other de part ments and of fices for and ser vices · leadership training seminar offered by isp....

Like other major universities, Michigan State University maintains a range of structural units to support activities and functions which, collectively sustain an environment in support of the intel- lectual enterprise that is Michigan State University. Such activities and functions include research; outreach and engagement pro- grams; cultural events; health, counseling, and recreative ser- vices; and public information. Some of the major units are described in the statements that follow. INTERNATIONAL STUDIES and PROGRAMS Steven D. Hanson, Associate Provost and Dean Michigan State University (MSU) conducts education, research, and outreach and engagement on the East Lansing campus and in countries all over the world. The university’s international work is coordinated and facilitated by the Office of International Studies and Programs (ISP). The wide array of activities and programs gives students, faculty and staff at MSU many ways to explore global issues and gain global experience and knowledge. Faculty members in virtually every discipline conduct international re- search to enhance MSU’s courses. ISP has geographic and thematic units located at the East Lan- sing campus. They include the African Studies Center, Asian Studies Center, Canadian Studies Center, Global Center for Food Systems Innovation, Center for Gender in Global Context, Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies, and the Center for European, Russian and Eurasian Studies. Through its col- leges, MSU offers area-specific focuses in African Studies, Asian Studies, Latin American and Caribbean Studies, Russian and East European Studies, Western European Studies, and Muslim Studies. Five of these centers are designated as national re- source and language resource centers through the U.S. Depart- ment of Education Title VI program. ISP also administers The MasterCard Foundation Scholars Program at MSU. This prestigious scholarship provides talented young people from economically disadvantaged communities in Sub-Saharan Africa with access to quality education, training, and job experience. Scholars participate in four-year undergradu- ate and two-year master’s degree programs and a customized leadership training seminar offered by ISP. ISP’s centers coordinate their activities with MSU’s colleges, including the colleges of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Arts and Letters, Business, Education, Human Medicine, Osteopathic Medicine, Nursing, and Social Science among others. Along with the thematic and geographic units, MSU is also home to the Cen- ter for Advanced Study of International Development, the Center for International Business Education and Research, the Center for Language Education and Research, the Center for Global Connections in Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources, the In- stitute of International Health and the Office of International Studies in Education. MSU’s study abroad programs are managed by ISP. Its Office of Study Abroad coordinates more than 275 MSU programs in over 60 countries worldwide. They range from English literature in London, to natural resources in Brazil, to education in South Af- rica, to Antarctic system science in Antarctica and Argentina. ISP also administers the Japan Center for Michigan Universities on behalf of the 15 Michigan public universities in the consortium. The center’s programs build relationships among Japanese, American and other nationalities through internships and active learning and participation in language and culture. 1 Other Departments and Offices for RESEARCH and SERVICES

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Page 1: Other De part ments and Of fices for and SER VICES · leadership training seminar offered by ISP. ISP’s cen ters co or di nate their ac tiv i ties w ith MSU’s col leges, in clud

Like other ma jor uni ver si ties, Mich i gan State Uni ver sity main tains a range of struc tural units to sup port ac tiv i ties and func tionswhich, col lec tively sus tain an en vi ron ment in sup port of the in tel -lec tual en ter prise that is Mich i gan State Uni ver sity. Such ac tiv i ties and func tions in clude re search; out reach and en gage ment pro -grams; cul tural events; health, coun sel ing, and recreative ser -vices; and pub lic in for ma tion.

Some of the ma jor units are de scribed in the state ments thatfol low.


Ste ven D. Hanson, As so ci ate Pro vost and Dean

Mich i gan State Uni ver sity (MSU) con ducts ed u ca tion, re search,and out reach and en gage ment on the East Lan sing cam pus andin coun tries all over the world. The uni ver sity’s in ter na tional workis co or di nated and fa cil i tated by the Of fice of In ter na tional Stud ies and Pro grams (ISP). The wide ar ray of ac tiv i ties and pro gramsgives stu dents, fac ulty and staff at MSU many ways to ex ploreglobal is sues and gain global ex pe ri ence and knowl edge. Fac ultymem bers in vir tu ally ev ery dis ci pline con duct in ter na tional re -search to en hance MSU’s courses.

ISP has geo graphic and the matic units lo cated at the East Lan -sing cam pus. They in clude the Af ri can Stud ies Cen ter, AsianStud ies Cen ter, Ca na dian Stud ies Cen ter, Global Cen ter forFood Sys tems In no va tion, Cen ter for Gen der in Global Con text,Cen ter for Latin Amer i can and Ca rib bean Stud ies, and the Cen ter for Eu ro pean, Rus sian and Eur asian Stud ies. Through its col -

leges, MSU of fers area-spe cific fo cuses in Af ri can Stud ies, AsianStud ies, Latin Amer i can and Ca rib bean Stud ies, Rus sian andEast Eu ro pean Stud ies, West ern Eu ro pean Stud ies, and Mus limStud ies. Five of these cen ters are des ig nated as na tional re -source and lan guage re source cen ters through the U.S. De part -ment of Ed u ca tion Ti tle VI pro gram.

ISP also ad min is ters The MasterCard Foun da tion Schol arsPro gram at MSU. This pres ti gious schol ar ship pro vides tal entedyoung peo ple from eco nom i cally dis ad van taged com mu ni ties inSub-Sa ha ran Af rica with ac cess to qual ity ed u ca tion, train ing,and job ex pe ri ence. Schol ars par tic i pate in four-year un der grad u -ate and two-year mas ter’s de gree pro grams and a cus tom izedleadership training seminar offered by ISP.

ISP’s cen ters co or di nate their ac tiv i ties with MSU’s col leges,in clud ing the col leges of Ag ri cul ture and Natural Re sources, Artsand Let ters, Busi ness, Ed u ca tion, Hu man Med i cine, Os teo pathic Med i cine, Nurs ing, and So cial Sci ence among oth ers. Along withthe the matic and geo graphic units, MSU is also home to the Cen -ter for Ad vanced Study of In ter na tional De vel op ment, the Cen terfor In ter na tional Busi ness Ed u ca tion and Re search, the Cen terfor Lan guage Ed u ca tion and Re search, the Cen ter for GlobalCon nec tions in Food, Ag ri cul ture and Nat u ral Re sources, the In -sti tute of In ter na tional Health and the Office of InternationalStudies in Education.

MSU’s study abroad pro grams are man aged by ISP. Its Of ficeof Study Abroad co or di nates more than 275 MSU pro grams inover 60 coun tries world wide. They range from Eng lish lit er a ture in Lon don, to nat u ral re sources in Brazil, to ed u ca tion in South Af -rica, to Ant arc tic sys tem sci ence in Antarctica and Ar gen tina. ISPalso ad min is ters the Ja pan Cen ter for Mich i gan Uni ver si ties onbe half of the 15 Mich i gan pub lic uni ver si ties in the con sor tium.The cen ter’s pro grams build re la tion ships among Jap a nese,Amer i can and other na tion al i ties through in tern ships and activelearning and participation in language and culture.


OtherDe part mentsand Of fices forRE SEARCHand SER VICES

Page 2: Other De part ments and Of fices for and SER VICES · leadership training seminar offered by ISP. ISP’s cen ters co or di nate their ac tiv i ties w ith MSU’s col leges, in clud

ISP over sees the Of fice for In ter na tional Stu dents and Schol -ars, which serves ap prox i mately 1,200 vis it ing in ter na tionalschol ars and more than 6,500 in ter na tional stu dents an nu ally oncam pus. ISP fa cil i tates part ner ships be tween MSU and a va ri etyof in ter na tional in sti tu tions, and cur rently main tains about 280collaborative agreements worldwide.

The Of fice of In ter na tional Re search and Col lab o ra tion was es -tab lished at ISP to as sist fac ulty with grant pro pos als for in ter na -tional pro jects. The of fice also helps con nect fac ulty with otherfund ing sources, and po ten tial col lab o ra tors: part ners abroad, atde vel op ment firms, at other uni ver si ties, and across disciplines.

MSU con ducts joint re search and de vel op ment pro grams withmany coun tries in Af rica, Asia/Oceania, Eu rope and Latin Amer -ica. These pro jects are sup ported through agree ments with othergov ern ments, the U.S. Agency for In ter na tional De vel op ment,other U.S. gov ern ment agen cies, the World Bank and privatefoundations.

For more in for ma t ion, cal l 1-517-355-2350, [email protected] or visit www.isp.msu.edu.

Af ri can Studies Cen ter

Assefa Mehretu, Act ing Di rec tor

Founded in 1960, the Af ri can Stud ies Cen ter pro motes un der -stand ing of Af rica on cam pus, in the State of Mich i gan, andthrough out the na tion. It is one of the most prom i nent cen ters forthe study of Af rica in the na tion with 150 as so ci ated MSU fac ulty.The cen ter en cour ages teach ing and re search con cern ing Af ricaand part ner ships with Af ri cans and Af ri can in sti tu tions. The cen -ter does not award de grees; rather, it gen er ates and pro motes Af -rica-re lated per spec tives through de part ment teach ing pro gramsat the un der grad u ate and grad u ate lev els, and through in ter dis ci -plin ary pro grams.

Fel low ships are awarded by the Cen ter for Af ri can Lan guageand Area Stud ies in de part ments with Af ri can stud ies fac ulty. Thefac ulty rep re sent the Col lege of Ag ri cul ture and Natural Re -sources (Ag ri cul tural Eco nom ics; An i mal Sci ence; Crop and SoilSci ences; Fish er ies and Wild life; Food Sci ence and Hu man Nu tri -tion; Hor ti cul ture; and Com mu nity, Ag ri cul ture, Rec re ation andRe source Stud ies), Col lege of Arts and Let ters (Art, Art His tory,and De sign; Eng lish; French, Clas sics and Ital ian; Lin guis tics,and Ger manic, Slavic, Asian and Af ri can Lan guages; Re li giousStud ies; and Span ish and Por tu guese), Col lege of Com mu ni ca -tion Arts and Sci ences (Jour nal ism), Col lege of Ed u ca tion (Ed u -ca tional Ad min is tra tion; and Teacher Ed u ca tion), Col lege ofHu man Med i cine (Ep i de mi ol ogy and Biostatistics; and Pe di at ricsand Hu man De vel op ment), Col lege of Mu sic (Mu sic), Col lege ofNat u ral Sci ence (Phys i ol ogy), Col lege of Nurs ing (Nurs ing), Col -lege of Os teo pathic Med i cine (Fam ily and Com mu nity Med i cine;Neu rol ogy and Oph thal mol ogy), Col lege of So cial Sci ence (An -thro pol ogy; Eco nom ics; Ge og ra phy; His tory; Hu man De vel op -ment and Fam ily Stud ies; Hu man Re sources and La borRe la tions; Po lit i cal Sci ence; and So ci ol ogy), and the Col lege ofVet er i nary Med i cine (Pathobiology and Di ag nos tic Investigation).

An un der grad u ate mi nor in Af ri can Stud ies and a Global andArea Stud ies ma jor are avail able for in ter ested stu dents. For ad -di tional in for ma tion, re fer to the Col lege of So cial Sci ence sec tionof this cat a log. More than 20 study pro grams in Af rica are avail -able for shorter pe ri ods and se mes ters. Stu dents may con cen -trate work on Af rica as an area and draw on other Af ri can stud iescourses outside their disciplines.

The De part ment of Lin guis tics and Ger manic, Slavic, Asianand Af ri can Lan guages cur rently of fers courses in Arabic, Hausa,and Swa hili. By spe cial ar range ment, in struc tion is avail able in 30Af ri can lan guages. Lan guages in clude: Acholi, Aka/Twi, Am -haric, Babara/Dyula/Man dingo, Bemba, Fula (Fulfulde, Pulaar),Igbo, Ki ku yu, Kinyarwanda, Kpelle, Krio, Lingala, Luganda,

Malagasay, Mende, Nyanja/Chichewa, Oromo, Sesotho, Shona,So mali, Temne, Tigrinya, West Af ri can Pid gin, Wolof,Xhosa/Zulu, and Yoruba.

The cen ter ad min is ters an Out reach Pro gram in clud ing the Af -ri can Me dia Pro gram which eval u ates in struc tional ma te ri alsabout Af rica and brings Af rica-re lated ma te ri als into schools, col -leges and uni ver si ties, adult ed u ca tion pro grams, youth groups,com mu nity in sti tu tions, businesses, and the media.

The cen ter pub lishes North east Af ri can Stud ies through theMSU Press. And dis trib utes the Af ri can Stud ies Cen ter News let -ter and the weekly Tues day Bulletin.

For more de tailed in for ma tion, call 1-517-353-1700, email af [email protected], or visit www.af rica.msu.edu.

Asian Stud ies Cen ter

Siddharth Chandra, Di rec tor

The Asian Stud ies Cen ter was es tab lished in 1962 to fur therknowl edge and un der stand ing of the coun tries of Asia, with a con -cen tra tion on East Asia. In 2000, the cen ter be came the na tion’sfirst all-Asia Na tional Un der grad u ate Re source Cen ter, ex pand -ing the cen ter’s fo cus to in clude re gions as di verse as Cen tral and South east Asia.

The cen ter’s pri mary func tion is to en rich ed u ca tion in the so cial sci ences, hu man i ties, and pro fes sional school train ing throughAsia-cen tered cur ric u lar, ex tra-cur ric u lar, and out reach ac tiv i ties. A pri mary mis sion is to ed u cate peo ple who wish to be come areaspe cial ists, and in te grate knowl edge of Asia into their dis ci plin arystud ies. The cen ter is de signed to strengthen un der grad u ate andgrad u ate ac a demic pro grams, stim u late re search and pub li ca -tions, and aid in part ner ships with Asian in sti tu tions.

The cen ter co or di nates Asian Stud ies of fer ings within the var i -ous dis ci plines on cam pus. The Asian Stud ies Cen ter does notaward de grees; stu dents are en rolled in par tic i pat ing col legesand de part ments. An un der grad u ate de gree pro gram in EastAsian Lan guages and Cul tures, an Asian con cen tra tion in theBach e lor of Arts de gree in Global and Area Stud ies, and a Mi norin Asian Stud ies are avail able. For ad di tional in for ma tion on de -gree pro grams, re fer to the Col lege of So cial Sci ence and the De -part ment of Lin guis tics and Ger manic, Slavic, Asian and Af ri canLan guages in the Col lege of Arts and Let ters sec tions of this cat a -log.

Asian lan guages taught in the De part ment of Lin guis tics andGer manic Slavic, Asian and Af ri can Lan guages in clude Chi nese,Jap a nese, Hindi, Nepali, Viet nam ese, Ta ga log, Thai, Ko rean,and oth ers. Other ac a demic units of fer ing courses on Asia in -clude Ag ri cul tural Eco nom ics, An thro pol ogy, Art, Art His tory, andDe sign, Eco nom ics, Ge og ra phy, His tory, James Mad i son, Phi -los o phy, Po lit i cal sci ence, Re li gious Stud ies, and So ci ol ogy. In -ter dis ci plin ary courses on Asia are also of fered at theun der grad u ate level. Grad u ate stu dents may re ceive fund ingthrough the For eign Lan guage and Area Stud ies (FLAS) grantpro gram for advanced Asian language study in furtherance oftheir programs of study.

The cen ter brings dis tin guished schol ars as vis it ing pro fes sorsto the cam pus in co op er a tion with in ter ested de part ments, in vitesother spe cial ists to the cam pus for lec tures or sem i nars. The cen -ter also ar ranges spe cial in sti tutes on re search and teach ing andse cures re search sup port for fac ulty and grad u ate stu dents. Ithouses sev eral Asian coun try coun cils and var i ous un der grad u -ate and graduate student academic award programs.

For more in for ma t ion, cal l 1-517-353-1680, [email protected], or visit www.asia.isp.msu.edu.


RE SEARCH AND SER VICESIn ter na tional Stud ies and Pro grams

Page 3: Other De part ments and Of fices for and SER VICES · leadership training seminar offered by ISP. ISP’s cen ters co or di nate their ac tiv i ties w ith MSU’s col leges, in clud

Ca na dian Studies Center

The Ca na dian Stud ies Cen ter is a multidisciplinary unit with over70 fac ulty and grad u ate stu dents rep re sent ing over 30 de part -ments, the Li brar ies, and the Mich i gan State Uni ver sity Mu seum.The cen ter’s mis sion is de rived from MSU’s land-grant ethic ofteach ing, re search, and out reach. Since its in cep tion in 1958 as afac ulty in ter est group, the Ca na dian Stud ies Cen ter has be comea ma jor gen er a tor of schol ar ship re lated to Can ada in the UnitedStates. MSU fac ulty of fer a broad ar ray of courses, both un der -grad u ate and grad u ate, and are in volved in di verse re search andout reach ac tiv i ties fo cus ing on Can ada and its re la tions with theUnited States, Latin Amer ica, the Pa cific Ba sin, and Eu rope.

In part ner ship with the Can ada-U.S. Fulbright pro gram, thecen ter hosts an an nual se nior Ca na dian Vis it ing Scholar and reg -u larly ar ranges vis its to cam pus of dis tin guished Ca na dian schol -ars, gov ern ment per son nel, and art ists who lec ture in courses,con duct sem i nars and col lo quia, and con sult with stu dents andfac ulty. The an nual CN Fo rum on Can ada-U.S. Re la tions pro -vides an op por tu nity for stu dents and gov ern ment and busi nesslead ers from Mich i gan and On tario to meet with na tional lead ersas con fer ences, film se ries, and art ex hib its are pre sented.

The cen ter sup ports the Fresh man Sem i nar Abroad in Que becCity and seeks to make re sources avail able to Mich i gan pub licschools and pro grams. In ad di tion, cen ter fac ulty con sult with thepri vate and pub lic sec tor on is sues af fect ing Can ada and main -tain inter-in sti tu tional re la tion ships with Ca na dian uni ver si ties.The MSU Li brar ies rank among the top ten U.S. li brar ies in its sup -port of Ca na dian Stud ies pro grams, and the MSU Press is a ma jor U.S. pub lisher of scholarly books and monographs on Canada.

For more in for ma t ion, cal l 1-517-353-9349, [email protected], or visit www.canadianstudies.isp.msu.edu.

Cen ter for Eu ro pean, Rus sian and Eurasian Stud ies

Nor man Gra ham, Di rec tor

Mich i gan State Uni ver sity of fers hun dreds of un der grad u ate andgrad u ate courses re lat ing to Eu rope, Eur asia, and the for mer So -viet Un ion. The Cen ter for Eu ro pean, Rus sian and Eur asian Stud -ies fa cil i tates teach ing, re search, and out reach ac tiv i ties re lat ingto these ar eas. There are two un der grad u ate spe cial iza tions di -rectly as so ci ated with the Cen ter: the West ern Eu ro pean Stud iesspe cial iza tion and the Rus sian and East Eu ro pean Stud ies spe -cial iza tion. MSU fac ulty di rect study abroad pro grams in 95 coun -tries in the re gion in clud ing Bel gium, Czech Re pub lic, France,Ger many, Ro ma nia, Rus sia, Tur key, Ukraine, the United King -dom, and oth ers.

The cen ter co or di nates vis it ing speak ers, film se ries, con fer -ences and work shops of in ter est to stu dents, fac ulty, and the sur -round ing com mu nity. Nu mer ous op por tu ni ties for study inEu rope, Rus sia, and Eur asia are avail able, with sup port from thecen ter’s 80 core fac ulty and nu mer ous part ner ships with uni ver si -ties through out Eu rope. The cen ter also serves as a re source forel e men tary and sec ond ary schools as well as for civic or ga ni za -tions and groups through out the state.

For in for ma tion about the mi nor in Rus sian and Eurasian Stud -ies, re fer to the Col lege of Arts and Let ters sec tion of this cat a log.For in for ma tion about the mi nor in West ern Eu ro pean Stud ies, re -fer to the James Mad i son Col lege sec tion of this cat a log.

For ad di tional in for ma tion, call 1-517-355-3277, [email protected], or visit www.cers.isp.msu.edu.

Cen ter for Latin Amer i can and Ca rib bean Stud ies

The Cen ter for Latin Amer i can and Ca rib bean Stud ies (CLACS)fa cil i tates the study of this core re gion of the Amer i cas. It is thenexus be tween the uni ver sity cur ric u lum, pro vid ing path ways that bring to gether stu dents from di verse col leges. It also fa cil i tates

fruit ful col lab o ra tions be tween MSU and other in sti tu tions in theU.S. and in the re gion. CLACS en riches for mal in struc tion withex pe ri en tial learn ing abroad, film and sem i nar se ries, vis it ingschol ars, spon sored events, fac ulty and stu dent re search, andready ac cess to schol arly re sources through cam pus re pos i to ries and loan pro grams. By sit u at ing dis ci plin ary and lan guage learn -ing in cul tural, his tor i cal, geo graphic and cross-cul tural frames,stu dents and fac ulty learn about the global cul tural con text per -me at ing pro fes sional be hav ior. They’ll be come more eth no-sen -si tive, more cul tur ally aware and more at home in a globalcom mu nity.

Ac a demic units across the uni ver sity of fer courses with sub -stan tial Latin Amer i can and Ca rib bean con tent. A wide range ofcul tural and Span ish and Por tu guese lan guage of fer ings areavail able. Un der grad u ate stu dents are served by a spe cial iza tionpro gram, ex pe ri en tial learn ing op por tu ni ties, and schol ar ships.In for ma tion about the spe cial iza tion in Latin Amer i can and Ca rib -bean Stud ies is found in the Col lege of So cial Sci ence sec tion ofthe cat a log.

The di rec tor of CLACS is as sisted by an elected ad vi sory coun -cil that rep re sents the more than 150 fac ulty mem bers af fil i atedwith the center.

For more in for ma t ion, cal l 1-517-353-1690, [email protected] or visit www.latinamerica.isp.msu.edu.

Of fice for In ter na tional Stu dents and Scholars

James Dorsett, Di rec tor

The Of fice for In ter na tional Stu dents and Schol ars (OISS) pro -vides ser vices for stu dents and schol ars from over 130 coun trieswho en roll, con duct re search, or en gage in teach ing at Mich i ganState Uni ver sity. These ser vices in clude ad vis ing on im mi gra tionpro ce dures, fi nan cial needs, and per sonal con cerns to pro mote asuc cess ful ex pe ri ence at MSU. OISS pro vides ori en ta tion ses -sions, work shops, and cul tural events de signed to ac cli mate stu -dents and schol ars to the MSU com mu nity. OISS is MSU’spri mary in for ma tion re source on is sues re lated to in ter na tionalstu dents and schol ars; it col lab o rates with the of fices of Ad mis -sions, Reg is trar, and Fi nan cial Aid, in ad di tion to ac a demic col -leges, de part ments, and schools. The of fice acts as a li ai son withcom mu nity, na tional, and in ter na tional or ga ni za tions and agen -cies on in ter na tional stu dent and scholar issues.

For more in for ma t ion, cal l 1-517-353-1720, [email protected], or visit www.oiss.isp.msu.edu.

Of fice of Study Abroad

An in creas ingly com mon com po nent of ex cel lence in higher ed u -ca tion to day, study abroad is an in te gral part of the un der grad u ate ex pe ri ence, es pe cially at MSU where cur rently over 20 per cent ofMSU grad u ates par tic i pate in study abroad. Par tic i pat ing inMSU’s top-rated study abroad pro gram helps its stu dents pre pare for our global so ci ety – gain ing the knowl edge, skills and at ti tudesthat will pre pare them for the chal lenges of liv ing and work ing in aglob al ized world. With over 275 study abroad pro grams in clud ingev ery con ti nent, stu dents have ac cess to more than 60 coun tries.A wide va ri ety of courses abroad are avail able in clud ing In te gra -tive Stud ies, re quired elec tive, and in tern ship courses. Pro gramstake place dur ing ev ery se mes ter in clud ing win ter and springbreaks, which, in com bi na tion with the di verse course se lec tionand the va ri ety of lo ca tions makes it pos si ble for all ma jors to par -tic i pate. Ad di tion ally, MSU of fers a Fresh man Sem i nar abroad,which takes place the sum mer prior to a stu dent’s first fall se mes -ter on cam pus.

The Of fice of Study Abroad also ad min is ters the Amer i can Se -mes ter pro gram, which al lows stu dents from MSU’s in ter na tional


RE SEARCH AND SER VICESIn ter na tional Stud ies and Pro grams

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part ner uni ver si ties to study at MSU for a se mes ter or two andtrans fer cred its to their home in sti tu tion.

Stu dents are en cour aged to ex plore study abroad op por tu ni -ties as early as the sum mer be fore their fresh man year. For ad di -tional in for ma tion, see the Guest Sta tus at An other In sti tu tion inthe Un der grad u ate Ed u ca tion sec tion of this cat a log.

For more in for ma tion, visit 109 in ter na tional Cen ter, call1-517-353-8920, email [email protected], or vis i twww.studyabroad.msu.edu.

Cen ter for Gen der in Global Context

Anne Fer gu son and Lisa Fine, Co-Di rec tors

The Cen ter for Gen der in Global Con text (GenCen) in In ter na -tional Stud ies and Pro grams (ISP) draws to gether the strengths of the pro gram in Women, Gen der, and So cial Jus tice in the Col legeof Arts and Let ters and the Col lege of So cial Sci ence and theGen der, De vel op ment and Glob al iza tion Pro gram in ISP. Thesepro grams have his tor i cally looked at gen der in the U.S. and in in -ter na tional con texts. The cen ter em pha sizes women and gen derin a global con text, with dis tinc tive new pro grams pro mot ingteach ing, re search, and out reach rel e vant to 21st cen tury con -cerns.

Work ing in con junc tion with the ac a demic col leges, the cen terpro motes out stand ing un der grad u ate and grad u ate ed u ca tion,fa cil i tates re search and schol ar ship of the high est cal i ber, and un -der takes in no va tive out reach and ac tive learn ing. The cen ter also works with col leges and de part ments to pro vide stu dents with ac -a demic and ac tive learn ing op por tu ni ties fo cused on gen der andglobal change through gen der-re lated de grees, spe cial iza tions,and mi nors.

GenCen and the Cen ter for Ad vanced Study of In ter na tionalDe vel op ment are rec og nized as a Na tional Re source Cen ter bythe U.S. De part ment of Ed u ca tion Ti tle VI pro gram. The cen terpub lishes Gendered Per spec tives on In ter na tional De vel op ment(GPID) Work ing Pa pers and Re source Bul le tin, pub li ca tions fea -tur ing schol arly work and the most re cent set of re sources in in ter -na tional gender and development studies and issues.

Through its grant-writ ing ser vices, GenCen pro motes in ter dis -ci plin ary, gen der-fo cused fac ulty re search. The cen ter also spon -sors speak ers’ se ries, col lo quia and other events during the year.

For more in for ma t ion, cal l 1-517-353-5040, [email protected] or visit www.gencen.isp.msu.edu.


Joanna Young, Vice Pres i dent of In for ma tion Tech nol ogy and Chief In for ma tion Of fi cer

World wide tech nol ogy trends in creas ingly shape and raise ex -pec ta tions of stu dents, pro spec tive stu dents, fac ulty, staff,alumni, and vis i tors to Mich i gan State Uni ver sity. To meet theseex pec ta tions, In for ma tion Tech nol ogy (IT) Ser vices and the Of -fice of the CIO part ner with the Pro vost and Ex ec u tive Vice Pres i -dent for Ad min is tra tive Ser vices, Pro vost and Ex ec u tive VicePres i dent for Ac a demic Af fairs, and other ac a demic and ad min is -tra tive lead ers. IT Ser vices and the Of fice of the CIO pro vide thepri mary lead er ship for stra te gic, fi nan cial, and pol icy ini tia tives af -fect ing IT across MSU. IT Ser vices of fers tech nol ogy re sourcesthat sup port MSU's mis sion of pro vid ing ed u ca tion, con duct ingre search, and ad vanc ing en gage ment. This work in cludes on linelearn ing sys tems, in struc tional tech nol ogy, col lab o ra tive tools,

user sup port, net work in fra struc ture, data storage andintegration, cybersecurity initiatives, and administrativeapplications.

IT Ser vices

Stu dents, fac ulty, staff, alumni, and vis i tors in creas ingly ex pe ri -ence Mich i gan State Uni ver sity through the lens of tech nol ogy.This com mu nity ex pects con tem po rary, mo bile, and dig i tal so lu -tions for re search, teach ing and learn ing, ad vance ment ac tiv i ties, and en ter prise sys tems.

IT Ser vices is com mit ted to pro vid ing ac a demic and ad min is -tra tive tech nol o gies to sup port the work of MSU and its com mu -nity. Our ser vices are de signed to:

Sta bi lize, man age, and im prove core tech nol ogyser vices like net work in fra struc ture and datastor age to sup port the uni ver sity’s growth.

As tech nol ogy ad vances, the vol ume of data on the MSU net -work in creases along with the need for se cure in for ma tion ac -cess, man age ment, and stor age. IT Ser vices over sees theuni ver sity’s wired and wire less net work, pri mary datacenters,iden tity and ac cess man age ment, and mass stor age. The MSUID Of fice han dles MSU NetID and Spar tan Card ac tiv i ties andsup port. Our or ga ni za tion is also the stew ard of tech nol ogy in fra -struc ture for cen tral ac a demic and busi ness in for ma tion, as so ci -ated pol i cies and busi ness prac tices, data stew ard ship, anduni ver sity ar chives.

En cour age ac tive learn ing and schol ar ship bystu dents and fac ulty through in struc tion, study,re search, and en gage ment.

Tech nol ogy so lu tions sup port in struc tors in courses, stu dentsuc cess, and in no va tive teach ing and learn ing meth ods andmod els. To these ends, IT Ser vices sup ports cam pus com puterlabs and tech nol ogy class rooms, tech nol ogy room de sign, au dio -vi sual ser vices, conferencing tech nol o gies, test proc tor ing ser -vices, and col lab o ra tive tech nol ogy tools. IT Ser vices also of fersin struc tional de sign and ped a gogy course con sul ta tion, work -shops, and best prac tices.

Ad vance MSU’s cul ture of high per for manceamong stu dents, fac ulty, and staff.

To sup port a cul ture of high per for mance, the MSU IT Ser viceDesk pro vides tech nol ogy sup port for the MSU com mu nity on thephone, on line, and in per son. The MSU Com puter Store – Helpand Re pair pro vides ed u ca tional dis counts on hard ware and soft -ware, cam pus li cens ing, and com puter re pair and war ranty ser -vices. IT Ser vices is also fo cused on IT pro ject and ser viceman age ment, as well as plan ning for fu ture sys tems, tools, andtech nol ogy trends. These pro cesses help us pri or i tize and in vestin new pro jects that are im per a tive to MSU’s prog ress as a top-tier re search uni ver sity.

Pro vide a se cu rity frame work with stan dards and ini tia tives to help pro tect in sti tu tional data, tech -nol ogy, sys tems, and re sources.

Re search pro jects, in tel lec tual prop erty, stu dent and health in -for ma tion, and sys tems that in ter act with con fi den tial data re quire added se cu rity protections. IT Ser vices and the Chief In for ma tionSe cu rity Of fi cer over see net work and sys tem se cu rity throughuni ver sity ini tia tives like two-fac tor au then ti ca tion, vul ner a bil ityman age ment, in ci dent re sponse, es tab lished IT stan dards, anded u ca tional cam paigns. The of fice also de vel ops and main tainsIT pol i cies sup port ing MSU’s in te grated in struc tional, re search,


RE SEARCH AND SER VICESIn ter na tional Stud ies and Programs

Page 5: Other De part ments and Of fices for and SER VICES · leadership training seminar offered by ISP. ISP’s cen ters co or di nate their ac tiv i ties w ith MSU’s col leges, in clud

and pub lic ser vice mis sion while main tain ing the con fi den ti al ity,in teg rity, and se cu rity of data.

In te grate data and in for ma tion so it is readily ac ces si -ble and use ful for learn ing, re search, ana lyt ics, andad min is tra tive work.

Har ness ing data to in form and shape de ci sions is im per a tivefor MSU. IT Ser vices de vel ops and main tains sys tems and data to sus tain core uni ver sity sup port and ac a demic ad min is tra tionfunc tions such as stu dent re cords, course en roll ment, fi nan cialaid, stu dent bill ing, stu dent pay ment pro cess ing, uni ver sity fi nan -cial re cords, pay ment card pro cess ing, hu man re sources, andalumni/do nor re cords. We also sup port in sti tu tional data as setcol lec tion and in te gra tion with dif fer ent sys tems and tools acrosscam pus.

More in for ma tion is avail able at http://tech.msu.edu.

Uni ver sity Ar chives and His tor i cal Col lec tions

The Mich i gan State Uni ver sity Ar chives and His tor i cal Col lec tions (UAHC) is a place of dis cov ery. More than 150 years of cam pushis tory can be ex plored us ing pho to graph col lec tions, stu dentpub li ca tions, alumni and fac ulty pa pers, and re cords from uni ver -sity pres i dents and ad min is tra tive units. Col lec tion high lights ofnon-uni ver sity re lated ma te rial in clude Civil War col lec tions, lum -ber ing in dus try col lec tions, pho to graphs of the Lan sing/East Lan -sing com mu nity, and en vi ron men tal col lec tions. UAHC staff workclosely with teach ing fac ulty to in cor po rate original historicalmaterials into the learning process.

The Uni ver sity Ar chives is also re spon si ble for the man age -ment of the uni ver sity’s in ac tive busi ness re cords, in clud ing theprep a ra tion of re ten tion sched ules for its ad min is tra tive, fis cal,per son nel, and ac a demic re cords. UAHC as sists uni ver sity unitsin the ef fi cient ad min is tra tion and man age ment of of fi cial pa perand elec tronic re cords of the uni ver sity. The UAHC staff pro videson go ing sup port and train ing to the uni ver sity com mu nity in re -cords man age ment, stor age, and re trieval in or der to en sure com -pli ance with all rel e vant state and fed eral laws and reg u la tions.Work shops pro vided by UAHC in clude the man age ment of elec -tronic re cords, email, re search data, and scanned doc u ments.Ma te ri als in the Uni ver sity Ar chives and His tor i cal Col lec tions areavail able for use in the read ing room by all MSU fac ulty, staff, stu -dents, and mem bers of the pub lic.

For fur ther in for ma tion, call 1-517-355-2330 e-mail ar [email protected], or visit www.ar chives.msu.edu.


C. Konrad Gelbke, Di rec tor

Lo cated on south cam pus, Na tional Super con duct ing Cy clo tronLab o ra tory (NSCL) is a ma jor nu clear sci ence re search lab o ra -tory. NSCL is ad min is tered by the Of fice of the Pro vost. Ex ter nalfund ing is pri mar ily pro vided by the Na tional Sci ence Foun da tion(NSF). NSCL is a world-lead ing lab o ra tory for nu clear and ac cel -er a tor sci ence re search and ed u ca tion. The lab o ra tory staff of ap -prox i mately 500 in cludes fac ulty, post doc toral fel lows,tech ni cians, en gi neers, and grad u ate and un der grad u ate stu -dents. NSCL op er ates a na tional user fa cil ity that is avail able toMich i gan State Uni ver sity fac ulty and stu dents and to sci en tistsfrom all over the world on the ba sis of sci en tific merit. More than700 sci en tists from the U.S. and abroad have come to NSCL to do their re search. The lab o ra tory houses two super con duct ing cy -clo trons (the K500 and the K1200), a super con duct ing ra dio-fre -quency lin ear ac cel er a tor, a state-of-the-art frag ment sep a ra tor(the A1900), so phis ti cated de tec tion equip ment and mod erncom put ers for ad vanced re search in many ar eas of nu clear sci -ence.

The lab o ra tory has earned in ter na tional rec og ni tion for its ba sic re search and for its pi o neer ing in no va tions in ba sic nu clear sci -ence, nu clear as tro phys ics, ac cel er a tor phys ics and as so ci atedin stru men ta tion. Spe cific ar eas of cur rent in ter est in clude pro duc -tion and in ves ti ga tion of rare iso topes (short-lived atomic nu clei of un usual pro ton to neu tron con tent) and the role of nu clear phys ics in the cos mos. Up to 10% of the beam time may be al lo cated tosup port cross-dis ci plin ary re search.

The lab o ra tory ed u cates about 10% of the next gen er a tion ofnu clear sci en tists for the United States. U.S. News and World Re -port ranks Mich i gan State Uni ver sity's nu clear phys ics Ph.D. pro -gram #1 in the na tion. Typ i cally, about 60 grad u ate stu dents fromMich i gan State Uni ver sity and other uni ver si ties use the fa cil i tiesat NSCL for their grad u ate work in ex per i men tal or the o ret i cal nu -clear phys ics, nu clear chem is try, or ac cel er a tor phys ics. The doc -toral de gree pro grams are ad min is tered through the ac a demicde part ments, pri mar ily Phys ics and As tron omy, and Chem is try.Ad mis sion and pro gram of study are sub ject to the reg u la tions ofthe ap pro pri ate de part ment. In ad di tion, NSCL plays an im por tant role in un der grad u ate ed u ca tion, pro vid ing ex pe ri ence for un der -grad u ate stu dents in a highly stim u lat ing en vi ron ment where stu -dents are ex posed to fore front nu clear sci ence research andtechnologies ranging from applied superconductivity toaccelerators designed for cancer ther apy.

The Fa cil ity for Rare Iso tope Beams (FRIB) Pro ject es tab lishes a U.S. De part ment of En ergy (DOE) Of fice of Sci ence Na tionalUser Fa cil ity sup port ing the mis sion of the Of fice of Nu clear Phys -ics. FRIB is be ing de signed and es tab lished by the FRIB Pro jectat Mich i gan State Uni ver sity and will ad join the NSCL fa cil ity.FRIB will pro vide in tense beams of rare iso topes for a wide va ri ety of stud ies in nu clear struc ture, nu clear as tro phys ics, and fun da -men tal sym me tries. FRIB will cost about $700 mil lion and will take ap prox i mately a de cade to de sign and es tab lish. Upon com ple -tion of the FRIB Pro ject, the DOE will fund op er a tions of the FRIBLab o ra tory as a na tional user facility, and NSF support of NSCLoperations will end.

For fur ther in for ma t ion, v is i t www.nscl .msu.edu,www.frib.msu.edu or e-mail di rec [email protected] or call1-517-355-9671.


RE SEARCH AND SER VICESNa tional Super con duct ing Cy clo tron Laboratory

Page 6: Other De part ments and Of fices for and SER VICES · leadership training seminar offered by ISP. ISP’s cen ters co or di nate their ac tiv i ties w ith MSU’s col leges, in clud


Hiram E. Fitz ger ald, Associate Pro vost

The Of fice of the As so ci ate Pro vost for Uni ver sity Out reach andEn gage ment (UOE) sup ports schol ars and ac a demic units in ac -tively col lab o rat ing with com mu ni ties, to join the best of MSU re -search with the best com mu nity knowl edge and ex per tise, toad dress such com plex is sues as re gional eco nomic and com mu -nity de vel op ment; early child hood de vel op ment; K-12 ed u ca tion;com mu nity sys tems change; and the cen tral ity of en gage ment inhigher ed u ca tion. UOE fa cil i tates the de vel op ment of uni ver -sity-com mu nity part ner ships de signed to gen er ate ev i -dence-based so lu tions to com mu nity-based con cerns, lo callyand glob ally. UOE:· con nects the uni ver sity and its fac ulty with agen cies, com -

mu ni ties, schools, groups, busi nesses, non-profit and otheror ga ni za tions, pro fes sional as so ci a tions, and var ied pub licand pri vate sec tor con stit u en cies;

· uses as set-based mod els to ob tain pos i tive out comes andlong-term im pacts,and to pro vide link ages be tweenmultidisciplinary fac ulty teams and ex ter nal groups, fa cil i ta -tion ser vices, and eval u a tion re search and train ing;

· maintains fa cil i ties for us abil ity and ac ces si bil ity eval u a tionwith user ex pe ri ence spe cial ists to test and rec om mend de -signs for Web sites and in for ma tion sys tems;

· de vel ops and main tains Web sites that cat a log a wide va ri -ety of Mich i gan State Uni ver sity’s ac tiv i ties and ar eas of ex -per tise;

· pro vides learn ing op por tu ni ties for un der grad u ate and grad -u ate stu dents to help them de velop com mu nity-based re -search and en gage ment skills;

· colloborates with the Of fice of Vice Pres i dent for Stu dentSer vices and Af fairs to fa cil i tate in clu sion of ser vice-learn ing and civic engagement com po nents in un der grad u atecourses;

· rec om mends in sti tu tional struc tures, pol i cies, and pro ce -dures that will en hance pub lic ac cess to the uni ver sity’sknowl edge re sources;

· works to strengthen out reach and en gage ment in cen tivesand re wards for fac ulty and for ac a demic units;

· coordinates net works of fac ulty and com mu nity mem bersaround geo graphic ar eas (Lan sing, De troit, Flint, etc.) andtop ics of con cern; and

· en cour ages and cre ates op por tu ni ties for com mu nity-basedscholarship for faculty and grad u ate stu dents.

Across the uni ver sity, the unit col lects data and in for ma tionabout fac ulty, de part ment, col lege, and in sti tu tion out reach anden gage ment ac tiv ity and par tic i pates in var i ous na tional highered u ca tion benchmarking ini tia tives. It uses these data to pro videin for ma tion about what and how much the uni ver sity is con trib ut -ing to the pub lic good in a given gen eral lo cale such as a leg is la -tive dis trict or an ur ban area, or about a par tic u lar so ci etal is sue.

For more in for ma tion, visit www.out reach.msu.edu or e-mailout [email protected], or call 517-353-8977. For in for ma tion onstate wide pro grams, see www.msustatewide.msu.edu. To learnabout the Universi ty 's many youth pro grams, seewww.spartanyouth.msu.edu. Uni ver sity Out reach and En gage -ment is housed on the Gar den Level, Kellogg Cen ter.

Mich i gan State Uni ver sity Mu seum

Gary Morgan, Di rec tor

The MSU Mu seum is a multidisciplinary mu seum of sci ences andcul tural stud ies. The Mu seum's core func tions are di verse. It isfirst and fore most an in sti tu tion of learn ing and pro vides ed u ca -tion for the wid est of au di ences through ex hib its and re lated ed u -ca tional pro grams. The MSU Mu seum also de liv ers out reachpro grams across the state and far ther afield through tour ing ex -hib its and teleconferenced 'vir tual' classes to schools. As part ofUni ver sity Out reach and En gage ment, the MSU Mu seum is com -mit ted to en gag ing the com mu nity with knowl edge re sources ofMSU.

The one mil lion ob jects in the Mu seum col lec tions span the nat -u ral sci ences (mostly ver te brate zo ol ogy and pa le on tol ogy), an -thro pol ogy and ar chae ol ogy, his tory and tech nol ogy, eth nol ogyand folk and dec o ra tive arts. These col lec tions sup port the Mu -seum’s pub lic pro grams – es pe cially the ex hib its - and they arealso used for course work for MSU stu dents, es pe cially in the nat -u ral sci ences and cul tural and art stud ies. Thou sands of MSUstu dents en gage with the Mu seum's col lec tions through theircourses each year. The col lec tions also sup port ac tive re searchpro grams, by MSU fac ulty and stu dents, and re search ers basedaround the coun try and in ter na tion ally.

Re search ma te ri als in clude doc u mented col lec tions of fos siland mod ern ver te brates (mam mals, birds, rep tiles, am phib i ans,and fishes), folk art and folklife, his tor i cal ma te ri als, and ar chae o -log i cal ma te ri als from ex ca va tions of sites of early hu man hab i ta -tions in the up per Great Lakes re gion. Col lec tions are un der thecare of col lec tions man ag ers and cu ra tors. Cu ra tors may holdjoint ap point ments in var i ous MSU de part ments. Cu ra tors alsoteach courses within their spe cial ties and di rect grad u ate stu dentre search. These col lec tions and the field work re quired to ob tainthem are closely cor re lated with teach ing ac tiv i ties andstrengthen the re search and teach ing ca pa bil i ties of sev eral ac a -demic ar eas. In ter ested stu dents can par tic i pate in Mu seum field -work ex pe di tions. Fi nan cial sup port can be avail able to as sistre search stud ies of stu dents. Re search con tri bu tions arepublished widely in refereed and popular media, and in periodicMSU Museum publications.

The MSU Mu seum col lab o rates with other ac a demic units toof fer the Spe cial iza tion in Mu seum Stud ies that is ad min is teredby the De part ment of Art, Art His tory, and De sign.

The MSU Mu seum is the home of the Mich i gan Tra di tional ArtsPro gram, the State Folklife Pro gram. Ma jor out reach pro gramsin clude the Great Lakes Folk Fes ti val and trav el ling ex hi bi tionsser vice. The Mu seum pro vides tech ni cal as sis tance to small mu -se ums. Mu seum staff pro vide spe cial ist ad vice to other mu se ums and state agen cies in ar eas rel e vant to their ex per tise (nat u ralsci ence, cul tural stud ies, col lec tion care, education, exhibitiondevelopment).

The pro grams (col lec tions, teach ing, re search and pub lic pro -grams) of the MSU Mu seum have a par tic u lar fo cus on the stateof Mich i gan and the Great Lakes re gion, but also have strong na -tional and in ter na tional link ages and cov er age. The Mu seum is aSmith so nian Af fil i ate Mu seum and is ac cred ited by the Amer i canAssociation of Museums.

The MSU Mu seum oc cu pies sev eral sites on cam pus. Themain build ing on West Cir cle Drive houses the pub lic ex hi bi tiongal ler ies, to gether with of fices and some col lec tion stor age. Longterm-ex hi bi tions in clude Her i tage Hall, Hall of World Cul tures,Mich i gan Art ists – Pass ing on Tra di tions, Hall of Evo lu tion, Hab i -tat Hall, An i mal Di ver sity, and Col lec tions-Con nec tions In ad di -tion to the long-term dis plays, large and small chang ing ex hib its,events and ed u ca tional pro grams are fea tured through out theyear. Chang ing ex hib its re late to any of the Mu seum dis ci plinesand in creas ingly are profiling the nature and impacts of MSUresearch.


RE SEARCH AND SER VICESUni ver sity Out reach and Engagement

Page 7: Other De part ments and Of fices for and SER VICES · leadership training seminar offered by ISP. ISP’s cen ters co or di nate their ac tiv i ties w ith MSU’s col leges, in clud

The MSU Mu seum has a flex i ble-func tion, tech nol ogy-en abledau di to rium with seat ing up to 80. The Mu seum is avail able forspe cial events, and some gal ler ies can pro vide a unique venueex pe ri ence. The Mu seum store of fers ed u ca tional and gift itemsthat re late to themes of the displays.

The main pub lic build ing is open to the pub lic and stu dents from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Mon day – Fri day, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.Sat ur day, and 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., Sunday. Stu dents may ar -range ac cess to col lec tions out side of these hours by con tactingwith Museum staff.

Mu seum col lec tions are also housed at other non-pub lic sitesaround cam pus, which can be ac cessed with the ap pro pri ate cu -ra tor or col lec tions manager.

For more in for ma tion, visit www.mu seum.msu.edu; call1-517-355-7474 for re corded in for ma tion (ex hib its and events) or1-517-355-2370 for the ad min is tra tive of fice, Mon day through Fri -day, 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.; or e-mailpr@mu seum.msu.edu for gen eral in qui ries.


Lou Anna K. Si mon, President

Of fice for In clu sion and Intercultural Initiatives

Paulette Granberry Rus sell, Di rec tor andSe nior Ad vi sor to the Pres i dent for Di ver sity

The Of fice for In clu sion and Intercultural Ini tia tives serves as anex ec u tive-level fo cal point for the pro mo tion of in clu sion anddiversity at Mich i gan State Uni ver sity. Through its lead er ship andsup port of uni ver sity-wide ini tia tives on in clu sive ex cel lence, itstrength ens and cre ates a sup port ive en vi ron ment for the Mich i -gan State Uni ver sity com mu nity, fos ter ing in clu sion, di ver sity, in -sti tu tional eq uity, and intercultural un der stand ing. It fa cil i tatescol lab o ra tion within and across units through as sess ment and ed -u ca tion which pro motes and en hances eq uity, respect, civility,and accountability.

The of fice pro vides a broad spec trum of in struc tional op por tu ni -ties for fac ulty, staff and stu dents on di ver sity and in clu sion is -sues; bias, dis crim i na tion and ha rass ment pre ven tion; and globaland intercultural un der stand ing. It also pro motes con sid er ation of best prac tices that ad vance a culture of inclusion at MSU.

The Of fice serves as the pri mary re source to the pres i dent, pro -vost and var i ous other uni ver sity of fi cials on is sues of di ver sityand in clu sion. The co or di na tion of all these en deav ors leads togreater co her ence and con nec tiv ity of in clu sive ness at Mich i ganState Uni ver sity and be yond.

For more in for ma tion, visit www.in clu sion.msu.edu, email in -clu [email protected]; or call 1-517-353-3922.

Of fice of In sti tu tion Eq uity

The Of fice of In sti tu tional Eq uity (OIE) is re spon si ble for the Uni -ver sity’s com pli ance with fed eral and state laws and Uni ver sitypol i cies and pro ce dures re gard ing dis crim i na tion, ha rass ment,re la tion ship vi o lence, stalk ing, and sex ual mis con duct. The Of -fice is re spon si ble for in ves ti gat ing all al le ga tions of pro hib iteddis crim i na tion and ha rass ment, re la tion ship vi o lence, stalk ing,and sex ual mis con duct, and pro vides train ing to rec og nize andpre vent such in ci dents. The Of fice also col lab o rates with othercam pus offices to encourage best practices to promote a cultureof inclusion.

For more in for ma tion, con tact [email protected] or call1-517-353-3922.

Research In teg rity Of fi cer

James Pivarnik, Research In teg rity Of fi cer

The Re search In teg rity Of fi cer (RIO) is re spon si ble for en sur ingthe MSU Pro ce dures Con cern ing Al le ga tions of Mis con duct inRe search and Cre ative Ac tiv i ties are car ried out in an un bi ased,con fi den tial, and pro fes sional man ner. Re search Mis con duct in -cludes fabrication, falsification, plagiarism, or any other prac tice,that se ri ously de vi ates from prac tices com monly ac cepted in thedis ci pline or in the ac a demic and re search com mu ni ties gen er ally in pro pos ing, per form ing, re view ing, or re port ing research andcreative activities. Mis con duct does not in clude hon est er ror orhon est dif fer ences in the in ter pre ta tion or judg ment of data. Ini tial in qui ries re gard ing po ten tial re search mis con duct cases are heldin strict con fi dence. The RIO is lo cated at Olds Hall, 408 WestCir cle Drive, Room 107 and can be reached at 1-517-432-6698 or by e-mail at [email protected]. Visit www.rio.msu.edu for more in for -ma tion.

Alumni Pro fes sional and Per sonal Enrichment

Alumni Pro fes sional and Per sonal En rich ment, a pro gram of theMich i gan State Uni ver sity Alumni As so ci a tion, seeks to en gageand serve alumni and com mu ni ties while in cor po rat ing Mich i ganState Uni ver sity’s Bold ness by De sign ini tia tives that fea ture theguid ing val ues of qual ity, in clu sive ness, and con nec tiv ity by of fer -ing non-credit pro fes sional and per sonal en rich ment learn ing op -por tu ni ties to Mich i gan State Uni ver sity alumni, friends, stu dents,faculty, staff, retirees and community members.

In cluded in Alumni Pro fes sional and Per sonal En rich ment isthe Alumni LENS (for merly known as Eve ning Col lege). TheAlumni LENS (Life long En rich ment for Spar tans) pro gram cre -ates and cu rates unique of fer ings in sub jects in clud ing, but notlim ited to, the arts, cul ture, busi ness, health, sci ence and his tory.Through the Alumni LENS pro gram, the Mich i gan State Uni ver -sity Alumni As so ci a tion has evolved the Eve ning Col lege into apro gram ca pa ble of res o nat ing with those less fa mil iar with theMSU brand and reach ing those in ter ested in ex pe ri enc ing en rich -ment pro gram ming both in and be yond East Lan sing. The in-per -son en rich ment ex pe ri ence re mains, with added at ten tion givento the cre ation of courses ca pa ble of in clud ing dig i tal au di encesso that those un able to come to cam pus can still be a part of theMSU story. In ad di tion, the Mich i gan State Uni ver sity Alumni As -so ci a tion has de vel oped a dig i tal ag gre gate of en rich ment pro -gram ming avail able across cam pus, East Lan sing and be yondthrough their Web site www.alumni.msu.edu/lens. Through thiscol lec tion of courses, pro grams, lec ture se ries, and spe cialevents, com mu nity mem bers and alumni are pre sented a wealthof en rich ment op por tu ni ties avail able to them in both dig i tal andin-per son for mats from Mich i gan State Uni ver sity.

Professional enrichment available through the Michigan StateUniversity Alumni Association includes webcasts on timelysubjects relating to career management and business trends,Livestream events of faculty and alumni presenting on campus intheir field of expertise, and blog posts featuring subject matterexperts in a variety of career and business related topics.

Alumni Pro fes sional and Per sonal En rich ment is lo cated at 535 Chest nut Road, Room 300, Spar tan Sta dium Tower, by phone(517) 355-8314, or by web at www.alumni.msu.edu.


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Uni ver sity Ombudsperson

Rob ert A. Caldwell, Uni ver sity OmbudspersonShan non Lynn Bur ton, As sis tant Ombudsperson

The Uni ver sity Ombudsperson is a se nior fac ulty mem ber ap -pointed by the Pres i dent to help stu dents re solve dis putes in acon fi den tial, im par tial, in de pend ent, and in for mal man ner. Af teras sess ing the va lid ity of each com plaint, the Uni ver sityOmbudsperson, along with the As sis tant Uni ver si tyOmbudsperson, ad vise stu dents on pos si ble rem e dies and,where in di cated, ac tively as sist stu dents in se cur ing a fair res o lu -tion of the mat ter. They also ad vise fac ulty, ad min is tra tors, andstaff of uni ver sity pol i cies and reg u la tions that might guide theirde ci sions. To sup port these ef forts, the Of fice of the Uni ver sityOmbudsperson has broad pow ers of in ves ti ga tion, in clud ing di -rect and ready ac cess to uni ver sity of fi cers and fac ulty and to of fi -cial re cords. Com mu ni ca tion with the Of fice of the Uni ver sityOmbudsperson does not put the uni ver sity on no tice. The Of ficeof the Uni ver sity Ombudsperson was es tab lished in 1967 with theadop tion of Stu dent Rights and Re spon si bil ity at Mich i gan StateUni ver s i ty. For fur ther in for ma t ion, seewww.msu.edu/unit/ombud, or e-mail [email protected] or call1-517-353-8830.


June Youatt, Pro vost

The Pro vost and Executive Vice Pres i dent for Ac a demic Af fairspro vides lead er ship for mat ters that af fect ac a demic pro grams,re search, and out reach. The Pro vost is the prin ci pal ac a demic of -fi cer of the Uni ver sity with ad min is tra tive re spon si bil ity for the col -leges in clud ing the Mich i gan State Uni ver sity Col lege of Law,ac a demic pro grams, and all ac a demic units in clud ing the Hon orsCol lege, In ter na tional Stud ies and Pro grams, and the Fa cil ity forRare Iso tope Beams.

The Of fice of the Pro vost also has ad min is tra tive re spon si bil ityfor ac a demic sup port units: Un der grad u ate Ed u ca tion, The Grad -u ate School, Ac a demic Hu man Re sources, Ac a demic Ser vices(in clud ing the Of fice of Ad mis sions, the Of fice of Fi nan cial Aid,and the Of fice of the Reg is trar), Of fice for In clu sion andIntercultural Ini tia tives (jointly with the Ex ec u tive Vice Pres i dentfor Ad min is tra tive Ser vices), Fac ulty and Or ga ni za tional De vel -op ment, MSU Li brar ies, Information Tech nol ogy Services (jointlywith the Executive Vice Pres i dent for Ad min is tra tive Services),the Eli and Edythe Broad Art Mu seum, Olin Health Cen ter, Of ficeof Plan ning and Bud gets (jointly with the Ex ec u tive Vice Pres i dent for Ad min is tra tive Services), Stu dent-Ath lete Sup port Ser vices,Uni ver sity Out reach and En gage ment (in clud ing the Whar tonCen ter for Per form ing Arts and In sti tute for Arts and Creativity,and the MSU Mu seum), the Of fice of the Sec re tary for Ac a demicGov er nance, and the Women's Re source Cen ter (jointly with theEx ec u tive Vice Pres i dent for Ad min is tra tive Services, and theVice Pres i dent for Stu dent Af fairs and Ser vices).

In ad di tion, the Of fice has uni ver sity–wide re spon si bil ity forsum mer ses sion pro grams, com mence ment, fac ulty sem i nars, li -ai son with ac a demic gov er nance stand ing com mit tees, andawards for fac ulty and graduate assistants.

The Of fice of the Pro vost has re spon si bil ity at the dean’s levelfor the De part ment of Aero space Stud ies and the De part ment ofMil i tary Sci ence. The two de part men tal units and se lected ad min -is tra tive units are de scribed in the state ments which follow.

For more in for ma tion visit www.pro vost.msu.edu, e-mail pro [email protected], or call 1-517-355-6550.


The United States Air Force Re serve Of fi cer Train ing Corps(AFROTC) is a na tion wide pro gram that al lows stu dents to pur -sue com mis sions (be come of fi cers) in the United States Air Force (USAF) while si mul ta neously at tend ing col lege. The pro gramcon sists of three-year, four-year, or five-year ac a demic pro gramsde pend ing on the stu dent's ma jor. The pro gram is bro ken into two dis tinct seg ments, the Gen eral Mil i tary Corps (GMC) and the Pro -fes sional Of fi cer Corps (POC), both of which are taken on-cam -pus. In ad di tion, prior to ad mis sion into the POC, AFROTCstu dents must com plete a four-week field train ing en camp mentoff-campus.

AFROTC classes are held on col lege cam puses in the UnitedStates and Puerto Rico, and stu dents reg is ter through nor malcourse reg is tra tion pro cesses. AFROTC con sists of four years ofAero space Stud ies classes (Foun da tions of the USAF, Evo lu tionof USAF and Space Power, Air Force Lead er ship Stud ies, andNa tional Se cu rity Af fairs/Prep a ra tion for Ac tive Duty), and a cor -re spond ing Lead er ship Lab o ra tory for each year whereby stu -dents ap ply lead er ship skills, dem on strate com mand andef fec tive com mu ni ca tion, de velop phys i cal fit ness, and prac ticemil i tary cus toms and cour te sies. Col lege stu dents en rolled in theAFROTC pro gram are known as "ca dets." Ca dets who suc cess -fully com plete both AFROTC train ing and col lege de gree re quire -ments will grad u ate and si mul ta neously com mis sion as Sec ondLieu ten ants in the Ac tive Duty Air Force.

Schol ar ships

The AFROTC pro gram of fers to qual i fied high school ap pli cantsthe op por tu nity to com pete for a 4-year schol ar ship. The ap pli ca -tion may be sub mit ted on line from May 1st of the stu dent’s ju nioryear through De cem ber 1st of his/her se nior year of high school. Visit www.afrotc.com for more in for ma tion and the ap pli ca tion forthe High School Schol ar ship pro gram.

In-Col lege Schol ar ships are awarded on a com pet i tive ba sisfor 2 to 3.5 years. Ap pli cants com pet ing for In-Col lege Schol ar -ships must be en rolled as a ca det and nom i nated by a mem ber ofthe de tach ment cadre (in struc tors). En roll ment in AFROTCcourses alone does not con sti tute grounds for schol ar ship con -sid er ation.

Schol ar ships cover tu i tion, fees, a book al low ance, and amonthly sub sis tence al low ance re ferred to as a “sti pend.” Sti -pends range from $300-$500 monthly de pend ing on the stu dent’s ac a demic classification (fresh man, soph o more, junior, senior).

Gen eral Mil i tary Course

The GMC con sists of four 1-credit courses, nor mally com pleteddur ing the fresh man and soph o more years. The 100-level por tion of the GMC examines the Air Force in the con tem po rary world. The 200-level por tion of the GMC fo cuses on a study of Air Powerthrough the jet age, a his tor i cal re view of the em ploy ment of airpower in mil i tary and non mil i tary op er a tions, and the evo lu tion ofair power con cepts and doc trine.

Stu dents in the three-year pro gram must be con cur rently en -rolled in both the fresh man (100-level) and the soph o more(200-level) courses each se mes ter of their soph o more year.

Por tions of the GMC may be waived for stu dents with prior mil i -tary ex pe ri ence or for stu dents who trans fer from an other re serveof fi cer train ing program.

Pro fes sional Of fi cers Course

Stu dents are ac cepted into the POC on a com pet i tive ba sis pro -vided they have at least two years of full-time un der grad u atecourse work re main ing. Per for mance in the GMC and the fieldtrain ing en camp ment are among the fac tors con sid ered.


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The POC con sists of four 3-credit courses that ex tend over atwo-year pe riod. The 300-level por tion of the POC em pha sizesthe con cepts and skills re quired of a suc cess ful leader. The400-level por tion of the POC is de signed to pro vide fu ture AirForce of fi cers with back ground information in na tional se cu ritypol icy is sues while stress ing re spon si bil i ties of the mil i tary of fi cerand civil-mil i tary re la tions.

Students who suc cess fully com plete the re quire ments of thePOC and their de gree pro grams will be com mis sioned as Sec ondLieu ten ants in the United States Air Force and will en ter ac tiveduty within one year. De lay of en try to ac tive duty to study at themas ter’s or doc toral level may be per mit ted. There are many ca -reer op por tu ni ties in di vid u als can qual ify, in clud ing but not lim itedto pilot, space and mis sile operations, cyberspace op er a tions, en -gi neer ing, med i cal and nurs ing career fields.

Lead er ship Lab o ra tory

Lead er ship Lab o ra tory con sists of a se ries 1-credit hour labs thataccompany the ac a demic class each se mes ter through out thepro gram. As part of the GMC and POC, the stu dent is a mem berof an or ga nized ca det corps that con ducts a lead er ship lab o ra -tory. In struc tion is con ducted within the frame work of the ca detcorps with a pro gres sion of ex pe ri ences de signed to de velopeach student’s leadership potential.

Field Train ing

Stu dents in the pro gram com pete to at tend a four-week field train -ing en camp ment at Maxwell Air Force Base, AL. Stu dents at tendthis en camp ment the sum mer be tween their soph o more and ju -nior years. En camp ment ex penses are paid for by the U.S. AirForce. For more in for ma tion, visit www.msu.edu/~airforce; [email protected]; or call 1-517-355-2168.


The U.S. Army Re serve Of fi cers' Training Corps (ROTC) Pro -gram of fers un der grad u ate and grad u ate stu dents an op por tu nityto qual ify as com mis sioned of fi cers in the United States Army. The ROTC pro gram pro vides prep a ra tion for lead er ship in any pro fes -sion, mil i tary or ci vil ian.

Gen eral El i gi bil ity Re quire ments

To en roll in the Re serve Of fi cers' Training Corps pro gram, the stu -dent must: 1. Be of good moral char ac ter. 2. Be a cit i zen of the United States. (For eign nationals may en -

roll by spe cial re quest.) 3. Be en rolled as a full-time stu dent at Mich i gan State Uni ver -

sity. 4. Ex e cute an oath of loy alty to the United States. 5. Not be a con sci en tious ob jec tor.

Ad di tional re quire ments ex ist for Ad vanced Course par tic i pa -tion. Con tact the De part ment of Mil i tary Sci ence for spe cific in for -ma tion.

Uni forms and Text books

Army uni forms are fur nished to stu dents on a loan ba sis. All text -books nec es sary for Mil i tary Sci ence courses are fur nished by the de part ment but must be re turned when the stu dent com pletes as -so ci a tion with the de part ment.

ROTC Schol ar ships

The ROTC pro gram of fers four-year, three-year, and two-yearschol ar ships to qual i fied stu dents. An Army ROTC schol ar shipcan pro vide all or most of the tu i tion and fees at Mich i gan StateUni ver sity. The schol ar ship also pro vides an al low ance for text

books. Schol ar ship stu dents also re ceive a monthly al low ance for up to ten months per year rang ing from $300 to $500. Schol ar ship stu dents must meet uni ver sity ad mis sions cri te ria.

ROTC Ba sic Course

The Ba sic Course, nor mally com pleted in the fresh man and soph -o more years, pro vides the stu dent with a gen eral knowl edge ofthe mil i tary's role in our so ci ety, and the mis sions of the Army. It ispos si ble for a soph o more to com plete the Ba sic Course in oneyear through prior ar range ment with the de part ment. No mil i taryob li ga tion is in curred for nonscholarship stu dents par tic i pat ing inor com plet ing the Ba sic Course. Suc cess ful com ple tion of the Ba -sic Course is a pre req ui site for en roll ment in the ROTC Ad vanced course. Ad di tionally, se lected soph o mores and ju niors can alsoqual ify for the Ad vanced Course by com plet ing ROTC Lead er -ship Train ers Course at Fort Knox, KY in the sum mer, or throughprior mil i tary ser vice, ei ther ac tive or re serve.

ROTC Ad vanced Course

The Ad vanced Course is the pro fes sional phase of the ROTCpro gram. The Ad vanced Course in cludes courses in lead er shipskills, train ing and per son nel man age ment, eth ics, mil i tary jus -tice, and mil i tary tac tics. Stu dents must com plete a mil i tary his tory course through the De part ment of Mil i tary Sci ence or through an -other ap proved list of MSU ap proved courses. Mil i tary Science IVstu dents must com plete a de part ment ap proved staff ride dur ingtheir fi nal year of stud ies. Fi nally, all Ad vanced Course ca detsmust meet the Army stan dards for phys i cal fit ness andheight/weight re quire ments. All Ad vanced Course stu dents mustat tend a four–week long Ad vanced Camp at Fort Knox, KY. Stu -dents nor mally at tend the Ad vanced Camp the sum mer be tweentheir ju nior and se nior years.

Upon sat is fac tory com ple tion of the Ad vanced Course re quire -ments and the award ing of the bach e lor's de gree, the stu dent isel i gi ble for a com mis sion as a Second Lieu ten ant in the UnitedStates Army, the U.S. Army Re serve, or the Army Na tionalGuard.

Spe cial Op por tu ni ties

Se lected stu dents par tic i pat ing in the ROTC pro gram may at tendAir borne, Air As sault, Moun tain Warfare, or North ern War faretrain ing. Ad di tionally, se lected stu dents are of fered the op por tu -nity to par tic i pate in a Cul tural Aware ness pro gram, For eign Lan -guage Pro gram, Nurse Sum mer Train ing Pro gram, or Ca detTroop Lead er ship Train ing in which they per form the du ties of anof fi cer at an Army installation. Non–schol ar ship stu dents in theAd vanced Course may elect to serve as of fi cer train ees in lo calNa tional Guard and Army Re serve units, thereby re ceiv ing ad di -tional train ing, ex pe ri ence, and fi nan cial sup port while at tend ingcol lege.

Credit for Pre vi ous Mil i tary Train ing

Stu dents with pre vi ous col le giate mil i tary train ing may be grantedtrans fer credit for cor re spond ing Mil i tary Sci ence courses com -pleted sat is fac to rily in a se nior di vi sion ROTC unit in an other col -lege or uni ver sity. Stu dents with prior mil i tary ser vice may beac cepted for Ad vanced Course train ing, but no credit is grantedfor Ba sic Course courses. See www.armyrotc.msu.edu.


The Eli and Edythe Broad Art Mu seum is the art mu seum of Mich i -gan State Uni ver sity. As an en gaged pub lic in sti tu tion, The Broadat MSU is a con tem po rary mu seum de voted to the art of our time.Ex pressly ded i cated to ex plor ing in ter na tional con tem po rary cul -ture and ideas through the prob ing gaze of art ists, The Broad is a


RE SEARCH AND SER VICESOf fice of the Pro vost

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place where art ists’ ideas, words, and ac tions cre ate a vi brantcen ter for ques tion ing and un der stand ing the mod ern world. Ded -i cated to ex per i men ta tion and study, The Broad is a lab o ra tory forthe new, grounded in a deep ap pre ci a tion for the his tor i cal. With a study col lec tion con tain ing ob jects from the Greek and Ro manpe ri ods through the Re nais sance and on to the Mod ern, TheBroad is uniquely able to contextualize the wide range of con tem -po rary art prac tices within a firm his tor i cal con text.

For more in for ma tion, visit www.broadmuseum.msu.edu,e-mail [email protected], or call 1-517-884-3900.


Of fice of Fi nan cial Aid

Rich ard L. Shipman, Di rec tor

The core mis sion of the Of fice of Fi nan cial Aid is to as sist Mich i -gan State Uni ver sity stu dents fund their ed u ca tional costs through fed eral, state, pri vate, and in sti tu tional fi nan cial as sis tance thatin cludes grants, schol ar ships, work pro grams, and loans. Ap -prox i mately 66% of all MSU stu dents re ceive some form of fi nan -cial aid through this office.

Most fund ing is awarded based upon fi nan cial need as de ter -mined by the Free Ap pli ca tion for Fed eral Stu dent Aid (FAFSA)which is com pleted an nu ally by stu dents and par ents on line atwww.fafsa.gov.

Staff members advise stu dents via individual meetings, phonecalls, and e-mail regarding both short-and long-term financialassistance. Additionally, they provide general college financinginformation for students, parents, faculty, staff, high schoolcounselors, and prospective students through a variety ofworkshops, presentations, and events.

For in for ma tion on avail able aid and the ap pli ca tion pro cess,visit the Of fice of Fi nan cial Aid Web site at www.finaid.msu.edu,e-mail [email protected], or call 1-517-353-5940.

Of fice of the Sec re tary for Ac a demic Gov er nance

John W. Powell, In terim Sec re tary

The Sec re tary for Ac a demic Gov er nance is sec re tary to the Ac a -demic Con gress, Uni ver sity Coun cil, Steer ing Com mit tee, Fac -ulty Sen ate and serves as ex-officio mem ber on the Uni ver sityCom mit tee on Ac a demic Gov er nance. The Of fice of the Sec re -tary pro vides staff sup port to the Uni ver sity Coun cil and its com -mit tees, and pro vides as sis tance to col leges, de part ments, andschools in the prep a ra tion and in ter pre ta tion of unit by laws for ac -a demic gov er nance. For more in for ma t ion, v is i thttp://acadgov.msu.edu, e-mail [email protected], or call1-517-355-2337.

Stu dent-Ath lete Sup port Ser vices

James R. Pignataro, Di rec tor

Stu dent-Ath lete Sup port Ser vices (SASS) helps stu dent-ath letesreach their full po ten tial. Its mis sion is to pro vide each stu -dent-ath lete with guid ance, re sources and sup port that will en -hance their de vel op ment both ac a dem i cally and per son ally. Thisis ac com plished within a proactive suc cess driven en vi ron mentwhich de liv ers qual ity ac a demic ser vices and di verse pro gram -ming.

The SASS phi los o phy is to of fer an ac a demic sup port pro gram,in te grated with the uni ver sity, that will as sist all stu dent-ath leteswith their tran si tion into col lege. This all-en com pass ing sup portcon tin ues through out each stu dent-ath lete’s col le giate ca reer un -til the day he or she re ceives a di ploma, ob tains employment, orenters graduate school.

The SASS academic coordinators have expert knowledge inNCAA and Big Ten regulations and the Learning Specialist andsubject tutors are trained to work proact ively withstudent-athletes from 25 varsity sports throughout their collegecareers.

SASS is housed in a na tion ally rec og nized fa cil ity, the ClaraBell Smith Stu dent-Ath lete Ac a demic Cen ter, where a wide range of ser vices and fa cil i ties are avail able, in clud ing ac a demic coun -sel ing, com puter labs with in struc tion, tu tor ing in all sub ject ar eas, ca reer plan ning, com mu nity-ser vice op por tu ni ties, per sonal-de -vel op ment work shops, and in form ing stu dent-ath letes about ath -letic el i gi bil ity, course reg is tra tion, and cur rent NCAA, Big Tenand uni ver sity rules and reg u la tions. Visit:www.sass.msu.edu orcall 1-517-355-2204.

Women's Re source Cen ter

Lydia Weiss, In terim Di rec tor

The Women's Re source Cen ter is the unit des ig nated to pro videa fo cal point for is sues and ideas of im por tance to uni ver sitywomen. The over all in tent of the unit's ed u ca tional and ad vo cacypro gram ming and re source co or di na tion and re fer rals is to stim u -late lead er ship and schol ar ship, to em power women fac ulty, andstaff to par tic i pate actively in the life of the uni ver sity, to uti lize their skills and abil i ties fully, and to tran si tion into and to re al ize theiras pi ra tions both within the uni ver sity com mu nity and so ci etyat–large. The cen ter, through the di rec tor, re ports jointly to thePro vost, the Ex ec u tive Vice Pres i dent for Ad min is tra tiveServices, and the Vice Pres i dent for Stu dent Af fairs and Ser vices.

For fur ther in for ma tion, call 1-517-353-1635 or visitwww.wrc.msu.edu or e-mail [email protected].


Ste phen Hsu, Vice Pres i dent for Re search and Grad u ate Studies

Re search and cre ative ac tiv ity are part of the daily life of pro fes -sors and stu dents alike at Mich i gan State Uni ver sity. What sci en -tists learn in their lab o ra to ries be comes what they teach andtrans fer into the mar ket place. The goal of such cu ri os ity, cre ativ -ity, and learn ing is a deeper un der stand ing of in di vid u als, so ci ety,and the world.

In the land-grant, prob lem-solv ing tra di tion, Mich i gan StateUni ver sity’s re search break throughs have im proved life for peo -ple around the world from cross-fer til iza tion of corn in the 1870s to one of the most suc cess ful anticancer drugs in the 1960s andthen to novel ap proaches for treat ing and stop ping the spread ofma laria in the 21st century.

In con cert with the Pro vost, the of fice ad min is ters the Grad u ate School and is re spon si ble for main tain ing syn ergy be tween re -search and cre ative schol ar ship and the ed u ca tion of grad u atestu dents. The Of fice of the Vice Pres i dent for Re search andGrad u ate Stud ies:1. pro motes the in crease in qual ity and quan tity of Mich i gan

State Uni ver sity re search by pro vid ing many types of sup -port, such as:a. seed fund ing for prom is ing re search and cre ative ac tiv -



RE SEARCH AND SER VICESOf fice of the Provost

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b. co or di na tion and sup port of the re search grant pro posalprocess

c. the lat est research train ing, fa cil i ties and in fra struc tured. proactive op por tu ni ties for spon sored re searche. protection and li cens ing of in tel lec tual prop ertyf. sup port for scale-up and com mer cial iza tion of ideas,

andg. recognition of re search ex cel lence in fac ulty re cruit -

ment, re ten tion, and ca reer development2. oversees the ethical conduct of research, including conflict of

interest is sues3. implements university policies relevant to research and

creative activities4. enhances the safety of researchers and research sub jects5. as sures com pli ance with state and federal reg u la tions

regarding research6. seeks ways to con trib ute to the state’s economic de vel op -

ment by le ver ag ing the uni ver sity's in tel lec tual cap i tal.Mich i gan State Uni ver sity has more than 100 ac tive re search

cen ters and in sti tutes on cam pus, as well as field re search sitesthrough out the state of Mich i gan. Most are in ter dis ci plin ary andseveral are joint ini tia tives be tween Mich i gan State Uni ver sity and other uni ver si ties around the world. Ex am ples of these re searchcol lab o ra tions in clude:1. The Fa cil ity for Rare Iso tope Beams (FRIB), a new na tional

user fa cil ity for nu clear sci ence, funded by the De part ment ofEn ergy Of fice of Sci ence (DOE-SC), Mich i gan State Uni ver -sity (MSU), and the State of Mich i gan. Lo cated on-cam pusand op er ated by MSU, FRIB will pro vide in tense beams ofrare iso topes, that is, short-lived nu clei not nor mally found onEarth.

2. The National Science Foundation Sci ence and Tech nol ogyCen ter for the Study of Evo lu tion in Ac tion (BEA CON), a con -sor tium, led by Mich i gan State Uni ver sity and in clud ing North Carolina A&T State Uni ver sity, Uni ver sity of Idaho, Uni ver -sity of Texas at Aus tin and Uni ver sity of Wash ing ton, which is ex plor ing evo lu tion in both nat u ral and dig i tal set tings.

3. The Great Lakes Bioenergy Re search Cen ter (GLBRC),funded by the U.S. De part ment of En ergy and led by the Uni -ver sity of Wis con sin-Mad i son, to con duct transformationalbiofuels re search.

4. The 4.1m South ern As tro phys i cal Re search (SOAR) tele -scope in Cerro Pachon, Chile, op er ated by a con sor tium in -clud ing Mich i gan State Uni ver sity, the Uni ver sity of NorthCarolina at Cha pel Hill, the Na tional Op ti cal As tron omy Ob -ser va tory, and the coun try of Brazil.

The uni ver sity also main tains a wide ar ray of re search sup portfa cil i ties, such as the Re search Tech nol ogy Sup port Fa cil ity(RTSF), which pro vides tech ni cal and an a lyt i cal sup port for bio -med i cal and ag ri cul tural re search in genomics, proteomics,bioinformatics, and mass spec trom e try, the In sti tute forCyber-En abled Re search (iCER), which pro vides ad vanced com -pu ta tional re sources for re search, and the Cen ter for Sta tis ti calTrain ing and Con sult ing (CSTAT), which pro vides train ing, grantde vel op ment, and con sult ing in sta tis tics for fac ulty, staff, andgrad u ate stu dents. The Clin i cal Translational Sci ences In sti tute(CTSI) sup ports an in ter dis ci plin ary group of MSU schol ars andmed i cal com mu nity part ners per form ing re search, clin i cal tri als,and med i cal in ves ti ga tions fo cused on im prov ing hu man health.

The Of fice of the Vice Pres i dent for Re search and Grad u ateStud ies strongly en cour ages stu dent re search and cre ative ac tiv -i ties at the un der grad u ate and the grad u ate level. The unit alsosup ports en tre pre neur ship op por tu ni ties for stu dents.

For more in for ma tion, e-mail [email protected], call1-517-355-0306, or visit www.vprgs.msu.edu. To read aboutMich i gan State Univeristy suc cess stores, visit www.re -search.msu.edu.

Mich i gan State Uni ver sity Press

Ga briel Dotto, Di rec tor

Mich i gan State Uni ver sity Press is the schol arly pub lish ing arm ofthe uni ver sity. The Press pub lishes elec tronic and print books and jour nals across all schol arly fields, with con cen tra tions in the hu -man i ties, lib eral arts, and so cial sci ences.

For more in for ma tion, call 1-517-355-9543 or visitwww.msupress.org.

MSU Bioeconomy In sti tute

The 138,000 square-foot MSU Bioeconomy In sti tute in Hol land,Mich i gan, com ple ments and ex tends MSU cam pus re search thatsup ports the emerg ing bioeconomy, in clud ing biofuels, bio-based spe cialty chem i cals and biomaterials. The in sti tute pro videschem i cal pi lot plant scale-up pro duc tion and con ducts spon soredre search and test ing for both for-profit and not-for-profit en ti ties of all sizes. It also of fers busi ness in cu ba tion op por tu ni ties and ex -ten sive lab o ra tory space rental, as well as ed u ca tional pro gram -ming and train ing.

For more in for ma tion, call 1-616-395-8918 or visitwww.bioeconinst.msu.edu.

Mid land Re search In sti tute for Value Chain Cre ation

In 2014, Mich i gan State Uni ver sity ob tained a new fa cil ity about80 miles from its East Lan sing, Mich i gan cam pus, which will beded i cated to teach ing and re search in the ef fec tive man age mentof pro cesses re lated to prod uct in no va tion, de sign, sour cing, pro -cure ment, man u fac tur ing, pack ag ing, trans por ta tion, in ven toryman age ment, ware hous ing, mar ket ing, cus tomer services, andre turns and re pairs. The in sti tute brings to gether MSU fac ulty ex -perts across such dis ci plines as busi ness, en gi neer ing, and ag ri -cul ture, and pro vides op por tu ni ties for both re search and stu dentin volve ment with global cor po ra tions head quar tered in the re -gion.

For more in for ma tion, call 1-517-353-6381 or visitwww.midlandvaluechain.broad.msu.edu.

Of fice of Reg u la tory Af fairs

J.R. Haywood, As sis tant Vice Pres i dent for Reg u la tory Af fairs

Mich i gan State Uni ver sity re search ers seek to con duct their re -search in ways that pro tect the health and safety of re search sub -jects and in ves ti ga tors, as well as the en vi ron ment. The Of fice ofReg u la tory Af fairs (ORA) of fers on line and face-to-face train ingand resources to help re search ers as sure safety in their labs,con duct re search re spon si bly, and com ply with rel e vant reg u la -tions. ORA also pur sues ac cred i ta tion and cer tif i ca tions to as sure that pro grams re lat ing to hu man and an i mal sub jects and en vi -ron men tal health and safety not only meet, but ex ceed, fed eralreg u la tions. These ef forts aim to main tain Mich i gan State Uni ver -sity‘s re spected com pli ance re cord. The ma jor units within the of -fice in clude:

Hu man Re search Pro tec tion Pro gram (HRRP)- fully ac cred ited by the As so ci a tion for the Ac cred i ta tion of Hu man Re search Pro -tec tion Pro grams, which ensures re search par tic i pants that theirsafety and pri vacy are pro tected, whether they are part of a clin i -cal trial or an opin ion sur vey. The In sti tu tional Re view Board(IRB), the Hu man Re search Li ai son Of fices, and the MSU IRBcommittees are part of this pro gram. For more in for ma tion, call1-517-355-2180, e-mai l i [email protected] or v is i twww.humanresearch.msu.edu.

An i mal Care Pro gram - provides sup port and over sight for allan i mal-re lated re search, teach ing, and out reach at Mich i ganState Uni ver sity, in clud ing eth i cal re view of an i mal use; ac qui si -tion, hus bandry, and vet er i nary care of an i mals; train ing and ed u -


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ca tional op por tu ni ties; and pub lic out reach. The In sti tu tionalAn i mal Care and Use Com mit tee im ple ments reg u la tory over -sight re quire ments; Cam pus An i mal Re sources pro vides hus -bandry and vet er i nary care as well as tech ni cal ser vices such asbreed ing pro grams and spe cial care. The Mich i gan State Uni ver -sity An i mal Care Pro gram is ac cred ited by the As so ci a tion for As -sess ment and Ac cred i ta tion of Lab o ra tory An i mal CareIn ter na tional. For more in for ma tion, visit the Web site atwww.animalcare.msu.edu. Call Cam pus An i mal Re sources at1-517-353-5064 or call the In sti tu tional An i mal Care and UseCom mit tee at 1-517-432-4151, or email [email protected].

Of fice of En vi ron men tal Health and Safety (EHS) - serves as aproactive pro vider of reg u la tory guid ance, ed u ca tion, train ing,and com pli ance as sis tance to the uni ver sity com mu nity to ensurethat all fac ulty, stu dents, and staff work in a safe and pro duc tiveen vi ron ment. The of fice acts as the pri mary li ai son be tween theuni ver sity and fed eral, state, and lo cal en vi ron men tal healthagen cies, in clud ing Mich i gan Oc cu pa tional Safety and HealthAd min is tra tion, U.S. En vi ron men tal Pro tec tion Agency and Mich i -gan De part ment of En vi ron men tal Qual ity. For more in for ma tion,call 1-517-355-0153 or visit www.ehs.msu.edu.

Fac ulty Con flict of In ter est Of fi cer - serves as a re source to fac -ulty and ad min is tra tors on de fin ing and ad dress ing fac ulty con -flicts of in ter est, and main tains in sti tu tional pro ce dures for fac ultymem bers to re port sig nif i cant fi nan cial in ter ests and other op por -tu ni ties for tan gi ble per sonal ben e fit. For more in for ma tion, call1-517-884-7000, emai l fcoi [email protected] or v is i twww.coi.msu.edu.

For more in for ma tion about ORA, call 1-517-432-4500 or visitwww.ora.msu.edu.

Of fice of Ex port Con trol and Trade Sanc tions

Loraine J. Hud son, Di rec tor

The of fice over sees the uni ver sity's com pli ance with:1. ex port con trol reg u la tions, which im pose ac cess, dis sem i na -

tion, and par tic i pa tion re stric tions on trans fer of con trolledgoods, soft ware and in for ma tion, and

2. trade sanc tion reg u la tions, which ap ply to cer tain for eign in -di vid u als, en ti ties and gov ern ments, based on U.S. foreignpol icy and na tional se cu rity goals. The of fice main tains a siteli cense for iden ti fy ing lists of de barred par ties and en ti ties,pro vides on go ing train ing pro grams, and spon sors an an nual ed u ca tional con fer ence.

For more in for ma tion, call 1-517-432-4499 or visit www.exportcontrols.msu.edu.

MSU In no va tion Cen ter

Charles Hasemann, Ex ec u tive Director

The MSU In no va tion Cen ter com bines the di verse re sourcesneeded for busi ness out reach, tech nol ogy com mer cial iza tion,and new busi ness for ma tion un der one roof. It is MSU's sin gle site for eco nomic value cre ation from MSU in no va tions. Visitwww.innovationcenter.msu.edu. The units within the MSU In no -va tion Cen ter in clude:

MSU Busi ness-CON NECT - which serves as MSU's front doorfor cor po ra tions, di rect ing busi nesses to the right MSU re sourcesand en abling two-way stra te gic com mu ni ca tions and plan ning forbusi ness cus tom ers. The Busi ness-CON NECT team also sup -ports en tre pre neur ial and re gional eco nomic de vel op mentefforts. It also negotiates all of Mich i gan State Uni ver sity’s cor po -rate spon sored re search con tracts, which to tal more than $10 mil -lion an nu ally. For more information, call 1-517- 884-2370 or visitwww.businessconnect.msu.edu.

MSU Tech nol o gies - which is Mich i gan State Uni ver sity's tech -nol ogy trans fer and com mer cial iza tion of fice. It fa cil i tates the

com mer cial de vel op ment and pub lic use of tech nol o gies and li -cens able copy righted ma te ri als de vel oped by MSU fac ulty andstaff, with the goal of mov ing MSU's tech nol o gies from thelaboratory to the mar ket place. For more information, call1-517-355-2186 or visit www.tech nol o gies.msu.edu.

Spar tan In no va tions - which pro vides re sources to sup port thelaunch of sus tain able MSU start-ups in an ef fort to bring more ofMSU's best re search ideas to the mar ket place, while help ing tode velop crit i cal skills for MSU stu dents and im prove the Mich i ganecon omy. For more information, call 1-517-884-4540 or visitwww.spartaninnovations.org.


Denise B. Maybank, Vice Pres i dent forStu dent Af fairs and Ser vices

The Vice Pres i dent for Stu dent Af fairs and Ser vices pro videslead er ship and co or di na tion for sev eral of fices, all of which col -lab o rate with fac ulty and other uni ver sity of fices to pro mote ac tive learn ing, im prove the cli mate for learn ing, and in crease stu dentre ten tion. Ma jor at ten tion is given to en cour ag ing and sup port ingdi ver sity while fos ter ing a sense of com mu nity and in clu sive nessfor all stu dents, fac ulty and staff. Stu dent Af fairs and Ser vicesstaff work with stu dents in di vid u ally and in groups to as sist themin achiev ing their ed u ca tional and per sonal goals. Units withinStu dent Af fairs and Services are listed be low. For in for ma tion call1-517-355-7535; visit 153 Stu dent Ser vices; or visitwww.vps.msu.edu.

Les bian, Bi sex ual, Gay, Transgender Re source Cen ter

The Les bian, Bi sex ual, Gay, Transgender Re source Cen ter(LBGTRC) leads and col lab o rates on ini tia tives to as sure all stu -dents thrive on our di verse cam pus and through out their lives inour global com mu nity. We en hance the cam pus cli mate and ac a -demic and sup port ser vices for stu dents who iden tify as les bian,bi sex ual, gay, transgender, queer or who are ques tion ing(LBGTQ) their iden ti ties. We provide ed u ca tion about sex ual ori -en ta tion and gen der iden tity and cre ate op por tu ni ties to en gagethe cam pus on LBGT is sues in do mes tic and global con texts. Wepro vide con sul ta tion to fac ulty, staff and stu dent lead ers re gard -ing in di vid ual stu dent is sues; creating in clu sive and af firm ingprac tices; and cur ric u lar and co-cur ric u lar learn ing around sex u -al ity and gen der.

For more in for ma tion, con tact the LBGTRC at 1-517-

353-9520; email [email protected]; or visit www.lbgtrc.msu.edu.

Of fice of Cul tural and Ac a demic Transitions

The Of fice of Cul tural and Ac a demic Tran si tions (OCAT) con -structs sup port ive so cial and ed u ca tional com mu ni ties that ac -tively in volve stu dents in learn ing. Spe cif i cally, OCAT promptsstu dents’ in volve ment in broad-based uni ver sity learn ing ex pe ri -ences (e.g., study-abroad, al ter na tive spring break, in tern ships,etc.), while also con nect ing them to cam pus re sources, peo ple,and pro grams that lead to deeper stu dent learn ing and per sonal


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suc cess. In part, the Of fice ac com plishes this mis sion by build ingcrit i cal al li ances and links to ac a demic units. Ad di tion ally, OCAThelps stu dents to un der stand them selves and oth ers betterthrough cul tural and so cial ac tiv i ties. Stu dent-to-stu dent in ter ac -tion is the key to ben e fit ting from di ver sity, and OCAT strives tobring to gether in di vid u als as well as groups of stu dents from di -verse ra cial, eth nic, in ter na tional, and do mes tic back grounds formean ing ful in ter ac tions. More over, OCAT sup ports in di vid ual stu -dents in their nav i ga tion of cross-cul tural en coun ters, and in theirown un der stand ing, ex plo ra tion and de vel op ment of cul tural iden -tity. OCAT em ploys mul ti ple strat e gies to ac com plish these goals. Among OCAT’s sig na ture pro grams are Intercultural Aide Pro -grams, Max i miz ing Ac a demic Growth in College pro gram(MAGIC), Coun cil on Ra cial Eth nic Stu dents (CORES), and Spar -tan Remix. Visit www.ocat.msu.edu.

Ca reer Ser vices Net work

To fos ter T-shaped pro fes sion als, the Ca reer Ser vices Net workhelps stu dents con firm their pur pose by: de vel op ing an un der -stand ing of their skills, in ter ests and val ues; ex plor ing ca reer op -tions and path ways; ac quir ing ex pe ri ences that build abil i ties andtests op tions; cre at ing strat e gies for nav i gat ing a job search; andgain ing ac cess to pro fes sional de vel op ment opportunities.Network support includes:

1. One-on-one ad vis ing ap point ments with ca reer ad vi sorsand con sul tants to as sist stu dents in self as sess ment, ca reer ex plo ra tion, de ci sion-mak ing, re sumes and cover let ters, jobsearch strat e gies, in ter view prep a ra tion, and negotiatingoffers.

2. Ca reer as sess ment tools to help stu dents align in ter estsand pref er ences to job types and work en vi ron ments: StrongIn ter est In ven tory, Myers-Briggs Type In di ca tor, andBridges. As sess ments are in ter preted with a ca reer ad vi sor.

3. Ca reer ex plo ra tion events, such as guest speak ers, alumni pan els, net work ing ses sions and field trips (e.g., Spar tanStart-Up en tre pre neur ship; sports ca reers; en ter tain mentjour nal ism; ca reers with gov ern ment; ca reers in non-prof its)

4. Work shops of fered on top ics rang ing from re sume writ ingand ca reer ex plo ra tion to net work ing and in ter view ing skills. Cus tom work shops are pro vided for classes and stu dent or -ga ni za tions.

5. Ca reer Fairs, in clud ing the two-day Ca reer Gal lery (busi -ness, en gi neer ing and tech nol ogy); Grad u ate and Pro fes -sional School Fair; Sci ence Ag ri cul ture Food En vi ron ment +Health Ca reer Fair; Di ver sity Ca reer Fair; Sum mer Job andIn tern ship Fair; Teacher and Ad min is ter Ca reer Fair; andmore.

6. On cam pus in ter views with em ploy ers for en try-level andin tern ship po si tions, with over 10,000 in ter views con ductedan nu ally.

7. Ca reer re sources: My Spar tan Ca reer, an in ter ac tive sys -tem that man ages job, in tern ship, and part-time cam pus em -ploy ment list ings, on-cam pus in ter views, as well as acom pre hen sive cal en dar of ca reer events and work shops. CareerSearch, a da ta base of over 4 mil lion em ploy ersacross the US and Can ada; Ca reer Pass port, a printed ca -reer guide handed out to 20,000 stu dents an nu ally; and theCareerNetwork.msu.edu Web site with in for ma tion on ser -vices, events, guides, ca reer news, and links to other use fulre sources.

The Ca reer Ser vices Net work is a dis trib uted net work or ga ni -za tion com prised of the fol low ing of fices:

CA REER SER VICES/MAIN OF FICE, 113 Stu dent Ser vices Build -ing, 1-517-355-9510. Fo cuses on first year stu dents, ca reer as -sess ments, all ma jor ca reer ad vis ing, lo cal in tern ship and stu dent em ploy ment as sis tance. www.careernetwork.msu.edu

CAREER SER VICES @ THE STA DIUM, 290 Spar tan Sta dium Of ficeTower, 1-517- 884-1300. Pro vides ca reer events man age ment,on cam pus re crui t ing and in ter v iew ing ser v ices.www.careernetwork.msu.edu

LEAR COR PO RA TION CA REER SER VICES CEN TER, 21 EppleyCen ter, 1-517-432-0830. Pro vides ca reer ad vis ing for stu dentsin ter ested in busi ness, on-cam pus re cruit ing and in ter view ingser vices, as well as new me dia ca reer pro duc tions.www.lear.broad.msu.edu

THE CEN TER FOR SPAR TAN EN GI NEER ING, 428 S. Shaw Lane,1-517-355-5113. Pro vides as sis tance to en gi neer ing stu dentswith interships, co-op er a tive ed u ca tion op por tu ni ties, and ca reerman age ment. www.egr.msu.edu/ca reers/wel come-cen ter-spar -tan-en gi neer ing.

COM MU NI CA TION ARTS SCIENCE CA REER SERVICES, 181 Com -mu ni ca tion Arts and Sci ences Build ing, 1-517-355-6500. Pro -vides ca reer ad vis ing and in tern ship as sis tance for stu dentsin ter ested in com mu ni ca t ion arts and sci ences.www.cas.msu.edu/places/ca reer-ser vices.

PHD/GRAD U ATE CA REER SER VICES, 130 Chittenden Hall,1-517-884-1351. Of fers ac a demic and non-ac a demic ca reersup port for grad u ate stu dents, post doc schol ars and their men -tors. www.CareerSuccess.msu.edu

COL LEGE BASED CA REER CON SUL TANTS. Pro vides ca reer ex -per tise and ad vis ing cus tom ized for stu dents in the fol low ing col -leges:

Col lege of Ag ri cul ture and Nat u ral Re sources

Res i den tial Col lege for the Arts and Humanities

Col lege of Arts and Let ters

Col lege of Education

Col lege of Nat u ral Sci ence

Col lege of So cial Sci ence

James Mad i son Col lege

Lyman Briggs College

Col lege of Mu sic

Col lege of Nursing

Visit www.careernetwork.msu.edu/ser vices-lo ca tions/COL LE GIATE EM PLOY MENT RE SEARCH IN STI TUTE. The In sti tute

con ducts stud ies of post-grad u ate tran si tions into the workforce,em ployer hir ing trends, and other ca reer-re lated top ics. The In -sti tute is best known for its an nual pub li ca tion, Re cruit ing Trends,which sur veys the re cruit ing in ten tions of en try-level em ploy ersacross the coun try. www.ceri.msu.edu.

ALUMNI CA REER SER VICES, MSU Alumni As so ci a tion 242 Spar -tan Sta dium Of fice Tower, ca [email protected]. Pro videsca reer ser vices and net work ing re sources for alumni. www.alumni.msu.edu/careerservices/

Coun sel ing Cen ter

The Coun sel ing Cen ter of fers time-lim ited coun sel ing to Mich i -gan State Uni ver sity stu dents who are in the pur suit of ac a demicand per sonal goals. Pro grams in clude in di vid ual and group,coun sel ing, test ing, multi cul tural is sues, sub stance abuse as -sess ment, and sex ual as sault cri sis and safety ed u ca tion. Anystu dent reg is tered for one or more cred its is el i gi ble for a con sul -ta tion or as sess ment in ter view. As re sources per mit, ad di tionalser vices and/or re fer rals may be pro vided.

A cam pus lo ca tion is avail able for ser vice: 207 Stu dent Ser -vices, 1-517-355-8270. For in for ma tion, visit www.coun sel -ing.msu.edu.


RE SEARCH AND SER VICESOf fice of the Vice Pres i dent for

Stu dent Af fairs and Ser vices

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Ed u ca tional and Sup port Ser vices

Ed u ca tion and Sup port Ser vices pro vides sup port for the di vi sionin the ar eas of tech nol ogy and spe cial pro jects. The Com mu nityLi ai son serves all mem bers of the Mid-Mich i gan Com mu nity, both full-time res i dents and stu dents, with re spect to MSU stu dent-re -lated top ics, by fos ter ing ef fec tive in ter ac tions and in creas ingopen com mu ni ca tion. For more in for ma tion, call 1-517-432-7527 (TTY 353-6651); visit 556 E. Cir cle Drive, Stu dent Ser vices Build -ing, Room 162; or visit www.collegelifeel.msu.edu.

Rec re ational Sports and Fit ness Services

This unit op er ates on the be lief that in di vid u als who par tic i pate inen joy able sports ac tiv i ties dur ing their col lege years will gain ben -e fits for a healthy life. Three in tra mu ral build ings of fer men andwomen at all lev els of abil ity op por tu ni ties to par tic i pate in over 25 or ga nized in tra mu ral sports and over 28 stu dent sports clubs.MSU stu dents, fac ulty-staff, and alumni may choose from a di -verse ar ray of ac tiv i ties from for mal league and tour na ment playto less competitive and in for mal rec re ational ac tiv i ties, ex er cise,and fit ness pro grams. Per sons with dis abil i ties are urged to takead van tage of those fa cil i ties ac ces si ble to them.

For in for ma tion, re fer to Rec re ational Sports and Fit nessServices in the Gen eral In for ma tion, Pol i cies, Pro ce dures andRegulations sec tion of this cat a log, call the Rec re ational Sportsof fice at 355-5250, or visit www.recsports.msu.edu.

Re source Cen ter For Per sons With Dis abil i ties

Re fer to the state ment on Re source Cen ter for Per sons with Dis -abil i ties in the Gen eral In for ma tion sec tion of this cat a log for ad di -tional in for ma tion.

Stu dent Life

Stu dent Life staff co or di nates the pro grams de scribed be low, pro -vides gen eral as sis tance to stu dents, and re fers stu dents to otherof fices or agen cies as ap pro pri ate. Ex cept as noted, Stu dent Lifepro grams are lo cated in the Stu dent Life Cen ter, 101 Stu dent Ser -v ices, (517) 355-8286 (TTY 355-2217). See also: www.http://studentlife.msu.edu.

CAM PUS LIFE ORI EN TA TION. The staff co or di nates and pro motes ac a demic, cul tural, rec re ational, and per sonal pro grams that help ease the tran si tion to the uni ver sity dur ing the Fall Wel come pe -riod. Programs ex tend through out a stu dent’s first year on cam -pus.

GREEK LIFE. The staff serves as li ai sons be tween the uni ver sityand the col le giate chap ters, par ents, alumni/ae, and (inter)na -tional or ga ni za tions to pro vide ed u ca tional pro grams, ser vicesand re sources to sup port the ide als of Greek Life. Staff as sist thethree ma jor gov ern ing boards that are in di vid u ally re spon si ble forman ag ing and pro vid ing ser vices to their mem ber or ga ni za tions.

STU DENT CON DUCT AND CON FLICT RESOLUTION. The staff’s mis -sion is to teach stu dents to be re spon si ble cit i zens through the ad -ju di ca tion of non-ac a demic dis ci plin ary cases (see Ar ti cles 4 and5 of Spar tan Life on line at http://splife.studentlife.msu.edu), andby of fer ing a va ri ety of con flict res o lu tion pro grams and ser vices,in clud ing me di a tion and re stor ative jus tice.

OFF-CAM PUS LIST ING SER VICE. An off-cam pus hous ing list ingser vice en dorsed by MSU, is avail able to assist stu dents with lo -cat ing apart ments, houses, and room mates based on per sonalpref er ence and bud get. The search be gins atwww.offcampushousing.msu.edu.

STU DENT GOV ERN MENT AND STU DENT OR GA NI ZA TION AD VISING.Staff mem bers as sist stu dent gov ern ment lead ers by ad vis ing,

con sult ing, and serv ing as a re source on uni ver sity pol i cies andpro ce dures. Staff also reg is ter over 650 stu dent or ga ni za tions,as well as the pro grams and events spon sored by these groups,and pro vide con sul ta tion to en hance stu dent group de vel op ment. Lead er ship train ing and de vel op ment pro grams help those in stu -dent gov ern ment and other or ga ni za tions in crease their ef fec -tive ness as leaders.

Sex ual As sault and Re la tion ship Vi o lence Pre ven tionPro gram

The Sex ual As sault and Re la tion ship Vi o lence (SARV) Pre ven -tion Pro gram pro motes safety and im proves qual ity of life by ed u -cat ing stu dents on sex ual as sault and re la tion ship vi o lence,creating aware ness about pro grams and re sources avail able oncampus, em pow er ing stu dents to be come ad vo cates for a non-vi -o lent com mu nity and pos i tively affecting so cial change. Throughwork shops con ducted by peer ed u ca tors the pro gram of fers a fo -rum for stu dents to en gage in con ver sa tion and un der stand theyeach share a re spon si bil ity in the pre ven tion of vi o lence and thecre ation of a safe community.

Cen ter for Ser vice-Learn ing and Civic En gage ment

The MSU Cen ter for Ser vice-Learn ing and Civic En gage ment(CSLCE) sup ports MSU fac ulty and stu dents by of fer ing a va ri etyof re sources for com mu nity en gaged teach ing, learn ing and ser -vice. The center pro motes a method of teach ing called 'ser -vice-learn ing', which en cour ages stu dents to de velop theirac a demic, per sonal, pro fes sional, and civic skills while mak ing apos i tive dif fer ence by con trib ut ing to the com mon good of lo cal,na tional, and in ter na tional com mu ni ties through service.

The CSLCE pre pares stu dents for mean ing ful com mu nity en -gage ment in the fol low ing ways:

Ser vice-Learn ing Place ments to help stu dents find ac a -demic ser vice-learn ing and pre-pro fes sional vol un teer ing op por -tu ni ties at lo cal hos pi tals through our on line da ta base(www.servelearnengage.msu.edu).

A Vol un teer Match ing Sys tem (via www.givegab.com) whichen ables stu dents to eas ily find lo cal vol un teer op por tu ni ties, con -nect with com mu nity agen cies, and log vol un teer ser vice hours.Con tact us for more in for ma tion on join ing the MSU GiveGabcom mu nity, or for as sis tance in set ting up a free GiveGab ac -count.

Ser vice Re sources and “Toolkits” which em pow ers stu -dents who want to cre ate their own ser vice pro jects or ser vice-ori -ented trips. Our two new est dig i tal toolkits are fo cused onplan ning a “Day of Ser vice” and/or an “Al ter na tive Spring Break”trip. Both toolkits are avail able as free down loads on our Web site(www.servicelearning.msu.edu).

Re cords of Ser vice are pro vided to cur rent and for mer MSUstu dents, when re quested, as of fi cial ver i fi ca tion of their cur ric u lar and co-cur ric u lar ser vice ex pe ri ences.

Trans por ta tion as sis tance is of fered to stu dents, in clud ing ava ri ety of re sources in clud ing maps, free CATA bus to kens, andshut tle rides to se lect ser vice sites in Greater Lan sing.

Ser vice-Learn ing Ori en ta tions are hosted through out the se -mes ter, to help stu dents learn more about the “Tools of En gage -ment” (http://tools.out reach.msu.edu) which are vi tal formean ing ful and ef fec tive com mu nity en gage ment ex pe ri ences.

Ad vi sors are avail able to as sist MSU ser vice/civic-ori entedreg is tered stu dent or ga ni za tions. Our of fice has long-stand ingad vis ing re la tion ships with sev eral prominent MSU stu dent or ga -ni za tions (e.g., Al ter na tive Spar tan Breaks, Spar tans Re build ingMich i gan, etc.) and we are ea ger to con nect with and sup portother sim i lar stu dent groups.


RE SEARCH AND SER VICESOf fice of the Vice Pres i dent forStu dent Af fairs and Ser vices

Page 15: Other De part ments and Of fices for and SER VICES · leadership training seminar offered by ISP. ISP’s cen ters co or di nate their ac tiv i ties w ith MSU’s col leges, in clud

Ac a demic Con sul tants of fer their ed u ca tional ex per tise tohelp fac ulty and stu dents iden tify and uti lize high-im pact teach ingstrat e gies to max i mize ser vice-learn ing out comes.

Cam pus and Com mu nity Net work ing to help fac ulty, staff,stu dents, and com mu nity agen cies iden tify po ten tial part ner ships and con nect with other like-minded cam pus/com mu nity mem -bers.

Vot ing Re sources to pro mote MSU stu dent voter reg is tra tion,ed u ca tion, and par tic i pa tion in lo cal, state wide, and na tional elec -tions (youvote.msu.edu).

If you have ques tions, or would like more in for ma tion aboutthese CSLCE re sources and ser vices, please visit 345 Stu dentSer vices Build ing, email [email protected], call 517-353-4400, or visit www.servicelearning.msu.edu.

The CSLCE is a jointly ad min is tered unit of the Of fice of the As -so ci ate Pro vost for Uni ver sity Out reach and En gage ment, andthe Of fice of the Vice Pres i dent for Stu dent Af fairs and Ser vices.


Up ward Bound Pro gram

The Up ward Bound Pro gram is a fed er ally funded pro gram de -signed to as sist high school stu dents, who are low-in come and/orpo ten tial first gen er a tion col lege stu dents, in gen er at ing the skillsand mo ti va t ion nec es sary to com plete a pro gram ofpostsecondary ed u ca tion. Stu dents are ad mit ted to the pro gramon the ba sis of an as sess ment of their ac a demic per for mance,rec om men da tions from teach ers and coun sel ors, and a per sonalinterview.

The pro gram pro vides ser vices such as per sonal and groupcoun sel ing; in struc tion in ca reers, com po si tion and lit er a ture,math e mat ics, lab o ra tory sci ence, and for eign lan guages; tu tor -

ing; field trips; ser vice learn ing; a one-week sum mer res i den tialliv ing ex pe ri ence; col lege prep a ra tion; and nu mer ous ex tra-cur -ric u lar ac tiv i ties. Col lege pre pa ra tory ac tiv i ties in clude ACT prep -a ra tion, col lege tours, ad mis sions and fi nan cial aid work shops,speak ers who ad dress top ics such as choos ing a ma jor, ad just ing to col lege life, ori en ta tion test ing, and per sonal fi nances. Theseser vices are pro vided dur ing the sum mer and the ac a demic yearcom po nents of the pro gram. In struc tion and tu to rial as sis tanceare pro vided by uni ver sity fac ulty, sec ond ary school teach ers,grad u ate and un der grad u ate stu dents.

The Up ward Bound Pro gram of fice is lo cated in Room 192Ernst Bessey Hal l , cal l 1-517-353–6701, e-mai [email protected] or visit www.upwardbound.msu.edu.

Gifted and Tal ented Pro grams

Serv ing as a ma jor re source for the state of Mich i gan, Gifted andTal ented Ed u ca tion (GATE) pro grams pro vide cur ric ula de signedfor ac a dem i cally gifted pre-col lege stu dents. Ac cel er ated Com -mon Core com pli ant ac a demic year pro gram ming is avail able tohigh achiev ing stu dents for high school credit. The Co op er a tiveHighly Ac cel er ated Math e mat ics Pro gram (CHAMP) pro vides anac cel er ated math course for stu dents in grades 7-10, while the In -ten sive Stud ies in Hu man i ties, Arts, Lan guage and Lit er a tures(ISHALL) pro gram pro vides an ad vanced Eng lish Lan guage Artspro gram for grades 7-10. The Langue pour Etudiants Avances deFrancais (LEAF) pro gram is also avail able to stu dents interestedin pursuing an accelerated French Language course.

Sum mer camps of fer both com mu ter and res i den tial op tions.The Math e mat ics, Sci ence and Tech nol ogy (MST) sum mercamp pro vides cur ric u lum for mid dle school stu dents who ex cel in the fields of math, sci ence and tech nol ogy, while the Crime Scene In ves ti ga tion (CSI) camp is for those in ter ested in fo ren sic sci -ence. The Fu ture DOcs camp is for stu dents in ter ested in learn -ing about or pur su ing a ca reer in the med i cal field. For ad di tionalcur ric u lum and ap pli ca tion in for ma tion visit www.gifted.msu.edu,email [email protected], or call 1-517-432-2129.


RE SEARCH AND SER VICESPre-Col lege Opportunities