,ot the omerse. · 2017. 12. 17. · have crimes have thriven several pie been has with foreign...

11 il u ,ot .Publication. me rsct Honild, - ,,,..! -- wntfra will - . MM U b fcJ Somerset Herald, fi:nor. I imTTS 1 1'VmKKET.AT;I.4W. Mammoth Blue . SHimemet, Prne ..IT.U ATrol.NEY-AT-L.A- Somerset, Pa. " ativkney.ati.aw, Somerset. Pa. "' 4,TTvRNET-AT-a.AW- , tfomerrrt, Pa. - KUTr..KNEY.ATLW, SumcrMt, Pa. A7I.!KNEY-AT-LA- Somerwt, Pa. f',lr!,.tnrotWl.t,. J'l.isw- - ii. in ri i.r.. f.iTH .v- - KriTEL. i. ATTORNEYS-AT- i AW. ' to thrlr car will 1 ,". ,rr.uln aitemiwi to. I,.,, M.ia street, ppc-s- tae v"Y F SClI FIX. ATTOKN tY-A- T LAW, rtr j I'toii n Agent, Suiner t. rTlNE HAY. "' AtTOtfNEY-ATLA- Somerwt, V , rin ;111 entrusted t ci wlih ,:. ui. .; - 0 TCI MM EL, ATToKNfcY-ATXA- SumtTKcU Pa. , ' . '.'. to liis c.ire . ' aii"tnl"K e""o" h ittbe- i Main Cro aireoi. ;y UCClLB2S.j , .r.v A- - COIXOUN. i .TrokXfc.YS-AT-a.AW- j .., Hiirue.1 t their will be j atlcnileil to. 4ls i.i'rt-- t:ltlr. j ;;;.niL, I TfuKXtY-ATLAW- , j Sntur)t, j - ', i".rn l to all burtnrM ntrlel ' ., , i i m l on collect tuns. Ol-- ! i ! ,;..a B iTTt'KNtY-ATl.AW- , iom rwl Ta., :. LurlneM etitroated to try car. at-- t fio.'lwM ani tKlellly. H. L. nAfcU. iiaer, iTTOUN EYS-AT-t- W, SutnerKt, Pa., - " ii .'.ra.rtaiil alululnif e..mitlc. .'i..! M..rutel u tueta 0i lie ir juii'lly .j ;.i. " a. r JI.I.IAM II. KOOXTZ, attoexey-ati.au- , SwiuvrM't, Pa., r!rc mci attmt Ion to tnrtnen entriit- - Ly nn m tMnrrwt and adjuinlng cuunuc. IN ::. ;)TT. ATTOKNEY-AT-T.A- SumerMrt, Pa. r ; . tv-iH H"0e. All'bnrtnewntnut-i-er- t aavii'ied .0 wllk iromptm and i. rvcu. ATTOKN w, S.jincrwL Pa. t x; una.it b Krt, np nalr. Lotranre, f.rert. IVUectlont made, rate t: -- iatrlol. and all lecal bnitie b wr.r iirumr'neM and normj. KM. IIICKS, JCSTICE OF THE PEACE. SuaerMt, Penn'a. CUVV.l.L. H. S. KIMMKIX. II. M. K1MMEI.L t SON -t :twlr ir..frinna! witM to t he eltl- - crt and ft. tpl'T. Uneiif the OHrm-r.r- ran at alltliiiea. nnlew iir.plwl.Hi-.r-- t i (an-'- ' at their off!, on Main u tt.e liiain.Hid. w. J. K. MILI.EIt has - In Brlln t'T the pmlre oAee wiMkita Ctarlea Krtin?. t aj.2.','TU-t- II. nnriUKER tenders his nU rH" tn the rl'iaena of Sntn vnii.. urn. in rulJenee a Alain u: the Ilianuiid. A.r,. MILLER. I HVSU IAN kSt'KOEtiS. b ,f sath Bend. Itxllana, where he ftjlttl l.y tetter ur utlierwif. JitilN BTLT45. I.tNTIST. iVvHnrj Hrffley't Wore, plain Crn Vwi, Pa. .V.iLI.IAM OiLLINS. r 1ST. SOM EKSET, PA. s Mimwitb Blwk. ! R'i'i ln t'T luran at all time, be f'on- ir-r- . V:i''t A iTk. eaeh at niilna" raa-e:w:n- . kc A rtlftrtal teth t allk'nua. tim m.i'.ertitl inverted. tliwraU'jn MN AGENCY. '!.HTwIsnd Patch. S"tneret ei.notj. r tn Peace, earrey.fr an.l clnlia jr rolled .11 Kor.tT and t.:rw;d t bim IVrn-n- wtftttnir; tj.nl a.lmw biiu at the alKre - euduilna lac liar fre and XKKa reply. AUCT10NEE1L Pa. cart '.ISrrHii try eervtre on Keal or Per- - or aryililCK u tdit.ed n. at ' ;.; nnd I will .ve entire atlia9tll j bjji j)n,n,j,iiT attended tn. W. A. K'tONTZ, CocBaenre. Pa. 'h)XD HOTEL, "lOYSTOWN. I'ENN'A. ic:r and well knows bmw haa latel) t.!i and newlv refitted wttb all new 't !niimre. which haa made It eery ' "ii .ln ,laee lor the tranelinc pahlle. ' .... a hk. 1 ...1 . h. llr A lea lam and fnom? ataMlns " Lsr.,, ra be had at the kiweat piw t j t be week, day or mal. S AM V fcX t'STKU. Pn-- a. L.tor liianwiid Stoyatow ,pa- 3000 Ualli! u FERMENTED WINE, 'i tOR ... SALE u" lTat A. J. Caaebetr A t.' - ri., or a( nw tt GROVE FARM i c 'lr-1- Soaiereat, tbe nlaea of cr.ar.a- - I BLACKBERRY, . j tRr.Y CURRANT, I MKREERRY, WILD-CHERR- Y 1 AND CIDER WINE, 1 KBt saantlty to rait pereliaaer. . i. -- - ri lor nncal atvi Ta. . lteaa a bercraara tiy Hk The VOL. XXX. NO. 27. NOW SHOWING !qmi? arpet st FOR FALL SALE! ) An appalling has befal- - '.. . leu the American people since their last met in icJltt'11 T kTT!T kVTi V"1 ;TTL72 repre.-entativ- es : We might else recall with unalloyed . . 'content the rare prosperity with THE BEST QUALITIES ! I) It I (J GETS, LI0NU3I, LINOLEUMS, &c. IH.M 77 : ';:; I a I I in sirrow submis h'TTI'TW A77.TTTh'. Uion. memorv his exalted ABOVE WOOD ST. NEW CENTRAL HOTELS MAIXSTUElfiT, SOMERSET, PENN'A., 0M-ii- l fr (.noS on January lOlh, 1SS1. Tiii- -h e is fiiriii.-iu- - i:i i., tn ttl-:- viitli llie i;Tii r i'ivinii.-iKf- of i;ea:.t. ILrt an.! r-!- J Wat.f V:th'. la-- r lloa !:n,- - i: .n;-- -. ! an !,;, s;al)ii-- s iit:a. !i.-.- I T!..- - Ti.Me nni !Ur w'M ? G'XI AS ! M !K 1HT. i .in fXw-r- ; t: to in Hit- - II j iiiy.--- lf 1 lull rt i.ili r v!;. in v rail. li t lituhn, I oluelKUl to ail F. S. KLEINDIENST. OLDEST AND BEST FAMILY NEWSPAPER. The NitT.hi Onsenvm ht niw tht larpeat ol iu it in UNDENOMINATIONAL, ' ' : UNSECTARtAN, - EVANGELICAL, and NATIONAL, 1: will enter iu SIXTIETH YEAR with a Wt f.mt tltnea the lie of lt nrt l. ne, lull ( F v-ie- arjul lin'aC ne ; with viit.r K.litrial wn matters or rellpl .ua and aecnlar linen-H- i ; with eareiully .iliVea f. Cbil.lreo. attn M.bo.4 Tolier, Parmera nd Hu.irKFMn; witheiutit actlre tviitora. an ol KitrIiso C..rre"u.lentP and paid Wriiem auJ Oouirlnniora la etrerr part of the Country. NEW HOOK. IrcntDus " Letters ! Witk Steal Psrtit of Sht Authw, . In irlren toan oo aemlin n a bant Jidt 'Smw M iwmcMU.1 tlltU the var. sri:ciME.s copies free. Addrora : XKW YOKK OBSKBVKR. norM w YwrH. SOMERSET COUNTY BANK ! (CSTAULISIIKIJ 1S77.) CHARLES J. HARRISON, CASHIER AXD MANAGER. ..Iler-iiio- made In aU yarn of the United Sta'.ta. CHARGES MODERATE. I'arlrewifl irRtof. nd tnorey Wert ran heae-- c hy dralt n N. T'k in any Mim. I'oilerHtnriiiai'e with r.mi.;r.. V. S. h1 r unlit and fold Nolt od lalual.lea aeenred ly on IilelH.M'aoeU'l.raied rales, bur- nt tit A Yale U 1) wi 'ink ACCOUNTS SOLICITED. -- A:l t holiday tiheerr..- - liar WALTER AKDEBSON. MERCHANT TAILOR, NO. 226 LIEERTY STREET PITTSBTJBQIT, lebli no. mica- - - r a mum. ipt! ftp" Fire and Li Insurance. ' JOHN HICKS-ti- ; SON, . . SOMEItSET.'I'Av. ; I , And Real Estate . Brokers. ESTAH-LISUE- 18.0. . Pejwwif wlesiro to roll. jr or eirhanito pr.trty. nr rent will nnJ It to their adrantace to reiciier ine :erTf,iHo iiier-oi- . a w. '. made an lee mu m rente Meai reiaie (ewrrallT will tie pruacpUy Mtendod to. ant l CHARLES HOFFMAN, MERCHANT TAILOR ' (ANnallenry Heffley'Sron..) UTEST STYLES a IXTO KICEL niitPifiTFri) l for.:t. Maine. lllLi PRESIDENTS MESSAGE To the &na!e House of Represent' at it of the. Vnkfd fitult : calamity which throughout the year the na- - tion has '.H-e- blessed. The harvests have crimes have thriven Several pie been has with foreign relations ami- - Itvand nr- - For these niani!e-ta- - T us oi oiu n. Gov- - ed a visit is is with with been ; its in- - in of ; on its pe ; j of tre. held turns of lavor we owe to llmi ,ice Congress of Thiscoun- - who holds our destiny in (try was tribute of our grateful devotion. that exercise cf His ! from the who tion ; how and I 'ha of ! tla'l'T ii lM. aufl couiug with time mul 'of character, of his noble and of hi- - will betreas- - which turn nreet peaceable espt'ciallj' energetic remonstrances has plenteous varied jurisdiction health committed shipboard. preserved important conferences mantaiiied govern-n.eiit- s uiidh-turW- ; and Turin. His hands represented delegates tnysUiious citizen tfiLLUMJE!iSS achievements, patriotic omerse. will ured vc r as a sacred possession Indies j 'of whole people. The as imported hither from Hol-- ! ment death foreign I hu,d been already considered governments and tributes j Congress. I trust at pres-- J sympathy and which j session the matter may le fa- - jrv will record as signal tokens ot concluded !kinsln;oi nations and tiie jtions of mankind. of I'iinjkiih can uu ly the citizens repect rest the the case the the by the life the His of the the are of his has by of tiie and oi k uelatioxs with knclanu. ! en rise to correspondence with Theft elin'ol uood between particularly our and tiiat of , b; tier ,ol n.is-C.re- at wouane in hiiipire. ctn-....- ., was never rnore mark- - j t ,,r..,,t In rw.i.miti..M of the of this fact I directed on missionary , Dr. . I arsons, the occasion of the late CentennLl not yet leen executed, although Yorktown,that a this Govt rnment has n peate dly tl.e flag. J ''landed that exemplary justice be Save for the corns oondence, w 1 ehall refer hefeafier, in re-- j The bw.ss government h to the i.ro,osed across the good ofhees our diplomat the Isthmus of Panama, t!1 ; consular protec-oceurre- d worthv of in the ! 1 m countries diplomatic n thetwocuu t lUlf represented. 1 ins re . r,,?,. ;., ti... it,.. r..riiine i juest has within limits been I'.iv were sa'irt.ietorily set- - tied, lv tin Hritisli Governnittit jtay injr in full the sum of XI j.O ', most of wl.iels liiif a!realy Leen As t!ie terms of the nt inelnd.-t- l compensation for injuries Full", red by our lilitrnien at li.iy, xh re has leen rt tain-e- d from the pro-- s awnrd a mm which is deemed adequate fr claims. Tiie p trlieipalion of America in the exhibitions at .Melbourne and Sidney will be appropriately men- tioned in the report of the two pooh to le presented tor Congress. will diselose the readiness of our countrymen to make suecessful competition in distant ls of enterprise. Nejrotiat.ons mi International Con vention are in liopeful progre-s- . The surreinler ot Sitting Bull and hi ford's uiHm the Canadian frontier has allayed apprehension, nhhouuh l.odie f I'ritisli Indians still crose tiie hordt-- r i:i ejiuwt of nice. Upon thi.s a correspondenee ht. en opened which promises an adequate understanding. Our troops have orders avoid, meanwhile, all with Indians. OTIIEK roRKICX IlELATIOSS. The pn se iiw at the York town cel- ebration of representatives of the r punliean deseendauts. of L tf.iyette and Lis gallant compttrioU who were our allies in the Involution, has served strengthen the .f good will which has always ex- isted U tween the two nations. You will be furni.-he- d with the proet i dings of the Con- ference held during the hummer at the city of Paris. No siccord was readied but a valuable interchange of views was had, and the Confer- ence will next year be renewed. At the Electrical Exhibition and Congress, also held at this country was creditably represented by t nnneiit gjiecialista. who, in the nbsct nee of an appropriation, gen- erously lent their efforts at the of the State Department. While our exhibitors in this .INtinctively American field of achievi ment have won several valu- able awards. I reeonmn nd that Collins-- provide for the repayment of the personal expenses incurred in the public interest by the honorary coiiiinir.-ioncr- s and delegates. No new fj'ie'ioi rpteting the status ,if our naturalized citizens in (itr-mar.- y have aristn during tl.e year, Mitd the causes of compltint, espe- cially in Alsace and Lorraine, have practically ceased, through the lib- eral action of the Irrijieml Govern- ment in accepting our often express- ed views on the subject. The appli- cation of the tre.ttv of 1SCS to the lately acquired Bhenish provinces has very earnest attention. A definite and l agreement on this point is confidently ex-cte- The participation of the descendant? of Baron Von Stuben in the York-tow- n f stivities, and subsequent reri-iitini- i bv their American kins men, strikingly evinced the ties of good will winch unite the iiennan people and our own. Our inter-cour.-- e with Sp iin has been friend- ly. An agreement, concluded in last, fixr-- s a term for the labors of th paniah and American Claims Commission. The Spanish Government has been requested to pay the late awards of that commis- sion, and will, it is kkived, accede to the request as and eourteouslv as on tKicasions. Bv recent legislation onerous fines have leen imposed American Bhinninsr in Spanish and colonial ports for flight irregularities in their manifests, une Case oi narusnip us specially worthy attention. The bark Masonic, for Japan, Manilla in distress, and is there eought to be confiscated under Snanish revenue laws for an al- - 7 .r. i legl tge in her transhipped SUM 13 RS K' r PA. ciro. Tbouah efforts for her relief Jl. , j thus far proved unavailing, it O J a wetk lo yar . wa t..wnl Term and is expecttd that the whole will be r?0L nnttit la- - Addre H. Hal:.ctt AOtv n(i:,1Ht,l in a friendl V eniriL 3. r. i . The Senate resoiun8 oi conuoi- - tl-tK- - daynt lne aally i C TJ & f)) per day at how. SainpW c nee on the RSSflSsination of the CzaT li. AddrTRt!i7 U OZU worth ifre. AddrcMMia- - I , , IT w(Te appropriately M.hM. Mar.W-Ir- r ao. fc co rru.ad. Matwe, Mar.lft-ly-r. I AlCxanoer 11, ISSi. communicated to the Russian eminent, in has express- - its Hvaipathy in our late national projused t!, iiereaveinenu ueeirauie guarantee which woupj in oureordiul relations with Ku.mh should be treIlgthened proper engagements, assuring to Americans who the Empire consideration which due them an of a I'riendlv Jstate. This neediul in to American Israelites whose classifica tion the native Hebrews has evoked from this Government. COXSILAB AND TRADE RELATIONS. A conwular agreement Italy leen sanctioned and proclaim ed, wmch nuts at conflicts dustries of has it international Copjrijrht has promptly have been in Ilalv luriug year it the Congress of Venice, the Honefice Congress of Milan, from branches of the service or by private ciUens, duly accredit- ed in an honory capacity. It ii hop- ed that Congress give such prominence to the results of their participation as they may seem to deserve. The abolition of all discriminat- ing duties against such colonial pro- - forevt ductions Dutch East announce- - drew from tuples that sorrow, histo-- ent thej vorably alien their iedera-- ! The insec-ri- tv of life nronor- - ty in many parts of Turkey hasgiv- - the will l,r looking to tl.e r.rotectior Am-ne- an o.vn Government liritain the The idemned murderer eminent i.leasing Justin de-lut- e sa- - be given to British toiooe. hich canal of little and agents f..r the mention citizens .where lationsof - '"it proper el.iims Aspei t!ioe They Sel for sur.ten to collisions to spirit Paris, in- stance almost received isting Februarv former upon bound en- tered the chtirt have mai public granteu. Uur agents in swiizriaini have been ins'.rueteil to protest against the conduct of the authori- ties i f cert-ti- communes in permit- ting the emigration to this country of criminals and other objectiona- ble jiersnns. Several such persons, through the of the Commissioners of Emigration at New York, have been sent back by tl.e steamers which brought them. A continuanc of this course may prove a more irectu d remedy than diplomatic remonstrances. Treaties of commerce and naviga- tion and for Consu- lar privileges have been concluded with Roumania and Servia, since their admission into the family of European States. NEIGHBORING STATES. As is natural with contiguous states having like institutions and like aims of advancement and de- velopment, the friendship of the United States and Mexico has been constantly maintained. The Gov- ernment has lost no occasion of the Mexican government to a beneficial realization of the mu tual advantages which will result from more intimate commercial in tercourse and from the opening of the rich interior of Mexico to rail way enterprise. I deem it imiiort- - ant that means be provided to re- strain the lawlessness, unfortunate ly so common on the frontier, and to suppress the forays of the reser- vation Indians on either side of the Rio Grande. The neighlioring states of Central America have preserved internal peace, and their outward relations toward ua have been those of intimate friendship. There are encouraging signs of their growing disposition to subordinate their lo cal interests to those which are com mon to them by reason of their geo- graphical relations. The boundary dispute between Guatemala and Mex- ico has offorded this Government an opportunity to exercise its pood offices for preventing a rupture be- tween these states and for procuring a peaceful solution of the question. I cherish n strong hope that, in view of our relations of nmitv with both countries, our friendly counsels will prevail. A special envoy of Guate- mala has brought to me the condo- lences of his Government and peo- ple on the death of President Gar- field. The Costa Rica Government late- ly formed an engagement with Co- lumbia for settling by arbitration the lioundary question between those countries, providing that the post of arbitrator should lie offered successively to the King of the Bel- gians, the King of Spain and the President of the Argentine Confed- eration. The King of the Belgians has declined to set, but I am not as yet advised of the action of the Kine of Spain. As we have certain in the disputed territory, which are protected by our treaty engagement with one of the parties, it is important that the . arbitration should not, without our consent, af- fect our rights and this Government has accoidingly thought proier to make its views known to the parties to the agreement, as well as to inti- mate them to the Belgian and Spanish Governments. THE PANAMA CANAL NEGOTIATIONS. The questions growing out of the proposed inter-oceani- c water way across the Isthmus of Panama are of crave national importance. This Government has not been unndnd ful of the solemn obligations inr posed upon it, by its compact of ei , .1.. 1040 Wlin iioiomoia, uj me muc-pende- nt and sovereign mistress of the territory crossed by tne canai, and has sought to render them ef- fective by fresh cngaeenients with the Colombian Republic, looking to their practical execution. 1 he ne- gotiations to this end after they had reached what appeared to re a mu tualiv sati?fa tory solution here, were met in Colombia by a disnp- - ttroval of the powers which its en voy had assumed and by a propul for a renewed negotiation on a moo ified basis. Meanwhile this Gov- ernment learned that Colombia had mtSm ESTABLISHED, 1827. SOMEILSK'I.'I'A., WKOXESDAV, DECEM1JEIMJ. proposed to the European powers to piannfacturfF ; e21,102."31."l on spirits and fermented liquors, and to your attention the suggestion join in gHumiree i i" neiur.il.iy the : contradidion of our obligation as the sole guarantor of ffte g'l of the Colombian territory and of the neutrality tne eurml $1"3.ii.jS,72:.'.81 . i . : - ' My lamented predecesVtr his ! Ttie expen.-- . s f f..r the duty to place before the European pat year were 'iGAVl.'m 2'). an the reasons whft-- make the civa.-.- : over tho &vS7. ' ! I 1 f I . - lnuispensime, ana lor w.iien tne ni- - :cre,i.-- e m fro:n over terjection of any foreign i the precteding year, the uross value might bereganletl as cuperlluous of imports, including !'rre"good-i- . d -- and unfriendly act. Fore-eein- g the creased ov.-- r twe'itv-Jiv- of .....K..I.I.. .. ):..... ,." f:.: .1. I ...ti ... ni jii.ii,miu ieii. imi, i i iim ii iumi , nnuiirj. 1 !;(? ; r f (overnment on the provisions of i h; Clayton-liulwe- r treaty t' ;is a fiord i ug roorn for a share in the! guarantees, which the United tales covenanted with Colombia four 5 ears before, I have not hesatatcd to supplement t'3e aetitn of my pr. tie-- ! cesMir, bv propo.-in- g to ller Majes-- ; ty's Government the modification of; exports vvero that instrument and tho at. .rotation of such clauses thereof"' six io not comport with the obligritimis of th. United States toward Colombia, or with the vital need? of tin; two friendly parties to the contract. TrIK n.VAXCfAL KXIIir.IT. The report of the Secretary of the Treasury represents, in det tila high- ly satisfactory exhibit of the ht.ilt: o! the finances and the condition of the varioiL branches of the public service administered bv, that drpait-nieii- t. The ordinary .revenues lrom all sources for the fiscal year ending June oOtti, 18bl, were : From rn!totn tIO'.K'S T V! Pr .m intrrnal rvremo.... 13 utM Am j Froin unt.ll'- IauJm Pro'n tax n i .u mid J .KUa ot national ti nk from rep tynent of hitere?il by Ps- - cifl. ri.iril couip.iuf a ... ..... Fr .in l!lkMlg uua lor PatUiJ r U- - r o, compi.i a From cuitioms, tecs, linca, fenalil.s, eio 4 rrjiu fees, coiiralur loiters, puient and land-- . ........... From protce.a of aalt-- oi lK.vn;ri- - uivn- . From pr..n uu oiln.ifq From re,inuca oi llie DiJirit ol I 'ultt'lll.t.1 From tulsceiUneuus 'cm ......... Totl ordinary ncel.ua. ....a t The t ipenjHarrs tiie ranie Were : F. r civil ciTjsti K.r F t Id imii For tvfltnti For tn: uiiliuiry .ral.lis men's. !n. etn Uuai r.vrr and h wjor lutorove. MDd art al. . .. .. For tiie iivl et'tMlliui!nt Iwla - Inx v. cl in .t'iiiiiera.ndiu!oroV3 uie. ia al y For ra.fcrii .iiou Ir.- - cio 1104 pu.tlio Ou.Mi ira, iiiti lioa-e- - ai.. c..iiociiafe tiie rvr.-mt- Fr exn iliUr.-- a .m iu'couuI oi tiie l.latricLof . oluml.id Fff n.cre.t mi ..unlie iebr For omnium uu Oomls .ur.:lii'J ... ..riiuary espeadltarrs i:SJ Hp icj a .illot : To the rclcnptl nofbonia f r Ue xracitouAl vur euy :r.aiog luol L an of Fob .ar. lull. I ol 1m14 Flva twemiraol Kive-iw- . nilrnol ltyoii t'uuaoUol 1x4 .'. Cons la of I be 7 tloMoUof 1848 Tvaao iu.leuinlly Block Ol.l deuiau.1, emu .uud interest and noti-- .. Aui the tncrean of raefj tlis easury A-'- ,ld 17 ,11C,U5 11 1 10 TO :d Hb.m 1,2 i.sll to 2.1,9; i "t.'X (.1 3193 4a Ui 2 0!S.!H9 ) 0 iUi l"30 .3 ordltary lor ierk4 17 W! ITT 19 uel.'.i'. Total 71 l .tr- - i l 4 '.' I r.4 i:. 5 .1 iti 912 03 Hi D 74. ! 1 73 :.; iv lrlrs a .iriilu of tl 3S, wbirli w- -l t ntlDK luu i 5 74 a; I, 03 uj orte IMi... oin r to in f :i 16, .9 1 ll'JW.Olu lYi 1.4 n ' d X i)l6, .j . V 15.41 tO a .vtai iyi r.i.joo im 14 .1, U Vt M 1 6 on 17 4U oJ l.V.'i WJ li,3JC 00 14C3T0.3 94 Total tluo,Ut,4'4 9i Ttie requirements of t!ie sinking fund for tne year amounts to which include a bal ance if S4,J,S1G,12S.7S not pmvi.L l for during the previous al year. Tr.esumof 74,18U,2ul.L'.j was ap plied to this fund, left a de- ficit of 10,yo.j,b73.-i7- . The increase of the for 1861 over those of tiie previous year was S2'J,oo2,!).a.IO. It is esliiuated the receipts during tiie present year wilt reach S4UU,(XX),Olti, and the expenditures. 82U,UOU,UXJ, leav- ing a surplus of Sl.'iU,tJtJ,tJ(') apiili- - cable the sinking fund and the re- demption of the public debt. THE MLVEi: QL'ESTIOX. I approve the recoinnieudation of the Secretary of tho Treasury that provision t inatJe for the earl re tirement ot silver certificates, and that the act it quiring their issue be repealed. I hey wereissucil m lair- - suance of the pnlicy of the govern ment to maintain silver at or near the gold standard, and were accord- ingly made receivable for ail cus- toms, taxes and public dues. thirti'-si- x millions of them are now outstmding. They form an unnec addition to the pajM-- curren cy, a sum. lent amount ot wiucu may be readily supplied by the na- tional banks. Iu accordance with the act of Eeoruary 28, 1878, the lreasurv Department has uiontnlv caused at le.t ?2,'K)S,(MJ( in value of silver bullion to be coined into Mandaid silver dollars. One bun- dled and two million of theMi dol lars have been already coined, while onlj1 thirty-fou- r millions are in cir- culation. For the reasons he specifies I concur iu the Secretary ? recommendation that ttie provision lor the coinage of a fixed amount eath month be repealed, and that In realtor onlv so much be as shall be necessary to tuppiy the de mand. The Secretary advisis that the is- sue of cold certificates should not for the present be resumed, and sug-ger-- ts that the national may be properly forbidden by law to re- tire their currency except upon rea- sonable of their intention so to do. Such legislation would seem to be justified by the recent of certain banks or the occasion re- ferred to in the Secretary's report. Of the fifteen millions of fractional currency still outstanding, only about $180,000 have Ijeen redeemed the past year. The euggestion that this amount may properly lie drop- ped from statements of the debt seems worthy of approv- al. So also dcts the suggestion of the Secretary as to the advisability of relieving the calendar of the Uni- ted State Court in the -- Southern district of New York by the trans- fer to another tribunal of the nu- merous suits there pending against collectors. TliK ItA LANCE Ol' TRADE. The revenue from customs for the past fiscal year w3 $19S,loD,7G.02. an increase of 811,037,011.42 over that of the vear proceeding. Of this amount $l&,oyS..F6239 was collect- ed a the imrtof New York, leaving goO.251,1 13.63 as the amount collect ' - ilte mm imd' steel m.imifactnres and exieot also the fmecial tax unon the contained in this renort in regard to - i i.i. f , r c .iii-reni- ; ci;,u.vw').5l n Hiatuilac- - uianuiaciures oi and ucai'Ts sucn mo conumon our ioriu;'--;tiitm- -, ; tnres of silk : 21 n man- - articles. The retention of the latter our coast defences, and i u fact ures of cotton, and M- -' lax desirable as affording the offi- - recommend an increase of the 04 on wines and sr!rit.' makim? a cers of the "overnment n troner strength of the engineer battalion total revenue from thesi of itself. felt it olh-etio- ve.-:- Hiding ... revenue customs uarntee ( milli-'rl- s 11 k I i'Tl':W IS.;), which revenues About essary which coined banks notice action future public urpervision these for the by which the efficiency of our preveniiou pedo would ttii? vidue of manufactured wool was S110,2.';ivS.'S, and in' that of scrap ir.m $12.S.K:(;,71S. The imports sag. r, on the .th.r hand, Phoned an of ?7,1"7 471 ; ofMeel rails, ?l,:iir.o-J- ; ,,i bars, S2,i: 1.2 )t, ai:d of stee! in bar.--- , iiignts. etc., Coi.trasJed venh if . l'.e i ful lows : Domestic S'J J2" 0 f.nvi"!! bv pledging with Treasurer total, f United bonds of the mporN mi i Govern ment. ex port ov imports of !:a;i- - tax wa.s nnposeu, was l fr'."9,71.71S per ceiit., i.s instances ports and t;l."i 4. p Beside the entire with Tie year c.iiatiuii law, and was an inereas.) of I'O ini';rea? wa allowable. When in v tluu of tii) ex;)-)rt- s of ni and a decrease of the v.i! in; of2"),2!M,lH in the value the in;;.ori. i ;,e aiili'.Ia! excos of oi' over the exports there; 1 : i.fti.p. f.r t to June but fi r tl.e ytais there has .(eii ::n i ; exports over Lnnorts of of articles of of inereai-- of interest of iise Ji.--e- . amounting tn ci.lSlOCS, l',;N.!ii '.nmi 'l avc.-.i- .' t,f .? Ul7. Tiie specif'..: value t.f t.'ie ts o ' lotii tic mer'liandise 5 "7 I s.j :;) ;;i and rt iii'n .;eof :Jri,)7,'vi'J, in, tir iu.i jn.r cent. i.'.evaiu ..,,. (". -. IOC ;'.nd SG 'l on in I.SI, ::i in- - ! ereaxi- - oi t" or 47 per c-ti- t. t l)uri,:r eaeh from ldl! to I I J li'Cif.s: ve, Ji:e export .i pvf e'l'.feilc ! t! e 1 por.-- . ' xe.i -- s of s .cii ( Xpert. as reaehi ' durin:: t Wlieli it a. ;i t nuni'g i!i-i'i- I .. l.O.'i. tt:e '.et . and M t!. .r, ti.i: t'Xi-ti'- ( of in; iiort.s was fi'liis, :.;;;:). thk r.E'.TXniv; In the la- -t l!;e 'i':t in tor-- ; fraud. system previous, the '), tli 7.70!.22 i.e gr'.'.ite.-t- s ov v,- -r is:j, ear t of ex : : '. n n x t t! of .i.--; t I iI.-- l'l- - 1!1 ro- - vt in I. f J! r o n u Coi.l 'i y i fi-- .- il ( o'.vt ex- - report t.'.e rv tb" tion of Congress is called to the lint. :: toO,'i"l,U" i: p--- :u.ds and S2 in six - r ceiitiPii b.:idi' wo.;!.! inc .uei . -- .iefiualiie duriiig ti.e yiar, and dingiest-a-ke- d t. jMitiif-r-i.-.- llie reft.-aidin- of tii-.-- b, :nis at a lower rate oi inlcro.-- t Tiie bill fur such refunding LavLig; failed to conn; a lav Trettsurv nst f -- n ... ..... irw t t:w. I i I his; ::nt"fi.-- the six.;;;.' o six centtiui iiondstlieii tn it the bonds would be fi iid at p.:r ori tiie day of J:;ly fjll-nvin.- t that they inight ! . "conii-.i.i.-.- i ' ui toe o. intert -- t at the rate of of ii vas lie rer lii.e..; lo !.- IT.,! one half per centum per annum. Ui.iUr the not in of the ix per centum bond were contin- ued at the r..l" arid 5l7.'iU,",-2j'- ) were rtdecnc J. In the inontli of May a like no- tice given tl.e redemp- tion or eoiitiiiUut'ice of the SjO of five per centum boi ds then out.-tantii:i- g, of tliese 8 Ui,.0,-'JiHj were continued atoj ; r centum ler annum erere-tleelnt- d. The six per ctri'nm ooikis el the I.ian of February 8, 1S31, of the Oregon ivtr deb, ar.iouutii'g togtih- - cr to cl l.l-o.oi- 'U, ii.ivmg .nat'irei: , timing the year, of tl.e 1 rcusury ga ve not ice insaltti turn to redeem tne sumo, and sucn as have been presented sources tl.aii 1S70 I.tL'S paid from the surplus revenue. i.!,- - ecrttary army 10 of 3 strength enlisted men. of bonds redtemed or which have ceased to bear interest during the year of 3123,yG9!G.y. The reduction of tho unr.u.il in- terest of the pu'iic debt through out the traii'at tiiins arc ;i3loilows: Bs' reduetioii of interest to ti.ree and one-- h !f per fe.-.i- ., ?10r 173.!)o2 -- 'X't; bv it dniqition of bonis, V'"'-- )" total Tiie three and j tr centum boo. Is being p.ayablt; at the pleasure of the govermut nt arc for the investment of the surplus rt ve- nue without the payment of premi ums. L less tne.-- e points e:n oe funded at a snucli lower r.; of in- terest than they bear. 1 agree with the Sveretiry ef Treasury that no legUtation tlieni is desirable. UF.Dl-CTIO- Or liKVLXO;: TAXATION. It is a matter for congratulation that business of the country has been so prosperous during the past as to by taxation a large surplus f income to the Govern- ment. If the revenue laws remain this surplus mu.-- t, year bv vear, increase on of the reduction of the public debt and burden of because of the rapid increase of our In 18'J just trior tn tho institution of our internal revenue sy stem, our hut exceeded 30.000.000. Bv the" census of 1SS0 it is lound to exceed o0.0U),0U). is estimated that even if the annual and expenditures should continue As at present, the entire debt ec-ul- be paid iu 10 In view, however, of the heavy load of taxation which our people Lave al ready we may well wlietheritisnotthepartot wisdom to reduce the revenues, even if we de- lay a little the payment cf the debt. It seems ta me that the lias arrived when the paople may justly demand gome relief from their onerous burden, and that by economy in the various of public service this way readi- ly be affords. I concur ed from all other ports of the coup- - with the Secretary in reconnienuing t - .uu d 1 WHOLE oi improved. .1 in i s. agree wiiu tne recreuiry oi inso can vour aucnuun io uu: "-- :r ,,,, ,,, i .1 ;.i t Ireauiry tliat law a marks on the improvement of tu,! ..r.'nt-.tio- of 'dn-- t tax on matches, proprietary ' south pa?s of the river, ..,'..,. t . persons I connef i.l "U.l articles, playing cards, and the proposed tree bridge the j JcrViei i.c-i-'-- , ' t!;i m f may wnn propriety ue re- - rotoinac river um .i. ,;..,. I pcah.-d- , and the law also by which banks and bankers are assessed upon their capital and deposit. There seems to ho a general sentiment in favor n this course. ear-- j a , ; .. :uiil "'i.'"' . I In the present ar, appear la report, i f it(.cvU,tl to coiioition tne lax llic actual expenuuur..s mis uc- - w,r. "c H tir ir is especially unjust. It partment for the fiscal ending t.''i,. , r,,,V;., 'th" I. in this June 30, lbbl, $12,12-Vi01.- 2l. )f (.,.r,:n till it was demanded the necessi-- 1 The appropriations for the vcar 18S2 " -- . 7 '. f i who in I liU Cil '.FJ-.i-i- W...I tics of war ami was never exacted, wire 84 1 12. he ettnuates ; ,",,),,. frauds SLT. ItO. Ui-o- i : i tw. II -i: ui iievt, in oioer tuuitu y , ccii iur jouj aic i its greatcet exigencies. Bankers aix- - reip.i (1 to secure their circuhf nierehandise. 7 ' tion the merchandise, HAVIW; the States SU')2.6T7,S-!'- . rclian- - General The lower ytnrs. which i'i-,- idi tr upon there bonds, which at the time men t wtien the , . A:;gregati-tifex- -' now in most imports, l".041,i;7 ' cent. was limited by t Mere ' the impir?4 rctian vears previous S.Sfl.027,-i'1- 7, l'l.an ytar liiut.tt port atten i'.ict first .ieai..-- o diver bear was and ami and theSecreU.ry La SlGOi.;. available cow vear, unchanged, interest, and population. population slightly receipts due the ueorgeionn, th-- j never the existing banks had practically a monopoly of the business there was force in the suggestion that for fr.mciiiie to be favored grantees the Government might very pruperlv i.x..ct aUx on circulation, but for vears the sybt"ni has been free, and tix 'the amount of circulation regulated :.. .;;: by the public demand. The reteu-- m r- - j tion of this tax has been suggested l i 'II. i o. 1 . 1 as tneans of rtiwjursmg the Gov-- e: 'iiuient for the expense of printing and uimisldiig the circulating notes. If the tax should be repealed.it certainly would seem proper to re- quire tha national banks to pay the amount of such to the iy,7!Ct)!iiiitrti!er ot tne It is, per!iap-- doubtful whether the im- mediate of the rate of tax levied upon liquors and tobacco advisable, in view of the dram upon the Treasury which must attend the payment of arrears of tensions. A comparison, how- ever, of the amount of taxes collect ed under tin: varying rates oftaxu-lio- ti which have at different jpr. i lr;;i in cl.eU, the intimation some reduction may soon be ni.- - v. 'it bo 'at material diminution of ttie revenu?;. Tiie tariff laws also need revision, but that a due regard ;n iy paiil the conflicting interest of our en,i::-- . !.?, changes ;l;- - ihi be made with caution. If a carei'ui revuioa cannot be made at thii Ms-- - i a. commission such as .v.; i. .f.-.- i'.pprovetl by the Senate, and is :.:.': recomtiientied the Sec-ret.r- y tho Trca-.ur- y, would doubt-its- s 1; ,iilen the of Congress nliLiu-ve- this subject shall be brought i its consideration. .X SL Of THK A11MV It ECO M-- M ENDED.' The accompanying report of the Secretary of War v. iil make the opt aliens of that deo;; rirnei.t for ttie past year. He. measures for promoting the efficien- cy tif the army without adding ti.e number of it3 officers, and ds the legislation necesury t increase the numiier enlisted of men to thirty thousand, the maximum al- lowed by law. This he doems necessa- ry to maintain quietness on our ever shifting frontiers to preserve peace and suppress disorder and maraud- ing in new settlements to protect settlers and their property against Indians and Indians against the en- croachments of intruders, and to en- able peaccaMu immigrants to estab- lish homes in the most remote parts of our country. The is now necessarily over such a vast extent of territory that whenever an outbreak occurs reinforcements must be hurried from many quarters over great distances end always at heavy ei! for transportation of wen, Let n hoists, wagons :ir.d supplies. I con cur in tiie recommendations oi uie ..!. I.. .... r,,!. , 1 .or increasing ine 1 4U4 t ' - the centum e of --O.&JX) par S1(5.173,1'W per .continued) bonds, making a total 'i'.P'-a- M oy llie eerci.ir report the oiie-h.i- !f i. the the yield account its borne consider time pres- ent branches therefore the reduction fabors known suggests scattered that in the absence of disturbances on the frontier the troops have been actively iu ployed in collecting In- dians hitherto hostile and locating them cn the proper reservations, that Sitting Buit and his adherents are now- - r.t Fort Randall, that the Utts have been moved on their ne w in Utah, that during the recent outbreak of the Apaches it was necessary to rein- force garrisons in Arizona by troops withdrawn from New Mexico, and that Apachts are now held prisoners for trial. While some have the majority of the tribe are now on their reservation. There is need of legislation to pre- vent intrusion upon the lands set apart for the Indians. A large mil- itary force, at great expense, is now required to patrol the boundary line but wet Kansas the Indian Territory. The only punishment that can at present be lnlbcted the forcible removal of the intruder and the imposition of a pecuniary line, hich in most cases it is im possible to collect. There should be penalty by imprisonment in such cases. THK SI..NAL SERVICE. The separate organization of the signal service is urged by the Secre- tary of War, and full statement of the advantages of such permanent organization is presented in the re- - nx..-..- e i net r.lT)oii-- i ine viuei oimuti vuieri. 4t made by the Indian Bureau pjr? OF BOBS, The re port of the ma n ij.u. .n'uir . ia j NO. 15SS. in esntciallv iriceciiie' ol j be hnnortance of completing at an iy uay ine nortn in 01 ura ent building, and other re-- 1 .wl. ,1... CCr.f.. tUllJlll-JIlU.ltlUll- VV - on l.nposetl .it:.. ii,oii,.i u exinse Currency. times laiporUtnt to army t prisoners reservation escaped, n and w a a i 1 jj i;i .' u, ..... ' i i a ; .f .1 . i VI ' . , . ' ' - - , ' - ' ' j V 1 t r.. e i v r 1 r r r r v I i .i - ; ; ! 11' IV ' Lil i s ' j NAVY ! ., . , . The the of fT1 attention exhibits , . ,v,tuU1 (;f t!,(. ,;urt3 branch presents valu-- , u,nit.,, a r.m..dty due fS'- - " !ti, ti. larre lnerease 1 LlieiJl. X tail JUUI erj:i.lti unc-iiku- also to the appended report of advisory board which be to devise suitable measures for iu- - the tflicicncy of the navy, . land particularly to report to the character and numoer vessels nc to upon looting ......... commensurate with the necessities of the Government. 1 cannot too strongly upoa yoainy But every of ).ror;t &n saieiy, roiiiutnv, .1. Iiieit-.- imperatively ueujunu-- i a i:;i'iou,ii reiiaOlllUtkiOil oi our iiav full appreciation of tiie fact tnai compliance ith pupations A ricnt !?rl f lur'e cxpcriuitare ol public nc tre.K sucli appropnaiioiis atcu;:t-- ; "'A poiiHisteut with true DuMic ccoiiomv rwA mitlilivliltniv nuiana .ki sary the trusted by the National Legislature. One and one tnat dech.red law Tj-- 1 The acting also vision for comm ocf-.-n.-e- . Surely nothinir rnon the defense of the Unit of all our people tin: ciency of our navy. have lor many with foreign eovernni' relations ptar that such relations ner.t desired by citizen of republic. re:'d the teachings of shall not forget that everv ration emergencies reason ustuution thn.elf :he tained ma.P.- - ::nd riotie ;t history the rn.-i- arise the the the THE a were the a out the 0.3 per pre 8 the over the rear 30, were the the the not by the I fa(lt the for ana 1,1 ...: of star of of il- -l the tha the countries, has the I V the all atu now already gre :t recently i'lu the the star the the ." over at. aj on Hit- - his I'll! oi oi d Of lii is ts: THE DEPARTMENT. the Of couduion ofserv.ee vm convened as oi aft. war. as to in.: '..,. I . ill: : ii u it : the mw,- - rribunals. has now tion hat :c:!(i - . . .. . j . i mi the k.a I.o , the objects, Attorney tlisturoar.ce honorable the to; li!"; in . ' - ... - - : i . . resort disposition iruni deal .uetn have cause j'liiisfinM-n- t professions coian.itttd other governments. avoid-Is- ;. ordinarily, course,!!: repelling enforce which United mtist neihh.iring harbors against aggression ; pro- tect, distribution ships highways com- merce, the varied interests trade and and property citizens abroad maintain everywhere the honor flag and the distinguished posi- tion which may rightfully nations world. roSTOFFICE DEPARTMENT. The report the Postmaster Gen-- ! cral gratifying exhibit growth and efficiency the service. The receipts from postagt and other ordinary sources past fiscal year The receipts from mon- ey order business making total S3G,785,3'J7.'7. The expenditure fiscal year 839,251, 730.30. The supplied general treasury was' SJ2,481.129 cent, amount. The receipts excess thtvseofthe viort3 year and 1,575,397.97 excess the estimate made years ago before the present period business had fairly be- gun. The whole number letters mail- ed this cour.trv last fiscal year exceeded JX),000,000. The rtuistry reported excellent" condition, having remodeled duringthe past four years good results. The amount registration fees collected during fiscal year S712,SS2.2i.an increase fiscal June 1880. $315,443.10. packages registereti 8,338,919, which only destroyed trapsit. operations impulse the development means intercommunication and exchange, during the past year 'ISi additional woney order offices have been established, waking total operation the date this report. During the year domes- tic monev ordera value $105,075,769.35. modification system suggested reducing fees money exceeding 2ZTor the ntJUl0 limit hundred place account useful Lr dollars. Lerdslation the Signal and disposition unclaimed or-i- n the Bureau, i nossession Postof- - ask attention Rce r)Cpartment recommended, tcments the Secretary tnt tieir total War regarding the requisitions V!1in yTeftls dol- - queiitly upon subsistence department attention Congress again the casual support inv-lte- j tiie establishing tribes depositories appropriations exhausted. The contct.jon with Postoffice V J)cp;irtinent. stionia p.irtment inadequate provision The IMPROVEMENT lasses: and LJts upen Cistuieei . ricr.. expensive. v . , 'I rapidh service. creasing Nearly routes Lave service decrease and Tirritor;-- - therefor" Western m.isU ner.d, calls constantly increasing cost railway service i j .serious di2iculty way making Departwr.t pelf sustain- - Our postal ren-ic- compared with that foreign kept. pace with domestic count u ithin year several tries Live declared their adhesion I'ostal mon. includes lL't.-- n which have organized po-U- d except li'.livia, ui Ilica, and ur.ti: ixvksH';t;on:s. has been stated, have expense ser- vice. Tiie inves-li'jatio- Denartruent '-; i imposing Mississippi . checks ur..;ts, j , charged eond i r ir:ttt. wi U revenues year 01 country win lOaHtt l.bVJ.i ui. i j ., report Secretary Uio'lllv- - Navy that ami given lu.tu.is-- , "specially Supreme Cour'. Litigation Fedtral trihtinlj became greatly expanded dte late long miIitbcattrii.ut w . .. I. j...r . r. . cessary a f prudence required that no c. i ui ade constitution ot c it consideration i:i;r;j,n tionai iionoi, litigation oi u ti t i.-- . us ra: a.s ui , ki -- i: ,ft,.rro " l.... tlii the w'ind..-rf.:- l ir.ow; and development the cv.mtr ground for that .-s Courts will volume Ithat to present. ikelv recognized Icr.Ca considoruti'.;a tliis subject niahe accomplish objects h mount importance, is bvl hithjZ?. is tn: is to pul n:te ever the tn-i- .uy.u .... the dellL-tr-,i- , tegisiut.on ov;-- r the fundamental to the Gener.d the c:n.3 attention tae :h We at ;.r ine B if wo oi t i to an '.:i r i. n y .1 1 s '! t J v i. f , 11 l. r 1 1' A i , ; , .,, - 1 ; e ! i, is v. e ; j f during territory dejerad;ir.3, rrot:aul7 hundred engaged months com- mitting acts lawIes-r.t.- .- and brutality whit Inive betn pred itions v.: i ei which Arior.a b 3i ii iVsi- - mail N'e'.v norri: route s( abn, rmui i a t r. r r n ;i ! .... " p e .t ,i, i.l .1 v l, ths urge I from Mkf There c :i e V 'i I. l i ;n :i a vi rv ,' fa t -i I a as to j' your i:0l"LZ.s. n t: i: ii: r-- t year ri arizon... band kr.o-,- n v. fifty Law been local The thee 'cowbovs" :nd-,- into Meil- - u:!r.'.udt-- Ti ,,e'i frt-i.- t With every when a to arms em aune c tuee. exigencies .. . - x- - .!...! i t , i .... ... 1 l... it Ulslionor. danger ea.-e- , i u.u ttii-i.- t.;. from abroutl now threatens tliisr..-1-jo- t autbonry wsta pie, any . s ttT. ally. fi)et ot trust the 'crimes Within An t But lor oa.M ieit as well dangers M territorial sd.iiont.ts. ot. that may threaten us future, is worth y oi consideration v. r must prepared any acts necfssarily I t- olicv which think wise adopt. ! embroil the States y.i:; be readv to defend ! covcrninents shouM by of our of war over the of of our foreign persons of to of our claim among the of i3 the of jiostal during the were SUDo.oSl.SO, of for the was deficit of or of the were 03 of of two of prtisperity of 1 system is to be been with ot the last was ending of i te was or lo&t in of A of is for detailed the fir- - '.lie performed Corps, money is lhe of that ia the stf of of nnw one million the oi j of , of Indians 0f nre j the r.oi ieii by of S27 wool uaroors uu '8 II. the St.! .i to of the iu cf the the and colonies the Z.aJa!id As been m in of of uie ive upo- ire it'i i..- - ca-w-- s our were by by of the ot of tiie .......... ..t uo'.ii I'.ki.j'i t..v.i na- - ami cf of evt C.il rnii- - tiiu our ti.e the So the is i.o the it aireauv from men, dt r,f (j. of th ot be h.-- s at. i;:u-- . be mu- by the n.!S l'iu-.- i to CO' tn. out tne ir.i-- j :f be ara tire cur the of to one for in h. ;:!-- - ti.e' tx- - t':e -- to suppress. cf to tne l....:. save tne is-e- -i i:i in in in cf nor we to eta of ct for tne ia we be to tt: we to W our iv.: to our we of of 35 in in in in in of al at nnA of in to fre- - jie of of It in c, ere; ion tne cf .o jt- ine deel.iptl crimes tgainst the i niU States. of the ir.t ursiotis alluded to may, perhaps, be within the scope ot the law ( Bevisi S'.at-ute- s, section JG) forlLY.irg "military extteditiotis or er.terprires ' ajrainst friendl v states. But v c of the speedy assembling of your body, I have preferred to await such legislation a3 ia your wisdom the occasion may seem to demand. It may perhaps be thought prrnur to provide that the sitting on foot within cur own territory of brigand and armed marauding expeditions against nations and their citizens fehall be punishable as sn ofier.se against ti.e United Slate--- . will tidd that in the evert of a request from the ttrritorial govern- ment for protection by the United States n gainst "dome-ti- c this Government be ss to render assistance. The ra t cf 17!". chapter 30, passed at a time when territorial governments receiv- ed little .'..ttvntion frem Cocrrr--- , enforced this ( f th? United States er.ly ns to State merits. But tiie act cf ls7, charter 3', applied r.l.--o to terri'.orits. This law sm his to Lave rtmaii-- f in force till the revision of thestatutts, when the provision for the territories wn? drojipf d. I am r.ot advised whether this alteration was intentional or ac- cidental, as it stems to ine that the territories should afforded the protection which is t States by ti.e Constitution, I svg-gt- st legislation to that end. It seems to rue. too. that what ever views may prevail as to the The entire number of letters and cf recent legislation bv which uunng year 2,001 the army Las ceased to a part of the jm an mtiy'f.t l.o rrtsd? for T f rniittir. llie ot uie mouey of.ierithe notary to assist the civil tcrri-svste- w are multiplying yearly. Itorial nuthorities in cr.forein- - the Under the iramigra- - j iaws o1- - XJnitt il State?. TLisu-- e tion, of rapid of 1 le 0- - tf e arn ,y wony nr,t secrn t- - tho newer States and Territories, and .e ; tj c, s;!(. (i tvil rcaiii-- r the consequent demand for addition-- 1 j.jj was aired. a of 5,499 in aggregated in orders dollars work is army bands whose a gvstern howeve past ei.ioir.eii ot oi d w I would duty govern d fll,j;cv. cjuimit'ito, exceptioa From the Eparseiitss of j I'.a.n. other circumstances, it is rfteu quite impracticable summon a civil posse in places where ofiWrs justice require assistance, 1 where a military force is witLis t:i:: .M.vx.v.EMr.xT. renort the - - - i . Ir.t :or ticetj-fiv- e dollars from ten cents to ac- cents, and waking maximum bu?:es, of thatdepart- - in for Weather also in report. the to subject of and savings in Dc- - The growth of of lias li'.e uet antho.'-iti- in violence." powcrh be accorded be of of of and to of t."-- y T"h of tho Secretary of went. A3 a summary ot it wcui-- i he too extended for this jdaec, I j.-- k votrr cartful attention to the rej t it. Prominent among the matter wl.it .i challenges the attention of Congress at it3 present session is the manage- ment of oar Indian affair?. Whne this questie ri has been a cause of fronhle and fnibarrassmcut lrciu the infancy e f the Govtrr.nier.i, ii is but recently that any etlortbas peen i r... r. at once Htn- - 11I.IU.- - I'll . ' .vv..--- . , oeurinini'-i- , ton"-.;- statistics of mail transports- - j ous, , It has teen t as- - for the Indian Bureau to contribute Uon show that daring thc past year V'lo'roort to convenient wake for the m.nntonanre of Indians. railroad routes have been increased j . . , ovcr t-- temporary ....... t .e f. nin rncl i J,w . n i :.t. :.. ac- - ii,j'.it a-- i' lmn- - m u,iw niiito anu m .vo. 4!:fij0UitjCa than to grapple w uu i.: j 81,1 14,382, while steamboat .routes ''j,nt.nt proble-m- . and i Cliief of Engin-- 1 have been decreased in length 2,18- - j eonlinly the easier course Las bee . . . . . .... . i . , r. :. t .li. I.J . rni i im in null M..4.1U-I- . . .: V Tiiinnixl trv. Of this sum Sl7.Ui7.13i.U-- ; w;is Uie aPOiilion oi an internal revenue cers iurnisot a .vwincn lewu... . , v , . aimoss, iqisuj".; r l - . j W?" collected on supar, melado and wo- - j taxes except those upon tobacco in the operation for the improvement ( caiieabur routes '"" j ( Conch M on Fovrth R?:) oS5.024,7S on various lorms iwiuumuj- -. - reductions condition replace friendly Some friendly opul indiax itin'ftnn lengm ie It if,

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Page 1: ,ot The omerse. · 2017. 12. 17. · have crimes have thriven Several pie been has with foreign relations ami--Itvand nr--For these niani!e-ta--T us oi oiu n. Gov--ed a visit is is




,ot .Publication.

me rsct Honild,

-,,,..! --wntfra


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U bfcJ

Somerset Herald,

fi:nor. I

imTTS1 1'VmKKET.AT;I.4W.

Mammoth Blue .

SHimemet, Prne


Somerset, Pa.

" ativkney.ati.aw,Somerset. Pa.

"' 4,TTvRNET-AT-a.AW- ,

tfomerrrt, Pa.

- KUTr..KNEY.ATLW,SumcrMt, Pa.


Somerwt, Pa.

f',lr!,.tnrotWl.t,.J'l.isw- -

ii. in ri i.r..

f.iTH .v-- KriTEL.i. ATTORNEYS-AT- i AW.

' to thrlr car will 1

,". ,rr.uln aitemiwi to.I,.,, M.ia street, ppc-s- tae


rtr j I'toii n Agent, Suiner t.


Somerwt, V ,rin ;111

entrusted t ci wlih,:. ui. .;


SumtTKcU Pa.

, ' . '.'. to liis c.ire.


aii"tnl"K e""o" hittbe- i Main Cro aireoi.

;y UCClLB2S.j, .r.v A-- COIXOUN. i

.TrokXfc.YS-AT-a.AW- j

.., Hiirue.1 t their will be j

atlcnileil to.4ls i.i'rt-- t:ltlr. j

;;;.niL, I

TfuKXtY-ATLAW- , j

Sntur)t, j

- ', i".rn l to all burtnrM ntrlel '

., , i i m l on collect tuns. Ol-- ! i

!,;..a B

iTTt'KNtY-ATl.AW- ,iom rwl Ta.,

:. LurlneM etitroated to try car. at-- t

fio.'lwM ani tKlellly.

H. L. nAfcU.

iiaer,iTTOUN EYS-AT-t- W,

SutnerKt, Pa.,

- " ii .'.ra.rtaiil alululnif e..mitlc..'i..! M..rutel u tueta 0i lie ir juii'lly.j ;.i.



r JI.I.IAM II. KOOXTZ,attoexey-ati.au- ,

SwiuvrM't, Pa.,

r!rc mci attmt Ion to tnrtnen entriit- -

Ly nn m tMnrrwt and adjuinlng cuunuc.


SumerMrt, Pa.r ; . tv-iH H"0e. All'bnrtnewntnut-i-er- t

aavii'ied .0 wllk iromptm and

i. rvcu.ATTOKN w,

S.jincrwL Pa.t x; una.it b Krt, np nalr. Lotranre,

f.rert. IVUectlont made, ratet: -- iatrlol. and all lecal bnitie

b wr.r iirumr'neM and normj.


SuaerMt, Penn'a.


II. M. K1MMEI.L t SON-t :twlr ir..frinna! witM to t he eltl- -

crt and ft. tpl'T. Uneiif the OHrm-r.r-

ran at alltliiiea. nnlew iir.plwl.Hi-.r-- t

i (an-'- ' at their off!, on Mainu tt.e liiain.Hid.


J. K. MILI.EIt has- In Brlln t'T the pmlre

oAee wiMkita Ctarlea Krtin?.t aj.2.','TU-t-

II. nnriUKER tenders hisn U rH" tn the rl'iaena of Sntn

vnii.. urn. in rulJenee a Alainu: the Ilianuiid.


b ,f sath Bend. Itxllana, where heftjlttl l.y tetter ur utlierwif.


iVvHnrj Hrffley't Wore, plain CrnVwi, Pa.


s Mimwitb Blwk. ! R'i'i lnt'T luran at all time, be f'on- ir-r- .

V:i''t A iTk. eaeh at niilna" raa-e:w:n- .

kc A rtlftrtal teth t allk'nua.tim m.i'.ertitl inverted. tliwraU'jn


'!.HTwIsnd Patch. S"tneret ei.notj.r tn Peace, earrey.fr an.l clnlia

jr rolled .11 Kor.tT andt.:rw;d t bim IVrn-n- wtftttnir;

tj.nl a.lmw biiu at the alKre- euduilna lac liar fre and XKKareply.




'.ISrrHii try eervtre on Keal or Per- -

or aryililCK u tdit.ed n. at' ;.; nnd I will .ve entire atlia9tllj bjji j)n,n,j,iiT attended tn.

W. A. K'tONTZ,CocBaenre. Pa.


"lOYSTOWN. I'ENN'A.ic:r and well knows bmw haa latel)

t.!i and newlv refitted wttb all new't !niimre. which haa made It eery' "ii .ln ,laee lor the tranelinc pahlle.' .... a hk. 1 ...1 . h.

llr A lea lam and fnom? ataMlns" Lsr.,, ra be had at the kiweat piwt j t be week, day or mal.

S AM V fcX t'STKU. Pn--

a. L.tor liianwiidStoyatow ,pa-

3000 Ualli!u FERMENTED



u" lTat A. J. Caaebetr A t.'- ri., or a( nw

tt GROVE FARMi c 'lr-1- Soaiereat, tbe nlaea of cr.ar.a- -


1 AND CIDER WINE,1 KBt saantlty to rait pereliaaer.

. i.--- ri lor nncal atvi Ta.

. lteaa a bercraara tiy Hk

TheVOL. XXX. NO. 27.


arpet stFOR FALL SALE!

) An appalling has befal- -'.. . leu the American people since their

last met inicJltt'11T kTT!T kVTi V"1 ;TTL72 repre.-entativ-es

: We might else recall with unalloyed. . 'content the rare prosperity with


I) It I (J GETS,




77: ';:; I aI


in sirrow submish'TTI'TW A77.TTTh'. Uion. memorv his exalted





0M-ii- l fr (.noS on

January lOlh, 1SS1.

Tiii- - h e is fiiriii.-iu- - i:i i., tn ttl-:-

viitli llie i;Tii r i'ivinii.-iKf- of

i;ea:.t. ILrt an.! r-!- J Wat.f V:th'. la-- r

lloa !:n,-- i: .n;-- -. ! an!,;, s;al)ii-- s iit:a. !i.-.-

I T!..- - Ti.Me nni !Ur w'M ? G'XI AS! M !K 1HT.i .in fXw-r- ; t: to in Hit- - IIj iiiy.--- lf 1 lull rt i.ili r

v!;. in v rail.

li t lituhn, IoluelKUl to ail



The NitT.hi Onsenvm ht niw tht larpeatol iu it in



and NATIONAL,1: will enter iu

SIXTIETH YEARwith a Wt f.mt tltnea the lie of lt nrt l. ne,lull ( F v-ie- arjul lin'aC ne ; with viit.rK.litrial wn matters or rellpl .ua and aecnlarlinen-H- i ; with eareiully .iliVea f.

Cbil.lreo. attn M.bo.4 Tolier, Parmera ndHu.irKFMn; witheiutit actlre tviitora. an

ol KitrIiso C..rre"u.lentP and paidWriiem auJ Oouirlnniora la etrerr part of theCountry.


IrcntDus " Letters !

Witk Steal Psrtit of Sht Authw, .

In irlren toan oo aemlin n a bant Jidt 'SmwM iwmcMU.1 tlltU the var.

sri:ciME.s copies free.Addrora :





..Iler-iiio- made In aU yarn of the UnitedSta'.ta.

CHARGES MODERATE.I'arlrewifl irRtof. nd tnorey Wert ran heae--

c hy dralt n N. T'k in any Mim.I'oilerHtnriiiai'e with r.mi.;r.. V. S. h1

r unlit and fold Nolt od lalual.lea aeenredly on IilelH.M'aoeU'l.raied rales, bur-nt tit A Yale U 1) wi 'ink

ACCOUNTS SOLICITED.-- A:l t holiday tiheerr..- - liar





no. mica- - - r a mum.

ipt! ftp" Fire and Li Insurance.


. . SOMEItSET.'I'Av. ; I ,

And Real Estate . Brokers.

ESTAH-LISUE- 18.0. .

Pejwwif wlesiro to roll. jr or eirhanitopr.trty. nr rent will nnJ It to their adrantaceto reiciier ine :erTf,iHo iiier-oi- . a w. '.made an lee mu m rente Meai reiaie(ewrrallT will tie pruacpUy Mtendod to.

ant l


MERCHANT TAILOR' (ANnallenry Heffley'Sron..)



l for.:t. Maine.



To the &na!e House of Represent'at it of the. Vnkfd fitult :


which throughout the year the na- -

tion has '.H-e- blessed. The harvestshave crimes

have thriven Severalpie been

has with foreignrelations ami- -

Itvand nr- - For these niani!e-ta- -


oi oiu n.

Gov- -

ed a





been ; its in- - in of; on

its pe ; j



turns of lavor we owe to llmi ,ice Congress of Thiscoun- -

who holds our destiny in (try wastribute of our grateful devotion.that exercise cf His

! from thewho

tion ; how andI 'ha of









character, of his nobleand of hi- - will betreas- -

which turn




energetic remonstrances


plenteous varied jurisdictionhealth committed shipboard.

preserved important conferencesmantaiiied govern-n.eiit- s

uiidh-turW- ;and

Turin.His hands represented delegates






ured vc r as a sacred possession Indiesj

'of whole people. The as imported hither from Hol-- !

ment death foreign I hu,d been already consideredgovernments and tributes j Congress. I trust at pres-- J

sympathy and which j session the matter may le fa--jrv will record as signal tokens ot concluded!kinsln;oi nations and tiiejtions of mankind.

of I'iinjkiih canuu




rest thethe case







of thethe are

of his has byof tiie


oi k uelatioxs with knclanu. ! en rise to correspondence with

Theft elin'ol uood between particularlyour and tiiat of , b; tier ,ol n.is-C.re- at

wouane in hiiipire. ctn-....- .,was never rnore mark- - j

t ,,r..,,t In rw.i.miti..M of theof this fact I directed on missionary , Dr. . I arsons,the occasion of the late CentennLl not yet leen executed, although

Yorktown,that a this Govt rnment has n peatedlytl.e flag. J ''landed that exemplary justice be

Save for the corns oondence,w 1 ehall refer hefeafier, in re-- j The bw.ss government h

to the i.ro,osed across the good ofhees our diplomat

the Isthmus of Panama, t!1 ; consular protec-oceurre- d

worthv of in the ! 1 m countriesdiplomatic n thetwocuu t lUlf represented. 1 ins re

. r,,?,. ;., ti... it,.. r..riiine i juest has within limits been

I'.iv were sa'irt.ietorily set- -

tied, lv tin Hritisli Governnittitjtay injr in full the sum of XI j.O ',most of wl.iels liiif a!realy Leen

As t!ie terms of the nt

inelnd.-t- l compensation forinjuries Full", red by our lilitrnienat li.iy, xh re has leen rt tain-e- d

from the pro-- s awnrd a mmwhich is deemed adequate frclaims.

Tiie p trlieipalion of America inthe exhibitions at .Melbourne andSidney will be appropriately men-

tioned in the report of the twopooh to le presented tor

Congress. will diselose thereadiness of our countrymen to makesuecessful competition in distant

ls of enterprise. Nejrotiat.onsmi International Con

vention are in liopeful progre-s- . Thesurreinler ot Sitting Bull and hiford's uiHm the Canadian frontierhas allayed apprehension, nhhouuhl.odie f I'ritisli Indians still crosetiie hordt-- r i:i ejiuwt of nice.Upon thi.s a correspondenee

ht. en opened which promises anadequate understanding. Our troopshave orders avoid, meanwhile, all


The pn se iiw at the York town cel-

ebration of representatives of ther punliean deseendauts. of L tf.iyetteand Lis gallant compttrioU whowere our allies in the Involution,has served strengthen the.f good will which has always ex-

isted U tween the two nations.You will be furni.-he- d with the

proet i dings of the Con-

ference held during the hummer atthe city of Paris. No siccord wasreadied but a valuable interchangeof views was had, and the Confer-

ence will next year be renewed.At the Electrical Exhibition and

Congress, also held at thiscountry was creditably representedby t nnneiit gjiecialista. who, in thenbsct nee of an appropriation, gen-

erously lent their efforts at theof the State Department.

While our exhibitors in this.INtinctively American field ofachievi ment have won several valu-

able awards. I reeonmn nd that Collins--

provide for the repayment ofthe personal expenses incurred inthe public interest by the honorarycoiiiinir.-ioncr- s and delegates. Nonew fj'ie'ioi rpteting the status,if our naturalized citizens in (itr-mar.- y

have aristn during tl.e year,Mitd the causes of compltint, espe-

cially in Alsace and Lorraine, havepractically ceased, through the lib-

eral action of the Irrijieml Govern-ment in accepting our often express-ed views on the subject. The appli-cation of the tre.ttv of 1SCS to thelately acquired Bhenish provinceshas very earnest attention.A definite and l agreement onthis point is confidently ex-cte-

The participation of the descendant?of Baron Von Stuben in the York-tow- n

f stivities, and subsequentreri-iitini- i bv their American kinsmen, strikingly evinced the ties ofgood will winch unite the iiennanpeople and our own. Our inter-cour.-- e

with Sp iin has been friend-ly. An agreement, concluded in

last, fixr-- s a term for thelabors of th paniah and AmericanClaims Commission. The SpanishGovernment has been requested topay the late awards of that commis-sion, and will, it is kkived, accedeto the request as andeourteouslv as on tKicasions.Bv recent legislation onerous fineshave leen imposed AmericanBhinninsr in Spanish and colonialports for flight irregularities in theirmanifests, une Case oi narusnip us

specially worthy attention. Thebark Masonic, for Japan,

Manilla in distress, and isthere eought to be confiscated under

Snanish revenue laws for an al- -7 .r.i legl tge in her transhipped

SUM 13 RS K' r PA. ciro. Tbouah efforts for her reliefJl. , j thus far proved unavailing, it

O J a wetk lo yar . wa t..wnl Term and is expecttd that the whole will ber?0L nnttit la- - Addre H. Hal:.ctt AOtv n(i:,1Ht,l in a friendl V eniriL

3. r. i .The Senate resoiun8 oi conuoi- -

tl-tK- - daynt lne aally i C TJ & f)) per day at how. SainpW c nee on the RSSflSsination of the CzaT

li. AddrTRt!i7 U OZU worth ifre. AddrcMMia- - I , , IT w(Te appropriatelyM.hM. Mar.W-Ir- r ao. fc co rru.ad. Matwe, Mar.lft-ly-r. I AlCxanoer 11,


communicated to the Russianeminent, in has express- -

its Hvaipathy in our late national projused t!,iiereaveinenu ueeirauie guarantee which woupj inoureordiul relations with Ku.mhshould be treIlgthened properengagements, assuring toAmericans who the Empireconsideration which due them an

of a I'riendlv Jstate. Thisneediul in to

American Israelites whose classification the native Hebrews hasevoked fromthis Government.


A conwular agreement Italyleen sanctioned and proclaim

ed, wmch nuts at conflicts

dustries ofhas it international




have been in Ilalv luriugyear it the Congress of Venice, theHonefice Congress of Milan,

from branches of the serviceor by private ciUens, duly accredit-ed in an honory capacity. It ii hop-ed that Congress give suchprominence to the results of theirparticipation as they may seem todeserve.

The abolition of all discriminat-ing duties against such colonial pro--

forevt ductions Dutch Eastannounce- -

drew fromtuples that

sorrow, histo-- entthej vorably



iedera-- ! The insec-ri- tv of life nronor- -

ty in many parts of Turkey hasgiv- -

thewill l,r looking to tl.e

r.rotectior Am-ne- ano.vn Government

liritain the Theidemned murderer eminent

i.leasing Justin

de-lut- esa- -

be given to Britishtoiooe.

hichcanal of

little and agents f..r themention citizens .where

lationsof - '"itproper








to spirit








bound en-






granteu. Uur agents in swiizriainihave been ins'.rueteil to protestagainst the conduct of the authori-ties i f cert-ti- communes in permit-ting the emigration to this countryof criminals and other objectiona-ble jiersnns. Several such persons,through the of theCommissioners of Emigration atNew York, have been sent back bytl.e steamers which brought them.A continuanc of this course mayprove a more irectu d remedy thandiplomatic remonstrances.

Treaties of commerce and naviga-tion and for Consu-lar privileges have been concludedwith Roumania and Servia, sincetheir admission into the family ofEuropean States.


As is natural with contiguousstates having like institutions andlike aims of advancement and de-

velopment, the friendship of theUnited States and Mexico has beenconstantly maintained. The Gov-ernment has lost no occasion of

the Mexican governmentto a beneficial realization of the mutual advantages which will resultfrom more intimate commercial intercourse and from the opening ofthe rich interior of Mexico to railway enterprise. I deem it imiiort- -

ant that means be provided to re-

strain the lawlessness, unfortunately so common on the frontier, andto suppress the forays of the reser-vation Indians on either side of theRio Grande. The neighlioring statesof Central America have preservedinternal peace, and their outwardrelations toward ua have been thoseof intimate friendship. There areencouraging signs of their growingdisposition to subordinate their local interests to those which are common to them by reason of their geo-

graphical relations. The boundarydispute between Guatemala and Mex-

ico has offorded this Government anopportunity to exercise its poodoffices for preventing a rupture be-

tween these states and for procuringa peaceful solution of the question.I cherish n strong hope that, in viewof our relations of nmitv with bothcountries, our friendly counsels willprevail. A special envoy of Guate-mala has brought to me the condo-lences of his Government and peo-

ple on the death of President Gar-field.

The Costa Rica Government late-

ly formed an engagement with Co-

lumbia for settling by arbitrationthe lioundary question betweenthose countries, providing that thepost of arbitrator should lie offeredsuccessively to the King of the Bel-

gians, the King of Spain and thePresident of the Argentine Confed-

eration. The King of the Belgianshas declined to set, but I am not asyet advised of the action of the Kineof Spain. As we have certain

in the disputed territory,which are protected by our treatyengagement with one of the parties,it is important that the . arbitrationshould not, without our consent, af-

fect our rights and this Governmenthas accoidingly thought proier tomake its views known to the partiesto the agreement, as well as to inti-

mate them to the Belgian andSpanish Governments.THE PANAMA CANAL NEGOTIATIONS.

The questions growing out of theproposed inter-oceani-c water wayacross the Isthmus of Panama areof crave national importance. ThisGovernment has not been unndndful of the solemn obligations inrposed upon it, by its compact of

ei , .1..1040 Wlin iioiomoia, uj me muc-pende- nt

and sovereign mistress ofthe territory crossed by tne canai,and has sought to render them ef-

fective by fresh cngaeenients withthe Colombian Republic, looking totheir practical execution. 1 he ne-

gotiations to this end after they hadreached what appeared to re a mutualiv sati?fa tory solution here,were met in Colombia by a disnp--

ttroval of the powers which its envoy had assumed and by a propulfor a renewed negotiation on a mooified basis. Meanwhile this Gov-

ernment learned that Colombia had




proposed to the European powers to piannfacturfF ; e21,102."31."l on spirits and fermented liquors, and to your attention the suggestionjoin in gHumiree i i" neiur.il.iy


contradidion of our obligation asthe sole guarantor of ffte g'lof the Colombian territory and ofthe neutrality tne eurml $1"3.ii.jS,72:.'.81

. i . : -


My lamented predecesVtr his ! Ttie expen.--. s f f..r theduty to place before the European pat year were 'iGAVl.'m 2'). an

the reasons whft-- make the civa.-.-: over tho &vS7.'! I 1 f I . -

lnuispensime, ana lor w.iien tne ni- - :cre,i.--e m fro:n overterjection of any foreign i the precteding year, the uross valuemight bereganletl as cuperlluous of imports, including !'rre"good-i- . d --

and unfriendly act. Fore-eein- g the creased ov.-- r twe'itv-Jiv- of.....K..I.I.. .. ):..... ,." f:.: .1. I ...ti ... nijii.ii,miu ieii. imi, i i iim ii iumi , nnuiirj. 1 !;(? ; r f(overnment on the provisions of i h;Clayton-liulwe- r treaty t' ;isa fiord i ug roorn for a share in the!guarantees, which the United talescovenanted with Colombia four5 ears before, I have not hesatatcd tosupplement t'3e aetitn of my pr. tie-- !

cesMir, bv propo.-in-g to ller Majes-- ;ty's Government the modification of; exports vverothat instrument and tho at..rotationof such clauses thereof"' six io notcomport with the obligritimis of th.United States toward Colombia, orwith the vital need? of tin; twofriendly parties to the contract.


The report of the Secretary of theTreasury represents, in det tila high-ly satisfactory exhibit of the ht.ilt: o!the finances and the condition ofthe varioiL branches of the publicservice administered bv, that drpait-nieii- t.

The ordinary .revenues lromall sources for the fiscal year endingJune oOtti, 18bl, were :From rn!totn tIO'.K'S T V!Pr .m intrrnal rvremo.... 13 utM Am jFroin unt.ll'- IauJmPro'n tax n i .u mid J .KUa

ot national ti nkfrom rep tynent of hitere?il by Ps- -

cifl. ri.iril couip.iuf a ... .....Fr .in l!lkMlg uua lor PatUiJ r U- -

r o, compi.i aFrom cuitioms, tecs, linca, fenalil.s,

eio 4rrjiu fees, coiiralur loiters, puient

and land-- . ...........From protce.a of aalt-- oi lK.vn;ri- -

uivn- .From pr..n uu oiln.ifqFrom re,inuca oi llie DiJirit ol

I 'ultt'lll.t.1From tulsceiUneuus 'cm .........

Totl ordinary ncel.ua. ....a tThe t ipenjHarrs tiie ranie

Were :

F. r civil ciTjstiK.rF t Id imiiFor tvfltntiFor tn: uiiliuiry .ral.lis men's. !n.

etn Uuai r.vrr and h wjor lutorove.MDd art al. . .. ..

For tiie iivl et'tMlliui!nt Iwla -

Inx v. cl in .t'iiiiiera.ndiu!oroV3uie. ia al y

For ra.fcrii .iiou Ir.- -

cio 1104 pu.tlio Ou.Mi ira, iiitilioa-e- - ai.. c..iiociiafe tiie rvr.-mt-

F r exn iliUr.-- a .m iu'couuI oi tiiel.latricLof . oluml.id

Fff n.cre.t mi ..unlie iebrFor omnium uu Oomls .ur.:lii'J ...

..riiuary espeadltarrs i:SJ

Hp icj a .illot :

To the rclcnptl nofbonia f r Ue

xracitouAl vur euy :r.aiogluol

L an of Fob .ar. lull.I ol 1m14Flva twemiraolKive-iw- . nilrnol ltyoii

t'uuaoUol 1x4 .'.Cons la of I be7

tloMoUof 1848Tvaao iu.leuinlly BlockOl.l deuiau.1, emu .uud interest and

noti-- ..Aui the tncrean of raefj tlis


A-'- ,ld 17

,11C,U5 11

1 10 TO :d

Hb.m1,2 i.sll to

2.1,9; i

"t.'X (.1

3193 4 a Ui

2 0!S.!H9 )0 iUi l"30 .3

ordltary lor ierk4

17 W! ITT 19


Total 71

l .tr-- i l 4 '.' I


i:. 5

.1 iti 912 03Hi D 74. !

1 73

:.; i v

lrlrs a .iriilu of tl 3S, wbirli w- -l

t ntlDK luu i 5 74 a; I, 03 ujorte


oin rto in



16, .9

1 ll'JW.Olu lYi

1.4 n ' dX i)l6, .j . V

15.41 tOa .vtai iyi

r.i.joo im1 4 .1, U Vt

M 1 6 on17 4U oJl.V.'i WJ

li,3JC 00

14C3T0.3 94

Total tluo,Ut,4'4 9i

Ttie requirements of t!ie sinkingfund for tne year amounts to

which include a balance if S4,J,S1G,12S.7S not pmvi.L l

for during the previous al year.Tr.esumof 74,18U,2ul.L'.j was applied to this fund, left a de-

ficit of 10,yo.j,b73.-i7- .

The increase of the for1861 over those of tiie previous yearwas S2'J,oo2,!).a.IO. It is esliiuatedthe receipts during tiie presentyear wilt reach S4UU,(XX),Olti, andthe expenditures. 82U,UOU,UXJ, leav-ing a surplus of Sl.'iU,tJtJ,tJ(') apiili- -

cable the sinking fund and the re-

demption of the public debt.THE MLVEi: QL'ESTIOX.

I approve the recoinnieudation ofthe Secretary of tho Treasury thatprovision t inatJe for the earl retirement ot silver certificates, andthat the act i t quiring their issue berepealed. I hey wereissucil m lair- -

suance of the pnlicy of the government to maintain silver at or nearthe gold standard, and were accord-ingly made receivable for ail cus-toms, taxes and public dues.thirti'-si- x millions of them are nowoutstmding. They form an unnec

addition to the pajM-- currency, a sum. lent amount ot wiucumay be readily supplied by the na-

tional banks. Iu accordance withthe act of Eeoruary 28, 1878, thelreasurv Department has uiontnlvcaused at le.t ?2,'K)S,(MJ( in valueof silver bullion to be coined intoMandaid silver dollars. One bun-dled and two million of theMi dollars have been already coined, whileonlj1 thirty-fou- r millions are in cir-culation. For the reasons hespecifies I concur iu the Secretary ?

recommendation that ttie provisionlor the coinage of a fixed amounteath month be repealed, and thatIn realtor onlv so much be asshall be necessary to tuppiy the demand.

The Secretary advisis that the is-

sue of cold certificates should not forthe present be resumed, and sug-ger-- ts

that the national maybe properly forbidden by law to re-

tire their currency except upon rea-sonable of their intention soto do. Such legislation would seemto be justified by the recentof certain banks or the occasion re-

ferred to in the Secretary's report.Of the fifteen millions of fractionalcurrency still outstanding, onlyabout $180,000 have Ijeen redeemedthe past year. The euggestion thatthis amount may properly lie drop-ped from statements of the

debt seems worthy of approv-al. So also dcts the suggestion ofthe Secretary as to the advisabilityof relieving the calendar of the Uni-

ted State Court in the -- Southerndistrict of New York by the trans-fer to another tribunal of the nu-

merous suits there pending againstcollectors.


The revenue from customs for thepast fiscal year w3 $19S,loD,7G.02.an increase of 811,037,011.42 overthat of the vear proceeding. Of thisamount $l&,oyS..F6239 was collect-ed a the imrtof New York, leavinggoO.251,1 13.63 as the amount collect


- ilte

mm imd' steel m.imifactnres and exieot also the fmecial tax unon the contained in this renort in regard to -

i i.i. f , r c.iii-reni- ; ci;,u.vw').5l n Hiatuilac-- uianuiaciures oi and ucai'Ts sucn mo conumon our ioriu;'--;tiitm- -, ;

tnres of silk : 21 n man- - articles. The retention of the latter our coast defences, and i

u fact ures of cotton, and M- -' lax desirable as affording the offi- - recommend an increase of the04 on wines and sr!rit.' makim? a cers of the "overnment n troner strength of the engineer battaliontotal revenue from thesi

of itself.felt it olh-etio-


Hiding...revenue customs


milli-'rl- s

11 k I i'Tl':W












urpervision these for the by which the efficiency of ourpreveniiou pedo would

ttii? vidue of manufactured wool wasS110,2.';ivS.'S, and in' that of scrapir.m $12.S.K:(;,71S. The importssag. r, on the .th.r hand, Phonedan of ?7,1"7 471 ; ofMeelrails, ?l,:iir.o-J- ; ,,i bars, S2,i: 1.2 )t,ai:d of stee! in bar.---, iiignts. etc.,

Coi.trasJed venh if . l'.ei ful lows : DomesticS'J J2" 0 f.nvi"!! bv pledging with Treasurer

total, f United bonds of themporN mi i Govern ment.

ex port ov imports of !:a;i- - tax wa.s nnposeu, was l

fr'."9,71.71S per ceiit., i.s instancesports and t;l."i 4. p Beside the entire

with Tie year c.iiatiuii law, andwas an inereas.) of I'O ini';rea? wa allowable. When

in v tluu of tii) ex;)-)rt- s of niand a decrease of the v.i!

in; of2"),2!M,lH in the value thein;;.ori. i ;,e aiili'.Ia!excos of oi'over the exports there;

1 : i.fti.p.

f.r tto June

but fi r tl.eytais there has .(eii ::n i

; exports over Lnnorts of

of articlesof



of interest



Ji.--e- . amounting tn ci.lSlOCS,l',;N.!ii '.nmi 'l avc.-.i- .' t,f .?

Ul7. Tiie specif'..: value t.f t.'ie ts

o ' lotii tic mer'liandise5 "7 I s.j :;) ;;i and

rt iii'n .;eof :Jri,)7,'vi'J,

in, tir iu.i jn.r cent. i.'.evaiu..,,. (". -. IOC

;'.nd SG 'l on in I.SI, ::i in- - !

ereaxi- - oi t" or 47 per c-ti- t. t

l)uri,:r eaeh from ldl! to I

I J li'Cif.s: ve, Ji:e export .i pvfe'l'.feilc ! t! e 1 por.-- .

' xe.i -- s of s .cii ( Xpert.as reaehi ' durin:: t

Wlieli it a. ;i tnuni'g

i!i-i'i- I

.. l.O.'i.

tt:e'.et .




.r, ti.i: t'Xi-ti'- ( of in;iiort.s was fi'liis, :.;;;:).

thk r.E'.TXniv;In the la- -t

l!;e 'i':t


tor-- ;

fraud. system





i.e gr'.'.ite.-t- s

ovv,- -r is:j,

ear t


: : '. n n x

t t!

of .i.--;


iI.-- l'l- -


ro- -









Coi.l 'iyi fi-- .- il

( o'.vt ex- -

report t.'.erv tb"

tion of Congress is called to thelint. :: toO,'i"l,U" i: p---

:u.ds and S2 in six - rceiitiPii b.:idi' wo.;!.! inc .uei . --

.iefiualiie duriiig ti.e yiar, anddingiest-a-ke- d t. jMitiif-r-i.-.-

llie reft.-aidin- of tii-.-- b, :nis at alower rate oi inlcro.-- t Tiie bill fursuch refunding LavLig; failed toconn; a lavTrettsurv




... ..... irw t t:w.I i I his; ::nt"fi.-- thesix.;;;.' o six

centtiui iiondstlieii tn itthe bonds would be fi iid at p.:r oritiie day of J:;ly fjll-nvin.- t

that they inight ! . "conii-.i.i.-.- i ' uitoe o.

intert -- t at the rate of



lie rer

lii.e..; lo!.- IT.,!

one half per centum per annum.Ui.iUr the not in of theix per centum bond were contin-

ued at the r..l" arid 5l7.'iU,",-2j'- )

were rtdecnc J.In the inontli of May a like no-

tice given tl.e redemp-tion or eoiitiiiUut'ice of theSjO of five per centum boi ds thenout.-tantii:i- g, of tliese 8 Ui,.0,-'JiHj

were continued atoj ; r centumler annum erere-tleelnt- d.

The six per ctri'nm ooikis el theI.ian of February 8, 1S31, of theOregon ivtr deb, ar.iouutii'g togtih- -

cr to cl l.l-o.oi-'U, ii.ivmg .nat'irei: ,

timing the year, of tl.e1 rcusury ga ve not ice insalttiturn to redeem tne sumo, and sucnas have been presented





paid from the surplus revenue.i.!,- - ecrttary army 10

of 3 strength enlisted men.

of bonds redtemed or which haveceased to bear interest during theyear of 3123,yG9!G.y.

The reduction of tho unr.u.il in-

terest of the pu'iic debt throughout the traii'at tiiins arc ;i3loilows:Bs' reduetioii of interest to ti.reeand one--h !f per fe.-.i-

., ?10r 173.!)o2 --

'X't; bv it dniqition of bonis, V'"'-- )"

totalTiie three and j tr centum

boo. Is being p.ayablt; at the pleasureof the govermut nt arc forthe investment of the surplus rt ve-

nue without the payment of premiums. L less tne.-- e points e:n oefunded at a snucli lower r.; of in-

terest than they bear. 1 agreewith the Sveretiry ef Treasurythat no legUtation tlieniis desirable.


It is a matter for congratulationthat business of the country hasbeen so prosperous during the past

as to by taxation a largesurplus f income to the Govern-ment. If the revenue laws remain

this surplus mu.--t, yearbv vear, increase on of thereduction of the public debt andburden of because ofthe rapid increase of ourIn 18'J just trior tn tho institutionof our internal revenue sy stem, our

hut exceeded30.000.000. Bv the" census of 1SS0it is lound to exceed o0.0U),0U).is estimated that even if the annual

and expenditures shouldcontinue As at present, the entiredebt ec-ul- be paid iu 10 Inview, however, of the heavy load oftaxation which our people Lave already we may wellwlietheritisnotthepartot wisdom toreduce the revenues, even if we de-

lay a little the payment cf the debt.It seems ta me that the liasarrived when the paople may justlydemand gome relief from their

onerous burden, and that byeconomy in the various

of public service this way readi-ly be affords. I concur

ed from all other ports of the coup- - with the Secretary in reconnienuingt -










agree wiiu tne recreuiry oi inso can vour aucnuun io uu: "-- :r ,,,, ,,, i .1 ;.i tIreauiry tliat law a marks on the improvement of tu,! ..r.'nt-.tio- of 'dn-- t

tax on matches, proprietary ' south pa?s of the river, ..,'..,. t. persons I connef i.l "U.larticles, playing cards, and the proposed tree bridge the j JcrViei i.c-i-'--

, ' t!;i m fmay wnn propriety ue re-- rotoinac river um .i. ,;..,. I

pcah.-d-, and the law also by whichbanks and bankers are assessed upontheir capital and deposit. Thereseems to ho a general sentiment infavor n this course.

ear-- j

a , ; ..:uiil "'i.'"' . IIn the present ar, appear la report, i

f it(.cvU,tl tocoiioition tne lax llic actual expenuuur..s mis uc-- w,r. "c H tir ir

is especially unjust. It partment for the fiscal ending t.''i,. , r,,,V;., 'th" I.in this June 30, lbbl, $12,12-Vi01.- 2l. )f (.,.r,:ntill it was demanded the necessi-- 1 The appropriations for the vcar 18S2 " --. 7 '.

f i who in I liU Cil '.FJ-.i-i- W...Itics of war ami was never exacted, wire 84 1 12. he ettnuates ; ,",,),,.frauds SLT. ItO.Ui-o-i: i tw. II -i:

ui iievt, in oioer tuuitu y , ccii iur jouj aic i

its greatcet exigencies. Bankersaix-- reip.i (1 to secure their circuhf

nierehandise. 7 ' tion themerchandise, HAVIW; the StatesSU')2.6T7,S-!'- . rclian- - General The



which i'i-,- idi

tr upon there bonds, which at the timemen t wtien the

,. A:;gregati-tifex- -' now in most

imports, l".041,i;7' cent.

was limited byt Mere '


impir?4 rctian

vears previous

S.Sfl.027,-i'1- 7,







.ieai..--o diverbear












interest, andpopulation.

population slightly




th-- j


the existing banks had practically amonopoly of the business there wasforce in the suggestion that forfr.mciiiie to be favored grantees theGovernment might very pruperlvi.x..ct aUx on circulation, but forvears the sybt"ni has been free, and

tix 'the amount of circulation regulated:.. .;;: by the public demand. The reteu-- m

r- - j tion of this tax has been suggested








as tneans of rtiwjursmg the Gov-- e:

'iiuient for the expense of printingand uimisldiig the circulating notes.If the tax should be repealed.itcertainly would seem proper to re-

quire tha national banks to pay theamount of such to the

iy,7!Ct)!iiiitrti!er ot tne It is,per!iap-- doubtful whether the im-

mediate of the rate of taxlevied upon liquors and tobaccoadvisable, in view of thedram upon the Treasury whichmust attend the payment of arrearsof tensions. A comparison, how-

ever, of the amount of taxes collected under tin: varying rates oftaxu-lio- ti

which have at differentjpr.i lr;;i


cl.eU, the intimationsome reduction may soon be

ni.- - v. 'it bo 'at material diminution ofttie revenu?;. Tiie tariff laws alsoneed revision, but that a due regard;n iy paiil the conflicting interestof our en,i::-- . !.?, changes;l;- - ihi be made with caution. If acarei'ui revuioa cannot be made atthii Ms-- - i a. commission such as.v.; i. .f.-.- i'.pprovetl by the Senate,and is :.:.': recomtiientied the Sec-ret.r- y

tho Trca-.ur- y, would doubt-its- s1; ,iilen the of Congress

nliLiu-ve- this subject shall bebrought i its consideration..X SL Of THK A11MV It ECO M-- M


The accompanying report of theSecretary of War v. iil makethe opt aliens of that deo;; rirnei.tfor ttie past year. He.measures for promoting the efficien-

cy tif the army without addingti.e number of it3 officers, and ds

the legislation necesury tincrease the numiier enlisted of mento thirty thousand, the maximum al-

lowed by law. This he doems necessa-ry to maintain quietness on our evershifting frontiers to preserve peaceand suppress disorder and maraud-ing in new settlements to protectsettlers and their property againstIndians and Indians against the en-

croachments of intruders, and to en-

able peaccaMu immigrants to estab-lish homes in the most remote partsof our country. The is nownecessarily over such a vastextent of territory that whenever anoutbreak occurs reinforcements mustbe hurried from many quarters overgreat distances end always at heavyei! for transportation of wen,

Let n hoists, wagons :ir.d supplies. I concur in tiie recommendations oi uie

..!. I.. .... r,,!. , 1 .or increasing ine1 4U4 t ' -

the centum e of --O.&JX)par S1(5.173,1'W per.continued) bonds, making a total 'i'.P'-a- M oy llie eerci.ir report


oiie-h.i- !f






borne consider











that in the absence of disturbanceson the frontier the troops have beenactively iu ployed in collecting In-

dians hitherto hostile and locatingthem cn the proper reservations,that Sitting Buit and his adherentsare now-- r.t Fort Randall,that the Utts have been moved ontheir ne w in Utah, thatduring the recent outbreak of theApaches it was necessary to rein-force garrisons in Arizona by troopswithdrawn from New Mexico, andthat Apachts are now heldprisoners for trial. While somehave the majority of thetribe are now on their reservation.There is need of legislation to pre-vent intrusion upon the lands setapart for the Indians. A large mil-

itary force, at great expense, is nowrequired to patrol the boundary linebut wet Kansas the IndianTerritory. The only punishmentthat can at present be lnlbctedthe forcible removal of the intruderand the imposition of a pecuniaryline, hich in most cases it is impossible to collect. There should be

penalty by imprisonment in suchcases.


The separate organization of thesignal service is urged by the Secre-

tary of War, and full statement ofthe advantages of such permanentorganization is presented in the re--

nx..-..- e i netr.lT)oii-- i ine viuei oimuti vuieri.4t

made by the Indian Bureau pjr?


The re port of the

ma n ij.u. .n'uir . ia j

NO. 15SS.






hnnortance of completing at aniy uay ine nortn in 01 ura ent

building, and other re-- 1

.wl. ,1... CCr.f..tUllJlll-JIlU.ltlUll-

VV -on


.it:.. ii,oii,.i











n and






jj i;i .' u,






.f .1. i

VI ' ., .

' '- -




' 'j

V1 t

r.. ei v














11' IV ' Lili




NAVY ! ., . , .

The the of fT1attentionexhibits , .,v,tuU1 (;f t!,(. ,;urt3

branch presents valu-- , u,nit.,, a r.m..dty duefS'- - " !ti, ti. larre lnerease 1

LlieiJl. X tail JUUI erj:i.lti unc-iiku-

also to the appended report ofadvisory board which beto devise suitable measures for iu- -

the tflicicncy of the navy, .

land particularly to report to thecharacter and numoer vessels nc

to upon looting.........

commensurate with the necessitiesof the Government. 1 cannot toostrongly upoa yoainy But

every of ).ror;t &nsaieiy, roiiiutnv,

.1. Iiieit-.-imperatively ueujunu-- i a i:;i'iou,iireiiaOlllUtkiOil oi our iiavfull appreciation of tiie fact tnaicompliance ith pupations

A ricnt !?rl f

lur'e cxpcriuitare ol public


tre.Ksucli appropnaiioiis atcu;:t-- ;

"'ApoiiHisteut with true DuMic ccoiiomv

rwAmitlilivliltniv nuiana .kisary thetrusted by theNational Legislature. One

and one tnatdech.red

law Tj--1 The acting also

vision for comm ocf-.-n.-e- .

Surely nothinir rnonthe defense of the Unitof all our people tin:ciency of our navy.

have lor manywith foreign eovernni'

relations ptarthat such relationsner.t desired bycitizen of republic.re:'d the teachings ofshall not forget thateverv ration emergencies








rn.-i- arise







out the0.3 per

pre 8


over the rear30,



the thenot



the for



...:of star



il- -l



countries, hasthe







already gre :trecently i'lu

the the starthe


overat. aj

onHit- -

his I'll!

oi oi d











aft.war. as


'..,. I .ill: : ii uit :

themw,- -rribunals. has now

tion hat :c:!(i -.

. .. .j

. i mi

thek.a I.o ,









. '- ...

- -

: i



resort dispositioniruni

deal .uetnhave cause j'liiisfinM-n- t

professions coian.itttdother governments. avoid-Is- ;. ordinarily, course,!!:


enforce whichUnited

mtist neihh.iringharbors against aggression ; pro-

tect, distribution shipshighways com-

merce, the varied intereststrade and and

property citizens abroadmaintain everywhere the honor

flag and the distinguished posi-

tion which may rightfullynations world.


The report the Postmaster Gen--!

cral gratifying exhibitgrowth and efficiency theservice. The receipts from postagtand other ordinary sources

past fiscal yearThe receipts from mon-

ey order businessmaking total S3G,785,3'J7.'7.The expenditure fiscal year

839,251, 730.30. Thesupplied general treasurywas' SJ2,481.129 cent,

amount. The receiptsexcess thtvseofthe

viort3 year and 1,575,397.97excess the estimate madeyears ago before the present period

business had fairly be-

gun.The whole number letters mail-

ed this cour.trv last fiscalyear exceeded JX),000,000. Thertuistry reportedexcellent" condition, havingremodeled duringthe past four years

good results. The amountregistration fees collected during

fiscal year S712,SS2.2i.anincrease fiscalJune 1880. $315,443.10.

packages registereti8,338,919, which only

destroyed trapsit.operations

impulsethe development

means intercommunication andexchange, during the past year 'ISiadditional woney order offices havebeen established, waking total

operation the date thisreport. During the year domes-tic monev ordera value$105,075,769.35. modification

system suggested reducingfees money exceeding

2ZTorthe ntJUl0limit hundred place

account useful Lr dollars. Lerdslationthe Signal and disposition unclaimed or-i- n

the Bureau, i nossession Postof--

ask attention Rce r)Cpartment recommended,tcments the Secretary tnt tieir total

War regarding the requisitions V!1in yTeftls dol- -

queiitlyupon subsistence department attention Congress again

the casual support inv-lte-j tiie establishing

tribes depositoriesappropriations exhausted. The contct.jon with Postoffice

V J)cp;irtinent. stionia p.irtmentinadequate provision The


lasses: and LJts upen Cistuieei . ricr..

expensive.v . ,





Nearlyroutes Lave


and Tirritor;-- -


m.isU ner.d, callsconstantly increasing

cost railway service i

j .serious di2iculty waymaking Departwr.t pelf sustain- -

Our postal ren-ic- compared withthat foreign kept.pace with domestic

countu ithin year several

tries Live declaredtheir adhesion I'ostal mon.

includes lL't.-- n which haveorganized po-U- d except

li'.livia, ui Ilica,and ur.ti:

ixvksH';t;on:s.has been stated,

haveexpense ser-

vice. Tiie inves-li'jatio-

Denartruent '-;



checksur..;ts, j


charged eondi r ir:ttt.




win lOaHttl.bVJ.i





report SecretaryUio'lllv- -

Navy thatami


lu.tu.is-- ,

"specially Supreme Cour'.Litigation Fedtral trihtinljbecame greatly expandeddte late long


. .. I. j...r . r..cessary a f

prudence required that no c.i ui ade constitution ot

c itconsideration i:i;r;j,ntionai iionoi, litigationoi





. us ra:a.s ui ,

ki-- i: ,ft,.rro

"l.... tlii

the w'ind..-rf.:- l ir.ow;and development the cv.mtr

ground forthat .-s

Courts willvolume



present.ikelvrecognized Icr.Ca

considoruti'.;a tliis subject niahe

accomplish objects

hmount importance, is bvl hithjZ?.









dellL-tr-,i- ,

tegisiut.onov;-- r

the fundamental to the Gener.dthe c:n.3 attention tae


We at



B if wo

oi t






i. ny

.1 1

s'! t

J v i.f,







, ; ,

.,, -



e !


v. e






hundredengaged months com-

mitting acts lawIes-r.t.- .- andbrutality whitInive betn

pred itionsv.: i eiwhichArior.a



iVsi- -






abn, rmui




r r

n ;i




p e







I from


c :i


V 'i I. li


a vi rv ,' fa t-i



as to




n t:




t year ri arizon...band kr.o-,- n v.

fifty Lawbeen


thee 'cowbovs":nd-,- into Meil- -

u:!r.'.udt-- Ti ,,e'i frt-i.- t

With everywhen a to arms em aune c tuee. exigencies

.. . - x- - .!...! i t , i .... ... 1 l...it Ulslionor. danger ea.-e- , i u.u ttii-i.- t.;.

from abroutl now threatens tliisr..-1-jo- t autbonry wstapie, any . s ttT. ally. fi)et ot

trust the 'crimes Within An tBut lor oa.M ieit

as well dangers M territorial sd.iiont.ts. ot.that may threaten us future, is worth y oi consideration v. r

must prepared any acts necfssarily I t-

olicv which think wise adopt. ! embroil the States y.i:;be readv to defend ! covcrninents shouM

by of ourof war over the of

of ourforeign persons

of toof


among the of

i3 theof jiostal


were SUDo.oSl.SO,offor the

was deficitof

or ofthe were

03 of

of two

of prtisperity



system is to bebeen

with otthe

last wasending


i tewas

or lo&t in


A ofis


detailed the fir- - '.lieperformed Corps, money

is lhe ofthat ia

the stf of ofnnw one million

the oi j of,

of Indians 0fnre j the

r.oi ieiiby of

S27 wool uaroors uu

'8 II.




toof the

iu cf


and coloniesthe


Asbeen m

in of


ive upo-

ire it'i i..- -

ca-w-- s




ofthe ot



.......... ..tuo'.ii I'.ki.j'i t..v.i

na- -






rnii- -


ti.ethe So


is i.othe



from men,






be h.--s

at. i;:u-- .

be mu-


n.!S l'iu-.- i



tn. out


ir.i-- j







to onefor in

h. ;:!-- -


tx- -

t':e --

to suppress.cf


tnel....:.save tne is-e- -i






nor we to etaof

ctfor tne

ia webe to tt:

we toW our iv.:







in in








fre- -












deel.iptl crimes tgainst the i niUStates. of the ir.t ursiotisalluded to may, perhaps, be withinthe scope ot the law ( Bevisi S'.at-ute- s,

section JG) forlLY.irg"military extteditiotis or er.terprires '

ajrainst friendl v states. But v c

of the speedy assembling of yourbody, I have preferred to await suchlegislation a3 ia your wisdomthe occasion may seem to demand.It may perhaps be thought prrnurto provide that the sitting on footwithin cur own territory of brigandand armed marauding expeditionsagainst nations and theircitizens fehall be punishable as snofier.se against ti.e United Slate--- .

will tidd that in the evert of arequest from the ttrritorial govern-ment for protection by the UnitedStates n gainst "dome-ti- c

this Government be ssto render assistance. The ra t cf17!". chapter 30, passed at a timewhen territorial governments receiv-

ed little .'..ttvntion frem Cocrrr--- ,

enforced this ( f th? UnitedStates er.ly ns to State merits.But tiie act cf ls7, charter 3',applied r.l.--o to terri'.orits. Thislaw sm his to Lave rtmaii-- f in forcetill the revision of thestatutts, whenthe provision for the territories wn?drojipf d. I am r.ot advised whetherthis alteration was intentional or ac-

cidental, as it stems to ine thatthe territories should afforded theprotection which is t

States by ti.e Constitution, I svg-gt- st

legislation to that end.It seems to rue. too. that what

ever views may prevail as to theThe entire number of letters and cf recent legislation bv which

uunng year2,001

the army Las ceased to a part ofthe jm anmtiy'f.t l.o rrtsd? for T f rniittir.

llie ot uie mouey of.ierithe notary to assist the civil tcrri-svste- w

are multiplying yearly. Itorial nuthorities in cr.forein- - theUnder the iramigra- - j iaws o1-

-XJnitt il State?. TLisu-- e

tion, of rapid of 1 le0--tf e arn ,y wony nr,t secrn t- -

tho newer States and Territories, and .e ; tj c, s;!(. (i tvil rcaiii-- rthe consequent demand for addition--1 j.jj was aired.

a of5,499 in

aggregated in




bands whose a gvstern













cjuimit'ito, exceptioa

From the Eparseiitss of j I'.a.n.other circumstances, it is rfteu

quite impracticable summon acivil posse in places where ofiWrs

justice require assistance, 1

where a military force is witLis

t:i:: .M.vx.v.EMr.xT.

renort the- - -i .

Ir.t :or ticetj-fiv- e

dollars from ten cents to ac-

cents, and waking maximum bu?:es, of thatdepart- -in


Weather alsoin report.


to subject ofand savings in



growth of














oft."-- y

T"h of tho Secretary of

went. A3 a summary ot it wcui-- i

he too extended for this jdaec, I j.--k

votrr cartful attention to the rej t it.Prominent among the matter wl.it .i

challenges the attention of Congress

at it3 present session is the manage-

ment of oar Indian affair?. Whnethis questie ri has been a cause offronhle and fnibarrassmcut lrciuthe infancy e f the Govtrr.nier.i, ii is

but recently that any etlortbas peeni r... r. at once Htn- -

11I.IU.- - I'll . ' .vv..--- . ,

oeurinini'-i- , ton"-.;-statistics of mail transports- - j

ous,, It has teen t as- -

for the Indian Bureau to contribute Uon show that daring thc past year V'lo'roort to convenient wakefor the m.nntonanre of Indians. railroad routes have been increased j

. . , ovcr t-- temporary....... t .e f. nin rncl i J,w . n i :.t. :..

ac- -ii,j'.it a-- i' lmn- - m u,iw niiito anu m .vo. 4!:fij0UitjCa than to grapple w uu i.:

j 81,1 14,382, while steamboat .routes ''j,nt.nt proble-m- . andi Cliief of Engin-- 1 have been decreased in length 2,18- - j eonlinly the easier course Las bee

. . . . . .... . i . , r. :. t .li. I.J . rni i im in null M..4.1U-I- . . .: V Tiiinnixltrv. Of this sum Sl7.Ui7.13i.U-- ; w;is Uie aPOiilion oi an internal revenue cers iurnisot a .vwincn lewu... . , v , . aimoss, iqisuj".;

r l




collected on supar, melado and wo-- j taxes except those upon tobacco in the operation for the improvement(

caiieabur routes '"" j ( Conch M on Fovrth R?:)oS5.024,7S on various lorms iwiuumuj- -. -










lengm ie

