private Placement (60,000,000 Common Shares, based on raising gross proceeds of up to $300,000.00) and Common Shares that will be issued to the Creditor in connection with the Debt Conversion (144,135,776 Common Shares, based on the value of the Shareholder Loan).

23. As the Private Placement and Debt Conversion will involve trades in securities of the Applicant (including, for greater

certainty, acts in furtherance of trades in securities of the Applicant), it cannot be completed without a variation of the Cease Trade Order.

24. Prior to the date hereof, the Applicant had not remedied all of the deficiencies described in paragraph 5 as it did not

have sufficient funds to do so. 25. The Private Placement and Debt Conversion trades are expected to take place in Ontario, Alberta and British

Columbia. 26. The Private Placement and Debt Conversion will be completed in accordance with all applicable laws. 27. The Applicant is not in default of any requirements of the Cease Trade Order, the Other Cease Trade Orders or

applicable securities legislation or the rules and regulations made pursuant thereto, subject to the contraventions outlined in paragraphs 7, 8 and 20 above.

28. Upon the issuance of this Order, the Applicant will:

(a) issue a press release and file a material change report announcing, among other things, the Private

Placement, the Debt Conversion and this Order; (b) market the Private Placement and provide information relating to the Applicant to the Potential Investors in

accordance with the provisions of this Order and in accordance with the applicable securities legislation and the rules and regulations made pursuant thereto; and

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(c) issue securities in connection with the Private Placement and Debt Conversion.

29. To bring its continuous disclosure record up to date, the Applicant intends, within a reasonable time following the completion of the Private Placement and Debt Conversion, to file the following documents on SEDAR once completed: (a) the remaining Financial Statements; (b) audited annual financial statements and related management’s discussion and analysis for the years ended

March 31, 2014 and March 31, 2015; (c) its interim financial statements and the related management’s discussion and analysis for all interim periods in

the current fiscal year, following the completion of the Private Placement and Debt Conversion; (d) all certifications by the Chief Executive Officer and the Chief Financial Officer of the Applicant with respect to

the Applicant’s annual and interim filings required by Multilateral Instrument 52-109 – Certification of Disclosure in Issuers’ Annual and Interim Filings; and

(e) all other continuous disclosure documents required by applicable securities legislation to be filed by the


30. The purpose of the Private Placement is to enable the Applicant to raise sufficient funds to reactivate its business, to bring its continuous disclosure record up to date, to apply for a full revocation of the Cease Trade Order and the Other Cease Trade Orders and to provide working capital. The purpose of the Debt Conversion is to improve the Applicant’s balance sheet to make the Applicant more financeable.

31. The Applicant reasonably anticipates that it will require approximately $124,000.00 in order to undertake the necessary

steps to apply for a full revocation of the Cease Trade Order and the Other Cease Trade Orders. The balance will be used to cover legacy accounts payable and to fulfill other commitments made to the OSC in connection with the full revocation of the Cease Trade Order and the Other Cease Trade Orders.

32. The Applicant reasonably believes that it will have sufficient resources upon completion of the Private Placement and

Debt Conversion to bring its continuous disclosure obligations up to date and pay all related outstanding fees. 33. The proceeds of the Private Placement are estimated to be used as follows:

Description Cost

(a) legacy accounts payable, including accounting and legal fees, consulting fees and outstanding transfer agent fees;


(b) accounting and audit fees to prepare and file continuous disclosure documents; $34,000.00

(c) the services of legal counsel with regard to the Private Placement and the Debt Conversion, the preparation of the materials for the annual meeting, the application for the Order and the final full revocation order;


(d) payment of filing fees for a full revocation application to the applicable regulators, including the Commission; and


(e) working capital and general and administrative expenses. $72,000.00

TOTAL $300,000.00

34. The amount listed for “payment of filing fees for a full revocation application to the applicable regulators, including the

Commission” is for both partial revocation and full revocation, as well as penalties, estimated to be used as follows:

Description Cost

Alberta application for revocation; $750.00

British Columbia application for revocation; $2,500.00

Ontario application for revocation; $4,800.00

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Description Cost

Alberta SEDAR fees; $2,800.00

British Columbia SEDAR fees; and $3,600.00

Ontario SEDAR fees. $30,815.00

TOTAL $45,265.00

35. The Applicant intends, within 60 days following the completion of the Private Placement and Debt Conversion to apply

to the Commission for full revocation of the Cease Trade Order. An undertaking has been provided to the Commission to this effect.

36. The Applicant undertakes to hold its annual meeting of shareholders within three (3) months of the date that the Cease

Trade Order and the Other Cease Trade Orders are revoked in full. An undertaking has been provided to the Commission to this effect.

37. The Applicant is not considering, nor is it involved in any discussion relating to a reverse take-over, merger,

amalgamation or other form of combination or transaction similar to any of the foregoing. AND WHEREAS considering the application and recommendation of staff of the Commission; AND WHEREAS the Director being satisfied that to do so would not be prejudicial to the public interest; IT IS ORDERED, pursuant to section 144 of the Act, that the Ontario Cease Trade Order is partially revoked solely to permit trades and acts in furtherance of trades that are necessary for and are in connection with the Private Placement and Debt Conversion and all other acts in furtherance of the Private Placement and Debt Conversion that may be considered to fall within the definition of “trade” within the meaning of the Act, provided that:

(a) prior to completion of the Private Placement and Debt Conversion, each Potential Investor and the Creditor will: (i) receive a copy of the Cease Trade Order and the Other Cease Trade Orders; (ii) receive a copy of this Order; and (iii) receive written notice from the Applicant and acknowledge to the Applicant that all of the Applicant’s

securities, including the securities issued in connection with the Private Placement and Debt Conversion, will remain subject to the Cease Trade Order and the Other Cease Trade Orders until such orders are revoked, and that the granting of the Order does not guarantee the issuance of a full revocation order in the future;

(b) The Applicant will provide signed and dated written acknowledgements referred to in paragraph (a)(iii) above

to staff of the Commission on request; and (c) This Order will terminate on the earlier of: (i) the completion of the Private Placement and Debt Conversion;

and (ii) 120 days from the date hereof. DATED at Toronto, Ontario on this 23rd day of February, 2016. “Kathryn Daniels” Deputy Director, Corporate Finance Ontario Securities Commission

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2.2.2 Garth H. Drabinsky et al. -- ss. 127, 127.1


R.S.O. 1990, c. S.5, AS AMENDED





(Sections 127 and 127.1) WHEREAS on February 20, 2013, the Ontario Securities Commission (the “Commission”) issued a Notice of Hearing in relation to an Amended Statement of Allegations issued by Staff of the Commission (“Staff”) regarding Garth H. Drabinsky, Myron I. Gottlieb and Gordon Eckstein (collectively, the “Respondents”); AND WHEREAS the Notice of Hearing stated that an initial hearing before the Commission would be held on March 19, 2013; AND WHEREAS on March 19, 2013, the Commission convened a hearing and ordered that the matter be adjourned to a confidential pre-hearing conference on May 23, 2013; AND WHEREAS on May 23, 2013, a confidential pre-hearing conference was held, at which counsel for Staff and counsel for each of the Respondents attended; AND WHEREAS counsel for Drabinsky requested that a motion be scheduled respecting certain portions of Staff’s Statement of Allegations (the “Motion”) and a date for the motion was scheduled for July 10, 2013; AND WHEREAS on July 2, 2013, counsel for Drabinsky communicated to the Commission that he would no longer be proceeding with the Motion; AND WHEREAS on July 3, 2013, the Commission ordered that the July 10, 2013 Motion date be vacated; AND WHEREAS on September 8, 2014, a confidential pre-hearing conference was held, at which counsel for Staff and counsel for each of the Respondents attended; AND WHEREAS on September 8, 2014, the Commission ordered that:

1. A further confidential pre-hearing conference shall take place on December 2, 2014 at 3:00 p.m., or on such

other date as may be ordered by the Commission; 2. A hearing shall commence on June 22, 2015 and continue on the following dates in June 2015: 23-26, 29-30,

or on such other dates as may be ordered by the Commission; 3. Parties shall disclose any expert evidence according to the following schedule:

a. Respondents shall identify any expert witness that they intend call and the subject of their testimony by March 9, 2015;

b. Respondents shall serve any expert report(s) on Staff by April 8, 2015; c. Staff shall serve any expert response report(s) on the Respondents by May 8, 2015; and d. Respondents shall serve any expert reply report(s) on Staff by May 25, 2015;

4. Parties shall disclose witness lists and witness summaries by May 4, 2015; and 5. Parties shall serve and file hearing briefs by June 1, 2015;

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AND WHEREAS on September 9, 2014, the Commission approved the settlement agreement reached between Staff and Gottlieb; AND WHEREAS on December 2, 2014, a confidential pre-hearing conference was held, at which counsel for Staff, counsel for Drabinsky and counsel for Eckstein attended; AND WHEREAS all parties agreed to adjourn the matter to a further confidential pre-hearing conference to be held at a later-scheduled date; AND WHEREAS on April 7, 2015, a confidential pre-hearing conference was commenced, at which counsel for each of Staff, Drabinsky and Eckstein attended; AND WHEREAS the confidential pre-hearing conference was continued on April 23 and May 6, 2015, and counsel for each of Staff and Drabinsky attended; AND WHEREAS Drabinsky requested that the hearing scheduled in this matter be adjourned; AND WHEREAS by Order dated May 22, 2015, the Commission approved the Settlement Agreement between Staff and Eckstein dated April 20, 2015; AND WHEREAS on May 25, 2015, the Commission ordered that:

1. The hearing dates scheduled for June 22 to June 26, 2015 and June 29 to June 30, 2015 are vacated; 2. The hearing in this matter shall commence at 10:00 a.m. on January 21, 2016 and continue on January 22,

January 25 to 29, 2016 and on February 19, 2016, or at such other time or times and on such other dates as may be ordered by the Commission;

3. A further confidential pre-hearing conference shall take place at 2:00 p.m. on September 24, 2015 or at such

other time and on such other date as may be ordered by the Commission; 4. The parties shall disclose expert and/or industry practice evidence according to the following schedule:

a. The parties shall identify the expert and/or industry practice witnesses they intend to call and the

subject matter of their testimony by no later than 105 days prior to the commencement of the hearing;

b. Each of the parties shall serve his or its expert report(s) on the other parties by no later than 75 days

prior to the commencement of the hearing; c. Each of the parties shall serve his or its response report(s) on the other parties by no later than 45

days prior to the commencement of the hearing; and d. Each of the parties shall serve his or its reply report(s) on the other parties by no later than 30 days

prior to the commencement of the hearing;

5. Each of the parties shall disclose his or its initial witness lists and witness summaries by no later than 60 days prior to the commencement of the hearing; and

6. Each of the parties shall serve his or its hearing brief materials by no later than 20 days prior to the

commencement of the hearing; AND WHEREAS on September 24, 2015, a confidential pre-hearing conference was held, at which counsel for Staff and counsel for Drabinsky attended; AND WHEREAS at such confidential pre-hearing conference, Drabinsky requested that the hearing scheduled in this matter be adjourned to a later date; AND WHEREAS on September 29, 2015, the Commission ordered that

1. The hearing dates scheduled for January 21 to January 22, January 25 to 29, and February 19, 2016 are vacated;

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2. The hearing in this matter shall commence at 10:00 a.m. on June 20, 2016 and continue on June 21, June 24 to June 28, 2016 and July 19, 2016 or at such other time or times and on such other dates as may be ordered by the Commission;

3. A further confidential pre-hearing conference shall take place at 10:00 a.m. on February 22, 2016 or at such

other time and on such other date as may be ordered by the Commission; 4. The parties shall disclose expert and/or industry practice evidence according to the following schedule:

a. The parties shall identify the expert and/or industry practice witnesses they intend to call and the

subject matter of their testimony by no later than 105 days prior to the commencement of the hearing;

b. Each of the parties shall serve his or its expert report(s) on the other parties by no later than 75 days

prior to the commencement of the hearing; c. Each of the parties shall serve his or its response report(s) on the other parties by no later than 45

days prior to the commencement of the hearing; and d. Each of the parties shall serve his or its reply report(s) on the other parties by no later than 30 days

prior to the commencement of the hearing;

5. Each of the parties shall disclose his or its initial witness lists and witness summaries by no later than 60 days prior to the commencement of the hearing; and

6. Each of the parties shall serve his or its hearing brief materials by no later than 20 days prior to the

commencement of the hearing. AND WHEREAS on February 22, 2016, a confidential pre-hearing conference was held, at which counsel for Staff and counsel for Drabinsky attended; AND WHEREAS at such confidential pre-hearing conference, Drabinsky requested that the hearing scheduled in this matter be adjourned to a later date; AND WHEREAS Drabinsky continues to be subject to an interim undertaking made to the Director of Enforcement of the Commission (the “Director”) providing that, pending the conclusion of the Commission proceeding, he will not apply to become a registrant or an employee of a registrant or an officer or director of a reporting issuer without the express written consent of the Director or an order of the Commission releasing him from the undertaking; AND WHEREAS Drabinsky continues to be subject to parole terms that are in effect until September 2016 which prohibit him from owning or operating a business or being in a position of responsibility for the management of finances or investments of any other individual, charity, business or institution, among other things; AND WHEREAS Staff do not oppose Drabinsky’s request; AND WHEREAS the Commission is of the opinion that it is in the public interest to make this order; IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that:

1. The hearing dates scheduled for June 20, June 21, June 24 to June 28 and July 19, 2016 are vacated; 2. The hearing in this matter shall commence at 10:00 a.m. on September 19, 2016 and continue on September

21 and 22, September 26 and September 29 and October 19, 2016 or at such other time or times and on such other dates as may be ordered by the Commission;

3. A further confidential pre-hearing conference shall take place at 10:00 a.m. on June 20, 2016 or at such other

time and on such other date as may be ordered by the Commission; 4. The parties shall disclose expert and/or industry practice evidence according to the following schedule:

a. The parties shall identify the expert and/or industry practice witnesses they intend to call and the subject matter of their testimony by no later than 105 days prior to the commencement of the hearing;

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b. Each of the parties shall serve his or its expert report(s) on the other parties by no later than 75 days prior to the commencement of the hearing;

c. Each of the parties shall serve his or its response report(s) on the other parties by no later than 45

days prior to the commencement of the hearing; and d. Each of the parties shall serve his or its reply report(s) on the other parties by no later than 30 days

prior to the commencement of the hearing; 5. Each of the parties shall disclose his or its initial witness lists and witness summaries by no later than 60 days

prior to the commencement of the hearing; and 6. Each of the parties shall serve his or its hearing brief materials by no later than 20 days prior to the

commencement of the hearing. DATED at Toronto this 24th day of February, 2016. “Christopher Portner”

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2.2.3 Hong Liang Zhong


R.S.O. 1990, c. S.5, AS AMENDED




WHEREAS: 1. On January 25, 2016, Staff (“Staff”) of the Ontario Securities Commission (the “Commission”) filed a Statement of

Allegations, in which Staff seeks an order against Hong Liang Zhong (“Zhong”), pursuant to subsections 127(1) and 127(10) of the Securities Act;

2. On January 25, 2016, the Commission issued a Notice of Hearing in respect of that Statement of Allegations, setting

February 25, 2016 as the date of the hearing; 3. On February 23, 2016, Staff filed an affidavit of service sworn by Lee Crann on February 23, 2016, describing steps

taken by Staff to serve Zhong with the Notice of Hearing, Statement of Allegations and Staff’s disclosure materials; 4. At the hearing on February 25, 2016:

a. Staff appeared before the Commission and made submissions; b. Zhong did not appear or make submissions, although properly served; and c. Staff applied to continue this proceeding by way of a written hearing, in accordance with Rule 11.5 of the

Commission’s Rules of Procedure (2014), 37 OSCB 4168, and subsection 5.1(1) of the Statutory Powers Procedure Act, RSO 1990, c S.22; and

5. The Commission is of the opinion that it is in the public interest to make this order. IT IS ORDERED THAT:

1. Staff’s application to continue this proceeding by way of a written hearing is granted; 2. Staff’s materials shall be served and filed no later than March 7, 2016; 3. Zhong’s responding materials, if any, shall be served and filed no later than April 4, 2016; and 4. Staff’s reply materials, if applicable, shall be served and filed no later than April 18, 2016.

DATED at Toronto this 25th day of February, 2016. “Timothy Moseley”

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2.2.4 Gildan Activewear Inc. – s. 104(2)(c) Headnote Subsection 104(2)(c) of the Act – Issuer bid – relief from issuer bid requirements in sections 94 to 94.8 and 97 to 98.7 of the Act – Issuer proposes to purchase, at a discounted purchase price, up to 1,600,000 of its common shares from one of its shareholders – due to the discounted purchase price, proposed purchases cannot be made through the TSX trading system – but for the fact that the proposed purchases cannot be made through the TSX trading system, the Issuer could otherwise acquire the subject shares in reliance upon the issuer bid exemption available under section 101.2 of the Act and in accordance with the TSX rules governing normal course issuer bid purchases – the selling shareholders did not purchase the subject shares in anticipation or contemplation of resale to the Issuer and has not, for a minimum of 30 days prior to the date of the application seeking the requested relief, purchased common shares of the Issuer in anticipation or contemplation of a sale of common shares to the Issuer – no adverse economic impact on, or prejudice to, the Issuer or public shareholders – proposed purchases exempt from the issuer bid requirements in sections 94 to 94.8 and 97 to 98.7 of the Act, subject to conditions, including that the Issuer not purchase, in the aggregate, more than one-third of the maximum number of shares to be purchased under its normal course issuer bid by way of off-exchange block purchases, and that the Issuer not make any proposed purchase unless it has first obtained written confirmation from each selling shareholder that between the date of the order and the date on which the proposed purchase is completed, neither selling shareholder has purchased, had purchased on its behalf, or otherwise accumulated, any common shares of the Issuer to re-establish its, or the other selling shareholder’s, holdings of common shares which will have been reduced as a result of the sale of the subject shares pursuant to the proposed purchases. Statutes Cited Securities Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. S.5, as am., ss. 94 to 94.8, 97 to 98.7, 104(2)(c).


R.S.O. 1990, c. S.5, AS AMENDED




(Clause 104(2)(c)) UPON the application (the “Application”) of Gildan Activewear Inc. (the “Issuer”) to the Ontario Securities Commission (the “Commission”) for an order pursuant to clause 104(2)(c) of the Securities Act (Ontario) (the “Act”) exempting the Issuer from the requirements of sections 94 to 94.8, inclusive, and sections 97 to 98.7, inclusive, of the Act (the “Issuer Bid Requirements”) in connection with the proposed purchases by the Issuer of up to 1,600,000 common shares of the Issuer (collectively, the “Subject Shares”) in one or more tranches from The Toronto-Dominion Bank (the “Selling Shareholder”); AND UPON considering the Application and the recommendation of staff of the Commission; AND UPON the Issuer (and the Selling Shareholder in respect of paragraphs 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 23 and 24 as they relate to the Selling Shareholder) having represented to the Commission that: 1. The Issuer is a corporation governed by the Canada Business Corporations Act. 2. The head office and registered office of the Issuer is located at 600 de Maisonneuve Boulevard West, 33rd Floor,

Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3A 3J2. 3. The Issuer is a reporting issuer in each of the provinces of Canada and its common shares (the “Common Shares”)

are listed for trading on the Toronto Stock Exchange (the “TSX”) and the New York Stock Exchange (the “NYSE”) under the symbol “GIL”. The Issuer is not in default of any requirement of the securities legislation in the jurisdictions in which it is a reporting issuer.

4. The authorized share capital of the Issuer consists of (a) an unlimited number of Common Shares, (b) an unlimited

number of First Preferred Shares, and (c) an unlimited number of Second Preferred Shares. As at February 19, 2016, 243,856,289 Common Shares were issued and outstanding and no First Preferred Shares or Second Preferred Shares were issued and outstanding.

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(2016), 39 OSCB 1980

5. The corporate headquarters of the Selling Shareholder are located in the Province of Ontario and the Subject Shares are held by the Selling Shareholder in the Province of Ontario.

6. The Selling Shareholder does not own, directly or indirectly, more than 5% of the issued and outstanding Common

Shares. 7. The Selling Shareholder is the beneficial owner of at least 1,600,000 Common Shares. None of the Subject Shares

were acquired by, or on behalf of, the Selling Shareholder in anticipation or contemplation of resale to the Issuer. 8. No Common Shares were purchased by, or on behalf of, the Selling Shareholder on or after January 12, 2016, being

the date that was 30 days prior to the date of the Application, in anticipation or contemplation of a sale of Common Shares to the Issuer.

9. The Subject Shares are held by the Selling Shareholder in connection with arrangements to hedge client transactions

in respect of the Common Shares. Between the date of this Order and the date on which a Proposed Purchase is to be completed, the Selling Shareholder will not purchase, have purchased on its behalf, or otherwise accumulate, any Common Shares to re-establish its holdings of Common Shares which will have been reduced as a result of the sale of Subject Shares pursuant to the Proposed Purchases.

10. The Selling Shareholder is at arm’s length to the Issuer and is not an “insider” of the Issuer or an “associate” of an

“insider” of the Issuer, or an “associate” or “affiliate” of the Issuer, as such terms are defined in the Act. The Selling Shareholder is an “accredited investor” within the meaning of National Instrument 45-106 Prospectus Exemptions.

11. Pursuant to the terms of a “Notice of Intention to Make a Normal Course Issuer Bid” (the “Notice”) that was submitted

to, and accepted by, the TSX effective February 24, 2016, the Issuer was permitted to make a normal course issuer bid (the “Normal Course Issuer Bid”) to purchase up to 12,192,814 Common Shares, representing approximately 5% of the issued and outstanding Common Shares as of the date specified in the Notice, during the 12-month period beginning on February 26, 2016 and ending on February 25, 2017. The Notice specifies that purchases under the Normal Course Issuer Bid will be conducted through the facilities of the TSX and purchases may also be made on the NYSE, through alternative trading systems, if eligible, or by such other means as may be permitted by the TSX in accordance with sections 628 to 629.3 of Part VI of the TSX Company Manual (the “TSX NCIB Rules”), including by private agreements pursuant to issuer bid exemption orders issued by a securities regulatory authority (each, an “Off-Exchange Block Purchase”).

12. The Issuer and the Selling Shareholder intend to enter into one or more agreements of purchase and sale (each, an

“Agreement”), pursuant to which the Issuer will agree to acquire some or all of the Subject Shares from the Selling Shareholder in one or more tranches, such tranches to occur not more than once per calendar week and, in each case, prior to February 25, 2017 (each such purchase, a “Proposed Purchase”) for a purchase price (each such price, a “Purchase Price” in respect of such Proposed Purchase) that will be negotiated at arm’s length between the Issuer and the Selling Shareholder. The Purchase Price, in each case, will be at a discount to the prevailing market price and below the prevailing bid-ask price for the Common Shares on the TSX at the time of the relevant Proposed Purchase.

13. The Subject Shares acquired under each Proposed Purchase will constitute a “block” as that term is defined in section

628 of the TSX NCIB Rules. 14. The purchase of any of the Subject Shares by the Issuer pursuant to an Agreement will constitute an “issuer bid” for the

purposes of the Act, to which the applicable Issuer Bid Requirements would apply. 15. Because the Purchase Price will, in each case, be at a discount to the prevailing market price and below the prevailing

bid-ask price for the Common Shares on the TSX at the time of the relevant Proposed Purchase, none of the Proposed Purchases can be made through the TSX trading system and, therefore, will not occur “through the facilities” of the TSX. As a result, the Issuer will be unable to acquire Subject Shares from the Selling Shareholder in reliance upon the exemption from the Issuer Bid Requirements that is available pursuant to subsection 101.2(1) of the Act.

16. But for the fact that the Purchase Price will be at a discount to the prevailing market price and below the prevailing bid-

ask price for the Common Shares on the TSX at the time of the relevant Proposed Purchase, the Issuer could otherwise acquire the Subject Shares through the facilities of the TSX as a “block purchase” (a “Block Purchase”) in accordance with the block purchase exception in clause 629(1)7 of the TSX NCIB Rules and the exemption from the Issuer Bid Requirements that is available pursuant to subsection 101.2(1) of the Act.

17. The sale of any of the Subject Shares to the Issuer will not be a “distribution” (as defined in the Act).

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(2016), 39 OSCB 1981

18. For each Proposed Purchase, the Issuer will be able to acquire the applicable Subject Shares from the Selling Shareholder without the Issuer being subject to the dealer registration requirements of the Act.

19. Management of the Issuer is of the view that: (a) the Issuer will be able to purchase the Subject Shares at a lower price

than the price at which it would otherwise be able to purchase Common Shares under the Normal Course Issuer Bid in accordance with the TSX NCIB Rules and the exemption from the Issuer Bid Requirements available pursuant to subsection 101.2(1) of the Act; and (b) the Proposed Purchases are an appropriate use of the Issuer’s funds.

20. The purchase of the Subject Shares will not adversely affect the Issuer or the rights of any of the Issuer’s security

holders and it will not materially affect the control of the Issuer. To the knowledge of the Issuer, the Proposed Purchases will not prejudice the ability of other security holders of the Issuer to otherwise sell Common Shares in the open market at the then prevailing market price. The Proposed Purchases will be carried out at minimal cost to the Issuer.

21. To the best of the Issuer’s knowledge, as of January 31, 2016, the “public float” for the Issuer’s Common Shares

represented approximately 79% of all of the issued and outstanding Common Shares for the purposes of the TSX NCIB Rules.

22. The Common Shares are “highly-liquid securities” within the meaning of section 1.1 of OSC Rule 48-501 Trading

during Distributions, Formal Bids and Share Exchange Transactions and section 1.1 of the Universal Market Integrity Rules.

23. Other than the Purchase Price, no fee or other consideration will be paid by the Issuer in connection with the Proposed

Purchases. 24. At the time that each Agreement is negotiated or entered into by the Issuer and the Selling Shareholder and at the time

of each Proposed Purchase, neither the Issuer, nor any member of the Equity Derivatives Group of the Selling Shareholder, nor any personnel of the Selling Shareholder that negotiated the Agreement or made, participated in the making of, or provided advice in connection with, the decision to enter into the Agreement and sell the Subject Shares, will be aware of any “material change” or any “material fact” (each as defined in the Act) in respect of the Issuer that has not been generally disclosed.

25. The Issuer will not make any Proposed Purchase until it has first obtained confirmation in writing from the Selling

Shareholder that between the date of this Order and the date on which a Proposed Purchase is to be completed, the Selling Shareholder has not purchased, had purchased on its behalf, or otherwise accumulated, any Common Shares to re-establish its holdings of Common Shares which will have been reduced as a result of the sale of Subject Shares pursuant to the Proposed Purchases.

26. The Issuer has made two other applications to the Commission for exemptive relief from the Issuer Bid Requirements

in connection with the proposed purchase by the Issuer of up to 1,975,000 Common Shares from two affiliated holders of Common Shares and up to 450,000 Common Shares from another holder of Common Shares, each pursuant to one or more private agreements (the “Concurrent Applications”).

27. The Issuer will not purchase, pursuant to Off-Exchange Block Purchases, in aggregate, more than one-third of the

maximum number of Common Shares that the Issuer can purchase under the Normal Course Issuer Bid, such one-third being equal to 4,064,271 Common Shares as of the date of this Order, taking into account, for greater certainty, the Subject Shares and the Common Shares which are the subject of the Concurrent Applications.

28. Assuming completion of the purchase of the maximum number of Subject Shares, being 1,600,000 Common Shares,

and the maximum number of Common Shares that are the subject of the Concurrent Applications, being 2,425,000 Common Shares, the Issuer will have purchased under the Normal Course Issuer Bid an aggregate of 4,025,000 Common Shares pursuant to Off-Exchange Block Purchases, representing approximately 33% of the maximum of 12,192,814 Common Shares authorized to be purchased under the Normal Course Issuer Bid.

AND UPON the Commission being satisfied to do so would not be prejudicial to the public interest; IT IS ORDERED pursuant to clause 104(2)(c) of the Act that the Issuer be exempt from the Issuer Bid Requirements in connection with the Proposed Purchases, provided that:

(a) the Proposed Purchases will be taken into account by the Issuer when calculating the maximum annual aggregate limit that is imposed upon the Issuer’s Normal Course Issuer Bid in accordance with the TSX NCIB Rules;

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(2016), 39 OSCB 1982

(b) the Issuer will refrain from conducting either a Block Purchase in accordance with the TSX NCIB Rules or another Off-Exchange Block Purchase during the calendar week in which it completes a Proposed Purchase and will not make any further purchases under its Normal Course Issuer Bid for the remainder of the calendar day on which it completes a Proposed Purchase;

(c) the Purchase Price in respect of each Proposed Purchase will be at a discount to the last “independent trade”

(as that term is used in paragraph 629(1)1 of the TSX NCIB Rules) of a board lot of Common Shares immediately prior to the execution of such Proposed Purchase;

(d) the Issuer will otherwise acquire any additional Common Shares pursuant to its Normal Course Issuer Bid in

accordance with the Notice and the TSX NCIB Rules, including by means of open market transactions and by such other means as may be permitted by the TSX, and, subject to condition (i) below, by Off-Exchange Block Purchases;

(e) immediately following each Proposed Purchase of Subject Shares from the Selling Shareholder, the Issuer will

report the purchase of Subject Shares to the TSX; (f) at the time that each Agreement is negotiated or entered into by the Issuer and the Selling Shareholder and at

the time of each Proposed Purchase, neither the Issuer, nor any member of the Equity Derivatives Group of the Selling Shareholder, nor any personnel of the Selling Shareholder that negotiated the Agreement or made, participated in the making of, or provided advice in connection with, the decision to enter into the Agreement and sell the Subject Shares, will be aware of any “material change” or “material fact” (each as defined in the Act) in respect of the Issuer that has not been generally disclosed;

(g) in advance of the first Proposed Purchase, the Issuer will issue a press release disclosing (i) its intention to

make the Proposed Purchases, and (ii) that information regarding each Proposed Purchase, including the number of Subject Shares purchased and the aggregate Purchase Price, will be available on the System for Electronic Document Analysis and Retrieval (“SEDAR”) following the completion of each Proposed Purchase;

(h) the Issuer will report information regarding each Proposed Purchase, including the number of Subject Shares

purchased and the aggregate Purchase Price, on SEDAR before 5:00 p.m. (Toronto time) on the business day following such purchase;

(i) the Issuer does not purchase, pursuant to Off-Exchange Block Purchases, in the aggregate more than one-

third of the maximum number of Common Shares the Issuer can purchase under its Normal Course Issuer Bid, such one-third being equal to, as of the date of this Order, 4,064,271 Common Shares; and

(j) the Issuer will not make any Proposed Purchase unless it has first obtained confirmation in writing from the

Selling Shareholder that between the date of this Order and the date on which a Proposed Purchase is to be completed, the Selling Shareholder has not purchased, had purchased on its behalf, or otherwise accumulated, any Common Shares to re-establish its holdings of Common Shares which will have been reduced as a result of the sale of Subject Shares pursuant to the Proposed Purchases.

DATED at Toronto this 26th day of February, 2016. “Ann Marie Ryan” Commissioner Ontario Securities Commission “Sarah B. Kavanagh” Commissioner Ontario Securities Commission

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March 3, 2016

(2016), 39 OSCB 1983

2.2.5 Gildan Activewear Inc. – s. 104(2)(c) Headnote Subsection 104(2)(c) of the Act – Issuer bid – relief from issuer bid requirements in sections 94 to 94.8 and 97 to 98.7 of the Act – Issuer proposes to purchase, at a discounted purchase price, up to 450,000 of its common shares from one of its shareholders – due to the discounted purchase price, proposed purchases cannot be made through the TSX trading system – but for the fact that the proposed purchases cannot be made through the TSX trading system, the Issuer could otherwise acquire the subject shares in reliance upon the issuer bid exemption available under section 101.2 of the Act and in accordance with the TSX rules governing normal course issuer bid purchases – the selling shareholders did not purchase the subject shares in anticipation or contemplation of resale to the Issuer and has not, for a minimum of 30 days prior to the date of the application seeking the requested relief, purchased common shares of the Issuer in anticipation or contemplation of a sale of common shares to the Issuer – no adverse economic impact on, or prejudice to, the Issuer or public shareholders – proposed purchases exempt from the issuer bid requirements in sections 94 to 94.8 and 97 to 98.7 of the Act, subject to conditions, including that the Issuer not purchase, in the aggregate, more than one-third of the maximum number of shares to be purchased under its normal course issuer bid by way of off-exchange block purchases, and that the Issuer not make any proposed purchase unless it has first obtained written confirmation from each selling shareholder that between the date of the order and the date on which the proposed purchase is completed, neither selling shareholder has purchased, had purchased on its behalf, or otherwise accumulated, any common shares of the Issuer to re-establish its, or the other selling shareholder’s, holdings of common shares which will have been reduced as a result of the sale of the subject shares pursuant to the proposed purchases. Statutes Cited Securities Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. S.5, as am., ss. 94 to 94.8, 97 to 98.7, 104(2)(c).


R.S.O. 1990, c. S.5, AS AMENDED




(Clause 104(2)(c))

UPON the application (the “Application”) of Gildan Activewear Inc. (the “Issuer”) to the Ontario Securities Commission (the “Commission”) for an order pursuant to clause 104(2)(c) of the Securities Act (Ontario) (the “Act”) exempting the Issuer from the requirements of sections 94 to 94.8, inclusive, and sections 97 to 98.7, inclusive, of the Act (the “Issuer Bid Requirements”) in connection with the proposed purchases by the Issuer of up to 450,000 common shares of the Issuer (collectively, the “Subject Shares”) in one or more tranches from The Bank of Nova Scotia (the “Selling Shareholder”); AND UPON considering the Application and the recommendation of staff of the Commission; AND UPON the Issuer (and the Selling Shareholder in respect of paragraphs 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 23 and 24 as they relate to the Selling Shareholder) having represented to the Commission that: 1. The Issuer is a corporation governed by the Canada Business Corporations Act. 2. The head office and registered office of the Issuer is located at 600 de Maisonneuve Boulevard West, 33rd Floor,

Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3A 3J2. 3. The Issuer is a reporting issuer in each of the provinces of Canada and its common shares (the “Common Shares”)

are listed for trading on the Toronto Stock Exchange (the “TSX”) and the New York Stock Exchange (the “NYSE”) under the symbol “GIL”. The Issuer is not in default of any requirement of the securities legislation in the jurisdictions in which it is a reporting issuer.

4. The authorized share capital of the Issuer consists of (a) an unlimited number of Common Shares, (b) an unlimited

number of First Preferred Shares, and (c) an unlimited number of Second Preferred Shares. As at February 19, 2016, 243,856,289 Common Shares were issued and outstanding and no First Preferred Shares or Second Preferred Shares were issued and outstanding.

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March 3, 2016

(2016), 39 OSCB 1984

5. The corporate headquarters of the Selling Shareholder are located in the Province of Ontario and the Subject Shares are held by the Selling Shareholder in the Province of Ontario.

6. The Selling Shareholder does not own, directly or indirectly, more than 5% of the issued and outstanding Common

Shares. 7. The Selling Shareholder is the beneficial owner of at least 450,000 Common Shares. None of the Subject Shares were

acquired by, or on behalf of, the Selling Shareholder in anticipation or contemplation of resale to the Issuer. 8. No Common Shares were purchased by, or on behalf of, the Selling Shareholder on or after January 12, 2016, being

the date that was 30 days prior to the date of the Application, in anticipation or contemplation of a sale of Common Shares to the Issuer.

9. The Subject Shares are held by the Selling Shareholder in connection with arrangements to hedge client transactions

in respect of the Common Shares. Between the date of this Order and the date on which a Proposed Purchase is to be completed, the Selling Shareholder will not purchase, have purchased on its behalf, or otherwise accumulate, any Common Shares to re-establish its holdings of Common Shares which will have been reduced as a result of the sale of Subject Shares pursuant to the Proposed Purchases.

10. The Selling Shareholder is at arm’s length to the Issuer and is not an “insider” of the Issuer or an “associate” of an

“insider” of the Issuer, or an “associate” or “affiliate” of the Issuer, as such terms are defined in the Act. The Selling Shareholder is an “accredited investor” within the meaning of National Instrument 45-106 Prospectus Exemptions.

11. Pursuant to the terms of a “Notice of Intention to Make a Normal Course Issuer Bid” (the “Notice”) that was submitted

to, and accepted by, the TSX effective February 24, 2016, the Issuer was permitted to make a normal course issuer bid (the “Normal Course Issuer Bid”) to purchase up to 12,192,814 Common Shares, representing approximately 5% of the issued and outstanding Common Shares as of the date specified in the Notice, during the 12-month period beginning on February 26, 2016 and ending on February 25, 2017. The Notice specifies that purchases under the Normal Course Issuer Bid will be conducted through the facilities of the TSX and purchases may also be made on the NYSE, through alternative trading systems, if eligible, or by such other means as may be permitted by the TSX in accordance with sections 628 to 629.3 of Part VI of the TSX Company Manual (the “TSX NCIB Rules”), including by private agreements pursuant to issuer bid exemption orders issued by a securities regulatory authority (each, an “Off-Exchange Block Purchase”).

12. The Issuer and the Selling Shareholder intend to enter into one or more agreements of purchase and sale (each, an

“Agreement”), pursuant to which the Issuer will agree to acquire some or all of the Subject Shares from the Selling Shareholder in one or more tranches, such tranches to occur not more than once per calendar week and, in each case, prior to February 25, 2017 (each such purchase, a “Proposed Purchase”) for a purchase price (each such price, a “Purchase Price” in respect of such Proposed Purchase) that will be negotiated at arm’s length between the Issuer and the Selling Shareholder. The Purchase Price, in each case, will be at a discount to the prevailing market price and below the prevailing bid-ask price for the Common Shares on the TSX at the time of the relevant Proposed Purchase.

13. The Subject Shares acquired under each Proposed Purchase will constitute a “block” as that term is defined in section

628 of the TSX NCIB Rules. 14. The purchase of any of the Subject Shares by the Issuer pursuant to an Agreement will constitute an “issuer bid” for the

purposes of the Act, to which the applicable Issuer Bid Requirements would apply. 15. Because the Purchase Price will, in each case, be at a discount to the prevailing market price and below the prevailing

bid-ask price for the Common Shares on the TSX at the time of the relevant Proposed Purchase, none of the Proposed Purchases can be made through the TSX trading system and, therefore, will not occur “through the facilities” of the TSX. As a result, the Issuer will be unable to acquire Subject Shares from the Selling Shareholder in reliance upon the exemption from the Issuer Bid Requirements that is available pursuant to subsection 101.2(1) of the Act.

16. But for the fact that the Purchase Price will be at a discount to the prevailing market price and below the prevailing bid-

ask price for the Common Shares on the TSX at the time of the relevant Proposed Purchase, the Issuer could otherwise acquire the Subject Shares through the facilities of the TSX as a “block purchase” (a “Block Purchase”) in accordance with the block purchase exception in clause 629(1)7 of the TSX NCIB Rules and the exemption from the Issuer Bid Requirements that is available pursuant to subsection 101.2(1) of the Act.

17. The sale of any of the Subject Shares to the Issuer will not be a “distribution” (as defined in the Act).

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(2016), 39 OSCB 1985

18. For each Proposed Purchase, the Issuer will be able to acquire the applicable Subject Shares from the Selling Shareholder without the Issuer being subject to the dealer registration requirements of the Act.

19. Management of the Issuer is of the view that: (a) the Issuer will be able to purchase the Subject Shares at a lower price

than the price at which it would otherwise be able to purchase Common Shares under the Normal Course Issuer Bid in accordance with the TSX NCIB Rules and the exemption from the Issuer Bid Requirements available pursuant to subsection 101.2(1) of the Act; and (b) the Proposed Purchases are an appropriate use of the Issuer’s funds.

20. The purchase of the Subject Shares will not adversely affect the Issuer or the rights of any of the Issuer’s security

holders and it will not materially affect the control of the Issuer. To the knowledge of the Issuer, the Proposed Purchases will not prejudice the ability of other security holders of the Issuer to otherwise sell Common Shares in the open market at the then prevailing market price. The Proposed Purchases will be carried out at minimal cost to the Issuer.

21. To the best of the Issuer’s knowledge, as of January 31, 2016, the “public float” for the Issuer’s Common Shares

represented approximately 79% of all of the issued and outstanding Common Shares for the purposes of the TSX NCIB Rules.

22. The Common Shares are “highly-liquid securities” within the meaning of section 1.1 of OSC Rule 48-501 Trading

during Distributions, Formal Bids and Share Exchange Transactions and section 1.1 of the Universal Market Integrity Rules.

23. Other than the Purchase Price, no fee or other consideration will be paid by the Issuer in connection with the Proposed

Purchases. 24. At the time that each Agreement is negotiated or entered into by the Issuer and the Selling Shareholder and at the time

of each Proposed Purchase, neither the Issuer, nor any member of the Global Equity Derivatives and Investor Solutions group of the Selling Shareholder, nor any personnel of the Selling Shareholder that negotiated the Agreement or made, participated in the making of, or provided advice in connection with, the decision to enter into the Agreement and sell the Subject Shares, will be aware of any “material change” or any “material fact” (each as defined in the Act) in respect of the Issuer that has not been generally disclosed.

25. The Issuer will not make any Proposed Purchase until it has first obtained confirmation in writing from the Selling

Shareholder that between the date of this Order and the date on which a Proposed Purchase is to be completed, the Selling Shareholder has not purchased, had purchased on its behalf, or otherwise accumulated, any Common Shares to re-establish its holdings of Common Shares which will have been reduced as a result of the sale of Subject Shares pursuant to the Proposed Purchases.

26. The Issuer has made two other applications to the Commission for exemptive relief from the Issuer Bid Requirements

in connection with the proposed purchase by the Issuer of up to 1,975,000 Common Shares from two affiliated holders of Common Shares and up to 1,600,000 Common Shares from another holder of Common Shares, each pursuant to one or more private agreements (the “Concurrent Applications”).

27. The Issuer will not purchase, pursuant to Off-Exchange Block Purchases, in aggregate, more than one-third of the

maximum number of Common Shares that the Issuer can purchase under the Normal Course Issuer Bid, such one-third being equal to 4,064,271 Common Shares as of the date of this Order, taking into account, for greater certainty, the Subject Shares and the Common Shares which are the subject of the Concurrent Applications.

28. Assuming completion of the purchase of the maximum number of Subject Shares, being 450,000 Common Shares,

and the maximum number of Common Shares that are the subject of the Concurrent Applications, being 3,575,000 Common Shares, the Issuer will have purchased under the Normal Course Issuer Bid an aggregate of 4,025,000 Common Shares pursuant to Off-Exchange Block Purchases, representing approximately 33% of the maximum of 12,192,814 Common Shares authorized to be purchased under the Normal Course Issuer Bid.

AND UPON the Commission being satisfied to do so would not be prejudicial to the public interest; IT IS ORDERED pursuant to clause 104(2)(c) of the Act that the Issuer be exempt from the Issuer Bid Requirements in connection with the Proposed Purchases, provided that:

(a) the Proposed Purchases will be taken into account by the Issuer when calculating the maximum annual aggregate limit that is imposed upon the Issuer’s Normal Course Issuer Bid in accordance with the TSX NCIB Rules;

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(2016), 39 OSCB 1986

(b) the Issuer will refrain from conducting either a Block Purchase in accordance with the TSX NCIB Rules or another Off-Exchange Block Purchase during the calendar week in which it completes a Proposed Purchase and will not make any further purchases under its Normal Course Issuer Bid for the remainder of the calendar day on which it completes a Proposed Purchase;

(c) the Purchase Price in respect of each Proposed Purchase will be at a discount to the last “independent trade”

(as that term is used in paragraph 629(1)1 of the TSX NCIB Rules) of a board lot of Common Shares immediately prior to the execution of such Proposed Purchase;

(d) the Issuer will otherwise acquire any additional Common Shares pursuant to its Normal Course Issuer Bid in

accordance with the Notice and the TSX NCIB Rules, including by means of open market transactions and by such other means as may be permitted by the TSX, and, subject to condition (i) below, by Off-Exchange Block Purchases;

(e) immediately following each Proposed Purchase of Subject Shares from the Selling Shareholder, the Issuer will

report the purchase of Subject Shares to the TSX; (f) at the time that each Agreement is negotiated or entered into by the Issuer and the Selling Shareholder and at

the time of each Proposed Purchase, neither the Issuer, nor any member of the Global Equity Derivatives and Investor Solutions group of the Selling Shareholder, nor any personnel of the Selling Shareholder that negotiated the Agreement or made, participated in the making of, or provided advice in connection with, the decision to enter into the Agreement and sell the Subject Shares, will be aware of any “material change” or “material fact” (each as defined in the Act) in respect of the Issuer that has not been generally disclosed;

(g) in advance of the first Proposed Purchase, the Issuer will issue a press release disclosing (i) its intention to

make the Proposed Purchases, and (ii) that information regarding each Proposed Purchase, including the number of Subject Shares purchased and the aggregate Purchase Price, will be available on the System for Electronic Document Analysis and Retrieval (“SEDAR”) following the completion of each Proposed Purchase;

(h) the Issuer will report information regarding each Proposed Purchase, including the number of Subject Shares

purchased and the aggregate Purchase Price, on SEDAR before 5:00 p.m. (Toronto time) on the business day following such purchase;

(i) the Issuer does not purchase, pursuant to Off-Exchange Block Purchases, in the aggregate more than one-

third of the maximum number of Common Shares the Issuer can purchase under its Normal Course Issuer Bid, such one-third being equal to, as of the date of this Order, 4,064,271 Common Shares; and

(j) the Issuer will not make any Proposed Purchase unless it has first obtained confirmation in writing from the

Selling Shareholder that between the date of this Order and the date on which a Proposed Purchase is to be completed, the Selling Shareholder has not purchased, had purchased on its behalf, or otherwise accumulated, any Common Shares to re-establish its holdings of Common Shares which will have been reduced as a result of the sale of Subject Shares pursuant to the Proposed Purchases.

DATED at Toronto this 26th day of February, 2016. “Ann Marie Ryan” Commissioner Ontario Securities Commission “Sarah B. Kavanagh” Commissioner Ontario Securities Commission

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March 3, 2016

(2016), 39 OSCB 1987

2.2.6 Gildan Activewear Inc. – s. 104(2)(c) Headnote Subsection 104(2)(c) of the Act – Issuer bid – relief from issuer bid requirements in sections 94 to 94.8 and 97 to 98.7 of the Act – Issuer proposes to purchase, at a discounted purchase price, an aggregate of up to 1,975,000 of its common shares from two of its shareholders – due to the discounted purchase price, proposed purchases cannot be made through the TSX trading system – but for the fact that the proposed purchases cannot be made through the TSX trading system, the Issuer could otherwise acquire the subject shares in reliance upon the issuer bid exemption available under section 101.2 of the Act and in accordance with the TSX rules governing normal course issuer bid purchases – the selling shareholders did not purchase the subject shares in anticipation or contemplation of resale to the Issuer and has not, for a minimum of 30 days prior to the date of the application seeking the requested relief, purchased common shares of the Issuer in anticipation or contemplation of a sale of common shares to the Issuer – no adverse economic impact on, or prejudice to, the Issuer or public shareholders – proposed purchases exempt from the issuer bid requirements in sections 94 to 94.8 and 97 to 98.7 of the Act, subject to conditions, including that the Issuer not purchase, in the aggregate, more than one-third of the maximum number of shares to be purchased under its normal course issuer bid by way of off-exchange block purchases, and that the Issuer not make any proposed purchase unless it has first obtained written confirmation from each selling shareholder that between the date of the order and the date on which the proposed purchase is completed, neither selling shareholder has purchased, had purchased on its behalf, or otherwise accumulated, any common shares of the Issuer to re-establish its, or the other selling shareholder’s, holdings of common shares which will have been reduced as a result of the sale of the subject shares pursuant to the proposed purchases. Statutes Cited Securities Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. S.5, as am., ss. 94 to 94.8, 97 to 98.7, 104(2)(c).


R.S.O. 1990, c. S.5, AS AMENDED




(Clause 104(2)(c)) UPON the application (the “Application”) of Gildan Activewear Inc. (the “Issuer”) to the Ontario Securities Commission (the “Commission”) for an order pursuant to clause 104(2)(c) of the Securities Act (Ontario) (the “Act”) exempting the Issuer from the requirements of sections 94 to 94.8, inclusive, and sections 97 to 98.7, inclusive, of the Act (the “Issuer Bid Requirements”) in connection with the proposed purchases by the Issuer of up to 1,975,000 common shares of the Issuer (collectively, the “Subject Shares”) in one or more tranches from the Bank of Montreal and/or BMO Nesbitt Burns Inc. (each, a “Selling Shareholder” and together, the “Selling Shareholders”); AND UPON considering the Application and the recommendation of staff of the Commission; AND UPON the Issuer (and each Selling Shareholder in respect of paragraphs 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 23 and 24 as they relate to such Selling Shareholder) having represented to the Commission that: 1. The Issuer is a corporation governed by the Canada Business Corporations Act. 2. The head office and registered office of the Issuer is located at 600 de Maisonneuve Boulevard West, 33rd Floor,

Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3A 3J2. 3. The Issuer is a reporting issuer in each of the provinces of Canada and its common shares (the “Common Shares”)

are listed for trading on the Toronto Stock Exchange (the “TSX”) and the New York Stock Exchange (the “NYSE”) under the symbol “GIL”. The Issuer is not in default of any requirement of the securities legislation in the jurisdictions in which it is a reporting issuer.

4. The authorized share capital of the Issuer consists of (a) an unlimited number of Common Shares, (b) an unlimited

number of First Preferred Shares, and (c) an unlimited number of Second Preferred Shares. As at February 19, 2016, 243,856,289 Common Shares were issued and outstanding and no First Preferred Shares or Second Preferred Shares were issued and outstanding.

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5. The corporate headquarters of each of the Selling Shareholders are located in the Province of Ontario and the Subject Shares are held by the Selling Shareholders in the Province of Ontario.

6. Neither Selling Shareholder owns, directly or indirectly, more than 5% of the issued and outstanding Common Shares. 7. Bank of Montreal is the beneficial owner of at least 245,000 Common Shares and BMO Nesbitt Burns Inc. is the

beneficial owner of at least 1,730,000 Common Shares. None of the Subject Shares were acquired by, or on behalf of, either of the Selling Shareholders in anticipation or contemplation of resale by either of the Selling Shareholders to the Issuer.

8. No Common Shares were purchased by, or on behalf of, either Selling Shareholder on or after January 12, 2016, being

the date that was 30 days prior to the date of the Application, in anticipation or contemplation of a sale of Common Shares by either of the Selling Shareholders to the Issuer.

9. The Subject Shares are held by the Selling Shareholders in connection with arrangements to hedge client transactions

in respect of the Common Shares. Between the date of this Order and the date on which a Proposed Purchase is to be completed, neither Selling Shareholder will purchase, have purchased on its behalf, or otherwise accumulate, any Common Shares to re-establish its, or the other Selling Shareholder’s, holdings of Common Shares which will have been reduced as a result of the sale of Subject Shares pursuant to the Proposed Purchases.

10. Each Selling Shareholder is at arm’s length to the Issuer and is not an “insider” of the Issuer or an “associate” of an

“insider” of the Issuer, or an “associate” or “affiliate” of the Issuer, as such terms are defined in the Act. Each Selling Shareholder is an “accredited investor” within the meaning of National Instrument 45-106 Prospectus Exemptions.

11. Pursuant to the terms of a “Notice of Intention to Make a Normal Course Issuer Bid” (the “Notice”) that was submitted

to, and accepted by, the TSX effective February 24, 2016, the Issuer was permitted to make a normal course issuer bid (the “Normal Course Issuer Bid”) to purchase up to 12,192,814 Common Shares, representing approximately 5% of the issued and outstanding Common Shares as of the date specified in the Notice, during the 12-month period beginning on February 26, 2016 and ending on February 25, 2017. The Notice specifies that purchases under the Normal Course Issuer Bid will be conducted through the facilities of the TSX and purchases may also be made on the NYSE, through alternative trading systems, if eligible, or by such other means as may be permitted by the TSX in accordance with sections 628 to 629.3 of Part VI of the TSX Company Manual (the “TSX NCIB Rules”), including by private agreements pursuant to issuer bid exemption orders issued by a securities regulatory authority (each, an “Off-Exchange Block Purchase”).

12. The Issuer and each Selling Shareholder intend to enter into one or more agreements of purchase and sale (each, an

“Agreement”), pursuant to which the Issuer will agree to acquire some or all of the Subject Shares from the applicable Selling Shareholder in one or more tranches, such tranches to occur not more than once per calendar week and, in each case, prior to February 25, 2017 (each such purchase, a “Proposed Purchase”) for a purchase price (each such price, a “Purchase Price” in respect of such Proposed Purchase) that will be negotiated at arm’s length between the Issuer and the applicable Selling Shareholder. The Purchase Price, in each case, will be at a discount to the prevailing market price and below the prevailing bid-ask price for the Common Shares on the TSX at the time of the relevant Proposed Purchase.

13. The Subject Shares acquired under each Proposed Purchase will constitute a “block” as that term is defined in section

628 of the TSX NCIB Rules. 14. The purchase of any of the Subject Shares by the Issuer pursuant to an Agreement will constitute an “issuer bid” for the

purposes of the Act, to which the applicable Issuer Bid Requirements would apply. 15. Because the Purchase Price will, in each case, be at a discount to the prevailing market price and below the prevailing

bid-ask price for the Common Shares on the TSX at the time of the relevant Proposed Purchase, none of the Proposed Purchases can be made through the TSX trading system and, therefore, will not occur “through the facilities” of the TSX. As a result, the Issuer will be unable to acquire Subject Shares from the Selling Shareholders in reliance upon the exemption from the Issuer Bid Requirements that is available pursuant to subsection 101.2(1) of the Act.

16. But for the fact that the Purchase Price will be at a discount to the prevailing market price and below the prevailing bid-

ask price for the Common Shares on the TSX at the time of the relevant Proposed Purchase, the Issuer could otherwise acquire the Subject Shares through the facilities of the TSX as a “block purchase” (a “Block Purchase”) in accordance with the block purchase exception in clause 629(1)7 of the TSX NCIB Rules and the exemption from the Issuer Bid Requirements that is available pursuant to subsection 101.2(1) of the Act.

17. The sale of any of the Subject Shares to the Issuer will not be a “distribution” (as defined in the Act).

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18. For each Proposed Purchase, the Issuer will be able to acquire the applicable Subject Shares from the Selling Shareholders without the Issuer being subject to the dealer registration requirements of the Act.

19. Management of the Issuer is of the view that: (a) the Issuer will be able to purchase the Subject Shares at a lower price

than the price at which it would otherwise be able to purchase Common Shares under the Normal Course Issuer Bid in accordance with the TSX NCIB Rules and the exemption from the Issuer Bid Requirements available pursuant to subsection 101.2(1) of the Act; and (b) the Proposed Purchases are an appropriate use of the Issuer’s funds.

20. The purchase of the Subject Shares will not adversely affect the Issuer or the rights of any of the Issuer’s security

holders and it will not materially affect the control of the Issuer. To the knowledge of the Issuer, the Proposed Purchases will not prejudice the ability of other security holders of the Issuer to otherwise sell Common Shares in the open market at the then prevailing market price. The Proposed Purchases will be carried out at minimal cost to the Issuer.

21. To the best of the Issuer’s knowledge, as of January 31, 2016, the “public float” for the Issuer’s Common Shares

represented approximately 79% of all of the issued and outstanding Common Shares for the purposes of the TSX NCIB Rules.

22. The Common Shares are “highly-liquid securities” within the meaning of section 1.1 of OSC Rule 48-501 Trading

during Distributions, Formal Bids and Share Exchange Transactions and section 1.1 of the Universal Market Integrity Rules.

23. Other than the Purchase Price, no fee or other consideration will be paid by the Issuer in connection with the Proposed

Purchases. 24. At the time that each Agreement is negotiated or entered into by the Issuer and the applicable Selling Shareholder and

at the time of each Proposed Purchase, neither the Issuer, nor any member of the Trading Products Group of either Selling Shareholder, nor any personnel of the Selling Shareholders that negotiated the Agreement or made, participated in the making of, or provided advice in connection with, the decision to enter into the Agreement and sell the Subject Shares, will be aware of any “material change” or any “material fact” (each as defined in the Act) in respect of the Issuer that has not been generally disclosed.

25. The Issuer will not make any Proposed Purchase until it has first obtained confirmation in writing from each Selling

Shareholder that between the date of this Order and the date on which a Proposed Purchase is to be completed, neither Selling Shareholder has purchased, had purchased on its behalf, or otherwise accumulated, any Common Shares to re-establish its, or the other Selling Shareholder’s, holdings of Common Shares which will have been reduced as a result of the sale of Subject Shares pursuant to the Proposed Purchases.

26. The Issuer has made two other applications to the Commission for exemptive relief from the Issuer Bid Requirements

in connection with the proposed purchase by the Issuer of up to 1,600,000 Common Shares from one holder of Common Shares and up to 450,000 Common Shares from another holder of Common Shares, each pursuant to one or more private agreements (the “Concurrent Applications”).

27. The Issuer will not purchase, pursuant to Off-Exchange Block Purchases, in aggregate, more than one-third of the

maximum number of Common Shares that the Issuer can purchase under the Normal Course Issuer Bid, such one-third being equal to 4,064,271 Common Shares as of the date of this Order, taking into account, for greater certainty, the Subject Shares and the Common Shares which are the subject of the Concurrent Applications.

28. Assuming completion of the purchase of the maximum number of Subject Shares, being 1,975,000 Common Shares,

and the maximum number of Common Shares that are the subject of the Concurrent Applications, being 2,050,000 Common Shares, the Issuer will have purchased under the Normal Course Issuer Bid an aggregate of 4,025,000 Common Shares pursuant to Off-Exchange Block Purchases, representing approximately 33% of the maximum of 12,192,814 Common Shares authorized to be purchased under the Normal Course Issuer Bid.

AND UPON the Commission being satisfied to do so would not be prejudicial to the public interest; IT IS ORDERED pursuant to clause 104(2)(c) of the Act that the Issuer be exempt from the Issuer Bid Requirements in connection with the Proposed Purchases, provided that:

(a) the Proposed Purchases will be taken into account by the Issuer when calculating the maximum annual aggregate limit that is imposed upon the Issuer’s Normal Course Issuer Bid in accordance with the TSX NCIB Rules;

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(b) the Issuer will refrain from conducting either a Block Purchase in accordance with the TSX NCIB Rules or another Off-Exchange Block Purchase during the calendar week in which it completes a Proposed Purchase and will not make any further purchases under its Normal Course Issuer Bid for the remainder of the calendar day on which it completes a Proposed Purchase;

(c) the Purchase Price in respect of each Proposed Purchase will be at a discount to the last “independent trade”

(as that term is used in paragraph 629(1)1 of the TSX NCIB Rules) of a board lot of Common Shares immediately prior to the execution of such Proposed Purchase;

(d) the Issuer will otherwise acquire any additional Common Shares pursuant to its Normal Course Issuer Bid in

accordance with the Notice and the TSX NCIB Rules, including by means of open market transactions and by such other means as may be permitted by the TSX, and, subject to condition (i) below, by Off-Exchange Block Purchases;

(e) immediately following each Proposed Purchase of Subject Shares from a Selling Shareholder, the Issuer will

report the purchase of Subject Shares to the TSX; (f) at the time that each Agreement is negotiated or entered into by the Issuer and the applicable Selling

Shareholder and at the time of each Proposed Purchase, neither the Issuer, nor any member of the Trading Products Group of either Selling Shareholder, nor any personnel of the Selling Shareholders that negotiated the Agreement or made, participated in the making of, or provided advice in connection with, the decision to enter into the Agreement and sell the Subject Shares, will be aware of any “material change” or “material fact” (each as defined in the Act) in respect of the Issuer that has not been generally disclosed;

(g) in advance of the first Proposed Purchase, the Issuer will issue a press release disclosing (i) its intention to

make the Proposed Purchases, and (ii) that information regarding each Proposed Purchase, including the number of Subject Shares purchased and the aggregate Purchase Price, will be available on the System for Electronic Document Analysis and Retrieval (“SEDAR”) following the completion of each Proposed Purchase;

(h) the Issuer will report information regarding each Proposed Purchase, including the number of Subject Shares

purchased and the aggregate Purchase Price, on SEDAR before 5:00 p.m. (Toronto time) on the business day following such purchase;

(i) the Issuer does not purchase, pursuant to Off-Exchange Block Purchases, in the aggregate more than one-

third of the maximum number of Common Shares the Issuer can purchase under its Normal Course Issuer Bid, such one-third being equal to, as of the date of this Order, 4,064,271 Common Shares; and

(j) the Issuer will not make any Proposed Purchase unless it has first obtained confirmation in writing from each Selling

Shareholder that between the date of this Order and the date on which a Proposed Purchase is to be completed, neither Selling Shareholder has purchased, had purchased on its behalf, or otherwise accumulated, any Common Shares to re-establish its, or the other Selling Shareholder’s, holdings of Common Shares which will have been reduced as a result of the sale of Subject Shares pursuant to the Proposed Purchases.

DATED at Toronto this 26th day of February, 2016. “Ann Marie Ryan” Commissioner Ontario Securities Commission “Sarah B. Kavanagh” Commissioner Ontario Securities Commission

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2.2.7 Manulife Asset Management Limited and Manulife Asset Management (Europe) Limited – s. 80 of the CFA Headnote Section 80 of the Commodity Futures Act (Ontario) – Relief from the adviser registration requirement of subsection 22(1)(b) of the CFA granted to a sub-adviser headquartered in a foreign jurisdiction in respect of advice regarding trades in commodity futures contracts and commodity futures options, subject to certain terms and conditions – Relief mirrors exemption available in section 8.26.1 of National Instrument 31-103 Registration Requirements, Exemptions and Ongoing Registrant Obligations made under the Securities Act (Ontario). Applicable Legislative Provisions Commodity Futures Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. C.20, as am., ss. 1(1), 22(1)(b), 80. Securities Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. S.5, as am., s. 25(3). National Instrument 31-103 Registration Requirements, Exemptions and Ongoing Registrant Obligations, s. 8.26.1. Ontario Securities Commission Rule 35-502 Non-Resident Advisers, s. 7.11.


R.S.O. 1990, CHAPTER C.20, AS AMENDED (the CFA)






ORDER (Section 80 of the CFA)

UPON the application (the Application) of Manulife Asset Management (Europe) Limited (the Sub-Adviser) and Manulife Asset Management Limited (the Principal Adviser) to the Ontario Securities Commission (the Commission) for an order, pursuant to section 80 of the CFA, that the Sub-Adviser (and individuals engaging in, or holding themselves out as engaging in, the business of advising others when acting on behalf of the Sub-Adviser in respect of the Sub-Advisory Services (as defined below) (the Representatives)) be exempt, for a specified period of time, from the adviser registration requirement in paragraph 22(1)(b) of the CFA when acting as a sub-adviser to the Principal Adviser for the benefit of the Clients (as defined below) regarding commodity futures contracts and commodity futures options traded on commodity futures exchanges (collectively, the Contracts) and cleared through clearing corporations; AND UPON considering the Application and the recommendation of staff of the Commission; AND UPON the Sub-Adviser and the Principal Adviser having represented to the Commission that: 1. The Principal Adviser is a corporation amalgamated under the laws of Canada with its head office located in Toronto,

Ontario. The Principal Adviser is registered under the Securities Act (Ontario) (the OSA) and the securities legislation of Quebec and Newfoundland and Labrador as an investment fund manager, and under the OSA and the securities legislation of all other provinces and territories of Canada as an adviser in the category of portfolio manager. The Principal Adviser is also registered under the CFA as an adviser in the category of commodity trading manager and under the derivatives legislation of Quebec as a derivatives portfolio manager.

2. The Sub-Adviser is a corporation incorporated under the laws of England and Wales with its head office located in

London, England. 3. The Sub-Adviser and the Principal Adviser are affiliates, and are indirect subsidiaries of Manulife Financial Corporation. 4. The Sub-Adviser is authorized with the United Kingdom Financial Conduct Authority as a financial services firm

authorized to advise on investments including commodity futures, commodity options and options on commodity futures.

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5. The Sub-Adviser is registered in a category of registration, or operates under an exemption from registration, under the commodities futures or other applicable legislation of the United Kingdom that permits it to carry on the activities in that jurisdiction that registration as an adviser under the CFA would permit it to carry on in Ontario. As such, it is authorized and permitted to carry on the Sub-Advisory Services (as defined below).

6. The Sub-Adviser engages in the business of an adviser in respect of Contracts in the United Kingdom. 7. The Sub-Adviser is not registered in any capacity under the securities legislation of Ontario or any other jurisdiction in

Canada or under the CFA. 8. The Principal Adviser and the Sub-Adviser are not in default of securities legislation, commodity futures legislation or

derivatives legislation in any jurisdiction of Canada. 9. The Principal Adviser provides investment advice and/or discretionary portfolio management services in Ontario to (i)

investment funds, the securities of which are qualified by prospectus for distribution to the public in Ontario and the other provinces and territories of Canada (the Investment Funds); (ii) pooled funds, the securities of which are sold on a private placement basis in Ontario and certain other provinces and territories of Canada pursuant to prospectus exemptions contained in National Instrument 45-106 Prospectus Exemptions (the Pooled Funds); (iii) clients who have entered into investment management agreements with the Principal Adviser to establish managed accounts (the Managed Account Clients); and (iv) other Investment Funds, Pooled Funds and Managed Account Clients that may be established or retained in the future and in respect of which the Principal Adviser engages the Sub-Adviser to provide portfolio advisory services (the Future Clients) (each of the Investment Funds, Pooled Funds, Managed Account Clients and Future Clients being referred to individually as a Client and collectively as the Clients).

10. The Clients may, as part of their investment program, invest in Contracts. The Principal Adviser acts, or will act, as a

commodity trading manager in respect of such Clients. 11. In connection with the Principal Adviser acting as an adviser to Clients in respect of the purchase or sale of Contracts,

the Principal Adviser, pursuant to a written agreement made between the Principal Adviser and the Sub-Adviser, will retain the Sub-Adviser to act as a sub-adviser to the Principal Adviser in respect of Contracts in which the Sub-Adviser has experience and expertise by exercising discretionary authority on behalf of the Principal Adviser, in respect of all or a portion of the assets of the investment portfolio of the respective Client, including discretionary authority to buy or sell Contracts for the Client (the Sub-Advisory Services), provided that: (a) in each case, the Contracts must be cleared through an “acceptable clearing corporation” (as defined in

National Instrument 81-102 Investment Funds, or any successor thereto (NI 81-102)) or a clearing corporation that clears and settles transactions made on a futures exchange listed in Appendix A of NI 81-102, or any successor thereto; and

(b) such investments are consistent with the investment objectives and strategies of the applicable Client.

12. Paragraph 22(1)(b) of the CFA prohibits a person or company from acting as an adviser unless the person or company is registered as an adviser under the CFA, or is registered as a representative or as partner or an officer of a registered adviser and is acting on behalf of a registered adviser.

13. By providing the Sub-Advisory Services, the Sub-Adviser will be engaging in, or holding himself, herself, or itself out as

engaging in, the business of advising others in respect of Contracts and, in the absence of being granted the requested relief, would be required to register as an adviser under the CFA.

14. There is presently no rule or regulation under the CFA that provides an exemption from the adviser registration

requirement in paragraph 22(1)(b) of the CFA that is similar to the exemption from the adviser registration requirement in subsection 25(3) of the OSA which is provided under section 8.26.1 of National Instrument 31-103 Registration Requirements, Exemptions and Ongoing Registrant Obligations (NI 31-103).

15. The relationship among the Principal Adviser, the Sub-Adviser and any Client will be consistent with the requirements

of section 8.26.1 of NI 31-103. 16. The Sub-Adviser will only provide the Sub-Advisory Services as long as the Principal Adviser is, and remains,

registered under the CFA as an adviser in the category of commodity trading manager. 17. As would be required under section 8.26.1 of NI 31-103:

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(a) the obligations and duties of the Sub-Adviser will be set out in a written agreement with the Principal Adviser; and

(b) the Principal Adviser will enter into a written contract with each Client, agreeing to be responsible for any loss

that arises out of the failure of the Sub-Adviser:

(i) to exercise the powers and discharge the duties of its office honestly, in good faith and in the best interests of the Principal Adviser and each Client; or

(ii) to exercise the degree of care, diligence and skill that a reasonably prudent person would exercise in

the circumstances (together with (i), the Assumed Obligations).

18. The written agreement between the Principal Adviser and the Sub-Adviser will set out the obligations and duties of each party in connection with the Sub-Advisory Services and permit the Principal Adviser to exercise the degree of supervision and control it is required to exercise over the Sub-Adviser in respect of the Sub-Advisory Services.

19. The Principal Adviser will deliver to the Clients all required reports and statements under applicable securities,

commodity futures and derivatives legislation. 20. The prospectus or other offering document, if any (the Offering Document) for each Client that is an Investment Fund

or a Pooled Fund and for which the Principal Adviser engages the Sub-Adviser to provide the Sub-Advisory Services will include the following disclosure (the Required Disclosure): (a) a statement that the Principal Adviser is responsible for any loss that arises out of the failure of the Sub-

Adviser to meet the Assumed Obligations; and (b) a statement that there may be difficulty in enforcing any legal rights against the Sub-Adviser (or any of its

Representatives) because the Sub-Adviser is resident outside of Canada and all or substantially all of its assets are situated outside of Canada.

21. Prior to purchasing any securities of one or more of the Clients that are Investment Funds or Pooled Funds directly

from the Principal Adviser, all investors in these Clients who are Ontario residents will receive, or have received, the Required Disclosure in writing (which may be in the form of an Offering Document).

22. Each Client that is a Managed Account Client for which the Principal Adviser engages the Sub-Adviser to provide the

Sub-Advisory Services will receive, or has received, the Required Disclosure in writing prior to the purchasing of any Contracts for such Client.

AND UPON being satisfied that it would not be prejudicial to the public interest for the Commission to grant the exemption requested; IT IS ORDERED, pursuant to section 80 of the CFA, that the Sub-Adviser and its Representatives are exempt from the adviser registration requirement in paragraph 22(1)(b) of the CFA when acting as sub-adviser to the Principal Adviser in respect of the Sub-Advisory Services, provided that at the relevant time that such activities are engaged in:

(a) the Principal Adviser is registered under the CFA as an adviser in the category of commodity trading manager; (b) the Sub-Adviser’s head office or principal place of business is in a foreign jurisdiction; (c) the Sub-Adviser is registered in a category of registration, or operates under an exemption from registration,

under the commodities futures or other applicable legislation of the foreign jurisdiction in which its head office or principal place of business is located, that permits it to carry on the activities in that jurisdiction that registration as an adviser under the CFA would permit it to carry on in Ontario;

(d) the Sub-Adviser engages in the business of an adviser in respect of Contracts in the foreign jurisdiction in

which its head office or principal place of business is located; (e) the obligations and duties of the Sub-Adviser are set out in a written agreement with the Principal Adviser; (f) the Principal Adviser has entered into a written agreement with the Clients, agreeing to be responsible for any

loss that arises out of any failure of the Sub-Adviser to meet the Assumed Obligations;

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(g) the Offering Document for each Client that is an Investment Fund or a Pooled Fund and for which the Principal Adviser engages the Sub-Adviser to provide the Sub-Advisory Services will include the Required Disclosure;

(h) prior to purchasing any securities of one or more of the Clients that are Investment Funds or Pooled Funds

directly from the Principal Adviser, all investors in these Clients who are Ontario residents will receive, or have received, the Required Disclosure in writing; and

(i) each Client that is a Managed Account Client for which the Principal Adviser engages the Sub-Adviser to

provide the Sub-Advisory Services will receive, or has received, the Required Disclosure in writing prior to the purchasing of any Contracts for such Client;

IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that this Order will terminate on the earliest of:

(a) such transition period as provided by operation of law after the effective date of the repeal of the CFA; (b) six months, or such other transition period as provided by operation of law, after the coming into force of any

amendment to Ontario commodity futures law (as defined in the CFA) or Ontario securities law (as defined in the OSA) that affects the ability of the Sub-Adviser to act as a sub-adviser to the Principal Adviser in respect of the Sub-Advisory Services; and

(c) five years after the date of this Order.

DATED at Toronto, Ontario, this 26th day of February, 2016. “Anne Marie Ryan” “Sarah Kavanagh” Commissioner Commissioner Ontario Securities Commission Ontario Securities Commission

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Chapter 3

Reasons: Decisions, Orders and Rulings 3.2 Director’s Decisions 3.2.1 Greg Thompson


R.S.O. 1990, c. S.5, AS AMENDED



1. Greg Thompson (“Thompson”) has been registered under the Securities Act (Ontario) (the “Act”) as an exempt market

dealing representative with Becksley Capital Inc. (“Becksley”) since February 7, 2010. 2. Pursuant to terms and conditions on its registration, Becksley performed a retrospective review of a random sample of

trades made by the firm during the period November 1, 2011 to July 31, 2014 to assess whether an exemption to the prospectus requirement applied to the trade, and whether the trade was suitable for the client. A report of this review (the “Report”) was provided to staff of the Ontario Securities Commission (“Staff”).

3. The Report, and subsequent related information provided to Staff by Becksley, included two trades made by Thompson

to a particular client (the “Client”) that were concerning to Staff, as there was reason to believe that one of the trades may not have qualified for an exemption to the prospectus requirement, and that both trades may not have been suitable for the Client.

4. Staff conducted a review of the circumstances surrounding the trades to the Client. 5. On October 21, 2015, Thompson attended a voluntary interview with Staff during which he was provided an opportunity

to respond to Staff’s concerns regarding the trades to the Client. 6. On the basis of the Report, Staff’s review of the circumstances surrounding the trades to the Client, and statements

made by Thompson at his interview, Staff recommended to the Director that the terms and conditions found in Schedule “A” be imposed on his registration (the “Terms and Conditions”) pursuant to section 28 of the Act.

7. The basis for Staff’s recommendation that the Terms and Conditions be imposed on Thompson’s registration was set

out in a letter addressed to Thompson dated December 18, 2015, which alleged the following facts: (a) On November 17, 2011, Thompson obtained from the Client a subscription for $200,000 in bonds of Jaymor

Capital Ltd. (“Jaymor”) (the “First Investment”). (b) Jaymor was a high risk investment. (c) According to her know-your-client (“KYC”) form completed on November 17, 2011, the Client was 93 years old

at the time of the First Investment, her income was between $50,00 and $99,000, her net financial assets and net worth were $400,000, her investment knowledge was good (although during Thompson’s interview he had very little knowledge of the Client’s investment experience), and her risk tolerance was medium (however at Thompson’s interview he could not provide a reasonable explanation as to how he assessed that the Client had a medium risk tolerance).

(d) The First Investment, which was made pursuant to the “$150,000 minimum amount” exemption to the

prospectus requirement, accounted for 50% of the Client’s net worth. (e) On January 20, 2012, Thompson obtained a second subscription from the Client for Jaymor bonds, this time

in the amount of $50,000 (the “Second Investment”).

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(f) It did not appear as though any prospectus exemption was available for the Second Investment. (g) As a result of the Second Investment, 62.5% of the Client’s net worth was invested in a single high-risk

investment, and she had no ability to access those funds for at least three years (the remaining time to maturity for the bonds).

(h) The First Investment and Second Investment were both unsuitable investments for the Client in light of her

KYC information, the features of the investment as identified in its offering memorandum, and her highly concentrated position in the offering. Pursuant to the internal trade review process undertaken by Becksley, the firm’s new chief compliance officer concluded that these were in fact unsuitable investments for the Client.

(i) In processing the trades to the Client, Thompson appears to have been inappropriately influenced by the

Client’s son and the son’s own interests. (j) Thompson appears to have complied with an internal request from a Becksley employee to prepare a written

explanation for the trades to the Client which was self-serving on the part of Thompson and inaccurately reflected his dealings with the Client and her son.

8. Staff’s letter of December 18, 2015 informed Thompson of his right to request an opportunity to be heard (an “OTBH”)

before the Director made a decision with respect to Staff’s recommendation that the Terms and Conditions be imposed on Thompson’s registration, pursuant to section 31 of the Act.

9. Thompson did not request an OTBH, and instead both Thompson and Becksley consented to the imposition of the

Terms and Conditions on January 13 and January 15, 2016, respectively. 10. The Terms and Conditions were imposed on Thompson’s registration effective January 15, 2016, pursuant to section

28 of the Act. January 19, 2016

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Schedule A

Terms and Conditions for Registration of Greg Kevin Thompson

The registration of Greg Kevin Thompson (the “Registrant”) under the Securities Act (Ontario) (the “Act”) is subject to the following terms and conditions, which were imposed by the Director pursuant to section 28 of the Act. Further Education 1. The Registrant must successfully retake the Canadian Securities Course Exam or successfully take the Exempt Market

Products Exam within six months of the date of these terms and conditions, and must provide proof of completion to the Ontario Securities Commission (the “OSC”), Attention: Deputy Director, Registrant Conduct Team, Compliance and Registrant Regulation Branch.

No Trading and No New Accounts 2. Until such time as term and condition 1 above is satisfied, the Registrant shall not:

(a) Trade in securities; (b) Open any new client accounts; or (c) Accept any assets from any new clients.

Strict Supervision 3. The registration of the Registrant shall be subject to terms and conditions 3(a) and 3(b) for a period of no less than one

year, effective as of the date that term and condition 1 above is satisfied:

(a) The registration of the Registrant shall be subject to strict supervision; and (b) The Registrant’s sponsoring firm must submit written monthly supervision reports (in the form specified in

Appendix “A”) to the OSC, Attention: Deputy Director, Registrant Conduct Team, Compliance and Registrant Regulation Branch. These reports must be submitted within 15 calendar days after the end of each month.

These terms and condition of registration constitute Ontario securities law, and a failure by the Registrant to comply with these terms and conditions may result in further regulatory action against him, including a suspension of his registration.

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Appendix “A”

Strict Supervision Report I hereby certify that supervision has been conducted for the month ending __________, 201_ of the trading activities of Greg Kevin Thompson (the “Registrant”) by the undersigned. I further certify the following: 1. All orders, both buy and sell, and sales contracts have been reviewed by a supervising officer Becksley Capital Inc.

prior to the trade occurring. 2. All client accounts have been reviewed for leveraging, suitability of investments, overconcentration of investments, and

any amendments to know your client information. 3. A review of trading activity on a daily basis has been conducted of the dealing representative’s client accounts. 4. No transactions have been made in any client account until the full and correct documentation is in place. 5. The Registrant has not been granted any power of attorney over any client accounts. 6. All payments for the purchase of the investments were made payable to the issuer. 7. No client complaints have been received during the preceding month. If there have been complaints, an outline of the

nature of the complaint and follow-up action initiated by the company is attached.1 8. There has been no handling of clients’ funds or securities or issuance of cheques to clients without management

approval. 9. Any transfer of funds or securities between clients’ accounts has been authorized in writing and reviewed by the

supervising officer. 10. Spot audits relative to the Registrant’s client accounts have been conducted during the preceding month to ensure

compliance with these procedures and no violations of these procedures were discovered. _________________________________ Date _________________________________ Signature of Supervising Officer _________________________________ Name of Supervising Officer

1 In the event of client complaints or violations of securities legislation and/or the dealer’s internal policies and procedures, the Ontario

Securities Commission must be notified immediately.

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Chapter 4

Cease Trading Orders 4.1.1 Temporary, Permanent & Rescinding Issuer Cease Trading Orders

Company Name Date of Temporary Order

Date ofHearing

Date of Permanent Order

Date ofLapse/Revoke

THERE IS NOTHING TO REPORT THIS WEEK. Failure to File Cease Trade Orders

Company Name Date of Order Date of Revocation

ZipLocal Inc. 3 February 2016 26 February 2016

4.2.1 Temporary, Permanent & Rescinding Management Cease Trading Orders

Company Name Date of Order or

Temporary Order

Date ofHearing

Date ofPermanent


Date of Lapse/ Expire

Date ofIssuer

Temporary Order

THERE IS NOTHING TO REPORT THIS WEEK. 4.2.2 Outstanding Management & Insider Cease Trading Orders

Company Name Date of Order or

Temporary Order

Date ofHearing

Date ofPermanent


Date of Lapse/ Expire

Date ofIssuer

Temporary Order

Boomerang Oil, Inc. 29 January 2016 10 February 2016 10 February 2016

Cerro Grande Mining Corporation

4 February 2016 17 February 2016 17 February 2016

Enerdynamic Hybrid Technologies Corp.

4 November 2015 16 November 2015 16 November 2015

Enerdynamic Hybrid Technologies Corp.

22 October 2015 4 November 2015 4 November 2015

Enerdynamic Hybrid Technologies Corp.

15 October 2015 28 October 2015 28 October 2015

Starrex International Ltd. 30 December 2015 11 January 2016 11 January 2016

Tango Mining Limited 7 January 2016 20 January 2016 20 January 2016

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Chapter 5

Rules and Policies 5.1.1 CSA Notice of Publication of MI 11-102 Passport System and MI 11-203 Failure-to-File Cease Trade Orders in

Multiple Jurisdictions

CSA Notice of Publication

Multilateral Instrument 11-102 Passport System Multilateral Instrument 11-103 Failure-to-File Cease Trade Orders in Multiple Jurisdictions

March 3, 2016 Introduction The Canadian Securities Administrators (the CSA or we), except for the Ontario Securities Commission (the OSC), are implementing amendments to Multilateral Instrument 11-102 Passport System (MI 11-102 or the passport rule) and changes to Companion Policy 11-102CP Passport System (CP 11-102). The CSA, except for the OSC and the Alberta Securities Commission (the ASC), are also implementing Multilateral Instrument 11-103 Failure-to-File Cease Trade Orders in Multiple Jurisdictions (MI 11-103). All members of the CSA are implementing the following policies:

• National Policy 11-206 Process for Cease to be a Reporting Issuer Applications (NP 11-206);

• National Policy 11-207 Failure-to-File Cease Trade Orders and Revocations in Multiple Jurisdictions (NP 11-207);

• National Policy 12-202 Revocation of Certain Cease Trade Orders (NP 12-202) (replacing current National Policy 12-202 Revocation of a Compliance-Related Cease Trade Order, which will be withdrawn on June 23, 2016); and

• National Policy 12-203 Management Cease Trade Orders (NP 12-203) (replacing current National Policy 12-203 Cease Trade Orders for Continuous Disclosure Defaults, which will be withdrawn on June 23, 2016).

The amendments to MI 11-102, the changes to CP 11-102, MI 11-103 and the four National Policies are collectively referred to as the 2016 Materials. Provided all necessary ministerial approvals are obtained, the 2016 Materials will come into force on June 23, 2016. The text of the 2016 Materials is published with this notice and is also available, as applicable, on the websites of CSA jurisdictions, including: www.lautorite.qc.ca www.albertasecurities.com www.bcsc.bc.ca http://nssc.novascotia.ca www.fcnb.ca www.osc.gov.on.ca www.fcaa.gov.sk.ca www.msc.gov.mb.ca

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Substance and Purpose The purpose of the 2016 Materials is to:

• Expand the passport rule to cover applications to cease to be a reporting issuer. Currently, these applications are filed with and reviewed by each provincial or territorial securities regulator (where the issuer is a reporting issuer) under the coordinated review procedure provided in National Policy 11-203 Process for Exemptive Relief Applications in Multiple Jurisdictions. By bringing the process surrounding these applications into passport, an issuer will generally be able to deal only with its principal regulator to obtain an order to cease to be a reporting issuer in all jurisdictions of Canada where it has this status. The new provisions are set out in Part 4C of MI 11-102.

• Automatically prohibit or restrict trading in or purchasing of securities in multiple jurisdictions upon the

issuance of certain cease trade orders for continuous disclosure defaults. When a reporting issuer is in default of certain types of continuous disclosure requirements under securities legislation (specified default), regulators may issue a cease trade order (failure-to-file cease trade order). Currently, there is no formal coordinated process across the jurisdictions of Canada for when other regulators will reciprocate the order first issued against the securities of the defaulting reporting issuer. Under MI 11-103, if a regulator issues a failure-to-file cease trade order against the securities of a reporting issuer, trading in or purchasing of those securities is automatically prohibited or restricted (the automatic prohibition) under the same terms and conditions set out in the failure-to-file cease trade order in every jurisdiction that has adopted MI 11-103 and where the issuer is reporting. To revoke or vary a failure-to-file cease trade order, the issuer will generally deal only with the regulator that issued the failure-to-file cease trade order. The revocation or variation of the failure-to-file cease trade order will also have an automatic effect in multiple jurisdictions. The automatic prohibition, which was originally set out in Part 4D of MI 11-102, is now being adopted as a separate rule, MI 11-103.

• Implement two new policies, NP 11-206 and NP 11-207, to describe the processes the CSA has developed in

connection with the amendments to the passport rule and MI 11-103. NP 11-206 sets out the process for the filing and review of applications to cease to be a reporting issuer. NP 11-207 explains why the CSA will issue a failure-to-file cease trade order and sets out the process for applying for a revocation of this type of order. Both NP 11-206 and NP 11-207 also describe an interface between Ontario and the other CSA jurisdictions, including a “dual” process if the OSC is not the principal regulator. Since Ontario will not be adopting MI 11-102 amendments or MI 11-103 and orders of another CSA regulator will not automatically apply in Ontario, the dual process outlines how the OSC can opt into an order issued by another CSA regulator acting as principal regulator.

Background On April 16, 2015, we published a Notice and Request for Comment relating to proposals reflected in the 2016 Materials (the April 2015 Materials). Summary of Written Comments Received by the CSA The comment period for the April 2015 Materials ended on June 15, 2015 and the CSA received one submission. The comment letter on the April 2015 Materials can be viewed on the Autorité des marchés financiers website at www.lautorite.qc.ca and on the ASC website at www.albertasecurities.com. We have considered the comment received and thank the commenter for its input. The name of the commenter is contained in Annex A and a summary of its comments, together with our responses, is contained in Annex B. Summary of Changes to April 2015 materials We have made some revisions to the April 2015 Materials that were published for comment. Those revisions are reflected in the 2016 Materials that we are publishing concurrently with this notice. As these changes are not material, we are not republishing the 2016 Materials for a further comment period. The notable changes from the April 2015 Materials are described below: MI 11-103 In the April 2015 Materials, we proposed the automatic prohibition as an amendment to MI 11-102. We have decided to implement it as a separate rule because not all jurisdictions will adopt MI 11-103.

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On July 1, 2015, Alberta implemented a statutory reciprocal order provision that provides for the automatic reciprocation of any order imposing sanctions, conditions, restrictions or requirements issued by another CSA regulator based on a finding or admission of a contravention of securities legislation. The ASC will be relying on this provision for the automatic reciprocation of failure-to-file cease trades orders and will not be adopting MI 11-103. Other jurisdictions are considering enacting a similar provision. Each jurisdiction will be able to repeal MI 11-103, without impacting MI 11-102, when it obtains a statutory reciprocal order provision. Although the substance of MI 11-103 remains the same as what we published in the April 2015 Materials, we have expressly carved-out management cease trade orders from the definition of “failure-to-file cease trade order” to clearly reflect our stated intent that these orders are not to be automatically reciprocated at this time. CSA regulators currently have different approaches to the issuance of management cease trade orders. Further harmonization of these approaches will be necessary before management cease trade orders can be included in MI 11-103. CP 11-102 We have deleted parts of the companion policy that related to what is now MI 11-103. NP 11-207 Most of the changes that we have made to this policy are to reflect that we are adopting MI 11-103 as a separate rule. For example, we have removed all references to “passport” and have further streamlined the processes wherever possible. We have also removed cease trade orders issued against “OTC reporting issuers” (as defined in Multilateral Instrument 51-105 Issuers Quoted in the U.S. Over-the-Counter Markets) from the list of orders not covered by MI 11-103 provided in section 2 of this policy. As a category of reporting issuer, OTC reporting issuers are caught by MI 11-103’s definition of “failure-to-file cease trade order”. As a result, the processes surrounding the issuance and revocation of failure-to-file cease trade orders issued against these reporting issuers are set out in NP 11-207. We have added some text to explain that in a jurisdiction which has a statutory reciprocal order provision, like Alberta, all continuous disclosure cease trade orders will be automatically reciprocated in that jurisdiction even where the issuer is not a reporting issuer. NP 12-202 We have slightly modified the title of this policy to reflect the adoption of MI 11-103 as a separate rule. Like in NP 11-207, we have removed cease trade orders issued against OTC reporting issuers from the list of orders not covered by MI 11-103 provided in section 1 of this policy. The processes surrounding the issuance and revocation of failure-to-file cease trade orders issued against OTC reporting issuers are set out in NP 11-207. NP 12-203 and NP 11-206 We did not make any notable changes to these policies. Local Matters Annex J to this notice is being published in any local jurisdiction that is making related changes to local securities laws, including changes to local notices or other policy instruments in that jurisdiction. It also includes any additional information that is relevant to that jurisdiction only. Contents of Annexes The following annexes form part of this CSA Notice: ANNEX A Commenter

ANNEX B Summary of Comments and Responses

ANNEX C Amendments to Multilateral Instrument 11-102 Passport System

ANNEX D Multilateral Instrument 11-103 Failure-to-File Cease Trade Orders in Multiple Jurisdictions

ANNEX E Changes to Companion Policy 11-102CP Passport System

ANNEX F National Policy 11-206 Process for Cease to be a Reporting Issuer Applications

ANNEX G National Policy 11-207 Failure-to-File Cease Trade Orders and Revocations in Multiple Jurisdictions

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ANNEX H National Policy 12-202 Revocations of Certain Cease Trade Orders

ANNEX I National Policy 12-203 Management Cease Trade Orders

ANNEX J Local Matters Questions Please refer your questions to any of the following: Sylvia Pateras Senior Legal Counsel Autorité des marchés financiers 514-395-0337, extension 2536 [email protected] Mathieu Laberge Legal Counsel Autorité des marchés financiers 514-395-0337, extension 2537 [email protected] Leslie Rose Senior Legal Counsel British Columbia Securities Commission 604-899-6654 [email protected] Jody-Ann Edman Assistant Manager, Financial Reporting British Columbia Securities Commission 604-899-6698 [email protected] Jessie Gill Legal Counsel Alberta Securities Commission 403-355-6294 [email protected] Tony Herdzik Deputy Director – Corporate Finance Financial and Consumer Affairs Authority of Saskatchewan 306-787-5849 [email protected] Chris Besko Director, General Counsel The Manitoba Securities Commission 204-945-2561 [email protected] Michael Balter Senior Legal Counsel Ontario Securities Commission 416-593-3739 [email protected] Ella-Jane Loomis Senior Legal Counsel, Securities Financial and Consumer Services Commission (New Brunswick) 506- 658-2602 [email protected]

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Jane Anderson Director, Policy and Market Regulation Nova Scotia Securities Commission 902-424-0179 [email protected] Steven Dowling Acting Director Office of the Superintendent of Securities Government of Prince Edward Island 902-368-4551 [email protected] Rhonda Horte Deputy Superintendent of Securities Office of the Yukon Superintendent of Securities 867-667-5466 [email protected],ca Tom Hall Superintendent of Securities Office of the Superintendent of Securities Northwest Territories 867-767-9260, extension 82180 [email protected] Jeff Mason Director of Legal Registries Nunavut Securities Office 867-975-6591 [email protected]

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We received one comment letter from The Canadian Advocacy Council for Canadian CFA Institute Societies.

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Summary of Comments and Responses

No. Subject Summarized Comment Response

Cease to be a reporting issuer

1 Agreement with proposal

The commenter supports the inclusion of applications to cease to be a reporting issuer in the passport system. However, ideally, the process would also be available to the extent an issuer wished to revoke its status in more than one, but not all, such jurisdictions.

We thank the commenter for its support. However, we are of the view that the proposed “all or nothing” approach is the correct one. An issuer must apply to cease to be a reporting issuer in all jurisdictions in which it is a reporting issuer. Were the issuer to remain a reporting issuer in a jurisdiction in Canada, its securities would continue to be freely tradable in Canada, but shareholders in jurisdictions where the issuer has ceased to be a reporting issuer would have different rights than those where the issuer is still reporting. This approach is in line with the one currently applied in a coordinated fashion between provincial and territorial jurisdictions.

Failure-to-file cease trade orders1

2 Agreement with proposal

The commenter supports the proposal that would result in a failure-to-file cease trade order being reciprocated across jurisdictions in which the issuer is reporting issuer. It sees no policy rationale for permitting securities to trade in other jurisdictions since investors are equally impacted by the lack of updated continuous disclosure compliant with legal requirements. The proposal will streamline the process since an issuer will only have to deal with one regulator to obtain a revocation or a variation of the order, saving the issuer both time and additional costs.

We thank the commenter for its support.

3 Support for extending the effect of failure-to-file cease trade orders to jurisdictions where the issuer is not reporting

The commenter agrees there are investor protection considerations that would support extending the prohibitions or restrictions contained in a failure-to-file order to other passport jurisdictions regardless of whether or not the issuer is a reporting issuer. Such actions would help avoid regulatory arbitrage.

We thank the commenter for its support. At this time, we have decided not to extend the effect of failure-to-file cease trade orders to jurisdictions where the issuer is not a reporting issuer. Rather, each province and territory is considering obtaining a provision similar to section 198.1 of Alberta’s Securities Act (proclaimed on July 1, 2015) that allows for the automatic reciprocation in Alberta of certain orders and settlements of another securities regulatory authority. We are

1 Proposed Part 4D of Multilateral Instrument 11-102 Passport System is now proposed Multilateral Instrument 11-103 Failure-to-file Cease

Trade Orders in Multiple Jurisdictions.

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No. Subject Summarized Comment Response

of the view that this alternative method would lead to the same result.

4 Need to clearly identify in which jurisdictions a failure-to-file cease trade order has effect

The commenter underlines the importance of clearly indicating in the order, and disseminating through other means, the jurisdictions in which a failure-to-file cease trade order has application. Such publication would help ensure that the public is aware of the order and any restrictions.

Although we understand the commenter’s public information objective, we do not believe that listing jurisdictions where a failure-to-file cease trade order has effect would be appropriate. Our policies discourage trading in securities of a cease-traded issuer, even where the issuer is not a reporting issuer. We are concerned that listing where the failure-to-file cease trade order has effect could encourage trading of these securities in other jurisdictions. In any event, if a CSA regulator issues a cease trade order with respect to a Canadian-listed issuer, IIROC imposes a regulatory halt on market trading of those securities under the Universal Market Integrity Rules. We also note that under Alberta’s statutory reciprocal order provision, all cease trade orders will automatically apply, even if the issuer is not a reporting issuer in Alberta. Other jurisdictions are considering a similar provision in their respective securities acts.

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Amendments to Multilateral Instrument 11-102 Passport System

1. Multilateral Instrument 11-102 Passport System is amended by this Instrument. 2. Section 1.1 is amended by replacing the definition of “principal regulator” with the following:

“principal regulator” means, for a person or company, the securities regulatory authority or regulator determined in accordance with Part 3, 4, 4A, 4B or 4C, as applicable;

3. The Instrument is amended by adding the following Part:

PART 4C APPLICATION TO CEASE TO BE A REPORTING ISSUER 4C.1 Specified jurisdiction For the purposes of this Part, the specified jurisdictions are British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Québec, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. 4C.2 Principal regulator – general Subject to section 4C.3 and 4C.4, the principal regulator for an application to cease to be a reporting issuer is,

(a) for an application made with respect to an investment fund, the securities regulatory authority or regulator of the jurisdiction in which the investment fund manager’s head office is located, or

(b) for an application made with respect to an issuer other than an investment fund, the securities

regulatory authority or regulator of the jurisdiction in which the issuer’s head office is located. 4C.3 Principal regulator – head office not in a specified jurisdiction Subject to section 4C.4, if the jurisdiction identified under section 4C.2 is not a specified jurisdiction, the principal regulator for the application is the securities regulatory authority or regulator of the specified jurisdiction with which the issuer or, in the case of an investment fund, the investment fund manager, has the most significant connection. 4C.4 Discretionary change of principal regulator If a filer receives written notice from a securities regulatory authority or regulator that specifies a principal regulator for the application, the securities regulatory authority or regulator specified in the notice is the principal regulator for the application. 4C.5 Deemed to cease to be a reporting issuer (1) If an application to cease to be a reporting issuer is made by a reporting issuer in the principal jurisdiction, the

reporting issuer is deemed to cease to be a reporting issuer in the local jurisdiction if

(a) the local jurisdiction is not the principal jurisdiction for the application, (b) the principal regulator for the application granted the order and the order is in effect, (c) the reporting issuer gives notice to the securities regulatory authority or regulator that this subsection

is intended to be relied upon for the issuer to be deemed to cease to be a reporting issuer in the local jurisdiction, and

(d) the reporting issuer complies with any terms, conditions, restrictions or requirements imposed by the

principal regulator as if they were imposed in the local jurisdiction.

(2) For the purpose of paragraph (1)(c), the reporting issuer may give the notice referred to in that paragraph by giving it to the principal regulator.

4. This Instrument comes into force on June 23, 2016.

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Multilateral Instrument 11-103 Failure-to-File Cease Trade Orders in Multiple Jurisdictions


DEFINITIONS Definitions 1. In this Instrument, “failure-to-file cease trade order” means an order, other than a management cease trade order, in relation to a specified default that prohibits or restricts trading in, or purchasing of, securities of a reporting issuer; “management cease trade order” means a cease trade order that prohibits or restricts trading in securities of a reporting issuer by one or more of the following:

(a) the chief executive officer of the reporting issuer or a person acting in a similar capacity; (b) the chief financial officer of the reporting issuer or a person acting in a similar capacity; (c) an officer or director of the reporting issuer or other person or company who had, or may have had, access

directly or indirectly to a material fact or material change with respect to the reporting issuer that has not been generally disclosed;

“specified default” means a failure by a reporting issuer to comply with the requirement to file, within the time period prescribed, one or more of the following:

(a) annual financial statements; (b) an interim financial report; (c) an annual or interim management’s discussion and analysis or annual or interim management report of fund

performance; (d) an annual information form; (e) a certification of filings under National Instrument 52-109 Certification of Disclosure in Issuers’ Annual and

Interim Filings.


Issuance and revocation of failure-to-file cease trade order 2. If an issuer is a reporting issuer in the local jurisdiction, and a securities regulatory authority or regulator in another

jurisdiction of Canada makes a failure-to-file cease trade order in respect of the issuer’s securities, a person or company must not trade in or purchase a security of the issuer in the local jurisdiction, except in accordance with the conditions that are contained in the order, if any, for so long as the failure-to-file cease trade order remains in effect.


EFFECTIVE DATE 3. This Instrument comes into force on June 23, 2016.

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This Annex shows, by way of blackline, changes to Companion Policy 11-102CP Passport System.

Changes to Companion Policy 11-102CP Passport System

PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 Definitions 1.2 Additional definitions 1.3 Purpose 1.4 Language of documents – Québec PART 2 [REPEALED] PART 3 PROSPECTUS 3.1 Principal regulator for prospectus 3.2 Discretionary change in principal regulator for prospectus 3.3 Deemed issuance of receipt 3.4 [REPEALED] 3.5 Transition for section 3.3 PART 4 DISCRETIONARY EXEMPTIONS 4.1 Application 4.2 Principal regulator for discretionary exemption applications 4.3 Discretionary change of principal regulator for discretionary exemption applications 4.4 Passport application of discretionary exemptions 4.5 Availability of passport for discretionary exemptions applied for before March 17, 2008 PART 4A REGISTRATION 4A.1 Application 4A.2 Registration by SRO 4A.3 Principal regulator for registration 4A.4 Discretionary change of principal regulator for registration 4A.5 Registration 4A.6 Terms and conditions of registration 4A.7 Suspension 4A.8 Termination 4A.9 Surrender 4A.10 Transition – terms and conditions in non-principal jurisdiction 4A.11 Transition – notice of principal regulator for foreign firm PART 4B APPLICATION TO BECOME A DESIGNATED RATING ORGANIZATION 4B.1 Application 4B.2 Principal regulator for application for designation 4B.3 Discretionary change of principal regulator for application for designation 4B.4 Passport application of designation PART 4C APPLICATION TO CEASE TO BE A REPORTING ISSUER 4C.1 Application 4C.2 Principal regulator for application to cease to be a reporting issuer 4C.3 Discretionary change of principal regulator 4C.4 Deemed not to be a reporting issuer 4C.5 Transition PART 5 EFFECTIVE DATE 5.1 Effective date Appendix A CD requirements under MI 11-101

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Companion Policy 11-102CP Passport System

PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 Definitions In this Policy, “CP 33-109” means Companion Policy 33-109CP Registration Information; “domestic firm” means a firm whose head office is in Canada; “domestic individual” means an individual whose working office is in Canada; “MI 11-101” means Multilateral Instrument 11-101 Principal Regulator System; “non-principal jurisdiction” means, for a person or company, a jurisdiction other than the principal jurisdiction; “non-principal regulator” means, for a person or company, the securities regulatory authority or regulator of a jurisdiction other than the principal jurisdiction; “NP 11-202” means National Policy 11-202 Process for Prospectus Reviews in Multiple Jurisdictions; “NP 11-203” means National Policy 11-203 Process for Exemptive Relief Applications in Multiple Jurisdictions; “NP 11-204” means National Policy 11-204 Process for Registration in Multiple Jurisdictions; “NP 11-205” means National Policy 11-205 Process for Designation of Credit Rating Organizations in Multiple Jurisdictions; “NP 11-206” means National Policy 11-206 Process for Cease to be a Reporting Issuer Applications; “NRD” has the same meaning as in NI 31-102; “NRD format” has the same meaning as in NI 31-102; “SRO” means a self-regulatory organization; and “T&C” means a term, condition, restriction or requirement imposed by a securities regulatory authority or regulator on the registration of a firm or an individual. 1.2 Additional definitions A term used in this policy and that is defined in NP 11-202, NP 11-203, NP 11-204, NP 11-205 and NP 11-206 has the same meaning as in those national policies. 1.3 Purpose (1) General – Multilateral Instrument 11-102 Passport System (the Instrument) and this policy implement the passport system contemplated by the Provincial/Territorial Memorandum of Understanding Regarding Securities Regulation. The Instrument gives each market participant a single window of access to the capital markets in multiple jurisdictions. It enables a person or company to deal only with its principal regulator to

• get deemed receipts in other jurisdictions (except Ontario) for a preliminary prospectus and prospectus, • obtain automatic exemptions in other jurisdictions (except Ontario) equivalent to most types of discretionary

exemptions granted by the principal regulator, • register automatically in other jurisdictions (except Ontario), • if the person or company is a credit rating organization, obtain a deemed designation as a designated rating

organization in other jurisdictions (except in Ontario), • be deemed to have ceased to be a reporting issuer in other jurisdictions (except in Ontario).

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(2) Process – NP 11-202, NP 11-203, NP 11-204, NP 11-205 and NP 11-206 set out the processes for a market participant in any jurisdiction to obtain a deemed prospectus receipt, an automatic exemption, an automatic registration, a deemed designation as a designated rating organization, or to be deemed to cease to be a reporting issuer in a passport jurisdiction. These policies also set out processes for a market participant in a passport jurisdiction to get a prospectus receipt, a discretionary exemption or an order to cease to be a reporting issuer from the OSC or to register in Ontario or to obtain designation as a designated rating organization in Ontario. NP 11-203 also sets out the process for seeking exemptive relief in multiple jurisdictions that falls outside the scope of the Instrument. NP 11-203 applies to a broad range of exemptive relief applications, not just discretionary exemption applications from the provisions listed in Appendix D of the Instrument. For example, NP 11-203 applies to an application to be designated a reporting issuer, a mutual fund, a non-redeemable investment fund or an insider. However, it does not apply to an application to be designated as a designated rating organization, specifically covered in NP 11-205, or to an application for an order to cease to be a reporting issuer, specifically covered in NP 11-206. Please refer to NP 11-202, NP 11-203, NP 11-204, NP 11-205 and NP 11-206 for more details on these processes. (3) Interpretation of the Instrument – As with all national or multilateral instruments, you should read the Instrument from the perspective of the local jurisdiction. For example, if the Instrument does not specify where you file a document, it means that you must file it in the local jurisdiction. In this policy, we generally use the term ‘non-principal jurisdiction’ instead of ‘local jurisdiction’. To get a deemed receipt for a prospectus in the non-principal jurisdiction, a filer must file the prospectus in the jurisdiction through SEDAR. Similarly, to get an automatic exemption based on a discretionary exemption granted in the principal jurisdiction, a filer must give notice under section 4.7(1)(c) of the Instrument to the securities regulatory authority or regulator in the non-principal jurisdiction. Under section 4.7(2) of the Instrument, a filer can satisfy the latter requirement by giving notice to the principal regulator instead of the securities regulatory authority or regulator in the non-principal jurisdiction. To register in the non-principal jurisdiction, a firm or individual must make the required submission in the non-principal jurisdiction. To streamline the process, section 4A.3(3) of the Instrument allows a firm to make its submission to the principal regulator instead of the non-principal regulator. Submissions for individuals are made through NRD. If the principal regulator imposes a T&C on a firm’s or individual’s registration, or suspends, terminates or accepts the surrender of registration of the firm or individual, that decision applies automatically in the non-principal jurisdiction, whether or not the firm or individual registered in the non-principal jurisdiction under the Instrument. To obtain a deemed designation as a designated rating organization in the non-principal jurisdiction, a credit rating organization must give notice under section 4B.6(1)(c) of the Instrument to the securities regulatory authority or regulator in the non-principal jurisdiction. Under section 4B.6(2) of the Instrument, a credit rating organization can satisfy the latter requirement by giving notice to the principal regulator instead of the securities regulatory authority or regulator in the non-principal jurisdiction. To be deemed to cease to be a reporting issuer in the non-principal jurisdiction, an issuer must give notice under section 4C.5(1)(c) of the Instrument to the securities regulatory authority or regulator in the non-principal jurisdiction. Under section 4C.5(2) of the Instrument, the issuer can satisfy this requirement by giving notice to the principal regulator instead of the securities regulatory authority or regulator in the non-principal jurisdiction. (4) Operation of law – The provisions of the Instrument on prospectus receipt, discretionary exemptions, registration, designation as a designated rating organization and applications for an order to cease to be a reporting issuer produce automatic legal outcomes in the non-principal jurisdiction that result from a decision made by the principal regulator. The effect is to make the law of the non-principal jurisdiction apply to a market participant as if the non-principal regulator had made the same decision as the principal regulator. (5) Applicable requirements – A market participant must comply with the law of each jurisdiction in which it files a prospectus, is a reporting issuer, seeks registration, is registered or seeks designation as a designated rating organization.

• Most prospectus, continuous disclosure, registration requirements and requirements relating to designated rating organizations are harmonized and are in rules or regulations commonly referred to as ‘national instruments’. The securities regulatory authorities and regulators intend to interpret and apply the harmonized requirements in national instruments in a consistent way, and we have put practices and procedures in place to achieve this objective.

• Some jurisdictions have non-harmonized requirements in Securities Acts or local rules or regulations. In

addition, some national instruments contain requirements or carve-outs for specific jurisdictions, which are apparent on the face of the instruments.

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• Registrants will be subject to a few non-harmonized requirements. Section 4A.5 contains a description of these requirements.

(6) Ontario – The OSC has not adopted the Instrument, but the Instrument provides that the OSC can be a principal regulator for purposes of a prospectus filing under Part 3, a discretionary exemption application under Part 4, registration under Part 4A, an application for designation as a designated rating organization under Part 4B and an application for an order to cease to be a reporting issuer under Part 4C. Consequently, Ontario market participants have direct access to passport as follows:

• When the OSC issues a receipt for a prospectus to an issuer whose principal jurisdiction is Ontario, a deemed

receipt is automatically issued in each passport jurisdiction where the market participant filed the prospectus under the Instrument.

• When the OSC grants a discretionary exemption to a market participant whose principal jurisdiction is Ontario, the person obtains an automatic exemption from the equivalent provision of securities legislation of each passport jurisdiction for which the person gives the notice described in section 4.7(1)(c) of the Instrument.

• A firm or individual whose principal jurisdiction is Ontario and who is registered in a category in Ontario is automatically registered in the same category in a passport jurisdiction when the firm or individual makes the required submission under the Instrument.

• When the OSC designates a credit rating organization as a designated rating organization, the credit rating organization obtains a deemed designation in each passport jurisdiction for which the credit rating organization gives the notice described in section 4B.6(1)(c) of the Instrument.

• When the OSC issues an order to cease to be a reporting issuer to an issuer whose principal jurisdiction is Ontario, the issuer is deemed to cease to be a reporting issuer in each passport jurisdiction for which the issuer gives the notice described in section 4C.5(1)(c) of the Instrument.

1.4 Language of documents – Québec The Instrument does not relieve issuers filing in Québec from the linguistic obligations prescribed by Québec law, including the specific obligations in the Québec Securities Act (e.g. section 40.1). For example, where a prospectus is filed in several jurisdictions including Québec, the prospectus must be in French or in French and English. PART 2 [REPEALED] PART 3 PROSPECTUS 3.1 Principal regulator for prospectus For a prospectus filing subject to Part 3 of the Instrument, the principal regulator is the principal regulator identified under section 3.1 of the Instrument. Under this section, the principal regulator must be the securities regulatory authority or regulator in a specified jurisdiction. Section 3.1(1) of the Instrument specifies the following jurisdictions for purposes of that section: British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Québec, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. Section 3.4 of NP 11-202 gives guidance on how to identify the principal regulator for a prospectus filing subject to Part 3 of the Instrument. 3.2 Discretionary change in principal regulator for prospectus Section 3.2 of the Instrument permits the securities regulatory authority or regulator to change the principal regulator for a prospectus filing subject to Part 3 of the Instrument on its own motion or on application. Section 3.5 of NP 11-202 gives guidance on the process for, and considerations leading to, a discretionary change in principal regulator for a prospectus filing subject to Part 3 of the Instrument. 3.3 Deemed issuance of receipt Section 3.3 of the Instrument deems a receipt to be issued for a preliminary prospectus or prospectus in the non-principal jurisdiction if certain conditions are met. A deemed receipt in the non-principal jurisdiction has the same legal effect as a receipt issued in the principal jurisdiction.

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To rely on section 3.3 of the Instrument in the non-principal jurisdiction, a filer must file on SEDAR the preliminary prospectus or the pro forma prospectus, and the prospectus, in both the non-principal jurisdiction and the principal jurisdiction. When filing, the filer must also indicate that it is filing the preliminary prospectus or pro forma prospectus under the Instrument. Under the law of the non-principal jurisdiction, these filings trigger the obligation to file supporting documents (e.g., consents and material contracts) and to pay required fees. NP 11-202 sets out the process for making a waiver application for a prospectus filing subject to Part 3 of the Instrument. If the principal regulator refuses to issue a receipt for a prospectus, it will notify the filer and the non-principal regulators by sending a refusal letter through SEDAR. In these circumstances, the Instrument will no longer apply to the filing and the filer may deal separately with the local securities regulatory authority or regulator in any non-principal jurisdiction in which the prospectus was filed to determine if the local securities regulatory authority or regulator would issue a local receipt. 3.4 [REPEALED] 3.5 Transition for section 3.3 Section 3.3 of the Instrument applies to a preliminary prospectus or pro forma prospectus and their related prospectus, and to an amendment to a prospectus, filed on or after March 17, 2008. Section 3.5(1) of the Instrument removes the deemed receipt that would otherwise be available in the non-principal jurisdiction under section 3.3 of the Instrument if a preliminary prospectus amendment is filed after March 17, 2008 and the related preliminary prospectus was filed before March 17, 2008. Section 3.5(2) provides an exemption from the requirement in section 3.3(2)(b) of the Instrument to indicate on SEDAR, at the time of filing the preliminary prospectus or pro forma prospectus, that the preliminary prospectus or pro forma prospectus is filed under Instrument. This means there is a deemed receipt in the non-principal jurisdiction for a prospectus amendment if the related preliminary prospectus or pro forma prospectus was filed before March 17, 2008 and the filer indicated on SEDAR that it filed the amendment under the Instrument at the time of filing the amendment. PART 4 DISCRETIONARY EXEMPTIONS 4.1 Application Part 4 of the Instrument applies to an application for a discretionary exemption from a provision listed in Appendix D of the Instrument. Part 4 does not apply to a discretionary exemption application from a provision not listed in Appendix D of the Instrument or to other types of exemptive relief applications. For example, Part 4 does not apply to an application to designate a person to be a reporting issuer, mutual fund, non-redeemable investment fund or insider. 4.2 Principal regulator for discretionary exemption applications For purposes of a discretionary exemption application under Part 4 of the Instrument, the principal regulator is the principal regulator identified under sections 4.1 to 4.5 of the Instrument. Except under section 4.4.1, the principal regulator must be the securities regulatory authority or regulator in a specified jurisdiction. Section 4.1 of the Instrument specifies the following jurisdictions for this purpose: British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Québec, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. Section 4.4.1 of the Instrument provides that the principal regulator for an application for exemption from a requirement in Parts 3 and 12 of NI 31-103 and Part 2 of NI 33-109 made in connection with an application for registration in the principal jurisdiction is the principal regulator as determined under section 4A.1 of the Instrument. The securities regulatory authority or regulator of each jurisdiction may be a principal regulator under section 4A.1 of the Instrument. Section 3.6 of NP 11-203 gives guidance on how to identify the principal regulator for a discretionary exemption application under Part 4 of the Instrument. 4.3 Discretionary change of principal regulator for discretionary exemption applications Section 4.6 of the Instrument permits the securities regulatory authority or regulator to change the principal regulator for a discretionary exemption application under Part 4 of the Instrument on its own motion or on application. Section 3.7 of NP 11-203 gives guidance on the process for, and considerations leading to, a discretionary change in principal regulator for a discretionary exemption application under Part 4 of the Instrument.

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4.4 Passport application of discretionary exemptions Section 4.7(1) of the Instrument exempts a person or company from an equivalent provision of securities legislation in the non-principal jurisdiction if the principal regulator for the application grants the discretionary exemption, the filer gives the notice required under paragraph (c) of that section and other conditions are met. The equivalent provisions from which an automatic exemption is available under section 4.7(1) of the Instrument are set out in Appendix D of the Instrument. If the principal regulator revokes or cancels the discretionary exemption or it expires under a sunset clause, the exemption in section 4.7 is no longer available in the non-principal jurisdiction. A discretionary exemption under section 4.7(1) of the Instrument is available in the passport jurisdictions for which the filer gives the required notice when filing the application. However, the discretionary exemption can become available later in other passport jurisdictions if the circumstances warrant. For example, if a reporting issuer obtains a discretionary exemption from a national continuous disclosure requirement in its principal jurisdiction and an automatic exemption under section 4.7(1) in three non-principal jurisdictions in 2008 and the issuer becomes a reporting issuer in a fourth non-principal jurisdiction in 2009, the issuer could obtain an automatic exemption in the new jurisdiction. To obtain the automatic exemption in the new jurisdiction, the issuer would have to give the notice referred to in section 4.7(1)(c) of the Instrument in respect of that jurisdiction and meet the other condition of the exemption. Under section 4.7(2) of the Instrument the filer may give the required notice to the principal regulator instead of the non-principal regulator. A filer should identify in the application all the exemptions required and give notice for all the jurisdictions in which section 4.7(1) of the Instrument is intended to be relied upon. If an exemption is required in a non-principal jurisdiction when the filer files the application, but the filer does not give the required notice for that jurisdiction until after the principal regulator grants the exemption, the securities regulatory authority or regulator of the non-principal jurisdiction will take appropriate action. This could include removing the exemption, in which case the filer may have an opportunity to be heard in that jurisdiction in appropriate circumstances. A principal regulator’s decision to vary a decision the principal regulator previously made to exempt a person or company from a provision set out in Appendix D of the Instrument has automatic effect in a non-principal jurisdiction if

• the person or company applied in the principal jurisdiction to have the decision varied and gave the notice required under section 4.7(1)(c) of the Instrument in respect of the non-principal jurisdiction,

• the principal regulator grants the exemption and the exemption is in effect, and • the other conditions of section 4.7(1) of the Instrument are met.

If the principal regulator for an application for exemption from a filing requirement under section 6.1 of National Instrument 45-106 Prospectus Exemptions (NI 45-106) grants an exemption under section 4.7(1) of the Instrument, a person or company has an automatic exemption in a non-principal jurisdiction under the section only if

• the filing requirement arises from the person or company relying on one of the provisions referred to in section 6.1 of NI 45-106 in the principal jurisdiction,

• the person or company is relying on the equivalent exemption in the non-principal jurisdiction, and • the person or company complies with the conditions of section 4.7(1) of the Instrument.

Because, under the Instrument, a person or company files an application for a discretionary exemption only in the principal jurisdiction to obtain an automatic exemption in multiple jurisdictions, the filer is required to pay fees only in the principal jurisdiction. NP 11-203 sets out the process for seeking exemptive relief in multiple jurisdictions, including the process for seeking a discretionary exemption under Part 4 of the Instrument. 4.5 Availability of passport for discretionary exemptions applied for before March 17, 2008 Under section 4.8(1) of the Instrument, an exemption from the equivalent provision is automatically available in the local jurisdiction if

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• an application was made in a specified jurisdiction before March 17, 2008 for an exemption from a provision of securities legislation that is now listed in Appendix D of the Instrument,

• the securities regulatory authority or regulator in the specified jurisdiction granted the exemption before, on or

after March 17, 2008, and • certain other conditions are met.

These conditions include giving the notice required under section 4.8(1)(c). Section 4.8(2) permits the filer to give the required notice to the securities regulatory authority or regulator that would be the principal regulator for the application under Part 4 if an application were to be made under that Part at the time the notice is given, instead of to the non-principal regulator. Under section 4.1, the specified jurisdictions are British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Québec, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. A specified jurisdiction for purposes of section 4.8 of the Instrument is a principal jurisdiction under MI 11-101. The combined effect of sections 4.8(1) and 4.8(3) is to make an exemption from a CD requirement granted by the principal regulator before March 17, 2008 under MI 11-101 automatically available in the non-principal jurisdiction, even though the decision of the principal regulator under MI 11-101 does not refer to the non-principal jurisdiction. To benefit from this, however, the reporting issuer must comply with the terms and conditions of the decision of the principal regulator under MI 11-101. Only exemptions granted from CD requirements that are now listed in Appendix D of the Instrument become available in the non-principal jurisdiction in this way. Appendix A of this policy lists the CD requirements from which a reporting issuer could get an exemption under section 3.2 of MI 11-101. Appendix D of the Instrument sets out the list of equivalent provisions. PART 4A REGISTRATION 4A.1 Application The Instrument permits a firm or individual to register automatically in a non-principal jurisdiction based on its principal jurisdiction registration. It also makes some types of regulatory decisions by a firm’s or individual’s principal regulator apply automatically in each non-principal jurisdiction where the firm or individual is registered, whether or not the firm or individual is registered automatically under the Instrument. Permitted individual The Instrument does not apply to “permitted individuals” under NI 33-109 because these individuals are not registered under securities legislation. The Instrument applies to a permitted individual only if the permitted individual becomes registered in a category in his or her principal jurisdiction and seeks registration in the same category in a non-principal jurisdiction. Restricted dealers and their representatives Section 4A.3 of the Instrument does not apply to a firm registered in the category of “restricted dealer” under NI 31-103. To register in a non-principal jurisdiction, a restricted dealer must apply directly to the non-principal regulator. Automatic registration under the Instrument does not apply to restricted dealers because there are no standard requirements for this category and most firms registered as restricted dealers operate in a single jurisdiction. However, if a restricted dealer registers directly in the same category in a non-principal jurisdiction, the provisions of the Instrument relating to T&Cs (section 4A.5), suspension (section 4A.6), termination (section 4A.7) and surrender (section 4A.8) apply to the firm. All the provisions of the Instrument apply to the dealing representatives of a restricted dealer. This includes automatic registration under section 4A.4 of the Instrument if the representative’s sponsoring firm is registered as a restricted dealer in the representative’s principal jurisdiction and the non-principal jurisdiction in which the representative seeks registration. It also includes the provisions of the Instrument relating to T&Cs (section 4A.5), suspension (section 4A.6), termination (section 4A.7) and surrender (section 4A.8). 4A.2 Registration by SRO The securities regulatory authority or regulator in some jurisdictions has delegated, assigned or authorized an SRO to perform all or part of its registration function. The instrument applies to the decisions made by SROs under these arrangements. For more details, refer to section 3.5 of NP 11-204.

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4A.3 Principal regulator for registration The principal regulator of a firm or individual is the securities regulatory authority or regulator identified under section 4A.1 of the Instrument. The securities regulatory authority or regulator of any jurisdiction can be a principal regulator for registration. Section 3.6 of NP 11-204 gives guidance on how to identify the principal regulator of a firm or individual under Part 4A of the Instrument. 4A.4 Discretionary change of principal regulator for registration Section 4A.2 of the Instrument permits the securities regulatory authority or regulator to change the principal regulator for the purpose of Part 4A of the Instrument. Section 3.7 of NP 11-204 gives guidance on the process for a discretionary change of principal regulator for registration under Part 4A of the Instrument. 4A.5 Registration Sections 4A.3 and 4A.4 of the Instrument are available for firms or individuals required to be registered under NI 31-103, except for firms registering as restricted dealers. A firm or individual who registers in a non-principal jurisdiction under section 4A.3 or 4A.4 of the Instrument must comply with all applicable requirements of the non-principal jurisdiction, including the obligation to pay the required fees in that jurisdiction and any non-harmonized requirements. In Québec, firms and individuals in the mutual fund and scholarship plan sectors are subject to a specific regulatory framework that also applies under passport:

• mutual fund firms registered in Québec are not required to be members of the Mutual Fund Dealers Association of Canada (MFDA) and are under the direct supervision of the Autorité des marchés financiers, as are scholarship plan firms,

• individuals in the mutual fund and scholarship plan sectors are required to be members of the Chambre de la

sécurité financière, • firms and individuals must maintain professional liability insurance, and • firms must contribute to the Fonds d’indemnisation des services financiers which provides financial

compensation to investors who are victims of fraudulent tactics or embezzlement committed by these firms or individuals.

In addition, in Québec, an individual who is a representative of an investment dealer cannot concurrently be employed by a financial institution and carry on business as a representative in a Québec branch of a financial institution unless he or she is a representative specialized in mutual funds or scholarship plans. In British Columbia, investment dealers that trade in the U.S. over-the-counter markets must comply with local requirements to manage the risks of trading these securities, retain records and report quarterly to the Commission. To register in a non-principal jurisdiction Before making a submission under section 4A.3 or 4A.4, the firm or individual should ensure that the firm’s or individual’s principal jurisdiction is correctly identified in the firm’s or individual’s latest submission under NI 33-109. Firm Under section 4A.3(1) of the Instrument, if a firm is registered in its principal jurisdiction in a category set out in NI 31-103, other than the category of “restricted dealer”, the firm is registered in the same category in a non-principal jurisdiction if the firm

(a) has submitted a completed Form 33-109F6 in accordance with NI 33-109, and (b) is a member of an SRO if required for that category.

A firm should refer to Part 4 and section 5.2 of NP 11-204 for guidance on how to make its submission under the Instrument.

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Under section 4A.3(3) of the Instrument, a firm may make the relevant submission by giving it to its principal regulator instead of the non-principal regulator. In a jurisdiction where the principal regulator has delegated, assigned or authorized an SRO to register firms, the firm should make the submission by giving it to the relevant office of the SRO. To register under section 4A.3(1) of the Instrument, the firm must be a member of an SRO if required in the local jurisdiction for that category of registration. This condition does not apply if the firm has an exemption in the local jurisdiction from the requirement to be a member of the SRO. All jurisdictions require investment dealers to be members of the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada. All jurisdictions, except Québec, require mutual fund dealers to be members of the MFDA. A mutual fund dealer whose principal jurisdiction is Québec must be a member of the MFDA before it can register in another jurisdiction. Individual Under section 4A.4 of the Instrument, if an individual acting on behalf of a sponsoring firm is registered in his or her principal jurisdiction in a category set out in NI 31-103, the individual is registered in the same category in a non-principal jurisdiction if

(a) the individual’s sponsoring firm is registered in the non-principal jurisdiction in the same category as in the firm’s principal jurisdiction,

(b) the individual submitted a completed Form 33-109F2 or Form 33-109F4 in accordance with NI 33-109, and (c) the individual is a member or an approved person of an SRO if required for that category.

Section 5.2 of NP 11-204 provides guidance on how to make a submission. To register under section 4A.4 of the Instrument, the individual must be a member or an approved person of an SRO if required in the local jurisdiction for that category of registration. This condition does not apply if the individual has an exemption in the local jurisdiction from the requirement to be a member or approved person of the SRO. Québec legislation requires individuals who are representatives of mutual fund or scholarship plan dealers to be members of the Chambre de la sécurité financière. Other jurisdictions require individuals who are representatives of mutual fund dealers to be approved persons under the rules of the MFDA. For greater certainty, if an individual is registered in a category in his or her principal jurisdiction for more than one sponsoring firm, each sponsoring firm must be registered in the same category in the non-principal jurisdiction in which the individual seeks registration under section 4A.4 of the Instrument. 4A.6 Terms and conditions of registration Section 4A.5(1) of the Instrument provides that, if a firm or individual is registered in the same category in the principal jurisdiction and in the non-principal jurisdiction, a T&C imposed on the registration in the principal jurisdiction applies to the firm or individual as if it were imposed in the non-principal jurisdiction (i.e., by operation of law). Under section 4A.5(2) of the Instrument, a T&C continues to apply until the earlier of the date the securities regulatory authority or regulator that imposed it, cancels or revokes it, or it expires. Under section 4A.5 of the Instrument, if the principal regulator amends or adds a T&C to a category in which a firm or individual is registered, the amended or additional T&C automatically applies to the firm’s or individual’s registration in the same category in the non-principal jurisdiction. In the event of a change of principal regulator, and for each category in which a firm or an individual is registered in the non-principal jurisdiction under section 4A.3 or 4A.4 of the Instrument, the firm’s or individual’s

• original principal regulator will revoke any T&C it imposed, and • new principal regulator will adopt any T&C’s that are appropriate.

This will enable the new principal regulator to amend the firm’s or individual’s T&Cs in appropriate circumstances and result in any T&C amended by the new principal regulator applying automatically in a non-principal jurisdiction as if it had been imposed in that jurisdiction (i.e., by operation of law). 4A.7 Suspension Under section 4A.6 of the Instrument, if a firm’s or an individual’s registration in the principal jurisdiction is suspended, the firm’s or individual’s registration is automatically suspended in any non-principal jurisdiction where the firm or individual is registered.

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For greater certainty, a suspension of registration is a suspension of a firm’s or individual’s trading or advising privileges and the firm or individual remains registered under securities legislation. A firm’s or individual’s registration is suspended on the same day in the principal jurisdiction and the non-principal jurisdiction. NRD will show the same suspension date in each relevant jurisdiction. A firm’s or individual’s registration is suspended in the non-principal jurisdiction for as long as the firm’s or individual’s registration is suspended in the principal jurisdiction. If the principal regulator lifts a firm’s or individual’s suspension, the firm or individual may resume trading or advising in the non-principal jurisdiction on the date NRD shows that the suspension has been lifted. Any T&C imposed by the principal regulator when it lifts a suspension applies automatically in the non-principal jurisdiction under section 4A.5 of the Instrument. 4A.8 Termination Under section 4A.7 of the Instrument, if a firm’s or individual’s registration in the principal jurisdiction is cancelled, revoked or terminated, as applicable, the firm’s or individual’s registration in the non-principal jurisdiction is automatically cancelled, revoked or terminated, as applicable. A firm’s or individual’s registration is terminated on the same date in the principal jurisdiction and the non-principal jurisdiction. NRD will show the same termination date in each relevant jurisdiction. 4A.9 Surrender Under section 4A.8 of the Instrument, a firm’s or individual’s registration is automatically cancelled, revoked or terminated, as applicable, in a category in all non-principal jurisdictions in which the firm or individual is registered if the firm or individual applies to surrender registration in the category in its principal jurisdiction and the principal regulator accepts the surrender. A firm should submit an application to surrender registration in one or more categories in the firm’s principal jurisdiction and Ontario, if Ontario is a non-principal jurisdiction. The application should identify any non-principal jurisdiction where the firm is registered in the same category(ies). In a jurisdiction where the principal regulator has delegated, assigned or authorized an SRO to perform registration functions, a firm should submit its application to surrender to the relevant office of the SRO. A firm should refer to Appendix B of CP 33-109 for guidance on how to submit its application for surrender to the principal regulator or the relevant office of the SRO. An individual should make the relevant NRD submission under NI 33-109 to surrender registration. If a firm or individual applies to surrender a category in the principal jurisdiction, the principal regulator may suspend registration in the category pending surrender, or impose a T&C. See section 4A.7 of this Policy for guidance on suspension of registration. If the principal regulator imposes a T&C, section 4A.5 of the Instrument provides that the T&C applies in each non-principal jurisdiction where a firm or individual is registered in the same category as if the T&C had been imposed in the non-principal jurisdiction. The Instrument does not deal with a firm or individual that seeks to surrender a category in a non-principal jurisdiction only. If a firm or individual seeks to surrender a category in a non-principal jurisdiction, other than Ontario,

• the firm may still submit its application by giving it to the principal regulator only or, if the principal regulator has delegated, assigned or authorized an SRO to perform registration functions, the relevant office of the SRO in the principal jurisdiction,

• the individual should make the relevant NRD submission under NI 33-109, • the firm’s or individual’s submission should indicate the non-principal jurisdiction where the firm or individual is

applying to surrender registration, and • the fact that a securities regulatory authority, regulator or SRO accepts the surrender of registration of a firm

or individual in the non-principal jurisdiction does not affect the registration of the firm or individual in another jurisdiction.

4A.10 Transition – terms and conditions in non-principal jurisdiction The purpose of section 4A.9(1) of the Instrument is to delay until October 28, 2009 the automatic application of section 4A.5 of the Instrument in a non-principal jurisdiction in which a firm or individual is registered on September 28, 2009. This gives the firm or individual time to make an application under section 4A.9(2) of the Instrument for an exemption from having a T&C imposed by the principal regulator apply automatically in the non-principal jurisdiction.

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A firm or individual should apply for the exemption contemplated in section 4A.9(2) of the Instrument separately in each non-principal jurisdiction because the purpose of the exemption application is to give the firm or individual an opportunity to be heard on the automatic application in the non-principal jurisdiction of a T&C imposed by the principal regulator. For this reason, a firm or individual should not make the application under NP 11-203. If a firm or individual does not apply for an exemption under section 4A.9(2) of the Instrument in a non-principal jurisdiction,

• a T&C imposed by the principal regulator automatically applies on October 28, 2009 in the non-principal jurisdiction, and

• a T&C previously imposed by the non-principal regulator ceases to apply unless it is enforcement related.

4A.11 Transition – notice of principal regulator for foreign firm Under section 4A.10(1) of the Instrument, a foreign firm registered in a category in multiple jurisdictions before September 28, 2009 is required to submit the information to identify its principal jurisdiction in item 2.2(b) in Form 33-109F6 by submitting a Form 33-109F5 on or before October 28, 2009. This information will determine the foreign firm’s principal regulator under section 4A.1 of the Instrument. Section 4A.10(2) of the Instrument permits the foreign firm to make this submission to a non-principal regulator by giving it only to its principal regulator. In a jurisdiction where the principal regulator has delegated, assigned or authorized an SRO to perform registration functions, the foreign firm should make the submission to the relevant office of the SRO. Foreign firms should refer to Appendix B of CP 33-109 for guidance on how to make a submission. Because the principal regulator for a foreign individual is the same as the principal regulator for the individual’s sponsoring firm, the Instrument does not require the foreign individual to make a submission to identify the individual’s principal regulator. PART 4B APPLICATION TO BECOME A DESIGNATED RATING ORGANIZATION 4B.1 Application Part 4B of the Instrument only applies to an application for designation as a designated rating organization. Designated rating organizations applying for a discretionary exemption from a provision of National Instrument 25-101 Designated Rating Organizations should refer to Part 4 of the Instrument. 4B.2 Principal regulator for application for designation For purposes of an application for designation as a designated rating organization under Part 4B of the Instrument, the principal regulator is the principal regulator identified under sections 4B.2 to 4B.5 of the Instrument. The principal regulator must be the securities regulatory authority or regulator in a specified jurisdiction. Section 4B.1 of the Instrument specifies the following jurisdictions for this purpose: British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Québec, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. Section 7 of NP 11-205 gives guidance on how to identify the principal regulator for an application for designation as a designated rating organization under Part 4B of the Instrument. 4B.3 Discretionary change of principal regulator for application for designation Section 4B.5 of the Instrument permits the securities regulatory authority or regulator to change the principal regulator for an application for designation as a designated rating organization under Part 4B of the Instrument on its own motion or on application. Section 8 of NP 11-205 gives guidance on the process for, and considerations leading to, a discretionary change in principal regulator for an application for designation as a designated rating organization under Part 4B of the Instrument. 4B.4 Passport application of designation Section 4B.6(1) of the Instrument provides that a credit rating organization is deemed to be designated as a designated rating organization in the non-principal jurisdiction if the principal regulator for the application grants the designation, the credit rating organization gives the notice required under paragraph (c) of that section and other conditions are met. A deemed designation under section 4B.6(1) of the Instrument is available in the passport jurisdictions for which the credit rating organization gives the required notice when filing the application for designation. Credit rating organizations should give the notice in paragraph (c) of that section for all passport jurisdictions. However, the deemed designation can become available later in other passport jurisdictions if the circumstances warrant. To obtain the deemed designation in the new jurisdiction, the credit

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rating organization would have to give the notice referred to in section 4B.6(1)(c) of the Instrument in respect of that jurisdiction and meet the other conditions of the designation. Because, under the Instrument, a credit rating organization makes an application for designation only in the principal jurisdiction to obtain a deemed designation in multiple jurisdictions, the credit rating organization is required to pay fees only in the principal jurisdiction. NP 11-205 sets out the process for seeking designation as a designated rating organization in multiple jurisdictions under Part 4B of the Instrument. PART 4C APPLICATION TO CEASE TO BE A REPORTING ISSUER 4C.1 Application Part 4C of the Instrument only applies to an application for an order to cease to be a reporting issuer. 4C.2 Principal regulator for application to cease to be a reporting issuer For purposes of an application for an order to cease to be a reporting issuer under Part 4C of the Instrument, the principal regulator is the principal regulator identified under sections 4C.2 and 4C.3 of the Instrument. The principal regulator must be the securities regulatory authority or regulator in a specified jurisdiction. Section 4C.1 of the Instrument specifies the following jurisdictions for this purpose: British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Québec, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. Section 8 of NP 11-206 gives guidance on how to identify the principal regulator for an application to cease to be a reporting issuer under Part 4C of the Instrument. 4C.3 Discretionary change of principal regulator Section 4C.4 of the Instrument permits the securities regulatory authority or regulator to change the principal regulator for an application to cease to be a reporting issuer under Part 4C of the Instrument on its own motion. Section 9 of NP 11-206 gives guidance on the process for, and considerations leading to, a discretionary change in principal regulator for an application to cease to be a reporting issuer under Part 4C of the Instrument. 4C.4 Deemed to cease to be a reporting issuer Subsection 4C.5(1) of the Instrument provides that an issuer is deemed to cease to be a reporting issuer in the non-principal jurisdiction if the principal regulator for the application issues the order, the issuer gives the notice required under paragraph (c) of that subsection and other conditions are met. Issuers should give this notice in each passport jurisdiction in which it is a reporting issuer. Under subsection 4C.5(2) of the Instrument, the filer may satisfy this notice requirement by giving the required notice to the principal regulator. Under the Instrument, an issuer makes an application only in the principal jurisdiction to obtain an order deeming it to cease to be a reporting issuer in multiple jurisdictions. As a result, the issuer is required to pay fees only in the principal jurisdiction. NP 11-206 sets out the process for seeking an order to cease to be a reporting issuer in multiple jurisdictions under Part 4C of the Instrument. 4C.5 Transition Subsection 40(1) of NP 11-206 provides that the coordinated review process set out in NP 11-203 will continue to apply to an application for an order that an issuer has ceased to be a reporting issuer filed under that process in multiple jurisdictions before June 23, 2016. Subsection 40(2) of NP 11-206 provides that the coordinated review process set out under the heading “The Simplified Procedure” in CSA Staff Notice 12-307 Applications for a Decision that an Issuer is not a Reporting Issuer will continue to apply to an application for an order that an issuer has ceased to be a reporting issuer filed under that process in multiple jurisdictions before June 23, 2016.

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PART 5 EFFECTIVE DATE 5.1 Effective date The Instrument applies to continuous disclosure documents, prospectuses and discretionary exemption applications filed on or after March 17, 2008. The Instrument applies to an individual or firm seeking registration outside its principal jurisdiction on or after September 28, 2009. In addition, it applies to an individual or firm that is registered on that date unless the individual or firm requests and obtains an exemption under subsection 4A.9(2). The Instrument applies to applications for designation as a designated rating organization filed on or after April 20, 2012. The Instrument applies to applications for an order to cease to be a reporting issuer filed on or after June 23, 2016.

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Companion Policy 11-102CP Passport System

Appendix A

CD requirements under MI 11-101 For ease of reference, this appendix reproduces the definition of CD requirements in MI 11-101 even though some references might no longer be relevant because sections were repealed after September 19, 2005 when MI 11-101 came into force. British Columbia:

Securities Act: section 85 and 117

Securities Rules: section 144 (except as it relates to fees), 145 (except as it relates to fees), 152 and 153 sections 2, 3 and 189 as they relate to a filing under another CD requirement, as defined in MI 11-101


Securities Act: sections 146, 149 (except as it relates to fees), 150, 152 and 157.1

Securities Commission Rules (General):

except as it relates to a prospectus, section 143 – 169, 196 and 197


The Securities Act, 1988: section 84, 86 – 88, 90, 94 and 95

The Securities Regulations: section 117 – 138.1 and 175 as it relates to a filing under another CD requirement, as defined under MI 11-101


Securities Act: sections 101(1), 102(1), 104, 106(3), 119, 120 (except as it relates to fees) and 121– 130

Securities Regulation: sections 38 – 40 and 80 – 87


Securities Act: sections 73 excluding the filing requirement of a statement of material change, 75 excluding the filing requirement, 76, 77 excluding the filing requirement, 78, 80 – 82.1, 83.1, 87, 105 excluding the filing requirement, 106 and 107 excluding the filing requirement

Securities Regulation: sections 115.1 – 119, 119.4, 120 – 138 and 141 – 161

Regulations: No. 14, No. 48, Q-11, Q-17 (Title IV) and 62 – 102

A document filed with or delivered to the Autorité des marchés financiers, delivered to securityholder in Québec or disseminated in Québec under section 3.2 of the Instrument, is deemed, for the purposes of securities legislation in Québec, to be a document filed, delivered or disseminated under Chapter II of Title III or section 84 of the Securities Act (Québec).

New Brunswick:

Securities Act: sections 89(1) – (4), 90, 91, 100 and 101

Nova Scotia:

Securities Act: section 81, 83, 84 and 91

General Securities Rules: sections 9, 140(2), 140(3) and 141

Newfoundland and Labrador:

Securities Act: except as they relate to fees, sections 76, 78 – 80, 82, 86 and 87

Securities Regulations: sections 4 – 14 and 71 – 80

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Securities Act: section 22(5) except as it relates to filing a new or amended prospectus

All jurisdictions:

(a) National Instrument 43-101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects, except as it relates to a prospectus,

(b) National Instrument 51-101 Standards of Disclosure for Oil and Gas Activities, except as it relates to a prospectus,

(c) National Instrument 51-102 Continuous Disclosure Obligations,

(d) National Instrument 52-107 Acceptable Accounting Principles and Auditing Standards,

(e) National Instrument 52-108 Auditor Oversight,

(f) National Instrument 52-109 Certification of Disclosure in Issuers’ Annual and Interim Filings,

(g) National Instrument 52-110 Audit Committees, except in British Columbia,

(h) BC Instrument 52-509 Audit Committees, only in British Columbia,

(i) National Instrument 54-101 Communication with Beneficial Owners of Securities of a Reporting Issuer,

(j) National Instrument 58-101 Disclosure of Corporate Governance Practices,

(k) section 8.5 of National Instrument 81-104 Commodity Pools, and

(l) National Instrument 81-106 Investment Fund Continuous Disclosure.

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National Policy 11-206 Process for Cease to be a Reporting Issuer Applications


APPLICATION Application 1. This policy describes the process for the filing and review of an application by a filer for an order that an issuer has

ceased to be a reporting issuer in all jurisdictions of Canada in which it is a reporting issuer.


Definitions 2. In this policy

“AMF” means the regulator in Québec; “application” means a request by a filer for an order for an issuer to cease to be a reporting issuer in all the jurisdictions of Canada in which it is a reporting issuer; “beneficial owner” means a beneficial owner as defined in National Instrument 54-101 Communication with Beneficial Owners of Securities of a Reporting Issuer; “dual application” means an application described in section 7 of this policy; “dual review” means the review under this policy of a dual application; “filer” means (a) an issuer filing an application, or (b) an agent of a person referred to in paragraph (a); “marketplace” means a marketplace as defined in National Instrument 21-101 Marketplace Operation; “modified procedure” means the procedure for issuers with a de minimis connection to Canada described in section 20 of this policy; “notified passport jurisdiction” means a passport jurisdiction for which a filer gave the notice referred to in paragraph 4C.5(1)(c) of Multilateral Instrument 11-102 Passport System; “OSC” means the regulator in Ontario; “passport application” means an application described in section 6 of this policy; “passport jurisdiction” means the jurisdiction of a passport regulator; “passport regulator” means a regulator that has adopted Multilateral Instrument 11-102 Passport System; “pre-filing” means a consultation with the principal regulator for an application, initiated before the filing of the application, regarding the interpretation of securities legislation or securities directions or their application to a particular application; “regulator” means a securities regulatory authority or regulator; “securityholder” means, for a security, the beneficial owner of the security; “simplified procedure” means the procedure for issuers that have a de minimis number of securityholders as described in section 19 of this policy.

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Further definitions 3. Terms used in this policy that are defined in Multilateral Instrument 11-102 Passport System, National Instrument 14-

101 Definitions or, in Québec, in Regulation 14-501Q on definitions, have the same meaning as in those instruments. Interpretation 4. For the purposes of this policy, a reference to an application for an order that an issuer has ceased to be a reporting

issuer is deemed to include:

(a) an application under section 153 of the Securities Act (Alberta) for an order that the reporting issuer is deemed to have ceased to be a reporting issuer,

(b) an application under section 88 of the Securities Act (British Columbia) for an order that the reporting issuer is

deemed to have ceased to be a reporting issuer, (c) an application under subparagraph 1(1.2)(b) of the Securities Act (Manitoba) for an order declaring that an

issuer has ceased to be a reporting issuer, (d) an application under subparagraph 1.1(1)(a) of the Securities Act (New Brunswick) for an order designating

for the purposes of New Brunswick securities law, a person not to be a reporting issuer, (e) an application under section 84 of the Securities Act (Newfoundland and Labrador) for an order that the

reporting issuer is no longer a reporting issuer, (f) an application under subparagraph 6(1)(a) of the Securities Act (Northwest Territories) for an order

designating an issuer to cease to be a reporting issuer, (g) an application under section 89 of the Securities Act (Nova Scotia) for an order that the reporting issuer is

deemed to have ceased to be a reporting issuer, (h) an application under subparagraph 6(1)(a) of the Securities Act (Nunavut) for an order designating an issuer

to cease to be a reporting issuer, (i) an application under clause 1(10)(a)(ii) of the Securities Act (Ontario) for an order that, for the purposes of

Ontario securities law, a person or company is not a reporting issuer, (j) an application under subparagraph 6(1)(a) of the Securities Act (Prince Edward Island) for an order

designating an issuer to cease to be a reporting issuer, (k) an application under section 92 of the Securities Act, 1988 (Saskatchewan), for an order that the reporting

issuer is no longer a reporting issuer, (l) an application under section 69 or 69.1 of the Securities Act (Québec), for an order to revoke the issuer’s

status as a reporting issuer, and (m) an application under subparagraph 6(1)(a) of the Securities Act (Yukon) for an order designating an issuer to

cease to be a reporting issuer.


Overview 5. This policy applies to an application by a filer for an order that an issuer has ceased to be a reporting issuer in all

jurisdictions of Canada in which it is a reporting issuer. An issuer may not apply to cease to be a reporting issuer in only some, but not all, of the jurisdictions in which it is a reporting issuer.

These are the possible types of applications: (a) the principal regulator is a passport regulator and the issuer is not a reporting issuer in Ontario. This is a

“passport application”,

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(b) the principal regulator is the OSC and the issuer is also a reporting issuer in a passport jurisdiction. This is also a “passport application”,

(c) the principal regulator is a passport regulator and the issuer is also a reporting issuer in Ontario. This is a

“dual application”. An application under this policy may not be combined with an application for exemptive relief under National Policy 11-203 Process for Exemptive Relief Applications in Multiple Jurisdictions.

Passport application 6. (1) If the principal regulator is a passport regulator and the issuer is not a reporting issuer in Ontario, the filer files

the application only with, and pays fees only to, the principal regulator. Only the principal regulator reviews the application. The principal regulator’s order is deemed to automatically have the same result in the notified passport jurisdictions.

(2) If the principal regulator is the OSC and the filer also seeks an order for the issuer to cease to be a reporting

issuer in a passport jurisdiction, the filer files the application only with, and pays fees only to, the OSC. Only the OSC reviews the application. The OSC’s order is deemed to automatically have the same result in the notified passport jurisdictions.

Dual application 7. If the principal regulator is a passport regulator and the issuer is also a reporting issuer in Ontario, the filer files the

application with, and pays fees to, both the principal regulator and the OSC. The principal regulator reviews the application and the OSC, as a non-principal regulator, coordinates its review with the principal regulator. The principal regulator’s order is deemed to automatically have the same result in the notified passport jurisdictions and evidences the decision of the OSC.

Principal regulator 8. (1) For any application under this policy, the principal regulator is identified in the same manner as in sections

4C.1 to 4C.4 of Multilateral Instrument 11-102 Passport System. This section summarizes sections 4C.1 to 4C.4 of Multilateral Instrument 11-102 Passport System and provides guidance on identifying the principal regulator for an application under this policy.

(2) For the purpose of this section, a specified jurisdiction is one of British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan,

Manitoba, Ontario, Québec, New Brunswick or Nova Scotia. (3) Except as provided in subsection (4) and in section 9 of this policy, the principal regulator is,

(a) for an application made for an investment fund, the regulator of the jurisdiction in which the investment fund manager’s head office is located, or

(b) for an application made for an issuer other than an investment fund, the regulator of the jurisdiction in

which the issuer’s head office is located. (4) If the jurisdiction identified under subsection (3) is not a specified jurisdiction, the principal regulator for the

application is the regulator of the specified jurisdiction with which the issuer or, in the case of an investment fund, the investment fund manager, has the most significant connection.

(5) The factors a filer should consider in identifying the principal regulator for the application based on the most

significant connection test are, in order of influential weight:

(a) location of management, (b) location of assets and operations, (c) location of majority of securityholders or clients, and (d) location of trading market or quotation and trade reporting system in Canada.

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Discretionary change in principal regulator 9. (1) If the principal regulator identified under section 8 of this policy thinks it is not the appropriate principal

regulator, it will first consult with the filer and the other regulator it thinks would be more appropriate. If all agree, the first identified principal regulator will give the filer written notice of the new principal regulator and the reasons for the change.

(2) A filer may request a discretionary change of principal regulator for an application if

(a) the filer believes the principal regulator identified under section 8 of this policy is not the appropriate principal regulator,

(b) the location of the head office changes over the course of the application, or (c) the most significant connection to a specified jurisdiction changes over the course of the application.

(3) Regulators do not anticipate changing a principal regulator except in exceptional circumstances. (4) A filer should submit a written request for a change in principal regulator to its current principal regulator and

include the reasons for requesting the change. The current principal regulator will consult with the other regulator the filer thinks would be more appropriate. If they both agree, the first identified principal regulator will give the filer written notice of the new principal regulator.

General guidelines 10. (1) A regulator will generally send communications to a filer by e-mail.

(2) The British Columbia Securities Commission allows reporting issuers to voluntarily surrender their reporting issuer status under certain circumstances set out in BC Instrument 11-502 Voluntary Surrender of Reporting Issuer Status. However, that procedure is only available for an issuer that is only a reporting issuer in British Columbia and may not be used by an issuer that intends to apply for an order under this policy.

Issuers subject to business corporations legislation in certain jurisdictions 11. In certain jurisdictions of Canada, the local business corporations legislation:

(a) contains certain provisions that apply to reporting issuers that were incorporated, continued or amalgamated under the business corporations legislation, and

(b) provides that if a reporting issuer no longer wants those provisions to apply to it, it must obtain an order from

the relevant regulator that it is no longer a public company for the purposes of the business corporations legislation.

Issuers should review their business corporations legislation to determine if they need to make a separate application to the relevant regulator for an order under the business corporations legislation. An order obtained under this policy is only for the purposes of securities legislation.

Reporting issuer that has been dissolved or terminated 12. (1) A reporting issuer does not need to apply for an order that it has ceased to be a reporting issuer if it is:

(a) a corporation that was dissolved under applicable corporate legislation, (b) a limited partnership that was dissolved under applicable limited partnership legislation, (c) a trust that was terminated under its declaration of trust, or (d) another form of business organization that was dissolved or terminated under its applicable

governing legislation or constating or establishing document.

(2) In each case, it will be sufficient if an agent files evidence of the dissolution or termination with the regulator in each jurisdiction where the issuer was a reporting issuer.

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(3) For a corporation, sufficient evidence includes a copy of the certificate and articles of dissolution. (4) For a limited partnership, sufficient evidence typically includes:

(a) a copy of the declaration of dissolution or similar document filed under applicable limited partnership legislation, and

(b) a written representation from the general partner about the effective date of dissolution under

applicable limited partnership legislation.

(5) For a trust, sufficient evidence typically includes:

(a) a copy of the resolution authorizing the termination of the trust, (b) a report on voting results indicating that the resolution was passed, (c) a written representation that the trust no longer exists (it is sufficient if this representation is provided

by an agent or former trustees or officers), (d) a copy of the change in corporate structure notice filed under section 4.9 of National Instrument 51-

102 Continuous Disclosure Obligations or a copy of the change in legal structure notice filed under section 2.10 of National Instrument 81-106 Investment Fund Continuous Disclosure, and

(e) evidence such as a copy of a news release or written submission from an agent that the trust has no

securities outstanding and none are traded on a marketplace or any other facility for bringing together buyers and sellers of securities where trading data is publicly reported.

(6) If an issuer has commenced dissolution proceedings but still exists, it will remain a reporting issuer in the

absence of an order that it has ceased to be a reporting issuer.

Issuers that are only a reporting issuer in one jurisdiction 13. If an issuer is only a reporting issuer in one jurisdiction, it may apply for a local order to cease to be a reporting issuer in

that jurisdiction. Although the application will be treated as a local application rather than as an application under this policy, the regulator in the jurisdiction will generally apply the principles set out in this policy to that application.

The British Columbia Securities Commission allows reporting issuers that are only reporting in British Columbia to voluntarily surrender their reporting issuer status under certain circumstances set out in BC Instrument 11-502 Voluntary Surrender of Reporting Issuer Status.

Resale restrictions 14. For applications under the modified procedure or in the procedure for other applications described in section 21 of this

policy, a filer should consider whether any of the issuer’s securities may be subject to any resale restrictions under applicable securities legislation following the issuance of an order that the issuer has ceased to be a reporting issuer. If the issuer has, at any time in the past, issued securities to Canadian securityholders pursuant to certain prospectus exemptions, those Canadian securityholders would no longer be able to rely on the resale provisions in sections 2.5 and 2.6 of National Instrument 45-102 Resale of Securities to sell their securities if the issuer has ceased to be a reporting issuer. The issuer should disclose, in its application, what efforts it has conducted to ascertain the number of Canadian securityholders who purchased securities pursuant to a prospectus exemption and still hold those securities. The issuer should provide an analysis of whether those Canadian securityholders can rely on section 2.14 or any other provision in National Instrument 45-102 Resale of Securities to sell their securities following the issuance of the order that the issuer has ceased to be a reporting issuer. If Canadian securityholders would not be able to rely on a provision in National Instrument 45-102 Resale of Securities to sell their securities following the issuance of the requested order, the issuer should disclose, in its application, whether the issuer will be filing a separate application for exemptive relief under National Policy 11-203 Process for Exemptive Relief Applications in Multiple Jurisdictions to permit such sales.

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General 15. (1) A filer should submit a pre-filing sufficiently in advance of an application to avoid any delays in the processing

of the application.

(2) Generally, a pre-filing should only be made where an application will involve a novel and substantive issue or raise a novel policy concern.

(3) The principal regulator will treat the pre-filing as confidential except that it may:

(a) provide copies or a description of the pre-filing to other regulators for discussion purposes, and (b) have to release the pre-filing under freedom of information and protection of privacy legislation.

Procedure for passport application pre-filing 16. A filer should submit a pre-filing for a passport application by letter to the principal regulator and should:

(a) identify in the pre-filing the principal regulator for the application and each passport jurisdiction for which the filer intends to give the notice referred to in paragraph 4C.5(1)(c) of Multilateral Instrument 11-102 Passport System, and

(b) submit the pre-filing to the principal regulator only.

Procedure for dual application pre-filing 17. (1) A filer submitting a pre-filing for a dual application should identify in the pre-filing the principal regulator, each

passport jurisdiction for which the filer intends to give the notice referred to in paragraph 4C.5(1)(c) of Multilateral Instrument 11-102 Passport System, and Ontario.

(2) The filer should submit the pre-filing to the principal regulator and the OSC. (3) The principal regulator will arrange with the OSC to discuss the pre-filing within 7 business days, or as soon

as practicable after the pre-filing is submitted. Disclosure in related application 18. The filer should include in the application that follows a pre-filing,

(a) a description of the subject matter of the pre-filing and the approach taken by the principal regulator, and (b) any alternative approach proposed by a non-principal regulator that was involved in discussions and that

disagreed with the principal regulator.


TYPES OF APPLICATION PROCEDURES The simplified procedure 19. The simplified procedure is available to a filer that is seeking an order for an issuer to cease to be a reporting issuer in

each of the jurisdictions in Canada in which it is a reporting issuer and meets all of the following criteria: (a) it is not an OTC reporting issuer under Multilateral Instrument 51-105 Issuers Quoted in the U.S. Over-the-

Counter Markets, (b) its outstanding securities, including debt securities, are beneficially owned, directly or indirectly, by fewer than

15 securityholders in each of the jurisdictions of Canada and fewer than 51 securityholders in total worldwide,

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(c) its securities, including debt securities, are not traded in Canada or another country on a marketplace or any other facility for bringing together buyers and sellers of securities where trading data is publicly reported, and

(d) it is not in default of securities legislation in any jurisdiction.

The modified procedure 20. (1) A reporting issuer that is incorporated or organized under the laws of a foreign jurisdiction may make an

application under the modified procedure if it meets all of the following criteria:

(a) the issuer files continuous disclosure reports under U.S. securities laws and is listed on a U.S. exchange,

(b) the issuer is able to make a representation that residents of Canada do not:

(i) directly or indirectly beneficially own more than 2% of each class or series of outstanding securities (including debt securities) of the issuer worldwide, and

(ii) directly or indirectly comprise more than 2% of the total number of securityholders of the

issuer worldwide,

(c) in the 12 months before applying for the order, the issuer has not taken any steps that indicate there is a market for its securities in Canada, including conducting a prospectus offering in Canada, establishing or maintaining a listing on an exchange in Canada or having its securities traded on a marketplace or any other facility in Canada for bringing together buyers and sellers where trading data is publicly reported. If the issuer is unable to meet the above 12 month requirement because its securities have only recently been delisted from an exchange in Canada or have only recently been removed from trading on a marketplace or other facility in Canada for bringing together buyers and sellers where trading data is publicly reported, CSA staff may nevertheless be willing to recommend that an order be granted if the issuer is able to show that: (i) prior to the delisting or the removal from trading, the issuer only attracted a de minimis

number of Canadian investors, in particular, the daily average volume of trading of the issuer’s securities in Canada during the 12 months prior to the delisting or the removal from trading was less than 2% of the worldwide daily average volume of trading of the issuer’s securities during that 12 month period, and

(ii) the issuer did not take any other steps that indicate there is a market for its securities in


(d) the issuer provides advance notice to Canadian resident securityholders in a news release that it has applied for an order to cease to be a reporting issuer in all jurisdictions of Canada in which it is a reporting issuer and, if that order is made, the issuer will no longer be a reporting issuer in any jurisdiction of Canada. If applicable, the news release should also disclose that some of the issuer’s outstanding securities may be subject to resale restrictions. There should be sufficient time between the news release and the issuance of the order to provide securityholders with the opportunity to object to the order,

(e) the issuer undertakes to concurrently deliver to its Canadian securityholders, all disclosure the issuer

would be required to deliver to U.S. resident securityholders under U.S. securities law or exchange requirements.

(2) The representation in paragraph (1)(b) should not be qualified or limited to the knowledge of the issuer, unless

the issuer can fully demonstrate that it has made diligent enquiry to support the representation and why it cannot give an unqualified representation. CSA staff recognize that some issuers have difficulty making representations on the beneficial ownership of securities by residents of Canada. However, CSA staff will not generally recommend granting the order without the issuer satisfying the 2% test in paragraph (1)(b).

(3) A non-U.S. issuer incorporated or organized under the laws of a foreign jurisdiction can also seek an order under the modified procedure if the issuer

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(a) is listed on a major foreign exchange and meets the 2% test described in paragraph (1)(b), and (b) demonstrates that its Canadian securityholders will receive adequate continuous disclosure under

the foreign securities law or exchange requirements.

Procedure for other applications 21. An issuer that does not meet the criteria in section 19 or 20 may make an application under this policy. In the

application, the issuer should clearly explain why it does not meet the criteria in section 19 or 20, as applicable, and state the reasons and provide submissions as to why the principal regulator, and the OSC in the case of a dual application, should grant the order.

An example would be a situation where the issuer has completed a going-private transaction and would otherwise meet the criteria in section 19, but for the fact that it is in default of securities legislation as a result of failing to file financial statements that were due after the completion of the transaction. However, it is important for filers to realize that unless the filer can identify a previous order that is directly on point, CSA staff will treat any application filed under this section as novel. Novel applications may take more time to consider and the filer may not get the desired result.


Election to file under this policy and identification of principal regulator 22. (1) In its application, the filer should indicate whether it is filing a passport application or a dual application under

this policy and identify the principal regulator for the application.

(2) A filer should file an application sufficiently in advance of any deadline to ensure that staff has a reasonable opportunity to complete the review and make recommendations for an order.

(3) A filer seeking an order in Québec should file a French language version of the draft order when the AMF is

acting as principal regulator.

Materials to be filed with an application under the simplified procedure 23. (1) For a passport application under the simplified procedure, the filer should remit to the principal regulator the

fees payable under the securities legislation of the principal regulator, and file the following materials with the principal regulator only:

(a) a written application, in the format of the sample application letter set out in Schedule 1, in which the

filer: (i) states that the application is being made under the simplified procedure, (ii) states the basis for identifying the principal regulator under section 8 of this policy, (iii) identifies whether another related application has been filed in one or more jurisdictions, the

reasons for that application, and the principal regulator for that application, (iv) gives notice of the non-principal passport jurisdictions for which section 4C.5 of Multilateral

Instrument 11-102 Passport System is intended to be relied upon, (v) sets out any request for confidentiality, (vi) includes representations that confirm that the issuer meets each of the criteria in section 19,

and (vii) includes a verification statement that authorizes the filing of the application and confirms the

truth of the facts in the application, and

(b) a draft form of order, in the format set out in Annex A, with representations that confirm that the issuer meets the 4 criteria in section 19.

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(2) For a dual application under the simplified procedure, the filer should remit the fees payable under the securities legislation of the principal regulator and the OSC to each of them, as appropriate, and file the following materials with both the principal regulator and the OSC:

(a) a written application, in the format of the sample application letter set out in Schedule 2, in which the

filer: (i) states that the application is being made under the simplified procedure, (ii) states the basis for identifying the principal regulator under section 8 of this policy, (iii) identifies whether another related application has been filed in one or more jurisdictions, the

reasons for that application, and the principal regulator for that application, (iv) gives notice of the non-principal passport jurisdictions for which section 4C.5 of Multilateral

Instrument 11-102 Passport System is intended to be relied upon, (v) sets out any request for confidentiality, (vi) sets out any request to abridge the review period (see subsection 32(3) of this policy) or the

opt-in period (see subsection 34(4) of this policy) and provides supporting reasons, (vii) includes representations that confirm that the issuer meets each of the criteria in section 19,

and (viii) includes a verification statement that authorizes the filing of the application and confirms the

truth of the facts in the application, and

(b) a draft form of order, in the format set out in Annex B, with representations that confirm that the issuer meets the 4 criteria in section 19.

(3) If the issuer is in the process of completing a going-private transaction following which it will want an order that

it has ceased to be a reporting issuer, the issuer may apply for relief using the simplified procedure prior to completing the transaction. The principal regulator cannot make an order until the transaction is complete and the issuer can represent that it has satisfied all the criteria for the simplified procedure.

(4) In circumstances where an issuer has exchanged its securities with another party (or that party’s

securityholders) in connection with a statutory arrangement or procedure, the issuer should consider whether any other party in the transaction will or has become a reporting issuer following the exchange. If so, the issuer should disclose in its application the name of that party and the jurisdictions in which that party will or has become a reporting issuer and provide a brief summary of the statutory arrangement or procedure and the parties involved.

Materials to be filed with an application under the modified procedure 24. (1) For a passport application under the modified procedure, the filer should remit to the principal regulator the

fees payable under the securities legislation of the principal regulator, and file the following materials with the principal regulator only: (a) a written application in which the filer:

(i) states that the application is being made under the modified procedure, (ii) states the basis for identifying the principal regulator under section 8 of this policy, (iii) identifies whether another related application has been filed in one or more jurisdictions, the

reasons for that application, and the principal regulator for that application, (iv) sets out, for any related pre-filing, the information referred to in section 18 of this policy, (v) gives notice of the non-principal passport jurisdictions for which section 4C.5 of Multilateral

Instrument 11-102 Passport System is intended to be relied upon,

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(vi) sets out any request for confidentiality, (vii) provides submissions on how the issuer meets each of the criteria in section 20, (viii) provides submissions on how the issuer has dealt, or proposes to deal, with the resale

issues set out in section 14 of this policy, (ix) sets out references to previous orders of the principal regulator or other regulators that

would support issuing the order, or indicates that the application is novel, (x) includes a verification statement that authorizes the filing of the application and confirms the

truth of the facts in the application, and (xi) states that the issuer is not in default of securities legislation in any jurisdiction or if the

issuer is in default, the nature of the default, (b) supporting materials, and (c) a draft form of order, in the format set out in Annex C, with representations that explain how the

issuer meets each of the criteria in section 20 and states that the issuer is not in default of securities legislation in any jurisdiction or if the issuer is in default, the nature of the default.

(2) For a dual application under the modified procedure, the filer should remit the fees payable under the

securities legislation of the principal regulator and the OSC to each of them, as appropriate, and file the following materials with both the principal regulator and the OSC: (a) a written application in which the filer:

(i) states that the application is being made under the modified procedure, (ii) states the basis for identifying the principal regulator under section 8 of this policy, (iii) identifies whether another related application has been filed in one or more jurisdictions, the

reasons for that application, and the principal regulator for that application, (iv) sets out, for any related pre-filing, the information referred to in section 18 of this policy, (v) gives notice of the non-principal passport jurisdictions for which section 4C.5 of Multilateral

Instrument 11-102 Passport System is intended to be relied upon, (vi) sets out any request for confidentiality, (vii) sets out any request to abridge the review period (see subsection 32(3) of this policy) or the

opt-in period (see subsection 34(4) of this policy) and provides supporting reasons, (viii) provides submissions on how the issuer meets each of the criteria in section 20, (ix) provides submissions on how the issuer has dealt, or proposes to deal, with the resale

issues set out in section 14 of this policy, (x) sets out references to previous orders of the principal regulator or other regulators that

would support issuing the order, or indicates that the application is novel, (xi) includes a verification statement that authorizes the filing of the application and confirms the

truth of the facts in the application, and (xii) states that the issuer is not in default of securities legislation in any jurisdiction or if the

issuer is in default, the nature of the default,

(b) supporting materials, and

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(c) a draft form of order, in the format set out in Annex D, with representations that explain how the issuer meets each of the criteria in section 20 and that states that the issuer is not in default of securities legislation in any jurisdiction or if the issuer is in default, the nature of the default.

(3) The application filed under this section should describe what due diligence the filer has done to ascertain:

(a) the number of securities of the issuer (of each class or series) directly or indirectly beneficially owned by residents of Canada, and

(b) the number of securityholders of the issuer resident in Canada. If an issuer has outstanding American Depositary Receipts (ADR), American Depositary Shares (ADS) or Global Depositary Receipts (GDR), the number of shares represented by ADR, ADS or GDR should be considered in the 2% test.

(4) The due diligence conducted by the issuer described in subsection (3) would normally include the following:

(a) where a registered holder of securities of the issuer is a depository or an intermediary located in Canada, procedures similar to the procedures set out in National Instrument 54-101 Communication with Beneficial Owners of Securities of a Reporting Issuer to obtain beneficial ownership information,

(b) where a registered holder of securities of the issuer is a depository or an intermediary located in a

foreign jurisdiction, similar procedures set out in National Instrument 54-101 Communication with Beneficial Owners of Securities of a Reporting Issuer if it is reasonable to expect that the depository or intermediary may be holding securities of the issuer that are directly or beneficially owned by residents of Canada. For example, if the securities of the issuer are traded in a foreign jurisdiction on a marketplace or any other facility for bringing together buyers and sellers of securities where trading data is publicly reported, similar inquiries should be made of depositories or intermediaries in that jurisdiction if it is reasonable to expect that residents of Canada may have purchased securities of the issuer through that marketplace or facility. Similarly, if securities of the issuer are held in a foreign jurisdiction by a foreign intermediary that is an affiliate of a Canadian intermediary, the foreign intermediary should be asked if it is holding securities of the issuer on behalf of residents of Canada.

Materials to be filed with other applications 25. An issuer described in section 21 of this policy should file the materials listed in section 24 of this policy. In its

application, instead of providing submissions on how the issuer meets the criteria in the modified procedure, the issuer should provide submissions on why it does not meet the criteria in section 19 or 20 of this policy, as applicable, and state the reasons and provide submissions as to why regulators should grant the order.

Request for confidentiality 26. (1) A filer requesting that the regulators hold an application and supporting materials in confidence during the

application review process should provide a substantive reason for the request in its application.

(2) CSA staff is unlikely to recommend that an order be held in confidence after its effective date. However, if a filer requests that the regulators hold the application, supporting materials, or order in confidence after its effective date, the filer should describe the request for confidentiality separately in its application, and pay any required fee:

(a) in the principal jurisdiction, if the filer is making a passport application, or (b) in the principal jurisdiction and in Ontario, if the filer is making a dual application.

(3) Any request for confidentiality should explain why the request is reasonable in the circumstances and not prejudicial to the public interest and when any decision granting confidentiality would expire.

(4) Communications on requests for confidentiality will normally take place by e-mail. If a filer is concerned with

this practice, the filer may request in the application that all communications take place by telephone.

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Filing 27. (1) Except as set out in subsections (3) and (4), a filer should send the application materials in paper and in

electronic format together with the fees to

(a) the principal regulator, in the case of a passport application, or (b) the principal regulator and the OSC, in the case of a dual application.

(2) The filer should also provide an electronic copy of the application materials, including the draft order, by e-mail. For a dual application, filing the application concurrently with the principal regulator and the OSC will enable these regulators to process the application expeditiously.

(3) In British Columbia, an electronic filing system is available for filing and tracking applications. Filers should file

an application in British Columbia using that system instead of e-mail. (4) In Ontario, an electronic system is available for filing applications. Filers should file an application in Ontario

using that system instead of e-mail. (5) Filers should send pre-filing and application materials by e-mail (or through the electronic system in British

Columbia and Ontario) using the relevant address or addresses listed below:

British Columbia www.bcsc.bc.ca (click on BCSC e-services and follow the steps)

Alberta [email protected]

Saskatchewan [email protected]

Manitoba [email protected]

Ontario www.osc.gov.on.ca/filings (follow the steps for submitting applications)

Québec [email protected]

New Brunswick [email protected]

Nova Scotia [email protected]

Incomplete or deficient material 28. If the filer’s materials are deficient or incomplete, the principal regulator may ask the filer to file an amended application.

This will likely delay the review of the application. Acknowledgement of receipt of filing 29. After the principal regulator receives a complete application, the principal regulator will send the filer an

acknowledgement of receipt of the application. For a dual application, the principal regulator will send a copy of the acknowledgement to the OSC. The acknowledgement will identify the name, phone number and e-mail address of the individual reviewing the application and, for a dual application, the end date of the review period identified in subsection 32(3) of this policy.

Withdrawal or abandonment of application 30. (1) If a filer decides to withdraw an application at any time during the process, the filer must notify the principal

regulator and, for a dual application, the principal regulator and the OSC and provide an explanation of the withdrawal.

(2) If at any time during the review process, the principal regulator determines that a filer has abandoned an

application, the principal regulator will notify the filer that it will mark the application as “abandoned”. In that case, the principal regulator will close the file unless the filer provides acceptable reasons not to close the file in writing within 10 business days of the notification from the principal regulator. If the filer does not provide acceptable reasons, the principal regulator will notify the filer and for a dual application, the OSC, that the principal regulator has closed the file.

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Review of passport application 31. (1) The principal regulator will review a passport application in accordance with its securities legislation and

securities directions and based on its review procedures, analysis and consideration of previous orders.

(2) The filer will deal only with the principal regulator, who will provide comments to and receive responses from the filer.

Review and processing of dual application 32. (1) The principal regulator will review a dual application in accordance with its securities legislation and securities

directions, based on its review procedures, analysis and consideration of previous orders. The principal regulator will consider any comments from the OSC.

(2) The filer will generally deal only with the principal regulator, which will be responsible for providing comments

to the filer once it has considered the comments from the OSC and completed its own review. However, in exceptional circumstances, the principal regulator may refer the filer to the OSC.

(3) The OSC will have 7 business days from receiving the acknowledgement referred to in section 29 of this

policy to review the application. In exceptional circumstances, the principal regulator may abridge the review period if the filer filed the dual application concurrently with the OSC and shows that it is necessary and reasonable in the circumstances for the application to receive immediate attention.

(4) Unless the filer provides compelling reasons as to why it did not start the application process sooner, the

principal regulator will not consider the following circumstances as exceptional:

(a) the recent closing of a take-over bid, plan of arrangement or similar transaction that resulted in the issuer being eligible to make an application,

(b) the upcoming deadline for the filing of a continuous disclosure document that would result in the

issuer being in default of securities legislation if the order that the issuer has ceased to be a reporting issuer is not granted before that deadline,

(c) an upcoming date on which the issuer must have ceased to be a reporting issuer for legal, tax or

business reasons, or (d) other situations in which the deadline was known before filing the application and the filer could have

filed the application earlier. While staff will attempt to accommodate transaction timing where possible, filers planning time-sensitive transactions should build sufficient regulatory approval time into their transaction schedules. The fact that a filer may consider an application as routine is not a compelling argument for requesting an abridgement.

(5) Filers should provide sufficient information in an application to enable staff to assess how quickly they should handle the application. For example, if the filer has committed to take certain steps by a specific date and needs to have staff’s view or an order by that date, the filer should explain why staff’s view or the order to cease to be a reporting issuer is required by the specific date and identify these time constraints in its application.

(6) In a dual application, the OSC will advise the principal regulator, before the expiration of the review period, of

any substantive issues that would cause OSC staff to recommend that the order not be granted. The principal regulator may assume that the OSC does not have comments on the application if the principal regulator does not receive them within the review period.

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Passport application 33. (1) After completing the review process and after considering the recommendation of its staff, the principal

regulator will determine whether or not to grant the order a filer sought in a passport application.

(2) If the principal regulator is not prepared to grant the order based on the information before it, the principal regulator will notify the filer accordingly.

(3) If a filer receives a notice under subsection (2) and this process is available in the principal jurisdiction, the

filer may request the opportunity to appear before, and make submissions to, the principal regulator.

Dual application 34. (1) After completing the review process and considering the recommendation of its staff, the principal regulator

will determine whether or not to grant the order a filer sought in a dual application and immediately circulate its decision to the OSC.

(2) In a dual application, the OSC will have 5 business days from receipt of the principal regulator’s order to

confirm whether:

(a) it has made the same decision as the principal regulator and is opting into the order, or (b) it will not be making the same decision as the principal regulator.

(3) If the OSC is silent, the principal regulator will consider that the OSC will not be making the same decision as the principal regulator.

(4) If the filer shows that it is necessary and reasonable in the circumstances, the principal regulator may request,

but cannot require, the OSC to abridge the opt-in period. In some circumstances, abridging the opt-in period may not be feasible. For example, only a panel of the OSC that convenes according to a schedule can make some types of decisions.

(5) The principal regulator will not send the filer an order for a dual application until receipt from the OSC of the

confirmation referred to in paragraph (2)(a). If the OSC does not provide the confirmation, the principal regulator will advise the filer that it will not be receiving an order from the principal regulator or the OSC.

(6) If the principal regulator is not prepared to grant the order based on the information before it, it will notify the

filer and the OSC. (7) If a filer receives a notice under subsection (6) and this process is available in the principal jurisdiction, the

filer may request the opportunity to appear before, and make submissions to, the principal regulator. The principal regulator may hold a hearing on its own, or jointly or concurrently with the OSC.


Effect of order made under passport application 35. (1) Under a passport application, the order of the principal regulator that an issuer has ceased to be a reporting

issuer is the decision of the principal regulator. Under subsection 4C.5(1) of Multilateral Instrument 11-102 Passport System, an issuer is deemed to cease to be a reporting issuer in all notified passport jurisdictions as a result of the order of the principal regulator for the application.

(2) The order is effective in each notified passport jurisdiction on the date of the principal regulator’s order (even if

the regulator in the notified passport jurisdiction is closed on that date). Effect of order made under dual application 36. Under a dual application, the order of the principal regulator that an issuer has ceased to be a reporting issuer is the

decision of the principal regulator. Under subsection 4C.5(1) of Multilateral Instrument 11-102 Passport System, an

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issuer is deemed to cease to be a reporting issuer in all notified passport jurisdictions as a result of the order of the principal regulator for the application. The order of the principal regulator under a dual application also evidences the OSC’s decision, if the OSC provided the confirmation referred to in paragraph 34(2)(a) of this policy.

Listing non-principal jurisdictions 37. (1) For convenience, the order of the principal regulator on a passport application or a dual application will refer to

the notified passport jurisdictions, but it is the filer’s responsibility to ensure that it gives the required notice for each jurisdiction for which section 4C.5 of Multilateral Instrument 11-102 Passport System is intended to be relied upon. A filer must give the notice for each jurisdiction of Canada in which the issuer is a reporting issuer.

(2) The order of the principal regulator on a dual application will contain wording that makes it clear that the order

evidences and sets out the decision of the OSC.

Form of order 38. An order under this policy will be in the form set out in one of the following:

(a) Annex A, Form of order for a passport application under the simplified procedure, (b) Annex B, Form of order for a dual application under the simplified procedure, (c) Annex C, Form of order for a passport application under the modified procedure, (d) Annex D, Form of order for a dual application under the modified procedure, (e) Annex E, Form of order for a passport application for other applications, or (f) Annex F, Form of order for a dual application for other applications.

Issuance of order 39. For a dual application, the principal regulator will send the order to the filer and to the OSC.


Transition 40. (1) The coordinated review process set out in National Policy 11-203 Process for Exemptive Relief Applications in

Multiple Jurisdictions will continue to apply to an application for an order that an issuer has ceased to be a reporting issuer filed under that process in multiple jurisdictions before June 23, 2016.

(2) The coordinated review process set out under the heading “The Simplified Procedure” in CSA Staff Notice 12-

307 Applications for a Decision that an Issuer is not a Reporting Issuer will continue to apply to an application for an order that an issuer has ceased to be a reporting issuer filed under that process in multiple jurisdictions before June 23, 2016.

Effective date 41. This policy comes into effect on June 23, 2016.

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Annex A Form of order for a passport application under the simplified procedure

[Citation:[neutral citation] [Date of order]]

In the Matter of

the Securities Legislation of [name of principal jurisdiction] (the Jurisdiction)


In the Matter of

the Process for Cease to be a Reporting Issuer Applications


In the Matter of [name of issuer (the Filer)]


Background The principal regulator in the Jurisdiction has received an application from the Filer for an order under the securities legislation of the Jurisdiction of the principal regulator (the Legislation) that the Filer has ceased to be a reporting issuer in all jurisdictions of Canada in which it is a reporting issuer (the Order Sought). Under the Process for Cease to be a Reporting Issuer Applications (for a passport application):

(a) the [name of the principal regulator] is the principal regulator for this application, and (b) the Filer has provided notice that subsection 4C.5(1) of Multilateral Instrument 11-102 Passport System (MI

11-102) is intended to be relied upon in [names of all non-principal passport jurisdictions where the Filer is a reporting issuer].

Interpretation Terms defined in National Instrument 14-101 Definitions[,] [and] MI 11-102 [and, in Québec, in Regulation 14-501Q on definitions (when the Autorité des marchés financiers is the principal regulator)] have the same meaning if used in this order, unless otherwise defined. Representations This order is based on the following facts represented by the Filer:

1. the Filer is not an OTC reporting issuer under Multilateral Instrument 51-105 Issuers Quoted in the U.S. Over-the-Counter Markets;

2. the outstanding securities of the Filer, including debt securities, are beneficially owned, directly or indirectly, by

fewer than 15 securityholders in each of the jurisdictions of Canada and fewer than 51 securityholders in total worldwide;

3. no securities of the Filer, including debt securities, are traded in Canada or another country on a marketplace

as defined in National Instrument 21-101 Marketplace Operation or any other facility for bringing together buyers and sellers of securities where trading data is publicly reported;

4. the Filer is applying for an order that the Filer has ceased to be a reporting issuer in all of the jurisdictions of

Canada in which it is a reporting issuer; and 5. the Filer is not in default of securities legislation in any jurisdiction.

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Order The principal regulator is satisfied that the order meets the test set out in the Legislation for the principal regulator to make the order. The decision of the principal regulator under the Legislation is that the Order Sought is granted. _________________________________ (Name of signatory for the principal regulator) _________________________________ (Title) _________________________________ (Name of principal regulator) (justify signature block)

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Annex B Form of order for a dual application under the simplified procedure

[Citation:[neutral citation] [Date of order]]

In the Matter of

the Securities Legislation of [name of principal jurisdiction] and Ontario (the Jurisdictions)


In the Matter of

the Process for Cease to be a Reporting Issuer Applications


In the Matter of [name of issuer (the Filer)]


Background The securities regulatory authority or regulator in each of the Jurisdictions (Decision Maker) has received an application from the Filer for an order under the securities legislation of the Jurisdictions (the Legislation) that the Filer has ceased to be a reporting issuer in all jurisdictions of Canada in which it is a reporting issuer (the Order Sought). Under the Process for Cease to be a Reporting Issuer Applications (for a dual application):

(a) the [name of the principal regulator] is the principal regulator for this application, (b) the Filer has provided notice that subsection 4C.5(1) of Multilateral Instrument 11-102 Passport System (MI

11-102) is intended to be relied upon in [names of all non-principal passport jurisdictions where the Filer is a reporting issuer], and

(c) this order is the order of the principal regulator and evidences the decision of the securities regulatory

authority or regulator in Ontario.

Interpretation Terms defined in National Instrument 14-101 Definitions[,] [and] MI 11-102 [and, in Québec, in Regulation 14-501Q on definitions (when the Autorité des marchés financiers is the principal regulator)] have the same meaning if used in this order, unless otherwise defined. Representations This order is based on the following facts represented by the Filer:

1. the Filer is not an OTC reporting issuer under Multilateral Instrument 51-105 Issuers Quoted in the U.S. Over-the-Counter Markets;

2. the outstanding securities of the Filer, including debt securities, are beneficially owned, directly or indirectly, by

fewer than 15 securityholders in each of the jurisdictions of Canada and fewer than 51 securityholders in total worldwide;

3. no securities of the Filer, including debt securities, are traded in Canada or another country on a marketplace

as defined in National Instrument 21-101 Marketplace Operation or any other facility for bringing together buyers and sellers of securities where trading data is publicly reported;

4. the Filer is applying for an order that the Filer has ceased to be a reporting issuer in all of the jurisdictions of

Canada in which it is a reporting issuer; and 5. the Filer is not in default of securities legislation in any jurisdiction.

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Order Each of the Decision Makers is satisfied that the order meets the test set out in the Legislation for the Decision Maker to make the order. The decision of the Decision Makers under the Legislation is that the Order Sought is granted. _________________________________ (Name of signatory for the principal regulator) _________________________________ (Title) _________________________________ (Name of principal regulator) (justify signature block)

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Annex C Form of order for a passport application under the modified procedure

[Citation:[neutral citation] [Date of order]]

In the Matter of

the Securities Legislation of [name of principal jurisdiction] (the Jurisdiction)


In the Matter of

the Process for Cease to be a Reporting Issuer Applications


In the Matter of [name of issuer (the Filer)


Background The principal regulator in the Jurisdiction has received an application from the Filer for an order under the securities legislation of the Jurisdiction of the principal regulator (the Legislation) that the Filer has ceased to be a reporting issuer in all jurisdictions of Canada in which it is a reporting issuer (the Order Sought). Under the Process for Cease to be a Reporting Issuer Applications (for a passport application):

(a) the [name of the principal regulator] is the principal regulator for this application, and (b) the Filer has provided notice that subsection 4C.5(1) of Multilateral Instrument 11-102 Passport System (MI

11-102) is intended to be relied upon in [names of all non-principal passport jurisdictions where the Filer is a reporting issuer].

Interpretation Terms defined in National Instrument 14-101 Definitions[,] [and] MI 11-102 [and, in Québec, in Regulation 14-501Q on definitions (when the Autorité des marchés financiers is the principal regulator)] have the same meaning if used in this order, unless otherwise defined. [Add additional definitions here.] Representations This order is based on the following facts represented by the Filer:

1. [Insert material representations necessary to explain how the Filer meets the modified procedure criteria and why the principal regulator came to this decision. Include the location of the Filer’s head office and, if appropriate, the connecting factor the Filer used to identify the principal regulator for the application.]

2. [State that the issuer is not in default of securities legislation in any jurisdiction or if the issuer is in default, the

nature of the default.]

Order The principal regulator is satisfied that the order meets the test set out in the Legislation for the principal regulator to make the order. The decision of the principal regulator under the Legislation is that the Order Sought is granted.

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(2016), 39 OSCB 2046

_________________________________ (Name of signatory for the principal regulator) _________________________________ (Title) _________________________________ Name of principal regulator) (justify signature block)

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Annex D Form of order for a dual application under the modified procedure

[Citation: [neutral citation] [Date of order]]

In the Matter of

the Securities Legislation of [name of principal jurisdiction] and Ontario (the Jurisdictions)


In the Matter of

the Process for Cease to be a Reporting Issuer Applications


In the Matter of [name of issuer] (the Filer)


Background The securities regulatory authority or regulator in each of the Jurisdictions (Decision Maker) has received an application from the Filer for an order under the securities legislation of the Jurisdictions (the Legislation) that the Filer has ceased to be a reporting issuer in all jurisdictions of Canada in which it is a reporting issuer (the Order Sought). Under the Process for Cease to be a Reporting Issuer Applications (for a dual application):

(a) the [name of the principal regulator] is the principal regulator for this application, (b) the Filer has provided notice that subsection 4C.5(1) of Multilateral Instrument 11-102 Passport System (MI

11-102) is intended to be relied upon in [names of all non-principal passport jurisdictions where the Filer is a reporting issuer], and

(c) this order is the order of the principal regulator and evidences the decision of the securities regulatory

authority or regulator in Ontario.

Interpretation Terms defined in National Instrument 14-101 Definitions[,] [and] MI 11-102 [and, in Québec, in Regulation 14-501Q on definitions (when the Autorité des marchés financiers is the principal regulator)] have the same meaning if used in this order, unless otherwise defined. [Add additional definitions here.] Representations This order is based on the following facts represented by the Filer:

1. [Insert material representations necessary to explain how the Filer meets the modified procedure criteria and why the principal regulator came to this decision. Include the location of the Filer’s head office and, if appropriate, the connecting factor the Filer used to identify the principal regulator for the application.]

2. [State that the issuer is not in default of securities legislation in any jurisdiction or if the issuer is in default, the

nature of the default.]

Order Each of the Decision Makers is satisfied that the order meets the test set out in the Legislation for the Decision Maker to make the order. The decision of the Decision Makers under the Legislation is that the Order Sought is granted.

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_________________________________ (Name of signatory for the principal regulator) _________________________________ (Title) _________________________________ (Name of principal regulator) (justify signature block)

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Annex E Form of order for a passport application for other applications

[Citation:[neutral citation] [Date of order]]

In the Matter of

the Securities Legislation of [name of principal jurisdiction] (the Jurisdiction)


In the Matter of

the Process for Cease to be a Reporting Issuer Applications


In the Matter of [name of issuer] (the Filer)


Background The principal regulator in the Jurisdiction has received an application from the Filer for an order under the securities legislation of the Jurisdiction of the principal regulator (the Legislation) that the Filer has ceased to be a reporting issuer in all jurisdictions of Canada in which it is a reporting issuer (the Order Sought). Under the Process for Cease to be a Reporting Issuer Applications (for a passport application):

(a) the [name of the principal regulator] is the principal regulator for this application, and (b) the Filer has provided notice that subsection 4C.5(1) of Multilateral Instrument 11-102 Passport System (MI

11-102) is intended to be relied upon in [names of all non-principal passport jurisdictions where the Filer is a reporting issuer].

Interpretation Terms defined in National Instrument 14-101 Definitions [,] [and] MI 11-102 [and, in Québec, in Regulation 14-501Q on definitions (when the Autorité des marchés financiers is the principal regulator)] have the same meaning if used in this order, unless otherwise defined. [Add additional definitions here.] Representations This order is based on the following facts represented by the Filer:

1. [Insert material representations necessary to explain why the principal regulator came to this decision. Include the location of the Filer’s head office and, if appropriate, the connecting factor the Filer used to identify the principal regulator for the application.]

2. [State that the issuer is not in default of securities legislation in any jurisdiction or if the issuer is in default, the

nature of the default.]

Order The principal regulator is satisfied that the order meets the test set out in the Legislation for the principal regulator to make the order. The decision of the principal regulator under the Legislation is that the Order Sought is granted.

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_________________________________ (Name of signatory for the principal regulator) _________________________________ (Title) _________________________________ (Name of principal regulator) (justify signature block)

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Annex F Form of order for a dual application for other applications

[Citation:[neutral citation] [Date of order]]

In the Matter of

the Securities Legislation of [name of principal jurisdiction] and Ontario (the Jurisdictions)


In the Matter of

the Process for Cease to be a Reporting Issuer Applications


In the Matter of [name of issuer] (the Filer)


Background The securities regulatory authority or regulator in each of the Jurisdictions (Decision Maker) has received an application from the Filer for an order under the securities legislation of the Jurisdictions (the Legislation) that the Filer has ceased to be a reporting issuer in all jurisdictions of Canada in which it is a reporting issuer (the Order Sought). Under the Process for Cease to be a Reporting Issuer Applications (for a dual application):

(a) the [name of the principal regulator] is the principal regulator for this application, (b) the Filer has provided notice that subsection 4C.5(1) of Multilateral Instrument 11-102 Passport System (MI

11-102) is intended to be relied upon in [names of all non-principal passport jurisdictions where the Filer is a reporting issuer], and

(c) this order is the order of the principal regulator and evidences the decision of the securities regulatory

authority or regulator in Ontario.

Interpretation Terms defined in National Instrument 14-101 Definitions [,] [and] MI 11-102 [and, in Québec, in Regulation 14-501Q on definitions (when the Autorité des marchés financiers is the principal regulator)] have the same meaning if used in this order, unless otherwise defined. [Add additional definitions here.] Representations This order is based on the following facts represented by the Filer:

1. [Insert material representations necessary to explain why the principal regulator came to this decision. Include the location of the Filer’s head office and, if appropriate, the connecting factor the Filer used to identify the principal regulator for the application.]

2. [State that the issuer is not in default of securities legislation in any jurisdiction or if the issuer is in default, the

nature of the default.]

Order Each of the Decision Makers is satisfied that the order meets the test set out in the Legislation for the Decision Maker to make the order. The decision of the Decision Makers under the Legislation is that the Order Sought is granted.

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_________________________________ (Name of signatory for the principal regulator) _________________________________ (Title) _________________________________ (Name of principal regulator) (justify signature block)

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Schedule 1 Example of an Application Letter under the Simplified Procedure for a Passport Application

[Enter date] [Name of the principal regulator] Dear Sir/Madam: Re: [Enter name of issuer] (the Filer) – passport application for an order under the securities legislation of [name

of principal jurisdiction] that the Filer has ceased to be a reporting issuer We are applying under the simplified procedure to the [identify principal regulator] as principal regulator for an order under the securities legislation (the Legislation) of [name of principal jurisdiction] that the Filer has ceased to be a reporting issuer (the Order Sought). We identify [name of regulator] as the principal regulator for the application on the basis of [name the applicable criteria] under section 8 of National Policy 11-206 Process for Cease to be a Reporting Issuer Applications (NP 11-206). In accordance with subsection 4C.5(2) of Multilateral Instrument 11-102 Passport System (MI 11-102) and in satisfaction of the notice requirement in paragraph 4C.5(1)(c) of MI 11-102, the Filer provides notice to the securities regulatory authority or regulator in [list the non-principal jurisdictions where the Filer is a reporting issuer] that subsection 4C.5(1) of MI 11-102 is intended to be relied upon for the Order Sought. Under the simplified procedure in NP 11-206, the Filer represents that:

1. the Filer is not an OTC reporting issuer under Multilateral Instrument 51-105 Issuers Quoted in the U.S. Over-the-Counter Markets;

2. the outstanding securities of the Filer, including debt securities, are beneficially owned, directly or indirectly, by

fewer than 15 securityholders in each of the jurisdictions of Canada and fewer than 51 securityholders in total worldwide;

3. no securities of the Filer, including debt securities, are traded in Canada or another country on a marketplace

as defined in National Instrument 21-101 Marketplace Operation or any other facility for bringing together buyers and sellers of securities where trading data is publicly reported;

4. the Filer is applying for an order that the Filer has ceased to be a reporting issuer in all of the jurisdictions of

Canada in which it is a reporting issuer; and 5. the Filer is not in default of securities legislation in any jurisdiction.

[If applicable, set out any request for confidentiality and/or requests to abridge the review period or the opt-in period and provide supporting reasons.] [Identify whether another related application has been filed in one or more jurisdictions, the reasons for that application, and the principal regulator for that application.] [Enter name of Filer] [Signature of the person who has signing authority] [Include a verification statement that authorizes the filing of the application and confirms the truth of the facts in the application.]

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Schedule 2 Example of an Application Letter under the Simplified Procedure for a Dual Application

[Enter date] [List name of the principal regulator and the Ontario Securities Commission] Dear Sir/Madam: Re: [Enter name of issuer] (the Filer) – dual application for an order under the securities legislation of [name of

principal jurisdiction] and Ontario that the Filer has ceased to be a reporting issuer We are applying under the simplified procedure to the [identify principal regulator] as principal regulator and the Ontario Securities Commission for an order under the securities legislation (the Legislation) of [name of principal jurisdiction] and Ontario that the Filer has ceased to be a reporting issuer (the Order Sought). We identify [name of regulator] as the principal regulator for the application on the basis of [name the applicable criteria] under section 8 of National Policy 11-206 Process for Cease to be a Reporting Issuer Applications (NP 11-206). In accordance with subsection 4C.5(2) of Multilateral Instrument 11-102 Passport System (MI 11-102) and in satisfaction of the notice requirement in paragraph 4C.5(1)(c) of MI 11-102, the Filer provides notice to the securities regulatory authority or regulator in [list the non-principal jurisdictions where the Filer is a reporting issuer] that subsection 4C.5(1) of MI 11-102 is intended to be relied upon for the Order Sought. Under the simplified procedure in NP 11-206, the Filer represents that:

1. the Filer is not an OTC reporting issuer under Multilateral Instrument 51-105 Issuers Quoted in the U.S. Over-the-Counter Markets;

2. the outstanding securities of the Filer, including debt securities, are beneficially owned, directly or indirectly, by

fewer than 15 securityholders in each of the jurisdictions of Canada and fewer than 51 securityholders in total worldwide;

3. no securities of the Filer, including debt securities, are traded in Canada or another country on a marketplace

as defined in National Instrument 21-101 Marketplace Operation or any other facility for bringing together buyers and sellers of securities where trading data is publicly reported;

4. the Filer is applying for an order that the Filer has ceased to be a reporting issuer in all of the jurisdictions of

Canada in which it is a reporting issuer; and 5. the Filer is not in default of securities legislation in any jurisdiction.

[If applicable, set out any request for confidentiality and/or requests to abridge the review period or the opt-in period and provide supporting reasons.] [Identify whether another related application has been filed in one or more jurisdictions, the reasons for that application, and the principal regulator for that application.] [Enter name of Filer] [Signature of the person who has signing authority] [Include a verification statement that authorizes the filing of the application and confirms the truth of the facts in the application.]

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National Policy 11-207 Failure-to-File Cease Trade Orders and Revocations in Multiple Jurisdictions



Scope of this policy 1. Reporting issuers are subject to continuous disclosure requirements under securities legislation so that there is

information in the marketplace to enable investors and prospective investors to make an informed investment decision. The integrity and fairness, or confidence in the integrity and fairness, of the capital markets may be compromised if trading in securities of a reporting issuer is permitted to continue when the reporting issuer is not in compliance with the continuous disclosure requirements.

This policy provides guidance to issuers, investors and other market participants regarding how the Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA or we) will generally respond to certain types of continuous disclosure defaults by a reporting issuer, referred to as specified defaults in this policy.1 This policy also explains why we issue a failure-to-file cease trade order in response to a specified default. Beginning in part 4, this policy also explains how a failure-to-file cease trade order has effect in multiple jurisdictions due to the operation of:

• Multilateral Instrument 11-103 Failure-to-File Cease Trade Orders in Multiple Jurisdictions, in those CSA jurisdictions that have adopted it, or

• A statutory reciprocal order provision as defined in section 3.

This policy also explains what a reporting issuer should do to apply for a full or partial revocation (including a variation) of a failure–to-file cease trade order. Any CSA jurisdiction that has adopted Multilateral Instrument 11-103 Failure-to-File Cease Trade Orders in Multiple Jurisdictions or has a statutory reciprocal order provision will apply the operational processes set out in this policy. Although Ontario has not adopted Multilateral Instrument 11-103 Failure-to-File Cease Trade Orders in Multiple Jurisdictions, this policy describes an interface process (“dual” regime) to facilitate the reciprocation in Ontario of failure-to-file cease trade orders issued and revoked by other CSA regulators. This policy applies to a reporting issuer and, where the context permits, to a securityholder or other party.

Cease trade orders outside of the scope of this policy 2. The following cease trade orders for continuous disclosure defaults are not covered by the definition of failure-to-file

cease trade order in Multilateral Instrument 11-103 Failure-to-File Cease Trade Orders in Multiple Jurisdictions:

(a) a cease trade order issued in respect of a failure to file deficiency that is not a specified default;2 (b) a cease trade order issued where a reporting issuer has made a required filing but the required filing is

deficient in terms of content (a content deficiency);3 (c) a management cease trade order as defined in Multilateral Instrument 11-103 Failure-to-File Cease Trade

Orders in Multiple Jurisdictions;

1 The term “specified default” is defined in section 3 of this policy and is based on the harmonized list of deficiencies developed by the CSA

and described in CSA Notice 51-322 Reporting Issuer Defaults. 2 The definition of “specified default” does not include certain failure to file deficiencies described in section 1 of CSA Notice 51-322

Reporting Issuer Defaults, such as a failure to file a material change report or a failure to file technical disclosure or other reports required by National Instrument 43-101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects or National Instrument 51-101 Standards of Disclosure for Oil and Gas Activities. We have omitted these items from the definition because these filings will generally be non-periodic in nature and in some cases it may be unclear whether a filing requirement has been triggered.

3 Examples of content deficiencies are set out in section 2 of CSA Notice 51-322 Reporting Issuer Defaults.

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(d) a cease trade order issued in respect of an issuer that is only a reporting issuer in one jurisdiction;4 (e) a cease trade order issued prior to the effective date of Multilateral Instrument 11-103 Failure-to-File Cease

Trade Orders in Multiple Jurisdictions. Cease trade orders that do not meet the definition of failure-to-file cease trade order, and as such do not automatically take effect in each MI 11-103 jurisdiction where the issuer is a reporting issuer, will generally be issued by the CSA regulators following principles of mutual reliance. Once the principal regulator, as this term is defined in section 3, issues a cease trade order, each other CSA regulator in a jurisdiction where the issuer is a reporting issuer will then decide whether to issue a similar order in its jurisdiction.5 The application process for a revocation of a cease trade order that does not meet the definition of failure-to-file cease trade order in Multilateral Instrument 11-103 Failure-to-File Cease Trade Orders in Multiple Jurisdictions, is described in National Policy 12-202 Revocations of Certain Cease Trade Orders.


Definitions 3. In this policy:

“cease trade order” means an order under a provision of Canadian securities legislation, set out in Annex A, that one or more persons or companies must not trade in securities of a reporting issuer, whether directly or indirectly; “CSA regulator” means a securities regulatory authority or a regulator, as applicable; “dual application” means an application described in section 22; “dual failure-to-file cease trade order” means an order described in section 14; “failure-to-file cease trade order” has the same meaning as in Multilateral Instrument 11-103 Failure-to-File Cease Trade Orders in Multiple Jurisdictions; “filer” means the person or company filing an application to revoke or partially revoke a failure-to-file cease trade order; “management cease trade order” has the same meaning as in Multilateral Instrument 11-103 Failure-to-File Cease Trade Orders in Multiple Jurisdictions; “MD&A” has the same meaning as in National Instrument 51-102 Continuous Disclosure Obligations; “MI 11-103 jurisdiction” means the jurisdiction of a CSA regulator that has adopted Multilateral Instrument 11-103 Failure-to-File Cease Trade Orders in Multiple Jurisdictions; “MRFP” means a management report of fund performance as defined in National Instrument 81-106 Investment Fund Continuous Disclosure; “non-principal regulator” means, for a person or company, the CSA regulator of a jurisdiction other than the principal jurisdiction; “OSC” means the regulator in Ontario; “OTC reporting issuer” has the same meaning as in Multilateral Instrument 51-105 Issuers Quoted in the U.S. Over-The-Counter Markets; “partial revocation order” means an order that permits one or more persons or companies to conduct specific trades when a failure-to-file cease trade order is in effect, and includes a variation of the failure-to-file cease trade order; “principal jurisdiction” means, for a person or company, the jurisdiction of the principal regulator;

4 A local CSA regulator will generally apply the same principles and considerations as set out in this policy when issuing a local cease trade

order. 5 These cease trade orders would be automatically reciprocated in jurisdictions that have a statutory reciprocal order provision.

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“principal regulator” means the regulator described in section 13; “revocation order” means either a partial revocation order or an order fully revoking a failure-to-file cease trade order; “SEDAR” means System for Electronic Document Analysis and Retrieval; “SEDI” means System for Electronic Disclosure by Insiders; “specified default” has the same meaning as in Multilateral Instrument 11-103 Failure-to-File Cease Trade Orders in Multiple Jurisdictions; “statutory reciprocal order provision” means a provision in the securities statute of a jurisdiction, set out in Annex C, that provides for the automatic reciprocation of any order imposing sanctions, conditions, restrictions or requirements issued by another CSA regulator based on a finding or admission of a contravention of securities legislation; “venture issuer” has the same meaning as in National Instrument 51-102 Continuous Disclosure Obligations.

Further definitions 4. Terms used in this policy that are defined in National Instrument 14-101 Definitions have the same meaning as in that

instrument. Interpretation 5. (1) In certain jurisdictions, the CSA regulator may issue a failure-to-file cease trade order that prohibits trading in,

and the acquisition or purchase of, securities of a reporting issuer. In these jurisdictions, references in this policy to a “trade” refer to a trade in, acquisition of, or purchase of securities of the reporting issuer, as applicable.

(2) In Québec, “trade” is not defined in the Securities Act (Québec). Multilateral Instrument 11-103 Failure-to-File

Cease Trade Orders in Multiple Jurisdictions covers any activity in respect of a transaction in securities that may be the object of a failure-to file cease trade order issued under paragraph 3 of section 265 of the Securities Act (Québec).



DIVISION 1 OVERVIEW Possible regulatory responses to a specified default 6. In the jurisdictions where the issuer is a reporting issuer, the CSA regulators will generally respond to a specified

default by noting the issuer in default on their default lists. For more information about the CSA default lists, refer to CSA Notice 51-322 Reporting Issuer Defaults. The CSA regulators will then generally respond to a specified default in one of two ways: (a) by issuing a failure-to-file cease trade order; (b) if an issuer applies under National Policy 12-203 Management Cease Trade Orders, and demonstrates that it

is able to comply with that policy, by issuing a management cease trade order. If the outstanding filing is expected to be filed relatively quickly, the default is not expected to be recurring and the issuer meets the eligibility criteria, a management cease trade order may be an appropriate response to the default. While we recognize that issuers may sometimes face difficulties in complying with filing deadlines due to circumstances beyond their control, we do not believe it is appropriate to vary a filing deadline simply to allow an issuer to avoid being in default. The CSA regulators will consider the issuer’s circumstances in deciding what action, if any, is appropriate to respond to a default. Once an issuer is in default, a failure-to-file cease trade order may be issued by the CSA regulator at any time.

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Reasons for issuing a failure-to-file cease trade order in response to a specified default 7. In the event of a specified default, the CSA regulators generally respond by issuing a failure-to-file cease trade order.

Some of the reasons for issuing a failure-to-file cease trade order are listed below. (a) Investors and prospective investors should be able to make an informed investment decision about the

securities of the defaulting reporting issuer. This ability may be compromised if certain disclosures have not been made when required.

(b) The integrity and fairness, or confidence in the integrity and fairness, of the capital markets may be

compromised if trading in securities of the reporting issuer is permitted to continue during the period of default (when there is heightened potential that some people may have access to information that would normally be reflected in the continuous disclosure document that the reporting issuer is in default of filing).

(c) The practice of responding to a specified default with a failure-to-file cease trade order has a significant

positive effect on general compliance. The prospect of a cease trade order creates a strong incentive for the reporting issuer’s management to avoid a specified default. Similarly, the issuance of a cease trade order once the issuer is in default creates a strong incentive on the part of management to diligently rectify the specified default.

(d) A failure-to-file cease trade order represents a rapid, public response by the CSA regulators to a specified

default by a reporting issuer. This sends a message to issuers and investors that filing deadlines are important and that there will be serious consequences for a specified default, helping to preserve integrity and fairness in the securities marketplace.

We acknowledge that a failure-to-file cease trade order can impose a burden on issuers and investors because existing investors may be unable to sell their securities and prospective investors are unable to purchase securities of the issuer while the cease trade order remains in effect. In addition, issuers are generally unable to access financing while the cease trade order remains in effect. Nevertheless, if a specified default occurs, the issuance of a failure-to-file cease trade order addresses our overriding concern of investor protection.

Enforcement action 8. If a reporting issuer is in default of a continuous disclosure requirement, CSA regulators may also consider taking

enforcement action against the reporting issuer, the directors and officers of the reporting issuer, or any other responsible party. Nothing in this policy should be interpreted as limiting the discretion of the CSA regulators in responding to such a default through enforcement action.

Insider trading 9. The guidelines below should be considered if a reporting issuer is in default or reasonably anticipates that a specified

default or a default of another continuous disclosure requirement will occur, and a cease trade order has not yet been issued in respect of the issuer.

(a) We expect an issuer to monitor and restrict trading by a director, officer and other insider of the issuer due to

the increased risk that these individuals may have access to material undisclosed information. This may include information that would otherwise have been reflected in the continuous disclosure filing in respect of which the issuer is or reasonably anticipates being in default, information about any investigation into the events that may have led to the default or anticipated default, and information about the status of remediation activities.

(b) Management and other insiders of the issuer should consider the insider trading prohibitions under securities

legislation before entering into any transaction involving securities of the issuer that is or reasonably anticipates being in default.

Refer to National Policy 51-201 Disclosure Standards for guidance regarding disclosure, the maintenance of confidential information, and the application of insider trading laws.

(c) We also remind issuers and other market participants that an officer or other insider of a reporting issuer in

default will generally be unable to sell securities acquired from the issuer on a prospectus exempt basis because of the resale restrictions in subsections 2.5(2)7 and 2.6(3)5 of National Instrument 45-102 Resale of Securities which require that a selling security holder have no reasonable grounds to believe that the issuer is in default of securities legislation.

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DIVISION 2 OTHER IMPLICATIONS OF A CEASE TRADE ORDER Effect of a cease trade order in a jurisdiction where an issuer is not a reporting issuer 10. Although a trade in a jurisdiction where an issuer is not a reporting issuer may not violate a cease trade order in

another jurisdiction, the trading activity may still be contrary to the public interest and therefore subject to enforcement or other administrative proceedings. Market participants in a jurisdiction in which an issuer is not a reporting issuer should be cautious about trading in a security if a CSA regulator in another jurisdiction has issued a cease trade order. Continuous disclosure obligations reflect the minimum requirements we think are necessary to generate sufficient public disclosure to permit investors to make informed investment decisions. The issuance of a cease trade order by a CSA regulator will generally mean that an issuer has not met the required standard and that there is significant risk of harm to investors if trading is allowed to continue. Accordingly, market participants should carefully consider the existence of the continuous disclosure default, and the determination of the principal regulator, before effecting a trade in a jurisdiction where the issuer is not reporting. In a jurisdiction that has a statutory reciprocal order provision, a cease trade order issued by another CSA regulator will have effect in this jurisdiction even where the issuer is not a reporting issuer.

Effect of a cease trade order in a foreign jurisdiction 11. If a market participant intends to execute a trade in securities of a cease-traded issuer on an exchange or marketplace

outside of Canada, the market participant should consider whether the trade may be considered to be a trade in one or more jurisdictions in Canada where either the cease trade order is in effect or trading is prohibited or restricted under Multilateral Instrument 11-103 Failure-to-File Cease Trade Orders in Multiple Jurisdictions or a statutory reciprocal order provision. For example, a transaction may be a trade in a jurisdiction if “acts in furtherance of the trade” occur within that jurisdiction. A transaction may also be a trade in a jurisdiction if there are connecting factors or other facts and circumstances that indicate that the securities may not “come to rest” outside Canada but may be resold to investors in a jurisdiction where a cease trade order is in effect or trading is prohibited under Multilateral Instrument 11-103 Failure-to-File Cease Trade Orders in Multiple Jurisdictions or a statutory reciprocal order provision. The conditions of each cease trade order should be carefully considered.

Effect of a cease trade order on market participants subject to Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada regulation 12. Presently, all marketplaces (including exchanges, alternative trading systems and quotation and trade reporting

systems) in Canada have retained Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada (IIROC) as their regulation services provider. Under the Universal Market Integrity Rules (UMIR), which have been adopted by IIROC, if a CSA regulator issues a cease trade order with respect to an issuer whose securities are traded on a marketplace, IIROC imposes a regulatory halt on trading of those securities on all marketplaces for which IIROC acts as the regulation services provider. Once the halt is imposed by IIROC, no person subject to the UMIR may trade those securities on any marketplace in Canada, over-the-counter or on a foreign organized regulated market, subject to any conditions set out in the cease trade order.



DIVISION 1 OVERVIEW Principal regulator 13. Under section 2 of Multilateral Instrument 11-103 Failure-to-File Cease Trade Orders in Multiple Jurisdictions, if a CSA

regulator issues a failure-to-file cease trade order in respect of a reporting issuer’s securities, a person or company must not trade in a security of the issuer in any MI 11-103 jurisdiction where the issuer is a reporting issuer, except in accordance with any conditions of the order, including any variation or partial revocation of it. The effect is the same in jurisdictions that have a statutory reciprocal order provision, except that a failure-to-file cease trade order issued by another CSA regulator will have effect in these jurisdictions even where the issuer is not a reporting issuer.

In most cases, the CSA regulator that will issue a failure-to-file cease trade order will be the reporting issuer’s principal regulator, that is, the one selected by the issuer at the time that it becomes a reporting issuer and that it identified on its SEDAR profile. For the purposes of this policy, we will refer to the CSA regulator that issues the failure-to-file cease trade order as the principal regulator.

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Dual failure-to-file cease trade order 14. A dual failure-to-file cease trade order is a failure-to-file cease trade order issued in respect of an issuer by its principal

regulator where the principal regulator is a CSA regulator other than the OSC, the issuer is a reporting issuer in Ontario and the OSC, as a non-principal regulator, confirms that it is opting into the failure-to-file cease trade order.

DIVISION 2 DECISION-MAKING PROCESS Issuance of failure-to-file cease trade orders 15. After considering the recommendation of its staff, the principal regulator will determine whether or not to issue a failure-

to-file cease trade order. Dual failure-to-file cease trade orders 16. (1) After considering the recommendation of its staff, the principal regulator will determine whether or not to issue

the failure-to-file cease trade order. If the principal regulator decides to issue the failure-to-file cease trade order, it will circulate its order to the OSC before 12:00 pm (noon) local time in the jurisdiction of the principal regulator.

(2) The OSC, on the same business day that it receives the principal regulator’s order, will confirm whether

(a) it has made the same decision as the principal regulator and is opting into the order, or (b) it will opt out and not make the same decision as the principal regulator.

(3) If the OSC elects to opt out, it will notify the principal regulator and give its reasons for opting out. (4) If the OSC does not provide a response before the expiry of the opt-in period referred to in subsection (2), the

principal regulator will consider that the OSC has opted out. (5) The principal regulator generally will not issue the dual failure-to-file cease trade order before the earlier of

(a) the expiry of the opt-in period referred to in subsection (2), and (b) receipt from the OSC of the confirmation referred to in subsection (2).

(6) If the OSC does not opt into or is considered to have opted out of the principal regulator’s order as set out in subsections (3) and (4), the principal regulator will issue a failure-to-file cease trade order.

DIVISION 3 EFFECT OF A FAILURE-TO-FILE CEASE TRADE ORDER Effect of a failure-to-file cease trade order 17. Once the principal regulator issues a failure-to-file cease trade order, the effect under section 2 of Multilateral

Instrument 11-103 Failure-to-File Cease Trade Orders, in each MI 11-103 jurisdiction where the issuer is a reporting issuer, is that a person or company must not trade in a security of the issuer, except in accordance with the conditions, if any, contained in the order. The conditions of a failure-to-file cease trade order may include a variation or partial revocation.

The effect is the same in each jurisdiction that has a statutory reciprocal order provision, except that the failure-to-file cease trade order will have effect in these jurisdictions even where the issuer is not a reporting issuer.

Effect of a dual failure-to-file cease trade order 18. Once the principal regulator issues a dual failure-to-file cease trade order, the effect under section 2 of Multilateral

Instrument 11-103 Failure-to-File Cease Trade Orders, in each MI 11-103 jurisdiction where the issuer is a reporting issuer, is that a person or company must not trade in a security of the issuer, except in accordance with the conditions, if any, contained in the order. The conditions of a failure-to-file cease trade order may include a variation or partial revocation. The order of the principal regulator also evidences the OSC’s decision. As a result, trading in the securities that are subject to the failure-to-file cease trade order is also prohibited in Ontario.

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The effect is the same in each jurisdiction that has a statutory reciprocal order provision, except that the dual failure-to-file cease trade order will have effect in these jurisdictions even where the issuer is not a reporting issuer.

Transmission of failure-to-file cease trade orders 19. (1) The principal regulator will send the failure-to-file cease trade order to the reporting issuer.

(2) The principal regulator will send the OSC a copy of the dual failure-to-file cease trade order.


DIVISION 1 INITIATING THE REVOCATION PROCESS Full revocation 20. The way an issuer initiates the process to obtain a full revocation of a failure-to-file cease trade order depends on how

long the failure-to-file cease trade order has been in effect.

(a) In the case of a failure-to-file cease trade order that has been in effect for 90 days or less, the filing of the required continuous disclosure documents initiates the review process by the principal regulator for a revocation of the failure-to-file cease trade order. We will not require an issuer to make an application in this circumstance.6

(b) In the case of a failure-to-file cease trade order that has been in effect for more than 90 days, the issuer

should make an application as set out in section 33.

Partial revocation 21. An issuer seeking a partial revocation order should meet the revocation qualification criteria under Division 3 and make

an application as set out in section 34. Dual application 22. An issuer whose principal regulator is a CSA regulator other than the OSC and that is also a reporting issuer in Ontario

will make an application to both its principal regulator and to the OSC. Principal regulator 23. The principal regulator for a revocation order is the CSA regulator that issued the failure-to-file cease trade order. DIVISION 2 FULL REVOCATION QUALIFICATION CRITERIA AND CONSIDERATIONS Filing outstanding continuous disclosure for a full revocation 24. (1) We will generally not exercise our discretion to revoke a failure-to-file cease trade order that has been in effect

for 90 days or less, unless the issuer has filed all of the outstanding continuous disclosure documents specified in the failure-to-file cease trade order, and any annual or interim financial statements, MD&A or MRFP, and certification of filings, that subsequently became due.7

(2) We will generally not exercise our discretion to revoke a failure-to-file cease trade order that has been in effect

for more than 90 days, subject to sections 25 and 26, unless the issuer has filed all of its outstanding continuous disclosure.

Exceptions to interim filing requirements 25. In exercising their discretion to revoke a failure-to-file cease trade order that has been in effect for more than 90 days,

the principal regulator or, for a dual application, the principal regulator and the OSC, may elect not to require the issuer

6 In the jurisdictions where an application is required by law to obtain a revocation order, the filing of the outstanding documents referred to in

the failure-to-file cease trade order will be deemed to be the application, or the dual application, as the case may be. 7 Before we revoke a failure-to-file cease trade order for an OTC reporting issuer, we may require the issuer to file additional documents,

including those required under Multilateral Instrument 51-105 Issuers Quoted in the U.S. Over-the-Counter Markets.

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to file certain outstanding interim financial reports, interim MD&A, interim MRFP, or interim certificates under National Instrument 52-109 Certification of Disclosure in Issuers’ Annual and Interim Filings, subject to section 24, if the issuer has filed all of the following:

(a) audited annual financial statements, annual MD&A, annual MRFP, and annual certificates, required to be filed

under applicable securities legislation; (b) annual information forms, information circulars and material change reports required to be filed under

applicable securities legislation; (c) for all interim periods in the current fiscal year, interim financial reports (which include the applicable

comparatives from the prior fiscal year), interim MD&A, interim MRFP, and interim certificates, required to be filed under applicable securities legislation.

Exceptions to annual filing requirements 26. In certain cases, an issuer seeking to revoke a failure-to-file cease trade order that has been in effect for more than 90

days may consider that the length of time that has elapsed since the date of the failure-to-file cease trade order makes the preparation and filing of all outstanding disclosure impractical or of limited use to investors. This may particularly apply to disclosure for periods that ended more than 3 years before the date of the application for a non-venture issuer or more than 2 years before the date of the application for a venture issuer, or for periods prior to a significant change in the issuer’s business. An issuer seeking a full revocation order in these circumstances should make detailed submissions explaining its position. In appropriate cases, the principal regulator or, for a dual application, the principal regulator and the OSC, will consider whether the filing of certain outstanding disclosure may be unnecessary as a condition of a full revocation order. The factors that we may consider include one or more of the following:

(a) the age of information to be contained in the continuous disclosure filing: information from older periods may

be less relevant than information from more recent periods; (b) whether there is access to records of the issuer: lack of access to records may hinder compliance with some

filing requirements; (c) whether the issuer conducted activity during the period: if an issuer was inactive or changed its business at

any time while it was cease-traded, disclosure of information from or prior to this time may be less relevant; (d) the length of time the failure-to-file cease trade order has been in effect; (e) whether the historical disclosure relates to significant transactions or litigation. We generally consider that disclosure for periods within the most recent 3 financial years for a non-venture issuer, or the most recent 2 financial years for a venture issuer, provides useful information for investors. We generally do not consider the time and cost required to prepare disclosure to be a compelling factor in the determination of the disclosure to be provided in connection with an application to revoke a failure-to-file cease trade order.

Outstanding fees 27. Before a full revocation order is issued, the issuer should pay all outstanding fees to each CSA regulator in whose

jurisdiction it is a reporting issuer. Outstanding fees generally include, where applicable, all activity and participation fees, and late filing fees.

Depending on how long the failure-to-file cease trade order has been in effect, and whether the issuer filed its

continuous disclosure documents in a timely manner while it was cease-traded, the amount of outstanding fees can be considerable. Before submitting an application, an issuer should contact each relevant CSA regulator to confirm the fees that will be payable.

Annual meeting 28. An issuer should ensure that it has complied with the requirement in applicable corporate or similar governing

legislation or any equivalent requirement in its constating documents to hold an annual meeting of securityholders. If the issuer has not complied with the annual meeting requirement, the CSA regulator will generally not exercise its discretion to issue a full revocation order unless the issuer provides an undertaking to hold an annual meeting within 3 months after the date on which the failure-to-file cease trade order is revoked.

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An undertaking does not relieve the issuer from any requirement to hold an annual meeting requirement.

News release 29. If the issuance of an order revoking a failure-to-file cease trade order or the circumstances giving rise to the issuer

seeking the revocation order are a “material change”, the issuer is required by Canadian securities legislation to issue and file a news release and material change report. For example, if the issuer has ceased to carry on an active business, or its business purpose has been abandoned, the circumstances giving rise to the issuer seeking the revocation order may be a “material change”. If so, the news release and material change report should disclose that the issuer has ceased to carry on an active business or that its business purpose has been abandoned, and should disclose the issuer’s future business plans or that the issuer has no future business plans.

Even if there is no material change, the issuer should consider issuing a news release that announces the revocation order.

DIVISION 3 PARTIAL REVOCATION QUALIFICATION CRITERIA AND CONSIDERATIONS Permitted transactions 30. We will consider granting a partial revocation order to permit certain transactions involving trades in securities of the

issuer, such as a private placement to raise sufficient funds to prepare and file outstanding continuous disclosure documents or a shares-for-debt transaction to allow the issuer to recapitalize. We will generally not exercise our discretion to grant a partial revocation order unless the issuer intends to subsequently apply for a full revocation order and reasonably anticipates having sufficient resources after the proposed transaction to bring its continuous disclosure and fees up to date. Other circumstances may arise that warrant a partial revocation order. For example, we will generally consider granting a partial revocation order to permit a securityholder to sell securities for a nominal amount solely to establish a tax loss, or if the issuer is winding up or in the context of insolvency. It may be possible to establish a loss for tax purposes without disposing of the securities. Securityholders may want to consult the Income Tax Act before applying for a partial revocation order. Issuers may wish to consult their legal counsel to determine whether a particular transaction constitutes a trade and therefore requires an application for a partial revocation order. For example, in most jurisdictions of Canada, a disposition of securities by way of a bona fide gift, made in good faith and not as part of a plan or scheme to evade requirements of securities legislation, would generally not be considered a “trade” under securities legislation. As such, a partial revocation order would not typically be required in these circumstances. However, after the gift, the securities will generally remain subject to the cease trade order.

Acts in furtherance of a trade 31. The definition of trade, where applicable, includes acts in furtherance of a trade. In any particular case, it is a question

of legal interpretation whether a step taken by an issuer or other party is an act in furtherance of a trade, and therefore a breach of the failure-to-file cease trade order. If securities have been issued in breach of a cease trade order, we will consider whether enforcement action is appropriate. Issuers should consult their legal counsel whenever there is doubt as to whether a proposed action would be an act in furtherance of a trade. We generally expect an issuer to obtain a partial revocation order before carrying out an act in furtherance of a trade. For example, we expect an issuer or other party intending to conduct a trade to obtain a partial revocation order before entering into an agreement to transfer securities and before publicly disclosing an intended transaction in securities.

Continuing effect of failure-to-file cease trade order 32. Following the completion of a trade permitted by a partial revocation order, all securities of the issuer remain subject to

the failure-to-file cease trade order until a full revocation is granted, depending on the terms of the failure-to-file cease trade order.

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DIVISION 4 FILING MATERIALS FOR A REVOCATION APPLICATION Materials to be filed with an application for a full revocation of a failure-to-file cease trade order that has been in effect for more than 90 days 33. (1) To make an application to fully revoke a failure-to-file cease trade order that has been in effect for more than

90 days, a filer should remit the fees payable, where applicable, under the securities legislation of the principal regulator, as set out in Annex B. The application should include all of the following information: (a) details of any revocation applications currently in progress in the other jurisdictions; (b) a copy of any draft material change report or news release as discussed in section 29; (c) confirmation that all continuous disclosure documents have been filed with the relevant CSA

regulator or a description of the documents that will be filed; (d) confirmation that the issuer has the necessary financial resources to pay all outstanding fees,

referred to in section 27, or has paid these fees to each relevant CSA regulator; (e) confirmation that the issuer’s SEDAR and SEDI profiles are up-to-date; (f) a draft full revocation order as contemplated in subsection 36(1); (g) a completed personal information form and authorization in the form set out in Appendix A of

National Instrument 41-101 General Prospectus Requirements, or Form 51-105F3A, for issuers subject to Multilateral Instrument 51-105 Issuers Quoted in the U.S. Over-the-Counter Markets, for each current and incoming director, executive officer and promoter of the issuer;

(h) if the issuer has been subject to another cease trade order within the 12-month period before the

date of the current failure-to-file cease trade order, a detailed explanation of the reasons for the multiple defaults.

(2) To make a dual application to fully revoke a dual failure-to-file cease trade order that has been in effect for

more than 90 days, a filer should remit any application fees payable under the securities legislation of the principal regulator and the OSC. The application should include the same information as set out in subsection (1).

(3) With respect to paragraph (1)(g), if the promoter is not an individual, the issuer should provide a completed

personal information form and authorization for each director and executive officer of the promoter. If the issuer is an investment fund, the issuer should also provide a completed personal information form and authorization for each director and executive officer of the manager of the investment fund.

Materials to be filed with an application for a partial revocation 34. (1) To make an application for a partial revocation order, a filer should submit the application and remit any

application fees payable under the securities legislation of the principal regulator, as set out in Annex B. The application should include all of the following information:

(a) the jurisdictions where the proposed trades would occur; (b) details of any revocation applications currently in progress in the other jurisdictions; (c) a description of the proposed trades and their purpose; (d) a draft partial revocation order as contemplated in subsection 36(1) that includes conditions that the

applicant will

(i) obtain, and provide upon request to the principal regulator, signed and dated acknowledgements from all participants in the proposed trades, which clearly state that the securities of the issuer acquired by the participant will remain subject to the failure-to-file cease trade order until a full revocation order is granted, the issuance of which is not certain, and

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(ii) provide a copy of the failure-to-file cease trade order and the partial revocation order to all participants in the proposed trades;

(e) if the purpose of the proposed partial revocation is to permit the issuer to raise funds, use of

proceeds information as discussed in subsection (4); (f) if applicable, details of the exemptions the issuer intends to rely on to complete the proposed trades; (g) if the proposed trades are the result of a decision by a court, a copy of the relevant court order.

(2) To make a dual application for a partial revocation order, a filer should submit the application and remit any application fees payable under the securities legislation of the principal regulator and the OSC. The application should include the same information as set out in subsection (1).

(3) A filer requesting a partial revocation order only in a jurisdiction that is not the principal jurisdiction should

contact the CSA regulator of that jurisdiction so that appropriate steps can be taken regarding the filer’s request.

(4) If the purpose of a proposed partial revocation of a failure-to-file cease trade order is to permit the issuer to

raise funds, the application and the offering document, if any, should contain all of the following:

(a) an estimate, reasonably supported, of the amount the issuer expects to raise from the financing; (b) a reasonably detailed explanation of the purpose of the financing and how the issuer plans to use the

funds; (c) an estimate, reasonably supported, of the total amount the issuer will need in order to apply for a full

revocation order, which includes the amount of funds required to prepare and file the documents that are necessary to bring the issuer’s continuous disclosure up to date and pay outstanding fees.

Request for confidentiality 35. (1) A filer requesting that the CSA regulators hold an application and supporting materials in confidence during

the application review process should provide a substantive reason for the request in its application. (2) Any request for confidentiality should explain why the request is reasonable in the circumstances and not

prejudicial to the public interest and when any decision granting confidentiality would expire. (3) Staff of the CSA regulators are unlikely to recommend that an order be held in confidence after its effective

date. However, if a filer requests that the CSA regulators hold the application, supporting materials, or order in confidence after its effective date, the filer should describe the request for confidentiality separately in its application, and pay any required fee (a) in the principal jurisdiction, or (b) in the principal jurisdiction and in Ontario, if the filer is making a dual application.

(4) Communications on requests for confidentiality will normally take place by e-mail. If a filer is concerned with this practice, the filer may request in the application that all communications take place by telephone.

Form of order 36. (1) For the purposes of preparing a draft order to be included in an application for a full revocation of a failure-to-

file cease trade order that has been in effect for more than 90 days or a partial revocation order, an issuer can refer to one of the following forms set out in this policy:

(a) if the application is for a full revocation of a failure-to-file cease trade order, the issuer should use

Annex D – Form of order for a full revocation of a FFCTO that has been in effect for more than 90 days;

(b) if the application is a dual application for a full revocation of a dual failure-to-file cease trade order, the

issuer should use Annex E — Form of order for a full revocation of a dual FFCTO that has been in effect for more than 90 days;

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(c) if the application is for a partial revocation of a failure-to-file cease trade order, the issuer should use Annex F — Form of order for a partial revocation of a FFCTO – applied for by issuer; and

(d) if the application is a dual application for a partial revocation of a dual failure-to-file cease trade order,

the issuer should use Annex G — Form of order for a partial revocation of a dual FFCTO – applied for by issuer.

(2) If a filer that is not the issuer is requesting a partial revocation order only in a jurisdiction that is not the

principal jurisdiction, the filer should contact the CSA regulator of that jurisdiction for guidance on the appropriate form of order.

Filing 37. (1) Except as set out in subsections (3) and (4), a filer should send the application materials in paper format,

including the draft order together with the fees, where applicable, and by e-mail to

(a) the principal regulator, or (b) the principal regulator and the OSC, in the case of a dual application.

(2) For a dual application, filing the application concurrently with the principal regulator and the OSC will enable these CSA regulators to process the application expeditiously.

(3) In British Columbia, an electronic filing system is available for filing and tracking applications. Filers should file

an application in British Columbia using that system instead of e-mail. (4) In Ontario, an electronic system is available for filing applications. Filers should file an application in Ontario

using that system instead of e-mail. (5) Filers should send application materials by e-mail (or through the electronic systems in British Columbia and

Ontario) using the relevant address or addresses listed below:

British Columbia www.bcsc.bc.ca (click on BCSC e-services and follow the steps)

Alberta [email protected]

Saskatchewan [email protected]

Manitoba [email protected]

Ontario www.osc.gov.on.ca/filings (follow the steps for submitting applications)

Québec [email protected]

New Brunswick [email protected]

Nova Scotia [email protected]

Incomplete or deficient material 38. If the filer’s materials are deficient or incomplete, the principal regulator may ask the filer to file an amended application.

This will likely delay the review of the application. Acknowledgement of receipt of filing 39. After the principal regulator receives a complete application, the principal regulator will send the filer an

acknowledgement of receipt of the application. For a dual application, the principal regulator will send a copy of the acknowledgement to the OSC. The acknowledgement will identify the name, phone number and e-mail address of the individual reviewing the application and, for a dual application, the end date of the review period identified in subsections 43(3), (4) or (5), as applicable.

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Withdrawal or abandonment of application 40. (1) If a filer decides to withdraw an application at any time during the process, the filer must notify the principal

regulator or, for a dual application, the principal regulator and the OSC, and provide an explanation of the withdrawal.

(2) If at any time during the review process, the principal regulator determines that a filer has abandoned an

application, the principal regulator will notify the filer that it will mark the application as “abandoned”. In that case, the principal regulator will close the file unless the filer provides acceptable reasons not to close the file in writing within 10 business days of the notification from the principal regulator. If the filer does not provide acceptable reasons, the principal regulator will notify the filer and, for a dual application, the filer and the OSC, that the principal regulator has closed the file.

DIVISION 5 REVIEW PROCESS FOR A REVOCATION ORDER Review of continuous disclosure 41. (1) All full revocations will involve some level of review of the filings the issuer made in order to rectify the

specified default. If the failure-to-file cease trade order has been in effect for more than 90 days, this review will be similar to the full review under the harmonized continuous disclosure review program described in CSA Staff Notice 51-312 (Revised) Harmonized Continuous Disclosure Review Program.

(2) Partial revocations generally do not involve a review of the issuer’s continuous disclosure record.

Review process for a revocation of a failure-to-file cease trade order 42. (1) The principal regulator will conduct a review in relation to the revocation of a failure-to-file cease trade order in

accordance with its securities legislation and securities directions and based on its review procedures, analysis and consideration of previous orders.

(2) The filer will deal only with the principal regulator, who will provide comments to and receive responses from

the filer. Review process for a revocation of a dual failure-to-file cease trade order 43. (1) The principal regulator will conduct a review in relation to the revocation of a dual failure-to-file cease trade

order in accordance with its securities legislation and securities directions, based on its review procedures, analysis and consideration of previous orders. The principal regulator will consider any comments from the OSC.

(2) The filer will generally deal only with the principal regulator. The principal regulator will provide comments to

the filer once it has completed its own review and considered any comments from the OSC. In exceptional circumstances, the principal regulator may refer the filer to the OSC.

(3) For a dual failure-to-file cease trade order that has been in effect for 90 days or less, the OSC will have one

business day from being notified by the principal regulator that the issuer has filed the continuous disclosure documents specified in the failure-to-file cease trade order to conduct a review in relation to the revocation of the order.

(4) For a dual failure-to-file cease trade order that has been in effect for more than 90 days, the OSC will have 7

business days from receiving the acknowledgement referred to in section 39 to conduct a review in relation to the revocation of the order.

(5) For a partial revocation of a dual failure-to-file cease trade order, the OSC will have 7 business days from

receiving the acknowledgement referred to in section 39 to conduct a review. (6) For the revocation of a dual failure-to-file cease trade order, the OSC will advise the principal regulator, before

the expiration of the review period, of any substantive issues that would cause OSC staff to recommend that the revocation order not be granted. The principal regulator may assume that the OSC does not have comments in respect of the revocation if the principal regulator does not receive the comments from the OSC within the review period.

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DIVISION 6 DECISION-MAKING PROCESS Revocation of a failure-to-file cease trade order 44. (1) After completing the review process and considering the recommendation of its staff, the principal regulator

will determine whether or not to grant the revocation of a failure-to-file cease trade order. (2) If the principal regulator is not prepared to grant the revocation order based on the information before it, the

principal regulator will notify the filer accordingly. (3) If a filer receives a notice under subsection (2) and this process is available in the jurisdiction of the principal

regulator, the filer may request the opportunity to appear before, and make submissions to, the principal regulator.

Revocation of a dual failure-to-file cease trade order 45. (1) After completing the review process and considering the recommendation of its staff, the principal regulator

will determine whether or not to grant the revocation of a dual failure-to-file cease trade order and promptly circulate its decision to the OSC.

(2) For a full revocation of a dual failure-to-file cease trade order that has been in effect for 90 days or less, the

OSC will have one business day from receipt of the principal regulator’s revocation order to confirm whether

(a) it has made the same decision as the principal regulator and is opting into the order, or (b) it will not be making the same decision as the principal regulator.

(3) For a full revocation of a dual failure-to-file cease trade order that has been in effect for more than 90 days, the OSC will have 5 business days from receipt of the principal regulator’s revocation order to confirm whether

(a) it has made the same decision as the principal regulator and is opting into the order, or (b) it will not be making the same decision as the principal regulator.

(4) For a partial revocation of a dual failure-to-file cease trade order, the OSC will have 5 business days from receipt of the principal regulator’s revocation order to confirm whether

(a) it has made the same decision as the principal regulator and is opting into the order, or (b) it will not be making the same decision as the principal regulator.

(5) If the OSC elects to opt out as referred to in subsection (2), (3), or (4) as applicable, it will notify the principal regulator and give its reasons for opting out.

(6) If the OSC does not provide a response in the time frames contemplated under subsection (2), (3), or (4), as

applicable, the principal regulator will consider that the OSC has opted out. (7) The principal regulator will not send the filer an order for the revocation of a dual failure-to-file cease trade

order before the earlier of

(a) the expiry of the opt-in period referred to in subsection (2), (3) or (4), as applicable, and (b) receipt from the OSC of the confirmation referred to in subsection (2), (3) or (4), as applicable.

(8) If the OSC does not provide the confirmation referred to in subsection (2), (3) or (4), the principal regulator will advise the filer that it will not be receiving an order from the OSC and direct the filer to consult the OSC on this matter.

(9) If the principal regulator is not prepared to grant the order based on the information before it, it will notify the

filer and the OSC.

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(10) If a filer receives a notice under subsection (9) and this process is available in the jurisdiction of the principal regulator, the filer may request the opportunity to appear before, and make submissions to, the principal regulator. The principal regulator may hold a hearing on its own, or jointly or concurrently with the OSC.

DIVISION 7 EFFECT OF A REVOCATION ORDER Effect of a revocation of a failure-to-file cease trade order 46. Under section 2 of Multilateral Instrument 11-103 Failure-to-File Cease Trade Orders, a principal regulator’s revocation

order has the effect of removing or limiting the prohibition or restriction on trading in each MI 11-103 jurisdiction where the issuer is a reporting issuer, to the same extent as in the jurisdiction of the principal regulator.

The effect is the same in each jurisdiction that has a statutory reciprocal order provision, except that the revocation order will have effect in these jurisdictions even where the issuer is not a reporting issuer.

Effect of a revocation of a dual failure-to-file cease trade order 47. (1) Under section 2 of Multilateral Instrument 11-103 Failure-to-File Cease Trade Orders, a principal regulator’s

revocation order has the effect of removing or limiting the prohibition or restriction on trading in each MI 11-103 jurisdiction where the issuer is a reporting issuer, to the same extent as in the jurisdiction of the principal regulator. The effect is the same in each jurisdiction that has a statutory reciprocal order provision except that the revocation order will have effect in these jurisdictions even where the issuer is not a reporting issuer.

(2) If the OSC has opted into the principal regulator’s revocation order under section 45, the prohibition or

restriction on trading in Ontario, referred to in section 18, is removed or limited to the same extent as in the jurisdiction of the principal regulator. The order of the principal regulator also evidences the OSC’s decision.

(3) If the OSC has opted out or is considered to have opted out of the principal regulator’s revocation order under

section 45, the prohibition or restriction on trading in Ontario referred to in section 18 continues to apply.


Effective Date 48. This policy comes into effect on June 23, 2016.

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Annex A

Securities Act provisions for Cease Trade Orders

Jurisdiction Legislative reference

British Columbia Section 164

Alberta Section 33.1

Saskatchewan Section 134.1

Manitoba Sections 147.1 and 148

Ontario Section 127

Québec Section 265, paragraph 3

New Brunswick Section 188.2

Nova Scotia Section 134A

Prince Edward Island Section 59

Newfoundland and Labrador Subsection 127(1)

Yukon Section 59

Northwest Territories Section 59

Nunavut Section 59

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Annex B Securities Act provisions for full or partial revocation applications


Legislative reference

British Columbia Section 171

Alberta Section 214

Saskatchewan Subsections 158(3) and (4)

Manitoba Subsection 147.1(1)

Ontario Section 144

Québec Sections 265, paragraph 3 and 318

New Brunswick Subsections 188.2(3) and (4)

Nova Scotia Section 151

Prince Edward Island Section 15

Newfoundland and Labrador Section 142.1

Yukon Section 15

Northwest Territories Section 15

Nunavut Section 15

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Annex C Statutory reciprocal order provisions (Securities Act)


Legislative reference

Alberta Section 198.1

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Annex D Form of order for a full revocation of a FFCTO that has been in effect for more than 90 days

Citation: [neutral citation] Date: [date of order]

[name of issuer]

REVOCATION ORDER Under the securities legislation of [insert jurisdiction of principal regulator] (the Legislation)

Background 1. [name of the issuer] (the Issuer) is subject to a failure-to-file cease trade order (the FFCTO) issued by the [regulator of

/ securities regulatory authority] (the Principal Regulator) on [date of the FFCTO]. 2. The Issuer has applied to the Principal Regulator under National Policy 11-207 Failure-to-File Cease Trade Orders and

Revocations in Multiple Jurisdictions (NP 11-207) for an order revoking the FFCTO. Interpretation Terms defined in National Instrument 14-101 Definitions [or, in Québec, in Regulation 14-501Q on definitions (when the Autorité des marchés financiers is the principal regulator),] or in NP 11-207 have the same meaning if used in this order, unless otherwise defined. [Representations - Include representations if necessary. 3. This decision is based on the following facts represented by the Issuer:] Order 4. The Principal Regulator is satisfied that the order to revoke the FFCTO meets the test set out in the Legislation for the

Principal Regulator to make the decision. 5. The decision of the Principal Regulator under the Legislation is that the FFCTO is revoked [if the FFCTO was a bulk

order, add “as it applies to the Issuer”]. ____________________________________________ (Name of signatory for the principal regulator) ____________________________________________ (Title) ____________________________________________ (Name of principal regulator)

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Annex E Form of order for a full revocation of a dual FFCTO that has been in effect for more than 90 days

Citation: [neutral citation] Date: [date of order]

[name of issuer]

REVOCATION ORDER Under the securities legislation of [insert jurisdiction of principal regulator] and Ontario (the Legislation)

Background 1. [name of the issuer] (the Issuer) is subject to a failure-to-file cease trade order (the FFCTO) issued by the regulator or

securities regulatory authority in each of [the principal regulator jurisdiction] (the Principal Regulator) and Ontario (each a Decision Maker) respectively on [date(s) of the FFCTO].

2. The Issuer has applied to each of the Decision Makers under National Policy 11-207 Failure-to-File Cease Trade

Orders and Revocations in Multiple Jurisdictions (NP 11-207) for an order revoking the FFCTOs. 3. This order is the order of the Principal Regulator and evidences the decision of the Decision Maker in Ontario. Interpretation Terms defined in National Instrument 14-101 Definitions [or, in Québec, in Regulation 14-501Q on definitions (when the Autorité des marchés financiers is the principal regulator),] or in NP 11-207 have the same meaning if used in this order, unless otherwise defined. [Representations - Include representations if necessary. 4. This decision is based on the following facts represented by the Issuer:] Order 5. Each of the Decision Makers is satisfied that the order to revoke the FFCTO meets the test set out in the Legislation for

the Decision Maker to make the decision. 6. The decision of the Decision Makers under the Legislation is that the FFCTO is revoked [if the FFCTO was a bulk

order, add “as it applies to the Issuer”]. ____________________________________________ (Name of signatory for the principal regulator) ____________________________________________ (Title) ____________________________________________ (Name of principal regulator)

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Annex F Form of order for a partial revocation of a FFCTO – applied for by issuer

Citation: [neutral citation] Date: [date of order]

[name of issuer]

PARTIAL REVOCATION ORDER Under the securities legislation of [insert jurisdiction of principal regulator] (the Legislation)

Background 1. [name of the issuer] (the Issuer) is subject to a failure-to-file cease trade order (the FFCTO) issued by the [regulator /

securities regulatory authority] (the Principal Regulator) on [date of the FFCTO]. 2. The Issuer has applied to the Principal Regulator for a partial revocation order of the FFCTO. Interpretation Terms defined in National Instrument 14-101 Definitions [or in Québec, in Regulation 14-501Q on definitions (when the Autorité des marchés financiers is the principal regulator),] or in National Policy 11-207 Failure-to-File Cease Trade Orders and Revocations in Multiple Jurisdictions have the same meaning if used in this order, unless otherwise defined. Representations 3. This decision is based on the following facts represented by the Issuer:

a. [Include necessary representations from Issuer.]

Order 4. The Principal Regulator is satisfied that a partial revocation order of the FFCTO meets the test set out in the Legislation

for the Principal Regulator to make the decision. 5. The decision of the Principal Regulator under the Legislation is that the FFCTO is partially revoked [if the FFCTO was a

bulk order, add “as it applies to the Issuer”] solely to permit [enter the name of the defined transaction e.g., Private Placement].

____________________________________________ (Name of signatory for the principal regulator) ____________________________________________ (Title) ____________________________________________ (Name of principal regulator)

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Annex G Form of order for a partial revocation of a dual FFCTO – applied for by issuer

Citation: [neutral citation] Date: [date of order]

[name of issuer]

PARTIAL REVOCATION ORDER Under the securities legislation of [insert jurisdiction of principal regulator] and Ontario (the Legislation)

Background 1. [name of the issuer] (the Issuer) is subject to a failure-to-file cease trade order (the FFCTO) issued by the regulator or

securities regulatory authority in each of [the principal regulator jurisdiction] (the Principal Regulator) and Ontario (each a Decision Maker) respectively on [date(s) of the FFCTOs].

2. The Issuer has applied to each of the Decision Makers for a partial revocation order of the FFCTO. 3. This order is the order of the Principal Regulator and evidences the decision of the Decision Maker in Ontario. Interpretation Terms defined in National Instrument 14-101 Definitions [or, in Québec, in Regulation 14-501Q on definitions (when the Autorité des marchés financiers is the principal regulator),] or in National Policy 11-207 Failure-to-File Cease Trade Orders and Revocations in Multiple Jurisdictions have the same meaning if used in this order, unless otherwise defined. Representations 4. This decision is based on the following facts represented by the Issuer:

a. [Include necessary representations from Issuer.]

Order 5. Each of the Decision Makers is satisfied that a partial revocation order of the FFCTO meets the test set out in the

Legislation for the Decision Maker to make the decision. 6. The decision of the Decision Makers under the Legislation is that the FFCTO is partially revoked [if the FFCTO was a

bulk order, add “as it applies to the Issuer”] solely to permit [enter the name of the defined transaction e.g., Private Placement].

____________________________________________ (Name of signatory for the principal regulator) ____________________________________________ (Title) ____________________________________________ (Name of principal regulator)

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National Policy 12-202 Revocation of Certain Cease Trade Orders


Scope of this policy 1. This policy1 provides guidance for issuers applying for the revocation of a cease trade order (or CTO, as defined below)

for a continuous disclosure default that is not covered by the definition of failure-to-file cease trade order in Multilateral Instrument 11-103 Failure-to-File Cease Trade Orders in Multiple Jurisdictions. These CTOs include all of the following:

(a) a CTO issued in respect of a failure to file deficiency that is not a specified default;2 (b) a CTO issued where a reporting issuer has made a required filing but the required filing is deficient in terms of

content (a content deficiency);3 (c) a management cease trade order as defined in Multilateral Instrument 11-103 Failure-to-File Cease Trade

Orders in Multiple Jurisdictions; (d) a CTO issued in respect of an issuer that is only a reporting issuer in one jurisdiction; (e) a CTO issued prior to the effective date of Multilateral Instrument 11-103 Failure-to-File Cease Trade Orders

in Multiple Jurisdictions. This policy describes what the issuer should file, the general type of review that the Canadian Securities Administrators (or we) will perform, and explains some of the factors that we will consider when determining whether to grant a full or partial revocation of the CTO.4 It also applies, where the context permits, to a securityholder or other party applying for a revocation order.


Definitions 2. In this policy:

“application” means an application for a partial or full revocation of a CTO submitted to the applicable jurisdictions (see Appendix A for section references); in British Columbia, if the CTO has been in effect for 90 days or less, the filing of the required continuous disclosure documents constitutes the application; “CSA regulator” means a securities regulatory authority or a regulator, as applicable; “cease trade order” (or “CTO”) has the same meaning as in National Policy 11-207 Failure-to-File Cease Trade Orders and Revocations in Multiple Jurisdictions; “MD&A” has the same meaning as in National Instrument 51-102 Continuous Disclosure Obligations;

1 National Policy 12-202 Revocation of a Compliance-Related Cease Trade Order has been withdrawn and replaced by this policy, National

Policy 12-202 Revocation of Certain Cease Trade Orders. This replacement policy, which includes a title change, reflects the fact that the processes surrounding the full or partial revocation (including variation) of cease trade orders that fall within the definition of failure-to-file cease trade order in Multilateral Instrument 11-103 Failure-to-File Cease Trade Orders in Multiple Jurisdictions have been moved to National Policy 11-207 Failure-to-File Cease Trade Orders and Revocations in Multiple Jurisdictions.

2 The definition of “specified default” does not include certain failure to file deficiencies described in section 1 of CSA Notice 51-322 Reporting Issuer Defaults, such as a failure to file a material change report, or a failure to file technical disclosure or other reports required by National Instrument 43-101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects or National Instrument 51-101 Standards of Disclosure for Oil and Gas Activities. We have omitted these items from the definition because these filings will generally be non-periodic in nature and in some cases it may be unclear whether a filing requirement has been triggered.

3 Examples of content deficiencies are set out in section 2 of CSA Notice 51-322 Reporting Issuer Defaults. 4 The full or partial revocation of a CTO will have an automatic effect in jurisdictions that have a statutory reciprocal order provision, as this

term is defined in section 3 of National Policy 11-207 Failure-to-File Cease Trade Orders and Revocations in Multiple Jurisdictions.

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“MRFP” means a management report of fund performance as defined in National Instrument 81-106 Investment Fund Continuous Disclosure; “partial revocation order” has the same meaning as in National Policy 11-207 Failure-to-File Cease Trade Orders and Revocations in Multiple Jurisdictions; “SEDAR” means System for Electronic Document Analysis and Retrieval; “SEDI” means System for Electronic Disclosure by Insiders; “venture issuer” has the same meaning as in National Instrument 51-102 Continuous Disclosure Obligations.

Further definitions 3. Terms used in this policy that are defined in Multilateral Instrument 11-103 Failure-to-File Cease Trade Orders in

Multiple Jurisdictions or National Instrument 14-101 Definitions have the same meaning as in those instruments. Interpretation 4. (1) In certain jurisdictions, the CSA regulator may issue a CTO that prohibits trading in, and the acquisition or

purchase of, securities of a reporting issuer. In these jurisdictions, references in this policy to a “trade” refer to a trade in, acquisition of, or purchase of securities of the reporting issuer, as applicable.

(2) In Québec, “trade” is not defined in the Securities Act (Québec). This policy covers any activity in respect of a

transaction in securities that may be the object of an order issued under paragraph 3 of section 265 of the Securities Act (Québec), other than CTOs that fall within the definition of failure-to-file cease trade order in Multilateral Instrument 11-103 Failure-to-File Cease Trade Orders in Multiple Jurisdictions.



DIVISION 1 FULL REVOCATION Filing outstanding continuous disclosure for a full revocation 5. (1) We will generally not exercise our discretion to grant a full revocation order, subject to sections 6 and 7,

unless the issuer has filed all of its outstanding continuous disclosure. (2) Most of the continuous disclosure requirements are in the following rules or regulations:

(a) National Instrument 51-102 Continuous Disclosure Obligations; (b) National Instrument 52-109 Certification of Disclosure in Issuers’ Annual and Interim Filings; (c) National Instrument 81-106 Investment Fund Continuous Disclosure; (d) National Instrument 43-101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects; (e) National Instrument 51-101 Standards of Disclosure for Oil and Gas Activities; (f) Multilateral Instrument 51-105 Issuers Quoted in the U.S. Over-the-Counter Markets; (g) National Instrument 52-110 Audit Committees; (h) National Instrument 58-101 Disclosure of Corporate Governance Practices.

Exceptions to interim filing requirements 6. In exercising our discretion to revoke a CTO, we may elect not to require the issuer to file certain outstanding interim

financial reports, interim MD&A, interim MRFP, or interim certificates under National Instrument 52-109 Certification of Disclosure in Issuers’ Annual and Interim Filings, subject to section 7, if the issuer has filed all of the following:

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(a) audited annual financial statements, annual MD&A, annual MRFP, and annual certificates, required to be filed under applicable securities legislation;

(b) annual information forms, information circulars and material change reports required to be filed under

applicable securities legislation; (c) for all interim periods in the current fiscal year, interim financial reports (which include the applicable

comparatives from the prior fiscal year), interim MD&A, interim MRFP, and interim certificates, required to be filed under applicable securities legislation.

Exceptions to annual filing requirements 7. In certain cases, an issuer seeking a revocation order may consider that the length of time that has elapsed since the

date of the CTO makes the preparation and filing of all outstanding disclosure impractical or of limited use to investors. This may particularly apply to disclosure for periods that ended more than 3 years before the date of the application for a non-venture issuer or more than 2 years before the date of the application for a venture issuer, or for periods prior to a significant change in the issuer’s business. An issuer seeking a revocation order in these circumstances should make detailed submissions explaining its position. In appropriate cases, we will consider whether the filing of certain outstanding disclosure may be unnecessary as a condition of a full revocation order. The factors that we may consider include one or more of the following:

(a) the age of information to be contained in the continuous disclosure filing: information from older periods may

be less relevant than information from more recent periods; (b) whether there is access to records of the issuer: lack of access to records may hinder compliance with some

filing requirements; (c) whether the issuer conducted activity during the period: if an issuer was inactive or changed its business at

any time while it was cease-traded, disclosure of information from or prior to this time may be less relevant; (d) the length of time the CTO has been in effect; (e) whether the historical disclosure relates to significant transactions or litigation. We generally consider that disclosure for periods within the most recent 3 financial years for a non-venture issuer, or the most recent 2 financial years for a venture issuer, provides useful information for investors. We generally do not consider the time and cost required to prepare disclosure to be a compelling factor in the determination of the disclosure to be provided in connection with an application to revoke a CTO.

Outstanding fees 8. Before a full revocation order is issued, the issuer should pay all outstanding fees to each CSA regulator in whose

jurisdiction it is a reporting issuer. Outstanding fees generally include, where applicable, all activity and participation fees, and late filing fees.

Depending on how long the CTO has been in effect, and whether the issuer filed its continuous disclosure documents in a timely manner while it was cease-traded, the amount of outstanding fees can be considerable. Before submitting an application, an issuer should contact each relevant CSA regulator to confirm the fees that will be payable.

Annual meeting 9. An issuer should ensure that it has complied with the requirement in applicable corporate or similar governing

legislation or any equivalent requirement in its constating documents to hold an annual meeting of securityholders. If the issuer has not complied with the annual meeting requirement, we will generally not exercise our discretion to issue a full revocation order unless the issuer provides an undertaking to the relevant CSA regulator(s) to hold the annual meeting within 3 months after the date on which the CTO is revoked.

An undertaking does not relieve the issuer from any requirement to hold an annual meeting requirement.

News release 10. If the issuance of a revocation order or the circumstances giving rise to the issuer seeking the revocation order are a

“material change”, the issuer is required by Canadian securities legislation to issue and file a news release and material

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change report. For example, if the issuer has ceased to carry on an active business, or its business purpose has been abandoned, the circumstances giving rise to the issuer seeking the revocation order may be a “material change”. If so, the news release and material change report should disclose that the issuer has ceased to carry on an active business or that its business purpose has been abandoned, and should disclose the issuer’s future business plans or that the issuer has no future business plans.

Even if there is no material change, the issuer should consider issuing a news release that announces the revocation order.

DIVISION 2 PARTIAL REVOCATIONS Permitted transactions 11. We will consider granting a partial revocation order to permit certain transactions involving trades in securities of the

issuer, such as a private placement to raise sufficient funds to prepare and file outstanding continuous disclosure documents or a shares-for-debt transaction to allow the issuer to recapitalize. We will generally not exercise our discretion to grant a partial revocation order unless the issuer intends to subsequently apply for a full revocation order and reasonably anticipates having sufficient resources after the proposed transaction to bring its continuous disclosure and fees up to date.

Other circumstances may arise that warrant a partial revocation order. For example, we will generally consider granting a partial revocation order to permit a securityholder to sell securities for a nominal amount solely to establish a tax loss, or if the issuer is winding up or in the context of insolvency. It may be possible to establish a loss for tax purposes without disposing of the securities. Securityholders may want to consult the Income Tax Act before applying for a partial revocation order. Issuers may wish to consult their legal counsel to determine whether a particular transaction constitutes a trade and therefore requires an application for a partial revocation order. For example, in most jurisdictions of Canada, a disposition of securities by way of a bona fide gift, made in good faith and not as part of a plan or scheme to evade requirements of securities legislation, would generally not be considered a “trade” under securities legislation. As such, a partial revocation order would not typically be required in these circumstances. However, after the gift, the securities will generally remain subject to the CTO.

Acts in furtherance of a trade 12. The definition of trade, where applicable, includes acts in furtherance of a trade. In any particular case, it is a question

of legal interpretation whether a step taken by an issuer or other party is an act in furtherance of a trade, and therefore a breach of the CTO. If securities have been issued in breach of a CTO, we will consider whether enforcement action is appropriate. Issuers should consult their legal counsel whenever there is doubt as to whether a proposed action would be an act in furtherance of a trade. We generally expect an issuer to obtain a partial revocation order before carrying out an act in furtherance of a trade. For example, we expect an issuer or other party intending to conduct a trade to obtain a partial revocation order before entering into an agreement to transfer securities and before publicly disclosing an intended transaction in securities.

Continuing effect of CTO 13. Following the completion of a trade permitted by a partial revocation order, all securities of the issuer remain subject to

the CTO until a full revocation is granted, depending on the terms of the CTO.


Application for a full revocation 14. (1) All applications for a full revocation will result in some level of review of the issuer’s continuous disclosure

record for compliance. (2) An issuer requesting a full revocation order should submit an application, with the application fees, to the CSA

regulator in all jurisdictions where the issuer’s securities are cease-traded. The application should include all of the following information:

(a) the jurisdictions where the issuer’s securities are cease-traded;

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(b) details of any revocation applications currently in progress in the other jurisdictions; (c) a copy of any draft material change report or news release as discussed in section 10; (d) confirmation that all continuous disclosure documents have been filed with the relevant CSA

regulator or a description of the documents that will be filed; (e) confirmation that the issuer has the necessary financial resources to pay all outstanding fees,

referred to in section 8, or has paid these fees to each relevant CSA regulator; (f) confirmation that the issuer’s SEDAR and SEDI profiles are up-to-date; (g) a draft revocation order; (h) a completed personal information form and authorization in the form set out in Appendix A of

National Instrument 41-101 General Prospectus Requirements for each current and incoming director, executive officer and promoter of the issuer;

(i) if the issuer has been subject to another CTO within the 12-month period before the date of the

current CTO, the issuer should provide a detailed explanation of the reasons for the multiple defaults.

(3) With respect to paragraph 14(2)(h), if the promoter is not an individual, the issuer should provide a completed personal information form and authorization for each director and executive officer of the promoter. If the issuer is an investment fund, the issuer should also provide a completed personal information form and authorization for each director and executive officer of the manager of the investment fund.

Application for a partial revocation 15. (1) An issuer requesting a partial revocation order should submit an application with the application fees, where

applicable, to the CSA regulator in all jurisdictions where the issuer’s securities are cease-traded and where the proposed trades would occur. The application should include all of the following information:

(a) the jurisdictions where the issuer’s securities are cease-traded and where the proposed trades would

occur; (b) details of any revocation applications currently in progress in the other jurisdictions; (c) a description of the proposed trades and their purpose; (d) a draft partial revocation order that includes conditions that the applicant will

(i) obtain, and provide upon request to the relevant CSA regulators, signed and dated acknowledgements from all participants in the proposed trades, which clearly state that the securities of the issuer acquired by the participant will remain subject to the CTO until a full revocation order is granted, the issuance of which is not certain, and

(ii) provide a copy of the CTO and partial revocation order to all participants in the proposed


(e) if the purpose of the proposed partial revocation is to permit an issuer to raise funds, use of proceeds information as discussed in subsection (2);

(f) if applicable, details of the exemptions the issuer intends to rely on to complete the proposed trades; (g) if the proposed trades are the result of a decision by a court, a copy of the relevant court order.

(2) If the purpose of a proposed partial revocation of a CTO is to permit the issuer to raise funds, the application and the offering document, if any, should contain all of the following:

(a) an estimate, reasonably supported, of the amount the issuer expects to raise from the financing; (b) a reasonably detailed explanation of the purpose of the financing and how the issuer plans to use the


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(c) an estimate, reasonably supported, of the total amount the issuer will need in order to apply for a full revocation order, which includes the amount of funds required to prepare and file the documents that are necessary to bring the issuer’s continuous disclosure up to date and pay outstanding fees.

Request for confidentiality 16. (1) An issuer requesting that a CSA regulator hold an application and supporting materials in confidence during

the application review process should provide a substantive reason for the request in its application.

(2) Any request for confidentiality should explain why the request is reasonable in the circumstances and not prejudicial to the public interest and when any decision granting confidentiality would expire.

(3) Staff of a CSA regulator is unlikely to recommend that an order be held in confidence after its effective date.

However, if an issuer requests that a CSA regulator hold the application, supporting materials, or order in confidence after its effective date, the issuer should describe the request for confidentiality separately in its application, and pay any required fee to the CSA regulator.

(4) Communications on requests for confidentiality will normally take place by e-mail. If an issuer is concerned

with this practice, the issuer may request in the application that all communications take place by telephone.


Prior policy 17. National Policy 12-202 Revocation of a Compliance-Related Cease Trade Order is withdrawn and replaced by this

policy. Effective date 18. This new policy comes into effect on June 23, 2016.

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Appendix A

Legislative references for an application under local securities legislation British Columbia:

Securities Act: sections 164 and 171.

Alberta: Securities Act: section 214.

Saskatchewan: The Securities Act, 1988: subsections 158(3) and (4).

Manitoba: Securities Act: subsection 148(1).

Ontario: Securities Act: section 144.

Quebec: Securities Act: section 265 paragraph 3 and section 318.

New Brunswick: Securities Act: section 188.2.

Nova Scotia: Securities Act: section 151.

Prince Edward Island: Securities Act: sections 15 and 59.

Newfoundland and Labrador: Securities Act: section 142.1.

Yukon: Securities Act: sections 15 and 59.

Northwest Territories: Securities Act: sections 15 and 59.

Nunavut: Securities Act: sections 15 and 59.

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National Policy 12-203 Management Cease Trade Orders


Scope of this policy 1. This policy1 provides guidance to issuers, investors and other market participants as to when the Canadian Securities

Administrators (CSA or we) will consider responding to a specified default by issuing a management cease trade order (or MCTO). It explains what we mean by the term MCTO and why we issue MCTOs, addresses what other actions we will ordinarily take when issuing an MCTO, and identifies what we expect from defaulting reporting issuers in these circumstances.

The definition of “specified default” does not include certain defaults described in CSA Notice 51-322 Reporting Issuer Defaults, such as a failure to file a material change report, or a failure to file technical disclosure or other reports required by National Instrument 43-101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects or National Instrument 51-101 Standards of Disclosure for Oil and Gas Activities. We have omitted these items from the definition because these filings will generally be non-periodic in nature, and in some cases it may be unclear whether the issuer has triggered a filing requirement. However, a CSA regulator may apply this policy statement if a reporting issuer is in default of a continuous disclosure requirement that is not included in the definition of specified default. Similarly, a CSA regulator may apply this policy statement if a reporting issuer has made a required filing but the required filing is deficient in terms of content. The guidance in this policy is general in nature. Each CSA regulator will decide how to respond to a specified default, including whether to issue an MCTO on a case-by-case basis after considering all relevant facts and circumstances.



Definitions 2. In this policy:

“alternative information guidelines” means the guidelines relating to a default announcement and default status report described in sections 9 and 10; “cease trade order” has the same meaning as in National Policy 11-207 Failure-to-File Cease Trade Orders and Revocations in Multiple Jurisdictions; “CSA regulator” means a securities regulatory authority or a regulator, as applicable; “default announcement” means a news release and material change report as described in section 9; “default status report” means a report as described in section 10; “failure-to-file cease trade order” has the same meaning as in Multilateral Instrument 11-103 Failure-to-File Cease Trade Orders in Multiple Jurisdictions; “management cease trade order” (or “MCTO”) has the same meaning as in Multilateral Instrument 11-103 Failure-to-File Cease Trade Orders in Multiple Jurisdictions; “principal regulator” has the same meaning as in National Policy 11-207 Failure-to-File Cease Trade Orders and Revocations in Multiple Jurisdictions;

1 National Policy 12-203 Cease Trade Orders for Continuous Disclosure Defaults has been withdrawn and replaced by this policy, National

Policy 12-203 Management Cease Trade Orders. This replacement policy, which includes a title change, reflects the fact that the process surrounding the issuance of failure-to-file cease trade orders has been moved to National Policy 11-207 Failure-to-File Cease Trade Orders and Revocations in Multiple Jurisdictions.

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“specified default” has the same meaning as in Multilateral Instrument 11-103 Failure-to-File Cease Trade Orders in Multiple Jurisdictions; “specified requirement” means the requirement to file within the time period prescribed by securities legislation one or more of the following: (a) annual financial statements; (b) an interim financial report; (c) annual or interim MD&A or annual or interim MRFP; (d) an annual information form; (e) a certification of filings under National Instrument 52-109 Certification of Disclosure in Issuers’ Annual and

Interim Filings; “SEDAR” means System for Electronic Document Analysis and Retrieval.

Further definitions 3. Terms used in this policy that are defined in Multilateral Instrument 11-103 Failure-to-File Cease Trade Orders in

Multiple Jurisdictions or National Instrument 14-101 Definitions have the same meaning as in those instruments. Interpretation 4. In certain jurisdictions, the CSA regulator may issue cease trade orders and MCTOs that prohibit trading in, and the

purchase or acquisition of, securities of a reporting issuer. In these jurisdictions, references in this policy to a “trade” refer to a trade in, acquisition of, or purchase of securities of the reporting issuer, as applicable.

In Québec, “trade” is not defined in the Securities Act (Québec). This policy covers any activity in respect of a

transaction of securities that may be the object of an order issued under paragraph 3 of section 265 of the Securities Act (Québec), other than cease trade orders that fall within the definition of failure-to-file cease trade order in Multilateral Instrument 11-103 Failure-to-File Cease Trade Orders in Multiple Jurisdictions.



Possible regulatory responses to a specified default 5. In the jurisdictions where the issuer is a reporting issuer, the CSA regulators will generally respond to a specified

default by noting the issuer in default on their default lists. For more information about the CSA default lists, refer to CSA Notice 51-322 Reporting Issuer Defaults.

The CSA regulators will then generally respond to a specified default in one of two ways: (a) by issuing a failure-to-file cease trade order; (b) if an issuer applies under section 8, and demonstrates that it is able to comply with this policy, by issuing an

MCTO. For more information about failure-to-file cease trade orders refer to National Policy 11-207 Failure-to-File Cease Trade Orders and Revocations in Multiple Jurisdictions. If the outstanding filing is expected to be filed relatively quickly, the default is not expected to be recurring and the issuer meets the eligibility criteria outlined in section 6, an MCTO may be an appropriate response to the default. If the issuer’s principal regulator decides that an MCTO is appropriate, it will generally issue an MCTO that restricts the trading of the issuer’s chief executive officer and chief financial officer. At the discretion of the principal regulator, it will similarly decide whether to extend it to the issuer’s directors or other persons or companies. Since MCTOs are not covered by Multilateral Instrument 11-103 Failure-to-File Cease Trade Orders in Multiple Jurisdictions, the non-principal

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regulators in the jurisdictions in which the issuer is a reporting issuer will generally issue MCTOs in respect of persons or companies named in the principal regulator’s MCTO that reside in their jurisdiction.2

Eligibility criteria 6. We will consider granting an MCTO if the issuer satisfies all of the following criteria:

(a) the outstanding filings are expected to be filed as soon as they are available and within a reasonable period. In most cases, we expect this to be within 2 months. However, in exceptional circumstances, as determined by the principal regulator, we may permit an issuer to take longer than 2 months to remedy the default;

(b) the issuer is generating revenue from its principal business or, if it is in the development stage, the issuer is

actively pursuing the development of its products or properties; (c) the issuer has the necessary financial and human resources, including a reasonable number of directors and

officers in place, to remedy the default in a timely and effective manner and complies with all other continuous disclosure requirements (other than requirements reasonably linked to the specified default) for the duration of the default;

(d) the issuer’s securities are listed on a Canadian stock exchange and there is an active, liquid market for those

securities. Thinly traded issuers will generally not be considered eligible for an MCTO; (e) the issuer is not on the defaulting reporting issuer list in any CSA jurisdiction for any reason other than the

failure to comply with the specified requirement (and any other requirement that is reasonably linked to the specified requirement).

We will also consider an issuer’s history of complying with its continuous disclosure obligations when evaluating the issuer’s request for an MCTO. A reporting issuer subject to insolvency proceedings should also refer to section 14 for additional considerations.

Application timing 7. If an issuer satisfies the eligibility criteria set out above, it should contact its principal regulator at least 2 weeks before

the due date for the required filings and apply in writing for an MCTO instead of a having a cease trade order issued against the issuer.

We believe that, in most cases, an issuer exercising reasonable diligence should be able to determine whether it can comply with a specified requirement at least 2 weeks in advance of the deadline. We acknowledge, however, that there will be rare situations where an issuer, notwithstanding the exercise of reasonable diligence, will be unable make this determination at least 2 weeks before the due date. In these rare cases, the issuer should include a brief explanation of the reasons for the delayed filing in its application. We will generally not consider an application for an MCTO that is submitted after a filing deadline.

Application contents 8. An issuer that wishes to apply for an MCTO under this policy should apply to the issuer’s principal regulator and send a

copy of the application to each CSA regulator in the other jurisdictions in which the issuer is a reporting issuer.

In its application, the issuer should (a) identify the specified default, the reasons for the default and the anticipated duration of the default, (b) explain how the issuer satisfies each of the eligibility criteria described in section 6, (c) set out a detailed remediation plan that explains how the issuer proposes to remedy the default and includes a

realistic timetable for remedying the default,

2 Management cease trade orders will be automatically reciprocated in jurisdictions that have a statutory reciprocal order provision as this

term is defined in section 3 of National Policy 11-207 Failure-to-File Cease Trade Orders and Revocations in Multiple Jurisdictions. This automatic reciprocation will occur in these jurisdictions even where the issuer is not a reporting issuer.

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(d) include consents signed by the chief executive officer and the chief financial officer (or equivalent) to the issuance of an MCTO (see Appendix A),

(e) include a copy of the proposed or actual default announcement, (f) confirm that the issuer will comply with the alternative information guidelines, (g) include a copy of the issuer undertaking described in section 13, and (h) briefly describe the issuer’s blackout policies and other policies and procedures relating to insider trading.

Alternative Information Guidelines – Default Announcement 9. If a reporting issuer determines that it will not comply, or subsequently determines that it has not complied, with a

specified requirement, this will often represent a material change that the issuer should immediately communicate to the securities marketplace by way of a news release and material change report in accordance with part 7 of National Instrument 51-102 Continuous Disclosure Obligations. In determining whether a failure to comply with a specified requirement is a material change, the issuer should consider both the events leading to the failure and the failure itself.

If neither the circumstances leading to the default, nor the default, represent a material change, the issuer should nevertheless consider whether the circumstances involve important information that should be immediately communicated to the marketplace by way of news release. The CSA regulators will generally not exercise their discretion to issue an MCTO unless the issuer issues and files a default announcement containing the information set out below. If the default involves a material change, the material change report may contain this information, in which case a separate default announcement is not necessary. The default announcement should be authorized by the chief executive officer or the chief financial officer (or equivalent) of the reporting issuer, approved by the board or audit committee and prepared and filed with the CSA regulators on SEDAR in the same manner as a news release and material change report referred to in part 7 of National Instrument 51-102 Continuous Disclosure Obligations. An issuer will usually be able to determine that it will not comply with a specified requirement at least 2 weeks before the due date and, as soon as it makes this determination, should issue the default announcement. The default announcement should (a) identify the relevant specified requirement and the (anticipated) default, (b) disclose in detail the reason(s) for the (anticipated) default, (c) disclose the plans of the reporting issuer to remedy the default, including the date it anticipates remedying the

default, (d) confirm that the reporting issuer intends to satisfy the provisions of the alternative information guidelines so

long as it remains in default of a specified requirement, (e) disclose relevant particulars of any insolvency proceeding to which the reporting issuer is subject, including

the nature and timing of information that is required to be provided to creditors, and confirm that the reporting issuer intends to file with the CSA regulators throughout the period in which it is in default, the same information it provides to its creditors when the information is provided to the creditors and in the same manner as it would file a material change report under part 7 of National Instrument 51-102 Continuous Disclosure Obligations, and

(f) subject to section 11, disclose any other material information concerning the affairs of the reporting issuer that

has not been generally disclosed. A default announcement is not needed if the issuer is in default of a previous specified requirement, has followed the provisions of this section regarding a default announcement of that earlier default and is complying with the provisions of section 10 regarding default status reports.

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Alternative Information Guidelines — Default Status Reports 10. After the default announcement, and during the period of the MCTO, the CSA regulators will generally exercise their

discretion to issue a cease trade order unless the defaulting reporting issuer issues bi-weekly default status reports, in the form of news releases, containing the following information:

(a) any changes to the information contained in the default announcement or subsequent default status reports

that would reasonably be expected to be material to an investor, including a description of all actions taken to remedy the default and the status of any investigations into any events which may have contributed to the default;

(b) particulars of any failure by the defaulting reporting issuer in fulfilling its stated intentions with respect to

satisfying the provisions of the alternative information guidelines; (c) information regarding any (anticipated) specified default subsequent to the default which is the subject of the

default announcement; (d) subject to section 11, any other material information concerning the affairs of the reporting issuer that has not

been generally disclosed. Where there are no changes otherwise required to be disclosed in items (a) to (d), this fact should be disclosed in a default status report. To keep the market continuously informed of any developments during the period of default, the issuer should issue default status reports every 2 weeks following the default announcement. If a CSA regulator, at any time, issues a cease trade order against an issuer, default status reports will no longer be necessary. Every default status report should be prepared, authorized, filed and communicated to the securities marketplace in the same manner as that specified in section 9 for a default announcement.

Confidential material information 11. The alternative information guidelines in this policy supplement the material change reporting requirements in National

Instrument 51-102 Continuous Disclosure Obligations and should be interpreted in a similar manner. Similar to the procedures in that instrument, an issuer may omit confidential material information from default status announcement or default status reports if in the opinion of the issuer, and if that opinion is arrived at in a reasonable manner, disclosure of the applicable material information would be unduly detrimental to the interests of the reporting issuer.

Compliance with other continuous disclosure requirements 12. The alternative disclosure described in sections 9 and 10 supplements the issuer’s disclosure record during the period

of default. It does not provide an alternative to the continuous disclosure requirements under Canadian securities legislation.

If a reporting issuer is in default of a specified requirement, the issuer must still comply with all other applicable continuous disclosure requirements, other than requirements reasonably linked to the specified requirement in question. For example, an issuer that has not filed its financial statements on time will also be unable to comply with the requirement to file management’s discussion and analysis under National Instrument 51-102 Continuous Disclosure Obligations. However, failure to comply with a requirement to file audited financial statements in accordance with the requirements of part 4 of National Instrument 51-102 Continuous Disclosure Obligations does not excuse compliance with other requirements of that instrument such as the requirement to file an Annual Information Form in accordance with part 6 or material change reports in accordance with part 7.

Issuer undertaking to cease certain trading activities 13. The reporting issuer should include with the application an undertaking that, for so long as the issuer is in default of the

specified requirement in question, the issuer will not, directly or indirectly, issue securities to or acquire securities from an insider or employee of the issuer except in accordance with legally binding obligations to do so existing as of the date of the specified default. The issuer should address the undertaking to the CSA regulator of each jurisdiction in which the issuer is a reporting issuer.

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Reporting issuers subject to insolvency proceedings 14. If a reporting issuer is the subject of insolvency proceedings, we will consider an application for an MCTO if in addition

to complying with all applicable sections of this policy, including the eligibility criteria in section 6,

(a) the issuer retains title to its assets, (b) the issuer’s directors and officers continue to manage the affairs of the issuer, and (c) the issuer agrees to file a report disclosing the information it provides to its creditors

(i) simultaneously with delivery to its creditors, and (ii) in the same manner as a report of a material change referred to in part 7 of National Instrument 51-

102 Continuous Disclosure Obligations.

If the issuer chooses to file the information provided to creditors with a material change report, then, for the purposes of filing on SEDAR, this should be contained in the same electronic document as the material change report.

Financial information in default announcements and default status reports 15. Any unaudited financial information that is communicated to the marketplace should, except in certain circumstances

involving insolvency, be directly derived from financial statements prepared and presented in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. In default announcements and default status reports, this information should be accompanied by cautionary language that the information has been prepared by management of the defaulting reporting issuer and is unaudited.

Default correction announcement 16. Once the specified default is remedied, the reporting issuer should consider communicating that information to the

securities marketplace in the same manner as that specified in this policy for a default announcement. Revocation of a management cease trade order 17. Some MCTOs will include a provision which describes when the MCTO will automatically expire.

The process for revoking an MCTO that does not automatically expire by its terms is described in National Policy 12-202 Revocations of Certain Cease Trade Orders.


Trading by management and other insiders during the period of default 18. Certain guidelines regarding trading by management and other insiders during the period of default are set out in

section 9 of National Policy 11-207 Failure-to-File Cease Trade Orders and Revocations in Multiple Jurisdictions. No penalty or sanction for disclosure purposes 19. The CSA regulators do not consider MCTOs issued under this policy to be a “penalty” or “sanction” for the purposes of

disclosure obligations in Canadian securities legislation relating to penalties or sanctions. They are not issued as part of an enforcement process and the CSA regulators do not intend them to suggest a finding of fault or wrongdoing on the part of any individual named in the MCTO. For example, a defaulting issuer’s board of directors might invite an individual to serve as an officer or director of the issuer to assist the issuer in remedying its default. The individual might have no prior involvement with the defaulting reporting issuer. The fact that the principal regulator may subsequently name the individual in an MCTO does not mean the individual had any responsibility for the default, which occurred before the individual joined the issuer.

However, issuers are required to disclose MCTOs issued under this policy in accordance with the following disclosure requirements: (a) Section 16.2 of Form 41-101F1 Information Required in a Prospectus;

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(b) Item 16 of Form 44-101F1 Short Form Prospectus; (c) Subsection 10.2(1) of Form 51-102F2 Annual Information Form; (d) Item 7.2 of Form 51-102F5 Information Circular. If an issuer is required to include disclosure of an MCTO in a public filing, the issuer may supplement the disclosure with additional information explaining the circumstances of the MCTO.


20. National Policy 12-203 Cease Trade Orders for Continuous Disclosure Defaults is withdrawn and replaced by this

policy. 21. This policy comes into effect on June 23, 2016.

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Appendix A — Sample Form of Consent


To: [Name of Issuer’s Principal Regulator], as principal regulator (the Regulator), And to: [Name(s) of other Regulator(s) in whose jurisdiction(s) the Issuer is a reporting issuer (collectively with the principal regulator, the Regulators) Re: Consent to issuance of management cease trade order I, [name of individual providing the consent] hereby confirm as follows: 1. I am the [name of position with the Issuer, e.g., the chief executive officer or chief financial officer] of [name of Issuer]

(the Issuer). 2. The Issuer is a [nature of entity, e.g., a corporation incorporated under the Canada Business Corporations Act] with a

head office located in [province or territory]. 3. The Issuer is a reporting issuer in [identify all jurisdictions in which the issuer is a reporting issuer]. The Issuer’s

principal regulator, as determined in accordance with section 13 of National Policy 11-207 Failure-to-File Cease Trade Orders in Multiple Jurisdictions is [name of principal regulator].

4. The Issuer [is] [is not] [delete as applicable] a “venture issuer” as defined in National Instrument 51-102 Continuous

Disclosure Obligations. The Issuer has a financial year ending [state the issuer’s year end, e.g., December 31]. 5. On or about [identify the deadline for filing] (the filing deadline), the Issuer will be required to file [briefly describe the

required filings, e.g.,

a. audited annual financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2014, as required by Part 4 of National Instrument 51-102 Continuous Disclosure Obligations;

b. management’s discussion and analysis (MD&A) relating to the audited annual financial statements, as

required by Part 5 of National Instrument 51-102 Continuous Disclosure Obligations; and c. CEO and CFO certificates relating to the audited annual financial statements, as required by National

Instrument 52-109 Certification of Disclosure in Issuers’ Annual and Interim Filings (collectively, the required filings)].

6. The Issuer has determined that it may not be able to make the required filings by the filing deadline. The Issuer wishes

to apply to the Regulator[s] for a management cease trade order (an MCTO) as an alternative to a general cease trade order in accordance with National Policy 12-203 Management Cease Trade Orders.

7. I am providing this consent in support of the Issuer’s application for an MCTO in accordance with section 8 of National

Policy 12-203 Management Cease Trade Orders. 8. I hereby consent to the issuance of an MCTO against me by the Issuer’s principal regulator under the applicable

statutory authority listed in Annex A to National Policy 11-207 Failure-to-File Cease Trade Orders and Revocations in Multiple Jurisdictions.

9. Specifically, I understand that the MCTO will prohibit me from trading in or acquiring securities of the Issuer, directly or

indirectly, until two full business days following the receipt by the principal regulator of all filings the Issuer is required to make under the securities legislation of the principal regulator or until further Order of the principal regulator.

10. I hereby further consent to the issuance of any substantially similar MCTO that another regulator may consider

necessary to issue by reason of the default described above.

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DATED this _____ day of [DATE] by: ___________________________ Name: Title: Amended .

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Local Matters There is no Annex J “Local Matters” in Ontario.

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Chapter 7

Insider Reporting

The following is a weekly summary of insider transactions by insiders of Ontario reporting issuers in SEDI ® (the System for Electronic Disclosure by Insiders).1 The weekly summary contains insider transactions reported during the 7-day period ending Sunday at 11:59 p.m. (i.e. the Sunday prior to the Bulletin Issue date).2

Guide to Codes

Relationship of Insider to Issuer (Rel=n) 1 Issuer 2 Subsidiary of Issuer 3 10% Security Holder of Issuer 4 Director of Issuer 5 Senior Officer of Issuer 6 Director or Senior Officer of 10% Security Holder 7 Director or Senior Officer of Insider or Subsidiary of Issuer (other than in 4,5,6) 8 Deemed Insider – 6 Months before becoming Insider

Nature of Transaction (T/O)

00 Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report 10 Acquisition or disposition in the public market 11 Acquisition or disposition carried out privately 15 Acquisition or disposition under a prospectus 16 Acquisition or disposition under a prospectus exemption 22 Acquisition or disposition pursuant to a take-over bid, merger or acquisition 30 Acquisition or disposition under a purchase/ ownership plan 35 Stock dividend 36 Conversion or exchange 37 Stock split or consolidation 38 Redemption, retraction, cancellation, repurchase 40 Short sale 45 Compensation for property 46 Compensation for services 47 Acquisition or disposition by gift 48 Acquisition by inheritance or disposition by bequest 50 Grant of options 51 Exercise of options 52 Expiration of options 53 Grant of warrants 54 Exercise of warrants 55 Expiration of warrants 56 Grant of rights 57 Exercise of rights 59 Exercise for cash 70 Acquisition or disposition (writing) of third party derivative 71 Exercise of third party derivative 72 Other settlement of third party 73 Expiration of third party derivative 90 Change in nature of ownership 97 Other 99 Correction of Information

Note: The asterisk in the “Date/Month End Holding” column indicates the insider disagreed with the system calculated balance when the

transaction was reported.

1 SEDI® is a registered trademark owned by CDS INC.


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Issuer Name Security Insider Name Rel’n Transaction Date T/O Unit Price

Date/Month End Holdings

Acquired/ Disposed

Absolute Software Corporation

Common Shares de Geest, Oliver 7 01/10/2015 00 967

Absolute Software Corporation

Options de Geest, Oliver 7 01/10/2015 00 5,000

Absolute Software Corporation

Rights Phantom Share Units

de Geest, Oliver 7 01/10/2015 00 416

Absolute Software Corporation

Options Monahan, Gregory Rush 4 18/02/2016 51 -3,000

Absolute Software Corporation

Options Monahan, Gregory Rush 4 18/02/2016 51 -3,000

Acasta Enterprises Inc. Units (Class B Units) Dale, Andrew 7 21/12/2015 11 0 -10,660

Acasta Enterprises Inc. Units (Class B Units) Entwistle, Mark Andrew 5 07/08/2015 11 10 829

Acasta Enterprises Inc. Units (Class B Units) Entwistle, Mark Andrew 5 07/08/2015 99 10 10,661 830

Acasta Enterprises Inc. Units (Class B Units) Liebrock, Michael 5 07/08/2015 11 10 829

Acasta Enterprises Inc. Units (Class B Units) Liebrock, Michael 5 07/08/2015 99 10 10,661 830

Acasta Enterprises Inc. Units (Class B Units) Singh, Alexander 7 07/08/2015 11 10 829

Acasta Enterprises Inc. Units (Class B Units) Singh, Alexander 7 07/08/2015 99 10 10,661 830

ACTIVEnergy Income Fund Trust Units ACTIVEnergy Income Fund 1 23/02/2016 38 3.92 33,024,938 1,000

ACTIVEnergy Income Fund Trust Units ACTIVEnergy Income Fund 1 24/02/2016 38 3.94 33,026,038 1,100

ACTIVEnergy Income Fund Trust Units ACTIVEnergy Income Fund 1 25/02/2016 38 3.9085 33,027,338 1,300

Affinor Growers Inc. Common Shares Brown, Mark Thomas 5 01/10/2015 00

Affinor Growers Inc. Common Shares Brown, Mark Thomas 5 23/02/2016 10 0.045 50,000 50,000

Affinor Growers Inc. Common Shares Brown, Mark Thomas 5 24/02/2016 10 0.045 100,000 50,000

AGF Management Limited Common Shares Class B Camilli, Kathleen Mary 4 24/02/2016 10 4.54 10,900 1,000

Agnico Eagle Mines Limited Common Shares Allan, Don 5 23/02/2016 51 37.05 39,257 10,000

Agnico Eagle Mines Limited Common Shares Allan, Don 5 23/02/2016 10 48.4 29,257 -10,000

Agnico Eagle Mines Limited Common Shares Allan, Don 5 24/02/2016 51 37.05 34,257 5,000

Agnico Eagle Mines Limited Common Shares Allan, Don 5 24/02/2016 10 51 29,257 -5,000

Agnico Eagle Mines Limited Options Allan, Don 5 23/02/2016 51 37.05 -10,000

Agnico Eagle Mines Limited Options Allan, Don 5 23/02/2016 51 37.05 -10,000

Agnico Eagle Mines Limited Options Allan, Don 5 23/02/2016 51 37.05 266,500 -10,000

Agnico Eagle Mines Limited Options Allan, Don 5 24/02/2016 51 37.05 261,500 -5,000

Agnico Eagle Mines Limited Common Shares Blackburn, Alain 5 18/02/2016 51 37.05 29,023 20,000

Agnico Eagle Mines Limited Common Shares Blackburn, Alain 5 18/02/2016 10 47.775 9,023 -20,000

Agnico Eagle Mines Limited Common Shares Blackburn, Alain 5 19/02/2016 10 48.03 7,023 -2,000

Agnico Eagle Mines Limited Common Shares Blackburn, Alain 5 19/02/2016 10 48.77 5,023 -2,000

Agnico Eagle Mines Limited Common Shares Blackburn, Alain 5 19/02/2016 51 37.05 20,023 15,000

Agnico Eagle Mines Limited Common Shares Blackburn, Alain 5 19/02/2016 10 48.394 5,023 -15,000

Agnico Eagle Mines Limited Common Shares Blackburn, Alain 5 19/02/2016 51 28.03 7,023 2,000

Agnico Eagle Mines Limited Common Shares Blackburn, Alain 5 19/02/2016 10 47.75 5,023 -2,000

Agnico Eagle Mines Limited Common Shares Blackburn, Alain 5 23/02/2016 51 37.05 8,023 3,000

Agnico Eagle Mines Limited Common Shares Blackburn, Alain 5 23/02/2016 10 48.75 5,023 -3,000

Agnico Eagle Mines Limited Common Shares Blackburn, Alain 5 24/02/2016 51 37.05 27,023 22,000

Agnico Eagle Mines Limited Common Shares Blackburn, Alain 5 24/02/2016 10 50.48 5,023 -22,000

Agnico Eagle Mines Limited Options Blackburn, Alain 5 18/02/2016 51 37.05 468,000 -20,000

Agnico Eagle Mines Limited Options Blackburn, Alain 5 19/02/2016 51 37.05 453,000 -15,000

Agnico Eagle Mines Limited Options Blackburn, Alain 5 19/02/2016 51 28.03 451,000 -2,000

Agnico Eagle Mines Limited Options Blackburn, Alain 5 23/02/2016 51 37.05 448,000 -3,000

Agnico Eagle Mines Limited Options Blackburn, Alain 5 24/02/2016 51 37.05 426,000 -22,000

Agnico Eagle Mines Limited Options Celej, Martine 4 21/02/2016 52 70.26 0 -4,721

Agnico Eagle Mines Limited Common Shares Datta, Picklu 5 19/02/2016 10 48.426 6,316 -557

Agnico Eagle Mines Limited Common Shares Datta, Picklu 5 23/02/2016 51 37.05 8,316 2,000

Agnico Eagle Mines Limited Common Shares Datta, Picklu 5 23/02/2016 10 48.128 6,316 -2,000

Agnico Eagle Mines Limited Options Datta, Picklu 5 23/02/2016 51 37.05 180,750 -2,000

Agnico Eagle Mines Limited Common Shares Grondin, Louise 5 19/02/2016 51 37.05 41,629 20,000

Agnico Eagle Mines Limited Common Shares Grondin, Louise 5 19/02/2016 10 48.914 21,629 -20,000

Agnico Eagle Mines Limited Options Grondin, Louise 5 19/02/2016 51 37.05 277,950 -20,000

Agnico Eagle Mines Limited Common Shares Laing, R. Gregory 5 23/02/2016 51 37.05 39,559 10,000

Agnico Eagle Mines Limited Common Shares Laing, R. Gregory 5 23/02/2016 10 48.95 29,559 -10,000

Agnico Eagle Mines Limited Common Shares Laing, R. Gregory 5 24/02/2016 51 37.05 49,559 20,000

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Issuer Name Security Insider Name Rel’n Transaction Date T/O Unit Price

Date/Month End Holdings

Acquired/ Disposed

Agnico Eagle Mines Limited Common Shares Laing, R. Gregory 5 24/02/2016 10 51.114 29,559 -20,000

Agnico Eagle Mines Limited Options Laing, R. Gregory 5 23/02/2016 51 37.05 299,000 -10,000

Agnico Eagle Mines Limited Options Laing, R. Gregory 5 24/02/2016 51 37.05 279,000 -20,000

Agnico Eagle Mines Limited Common Shares Robitaille, Jean 5 23/02/2016 51 37.05 53,956 5,000

Agnico Eagle Mines Limited Common Shares Robitaille, Jean 5 23/02/2016 10 48.95 48,956 -5,000

Agnico Eagle Mines Limited Common Shares Robitaille, Jean 5 24/02/2016 51 37.05 63,956 15,000

Agnico Eagle Mines Limited Common Shares Robitaille, Jean 5 24/02/2016 10 50.422 48,956 -15,000

Agnico Eagle Mines Limited Options Robitaille, Jean 5 23/02/2016 51 37.05 346,000 -5,000

Agnico Eagle Mines Limited Options Robitaille, Jean 5 24/02/2016 51 37.05 331,000 -15,000

Agnico Eagle Mines Limited Common Shares Smith, David 5 24/02/2016 51 37.05 34,643 5,000

Agnico Eagle Mines Limited Common Shares Smith, David 5 24/02/2016 10 50.596 29,643 -5,000

Agnico Eagle Mines Limited Options Smith, David 5 24/02/2016 51 37.05 321,250 -5,000

Agnico Eagle Mines Limited Common Shares Sylvestre, Yvon 5 19/02/2016 51 35.27 17,313 15,000

Agnico Eagle Mines Limited Common Shares Sylvestre, Yvon 5 19/02/2016 10 49 2,313 -15,000

Agnico Eagle Mines Limited Options Sylvestre, Yvon 5 19/02/2016 51 35.27 281,000 -15,000

Agnico Eagle Mines Limited Common Shares Voutilainen, Pertti 4 24/02/2016 10 46.163 -1,795

Agnico Eagle Mines Limited Common Shares Voutilainen, Pertti 4 24/02/2016 10 49.163 11,800 -1,795

Agnico Eagle Mines Limited Common Shares Voutilainen, Pertti 4 25/02/2016 10 35.223 10,000 -1,800

Agrium Inc. Common Shares Hubbs, Miranda C. 4 24/02/2016 00 1,000

Agrium Inc. Common Shares Simon, William 4 24/02/2016 00

Air Canada Class B Voting Shares Bureau, Duncan 5 09/06/2014 00

Air Canada Class B Voting Shares Bureau, Duncan 5 23/02/2016 30 10.96 852 852

Air Canada Class B Voting Shares Doyle, Eddy 5 16/02/2016 00 2,283

Air Canada Options (Long-Term Incentive Plan)

Doyle, Eddy 5 16/02/2016 00 10,944

Air Canada Share Units (Long-Term Incentive Plan)

Doyle, Eddy 5 16/02/2016 00 20,280

Air Canada Class B Voting Shares Rousseau, Michael Stewart 5 10/10/2007 00

Air Canada Class B Voting Shares Rousseau, Michael Stewart 5 22/02/2016 10 7.35 5,000 5,000

Air Canada Class B Voting Shares Rousseau, Michael Stewart 5 22/02/2016 10 7.33 85,000 9,942

Alabama Graphite Corp. Common Shares PAMPLIN, Ann-Marie Michelle

8 24/02/2016 10 0.12 50,000 15,000

Alabama Graphite Corp. Common Shares PAMPLIN, Ann-Marie Michelle

8 26/02/2016 10 12 65,500 15,500

AlarmForce Industries Inc. DSUs - can only be exercised in cash

Brennan, Michael 4 17/04/2014 00

AlarmForce Industries Inc. DSUs - can only be exercised in cash

Brennan, Michael 4 24/02/2016 56 501 501

Alba Minerals Ltd. Common Shares AfroCan Resources Gold Inc.

3 22/02/2016 00

Alba Minerals Ltd. Common Shares AfroCan Resources Gold Inc.

3 22/02/2016 11 0.05 1,500,000 1,500,000

Alba Minerals Ltd. Common Shares Arbutus Enterprises Ltd. 3 19/02/2016 11 196,513 -1,500,000

Alba Minerals Ltd. Common Shares BARRETT, RODGER BRIAN

4, 6, 5 22/02/2016 00

Alba Minerals Ltd. Common Shares BARRETT, RODGER BRIAN

4, 6, 5 22/02/2016 11 0.05 1,500,000 1,500,000

Alba Minerals Ltd. Common Shares Powell, Theodore James Malcolm

4, 5 19/02/2016 11 196,513 -1,500,000

Alexandria Minerals Corporation

Common Shares Miranda, Mario Alejandro 5 28/09/2011 00

Alexandria Minerals Corporation

Common Shares Miranda, Mario Alejandro 5 22/02/2016 11 0.025 1,173,509 1,173,509

Alexco Resource Corp. Options Nauman, Clynton R. 5 20/02/2016 52 1.65 1,360,000 -80,000

Alexco Resource Corp. Options Thrall, Bradley Allen 5 19/02/2016 52 1.65 887,500 -60,000

Alexco Resource Corp. Options Van Nieuwenhuyse, Rick 4 20/02/2016 52 1.65 75,000 -30,000

Alexco Resource Corp. Options Winn, Michael D. 4 19/02/2016 52 1.65 75,000 -30,000

Algoma Central Corporation Common Shares Stevenson, Eric Arthur 7 06/04/2015 10 16.718 1,000

Algoma Central Corporation Common Shares Stevenson, Eric Arthur 7 06/04/2015 10 16.718 1,300 1,000

Alianza Minerals Ltd. (formerly Tarsis Resources Ltd.)

Common Shares Brown, Mark Thomas 4 19/02/2016 10 0.13 958,000 9,500

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Issuer Name Security Insider Name Rel’n Transaction Date T/O Unit Price

Date/Month End Holdings

Acquired/ Disposed

Alianza Minerals Ltd. (formerly Tarsis Resources Ltd.)

Common Shares Brown, Mark Thomas 4 19/02/2016 10 0.12 969,500 11,500

Alianza Minerals Ltd. (formerly Tarsis Resources Ltd.)

Common Shares Brown, Mark Thomas 4 22/02/2016 10 0.13 975,000 5,500

Alianza Minerals Ltd. (formerly Tarsis Resources Ltd.)

Common Shares Brown, Mark Thomas 4 19/02/2016 10 0.12 3,000 3,000

Almaden Minerals Ltd. Common Shares Poliquin, James Duane 4, 5 24/02/2016 10 1.04 2,136,136 8,200

Alta Vista Ventures Ltd. Common Shares Shaxton, Donald 3 18/02/2016 10 0.13 2,595,900 -26,500

Alta Vista Ventures Ltd. Common Shares Shaxton, Donald 3 18/02/2016 10 0.135 2,572,400 -23,500

Alta Vista Ventures Ltd. Common Shares Shaxton, Donald 3 19/02/2016 10 0.12 2,521,400 -51,000

AltaGas Ltd. Common Shares Clements, Paul Carson 7 31/12/2015 30 37.44 726 616

AltaGas Ltd. Common Shares Clements, Paul Carson 7 31/12/2015 30 33.66 747 21

AltaGas Ltd. Common Shares Grant, Bradley, Bertram 5 19/05/2015 00

AltaGas Ltd. Common Shares Grant, Bradley, Bertram 5 31/12/2015 30 34.28 365 365

AltaGas Ltd. Common Shares Grant, Bradley, Bertram 5 31/12/2015 30 35.46 370 5

AltaGas Ltd. Common Shares Karl, Peter Lauren 5 31/12/2015 30 37.44 37,909 605

AltaGas Ltd. Common Shares Karl, Peter Lauren 5 31/12/2015 30 35.38 38,366 457

AltaGas Ltd. Common Shares LOWE, JOHN EDWARD 5 20/03/2014 10 45.169 11,486 -1,600

AltaGas Ltd. Common Shares LOWE, JOHN EDWARD 5 25/03/2014 10 45.169 -1,600

AltaGas Ltd. Common Shares LOWE, JOHN EDWARD 5 25/03/2014 10 45.169 -1,600

AltaGas Ltd. Common Shares LOWE, JOHN EDWARD 5 02/04/2014 10 45.289 21,486 -1,400

AltaGas Ltd. Common Shares LOWE, JOHN EDWARD 5 07/04/2014 10 45.289 -1,400

AltaGas Ltd. Common Shares LOWE, JOHN EDWARD 5 07/04/2014 10 45.289 -1,400

AltaGas Ltd. Common Shares LOWE, JOHN EDWARD 5 31/12/2015 30 37.44 35,437 811

AltaGas Ltd. Common Shares LOWE, JOHN EDWARD 5 31/12/2015 30 35.09 35,571 134

AltaGas Ltd. Common Shares Stein, Deborah Susan 5 31/12/2015 30 37.44 51,300 1,362

AltaGas Ltd. Common Shares Stein, Deborah Susan 5 31/12/2015 30 35.37 52,214 914

AltaGas Ltd. Common Shares Thakur, Joy Sumanan 5 31/12/2015 30 37.44 395 222

AltaGas Ltd. Common Shares Thakur, Joy Sumanan 5 31/12/2015 30 34.53 410 15

AltaGas Ltd. Common Shares Toivanen, Shaun William 5 31/12/2015 30 37.44 6,458 551

AltaGas Ltd. Common Shares Toivanen, Shaun William 5 31/12/2015 30 34.99 6,530 72

Altius Minerals Corporation Common Shares Warr, Donald James 4 26/02/2016 90 9.36 95,612 -2,000

Altius Minerals Corporation Common Shares Warr, Donald James 4 26/02/2016 90 9.36 10,900 2,000

American Core Sectors Dividend Fund

Trust Units American Core Sectors Dividend Fund

1 19/02/2016 38 9.8 2,378,980 600

American Hotel Income Properties REIT LP

Units McAuley, Ian 5 26/02/2016 90 0 -10,000

American Hotel Income Properties REIT LP

Units McAuley, Ian 5 01/09/2015 00

American Hotel Income Properties REIT LP

Units McAuley, Ian 5 26/02/2016 90 10,000 10,000

Americas Silver Corporation Options Atkinson, James 5 23/02/2016 50 819,031 250,000

Americas Silver Corporation Options Blasutti, Darren John 5 23/02/2016 50 4,714,159 2,000,000

Americas Silver Corporation Options Davidson, Alexander John 4 23/02/2016 50 1,526,079 500,000

Americas Silver Corporation Options Dell, Daren 5 23/02/2016 50 2,356,000 1,000,000

Americas Silver Corporation Options Edwards, Alan R. 4 23/02/2016 50 1,606,608 500,000

Americas Silver Corporation Options HAWLEY, PETER JUDE 4, 5 23/02/2016 50 0.17 4,425,000 500,000

Americas Silver Corporation Options Kipp, Bradley Robert 4 23/02/2016 50 900,000 500,000

Americas Silver Corporation Options McRae, Peter 5 23/02/2016 50 2,392,624 1,000,000

Americas Silver Corporation Options Pridham, Gordon E. 4 23/02/2016 50 1,681,647 500,000

Americas Silver Corporation Options Stonehouse, James Marcus 5 23/02/2016 50 1,000,000 500,000

Americas Silver Corporation Options Varga, Warren 5 23/02/2016 50 2,501,038 1,000,000

Americas Silver Corporation Options Waisberg, Lorie 4 23/02/2016 50 1,501,663 500,000

Anaconda Mining Inc. Options Angelo, Dustin 4, 5 22/02/2016 50 0.06 6,450,000 2,000,000

Anaconda Mining Inc. Options Dobby, Glenn 4 23/02/2016 52 0.2 925,000 -250,000

Anaconda Mining Inc. Options Dobby, Glenn 4 23/02/2016 50 0.06 -175,000

Anaconda Mining Inc. Options Dobby, Glenn 4 23/02/2016 50 0.06 750,000 -175,000

Anaconda Mining Inc. Options Lawrick, Victor Lewis 4 18/03/2015 52 0.2 1,225,000 -500,000

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March 3, 2016

(2016), 39 OSCB 2099

Issuer Name Security Insider Name Rel’n Transaction Date T/O Unit Price

Date/Month End Holdings

Acquired/ Disposed

Anaconda Mining Inc. Options Lawrick, Victor Lewis 4 22/02/2016 50 0.06 1,875,000 500,000

Ansar Financial and Development Corporation

Common Shares Jalaluddin, Mohammed 3, 4, 5 22/02/2016 10 0.9 1,042,549 5,000

Ansar Financial and Development Corporation

Common Shares Nasim, Pervez 3, 4, 5 22/02/2016 10 0.9 1,042,549 5,000

Aquila Resources Inc. Common Shares Dunn, Andrew William 4 24/06/2015 00

Aquila Resources Inc. Common Shares Dunn, Andrew William 4 24/02/2016 10 0.145 120,000 120,000

Arctic Star Exploration Corp. Common Shares Power, Patrick Edward 4, 5 18/02/2016 10 0.02 5,269,866 200,000

Arctic Star Exploration Corp. Common Shares Power, Patrick Edward 4, 5 24/02/2016 10 0.02 5,109,866 -160,000

Arcturus Growthstar Technologies Inc.

Common Shares Withrow, MIke Withrow 6 20/02/2016 16 0.05 3,841,750 900,000

Arcturus Growthstar Technologies Inc.

Common Shares Withrow, MIke Withrow 6 22/02/2016 97 0.05 4,261,750 420,000

Arcturus Growthstar Technologies Inc.

Warrants Withrow, MIke Withrow 6 19/02/2016 16 4,180,000 900,000

Aston Bay Holdings Ltd. (formerly Escudo Capital Corporation)


3 04/09/2014 10 0.145 -200,000

Aston Bay Holdings Ltd. (formerly Escudo Capital Corporation)


3 04/09/2014 10 0.145 3,500,000 -203,777

Atico Mining Corporation Common Shares Kelly, Thomas Richard 5 23/02/2016 10 0.28 7,000 3,000

Atico Mining Corporation Common Shares Tsang, William To Ping 5 18/02/2016 00 15,900

Atico Mining Corporation Options Tsang, William To Ping 5 18/02/2016 00 25,000

Atlantic Gold Corporation (previously Spur Ventures Inc.)

Options Armstrong, William Paul 4 24/02/2016 50 0.42 510,000 150,000

Atlantic Gold Corporation (previously Spur Ventures Inc.)

Options Atkinson, Robert George 4, 5 24/02/2016 50 0.42 660,000 100,000

Atlantic Gold Corporation (previously Spur Ventures Inc.)

Options Batalha, Christopher Ross 5 24/02/2016 50 0.42 645,000 220,000

Atlantic Gold Corporation (previously Spur Ventures Inc.)

Options Black, W. David 4 24/02/2016 50 0.42 660,000 100,000

Atlantic Gold Corporation (previously Spur Ventures Inc.)

Options Bucknell, Walter Ralph 4 24/02/2016 50 0.42 475,000 150,000

Atlantic Gold Corporation (previously Spur Ventures Inc.)

Options Dean, Steven G 4, 5 24/02/2016 50 0.42 3,600,000 900,000

Atlantic Gold Corporation (previously Spur Ventures Inc.)

Options Siemens, Donald 4 24/02/2016 50 0.42 660,000 100,000

Auxellence Health Corporation (formerly 0924888 BC Ltd.)

Units $.05 for one common share and one warrant at $.10

Au, Sydney Wai Kong 4 23/02/2016 16 0.05 21,000,000 21,000,000

Axia NetMedia Corporation Common Shares Read, John K. 4 02/11/2015 90 0 -226,307

Axia NetMedia Corporation Common Shares Read, John K. 4 17/04/2000 00

Axia NetMedia Corporation Common Shares Read, John K. 4 02/11/2015 90 226,307 226,307

Azarga Uranium Corp. Common Shares Molyneux, Alexander 3 23/02/2016 10 0.2788 8,746,257 4,000

Azarga Uranium Corp. Common Shares Molyneux, Alexander 3 24/02/2016 10 0.2733 8,767,257 21,000

BacTech Environmental Corporation

Common Shares Orr, Murray Ross 7 24/02/2016 10 0.035 2,751,220 5,000

BacTech Environmental Corporation

Common Shares Orr, Murray Ross 7 26/02/2016 10 0.0257 2,814,220 63,000

Ballard Power Systems Inc. Options HILLIER, KERRY BRENT 5 24/02/2016 52 86,967 -3,500

Ballard Power Systems Inc. Options Murray, Jay Francis 5 24/02/2016 52 78,834 -2,000

Bank of Montreal Deferred Share Units Babiak, Jan 4 23/02/2016 56 73.68 10,074 763

Bank of Montreal Deferred Share Units Brochu, Sophie 4 23/02/2016 56 73.68 14,650 679

Bank of Montreal Deferred Share Units Cope, George 4 23/02/2016 56 73.68 30,415 679

Bank of Montreal Deferred Share Units Edwards, Christine A. 4 23/02/2016 56 73.68 19,339 933

Bank of Montreal Deferred Share Units Eichenbaum, Martin Stewart 4 23/02/2016 56 73.68 2,452 730

Bank of Montreal Deferred Share Units Farmer, Ron 4 23/02/2016 56 73.68 49,811 882

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March 3, 2016

(2016), 39 OSCB 2100

Issuer Name Security Insider Name Rel’n Transaction Date T/O Unit Price

Date/Month End Holdings

Acquired/ Disposed

Bank of Montreal Deferred Share Units Mitchelmore, Lorraine 4 23/02/2016 56 73.68 2,452 730

Bank of Montreal Deferred Share Units Orsino, Philip 4 23/02/2016 56 73.68 65,772 848

Bank of Montreal Deferred Share Units Prichard, John Robert Stobo 4, 7 23/02/2016 56 73.68 77,876 1,357

Bank of Montreal Deferred Share Units RICHER LA FLÈCHE, ERIC 4 23/02/2016 56 73.68 11,126 679

Bank of Montreal Deferred Share Units Wilson III, Don Matthew 4 23/02/2016 56 73.68 33,644 967

Banro Corporation Common Shares Colson, Maurice 4 24/02/2016 10 0.38 150,000 50,000

Banyan Gold Corp. Common Shares Class “A”

Collins, Allan Jay 3, 4 23/02/2016 10 0.06 5,708,000 32,000

Banyan Gold Corp. Common Shares Class “A”

Collins, Allan Jay 3, 4 24/02/2016 10 0.07 5,726,000 18,000

Banyan Gold Corp. Common Shares Class “A”

Collins, Allan Jay 3, 4 24/02/2016 10 0.08 5,731,000 5,000

Banyan Gold Corp. Common Shares Class “A”

Collins, Allan Jay 3, 4 25/02/2016 10 0.075 5,741,000 10,000

Banyan Gold Corp. Common Shares Class “A”

Collins, Allan Jay 3, 4 25/02/2016 10 0.07 5,751,000 10,000

Banyan Gold Corp. Common Shares Class “A”

Rutt, David 3, 4, 5 22/02/2016 10 0.06 230,300 5,000

Barkerville Gold Mines Ltd. Options Gibson, Gregory 4, 5 22/12/2015 50 1,300,000 100,000

Barkerville Gold Mines Ltd. Options OBRADOVICH, THOMAS JOHN

4 02/04/2015 00

Barkerville Gold Mines Ltd. Options OBRADOVICH, THOMAS JOHN

4 22/02/2016 50 0.27 1,200,000 1,200,000

Barkerville Gold Mines Ltd. Options OBRADOVICH, THOMAS JOHN

4 22/02/2016 50 0.29 2,000,000 800,000

Barkerville Gold Mines Ltd. Options OBRADOVICH, THOMAS JOHN

4 22/02/2016 50 0.2475 2,075,000 75,000

Barkerville Gold Mines Ltd. Options Prychidny, Morris 4 08/05/2015 00 675,000

Barrick Gold Corporation Rights Performance Granted Share Units (cash settled)

Dushnisky, Kelvin Paul Michael

4, 5 22/02/2016 56 17.55 243,944 123,077

Barrick Gold Corporation Rights Performance Granted Share Units (cash settled)

Rich, Darian Kevin 5 22/02/2016 56 17.55 112,743 59,830

Barrick Gold Corporation Rights Performance Granted Share Units (cash settled)

Sipos, Katherine 5 16/09/2015 00

Barrick Gold Corporation Rights Performance Granted Share Units (cash settled)

Sipos, Katherine 5 22/02/2016 56 17.55 20,513 20,513

Barrick Gold Corporation Rights Performance Granted Share Units (cash settled)

Thomson, Kevin James 5 29/10/2014 00

Barrick Gold Corporation Rights Performance Granted Share Units (cash settled)

Thomson, Kevin James 5 22/02/2016 56 17.55 76,924 76,924

Barrick Gold Corporation Common Shares Thornton, John Lawson 4, 5 25/02/2016 10 13.474 1,733,224 330,000

Barrick Gold Corporation Rights Performance Granted Share Units (cash settled)

Usmar, Shaun Alleyne 5 03/12/2014 00

Barrick Gold Corporation Rights Performance Granted Share Units (cash settled)

Usmar, Shaun Alleyne 5 22/02/2016 56 17.55 76,924 76,924

Barrick Gold Corporation Rights Performance Granted Share Units (cash settled)

Williams, Richard James Elton

5 18/02/2015 00

Barrick Gold Corporation Rights Performance Granted Share Units (cash settled)

Williams, Richard James Elton

5 22/02/2016 56 17.55 42,736 42,736

Bayhorse Silver Inc. Common Shares O’Neill, Graeme 5 31/08/2015 16 0.06 1,800,000

Bayhorse Silver Inc. Common Shares O’Neill, Graeme 5 31/08/2015 16 0.06 1,800,000

Bayhorse Silver Inc. Common Shares O’Neill, Graeme 5 31/08/2015 16 0.06 4,312,000 1,800,000

Bayhorse Silver Inc. Common Shares O’Neill, Graeme 5 31/08/2015 10 0.065 3,449,000 -863,000

Bayhorse Silver Inc. Convertible Debentures O’Neill, Graeme 5 11/07/2006 00

Bayhorse Silver Inc. Convertible Debentures O’Neill, Graeme 5 22/02/2016 16 $27,710

Bayhorse Silver Inc. Convertible Debentures O’Neill, Graeme 5 22/02/2016 16 $27,710

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Insider Reporting

March 3, 2016

(2016), 39 OSCB 2101

Issuer Name Security Insider Name Rel’n Transaction Date T/O Unit Price

Date/Month End Holdings

Acquired/ Disposed

Bayhorse Silver Inc. Convertible Debentures O’Neill, Graeme 5 22/02/2016 16 $27,710 $27,710

Bayhorse Silver Inc. Options O’Neill, Graeme 5 18/11/2015 50 850,000 400,000

Bayhorse Silver Inc. Warrants O’Neill, Graeme 5 18/08/2015 16 1,800,000

Bayhorse Silver Inc. Warrants O’Neill, Graeme 5 18/08/2015 16 1,800,000

Bayhorse Silver Inc. Warrants O’Neill, Graeme 5 31/08/2015 16 4,520,000 1,800,000

Bayhorse Silver Inc. Warrants O’Neill, Graeme 5 22/02/2016 16 4,600,000 80,000

BCE Inc. Equity Swap - Long Position

BCE Inc. 1 17/02/2016 70 19 1

BCE Inc. Equity Swap - Long Position

BCE Inc. 1 17/02/2016 70 20 1

BCE Inc. Equity Swap - Long Position

BCE Inc. 1 17/02/2016 70 17 -3

BCE Inc. Equity Swap - Long Position

BCE Inc. 1 17/02/2016 70 11 -6

BCE Inc. Equity Swap - Long Position

BCE Inc. 1 18/02/2016 70 12 1

BCE Inc. Equity Swap - Long Position

BCE Inc. 1 18/02/2016 70 13 1

BCE Inc. Equity Swap - Long Position

BCE Inc. 1 18/02/2016 70 9 -4

BCE Inc. Equity Swap - Long Position

BCE Inc. 1 19/02/2016 70 10 1

BCE Inc. Equity Swap - Long Position

BCE Inc. 1 19/02/2016 70 11 1

BCE Inc. Equity Swap - Long Position

BCE Inc. 1 19/02/2016 70 6 -5

BCE Inc. Equity Swap (1,151,262 Common Shares - settle April 15, 2016

BCE Inc. 1 18/02/2016 70 -1

BCE Inc. Equity Swap (1,151,262 Common Shares - settle April 15, 2016

BCE Inc. 1 18/02/2016 70 -1

BCE Inc. Equity Swap (1,151,262 Common Shares - settle April 15, 2016

BCE Inc. 1 18/02/2016 70 0 -1

BCE Inc. Equity Swap (1,151,262 Common Shares - settle April 15, 2016

BCE Inc. 1 19/02/2016 70 -1 -1

BCE Inc. Forward Purchase (1,750,000 Common Shares - settlement date April 15, 2015)

BCE Inc. 1 21/02/2012 70 1

BCE Inc. Forward Purchase (1,750,000 Common Shares - settlement date April 15, 2015)

BCE Inc. 1 21/02/2012 70 1

BCE Inc. Forward Purchase (1,750,000 Common Shares - settlement date April 15, 2015)

BCE Inc. 1 21/02/2012 70 1 1

BCE Inc. Common Shares le Duc, Bernard 5 19/02/2016 51 44.47 67,205 67,205

BCE Inc. Common Shares le Duc, Bernard 5 19/02/2016 10 55.88 0 -67,205

BCE Inc. Options le Duc, Bernard 5 19/02/2016 51 44.47 121,626 -67,205

BCE Inc. Common Shares Little, Thomas (Tom) 7 22/02/2016 51 44.47 87,796 84,006

BCE Inc. Common Shares Little, Thomas (Tom) 7 22/02/2016 10 58.87 3,790 -84,006

BCE Inc. Common Shares Little, Thomas (Tom) 7 22/02/2016 10 59 0 -3,790

BCE Inc. Options Little, Thomas (Tom) 7 22/02/2016 51 44.47 152,032 -84,006

Beaufield Resources Inc. Common Shares Deluce, Bernard 4 18/02/2016 00 100,000

Beaufield Resources Inc. Common Shares Deluce, Bernard 4 18/02/2016 00 50,000

Beaufield Resources Inc. Common Shares Eskelund-Hansen, Jens 4, 5 22/02/2016 47 5,842,000 -200,000

BELLUS Health Inc. Options Bellini, Roberto 4, 6, 5 24/02/2016 50 1,703,000 103,000

Berkley Renewables Inc. Common Shares Wayrynen, Matt 4 16/02/2016 10 0.05 1,401,450 19,000

BeWhere Holdings Inc. Options Allen, Robert 5 04/02/2016 00 166,500

BeWhere Holdings Inc. Options Allen, Robert 5 23/02/2016 50 499,500 333,000

BeWhere Holdings Inc. Common Shares O’Briain, Kieran 4 04/02/2016 00 209,523

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March 3, 2016

(2016), 39 OSCB 2102

Issuer Name Security Insider Name Rel’n Transaction Date T/O Unit Price

Date/Month End Holdings

Acquired/ Disposed

BeWhere Holdings Inc. Common Shares O’Briain, Kieran 4 19/02/2016 10 0.155 233,023 23,500

BeWhere Holdings Inc. Common Shares O’Briain, Kieran 4 19/02/2016 10 0.165 239,523 6,500

BeWhere Holdings Inc. Common Shares O’Briain, Kieran 4 04/02/2016 00

BeWhere Holdings Inc. Common Shares O’Briain, Kieran 4 09/02/2016 10 0.14 20,000 20,000

BeWhere Holdings Inc. Options O’Briain, Kieran 4 04/02/2016 00

BeWhere Holdings Inc. Options O’Briain, Kieran 4 19/02/2016 50 166,500 166,500

BeWhere Holdings Inc. Warrants O’Briain, Kieran 4 04/02/2016 00 83,333

BHK Mining Corp. Common Shares Andrup, Claus Erik 4 23/02/2016 10 0.08 1,036,000 5,000

Big Rock Labs Inc. Common Shares Seemann, Harald 4 22/02/2016 10 0.45 12,060,815 -15,000

Big Rock Labs Inc. Common Shares Seemann, Harald 4 22/02/2016 10 0.48 12,054,815 -6,000

Big Rock Labs Inc. Common Shares Seemann, Harald 4 22/02/2016 10 0.429 12,058,815 4,000

Big Rock Labs Inc. Common Shares Seemann, Harald 4 24/02/2016 10 0.499 12,052,815 -6,000

Big Rock Labs Inc. Common Shares Seemann, Harald 4 24/02/2016 10 0.47 12,050,215 -2,600

Big Rock Labs Inc. Common Shares Seemann, Harald 4 26/02/2016 10 0.44 12,030,215 -20,000

BioSyent Inc. Common Shares - Options Ashrafi, Seyed Ahmad 4 12/02/2016 00 5,111

BioSyent Inc. Common Shares - Options Ashrafi, Seyed Ahmad 4 12/02/2016 50 6.2 7,118 2,007

BioSyent Inc. Common Shares - Options MOOTHAN, RAMESH 4 12/02/2016 00 613

BioSyent Inc. Common Shares - Options MOOTHAN, RAMESH 4 12/02/2016 50 6.2 1,180

BioSyent Inc. Common Shares - Options MOOTHAN, RAMESH 4 12/02/2016 50 6.2 1,891 1,278


Common Shares Tingley, Hall 3 19/02/2016 10 0.02 10,622,726 242,000


Common Shares Tingley, Hall 3 25/02/2016 10 0.02 10,627,726 5,000

Blackline Safety Corp. Common Shares Slater, Cody 4 18/02/2016 10 1.8 1,051,105 1,500

Blackline Safety Corp. Common Shares Slater, Cody 4 18/02/2016 10 1.77 1,051,505 400

BluMetric Environmental Inc. (formerly Seprotech Systems Incorporated)

Common Shares Pagel, Jane Elizabeth 4 26/03/2013 00

BluMetric Environmental Inc. (formerly Seprotech Systems Incorporated)

Common Shares Pagel, Jane Elizabeth 4 31/01/2014 00

Boardwalk Real Estate Investment Trust

Deferred Units (Convert to TU and/or cash)

Brimmell, Jonathan David 5 20/02/2016 30 43.65 12,879 1,354

Boardwalk Real Estate Investment Trust

Deferred Units (Convert to TU and/or cash)

Burns, Patrick Dean 5 20/02/2016 30 43.65 21,743 2,804

Boardwalk Real Estate Investment Trust

Deferred Units (Convert to TU and/or cash)

Chidley, William Glenn 5 20/02/2016 30 43.65 30,727 4,343

Boardwalk Real Estate Investment Trust

Deferred Units (Convert to TU and/or cash)

DEWALD, James Richard 4 20/02/2016 30 43.65 7,639 883

Boardwalk Real Estate Investment Trust

Deferred Units (Convert to TU and/or cash)

Dingle, Ian Peter 5 20/02/2016 30 43.65 7,832 662

Boardwalk Real Estate Investment Trust

Deferred Units (Convert to TU and/or cash)

GEREMIA, ROBERTO 5 20/02/2016 30 43.65 39,890 5,665

Boardwalk Real Estate Investment Trust

Deferred Units (Convert to TU and/or cash)

Goodman, Gary Michael 4 20/02/2016 30 43.65 10,000 987

Boardwalk Real Estate Investment Trust

Trust Units Goodman, Gary Michael 4 23/02/2016 10 48.485 12,528 2,000

Boardwalk Real Estate Investment Trust

Trust Units Goodman, Gary Michael 4 30/06/2009 00

Boardwalk Real Estate Investment Trust

Trust Units Goodman, Gary Michael 4 23/02/2016 10 48.485 1,500 1,500

Boardwalk Real Estate Investment Trust

Trust Units Goodman, Gary Michael 4 30/06/2009 00

Boardwalk Real Estate Investment Trust

Trust Units Goodman, Gary Michael 4 23/02/2016 10 48.485 2,500 2,500

Boardwalk Real Estate Investment Trust

Trust Units Goodman, Gary Michael 4 30/06/2009 00

Boardwalk Real Estate Investment Trust

Trust Units Goodman, Gary Michael 4 23/02/2016 10 48.485 1,000 1,000

Boardwalk Real Estate Investment Trust

Deferred Units (Convert to TU and/or cash)

Havener, Jr., Arthur Lee 4 20/02/2016 30 43.65 11,939 1,143

Boardwalk Real Estate Investment Trust

Deferred Units (Convert to TU and/or cash)

Mahajan, Kelly Kulwant 5 20/02/2016 30 43.65 8,985 1,485

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Insider Reporting

March 3, 2016

(2016), 39 OSCB 2103

Issuer Name Security Insider Name Rel’n Transaction Date T/O Unit Price

Date/Month End Holdings

Acquired/ Disposed

Boardwalk Real Estate Investment Trust

Deferred Units (Convert to TU and/or cash)

Mawani, Al 4 20/02/2016 30 43.65 8,892 987

Boardwalk Real Estate Investment Trust

Deferred Units (Convert to TU and/or cash)

Mix, Helen May 5 20/02/2016 30 43.65 14,260 1,766

Boardwalk Real Estate Investment Trust

Deferred Units (Convert to TU and/or cash)

Russell, Lisa Maureen 5 20/02/2016 30 43.65 14,197 1,654

Boardwalk Real Estate Investment Trust

Deferred Units (Convert to TU and/or cash)

Stephen, Andrea 4 20/02/2016 30 43.65 8,984 1,508

Boardwalk Real Estate Investment Trust

Deferred Units (Convert to TU and/or cash)

Wong, William 5 20/02/2016 30 43.65 23,104 3,094

Boardwalk Real Estate Investment Trust

Deferred Units (Convert to TU and/or cash)

Zigomanis, William 5 20/02/2016 30 43.65 12,460 1,482

Bombardier Inc. Options TROGER, Laurent René Octave

5 24/02/2016 50 2,604,130 820,928

Bombardier Inc. Performance Share Units/Unites d’actions liees au rendement

TROGER, Laurent René Octave

5 24/02/2016 97 4.22 239,534 -8,426

Bombardier Inc. Performance Share Units/Unites d’actions liees au rendement

TROGER, Laurent René Octave

5 24/02/2016 97 4.22 207,932 -31,602

Bombardier Inc. Restricted Share Units/Unités d’actions incessibles

TROGER, Laurent René Octave

5 24/02/2016 56 1.17 245,413 106,838

Boston Pizza Royalties Income Fund

Units Melville, Jordan Crawford 5 23/02/2016 10 18.27 8,252 300

BrightPath Early Learning Inc. (formerly Edleun Group, Inc.)

Common Shares BrightPath Early Learning Inc.

1 24/02/2016 38 0.28 249,000 10,000

BrightPath Early Learning Inc. (formerly Edleun Group, Inc.)

Common Shares BrightPath Early Learning Inc.

1 26/02/2016 38 0.3 287,500 38,500

BrightPath Early Learning Inc. (formerly Edleun Group, Inc.)

Common Shares Vision Capital Corporation 3 24/02/2016 10 0.285 12,091,270 687

BrightPath Early Learning Inc. (formerly Edleun Group, Inc.)

Common Shares Vision Capital Corporation 3 25/02/2016 10 0.2856 12,108,062 16,792

BrightPath Early Learning Inc. (formerly Edleun Group, Inc.)

Common Shares Vision Capital Corporation 3 24/02/2016 10 0.285 3,017,521 162

BrightPath Early Learning Inc. (formerly Edleun Group, Inc.)

Common Shares Vision Capital Corporation 3 25/02/2016 10 0.2856 3,021,500 3,979

BrightPath Early Learning Inc. (formerly Edleun Group, Inc.)

Common Shares Vision Capital Corporation 3 24/02/2016 10 0.285 2,368,218 113

BrightPath Early Learning Inc. (formerly Edleun Group, Inc.)

Common Shares Vision Capital Corporation 3 25/02/2016 10 0.2856 2,371,002 2,784

BrightPath Early Learning Inc. (formerly Edleun Group, Inc.)

Common Shares Vision Capital Corporation 3 24/02/2016 10 0.285 803,799 38

BrightPath Early Learning Inc. (formerly Edleun Group, Inc.)

Common Shares Vision Capital Corporation 3 25/02/2016 10 0.2856 804,744 945

Brisio Innovations Inc. Common Shares Andreola, Gianpaolo Fabrisio

4 26/02/2016 10 0.07 203,100 40,000

Brookfield Asset Management Inc.

Common Shares Class A Limited Voting

Blidner, Jeffrey Miles 4, 5 23/02/2016 46 30.586 1,980,664 200,000

Brookfield Asset Management Inc.

Common Shares Class A Limited Voting

Blidner, Jeffrey Miles 4, 5 23/02/2016 11 3,547,987 153,628

Brookfield Asset Management Inc.

Deferred Share Units Blidner, Jeffrey Miles 4, 5 23/02/2016 30 603,592 8,499

Brookfield Asset Management Inc.

Deferred Share Units Blidner, Jeffrey Miles 4, 5 23/02/2016 56 30.586 617,842 14,250

Brookfield Asset Management Inc.

Common Shares Class A Limited Voting

Brookfield Asset Management Inc.

1 15/01/2016 30 -1,335,835

Brookfield Asset Management Inc.

Common Shares Class A Limited Voting

Brookfield Asset Management Inc.

1 15/01/2016 30 65,800 -1,285,835

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Insider Reporting

March 3, 2016

(2016), 39 OSCB 2104

Issuer Name Security Insider Name Rel’n Transaction Date T/O Unit Price

Date/Month End Holdings

Acquired/ Disposed

Brookfield Asset Management Inc.

Common Shares Class A Limited Voting

Brookfield Asset Management Inc.

1 15/01/2016 38 -15,800

Brookfield Asset Management Inc.

Common Shares Class A Limited Voting

Brookfield Asset Management Inc.

1 15/01/2016 38 0 -65,800

Brookfield Asset Management Inc.

Common Shares Class A Limited Voting

Brookfield Asset Management Inc.

1 08/02/2016 38 27.657 21,300 21,300

Brookfield Asset Management Inc.

Common Shares Class A Limited Voting

Brookfield Asset Management Inc.

1 08/02/2016 38 0 -21,300

Brookfield Asset Management Inc.

Common Shares Class A Limited Voting

Clark, Richard 7 23/02/2016 11 1,282,239 23,364

Brookfield Asset Management Inc.

Deferred Share Units Clark, Richard 7 23/02/2016 30 86,161 1,225

Brookfield Asset Management Inc.

Options Clark, Richard 7 23/02/2016 50 3,152,000 200,000

Brookfield Asset Management Inc.

Common Shares Class A Limited Voting

Flatt, J. Bruce 4, 5 23/02/2016 46 30.586 26,108,245 700,000

Brookfield Asset Management Inc.

Deferred Share Units Flatt, J. Bruce 4, 5 23/02/2016 30 818,595 11,528

Brookfield Asset Management Inc.

Deferred Share Units Flatt, J. Bruce 4, 5 23/02/2016 56 30.586 838,212 19,617

Brookfield Asset Management Inc.

Common Shares Class A Limited Voting

Kingston, Brian William 5 17/02/2016 51 18.199 50,625 50,625

Brookfield Asset Management Inc.

Common Shares Class A Limited Voting

Kingston, Brian William 5 17/02/2016 10 42.67 0 -50,625

Brookfield Asset Management Inc.

Common Shares Class A Limited Voting

Kingston, Brian William 5 23/02/2016 11 118,829 2,089

Brookfield Asset Management Inc.

Deferred Share Units Kingston, Brian William 5 23/02/2016 30 314,302 4,458

Brookfield Asset Management Inc.

Options Kingston, Brian William 5 17/02/2016 51 18.199 3,712,498 -50,625

Brookfield Asset Management Inc.

Options Kingston, Brian William 5 23/02/2016 50 4,412,498 700,000

Brookfield Asset Management Inc.

Common Shares Class A Limited Voting

Lawson, Brian 6, 5 23/02/2016 46 30.586 2,172,123 250,000

Brookfield Asset Management Inc.

Common Shares Class A Limited Voting

Lawson, Brian 6, 5 23/02/2016 11 5,539,194 106,694

Brookfield Asset Management Inc.

Deferred Share Units Lawson, Brian 6, 5 23/02/2016 30 846,484 11,899

Brookfield Asset Management Inc.

Deferred Share Units Lawson, Brian 6, 5 23/02/2016 56 30.586 860,734 14,250

Brookfield Asset Management Inc.

Common Shares Class A Limited Voting

Madon, Cyrus 5 23/02/2016 46 30.586 3,969,735 500,000

Brookfield Asset Management Inc.

Common Shares Class A Limited Voting

Madon, Cyrus 5 23/02/2016 11 287,455 5,151

Brookfield Asset Management Inc.

Deferred Share Units Madon, Cyrus 5 23/02/2016 30 445,420 -26,639

Brookfield Asset Management Inc.

Common Shares Class A Limited Voting

Myhal, George 6 18/02/2016 51 18.199 3,044,263 168,750

Brookfield Asset Management Inc.

Options Myhal, George 6 18/02/2016 51 18.199 1,462,501 -168,750

Brookfield Asset Management Inc.

Common Shares Class A Limited Voting

Pollock, Sam JB 6, 5 23/02/2016 46 30.586 3,487,574 500,000

Brookfield Asset Management Inc.

Common Shares Class A Limited Voting

Pollock, Sam JB 6, 5 23/02/2016 11 5,551,574 100,966

Brookfield Asset Management Inc.

Deferred Share Units Pollock, Sam JB 6, 5 23/02/2016 30 678,399 18,183

Brookfield Asset Management Inc.

Deferred Share Units Pollock, Sam JB 6, 5 23/02/2016 56 30.586 692,649 14,250

Brookfield Asset Management Inc.

Common Shares Class A Limited Voting

Price, Timothy Robert 6 23/02/2016 10 41.822 4,987,349 -220,643

Brookfield Asset Management Inc.

Common Shares Class A Limited Voting

Shah, Sachin G. 5 23/02/2016 46 30.586 1,000,000 400,000

Brookfield Asset Management Inc.

Common Shares Class A Limited Voting

Shah, Sachin G. 5 23/02/2016 11 58,357 1,021

Brookfield Asset Management Inc.

Deferred Share Units Shah, Sachin G. 5 23/02/2016 30 96,655 1,372

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March 3, 2016

(2016), 39 OSCB 2105

Issuer Name Security Insider Name Rel’n Transaction Date T/O Unit Price

Date/Month End Holdings

Acquired/ Disposed

Brookfield Asset Management Inc.

Deferred Share Units Shah, Sachin G. 5 23/02/2016 56 30.586 108,530 11,875

BSM Technologies Inc. Common Shares Juba, Lawrence Gerald 5 19/02/2016 51 0.81 149,520 87,576

BSM Technologies Inc. Common Shares Juba, Lawrence Gerald 5 19/02/2016 51 0.56 330,652 181,132

BSM Technologies Inc. Options Juba, Lawrence Gerald 5 19/02/2016 10 -87,576

BSM Technologies Inc. Options Juba, Lawrence Gerald 5 19/02/2016 10 277,252 -87,576

BSM Technologies Inc. Options Juba, Lawrence Gerald 5 19/02/2016 10 -181,132

BSM Technologies Inc. Options Juba, Lawrence Gerald 5 19/02/2016 10 96,120 -181,132

BTB Real Estate Investment Trust

Trust Units Seigneur, Frédéric 5 31/12/2015 35 4.2103 2,932 121

Builders Capital Mortgage Corp.

Non-Voting Shares Class A

Loutitt, Sandy Luke 3, 4 22/02/2016 10 9.36 28,180 1,280

Builders Capital Mortgage Corp.

Non-Voting Shares Class A

Loutitt, Sandy Luke 3, 4 24/02/2016 10 9.35 28,980 800


Options Kappel, Peter Henry 4 28/01/2016 00


Options Kappel, Peter Henry 4 22/02/2016 50 41,120 41,120

Caldwell U.S. Dividend Advantage Fund


7 09/02/2016 10 7.9738 572 172

Caldwell U.S. Dividend Advantage Fund


7 09/02/2016 10 7.9738 5,459 459

Caldwell U.S. Dividend Advantage Fund


7 19/06/2015 00

Caldwell U.S. Dividend Advantage Fund


7 09/02/2016 10 7.9738 934 934

Caldwell U.S. Dividend Advantage Fund


7 19/06/2015 00

Caldwell U.S. Dividend Advantage Fund


7 09/02/2016 10 7.9738 165 165

Caldwell U.S. Dividend Advantage Fund


7 09/02/2016 10 7.9738 1,006 206

Caldwell U.S. Dividend Advantage Fund


7 09/02/2016 10 7.9738 629 129

Caldwell U.S. Dividend Advantage Fund


7 19/06/2015 00

Caldwell U.S. Dividend Advantage Fund


7 09/02/2016 10 7.9738 33 33

Caldwell U.S. Dividend Advantage Fund


7 19/06/2015 00

Caldwell U.S. Dividend Advantage Fund


7 09/02/2016 10 7.9738 982 982

Caldwell U.S. Dividend Advantage Fund


7 19/06/2015 00

Caldwell U.S. Dividend Advantage Fund


7 09/02/2016 10 7.9738 148 148

Caldwell U.S. Dividend Advantage Fund


7 09/02/2016 10 7.9738 1,010 210

Calfrac Well Services Ltd. Performance Share Units Aguilar, Fernando 4, 5 23/02/2016 56 488,995 250,000

Calfrac Well Services Ltd. Performance Share Units Aguilar, Fernando 4, 5 23/02/2016 56 738,995 250,000

Calfrac Well Services Ltd. Deferred Share Units Baker, Kevin Robert 4 23/02/2016 56 20,000 20,000

Calfrac Well Services Ltd. Deferred Share Units Blair, James S. 4 23/02/2016 56 20,000 20,000

Calfrac Well Services Ltd. Deferred Share Units Fletcher, Gregory Scott 4 23/02/2016 56 20,000 20,000

Calfrac Well Services Ltd. Deferred Share Units Gartner, Lorne 4 23/02/2016 56 20,000 20,000

Calfrac Well Services Ltd. Deferred Share Units Mathison, Ronald 4, 6 23/02/2016 56 40,000 40,000

Calfrac Well Services Ltd. Deferred Share Units Ramsay, Douglas Robert 4 23/02/2016 56 25,000 25,000

California Gold Mining Inc. Common Shares Rasenberg, Scott Michael 4 17/02/2016 00 780,000

California Gold Mining Inc. Common Shares Rasenberg, Scott Michael 4 17/02/2016 00 15,420,000

California Gold Mining Inc. Common Shares Rasenberg, Scott Michael 4 17/02/2016 00 25,600,000

California Gold Mining Inc. Warrants Rasenberg, Scott Michael 4 17/02/2016 00 780,000

California Gold Mining Inc. Warrants Rasenberg, Scott Michael 4 17/02/2016 00 25,600,000

Canaccord Genuity Group Inc.

Preferred Shares Series A Ghose, Dvaipayan 7 23/04/2010 00

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(2016), 39 OSCB 2106

Issuer Name Security Insider Name Rel’n Transaction Date T/O Unit Price

Date/Month End Holdings

Acquired/ Disposed

Canaccord Genuity Group Inc.

Preferred Shares Series A Ghose, Dvaipayan 7 22/02/2016 10 8.5797 1,790 1,790

Canadian Apartment Properties Real Estate Investment Trust

Trust Units Kenney, Mark 5 22/02/2016 10 28.925 197,437 -100

Canadian Apartment Properties Real Estate Investment Trust

Trust Units Kenney, Mark 5 22/02/2016 10 28.9 195,737 -1,700

Canadian Apartment Properties Real Estate Investment Trust

Trust Units Kenney, Mark 5 22/02/2016 10 28.89 195,537 -200

Canadian Apartment Properties Real Estate Investment Trust

Trust Units Kenney, Mark 5 22/02/2016 10 28.89 195,037 -500

Canadian Apartment Properties Real Estate Investment Trust

Trust Units Kenney, Mark 5 23/02/2016 10 29.18 194,837 -200

Canadian Apartment Properties Real Estate Investment Trust

Trust Units Kenney, Mark 5 23/02/2016 10 29.17 193,937 -900

Canadian Apartment Properties Real Estate Investment Trust

Trust Units Kenney, Mark 5 23/02/2016 10 29.15 193,437 -500

Canadian Apartment Properties Real Estate Investment Trust

Trust Units Kenney, Mark 5 23/02/2016 10 29.14 192,537 -900

Canadian Apartment Properties Real Estate Investment Trust

Rights Restricted Unit Rights

Lieberman-zbar, Jodi 5 15/01/2016 00

Canadian Apartment Properties Real Estate Investment Trust

Rights Restricted Unit Rights

Lieberman-zbar, Jodi 5 15/01/2016 00 14,947

Canadian Apartment Properties Real Estate Investment Trust

Trust Units Lieberman-zbar, Jodi 5 15/01/2016 00 714

Canadian Apartment Properties Real Estate Investment Trust

Rights Restricted Unit Rights

Pruzanski, Corinne 5 16/02/2016 56 28.58 20,274 4,199

Canadian Apartment Properties Real Estate Investment Trust

Rights Deferred Units Swartzman, Stanley 4 31/12/2015 30 50,132 7,355

Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce

Common Shares CIBC 1 16/02/2016 38 88.33 50,000 50,000

Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce

Common Shares CIBC 1 16/02/2016 38 88.33 0 -50,000

Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce

Common Shares CIBC 1 17/02/2016 38 90.43 20,000 20,000

Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce

Common Shares CIBC 1 17/02/2016 38 90.43 0 -20,000

Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce

Common Shares CIBC 1 18/02/2016 38 90.646 20,000 20,000

Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce

Common Shares CIBC 1 18/02/2016 38 90.646 0 -20,000

Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce

Common Shares CIBC 1 19/02/2016 38 90.067 20,000 20,000

Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce

Common Shares CIBC 1 19/02/2016 38 90.067 0 -20,000

Canadian National Railway Company

Common Shares Cory, Michael A 5 26/02/2016 57 78.52 20,222 6,286

Canadian National Railway Company

Performance Share Units/Unités d’actions de performance

Cory, Michael A 5 26/02/2016 57 4,609 -8,100

Canadian National Railway Company

Common Shares DRYSDALE, Janet 5 26/02/2016 57 78.52 5,272 1,801

Canadian National Railway Company

Deffered Share Units/Unités d’actions différées

DRYSDALE, Janet 5 26/02/2016 57 78.52 2,155 191

Canadian National Railway Company

Deffered Share Units/Unités d’actions différées

DRYSDALE, Janet 5 26/02/2016 56 78.52 2,203 48

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(2016), 39 OSCB 2107

Issuer Name Security Insider Name Rel’n Transaction Date T/O Unit Price

Date/Month End Holdings

Acquired/ Disposed

Canadian National Railway Company

Performance Share Units/Unités d’actions de performance

DRYSDALE, Janet 5 26/02/2016 57 5,236 -127

Canadian National Railway Company

Performance Share Units/Unités d’actions de performance

DRYSDALE, Janet 5 26/02/2016 57 2,663 -2,573

Canadian National Railway Company

Common Shares Finn, Sean 5 26/02/2016 56 78.52 20,155

Canadian National Railway Company

Common Shares Finn, Sean 5 26/02/2016 56 78.52 20,155

Canadian National Railway Company

Common Shares Finn, Sean 5 26/02/2016 57 78.52 36,333 20,155

Canadian National Railway Company

Performance Share Units/Unités d’actions de performance

Finn, Sean 5 26/02/2016 57 11,075 -28,920

Canadian National Railway Company

Common Shares JOBIN, Luc 5 26/02/2016 57 78.52 31,077 24,184

Canadian National Railway Company

Performance Share Units/Unités d’actions de performance

JOBIN, Luc 5 26/02/2016 57 20,043 -34,700

Canadian National Railway Company

Common Shares Madigan, Kimberley A. 5 26/02/2016 57 56.98 27,734 4,363

Canadian National Railway Company

Performance Share Units/Unités d’actions de performance

Madigan, Kimberley A. 5 26/02/2016 57 4,437 -6,560

Canadian National Railway Company

Common Shares Mongeau, Claude 4, 5 26/02/2016 57 78.52 148,604 82,101

Canadian National Railway Company

Performance Share Units/Unités d’actions de performance

Mongeau, Claude 4, 5 26/02/2016 57 62,887 -117,800

Canadian National Railway Company

Common Shares Orr, John Frederick 5 26/02/2016 57 56.98 13,718 2,867

Canadian National Railway Company

Performance Share Units/Unités d’actions de performance

Orr, John Frederick 5 26/02/2016 57 14,181 -3,800

Canadian National Railway Company

Common Shares Ruest, Jean-Jacques 5 26/02/2016 57 78.52 115,765 22,846

Canadian National Railway Company

Performance Share Units/Unités d’actions de performance

Ruest, Jean-Jacques 5 26/02/2016 57 17,477 -32,780

Canadian National Railway Company

Common Shares Vena, Jim V. 5 26/02/2016 57 78.52 38,963 23,993

Canadian National Railway Company

Performance Share Units/Unités d’actions de performance

Vena, Jim V. 5 26/02/2016 57 23,610 -30,400

Canadian Natural Resources Limited

Common Shares Fichter, Darren 5 31/12/2015 30 30.87 40,352 304

Canadian Natural Resources Limited

Common Shares Fichter, Darren 5 31/12/2015 30 30.95 40,944 592

Canadian Oil Sands Limited Common Shares Suncor Energy Inc. 3 05/02/2016 00

Canadian Oil Sands Limited Common Shares Suncor Energy Inc. 3 05/02/2016 00 352,902,151

Canadian Oil Sands Limited Common Shares Suncor Energy Inc. 3 22/02/2016 22 407,862,203 54,960,052

Canadian Pacific Railway Limited

Rights PSU Brooks, John Kenneth 5 23/02/2016 56 122.34 3,310 1,165

Canadian Pacific Railway Limited

Rights PSU Browning, Thompson 5 23/02/2016 56 122.34 2,542 1,132

Canadian Pacific Railway Limited

Rights PSU Clements, James Dominic Luther

5 23/02/2016 56 168.33 3,399 925

Canadian Pacific Railway Limited

Rights PSU Coyle, Jacqueline Annette 5 23/02/2016 56 168.33 3,226 792

Canadian Pacific Railway Limited

Rights PSU Creel, Keith E. 5 23/02/2016 56 122.34 74,184 14,832

Canadian Pacific Railway Limited

Rights PSU Deciccio, Guido 5 23/02/2016 56 168.33 7,582 1,575

Canadian Pacific Railway Limited

Rights PSU Edwards, Peter John 5 23/02/2016 56 168.33 7,831 1,435

Canadian Pacific Railway Limited

Rights PSU Ellis, Jeffrey 5 23/11/2015 00

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Issuer Name Security Insider Name Rel’n Transaction Date T/O Unit Price

Date/Month End Holdings

Acquired/ Disposed

Canadian Pacific Railway Limited

Rights PSU Ellis, Jeffrey 5 23/02/2016 56 168.33 2,348 2,348

Canadian Pacific Railway Limited

Rights PSU Erceg, Mark 5 23/02/2016 56 168.33 17,024 7,757

Canadian Pacific Railway Limited

Rights PSU Foran, Mike 5 23/02/2016 56 168.33 2,888 796

Canadian Pacific Railway Limited

Rights PSU Johnson, Robert Allen 5 23/02/2016 56 122.34 5,102 2,213

Canadian Pacific Railway Limited

Rights PSU Kampsen, Jeffrey David 5 23/02/2016 56 168.33 4,258 867

Canadian Pacific Railway Limited

Rights PSU Lambrecht, Thomas John 5 23/02/2016 56 122.34 3,992 1,113

Canadian Pacific Railway Limited

Rights PSU MacDonald, Stanley Scott 5 23/02/2016 56 168.33 7,505 1,575

Canadian Pacific Railway Limited

Rights PSU Marquis, Tony 5 23/02/2016 56 168.33 4,171 1,575

Canadian Pacific Railway Limited

Rights PSU Marsh, Timothy E. 5 23/02/2016 56 168.33 4,877 1,117

Canadian Pacific Railway Limited

Rights PSU Meyer, Justin Dale 5 01/07/2015 00

Canadian Pacific Railway Limited

Rights PSU Meyer, Justin Dale 5 23/02/2016 56 168.33 782 782

Canadian Pacific Railway Limited

Rights PSU Pitz, Laird Joseph 5 23/02/2016 56 122.34 4,005 1,942

Canadian Pacific Railway Limited

Rights PSU Redeker, Michael 5 23/02/2016 56 168.33 5,009 1,282

Canadian Pacific Railway Limited

Rights PSU Velani, Nadeem 5 23/02/2016 56 168.33 1,663 782

Canadian Pacific Railway Limited

Rights PSU Wallace, Mark 5 23/02/2016 56 168.33 5,385 1,420

Canadian Pacific Railway Limited

Rights PSU Yaworsky, Darren Julian 5 23/02/2016 56 168.33 2,413 901

Canadian Tire Corporation, Limited

Options Craig, Gregory George 7 19/02/2016 59 16,445 -1,290

Canadian Tire Corporation, Limited

Options Nathanson, Douglas Bigler 7, 5 22/02/2016 59 27,609 -2,042

Canadian Tire Corporation, Limited

Non-Voting Shares Class A

Sabia, Maureen Joanne 4, 7 26/02/2003 00

Canadian Tire Corporation, Limited

Non-Voting Shares Class A

Sabia, Maureen Joanne 4, 7 23/02/2016 90 5,905 5,905

Canadian Tire Corporation, Limited

Non-Voting Shares Class A

Sabia, Maureen Joanne 4, 7 23/02/2016 10 131.14 5,000 -905

Canadian Tire Corporation, Limited

Non-Voting Shares Class A

Sabia, Maureen Joanne 4, 7 23/02/2016 90 0 -5,905

Canadian Utilities & Telecom Income Fund

Trust Units Roode, David 5 31/12/2015 30 11.432 2,328 154

Canadian Western Bank Common Shares Garvey, Randell William 5 31/12/2015 30 26.83 14,759 2,097

Canadian Western Bank Rights Performance Share Units

Garvey, Randell William 5 31/12/2015 56 14,637 7,379

Canadian Western Bank Rights Restricted Share Units

Garvey, Randell William 5 31/12/2015 56 13,145 5,321

Canadian Western Bank Rights Restricted Share Units

Garvey, Randell William 5 31/12/2015 59 4,311

Canadian Western Bank Rights Restricted Share Units

Garvey, Randell William 5 31/12/2015 59 8,834 -4,311

Canadian Western Bank Common Shares Pundyk, Thomas Edward 7 31/12/2015 30 26.83 97,453 1,616

Canadian Western Bank Rights Performance Share Units

Pundyk, Thomas Edward 7 31/12/2015 56 5,867 3,176

Canadian Western Bank Rights Restricted Share Units

Pundyk, Thomas Edward 7 31/12/2015 56 6,708 2,610

Canadian Western Bank Rights Restricted Share Units

Pundyk, Thomas Edward 7 31/12/2015 59 4,527 -2,181

Canadian Western Bank Common Shares Weiss, Scott 5 31/12/2015 30 26.83 2,002 902

Canadian Western Bank Rights Restricted Share Units

Weiss, Scott 5 31/12/2015 59 3,820 -1,021

Canadian Western Bank Rights Restricted Share Units

Weiss, Scott 5 31/12/2015 56 3,918 98

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March 3, 2016

(2016), 39 OSCB 2109

Issuer Name Security Insider Name Rel’n Transaction Date T/O Unit Price

Date/Month End Holdings

Acquired/ Disposed

Canam Group Inc. Common Shares Bernard, Mario 5 25/02/2016 97 12.76 103,764 7,946

Canam Group Inc. Common Shares Bernard, Mario 5 25/02/2016 11 12.45 95,818 -7,946

Canam Group Inc. Common Shares Dutil, Marc 4, 5 25/02/2016 97 12.76 126,058 4,681

Canam Group Inc. Common Shares GROUPE CANAM INC. 1 24/02/2016 38 12.45 19,676 19,676

Canam Group Inc. Common Shares GROUPE CANAM INC. 1 24/02/2016 38 0 -19,676

Canam Group Inc. Common Shares GUERTIN, Louis 5 25/02/2016 97 12.76 20,940 781

Canam Group Inc. Common Shares Nadeau, Joël 5 25/02/2016 97 12.76 37,774 10,860

Canam Group Inc. Common Shares Thibodeau, Jean 5 25/02/2016 97 12.76 25,872 2,008

Canam Group Inc. Common Shares Thibodeau, Jean 5 25/02/2016 11 12.45 23,864 -2,008

Canarc Resource Corp. Common Shares Yee, Philip 5 25/02/2016 10 0.09 236,960 -12,000

Canexus Corporation Common Shares Beacon, Dean 5 31/12/2015 30 1.25 2,433

Canexus Corporation Common Shares Beacon, Dean 5 31/12/2015 30 1.25 37,187 2,433

Canexus Corporation Common Shares Houston, Nancy Patricia 5 31/12/2015 30 1.25 3,544

Canexus Corporation Common Shares Houston, Nancy Patricia 5 31/12/2015 30 1.25 18,891 3,544

Canexus Corporation Performance Share Units McLellan, Richard Thomas 5 31/12/2015 30 1,966

Canexus Corporation Performance Share Units McLellan, Richard Thomas 5 31/12/2015 30 55,158 1,966

Canexus Corporation Restricted Share Units McLellan, Richard Thomas 5 31/12/2015 30 937

Canexus Corporation Restricted Share Units McLellan, Richard Thomas 5 31/12/2015 30 47,137 937

Canexus Corporation Rights Options Bonus Rights

McLellan, Richard Thomas 5 31/12/2015 58 - Expiration of rights -222,444

Canexus Corporation Rights Options Bonus Rights

McLellan, Richard Thomas 5 24/02/2016 58 - Expiration of rights

33,904 -222,444

Canexus Corporation Common Shares Van Shaik, James Grant 5 31/12/2015 30 1.25 3,692

Canexus Corporation Common Shares Van Shaik, James Grant 5 31/12/2015 30 1.25 36,433 3,692

Canexus Corporation Common Shares Wonnacott, Doug 4, 5 31/12/2015 30 1.25 7,383

Canexus Corporation Common Shares Wonnacott, Doug 4, 5 31/12/2015 30 1.25 44,865 7,383

Canexus Corporation Common Shares Wonnick, Ross Gordon Campbell

5 31/12/2015 30 1.25 3,839

Canexus Corporation Common Shares Wonnick, Ross Gordon Campbell

5 31/12/2015 30 1.25 5,478 3,839

Canfor Pulp Products Inc. Common Shares Canfor Pulp Products Inc. 1 23/02/2016 38 10.724 54,700 23,200

Canfor Pulp Products Inc. Common Shares Canfor Pulp Products Inc. 1 24/02/2016 38 10.773 60,591 5,891

Canfor Pulp Products Inc. Common Shares Canfor Pulp Products Inc. 1 25/02/2016 38 10.995 67,582 6,991

Canfor Pulp Products Inc. Common Shares Canfor Pulp Products Inc. 1 26/02/2016 38 11.077 76,973 9,391

Canso Select Opportunities Fund

Units Class A Canso Investment Counsel Ltd.

7 19/02/2016 10 7.9308 75,100 13,200

Canyon Services Group Inc. Options den Engelsen, Todd Anthony

5 23/02/2016 38 14.34 132,600 -15,000

Canyon Services Group Inc. Options den Engelsen, Todd Anthony

5 23/02/2016 38 11.88 117,600 -15,000

Canyon Services Group Inc. Options den Engelsen, Todd Anthony

5 23/02/2016 38 12.73 107,200 -10,400

Canyon Services Group Inc. Options den Engelsen, Todd Anthony

5 23/02/2016 38 10.65 75,800 -31,400

Canyon Services Group Inc. Options den Engelsen, Todd Anthony

5 23/02/2016 38 12.1 50,800 -25,000

Canyon Services Group Inc. Options den Engelsen, Todd Anthony

5 23/02/2016 38 10.74 32,900 -17,900

Canyon Services Group Inc. Options den Engelsen, Todd Anthony

5 25/02/2016 52 11.64 31,000 -1,900

Canyon Services Group Inc. Options den Engelsen, Todd Anthony

5 25/02/2016 38 14.34 -15,000

Canyon Services Group Inc. Options den Engelsen, Todd Anthony

5 25/02/2016 38 11.88 -15,000

Canyon Services Group Inc. Options den Engelsen, Todd Anthony

5 25/02/2016 38 12.73 -10,400

Canyon Services Group Inc. Options den Engelsen, Todd Anthony

5 25/02/2016 38 10.65 -31,400

Canyon Services Group Inc. Options den Engelsen, Todd Anthony

5 25/02/2016 38 12.1 -25,000

Canyon Services Group Inc. Options den Engelsen, Todd Anthony

5 25/02/2016 38 10.74 -17,900

Canyon Services Group Inc. Options Fedora, Bradley P. D. 5 23/02/2016 38 12.73 385,485 -52,800

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(2016), 39 OSCB 2110

Issuer Name Security Insider Name Rel’n Transaction Date T/O Unit Price

Date/Month End Holdings

Acquired/ Disposed

Canyon Services Group Inc. Options Fedora, Bradley P. D. 5 23/02/2016 38 10.65 276,885 -108,600

Canyon Services Group Inc. Options Fedora, Bradley P. D. 5 23/02/2016 38 12.07 240,300 -36,585

Canyon Services Group Inc. Options Fedora, Bradley P. D. 5 23/02/2016 38 10.74 153,500 -86,800

Canyon Services Group Inc. Options Fedora, Bradley P. D. 5 23/02/2016 38 7.24 57,700 -95,800

Canyon Services Group Inc. Options Fedora, Bradley P. D. 5 25/02/2016 52 11.64 0 -57,700

Canyon Services Group Inc. Options Matthies, Jeremy Paul 5 23/02/2016 38 10.87 79,600 -43,333

Canyon Services Group Inc. Options Matthies, Jeremy Paul 5 23/02/2016 38 12.1 54,600 -25,000

Canyon Services Group Inc. Options Matthies, Jeremy Paul 5 23/02/2016 38 10.74 35,300 -19,300

Canyon Services Group Inc. Options Matthies, Jeremy Paul 5 23/02/2016 38 7.24 0 -35,300

Canyon Services Group Inc. Options O’Brien, Finbarr (Barry) Joseph

5 23/02/2016 38 12.73 227,093 -32,400

Canyon Services Group Inc. Options O’Brien, Finbarr (Barry) Joseph

5 23/02/2016 38 10.65 161,893 -65,200

Canyon Services Group Inc. Options O’Brien, Finbarr (Barry) Joseph

5 23/02/2016 38 12.07 143,600 -18,293

Canyon Services Group Inc. Options O’Brien, Finbarr (Barry) Joseph

5 23/02/2016 38 10.74 93,800 -49,800

Canyon Services Group Inc. Options O’Brien, Finbarr (Barry) Joseph

5 23/02/2016 38 7.24 38,800 -55,000

Canyon Services Group Inc. Options O’Brien, Finbarr (Barry) Joseph

5 25/02/2016 52 11.64 0 -38,800

Canyon Services Group Inc. Options Thue, Todd Garth 5 23/02/2016 38 12.73 227,093 -32,400

Canyon Services Group Inc. Options Thue, Todd Garth 5 23/02/2016 38 10.65 161,893 -65,200

Canyon Services Group Inc. Options Thue, Todd Garth 5 23/02/2016 38 12.07 143,600 -18,293

Canyon Services Group Inc. Options Thue, Todd Garth 5 23/02/2016 38 10.74 93,800 -49,800

Canyon Services Group Inc. Options Thue, Todd Garth 5 25/02/2016 52 11.64 55,000 -38,800

Canyon Services Group Inc. Options Vozniak, Charles R. 5 23/02/2016 38 12.38 98,289 -100,000

Canyon Services Group Inc. Options Vozniak, Charles R. 5 23/02/2016 38 10.65 71,789 -26,500

Canyon Services Group Inc. Options Vozniak, Charles R. 5 23/02/2016 38 12.07 66,200 -5,589

Canyon Services Group Inc. Options Vozniak, Charles R. 5 23/02/2016 38 10.74 38,800 -27,400

Canyon Services Group Inc. Options Walker, Quentin Maurice 5 23/02/2016 38 13.92 105,233 -7,500

Canyon Services Group Inc. Options Walker, Quentin Maurice 5 23/02/2016 38 12.73 94,833 -10,400

Canyon Services Group Inc. Options Walker, Quentin Maurice 5 23/02/2016 38 10.65 73,900 -20,933

Canyon Services Group Inc. Options Walker, Quentin Maurice 5 23/02/2016 38 12.1 48,900 -25,000

Canyon Services Group Inc. Options Walker, Quentin Maurice 5 23/02/2016 38 10.74 31,000 -17,900

Canyon Services Group Inc. Options Walker, Quentin Maurice 5 23/02/2016 38 7.24 0 -31,000

Canyon Services Group Inc. Options Westlund, David Jason 5 23/02/2016 38 10.74 61,900 -45,000

Canyon Services Group Inc. Options Westlund, David Jason 5 23/02/2016 38 11.71 36,900 -25,000

Capital DGMC Inc. Common Shares Gestion Système Téléphonique B.L.Inc

3 29/01/2016 10 0.1 39,500

Capital DGMC Inc. Common Shares Gestion Système Téléphonique B.L.Inc

3 29/01/2016 10 0.1 39,500

Capital DGMC Inc. Common Shares Gestion Système Téléphonique B.L.Inc

3 02/02/2016 10 0.1 28,500

Capital DGMC Inc. Common Shares Gestion Système Téléphonique B.L.Inc

3 02/02/2016 10 0.1 28,500

Capital DGMC Inc. Common Shares Gestion Système Téléphonique B.L.Inc

3 05/02/2016 10 0.1 3,000

Capital DGMC Inc. Common Shares Gestion Système Téléphonique B.L.Inc

3 05/02/2016 10 0.1 3,000

Capital DGMC Inc. Common Shares Gestion Système Téléphonique B.L.Inc

3 08/02/2016 10 0.1 15,500

Capital DGMC Inc. Common Shares Gestion Système Téléphonique B.L.Inc

3 08/02/2016 10 0.1 15,500

Capital DGMC Inc. Common Shares Laberge, Benoit 3 24/02/2016 10 0.08 111,500 25,000

Capital Power Corporation Performance Share Units Chisholm, Burness Kathryn 5 26/02/2016 59 16.86 10,672 -5,945

Capital Power Corporation Performance Share Units DeNeve, Bryan 5 26/02/2016 59 16.86 11,900 -5,548

Capital Power Corporation Common Shares Pylypiuk, Jacquelyn Marie 5 31/12/2015 30 17.99 535 174

Capital Power Corporation Performance Share Units TRUFYN, DARCY 5 26/02/2016 59 16.86 12,327 -6,042

Capital Power Corporation Performance Share Units Vaasjo, Brian Tellef 4, 5 26/02/2016 59 16.86 48,234 -30,439

Cardiff Energy Corp. Common Shares Bal, Jatinder Singh 4 24/02/2016 10 0.04 97,500 50,000

Cardiff Energy Corp. Common Shares Bal, Jatinder Singh 4 26/02/2016 10 0.04 129,500 32,000

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Insider Reporting

March 3, 2016

(2016), 39 OSCB 2111

Issuer Name Security Insider Name Rel’n Transaction Date T/O Unit Price

Date/Month End Holdings

Acquired/ Disposed

Cardinal Energy Ltd. Common Shares Kolochuk, Craig 5 17/02/2016 10 6.9 269,892 -20,000

Cardinal Energy Ltd. Common Shares PEET, SHANE 5 31/12/2015 30 14.67 934,289 27,026

Cardinal Energy Ltd. Common Shares Ratushny, M. Scott 4, 5 18/02/2016 54 2.67 1,244,080 75,304

Cardinal Energy Ltd. Common Shares Ratushny, M. Scott 4, 5 18/02/2016 54 2.67 34,004 2,696

Cardinal Energy Ltd. Warrants Ratushny, M. Scott 4, 5 18/02/2016 54 67,021 -67,021

Cardinal Energy Ltd. Warrants Ratushny, M. Scott 4, 5 18/02/2016 54 2,400 -2,400

Cardinal Energy Ltd. Common Shares Smith, Douglas Kevin 5 31/12/2015 30 12.05 457,814 24,062

Cardinal Energy Ltd. Common Shares Smith, James Cameron 4 31/12/2015 30 13.4 153,218 1,681

Carl Data Solutions Inc. Common Shares Scharfe, Jason Wesley 4 05/02/2016 10 0.49 1,311,500 10,000

Carl Data Solutions Inc. Common Shares Scharfe, Jason Wesley 4 08/02/2016 10 0.45 1,313,000 1,500

Carl Data Solutions Inc. Common Shares Scharfe, Jason Wesley 4 10/02/2016 10 0.4 1,315,000 2,000

Cencotech Inc. Preferred Shares First Preference Nonvoting Shares Series V

Stait-Gardner, Eric Christopher Robyn

4 23/02/2016 38 10 1,500 -500

Cenovus Energy Inc. Performance Share Units Alden, Gary Marvin 7 23/02/2016 38 3,479 -1,070

Cenovus Energy Inc. Performance Share Units Chhina, Harbir Singh 5 23/02/2016 38 92,632 -30,873

Cenovus Energy Inc. Performance Share Units Cooke, Shane Darrell 5 23/02/2016 38 7,943 -2,506

Cenovus Energy Inc. Performance Share Units Fairburn, Judy 5 23/02/2016 38 22,424 -7,629

Cenovus Energy Inc. Performance Share Units Ferguson, Brian Charles 4, 5 23/02/2016 38 220,737 -68,829

Cenovus Energy Inc. Performance Share Units Hinton, Thomas George 5 23/02/2016 38 20,991 -6,212

Cenovus Energy Inc. Performance Share Units Hofstetter, Larry Allen 7 23/02/2016 38 7,893 -2,813

Cenovus Energy Inc. Performance Share Units McGillivray, Jacqueline Angela Thomson

5 23/02/2016 38 26,851 -8,201

Cenovus Energy Inc. Performance Share Units Pease, Robert William 5 23/02/2016 38 80,425 -8,974

Cenovus Energy Inc. Performance Share Units Pollock, Robert John 5 23/02/2016 38 19,432 -5,926

Cenovus Energy Inc. Performance Share Units Reid, Alan Craig 5 23/02/2016 38 34,042 -9,917

Cenovus Energy Inc. Performance Share Units Robertson, Neil William 5 23/02/2016 38 20,466 -5,980

Cenovus Energy Inc. Performance Share Units Ruste, Ivor Melvin 5 23/02/2016 38 82,366 -23,924

Cenovus Energy Inc. Performance Share Units Schiller, Danny Elmer 5 23/02/2016 38 30,069 -8,664

Cenovus Energy Inc. Performance Share Units Zieglgansberger, Joseph Drew

5 23/02/2016 38 35,749 -11,280

Centerra Gold Inc. Performance Share Units Burton, Michael Douglas 7 24/02/2016 56 9,674 4,100

Centerra Gold Inc. Performance Share Units Desjardins, Daniel Richard 7 24/02/2016 56 41,690 19,679

Centerra Gold Inc. Performance Share Units Herbert, Frank Hamilton 5 24/02/2016 56 202,386 68,213

Centerra Gold Inc. Performance Share Units Kwong, Dennis 5 24/02/2016 56 124,937 38,745

Centerra Gold Inc. Performance Share Units Meade, Anthony 5 24/02/2016 56 73,911 22,169

Centerra Gold Inc. Performance Share Units Millman, Darren 5 24/02/2016 56 39,949 12,415

Centerra Gold Inc. Performance Share Units Pearson, John William 5 24/02/2016 56 45,562 12,281

Centerra Gold Inc. Performance Share Units Perry, Scott Graeme 5 24/02/2016 56 145,851 102,319

Centerra Gold Inc. Performance Share Units Reid, Gordon Dunlop 7 24/02/2016 56 179,726 55,252

Centric Health Corporation (formerly Alegro Health Corp.)

Common Shares Cutler, David 5 08/12/2015 57 0.28 2,542,674 166,666

Centric Health Corporation (formerly Alegro Health Corp.)

Restricted Stock Units Cutler, David 5 08/12/2015 57 0.28 841,062 -166,666

Century Global Commodities Corporation (formerly known as Century Iron Mines Corporation)

Common Shares Chim, Sandy Chun Kwan 4, 6, 7, 5 19/02/2016 10 0.3 1,386,400 30,500

Century Global Commodities Corporation (formerly known as Century Iron Mines Corporation)

Common Shares Chim, Sandy Chun Kwan 4, 6, 7, 5 23/02/2016 10 0.33 1,411,400 25,000

Century Global Commodities Corporation (formerly known as Century Iron Mines Corporation)

Common Shares Chim, Sandy Chun Kwan 4, 6, 7, 5 24/02/2016 10 0.33 1,416,400 5,000

Century Global Commodities Corporation (formerly known as Century Iron Mines Corporation)

Common Shares Chim, Sandy Chun Kwan 4, 6, 7, 5 24/02/2016 10 0.28 1,439,900 23,500

Cequence Energy Ltd. Rights Restricted Share Units

Archibald, Donald 4 07/12/2015 59 0.33 32,000 -5,000

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Insider Reporting

March 3, 2016

(2016), 39 OSCB 2112

Issuer Name Security Insider Name Rel’n Transaction Date T/O Unit Price

Date/Month End Holdings

Acquired/ Disposed

Cequence Energy Ltd. Rights Restricted Share Units

Bannister, Peter 4 07/12/2015 59 0.33 32,000 -5,000

Cequence Energy Ltd. Common Shares Brown, Todd Jason 5 31/12/2015 30 0.671 135,416 114,327

Cequence Energy Ltd. Rights Restricted Share Units

Brown, Todd Jason 5 07/12/2015 59 0.33 103,333 -6,667

Cequence Energy Ltd. Rights Restricted Share Units

Crone, Howard James 4, 5 07/12/2015 59 0.33 33,666 -6,667

Cequence Energy Ltd. Rights Restricted Share Units

Gilbert, Daryl Harvey 4, 6 07/12/2015 59 0.33 32,000 -5,000

Cequence Energy Ltd. Common Shares Gillis, David A. 5 31/12/2015 30 0.671 484,963 95,272

Cequence Energy Ltd. Rights Restricted Share Units

Gillis, David A. 5 07/12/2015 59 0.33 96,666 -6,667

Cequence Energy Ltd. Common Shares Jackson, James Ross 5 31/12/2015 30 0.671 329,337 95,272

Cequence Energy Ltd. Rights Restricted Share Units

Jackson, James Ross 5 07/12/2015 59 0.33 96,666 -6,667

Cequence Energy Ltd. Rights Restricted Share Units

Mele, Francesco Gordon 4 07/12/2015 59 0.33 32,000 -5,000

Cequence Energy Ltd. Common Shares Robinson, David Priaulx 5 31/12/2015 30 0.671 625,696 93,742

Cequence Energy Ltd. Rights Restricted Share Units

Robinson, David Priaulx 5 07/12/2015 59 0.33 96,666 -6,667

Cequence Energy Ltd. Common Shares Soby, Christopher Clark 5 31/12/2015 30 0.671 502,563 95,273

Cequence Energy Ltd. Rights Restricted Share Units

Soby, Christopher Clark 5 07/12/2015 59 0.33 96,666 -6,667

Cequence Energy Ltd. Common Shares Stewart, Michael Robert 5 31/12/2015 30 0.671 324,870 95,272

Cequence Energy Ltd. Rights Restricted Share Units

Stewart, Michael Robert 5 07/12/2015 59 0.33 96,666 -6,667

Cequence Energy Ltd. Common Shares Stretch, Stephen Robert 5 31/12/2015 30 0.671 963,239 93,742

Cequence Energy Ltd. Rights Restricted Share Units

Stretch, Stephen Robert 5 07/12/2015 59 0.33 96,666 -6,667

Cequence Energy Ltd. Common Shares Thorson, Erin Patricia 5 31/12/2015 30 0.671 662,759 74,122

Cequence Energy Ltd. Rights Restricted Share Units

Thorson, Erin Patricia 5 07/12/2015 59 0.33 66,334 -8,333

Cequence Energy Ltd. Common Shares Wanklyn, Robert Paul 4, 5 31/12/2015 30 0.671 977,953 123,855

Cequence Energy Ltd. Rights Restricted Share Units

Wanklyn, Robert Paul 4, 5 07/12/2015 59 0.33 96,666 -6,667

Cervus Equipment Corporation

Common Shares Deferred Shares

Lekatsas, Angela S. 4 31/12/2015 30 3,477 142

CGI Group Inc. Subordinate Voting Shares Classe A

Gorber, Lorne Shawn 5 31/12/2015 30 50.954 777 451

CGI Group Inc. Subordinate Voting Shares Classe A

Gorber, Lorne Shawn 5 11/02/2016 30 55.23 846 69

CGI Group Inc. Subordinate Voting Shares Classe A

Gorber, Lorne Shawn 5 22/02/2016 90 0 -846

CGI Group Inc. Subordinate Voting Shares Classe A

Gorber, Lorne Shawn 5 22/02/2016 90 3,346 846

Chartwell Retirement Residences

Rights Restricted Trust Units

Binions, W. Brent 4, 5 23/02/2016 59 10.92 91,980 -17,046

Chartwell Retirement Residences

Rights Restricted Trust Units

Boulakia, Jonathan 5 23/02/2016 59 10.92 23,303 -5,245

Chartwell Retirement Residences

Rights Restricted Trust Units

Chateauvert, Sheri Lynn 5 23/02/2016 59 10.92 24,881 -5,463

Chartwell Retirement Residences

Rights Restricted Trust Units

Sullivan, Karen Leslie 5 23/02/2016 59 10.92 27,659 -9,227

Chartwell Retirement Residences

Rights Restricted Trust Units

Volodarski, Vlad 5 23/02/2016 59 10.92 28,690 -10,182

Chemtrade Logistics Income Fund

Trust Units Aarts, Leon 5 23/02/2016 10 11.75 51,000 3,000

Chemtrade Logistics Income Fund

Trust Units Bhardwaj, Rohit 5 23/02/2016 10 15.83 48,000 48,000

Chemtrade Logistics Income Fund

Trust Units Bhardwaj, Rohit 5 23/02/2016 10 15.83 0 -48,000

China Education Resources Inc.

Options Zhou, Chengfeng 4, 5 25/11/2015 50 2,374,000 1,000,000

China Gold International Resources Corp. Ltd.

Common Shares He, Yingbin Ian 4 30/10/2015 11 150,000 -10,000

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Insider Reporting

March 3, 2016

(2016), 39 OSCB 2113

Issuer Name Security Insider Name Rel’n Transaction Date T/O Unit Price

Date/Month End Holdings

Acquired/ Disposed

Choice Properties Real Estate Investment Trust

Trust Units Clark, Christie James Beckett

4, 6 17/08/2015 10 11.502 400

Choice Properties Real Estate Investment Trust

Trust Units Clark, Christie James Beckett

4, 6 17/08/2015 10 11.502 24,077 4,400

Choice Properties Real Estate Investment Trust

Trust Units Fell, Anthony S. 6 22/02/2016 10 12.444 40,000 10,000

Choice Properties Real Estate Investment Trust

Trust Units Fell, Anthony S. 6 23/02/2016 10 12.428 50,000 10,000

Choice Properties Real Estate Investment Trust

Trust Units Fell, Anthony S. 6 26/02/2016 10 12.41 60,000 10,000

Chorus Aviation Inc. Rights (Ongoing Long-Term Incentive Plan)

Clark, Laurel Ann 7 23/02/2016 56 5.91 56,073 12,453

Chorus Aviation Inc. Rights (Ongoing Long-Term Incentive Plan)

Copp, Colin 5 23/02/2016 56 5.91 211,729 39,594

Chorus Aviation Inc. Rights (Ongoing Long-Term Incentive Plan)

deGooyer, Jan Randolph 7 23/02/2016 56 5.91 41,196 10,152

Chorus Aviation Inc. Rights (Ongoing Long-Term Incentive Plan)

FLYNN, Rick 5 23/02/2016 56 5.91 214,315 39,594

Chorus Aviation Inc. Rights (Ongoing Long-Term Incentive Plan)

Giampa, Franco 7 23/02/2016 56 5.91 99,991 17,555

Chorus Aviation Inc. Rights (Ongoing Long-Term Incentive Plan)

Linthwaite, Steven 5 23/02/2016 56 5.91 109,639 19,205

Chorus Aviation Inc. Rights (Ongoing Long-Term Incentive Plan)

MAHODY, Jolene 5 23/02/2016 56 5.91 257,064 45,685

Chorus Aviation Inc. Rights (Ongoing Long-Term Incentive Plan)

Megann, Nathalie Jeannine 7 23/02/2016 56 5.91 42,358 10,152

Chorus Aviation Inc. Rights (Ongoing Long-Term Incentive Plan)

Newhook, Kirk Jon Charles 7 23/02/2016 56 5.91 54,483 11,506

Chorus Aviation Inc. Rights (Ongoing Long-Term Incentive Plan)

Osborne, Gary James 7 23/02/2016 56 5.91 91,071 17,766

Chorus Aviation Inc. Rights (Ongoing Long-Term Incentive Plan)

Palmer, Robert Gordon 7 23/02/2016 56 5.91 46,931 12,530

Chorus Aviation Inc. Rights (Ongoing Long-Term Incentive Plan)

Peddle, James Bruce 5 23/02/2016 56 5.91 39,500 29,350

Chorus Aviation Inc. Rights (Ongoing Long-Term Incentive Plan)

RANDELL, Joseph D. 4, 5 23/02/2016 56 5.91 774,266 153,976

Chorus Aviation Inc. Rights (Ongoing Long-Term Incentive Plan)

Rebin, Nowlan Kal Dayne 7 23/02/2016 56 5.91 81,229 18,232

Chorus Aviation Inc. Rights (Ongoing Long-Term Incentive Plan)

RIDOLFI, Steven 7 23/02/2016 56 5.91 40,745 31,980

Chorus Aviation Inc. Rights (Ongoing Long-Term Incentive Plan)

Snowdon, Barbara 5 23/02/2016 56 5.91 102,529 17,978

Chorus Aviation Inc. Rights (Ongoing Long-Term Incentive Plan)

TAPSON, Scott 5 23/02/2016 56 5.91 124,561 21,870

CI Financial Corp. Options Blair, Lorraine P. 7 19/02/2016 50 28.63 53,334 20,000

CI Financial Corp. Common Shares Donald, Steven J. 7 25/02/2016 51 29.11 22,223 1,585

CI Financial Corp. Options Donald, Steven J. 7 19/02/2016 50 28.63 233,334 75,000

CI Financial Corp. Options Donald, Steven J. 7 25/02/2016 51 21.55 225,000 -8,334

CI Financial Corp. Options Donato, Marcelo A. 7 19/02/2016 50 28.63 46,667 15,000

CI Financial Corp. Options Glaab, Peter W. 7 19/02/2016 50 28.63 43,334 15,000

CI Financial Corp. Options Gramegna, Mike 7 19/02/2016 50 28.63 55,000 15,000

CI Financial Corp. Options Green, Derek J. 7 19/02/2016 50 28.63 250,000 90,000

CI Financial Corp. Options Iannicca, Fabio 7 19/02/2016 50 28.63 60,000 20,000

CI Financial Corp. Options Jamieson, Douglas J.R. 5 19/02/2016 50 28.63 130,834 50,000

CI Financial Corp. Options Kerr, Neal A. 7 19/02/2016 50 28.63 178,334 75,000

CI Financial Corp. Options MacLeod, Mark D. 7 19/02/2016 50 28.63 60,000 20,000

CI Financial Corp. Common Shares Miller, David P. 4 19/02/2016 10 29 3,700 1,000

CI Financial Corp. Common Shares Miller, David P. 4 23/02/2016 10 29 4,700 1,000

CI Financial Corp. Options Murray, Sheila A. 5 19/02/2016 50 28.63 190,000 50,000

CI Financial Corp. Options Pauli, David C. 5 19/02/2016 50 28.63 133,334 50,000

CI Financial Corp. Options Rowe, Lawrence H 7 19/02/2016 50 28.63 73,334 20,000

CI Financial Corp. Options Shin, Gregory H. 7 19/02/2016 50 28.63 70,000 20,000

Cineplex Inc. Options Nonis, Paul 5 23/02/2016 59 50.06 26,103 -3,372

Cineplex Inc. Options Stanghieri, Fabrizio 5 22/02/2016 59 33,849 -9,374

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Insider Reporting

March 3, 2016

(2016), 39 OSCB 2114

Issuer Name Security Insider Name Rel’n Transaction Date T/O Unit Price

Date/Month End Holdings

Acquired/ Disposed

Cipher Pharmaceuticals Inc. Common Shares Aigner, Stefan 4 18/02/2016 30 4.37 17,414 458

Cipher Pharmaceuticals Inc. Common Shares Chypyha, Joan 5 18/02/2016 30 4.37 1,767 183

Cipher Pharmaceuticals Inc. Common Shares Claypool, William 4 18/02/2016 30 4.37 157,591 595

Cipher Pharmaceuticals Inc. Common Shares McDole, Gerald P. 4 18/02/2016 30 4.37 53,107 366

Cipher Pharmaceuticals Inc. Common Shares O’Brien, Shawn Patrick 5 18/02/2016 30 4.37 41,633 448

Cipher Pharmaceuticals Inc. Common Shares Spina, Mark 7 18/02/2016 30 3.2 1,812 286

Cipher Pharmaceuticals Inc. Common Shares Wellner, Thomas Gordon 4 18/02/2016 30 4.37 5,043 458

Cipher Pharmaceuticals Inc. Common Shares Wiseman, Stephen R. 4 18/02/2016 30 4.37 6,828 687

CKR Carbon Corporation Options Johnstone, William Roy 5 18/02/2016 00

CKR Carbon Corporation Options Johnstone, William Roy 5 18/02/2016 50 100,000 100,000

CKR Carbon Corporation Options Newman, Douglas 5 18/02/2016 00

CKR Carbon Corporation Options Newman, Douglas 5 18/02/2016 50 0.1 200,000 200,000

CKR Carbon Corporation Options Stannus, Bernard 4, 5 19/02/2016 50 0.1 475,000 100,000

CO2 Solutions Inc. Common Shares Carley, Jonathan 5 22/02/2016 10 0.19 408,395 -10,000

CO2 Solutions Inc. Common Shares Carley, Jonathan 5 22/02/2016 10 0.185 398,395 -10,000

Cogeco Communications Inc. Options Audet, Louis 4, 5 24/02/2016 51 26.63 253,944 -28,500

Cogeco Communications Inc. Options Audet, Louis 4, 5 24/02/2016 51 26.63 241,090 -12,854

Cogeco Communications Inc. Options Audet, Louis 4, 5 24/02/2016 51 26.63 221,944 -19,146

Cogeco Communications Inc. Subordinate Voting Shares actions subalternes à droit de vote

Audet, Louis 4, 5 24/02/2016 51 26.63 88,344 28,500

Cogeco Communications Inc. Subordinate Voting Shares actions subalternes à droit de vote

Audet, Louis 4, 5 24/02/2016 10 62.55 87,744 -600

Cogeco Communications Inc. Subordinate Voting Shares actions subalternes à droit de vote

Audet, Louis 4, 5 24/02/2016 10 62.56 87,344 -400

Cogeco Communications Inc. Subordinate Voting Shares actions subalternes à droit de vote

Audet, Louis 4, 5 24/02/2016 10 62.59 86,644 -700

Cogeco Communications Inc. Subordinate Voting Shares actions subalternes à droit de vote

Audet, Louis 4, 5 24/02/2016 10 62.6 86,444 -200

Cogeco Communications Inc. Subordinate Voting Shares actions subalternes à droit de vote

Audet, Louis 4, 5 24/02/2016 10 62.61 85,944 -500

Cogeco Communications Inc. Subordinate Voting Shares actions subalternes à droit de vote

Audet, Louis 4, 5 24/02/2016 10 62.62 85,644 -300

Cogeco Communications Inc. Subordinate Voting Shares actions subalternes à droit de vote

Audet, Louis 4, 5 24/02/2016 10 62.63 85,144 -500

Cogeco Communications Inc. Subordinate Voting Shares actions subalternes à droit de vote

Audet, Louis 4, 5 24/02/2016 10 62.64 84,544 -600

Cogeco Communications Inc. Subordinate Voting Shares actions subalternes à droit de vote

Audet, Louis 4, 5 24/02/2016 10 62.65 83,944 -600

Cogeco Communications Inc. Subordinate Voting Shares actions subalternes à droit de vote

Audet, Louis 4, 5 24/02/2016 10 62.68 83,544 -400

Cogeco Communications Inc. Subordinate Voting Shares actions subalternes à droit de vote

Audet, Louis 4, 5 24/02/2016 10 62.69 83,144 -400

Cogeco Communications Inc. Subordinate Voting Shares actions subalternes à droit de vote

Audet, Louis 4, 5 24/02/2016 10 62.7 82,544 -600

Cogeco Communications Inc. Subordinate Voting Shares actions subalternes à droit de vote

Audet, Louis 4, 5 24/02/2016 10 62.71 81,544 -1,000

Cogeco Communications Inc. Subordinate Voting Shares actions subalternes à droit de vote

Audet, Louis 4, 5 24/02/2016 10 62.72 81,344 -200

Cogeco Communications Inc. Subordinate Voting Shares actions subalternes à droit de vote

Audet, Louis 4, 5 24/02/2016 10 62.73 80,944 -400

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Insider Reporting

March 3, 2016

(2016), 39 OSCB 2115

Issuer Name Security Insider Name Rel’n Transaction Date T/O Unit Price

Date/Month End Holdings

Acquired/ Disposed

Cogeco Communications Inc. Subordinate Voting Shares actions subalternes à droit de vote

Audet, Louis 4, 5 24/02/2016 10 62.74 80,844 -100

Cogeco Communications Inc. Subordinate Voting Shares actions subalternes à droit de vote

Audet, Louis 4, 5 24/02/2016 10 62.75 80,044 -800

Cogeco Communications Inc. Subordinate Voting Shares actions subalternes à droit de vote

Audet, Louis 4, 5 24/02/2016 10 62.76 78,544 -1,500

Cogeco Communications Inc. Subordinate Voting Shares actions subalternes à droit de vote

Audet, Louis 4, 5 24/02/2016 10 62.77 78,044 -500

Cogeco Communications Inc. Subordinate Voting Shares actions subalternes à droit de vote

Audet, Louis 4, 5 24/02/2016 10 62.78 77,944 -100

Cogeco Communications Inc. Subordinate Voting Shares actions subalternes à droit de vote

Audet, Louis 4, 5 24/02/2016 10 62.79 77,644 -300

Cogeco Communications Inc. Subordinate Voting Shares actions subalternes à droit de vote

Audet, Louis 4, 5 24/02/2016 10 62.8 73,144 -4,500

Cogeco Communications Inc. Subordinate Voting Shares actions subalternes à droit de vote

Audet, Louis 4, 5 24/02/2016 10 62.81 71,644 -1,500

Cogeco Communications Inc. Subordinate Voting Shares actions subalternes à droit de vote

Audet, Louis 4, 5 24/02/2016 10 62.82 71,044 -600

Cogeco Communications Inc. Subordinate Voting Shares actions subalternes à droit de vote

Audet, Louis 4, 5 24/02/2016 10 62.83 70,444 -600

Cogeco Communications Inc. Subordinate Voting Shares actions subalternes à droit de vote

Audet, Louis 4, 5 24/02/2016 10 62.84 67,585 -2,859

Cogeco Communications Inc. Subordinate Voting Shares actions subalternes à droit de vote

Audet, Louis 4, 5 24/02/2016 10 62.85 67,285 -300

Cogeco Communications Inc. Subordinate Voting Shares actions subalternes à droit de vote

Audet, Louis 4, 5 24/02/2016 10 62.86 67,085 -200

Cogeco Communications Inc. Subordinate Voting Shares actions subalternes à droit de vote

Audet, Louis 4, 5 24/02/2016 10 62.9 66,585 -500

Cogeco Communications Inc. Subordinate Voting Shares actions subalternes à droit de vote

Audet, Louis 4, 5 24/02/2016 10 62.92 66,485 -100

Cogeco Communications Inc. Subordinate Voting Shares actions subalternes à droit de vote

Audet, Louis 4, 5 24/02/2016 10 62.94 66,185 -300

Cogeco Communications Inc. Subordinate Voting Shares actions subalternes à droit de vote

Audet, Louis 4, 5 24/02/2016 51 26.63 79,039 12,854

Cogeco Communications Inc. Subordinate Voting Shares actions subalternes à droit de vote

Audet, Louis 4, 5 24/02/2016 10 62.74 77,339 -1,700

Cogeco Communications Inc. Subordinate Voting Shares actions subalternes à droit de vote

Audet, Louis 4, 5 24/02/2016 10 62.75 76,739 -600

Cogeco Communications Inc. Subordinate Voting Shares actions subalternes à droit de vote

Audet, Louis 4, 5 24/02/2016 10 62.76 76,439 -300

Cogeco Communications Inc. Subordinate Voting Shares actions subalternes à droit de vote

Audet, Louis 4, 5 24/02/2016 10 62.77 76,339 -100

Cogeco Communications Inc. Subordinate Voting Shares actions subalternes à droit de vote

Audet, Louis 4, 5 24/02/2016 10 62.78 76,239 -100

Cogeco Communications Inc. Subordinate Voting Shares actions subalternes à droit de vote

Audet, Louis 4, 5 24/02/2016 10 62.78 74,839 -1,400

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Insider Reporting

March 3, 2016

(2016), 39 OSCB 2116

Issuer Name Security Insider Name Rel’n Transaction Date T/O Unit Price

Date/Month End Holdings

Acquired/ Disposed

Cogeco Communications Inc. Subordinate Voting Shares actions subalternes à droit de vote

Audet, Louis 4, 5 24/02/2016 10 62.8 73,739 -1,100

Cogeco Communications Inc. Subordinate Voting Shares actions subalternes à droit de vote

Audet, Louis 4, 5 24/02/2016 10 62.83 72,839 -900

Cogeco Communications Inc. Subordinate Voting Shares actions subalternes à droit de vote

Audet, Louis 4, 5 24/02/2016 10 62.84 69,539 -3,300

Cogeco Communications Inc. Subordinate Voting Shares actions subalternes à droit de vote

Audet, Louis 4, 5 24/02/2016 10 62.85 69,439 -100

Cogeco Communications Inc. Subordinate Voting Shares actions subalternes à droit de vote

Audet, Louis 4, 5 24/02/2016 10 62.86 69,039 -400

Cogeco Communications Inc. Subordinate Voting Shares actions subalternes à droit de vote

Audet, Louis 4, 5 25/02/2016 51 26.63 88,185 19,146

Cogeco Communications Inc. Subordinate Voting Shares actions subalternes à droit de vote

Audet, Louis 4, 5 25/02/2016 10 62.53 87,785 -400

Cogeco Communications Inc. Subordinate Voting Shares actions subalternes à droit de vote

Audet, Louis 4, 5 25/02/2016 10 62.54 87,685 -100

Cogeco Communications Inc. Subordinate Voting Shares actions subalternes à droit de vote

Audet, Louis 4, 5 25/02/2016 10 62.55 86,885 -800

Cogeco Communications Inc. Subordinate Voting Shares actions subalternes à droit de vote

Audet, Louis 4, 5 25/02/2016 10 62.57 86,685 -200

Cogeco Communications Inc. Subordinate Voting Shares actions subalternes à droit de vote

Audet, Louis 4, 5 25/02/2016 10 62.63 86,285 -400

Cogeco Communications Inc. Subordinate Voting Shares actions subalternes à droit de vote

Audet, Louis 4, 5 25/02/2016 10 62.68 85,485 -800

Cogeco Communications Inc. Subordinate Voting Shares actions subalternes à droit de vote

Audet, Louis 4, 5 25/02/2016 10 62.69 85,385 -100

Cogeco Communications Inc. Subordinate Voting Shares actions subalternes à droit de vote

Audet, Louis 4, 5 25/02/2016 10 62.72 84,785 -600

Cogeco Communications Inc. Subordinate Voting Shares actions subalternes à droit de vote

Audet, Louis 4, 5 25/02/2016 10 62.73 84,185 -600

Cogeco Communications Inc. Subordinate Voting Shares actions subalternes à droit de vote

Audet, Louis 4, 5 25/02/2016 10 62.74 83,785 -400

Cogeco Communications Inc. Subordinate Voting Shares actions subalternes à droit de vote

Audet, Louis 4, 5 25/02/2016 10 62.78 83,485 -300

Cogeco Communications Inc. Subordinate Voting Shares actions subalternes à droit de vote

Audet, Louis 4, 5 25/02/2016 10 62.81 83,385 -100

Cogeco Communications Inc. Subordinate Voting Shares actions subalternes à droit de vote

Audet, Louis 4, 5 25/02/2016 10 62.82 82,785 -600

Cogeco Communications Inc. Subordinate Voting Shares actions subalternes à droit de vote

Audet, Louis 4, 5 25/02/2016 10 62.83 82,385 -400

Cogeco Communications Inc. Subordinate Voting Shares actions subalternes à droit de vote

Audet, Louis 4, 5 25/02/2016 10 62.85 81,885 -500

Cogeco Communications Inc. Subordinate Voting Shares actions subalternes à droit de vote

Audet, Louis 4, 5 25/02/2016 10 62.87 77,085 -4,800

Cogeco Communications Inc. Subordinate Voting Shares actions subalternes à droit de vote

Audet, Louis 4, 5 25/02/2016 10 62.88 76,485 -600

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Insider Reporting

March 3, 2016

(2016), 39 OSCB 2117

Issuer Name Security Insider Name Rel’n Transaction Date T/O Unit Price

Date/Month End Holdings

Acquired/ Disposed

Cogeco Communications Inc. Subordinate Voting Shares actions subalternes à droit de vote

Audet, Louis 4, 5 25/02/2016 10 62.88 76,381 -104

Cogeco Communications Inc. Subordinate Voting Shares actions subalternes à droit de vote

Audet, Louis 4, 5 25/02/2016 10 62.89 74,581 -1,800

Cogeco Communications Inc. Subordinate Voting Shares actions subalternes à droit de vote

Audet, Louis 4, 5 25/02/2016 10 62.92 74,281 -300

Cogeco Communications Inc. Subordinate Voting Shares actions subalternes à droit de vote

Audet, Louis 4, 5 25/02/2016 10 62.93 74,081 -200

Cogeco Communications Inc. Subordinate Voting Shares actions subalternes à droit de vote

Audet, Louis 4, 5 25/02/2016 10 62.96 73,981 -100

Cogeco Communications Inc. Subordinate Voting Shares actions subalternes à droit de vote

Audet, Louis 4, 5 25/02/2016 10 62.98 73,281 -700

Cogeco Inc Subordinate Voting Shares actions subalternes à droit de vote

Dorval, Nathalie 5 23/02/2016 10 53.85 0 -137

Cogeco Inc Subordinate Voting Shares actions subalternes à droit de vote

Gestion Audem Inc. 3 25/02/2016 10 51.38 365,720 -144,090

Colabor Group Inc. Convertible Debentures 5,70% échéance le 30 avril 2017

The Article 6 Marital Trust created under the First Amended and Restated Jerry Zucker Revocable Trust dated 4-2-07

3 22/02/2016 10 60 $1,313,000 $52,000

Colt Resources Inc. Common Shares Perrault, Nikolas 4, 5 23/02/2016 10 0.09 2,915,420 35,000

Columbus Gold Corp. Common Shares Auplata SA 3 19/02/2016 10 0.39 15,274,677 -77,000

Columbus Gold Corp. Common Shares Auplata SA 3 23/02/2016 10 0.4 15,229,677 -45,000

Columbus Gold Corp. Common Shares Auplata SA 3 24/02/2016 10 0.4 15,199,677 -30,000

Columbus Gold Corp. Common Shares Lefrançois, Rock 5 24/02/2016 10 0.42 75,000 -5,000

Cominar Real Estate Investment Trust

Trust Units Cominar Real Estate Investment Trust

1 10/12/2015 00

Cominar Real Estate Investment Trust

Trust Units Cominar Real Estate Investment Trust

1 10/12/2015 38 14.662 73,684 73,684

Cominar Real Estate Investment Trust

Trust Units Cominar Real Estate Investment Trust

1 11/12/2015 38 14.653 383,468 309,784

Cominar Real Estate Investment Trust

Trust Units Cominar Real Estate Investment Trust

1 14/12/2015 38 14.197 457,152 73,684

Cominar Real Estate Investment Trust

Trust Units Cominar Real Estate Investment Trust

1 15/12/2015 38 14.532 530,836 73,684

Cominar Real Estate Investment Trust

Trust Units Cominar Real Estate Investment Trust

1 05/01/2016 38 14.731 604,520 73,684

Cominar Real Estate Investment Trust

Trust Units Cominar Real Estate Investment Trust

1 06/01/2016 38 14.62 1,486,504 881,984

Cominar Real Estate Investment Trust

Trust Units Cominar Real Estate Investment Trust

1 07/01/2016 38 14.438 1,560,188 73,684

Cominar Real Estate Investment Trust

Trust Units Cominar Real Estate Investment Trust

1 08/01/2016 38 14.324 1,626,172 65,984

Cominar Real Estate Investment Trust

Trust Units Cominar Real Estate Investment Trust

1 11/01/2016 38 14.252 1,699,856 73,684

Cominar Real Estate Investment Trust

Trust Units Cominar Real Estate Investment Trust

1 12/01/2016 38 13.956 1,773,540 73,684

Cominar Real Estate Investment Trust

Trust Units Cominar Real Estate Investment Trust

1 13/01/2016 38 14.251 1,847,224 73,684

Cominar Real Estate Investment Trust

Trust Units Cominar Real Estate Investment Trust

1 14/01/2016 38 14.122 1,920,908 73,684

Cominar Real Estate Investment Trust

Trust Units Cominar Real Estate Investment Trust

1 15/01/2016 38 14.205 2,069,992 149,084

Cominar Real Estate Investment Trust

Trust Units Cominar Real Estate Investment Trust

1 18/01/2016 38 14.322 2,141,676 71,684

Cominar Real Estate Investment Trust

Trust Units Cominar Real Estate Investment Trust

1 19/01/2016 38 14.457 2,342,760 201,084

Cominar Real Estate Investment Trust

Trust Units Cominar Real Estate Investment Trust

1 20/01/2016 38 14.161 2,416,444 73,684

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March 3, 2016

(2016), 39 OSCB 2118

Issuer Name Security Insider Name Rel’n Transaction Date T/O Unit Price

Date/Month End Holdings

Acquired/ Disposed

Cominar Real Estate Investment Trust

Trust Units Cominar Real Estate Investment Trust

1 21/01/2016 38 14.418 2,490,128 73,684

Cominar Real Estate Investment Trust

Trust Units Cominar Real Estate Investment Trust

1 22/01/2016 38 14.8 2,563,812 73,684

Cominar Real Estate Investment Trust

Trust Units Cominar Real Estate Investment Trust

1 25/01/2016 38 14.471 2,603,812 40,000

Cominar Real Estate Investment Trust

Trust Units Cossette, Sylvain 5 31/12/2015 30 17.6 10,228 3,587

Cominar Real Estate Investment Trust

Trust Units Cossette, Sylvain 5 31/12/2015 35 17.33 10,952 724

Cominar Real Estate Investment Trust

Trust Units Dallaire, Alain 4, 5 31/12/2015 30 17.6 81,010 2,424

Cominar Real Estate Investment Trust

Trust Units Dallaire, Alain 4, 5 31/12/2015 35 17.33 83,252 2,242

Cominar Real Estate Investment Trust

Trust Units Dallaire, Michel 4, 5 31/12/2015 30 17.6 153,267 4,104

Cominar Real Estate Investment Trust

Trust Units Dallaire, Michel 4, 5 31/12/2015 35 17.33 154,811 1,544

Cominar Real Estate Investment Trust

Trust Units Deslauriers, Manon 5 31/12/2015 30 17.6 9,466 1,056

Cominar Real Estate Investment Trust

Trust Units Deslauriers, Manon 5 31/12/2015 35 17.33 9,506 40

Cominar Real Estate Investment Trust

Trust Units Hamel, Gilles 5 31/12/2015 30 17.6 19,749 2,836

Cominar Real Estate Investment Trust

Trust Units Hamel, Gilles 5 31/12/2015 35 17.33 20,181 432

Cominar Real Estate Investment Trust

Trust Units Laramée, Jean 5 31/12/2015 30 17.6 4,264 2,262

Cominar Real Estate Investment Trust

Trust Units Laramée, Jean 5 31/12/2015 35 17.33 4,358 94

Cominar Real Estate Investment Trust

Trust Units Paquet, Michel 5 31/12/2015 30 17.6 33,958 1,789

Cominar Real Estate Investment Trust

Trust Units Paquet, Michel 5 31/12/2015 35 17.33 36,143 2,185

Cominar Real Estate Investment Trust

Trust Units Pepin, Carl 5 31/12/2015 30 17.6 19,711 1,229

Cominar Real Estate Investment Trust

Trust Units Pepin, Carl 5 31/12/2015 35 17.33 21,199 1,488

Cominar Real Estate Investment Trust

Trust Units Racine, Michael 5 31/12/2015 30 17.6 10,137 1,119

Cominar Real Estate Investment Trust

Trust Units Racine, Michael 5 31/12/2015 35 17.33 10,967 830

COMPASS Income Fund Trust Units COMPASS Income Fund 1 19/02/2016 38 10.017 32,788,162 600

COMPASS Income Fund Trust Units COMPASS Income Fund 1 23/02/2016 38 10 32,788,762 600

COMPASS Income Fund Trust Units COMPASS Income Fund 1 24/02/2016 38 10 32,789,362 600

COMPASS Income Fund Trust Units COMPASS Income Fund 1 25/02/2016 38 9.9357 32,790,062 700

Comstock Metals Ltd. Common Shares Goldman, Steven Harold 4 22/02/2016 00 999,000

Conifex Timber Inc. Common Shares Infanti, Adam 5 16/03/2015 57 10,502 2,595

Conifex Timber Inc. Common Shares Infanti, Adam 5 18/02/2016 57 13,811 1,454

Conifex Timber Inc. Incentive Shares Infanti, Adam 5 16/03/2015 57 10,018 -2,595

Conifex Timber Inc. Incentive Shares Infanti, Adam 5 18/02/2016 57 18,564 -1,454

Conifex Timber Inc. Common Shares Lewis, Yuri 7, 5 18/02/2016 57 74,595 1,818

Conifex Timber Inc. Incentive Shares Lewis, Yuri 7, 5 18/02/2016 57 46,212 -1,818

Conifex Timber Inc. Common Shares MADIA, ANTONIO 5 18/02/2016 57 12,449 1,200

Conifex Timber Inc. Incentive Shares MADIA, ANTONIO 5 18/02/2016 57 51,454 -2,182

Conifex Timber Inc. Common Shares Thur, Johannes Dirk 5 22/02/2016 10 2.15 31,000 5,000

Constellation Software Inc. Common Shares Anzarouth, Bernard 5 24/02/2016 30 514.98 143,533 5

Constellation Software Inc. Common Shares Symons, Barry Alan 5 06/01/2016 30 546.69 3,515 9

Constellation Software Inc. Common Shares Symons, Barry Alan 5 06/01/2016 30 546.69 367 1

Copperbank Resources Corp.

Common Shares Kovacevic, John Gianni 4, 5 23/02/2016 10 0.04 12,259,000 50,000

Copperbank Resources Corp.

Common Shares Kovacevic, John Gianni 4, 5 25/02/2016 10 0.04 12,309,000 50,000

Coro Mining Corp. Options Cortes, Marcelo Claudio 5 16/02/2016 50 2,650,000 2,000,000

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Insider Reporting

March 3, 2016

(2016), 39 OSCB 2119

Issuer Name Security Insider Name Rel’n Transaction Date T/O Unit Price

Date/Month End Holdings

Acquired/ Disposed

Coro Mining Corp. Options Fretwell, Gordon 4 16/02/2016 50 0.04 900,000 500,000

Coro Mining Corp. Options Greenstone Resources L.P. 3 16/06/2015 00

Coro Mining Corp. Options Greenstone Resources L.P. 3 16/02/2016 50 500,000 500,000

Coro Mining Corp. Options Kinley, Colin Brent 4 05/02/2016 00

Coro Mining Corp. Options Kinley, Colin Brent 4 16/02/2016 50 500,000 500,000

Coro Mining Corp. Options Philpot, Michael 4, 5 16/02/2016 50 0.04 2,875,000 1,500,000

Coro Mining Corp. Options Rivera, Sergio 5 16/02/2016 50 2,450,000 1,500,000

Coro Mining Corp. Options Stephens, Alan J. 4, 5 16/02/2016 50 3,990,000 2,000,000

Coro Mining Corp. Options Towns, Damian Jon 5 16/02/2016 50 3,250,000 2,000,000

Coro Mining Corp. Options Webster, Roderick John 4 16/02/2016 50 900,000 500,000

Corridor Resources Inc. Common Shares McKee, James Simon 4 25/01/2016 56 57,402

Corridor Resources Inc. Common Shares McKee, James Simon 4 25/01/2016 56 57,402

Corus Entertainment Inc. Non-Voting Shares Class B

Belisle, Fernand 4 18/02/2016 10 9.5 10,651 2,000

Cott Corporation Options Ausher, Jason 5 19/02/2016 50 24,314 17,337

Cott Corporation Performance Share Units Ausher, Jason 5 05/05/2015 00

Cott Corporation Performance Share Units Ausher, Jason 5 19/02/2016 56 4,512 4,512

Cott Corporation Restricted Share Units Ausher, Jason 5 19/02/2016 56 13,170 3,008

Cott Corporation Options Baila, Carlos 5 19/02/2016 50 123,342 44,949

Cott Corporation Performance Share Units Baila, Carlos 5 01/02/2013 00

Cott Corporation Performance Share Units Baila, Carlos 5 19/02/2016 56 11,698 11,698

Cott Corporation Restricted Share Units Baila, Carlos 5 19/02/2016 56 26,321 7,799

Cott Corporation Options Creamer, Michael 5 19/02/2016 50 128,936 44,949

Cott Corporation Performance Share Units Creamer, Michael 5 19/02/2016 56 23,069 11,698

Cott Corporation Restricted Share Units Creamer, Michael 5 19/02/2016 56 20,806 7,799

Cott Corporation Options Fowden, Jeremy Stephen Gary

5 19/02/2016 50 1,397,912 449,486

Cott Corporation Performance Share Units Fowden, Jeremy Stephen Gary

5 19/02/2016 56 116,979

Cott Corporation Performance Share Units Fowden, Jeremy Stephen Gary

5 19/02/2016 56 200,869 116,979

Cott Corporation Restricted Share Units Fowden, Jeremy Stephen Gary

5 19/02/2016 56 211,601 77,986

Cott Corporation Options Kitching, Steven 5 19/02/2016 50 238,765 12,842

Cott Corporation Performance Share Units Kitching, Steven 5 19/02/2016 56 60,190 3,342

Cott Corporation Restricted Share Units Kitching, Steven 5 19/02/2016 56 54,668 2,228

Cott Corporation Options Poe, Marni Morgan 5 19/02/2016 50 212,714 73,844

Cott Corporation Performance Share Units Poe, Marni Morgan 5 19/02/2016 56 34,867 19,218

Cott Corporation Restricted Share Units Poe, Marni Morgan 5 19/02/2016 56 37,579 12,812

Cott Corporation Options Wells, Jay 5 19/02/2016 50 380,170 197,774

Cott Corporation Performance Share Units Wells, Jay 5 19/02/2016 56 74,410 51,471

Cott Corporation Restricted Share Units Wells, Jay 5 19/02/2016 56 65,784 34,314

Crown Capital Partners Inc. Common Shares Oldfield, Timothy James 5 24/02/2016 10 7.95 3,000 1,000

Crown Capital Partners Inc. Common Shares Oldfield, Timothy James 5 26/02/2016 10 7.92 3,100 100

Cypress Development Corp. Common Shares Marvin, Robert David 7 18/02/2016 45 0.04 650,860 350,000

DealNet Capital Corp. Common Shares Davies, Victoria Anne 4 23/10/2015 00

DealNet Capital Corp. Common Shares Davies, Victoria Anne 4 18/02/2016 36 0.55 45,454 45,454

DealNet Capital Corp. Options Davies, Victoria Anne 4 23/10/2015 00

DealNet Capital Corp. Options Davies, Victoria Anne 4 23/10/2015 00

DealNet Capital Corp. Options Davies, Victoria Anne 4 22/02/2016 50 0.6 300,000 300,000

DealNet Capital Corp. Subscription Rights Feb 2016 Subscription Receipts

Davies, Victoria Anne 4 23/10/2015 00

DealNet Capital Corp. Subscription Rights Feb 2016 Subscription Receipts

Davies, Victoria Anne 4 23/10/2015 00

DealNet Capital Corp. Subscription Rights Feb 2016 Subscription Receipts

Davies, Victoria Anne 4 04/02/2016 11 45,454 45,454

DealNet Capital Corp. Subscription Rights Feb 2016 Subscription Receipts

Davies, Victoria Anne 4 18/02/2016 36 0.55 0 -45,454

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Insider Reporting

March 3, 2016

(2016), 39 OSCB 2120

Issuer Name Security Insider Name Rel’n Transaction Date T/O Unit Price

Date/Month End Holdings

Acquired/ Disposed

DealNet Capital Corp. Options Houlden, Brent 4 22/02/2016 50 0.6 300,000 150,000

DealNet Capital Corp. Common Shares Leon, John Paul 5 05/02/2016 11 0.55 73,000

DealNet Capital Corp. Common Shares Leon, John Paul 5 05/02/2016 11 0.55 73,000

DealNet Capital Corp. Subscription Rights Feb 2016 Subscription Receipts

Leon, John Paul 5 01/07/2014 00 1,246,267

DealNet Capital Corp. Subscription Rights Feb 2016 Subscription Receipts

Leon, John Paul 5 05/02/2016 11 0.55 1,319,267 73,000

DealNet Capital Corp. Subscription Rights Feb 2016 Subscription Receipts

Leon, John Paul 5 18/02/2016 36 1,246,267 -73,000

DealNet Capital Corp. Subscription Rights Feb 2016 Subscription Receipts

Leon, John Paul 5 18/02/2016 36 1,319,267 73,000

DealNet Capital Corp. Options Radford, John Douglas 4 22/02/2016 50 300,000 150,000

DealNet Capital Corp. Options Small, Steven Charles 4 22/02/2016 50 3,007,200 1,000,000

DELPHI ENERGY CORP. Common Shares Kohlhammer, Brian 5 22/02/2016 90 0.8 214,223 -27,750

DELPHI ENERGY CORP. Common Shares Kohlhammer, Brian 5 22/02/2016 90 0.8 183,855 27,750

DELPHI ENERGY CORP. Common Shares Reid, David James 4, 5 23/02/2016 90 0.92 386,354 -31,900

DELPHI ENERGY CORP. Common Shares Reid, David James 4, 5 23/02/2016 90 816,254 429,900

DELPHI ENERGY CORP. Common Shares Reid, David James 4, 5 23/02/2016 90 104,074 65,634

DELPHI ENERGY CORP. Common Shares Reid, David James 4, 5 23/02/2016 90 0 -65,634

DELPHI ENERGY CORP. Common Shares Reid, David James 4, 5 23/02/2016 90 0 -429,900

DELPHI ENERGY CORP. Common Shares Reid, David James 4, 5 24/02/2016 90 0.82 445,933 31,900

Detour Gold Corporation Common Shares Morrison, Alexander 4 23/02/2016 51 10.53 26,000 25,000

Detour Gold Corporation Common Shares Morrison, Alexander 4 23/02/2016 51 11.53 33,832 7,832

Detour Gold Corporation Common Shares Morrison, Alexander 4 23/02/2016 10 21.284 1,000 -32,832

Detour Gold Corporation Options Morrison, Alexander 4 23/02/2016 51 81,420 -25,000

Detour Gold Corporation Options Morrison, Alexander 4 23/02/2016 51 73,588 -7,832

DHX Media Ltd. Common Shares Abriel, Keith Benjamim 5 31/12/2015 30 8.86 1,590 1,590

DHX Media Ltd. Common Voting Shares Beale, Elizabeth Jane 4 22/02/2016 10 6.82 1,400 1,400

DHX Media Ltd. Common Voting Shares Beale, Elizabeth Jane 4 22/02/2016 10 6.85 1,600 200

DHX Media Ltd. Common Voting Shares Beale, Elizabeth Jane 4 22/02/2016 10 6.84 3,000 1,400

DHX Media Ltd. Common Voting Shares Donovan, Michael 4 22/02/2016 10 6.718 5,215,327 1,300

DHX Media Ltd. Common Voting Shares Donovan, Michael 4 22/02/2016 10 6.83 5,221,327 6,000

DHX Media Ltd. Common Voting Shares Donovan, Michael 4 22/02/2016 10 6.817 5,233,727 12,400

DHX Media Ltd. Options Drisdell, Deborah Ann 4 19/02/2016 50 6.93 100,000 100,000

DHX Media Ltd. Common Voting Shares Machum, Donald Geoffrey 4 23/02/2016 10 6.75 102,936 1,900

DHX Media Ltd. Common Voting Shares Machum, Donald Geoffrey 4 23/02/2016 10 6.73 104,036 1,100

DHX Media Ltd. Common Voting Shares Machum, Donald Geoffrey 4 26/02/2016 10 6.83 105,036 1,000

DHX Media Ltd. Options Regan, David A. 5 19/02/2016 50 6.93 750,000 200,000

DMD Digital Health Connections Group Inc. (Formely Aptilon Corporation)

Common Shares Charron, André 7, 5 23/02/2016 10 0.2 1,885,766 5,000

Dream Global Real Estate Investment Trust

Rights Deferred Trust Units

Alimchandani, Pauline 7 17/02/2016 56 7.97 10,999 4,000

Dream Global Real Estate Investment Trust

Rights Deferred Trust Units

Alimchandani, Pauline 7 23/02/2016 57 8.1 9,243 -1,756

Dream Global Real Estate Investment Trust

Rights Deferred Trust Units

Alimchandani, Pauline 7 23/02/2016 57 7.77 7,787 -1,456

Dream Global Real Estate Investment Trust

Units Alimchandani, Pauline 7 23/02/2016 57 3,229 1,756

Dream Global Real Estate Investment Trust

Units Alimchandani, Pauline 7 23/02/2016 10 8.2502 2,288 -941

Dream Global Real Estate Investment Trust

Units Alimchandani, Pauline 7 23/02/2016 57 3,744 1,456

Dream Global Real Estate Investment Trust

Units Alimchandani, Pauline 7 23/02/2016 10 8.2502 2,995 -749

Dream Global Real Estate Investment Trust

Rights Deferred Trust Units

BIERBAUM, DETLEF 4 31/12/2015 30 83,882 6,354

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March 3, 2016

(2016), 39 OSCB 2121

Issuer Name Security Insider Name Rel’n Transaction Date T/O Unit Price

Date/Month End Holdings

Acquired/ Disposed

Dream Global Real Estate Investment Trust

Rights Deferred Trust Units

Burke, Harold 7 23/02/2016 57 8.1 1,733 -878

Dream Global Real Estate Investment Trust

Units Burke, Harold 7 23/02/2016 57 2,007 878

Dream Global Real Estate Investment Trust

Units Burke, Harold 7 23/02/2016 10 8.2502 1,536 -471

Dream Global Real Estate Investment Trust

Rights Deferred Trust Units

Cooper, Michael 4, 7 31/12/2015 30 124,761 9,981

Dream Global Real Estate Investment Trust

Rights Deferred Trust Units

Cooper, Michael 4, 7 17/02/2016 56 7.97 145,567 20,000

Dream Global Real Estate Investment Trust

Rights Deferred Trust Units

DREAM Unlimited Corp. 3 01/10/2015 30 880,565 24,982

Dream Global Real Estate Investment Trust

Rights Deferred Trust Units

DREAM Unlimited Corp. 3 01/11/2015 30 24,982

Dream Global Real Estate Investment Trust

Rights Deferred Trust Units

DREAM Unlimited Corp. 3 01/11/2015 30 904,301 23,736

Dream Global Real Estate Investment Trust

Rights Deferred Trust Units

DREAM Unlimited Corp. 3 01/12/2015 30 23,736

Dream Global Real Estate Investment Trust

Rights Deferred Trust Units

DREAM Unlimited Corp. 3 01/12/2015 30 8.33 930,235 25,934

Dream Global Real Estate Investment Trust

Rights Deferred Trust Units

DREAM Unlimited Corp. 3 01/01/2016 30 8.7 954,101 23,866

Dream Global Real Estate Investment Trust

Rights Deferred Trust Units

DREAM Unlimited Corp. 3 01/02/2016 30 8.03 979,859 25,758

Dream Global Real Estate Investment Trust

Rights Deferred Trust Units

GAVAN, JANE 4, 5 31/12/2015 30 68,995 6,057

Dream Global Real Estate Investment Trust

Rights Deferred Trust Units

GAVAN, JANE 4, 5 17/02/2016 56 7.97 88,995 20,000

Dream Global Real Estate Investment Trust

Rights Deferred Trust Units

GAVAN, JANE 4, 5 23/02/2016 57 8.1 81,093 -7,902

Dream Global Real Estate Investment Trust

Rights Deferred Trust Units

GAVAN, JANE 4, 5 23/02/2016 57 7.77 76,723 -4,370

Dream Global Real Estate Investment Trust

Units GAVAN, JANE 4, 5 23/02/2016 57 46,951 7,902

Dream Global Real Estate Investment Trust

Units GAVAN, JANE 4, 5 23/02/2016 10 8.2502 42,718 -4,233

Dream Global Real Estate Investment Trust

Units GAVAN, JANE 4, 5 23/02/2016 57 47,088 4,370

Dream Global Real Estate Investment Trust

Units GAVAN, JANE 4, 5 23/02/2016 10 8.2502 44,842 -2,246

Dream Global Real Estate Investment Trust

Rights Deferred Trust Units

Gulliver, Rene Douglas 5 31/12/2015 30 49,693 3,859

Dream Global Real Estate Investment Trust

Rights Deferred Trust Units

Jackman, Duncan Newton Rowell

4 31/12/2015 30 45,522 3,397

Dream Global Real Estate Investment Trust

Rights Deferred Trust Units

Koss, Johann Olav 4 31/12/2015 30 17,587 1,143

Dream Global Real Estate Investment Trust

Rights Deferred Trust Units

Sullivan, John 4 31/12/2015 30 36,422 2,706

Dream Global Real Estate Investment Trust

Rights Deferred Trust Units

Valentini, George 7 17/02/2016 56 7.97 34,905 10,000

Dream Hard Asset Alternatives Trust

Deferred Trust Units Alimchandani, Pauline 7 22/02/2016 56 5.3 18,142 6,000

Dream Hard Asset Alternatives Trust

Deferred Trust Units Cooper, Michael 7, 5 22/02/2016 56 5.3 18,142 6,000

Dream Hard Asset Alternatives Trust

Units Dream Asset Management Corporation

5 25/02/2016 10 5.1412 3,824,800 1,428,800

Dream Hard Asset Alternatives Trust

Units Dream Asset Management Corporation

5 26/02/2016 10 5.178 3,860,600 35,800

Dream Hard Asset Alternatives Trust

Units Dream Hard Asset Alternatives Trust

1 26/02/2016 38 5.1602 14,222 14,222

Dream Hard Asset Alternatives Trust

Units Dream Hard Asset Alternatives Trust

1 26/02/2016 38 0 -14,222

Dream Hard Asset Alternatives Trust

Deferred Trust Units LESTER, JASON 7 22/02/2016 56 5.3 10,000 4,000

Dream Hard Asset Alternatives Trust

Deferred Trust Units Valentini, George 7 22/02/2016 56 5.3 15,000 3,000

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Insider Reporting

March 3, 2016

(2016), 39 OSCB 2122

Issuer Name Security Insider Name Rel’n Transaction Date T/O Unit Price

Date/Month End Holdings

Acquired/ Disposed

Dream Industrial Real Estate Investment Trust

Deferred Trust Units Alimchandani, Pauline 7 22/02/2016 57 7.52 13,724 -1,692

Dream Industrial Real Estate Investment Trust

Deferred Trust Units Alimchandani, Pauline 7 22/02/2016 57 7.38 12,269 -1,455

Dream Industrial Real Estate Investment Trust

Deferred Trust Units Alimchandani, Pauline 7 26/02/2016 57 7.85 10,700 -1,569

Dream Industrial Real Estate Investment Trust

Units Alimchandani, Pauline 7 22/02/2016 57 1,692 1,692

Dream Industrial Real Estate Investment Trust

Units Alimchandani, Pauline 7 22/02/2016 10 7.8569 803 -889

Dream Industrial Real Estate Investment Trust

Units Alimchandani, Pauline 7 22/02/2016 57 2,258 1,455

Dream Industrial Real Estate Investment Trust

Units Alimchandani, Pauline 7 22/02/2016 10 7.8569 1,507 -751

Dream Industrial Real Estate Investment Trust

Units Alimchandani, Pauline 7 26/02/2016 57 3,076 1,569

Dream Industrial Real Estate Investment Trust

Units Alimchandani, Pauline 7 26/02/2016 10 7.6927 2,202 -874

Dream Industrial Real Estate Investment Trust

Deferred Trust Units Chapman, Brent Paul 5 31/12/2015 30 35,429 2,429

Dream Industrial Real Estate Investment Trust

Deferred Trust Units Cooper, Michael 4, 7 31/12/2015 30 103,753 8,010

Dream Industrial Real Estate Investment Trust

Deferred Trust Units Ferstman, Joanne Shari 7 22/02/2016 57 7.52 19,745 -2,539

Dream Industrial Real Estate Investment Trust

Units Ferstman, Joanne Shari 7 22/02/2016 57 34,387 2,539

Dream Industrial Real Estate Investment Trust

Units Ferstman, Joanne Shari 7 22/02/2016 10 7.8569 33,053 -1,334

Dream Industrial Real Estate Investment Trust

Deferred Trust Units GAVAN, JANE 7 22/02/2016 57 7.52 53,597 -1,269

Dream Industrial Real Estate Investment Trust

Deferred Trust Units GAVAN, JANE 7 22/02/2016 57 7.38 49,231 -4,366

Dream Industrial Real Estate Investment Trust

Deferred Trust Units GAVAN, JANE 7 26/02/2016 57 7.85 41,383 -7,848

Dream Industrial Real Estate Investment Trust

Units GAVAN, JANE 7 22/02/2016 57 8,781 1,269

Dream Industrial Real Estate Investment Trust

Units GAVAN, JANE 7 22/02/2016 10 7.8569 8,114 -667

Dream Industrial Real Estate Investment Trust

Units GAVAN, JANE 7 22/02/2016 57 12,480 4,366

Dream Industrial Real Estate Investment Trust

Units GAVAN, JANE 7 22/02/2016 10 7.8569 10,229 -2,251

Dream Industrial Real Estate Investment Trust

Units GAVAN, JANE 7 26/02/2016 57 18,077 7,848

Dream Industrial Real Estate Investment Trust

Units GAVAN, JANE 7 26/02/2016 10 7.6927 13,706 -4,371

Dream Industrial Real Estate Investment Trust

Deferred Trust Units GOODALL, ROBERT 4 31/12/2015 30 31,426 2,262

Dream Industrial Real Estate Investment Trust

Deferred Trust Units Koss, Johann Olav 4 31/12/2015 30 28,050 1,990

Dream Industrial Real Estate Investment Trust

Deferred Trust Units Mitchell, Sharon 7 26/02/2016 57 7.85 1,216 -784

Dream Industrial Real Estate Investment Trust

Units Mitchell, Sharon 7 04/03/2013 00

Dream Industrial Real Estate Investment Trust

Units Mitchell, Sharon 7 26/02/2016 57 784 784

Dream Industrial Real Estate Investment Trust

Units Mitchell, Sharon 7 26/02/2016 10 7.6927 0 -784

Dream Industrial Real Estate Investment Trust

Deferred Trust Units Mulroney, Benedict Martin Paul

4 31/12/2015 30 28,050 1,990

Dream Industrial Real Estate Investment Trust

Deferred Trust Units Quan, Lenis Wen-Juan 5 31/12/2015 30 10,736 736

Dream Industrial Real Estate Investment Trust

Deferred Trust Units Segal, Leerom 4 31/12/2015 30 36,420 2,664

Dream Industrial Real Estate Investment Trust

Deferred Trust Units Sera, Maria Vincenza 4, 7 31/12/2015 30 54,096 3,791

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(2016), 39 OSCB 2123

Issuer Name Security Insider Name Rel’n Transaction Date T/O Unit Price

Date/Month End Holdings

Acquired/ Disposed

Dream Industrial Real Estate Investment Trust

Deferred Trust Units Wiseman, Sheldon 4 31/12/2015 30 21,554 1,405

Dream Office Real Estate Investment Trust

Rights deferred trust units Alimchandani, Pauline 7 18/02/2016 56 16.27 16,371 10,000

Dream Office Real Estate Investment Trust

Rights deferred trust units Cooper, Michael 4, 7, 5 18/02/2016 56 16.27 206,370 12,000

Dream Office Real Estate Investment Trust

Rights deferred trust units GAVAN, JANE 5 18/02/2016 56 16.27 48,563 20,000

Dream Office Real Estate Investment Trust

Rights deferred trust units Valentini, George 7 18/02/2016 56 16.27 29,830 9,000

Dream Office Real Estate Investment Trust

Rights deferred trust units Viswanathan, Rajeev 5 18/02/2016 56 16.27 35,000 15,000

Dundee Precious Metals Inc. Common Shares GMT Capital Corp 3 22/02/2016 10 0.7 3,368,700 2,400

Dundee Precious Metals Inc. Common Shares GMT Capital Corp 3 23/02/2016 10 0.71 3,369,300 600

Dundee Precious Metals Inc. Common Shares GMT Capital Corp 3 24/02/2016 10 0.85 3,382,900 13,600

Dundee Precious Metals Inc. Common Shares GMT Capital Corp 3 25/02/2016 10 0.84 3,392,100 9,200

Dundee Precious Metals Inc. Common Shares GMT Capital Corp 3 22/02/2016 10 0.7 4,751,800 3,100

Dundee Precious Metals Inc. Common Shares GMT Capital Corp 3 23/02/2016 10 0.71 4,752,600 800

Dundee Precious Metals Inc. Common Shares GMT Capital Corp 3 24/02/2016 10 0.85 4,770,200 17,600

Dundee Precious Metals Inc. Common Shares GMT Capital Corp 3 25/02/2016 10 0.84 4,782,000 11,800

Dundee Precious Metals Inc. Common Shares GMT Capital Corp 3 22/02/2016 10 0.7 7,031,600 5,600

Dundee Precious Metals Inc. Common Shares GMT Capital Corp 3 23/02/2016 10 0.7 7,033,000 1,400

Dundee Precious Metals Inc. Common Shares GMT Capital Corp 3 24/02/2016 10 0.85 7,065,700 32,700

Dundee Precious Metals Inc. Common Shares GMT Capital Corp 3 25/02/2016 10 0.84 7,087,700 22,000

Dundee Precious Metals Inc. Common Shares GMT Capital Corp 3 22/02/2016 10 0.71 975,000 500

Dundee Precious Metals Inc. Common Shares GMT Capital Corp 3 23/02/2016 10 0.71 975,100 100

Dundee Precious Metals Inc. Common Shares GMT Capital Corp 3 24/02/2016 10 0.85 977,700 2,600

Dundee Precious Metals Inc. Common Shares GMT Capital Corp 3 25/02/2016 10 0.84 979,500 1,800

Dundee Precious Metals Inc. Common Shares GMT Capital Corp 3 22/02/2016 10 0.71 778,400 400

Dundee Precious Metals Inc. Common Shares GMT Capital Corp 3 23/02/2016 10 0.7 778,500 100

Dundee Precious Metals Inc. Common Shares GMT Capital Corp 3 24/02/2016 10 0.85 781,000 2,500

Dundee Precious Metals Inc. Common Shares GMT Capital Corp 3 25/02/2016 10 0.84 782,700 1,700

Eagle Energy Inc. Performance Restricted Share Unit

Bund, Jo-Anne Michelle 5 27/01/2016 00

Eagle Energy Inc. Performance Restricted Share Unit

Bund, Jo-Anne Michelle 5 23/02/2016 56 12,500 12,500

Eagle Energy Inc. Restricted Share Units Bund, Jo-Anne Michelle 5 27/01/2016 00

Eagle Energy Inc. Restricted Share Units Bund, Jo-Anne Michelle 5 23/02/2016 56 37,500 37,500

Eagle Energy Inc. Performance Restricted Share Unit

Clark, Richard W. 4, 7, 5 27/01/2016 00

Eagle Energy Inc. Performance Restricted Share Unit

Clark, Richard W. 4, 7, 5 23/02/2016 56 84,800 84,800

Eagle Energy Inc. Restricted Share Units Clark, Richard W. 4, 7, 5 27/01/2016 00

Eagle Energy Inc. Restricted Share Units Clark, Richard W. 4, 7, 5 23/02/2016 56 127,200 127,200

Eagle Energy Inc. Restricted Share Units Fitzpatrick, David Michael 4 27/01/2016 00

Eagle Energy Inc. Restricted Share Units Fitzpatrick, David Michael 4 23/02/2016 56 25,000 25,000

Eagle Energy Inc. Restricted Share Units Gibson, Bruce Kenneth 4 27/01/2016 00

Eagle Energy Inc. Restricted Share Units Gibson, Bruce Kenneth 4 23/02/2016 56 25,000 25,000

Eagle Energy Inc. Performance Restricted Share Unit

Lovett, Michael Scott 5 27/01/2016 00

Eagle Energy Inc. Performance Restricted Share Unit

Lovett, Michael Scott 5 23/02/2016 56 44,400 44,400

Eagle Energy Inc. Restricted Share Units Lovett, Michael Scott 5 27/01/2016 00

Eagle Energy Inc. Restricted Share Units Lovett, Michael Scott 5 23/02/2016 56 66,600 66,600

Eagle Energy Inc. Performance Restricted Share Unit

McFadden, Eric 5 27/01/2016 00

Eagle Energy Inc. Performance Restricted Share Unit

McFadden, Eric 5 23/02/2016 56 40,000 40,000

Eagle Energy Inc. Restricted Share Units McFadden, Eric 5 27/01/2016 00

Eagle Energy Inc. Restricted Share Units McFadden, Eric 5 23/02/2016 56 60,000 60,000

Eagle Energy Inc. Restricted Share Units Melton, John Atkins 7 27/01/2016 00

Eagle Energy Inc. Restricted Share Units Melton, John Atkins 7 23/02/2016 56 19,000 19,000

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Date/Month End Holdings

Acquired/ Disposed

Eagle Energy Inc. Restricted Share Units Steckley, Warren D. 4 27/01/2016 00

Eagle Energy Inc. Restricted Share Units Steckley, Warren D. 4 23/02/2016 56 25,000 25,000

Eagle Energy Inc. Performance Restricted Share Unit

Tomyn, Kelly Ann 7, 5 27/01/2016 00

Eagle Energy Inc. Performance Restricted Share Unit

Tomyn, Kelly Ann 7, 5 23/02/2016 56 35,000 35,000

Eagle Energy Inc. Restricted Share Units Tomyn, Kelly Ann 7, 5 27/01/2016 00

Eagle Energy Inc. Restricted Share Units Tomyn, Kelly Ann 7, 5 23/02/2016 56 65,000 65,000

Eagle Energy Inc. Performance Restricted Share Unit

Wisniewski, James Wayne 7, 5 27/01/2016 00

Eagle Energy Inc. Performance Restricted Share Unit

Wisniewski, James Wayne 7, 5 23/02/2016 56 66,400 66,400

Eagle Energy Inc. Restricted Share Units Wisniewski, James Wayne 7, 5 27/01/2016 00

Eagle Energy Inc. Restricted Share Units Wisniewski, James Wayne 7, 5 23/02/2016 56 99,600 99,600

Earth Alive Clean Technologies Inc.

Common Shares La Salle, Benoit 4 25/02/2016 16 0.35 107,500

Earth Alive Clean Technologies Inc.

Common Shares La Salle, Benoit 4 25/02/2016 16 0.35 107,500

Earth Alive Clean Technologies Inc.

Common Shares La Salle, Benoit 4 25/02/2016 16 0.35 1,643,571 215,000

Earth Alive Clean Technologies Inc.

Warrants échéance 25-08-2017

La Salle, Benoit 4 20/10/2015 00

Earth Alive Clean Technologies Inc.

Warrants échéance 25-08-2017

La Salle, Benoit 4 25/02/2016 16 107,500 107,500

Earth Alive Clean Technologies Inc.

Common Shares Ringuet, Michel 4 21/10/2014 00

Earth Alive Clean Technologies Inc.

Common Shares Ringuet, Michel 4 25/02/2016 16 600,000 600,000

Earth Alive Clean Technologies Inc.

Warrants échéance 25-08-2017

Ringuet, Michel 4 21/10/2014 00

Earth Alive Clean Technologies Inc.

Warrants échéance 25-08-2017

Ringuet, Michel 4 25/02/2016 16 300,000 300,000

East Coast Investment Grade Income Fund

Units Arrow Capital Management Inc.

7 22/02/2016 10 8.25 10,400 1,200

East Coast Investment Grade Income Fund

Units Arrow Capital Management Inc.

7 23/02/2016 10 8.3 11,000 600

East Coast Investment Grade Income Fund

Units Arrow Capital Management Inc.

7 25/02/2016 10 8.22 14,300 3,300

East Coast Investment Grade Income Fund

Units Arrow Capital Management Inc.

7 26/02/2016 10 8.235 16,300 2,000

Echelon Financial Holdings Inc.

Deferred Share Units Hotoyan-Joly, Ani 4 31/12/2015 30 2,947 2,088

Eco Oro Minerals Corp. Common Shares Amber Capital LP 3 17/02/2016 10 0.37 5,225,962 -10,000

EEStor Corporation Options Clifford, Ian 4, 7, 5 23/02/2016 50 0.195 1,785,000 750,000

EEStor Corporation Options Clifford, Ian 4, 7, 5 23/02/2016 50 0.195 1,985,000 200,000

EEStor Corporation Common Shares Mesburis, Paul 7 22/02/2016 16 0.15 207,100 33,000

EEStor Corporation Options Mesburis, Paul 7 22/02/2016 16 0.15 33,000

EEStor Corporation Options Mesburis, Paul 7 22/02/2016 16 0.15 33,000

EEStor Corporation Options Mesburis, Paul 7 23/02/2016 50 0.195 360,000 180,000

EEStor Corporation Warrants Mesburis, Paul 7 02/06/2014 00

EEStor Corporation Warrants Mesburis, Paul 7 22/02/2016 16 0.3 33,000 33,000

EEStor Corporation Common Shares Michalyshyn, Michael Paul 4 16/02/2016 00

EEStor Corporation Common Shares Michalyshyn, Michael Paul 4 16/02/2016 00 2,333,333

EEStor Corporation Common Shares Michalyshyn, Michael Paul 4 22/02/2016 16 0.15 2,666,666 333,333

EEStor Corporation Options Michalyshyn, Michael Paul 4 16/02/2016 00

EEStor Corporation Options Michalyshyn, Michael Paul 4 23/02/2016 50 0.195 180,000 180,000

EEStor Corporation Warrants Michalyshyn, Michael Paul 4 16/02/2016 00 2,333,333

EEStor Corporation Warrants Michalyshyn, Michael Paul 4 22/02/2016 16 0.3 2,666,666 333,333

EEStor Corporation Options Somers, Stewart Douglas 4, 7 23/02/2016 50 0.195 1,425,000 540,000

EEStor Corporation Options Spall, Kevin 4, 7 23/02/2016 50 0.195 1,030,000 600,000

EEStor Corporation Options Vandesluis, Natasha Almorinda

7, 5 23/02/2016 50 0.195 500,000 120,000

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Issuer Name Security Insider Name Rel’n Transaction Date T/O Unit Price

Date/Month End Holdings

Acquired/ Disposed

EEStor Corporation Options Vandesluis, Natasha Almorinda

7, 5 23/02/2016 50 0.195 740,000 240,000

Eldorado Gold Corporation Common Shares Bickford, David Alan 5 24/02/2016 36 3.88 61,322 8,295

Eldorado Gold Corporation Options Bickford, David Alan 5 23/02/2016 52 16.66 749,468 -50,000

Eldorado Gold Corporation Restricted Share Units Bickford, David Alan 5 24/02/2016 38 75,381 -8,295

Eldorado Gold Corporation Options Chubbs, Fabiana Elizabeth 5 23/02/2016 52 16.66 1,284,559 -25,000

Eldorado Gold Corporation Options Churcher, Dale Leeworthy 5 23/02/2016 52 16.66 695,500 -46,875

Eldorado Gold Corporation Options Cory, Keith Ross 4 23/02/2016 52 16.66 141,666 -24,390

Eldorado Gold Corporation Common Shares Eldorado Gold Corporation 1 24/02/2016 36 1,488,255 -6,504

Eldorado Gold Corporation Common Shares Eldorado Gold Corporation 1 24/02/2016 36 1,478,091 -10,164

Eldorado Gold Corporation Common Shares Eldorado Gold Corporation 1 24/02/2016 36 1,469,796 -8,295

Eldorado Gold Corporation Options Gilmore, Robert Russ 4 23/02/2016 52 16.66 83,788 -24,390

Eldorado Gold Corporation Options Handley, Geoffrey Arthur 4 23/02/2016 52 16.66 125,455 -24,390

Eldorado Gold Corporation Common Shares Jones, Douglas Matthew 5 24/02/2016 36 3.88 33,124 10,164

Eldorado Gold Corporation Restricted Share Units Jones, Douglas Matthew 5 24/02/2016 38 86,213 -10,164

Eldorado Gold Corporation Common Shares Lewis, Peter Dubois 5 24/02/2016 36 3.88 88,753 6,504

Eldorado Gold Corporation Options Lewis, Peter Dubois 5 23/02/2016 52 16.66 719,535 -46,875

Eldorado Gold Corporation Restricted Share Units Lewis, Peter Dubois 5 24/02/2016 38 60,306 -6,504

Eldorado Gold Corporation Options MOSS, DAWN LOUISE 5 23/02/2016 52 16.66 1,235,254 -72,190

Eldorado Gold Corporation Options Moura, Eduardo Eugenio Chaves

5 23/02/2016 52 16.66 665,709 -31,250

Eldorado Gold Corporation Options Rubenstein, Jonathan A. 4 23/02/2016 52 16.66 161,698 -24,390

Eldorado Gold Corporation Options Shumka, Donald 4 23/02/2016 52 16.66 88,756 -24,390

Eldorado Gold Corporation Options Silva, Lincoln 5 23/02/2016 52 16.66 593,576 -50,000

Eldorado Gold Corporation Options Skayman, Paul James 5 23/02/2016 52 16.66 1,329,236 -70,310

Eldorado Gold Corporation Options Wright, Paul Nicholas 4, 5 23/02/2016 52 16.66 5,956,869 -275,000

Emera Incorporated DSU Balfour, Scott Carlyle 5 18/02/2016 56 33,828 5,581

Emera Incorporated Options Balfour, Scott Carlyle 5 18/02/2016 50 46.19 255,500 52,100

Emera Incorporated Performance Share Units Balfour, Scott Carlyle 5 18/02/2016 59 42.95 21,262 -7,954

Emera Incorporated Performance Share Units Balfour, Scott Carlyle 5 18/02/2016 56 38,068 16,806

Emera Incorporated Options Bennett, Robert Ross 5 18/02/2016 50 46.19 191,668 32,100

Emera Incorporated Performance Share Units Bennett, Robert Ross 5 18/02/2016 59 42.95 17,021 -7,954

Emera Incorporated Performance Share Units Bennett, Robert Ross 5 18/02/2016 56 27,392 10,371

Emera Incorporated DSU Hanf, Robert John Scott 7 18/02/2016 56 26,872 1,343

Emera Incorporated Options Hanf, Robert John Scott 7 18/02/2016 50 46.19 84,425 15,200

Emera Incorporated Performance Share Units Hanf, Robert John Scott 7 18/02/2016 59 42.95 10,600 -4,443

Emera Incorporated Performance Share Units Hanf, Robert John Scott 7 18/02/2016 56 15,484 4,884

Emera Incorporated Common Shares Huskilson, Christopher 4, 5 19/02/2016 51 21.99 158,229 132,700

Emera Incorporated Common Shares Huskilson, Christopher 4, 5 19/02/2016 10 46.5 25,529 -132,700

Emera Incorporated Common Shares Huskilson, Christopher 4, 5 22/02/2016 51 21.99 60,929 35,400

Emera Incorporated Common Shares Huskilson, Christopher 4, 5 22/02/2016 51 23.94 207,929 147,000

Emera Incorporated Common Shares Huskilson, Christopher 4, 5 22/02/2016 51 24.63 234,329 26,400

Emera Incorporated Common Shares Huskilson, Christopher 4, 5 22/02/2016 10 46.7 202,529 -31,800

Emera Incorporated Common Shares Huskilson, Christopher 4, 5 22/02/2016 10 46.56 201,929 -600

Emera Incorporated Common Shares Huskilson, Christopher 4, 5 22/02/2016 10 46.55 129,929 -72,000

Emera Incorporated Common Shares Huskilson, Christopher 4, 5 22/02/2016 10 46.55 77,729 -52,200

Emera Incorporated Common Shares Huskilson, Christopher 4, 5 22/02/2016 10 46.65 25,529 -52,200

Emera Incorporated Options Huskilson, Christopher 4, 5 18/02/2016 50 46.19 1,792,400 303,000

Emera Incorporated Options Huskilson, Christopher 4, 5 19/02/2016 51 21.99 1,659,700 -132,700

Emera Incorporated Options Huskilson, Christopher 4, 5 22/02/2016 51 21.99 1,624,300 -35,400

Emera Incorporated Options Huskilson, Christopher 4, 5 22/02/2016 51 23.94 1,477,300 -147,000

Emera Incorporated Options Huskilson, Christopher 4, 5 22/02/2016 51 24.63 1,450,900 -26,400

Emera Incorporated Performance Share Units Huskilson, Christopher 4, 5 18/02/2016 59 42.95 62,825 -31,687

Emera Incorporated Performance Share Units Huskilson, Christopher 4, 5 18/02/2016 56 95,424 32,599

Emera Incorporated DSU Marchand, Bruce 5 18/02/2016 56 10,953 5,875

Emera Incorporated Options Marchand, Bruce 5 18/02/2016 50 46.19 90,800 19,500

Emera Incorporated Performance Share Units Marchand, Bruce 5 18/02/2016 59 42.95 11,351 -4,594

Emera Incorporated Performance Share Units Marchand, Bruce 5 18/02/2016 56 17,635 6,284

Emera Incorporated DSU Muldoon, Daniel 5 18/02/2016 56 26,368 5,539

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Issuer Name Security Insider Name Rel’n Transaction Date T/O Unit Price

Date/Month End Holdings

Acquired/ Disposed

Emera Incorporated Options Muldoon, Daniel 5 18/02/2016 50 46.19 92,900 16,200

Emera Incorporated Performance Share Units Muldoon, Daniel 5 18/02/2016 59 42.95 7,267 -3,209

Emera Incorporated Performance Share Units Muldoon, Daniel 5 18/02/2016 56 12,509 5,242

Emera Incorporated DSU O’Connor, Wayne David 7 18/02/2016 56 45,922 1,287

Emera Incorporated Options O’Connor, Wayne David 7 18/02/2016 50 46.19 45,000 12,500

Emera Incorporated Performance Share Units O’Connor, Wayne David 7 18/02/2016 59 42.95 7,873 -3,699

Emera Incorporated Performance Share Units O’Connor, Wayne David 7 18/02/2016 56 11,907 4,034

Emera Incorporated DSU Roberts, R. Michael 5 01/12/2014 00

Emera Incorporated DSU Roberts, R. Michael 5 18/02/2016 56 839 839

Emera Incorporated Options Roberts, R. Michael 5 18/02/2016 50 46.19 23,800 11,900

Emera Incorporated Performance Share Units Roberts, R. Michael 5 18/02/2016 56 7,291 3,842

Emera Incorporated DSU Tower, Nancy Gail 5 18/02/2016 56 60,634 4,784

Emera Incorporated Options Tower, Nancy Gail 5 18/02/2016 50 46.19 221,800 32,100

Emera Incorporated Performance Share Units Tower, Nancy Gail 5 18/02/2016 59 42.95 18,066 -7,954

Emera Incorporated Performance Share Units Tower, Nancy Gail 5 18/02/2016 56 28,437 10,371

Enbridge Inc. Rights - Deferred Share Units (DSUs)

Arledge, David Allen 4 01/09/2015 30 53,916 486

Enbridge Inc. Rights - Deferred Share Units (DSUs)

Arledge, David Allen 4 11/09/2015 56 54,680 764

Enbridge Inc. Rights - Deferred Share Units (DSUs)

Arledge, David Allen 4 01/12/2015 30 55,223 543

Enbridge Inc. Rights - Deferred Share Units (DSUs)

Arledge, David Allen 4 11/12/2015 56 56,210 987

Enbridge Inc. Common Shares Balko, Jody 7 26/02/2016 51 19.13 26,157 17,000

Enbridge Inc. Common Shares Balko, Jody 7 26/02/2016 10 47.5 9,157 -17,000

Enbridge Inc. Options $19.13 ($38.26) - February 9, 2017 Expiry

Balko, Jody 7 01/01/2014 00 17,000

Enbridge Inc. Options $19.13 ($38.26) - February 9, 2017 Expiry

Balko, Jody 7 26/02/2016 51 0 -17,000

Enbridge Inc. Common Shares Blanchard, James Johnston 4 31/12/2015 30 36.97 14,891 133

Enbridge Inc. Common Shares Blanchard, James Johnston 4 31/12/2015 30 48.36 15,792 901

Enbridge Inc. Rights - Deferred Share Units (DSUs)

Blanchard, James Johnston 4 01/09/2015 30 105,422 949

Enbridge Inc. Rights - Deferred Share Units (DSUs)

Blanchard, James Johnston 4 11/09/2015 56 105,800 378

Enbridge Inc. Rights - Deferred Share Units (DSUs)

Blanchard, James Johnston 4 01/12/2015 30 106,850 1,050

Enbridge Inc. Rights - Deferred Share Units (DSUs)

Blanchard, James Johnston 4 11/12/2015 56 107,339 489

Enbridge Inc. Rights - Deferred Share Units (DSUs)

Coutu, Marcel R. 4 01/09/2015 30 959 9

Enbridge Inc. Rights - Deferred Share Units (DSUs)

Coutu, Marcel R. 4 11/09/2015 56 1,232 273

Enbridge Inc. Rights - Deferred Share Units (DSUs)

Coutu, Marcel R. 4 01/12/2015 30 1,245 13

Enbridge Inc. Rights - Deferred Share Units (DSUs)

Coutu, Marcel R. 4 11/12/2015 56 1,587 342

Enbridge Inc. Common Shares England, James Herbert 4 31/12/2015 30 48.36 6,955 2,758

Enbridge Inc. Common Shares England, James Herbert 4 31/12/2015 30 35.03 6,983 28

Enbridge Inc. Rights - Deferred Share Units (DSUs)

England, James Herbert 4 01/09/2015 30 52,746 478

Enbridge Inc. Rights - Deferred Share Units (DSUs)

England, James Herbert 4 11/09/2015 56 53,147 401

Enbridge Inc. Rights - Deferred Share Units (DSUs)

England, James Herbert 4 01/12/2015 30 53,675 528

Enbridge Inc. Rights - Deferred Share Units (DSUs)

England, James Herbert 4 11/12/2015 56 54,193 518

Enbridge Inc. Rights - Deferred Share Units (DSUs)

Fischer, Charles Wayne 4 01/09/2015 30 20,164 184

Enbridge Inc. Rights - Deferred Share Units (DSUs)

Fischer, Charles Wayne 4 11/09/2015 56 20,745 581

Enbridge Inc. Rights - Deferred Share Units (DSUs)

Fischer, Charles Wayne 4 01/12/2015 30 20,951 206

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Issuer Name Security Insider Name Rel’n Transaction Date T/O Unit Price

Date/Month End Holdings

Acquired/ Disposed

Enbridge Inc. Rights - Deferred Share Units (DSUs)

Fischer, Charles Wayne 4 11/12/2015 56 21,679 728

Enbridge Inc. Common Shares Kempston Darkes, V. Maureen

4 31/12/2015 30 48.7 20,223 1,404

Enbridge Inc. Rights - Deferred Share Units (DSUs)

Kempston Darkes, V. Maureen

4 01/09/2015 30 13,423 122

Enbridge Inc. Rights - Deferred Share Units (DSUs)

Kempston Darkes, V. Maureen

4 11/09/2015 56 13,696 273

Enbridge Inc. Rights - Deferred Share Units (DSUs)

Kempston Darkes, V. Maureen

4 01/12/2015 30 13,832 136

Enbridge Inc. Rights - Deferred Share Units (DSUs)

Kempston Darkes, V. Maureen

4 11/12/2015 56 14,174 342

Enbridge Inc. Rights - Deferred Share Units (DSUs)

Petty, Jr., George Kibbe 4 01/09/2015 30 67,322 608

Enbridge Inc. Rights - Deferred Share Units (DSUs)

Petty, Jr., George Kibbe 4 11/09/2015 56 68,772 1,450

Enbridge Inc. Rights - Deferred Share Units (DSUs)

Petty, Jr., George Kibbe 4 01/12/2015 30 69,455 683

Enbridge Inc. Rights - Deferred Share Units (DSUs)

Petty, Jr., George Kibbe 4 11/12/2015 56 71,329 1,874

Enbridge Inc. Rights - Deferred Share Units (DSUs)

Roberts, Rebecca Brown 4 01/09/2015 30 716 6

Enbridge Inc. Rights - Deferred Share Units (DSUs)

Roberts, Rebecca Brown 4 11/09/2015 56 1,441 725

Enbridge Inc. Rights - Deferred Share Units (DSUs)

Roberts, Rebecca Brown 4 01/12/2015 30 1,456 15

Enbridge Inc. Rights - Deferred Share Units (DSUs)

Roberts, Rebecca Brown 4 11/12/2015 56 2,393 937

Enbridge Inc. Rights - Deferred Share Units (DSUs)

Tutcher, Dan Curtis 4 01/09/2015 30 67,409 607

Enbridge Inc. Rights - Deferred Share Units (DSUs)

Tutcher, Dan Curtis 4 11/09/2015 56 68,921 1,512

Enbridge Inc. Rights - Deferred Share Units (DSUs)

Tutcher, Dan Curtis 4 01/12/2015 30 69,605 684

Enbridge Inc. Rights - Deferred Share Units (DSUs)

Tutcher, Dan Curtis 4 11/12/2015 56 71,559 1,954

Enbridge Inc. Common Shares Williams, Catherine L. 4 31/12/2015 30 48.7 37,843 1,911

Enbridge Inc. Rights - Deferred Share Units (DSUs)

Williams, Catherine L. 4 01/09/2015 30 30,234 272

Enbridge Inc. Rights - Deferred Share Units (DSUs)

Williams, Catherine L. 4 11/09/2015 56 30,827 593

Enbridge Inc. Rights - Deferred Share Units (DSUs)

Williams, Catherine L. 4 01/12/2015 30 31,133 306

Enbridge Inc. Rights - Deferred Share Units (DSUs)

Williams, Catherine L. 4 11/12/2015 56 31,875 742

Enbridge Income Fund Trust Units Enbridge Income Fund Holdings Inc.

3 16/02/2016 10 25.9 97,308,382 66,995

Enbridge Income Fund Trust Units Enbridge Income Fund Holdings Inc.

3 16/02/2016 10 26.43 97,308,386 4

Enbridge Income Fund Holdings Inc.

Common Shares Enbridge Inc. 3 16/02/2016 30 25.9 19,366,332 13,334

Enbridge Income Fund Holdings Inc.

Common Shares Enbridge Inc. 3 16/02/2016 30 26.43 19,366,333 1

Encana Corporation Common Shares Alexander, Joanne Linette 5 31/12/2015 30 10.76 3,617 1,617

Encana Corporation Common Shares Alexander, Joanne Linette 5 31/12/2015 30 8.73 3,679 62

Encana Corporation Common Shares Alexander, Joanne Linette 5 31/12/2015 30 8.25 18,518 518

Encana Corporation Restricted Share Units Alexander, Joanne Linette 5 31/12/2015 30 14,229 528

Encana Corporation Rights - Performance Share Unit Plan

Alexander, Joanne Linette 5 31/12/2015 30 45,199 1,678

Encana Corporation Restricted Share Units Balmer, Jeffrey Scott 7 31/12/2015 30 48,057 1,798

Encana Corporation Restricted Share Units Balmer, Jeffrey Scott 7 19/02/2016 38 31,599 -16,458

Encana Corporation Rights - Performance Share Unit Plan

Balmer, Jeffrey Scott 7 31/12/2015 30 40,202 1,504

Encana Corporation Common Shares Brillon, Sherri 5 31/12/2015 30 11.97 86,058 2,871

Encana Corporation Common Shares Brillon, Sherri 5 31/12/2015 30 11.91 94,165 8,107

Encana Corporation Common Shares Brillon, Sherri 5 31/12/2015 30 12.41 1,032 29

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Date/Month End Holdings

Acquired/ Disposed

Encana Corporation Restricted Share Units Brillon, Sherri 5 31/12/2015 30 96,062 3,567

Encana Corporation Restricted Share Units Brillon, Sherri 5 19/02/2016 38 67,537 -28,525

Encana Corporation Rights - Performance Share Unit Plan

Brillon, Sherri 5 31/12/2015 30 189,547 4,559

Encana Corporation Restricted Share Units Code, Corey Douglas 7 31/12/2015 30 38,263 1,421

Encana Corporation Restricted Share Units Code, Corey Douglas 7 19/02/2016 38 26,152 -12,111

Encana Corporation Rights - Performance Share Unit Plan

Code, Corey Douglas 7 31/12/2015 30 39,910 1,482

Encana Corporation Common Shares Hill, David Glen 5 31/12/2015 30 10.09 22,118 3,124

Encana Corporation Restricted Share Units Hill, David Glen 5 31/12/2015 30 66,347 2,482

Encana Corporation Restricted Share Units Hill, David Glen 5 19/02/2016 38 55,679 -10,668

Encana Corporation Rights - Performance Share Unit Plan

Hill, David Glen 5 31/12/2015 30 116,692 4,366

Encana Corporation Restricted Share Units Jones, John Burton 7 31/12/2015 30 27,056 1,012

Encana Corporation Restricted Share Units Jones, John Burton 7 19/02/2016 38 17,912 -9,144

Encana Corporation Rights - Performance Share Unit Plan

Jones, John Burton 7 31/12/2015 30 24,170 904

Encana Corporation Common Shares Mayson, Howard John 4 25/02/2016 10 3.74 20,000 5,000

Encana Corporation Common Shares McAllister, Michael 5 31/12/2015 30 11.93 17,006 3,239

Encana Corporation Common Shares McAllister, Michael 5 31/12/2015 30 12.41 17,021 15

Encana Corporation Common Shares McAllister, Michael 5 31/12/2015 30 12.79 17,022 1

Encana Corporation Restricted Share Units McAllister, Michael 5 31/12/2015 30 132,813 4,932

Encana Corporation Restricted Share Units McAllister, Michael 5 19/02/2016 38 93,157 -39,656

Encana Corporation Rights - Performance Share Unit Plan

McAllister, Michael 5 31/12/2015 30 265,625 9,864

Encana Corporation Restricted Share Units McCracken, Brendan Michael

7 31/12/2015 30 47,448 1,467

Encana Corporation Restricted Share Units McCracken, Brendan Michael

7 19/02/2016 38 31,553 -15,895

Encana Corporation Rights - Performance Share Unit Plan

McCracken, Brendan Michael

7 31/12/2015 30 39,804 1,231

Encana Corporation Restricted Share Units Nicks, David Allen 7 31/12/2015 30 26,901 1,006

Encana Corporation Restricted Share Units Nicks, David Allen 7 19/02/2016 38 17,757 -9,144

Encana Corporation Rights - Performance Share Unit Plan

Nicks, David Allen 7 31/12/2015 30 24,264 908

Encana Corporation Restricted Share Units Rogers, Andrew Lee 7 31/12/2015 30 20,507 767

Encana Corporation Rights - Performance Share Unit Plan

Rogers, Andrew Lee 7 31/12/2015 30 27,758 1,038

Encana Corporation Common Shares Suttles, Douglas James 4, 5 31/12/2015 30 11.72 40,887 4,825

Encana Corporation Common Shares Suttles, Douglas James 4, 5 31/12/2015 30 11.72 45,712 4,825

Encana Corporation Restricted Share Units Suttles, Douglas James 4, 5 31/12/2015 30 312,721 11,613

Encana Corporation Rights - Performance Share Unit Plan

Suttles, Douglas James 4, 5 31/12/2015 30 783,283 29,088

Encana Corporation Common Shares Williams, Michael 5 31/12/2015 30 11.5 7,725 1,996

Encana Corporation Restricted Share Units Williams, Michael 5 31/12/2015 30 34,468 1,280

Encana Corporation Rights - Performance Share Unit Plan

Williams, Michael 5 31/12/2015 30 92,606 3,439

Encana Corporation Common Shares Zemljak, Renee 7 31/12/2015 30 10.41 14,025 317

Encana Corporation Common Shares Zemljak, Renee 7 31/12/2015 30 10.39 15,304 1,279

Encana Corporation Restricted Share Units Zemljak, Renee 7 31/12/2015 30 74,299 2,780

Encana Corporation Restricted Share Units Zemljak, Renee 7 19/02/2016 38 55,679 -18,620

Encana Corporation Rights - Performance Share Unit Plan

Zemljak, Renee 7 31/12/2015 30 148,597 5,559

Energy Leaders Plus Income Fund

Units Energy Leaders Plus Income Fund

1 26/02/2016 38 7,500 7,500

Energy Leaders Plus Income Fund

Units Energy Leaders Plus Income Fund

1 26/02/2016 38 0 -7,500

eQube Gaming Limited Common Shares Thorkelsson, Danielle Marie 5 19/02/2016 10 0.245 254,000 500

eQube Gaming Limited Common Shares TONG, KIN ON KENT 4, 5 23/02/2016 10 0.245 1,107,900 500

eQube Gaming Limited Common Shares TONG, KIN ON KENT 4, 5 23/02/2016 10 0.18 1,108,900 1,000

eQube Gaming Limited Common Shares TONG, KIN ON KENT 4, 5 25/02/2016 10 0.225 1,109,900 1,000

eQube Gaming Limited Common Shares TONG, KIN ON KENT 4, 5 26/02/2016 10 0.2 1,121,400 11,500

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Insider Reporting

March 3, 2016

(2016), 39 OSCB 2129

Issuer Name Security Insider Name Rel’n Transaction Date T/O Unit Price

Date/Month End Holdings

Acquired/ Disposed

Equity Financial Holdings Inc. (formerly, Grey Horse Corporation)

Common Shares Jones, Michael Rhoderick 4, 5 23/02/2016 10 8.1 35,729 100

Equity Financial Holdings Inc. (formerly, Grey Horse Corporation)

Common Shares Jones, Michael Rhoderick 4, 5 23/02/2016 10 8.1 36,129 400

Equity Financial Holdings Inc. (formerly, Grey Horse Corporation)

Common Shares Jones, Michael Rhoderick 4, 5 23/02/2016 10 8.1 37,629 1,500

Equity Financial Holdings Inc. (formerly, Grey Horse Corporation)

Common Shares Jones, Michael Rhoderick 4, 5 23/02/2016 10 8.15 38,629 1,000

Equity Financial Holdings Inc. (formerly, Grey Horse Corporation)

Common Shares Jones, Michael Rhoderick 4, 5 25/02/2016 10 8.09 39,129 500

Equity Financial Holdings Inc. (formerly, Grey Horse Corporation)

Common Shares Jones, Michael Rhoderick 4, 5 25/02/2016 10 8.09 39,629 500

Equity Financial Holdings Inc. (formerly, Grey Horse Corporation)

Common Shares Jones, Michael Rhoderick 4, 5 25/02/2016 10 8.08 40,629 1,000

Equity Financial Holdings Inc. (formerly, Grey Horse Corporation)

Common Shares McCarthy, Michele, Daphne 4 22/02/2016 10 8.18 3,000

Equity Financial Holdings Inc. (formerly, Grey Horse Corporation)

Common Shares McCarthy, Michele, Daphne 4 22/02/2016 10 8.15 4,464 3,000

Eurocontrol Technics Group Inc.

Common Shares Allon, Yoav 5 19/02/2016 00 22,000

Eurocontrol Technics Group Inc.

Options Stock Allon, Yoav 5 19/02/2016 00 50,000

Eurocontrol Technics Group Inc.

Options Stock Logan, Dennis 4 19/02/2016 50 500,000 125,000

Eurocontrol Technics Group Inc.

Options Stock May, Charlotte Mary-Anne 5 19/02/2016 50 0.15 400,000 250,000

Eurocontrol Technics Group Inc.

Common Shares Reinis, Doron 5 19/02/2016 00 127,000

Eurocontrol Technics Group Inc.

Options Stock Reinis, Doron 5 19/02/2016 00 950,000

Eurocontrol Technics Group Inc.

Options Stock Rowlands, William Bruce 4, 5 19/02/2016 50 0.15 3,075,000 975,000

Eurocontrol Technics Group Inc.

Options Stock Tinajero, Andres 5 19/02/2016 50 0.15 850,000 350,000

Eurocontrol Technics Group Inc.

Options Stock Wawrew, Kenneth Joseph 4 19/02/2016 50 0.15 700,000 350,000

Eurocontrol Technics Group Inc.

Options Stock Wood, Paul Eugene 4 19/02/2016 50 0.15 675,000 325,000

Europe Blue-Chip Dividend & Growth Fund

Units Europe Blue-Chip Dividend & Growth Fund

1 21/03/2014 00

Europe Blue-Chip Dividend & Growth Fund

Units Europe Blue-Chip Dividend & Growth Fund

1 14/01/2016 38 7.71 2,452,458 2,452,458

Europe Blue-Chip Dividend & Growth Fund

Units Europe Blue-Chip Dividend & Growth Fund

1 14/01/2016 38 7.71 0 -2,452,458

Exco Technologies Limited Common Shares Riganelli, Paul 5 22/02/2016 10 14.65 141,053 -4,837

Exco Technologies Limited Common Shares Riganelli, Paul 5 24/02/2016 10 15.25 139,153 -1,900

Exco Technologies Limited Common Shares Riganelli, Paul 5 24/02/2016 10 15.2 137,153 -2,000


3 17/02/2016 36 0.05 5,600,000


3 17/02/2016 16 0.05 5,600,000


3 17/02/2016 16 0.05 5,600,000


3 17/02/2016 36 0.05 13,238,000 5,600,000


3 18/06/2014 00


3 18/06/2014 00

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(2016), 39 OSCB 2130

Issuer Name Security Insider Name Rel’n Transaction Date T/O Unit Price

Date/Month End Holdings

Acquired/ Disposed


3 18/06/2014 00


3 10/02/2015 16 0.05 $280,000 $280,000


3 17/02/2015 16 0.05 -$280,000


3 17/02/2016 36 0.05 -$5,600,000


3 17/02/2016 16 0.05 -$5,600,000


3 17/02/2016 16 $280,000


3 17/02/2016 16 $280,000


3 17/02/2016 36 $0 -$280,000

EXPLOR RESOURCES INC. Common Shares Dupont, Chris 4, 5 19/02/2016 16 0.1 3,168,197 1,000,000

EXPLOR RESOURCES INC. Common Shares Dupont, Chris 4, 5 19/02/2016 10 0.19 2,968,197 -200,000

EXPLOR RESOURCES INC. Warrants Dupont, Chris 4, 5 19/02/2016 53 0.15 500,000 500,000

Fairfax India Holdings Corporation

Subordinate Voting Shares

Sweitzer, Brandon 7 12/03/2015 00

Fairfax India Holdings Corporation

Subordinate Voting Shares

Sweitzer, Brandon 7 12/03/2015 10 11.11 2,325 2,325

FCF Capital Inc. Options bezanson, allan james 4 23/02/2016 50 4,450,000 3,000,000

FCF Capital Inc. Common Shares Class A Reid, Stephen 4, 5 23/02/2016 00 14,285,714

FCF Capital Inc. Options Reid, Stephen 4, 5 23/02/2016 00 6,675,282

FCF Capital Inc. Options Wolfe, Courtenay Catherine Kellie

4, 5 23/02/2016 50 3,450,000 2,000,000

FCF Capital Inc. (formerly, Brilliant Resources Inc.)

Deferred Share Units Bell, James Geral 4 23/02/2016 00

FCF Capital Inc. (formerly, Brilliant Resources Inc.)

Deferred Share Units Bell, James Geral 4 23/02/2016 30 649,451 649,451

FCF Capital Inc. (formerly, Brilliant Resources Inc.)

Options Bell, James Geral 4 23/02/2016 00

FCF Capital Inc. (formerly, Brilliant Resources Inc.)

Options Bell, James Geral 4 23/02/2016 50 0.2 1,483,396 1,483,396

Finning International Inc. Common Shares Breukels, Cornelis Mauritius H.J.

5 23/02/2016 51 14.64 10,719 463

Finning International Inc. Common Shares Breukels, Cornelis Mauritius H.J.

5 24/02/2016 10 17.81 10,256 -463

Finning International Inc. Options Breukels, Cornelis Mauritius H.J.

5 23/02/2016 51 14.64 39,780 -2,459

First Capital Realty Inc. Common Shares Agourias, Eleftheria 5 12/02/2016 00

First Capital Realty Inc. Units Restricted Share Units

Agourias, Eleftheria 5 12/02/2016 00 1,500

First Capital Realty Inc. Options Brekken, Kay 7, 5 19/02/2016 50 247,000 112,000

First Capital Realty Inc. Options Burton, Gareth 5 12/02/2016 00

First Capital Realty Inc. Options Burton, Gareth 5 19/02/2016 50 33,000 33,000

First Capital Realty Inc. Options Chouinard, Roger 7 19/02/2016 50 196,250 33,000

First Capital Realty Inc. Common Shares Francella, Carmine 5 12/02/2016 00

First Capital Realty Inc. Options Francella, Carmine 5 12/02/2016 00

First Capital Realty Inc. Options Francella, Carmine 5 19/02/2016 50 47,000 47,000

First Capital Realty Inc. Common Shares hetz, nathan 4, 6 22/02/2016 10 19.821 56,106 -10,000

First Capital Realty Inc. Common Shares hetz, nathan 4, 6 22/02/2016 10 19.689 0 -56,106

First Capital Realty Inc. Common Shares Levy, Sandra Elizabeth 5 12/02/2016 00

First Capital Realty Inc. Options Levy, Sandra Elizabeth 5 12/02/2016 00 13,000

First Capital Realty Inc. Options Levy, Sandra Elizabeth 5 19/02/2016 50 36,000 23,000

First Capital Realty Inc. Units Restricted Share Units

Levy, Sandra Elizabeth 5 12/02/2016 00 1,623

First Capital Realty Inc. Options McDougald, Maryanne 7, 5 19/02/2016 50 276,080 70,000

First Capital Realty Inc. Options Paul, Adam Elliot 4, 7, 5 19/02/2016 50 992,000 467,000

First Capital Realty Inc. Options Shpigel, Jodi 7, 5 19/02/2016 50 178,081 70,000

First Mexican Gold Corp. Common Shares Voisin, James Arthur Robert 4 28/01/2016 10 0.03 -34,000

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Insider Reporting

March 3, 2016

(2016), 39 OSCB 2131

Issuer Name Security Insider Name Rel’n Transaction Date T/O Unit Price

Date/Month End Holdings

Acquired/ Disposed

First Mexican Gold Corp. Common Shares Voisin, James Arthur Robert 4 04/02/2016 10 0.03 7,292,313 -34,000

First Mexican Gold Corp. Common Shares Voisin, James Arthur Robert 4 17/02/2016 10 0.03 7,012,313 -230,000

Foran Mining Corporation Options Fleming, David Bruce 5 24/02/2011 52 1.25 500,000 250,000

Foran Mining Corporation Rights DSU Morcombe, Darren James 4 31/12/2015 56 537,838 123,333

Fortis Inc. Common Shares Duke, Nora 5 23/02/2016 51 22.94 97,559 13,470

Fortis Inc. Options Duke, Nora 5 23/02/2016 51 294,384 -13,470

Fortis Inc. Common Shares Gosse, Karen J. 5 23/02/2016 51 22.94 13,567 1,881

Fortis Inc. Common Shares Gosse, Karen J. 5 23/02/2016 51 22.29 14,440 873

Fortis Inc. Common Shares Gosse, Karen J. 5 23/02/2016 51 27.36 15,940 1,500

Fortis Inc. Options Gosse, Karen J. 5 23/02/2016 51 35,261 -1,881

Fortis Inc. Options Gosse, Karen J. 5 23/02/2016 51 34,388 -873

Fortis Inc. Options Gosse, Karen J. 5 23/02/2016 51 32,888 -1,500

Fortis Inc. Common Shares Perry, Barry 4, 5 23/02/2016 51 27.36 165,688 12,336

Fortis Inc. Common Shares Perry, Barry 4, 5 18/03/2003 00

Fortis Inc. Common Shares Perry, Barry 4, 5 24/02/2016 10 37.95 385 385

Fortis Inc. Options Perry, Barry 4, 5 23/02/2016 51 721,268 -12,336

Fortis Inc. Common Shares Roberts, Jamie 7 24/02/2016 51 33.58 26,101 2,301

Fortis Inc. Common Shares Roberts, Jamie 7 24/02/2016 51 30.73 28,380 2,279

Fortis Inc. Options Roberts, Jamie 7 24/02/2016 51 45,336 -2,301

Fortis Inc. Options Roberts, Jamie 7 24/02/2016 51 43,057 -2,279

Fortis Inc. Common Shares Spinney, James 5 01/07/2004 00

Fortis Inc. Common Shares Spinney, James 5 01/07/2004 00 267

Fortress Paper Ltd. Common Shares Class A voting without par value

Wappler, Axel 7 30/09/2015 57 4.75 4,033

Fortress Paper Ltd. Common Shares Class A voting without par value

Wappler, Axel 7 30/09/2015 57 4.6 14,033 4,033

Fortress Paper Ltd. Rights Restricted Share Units

Wappler, Axel 7 30/09/2015 57 4.75 -4,033

Fortress Paper Ltd. Rights Restricted Share Units

Wappler, Axel 7 30/09/2015 57 4.6 8,067 -4,033

Fox River Resources Corporation

Common Shares Case, Stephen Dunbar 4, 5 25/02/2016 10 0.035 1,314,386 14,000

Fox River Resources Corporation

Common Shares Case, Stephen Dunbar 4, 5 26/02/2016 10 0.035 1,319,386 5,000

Franco-Nevada Corporation Deferred Share Units Albanese, Thomas 4 31/12/2015 56 1,826 1,000

Franco-Nevada Corporation Deferred Share Units Albanese, Thomas 4 31/12/2015 30 1,844 18

Franco-Nevada Corporation Common Shares Alfers, Stephen Douglas 7 23/12/2013 57 3,515

Franco-Nevada Corporation Common Shares Alfers, Stephen Douglas 7 23/12/2013 57 13,197 3,515

Franco-Nevada Corporation Options Brink, Paul 5 11/12/2015 50 94,507 14,251

Franco-Nevada Corporation Rights Restricted Share Units (Performance)

Brink, Paul 5 11/12/2015 56 15,372 3,802

Franco-Nevada Corporation Rights Restricted Share Units (Time-based)

Brink, Paul 5 11/12/2015 56 8,836 3,802

Franco-Nevada Corporation Deferred Share Units Evans, Derek Watson 4 31/12/2015 56 8,681 1,736

Franco-Nevada Corporation Deferred Share Units Evans, Derek Watson 4 31/12/2015 30 8,811 130

Franco-Nevada Corporation Common Shares FARQUHARSON, GRAHAM

4 31/12/2015 30 75,110 544

Franco-Nevada Corporation Deferred Share Units FARQUHARSON, GRAHAM

4 31/12/2015 56 8,940 1,736

Franco-Nevada Corporation Deferred Share Units FARQUHARSON, GRAHAM

4 31/12/2015 30 9,075 135

Franco-Nevada Corporation Deferred Share Units Farrow, Catharine Elizabeth Goddard

4 06/05/2015 00

Franco-Nevada Corporation Deferred Share Units Farrow, Catharine Elizabeth Goddard

4 31/12/2015 56 1,483 1,483

Franco-Nevada Corporation Deferred Share Units Farrow, Catharine Elizabeth Goddard

4 31/12/2015 30 1,488 5

Franco-Nevada Corporation Deferred Share Units Gignac, Louis P. 4 31/12/2015 56 5,705 1,368

Franco-Nevada Corporation Deferred Share Units Gignac, Louis P. 4 31/12/2015 30 5,787 82

Franco-Nevada Corporation Options Harquail, David 4, 5 11/12/2015 50 161,503 42,753

Franco-Nevada Corporation Rights Restricted Share Units (Performance)

Harquail, David 4, 5 11/12/2015 56 39,021 11,405

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March 3, 2016

(2016), 39 OSCB 2132

Issuer Name Security Insider Name Rel’n Transaction Date T/O Unit Price

Date/Month End Holdings

Acquired/ Disposed

Franco-Nevada Corporation Rights Restricted Share Units (Time-based)

Harquail, David 4, 5 11/12/2015 56 23,831 11,405

Franco-Nevada Corporation Options Hong, Lloyd Hyunsoo 5 11/12/2015 50 131,125 11,401

Franco-Nevada Corporation Rights Restricted Share Units (Performance)

Hong, Lloyd Hyunsoo 5 11/12/2015 56 10,656 3,041

Franco-Nevada Corporation Rights Restricted Share Units (Time-based)

Hong, Lloyd Hyunsoo 5 11/12/2015 56 5,699 3,041

Franco-Nevada Corporation Deferred Share Units Lassonde, Pierre 4 31/12/2015 56 1,000

Franco-Nevada Corporation Deferred Share Units Lassonde, Pierre 4 31/12/2015 56 5,567 1,000

Franco-Nevada Corporation Deferred Share Units Lassonde, Pierre 4 31/12/2015 30 5,651 84

Franco-Nevada Corporation Deferred Share Units Oliphant, Randall 4 10/12/2007 00

Franco-Nevada Corporation Deferred Share Units Oliphant, Randall 4 31/12/2015 56 1,000 1,000

Franco-Nevada Corporation Deferred Share Units Oliphant, Randall 4 31/12/2015 30 1,004 4

Franco-Nevada Corporation Deferred Share Units Peterson, David Robert 4 31/12/2015 56 10,510 1,921

Franco-Nevada Corporation Deferred Share Units Peterson, David Robert 4 31/12/2015 30 10,670 160

Franco-Nevada Corporation Options Rana, Sandip 5 11/12/2015 50 200,250 12,826

Franco-Nevada Corporation Rights Restricted Share Units (Performance)

Rana, Sandip 5 11/12/2015 56 13,552 3,422

Franco-Nevada Corporation Rights Restricted Share Units (Time-based)

Rana, Sandip 5 11/12/2015 56 7,850 3,422

Franco-Nevada Corporation Options Sparkes, Kerry Elwyn 5 11/12/2015 50 25,649 3,491

Franco-Nevada Corporation Rights Restricted Share Units (Performance)

Sparkes, Kerry Elwyn 5 11/12/2015 56 1,918 931

Franco-Nevada Corporation Rights Restricted Share Units (Time-based)

Sparkes, Kerry Elwyn 5 11/12/2015 56 1,589 931

Franco-Nevada Corporation Options Waterman, Geoffrey 5 11/12/2015 50 31,841 9,976

Franco-Nevada Corporation Rights Restricted Share Units (Performance)

Waterman, Geoffrey 5 11/12/2015 56 11,279 2,661

Franco-Nevada Corporation Rights Restricted Share Units (Time-based)

Waterman, Geoffrey 5 11/12/2015 56 6,375 2,661

Franco-Nevada Corporation Options Wilson, Philip Dane 5 11/12/2015 50 57,945 3,776

Franco-Nevada Corporation Rights Restricted Share Units (Performance)

Wilson, Philip Dane 5 11/12/2015 56 7,254 1,511

Franco-Nevada Corporation Rights Restricted Share Units (Time-based)

Wilson, Philip Dane 5 11/12/2015 56 2,653 1,007

Galantas Gold Corporation Common Shares Phelps, Roland Frank 3, 4, 7, 5 16/02/2016 90 0 -1,421,067

Galantas Gold Corporation Common Shares Phelps, Roland Frank 3, 4, 7, 5 16/02/2016 90 21,472,915 1,421,067

Gazit-Globe Ltd. Common Shares Norstar Holdings Inc. 3 18/02/2016 10 28.312 98,798,500 22,500

GB Minerals Ltd. Common Shares de Jong, Brent 4 20/02/2014 00

GB Minerals Ltd. Common Shares de Jong, Brent 4 24/02/2016 11 15,096,946 15,096,946

GB Minerals Ltd. Common Shares Zaff LP 3 24/02/2016 11 71,565,366 -15,096,946

Genesis Land Development Corp.

Common Shares Miller, III, Lloyd I. 3 23/02/2016 10 1.4909 2,819,900 15,300

Genworth MI Canada Inc. Common Shares Levings, Stuart Kendrick 4 22/02/2016 10 26.395 4,231 485

Genworth MI Canada Inc. Common Shares Levings, Stuart Kendrick 4 22/02/2016 10 26.3 4,642 2,352

Genworth MI Canada Inc. Common Shares Levings, Stuart Kendrick 4 22/02/2016 10 26.324 1,655 490

Genworth MI Canada Inc. Common Shares Sweeney, Craig 5 17/02/2016 10 25.25 7,562 3,000

Gildan Activewear Inc. Common Shares Berg, Donald 4 25/02/2016 10 25.4 3,000 2,000

Global Dividend Growers Income Fund

Trust Units Global Dividend Growers Income Fund

1 23/02/2016 38 11.208 2,695,256 400

Global Dividend Growers Income Fund

Trust Units Global Dividend Growers Income Fund

1 25/02/2016 38 11.017 2,696,156 900

Global Healthcare Dividend Fund

Trust Units Global Healthcare Dividend Fund

1 24/02/2016 38 10.83 3,643,913 1,000

Global Infrastructure Dividend Fund

Trust Units Global Infrastructure Dividend Fund

1 19/02/2016 38 8.0109 1,829,500 1,100

Global Infrastructure Dividend Fund

Trust Units Global Infrastructure Dividend Fund

1 24/02/2016 38 8.0133 1,830,100 600

Global Infrastructure Dividend Fund

Trust Units Global Infrastructure Dividend Fund

1 25/02/2016 38 7.97 1,831,100 1,000

Global Real Estate Dividend Growers Corp.

Common Shares Equity Shares

Global Real Estate Dividend Growers Corp.

1 19/02/2016 38 7.9 391,900 600

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Insider Reporting

March 3, 2016

(2016), 39 OSCB 2133

Issuer Name Security Insider Name Rel’n Transaction Date T/O Unit Price

Date/Month End Holdings

Acquired/ Disposed

Global Real Estate Dividend Growers Corp.

Common Shares Equity Shares

Global Real Estate Dividend Growers Corp.

1 22/02/2016 38 8.0314 392,600 700

Global Real Estate Dividend Growers Corp.

Common Shares Equity Shares

Global Real Estate Dividend Growers Corp.

1 23/02/2016 38 8.0143 393,300 700

Global Real Estate Dividend Growers Corp.

Common Shares Equity Shares

Global Real Estate Dividend Growers Corp.

1 24/02/2016 38 7.9477 395,500 2,200

Global Real Estate Dividend Growers Corp.

Common Shares Equity Shares

Global Real Estate Dividend Growers Corp.

1 25/02/2016 38 7.8225 396,700 1,200

Globalance Dividend Growers Corp.

Common Shares Equity Shares

Globalance Dividend Growers Corp.

1 22/02/2016 38 8.0114 209,700 1,400

Globalance Dividend Growers Corp.

Common Shares Equity Shares

Globalance Dividend Growers Corp.

1 24/02/2016 38 8 210,100 400

Globalance Dividend Growers Corp.

Common Shares Equity Shares

Globalance Dividend Growers Corp.

1 25/02/2016 38 7.9154 211,400 1,300

Gluskin Sheff + Associates Inc.

Deferred Share Units Beeston, Paul 5 25/02/2016 35 21,717 408

Gluskin Sheff + Associates Inc.

Deferred Share Units Davis, Virginia Ann 4 25/02/2016 35 3,259 61

Gluskin Sheff + Associates Inc.

Deferred Share Units Gobert, Wilfred Arthur 4 25/02/2016 35 24,584 462

Gluskin Sheff + Associates Inc.

Deferred Share Units Halperin, Stephen 4 25/02/2016 35 7,841 147

Gluskin Sheff + Associates Inc.

Deferred Share Units Lockhart, Nancy 4 25/02/2016 35 7,830 147

Gluskin Sheff + Associates Inc.

Common Shares MacMillan, Thomas C. 4 31/12/2015 30 174,150 5,963

Gluskin Sheff + Associates Inc.

Deferred Share Units MacMillan, Thomas C. 4 25/02/2016 35 3,495 65

Gluskin Sheff + Associates Inc.

Deferred Share Units Solway, Herbert 4 25/02/2016 35 27,798 523

Gluskin Sheff + Associates Inc.

Deferred Share Units Themens, Pierre-Andre 4 25/02/2016 35 25,293 476

Gluskin Sheff + Associates Inc.

Common Shares Zaltz, Peter Aaron 5 31/12/2015 30 700,214 23,468

goeasy Ltd. (formerly, easyhome Ltd.)

Common Shares Ingram, David 4, 5 26/02/2016 10 19.74 350,328 2,372

Goldcorp Inc. Common Shares Buras, David Allen 5 17/02/2016 00

Goldcorp Inc. Options Buras, David Allen 5 17/02/2016 00 49,209

Goldcorp Inc. Rights Buras, David Allen 5 17/02/2016 00 13,384

Goldcorp Inc. Common Shares Patterson, William David 5 17/02/2016 00 1,655

Goldcorp Inc. Options Patterson, William David 5 17/02/2016 00 50,903

Goldcorp Inc. Rights Patterson, William David 5 17/02/2016 00 13,963

Golden Dawn Minerals Inc. Common Shares Wiese, Wolfgang 4, 5 12/02/2016 10 0.13 3,467,908 2,000

Golden Dawn Minerals Inc. Common Shares Wiese, Wolfgang 4, 5 24/02/2016 10 0.145 3,217,908 -50,000

Golden Reign Resources Ltd.

Options Bullock, Kevin 5 19/01/2016 00 1,500,000

Golden Reign Resources Ltd.

Options Jonker, Abraham 4 22/10/2015 00

Golden Reign Resources Ltd.

Options Jonker, Abraham 4 19/02/2016 50 250,000 250,000

Golden Reign Resources Ltd.

Options Lipson, Rael Desmond 4 19/02/2016 50 0.1 310,000 250,000

Golden Share Mining Corporation

Common Shares Zeng, Nick Nianqing 4, 5 23/02/2016 46 0.1 1,371,000 225,000

Goldeneye Resources Corp. Options DZISIAK, ROBERT MICHAEL

4 26/08/2015 00

Goldeneye Resources Corp. Options DZISIAK, ROBERT MICHAEL

4 22/02/2016 50 0.05 150,000 150,000

Goldeneye Resources Corp. Options Goldeneye Resoures corp 4 17/08/2015 00

Goldeneye Resources Corp. Options Goldeneye Resoures corp 4 22/02/2016 50 250,000 250,000

GoldMoney Inc. (formerly BitGold Inc.)

Options Sokalsky, Katie 5 23/10/2015 00

GoldMoney Inc. (formerly BitGold Inc.)

Options Sokalsky, Katie 5 23/10/2015 50 3.7 100,000

GoldMoney Inc. (formerly BitGold Inc.)

Options Sokalsky, Katie 5 23/10/2015 50 3.7 100,000

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March 3, 2016

(2016), 39 OSCB 2134

Issuer Name Security Insider Name Rel’n Transaction Date T/O Unit Price

Date/Month End Holdings

Acquired/ Disposed

GoldMoney Inc. (formerly BitGold Inc.)

Options Sokalsky, Katie 5 02/11/2015 00

GoldMoney Inc. (formerly BitGold Inc.)

Options Sokalsky, Katie 5 02/11/2015 00 100,000

Goodfellow Inc. Common Shares Garcia, Claude 4 22/02/2016 10 10.328 58,100 900

Goodfellow Inc. Common Shares Garcia, Claude 4 24/02/2016 10 10.482 64,300 6,200


3 14/09/2015 54 4E+07 78,750,000 36,250,000


3 14/09/2015 54 6E+06 85,000,000 6,250,000


3 14/09/2015 54 0.11 78,750,000 36,250,000


3 14/09/2015 54 0.11 85,000,000 6,250,000

Gran Colombia Gold Corp. 2020 Debentures Giustra, Frank 3 15/02/2016 00 $260,371

Gran Colombia Gold Corp. Common Shares Giustra, Frank 3 15/02/2016 00 16,041,913

Gran Colombia Gold Corp. Common Shares Giustra, Frank 3 15/02/2016 00 11,535,940

Gran Colombia Gold Corp. 2020 Debentures Miller, III, Lloyd I. 3 25/02/2016 10 52 $9,301,734 $95,000

GrowPros Cannabis Ventures Inc.

Common Shares Audet, André 4 24/02/2016 11 0.05 4,051,084 1,200,000

GrowPros Cannabis Ventures Inc.

Warrants Audet, André 4 24/02/2016 11 0.07 2,300,000 1,200,000

Hardwoods Distribution Inc. Restricted Shares Bull, Peter Morris 3 31/12/2015 35 17.98 2,138 21

Hardwoods Distribution Inc. Restricted Shares Bull, Peter Morris 3 31/12/2015 90 17.98 0 -2,138

Heatherdale Resources Ltd. Options Smith, Patrick 4 01/01/2016 52 0.07 690,000 -1,000,000

Hemisphere Energy Corporation

Common Shares Arthur, Andrew John 5 26/02/2016 10 0.13 265,000 85,000

Hemisphere Energy Corporation

Common Shares Duncan, Ian 5 26/02/2016 10 0.13 491,696 15,000

Hemisphere Energy Corporation

Common Shares Ramsden-Wood, Ashley 5 23/02/2016 10 0.09 100,000 50,000

Heron Resources Limited Options Greenstone Resources L.P. 3 17/08/2015 00

Heron Resources Limited Options Greenstone Resources L.P. 3 03/12/2015 50 1,000,000 1,000,000

Heron Resources Limited Options Sawyer, Mark Raymond 4 11/12/2015 50 0.092 1,000,000

Heron Resources Limited Options Sawyer, Mark Raymond 4 11/12/2015 50 0.092 1,000,000

Heron Resources Limited Options Sawyer, Mark Raymond 4 11/12/2015 50 0.092 1,000,000

High Liner Foods Incorporated

Common Shares Hennigar, Laurie Dean 6 05/11/2010 00

High Liner Foods Incorporated

Common Shares Hennigar, Laurie Dean 6 19/02/2016 10 12.305 10,000 10,000

High Liner Foods Incorporated

Common Shares MAHODY, Jolene 4 19/02/2016 10 12.169 5,000 2,000

High Liner Foods Incorporated

Common Shares Milner, Charlene Kristen 5 18/01/2016 00

High Liner Foods Incorporated

Common Shares Milner, Charlene Kristen 5 19/02/2016 10 12.37 1,100 1,100

High Liner Foods Incorporated

Common Shares Rorabeck, Timothy 5 19/02/2016 10 12.215 2,500 1,000

Home Capital Group Inc. Rights Deferred Share Units

Beaurivage, Jacqueline 4 23/02/2016 35 31.61 4,530 34

Home Capital Group Inc. Rights Deferred Share Units

Blowes, Robert 4 23/02/2016 35 31.61 495 4

Home Capital Group Inc. Rights Deferred Share Units

Falk, William 4 23/02/2016 35 31.61 10,521 79

Home Capital Group Inc. Rights Deferred Share Units

Graham, Diana Lynn 4 23/02/2016 35 31.61 6,224 47

Home Capital Group Inc. Rights Deferred Share Units

Marsh, John M. 4 23/02/2016 35 31.61 10,376 78

Home Capital Group Inc. Rights Deferred Share Units

Mitchell, Robert A. 4 23/02/2016 35 31.61 10,867 82

Home Capital Group Inc. Rights Deferred Share Units

Smith, Kevin 4 23/02/2016 35 31.61 36,061 272

Horizon North Logistics Inc. Common Shares Ballantyne, Richard Thomas 4 15/07/2015 10 3.53 25,540 540

Horizon North Logistics Inc. Common Shares Ballantyne, Richard Thomas 4 15/10/2015 10 2.95 26,232 692

Horizon North Logistics Inc. Common Shares Ballantyne, Richard Thomas 4 15/01/2016 10 1.49 57,593 1,361

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March 3, 2016

(2016), 39 OSCB 2135

Issuer Name Security Insider Name Rel’n Transaction Date T/O Unit Price

Date/Month End Holdings

Acquired/ Disposed

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares Allison, Bradley Harvey 7 05/01/2015 35 27.17 3

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares Allison, Bradley Harvey 7 05/01/2015 30 27.17 526 3

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares Allison, Bradley Harvey 7 21/01/2015 30 26.24 546 20

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares Allison, Bradley Harvey 7 03/02/2015 30 28.55 565 19

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares Allison, Bradley Harvey 7 17/02/2015 30 29.15 583 18

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares Allison, Bradley Harvey 7 02/03/2015 30 27.58 602 19

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares Allison, Bradley Harvey 7 16/03/2015 30 24.72 623 21

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares Allison, Bradley Harvey 7 01/04/2015 30 26.22 643 20

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares Allison, Bradley Harvey 7 02/04/2015 35 26.18 7

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares Allison, Bradley Harvey 7 02/04/2015 30 26.18 650 7

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares Allison, Bradley Harvey 7 16/04/2015 30 27.5 669 19

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares Allison, Bradley Harvey 7 01/05/2015 30 26.95 689 20

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares Allison, Bradley Harvey 7 19/05/2015 30 24.84 710 21

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares Allison, Bradley Harvey 7 01/06/2015 30 24.53 731 21

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares Allison, Bradley Harvey 7 16/06/2015 30 23.68 753 22

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares Allison, Bradley Harvey 7 02/07/2015 30 23.79 775 22

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares Allison, Bradley Harvey 7 03/07/2015 35 24.02 9

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares Allison, Bradley Harvey 7 03/07/2015 30 24.02 784 9

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares Allison, Bradley Harvey 7 16/07/2015 30 23.31 807 23

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares Allison, Bradley Harvey 7 04/08/2015 30 23.88 829 22

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares Allison, Bradley Harvey 7 02/10/2015 30 20.55 841 12

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares Baird, Robert Ian 7 05/01/2015 30 27.17 1,555 4

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares Baird, Robert Ian 7 05/01/2015 30 27.17 1,566 11

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares Baird, Robert Ian 7 21/01/2015 30 26.24 1,576 10

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares Baird, Robert Ian 7 21/01/2015 30 26.24 1,599 23

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares Baird, Robert Ian 7 03/02/2015 30 28.55 1,608 9

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares Baird, Robert Ian 7 03/02/2015 30 28.55 1,629 21

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares Baird, Robert Ian 7 17/02/2015 30 29.15 1,638 9

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares Baird, Robert Ian 7 17/02/2015 30 29.15 1,659 21

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares Baird, Robert Ian 7 02/03/2015 30 27.58 1,668 9

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares Baird, Robert Ian 7 02/03/2015 30 27.58 1,690 22

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares Baird, Robert Ian 7 16/03/2015 30 24.72 1,700 10

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares Baird, Robert Ian 7 16/03/2015 30 24.72 1,725 25

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares Baird, Robert Ian 7 01/04/2015 30 26.22 1,735 10

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares Baird, Robert Ian 7 01/04/2015 30 26.22 1,758 23

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares Baird, Robert Ian 7 02/04/2015 30 26.18 1,764 6

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares Baird, Robert Ian 7 02/04/2015 30 26.18 1,778 14

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares Baird, Robert Ian 7 16/04/2015 30 27.5 1,787 9

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares Baird, Robert Ian 7 16/04/2015 30 27.5 1,809 22

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares Baird, Robert Ian 7 01/05/2015 30 26.95 1,818 9

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares Baird, Robert Ian 7 01/05/2015 30 26.95 1,841 23

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares Baird, Robert Ian 7 19/05/2015 30 24.84 1,851 10

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares Baird, Robert Ian 7 19/05/2015 30 24.84 1,876 25

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares Baird, Robert Ian 7 01/06/2015 30 24.53 1,886 10

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares Baird, Robert Ian 7 01/06/2015 30 24.53 1,911 25

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares Baird, Robert Ian 7 16/06/2015 30 23.68 1,922 11

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares Baird, Robert Ian 7 16/06/2015 30 23.68 1,948 26

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares Baird, Robert Ian 7 02/07/2015 30 23.79 1,959 11

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares Baird, Robert Ian 7 02/07/2015 30 23.79 1,985 26

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares Baird, Robert Ian 7 03/07/2015 30 24.02 1,992 7

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares Baird, Robert Ian 7 03/07/2015 30 24.02 2,009 17

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares Baird, Robert Ian 7 16/07/2015 30 23.31 2,020 11

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares Baird, Robert Ian 7 16/07/2015 30 23.31 2,046 26

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares Baird, Robert Ian 7 04/08/2015 30 23.88 2,056 10

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares Baird, Robert Ian 7 04/08/2015 30 23.88 2,082 26

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares Baird, Robert Ian 7 17/08/2015 30 23.57 2,093 11

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares Baird, Robert Ian 7 17/08/2015 30 23.57 2,119 26

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares Baird, Robert Ian 7 01/09/2015 30 22.46 2,130 11

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(2016), 39 OSCB 2136

Issuer Name Security Insider Name Rel’n Transaction Date T/O Unit Price

Date/Month End Holdings

Acquired/ Disposed

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares Baird, Robert Ian 7 01/09/2015 30 22.46 2,157 27

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares Baird, Robert Ian 7 16/09/2015 30 21.32 2,169 12

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares Baird, Robert Ian 7 16/09/2015 30 21.32 2,198 29

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares Baird, Robert Ian 7 01/10/2015 30 21.07 2,210 12

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares Baird, Robert Ian 7 01/10/2015 30 21.07 2,239 29

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares Baird, Robert Ian 7 02/10/2015 30 20.55 2,248 9

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares Baird, Robert Ian 7 02/10/2015 30 20.55 2,270 22

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares Baird, Robert Ian 7 16/10/2015 30 22.48 2,281 11

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares Baird, Robert Ian 7 16/10/2015 30 22.48 2,308 27

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares Baird, Robert Ian 7 02/11/2015 30 17.55 2,322 14

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares Baird, Robert Ian 7 02/11/2015 30 17.55 2,357 35

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares Baird, Robert Ian 7 17/11/2015 30 18.46 2,370 13

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares Baird, Robert Ian 7 17/11/2015 30 18.46 2,403 33

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares Baird, Robert Ian 7 01/12/2015 30 17.94 2,417 14

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares Baird, Robert Ian 7 01/12/2015 30 17.94 2,451 34

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares Baird, Robert Ian 7 16/12/2015 30 14.55 2,468 17

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares Baird, Robert Ian 7 16/12/2015 30 14.55 2,510 42

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares Baird, Robert Ian 7 24/12/2015 30 15.01 2,527 17

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares Baird, Robert Ian 7 24/12/2015 30 15.01 2,568 41

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares Foster, Nancy Fay 7 01/12/2015 30 17.94 61 61

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares Foster, Nancy Fay 7 01/12/2015 30 17.94 92 31

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares Foster, Nancy Fay 7 16/12/2015 30 14.55 167 75

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares Foster, Nancy Fay 7 16/12/2015 30 14.55 205 38

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares Foster, Nancy Fay 7 24/12/2015 30 15.01 277 72

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares Foster, Nancy Fay 7 24/12/2015 30 15.01 314 37

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares Maclean, Malcolm 2 05/01/2015 30 27.17 369 3

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares Maclean, Malcolm 2 21/01/2015 30 26.24 390 21

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares Maclean, Malcolm 2 03/02/2015 30 28.55 409 19

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares Maclean, Malcolm 2 17/02/2015 30 29.15 428 19

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares Maclean, Malcolm 2 02/03/2015 30 27.58 448 20

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares Maclean, Malcolm 2 16/03/2015 30 24.72 470 22

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares Maclean, Malcolm 2 01/04/2015 30 26.22 491 21

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares Maclean, Malcolm 2 02/04/2015 30 26.18 496 5

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares Maclean, Malcolm 2 16/04/2015 30 27.5 516 20

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares Maclean, Malcolm 2 01/05/2015 30 26.95 536 20

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares Maclean, Malcolm 2 19/05/2015 30 24.84 558 22

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares Maclean, Malcolm 2 01/06/2015 30 24.53 580 22

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares Maclean, Malcolm 2 16/06/2015 30 23.68 603 23

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares Maclean, Malcolm 2 02/07/2015 30 23.79 626 23

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares Maclean, Malcolm 2 03/07/2015 30 24.02 634 8

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares Maclean, Malcolm 2 16/07/2015 30 23.31 657 23

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares Maclean, Malcolm 2 04/08/2015 30 23.88 680 23

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares Maclean, Malcolm 2 17/08/2015 30 23.57 703 23

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares Maclean, Malcolm 2 01/09/2015 30 22.46 727 24

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares Maclean, Malcolm 2 16/09/2015 30 21.32 752 25

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares Maclean, Malcolm 2 01/10/2015 30 21.07 778 26

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares Maclean, Malcolm 2 02/10/2015 30 20.55 788 10

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares Maclean, Malcolm 2 16/10/2015 30 22.48 812 24

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares Maclean, Malcolm 2 02/11/2015 30 17.55 843 31

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares Maclean, Malcolm 2 17/11/2015 30 18.46 872 29

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares Maclean, Malcolm 2 01/12/2015 30 17.94 902 30

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares Maclean, Malcolm 2 16/12/2015 30 14.55 940 38

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares Maclean, Malcolm 2 24/12/2015 30 15.01 976 36

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares PEABODY, ROBERT JOHN 5 05/01/2015 30 27.17 460 4

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares PEABODY, ROBERT JOHN 5 21/01/2015 30 26.24 502 42

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares PEABODY, ROBERT JOHN 5 03/02/2015 30 28.55 540 38

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares PEABODY, ROBERT JOHN 5 17/02/2015 30 29.15 577 37

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares PEABODY, ROBERT JOHN 5 02/03/2015 30 27.58 616 39

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(2016), 39 OSCB 2137

Issuer Name Security Insider Name Rel’n Transaction Date T/O Unit Price

Date/Month End Holdings

Acquired/ Disposed

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares PEABODY, ROBERT JOHN 5 16/03/2015 30 24.72 660 44

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares PEABODY, ROBERT JOHN 5 01/04/2015 30 26.22 702 42

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares PEABODY, ROBERT JOHN 5 02/04/2015 30 26.18 709 7

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares PEABODY, ROBERT JOHN 5 16/04/2015 30 27.5 749 40

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares PEABODY, ROBERT JOHN 5 01/05/2015 30 26.95 789 40

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares PEABODY, ROBERT JOHN 5 19/05/2015 30 24.84 833 44

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares PEABODY, ROBERT JOHN 5 01/06/2015 30 24.53 877 44

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares PEABODY, ROBERT JOHN 5 16/06/2015 30 23.68 923 46

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares PEABODY, ROBERT JOHN 5 02/07/2015 30 23.79 969 46

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares PEABODY, ROBERT JOHN 5 03/07/2015 30 24.02 980 11

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares PEABODY, ROBERT JOHN 5 16/07/2015 30 23.31 1,027 47

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares PEABODY, ROBERT JOHN 5 04/08/2015 30 23.88 1,073 46

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares PEABODY, ROBERT JOHN 5 17/08/2015 30 23.57 1,119 46

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares PEABODY, ROBERT JOHN 5 01/09/2015 30 22.46 1,167 48

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares PEABODY, ROBERT JOHN 5 16/09/2015 30 21.32 1,218 51

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares PEABODY, ROBERT JOHN 5 01/10/2015 30 21.07 1,270 52

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares PEABODY, ROBERT JOHN 5 02/10/2015 30 20.55 1,286 16

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares PEABODY, ROBERT JOHN 5 16/10/2015 30 22.48 1,334 48

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares PEABODY, ROBERT JOHN 5 02/11/2015 30 17.55 1,396 62

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares PEABODY, ROBERT JOHN 5 17/11/2015 30 18.46 1,455 59

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares PEABODY, ROBERT JOHN 5 01/12/2015 30 17.94 1,516 61

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares PEABODY, ROBERT JOHN 5 16/12/2015 30 14.55 1,591 75

HUSKY ENERGY INC. Common Shares PEABODY, ROBERT JOHN 5 24/12/2015 30 15.01 1,664 73

IAMGOLD Corporation Options Banducci, Carol 5 23/02/2016 50 3.26 570,267 100,000

IAMGOLD Corporation Restricted Share Awards Banducci, Carol 5 23/02/2016 56 3.26 155,000 65,000

IAMGOLD Corporation Options Letwin, Stephen Joseph James

4 23/02/2016 50 3.26 2,275,000 450,000

IAMGOLD Corporation Restricted Share Awards Letwin, Stephen Joseph James

4 23/02/2016 56 3.26 440,000 150,000

IAMGOLD Corporation Options Little, Benjamin Richard 5 23/02/2016 50 3.26 329,921 65,000

IAMGOLD Corporation Restricted Share Awards Little, Benjamin Richard 5 23/02/2016 56 3.26 94,000 45,000

IAMGOLD Corporation Options MacDougall, Craig Stephen 5 23/02/2016 50 3.26 360,000 70,000

IAMGOLD Corporation Restricted Share Awards MacDougall, Craig Stephen 5 23/02/2016 56 3.26 117,000 45,000

IAMGOLD Corporation Options Snow, Jeffery Alexander 5 23/02/2016 50 3.26 322,816 75,000

IAMGOLD Corporation Restricted Share Awards Snow, Jeffery Alexander 5 23/02/2016 56 3.26 99,000 50,000

IAMGOLD Corporation Options Stothart, Peter Gordon 5 23/02/2016 50 3.26 630,267 160,000

IAMGOLD Corporation Restricted Share Awards Stothart, Peter Gordon 5 23/02/2016 56 3.26 195,000 105,000

iCo Therapeutics Inc. Options Koppy, Susan Lynne 4 24/12/2015 00

iCo Therapeutics Inc. Options Koppy, Susan Lynne 4 17/02/2016 50 0.05 100,000 100,000

ID Watchdog, Inc. Common Shares Ordinary Shares

Lewis, Jay 5 24/02/2016 54 0.12 405,000 375,000

ID Watchdog, Inc. Common Shares Ordinary Shares

Lewis, Jay 5 24/02/2016 36 600,000 195,000

ID Watchdog, Inc. Preferred Shares Series C Lewis, Jay 5 24/02/2016 38 1680.3 0 -75

ID Watchdog, Inc. Warrants Lewis, Jay 5 24/02/2016 55 0.12 105,000 -375,000

Igen Networks Corp. Common Shares Chan, Neil 4 07/01/2016 51 0.09 2,328,167 55,556

Igen Networks Corp. Options Chan, Neil 4 21/09/2015 50 1,055,556 1,000,000

Igen Networks Corp. Options Chan, Neil 4 07/01/2016 51 0.09 1,000,000 -55,556

Igen Networks Corp. Options Freeman, Richard 4 21/09/2015 50 1,275,000 1,000,000

Igen Networks Corp. Options Nealon, Robert 4 21/09/2015 50 400,000 250,000

IGM Financial Inc. Common Shares Asman, Todd 7 31/12/2015 30 37.46 1,363 150

IGM Financial Inc. Executive Performance Share Units

Asman, Todd 7 25/02/2016 56 44.74 3,470 252

IGM Financial Inc. Executive Performance Share Units

Asman, Todd 7 25/02/2016 59 34.88 2,122 -1,348

IGM Financial Inc. Executive Performance Share Units

Asman, Todd 7 25/02/2016 56 34.88 5,021 2,899

IGM Financial Inc. Options Asman, Todd 7 25/02/2016 50 34.88 59,825 21,240

IGM Financial Inc. Executive Performance Share Units

Carney, Jeffrey 4 25/02/2016 56 34.88 47,701 27,236

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(2016), 39 OSCB 2138

Issuer Name Security Insider Name Rel’n Transaction Date T/O Unit Price

Date/Month End Holdings

Acquired/ Disposed

IGM Financial Inc. Options Carney, Jeffrey 4 25/02/2016 50 34.88 517,545 39,900

IGM Financial Inc. Common Shares Elavia, Tony 7 31/12/2015 30 40.56 3,372 1,067

IGM Financial Inc. Executive Performance Share Units

Elavia, Tony 7 25/02/2016 56 44.74 7,253 166

IGM Financial Inc. Executive Performance Share Units

Elavia, Tony 7 25/02/2016 59 34.88 5,246 -2,007

IGM Financial Inc. Executive Performance Share Units

Elavia, Tony 7 25/02/2016 56 34.88 4,106

IGM Financial Inc. Executive Performance Share Units

Elavia, Tony 7 25/02/2016 56 34.88 4,106

IGM Financial Inc. Executive Performance Share Units

Elavia, Tony 7 25/02/2016 56 34.88 11,300 6,054

IGM Financial Inc. Options Elavia, Tony 7 25/02/2016 50 34.88 78,770 11,090

IGM Financial Inc. Senior Executive Share Units

Elavia, Tony 7 25/02/2016 56 44.74 3,551 166

IGM Financial Inc. Executive Performance Share Units

Gooding, Brian J. 7 25/02/2016 56 34.88 22,063 4,106

IGM Financial Inc. Options Gooding, Brian J. 7 25/02/2016 50 34.88 55,510 10,030

IGM Financial Inc. Common Shares Gould, J. Luke 7 31/12/2015 30 40.71 1,869 299

IGM Financial Inc. Executive Performance Share Units

Gould, J. Luke 7 25/02/2016 56 44.74 3,620 258

IGM Financial Inc. Executive Performance Share Units

Gould, J. Luke 7 25/02/2016 59 34.88 2,188 -1,432

IGM Financial Inc. Executive Performance Share Units

Gould, J. Luke 7 25/02/2016 56 34.88 3,739 1,551

IGM Financial Inc. Options Gould, J. Luke 7 25/02/2016 50 34.88 39,979 4,545

IGM Financial Inc. Common Shares Kinzel, Mark Richard 7 31/12/2015 30 40.88 3,858 404

IGM Financial Inc. Executive Performance Share Units

Kinzel, Mark Richard 7 25/02/2016 56 44.74 10,165 762

IGM Financial Inc. Executive Performance Share Units

Kinzel, Mark Richard 7 25/02/2016 59 34.88 6,092 -4,073

IGM Financial Inc. Executive Performance Share Units

Kinzel, Mark Richard 7 25/02/2016 56 34.88 10,220 4,128

IGM Financial Inc. Options Kinzel, Mark Richard 7 25/02/2016 50 34.88 126,710 10,085

IGM Financial Inc. Common Shares Lawrence, Ian 7 31/12/2015 30 40.75 2,162 314

IGM Financial Inc. Executive Performance Share Units

Lawrence, Ian 7 25/02/2016 56 44.74 1,998 147

IGM Financial Inc. Executive Performance Share Units

Lawrence, Ian 7 25/02/2016 59 34.88 789

IGM Financial Inc. Executive Performance Share Units

Lawrence, Ian 7 25/02/2016 59 34.88 789

IGM Financial Inc. Executive Performance Share Units

Lawrence, Ian 7 25/02/2016 56 34.88 2,837 839

IGM Financial Inc. Executive Performance Share Units

Lawrence, Ian 7 25/02/2016 59 34.88 2,048 -789

IGM Financial Inc. Options Lawrence, Ian 7 25/02/2016 50 34.88 33,880 5,460

IGM Financial Inc. Common Shares MacDonald, Donald James 7 31/12/2015 30 40.99 5,878 509

IGM Financial Inc. Executive Performance Share Units

MacDonald, Donald James 7 25/02/2016 56 44.74 2,366 130

IGM Financial Inc. Executive Performance Share Units

MacDonald, Donald James 7 25/02/2016 59 34.88 1,615 -751

IGM Financial Inc. Executive Performance Share Units

MacDonald, Donald James 7 25/02/2016 56 34.88 2,991 1,376

IGM Financial Inc. Options MacDonald, Donald James 7 25/02/2016 50 34.88 54,823 4,035

IGM Financial Inc. Common Shares McCullum, David 7 31/12/2015 30 40.65 4,365 875

IGM Financial Inc. Executive Performance Share Units

McCullum, David 7 25/02/2016 56 44.74 3,919 211

IGM Financial Inc. Executive Performance Share Units

McCullum, David 7 25/02/2016 59 34.88 2,390 -1,529

IGM Financial Inc. Executive Performance Share Units

McCullum, David 7 25/02/2016 56 34.88 3,988 1,598

IGM Financial Inc. Options McCullum, David 7 25/02/2016 50 34.88 97,843 7,805

IGM Financial Inc. Senior Executive Share Units

McCullum, David 7 25/02/2016 56 44.74 6,283 211

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March 3, 2016

(2016), 39 OSCB 2139

Issuer Name Security Insider Name Rel’n Transaction Date T/O Unit Price

Date/Month End Holdings

Acquired/ Disposed

IGM Financial Inc. Senior Executive Share Units

McCullum, David 7 25/02/2016 56 34.88 7,881 1,598

IGM Financial Inc. Common Shares Murdoch, Robert Charles 5 31/12/2015 30 40.55 247 83

IGM Financial Inc. Executive Performance Share Units

Murdoch, Robert Charles 5 25/02/2016 50 34.88 5,465

IGM Financial Inc. Executive Performance Share Units

Murdoch, Robert Charles 5 25/02/2016 50 34.88 5,465

IGM Financial Inc. Executive Performance Share Units

Murdoch, Robert Charles 5 25/02/2016 56 44.74 2,238 174

IGM Financial Inc. Executive Performance Share Units

Murdoch, Robert Charles 5 25/02/2016 59 34.88 1,307 -931

IGM Financial Inc. Executive Performance Share Units

Murdoch, Robert Charles 5 25/02/2016 56 34.88 2,146 839

IGM Financial Inc. Options Murdoch, Robert Charles 5 25/02/2016 50 34.88 29,189 5,465

IGM Financial Inc. Common Shares Regan, Kevin Ernest 7 31/12/2015 30 40.86 3,436 381

IGM Financial Inc. Executive Performance Share Units

Regan, Kevin Ernest 7 25/02/2016 56 44.74 9,662 515

IGM Financial Inc. Executive Performance Share Units

Regan, Kevin Ernest 7 25/02/2016 59 34.88 5,928 -3,734

IGM Financial Inc. Executive Performance Share Units

Regan, Kevin Ernest 7 25/02/2016 56 34.88 9,927 3,999

IGM Financial Inc. Options Regan, Kevin Ernest 7 25/02/2016 50 34.88 119,075 9,770

IGM Financial Inc. Common Shares Singer, Jeffrey 7 31/12/2015 30 37.12 278 211

IGM Financial Inc. Options Singer, Jeffrey 7 25/02/2016 50 34.88 63,975 11,765

IGM Financial Inc. Senior Executive Share Units

Singer, Jeffrey 7 25/02/2016 56 34.88 13,501 6,422

IGM Financial Inc. Common Shares Taylor, Murray John 4, 5 31/12/2015 30 40.92 4,630 444

IGM Financial Inc. Executive Performance Share Units

Taylor, Murray John 4, 5 25/02/2016 56 44.74 39,755 1,998

IGM Financial Inc. Executive Performance Share Units

Taylor, Murray John 4, 5 25/02/2016 59 34.88 29,071 -10,684

IGM Financial Inc. Executive Performance Share Units

Taylor, Murray John 4, 5 25/02/2016 56 34.88 57,024 27,953

IGM Financial Inc. Options Taylor, Murray John 4, 5 25/02/2016 50 34.88 478,691 40,900

IMAX Corporation Common Shares Chen, Jiande 7 09/12/2015 00

IMAX Corporation Common Shares Lister, Robert D. 5 21/02/2016 57 19,485 6,434

IMAX Corporation Common Shares Lister, Robert D. 5 21/02/2016 38 30.49 17,106 -2,379

IMAX Corporation Rights Restricted Share Unit

Lister, Robert D. 5 21/02/2016 57 57,143 -6,434

Imperus Technologies Corp. (formerly Isis Lab Corporation)

Options Battiston, Deborah 5 23/07/2015 00

Imperus Technologies Corp. (formerly Isis Lab Corporation)

Options Battiston, Deborah 5 24/02/2016 50 0.075 280,134 280,134

Imperus Technologies Corp. (formerly Isis Lab Corporation)

Common Shares Marti Díaz-Plaja, Vicente 5 11/01/2016 00 8,779,052

Imperus Technologies Corp. (formerly Isis Lab Corporation)

Common Shares Marti Díaz-Plaja, Vicente 5 23/02/2016 11 6,102,579 2,603,098

Imperus Technologies Corp. (formerly Isis Lab Corporation)

Options Said, Neil 5 24/02/2016 50 0.075 630,134 280,134

Imvescor Restaurant Group Inc.

Options Mammas, Peter 5 16/09/2013 50 100,000

Imvescor Restaurant Group Inc.

Options Mammas, Peter 5 16/09/2013 50 100,000

Imvescor Restaurant Group Inc.

Options Mammas, Peter 5 16/09/2013 50 100,000 100,000

Inca One Gold Corp. Common Shares Kelly, Edward John 4 16/02/2016 10 0.105 2,218,686 1,000

Inca One Gold Corp. Common Shares Kelly, Edward John 4 16/02/2016 10 0.1 2,222,686 4,000

Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services inc.

Common Shares Chabot, René 5 22/02/2016 10 38.521 15,603 3,300

Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services inc.

Common Shares Tremblay, Michel 5 24/02/2016 10 35.63 28,000 3,000

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Insider Reporting

March 3, 2016

(2016), 39 OSCB 2140

Issuer Name Security Insider Name Rel’n Transaction Date T/O Unit Price

Date/Month End Holdings

Acquired/ Disposed

InMed Pharmaceuticals Inc. (formerly Cannabis Technologies Inc,)

Common Shares Chris, Bogart 5 11/02/2016 10 0.17 4,112,000 5,000

InMed Pharmaceuticals Inc. (formerly Cannabis Technologies Inc,)

Common Shares Chris, Bogart 5 11/02/2016 10 0.15 4,117,000 5,000

InMed Pharmaceuticals Inc. (formerly Cannabis Technologies Inc,)

Common Shares Chris, Bogart 5 18/02/2016 10 0.14 4,132,000 15,000

InMed Pharmaceuticals Inc. (formerly Cannabis Technologies Inc,)

Common Shares Chris, Bogart 5 18/02/2016 10 0.155 4,182,000 50,000

InMed Pharmaceuticals Inc. (formerly Cannabis Technologies Inc,)

Common Shares Chris, Bogart 5 18/02/2016 10 0.14 4,194,500 12,500

Innergex Renewable Energy Inc.

Common Shares Laflamme, Richard 4 31/12/2015 35 11.02 8,674 54

Innergex Renewable Energy Inc.

Common Shares Laflamme, Richard 4 31/12/2015 35 10.23 8,727 53

Innergex Renewable Energy Inc.

Common Shares Laflamme, Richard 4 31/12/2015 35 10.51 8,779 52

Innergex Renewable Energy Inc.

Common Shares Laflamme, Richard 4 31/12/2015 35 11.02 557 22

Innergex Renewable Energy Inc.

Common Shares Laflamme, Richard 4 31/12/2015 35 10.23 587 30

Innergex Renewable Energy Inc.

Common Shares Laflamme, Richard 4 31/12/2015 35 10.51 617 30

Innergex Renewable Energy Inc.

Common Shares Laflamme, Richard 4 31/12/2015 35 11.02 4,964 119

Innergex Renewable Energy Inc.

Common Shares Laflamme, Richard 4 31/12/2015 35 10.23 5,094 130

Innergex Renewable Energy Inc.

Common Shares Laflamme, Richard 4 31/12/2015 35 10.51 5,223 129

InnVest Real Estate Investment Trust

Trust Units Cornell, Matthew 5 01/02/2016 00 850

InnVest Real Estate Investment Trust

Trust Units Glenn, Sara Ann 5 01/02/2016 00 804

Integra Gold Corp. Common Shares Bryce, Robert 4 22/02/2016 10 0.39 511,810 -47,690

Integra Gold Corp. Common Shares de Jong, John 4 22/02/2016 10 0.39 644,908 -46,584

Integra Gold Corp. Common Shares Salamis, George 4 26/02/2016 10 0.39 1,281,103 50,000

Inter Pipeline Ltd. Rights Performance Share Units

Arsenych, Stephen James 5 18/02/2016 56 11,850 6,276

Inter Pipeline Ltd. Rights Restricted Share Units

Arsenych, Stephen James 5 18/02/2016 56 25,594 6,276

Inter Pipeline Ltd. Rights Performance Share Units

Bayle, Christian 5 18/02/2016 56 73,690 41,840

Inter Pipeline Ltd. Rights Restricted Share Units

Bayle, Christian 5 18/02/2016 56 136,519 41,840

Inter Pipeline Ltd. Rights Restricted Share Units

Brown, Lorne Easton 4 18/02/2016 56 11,296 4,184

Inter Pipeline Ltd. Rights Performance Share Units

Dusevic Oliva, Anita Elizabeth

5 18/02/2016 56 11,935 7,555

Inter Pipeline Ltd. Rights Restricted Share Units

Dusevic Oliva, Anita Elizabeth

5 18/02/2016 56 21,753 7,555

Inter Pipeline Ltd. Rights Performance Share Units

Fesyk, David William 4, 5 18/02/2016 56 26,385 10,460

Inter Pipeline Ltd. Rights Restricted Share Units

Fesyk, David William 4, 5 18/02/2016 56 85,288 10,460

Inter Pipeline Ltd. Rights Performance Share Units

Heagy, Brent 5 18/02/2016 56 29,476 16,736

Inter Pipeline Ltd. Rights Restricted Share Units

Heagy, Brent 5 18/02/2016 56 46,585 16,736

Inter Pipeline Ltd. Rights Restricted Share Units

Keinick, Duane 4 18/02/2016 56 11,296 4,184

Inter Pipeline Ltd. Rights Restricted Share Units

Love, Alison Taylor 4 18/02/2016 56 11,296 4,184

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Insider Reporting

March 3, 2016

(2016), 39 OSCB 2141

Issuer Name Security Insider Name Rel’n Transaction Date T/O Unit Price

Date/Month End Holdings

Acquired/ Disposed

Inter Pipeline Ltd. Rights Performance Share Units

Madro, James Joseph 5 18/02/2016 56 22,107 12,552

Inter Pipeline Ltd. Rights Restricted Share Units

Madro, James Joseph 5 18/02/2016 56 35,197 12,552

Inter Pipeline Ltd. Rights Performance Share Units

Marchant, Jeffrey David 5 18/02/2016 56 22,107 12,552

Inter Pipeline Ltd. Rights Restricted Share Units

Marchant, Jeffrey David 5 18/02/2016 56 45,668 12,552

Inter Pipeline Ltd. Rights Restricted Share Units

McKenzie, Margaret Anne 4 18/02/2016 56 7,130 4,184

Inter Pipeline Ltd. Rights Performance Share Units

Neufeld, Cory Wade 5 18/02/2016 56 13,875 7,903

Inter Pipeline Ltd. Rights Restricted Share Units

Neufeld, Cory Wade 5 18/02/2016 56 26,430 7,903

Inter Pipeline Ltd. Rights Performance Share Units

Perron, Bernard 5 18/02/2016 56 18,423 10,460

Inter Pipeline Ltd. Rights Restricted Share Units

Perron, Bernard 5 18/02/2016 56 36,094 10,460

Inter Pipeline Ltd. Rights Performance Share Units

Roberge, Jeremy Allan 5 18/02/2016 56 13,875 7,903

Inter Pipeline Ltd. Rights Restricted Share Units

Roberge, Jeremy Allan 5 18/02/2016 56 27,619 7,903

Inter Pipeline Ltd. Rights Restricted Share Units

Robertson, William David 4 18/02/2016 56 11,296 4,184

Inter Pipeline Ltd. Rights Restricted Share Units

Sangster, Brant G. 4 18/02/2016 56 11,296 4,184

Inter Pipeline Ltd. Rights Restricted Share Units

Shaw, Richard A. 4 18/02/2016 56 21.511 16,945 6,276

Interfor Corporation Common Shares Stock, Mark 5 24/05/2012 00

Interfor Corporation Common Shares Stock, Mark 5 24/05/2012 00

Interfor Corporation Common Shares Stock, Mark 5 22/02/2016 10 10.75 4,700 4,700

International Road Dynamics Inc.

Common Shares ALTON, HARVEY 4 29/10/2015 99 62,288

International Road Dynamics Inc.

Common Shares ALTON, HARVEY 4 29/10/2015 99 149,448 62,248

InterOil Corporation Rights Performance Share Units

Ford, Sheree Leanne 5 12/02/2016 56 11,250 3,522

InterOil Corporation Rights Performance Share Units

Ford, Sheree Leanne 5 12/02/2016 56 14,772 3,522

InterOil Corporation Rights Performance Share Units

Ford, Sheree Leanne 5 12/02/2016 56 28,860 14,088

InterOil Corporation Rights Performance Share Units

Hession, Michael Anthony Ignatius

5 11/02/2016 56 122,112 10,590

InterOil Corporation Rights Performance Share Units

Hession, Michael Anthony Ignatius

5 11/02/2016 56 132,702 10,590

InterOil Corporation Rights Performance Share Units

Hession, Michael Anthony Ignatius

5 11/02/2016 56 217,422 84,720

InterOil Corporation Rights Performance Share Units

Kirk, David Jonathan 5 17/02/2016 56 16,209 3,564

InterOil Corporation Rights Performance Share Units

Kirk, David Jonathan 5 17/02/2016 56 19,772 3,563

InterOil Corporation Rights Performance Share Units

Kirk, David Jonathan 5 17/02/2016 56 34,026 14,254

InterOil Corporation Rights Performance Share Units

Nador, Zoltan 5 01/02/2016 56 15,452 349

InterOil Corporation Rights Performance Share Units

Nador, Zoltan 5 01/02/2016 56 15,800 348

InterOil Corporation Rights Performance Share Units

Nador, Zoltan 5 01/02/2016 56 17,195 1,395

InterOil Corporation Rights Performance Share Units

Nador, Zoltan 5 16/02/2016 56 22,622 5,427

InterOil Corporation Rights Performance Share Units

Nador, Zoltan 5 16/02/2016 56 28,049 5,427

InterOil Corporation Rights Performance Share Units

Nador, Zoltan 5 16/02/2016 56 49,758 21,709

InterOil Corporation Rights Performance Share Units

Palmer, Saxon Matthew 5 15/02/2016 56 10,376 3,602

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Insider Reporting

March 3, 2016

(2016), 39 OSCB 2142

Issuer Name Security Insider Name Rel’n Transaction Date T/O Unit Price

Date/Month End Holdings

Acquired/ Disposed

InterOil Corporation Rights Performance Share Units

Palmer, Saxon Matthew 5 15/02/2016 56 13,978 3,602

InterOil Corporation Rights Performance Share Units

Palmer, Saxon Matthew 5 15/02/2016 56 28,386 14,408

InterOil Corporation Rights Performance Share Units

Spector, Donald Kevin 5 22/01/2014 00

InterOil Corporation Rights Performance Share Units

Spector, Donald Kevin 5 28/12/2015 56 2,471 2,471

InterOil Corporation Rights Performance Share Units

Spector, Donald Kevin 5 28/01/2016 56 4,941 2,470

InterOil Corporation Rights Performance Share Units

Spector, Donald Kevin 5 28/01/2016 56 14,823 9,882

InterOil Corporation Rights Performance Share Units

Spector, Donald Kevin 5 12/02/2016 56 18,961 4,138

InterOil Corporation Rights Performance Share Units

Spector, Donald Kevin 5 12/02/2016 56 23,098 4,137

InterOil Corporation Rights Performance Share Units

Spector, Donald Kevin 5 12/02/2016 56 39,649 16,551

InterOil Corporation Rights Performance Share Units

Taureka, Isikeli Reuben 5 12/02/2016 56 28,019 5,089

InterOil Corporation Rights Performance Share Units

Taureka, Isikeli Reuben 5 12/02/2016 56 33,108 5,089

InterOil Corporation Rights Performance Share Units

Taureka, Isikeli Reuben 5 12/02/2016 56 53,463 20,355

InterRent Real Estate Investment Trust

Deferred Units Stone, Victor Reginald 4 23/02/2016 57 83,391 -7,712

InterRent Real Estate Investment Trust

Trust Units Stone, Victor Reginald 4 23/02/2016 57 82,948 3,856

Inventronics Limited Common Shares MONETTE, SERGE 3 19/02/2016 10 0.165 446,000 -1,000

Iplayco Corporation Ltd. Common Shares Liszkowski, Max 5 22/02/2016 10 0.5 100,000 44,500

Iplayco Corporation Ltd. Common Shares Perkins, David 4 24/02/2016 10 0.5 222,500 43,500

Iplayco Corporation Ltd. Common Shares Williams, Thomas Craig 4 22/02/2016 10 0.5 60,000 13,500

iSIGN Media Solutions Inc. Common Shares Sultan, Asad 4 19/02/2016 10 0.145 -33,333

iSIGN Media Solutions Inc. Common Shares Sultan, Asad 4 19/02/2016 10 0.145 200,000 -23,333

Ivanhoe Mines Ltd. Options Cockerill, Ian 4 17/02/2016 52 2.4 0 -125,000

Ivanhoe Mines Ltd. Options de Selliers de Moranville, Guy Jacques

4 17/02/2016 52 2.4 0 -125,000

Ivanhoe Mines Ltd. Options Mikhael, Elia 7 17/02/2016 52 2.4 1,000,000 -250,000

Ivanhoe Mines Ltd. Options Nzuru Solo, Guy Benjamin 7 17/02/2016 52 2.4 200,000 -100,000

Jaguar Mining Inc. Common Shares Ahmed, Hashim 5 19/02/2016 00 16,800

Just Energy Group Inc. Bonds 6.5% Convertible Bonds

Pattison, James A. 3 29/10/2013 00

Just Energy Group Inc. Bonds 6.5% Convertible Bonds

Pattison, James A. 3 16/02/2016 10 94.5 $6,000,000 $6,000,000

Just Energy Group Inc. Convertible Debentures JE.DB ($330M)

Pattison, James A. 3 16/02/2016 10 94.5 $5,670,000

Just Energy Group Inc. Convertible Debentures JE.DB ($330M)

Pattison, James A. 3 16/02/2016 10 94.5 $5,670,000

KHAN RESOURCES INC. Common Shares Edey, Grant Arnold 4 24/02/2016 51 0.2 2,368,426 350,000

KHAN RESOURCES INC. Options Edey, Grant Arnold 4 24/02/2016 51 0.2 1,050,000 -350,000

KHAN RESOURCES INC. Common Shares Gooding, K. Bruce 5 18/02/2016 51 0.2 307,647 75,000

KHAN RESOURCES INC. Options Gooding, K. Bruce 5 18/02/2016 51 0.2 200,000 -75,000

Killam Apartment Real Estate Investment Trust

Rights Restricted Units Buckle-McIntosh, Ruth Mary 5 19/02/2016 56 10.72 13,667 7,755

Killam Apartment Real Estate Investment Trust

Rights Restricted Units Cleveland, Erin Nicole 5 19/02/2016 56 10.72 9,152 6,251

Killam Apartment Real Estate Investment Trust

Rights Restricted Units Crowell, Pamela Florence 5 19/02/2016 56 10.72 11,210 6,144

Killam Apartment Real Estate Investment Trust

Rights Restricted Units Fraser, Philip 4 19/02/2016 56 10.72 86,360 43,257

Killam Apartment Real Estate Investment Trust

Rights Restricted Units Jackson, Jeremy Winston 5 19/02/2016 56 10.72 9,483 5,446

Killam Apartment Real Estate Investment Trust

Rights Restricted Units Jackson, Jeremy Winston 5 19/02/2016 56 10.72 7,755

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Insider Reporting

March 3, 2016

(2016), 39 OSCB 2143

Issuer Name Security Insider Name Rel’n Transaction Date T/O Unit Price

Date/Month End Holdings

Acquired/ Disposed

Killam Apartment Real Estate Investment Trust

Rights Restricted Units Jackson, Jeremy Winston 5 19/02/2016 56 10.72 7,755

Killam Apartment Real Estate Investment Trust

Trust Units Jackson, Jeremy Winston 5 18/02/2016 57 10.84 728

Killam Apartment Real Estate Investment Trust

Trust Units Jackson, Jeremy Winston 5 18/02/2016 57 10.84 7,174 728

Killam Apartment Real Estate Investment Trust

Rights Restricted Units McCarville, Colleen 5 19/02/2016 56 10.72 5,003 4,106

Killam Apartment Real Estate Investment Trust

Trust Units McCarville, Colleen 5 01/01/2016 00

Killam Apartment Real Estate Investment Trust

Trust Units McCarville, Colleen 5 01/01/2016 00 5,000

Killam Apartment Real Estate Investment Trust

Trust Units McCarville, Colleen 5 26/02/2016 10 10.92 5,300 300

Killam Apartment Real Estate Investment Trust

Trust Units McCarville, Colleen 5 26/02/2016 90 700 -4,600

Killam Apartment Real Estate Investment Trust

Trust Units McCarville, Colleen 5 01/01/2016 00

Killam Apartment Real Estate Investment Trust

Trust Units McCarville, Colleen 5 26/02/2016 90 1,550 1,550

Killam Apartment Real Estate Investment Trust

Trust Units McCarville, Colleen 5 01/01/2016 00

Killam Apartment Real Estate Investment Trust

Trust Units McCarville, Colleen 5 26/02/2016 90 3,050 3,050

Killam Apartment Real Estate Investment Trust

Rights Restricted Units McLean, Mike 5 19/02/2016 56 10.72 11,208 6,349

Killam Apartment Real Estate Investment Trust

Trust Units McLean, Mike 5 26/02/2016 10 10.94 738 -2,680

Killam Apartment Real Estate Investment Trust

Trust Units McLean, Mike 5 26/02/2016 10 10.95 11,518 2,000

Killam Apartment Real Estate Investment Trust

Rights Restricted Units Noseworthy, Dale 5 19/02/2016 56 10.72 10,684 6,071

Killam Apartment Real Estate Investment Trust

Rights Restricted Units Richardson, Robert 4 19/02/2016 56 10.72 73,138 37,861

Kinaxis Inc. Rights Deferred Share Units

Colbeth, Douglas Proctor 4, 5 03/06/2014 00

Kinaxis Inc. Rights Deferred Share Units

Colbeth, Douglas Proctor 4, 5 17/02/2016 56 3,917 3,917

Kinaxis Inc. Rights Deferred Share Units

Giffen, J. Ian 4 17/02/2016 56 6,917 3,917

Kinaxis Inc. Rights Deferred Share Units

Gwin, Howard 4 17/02/2016 56 6,917 3,917

Kinaxis Inc. Common Shares Johnson, Jeffrey George 5 23/02/2016 51 3.2 25,000 25,000

Kinaxis Inc. Common Shares Johnson, Jeffrey George 5 23/02/2016 10 40 0 -25,000

Kinaxis Inc. Options Johnson, Jeffrey George 5 23/02/2016 51 3.2 242,500 -25,000

Kinaxis Inc. Rights Restricted Share Units

Johnson, Jeffrey George 5 17/02/2016 56 23,333 10,000

Kinaxis Inc. Rights Deferred Share Units

Matricaria, Ronald Anthony 4 17/02/2016 56 6,917 3,917

Kinaxis Inc. Options Mendez, Angel Luis 4 04/01/2016 00

Kinaxis Inc. Options Mendez, Angel Luis 4 22/02/2016 50 39.41 30,000 30,000

Kinaxis Inc. Rights Deferred Share Units

Mendez, Angel Luis 4 04/01/2016 00

Kinaxis Inc. Rights Deferred Share Units

Mendez, Angel Luis 4 17/02/2016 56 3,917 3,917

Kinaxis Inc. Rights Restricted Share Units

Monkman, Richard George 5 17/02/2016 56 38,333 15,000

Kinaxis Inc. Rights Restricted Share Units

Sedgman, Sarah Mayme 5 06/08/2015 00

Kinaxis Inc. Rights Restricted Share Units

Sedgman, Sarah Mayme 5 17/02/2016 56 4,294 4,294

Kinaxis Inc. Rights Restricted Share Units


5 06/08/2015 00

Kinaxis Inc. Rights Restricted Share Units


5 17/02/2016 56 4,294 4,294

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Insider Reporting

March 3, 2016

(2016), 39 OSCB 2144

Issuer Name Security Insider Name Rel’n Transaction Date T/O Unit Price

Date/Month End Holdings

Acquired/ Disposed

Kinaxis Inc. Rights Restricted Share Units

Sicard, John Ernest 4, 5 17/02/2016 56 38,333 25,000

Kinross Gold Corporation Common Shares Elliott, Thomas Ballantyne 5 19/02/2016 57 4.15 98,672 4,424

Kinross Gold Corporation Common Shares Elliott, Thomas Ballantyne 5 19/02/2016 10 4.15 98,657 -15

Kinross Gold Corporation Restricted Shares Elliott, Thomas Ballantyne 5 19/02/2016 58 - Expiration of rights

148,398 -2,242

Kinross Gold Corporation Restricted Shares Elliott, Thomas Ballantyne 5 19/02/2016 59 4.15 143,300 -5,098

Kinross Gold Corporation Restricted Shares Elliott, Thomas Ballantyne 5 19/02/2016 57 4.15 138,876 -4,424

Kinross Gold Corporation Common Shares Etter, Gregory Van 5 19/02/2016 57 4.15 67,276 10,938

Kinross Gold Corporation Restricted Shares Etter, Gregory Van 5 19/02/2016 58 - Expiration of rights

399,165 -3,405

Kinross Gold Corporation Restricted Shares Etter, Gregory Van 5 19/02/2016 57 4.15 388,227 -10,938

Kinross Gold Corporation Common Shares Giardini, Tony Serafino 5 19/02/2016 57 4.15 304,413 14,003

Kinross Gold Corporation Common Shares Giardini, Tony Serafino 5 19/02/2016 10 4.15 304,392 -21

Kinross Gold Corporation Restricted Shares Giardini, Tony Serafino 5 19/02/2016 58 - Expiration of rights

807,086 -14,154

Kinross Gold Corporation Restricted Shares Giardini, Tony Serafino 5 19/02/2016 57 4.15 793,083 -14,003

Kinross Gold Corporation Restricted Shares Giardini, Tony Serafino 5 19/02/2016 59 4.15 776,950 -16,133

Kinross Gold Corporation Common Shares Gold, Geoffrey Peters 5 19/02/2016 57 4.15 316,512 37,647

Kinross Gold Corporation Common Shares Gold, Geoffrey Peters 5 19/02/2016 10 4.15 316,497 -15

Kinross Gold Corporation Restricted Shares Gold, Geoffrey Peters 5 19/02/2016 58 - Expiration of rights

908,367 -25,217

Kinross Gold Corporation Restricted Shares Gold, Geoffrey Peters 5 19/02/2016 59 4.15 865,000 -43,367

Kinross Gold Corporation Restricted Shares Gold, Geoffrey Peters 5 19/02/2016 57 4.15 827,353 -37,647

Kinross Gold Corporation Common Shares Guerard, Sylvain 5 19/02/2016 57 4.15 51,464 4,448

Kinross Gold Corporation Common Shares Guerard, Sylvain 5 19/02/2016 10 4.15 51,457 -7

Kinross Gold Corporation Restricted Shares Guerard, Sylvain 5 19/02/2016 57 4.15 102,613 -4,448

Kinross Gold Corporation Common Shares Hayduk, Nicholas James 5 19/02/2016 57 4.15 48,308 4,030

Kinross Gold Corporation Common Shares Hayduk, Nicholas James 5 19/02/2016 10 4.15 48,292 -16

Kinross Gold Corporation Restricted Shares Hayduk, Nicholas James 5 19/02/2016 58 - Expiration of rights

162,882 -2,043

Kinross Gold Corporation Restricted Shares Hayduk, Nicholas James 5 19/02/2016 57 4.15 158,852 -4,030

Kinross Gold Corporation Restricted Shares Hayduk, Nicholas James 5 19/02/2016 59 4.15 154,206 -4,646

Kinross Gold Corporation Common Shares Morley-Jepson, Warwick 5 19/02/2016 59 4.15 214,760 17,866

Kinross Gold Corporation Common Shares Morley-Jepson, Warwick 5 19/02/2016 10 4.15 214,746 -14

Kinross Gold Corporation Restricted Shares Morley-Jepson, Warwick 5 19/02/2016 57 4.15 698,740 -17,866

Kinross Gold Corporation Restricted Shares Morley-Jepson, Warwick 5 19/02/2016 58 - Expiration

of rights

4.15 693,179 -5,561

Kinross Gold Corporation Common Shares Roberts, Lauren Martin 5 19/02/2016 57 4.15 100,705 10,433

Kinross Gold Corporation Common Shares Roberts, Lauren Martin 5 19/02/2016 10 4.15 100,690 -15

Kinross Gold Corporation Restricted Shares Roberts, Lauren Martin 5 19/02/2016 58 - Expiration

of rights

4.15 336,221 -6,989

Kinross Gold Corporation Restricted Shares Roberts, Lauren Martin 5 19/02/2016 57 4.15 325,788 -10,433

Kinross Gold Corporation Restricted Shares Roberts, Lauren Martin 5 19/02/2016 59 4.15 313,768 -12,020

Kinross Gold Corporation Common Shares Rollinson, Jonathon Paul 4, 5 19/02/2016 57 4.15 733,445 69,280

Kinross Gold Corporation Common Shares Rollinson, Jonathon Paul 4, 5 19/02/2016 10 4.15 733,431 -14

Kinross Gold Corporation Restricted Shares Rollinson, Jonathon Paul 4, 5 19/02/2016 58 - Expiration

of rights

4.15 2,320,623 -51,108

Kinross Gold Corporation Restricted Shares Rollinson, Jonathon Paul 4, 5 19/02/2016 57 4.15 2,251,343 -69,280

Kinross Gold Corporation Restricted Shares Rollinson, Jonathon Paul 4, 5 19/02/2016 59 4.15 2,171,534 -79,809

Kinross Gold Corporation Common Shares Schimper, Claude J.S. 5 19/02/2016 57 4.15 66,015 9,950

Kinross Gold Corporation Common Shares Schimper, Claude J.S. 5 19/02/2016 10 4.15 56,065 -9,950

Kinross Gold Corporation Restricted Shares Schimper, Claude J.S. 5 19/02/2016 57 4.15 143,032 -9,950

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March 3, 2016

(2016), 39 OSCB 2145

Issuer Name Security Insider Name Rel’n Transaction Date T/O Unit Price

Date/Month End Holdings

Acquired/ Disposed

Kinross Gold Corporation Restricted Shares Schimper, Claude J.S. 5 19/02/2016 58 - Expiration

of rights

4.15 139,935 -3,097

Kinross Gold Corporation Common Shares Sims, John Lewis 5 19/02/2016 57 4.15 18,287 2,933

Kinross Gold Corporation Common Shares Sims, John Lewis 5 19/02/2016 10 4.15 18,280 -7

Kinross Gold Corporation Restricted Shares Sims, John Lewis 5 19/02/2016 57 4.15 87,077 -2,933

Kinross Gold Corporation Restricted Shares Sims, John Lewis 5 19/02/2016 59 4.15 83,698 -3,379

Kinross Gold Corporation Common Shares Tomory, Paul Botond Stilicho

5 19/02/2016 57 4.15 46,467 5,822

Kinross Gold Corporation Common Shares Tomory, Paul Botond Stilicho

5 19/02/2016 10 4.15 46,452 -15

Kinross Gold Corporation Restricted Shares Tomory, Paul Botond Stilicho

5 19/02/2016 58 - Expiration

of rights

4.15 218,503 -3,901

Kinross Gold Corporation Restricted Shares Tomory, Paul Botond Stilicho

5 19/02/2016 59 4.15 211,792 -6,711

Kinross Gold Corporation Restricted Shares Tomory, Paul Botond Stilicho

5 19/02/2016 57 4.15 205,970 -5,822

Knick Exploration Inc. Common Shares Jetté, Marc-Antoine 4 31/12/2015 00 24,000

Knick Exploration Inc. Common Shares Jetté, Marc-Antoine 4 19/02/2016 10 110,000

Knick Exploration Inc. Common Shares Jetté, Marc-Antoine 4 19/02/2016 10 0.015 134,000 110,000

Knick Exploration Inc. Common Shares Jetté, Marc-Antoine 4 22/02/2016 10 70,000

Knick Exploration Inc. Common Shares Jetté, Marc-Antoine 4 22/02/2016 10 0.015 204,000 70,000

Knick Exploration Inc. Common Shares Jetté, Marc-Antoine 4 24/02/2016 10 0.02 284,000 80,000

Leon’s Furniture Limited Common Shares Leon, David 5 26/02/2016 90 14.75 35,592 -1,690

Leon’s Furniture Limited Common Shares Leon, David 5 26/02/2016 90 14.75 38,442 1,690

Lifestyle Delivery Systems Inc. (formerly, Kariana Resources Inc.)

Common Shares daCosta, Joao 3 01/05/2015 00

Lifestyle Delivery Systems Inc. (formerly, Kariana Resources Inc.)

Common Shares daCosta, Joao 3 01/05/2015 00 2,415,000

Lite Access Technologies Inc. (formerly 1017341 B.C. Ltd.)

Common Shares Griffiths, Dylan 4 07/08/2015 00 1,102,941

Lite Access Technologies Inc. (formerly 1017341 B.C. Ltd.)

Common Shares Griffiths, Dylan 4 05/02/2016 10 1.1 992,941 -110,000

Lite Access Technologies Inc. (formerly 1017341 B.C. Ltd.)

Options Griffiths, Dylan 4 07/08/2015 00

Lite Access Technologies Inc. (formerly 1017341 B.C. Ltd.)

Options Griffiths, Dylan 4 05/02/2016 50 1.17 400,000 400,000

Lite Access Technologies Inc. (formerly 1017341 B.C. Ltd.)

Common Shares Griffiths, Shirley 7 05/02/2016 10 1.1 992,941 -110,000

Lite Access Technologies Inc. (formerly 1017341 B.C. Ltd.)

Common Shares Toyoda, Robert David 4 16/02/2016 10 1.11 58,300 -4,200

Lite Access Technologies Inc. (formerly 1017341 B.C. Ltd.)

Common Shares Toyoda, Robert David 4 19/02/2016 10 1.12 56,500 -1,800

Logan International Inc. (formerly Destiny Resource Services Corp.)

Common Shares MacNeill, David 5 19/02/2016 10 1.43 16,286 700

Logistec Corporation Common Shares Class A LOGISTEC CORPORATION

1 22/02/2016 38 41 1,000

Logistec Corporation Common Shares Class A LOGISTEC CORPORATION

1 22/02/2016 38 41 1,000

Logistec Corporation Common Shares Class A LOGISTEC CORPORATION

1 23/02/2016 38 41 3,000 1,000

Logistec Corporation Subordinate Voting Shares Class B


1 18/02/2016 38 36.66 600

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Issuer Name Security Insider Name Rel’n Transaction Date T/O Unit Price

Date/Month End Holdings

Acquired/ Disposed

Logistec Corporation Subordinate Voting Shares Class B


1 18/02/2016 38 36.66 600

Logistec Corporation Subordinate Voting Shares Class B


1 23/02/2016 38 36.51 182,200 1,000

Lorne Park Capital Partners Inc.

Common Shares Sewell, Robert Darrell 4, 5 25/02/2016 10 0.4 11,362,500 500

Low Volatility U.S. Equity Income Fund

Trust Units Roode, David 5 31/12/2015 30 10.827 1,290 62

Lucara Diamond Corp. Options Lahri, Naseem Banu 7 26/02/2016 56 2.45 150,000 60,000

Lucara Diamond Corp. Options Lecour, Jennifer Elizabeth 5 26/02/2016 50 2.45 150,000 50,000

Lucara Diamond Corp. Rights Share Units Lecour, Jennifer Elizabeth 5 26/02/2016 56 111,046 55,000

Lucara Diamond Corp. Options Lundin, Lukas Henrik 4 26/02/2016 50 400,000 200,000

Lundin Gold Inc. Options Cambon, James Kenneth 4 24/02/2016 50 4.13 200,000 60,000

Lundin Gold Inc. Options Colman, Sheila Margaret 5 24/02/2016 50 4.13 116,000 66,000

Lundin Gold Inc. Options Gibbs, Ian 4 24/02/2016 50 4.13 200,000 60,000

Lundin Gold Inc. Options Heppenstall, C. Ashley 4 24/02/2016 50 4.13 180,000 100,000

Lundin Gold Inc. Options Hochstein, Ronald F. 4, 5 24/02/2016 50 4.13 780,000 300,000

Lundin Gold Inc. Options Lundin, Lukas Henrik 4, 5 24/02/2016 50 240,000 60,000

Lundin Gold Inc. Options McRae, Paul 4 24/02/2016 50 4.13 220,000 100,000

Lundin Gold Inc. Options Mir, Pablo 4 24/02/2016 50 4.13 200,000 100,000

Lundin Gold Inc. Options Monash, Nathan Saul 5 24/02/2016 50 4.13 218,000 123,000

Lundin Gold Inc. Options See, Chester 5 24/02/2016 50 4.13 372,500 187,500

Lundin Gold Inc. Options Teasdale, Nicholas 5 24/02/2016 50 4.13 254,500 139,500

MAG Silver Corp. Common Shares Clark, Richard Peter 4 25/02/2016 10 9.8 34,300 20,400

MAG Silver Corp. Common Shares Rubenstein, Jonathan A. 4 23/02/2016 47 10 50,000 -2,474

MAG Silver Corp. Common Shares Rubenstein, Jonathan A. 4 26/02/2007 00

MAG Silver Corp. Common Shares Rubenstein, Jonathan A. 4 23/02/2016 47 10 2,474 2,474

Magna International Inc. Rights Restricted Stock Units

Apfalter, Guenther Friedrich 5 18/02/2016 56 42.227 19,234 1,327

Magna International Inc. Rights Restricted Stock Units

Galifi, Vincent Joseph 5 18/02/2016 56 42.227 109,075 11,352

Magna International Inc. Rights Restricted Stock Units

Kotagiri, Seetarama Swamy 5 18/02/2016 56 42.227 52,795 914

Magna International Inc. Rights Restricted Stock Units

Neeb, Marc Joseph 5 18/02/2016 56 42.227 16,361 1,703

Magna International Inc. Rights Restricted Stock Units

Palmer, Jeffrey Owen 5 18/02/2016 56 42.227 77,805 7,663

Magna International Inc. Common Shares Seguin, Francis 5 25/02/2016 00 26,108

Magna International Inc. Common Shares Seguin, Francis 5 25/02/2016 00 6,160

Magna International Inc. Options Seguin, Francis 5 25/02/2016 00 185,886

Magna International Inc. Rights Restricted Stock Units

Skudutis, Tommy Joseph 7, 5 18/02/2016 56 42.227 109,075 11,352

Magna International Inc. Rights Restricted Stock Units

Tobin, Sr., James Joseph 5 18/02/2016 56 42.227 39,993 4,163

Magna International Inc. Rights Restricted Stock Units

Walker, Donald James 4, 5 18/02/2016 56 42.227 272,686 28,381

Majescor Resources Inc. Common Shares Audet, André 4 19/02/2016 10 0.035 432,000 32,000

Majescor Resources Inc. Common Shares Barrie, C. Tucker 4, 5 26/02/2016 10 0.035 952,000 11,000

Majescor Resources Inc. Common Shares Barrie, C. Tucker 4, 5 26/02/2016 10 0.04 956,000 4,000

Mandalay Resources Corporation

Common Shares GMT Capital Corp 3 24/02/2016 10 0.63 12,199,800 42,700

Mandalay Resources Corporation

Common Shares GMT Capital Corp 3 25/02/2016 10 0.64 12,209,800 10,000

Mandalay Resources Corporation

Common Shares GMT Capital Corp 3 24/02/2016 10 0.63 17,040,800 55,100

Mandalay Resources Corporation

Common Shares GMT Capital Corp 3 25/02/2016 10 0.64 17,053,700 12,900

Mandalay Resources Corporation

Common Shares GMT Capital Corp 3 24/02/2016 10 0.63 26,751,100 102,600

Mandalay Resources Corporation

Common Shares GMT Capital Corp 3 25/02/2016 10 0.64 26,774,900 23,800

Mandalay Resources Corporation

Common Shares GMT Capital Corp 3 24/02/2016 10 0.63 3,067,300 8,200

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(2016), 39 OSCB 2147

Issuer Name Security Insider Name Rel’n Transaction Date T/O Unit Price

Date/Month End Holdings

Acquired/ Disposed

Mandalay Resources Corporation

Common Shares GMT Capital Corp 3 25/02/2016 10 0.64 3,069,200 1,900

Mandalay Resources Corporation

Common Shares GMT Capital Corp 3 24/02/2016 10 0.63 2,402,700 7,900

Mandalay Resources Corporation

Common Shares GMT Capital Corp 3 25/02/2016 10 0.64 2,404,600 1,900

Manitou Gold Inc. Common Shares Arnold, Ronald, Francis 4 22/02/2016 10 0.025 1,011,000 20,000

Manulife Financial Corporation

Options Bromley, Craig 5 23/02/2016 50 1,172,314 349,041

Manulife Financial Corporation

Common Shares Caron, Joseph Peter 4 25/02/2016 10 17.33 4,495 660

Manulife Financial Corporation

Common Shares Caron, Joseph Peter 4 25/02/2016 10 12.75 4,920 425

Manulife Financial Corporation

Common Shares Caron, Joseph Peter 4 25/02/2016 10 17.3 1,300 350

Manulife Financial Corporation

Common Shares Caron, Joseph Peter 4 10/10/2010 00

Manulife Financial Corporation

Common Shares Caron, Joseph Peter 4 24/02/2016 10 17.16 1,225 1,225

Manulife Financial Corporation

Common Shares Caron, Joseph Peter 4 19/02/2016 10 12.63 1,391 791

Manulife Financial Corporation

Options Conkey, Christopher Paul 5 23/02/2016 50 128,546 50,720

Manulife Financial Corporation

Common Shares Dabarno, Susan Fay 4 23/02/2016 10 17.31 45,000 3,000

Manulife Financial Corporation

Options Finch, Steve 5 23/02/2016 50 480,214 65,445

Manulife Financial Corporation

Options Forbes, Cindy L. 5 23/02/2016 50 470,797 56,322

Manulife Financial Corporation

Options Framke, Gregory Allen 5 23/02/2016 50 136,344 136,344

Manulife Financial Corporation

Options Gallagher, James D. 5 23/02/2016 50 300,794 50,175

Manulife Financial Corporation

Options Gori, Rocco 5 23/02/2016 50 697,232 436,301

Manulife Financial Corporation

Options Guloien, Donald A. 4, 5 23/02/2016 50 7,055,362 1,185,102

Manulife Financial Corporation

Options Harrison, Marianne 5 23/02/2016 50 1,008,996 290,867

Manulife Financial Corporation

Options Hartz, Scott 5 23/02/2016 50 817,490 119,983

Manulife Financial Corporation

Options Hirji, Rahim 5 23/02/2016 50 400,875 71,394

Manulife Financial Corporation

Options Huddart, Michael Edward 5 23/02/2016 50 350,460 49,070

Manulife Financial Corporation

Options Kalita von dem Hagen, Halina

5 23/02/2016 50 114,496 27,764

Manulife Financial Corporation

Options Kingsmill, Stephani 5 23/02/2016 50 367,039 47,596

Manulife Financial Corporation

Options Mills, Guy Raymond Adam 5 23/02/2016 50 168,946 40,658

Manulife Financial Corporation

Options Ramza, Timothy William 5 23/02/2016 50 74,359 50,720

Manulife Financial Corporation

Options Roder, Stephen Bernard 5 23/02/2016 50 1,701,994 523,561

Manulife Financial Corporation

Options Rooney, Paul 5 23/02/2016 50 2,037,406 290,867

Manulife Financial Corporation

Options Sigurdson, Stephen 5 23/02/2016 50 355,131 79,326

Manulife Financial Corporation

Options Sotorp, Kai Reiner 5 23/02/2016 50 193,439 119,983

Manulife Financial Corporation

Options Sullivan, Lynda 5 23/02/2016 50 397,040 43,629

Manulife Financial Corporation

Options Thomson, Warren A. 5 23/02/2016 50 1,925,889 334,497

Manulife Financial Corporation

Options Van Ogtrop, John 5 23/02/2016 50 107,234 14,543

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March 3, 2016

(2016), 39 OSCB 2148

Issuer Name Security Insider Name Rel’n Transaction Date T/O Unit Price

Date/Month End Holdings

Acquired/ Disposed

Manulife Financial Corporation

Common Shares Webster, Lesley Daniels 4 18/02/2016 10 12.94 6,500 2,500

Manulife Financial Corporation

Common Shares Webster, Lesley Daniels 4 19/02/2016 10 12.75 11,000 4,500

Manulife Financial Corporation

Common Shares Webster, Lesley Daniels 4 22/02/2016 10 12.86 12,000 1,000

Manulife Financial Corporation

Options Witherington, Philip James 7, 5 23/02/2016 50 74,358 43,462

Maple Leaf Foods Inc. Common Shares Liris, Andreas 5 14/12/2015 10 21.6 1,100 1,100

Marquee Energy Ltd. Common Shares Bradford, Steven Wade 5 31/12/2015 30 0.5804 120,015 23,298

Marquee Energy Ltd. Common Shares Lemermeyer, Robert Paul 5 31/12/2015 30 0.5783 263,637 75,346

Marquee Energy Ltd. Common Shares Thompson, Richard David 4, 5 31/12/2015 30 0.5804 639,511 67,444

Marquee Energy Ltd. Common Shares Washenfelder, David John 5 31/12/2015 30 0.5804 218,394 55,180

Marquee Energy Ltd. Common Shares Yip, Sammy Shee 5 31/12/2015 30 0.5804 559,982 55,181

Matica Enterprises Inc. Options Deol, Gurcharn 4 15/02/2016 50 400,000 200,000

MAYA GOLD & SILVER INC. Common Shares Goulet, Guy 4, 5 25/02/2016 10 13.5 505,796 1,500

MAYA GOLD & SILVER INC. Common Shares Goulet, Guy 4, 5 26/02/2016 10 0.14 507,296 1,500

MBN Corporation Units MBN Corporation 1 23/02/2016 38 5.4484 2,500 2,500

MBN Corporation Units MBN Corporation 1 23/02/2016 38 0 -2,500

MBN Corporation Units MBN Corporation 1 24/02/2016 38 5.3643 1,400 1,400

MBN Corporation Units MBN Corporation 1 24/02/2016 38 0 -1,400

MCAN Mortgage Corporation Common Shares Johnson, Brian A. 4 04/01/2016 30 11.62 73,904 1,799

MCAN Mortgage Corporation Common Shares Johnson, Brian A. 4 04/01/2016 30 11.62 1,256 30

MCAN Mortgage Corporation Common Shares Johnson, Brian A. 4 04/01/2016 30 11.62 1,465 35

MCAN Mortgage Corporation Common Shares Johnson, Brian A. 4 04/01/2016 30 11.62 1,097 26

MCW Energy Group Limited Common Shares Dennewald, Robert 4 19/02/2016 16 0.15 1,147,547 933,733

MDC Partners Inc. Common Shares Class A Subordinate Voting Shares

Copeland, Clare Robert 4 17/02/2016 97 27,310 5,000

MDC Partners Inc. Common Shares Class A Subordinate Voting Shares

Doft, David Benjamin 5 17/02/2016 97 190,357 40,000

MDC Partners Inc. Common Shares Class A Subordinate Voting Shares

Gendel, Mitchell 5 17/02/2016 97 220,297 40,000

MDC Partners Inc. Common Shares Class A Subordinate Voting Shares

Kauffman, Scott L. 4, 5 17/02/2016 97 271,359 142,348

MDC Partners Inc. Common Shares Class A Subordinate Voting Shares

KIRBY, MICHAEL 4 17/02/2016 97 30,011 5,000

MDC Partners Inc. Common Shares Class A Subordinate Voting Shares

Simon, Irwin 4 17/02/2016 97 13,011 5,000

Medical Facilities Corporation

Common Shares Medical Facilities Corporation

1 25/02/2016 38 14.1 31,045,944 -1,000

Mega Uranium Ltd. Common Shares Patricio, Richard J 5 22/02/2016 10 0.095 4,374,000 324,000

Merus Labs International Inc. Common Shares cloutier, michael 4 07/07/2013 00

Merus Labs International Inc. Common Shares cloutier, michael 4 30/09/2014 10 1.63 31,000 31,000

Metalcorp Limited Common Shares Gagne, Pierre 4 19/02/2016 10 0.05 20,000

Metalcorp Limited Common Shares Gagne, Pierre 4 19/02/2016 10 0.005 14,293,442 20,000

Metalcorp Limited Common Shares Gagne, Pierre 4 25/02/2016 10 0.005 14,303,442 10,000

Methanex Corporation Common Shares Hognestad, Jone 7 26/02/2016 51 6.33 30,420 5,000

Methanex Corporation Common Shares Hognestad, Jone 7 26/02/2016 10 42.34 25,420 -5,000

Methanex Corporation Options Hognestad, Jone 7 26/02/2016 51 0 -5,000

Methanex Corporation Common Shares Price, Kevin 5 26/02/2016 51 6.33 10,238 4,500

Methanex Corporation Common Shares Price, Kevin 5 26/02/2016 10 43.27 5,738 -4,500

Methanex Corporation Options Price, Kevin 5 26/02/2016 51 0 -4,500

Methanex Corporation Common Shares Sumner, Rich 7, 5 26/02/2016 51 6.33 10,850 8,400

Methanex Corporation Common Shares Sumner, Rich 7, 5 26/02/2016 10 42.52 2,450 -8,400

Methanex Corporation Options Sumner, Rich 7, 5 26/02/2016 51 0 -8,400

Metro inc. Common Shares Bourbonnière, Christian 5 22/02/2016 10 41.83 45,406 -800

Metro inc. Common Shares Bourbonnière, Christian 5 22/02/2016 10 41.84 42,606 -2,800

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(2016), 39 OSCB 2149

Issuer Name Security Insider Name Rel’n Transaction Date T/O Unit Price

Date/Month End Holdings

Acquired/ Disposed

Metro inc. Common Shares Bourbonnière, Christian 5 22/02/2016 10 41.845 42,406 -200

Metro inc. Common Shares Bourbonnière, Christian 5 22/02/2016 10 41.85 42,206 -200

Metro inc. Common Shares Bourbonnière, Christian 5 22/02/2016 10 42.01 41,906 -300

Metro inc. Common Shares Bourbonnière, Christian 5 22/02/2016 10 42.02 41,326 -580

Metro inc. Common Shares Bourbonnière, Christian 5 22/02/2016 10 42.03 41,226 -100

Metro inc. Common Shares Bourbonnière, Christian 5 22/02/2016 10 42.09 39,726 -1,500

Metro inc. Common Shares Bourbonnière, Christian 5 22/02/2016 10 42.1 38,326 -1,400

Metro inc. Common Shares Bourbonnière, Christian 5 22/02/2016 10 42.115 38,226 -100

Metro inc. Common Shares Bourbonnière, Christian 5 22/02/2016 10 42.13 37,726 -500

Metro inc. Common Shares Bourbonnière, Christian 5 22/02/2016 10 42.28 36,226 -1,500

Metro inc. Common Shares Bourbonnière, Christian 5 22/02/2016 10 42.3 35,826 -400

Micromem Technologies Inc. Common Shares Fuda, Joseph 4, 5 23/02/2016 11 486,447 80,000

Middlefield Can-Global REIT Income Fund

Trust Units Middlefield Can-Global REIT Income Fund

1 19/02/2016 10 10.936 3,252,748 -10,000

Migao Corporation Common Shares Lu, Helen 5 19/02/2016 10 0.465 500 500

Millrock Resources Inc. Options Cooper, Lawrence 4 04/02/2016 50 0.245 380,000 50,000

Millrock Resources Inc. Options St. George, Philip 5 04/02/2016 50 0.245 650,000 300,000

Minco Gold Corporation Common Shares Clay, Malcolm Frank 4 19/02/2016 10 0.43 0 -30,000

Monarques Gold Corporation (formerly know as MONARQUES RESOURCES INC.)

Common Shares Lévesque, Alain 5 01/12/2015 00

Monarques Gold Corporation (formerly know as MONARQUES RESOURCES INC.)

Common Shares Lévesque, Alain 5 17/02/2016 10 0.075 50,000 50,000

Moneda LatAm Corporate Bond Fund

Units Class U Moneda Latam Corp. Bond Fund

1 29/01/2016 38 7.6596 20,000 20,000

Moneda LatAm Corporate Bond Fund

Units Class U Moneda Latam Corp. Bond Fund

1 29/01/2016 38 7.6596 0 -20,000

Moneda LatAm Growth Fund Units Class A Moneda Latam Growth Fund

1 15/01/2016 38 5.9672 500 500

Moneda LatAm Growth Fund Units Class A Moneda Latam Growth Fund

1 15/01/2016 38 5.9672 0 -500

Mooncor Oil & Gas Corp. (formerly DVD Investments Limited)

Common Shares LONE, ALLEN 4, 5 22/02/2016 10 0.005 6,920,000 250,000

Mosaic Capital Corporation Common Shares Mosaic Capital Corporation 1 23/02/2016 38 4.25 22,900 1,100

NCE Diversified Flow-Through (14) Limited Partnership

Limited Partnership Units McIntyre, James Alexander 5 08/01/2016 36 0 -3,000

NCE Diversified Flow-Through (16) Limited Partnership

Limited Partnership Units McIntyre, James Alexander 5 19/02/2016 00 4,000

Nevada Exploration Inc. Common Shares Higgs, Darcy Alan 3 16/02/2016 10 0.3904 930,000 -1,750

Nevada Exploration Inc. Common Shares Higgs, Darcy Alan 3 17/02/2016 10 0.3839 929,775 -225

Nevada Exploration Inc. Common Shares Higgs, Darcy Alan 3 18/02/2016 10 0.3793 926,125 -3,650

Nevada Exploration Inc. Common Shares Higgs, Darcy Alan 3 19/02/2016 10 0.3824 924,750 -1,375

Nevada Exploration Inc. Common Shares Higgs, Darcy Alan 3 16/02/2016 10 0.3904 930,000 -1,750

Nevada Exploration Inc. Common Shares Higgs, Darcy Alan 3 17/02/2016 10 0.3839 929,775 -225

Nevada Exploration Inc. Common Shares Higgs, Darcy Alan 3 18/02/2016 10 0.3793 926,125 -3,650

Nevada Exploration Inc. Common Shares Higgs, Darcy Alan 3 19/02/2016 10 0.3824 924,750 -1,375

Nevada Exploration Inc. Common Shares Higgs, Dennis 4 19/02/2016 10 0.3824 3,749,472 -2,750

Nevada Sunrise Gold Corporation

Common Shares Sweatman, Michael 4 24/02/2016 11 0.18 178,500 80,000

Nevada Sunrise Gold Corporation

Warrants Sweatman, Michael 4 24/02/2016 11 0.3 120,000 40,000

New Dimension Resources Ltd.

Options Hewett, Frederic George 4, 5 25/02/2016 52 1.47 24,999 -17,858

New Gold Inc. Common Shares Emerson, David Lee 4 25/02/2016 10 4.43 20,000 10,000

New Gold Inc. Common Shares Gallagher, Robert 5 23/02/2016 51 4.44 380,000

New Gold Inc. Common Shares Gallagher, Robert 5 23/02/2016 51 2.71 670,530 380,000

New Gold Inc. Common Shares Gallagher, Robert 5 23/02/2016 10 4.44 386,912 -283,618

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(2016), 39 OSCB 2150

Issuer Name Security Insider Name Rel’n Transaction Date T/O Unit Price

Date/Month End Holdings

Acquired/ Disposed

New Gold Inc. Options Gallagher, Robert 5 23/02/2016 51 2.71 4,644,000 -380,000

NexgenRx Inc. Common Shares Crossett, Paul Everett 3 25/02/2016 10 0.155 3,875,000 25,000

NexgenRx Inc. Common Shares Crossett, Paul Everett 3 26/02/2016 10 0.155 3,898,000 23,000

Nexus Gold Corp. Common Shares Humphreys, Dean 4 30/07/2015 10 0.11 21,000

Nexus Gold Corp. Common Shares Humphreys, Dean 4 10/11/2015 10 0.115 -5,000

Nexus Gold Corp. Common Shares Humphreys, Dean 4 12/11/2015 10 0.135 -45,000

Nexus Gold Corp. Common Shares Humphreys, Dean 4 12/11/2015 10 0.13 -10,000

Nexus Gold Corp. Common Shares Humphreys, Dean 4 07/12/2015 10 0.11 -6,000

Nexus Gold Corp. Common Shares Humphreys, Dean 4 08/12/2015 10 0.115 -5,000

Nexus Gold Corp. Common Shares Humphreys, Dean 4 17/12/2015 10 0.1 -10,000

Nexus Gold Corp. Common Shares Humphreys, Dean 4 30/12/2015 10 0.095 -10,000

Nexus Gold Corp. Common Shares Humphreys, Dean 4 06/01/2016 10 0.09 -10,000

Nexus Gold Corp. Common Shares Humphreys, Dean 4 15/01/2016 10 0.08 -11,000

Nexus Gold Corp. Common Shares Humphreys, Dean 4 18/01/2016 10 0.085 -4,000

Nexus Gold Corp. Common Shares Humphreys, Dean 4 26/01/2016 10 0.08 -50,000

Nexus Gold Corp. Common Shares Humphreys, Dean 4 09/02/2016 10 0.055 -5,000

Nexus Gold Corp. Common Shares Humphreys, Dean 4 09/02/2016 10 0.04 -53,000

Nexus Gold Corp. Common Shares Humphreys, Dean 4 09/02/2016 10 0.045 1,063,000 273,000

Nexus Gold Corp. Common Shares Klenman, Alexander 4 19/02/2016 10 0.05 1,599,549 15,000

NGEx Resources Inc. Options Carmichael, Robert Gordon 5 24/02/2016 50 655,000 200,000

NGEx Resources Inc. Options Conibear, Paul K. 4 24/02/2016 50 500,000 150,000

NGEx Resources Inc. Options Lundin, Lukas Henrik 4, 5 24/02/2016 50 500,000 150,000

NGEx Resources Inc. Options Mir, Pablo 7 24/02/2016 50 0.61 132,500 25,000

NGEx Resources Inc. Options Mullen, David Frederick 4 24/02/2016 50 0.61 500,000 150,000

NGEx Resources Inc. Options Ngo, Joyce 5 24/02/2016 50 0.61 265,000 50,000

NGEx Resources Inc. Options Rand, William Archibald 4 24/02/2016 50 0.61 500,000 150,000

NGEx Resources Inc. Options STOKKE KEMP, JULIE ANN

5 24/02/2016 50 0.61 150,000 50,000

NGEx Resources Inc. Options Wodzicki, Wojtek Alexander 4, 5 24/02/2016 50 0.61 1,275,000 400,000

Niagara Ventures Corporation

Options Phillips, Larry 4 17/02/2016 50 0.06 240,000 50,000

NioCorp Developments Ltd. Common Shares Sims, James 5 26/10/2015 00

NioCorp Developments Ltd. Common Shares Sims, James 5 25/02/2016 10 0.5946 8,419

NioCorp Developments Ltd. Common Shares Sims, James 5 25/02/2016 10 0.5946 8,419 8,419

Nobelium Tech Corp. Options Anaka, Michael T. 5 28/01/2016 00

Nobelium Tech Corp. Options Anaka, Michael T. 5 28/01/2016 00

Nobelium Tech Corp. Options Jessome, Glenn 5 28/01/2016 00

Nobelium Tech Corp. Options Jessome, Glenn 5 28/01/2016 00

Nobelium Tech Corp. Options Lavigne, Glen 4 28/01/2016 00

Nobelium Tech Corp. Options Lavigne, Glen 4 28/01/2016 00

Nobelium Tech Corp. Options Treslan, Erroll 4 28/01/2016 00

Nobelium Tech Corp. Options Treslan, Erroll 4 28/01/2016 00

Nobilis Health Corp. (formerly Northstar Healthcare Inc.)

Common Shares Kramer, Donald L. 3 17/05/2007 00

Nobilis Health Corp. (formerly Northstar Healthcare Inc.)

Common Shares Kramer, Donald L. 3 16/02/2016 10 2.078 15,834,482 20,000

Nobilis Health Corp. (formerly Northstar Healthcare Inc.)

Common Shares Kramer, Donald L. 3 17/02/2016 10 2.1912 15,854,482 20,000

Nobilis Health Corp. (formerly Northstar Healthcare Inc.)

Common Shares Kramer, Donald L. 3 18/02/2016 10 2.3023 15,874,482 20,000

North American Energy Partners Inc.

Common Shares Ferron, Martin Robert 4, 5 19/02/2016 10 2.24 1,110,497 14,400

North American Energy Partners Inc.

Common Shares Ferron, Martin Robert 4, 5 22/02/2016 10 2.39 1,117,297 6,800

North American Energy Partners Inc.

Common Shares Ferron, Martin Robert 4, 5 25/02/2016 10 2.45 1,122,397 5,100

North American Energy Partners Inc.

Common Shares Ferron, Martin Robert 4, 5 26/02/2016 10 2.4 1,124,897 2,500

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Insider Reporting

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(2016), 39 OSCB 2151

Issuer Name Security Insider Name Rel’n Transaction Date T/O Unit Price

Date/Month End Holdings

Acquired/ Disposed

Northern Blizzard Resources Inc.

Performance Awards Manner, Douglas Glenn 4 21/08/2015 57 -983

Northern Blizzard Resources Inc.

Performance Awards Manner, Douglas Glenn 4 21/08/2015 57 2,787 -963

Northern Blizzard Resources Inc.

Time-based Awards Manner, Douglas Glenn 4 21/08/2015 57 -983

Northern Blizzard Resources Inc.

Time-based Awards Manner, Douglas Glenn 4 21/08/2015 57 2,787 -963

Northland Power Inc. Common Shares Temerty, James C. 3 15/02/2016 30 17.583 95,523 203

Northland Power Inc. Common Shares Temerty, James C. 3 15/02/2016 30 17.583 820,853 4,180

Northland Power Inc. Common Shares Temerty, James C. 3 15/02/2016 30 17.583 10,468 53

Northland Power Inc. Common Shares Temerty, James C. 3 15/02/2016 30 17.583 43,868,319 39,352

Northstar Healthcare Inc. Common Shares Kramer, Donald L. 3 29/11/2007 10 16.14 34,000

Northstar Healthcare Inc. Common Shares Kramer, Donald L. 3 26/03/2008 10 11.93 41,800

Northstar Healthcare Inc. Common Shares Kramer, Donald L. 3 29/11/2007 10 16.14 34,000 34,000

Northstar Healthcare Inc. Common Shares Kramer, Donald L. 3 26/03/2008 10 11.93 75,800 41,800

Nova Leap Health Corp. Common Shares Dobbin, Christopher Donald 4 19/02/2016 00 2,000,000

Nova Leap Health Corp. Common Shares Fulcher, Norman Wayne 3 19/02/2016 00 1,750,000

Nova Leap Health Corp. Common Shares Hatfield, Dana Murray 4 19/02/2016 00 2,000,000

Nova Leap Health Corp. Common Shares Jessome, Glenn 5 19/02/2016 00 1,250,000

Nova Leap Health Corp. Common Shares O’Keefe, Michael Austin 4 19/02/2016 00 1,000,000

NovaCopper Inc. Common Shares Sanders, Elaine 5 26/02/2016 10 0.44 336,728 22,000


Common Shares Rimelman, Ronald 5 22/02/2016 51 2.9 318,846 199,700


Common Shares Rimelman, Ronald 5 22/02/2016 38 6.69 232,279 -86,567


Common Shares Rimelman, Ronald 5 22/02/2016 10 6.58 119,146 -113,133


Options Rimelman, Ronald 5 22/02/2016 51 508,800 -199,700

Oceanus Resources Corporation

Common Shares Abriel, Keith Benjamim 4 18/02/2016 90 0.24 -150,000

Oceanus Resources Corporation

Common Shares Abriel, Keith Benjamim 4 18/02/2016 90 0.24 -150,000

Oceanus Resources Corporation

Common Shares Abriel, Keith Benjamim 4 18/02/2016 90 0.24 150,000

Oceanus Resources Corporation

Common Shares Abriel, Keith Benjamim 4 18/02/2016 90 0.24 150,000

Olympia Financial Group Inc. Common Shares Keogh, Willem 5 22/02/2016 30 1,279 486

Opal Energy Corp. Warrants curtis, Michael Charles Peter

4 26/09/2008 00 300,000

Opal Energy Corp. Common Shares Tisdale, Wayne 4, 5 12/02/2016 10 0.151 349,500 110,000

Open Text Corporation Common Shares OTEX Common

Weiss, Gary 5 18/02/2016 10 47.5 3,780 -783

Orbit Garant Drilling Inc. Common Shares Laplante, Alain 5 22/02/2016 10 0.74 36,166 2,000

Orbite Technologies Inc. Convertible Debentures Bertrand, Stéphane 4 27/08/2009 00

Orbite Technologies Inc. Convertible Debentures Bertrand, Stéphane 4 23/02/2016 15 1000 $10,000 $10,000

Orbite Technologies Inc. Warrants Bertrand, Stéphane 4 27/08/2009 00

Orbite Technologies Inc. Warrants Bertrand, Stéphane 4 23/02/2016 15 25,000 25,000

Orbite Technologies Inc. Actions Classe A Gignac, Pierre 4 23/02/2016 00

Orbite Technologies Inc. Options Gignac, Pierre 4 23/02/2016 00

Organto Foods Inc. Common Shares Giustra, Robert 4, 5 04/02/2016 10 0.28 747,796 25,000

Organto Foods Inc. Common Shares Giustra, Robert 4, 5 04/02/2016 10 0.27 757,796 10,000

Organto Foods Inc. Common Shares Giustra, Robert 4, 5 05/02/2016 10 0.3 807,796 50,000

Organto Foods Inc. Common Shares Giustra, Robert 4, 5 09/02/2016 10 0.3 837,796 30,000

Organto Foods Inc. Common Shares Giustra, Robert 4, 5 10/02/2016 10 0.3 842,796 5,000

Organto Foods Inc. Common Shares Giustra, Robert 4, 5 16/02/2016 10 0.28 847,796 5,000


Common Shares Burzynski, John Feliks 4, 5 26/02/2016 15 15.1 175,800 10,000


Warrants (Expiration: 02-26-2019)

Burzynski, John Feliks 4, 5 16/06/2014 00


Warrants (Expiration: 02-26-2019)

Burzynski, John Feliks 4, 5 26/02/2016 15 19.08 5,000 5,000

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March 3, 2016

(2016), 39 OSCB 2152

Issuer Name Security Insider Name Rel’n Transaction Date T/O Unit Price

Date/Month End Holdings

Acquired/ Disposed


Common Shares Coates, Bryan A. 5 26/02/2016 15 15.1 114,440 10,000


Warrants (Expiration: 02-26-2019)

Coates, Bryan A. 5 16/06/2014 00


Warrants (Expiration: 02-26-2019)

Coates, Bryan A. 5 26/02/2016 15 19.08 5,000 5,000


Common Shares Ferstman, Joanne Shari 4 26/02/2016 15 15.1 12,500 5,000


Warrants (Expiration: 02-26-2019)

Ferstman, Joanne Shari 4 16/06/2014 00


Warrants (Expiration: 02-26-2019)

Ferstman, Joanne Shari 4 26/02/2016 15 19.08 2,500 2,500


Common Shares Labbé, Pierre 4 26/02/2016 15 15.1 6,067 2,000


Warrants (Expiration: 02-26-2019)

Labbé, Pierre 4 17/02/2015 00


Warrants (Expiration: 02-26-2019)

Labbé, Pierre 4 26/02/2016 15 19.08 1,000 1,000

Pacific & Western Bank of Canada

Common Shares PWC Capital Inc. (formerly Pacific & Western Credit Corp.)

3 26/02/2016 16 12,615,219 -37,300

Painted Pony Petroleum Ltd. Common Shares Hanbury, Edwin Stewart 5 17/12/2015 10 2.935 98,131 1,400

Painted Pony Petroleum Ltd. Common Shares Hanbury, Edwin Stewart 5 17/12/2015 10 2.94 121,731 23,600

Pan American Silver Corp. Common Shares Paterson, Cameron 5 11/12/2015 00

Pan American Silver Corp. Common Shares Paterson, Cameron 5 11/12/2015 00

Pan American Silver Corp. Common Shares Paterson, Cameron 5 11/12/2015 50 9.76 17,273

Pan American Silver Corp. Common Shares Paterson, Cameron 5 11/12/2015 50 9.76 17,273

Pan American Silver Corp. Options Paterson, Cameron 5 11/12/2015 00 7,265

Pan American Silver Corp. Options Paterson, Cameron 5 11/12/2015 50 9.76 24,538 17,273

Park Lawn Corporation Common Shares Mills, Franklin Andrew 3, 4, 5 31/12/2010 99 378,080 378,080

Park Lawn Corporation Common Shares Mills, Franklin Andrew 3, 4, 5 12/07/2011 10 7.5 332,080 -46,000

Park Lawn Corporation Common Shares Mills, Franklin Andrew 3, 4, 5 31/12/2010 00

Park Lawn Corporation Common Shares Mills, Franklin Andrew 3, 4, 5 31/12/2010 00

Park Lawn Corporation Common Shares Mills, Franklin Andrew 3, 4, 5 12/07/2011 10 7.5 -46,000

Park Lawn Corporation Common Shares Mills, Patricia Jean Kenyon 3, 4, 5 31/12/2010 99 378,080 378,080

Park Lawn Corporation Common Shares Mills, Patricia Jean Kenyon 3, 4, 5 12/07/2011 10 7.5 332,080 -46,000

Park Lawn Corporation Common Shares Mills, Patricia Jean Kenyon 3, 4, 5 31/12/2010 00

Park Lawn Corporation Common Shares Mills, Patricia Jean Kenyon 3, 4, 5 31/12/2010 00

Park Lawn Corporation Common Shares Mills, Patricia Jean Kenyon 3, 4, 5 12/07/2011 10 7.5 -46,000

Parkland Fuel Corporation Common Shares Appelman, Melody Joy 5 22/02/2016 30 20.54 880 3

Parkland Fuel Corporation Restricted Common Shares

Appelman, Melody Joy 5 22/02/2016 30 20.54 3,143 14

Parkland Fuel Corporation Deferred Share Unit Plan Bechtold, John Frederick 4 22/02/2016 30 20.54 21,161 93

Parkland Fuel Corporation Deferred Share Unit Plan Colnett, Lisa 4 22/02/2016 30 20.54 6,588 28

Parkland Fuel Corporation Common Shares Cruickshank, Andrew Stuart 5 22/02/2016 30 20.54 328 1

Parkland Fuel Corporation Restricted Common Shares

Cruickshank, Andrew Stuart 5 22/02/2016 30 20.54 8,413 23

Parkland Fuel Corporation Common Shares Espey, Robert Berthold 5 22/02/2016 30 20.54 118,545 81

Parkland Fuel Corporation Restricted Common Shares

Espey, Robert Berthold 5 22/02/2016 30 20.54 60,039 145

Parkland Fuel Corporation Deferred Share Unit Plan Hogarth, Timothy 4 22/02/2016 30 20.54 2,691 12

Parkland Fuel Corporation Common Shares Kilty, Colin Peter 5 22/02/2016 30 20.54 16,958 33

Parkland Fuel Corporation Restricted Common Shares

Kilty, Colin Peter 5 22/02/2016 30 20.54 17,461 47

Parkland Fuel Corporation Common Shares Lapensee, Paul 4 22/02/2016 30 20.54 3,512 13

Parkland Fuel Corporation Restricted Common Shares

Lapensee, Paul 4 22/02/2016 30 20.54 6,582 29

Parkland Fuel Corporation Common Shares McMillan, Michael Stanley Howie

5 22/02/2016 30 20.54 4,469 7

Parkland Fuel Corporation Common Shares McMillan, Michael Stanley Howie

5 26/02/2016 90 2,699 -1,770

Parkland Fuel Corporation Common Shares McMillan, Michael Stanley Howie

5 22/02/2016 30 20.54 10,884 49

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March 3, 2016

(2016), 39 OSCB 2153

Issuer Name Security Insider Name Rel’n Transaction Date T/O Unit Price

Date/Month End Holdings

Acquired/ Disposed

Parkland Fuel Corporation Common Shares McMillan, Michael Stanley Howie

5 26/02/2016 90 12,654 1,770

Parkland Fuel Corporation Restricted Common Shares

McMillan, Michael Stanley Howie

5 22/02/2016 30 20.54 11,881 36

Parkland Fuel Corporation Common Shares Moorman, Matthew 5 22/02/2016 30 20.54 359 1

Parkland Fuel Corporation Common Shares Pantelidis, James 4 22/02/2016 30 20.54 203,616 311

Parkland Fuel Corporation Deferred Share Unit Plan Pantelidis, James 4 22/02/2016 30 20.54 64,854 281

Parkland Fuel Corporation Deferred Share Unit Plan PILLA, DOMENICO 4 22/02/2016 30 20.54 6,275 26

Parkland Fuel Corporation Common Shares ROGERS, Ronald D. 4 22/02/2016 30 20.54 44,695 195

Parkland Fuel Corporation Deferred Share Unit Plan ROGERS, Ronald D. 4 22/02/2016 30 20.54 38,558 169

Parkland Fuel Corporation Common Shares Savage, Jane Elizabeth 5 22/02/2016 30 20.54 5,451 23

Parkland Fuel Corporation Common Shares Savage, Jane Elizabeth 5 22/02/2016 30 20.54 5,668 25

Parkland Fuel Corporation Restricted Common Shares

Savage, Jane Elizabeth 5 22/02/2016 30 20.54 14,667 40

Parkland Fuel Corporation Common Shares Smart, Darren Robert 5 22/02/2016 30 20.54 2,959 8

Parkland Fuel Corporation Restricted Common Shares

Smart, Darren Robert 5 22/02/2016 30 20.54 5,057 14

Parkland Fuel Corporation Common Shares Spencer, David 4 22/02/2016 30 20.54 13,605 22

Parkland Fuel Corporation Deferred Share Unit Plan Spencer, David 4 22/02/2016 30 20.54 21,161 93

Parkland Fuel Corporation Common Shares Strating, Donna Jeanne 5 22/02/2016 30 20.54 5,453 3

Parkland Fuel Corporation Restricted Common Shares

Strating, Donna Jeanne 5 22/02/2016 30 20.54 14,385 36

Pennine Petroleum Corporation

Common Shares Garden, John 4 18/02/2016 10 0.015 4,301,628 9,000

Pennine Petroleum Corporation

Common Shares Garden, John 4 22/02/2016 10 0.015 4,302,628 1,000

Perk.com Inc. Common Shares Nolan, Sheffield Simmons 7 05/02/2016 22 8,303

Perk.com Inc. Common Shares Nolan, Sheffield Simmons 7 05/02/2016 22 4.81 365,615 8,303

Petrodorado Energy Ltd. Options Smith, Brian William 5 30/08/2015 52 1 100,000 -400,000

Petrodorado Energy Ltd. Options Smith, Brian William 5 30/08/2015 52 0.7 -100,000

Petrodorado Energy Ltd. Options Smith, Brian William 5 30/08/2015 52 0.7 0 -100,000

Phoenix Canada Oil Company Limited

Options Kindy, Michael Dell 5 23/04/2015 00

Phoenix Canada Oil Company Limited

Options Kindy, Michael Dell 5 30/12/2015 50 1.4 25,000 25,000

Photon Control Inc. Common Shares Breault, Robert Paul 4 19/02/2016 51 0.1 567,400 400,000

Photon Control Inc. Common Shares Breault, Robert Paul 4 19/02/2016 10 0.66 506,600 -60,800

Photon Control Inc. Options Breault, Robert Paul 4 19/02/2016 51 0.1 795,000 -400,000

Picton Mahoney Tactical Income Fund

Trust Units Class A Units Mesman, Thomas Philip 7 31/01/2015 10 7.88 1,250

Picton Mahoney Tactical Income Fund

Trust Units Class A Units Mesman, Thomas Philip 7 31/01/2015 10 7.88 1,250

Pilot Gold Inc. Common Shares Smith, Moira Tracey 5 25/01/2016 00 164,750

Pilot Gold Inc. Options Smith, Moira Tracey 5 25/01/2016 00 475,000

Pine Cliff Energy Ltd. Common Shares Disbrow, Robert 3 23/02/2016 10 0.77 15,428,250 2,500

Pine Cliff Energy Ltd. Common Shares Disbrow, Robert 3 24/02/2016 10 0.7629 15,514,250 86,000

Pine Cliff Energy Ltd. Common Shares Disbrow, Robert 3 25/02/2016 10 0.743 15,537,750 23,500

Plaza Retail REIT Bonds 5.25% Mortgage Bonds, Series V1

Brewer, Earl 4, 5 23/02/2016 38 0 -14,000

Plaza Retail REIT Bonds 5.25% Mortgage Bonds, Series V1

Brewer, Earl 4, 5 23/02/2016 38 0 -50,000

Plaza Retail REIT Trust Units Brewer, Earl 4, 5 31/12/2015 30 83.02 238

Plaza Retail REIT Trust Units Brewer, Earl 4, 5 31/12/2015 30 4.19 19,806 238

Plaza Retail REIT Trust Units Brewer, Earl 4, 5 31/12/2015 30 4.04 3,951,078 110

Plaza Retail REIT Bonds 5.25% Mortgage Bonds, Series V1

Petrie, James M. 5 23/02/2016 38 0 -10,000

Plaza Retail REIT Bonds 5.25% Mortgage Bonds, Series V1

Zakuta, Michael Aaron 3, 4, 5 23/02/2016 38 0 -60,000

Plaza Retail REIT Bonds 5.25% Mortgage Bonds, Series V1

Zakuta, Michael Aaron 3, 4, 5 23/02/2016 38 0 -40,000

Plaza Retail REIT Bonds 5.25% Mortgage Bonds, Series V1

Zakuta, Michael Aaron 3, 4, 5 23/02/2016 38 0 -50,000

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Insider Reporting

March 3, 2016

(2016), 39 OSCB 2154

Issuer Name Security Insider Name Rel’n Transaction Date T/O Unit Price

Date/Month End Holdings

Acquired/ Disposed

Plus8 Global Ventures, Ltd. (formerly Royal Monashee Gold Corp.)

Common Shares Moreau, Jason Wayne 4 24/02/2016 10 0.12 1,509,000 1,000

POET Technologies Inc. Common Shares Tsiofas, Chris 4 23/02/2016 90 1.03 0 -25,000

POET Technologies Inc. Common Shares Tsiofas, Chris 4 23/02/2016 90 1.03 25,000 25,000

Polymet Mining Corp. Common Shares Murray, William 4 18/02/2016 10 0.85 1,352,864 -7,200

Polymet Mining Corp. Common Shares Murray, William 4 19/02/2016 10 0.85 1,350,064 -2,800

Polymet Mining Corp. Common Shares Murray, William 4 19/02/2016 10 1.13 1,345,064 -5,000

Polymet Mining Corp. Common Shares Murray, William 4 19/02/2016 10 1.16 1,340,064 -5,000

Polymet Mining Corp. Common Shares Murray, William 4 19/02/2016 10 1.18 1,339,964 -100

Polymet Mining Corp. Common Shares Murray, William 4 22/02/2016 10 0.87 1,334,964 -5,000

Polymet Mining Corp. Common Shares Murray, William 4 22/02/2016 10 1.18 1,325,064 -9,900

Polymet Mining Corp. Common Shares Murray, William 4 22/02/2016 10 1.19 1,320,064 -5,000

Polymet Mining Corp. Common Shares Murray, William 4 23/02/2016 10 0.88 1,318,851 -1,213

Polymet Mining Corp. Common Shares Murray, William 4 23/02/2016 10 1.18 1,315,351 -3,500

Polymet Mining Corp. Common Shares Murray, William 4 23/02/2016 10 1.19 1,310,351 -5,000

Polymet Mining Corp. Common Shares Murray, William 4 23/02/2016 10 1.2 1,307,351 -3,000

Polymet Mining Corp. Options Newby, Douglas John 5 12/02/2016 52 0.9972 1,719,000 -100,000

Poydras Gaming Finance Corp.

Common Shares Oishi, Kim 3, 4, 5 04/01/2016 90 0.045 326,801 291,801

Poydras Gaming Finance Corp.

Common Shares Oishi, Kim 3, 4, 5 08/01/2016 90 0.05 545,001 218,200

Poydras Gaming Finance Corp.

Common Shares Oishi, Kim 3, 4, 5 23/02/2016 90 0.035 253,200 -291,801

Poydras Gaming Finance Corp.

Common Shares Oishi, Kim 3, 4, 5 23/02/2016 90 0.035 35,000 -218,200

Poydras Gaming Finance Corp.

Common Shares Oishi, Kim 3, 4, 5 04/01/2016 90 0.045 2,430,699 -291,801

Poydras Gaming Finance Corp.

Common Shares Oishi, Kim 3, 4, 5 08/01/2016 90 0.05 2,212,499 -218,200

Poydras Gaming Finance Corp.

Common Shares Oishi, Kim 3, 4, 5 23/02/2016 90 0.035 368,658 291,801

Poydras Gaming Finance Corp.

Common Shares Oishi, Kim 3, 4, 5 23/02/2016 90 0.035 586,858 218,200

Precision Drilling Corporation Options Espeland, Niels 5 23/02/2016 50 3.21 676,800 204,800

Precision Drilling Corporation Options Evasiuk, Douglas Brian 7 23/02/2016 50 3.21 507,200 146,300

Precision Drilling Corporation Options Foley, Veronica H. 5 23/02/2016 50 3.21 53,100 25,600

Precision Drilling Corporation Options FORD, CAREY THOMAS 7 23/02/2016 50 3.21 285,519 87,800

Precision Drilling Corporation Options Gambles, Leonard C. 7 23/02/2016 50 4.46 298,700 67,100

Precision Drilling Corporation Options Hunter, Grant MacLeod 7 23/02/2016 50 3.21 487,900 146,300

Precision Drilling Corporation Options Marks, Roland H. 7 23/02/2016 50 4.46 433,200 111,800

Precision Drilling Corporation Options McNally, Robert Joseph 5 23/02/2016 50 3.21 1,087,367 292,600

Precision Drilling Corporation Options Neveu, Kevin A. 4, 5 23/02/2016 50 3.21 2,273,200 686,000

Precision Drilling Corporation Options Pickering, William Ross 7 23/02/2016 50 4.46 433,200 111,800

Precision Drilling Corporation Options Ruhr, Darren 5 23/02/2016 50 4.46 528,800 111,800

Precision Drilling Corporation Options Stahl, Gene 5 23/02/2016 50 3.21 204,800

Precision Drilling Corporation Options Stahl, Gene 5 23/02/2016 50 3.21 852,434 204,800

Precision Drilling Corporation Options Stickland, Wane Jacob 7 23/02/2016 50 3.21 204,200 36,600

Premier Diversified Holdings Inc.

Common Shares Robertson, Donna Lee 7 23/02/2016 10 0.18 392,004 -100,000

Premier Diversified Holdings Inc.

Common Shares Robertson, Donna Lee 7 23/02/2016 10 0.185 332,004 -60,000

Premier Diversified Holdings Inc.

Common Shares ROBERTSON, IAN D. 4, 7 23/02/2016 10 0.18 392,004 -100,000

Premier Diversified Holdings Inc.

Common Shares ROBERTSON, IAN D. 4, 7 23/02/2016 10 0.185 332,004 -60,000

Premier Gold Mines Limited Common Shares Downie, Ewan Stewart 4 22/02/2016 51 2.19 3,704,778 50,000

Premier Gold Mines Limited Common Shares Downie, Ewan Stewart 4 22/02/2016 11 3 3,664,778 -40,000

Premier Gold Mines Limited Options Downie, Ewan Stewart 4 22/02/2016 51 1,525,000 -50,000

Primero Mining Corp. Options Adrian Vallenilla, Guillermo Jose

5 01/02/2016 00

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March 3, 2016

(2016), 39 OSCB 2155

Issuer Name Security Insider Name Rel’n Transaction Date T/O Unit Price

Date/Month End Holdings

Acquired/ Disposed

Primero Mining Corp. Options Adrian Vallenilla, Guillermo Jose

5 23/02/2016 50 210,781 210,781

Primero Mining Corp. Options Brown, Tamara Lee 5 23/02/2016 50 486,515 218,750

Primero Mining Corp. Rights Phantom Share Units

Demers, David Robert 4 23/02/2016 56 57,239 33,898

Primero Mining Corp. Rights Phantom Share Units

Edey, Grant Arnold 4 23/02/2016 56 56,966 33,898

Primero Mining Corp. Options Kaufman, Wendy 5 23/02/2016 50 587,110 300,000

Primero Mining Corp. Common Shares Lendon, Heather Maura 5 24/02/2016 10 2.37 7,633 2,000

Primero Mining Corp. Common Shares Lendon, Heather Maura 5 24/02/2016 10 2.38 15,633 8,000

Primero Mining Corp. Options Lendon, Heather Maura 5 23/02/2016 50 587,157 300,000

Primero Mining Corp. Rights Phantom Share Units

Luna, Eduardo 4 23/02/2016 56 57,240 33,898

Primero Mining Corp. Options Mallory, William James 5 23/02/2016 50 307,328 154,688

Primero Mining Corp. Rights Phantom Share Units

marchant, peter bradley 4 23/02/2016 56 57,239 33,898

Primero Mining Corp. Options Mast, Ernest Daniel 5 23/02/2016 50 845,588 625,000

Primero Mining Corp. Rights Phantom Share Units

Nesmith, Wade Donald 4 23/02/2016 56 117,857 67,797

Primero Mining Corp. Rights Phantom Share Units

Quartermain, Robert Allan 4 23/02/2016 56 57,239 33,898

Primero Mining Corp. Rights Phantom Share Units

Riley, Michael 4 23/02/2016 56 57,239 33,898

Primero Mining Corp. Options Sinclair, Maria-Luisa 5 23/02/2016 50 283,603 181,250

Primero Mining Corp. Options Toner, Louis 5 23/02/2016 50 326,421 187,500

Pro Real Estate Investment Trust

Deferred Units Jadavji, Shenoor 3, 4, 6 18/02/2016 56 34,125 15,500

Progressive Waste Solutions Ltd.(formerly IESI-BFC Ltd.)

Performance Share Units GRIMALDI, LORETO 5 15/01/2016 30 35.55 7,177 34

Progressive Waste Solutions Ltd.(formerly IESI-BFC Ltd.)

Performance Share Units Pio, Domenic Dan 5 15/01/2016 30 35.55 26,813 127

Prophecy Development Corp.

Options Batista, Harald Fuhrken 4 22/02/2016 38 1,400,000 -100,000

Prophecy Development Corp.

Options Batista, Harald Fuhrken 4 22/02/2016 38 1,250,000 -150,000

Prophecy Development Corp.

Common Shares without par value

Kasimov, Bekzod 5 23/02/2016 10 1,008,989 -709,355

Puma Exploration Inc. Common Shares Brisson G., Ginette 5 23/02/2016 90 0.05 100,000 -43,742

Puma Exploration Inc. Common Shares Brisson G., Ginette 5 23/02/2016 90 0.05 343,000 43,742

Quebecor Inc. Unité d’action différée La Couture, Jean 4 31/12/2015 56 27,720 1,312

Quebecor Inc. Unité d’action différée LALANDE, Sylvie 4 31/12/2015 56 18,816 4,211

Quebecor Inc. Unité d’action différée Laurin, Pierre 4 31/12/2015 56 26,289 1,517

Quebecor Inc. Unité d’action différée Lavigne, A. Michel 4 31/12/2015 56 3,456 1,422

Quebecor Inc. Unité d’action différée Marcon, Geneviève 4 31/12/2015 56 12,389 3,683

Quebecor Inc. Unité d’action différée Mulroney, Brian 4, 5 31/12/2015 56 75,664 6,427

Quebecor Inc. Unité d’action différée Paré, Robert 4 31/12/2015 56 5,149 3,620

Quebecor Inc. Unité d’action différée Péladeau, Érik 4 29/07/2015 00

Quebecor Inc. Unité d’action différée Péladeau, Érik 4 31/12/2015 56 1,499 1,499

Redknee Solutions Inc. Common Shares Charron, David 5 22/02/2016 10 1.62 83,974 20,700

Redknee Solutions Inc. Common Shares Charron, David 5 22/02/2016 10 1.61 87,174 3,200

Redknee Solutions Inc. Common Shares Charron, David 5 22/02/2016 10 1.6 88,274 1,100

Redknee Solutions Inc. Common Shares GRANOVSKY, DAHRA 4 24/02/2016 10 1.66 32,023 20,000


Trust Units REIT INDEXPLUS Income Fund

1 22/02/2016 38 10.72 8,684,944 400

Restaurant Brands International Inc.

Common Shares Van Damme, Alexandre 4 19/02/2016 10 32.46 5,201,000 1,000

Restaurant Brands International Inc.

Common Shares Van Damme, Alexandre 4 19/02/2016 10 32.47 5,201,300 300

Restaurant Brands International Inc.

Common Shares Van Damme, Alexandre 4 19/02/2016 10 32.48 5,201,700 400

Restaurant Brands International Inc.

Common Shares Van Damme, Alexandre 4 19/02/2016 10 32.49 5,201,800 100

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Insider Reporting

March 3, 2016

(2016), 39 OSCB 2156

Issuer Name Security Insider Name Rel’n Transaction Date T/O Unit Price

Date/Month End Holdings

Acquired/ Disposed

Restaurant Brands International Inc.

Common Shares Van Damme, Alexandre 4 19/02/2016 10 32.5 5,202,600 800

Restaurant Brands International Inc.

Common Shares Van Damme, Alexandre 4 19/02/2016 10 32.51 5,203,600 1,000

Restaurant Brands International Inc.

Common Shares Van Damme, Alexandre 4 19/02/2016 10 32.52 5,204,600 1,000

Restaurant Brands International Inc.

Common Shares Van Damme, Alexandre 4 19/02/2016 10 32.53 5,205,325 725

Restaurant Brands International Inc.

Common Shares Van Damme, Alexandre 4 19/02/2016 10 32.54 5,205,625 300

Restaurant Brands International Inc.

Common Shares Van Damme, Alexandre 4 19/02/2016 10 32.55 5,206,125 500

Restaurant Brands International Inc.

Common Shares Van Damme, Alexandre 4 19/02/2016 10 32.56 5,206,725 600

Restaurant Brands International Inc.

Common Shares Van Damme, Alexandre 4 19/02/2016 10 32.57 5,208,025 1,300

Restaurant Brands International Inc.

Common Shares Van Damme, Alexandre 4 19/02/2016 10 32.58 5,209,725 1,700

Restaurant Brands International Inc.

Common Shares Van Damme, Alexandre 4 19/02/2016 10 32.59 5,212,025 2,300

Restaurant Brands International Inc.

Common Shares Van Damme, Alexandre 4 19/02/2016 10 32.6 5,213,958 1,933

Restaurant Brands International Inc.

Common Shares Van Damme, Alexandre 4 19/02/2016 10 32.61 5,216,275 2,317

Restaurant Brands International Inc.

Common Shares Van Damme, Alexandre 4 19/02/2016 10 32.62 5,218,525 2,250

Restaurant Brands International Inc.

Common Shares Van Damme, Alexandre 4 19/02/2016 10 32.63 5,220,325 1,800

Restaurant Brands International Inc.

Common Shares Van Damme, Alexandre 4 19/02/2016 10 32.64 5,222,525 2,200

Restaurant Brands International Inc.

Common Shares Van Damme, Alexandre 4 19/02/2016 10 32.65 5,224,125 1,600

Restaurant Brands International Inc.

Common Shares Van Damme, Alexandre 4 19/02/2016 10 32.66 5,225,525 1,400

Restaurant Brands International Inc.

Common Shares Van Damme, Alexandre 4 19/02/2016 10 32.67 5,227,425 1,900

Restaurant Brands International Inc.

Common Shares Van Damme, Alexandre 4 19/02/2016 10 32.68 5,228,525 1,100

Restaurant Brands International Inc.

Common Shares Van Damme, Alexandre 4 19/02/2016 10 32.69 5,229,925 1,400

Restaurant Brands International Inc.

Common Shares Van Damme, Alexandre 4 19/02/2016 10 32.7 5,231,625 1,700

Restaurant Brands International Inc.

Common Shares Van Damme, Alexandre 4 19/02/2016 10 32.71 5,233,425 1,800

Restaurant Brands International Inc.

Common Shares Van Damme, Alexandre 4 19/02/2016 10 32.72 5,234,725 1,300

Restaurant Brands International Inc.

Common Shares Van Damme, Alexandre 4 19/02/2016 10 32.73 5,235,835 1,110

Restaurant Brands International Inc.

Common Shares Van Damme, Alexandre 4 19/02/2016 10 32.74 5,238,935 3,100

Restaurant Brands International Inc.

Common Shares Van Damme, Alexandre 4 19/02/2016 10 32.75 5,243,235 4,300

Restaurant Brands International Inc.

Common Shares Van Damme, Alexandre 4 19/02/2016 10 32.76 5,247,940 4,705

Restaurant Brands International Inc.

Common Shares Van Damme, Alexandre 4 19/02/2016 10 32.77 5,250,434 2,494

Restaurant Brands International Inc.

Common Shares Van Damme, Alexandre 4 19/02/2016 10 32.76 5,250,534 100

Restaurant Brands International Inc.

Common Shares Van Damme, Alexandre 4 19/02/2016 10 32.78 5,253,085 2,551

Restaurant Brands International Inc.

Common Shares Van Damme, Alexandre 4 19/02/2016 10 32.79 5,256,675 3,590

Restaurant Brands International Inc.

Common Shares Van Damme, Alexandre 4 19/02/2016 10 32.8 5,257,525 850

Restaurant Brands International Inc.

Common Shares Van Damme, Alexandre 4 19/02/2016 10 32.81 5,257,625 100

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(2016), 39 OSCB 2157

Issuer Name Security Insider Name Rel’n Transaction Date T/O Unit Price

Date/Month End Holdings

Acquired/ Disposed

Restaurant Brands International Inc.

Common Shares Van Damme, Alexandre 4 19/02/2016 10 32.82 5,257,925 300

Restaurant Brands International Inc.

Common Shares Van Damme, Alexandre 4 19/02/2016 10 32.83 5,258,025 100

Restaurant Brands International Inc.

Common Shares Van Damme, Alexandre 4 19/02/2016 10 32.84 5,258,725 700

Restaurant Brands International Inc.

Common Shares Van Damme, Alexandre 4 19/02/2016 10 32.85 5,259,825 1,100

Restaurant Brands International Inc.

Common Shares Van Damme, Alexandre 4 19/02/2016 10 32.86 5,260,925 1,100

Restaurant Brands International Inc.

Common Shares Van Damme, Alexandre 4 19/02/2016 10 32.87 5,262,622 1,697

Restaurant Brands International Inc.

Common Shares Van Damme, Alexandre 4 19/02/2016 10 32.88 5,264,812 2,190

Restaurant Brands International Inc.

Common Shares Van Damme, Alexandre 4 19/02/2016 10 32.89 5,265,625 813

Restaurant Brands International Inc.

Common Shares Van Damme, Alexandre 4 19/02/2016 10 32.9 5,267,625 2,000

Restaurant Brands International Inc.

Common Shares Van Damme, Alexandre 4 19/02/2016 10 32.91 5,269,425 1,800

Restaurant Brands International Inc.

Common Shares Van Damme, Alexandre 4 19/02/2016 10 32.92 5,271,625 2,200

Restaurant Brands International Inc.

Common Shares Van Damme, Alexandre 4 19/02/2016 10 32.93 5,271,725 100

Restaurant Brands International Inc.

Common Shares Van Damme, Alexandre 4 19/02/2016 10 32.93 5,272,525 800

Restaurant Brands International Inc.

Common Shares Van Damme, Alexandre 4 19/02/2016 10 32.94 5,272,725 200

Restaurant Brands International Inc.

Common Shares Van Damme, Alexandre 4 19/02/2016 10 32.95 5,272,925 200

Restaurant Brands International Inc.

Common Shares Van Damme, Alexandre 4 19/02/2016 10 32.96 5,273,525 600

Restaurant Brands International Inc.

Common Shares Van Damme, Alexandre 4 19/02/2016 10 32.97 5,274,325 800

Restaurant Brands International Inc.

Common Shares Van Damme, Alexandre 4 19/02/2016 10 32.98 5,274,425 100

Restaurant Brands International Inc.

Common Shares Van Damme, Alexandre 4 19/02/2016 10 32.99 5,274,725 300

Restaurant Brands International Inc.

Common Shares Van Damme, Alexandre 4 19/02/2016 10 33 5,274,825 100

Restaurant Brands International Inc.

Common Shares Van Damme, Alexandre 4 19/02/2016 10 33.01 5,274,925 100

Restaurant Brands International Inc.

Common Shares Van Damme, Alexandre 4 19/02/2016 10 33.02 5,275,525 600

Restaurant Brands International Inc.

Common Shares Van Damme, Alexandre 4 19/02/2016 10 33.03 5,276,025 500

Restaurant Brands International Inc.

Common Shares Van Damme, Alexandre 4 19/02/2016 10 33.04 5,276,525 500

Restaurant Brands International Inc.

Common Shares Van Damme, Alexandre 4 19/02/2016 10 33.05 5,277,025 500

Restaurant Brands International Inc.

Common Shares Van Damme, Alexandre 4 19/02/2016 10 33.06 5,277,525 500

Restaurant Brands International Inc.

Common Shares Van Damme, Alexandre 4 19/02/2016 10 33.07 5,277,625 100

Restaurant Brands International Inc.

Common Shares Van Damme, Alexandre 4 19/02/2016 10 33.09 5,277,825 200

Restaurant Brands International Inc.

Common Shares Van Damme, Alexandre 4 19/02/2016 10 33.1 5,277,925 100

Restaurant Brands International Inc.

Common Shares Van Damme, Alexandre 4 19/02/2016 10 33.12 5,278,025 100

Restaurant Brands International Inc.

Common Shares Van Damme, Alexandre 4 19/02/2016 10 33.15 5,278,125 100

Richmont Mines Inc. Common Shares Barnes, Peter Derek 4 24/02/2016 00 5,000

Richmont Mines Inc. Options Barnes, Peter Derek 4 24/02/2016 00

Richmont Mines Inc. Restricted Share Unit / Unité d’action restreinte

Barnes, Peter Derek 4 24/02/2016 00

Rock Energy Inc. Common Shares Bey, Allen J. 4, 5 22/02/2016 30 1.1 19,868 1,950

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Issuer Name Security Insider Name Rel’n Transaction Date T/O Unit Price

Date/Month End Holdings

Acquired/ Disposed

Rock Energy Inc. Common Shares Campbell, Jeffrey G. 5 22/02/2016 30 1.1 368,940 1,780

Rock Energy Inc. Common Shares Hirtle, Gregory Todd 5 22/02/2016 30 1.1 99,838 1,628

Rock Energy Inc. Common Shares Kober, Scott 5 22/02/2016 30 1.1 33,003 1,553

Rock Energy Inc. Common Shares McDonald, Joshua 5 22/02/2016 30 1.1 18,127 1,628

Rockex Mining Corporation (formerly Enviropave International Ltd.)

Common Shares Filion, Gilles 4 19/02/2016 54 0.05 3,990,000 200,000

Rockex Mining Corporation (formerly Enviropave International Ltd.)

Warrants Filion, Gilles 4 19/02/2016 54 0.05 3,150,000 -200,000

Rockex Mining Corporation (formerly Enviropave International Ltd.)

Common Shares Gagne, Pierre 4 19/02/2016 54 0.05 13,341,194 200,000

Rockex Mining Corporation (formerly Enviropave International Ltd.)

Warrants Gagne, Pierre 4 19/02/2016 54 0.05 4,549,254 -200,000

Rockex Mining Corporation (formerly Enviropave International Ltd.)

Common Shares Gagnon, Denis 4 19/02/2016 54 0.05 5,254,000 200,000

Rockex Mining Corporation (formerly Enviropave International Ltd.)

Warrants Gagnon, Denis 4 19/02/2016 54 0.05 1,900,000 -200,000

Rockex Mining Corporation (formerly Enviropave International Ltd.)

Common Shares Plastino, Armando 4 19/02/2016 54 0.05 4,270,000 200,000

Rockex Mining Corporation (formerly Enviropave International Ltd.)

Warrants Plastino, Armando 4 19/02/2016 54 0.05 3,150,000 -200,000

Rockex Mining Corporation (formerly Enviropave International Ltd.)

Common Shares Tondeur, Jonathan 4 19/02/2016 54 0.05 7,429,326 200,000

Rockex Mining Corporation (formerly Enviropave International Ltd.)

Warrants Tondeur, Jonathan 4 19/02/2016 54 0.05 3,400,000 -200,000

Rogers Communications Inc. Non-Voting Shares Class B

Hooper, Dale Edward 5 19/02/2016 10 49.72 768 -975

Royal Bank of Canada Rights Deferred Share Units

Anderson, Robert James 5 24/02/2016 56 70.67 162,219 1,793

Royal Bank of Canada Rights RBC Capital Markets Unit Awards

Anderson, Robert James 5 24/02/2016 56 70.67 49,977 552

Royal Bank of Canada Rights Deferred Share Units

Fukakusa, Janice Rose 5 24/02/2016 56 70.67 235,281 2,601

Royal Bank of Canada Rights Performance Deferred Share Units

Fukakusa, Janice Rose 5 24/02/2016 56 70.67 101,321 1,120

Royal Bank of Canada Rights Deferred Share Units

guzman, douglas antony 5 24/02/2016 56 70.67 96,597 1,068

Royal Bank of Canada Rights RBC Capital Markets Unit Awards

guzman, douglas antony 5 24/02/2016 56 70.67 152,064 1,681

Royal Bank of Canada Rights Performance Deferred Share Units

Hirji-Nowaczynski, Zabeen 5 24/02/2016 56 70.67 46,666 515

Royal Bank of Canada Rights RBC Share Units Hirji-Nowaczynski, Zabeen 5 24/02/2016 56 70.67 6,417 71

Royal Bank of Canada Rights Deferred Share Units

Hughes, Mark Richard 5 24/02/2016 56 70.67 19,886 220

Royal Bank of Canada Rights Performance Deferred Share Units

Hughes, Mark Richard 5 24/02/2016 56 70.67 47,471 525

Royal Bank of Canada Rights RBC Capital Markets Unit Awards

Hughes, Mark Richard 5 24/02/2016 56 70.67 14,675 162

Royal Bank of Canada Rights Deferred Share Units

McGregor, Alex Douglas 5 24/02/2016 56 70.67 378,327 4,182

Royal Bank of Canada Rights Multi-Year Deferred Share Units

McGregor, Alex Douglas 5 24/02/2016 56 70.67 31,813 351

Royal Bank of Canada Rights Performance Deferred Share Units

McGregor, Alex Douglas 5 24/02/2016 56 70.67 231,986 2,564

Royal Bank of Canada Common Shares McKay, David Ian 4, 5 22/02/2016 51 54.99 7,320 1,447

Royal Bank of Canada Common Shares McKay, David Ian 4, 5 22/02/2016 10 71.761 5,873 -1,447

Royal Bank of Canada Options McKay, David Ian 4, 5 22/02/2016 51 54.99 783,972 -1,447

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(2016), 39 OSCB 2159

Issuer Name Security Insider Name Rel’n Transaction Date T/O Unit Price

Date/Month End Holdings

Acquired/ Disposed

Royal Bank of Canada Rights Deferred Share Units

McKay, David Ian 4, 5 24/02/2016 56 70.67 15,825 175

Royal Bank of Canada Rights Performance Deferred Share Units

McKay, David Ian 4, 5 24/02/2016 56 70.67 174,339 1,927

Royal Bank of Canada Rights Deferred Share Units

Ross, Bruce Washington 5 24/02/2016 56 70.67 3,254 36

Royal Bank of Canada Rights Performance Deferred Share Units

Ross, Bruce Washington 5 24/02/2016 56 70.67 42,101 465

Royal Bank of Canada Rights RBC Share Units Ross, Bruce Washington 5 24/02/2016 56 70.67 43,292 479

Royal Bank of Canada Common Shares Tory, Jennifer Anne 5 22/02/2016 51 54.99 9,209 1,034

Royal Bank of Canada Common Shares Tory, Jennifer Anne 5 22/02/2016 10 71.76 8,324 -885

Royal Bank of Canada Options Tory, Jennifer Anne 5 22/02/2016 51 54.99 120,742 -1,034

Royal Bank of Canada Rights Performance Deferred Share Units

Tory, Jennifer Anne 5 24/02/2016 56 70.67 47,941 530

Royal Bank of Canada Rights RBC Share Units Tory, Jennifer Anne 5 24/02/2016 56 70.67 1,061 12

Royalty North Partners Ltd. Common Shares Awram, David 3 18/02/2016 00 2,692,708

Royalty North Partners Ltd. Warrants Awram, David 3 18/02/2016 00 2,355,875

Royalty North Partners Ltd. Common Shares de Groot, Christian 3 17/02/2016 16 0.05 1,361,667 250,000

Royalty North Partners Ltd. Common Shares de Groot, Christian 3 18/02/2016 11 0.61 561,667 -800,000

Royalty North Partners Ltd. Warrants de Groot, Christian 3 17/02/2016 16 1,250,000 250,000

Royalty North Partners Ltd. Warrants de Groot, Christian 3 18/02/2016 11 450,000 -800,000

Royalty North Partners Ltd. Common Shares De Witt, David E. 3 18/02/2016 11 0.61 849,600 -3,900,401

Royalty North Partners Ltd. Warrants De Witt, David E. 3 18/02/2016 11 114,733 -2,035,267

Royalty North Partners Ltd. Common Shares De Witt, Patrick 3 17/02/2016 16 0.05 1,320,000 200,000

Royalty North Partners Ltd. Common Shares De Witt, Patrick 3 18/02/2016 11 0.61 520,000 -800,000

Royalty North Partners Ltd. Warrants De Witt, Patrick 3 17/02/2016 16 1,200,000 200,000

Royalty North Partners Ltd. Warrants De Witt, Patrick 3 18/02/2016 11 400,000 -800,000

Royalty North Partners Ltd. Common Shares HOLLANDS, H. CLARK 4 01/02/2016 00

Royalty North Partners Ltd. Common Shares HOLLANDS, H. CLARK 4 17/02/2016 16 0.05 1,201,250 1,201,250

Royalty North Partners Ltd. Common Shares HOLLANDS, H. CLARK 4 18/02/2016 11 0.63 1,776,042 574,792

Royalty North Partners Ltd. Warrants HOLLANDS, H. CLARK 4 01/02/2016 00

Royalty North Partners Ltd. Warrants HOLLANDS, H. CLARK 4 17/02/2016 16 1,201,250 1,201,250

Royalty North Partners Ltd. Warrants HOLLANDS, H. CLARK 4 18/02/2016 11 1,553,875 352,625

Royalty North Partners Ltd. Common Shares JONES, SEAN DUANE 3 18/02/2016 00 1,776,042

Royalty North Partners Ltd. Warrants JONES, SEAN DUANE 3 18/02/2016 00 1,553,875

Royalty North Partners Ltd. Common Shares SCHELLENBERG, DAVID ALFRED

4 01/02/2016 00

Royalty North Partners Ltd. Common Shares SCHELLENBERG, DAVID ALFRED

4 17/02/2016 16 0.05 1,240,000 1,240,000

Royalty North Partners Ltd. Common Shares SCHELLENBERG, DAVID ALFRED

4 18/02/2016 11 0.63 1,833,333 593,333

Royalty North Partners Ltd. Warrants SCHELLENBERG, DAVID ALFRED

4 01/02/2016 00

Royalty North Partners Ltd. Warrants SCHELLENBERG, DAVID ALFRED

4 17/02/2016 16 1,240,000 1,240,000

Royalty North Partners Ltd. Warrants SCHELLENBERG, DAVID ALFRED

4 18/02/2016 11 1,604,000 364,000

Royalty North Partners Ltd. Common Shares Watson, Nolan Allan 3 18/02/2016 00 2,692,708

Royalty North Partners Ltd. Warrants Watson, Nolan Allan 3 18/02/2016 00 2,355,875

Russel Metals Inc. Options Britton, Marion Eleanor 5 23/02/2016 52 25.75 478,466 -20,000

Russel Metals Inc. Options Bryant, Gregg Edward 5 23/02/2016 52 25.75 14,000 -2,500

Russel Metals Inc. Options Coleman, Lesley Margaret Seppings

5 23/02/2016 52 25.75 62,250 -5,000

Russel Metals Inc. Options Halcrow, David 5 23/02/2016 52 25.75 92,000 -25,000

Russel Metals Inc. Options Kelly, Maureen Ann 5 23/02/2016 52 25.75 102,000 -25,000

Russel Metals Inc. Options Mangialardi, Giuseppe 5 23/02/2016 52 25.75 40,000 -5,000

Russel Metals Inc. Options Robb, Lloyd Bruce 5 23/02/2016 52 25.75 38,000 -5,000

Russell Breweries Inc. Common Shares Smith, Denver 3 23/02/2016 10 0.055 2,816,300 27,000

Russell Breweries Inc. Common Shares Smith, Denver 3 24/02/2016 10 0.06 2,916,300 100,000

S Split Corp. Common Shares Class A Shares

Roode, David 5 31/12/2015 30 7.4629 2,013 111

Sandspring Resources Ltd. Options Adams, John Robert 4, 6 25/02/2016 52 608,332 -50,000

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(2016), 39 OSCB 2160

Issuer Name Security Insider Name Rel’n Transaction Date T/O Unit Price

Date/Month End Holdings

Acquired/ Disposed

Sandspring Resources Ltd. Common Shares Barnes, Phillip Gregory 4, 5 24/02/2016 10 0.327 187,747 10,000

Sandspring Resources Ltd. Options Barnes, Phillip Gregory 4, 5 25/02/2016 52 583,332 -41,666

Sandspring Resources Ltd. Options Munson, Richard Allen 4, 6, 5 25/02/2016 52 624,999 -41,666

Sandvine Corporation Common Shares Caputo, David 4 17/02/2016 30 3.08 112,594 630

Sandvine Corporation Common Shares Caputo, David 4 22/02/2016 30 3.11 113,174 580

Sandvine Corporation Common Shares Donnelly, Tom 5 17/02/2016 30 3.08 20,715 116

Sandvine Corporation Common Shares Donnelly, Tom 5 22/02/2016 30 3.11 20,842 127

Sandvine Corporation Common Shares Hamilton, Scott 4 17/02/2016 30 3.08 5,932 33

Sandvine Corporation Common Shares Hamilton, Scott 4 22/02/2016 30 3.11 5,992 60

Sandvine Corporation Common Shares Siim, Brad 5 17/02/2016 30 3.08 374,332 180

Sandvine Corporation Common Shares Siim, Brad 5 22/02/2016 30 3.11 374,614 282

Santacruz Silver Mining Ltd. Common Shares McMorran, Robert George 5 24/02/2016 10 0.255 1,185,000 -205,000

Santacruz Silver Mining Ltd. Common Shares McMorran, Robert George 5 24/02/2016 10 0.255 345,000 205,000

Saputo Inc. Forward Purchase 100000 actions - éch. 27 février 2017

Saputo inc. 1 15/10/1997 00

Saputo Inc. Forward Purchase 100000 actions - éch. 27 février 2017

Saputo inc. 1 23/02/2016 70 1 1

Saputo Inc. Forward Purchase 100000 actions exp. 25 août 2016

Saputo inc. 1 15/10/1997 00

Saputo Inc. Forward Purchase 100000 actions exp. 25 août 2016

Saputo inc. 1 23/02/2016 70 1 1

Savary Gold Corp. Common Shares Dudek, Don 4, 5 22/02/2016 10 0.055 1,559,000 5,000

Savary Gold Corp. Common Shares Dudek, Don 4, 5 25/02/2016 10 0.05 1,574,000 15,000

Savary Gold Corp. Common Shares Dudek, Don 4, 5 25/02/2016 10 0.055 1,579,000 5,000

Savary Gold Corp. Options Dudek, Don 4, 5 17/02/2016 50 0.05 2,240,000 400,000

Savary Gold Corp. Common Shares Nocente, Daniel Louis 4 16/02/2016 50 0.05 1,370,000 200,000

Savary Gold Corp. Options Savary Gold Corp. 4 14/07/2014 00 100,000

Savary Gold Corp. Options Savary Gold Corp. 4 14/07/2014 50 0.06 200,000 100,000

Savary Gold Corp. Options Savary Gold Corp. 4 31/03/2015 50 0.06 350,000 150,000

Savary Gold Corp. Options Savary Gold Corp. 4 16/02/2016 50 0.05 500,000 150,000

Seabridge Gold Inc. Common Shares FCMI Financial Corporation 3 22/02/2016 10 8.75 694,042 -250,000

Seabridge Gold Inc. Common Shares FCMI Parent Co. 3 22/02/2016 10 8.5482 2,820,882 8,700

Seabridge Gold Inc. Common Shares FCMI Parent Co. 3 23/02/2016 10 8.7747 2,843,382 22,500

Seabridge Gold Inc. Common Shares FCMI Parent Co. 3 24/02/2016 10 8.9627 2,932,682 89,300

Seabridge Gold Inc. Total return swap FCMI Parent Co. 3 22/02/2016 70 8.75 2 1

Seabridge Gold Inc. Common Shares Scott, Charles Bruce Scott 5 22/02/2016 10 12 19,900 -1,000

Seabridge Gold Inc. Common Shares Scott, Charles Bruce Scott 5 23/02/2016 10 12.3 18,900 -1,000

Seabridge Gold Inc. Common Shares Scott, Charles Bruce Scott 5 24/02/2016 10 12.4 18,400 -500

Seabridge Gold Inc. Common Shares Williams, Peter D. 5 24/02/2016 10 8.99 22,500 -15,000

Search Minerals Inc. Common Shares Saunders, Raymond James 4 22/02/2016 10 0.06 17,134,000 25,000

Seven Generations Energy Ltd.

Common Shares Class A Canada Pension Plan Investment Board

3 24/02/2016 16 14 9,475,300 7,142,900

Shopify Inc. Subordinate Voting Shares Class A Subordinate Voting Shares

Jones, Russell Norman 5 22/02/2016 30 21.009 120,500 -9,500

Shopify Inc. Subordinate Voting Shares Class A Subordinate Voting Shares

Levine, Jeremy Seth 4 22/02/2016 11 324,253 91,546

Shopify Inc. Subordinate Voting Shares Class A Subordinate Voting Shares

Levine, Jeremy Seth 4 24/02/2016 10 20.999 224,253 -100,000

Shopify Inc. Subordinate Voting Shares Class A Subordinate Voting Shares

Levine, Jeremy Seth 4 25/02/2016 10 21.489 149,253 -75,000

Shopify Inc. Subordinate Voting Shares Class A Subordinate Voting Shares

Lutke, Tobias Albin 4, 5 22/02/2016 30 21.125 227,500 -4,500

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(2016), 39 OSCB 2161

Issuer Name Security Insider Name Rel’n Transaction Date T/O Unit Price

Date/Month End Holdings

Acquired/ Disposed

Shopify Inc. Subordinate Voting Shares Class A Subordinate Voting Shares

Oelschig, Trevor Harold 4 24/11/2015 11 1,586

Shopify Inc. Subordinate Voting Shares Class A Subordinate Voting Shares

Oelschig, Trevor Harold 4 08/12/2015 11 1,057

Shopify Inc. Subordinate Voting Shares Class A Subordinate Voting Shares

Oelschig, Trevor Harold 4 20/05/2015 00

Shopify Inc. Subordinate Voting Shares Class A Subordinate Voting Shares

Oelschig, Trevor Harold 4 24/11/2015 11 1,586 1,586

Shopify Inc. Subordinate Voting Shares Class A Subordinate Voting Shares

Oelschig, Trevor Harold 4 08/12/2015 11 2,643 1,057

Shopify Inc. Subordinate Voting Shares Class A Subordinate Voting Shares

Oelschig, Trevor Harold 4 22/02/2016 11 3,700 1,057

Sierra Wireless, Inc. Common Shares Aasen, Gregory D. 4 25/02/2016 51 17,793 371

Sierra Wireless, Inc. Options Aasen, Gregory D. 4 25/02/2016 51 16,627 -371

Sierra Wireless, Inc. Common Shares Levine, Charles E. 4 22/02/2016 51 53,083 5,926

Sierra Wireless, Inc. Common Shares Levine, Charles E. 4 22/02/2016 10 12.2 47,353 -5,730

Sierra Wireless, Inc. Common Shares Levine, Charles E. 4 25/02/2016 47 44,428 -2,925

Sierra Wireless, Inc. Options Levine, Charles E. 4 22/02/2016 51 23,838 -5,926

Sierra Wireless, Inc. Common Shares Schieler, August Daniel 7 22/02/2016 51 35,906 1,274

Sierra Wireless, Inc. Common Shares Schieler, August Daniel 7 22/02/2016 10 12.2 34,632 -1,274

Sierra Wireless, Inc. Options Schieler, August Daniel 7 22/02/2016 51 55,738 -1,274

Sierra Wireless, Inc. Common Shares Sieber, Thomas 4 14/03/2014 10 23.59 4,275 4,275

Sierra Wireless, Inc. Common Shares Sieber, Thomas 4 26/08/2015 10 20.68 28,325 23,000

Sierra Wireless, Inc. Common Shares Sierra Wireless, Inc. 1 22/02/2016 10 12.217 157,000 32,000

Sierra Wireless, Inc. Common Shares Sierra Wireless, Inc. 1 23/02/2016 10 11.983 187,000 30,000

Sierra Wireless, Inc. Common Shares Sierra Wireless, Inc. 1 24/02/2016 10 11.949 207,000 20,000

Sierra Wireless, Inc. Common Shares Sierra Wireless, Inc. 1 25/02/2016 10 12.153 242,000 35,000

Sierra Wireless, Inc. Common Shares Sierra Wireless, Inc. 1 26/02/2016 10 12.782 277,000 35,000

Sierra Wireless, Inc. Common Shares Walckenaer, Emmanuel 5 25/02/2016 51 49,873 19,410

Sierra Wireless, Inc. Common Shares Walckenaer, Emmanuel 5 25/02/2016 10 12.01 30,463 -19,410

Sierra Wireless, Inc. Options Walckenaer, Emmanuel 5 25/02/2016 51 21,008 -19,410

Slam Exploration Ltd. Common Shares Taylor, Michael R. 4, 5 25/02/2016 10 0.06 1,162,633 -11,000

Slam Exploration Ltd. Common Shares Taylor, Michael R. 4, 5 25/02/2016 10 0.055 1,141,633 -21,000

Slam Exploration Ltd. Common Shares Taylor, Michael R. 4, 5 25/02/2016 10 0.05 653,633 -488,000

Slam Exploration Ltd. Warrants Taylor, Michael R. 4, 5 19/02/2016 52 0.3 800,000 -100,000

Sleep Country Canada Holdings Inc.

Performance Share Units (PSU)

Friesema, David 4 26/11/2015 56 8,882 59

Sleep Country Canada Holdings Inc.

Performance Share Units (PSU)

Howcroft, Dave 5 26/11/2015 56 3,553 24

Sleep Country Canada Holdings Inc.

Performance Share Units (PSU)

Masson, Robert 5 26/11/2015 56 3,553 24

Sleep Country Canada Holdings Inc.

Performance Share Units (PSU)

Schaefer, Stewart 5 26/11/2015 56 7,401 49

Sleep Country Canada Holdings Inc.

Performance Share Units (PSU)

Solomon, Eric 5 26/11/2015 56 3,553 24

Sleep Country Canada Holdings Inc.

Performance Share Units (PSU)

Will, Sieg 5 26/11/2015 56 3,553 24

Smart Real Estate Investment Trust (formerly, Calloway REIT)

Deferred Units McVicar, Jamie Marshall 4 18/02/2016 59 63,867 -5,000

SnipGold Corp. Options Cook, Steven Mark 4 20/02/2016 52 170,000 -25,000

SnipGold Corp. Options Grandison, Clifford Allan 4 20/02/2016 52 147,400 -25,000

SnipGold Corp. Warrants Grandison, Clifford Allan 4 03/01/2016 55 500,000 -187,500

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(2016), 39 OSCB 2162

Issuer Name Security Insider Name Rel’n Transaction Date T/O Unit Price

Date/Month End Holdings

Acquired/ Disposed

SnipGold Corp. Options Soares, Patrick 4 20/02/2016 52 230,000 -25,000

SnipGold Corp. Warrants Soares, Patrick 4 03/01/2016 55 0 -6,250

SnipGold Corp. Warrants Soares, Patrick 4 03/01/2016 55 675,000 -250,000

SnipGold Corp. Warrants Soares, Patrick 4 20/01/2016 52 500,000 -175,000

SnipGold Corp. Options Tagami, Maurice Alan 4 20/02/2016 52 170,000 -25,000

SnipGold Corp. Warrants Tagami, Maurice Alan 4 03/01/2016 55 575,000 -456,250

SnipGold Corp. Warrants Tagami, Maurice Alan 4 20/01/2016 55 500,000 -75,000

SnipGold Corp. Options Zbeetnoff, John 4, 5 20/02/2016 52 562,500 -87,500

SnipGold Corp. Warrants Zbeetnoff, John 4, 5 03/01/2016 55 600,000 -713,250

Solegear Bioplastic Technologies Inc. (formerly Rodeo Capital III Corp.)

Options Antoniadis, Paul John 4 25/02/2016 50 0.2 1,174,863 500,000

Solegear Bioplastic Technologies Inc. (formerly Rodeo Capital III Corp.)

Options Harvey, James Noel 5 25/02/2016 50 0.2 335,106 75,000

Solegear Bioplastic Technologies Inc. (formerly Rodeo Capital III Corp.)

Common Shares Labonte, Michel 5 26/03/2015 00

Solegear Bioplastic Technologies Inc. (formerly Rodeo Capital III Corp.)

Common Shares Labonte, Michel 5 25/02/2016 11 0.16 62,500 62,500

Solegear Bioplastic Technologies Inc. (formerly Rodeo Capital III Corp.)

Options Labonte, Michel 5 25/02/2016 50 0.2 329,277 75,000

Solegear Bioplastic Technologies Inc. (formerly Rodeo Capital III Corp.)

Options Thomson, Michael Gary 4 25/02/2016 50 0.2 280,357 62,500

Solegear Bioplastic Technologies Inc. (formerly Rodeo Capital III Corp.)

Options Zadra, Jim 4 25/02/2016 50 0.2 137,500 62,500

SouthGobi Resources Ltd. Common Shares Turquoise Hill Resources Ltd.

3 26/02/2016 10 0.2869 47,727,515 -189,700

Spectral Medical Inc. Common Shares Bihl, Anthony Phillip 4 18/02/2016 15 0.7 575,000 100,000

Sphere 3D Corp. Common Shares Ashkin, Peter Brian 4 20/12/2012 00 30,000

Sphere 3D Corp. Restricted Stock Unit Ashkin, Peter Brian 4 20/12/2012 00

Sphere 3D Corp. Restricted Stock Unit Ashkin, Peter Brian 4 26/08/2015 57 11,111 11,111

Sphere 3D Corp. Restricted Stock Unit Bowman, Glenn Martin 4 20/12/2012 00

Sphere 3D Corp. Restricted Stock Unit Bowman, Glenn Martin 4 26/08/2015 56 11,111 11,111

Sphere 3D Corp. Common Shares Gast, Randall 5 09/12/2015 57 86,576 34,015

Sphere 3D Corp. Common Shares Gast, Randall 5 10/12/2015 10 1.48 73,359 -13,217

Sphere 3D Corp. Options Gast, Randall 5 26/08/2015 50 104,638 100,000

Sphere 3D Corp. Options Right to shares under predecessor RSU Plan

Gast, Randall 5 09/12/2015 57 0 -34,015

Sphere 3D Corp. Restricted Stock Unit Gast, Randall 5 01/12/2014 00

Sphere 3D Corp. Restricted Stock Unit Gast, Randall 5 26/08/2015 56 400,000 400,000

Sphere 3D Corp. Options Kalbfleisch, Kurt 5 26/08/2015 50 100,030 100,000

Sphere 3D Corp. Restricted Stock Unit Kalbfleisch, Kurt 5 01/12/2014 00

Sphere 3D Corp. Restricted Stock Unit Kalbfleisch, Kurt 5 26/08/2015 56 400,000 400,000

Sphere 3D Corp. Options kelly, eric 4 09/12/2014 52 8.08 902,830 -556

Sphere 3D Corp. Options kelly, eric 4 27/01/2015 52 8.41 875,000 -27,830

Sphere 3D Corp. Options kelly, eric 4 26/08/2015 50 1,015,000 140,000

Sphere 3D Corp. Restricted Stock Unit kelly, eric 4 08/07/2013 00

Sphere 3D Corp. Restricted Stock Unit kelly, eric 4 26/08/2015 56 560,000 560,000

Sphere 3D Corp. Restricted Stock Unit Mahadevan, Vivekanand 4 01/12/2014 00

Sphere 3D Corp. Restricted Stock Unit Mahadevan, Vivekanand 4 26/08/2015 56 22,222 22,222

Sphinx Resources Ltd. Common Shares Gardin Inc. 3 23/02/2016 97 1.5 461,536

Sphinx Resources Ltd. Common Shares Gardin Inc. 3 23/02/2016 97 0.015 461,536

Sphinx Resources Ltd. Common Shares Gardin Inc. 3 23/02/2016 97 0.0168 5,846,151 461,536

Sphinx Resources Ltd. Rights Gardin Inc. 3 23/02/2016 97 0.0168 0 -461,536

Spot Coffee (Canada) Ltd. Common Shares AYOUB, ANTON MICHEL 4, 5 19/02/2016 10 0.035 959,458 5,000

Stonehaven Exploration Ltd. Common Shares Todd, Malcolm Frederick William

4 25/02/2016 10 0.41 410,000 2,000

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March 3, 2016

(2016), 39 OSCB 2163

Issuer Name Security Insider Name Rel’n Transaction Date T/O Unit Price

Date/Month End Holdings

Acquired/ Disposed

Stonehaven Exploration Ltd. Common Shares Todd, Malcolm Frederick William

4 26/02/2016 10 0.44 440,000 30,000

Stonehaven Exploration Ltd. Common Shares Todd, Robert Hamish Owen 5 26/02/2016 10 0.44 391,500 12,000

Strategic Oil & Gas Ltd. Common Shares Joy, Barbara 5 31/12/2015 30 0.16 821,633 34,449

Strategic Oil & Gas Ltd. Common Shares Sawhney, Gurpreet 5 31/12/2015 30 0.16 1,827,245 163,799

Strategic Oil & Gas Ltd. Common Shares Smith, Cody Louis 5 31/12/2015 30 0.16 183,710 47,846

Strategic Oil & Gas Ltd. Common Shares Thompson, Aaron 5 31/12/2015 30 0.16 61,593 38,276

Stria Lithium Inc. Options Todd, Iain 5 22/02/2016 00 300,000

STT Enviro Corp. (formerly Semcan Inc.)

Common Shares Deacon, David Emmerson 5 22/02/2016 51 0.13 1,532,982 75,000

STT Enviro Corp. (formerly Semcan Inc.)

Options Deacon, David Emmerson 5 22/02/2016 51 0.13 1,375,000 -75,000

STT Enviro Corp. (formerly Semcan Inc.)

Common Shares STT Enviro Corp. 1 25/02/2016 10 0.19 121,500 121,500

Summit Industrial Income REIT

Trust Units Morassutti, Lawrence 4 15/02/2016 30 5.45 37,962 290

Summit Industrial Income REIT

Trust Units Morassutti, Lawrence 4 24/02/2016 10 5.9 40,062 2,100

Summit Industrial Income REIT

Trust Units Morassutti, Lawrence 4 24/02/2016 10 5.85 46,262 6,200

Summit Industrial Income REIT

Trust Units Morassutti, Lawrence 4 25/02/2016 10 5.85 47,462 1,200

Summit Industrial Income REIT

Trust Units Morassutti, Lawrence 4 15/02/2016 30 5.45 1,513,679 11,580

Summit Industrial Income REIT

Trust Units Morassutti, Lawrence 4 22/02/2016 10 5.9 1,530,079 16,400

Summit Industrial Income REIT

Trust Units Morassutti, Lawrence 4 23/02/2016 10 5.9 1,531,579 1,500

Sun Life Financial Inc. Options Accum, Claude 5 21/02/2016 52 -11,500

Sun Life Financial Inc. Options Accum, Claude 5 21/02/2016 52 -11,500

Sun Life Financial Inc. Options Accum, Claude 5 21/02/2016 52 156,880 -14,000

Sun Life Financial Inc. Options Accum, Claude 5 23/02/2016 50 40.16 181,781 24,901

Sun Life Financial Inc. Units Sun Shares Accum, Claude 5 23/02/2016 30 40.47 18,533

Sun Life Financial Inc. Units Sun Shares Accum, Claude 5 23/02/2016 30 40.47 18,533

Sun Life Financial Inc. Units Sun Shares Accum, Claude 5 23/02/2016 56 40.47 82,982 18,533

Sun Life Financial Inc. Units Sun Shares Accum, Claude 5 24/02/2016 56 90,070 7,088

Sun Life Financial Inc. Units Sun Shares Accum, Claude 5 25/02/2016 59 40.17 56,727 -33,343

Sun Life Financial Inc. Options Blair, Carolyn Diane 5 23/02/2016 50 40.16 70,630 17,431

Sun Life Financial Inc. Units Sun Shares Blair, Carolyn Diane 5 23/02/2016 56 40.47 55,943 12,972

Sun Life Financial Inc. Units Sun Shares Blair, Carolyn Diane 5 24/02/2016 56 40.47 17,431

Sun Life Financial Inc. Units Sun Shares Blair, Carolyn Diane 5 24/02/2016 56 40.47 17,431

Sun Life Financial Inc. Units Sun Shares Blair, Carolyn Diane 5 24/02/2016 56 6,301

Sun Life Financial Inc. Units Sun Shares Blair, Carolyn Diane 5 24/02/2016 56 6,301

Sun Life Financial Inc. Units Sun Shares Blair, Carolyn Diane 5 24/02/2016 59 40.17 -166

Sun Life Financial Inc. Units Sun Shares Blair, Carolyn Diane 5 24/02/2016 59 40.17 -166

Sun Life Financial Inc. Units Sun Shares Blair, Carolyn Diane 5 24/02/2016 56 60,668 4,725

Sun Life Financial Inc. Units Sun Shares Blair, Carolyn Diane 5 25/02/2016 59 40.17 -22,229

Sun Life Financial Inc. Units Sun Shares Blair, Carolyn Diane 5 25/02/2016 59 40.17 -22,229

Sun Life Financial Inc. Units Sun Shares Blair, Carolyn Diane 5 25/02/2016 59 40.29 60,502 -166

Sun Life Financial Inc. Units Sun Shares Blair, Carolyn Diane 5 26/02/2016 59 40.17 38,274 -22,228

Sun Life Financial Inc. Deferred Share Units Brown, Randolph 5 11/01/2016 00

Sun Life Financial Inc. Deferred Share Units Brown, Randolph 5 23/02/2016 56 40.47 33,976 33,976

Sun Life Financial Inc. Units Sun Shares Brown, Randolph 5 11/01/2016 00

Sun Life Financial Inc. Units Sun Shares Brown, Randolph 5 23/02/2016 56 40.47 146,097 146,097

Sun Life Financial Inc. Units Sun Shares Catellier, Brigitte 5 07/12/2015 00

Sun Life Financial Inc. Units Sun Shares Catellier, Brigitte 5 23/02/2016 56 40.47 6,920 6,920

Sun Life Financial Inc. Options Connor, Dean 4, 5 23/02/2016 50 40.16 1,412,986 124,502

Sun Life Financial Inc. Units Sun Shares Connor, Dean 4, 5 23/02/2016 56 40.47 432,404 92,662

Sun Life Financial Inc. Units Sun Shares Connor, Dean 4, 5 24/02/2016 56 469,815 37,411

Sun Life Financial Inc. Units Sun Shares Connor, Dean 4, 5 26/02/2016 59 40.17 293,841 -175,974

Sun Life Financial Inc. Options Dougherty, Kevin 5 21/02/2016 52 247,686 -48,600

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March 3, 2016

(2016), 39 OSCB 2164

Issuer Name Security Insider Name Rel’n Transaction Date T/O Unit Price

Date/Month End Holdings

Acquired/ Disposed

Sun Life Financial Inc. Options Dougherty, Kevin 5 23/02/2016 50 40.16 286,282 38,596

Sun Life Financial Inc. Units Sun Shares Dougherty, Kevin 5 23/02/2016 56 40.47 131,349 28,725

Sun Life Financial Inc. Units Sun Shares Dougherty, Kevin 5 24/02/2016 56 142,769 11,420

Sun Life Financial Inc. Units Sun Shares Dougherty, Kevin 5 26/02/2016 59 40.17 89,050 -53,719

Sun Life Financial Inc. Units Sun Shares Dougherty, Linda 5 23/02/2016 56 40.47 24,827 7,413

Sun Life Financial Inc. Options Fishbein, Daniel 5 23/02/2016 50 40.16 37,662

Sun Life Financial Inc. Options Fishbein, Daniel 5 23/02/2016 50 40.16 37,662

Sun Life Financial Inc. Options Fishbein, Daniel 5 23/02/2016 50 40.16 93,222 37,662

Sun Life Financial Inc. Units Sun Shares Fishbein, Daniel 5 23/02/2016 56 40.47 80,814 28,032

Sun Life Financial Inc. Options Freyne, Colm Joseph 5 21/02/2016 52 133,706 -11,500

Sun Life Financial Inc. Options Freyne, Colm Joseph 5 23/02/2016 50 40.16 163,587 29,881

Sun Life Financial Inc. Units Sun Shares Freyne, Colm Joseph 5 23/02/2016 56 40.47 91,647 22,239

Sun Life Financial Inc. Units Sun Shares Freyne, Colm Joseph 5 24/02/2016 56 99,523 7,876

Sun Life Financial Inc. Units Sun Shares Freyne, Colm Joseph 5 26/02/2016 59 40.17 62,475 -37,048

Sun Life Financial Inc. Options Kennedy, Melissa Jane 5 23/02/2016 50 40.16 31,563 16,186

Sun Life Financial Inc. Units Sun Shares Kennedy, Melissa Jane 5 23/02/2016 56 40.47 42,635 12,046

Sun Life Financial Inc. Units Sun Shares Madge, Larry 5 23/02/2016 56 40.47 47,238 8,650

Sun Life Financial Inc. Units Sun Shares Madge, Larry 5 24/02/2016 56 50,448 3,210

Sun Life Financial Inc. Units Sun Shares Madge, Larry 5 26/02/2016 59 40.17 35,346 -15,102

Sun Life Financial Inc. Common Shares Peacher, Stephen 5 23/02/2016 51 31.65 23,249 23,249

Sun Life Financial Inc. Common Shares Peacher, Stephen 5 23/02/2016 10 40.12 -349

Sun Life Financial Inc. Common Shares Peacher, Stephen 5 23/02/2016 10 40.12 -349

Sun Life Financial Inc. Common Shares Peacher, Stephen 5 23/02/2016 10 40.12 -300

Sun Life Financial Inc. Common Shares Peacher, Stephen 5 23/02/2016 10 40.12 -300

Sun Life Financial Inc. Common Shares Peacher, Stephen 5 23/02/2016 10 40.12 22,900 -349

Sun Life Financial Inc. Common Shares Peacher, Stephen 5 23/02/2016 10 40.11 22,600 -300

Sun Life Financial Inc. Common Shares Peacher, Stephen 5 23/02/2016 10 40.1 21,400 -1,200

Sun Life Financial Inc. Common Shares Peacher, Stephen 5 23/02/2016 10 40.09 20,900 -500

Sun Life Financial Inc. Common Shares Peacher, Stephen 5 23/02/2016 10 40.08 3,300 -17,600

Sun Life Financial Inc. Common Shares Peacher, Stephen 5 23/02/2016 10 40.07 2,800 -500

Sun Life Financial Inc. Common Shares Peacher, Stephen 5 23/02/2016 10 40.06 0 -2,800

Sun Life Financial Inc. Common Shares Peacher, Stephen 5 23/02/2016 51 21.53 34,773 34,773

Sun Life Financial Inc. Common Shares Peacher, Stephen 5 23/02/2016 10 40.095 33,573 -1,200

Sun Life Financial Inc. Common Shares Peacher, Stephen 5 23/02/2016 10 40.09 33,300 -273

Sun Life Financial Inc. Common Shares Peacher, Stephen 5 23/02/2016 10 40.08 27,800 -5,500

Sun Life Financial Inc. Common Shares Peacher, Stephen 5 23/02/2016 10 40.07 27,100 -700

Sun Life Financial Inc. Common Shares Peacher, Stephen 5 23/02/2016 10 40.06 17,800 -9,300

Sun Life Financial Inc. Common Shares Peacher, Stephen 5 23/02/2016 10 40.05 2,000 -15,800

Sun Life Financial Inc. Common Shares Peacher, Stephen 5 23/02/2016 10 40.055 1,800 -200

Sun Life Financial Inc. Common Shares Peacher, Stephen 5 23/02/2016 10 40.03 400 -1,400

Sun Life Financial Inc. Common Shares Peacher, Stephen 5 23/02/2016 10 40.02 0 -400

Sun Life Financial Inc. Common Shares Peacher, Stephen 5 23/02/2016 51 28.2 13,552 13,552

Sun Life Financial Inc. Common Shares Peacher, Stephen 5 23/02/2016 10 40.01 13,200 -352

Sun Life Financial Inc. Common Shares Peacher, Stephen 5 23/02/2016 10 40 0 -13,200

Sun Life Financial Inc. Options Peacher, Stephen 5 23/02/2016 51 31.65 23,249

Sun Life Financial Inc. Options Peacher, Stephen 5 23/02/2016 51 31.65 23,249

Sun Life Financial Inc. Options Peacher, Stephen 5 23/02/2016 51 31.65 -23,249

Sun Life Financial Inc. Options Peacher, Stephen 5 23/02/2016 51 31.65 -23,249

Sun Life Financial Inc. Options Peacher, Stephen 5 23/02/2016 51 21.53 188,915 -34,773

Sun Life Financial Inc. Options Peacher, Stephen 5 23/02/2016 51 31.65 165,666 -23,249

Sun Life Financial Inc. Options Peacher, Stephen 5 23/02/2016 51 28.2 152,114 -13,552

Sun Life Financial Inc. Options Peacher, Stephen 5 23/02/2016 50 40.16 213,743 61,629

Sun Life Financial Inc. Units Sun Shares Peacher, Stephen 5 23/02/2016 56 40.47 162,104 45,867

Sun Life Financial Inc. Units Sun Shares Peacher, Stephen 5 24/02/2016 56 174,144 12,040

Sun Life Financial Inc. Units Sun Shares Peacher, Stephen 5 25/02/2016 59 40.29 173,815 -329

Sun Life Financial Inc. Units Sun Shares Peacher, Stephen 5 26/02/2016 59 40.17 117,183 -56,632

Sun Life Financial Inc. Options Saunders, Mark 5 23/02/2016 50 40.16 79,542 17,431

Sun Life Financial Inc. Units Sun Shares Saunders, Mark 5 23/02/2016 56 40.47 61,559 12,973

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March 3, 2016

(2016), 39 OSCB 2165

Issuer Name Security Insider Name Rel’n Transaction Date T/O Unit Price

Date/Month End Holdings

Acquired/ Disposed

Sun Life Financial Inc. Units Sun Shares Saunders, Mark 5 24/02/2016 56 67,072 5,513

Sun Life Financial Inc. Units Sun Shares Saunders, Mark 5 26/02/2016 59 40.17 41,139 -25,933

Sun Life Financial Inc. Options Strain, Kevin 5 21/02/2016 52 196,313 -8,100

Sun Life Financial Inc. Options Strain, Kevin 5 23/02/2016 50 40.16 223,704 27,391

Sun Life Financial Inc. Units Sun Shares Strain, Kevin 5 23/02/2016 56 40.47 83,959 20,386

Sun Life Financial Inc. Units Sun Shares Strain, Kevin 5 24/02/2016 56 90,260 6,301

Sun Life Financial Inc. Units Sun Shares Strain, Kevin 5 26/02/2016 59 40.17 60,622 -29,638

Sun Life Financial Inc. Units Sun Shares Van den Hoogen, Marlene 5 23/02/2016 56 40.47 16,395 3,707

Sun Life Financial Inc. Units Sun Shares Van den Hoogen, Marlene 5 24/02/2016 56 17,865 1,470

Sun Life Financial Inc. Units Sun Shares Van den Hoogen, Marlene 5 26/02/2016 59 40.17 10,950 -6,915

Suncor Energy Inc. Performance Share Units Axford, Eric Charles 5 18/02/2016 59 36.9 105,378 -39,074

Suncor Energy Inc. Deferred Share Units Bedient, Patricia Margaret 4 24/02/2016 00

Suncor Energy Inc. Deferred Share Units Bedient, Patricia Margaret 4 24/02/2016 00

Suncor Energy Inc. Deferred Share Units Bedient, Patricia Margaret 4 24/02/2016 00 5,880

Suncor Energy Inc. Performance Share Units Gardner, Paul Douglas 5 18/02/2016 59 36.9 71,807 -24,678

Suncor Energy Inc. Performance Share Units Little, Mark Stephen 5 18/02/2016 59 36.9 136,742 -51,414

Suncor Energy Inc. Performance Share Units MacSween, Michael Roderick

5 18/02/2016 59 36.9 122,542 -41,131

Suncor Energy Inc. Performance Share Units Odegaard, Janice 5 18/02/2016 59 36.9 72,657 -24,678

Suncor Energy Inc. Performance Share Units Reynish, Stephen David Lile 5 18/02/2016 59 36.9 117,842 -41,131

Suncor Energy Inc. Performance Share Units Smith, Kristopher Peter 5 18/02/2016 59 36.9 -36,885

Suncor Energy Inc. Performance Share Units Smith, Kristopher Peter 5 18/02/2016 59 36.9 -36,885

Suncor Energy Inc. Performance Share Units Smith, Kristopher Peter 5 18/02/2016 59 36.9 117,976 -36,886

Suncor Energy Inc. Performance Share Units Williams, Steven Walter 5 18/02/2016 59 36.9 391,296 -156,297

Superior Copper Corporation Warrants Howlett, Brian 4 24/02/2016 55 0.06 0 -500,000

Superior Copper Corporation Warrants Howlett, Brian 4 24/02/2016 55 0.2 0 -25,000

Superior Plus Corp. Common Shares Bechberger, Edward Joseph 5 24/02/2016 10 8.75 19,250 2,000

Superior Plus Corp. Common Shares Summers, Elizabeth 5 23/11/2015 00

Superior Plus Corp. Common Shares Summers, Elizabeth 5 22/02/2016 10 9.164 2,200 2,200

Tamarack Valley Energy Ltd. Common Shares GMT Capital Corp 3 17/02/2016 10 2.56 3,353,100 -6,700

Tamarack Valley Energy Ltd. Common Shares GMT Capital Corp 3 18/02/2016 10 2.35 3,351,400 -1,700

Tamarack Valley Energy Ltd. Common Shares GMT Capital Corp 3 19/02/2016 10 2.29 3,350,800 -600

Tamarack Valley Energy Ltd. Common Shares GMT Capital Corp 3 17/02/2016 10 2.56 3,796,400 -7,600

Tamarack Valley Energy Ltd. Common Shares GMT Capital Corp 3 18/02/2016 10 2.35 3,794,500 -1,900

Tamarack Valley Energy Ltd. Common Shares GMT Capital Corp 3 19/02/2016 10 2.29 3,793,900 -600

Tamarack Valley Energy Ltd. Common Shares GMT Capital Corp 3 17/02/2016 10 2.56 7,240,900 -14,400

Tamarack Valley Energy Ltd. Common Shares GMT Capital Corp 3 18/02/2016 10 2.35 7,237,300 -3,600

Tamarack Valley Energy Ltd. Common Shares GMT Capital Corp 3 19/02/2016 10 2.29 7,236,000 -1,300

Tamarack Valley Energy Ltd. Common Shares GMT Capital Corp 3 17/02/2016 10 2.56 826,400 -1,600

Tamarack Valley Energy Ltd. Common Shares GMT Capital Corp 3 18/02/2016 10 2.35 826,000 -400

Tamarack Valley Energy Ltd. Common Shares GMT Capital Corp 3 19/02/2016 10 2.29 825,900 -100

Tamarack Valley Energy Ltd. Common Shares GMT Capital Corp 3 17/02/2016 10 2.56 684,400 -1,400

Tamarack Valley Energy Ltd. Common Shares GMT Capital Corp 3 18/02/2016 10 2.35 684,100 -300

Tamarack Valley Energy Ltd. Common Shares GMT Capital Corp 3 19/02/2016 10 2.29 684,000 -100

Tech Achievers Growth & Income Fund

Units Tech Achievers Growth & Income Fund

1 22/02/2016 38 6,800 6,800

Tech Achievers Growth & Income Fund

Units Tech Achievers Growth & Income Fund

1 22/02/2016 38 0 -6,800

Tech Achievers Growth & Income Fund

Units Tech Achievers Growth & Income Fund

1 26/02/2016 38 1,200 1,200

Tech Achievers Growth & Income Fund

Units Tech Achievers Growth & Income Fund

1 26/02/2016 38 0 -1,200

Telesta Therapeutics Inc. (formerly known as, Bioniche Life Sciences Inc.)

Common Shares Fortin, Lyne 4 26/02/2016 10 0.1 200,290 50,000

Telferscot Resources Inc. Common Shares Coates, Stephen Edward 4 22/02/2016 10 0.01 38,929 37,000

Telferscot Resources Inc. Common Shares KIRTLAN, ROBERT EDWARD

4 25/02/2016 00 3,500,000

TELUS Corporation Restricted Share Units Gossling, John Richard 5 26/02/2016 30 39.65 88,156 25,244

TELUS Corporation Restricted Share Units Gossling, John Richard 5 26/02/2016 30 39.32 92,987 4,831

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(2016), 39 OSCB 2166

Issuer Name Security Insider Name Rel’n Transaction Date T/O Unit Price

Date/Month End Holdings

Acquired/ Disposed

TELUS Corporation Common Shares Lewis, Stephen Flynn 5 31/12/2015 30 10,011 773

TELUS Corporation Common Shares Lewis, Stephen Flynn 5 31/12/2015 30 10,386 375

TELUS Corporation Restricted Share Units Lewis, Stephen Flynn 5 04/01/2016 30 14,771 169

TELUS Corporation Restricted Share Units Lewis, Stephen Flynn 5 26/02/2016 30 39.65 20,869 6,098

TerraVest Capital Inc. Convertible Debentures TerraVest Capital Inc. 1 22/02/2016 38 88.75 $50,000 $50,000


Deferred Stock Units Daoust, Paul 4 22/02/2016 30 46,419 5,767


Deferred Stock Units Innes, Richard Dent 4 22/02/2016 30 41,754 4,044


Deferred Stock Units KING, GEORGE EDMUND 4 22/02/2016 30 57,411 5,560


Deferred Stock Units Welsh, Kathryn A. 4 22/02/2016 30 41,754 4,044

The Jean Coutu Group (PJC) Inc.

Rights à la plus-value des actions

Coutu, Louis 5 23/02/2016 59 49,291 -8,043

The Jean Coutu Group (PJC) Inc.

Subordinate Voting Shares Catégorie A

Le Groupe Jean Coutu (PJC) Inc.

1 19/02/2016 38 19.85 924,159 400

The Jean Coutu Group (PJC) Inc.

Subordinate Voting Shares Catégorie A

Le Groupe Jean Coutu (PJC) Inc.

1 19/02/2016 38 19.87 924,659 500

The Jean Coutu Group (PJC) Inc.

Subordinate Voting Shares Catégorie A

Le Groupe Jean Coutu (PJC) Inc.

1 19/02/2016 38 19.89 924,902 243

The Jean Coutu Group (PJC) Inc.

Subordinate Voting Shares Catégorie A

Le Groupe Jean Coutu (PJC) Inc.

1 19/02/2016 38 19.91 925,802 900

The Jean Coutu Group (PJC) Inc.

Subordinate Voting Shares Catégorie A

Le Groupe Jean Coutu (PJC) Inc.

1 19/02/2016 38 19.92 926,002 200

The Jean Coutu Group (PJC) Inc.

Subordinate Voting Shares Catégorie A

Le Groupe Jean Coutu (PJC) Inc.

1 19/02/2016 38 19.93 927,102 1,100

The Jean Coutu Group (PJC) Inc.

Subordinate Voting Shares Catégorie A

Le Groupe Jean Coutu (PJC) Inc.

1 19/02/2016 38 19.94 929,302 2,200

The Jean Coutu Group (PJC) Inc.

Subordinate Voting Shares Catégorie A

Le Groupe Jean Coutu (PJC) Inc.

1 19/02/2016 38 19.95 932,802 3,500

The Jean Coutu Group (PJC) Inc.

Subordinate Voting Shares Catégorie A

Le Groupe Jean Coutu (PJC) Inc.

1 19/02/2016 38 19.96 944,102 11,300

The Jean Coutu Group (PJC) Inc.

Subordinate Voting Shares Catégorie A

Le Groupe Jean Coutu (PJC) Inc.

1 19/02/2016 38 19.97 945,102 1,000

The Jean Coutu Group (PJC) Inc.

Subordinate Voting Shares Catégorie A

Le Groupe Jean Coutu (PJC) Inc.

1 19/02/2016 38 19.975 945,402 300

The Jean Coutu Group (PJC) Inc.

Subordinate Voting Shares Catégorie A

Le Groupe Jean Coutu (PJC) Inc.

1 19/02/2016 38 19.98 951,602 6,200

The Jean Coutu Group (PJC) Inc.

Subordinate Voting Shares Catégorie A

Le Groupe Jean Coutu (PJC) Inc.

1 19/02/2016 38 20.01 952,102 500

The Jean Coutu Group (PJC) Inc.

Subordinate Voting Shares Catégorie A

Le Groupe Jean Coutu (PJC) Inc.

1 19/02/2016 38 20.02 953,902 1,800

The Jean Coutu Group (PJC) Inc.

Subordinate Voting Shares Catégorie A

Le Groupe Jean Coutu (PJC) Inc.

1 19/02/2016 38 20.025 954,502 600

The Jean Coutu Group (PJC) Inc.

Subordinate Voting Shares Catégorie A

Le Groupe Jean Coutu (PJC) Inc.

1 19/02/2016 38 20.03 959,402 4,900

The Jean Coutu Group (PJC) Inc.

Subordinate Voting Shares Catégorie A

Le Groupe Jean Coutu (PJC) Inc.

1 19/02/2016 38 20.035 961,502 2,100

The Jean Coutu Group (PJC) Inc.

Subordinate Voting Shares Catégorie A

Le Groupe Jean Coutu (PJC) Inc.

1 19/02/2016 38 20.04 968,802 7,300

The Jean Coutu Group (PJC) Inc.

Subordinate Voting Shares Catégorie A

Le Groupe Jean Coutu (PJC) Inc.

1 19/02/2016 38 20.05 980,902 12,100

The Jean Coutu Group (PJC) Inc.

Subordinate Voting Shares Catégorie A

Le Groupe Jean Coutu (PJC) Inc.

1 19/02/2016 38 20.07 987,002 6,100

The Jean Coutu Group (PJC) Inc.

Subordinate Voting Shares Catégorie A

Le Groupe Jean Coutu (PJC) Inc.

1 19/02/2016 38 20.08 987,202 200

The Jean Coutu Group (PJC) Inc.

Subordinate Voting Shares Catégorie A

Le Groupe Jean Coutu (PJC) Inc.

1 19/02/2016 38 20.09 987,502 300

The Jean Coutu Group (PJC) Inc.

Subordinate Voting Shares Catégorie A

Le Groupe Jean Coutu (PJC) Inc.

1 19/02/2016 38 20.11 987,802 300

The Jean Coutu Group (PJC) Inc.

Subordinate Voting Shares Catégorie A

Le Groupe Jean Coutu (PJC) Inc.

1 19/02/2016 38 20.12 988,502 700

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Insider Reporting

March 3, 2016

(2016), 39 OSCB 2167

Issuer Name Security Insider Name Rel’n Transaction Date T/O Unit Price

Date/Month End Holdings

Acquired/ Disposed

The Jean Coutu Group (PJC) Inc.

Subordinate Voting Shares Catégorie A

Le Groupe Jean Coutu (PJC) Inc.

1 19/02/2016 38 20.135 988,902 400

The Jean Coutu Group (PJC) Inc.

Subordinate Voting Shares Catégorie A

Le Groupe Jean Coutu (PJC) Inc.

1 19/02/2016 38 20.14 992,902 4,000

The Jean Coutu Group (PJC) Inc.

Subordinate Voting Shares Catégorie A

Le Groupe Jean Coutu (PJC) Inc.

1 19/02/2016 38 20.16 993,602 700

The Jean Coutu Group (PJC) Inc.

Subordinate Voting Shares Catégorie A

Le Groupe Jean Coutu (PJC) Inc.

1 19/02/2016 38 20.18 994,502 900

The Jean Coutu Group (PJC) Inc.

Subordinate Voting Shares Catégorie A

Le Groupe Jean Coutu (PJC) Inc.

1 19/02/2016 38 20.19 995,102 600

The Jean Coutu Group (PJC) Inc.

Subordinate Voting Shares Catégorie A

Le Groupe Jean Coutu (PJC) Inc.

1 22/02/2016 38 20.1 995,502 400

The Jean Coutu Group (PJC) Inc.

Subordinate Voting Shares Catégorie A

Le Groupe Jean Coutu (PJC) Inc.

1 22/02/2016 38 20.11 996,902 1,400

The Jean Coutu Group (PJC) Inc.

Subordinate Voting Shares Catégorie A

Le Groupe Jean Coutu (PJC) Inc.

1 22/02/2016 38 20.12 998,302 1,400

The Jean Coutu Group (PJC) Inc.

Subordinate Voting Shares Catégorie A

Le Groupe Jean Coutu (PJC) Inc.

1 22/02/2016 38 20.14 998,902 600

The Jean Coutu Group (PJC) Inc.

Subordinate Voting Shares Catégorie A

Le Groupe Jean Coutu (PJC) Inc.

1 22/02/2016 38 20.16 999,845 943

The Jean Coutu Group (PJC) Inc.

Subordinate Voting Shares Catégorie A

Le Groupe Jean Coutu (PJC) Inc.

1 22/02/2016 38 20.18 1,000,345 500

The Jean Coutu Group (PJC) Inc.

Subordinate Voting Shares Catégorie A

Le Groupe Jean Coutu (PJC) Inc.

1 22/02/2016 38 20.19 1,000,645 300

The Jean Coutu Group (PJC) Inc.

Subordinate Voting Shares Catégorie A

Le Groupe Jean Coutu (PJC) Inc.

1 22/02/2016 38 20.2 1,001,245 600

The Jean Coutu Group (PJC) Inc.

Subordinate Voting Shares Catégorie A

Le Groupe Jean Coutu (PJC) Inc.

1 22/02/2016 38 20.21 1,001,545 300

The Jean Coutu Group (PJC) Inc.

Subordinate Voting Shares Catégorie A

Le Groupe Jean Coutu (PJC) Inc.

1 22/02/2016 38 20.28 1,002,545 1,000

The Jean Coutu Group (PJC) Inc.

Subordinate Voting Shares Catégorie A

Le Groupe Jean Coutu (PJC) Inc.

1 22/02/2016 38 20.36 1,003,345 800

The Jean Coutu Group (PJC) Inc.

Subordinate Voting Shares Catégorie A

Le Groupe Jean Coutu (PJC) Inc.

1 22/02/2016 38 20.37 1,003,645 300

The Jean Coutu Group (PJC) Inc.

Subordinate Voting Shares Catégorie A

Le Groupe Jean Coutu (PJC) Inc.

1 22/02/2016 38 20.38 1,004,045 400

The Jean Coutu Group (PJC) Inc.

Subordinate Voting Shares Catégorie A

Le Groupe Jean Coutu (PJC) Inc.

1 22/02/2016 38 20.39 1,004,445 400

The Jean Coutu Group (PJC) Inc.

Subordinate Voting Shares Catégorie A

Le Groupe Jean Coutu (PJC) Inc.

1 22/02/2016 38 20.41 1,004,945 500

The Jean Coutu Group (PJC) Inc.

Subordinate Voting Shares Catégorie A

Le Groupe Jean Coutu (PJC) Inc.

1 22/02/2016 38 20.42 1,007,245 2,300

The Jean Coutu Group (PJC) Inc.

Subordinate Voting Shares Catégorie A

Le Groupe Jean Coutu (PJC) Inc.

1 22/02/2016 38 20.43 1,007,445 200

The Jean Coutu Group (PJC) Inc.

Subordinate Voting Shares Catégorie A

Le Groupe Jean Coutu (PJC) Inc.

1 22/02/2016 38 20.44 1,007,845 400

The Jean Coutu Group (PJC) Inc.

Subordinate Voting Shares Catégorie A

Le Groupe Jean Coutu (PJC) Inc.

1 22/02/2016 38 20.45 1,009,145 1,300

The Jean Coutu Group (PJC) Inc.

Subordinate Voting Shares Catégorie A

Le Groupe Jean Coutu (PJC) Inc.

1 22/02/2016 38 20.46 1,014,445 5,300

The Jean Coutu Group (PJC) Inc.

Subordinate Voting Shares Catégorie A

Le Groupe Jean Coutu (PJC) Inc.

1 22/02/2016 38 20.47 1,014,845 400

The Jean Coutu Group (PJC) Inc.

Subordinate Voting Shares Catégorie A

Le Groupe Jean Coutu (PJC) Inc.

1 22/02/2016 38 20.48 1,017,545 2,700

The Jean Coutu Group (PJC) Inc.

Subordinate Voting Shares Catégorie A

Le Groupe Jean Coutu (PJC) Inc.

1 22/02/2016 38 20.485 1,017,945 400

The Jean Coutu Group (PJC) Inc.

Subordinate Voting Shares Catégorie A

Le Groupe Jean Coutu (PJC) Inc.

1 22/02/2016 38 20.49 1,020,145 2,200

The Jean Coutu Group (PJC) Inc.

Subordinate Voting Shares Catégorie A

Le Groupe Jean Coutu (PJC) Inc.

1 22/02/2016 38 20.5 1,034,745 14,600

The Jean Coutu Group (PJC) Inc.

Subordinate Voting Shares Catégorie A

Le Groupe Jean Coutu (PJC) Inc.

1 22/02/2016 38 20.51 1,038,045 3,300

The Jean Coutu Group (PJC) Inc.

Subordinate Voting Shares Catégorie A

Le Groupe Jean Coutu (PJC) Inc.

1 22/02/2016 38 20.52 1,045,945 7,900

The Jean Coutu Group (PJC) Inc.

Subordinate Voting Shares Catégorie A

Le Groupe Jean Coutu (PJC) Inc.

1 22/02/2016 38 20.53 1,049,045 3,100

Page 234: OSC Bulletin

Insider Reporting

March 3, 2016

(2016), 39 OSCB 2168

Issuer Name Security Insider Name Rel’n Transaction Date T/O Unit Price

Date/Month End Holdings

Acquired/ Disposed

The Jean Coutu Group (PJC) Inc.

Subordinate Voting Shares Catégorie A

Le Groupe Jean Coutu (PJC) Inc.

1 22/02/2016 38 20.54 1,051,645 2,600

The Jean Coutu Group (PJC) Inc.

Subordinate Voting Shares Catégorie A

Le Groupe Jean Coutu (PJC) Inc.

1 22/02/2016 38 20.59 1,055,045 3,400

The Jean Coutu Group (PJC) Inc.

Subordinate Voting Shares Catégorie A

Le Groupe Jean Coutu (PJC) Inc.

1 22/02/2016 38 20.62 1,061,545 6,500

The Jean Coutu Group (PJC) Inc.

Subordinate Voting Shares Catégorie A

Le Groupe Jean Coutu (PJC) Inc.

1 22/02/2016 38 20.68 1,069,445 7,900

The Jean Coutu Group (PJC) Inc.

Subordinate Voting Shares Catégorie A

Le Groupe Jean Coutu (PJC) Inc.

1 22/02/2016 38 20.41 100

The Jean Coutu Group (PJC) Inc.

Subordinate Voting Shares Catégorie A

Le Groupe Jean Coutu (PJC) Inc.

1 23/02/2016 38 20.41 1,069,545 100

The Jean Coutu Group (PJC) Inc.

Subordinate Voting Shares Catégorie A

Le Groupe Jean Coutu (PJC) Inc.

1 23/02/2016 38 20.58 1,070,145 600

The Jean Coutu Group (PJC) Inc.

Subordinate Voting Shares Catégorie A

Le Groupe Jean Coutu (PJC) Inc.

1 23/02/2016 38 20.6 1,070,945 800

The Jean Coutu Group (PJC) Inc.

Subordinate Voting Shares Catégorie A

Le Groupe Jean Coutu (PJC) Inc.

1 23/02/2016 38 20.61 1,072,045 1,100

The Jean Coutu Group (PJC) Inc.

Subordinate Voting Shares Catégorie A

Le Groupe Jean Coutu (PJC) Inc.

1 23/02/2016 38 20.63 1,072,545 500

The Jean Coutu Group (PJC) Inc.

Subordinate Voting Shares Catégorie A

Le Groupe Jean Coutu (PJC) Inc.

1 23/02/2016 38 20.64 1,074,745 2,200

The Jean Coutu Group (PJC) Inc.

Subordinate Voting Shares Catégorie A

Le Groupe Jean Coutu (PJC) Inc.

1 23/02/2016 38 20.65 1,075,245 500

The Jean Coutu Group (PJC) Inc.

Subordinate Voting Shares Catégorie A

Le Groupe Jean Coutu (PJC) Inc.

1 23/02/2016 38 20.66 1,075,745 500

The Jean Coutu Group (PJC) Inc.

Subordinate Voting Shares Catégorie A

Le Groupe Jean Coutu (PJC) Inc.

1 23/02/2016 38 20.67 1,076,288 543

The Jean Coutu Group (PJC) Inc.

Subordinate Voting Shares Catégorie A

Le Groupe Jean Coutu (PJC) Inc.

1 23/02/2016 38 20.68 1,077,088 800

The Jean Coutu Group (PJC) Inc.

Subordinate Voting Shares Catégorie A

Le Groupe Jean Coutu (PJC) Inc.

1 23/02/2016 38 20.69 1,079,988 2,900

The Jean Coutu Group (PJC) Inc.

Subordinate Voting Shares Catégorie A

Le Groupe Jean Coutu (PJC) Inc.

1 23/02/2016 38 20.7 1,081,388 1,400

The Jean Coutu Group (PJC) Inc.

Subordinate Voting Shares Catégorie A

Le Groupe Jean Coutu (PJC) Inc.

1 23/02/2016 38 20.71 1,083,788 2,400

The Jean Coutu Group (PJC) Inc.

Subordinate Voting Shares Catégorie A

Le Groupe Jean Coutu (PJC) Inc.

1 23/02/2016 38 20.72 1,091,388 7,600

The Jean Coutu Group (PJC) Inc.

Subordinate Voting Shares Catégorie A

Le Groupe Jean Coutu (PJC) Inc.

1 23/02/2016 38 20.73 1,093,188 1,800

The Jean Coutu Group (PJC) Inc.

Subordinate Voting Shares Catégorie A

Le Groupe Jean Coutu (PJC) Inc.

1 23/02/2016 38 20.735 1,093,888 700

The Jean Coutu Group (PJC) Inc.

Subordinate Voting Shares Catégorie A

Le Groupe Jean Coutu (PJC) Inc.

1 23/02/2016 38 20.74 1,096,688 2,800

The Jean Coutu Group (PJC) Inc.

Subordinate Voting Shares Catégorie A

Le Groupe Jean Coutu (PJC) Inc.

1 23/02/2016 38 20.75 1,101,688 5,000

The Jean Coutu Group (PJC) Inc.

Subordinate Voting Shares Catégorie A

Le Groupe Jean Coutu (PJC) Inc.

1 23/02/2016 38 20.755 1,101,888 200

The Jean Coutu Group (PJC) Inc.

Subordinate Voting Shares Catégorie A

Le Groupe Jean Coutu (PJC) Inc.

1 23/02/2016 38 20.76 1,107,288 5,400

The Jean Coutu Group (PJC) Inc.

Subordinate Voting Shares Catégorie A

Le Groupe Jean Coutu (PJC) Inc.

1 23/02/2016 38 20.77 1,120,888 13,600

The Jean Coutu Group (PJC) Inc.

Subordinate Voting Shares Catégorie A

Le Groupe Jean Coutu (PJC) Inc.

1 23/02/2016 38 20.775 1,121,388 500

The Jean Coutu Group (PJC) Inc.

Subordinate Voting Shares Catégorie A

Le Groupe Jean Coutu (PJC) Inc.

1 23/02/2016 38 20.78 1,127,388 6,000

The Jean Coutu Group (PJC) Inc.

Subordinate Voting Shares Catégorie A

Le Groupe Jean Coutu (PJC) Inc.

1 23/02/2016 38 20.79 1,128,688 1,300

The Jean Coutu Group (PJC) Inc.

Subordinate Voting Shares Catégorie A

Le Groupe Jean Coutu (PJC) Inc.

1 23/02/2016 38 20.8 1,132,288 3,600

The Jean Coutu Group (PJC) Inc.

Subordinate Voting Shares Catégorie A

Le Groupe Jean Coutu (PJC) Inc.

1 23/02/2016 38 20.81 1,132,788 500

The Jean Coutu Group (PJC) Inc.

Subordinate Voting Shares Catégorie A

Le Groupe Jean Coutu (PJC) Inc.

1 23/02/2016 38 20.82 1,136,588 3,800

The Jean Coutu Group (PJC) Inc.

Subordinate Voting Shares Catégorie A

Le Groupe Jean Coutu (PJC) Inc.

1 23/02/2016 38 20.83 1,139,888 3,300

Page 235: OSC Bulletin

Insider Reporting

March 3, 2016

(2016), 39 OSCB 2169

Issuer Name Security Insider Name Rel’n Transaction Date T/O Unit Price

Date/Month End Holdings

Acquired/ Disposed

The Jean Coutu Group (PJC) Inc.

Subordinate Voting Shares Catégorie A

Le Groupe Jean Coutu (PJC) Inc.

1 23/02/2016 38 20.84 1,142,488 2,600

The Jean Coutu Group (PJC) Inc.

Subordinate Voting Shares Catégorie A

Le Groupe Jean Coutu (PJC) Inc.

1 23/02/2016 38 20.85 1,143,788 1,300

The Keg Royalties Income Fund

Trust Units BROWN, Peter MacLachlan 4 24/02/2016 10 18.208 50,000 8,600

Titanium Transportation Group Inc.

Options Third Party Option MALZ, Katarzyna (KASIA) 5 22/02/2016 50 2.85 100,000 75,000

TMX Group Limited Options Desgagne, Jean 5 23/02/2016 50 40.14 218,117 39,308

TMX Group Limited Rights Performance Share Units

Desgagne, Jean 5 31/12/2015 56 49.2 3,293 94

TMX Group Limited Rights Performance Share Units

Desgagne, Jean 5 23/02/2016 56 40.14 8,472 5,179

TMX Group Limited Rights Restricted Share Units

Desgagne, Jean 5 31/12/2015 56 49.2 27,299 861

TMX Group Limited Rights Restricted Share Units

Desgagne, Jean 5 23/02/2016 56 40.14 11,185 5,179

TMX Group Limited Options Eccleston, Louis 4, 5 23/02/2016 50 40.14 359,792 116,970

TMX Group Limited Rights Deferred Share Units

Eccleston, Louis 4, 5 31/12/2015 56 49.2 5,481 175

TMX Group Limited Rights Performance Share Units

Eccleston, Louis 4, 5 31/12/2015 56 49.2 10,852 347

TMX Group Limited Rights Performance Share Units

Eccleston, Louis 4, 5 23/02/2016 56 40.14 26,267 15,415

TMX Group Limited Rights Restricted Share Units

Eccleston, Louis 4, 5 31/12/2015 56 49.2 10,852 347

TMX Group Limited Rights Restricted Share Units

Eccleston, Louis 4, 5 23/02/2016 56 40.14 26,267 15,415

TMX Group Limited Options Graden, Cheryl 5 23/02/2016 50 40.14 38,769 14,974

TMX Group Limited Rights Performance Share Units

Graden, Cheryl 5 31/12/2015 56 49.2 1,992 32

TMX Group Limited Rights Performance Share Units

Graden, Cheryl 5 23/02/2016 56 40.14 3,965 1,973

TMX Group Limited Rights Restricted Share Units

Graden, Cheryl 5 31/12/2015 56 49.2 1,313 75

TMX Group Limited Rights Restricted Share Units

Graden, Cheryl 5 23/02/2016 56 40.14 2,629 1,973

TMX Group Limited Options Hukezalie, Mary Lou 5 23/02/2016 50 40.14 75,446 14,792

TMX Group Limited Rights Deferred Share Units

Hukezalie, Mary Lou 5 31/12/2015 56 49.2 9,193 270

TMX Group Limited Rights Performance Share Units

Hukezalie, Mary Lou 5 31/12/2015 56 49.2 1,411 45

TMX Group Limited Rights Performance Share Units

Hukezalie, Mary Lou 5 23/02/2016 56 40.14 3,359 1,948

TMX Group Limited Rights Restricted Share Units

Hukezalie, Mary Lou 5 31/12/2015 56 49.2 10,180 250

TMX Group Limited Rights Restricted Share Units

Hukezalie, Mary Lou 5 23/02/2016 56 40.14 7,275 1,948

TMX Group Limited Options Miquelon, Alain 5 23/02/2016 50 40.14 108,356 18,021

TMX Group Limited Rights Deferred Share Units

Miquelon, Alain 5 31/12/2015 56 49.2 3,044 97

TMX Group Limited Rights Performance Share Units

Miquelon, Alain 5 31/12/2015 56 49.2 2,091 67

TMX Group Limited Rights Performance Share Units

Miquelon, Alain 5 23/02/2016 56 40.14 4,465 2,374

TMX Group Limited Rights Restricted Share Units

Miquelon, Alain 5 31/12/2015 56 49.2 13,130 299

TMX Group Limited Rights Restricted Share Units

Miquelon, Alain 5 23/02/2016 56 40.14 10,794 2,374

TMX Group Limited Options Oosterbaan, James Nicholas

5 23/02/2016 50 40.14 84,659 16,527

TMX Group Limited Rights Performance Share Units

Oosterbaan, James Nicholas

5 31/12/2015 56 49.2 2,170 69

TMX Group Limited Rights Performance Share Units

Oosterbaan, James Nicholas

5 23/02/2016 56 40.14 4,349 2,179

Page 236: OSC Bulletin

Insider Reporting

March 3, 2016

(2016), 39 OSCB 2170

Issuer Name Security Insider Name Rel’n Transaction Date T/O Unit Price

Date/Month End Holdings

Acquired/ Disposed

TMX Group Limited Rights Restricted Share Units

Oosterbaan, James Nicholas

5 31/12/2015 56 49.2 4,362 139

TMX Group Limited Rights Restricted Share Units

Oosterbaan, James Nicholas

5 23/02/2016 56 40.14 6,541 2,179

TMX Group Limited Options Ptasznik, Michael Steven 5 23/02/2016 50 40.14 98,566 17,562

TMX Group Limited Rights Deferred Share Units

Ptasznik, Michael Steven 5 31/12/2015 56 49.2 32,889 1,051

TMX Group Limited Rights Performance Share Units

Ptasznik, Michael Steven 5 31/12/2015 56 49.2 2,040 65

TMX Group Limited Rights Performance Share Units

Ptasznik, Michael Steven 5 23/02/2016 56 40.14 4,353 2,313

TMX Group Limited Rights Restricted Share Units

Ptasznik, Michael Steven 5 31/12/2015 56 49.2 17,647 431

TMX Group Limited Rights Restricted Share Units

Ptasznik, Michael Steven 5 23/02/2016 56 40.14 11,319 2,313

TMX Group Limited Options Sinclair, Eric 5 23/02/2016 50 40.14 134,348 17,467

TMX Group Limited Rights Deferred Share Units

Sinclair, Eric 5 31/12/2015 56 49.2 11,154 356

TMX Group Limited Rights Performance Share Units

Sinclair, Eric 5 31/12/2015 56 49.2 1,975 63

TMX Group Limited Rights Performance Share Units

Sinclair, Eric 5 23/02/2016 56 40.14 4,277 2,302

TMX Group Limited Rights Restricted Share Units

Sinclair, Eric 5 31/12/2015 56 49.2 13,517 303

TMX Group Limited Rights Restricted Share Units

Sinclair, Eric 5 23/02/2016 56 40.14 10,757 2,302

TMX Group Limited Options Thadaney, Nicholas 5 23/02/2016 50 40.14 120,813 38,054

TMX Group Limited Rights Deferred Share Units

Thadaney, Nicholas 5 31/12/2015 56 46.07 4,279 37

TMX Group Limited Rights Performance Share Units

Thadaney, Nicholas 5 01/09/2015 00

TMX Group Limited Rights Performance Share Units

Thadaney, Nicholas 5 23/02/2016 56 40.14 5,015 5,015

TMX Group Limited Rights Restricted Share Units

Thadaney, Nicholas 5 31/12/2015 56 46.07 35,298 303

TMX Group Limited Rights Restricted Share Units

Thadaney, Nicholas 5 23/02/2016 56 40.14 40,313 5,015

Top 20 Dividend Trust Trust Units Top 20 Dividend Trust 1 29/01/2016 38 7.6647 888,694 888,694

Top 20 Dividend Trust Trust Units Top 20 Dividend Trust 1 29/01/2016 38 7.6647 0 -888,694

Top 20 Europe Dividend Trust

Trust Units Top 20 Europe Dividend Trust

1 14/01/2016 38 8.3157 464,612 464,612

Top 20 Europe Dividend Trust

Trust Units Top 20 Europe Dividend Trust

1 14/01/2016 38 8.3157 0 -464,612

Top 20 U.S. Dividend Trust Units Class A Units Top 20 U.S. Dividend Trust 1 14/01/2016 38 10.753 2,015,624 2,015,624

Top 20 U.S. Dividend Trust Units Class A Units Top 20 U.S. Dividend Trust 1 14/01/2016 38 10.753 0 -2,015,624

Top 20 U.S. Dividend Trust Units Class U Units Top 20 U.S. Dividend Trust 1 14/01/2016 38 10.752 70,550 70,550

Top 20 U.S. Dividend Trust Units Class U Units Top 20 U.S. Dividend Trust 1 14/01/2016 38 10.752 0 -70,550

TransAlta Corporation Common Shares Jenkins, P. Thomas 4 23/02/2016 10 5.8558 250,000 -223,915

TransAlta Corporation Common Shares Jenkins, P. Thomas 4 23/02/2016 10 5.81 0 -250,000

TransAlta Corporation RSU (Restricted Share Units)

Johnston, Cynthia 5 20/02/2015 30 10.52 -15,331

TransAlta Corporation RSU (Restricted Share Units)

Johnston, Cynthia 5 20/02/2015 30 10.52 42,034 -11,488

TransAlta Corporation Common Shares Kousinioris, John Harry 5 22/02/2016 10 5.9826 23,596 12,500

TransCanada Corporation Common Shares Bennett, Terry J. 7 31/12/2015 30 49.9 765 162

TransCanada Corporation Common Shares Bennett, Terry J. 7 31/12/2015 30 51.02 792 27

TransCanada Corporation Rights Deferred Share Units

Benson, Kevin E. 4 31/12/2015 56 2,310

TransCanada Corporation Rights Deferred Share Units

Benson, Kevin E. 4 31/12/2015 56 2,310

TransCanada Corporation Rights Deferred Share Units

Benson, Kevin E. 4 31/12/2015 30 2,323

TransCanada Corporation Rights Deferred Share Units

Benson, Kevin E. 4 31/12/2015 30 2,323

Page 237: OSC Bulletin

Insider Reporting

March 3, 2016

(2016), 39 OSCB 2171

Issuer Name Security Insider Name Rel’n Transaction Date T/O Unit Price

Date/Month End Holdings

Acquired/ Disposed

TransCanada Corporation Rights Deferred Share Units

Benson, Kevin E. 4 31/12/2015 56 58,889 2,310

TransCanada Corporation Rights Deferred Share Units

Benson, Kevin E. 4 31/12/2015 30 61,212 2,323

TransCanada Corporation Rights Deferred Share Units

Burney, Derek Hudson 4 31/12/2015 56 53,593 4,875

TransCanada Corporation Rights Deferred Share Units

Burney, Derek Hudson 4 31/12/2015 30 55,636 2,043

TransCanada Corporation Rights Deferred Share Units

Gauthier, Paule 4 31/12/2015 56 60,863 2,977

TransCanada Corporation Rights Deferred Share Units

Gauthier, Paule 4 31/12/2015 30 63,248 2,385

TransCanada Corporation Rights Deferred Share Units

Jackson, Steven Barry 4 31/12/2015 56 126,583 10,310

TransCanada Corporation Rights Deferred Share Units

Jackson, Steven Barry 4 31/12/2015 30 131,443 4,860

TransCanada Corporation Rights Deferred Share Units

Lowe, John Edward 4 09/09/2015 00

TransCanada Corporation Rights Deferred Share Units

Lowe, John Edward 4 31/12/2015 56 2,242 2,242

TransCanada Corporation Rights Deferred Share Units

Lowe, John Edward 4 31/12/2015 30 2,247 5

TransCanada Corporation Common Shares Murray, Geoff 7 31/12/2015 30 49.74 107 107

TransCanada Corporation Common Shares Prior, Richard 7 31/12/2015 30 48.19 572 81

TransCanada Corporation Common Shares Prior, Richard 7 31/12/2015 30 43.84 571 -1

TransCanada Corporation Common Shares Prior, Richard 7 31/12/2015 30 46.9 582 11

TransCanada Corporation Common Shares RAMSAY, Norrie Carson 7 31/12/2015 30 49.38 188 152

TransCanada Corporation Common Shares RAMSAY, Norrie Carson 7 31/12/2015 30 48.98 192 4

TransCanada Corporation Common Shares RAMSAY, Norrie Carson 7 31/12/2015 30 49.38 188 152

TransCanada Corporation Common Shares RAMSAY, Norrie Carson 7 31/12/2015 30 48.98 192 4

TransCanada Corporation Rights Deferred Share Units

Reynolds, Paula Rosput 4 31/12/2015 56 15,956 4,984

TransCanada Corporation Rights Deferred Share Units

Reynolds, Paula Rosput 4 31/12/2015 30 16,475 519

TransCanada Corporation Rights Deferred Share Units

Richels, John 4 31/12/2015 56 13,338 6,250

TransCanada Corporation Rights Deferred Share Units

Richels, John 4 31/12/2015 30 13,719 381

TransCanada Corporation Common Shares Robinson, Tracy 7 31/12/2015 30 49.74 351 286

TransCanada Corporation Common Shares Robinson, Tracy 7 31/12/2015 30 48.98 358 7

TransCanada Corporation Rights Deferred Share Units

Salomone, Mary Patricia 4 31/12/2015 56 8,169 3,035

TransCanada Corporation Rights Deferred Share Units

Salomone, Mary Patricia 4 31/12/2015 30 8,422 253

TransCanada Corporation Common Shares Samuel, Murray J. 5 31/12/2015 30 49.74 9,449 286

TransCanada Corporation Common Shares Samuel, Murray J. 5 31/12/2015 30 49.15 9,359 -90

TransCanada Corporation Common Shares Samuel, Murray J. 5 31/12/2015 30 51.35 9,730 371

TransCanada Corporation Common Shares Scheibelhut, Edward L 5 31/12/2015 30 49.69 1,792 303

TransCanada Corporation Common Shares Scheibelhut, Edward L 5 31/12/2015 30 51.11 1,856 64

TransCanada Corporation Common Shares Schultz, Dave 5 31/12/2015 30 49.7 5,997 260

TransCanada Corporation Common Shares Schultz, Dave 5 31/12/2015 30 51.32 6,232 235

TransCanada Corporation Common Shares SOINI, JOHN F. 7 31/12/2015 30 49.61 1,929 138

TransCanada Corporation Common Shares SOINI, JOHN F. 7 31/12/2015 30 51.28 2,003 74

TransCanada Corporation Common Shares Steeves, Terri 7 31/12/2015 30 46.47 3,132 135

TransCanada Corporation Common Shares Steeves, Terri 7 31/12/2015 30 47.03 3,200 68

TransCanada Corporation Rights Deferred Share Units

Stewart, Donald Michael Godfrey

4 31/12/2015 56 26,571 2,310

TransCanada Corporation Rights Deferred Share Units

Stewart, Donald Michael Godfrey

4 31/12/2015 30 27,587 1,016

TransCanada Corporation Common Shares Tarvydas, Robert 7 31/12/2015 30 49.67 1,217 801

TransCanada Corporation Common Shares Tarvydas, Robert 7 31/12/2015 30 49.75 1,246 29

TransCanada Corporation Common Shares Tatarchuk, Eric W. 7 31/12/2015 30 49.71 2,994 310

TransCanada Corporation Common Shares Tatarchuk, Eric W. 7 31/12/2015 30 51.22 3,107 113

Page 238: OSC Bulletin

Insider Reporting

March 3, 2016

(2016), 39 OSCB 2172

Issuer Name Security Insider Name Rel’n Transaction Date T/O Unit Price

Date/Month End Holdings

Acquired/ Disposed

TransCanada Corporation Common Shares Van der Put, Jan 7 31/12/2015 30 49.72 1,933 230

TransCanada Corporation Common Shares Van der Put, Jan 7 31/12/2015 30 51.2 2,005 72

TransCanada Corporation Rights Deferred Share Units

Vanaselja, Siim A. 4 31/12/2015 56 7,632 4,954

TransCanada Corporation Rights Deferred Share Units

Vanaselja, Siim A. 4 31/12/2015 30 7,814 182

TransCanada Corporation Rights Deferred Share Units

Waugh, Richard Earl 4 31/12/2015 56 17,763 4,762

TransCanada Corporation Rights Deferred Share Units

Waugh, Richard Earl 4 31/12/2015 30 18,361 598

TransCanada Corporation Common Shares Wilson, Stephanie 7 31/12/2015 30 49.7 1,885 648

TransCanada Corporation Common Shares Wilson, Stephanie 7 31/12/2015 30 50.75 1,945 60

TransCanada Corporation Common Shares Yeomans, Mark 7 31/12/2015 30 49.7 17 13

Transcontinental Inc. Exchangeable Debenture (New)

Capinabel inc. 3 25/02/2016 71 0 -1

Transcontinental Inc. Multiple Voting Shares Catégorie B

Capinabel inc. 3 25/02/2016 36 12,562,840 -500,000

Transcontinental Inc. Subordinate Voting Shares Catégorie A

Capinabel inc. 3 25/02/2016 36 654,400 500,000

Transcontinental Inc. Subordinate Voting Shares Catégorie A

Capinabel inc. 3 25/02/2016 71 2,044 -652,356

Transcontinental Inc. Exchangeable Debenture Marcoux, Rémi 4, 6 25/02/2016 71 0 -1

Transcontinental Inc. Multiple Voting Shares Catégorie B

Marcoux, Rémi 4, 6 25/02/2016 36 12,562,840 -500,000

Transcontinental Inc. Subordinate Voting Shares Catégorie A

Marcoux, Rémi 4, 6 25/02/2016 36 654,400 500,000

Transcontinental Inc. Subordinate Voting Shares Catégorie A

Marcoux, Rémi 4, 6 25/02/2016 71 2,044 -652,356

TransGaming Inc. Common Shares catégorie A

State, Gavriel 3, 4 17/02/2016 90 0.035 2,029,607 762,201

TransGaming Inc. Common Shares catégorie A

State, Gavriel 3, 4 17/02/2016 90 0.035 510,888 157,142

Traverse Energy Ltd. Common Shares Erickson, David Henry 3, 4, 5 22/02/2016 10 0.33 3,066,239 20,000

Traverse Energy Ltd. Common Shares smith, laurie james 3, 4, 5 19/02/2016 10 0.32 6,165,300 4,500

Traverse Energy Ltd. Common Shares smith, laurie james 3, 4, 5 22/02/2016 10 0.33 6,170,300 5,000

Traverse Energy Ltd. Common Shares smith, laurie james 3, 4, 5 23/02/2016 10 0.33 6,175,800 5,500

Traverse Energy Ltd. Common Shares smith, laurie james 3, 4, 5 25/02/2016 10 0.31 6,176,300 500

Trican Well Service Ltd. Common Shares Wilks Brothers, LLC 3 24/02/2016 10 1.3753 21,136,927 455,700

Trican Well Service Ltd. Common Shares Wilks Brothers, LLC 3 25/02/2016 10 1.3716 21,511,827 374,900

Tricon Capital Group Inc. Common Shares Ellenzweig, Jonathan 5 19/02/2016 57 7.95 32,444 14,654

Tricon Capital Group Inc. Deferred Share Units Ellenzweig, Jonathan 5 19/02/2016 57 7.95 70,649 -30,359

Tricon Capital Group Inc. Common Shares MATUS, GEOFFREY 3, 4, 6, 5 23/02/2016 57 8.06 198,301 14,988

Tricon Capital Group Inc. Deferred Share Units MATUS, GEOFFREY 3, 4, 6, 5 23/02/2016 57 8.06 58,584 -32,253

Tricon Capital Group Inc. Common Shares Mode, Craig 5 19/02/2016 57 7.95 60,186 11,406

Tricon Capital Group Inc. Deferred Share Units Mode, Craig 5 19/02/2016 57 7.95 62,706 -24,544

Tricon Capital Group Inc. Common Shares Scheetz, Jeremy 5 22/02/2016 57 8 72,253 9,621

Tricon Capital Group Inc. Deferred Share Units Scheetz, Jeremy 5 22/02/2016 57 8 70,283 -19,363

Trimac Transportation Ltd. Common Shares Class A McCaig, Jeffrey James 4 01/01/2011 00

Trimac Transportation Ltd. Common Shares Class A McCaig, Jeffrey James 4 12/02/2016 11 5.5 59,390 59,390

Trimac Transportation Ltd. Common Shares Class A McCaig, Jeffrey James 4 23/02/2016 11 5.5 0 -59,390

Trimac Transportation Ltd. Common Shares Class A McCaig, Jeffrey James 4 01/01/2011 00

Trimac Transportation Ltd. Common Shares Class A McCaig, Jeffrey James 4 22/02/2016 11 5.5 368,034 368,034

Trimac Transportation Ltd. Common Shares Class A McCaig, Jeffrey James 4 23/02/2016 11 5.5 427,424 59,390

Trimac Transportation Ltd. Common Shares Class A McCaig, Jeffrey James 4 12/02/2016 11 5.5 0 -59,390

Trimac Transportation Ltd. Common Shares Class A McCaig, Jeffrey James 4 22/02/2016 11 5.5 11,296,120 -368,034

Trimac Transportation Ltd. Common Shares Class A TRIMAC HOLDINGS LTD. 3 22/02/2016 11 5.5 9,881,376 -368,034

TriMetals Mining Inc. Non-Voting Shares Class B

Kevel Consulting SA 3 04/02/2016 10 0.061 353,600 -2,000,000

TriStar Gold Inc. Common Shares Jones, III, Mark E. 4 24/02/2016 10 0.21 8,217,884 21,500

TriStar Gold Inc. Common Shares Jones, III, Mark E. 4 24/02/2016 10 0.22 8,218,384 500

TriStar Gold Inc. Common Shares Jones, III, Mark E. 4 25/02/2016 10 0.2 8,238,384 20,000

TriStar Gold Inc. Common Shares Jones, III, Mark E. 4 25/02/2016 10 0.22 8,245,884 7,500

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(2016), 39 OSCB 2173

Issuer Name Security Insider Name Rel’n Transaction Date T/O Unit Price

Date/Month End Holdings

Acquired/ Disposed

TriStar Gold Inc. Common Shares Jones, III, Mark E. 4 25/02/2016 10 0.23 8,248,384 2,500

True Gold Mining Inc. Options Hardie, Peter Jeremie 5 01/11/2015 00

True Gold Mining Inc. Options Hardie, Peter Jeremie 5 17/11/2015 50 0.21 500,000 500,000

True Gold Mining Inc. Options Hardie, Peter Jeremie 5 30/12/2015 50 0.23 1,130,000 630,000

True North Commercial Real Estate Investment Trust

Trust Units Cardy, Roland 4 31/12/2015 30 5.4224 16,582 22

True North Commercial Real Estate Investment Trust

Trust Units Drimmer, Daniel 3, 4 31/12/2015 30 5.4224 2,981,235 10,491

True North Commercial Real Estate Investment Trust

Trust Units Drimmer, Daniel 3, 4 31/12/2015 30 5.4224 3,055,829 74,594

True North Commercial Real Estate Investment Trust

Trust Units Drimmer, Daniel 3, 4 31/12/2015 30 5.4224 38,860 3,217

True North Commercial Real Estate Investment Trust

Trust Units Drimmer, Daniel 3, 4 31/12/2015 30 5.4224 58,396 19,536

True North Commercial Real Estate Investment Trust

Trust Units Ossip, Alon Samuel 4 31/12/2015 30 5.4224 94,084 36,713

True North Commercial Real Estate Investment Trust

Trust Units Poklar, Sandy Ivan 4 31/12/2015 30 5.4224 2,430 185

True North Commercial Real Estate Investment Trust

Trust Units Poklar, Sandy Ivan 4 31/12/2015 30 5.4224 10,835 865

True North Commercial Real Estate Investment Trust

Trust Units Sherren, Tracy 5 31/12/2015 30 5.4224 9,050 923

True North Gems Inc. Common Shares Smith, Andrew Lee 4 24/02/2016 10 0.165 1,995,500 60,000

True North Gems Inc. Common Shares Smith, Andrew Lee 4 25/02/2016 10 0.16 1,935,500 -60,000

Tuckamore Capital Management Inc.

Common Shares Milne, Luella 7 25/02/2016 10 0.12 1,500 1,500

Tucows Inc. Common Shares Ito, Joichi 4 16/02/2016 10 20.07 18,750 -7,500

Tucows Inc. Common Shares Stocks, Jody 5 12/02/2016 90 3,324 -1,833

Tucows Inc. Common Shares Stocks, Jody 5 16/06/2015 00

Tucows Inc. Common Shares Stocks, Jody 5 16/06/2015 00 1,700

Tucows Inc. Common Shares Stocks, Jody 5 12/02/2016 47 4,950 3,250

Tucows Inc. Common Shares Stocks, Jody 5 16/06/2015 00

Tucows Inc. Common Shares Stocks, Jody 5 12/02/2016 51 2.8 1,258 1,258

Tucows Inc. Common Shares Stocks, Jody 5 12/02/2016 90 3,091 1,833

TVA Group Inc. Unité d’action différée Courtois, Marc Alain 4 02/03/2004 00

TVA Group Inc. Unité d’action différée Courtois, Marc Alain 4 31/12/2015 56 2,194 2,194

TVA Group Inc. Unité d’action différée Courville, Isabelle 4 07/05/2013 00

TVA Group Inc. Unité d’action différée Courville, Isabelle 4 31/12/2015 56 2,194 2,194

TVA Group Inc. Unité d’action différée Dorion, Jacques 4 29/07/2014 00

TVA Group Inc. Unité d’action différée Dorion, Jacques 4 31/12/2015 56 2,194 2,194

TVA Group Inc. Unité d’action différée Elgrably-Lévy, Nathalie 4 02/05/2008 00

TVA Group Inc. Unité d’action différée Elgrably-Lévy, Nathalie 4 31/12/2015 56 2,194 2,194

TVA Group Inc. Unité d’action différée LALANDE, Sylvie 4 06/12/2001 00

TVA Group Inc. Unité d’action différée LALANDE, Sylvie 4 31/12/2015 56 2,194 2,194

TVA Group Inc. Unité d’action différée Lavigne, A. Michel 4 30/06/2005 00

TVA Group Inc. Unité d’action différée Lavigne, A. Michel 4 31/12/2015 56 2,194 2,194

TVA Group Inc. Unité d’action différée Léger, Jean-Marc 4 04/05/2007 00

TVA Group Inc. Unité d’action différée Léger, Jean-Marc 4 31/12/2015 56 2,194 2,194

TVA Group Inc. Unité d’action différée Mongeau, Annick 4 29/07/2014 00

TVA Group Inc. Unité d’action différée Mongeau, Annick 4 31/12/2015 56 2,194 2,194

Twin Butte Energy Ltd. Common Shares Gamache, Claude Maurice 5 16/02/2016 30 0.075 524,458 25,755

Twin Butte Energy Ltd. Common Shares Howe, Gordon 5 16/02/2016 30 0.075 238,874 24,806

Twin Butte Energy Ltd. Common Shares Kraft, Preston 5 16/02/2016 30 0.075 387,979 26,703

Twin Butte Energy Ltd. Common Shares MIDDLETON, DAVID WILLIAM

5 16/02/2016 30 0.075 915,971 35,242

Twin Butte Energy Ltd. Common Shares SAUNDERS, JAMES MACLEO

4, 5 16/02/2016 30 0.075 6,302,085 2,846

Twin Butte Energy Ltd. Common Shares Steele, Alan 5 16/02/2016 30 0.075 1,665,022 35,242

Twin Butte Energy Ltd. Common Shares Wollmann, Robert Ernest Law

5 16/02/2016 30 0.075 959,882 36,665

U.S. Dividend Growers Income Corp.

Common Shares Equity Shares

U.S. Dividend Growers Income Corp.

1 24/02/2016 38 8.0219 592,400 1,600

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(2016), 39 OSCB 2174

Issuer Name Security Insider Name Rel’n Transaction Date T/O Unit Price

Date/Month End Holdings

Acquired/ Disposed

Uni-Sélect Inc. Unités actions de Performace /Performance Share Unit

Arndt, Steve 5 18/02/2016 38 58.838 -3,253

Uni-Sélect Inc. Unités actions de Performace /Performance Share Unit

Arndt, Steve 5 18/02/2016 38 58.838 10,509 -3,253

Uni-Sélect Inc. Unités actions de Performace /Performance Share Unit

Hotte, Annie 5 18/02/2016 38 58.838 -3,111

Uni-Sélect Inc. Unités actions de Performace /Performance Share Unit

Hotte, Annie 5 18/02/2016 38 58.838 7,482 -3,111

Uni-Sélect Inc. Unités actions de Performace /Performance Share Unit

Juneau, Louis 5 18/02/2016 38 58.838 -3,033

Uni-Sélect Inc. Unités actions de Performace /Performance Share Unit

Juneau, Louis 5 18/02/2016 38 58.838 7,621 -3,033

Uni-Sélect Inc. Unités actions de Performace /Performance Share Unit

Labrecque, Martin 5 18/02/2016 38 58.838 -2,866

Uni-Sélect Inc. Unités actions de Performace /Performance Share Unit

Labrecque, Martin 5 18/02/2016 38 58.838 6,414 -2,866

Uni-Sélect Inc. Common Shares Lees-Buckley, Henry 5 08/09/2014 00

Uni-Sélect Inc. Common Shares Lees-Buckley, Henry 5 24/02/2016 10 57.795 300 300

Uni-Sélect Inc. Unités actions de Performace /Performance Share Unit

O’Connor, Gary 5 18/02/2016 38 58.838 -3,786

Uni-Sélect Inc. Unités actions de Performace /Performance Share Unit

O’Connor, Gary 5 18/02/2016 38 58.838 8,731 -3,786

Uni-Sélect Inc. Common Shares Uni-Sélect Inc. 1 23/02/2016 38 57.74 300 300

Uni-Sélect Inc. Common Shares Uni-Sélect Inc. 1 23/02/2016 38 57.74 0 -300

Uni-Sélect Inc. Common Shares Uni-Sélect Inc. 1 24/02/2016 38 57.657 5,000 5,000

Uni-Sélect Inc. Common Shares Uni-Sélect Inc. 1 24/02/2016 38 57.657 0 -5,000

Uni-Sélect Inc. Common Shares Uni-Sélect Inc. 1 25/02/2016 38 57.726 5,000 5,000

Uni-Sélect Inc. Common Shares Uni-Sélect Inc. 1 25/02/2016 38 57.726 0 -5,000

Uni-Sélect Inc. Common Shares Uni-Sélect Inc. 1 26/02/2016 38 57.652 7,400 7,400

Uni-Sélect Inc. Common Shares Uni-Sélect Inc. 1 26/02/2016 38 57.652 0 -7,400

Unique Broadband Systems, Inc.

Common Shares Marks, Daniel 4, 5 04/05/2015 00

Unique Broadband Systems, Inc.

Common Shares Marks, Daniel 4, 5 19/02/2016 10 0.015 100,000 100,000

United Corporations Limited Common Shares E-L Financial Corporation Limited

3 23/02/2016 10 89 6,289,759 500

United Corporations Limited Common Shares E-L Financial Corporation Limited

3 24/02/2016 10 88.5 6,290,259 500

United Corporations Limited Common Shares SHANNON, Margaret Kimberley

4 25/02/2016 10 88.977 2,100 300

United Corporations Limited Common Shares United-Connected Holdings Corp.

3 01/01/2016 90 2,743,642 155,000

United Corporations Limited Common Shares United-Connected Holdings Corp.

3 01/01/2016 90 0 -155,000

Ur-Energy Inc. Common Shares Klenda, Jeffrey T. 5 17/02/2016 15 0.5 2,826,259 1,000,000

Urbana Corporation Common Shares CALDWELL, BRENDAN T.N.

3 25/02/2016 11 -13,622

Urbana Corporation Common Shares CALDWELL, BRENDAN T.N.

3 25/02/2016 11 603,740 -13,622

Urbana Corporation Common Shares CALDWELL, BRENDAN T.N.

3 25/02/2016 11 598,276 -5,464

Urbana Corporation Common Shares CALDWELL, BRENDAN T.N.

3 25/02/2016 11 1.83 127,273 13,622

Urbana Corporation Common Shares CALDWELL, BRENDAN T.N.

3 25/02/2016 11 1.83 149,620 5,464

Urbanfund Corp. Common Shares Inwentash, Sheldon 3 23/02/2016 11 0.2 1,000,000 -5,459,000

Urbanfund Corp. Common Shares Inwentash, Sheldon 3 23/02/2016 11 0.2 0 -1,000,000

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(2016), 39 OSCB 2175

Issuer Name Security Insider Name Rel’n Transaction Date T/O Unit Price

Date/Month End Holdings

Acquired/ Disposed

US Buyback Leaders Fund Units US Buyback Leaders Fund 1 26/02/2016 38 1,500 1,500

US Buyback Leaders Fund Units US Buyback Leaders Fund 1 26/02/2016 38 0 -1,500

Valeant Pharmaceuticals International, Inc.

Common Shares Schiller, Howard 4 18/02/2016 57 91.45 289,369 6,102

Valeant Pharmaceuticals International, Inc.

Common Shares Schiller, Howard 4 18/02/2016 97 91.45 287,124 -2,245

Valeant Pharmaceuticals International, Inc.

Common Shares Schiller, Howard 4 18/02/2016 57 91.45 387,124 100,000

Valeant Pharmaceuticals International, Inc.

Common Shares Schiller, Howard 4 18/02/2016 97 91.45 335,278 -51,846

Valeant Pharmaceuticals International, Inc.

Performance Share Units Schiller, Howard 4 18/02/2016 57 91.45 0 -100,000

Valeant Pharmaceuticals International, Inc.

Rights Restricted Share Units (RSUs)

Schiller, Howard 4 18/02/2016 57 91.45 1,506 -6,102

Veresen Inc. Common Shares King, Kevan Scott 5 23/02/2016 30 7.0063 3,673 43

Veresen Inc. Common Shares King, Kevan Scott 5 23/02/2016 30 7.0063 3,021 35

Vermilion Energy Inc. Rights Share Awards Marchant, Timothy 4 31/12/2015 30 49.03 7,798 363

Vigil Health Solutions Inc. Common Shares PEET, GREGORY 4 15/01/2016 10 0.15 257,450 11,000

Village Farms International, Inc.

Common Shares Vanzeyst, Albert Wilhelmus 3 22/02/2016 10 0.86 8,166,233 -30,000

Village Farms International, Inc.

Common Shares Vanzeyst, Albert Wilhelmus 3 23/02/2016 10 0.87 8,136,233 -30,000

Village Farms International, Inc.

Common Shares Vanzeyst, Albert Wilhelmus 3 23/02/2016 10 0.87 8,096,733 -39,500

Village Farms International, Inc.

Common Shares Vanzeyst, Albert Wilhelmus 3 23/02/2016 10 0.88 8,056,233 -40,500

Village Farms International, Inc.

Common Shares Vanzeyst, Albert Wilhelmus 3 24/02/2016 10 0.86 8,024,233 -32,000

Village Farms International, Inc.

Common Shares Vanzeyst, Albert Wilhelmus 3 24/02/2016 10 0.88 7,974,233 -50,000

Village Farms International, Inc.

Common Shares Vanzeyst, Albert Wilhelmus 3 24/02/2016 10 0.89 7,954,233 -20,000

Village Farms International, Inc.

Common Shares Vanzeyst, Albert Wilhelmus 3 24/02/2016 10 0.89 7,924,233 -30,000

Village Farms International, Inc.

Common Shares Vanzeyst, Albert Wilhelmus 3 25/02/2016 10 0.87 -142,500

Village Farms International, Inc.

Common Shares Vanzeyst, Albert Wilhelmus 3 25/02/2016 10 0.87 7,781,733 -142,500

Village Farms International, Inc.

Common Shares Vanzeyst, Albert Wilhelmus 3 25/02/2016 10 0.9 7,781,233 -500

Village Farms International, Inc.

Common Shares Vanzeyst, Albert Wilhelmus 3 26/02/2016 10 0.9 7,771,233 -10,000

VIQ Solutions Inc. Options Kempff, George Peter 4 17/04/2013 52 0.38 165,000

VIQ Solutions Inc. Options Kempff, George Peter 4 17/04/2013 52 0.38 460,000 -165,000

VIQ Solutions Inc. Options Kempff, George Peter 4 17/02/2014 52 0.24 458,000 -110,000

VIQ Solutions Inc. Options Kempff, George Peter 4 18/02/2015 52 0.31 351,055 -110,000

VIQ Solutions Inc. Options Kempff, George Peter 4 25/02/2016 52 0.43 741,055 -110,000

Visible Gold Mines Inc. Options Bellefleur, Sébastien 4 10/02/2016 52 625,000 -50,000

Wellgreen Platinum Ltd. Common Shares Bruggeman, Robert John 5 24/02/2016 10 0.21 180,875 -20,000

Wellgreen Platinum Ltd. Common Shares Bruggeman, Robert John 5 25/02/2016 10 0.2 160,875 -20,000

Wellgreen Platinum Ltd. Common Shares Bruggeman, Robert John 5 26/02/2016 10 0.205 140,875 -20,000

Wesdome Gold Mines Ltd. Common Shares Laplante, Benoit 5 11/02/2014 00

Wesdome Gold Mines Ltd. Common Shares Laplante, Benoit 5 25/02/2016 51 0.82 150,000 150,000

Wesdome Gold Mines Ltd. Options Laplante, Benoit 5 25/02/2016 51 0.82 125,000 -150,000

West Fraser Timber Co. Ltd. Options KETCHAM, HENRY HOLMAN III

4, 5 25/02/2016 59 1,019,435 -65,000

West Fraser Timber Co. Ltd. Common Shares Miller, Gerald 4 25/02/2016 10 38.75 1,000 1,000

West Kirkland Mining Inc. Common Shares Jones, R. Michael 4 24/02/2016 10 0.085 2,526,908 20,000

Western Energy Services Corp.

Common Shares MacAusland, Alexander Roland Neil

4, 5 31/12/2015 30 35,373 12,266

Western Energy Services Corp.

Common Shares MacNabb, Steven Andrew 5 31/12/2014 30 7,867 1,813

Western Energy Services Corp.

Common Shares MacNabb, Steven Andrew 5 31/12/2015 30 12,129 4,262

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(2016), 39 OSCB 2176

Issuer Name Security Insider Name Rel’n Transaction Date T/O Unit Price

Date/Month End Holdings

Acquired/ Disposed

Western Energy Services Corp.

Common Shares Vathje, Jeffery Allen 5 31/12/2015 30 1,255

Western Energy Services Corp.

Common Shares Vathje, Jeffery Allen 5 31/12/2015 30 1,582 1,230

Western Forest Products Inc. Options Cass, Michael 5 17/02/2016 50 1.97 1,439,030 165,459

Western Forest Products Inc. Options Demens, Donald Eugene 5 17/02/2016 50 1.97 6,254,591 430,781

Western Forest Products Inc. Options Forgaard, Richard Orval 5 17/02/2016 50 1.97 374,286 173,096

Western Forest Products Inc. Options Foster, Jennifer Eileen 5 17/02/2016 50 1.97 240,535 124,535

Western Forest Products Inc. Options Janzen, Shannon 5 17/02/2016 50 1.97 602,072 112,786

Western Forest Products Inc. Common Shares Nocente, Daniel Louis 4 26/02/2016 10 2.08 22,400 7,000

Western Forest Products Inc. Options Turnbull, Frank James 5 07/12/2015 00

Western Forest Products Inc. Options Turnbull, Frank James 5 17/02/2016 50 1.97 93,989 93,989

Western Forest Products Inc. Common Shares Williams, Stephen D.A. 5 24/02/2016 10 1.98 76,500 18,000

Western Forest Products Inc. Common Shares Williams, Stephen D.A. 5 24/02/2016 10 1.975 80,500 4,000

Western Forest Products Inc. Options Williams, Stephen D.A. 5 17/02/2016 50 1.97 796,939 230,272

Western Potash Corp. Common Shares Western Potash Corp. 1 22/02/2016 38 0.185 2,452,500 53,000

Western Potash Corp. Common Shares Western Potash Corp. 1 23/02/2016 38 0.185 2,505,500 53,000

Western Potash Corp. Common Shares Western Potash Corp. 1 24/02/2016 38 0.185 2,558,500 53,000

Western Potash Corp. Common Shares Western Potash Corp. 1 25/02/2016 38 0.18 2,611,500 53,000

WesternZagros Resources Ltd.

Rights Restricted Share Units

Boone, David J. 4 16/02/2016 59 120,000 -60,000

WesternZagros Resources Ltd.

Rights Restricted Share Units

Dyment, Fred J. 4 16/02/2016 59 100,000 -50,000

WesternZagros Resources Ltd.

Rights Restricted Share Units

Frangos, John 4 16/02/2016 59 100,000 -50,000

WesternZagros Resources Ltd.

Rights Restricted Share Units

Hatfield, Malcolm Simon 4, 5 16/02/2016 59 997,539 -468,000

WesternZagros Resources Ltd.

Rights Restricted Share Units

Houck, James Curtis 4 16/02/2016 59 120,000 -60,000

WesternZagros Resources Ltd.

Rights Restricted Share Units

Kraljic, Anton 5 16/02/2016 59 562,400 -261,667

WesternZagros Resources Ltd.

Rights Restricted Share Units

Oliphant, Randall 4 16/02/2016 59 100,000 -50,000

WesternZagros Resources Ltd.

Rights Restricted Share Units

Wallace, William 4 16/02/2016 59 100,000 -50,000

WestJet Airlines Ltd. Common Shares - Voting Munroe, Barbara Elaine 5 17/02/2016 57 10,351 147

WestJet Airlines Ltd. Rights 2013 Share Units Munroe, Barbara Elaine 5 17/02/2016 57 2,249 -283

Wi-LAN Inc. Common Shares Wi-LAN Inc. 1 22/02/2016 10 2.1208 810,200 141,000

Wi-LAN Inc. Common Shares Wi-LAN Inc. 1 23/02/2016 10 2.1171 925,300 115,100

Wi-LAN Inc. Common Shares Wi-LAN Inc. 1 24/02/2016 10 2.156 975,300 50,000

Wi-LAN Inc. Common Shares Wi-LAN Inc. 1 25/02/2016 10 2.2257 1,010,300 35,000

Wi-LAN Inc. Common Shares Wi-LAN Inc. 1 26/02/2016 10 2.3081 1,045,300 35,000

Wildcat Exploration Ltd. Common Shares Barr, Harry 4 08/07/2015 00

Wildcat Exploration Ltd. Common Shares Barr, Harry 4 22/02/2016 16 0.035 800,000 800,000

Wildcat Exploration Ltd. Warrants Barr, Harry 4 08/07/2015 00

Wildcat Exploration Ltd. Warrants Barr, Harry 4 22/02/2016 16 0.05 800,000 800,000

WPC Resources Inc. Common Shares Wilkinson, Stephen James 4, 5 24/02/2016 10 0.045 344,000 -200,000

WSP Global Inc. Common Shares Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec

3 20/04/2015 35 42.43 15,838,278 138,753

WSP Global Inc. Common Shares Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec

3 17/07/2015 35 39.5 15,988,641 150,363

WSP Global Inc. Common Shares Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec

3 16/09/2015 16 42.25 17,689,825 1,701,184

WSP Global Inc. Common Shares Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec

3 20/10/2015 35 43.38 17,832,853 143,028

WSP Global Inc. Common Shares Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec

3 20/01/2016 35 39.06 18,004,058 171,205

Yamana Gold Inc. Common Shares LeBlanc, Jason 5 18/02/2016 00 3,710

Yamana Gold Inc. PSU LeBlanc, Jason 5 18/02/2016 00 61,732

Yamana Gold Inc. Restricted Shares LeBlanc, Jason 5 18/02/2016 00 10,301

Yangaroo Inc. Common Shares Ingalls & Snyder, LLC 3 19/02/2016 10 0.125 15,423,497 50,000

Yellow Pages Limited Options Billot, Julien 4, 5 23/02/2016 50 17.825 235,100 100,000

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Issuer Name Security Insider Name Rel’n Transaction Date T/O Unit Price

Date/Month End Holdings

Acquired/ Disposed

Yellow Pages Limited Performance Share Unit Billot, Julien 4, 5 11/02/2016 56 15.485 56,506

Yellow Pages Limited Performance Share Unit Billot, Julien 4, 5 11/02/2016 56 17.825 139,123 49,088

Yellow Pages Limited Restricted Share Unit Billot, Julien 4, 5 11/02/2016 56 15.485 22,602

Yellow Pages Limited Restricted Share Unit Billot, Julien 4, 5 11/02/2016 56 17.825 53,086 19,635

Yellow Pages Limited Options Blundell, Jamie 5 23/02/2016 50 17.825 27,100 15,000

Yellow Pages Limited Performance Share Unit Blundell, Jamie 5 11/02/2016 56 15.485 8,427

Yellow Pages Limited Performance Share Unit Blundell, Jamie 5 11/02/2016 56 17.825 21,562 7,321

Yellow Pages Limited Restricted Share Unit Blundell, Jamie 5 11/02/2016 56 15.485 3,358

Yellow Pages Limited Restricted Share Unit Blundell, Jamie 5 11/02/2016 56 17.825 11,372 2,917

Yellow Pages Limited Options Clarke, Douglas 5 23/02/2016 50 17.825 124,400 30,900

Yellow Pages Limited Performance Share Unit Clarke, Douglas 5 11/02/2016 56 15.485 17,436

Yellow Pages Limited Performance Share Unit Clarke, Douglas 5 11/02/2016 56 17.825 56,302 15,147

Yellow Pages Limited Restricted Share Unit Clarke, Douglas 5 11/02/2016 56 15.485 6,974

Yellow Pages Limited Restricted Share Unit Clarke, Douglas 5 11/02/2016 56 17.825 15,940 6,058

Yellow Pages Limited Performance Share Unit Gowett, Alexandre 5 11/02/2016 56 17.825 1,236 841

Yellow Pages Limited Restricted Share Unit Gowett, Alexandre 5 11/02/2016 56 17.825 1,236 841

Yellow Pages Limited Options Maillé, Ginette 5 23/02/2016 50 17.825 131,200 33,400

Yellow Pages Limited Performance Share Unit Maillé, Ginette 5 11/02/2016 56 15.485 18,889

Yellow Pages Limited Performance Share Unit Maillé, Ginette 5 11/02/2016 56 17.825 60,401 16,409

Yellow Pages Limited Restricted Share Unit Maillé, Ginette 5 11/02/2016 56 15.485 7,555

Yellow Pages Limited Restricted Share Unit Maillé, Ginette 5 11/02/2016 56 17.825 17,510 6,563

Yellow Pages Limited Options Paradis, Dany 5 23/02/2016 50 17.825 30,100 13,300

Yellow Pages Limited Performance Share Unit Paradis, Dany 5 11/02/2016 56 15.485 7,555

Yellow Pages Limited Performance Share Unit Paradis, Dany 5 11/02/2016 56 17.825 17,520 6,563

Yellow Pages Limited Restricted Share Unit Paradis, Dany 5 11/02/2016 56 15.485 3,035

Yellow Pages Limited Restricted Share Unit Paradis, Dany 5 11/02/2016 56 17.825 6,996 2,636

Yellow Pages Limited Options Ramsay, François 5 23/02/2016 50 17.825 111,100 25,200

Yellow Pages Limited Performance Share Unit Ramsay, François 5 11/02/2016 56 15.485 14,271

Yellow Pages Limited Performance Share Unit Ramsay, François 5 11/02/2016 56 17.825 50,294 12,398

Yellow Pages Limited Restricted Share Unit Ramsay, François 5 11/02/2016 56 15.485 5,715

Yellow Pages Limited Restricted Share Unit Ramsay, François 5 11/02/2016 56 17.825 14,086 4,964

Yellow Pages Limited Options Robillard, Sophie 5 23/02/2016 50 17.825 18,600 9,400

Yellow Pages Limited Performance Share Unit Robillard, Sophie 5 11/02/2016 56 15.485 5,327

Yellow Pages Limited Performance Share Unit Robillard, Sophie 5 11/02/2016 56 17.825 9,220 4,628

Yellow Pages Limited Restricted Share Unit Robillard, Sophie 5 11/02/2016 56 15.485 2,131

Yellow Pages Limited Restricted Share Unit Robillard, Sophie 5 11/02/2016 56 17.825 3,688 1,851

Yellow Pages Limited Performance Share Unit Sciannamblo, Franco 5 11/02/2016 56 15.485 4,455

Yellow Pages Limited Performance Share Unit Sciannamblo, Franco 5 11/02/2016 56 17.825 10,745 3,870

Yellow Pages Limited Restricted Share Unit Sciannamblo, Franco 5 11/02/2016 56 15.485 4,455

Yellow Pages Limited Restricted Share Unit Sciannamblo, Franco 5 11/02/2016 56 17.825 10,256 3,870

Yellow Pages Limited Options Thomas, Pascal 5 23/02/2016 50 17.825 28,800 17,000

Yellow Pages Limited Performance Share Unit Thomas, Pascal 5 11/02/2016 56 15.485 9,622

Yellow Pages Limited Performance Share Unit Thomas, Pascal 5 11/02/2016 56 17.825 16,112 8,359

Yellow Pages Limited Restricted Share Unit Thomas, Pascal 5 11/02/2016 56 15.485 3,842

Yellow Pages Limited Restricted Share Unit Thomas, Pascal 5 11/02/2016 56 17.825 6,439 3,338

Zargon Oil & Gas Ltd. Common Shares Burden, Leslie Edward 5 15/01/2016 30 0.59 26,993 1,084

Zargon Oil & Gas Ltd. Common Shares Burden, Leslie Edward 5 01/02/2016 30 0.56 28,135 1,142

Zargon Oil & Gas Ltd. Common Shares Burden, Leslie Edward 5 12/02/2016 30 0.3917 29,768 1,633

Zargon Oil & Gas Ltd. Common Shares Burden, Leslie Edward 5 15/01/2016 30 0.59 30,145 1,626

Zargon Oil & Gas Ltd. Common Shares Burden, Leslie Edward 5 01/02/2016 30 0.56 31,858 1,713

Zargon Oil & Gas Ltd. Common Shares Burden, Leslie Edward 5 12/02/2016 30 0.3917 34,308 2,450

Zargon Oil & Gas Ltd. Common Shares Doetzel, Randolph John 5 15/01/2016 30 0.59 13,202 3,077

Zargon Oil & Gas Ltd. Common Shares Doetzel, Randolph John 5 01/02/2016 30 0.56 16,444 3,242

Zargon Oil & Gas Ltd. Common Shares Doetzel, Randolph John 5 12/02/2016 30 0.3917 21,080 4,636

Zargon Oil & Gas Ltd. Common Shares Hansen, Craig Henry 4, 5 15/01/2016 30 0.59 1,199,635 2,249

Zargon Oil & Gas Ltd. Common Shares Hansen, Craig Henry 4, 5 01/02/2016 30 0.56 1,202,005 2,370

Zargon Oil & Gas Ltd. Common Shares Hansen, Craig Henry 4, 5 12/02/2016 30 0.3917 1,205,393 3,388

Zargon Oil & Gas Ltd. Common Shares Hansen, Craig Henry 4, 5 15/01/2016 30 0.59 625,691 1,211

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Insider Reporting

March 3, 2016

(2016), 39 OSCB 2178

Issuer Name Security Insider Name Rel’n Transaction Date T/O Unit Price

Date/Month End Holdings

Acquired/ Disposed

Zargon Oil & Gas Ltd. Common Shares Hansen, Craig Henry 4, 5 01/02/2016 30 0.56 626,967 1,276

Zargon Oil & Gas Ltd. Common Shares Hansen, Craig Henry 4, 5 12/02/2016 30 0.3917 628,791 1,824

Zargon Oil & Gas Ltd. Common Shares Hustad, Christopher Michael 5 15/01/2016 30 0.59 48,729 2,816

Zargon Oil & Gas Ltd. Common Shares Hustad, Christopher Michael 5 01/02/2016 30 0.56 51,695 2,966

Zargon Oil & Gas Ltd. Common Shares Hustad, Christopher Michael 5 12/02/2016 30 0.3917 55,936 4,241

Zargon Oil & Gas Ltd. Common Shares Janjua, Pete Hardeep Singh 5 15/01/2016 30 0.59 42,702 2,898

Zargon Oil & Gas Ltd. Common Shares Janjua, Pete Hardeep Singh 5 01/02/2016 30 0.56 90,799 3,054

Zargon Oil & Gas Ltd. Common Shares Janjua, Pete Hardeep Singh 5 12/02/2016 30 0.3917 95,165 4,366

Zargon Oil & Gas Ltd. Common Shares Kergan, Brian 5 15/01/2016 30 0.59 104,657 1,949

Zargon Oil & Gas Ltd. Common Shares Kergan, Brian 5 01/02/2016 30 0.56 106,711 2,054

Zargon Oil & Gas Ltd. Common Shares Kergan, Brian 5 12/02/2016 30 0.3917 109,647 2,936

Zargon Oil & Gas Ltd. Common Shares Kergan, Brian 5 15/01/2016 30 0.59 44,407 1,299

Zargon Oil & Gas Ltd. Common Shares Kergan, Brian 5 01/02/2016 30 0.56 45,776 1,369

Zargon Oil & Gas Ltd. Common Shares Kergan, Brian 5 12/02/2016 30 0.3917 47,733 1,957

Zargon Oil & Gas Ltd. Common Shares Moriyama, Robert Todd 5 15/01/2016 30 0.59 36,626 1,503

Zargon Oil & Gas Ltd. Common Shares Moriyama, Robert Todd 5 01/02/2016 30 0.56 38,210 1,584

Zargon Oil & Gas Ltd. Common Shares Moriyama, Robert Todd 5 12/02/2016 30 0.3917 40,474 2,264

Zargon Oil & Gas Ltd. Common Shares Moriyama, Robert Todd 5 15/01/2016 30 0.59 24,563 1,503

Zargon Oil & Gas Ltd. Common Shares Moriyama, Robert Todd 5 01/02/2016 30 0.56 26,147 1,584

Zargon Oil & Gas Ltd. Common Shares Moriyama, Robert Todd 5 12/02/2016 30 0.3917 28,411 2,264

Zargon Oil & Gas Ltd. Common Shares Post, Jeffrey Nicholas 5 15/01/2016 30 0.59 6,591 972

Zargon Oil & Gas Ltd. Common Shares Post, Jeffrey Nicholas 5 01/02/2016 30 0.56 7,615 1,024

Zargon Oil & Gas Ltd. Common Shares Post, Jeffrey Nicholas 5 12/02/2016 30 0.3917 9,079 1,464

Zargon Oil & Gas Ltd. Common Shares Post, Jeffrey Nicholas 5 15/01/2016 30 0.59 28,678 1,458

Zargon Oil & Gas Ltd. Common Shares Post, Jeffrey Nicholas 5 01/02/2016 30 0.56 30,214 1,536

Zargon Oil & Gas Ltd. Common Shares Post, Jeffrey Nicholas 5 12/02/2016 30 0.3917 32,410 2,196

Zazu Metals Corporation Common Shares Atzmon, Gil 5 26/02/2016 10 0.1496 6,791,500 12,500

ZoomerMedia Limited Options Grant, George Harold 4 18/02/2015 52 0 -2,200,000

ZoomerMedia Limited Options Kempff, George Peter 5 27/05/2014 52 0.12 433,333 -66,667

ZoomerMedia Limited Options Kempff, George Peter 5 27/05/2014 52 0.15 366,666 -66,667

ZoomerMedia Limited Options Kempff, George Peter 5 27/05/2014 52 0.2 300,000 -66,666

ZoomerMedia Limited Options Kempff, George Peter 5 18/02/2015 52 0.135 266,667 -33,333

ZoomerMedia Limited Options Kempff, George Peter 5 18/02/2015 52 0.15 233,334 -33,333

ZoomerMedia Limited Options Kempff, George Peter 5 18/02/2015 52 0.2 200,000 -33,334

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Chapter 11

IPOs, New Issues and Secondary Financings Issuer Name: Advantage Oil & Gas Ltd. Principal Regulator - Alberta) Type and Date: Preliminary Short Form Prospectus dated February 23, 2016 NP 11-202 Receipt dated February 23, 2016 Offering Price and Description: $87,537,500 - 11,750,000 Common Shares Price: $7.45 per Common Share Underwriter(s) or Distributor(s): FIRSTENERGY CAPITAL CORP. RBC DOMINION SECURITIES INC. SCOTIA CAPITAL INC. PETERS & CO LIMITED TD SECURITIES INC. CIBC WORLD MARKETS INC. DESJARDINS SECURITIES INC. NATIONAL BANK FINANCIAL INC. CORMARK SECURITIES INC. MACQUARIE CAPITAL MARKETS CANADA LTD. Promoter(s): - Project #2446051 _______________________________________________ Issuer Name: First Asset Core Canadian Equity Income Class ETF First Asset MSCI Canada Quality Index Class ETF Principal Regulator - Ontario Type and Date: Preliminary Long Form Prospectus dated February 24, 2016 NP 11-202 Receipt dated February 25, 2016 Offering Price and Description: Corporate Class and Class J Shares Underwriter(s) or Distributor(s): - Promoter(s): First Asset Investment Management Inc. Project #2446730 _______________________________________________

Issuer Name: First Asset Core Canadian Equity Income Class ETF First Asset MSCI Canada Quality Index Class ETF Principal Regulator - Ontario Type and Date: Preliminary Long Form Prospectus dated February 22, 2016 NP 11-202 Receipt dated February 23, 2016 Offering Price and Description: Units Underwriter(s) or Distributor(s): - Promoter(s): HORIZONS ETFs MANAGEMENT (CANADA) INC. Project #2445917 _______________________________________________ Issuer Name: Lydian International Limited Principal Regulator - Ontario Type and Date: Third Amended and Restated Preliminary Short Form Prospectus dated February 25, 2016 NP 11-202 Receipt dated February 26, 2016 Offering Price and Description: $ * - * Subscription Receipts, each representing the right to receive one Ordinary Share and three-quarters of one Ordinary Share Purchase Warrant Price: $ * per Subscription Receipt Underwriter(s) or Distributor(s): Scotia Capital Inc. BMO Nesbitt Burns Inc. GMP Securities L.P. National Bank Financial Inc. Sprott Private Wealth L.P. Promoter(s): - Project #2427228 _______________________________________________

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Issuer Name: Noront Resources Ltd. Principal Regulator - Ontario Type and Date: Preliminary Short Form Prospectus dated February 26, 2016 NP 11-202 Receipt dated February 26, 2016 Offering Price and Description: Minimum $2,500,000 - Maximum $5,500,000 Up to 4,714,286 Units and Up to 8,555,556 Flow-Through Units Price: $0.35 per Unit and Price: $0.45 per Flow-Through Unit Underwriter(s) or Distributor(s): SECUTOR CAPITAL MANAGEMENT CORPORATION Promoter(s): - Project #2447879 _______________________________________________ Issuer Name: Northern Dynasty Minerals Ltd. Principal Regulator - British Columbia Type and Date: Preliminary Base Shelf Prospectus dated February 26, 2016 NP 11-202 Receipt dated February 26, 2016 Offering Price and Description: $20,000,000.00 Common Shares Warrants Subscription Receipts Units Underwriter(s) or Distributor(s): - Promoter(s): - Project #2448258 _______________________________________________

Issuer Name: Raging River Exploration Inc. Principal Regulator - Alberta Type and Date: Preliminary Short Form Prospectus dated February 23, 2016 NP 11-202 Receipt dated February 23, 2016 Offering Price and Description: $95,150,000.00 - 11,000,000 Common Shares Price: $8.65 per Common Share Underwriter(s) or Distributor(s): FIRSTENERGY CAPITAL CORP. PETERS & CO. LIMITED NATIONAL BANK FINANCIAL INC. CORMARK SECURITIES INC. DESJARDINS SECURITIES INC. DUNDEE SECURITIES LTD. TD SECURITIES INC. CIBC WORLD MARKETS INC. GMP SECURITIES L.P. RBC DOMINION SECURITIES INC. SCOTIA CAPITAL INC. Promoter(s): - Project #2446007 _______________________________________________

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Issuer Name: Renaissance Canadian Equity Private Pool Class Renaissance Emerging Markets Equity Private Pool Class Renaissance Equity Income Private Pool Class Renaissance Flexible Yield Fund Renaissance Global Equity Private Pool Renaissance Global Equity Private Pool Class Renaissance International Equity Private Pool Class Renaissance Multi-Asset Balanced Growth Private Pool Class Renaissance Multi-Asset Global Balanced Income Private Pool Renaissance Multi-Asset Global Balanced Private Pool Renaissance Multi-Sector Fixed Income Private Pool Renaissance Real Assets Private Pool Renaissance U.S. Equity Private Pool Class Renaissance Ultra Short Term Income Private Pool Class Principal Regulator - Ontario Type and Date: Preliminary Simplified Prospectuses dated February 22, 2016 NP 11-202 Receipt dated February 23, 2016 Offering Price and Description: Premium Class, Premium-T4 Class, Premium-T6 Class, Class H-Premium, Class H-Premium T4, Class H-Premium T6, Class F-Premium, Class F-Premium T4, Class F-Premium T6, Class FH-Premium, Class FH-Premium T4, Class FH-Premium T6, Class N-Premium, Class N-Premium T4, Class N-Premium T6, Class NH-Premium, Class NH-Premium T4, Class NH-Premium T6, Class O, Class OH Class A, Class H, Class F, Class FH and Class S Units Premium Series, Premium-T4 Series, Premium-T6 Series, Series H-Premium, Series H-Premium T4, Series H-Premium T6, Series F-Premium, Series F-Premium T4, Series F-Premium T6, Series FH-Premium, Series FH-Premium T4, Series FH-Premium T6, Series N-Premium, Series N-Premium T4, Series N-Premium T6, Series NH-Premium, Series NH-Premium T4, Series S and Series NH-Premium T6 Shares Underwriter(s) or Distributor(s): - Promoter(s): CIBC Asset Management Inc. Project #2446005 _______________________________________________ Issuer Name: Silver Bullion Trust Principal Regulator - Ontario Type and Date: Preliminary Long Form Prospectus dated February 18, 2016 NP 11-202 Receipt dated February 24, 2016 Offering Price and Description: ETF Non-Currency Hedged Units and ETF Currency Hedged Units Underwriter(s) or Distributor(s): - Promoter(s): - Project #2446221 _______________________________________________

Issuer Name: Sprott 2016 Short Duration Flow-Through Limited Partnership Principal Regulator - Ontario Type and Date: Preliminary Long Form Prospectus dated February 24, 2016 NP 11-202 Receipt dated February 24, 2016 Offering Price and Description: Maximum Offering: $20,000,000 - 800,000 Limited Partnership Units Minimum Offering: $5,000,000 - 200,000 Units Price per Unit: $25.00 Minimum Subscription: $5,000 (200 Units) Underwriter(s) or Distributor(s): RBC Dominion Securities Inc. CIBC World Markets Inc. Scotia Capital Inc. TD Securities Inc. BMO Nesbitt Burns Inc. National Bank Financial Inc. GMP Securities L.P. Raymond James Ltd. Sprott Private Wealth L.P. Canaccord Genuity Corp. Dundee Securities Inc. Manulife Securities Incorporated Promoter(s): Sprott 2016 Corporation Project #2446347 _______________________________________________ Issuer Name: Trevali Mining Corporation Principal Regulator - British Columbia Type and Date: Preliminary Short Form Prospectus dated February 29, 2016 NP 11-202 Receipt dated February 29, 2016 Offering Price and Description: $* - * Common Shares Price: $* per Common Share Underwriter(s) or Distributor(s): Dundee Securities Ltd. Raymond James Ltd. Scotia Capital Inc. GMP Securities L.P. Haywood Securities Inc. Laurentian Bank Securities Inc. Paradigm Capital Inc.. Promoter(s): - Project #2448956 _______________________________________________

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Issuer Name: Trillium Credit Card Trust II Principal Regulator - Ontario Type and Date: Preliminary Base Shelf Prospectus dated February 26, 2016 NP 11-202 Receipt dated February 26, 2016 Offering Price and Description: Up to $5,000,000,000.00 Credit Card Receivables-Backed Notes Underwriter(s) or Distributor(s): Scotia Capital Inc. Promoter(s): The Bank of Nova Scotia Project #2447904 _______________________________________________ Issuer Name: Whitecap Resources Inc. Principal Regulator - Alberta Type and Date: Preliminary Short Form Prospectus dated February 29, 2016 NP 11-202 Receipt dated February 29, 2016 Offering Price and Description: $95,013,000.00 - 13,770,000 Common Shares Price $6.90 per Common Share Underwriter(s) or Distributor(s): National Bank Financial Inc. TD Securities Inc. Scotia Capital Inc. CIBC World Markets Inc. GMP Securities L.P. RBC Dominion Securities Inc. FirstEnergy Capital Corp. Peters & Co. Limited BMO Nesbitt Burns Inc. Cormark Securities Inc. Promoter(s): - Project #2446100 _______________________________________________

Issuer Name: Algonquin Power & Utilities Corp. Principal Regulator - Ontario Type and Date: Final Short Form Prospectus dated February 22, 2016 NP 11-202 Receipt dated February 23, 2016 Offering Price and Description: $1,000,000,000.00 - 5% Convertible Unsecured Subordinated Debentures represented by Instalment Receipts Underwriter(s) or Distributor(s): CIBC WORLD MARKETS INC. SCOTIA CAPITAL INC. BMO NESBITT BURNS INC. NATIONAL BANK FINANCIAL INC. RBC DOMINION SECURITIES INC. TD SECURITIES INC. DESJARDINS SECURITIES INC. RAYMOND JAMES LTD. J.P. MORGAN SECURITIES CANADA INC. WELLS FARGO SECURITIES CANADA, LTD. INDUSTRIAL ALLIANCE SECURITIES INC. CANACCORD GENUITY CORP. CORMARK SECURITIES INC. Promoter(s): - Project #2442267 _______________________________________________ Issuer Name: Canoe 2016 Flow-Through LP - CDE Units Principal Regulator - Alberta Type and Date: Final Long Form Prospectus dated February 25, 2016 NP 11-202 Receipt dated February 26, 2016 Offering Price and Description: Maximum – $40,000,000 - 1,600,000 CDE Units Minimum – $2,500,000 - 100,000 CDE Units Subscription Price – $25.00 per CDE Unit Underwriter(s) or Distributor(s): Scotia Capital Inc. CIBC World Markets Inc. RBC Dominion Securities Inc. BMO Nesbitt Burns Inc. National Bank Financial Inc. TD Securities Inc. Canaccord Genuity Corp. Desjardins Securities Inc. GMP Securities L.P. Raymond James Ltd. Promoter(s): Canoe 2016 General Partner Corp. Canoe Financial LP Project #2429807 _______________________________________________

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Issuer Name: Canoe 2016 Flow-Through LP - CEE Units Principal Regulator - Alberta Type and Date: Final Long Form Prospectus dated February 25, 2016 NP 11-202 Receipt dated February 26, 2016 Offering Price and Description: Maximum Offering – $20,000,000 - 800,000 CEE Units Minimum Offering – $2,500,000 - 100,000 CEE Units Subscription Price – $25.00 per CEE Unit Underwriter(s) or Distributor(s): Scotia Capital Inc. CIBC World Markets Inc. RBC Dominion Securities Inc. BMO Nesbitt Burns Inc. National Bank Financial Inc. TD Securities Inc. Canaccord Genuity Corp. Desjardins Securities Inc. GMP Securities L.P. Raymond James Ltd. Promoter(s): Canoe 2016 General Partner Corp. Canoe Financial LP Project #2429808 _______________________________________________ Issuer Name: Cenovus Energy Inc. Principal Regulator - Alberta Type and Date: Final Base Shelf Prospectus dated February 24, 2016 NP 11-202 Receipt dated February 25, 2016 Offering Price and Description: US$5,000,000,000.00 - Debt Securities, Common Shares, Preferred Shares, Subscription Receipts, Warrants, Share Purchase Contracts, Units Underwriter(s) or Distributor(s): - Promoter(s): - Project #2443049 _______________________________________________

Issuer Name: Dynamic Alternative Yield Fund (Series A, E, F, FH, FI, H, I, IP, O and OP units) Dynamic Alternative Yield Class (Series A, E, F, FH, FT, H, IP and T shares) Dynamic Dividend Income Class (Series A, E, F, I, and O shares) Dynamic Dividend Income Fund (Series A, F, G, I, O and T units) Dynamic Dollar-Cost Averaging Fund (Series A and F units) Dynamic High Yield Bond Fund (Series A, F, FH, FI, FP, G, H, I, O, OP and P units) Dynamic Premium Yield Fund (Series A, E, F, FH, FI, H, I, IP and O units) Dynamic Strategic Yield Class (Series A, E, F, FH, FI, FT, G, H, I, IT and T shares) Dynamic Strategic Yield Fund (Series A, E, F, FH, FI, G, H, I and O units) Principal Regulator - Ontario Type and Date: Amendment No. 3 dated February 10, 2016 (amendment no. 3) to the Simplified Prospectuses and Annual Information Form for the Dynamic Dollar-Cost Averaging Fund and Dynamic High Yield Bond Fund and to the Annual Information Form for the Dynamic Alternative Yield Fund, Dynamic Alternative Yield Class, Dynamic Dividend Income Class, Dynamic Dividend Income Fund, Dynamic Premium Yield Fund, Dynamic Strategic Yield Class and Dynamic Strategic Yield Fund dated November 18, 2015. NP 11-202 Receipt dated February 24, 2016 Offering Price and Description: Series A, E, F, FH, FI, FP, G, H, I, IP, O, OP and P Units and Series A, E, F, FH, FI, FT, G, H, I, IT and T Shares @ Net Asset Value Underwriter(s) or Distributor(s): 1832 Asset Management L.P. GCIC Ltd. 1832 Asset Management L. P. 1832 AssetManagement L.P. Promoter(s): - Project #2405037 _______________________________________________

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Issuer Name: Fidelity American Equity Fund (Series A, Series B, Series E1, Series E2, Series E3, Series E4, Series F, Series P1, Series P2, Series P3, Series P4, Series P5, Series F5, Series P1T5, Series F8, Series O, Series T5, Series T8, Series S5, Series E1T5 and Series S8 units) Fidelity Small Cap America Fund (Series A, Series B, Series E1, Series E2, Series E3, Series E4, Series E5, Series F, Series P1, Series P2, Series P3, Series P4, Series P5, Series F5, Series F8, Series O, Series T5, Series T8, Series S5, Series E1T5, Series S8 and Series P1T5 units) Fidelity Global Disciplined Equity® Fund (Series A, Series B, Series E1, Series E2, Series E3, Series E4, Series E5, Series F, Series P1, Series P2, Series P3, Series O, Series T5, Series T8, Series S5, Series E1T5, Series S8 and Series P4 units) Fidelity International Disciplined Equity® Fund (Series A, Series B, Series E1, Series E2, Series F, Series P1, Series P2, Series O, Series T5, Series T8, Series S5 and Series S8 units) Fidelity Global Telecommunications Fund (Series A, Series B, Series E1, Series E2, Series F, Series P1, Series O and Series P2 units) Fidelity NorthStar® Balanced Currency Neutral Fund (Series A, Series B, Series E1, Series E2, Series F, Series P1, Series P2, Series T5, Series T8, Series S5, Series E1T5, Series S8, Series F5, Series F8 and Series P1T5 units) Fidelity American Balanced Fund (Series A, Series B, Series E1, Series E2, Series E3, Series E4, Series F, Series P1, Series P2, Series P3, Series P4, Series P5, Series F5, Series P1T5, Series P2T5, Series F8, Series O, Series T5, Series T8, Series S5, Series E1T5, Series E2T5 and Series S8 units) Fidelity Global Balanced Portfolio (Series A, Series B, Series E1, Series E2, Series E3, Series E4, Series E5, Series F, Series P1, Series P2, Series P3, Series O, Series T5, Series T8, Series S5, Series E1T5, Series E2T5, Series S8, Series F5, Series P1T5, Series F8 and Series P4 units) Fidelity ClearPath® 2025 Portfolio (Series A, Series B, Series E1, Series E2, Series E3, Series E4, Series E5, Series F, Series P1, Series O, Series P2 and Series P3 units) Fidelity ClearPath® 2030 Portfolio (Series A, Series B, Series E1, Series E2, Series F, Series P1, Series O and Series P2 units) Fidelity Canadian Money Market Fund (Series A, Series B, Series E1, Series E2, Series E3, Series E4, Series C, Series D, Series F, Series P1, Series P2, Series O and Series P3 units) Principal Regulator - Ontario Type and Date: Amendment No. 1 dated February 12, 2016 to the Amended and Restated Simplified Prospectuses dated December 16, 2015 and Amendment No. 2 dated February 12, 2016 to the Amended and Restated Annual Information Form dated December 16, 2015 (together with amendment no. 1, amendment no. 2), amending and restating the

Simplified Prospectuses and Annual Information Form dated October 29, 2015 NP 11-202 Receipt dated February 23, 2016 Offering Price and Description: - Underwriter(s) or Distributor(s): Fidelity Investments Canada ULC Fidelity Investments Canadaz ULC Fidelity Investments Canada Limited Fidelity Investments Canada ULC Promoter(s): FIDELITY INVESTMENTS CANADA ULC Project #2399033 _______________________________________________ Issuer Name: First Asset Short Term Government Bond Index Class ETF First Asset Global Momentum Class ETF (formerly First Asset Global Momentum ETF) First Asset Global Momentum (CAD hedged) Class ETF (formerly First Asset Global Momentum (CAD hedged) ETF) First Asset Global Value Class ETF (formerly First Asset Global Value ETF) First Asset Global Value (CAD hedged) Class ETF (formerly First Asset Global Value (CAD hedged) ETF) (non-cumulative, redeemable, non-voting classes of shares ) Principal Regulator - Ontario Type and Date: Final Long Form Prospectus dated February 23, 2016 NP 11-202 Receipt dated February 24, 2016 Offering Price and Description: Non-cumulative, redeemable, non-voting classes of shares @ Net Asset Value Underwriter(s) or Distributor(s): - Promoter(s): First Asset Fund Corp. First Asset Investment Management Inc. Project #2436682 _______________________________________________ Issuer Name: Horizons Auspice Managed Futures Index ETF Horizons Gold Yield ETF Horizons Natural Gas Yield ETF Principal Regulator - Ontario Type and Date: Final Long Form Prospectus dated February 24, 2016 NP 11-202 Receipt dated February 24, 2016 Offering Price and Description: - Underwriter(s) or Distributor(s): - Promoter(s): - Project #2437188 _______________________________________________

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Issuer Name: Horizons Auspice Managed Futures Index ETF Horizons Gold Yield ETF Horizons Natural Gas Yield ETF Principal Regulator - Ontario Type and Date: Amendment #1 dated February 24, 2016 to the Long Form Prospectus dated October 23, 2015 NP 11-202 Receipt dated February 26, 2016 Offering Price and Description: - Underwriter(s) or Distributor(s): BlackRock Asset Management Canada Limited Promoter(s): - Project #2399091 _______________________________________________ Issuer Name: Maple Leaf Short Duration 2016 Flow-Through Limited Partnership - Quebec Class Principal Regulator - British Columbia Type and Date: Final Long Form Prospectus dated February 24, 2016 NP 11-202 Receipt dated February 26, 2016 Offering Price and Description: Maximum Offering - $10,000,000 - 400,000 Québec Class Units @$25 per Unit Minimum Offering - $2,500,000 - 100,000 Québec Class Units @ $$25 per Unit Underwriter(s) or Distributor(s): Scotia Capital Inc. BMO Nesbitt Burns Inc. CIBC World Markets Inc. National Bank Financial Inc. GMP Securiites L.P. Canaccord Genuity Corp. Desjardins Securities Inc. Manulife Securities Incorporated Raymond James Ltd. Industrial Alliance Securities Inc. Dundee Securiites Ltd. Global Securities Corporation Laurentian Bank Securities Inc. Promoter(s): Maple Leaf Short Duration Holdings Ltd. Maple Leaf Short Duration 2016 Flow-Through Management Corp. Project #2430183 _______________________________________________

Issuer Name: Nautilus Minerals Inc. Principal Regulator - British Columbia Type and Date: Final Short Form Prospectus dated February 23, 2016 NP 11-202 Receipt dated February 23, 2016 Offering Price and Description: $103,000,000.00 - OFFERING OF RIGHTS TO SUBSCRIBE FOR UP TO 686,666,666 COMMON SHARES AT A PRICE OF $0.15 PER COMMON SHARE Underwriter(s) or Distributor(s): - Promoter(s): - Project #2442497 _______________________________________________ Issuer Name: Roxgold Inc. Principal Regulator - Ontario Type and Date: Final Short Form Prospectus dated February 26, 2016 NP 11-202 Receipt dated February 29, 2016 Offering Price and Description: $20,000,000.00 - 25,000,000 Common Shares $0.80 per Common Share Underwriter(s) or Distributor(s): CORMARK SECURITIES INC. MACQUARIE CAPITAL MARKETS CANADA LTD. RAYMOND JAMES LTD. RBC DOMINION SECURITIES INC. CANACCORD GENUITY CORP. HAYWOOD SECURITIES INC. Promoter(s): - Project #2443397 _______________________________________________ Issuer Name: Tuckamore Capital Management Inc. Principal Regulator - Ontario Type and Date: Final Short Form Prospectus dated February 24, 2016 NP 11-202 Receipt dated February 24, 2016 Offering Price and Description: Offering of Rights to Subscribe for Up to $10,000,000.00 Aggregate Principal Amount of 10.00% Second Lien Secured Convertible Debentures due 2026 Underwriter(s) or Distributor(s): - Promoter(s): - Project #2440572 _______________________________________________

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Chapter 12

Registrations 12.1.1 Registrants

Type Company Category of Registration Effective Date

New Registration Highland Consulting Associates International, Inc.

Portfolio Manager February 24, 2016

Change in Registration Category

NT Global Advisors, Inc./Conseillers Mondiaux NT

From: Investment Fund Manager, Portfolio Manager and Exempt Market Dealer To: Commodity Trading Manager, Investment Fund Manager, Portfolio Manager and Exempt Market Dealer

February 25, 2016

New Registration Jesselton Capital Management Inc.

Investment Fund Manager and Exempt Market Dealer

February 25, 2016

New Registration Liahona Capital Inc. Exempt Market Dealer February 24, 2016

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Page 255: OSC Bulletin

March 3, 2016

(2016), 39 OSCB 2189

Chapter 13

SROs, Marketplaces, Clearing Agencies and Trade Repositories

13.2 Marketplaces 13.2.1 Aequitas Neo Exchange Inc. – Amendments to Trading Policies – Notice of Approval



AMENDMENTS TO TRADING POLICIES In accordance with the Process for the Review and Approval of Rules and the Information Contained in Form 21-101F1 and the Exhibits Thereto, Aequitas NEO Exchange (NEO Exchange) filed, and the OSC approved amendments to the Trading Policies of NEO Exchange (the Amendments). The Amendments relate to:

• revisions to closing call functionality; • the addition of an odd lot trader concept; • revisions to the definition of Latency Sensitive Trader; • the addition of a definition of Opening Call; • revisions to price band description; and • clarification of mid-point functionality availability.

The Amendments were published for comment on January 7, 2016 for 30 days. No comments were received.

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SROs, Marketplaces, Clearing Agencies and Trade Repositories

March 3, 2016

(2016), 39 OSCB 2190

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Aequitas Neo Exchange Inc. Marketplaces – Amendments to Trading Policies – Notice of Approval .................................... 2189 Boomerang Oil, Inc. Cease Trading Order ................................................ 1999 Canaccord Genuity Wealth Management (USA) Inc. Decision .................................................................... 1964 Cerro Grande Mining Corporation Cease Trading Order ................................................ 1999 Companion Policy 11-102CP Passport System Rules and Policies .................................................... 2001 Convertible Debentures Income Fund Decision .................................................................... 1947 Drabinsky, Garth H. Notice from the Office of the Secretary ..................... 1944 Order – ss. 127, 127.1 .............................................. 1974 Eckstein, Gordon Notice from the Office of the Secretary ..................... 1944 Order – ss. 127, 127.1 .............................................. 1974 Enerdynamic Hybrid Technologies Corp. Cease Trading Order ................................................ 1999 Equilibrium Partners Inc. Notice of Hearing with Related Statement of Allegations – ss. 127, 127.1 ...................................... 1939 Notice from the Office of the Secretary ..................... 1945 Floating Rate Income Fund Decision .................................................................... 1947 Gildan Activewear Inc. Order – s. 104(2)(c) .................................................. 1979 Order – s. 104(2)(c) ................................................. 1983 Order – s. 104(2)(c) .................................................. 1987 Gottlieb, Myron I. Notice from the Office of the Secretary ..................... 1944 Order – ss. 127, 127.1 .............................................. 1974 Highland Consulting Associates International, Inc. New Registration ....................................................... 2187 Jesselton Capital Management Inc. New Registration ....................................................... 2187 Liahona Capital Inc. New Registration ....................................................... 2187

Manulife Asset Management (Europe) Limited Order – s. 80 of the CFA .......................................... 1991 Manulife Asset Management Limited Order – s. 80 of the CFA .......................................... 1991 MI 11-102 Passport System Rules and Policies .................................................... 2001 MI 11-103 Failure-to-File Cease Trade Orders in Multiple Jurisdictions Rules and Policies .................................................... 2001 NP 11-206 Process for Cease to be a Reporting Issuer Applications Rules and Policies .................................................... 2001 NP 11-207 Failure-to-File Cease Trade Orders and Revocations in Multiple Jurisdictions Rules and Policies .................................................... 2001 NP 12-202 Revocation of a Compliance-Related Cease Trade Order Rules and Policies .................................................... 2001 NP 12-202 Revocation of Certain Cease Trade Orders Rules and Policies .................................................... 2001 NP 12-203 Cease Trade Orders for Continuous Disclosure Defaults Rules and Policies .................................................... 2001 NP 12-203 Management Cease Trade Orders Rules and Policies .................................................... 2001 NT Global Advisors, Inc./Conseillers Mondiaux NT Change in Registration Category .............................. 2187 O’Leary Canadian Balanced Income Fund Decision .................................................................... 1947 O’Leary Canadian Bond Yield Fund Decision .................................................................... 1947 O’Leary Canadian Diversified Income Fund Decision .................................................................... 1947 O’Leary Canadian Dividend Fund Decision .................................................................... 1947 O’Leary Canadian High Income Fund Decision .................................................................... 1947 O’Leary Conservative Income Fund Decision .................................................................... 1947

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O’Leary Emerging Markets Income Fund Decision .................................................................... 1947 O’Leary Floating Rate Income Fund Decision .................................................................... 1947 O’Leary Floating Rate Portfolio Trust Decision .................................................................... 1947 O’Leary Funds Management L.P. Decision .................................................................... 1947 O’Leary Global Bond Yield Advantaged Fund Decision .................................................................... 1947 O’Leary Global Bond Yield Fund Decision .................................................................... 1947 O’Leary Global Dividend Fund Decision .................................................................... 1947 O’Leary Global Growth & Income Fund Decision .................................................................... 1947 O’Leary Global Infrastructure Income Fund Decision .................................................................... 1947 O’Leary Tactical Income Fund Decision .................................................................... 1947 O’Leary U.S. Portfolio Trust Decision .................................................................... 1947 O’Leary U.S. Strategic Yield Advantaged Fund Decision .................................................................... 1947 O’Leary U.S. Strategic Yield Fund Decision .................................................................... 1947 Online Direct Inc. Order – s. 144 ........................................................... 1969 Rotstein, Mark Steven Notice of Hearing with Related Statement of Allegations – ss. 127, 127.1 ...................................... 1939 Notice from the Office of the Secretary ..................... 1945 Schneider Electric S.E. Decision .................................................................... 1959 Starrex International Ltd. Cease Trading Order ................................................ 1999 Tango Mining Limited Cease Trading Order ................................................ 1999 Thompson, Greg Director’s Decision .................................................... 1995 Zhong, Hong Liang Notice from the Office of the Secretary ..................... 1945 Order ......................................................................... 1978

ZipLocal Inc. Cease Trading Order ................................................ 1999