other activities ---- நிக Á «க À sermon topics - பிரச ±கபிரச ±க...

(For private circulation only) Other Activities - - - இதர இதர இதர இதர நிக῁ᾫக῀ நிக῁ᾫக῀ நிக῁ᾫக῀ நிக῁ᾫக῀ 1. Youth Fellowship Meeting - 1 st & 3 rd during the Service. 2. Women’s Fellowship Meeting - 2 nd & 4 th after the Service. 3. Men’s Fellowship Meeting - 2 nd & 4 th after the Service. 4. Sunday School - Reopens on 9 th of June 5. Mission Sunday service – 3 rd Sunday (No Holy Communion Service). Please bring your mission Sunday song books and Mission Sunday special offerings on this day. Bible Riddles - வதாகம வதாகம ேவதாகம வதாகம விᾌகைதக῀ விᾌகைதக῀ விᾌகைதக῀ விᾌகைதக῀ 1. . , . “ ” . ? 2. . . . . ? Answers to last month Bible (Daniel) Quiz - கடᾸத கடᾸத கடᾸத கடᾸத மாத மாத மாத மாத ேவதாகம வதாகம ேவதாகம வதாகம ேபாᾊ பாᾊ ேபாᾊ பாᾊ பதி᾿க῀ பதி᾿க῀ பதி᾿க῀ பதி᾿க῀ 1. Destroyed - Obadiah 1:10 2. Mount Zion - Obadiah 1:17 3. Jonah - Jonah 1:7 4. Raging sea - Jonah 1:15 5. The deep, Seaweed - Jonah. 2:5 6. Holy Temple - Jonah 2:7 7. The fish - Jonah 2:10 8. Three days - Jonah 3:3 9. The king - Jonah 3:6,9 10. The vine - Jonah 4:6 1. - . 1:10 2. - . 1:17 3. - . 1:7 4. - . 1:15 5. , . 2:5 6. - . 2:7 7. - . 2:10 8. - . 3:3 9. - 3:6,9 10. - . 4:6 Winners of last month Bible Quiz - 1. Mrs. Angelin Charles 2. Mrs. Getsie Raj Pllai 3. Mrs. Johnsy Bestus 4. Mr. Lawrence Navamani 5. Miss. D. Paulwin Jeba 6. Mast. D. Paulwin Kirubakaran 7. Mrs. Salma Soulwin 8. Mrs. Shanthi Noble 9. Mrs. S. Thomas Answers to this month’s Bible Riddles - வதாகம வதாகம ேவதாகம வதாகம விᾌகைதயிᾹ விᾌகைதயிᾹ விᾌகைதயிᾹ விᾌகைதயிᾹ பதி᾿க῀ பதி᾿க῀ பதி᾿க῀ பதி᾿க῀ 1. ( 49:3,4) 2. Editors of the Newsletter: Rev. S. John & Miss. Monika Baskaran To get a copy of this Newsletter, please log on to www. stmatthewstamilchurch.com Mr. T. Shelton Mr. Arun Immanuel Rev. S. John Hon. Secretary Hon. Treasurer Presbyter-in-charge 9890027779 9850817133 9405010294, 020-32301682 ( , ) 19, , 411 001 [email protected] www.stmatthewstamilchurch.com Sunday Service Sunday Service Sunday Service Sunday Service - - -10.30 AM 10.30 AM 10.30 AM 10.30 AM , 11 , . , ‘ ’ . , . , . ! 24 . . , ! ! , . S. .S. .S. . S. , , , /Verse of the Month , ; ; 5:11 5:11 5:11 5:11 But let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may rejoice in you Psalm 5: 11 DO YOU KNOW? Who does the Bible say was the meekest man (other than Jesus) in the Bible? Moses (Numbers 12:3) Youth Workshop will be on Saturday 15 th, June 2013 Venue: Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad Hall, Near Bund Garden, Koregaon Park. Pune – 411 001. Time: 9.30 am to 4.30 pm Theme: Who am I? Whose am I? Why am I? Speaker: Dr. Jesudoss Immanuel Jaideep, Ph. D., (Bangalore) (Vice President Asia & Africa. World Class Cities Ministries) (Director of the International Center of Worship Studies) (Director of International Center for Studies in Culture and Religious Philosophy) Chief Guest: Rt. Rev. Andrew Rathod (Bishop of PDC, Pune) For information on Registration: please contact Youth fellowship co-ordinators Mrs. & Mr. J. Jayaprakash Registration Fee: Rs. 100/- (Lunch & Tea will be provided)

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Other Activities����----����இதரஇதரஇதரஇதர நிக கநிக கநிக கநிக க 1. Youth Fellowship Meeting - 1

st & 3

rd during the Service.

2. Women’s Fellowship Meeting - 2nd

& 4th after the Service.

3. Men’s Fellowship Meeting - 2nd

& 4th after the Service.

4. Sunday School - Reopens on 9th

of June

5. Mission Sunday service – 3rd

Sunday (No Holy Communion

Service). Please bring your mission Sunday song books and

Mission Sunday special offerings on this day.

Bible Riddles - ேவதாகமேவதாகமேவதாகமேவதாகம வி கைதகவி கைதகவி கைதகவி கைதக ����1. ��� ��������� ��� ��!"#�� $%&#� !'()�� *��.� $'+,-.� -�/0�12.,�

,41"564� , $%-78,2.� *� �.� ��� ������ “�:;")�� ��1��8.<�, �”���>.���"��?"@'��A.�*�����A?��

2. ,���5'(4� DE� ?(��).� 0��:#,�� *��.� *��� �"@��F/��GH 1� ?#I�� J7 8�.� ?( 1� F ��"5� KL'����� �M$�.�0$�41��GN78+.�*��K��O'+�J"#�,��*��.�*�����A?���

Answers to last month Bible (Daniel) Quiz - கட தகட தகட தகட த����மாதமாதமாதமாத����ேவதாகமேவதாகமேவதாகமேவதாகம����ேபாேபாேபாேபா பதி கபதி கபதி கபதி க

1. Destroyed - Obadiah 1:10 2. Mount Zion - Obadiah 1:17

3. Jonah - Jonah 1:7

4. Raging sea - Jonah 1:15

5. The deep, Seaweed - Jonah. 2:5 6. Holy Temple - Jonah 2:7

7. The fish - Jonah 2:10

8. Three days - Jonah 3:3 9. The king - Jonah 3:6,9

10. The vine - Jonah 4:6�

1.�$I�M�����GN�� ��,�P�-�D�(��.�1:10�2.�Q �����A,�'( 1�-�D�(��.�1:17�3.� ����S��-� ����.�1:7�4.�-.-)'"��-� ����.�1:15�5.�VW,��#/��X�–� ����. 2:5�

6.��MZ'��V1�'( 1����-� ����.�2:7�7.�\2�K�-� ����.�2:10�8.�^�>�*�7�-� ����.�3:3�9.�`a ,6��)�b��-� ���� 3:6,9�10.�V5d���� 54�-� ����.�4:6

Winners of last month Bible Quiz - �#e��#e��#e��#e�����5��5��5��5������ ,���5 ,���5 ,���5 ,���5���� ��GH6 ��GH6 ��GH6 ��GH64444 0,/L0,/L0,/L0,/L 0�/f,A�70�/f,A�70�/f,A�70�/f,A�7

1. Mrs. Angelin Charles

2. Mrs. Getsie Raj Pllai 3. Mrs. Johnsy Bestus

4. Mr. Lawrence Navamani

5. Miss. D. Paulwin Jeba 6. Mast. D. Paulwin


7. Mrs. Salma Soulwin

8. Mrs. Shanthi Noble

9. Mrs. S. Thomas

Answers to this month’s Bible Riddles - ேவதாகமேவதாகமேவதாகமேவதாகம வி கைதயிவி கைதயிவி கைதயிவி கைதயி பதி கபதி கபதி கபதி க ����1. �g���(V(���5.�49:3,4)�� 2.�D�(���

Editors of the Newsletter: Rev. S. John & Miss. Monika Baskaran

To get a copy of this Newsletter, please log on to www.stmatthewstamilchurch.com

Mr. T. Shelton Mr. Arun Immanuel Rev. S. John Hon. Secretary Hon. Treasurer Presbyter-in-charge

9890027779 9850817133 9405010294, 020-32301682�

i�i�i�i�����5' �j5' �j5' �j5' �j�����kl�kl�kl�kl����V1�.V1�.V1�.V1�.����(m ��(E5:#1.,�,#�ne(��(Eo$"�)�19,�#��#A�?. �'��A�$�"1,�m ��–�411�001�

[email protected]



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�n.5��'(/���n.5��'(/���n.5��'(/���n.5��'(/���� ,�,$�. ,�,$�. ,�,$�. ,�,$�.�/Verse of the Month

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But let all who take refuge in you be glad;

let them ever sing for joy. Spread your protection over them,

that those who love your name may rejoice in you

Psalm 5: 11


Who does the Bible say was the meekest man (other than Jesus) in the


Moses (Numbers 12:3)

Youth Workshop will be on Saturday 15th, June 2013

Venue: Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad Hall, Near Bund Garden,

Koregaon Park. Pune – 411 001.

Time: 9.30 am to 4.30 pm

Theme: Who am I? Whose am I? Why am I? Speaker: Dr. Jesudoss Immanuel Jaideep, Ph. D., (Bangalore)

(Vice President Asia & Africa. World Class Cities Ministries)

(Director of the International Center of Worship Studies)

(Director of International Center for Studies in Culture and Religious Philosophy)

Chief Guest: Rt. Rev. Andrew Rathod (Bishop of PDC, Pune)

For information on Registration: please contact Youth fellowship

co-ordinators Mrs. & Mr. J. Jayaprakash

Registration Fee: Rs. 100/- (Lunch & Tea will be provided)

Sermon Topics - பிரச கபிரச கபிரச கபிரச க தைல கதைல கதைல கதைல க DATE TOPIC BIBLE READING

2nd June

2nd Sunday after Pentecost The difference between what the

world values and what God values. Amos 6:1, 4-8; Rom. 11:33 –

12:2; Luke 6:17-26; 9th June

3rd Sunday after Pentecost

Evil can only be overcome with


I Samuel 24:8-11, 16-19;

Romans 12:9-21; Luke 6:27-36

16th June

4th Sunday after Pentecost

“Judge not and you will not be


Job 19:1-6, 21-29;

Romans 14:1-13; Luke 6:37-42

23th June 5th Sunday after Pentecost

The words of Jesus are signs of his being Christ

Isaiah 52:7-10; Acts 10:34-43; Luke 7:11-23

30st June 6th Sunday after Pentecost

Those who confess that Jesus is the Christ must be ready to suffer.

Daniel 3:13-21, 24-26, 28; Colossians 1:24-29; Luke 9:18-27

Birthday Wishes! - ����பிற தபிற தபிற தபிற த நாநாநாநா வா கவா கவா கவா க !

2nd Mrs. Angeline Sylvia Charles

2nd Mrs. Rajina David Aruldas 2nd Mrs. Sujatha Stephen

2nd Miss. Vijaya 5th Miss. Lisbat Joseph 6th Miss. L. Sara Rao

7th Mr. Isaiah Tennety 7th Mr. Arun Udayan

9th Mr. J. Aaron Prasath

10th Mr. David Aruldas 11th Miss Sharon Christa

11th Mr. Sushil 12th Miss. S. Angeline Sharon

12th Mr. J. Christopher Sathiyaseelan

13th Mr. Silvister Y. 14th Miss Elizabeth Barnabas

Yesudass 16th Mrs. S. Jency Grace 18th Mr. Gokul Baskaran

20th Mr. Prince Thiagarajan 21st Mr. Balakrishnan

21st Mrs. Zion Arputharaj

22nd Miss. Esther Barnabas Yesudass

23rd Mrs. Jenifer Salomi Dhanaseelan

23rd Mast. Steve Dhanaseelan 24th Miss. Praiselin Jeyakumar

24th T. Jeyarani 25th Mr. Baskaran Chandrasekaran

25th Mrs. Prathiba Arun Immanuel 26th Mast. Sam Solomon 29th Mr. Minojan Daniel

30th Mrs. Getsie Premalatha Pillai 30th Mr. Baskar

Wedding Anniversary Wishes! - ����தி மணதி மணதி மணதி மண நாநாநாநா வா கவா கவா கவா க ! 2nd Mrs. & Mr. James Peter 7th Mrs. & Mr. Jayapaul David 13th Mrs. & Mr. Premkumar Samuelraj

14th Mrs. & Mr. Jaganathan A. Pillai

16th Mrs. & Mr. Shelton Thangiah 17th Mrs. & Mr. Jeyakumar Paul 22nd Mrs. & Mr. Prince David

25th Mrs. & Mr. Chandran S.

Important days of this month - இ மாத திஇ மாத திஇ மாத திஇ மாத தி கியகியகியகிய நா கநா கநா கநா க 3rd Martyrs of Uganda Day

3rd Cancer Survivors Day 5th World Environment Day 9th Day of William Carey

11th Day of Barnabas, Apostle 12th Anti Child Labor Day

14th World Blood Donor Day 16th Father’s Day

20th World Refugee Day

21st World Music Day 23rd United Nations Public Service Day 24th Day of John the Baptist

26th International day against Drug abuse and Illict Trafficking

26th International Day in Support of Victims of Torture

30th Day of Peter, Apostle & Martyr

Mission Field Reports - பணி தளபணி தளபணி தளபணி தள அறி ைககஅறி ைககஅறி ைககஅறி ைகக (1) FMPB: Praising Points: Gospel announced in 2 villages. Follow up ministry was done at 5 villages.

Healing of Bro. Sameshbhai from jaundice. God Blessed Bro. Sudhir family with a baby boy. Healing of Bro. Easnubhai from mental illness. Pray For: Bro. Vijay Babit, the missionary. Healing of Sis. Saritha and

bro. Easnubhai from fits. Worship group to be started in Maduvihira village. God to open doors to preach

the Gospel in new villages.

(2) VISHWAVANI: Praising Points: Bro. Pandurang Kedake, Sadanand Waghmare, Sakharam received word

of God and growing spiritually. Sis. Rekha Bhausaheb received healing and Sis. Nirmala Pitekar attends

Sunday Worship. Pray for: Bro. Prakash B.Balke, the missionary. Salvation and spiritual growth of

Bro.Ravindra Adhav, Dyandev Kedake, Mayur Adhav, Dada Kedke and Swapnil Dhumari. Pray for peace

in the family of Sis. Swati Bhausaheb Adhav

(3) GEMS: Praising Points: Sis. Sardha Kamble’s family has accepted Lord Jesus as their personal Saviour.

Pray for: Bro. Anil P. Lohar the missionary. A land to build church. Elementary school teacher Gogavekar

to accept Jesus as their Saviour; Families of Bro. Rajabahu Bhelwale and Bro.

Dyndev Sutar to be saved.

(4) MVM:���� Praising Points: Healing of Sis. Dipa Rontela from her sickness.

Deliverance of Bro. Srawan Wagmare from evil spirit attacked. Engulfment in the

faith of Sis. Madhu Nimde; Pray for: Rev. Gajanan Raibole, the missionary,

ministry in Kamseth filed to grow; Bro. Ramesh Wagmare and Bro. Mayabai

Wagmare to be delivered from the addiction of alcohol. Healing of Bro. Anil Gomte

from Jaundice. The healing of Sis. Suwarnabai Takde as she has terrible pain in her head.

(5) IMS: Praising Points: For hearing our prayers and miraculously saving Sis.Komal Kamble’s 2years old kid

from the edge of death bed. Sis.Vidya Kamble has scored 70% marks in nursing exam.

Pray For: Bro. Sandeep Bhagwan, the missionary. Baby.Manisha Sandeep – 5 year old girl child, to recover

from the general weakness. Normal Delivery for Sis. Neyna Kample.

Cottage Prayer Meeting - Saturday 7 PM to 8 PM To arrange this meeting,

kindly contact Mr. Baskaran Chandrasekar or Mrs. Johnsy Bestus

Bible Quiz - ேவதாகமேவதாகமேவதாகமேவதாகம விவிவிவி ேபாேபாேபாேபா S"#�7 ����M#. *M4/e-mail�4 ,e+ $) ,:H� �"#X *�723

rd June 2013.

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�("1 5GN. �O�{.. DE �7S�K DE �(4 5GN. �O� ,:N..

(1) 52%2"#�� $'+E��7� ��A?� (2) �"#�"8� ����?,A���K�-����� *#e+� ���f,A� ��A?� (3)� �+� J�� S )�(�}�� 54� J�E.?� (4) �+�JI���K�?"#��15�6)�+?� (5) ��E"#��$'�.�*�)'"�� *�����|�<N�f+?�(6) �E$ 1.� K5�)'(�}#.� �+� ,E.?� (7) ?(�� V$�M�A�7� ��/K�J� �X��f�A�7?� (8)� ��A� 54��M���?z&�k'+�?,A�7� 54� ��4���ME8�P�� ��K.?� (9) �e���f",�\��� 1V.�?(��)'(4�0$�41��N�f+?� (10) Q ��������4��G#��G#+?��To answer in English – Please refer New International Version Bible

(1) Who are man’s enemies? (2) Who will open the way and go up before them? (3) Your ______

will be lifted up in triumph over your enemies? (4) What no longer protects you? (5) Who is

calling to the city? (6) What will come to the daughter of Jerusalem? (7) Her priests teach for what?

(8) For whom the sun will set and the day will go dark? (9) Which bird is mentioned in Micah

Chapter 1? (10) Zion was built with what?

Book of Micah The message of the Book of Micah is a complex mixture of judgment and hope. On the one hand, the prophecies

announce judgment upon Israel for social evils, corrupt leadership and idolatry. This judgment was expected to

culminate in the destruction of Samaria and Jerusalem. On the other hand, the book proclaims not merely the

restoration of the nation, but the transformation and exaltation of Israel and Jerusalem. The messages of hope and

doom are not necessarily contradictory, however, since restoration and transformation take place only after


There will be chain prayer on 15th June (3rd Saturday) from 6 PM to

10 PM. Kindly register your name and details on the Notice Board and collect your prayer points on/before 9th June from the chain prayer

coordinators, Mr. Baskaran Chandrasekar & Mrs. Johnsy Bestus.