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Organisation safety and health Hrsb 373 2m Ms. Syafazawana bt Mohamed tharikh (Telekom Malaysia)Name : Muhammad zakwan b sohari Che mohd firdaus b che mohd yusof Muhammad syafiq b jamaluddin Muhammad zikry b salihin Yogeshwaran s/o subramaniam hr083115 hr083760 hr083114 hr083116 hr083188


Company background

TM is the largest integrated communications solutions provider in Malaysia and one of Asia's leading communications companies, with market capitalisation of RM11 billion and an employee force of 24,744. Established as the Telecommunications Department of Malaya in 1946, it was privatised in 1987, and listed on Bursa Securities in 1990. Since then, its growth has been phenomenal. In 2007, it was decided that a demerger of the mobile and fixed services would be strategic. This exercise was completed in April 2008, allowing TM to focus more intently on its core business of providing communication services and solutions in Internet and multimedia, data and the fixed line. TM has always been a partner in nation-building, enabling Malaysia's development with the latest technologies. As it transformed its network infrastructure from analog to digital and, now, to an IP base, the nation has benefitted from new communication possibilities as well as better and faster connectivity. TM was one of the pioneering companies in facilitating Malaysia's entry into the Internet age with Streamyx, its broadband service introduced in 2001. Serving 1.43 million customers as at end 2009, TM today is Malaysia's leading broadband service provider. TM's latest nation-building endeavour involves rolling out the most exciting telecommunications service to date: High Speed Broadband (HSBB). In September 2008, it signed a Public- Private Partnership to develop an HSBB network and services that will deliver speeds of 10Mbps (Megabits per second) and beyond via fibre optic infrastructure, to high economic impact areas. Under this initiative, 1.3 million premises are to have high speed broadband access by 2012. The infrastructure needed will be developed over 10 years, with the Government co-investing RM2.4 billion and TM, RM8.9 billion. HSBB is an end-to-end project encompassing access, core and international infrastructure network. The initial roll-out will be in March 2010, in four exchange areas of Shah Alam, Subang Jaya, Taman Tun Dr Ismail and Bangsar. HSBB will offer triple play service of video, high speed Internet and voice. With HSBB as an enabler, there are many, many potential high bandwidth next-generation applications such as video-on-demand, online gaming, interactive shopping, Internet Protocol Television (IPTV), etc., that can be made available which would make the overall experience engaging for consumers. It heralds a2

digital revolution enabling people to work together and collaborate more effectively than ever before. Complementing the all-IP HSBB network is enhanced global capacity via new international gateways. The latest consortium cable spearheaded by TM, the Asia America Gateway (AAG), is the first high-bandwidth optical fibre submarine cable system to directly link South East Asia with the United States (US). With an initial equipped capacity of 500Gbps, the submarine cable network is upgradeable for future transmission facilities that support higher Internet and e-commerce traffic. Commercial traffic has begun in 20,000km of the network which positions TM as a regional IP hub for Internet service providers (ISPs) to gain connectivity to the US. Committed to universal service excellence, TM has adopted a business model that is tuned in to the marketplace. Operationally, it is aligned to six principal customer segments: Consumer, Small Medium Enterprise (SME), Enterprise, Government, Wholesale and Global. Wholesale focuses on bandwidth and other infrastructure to telcos, ISPs, managed network service providers, application service providers, global operators and data centre providers; while Global provides satellite, terrestrial and submarine fibre optic connectivity across Asia, Europe, the Americas, Oceania, the Middle East and Africa. The new business model creates greater synergies between the various divisions, and allows TM to target its product and service offerings more specifically to the needs of the different niches. To further enhance the customer experience, TM focuses on accessibility, simplicity and convenience of transactions via its extensive network of TMpoints and the secure, customised self-service portal, TM Online. Underlining all TM's operations is a deep commitment to corporate responsibility (CR), which guides its actions and behaviour towards stakeholders. TM's CR initiatives cover the four dimensions of marketplace, workplace, community and the environment. These initiatives have been recognised. TM in 2009 won the Starbiz-ICR Malaysia Corporate Responsibility Award for the Community; and the Prime Minister's CSR Award for best Workplace Practices. In the community, TM has a tradition of capacity-building through education and bridging the digital divide. In 2009, TM spent 2.5% of profit before tax for its community activities, higher than the global best practice of 1.0%. Yayasan TM, the Group's foundation,3

offers scholarships to outstanding and deserving students to pursue their studies at local and international institutes of higher learning. Its Multimedia University is a training ground for the development of a knowledge- generation; while at the school level, it introduces children to the powerful benefits of ICT. TM also provides disaster relief and caters for the needy and underprivileged by donating to welfare homes, Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) and charitable organisations. As a responsible company, TM is conscious of playing its part towards sustainable development. Its green agenda includes the ISO 14001:2000 Environmental Management System to minimise waste, and protect and preserve the environment and the nation's natural resources. The Company has also piloted a teleworking initiative for its Sales staff and enforces remote meetings via teleconferencing and live streaming between regional offices nationwide. Employees are further encouraged to contribute towards environmental efforts via active participation in an internal green campaign, Bumiku.

TM believes that commitment to CR contributes to greater shareholder value. It enhances the TM brand, encourages the best people to want to work for TM and serves as a powerful reason for customers and business partners to do business with TM. TM is a pillar of integrity and innovation in the Malaysian telecommunications landscape, built on a foundation spanning more than 100 years. Based on its history of excellence, TM will continue to open up new possibilities to Malaysians, enabling them to use new-generation connectivity to make anything possible.


Introduction TM Groups Occupational Safety, Health and Environmental (OSHE) Policy addresses the management of OSHE risk and the environmental impact of business activities. The Companys OSHE Policy is based on the standard requirements of OHSAS 18001:1999 and ISO14001:2004, designed to ensure consistency in environmental management. Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM) is the largest integrated solutions provider

in Malaysia, and one of Asia's leading communications companies, with a market capitalisation of RM13.9 billion and a workforce of 26,629 employees. Established as the Telecommunications Department of Malaya in 1946, it was privatised in 1987, and listed on Bursa Malaysia in 1990. Subsequent growth led to a demerger in 2008 of TM's mobile and fixed services, allowing the company to focus more intently on its core businesses of Internet and multimedia, data and fixed-line services. To govern safety and health, the Company has put in place a safety and health management system called OHSAS 18001. In 2007, the Company set an employee occupational safety and health target for a 25.0% reduction in accidents and zero fatalities. The year saw a 31.2% reduction in accidents. To raise awareness of safety and health procedures, the Company organises regular annual occupational safety and health campaigns at its head office as well as at state locations, offering free health screenings and health talks conducted by the Companys panel of medical doctors. Safety and Health training is provided to employees in furtherance of the Companys goals for better safety records and in 2007, 400 TM contractors underwent the NIOSH TM Safety Passport Programme, while 35 staff went through the OSH Personnel Workshop Programme and 240 staff received the OSHE MS Awareness Training Programme.



Telekom Malaysia OSH policies/rules and regulation According to the interviewed that I have done. Telekom Malaysia has continued to

improve on the provision of a conducive and safe work environment for their employees. Their commitment is detailed in the TM Occupational, Safety, Health and Environment (OSHE) Policy Statement, which conforms to applicable laws and regulations on safety in the workplace and also meets International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) requirements. 2010 proved to be another successful year for us as we delivered better results than the previous year in the majority of safety and environmental indicators. This is consistent with their commitment to achieving and sustaining excellence in OSHE management and performance. In 2010, their OSHE Unit established an OSHE framework as a guide to improve our performance. This consists of compliance, promotion and recognition, workplace safety, training and contractors management. The framework guides them in the development of OSHE initiatives and to support various Health, Safety and Environmental programmes throughout the year.

This structure reflects the attribution of responsibility and accountability for safety, health and environment in the Company to every employee from the lowest rank to the Group CEO. This structure also ensures seamless communication between all levels of operations.


OSHE Initiatives Supporting Programmes

OSHE Management System

Health and Safety issues are managed by the OSHE Management Committee. Since 2008, a revised TM O SHE governance structure has ensured greater enforcement of OSHE rules by clearly defining various functions and responsibilities. The Heads of Network Development (ND) and Network Operations (NO) are directly responsible for OSHE matters while a Main ND and NO OSHE Committee was established to oversee the regional committees. The committee meets regularly at various levels to identify, discuss and recommend solutions to safety, health and environment issues. The committee also regularly inspects the workplace to identify any health or safety issue.


2. What types of hazard faced by the company (ergonomics/mechanical/electrical/fire)?


3. How many accident/death happened in their company for the past 5 years?

Telekom Malaysia is an organization that is very famous and known all over the state in the country. Therefore, Telekom Malaysia needs to hide some things that will destroy their image and reputation of such accidents and deaths that occurred in the organization. However, based on some research done, Telekom Malaysia actually experienced some accidents but it was hidden from the public. As the record, between the cases occurred within the past five years in the Telekom Malaysia is the fire room which houses the battery and is one of the generator room. In addition, there is another accident involving an Indonesian citizen of contract workers. Each accident was hidden by the management of Telecom Malaysia and only known by his superiors as well as several witnesses who are security guards on duty at the time of the accident. For the first accidents, which involved a fire in the room, it occurred in the last year and is the incident did not involve death or serious injury to members of the Telekom Malaysia workers. According to the survey done by the fire, they found the cause of fire was caused by short circuits that occur in the room and the heat generated by the generator. After knowing the cause of fire, the management to take appropriate action and close the case from the public in an effort to preserve the reputation of Telekom Malaysia. For the second case, in fact, this case is an isolated case, where it has been off the record case. This is because the case involves foreign nationals which could bring down the reputation and show the weakness of the security standards in Telekom Malaysia. This incident occurred about four years ago, which at that time, cleaning and maintenance of substation towers do. According to facts of the case, this incident occurred was caused by the negligence of contract workers themselves. This is because, at the time of maintenance, workers involved, who is a citizen of Indonesia, did not wear clothes that meet the safety aspects. As evidence, the employee is wearing rubber shoes and not wearing a life jacket. This is contrary to the safety standards demanded of each contract workers to wear boots, life jackets and helmets. As a result of the negligence of the employee, the victim slipped while climbing the tower said substation to perform maintenance work. As a result of the incident, the employee received serious injuries and was placed under hospital surveillance unit. To not cause any trouble in the near future, the management of Telekom Malaysia took steps to9

close the case and only the management who know the incident. This to avoid the center and will affect the role of the management of Telekom Malaysia.


4. Do they compensate their workers?

According to the human resource manager from Kelantan that we interviewed compensation for employees is a vital part of the management of human resource. The Company continuously conducts research, benchmarking and surveys in its effort to provide a competitive compensation and benefits package for employees. Salary Review, Annual Increments, Bonuses, Merit Awards, Staff Loans Revision and the Employee Share Option Scheme (ESOS) have been significant contributions in year 2001.

The Company also sought to recognise high achievers amongst its staff. This includes those who are deemed to have significantly contributed towards meeting management objectives and who have enhanced quality in the Company. The staff will benefit from Human Resource Rewards and Recognition Programmes with the establishment of an Employee of the Month Award, The Excellent Employee Award, The Divisional Award, Special Awards and various Quality Awards. As part of the Companys effort to ensure productivity and to safeguard the welfare of employees, Telekom Malaysia has enhanced its innovative Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) to tackle a host of employee related problems such as personal, marital, workplace, career and financial that could affect their performances. In attending to staff welfare, we have continuously built upon our existing programmes throughout the year. Educational Assistance for employees children, Medical Support Equipment Assistance, Disaster Assistance, Funeral Expenses Assistance, Childcare Centre and Retirees Assistance programmes have been implemented and are ongoing. Telekom Malaysia has also provided financial support to internal Telekom Malaysia clubs and societies that organise welfare activities for staff and dependents.


5. Who (top management/safety officer) are responsible to promote safety awareness program in the company?

According to the information provided by the Telekom Malaysia SDN. BHD. Manager at Kelantan during the interview and after viewing the companys website on the internet, we find that the party or person that responsible and in duty to promote safety awareness program in the company is called the Organizational Safety and Health Environment Management Committee or OSHE Management Committee. Since 2008, a revised TM O SHE governance structure has ensured greater enforcement of OSHE rules by clearly defining various functions and responsibilities. The Heads of Network Development (ND) and Network Operations (NO) are directly responsible for OSHE matters while a Main ND and NO OSHE Committee was established to oversee the regional committees. The committee meets regularly at various levels to identify, discuss and recommend solutions to safety, health and environment issues. The committee also regularly inspects the workplace to identify any health or safety issue. The TM OSHE Gorvernence Structure can be viewed as follow :


This structure reflects the attribution of responsibility and accountability for safety, health and environment in the Company to every employee from the lowest rank to the Group CEO. This structure also ensures seamless communication between all levels of operations.