our mission: glorify god and make disciples · pdf file12/05/2016 · ac+vi+es will...

Our Mission: Glorify God and Make Disciples Volume 57, Number 50 • December 13, 2016 Tabor City Baptist Church • Tabor City, North Carolina Our Children’s Ministry presents Isaiah Jones and the Seekers of The Lost Christmas Treasure Sunday, December 18th 6:00pm Church Church Church Church-wide wide wide wide Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Sunday, December 18th 9:00am Fellowship Hall Bring your favorite Christmas goodies!!!

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Page 1: Our Mission: Glorify God and Make Disciples · PDF file12/05/2016 · Ac+vi+es will resume January 4th. Church Office Closed Friday, December 23rd Monday, December 26th ... Harvey

Our Mission: Glorify God and Make Disciples

Volume 57, Number 50 • December 13, 2016

Tabor City Baptist Church • Tabor City, North Carolina

Our Children’s Ministry


Isaiah Jones and the Seekers of

The Lost Christmas Treasure Sunday, December 18th


ChurchChurchChurchChurch----wide wide wide wide

BreakfastBreakfastBreakfastBreakfast Sunday, December 18th


Fellowship Hall

Bring your favorite

Christmas goodies!!!

Page 2: Our Mission: Glorify God and Make Disciples · PDF file12/05/2016 · Ac+vi+es will resume January 4th. Church Office Closed Friday, December 23rd Monday, December 26th ... Harvey

Edie Hewe$ Carlile

Catherine Garrell

Michael Fowler

Bryan Kearse

Sally Lancaster

Brian Ayres

Cheri Barkley

Barbara Gerald

Ka+e Spivey

Mary Edwards

Joyce Young

Frances & Johnny Bullock

Doris Mills

Lori Harper

Peggy Currie

Bill Herring

Roger Phipps

Dr. & Mrs. James H. Johnson

Jerry Bullard

Melissa Bullard White

Elson Stevens

Chris Mills

Patsy Mar+n

Harold Hughes

Cecil McCumbee

Carlyle Prince (David Strickland’s uncle)

Cheryl Lara (Billy Douglas’ sister)

Joel Fowler (Gloria Fowler’s grandson)

John A. McWhorter III (Mary Bow’s nephew)

Rachel Faulk Meares (Junella Faulk’s daughter)

Kim Strickland

Brenda McPherson (Jerry Bullard’s cousin)

Sharon E. Jernigan (Tom & Mary Edwards’ daughter)

Tony Johnson (Bessie Johnson’s son)

Kelly Strickland (Sco$ Strickland’s mother)

Weston Wright (Larry Wright’s grandson)

Erma Jean Fowler (Susie Fowler’s sister-in-law)

Don Arnsan (Friend of Jimmy Garrell)

Rhonda Sco$ (Friend of Jerry Bullard)

Sarah Hall (Friend of Jimmy Garrell)

Leroy Graham-stroke

James Nealey

Ashley McCartney (Rev. Mickey Ward’s daughter)

Margaret Bertling (Friend of Jerry Bullard)

Carolyn Johnson (Friend of Jerry Bullard)

Rena King (Be$y Ward’s granddaughter-in-law)

Mitchell Tyler-Lou Gehrig’s disease

Dana Tyree (Patsy Mar+n’s niece)

Janice Richardson (Mable Fowler’s sister)

Susan McWhorter (Mary Bow’s sister)

June Hilburn (Patsy Mar+n’s sister)

Shirley Huggins (Michael Fowler’s mother)

Catherine Hewe$ (Doris Mills’ sister)

Sherry Coleman Graham (Kellen Nealey’s cousin)


The altar flowers for Sunday, December 18, will be

given to the glory of God and in loving memory of

Henrie and Richard Gordon by their children and


The fes+val of nine lessons and carols was fantas+c! It is always good to

celebrate Jesus and share the gospel. Thank you to everyone who was a

part of the program Sunday night! As the semester comes to an end, I

would like to thank EVERYONE who has served the Lord and TCBC so

faithfully. To all the commi$ees, volunteers, and staff you are a blessing

and I am excited to be a part of such a wonderful church family.

This Sunday's Advent topic is Love. Love is a powerful word, John 3:16

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever

believes in him should not perish but have eternal life." Please mediate

this week on God's love and spend some +me praying and thanking God

for His never ending sacrificial love.

We have a lot of exci+ng things coming up: Church-wide Christmas

Caroling this Wednesday, The Children's Musical Sunday Night,

Christmas Eve Service, and The Christmas Service! I am so excited to

con+nue our Advent: Celebra+ng Jesus. He is worthy of our life, love,

celebra+on, and so much more!

You have been so prayerful, loving, serving, and caring while Elijah has

been sick. Thank you for your love! We love you all!

Pastor Jeremy

2017 Altar Flower Calendar If you would like to furnish the altar flowers for

a Sunday next year, please sign up. Sign-up

sheets are available in hallway near choir room.

2017 Church Envelopes

The 2017 church envelopes are available in the

hallway next to the kitchen. If you have trouble finding

yours, if your family needs addi+onal envelopes, or if

you have never been assigned envelopes and would

like some, please contact the church office. Please use

the envelope assigned to you and put the amount on

the front of envelope (for pos+ng purposes).

Dear Church Members

During the last year Finance, along with Building and Grounds, began

discussions to build a church sign. Those discussions have progressed to

the point of preliminary design and cost es+mates and it is our goal to

have a product ready for construc+on in the Spring of 2017. During dis-

cussions to build and pay for this sign it was suggested that we allow

those who wish to donate funds or totally pay for the sign as an hono-

rarium the opportunity to do so.

Accordingly, we are announcing our inten+on to raise funds for and to

build a church sign. Any member family or individual who wishes to

donate to this effort is encouraged to contact Mark Harris, Sam Rogers

or Dennis Jones.

Church member discussions regarding the design, cost and materials to

be used in the construc+on of our sign will be announced soon.

We look forward to building and dedica+ng a sign that will add to the

appearance of our property and that will glorify God.

Merry Christmas

Mark Harris

Finance/Endowment Chairman

Theresa Stephens has transferred her member-

ship to Sweet Home Bap+st Church.

Thank you to each of you for your prayers during

my recent sickness. I am cancer free. Praise the


Rodney Gore

Page 3: Our Mission: Glorify God and Make Disciples · PDF file12/05/2016 · Ac+vi+es will resume January 4th. Church Office Closed Friday, December 23rd Monday, December 26th ... Harvey

Upcoming Events:

Wednesday, December 14:

Church wide Christmas caroling

(children will ride on trailer)

Thursday, December 15, 6pm:

Children’s choir rehearsal

Sunday, December 18: Angel choir sings during morning

worship and Children's choir presents Isaiah Jones and

the Seekers of The Lost Christmas Treasure 6pm.

Have a blessed week!



Christmas Caroling Wednesday, December 14th

6:30 pm

Kids will ride a trailer.

Adults & Youth will take bus.

Meal will be provided beginning at 5:30.

No other ac+vi+es.

Nursery/Extended Session The nursery and extended session will not be provided for the

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service or the Christmas Day Service.

Men’s Prayer Time The men will not meet for the 7:30am prayer +me on

Christmas day.

No Wednesday Night Ac0vi0es December 21st & 28th

Ac+vi+es will resume January 4th.

Church Office Closed Friday, December 23rd

Monday, December 26th

Christmas Day Service Morning Worship at 10:00am

No Sunday School

Deacons Mee0ng Sunday, December 18th

7:00 pm

Finance Commi3ee Mee0ng Monday, December 19th

6:00 pm

Media Center

Circle Mee0ngs

Mantha Harrelson—Monday, December 19th,

12:30pm at the home of Mary Fowler

Alice Wright—Tuesday, December 20th, 6:00pm,


Ring in the New Year! Clear out the old!

Youth Auc0on and Chicken Bog Lunch January 14th, 10:00-2:00

One man's trash is another man's treasure!

Bring us your trash and join us to find your treasure!

All proceeds benefit Youth mission trip!

Passion Conference January 2nd-4th

For 18-25 year olds

Two spots available (1 male; 1 female)

Cost is $175.00

Due by January 1st

Please let Pastor Jeremy know if you are interested.

CHRISTMAS DINNERS Brotherhood is providing a Christmas dinner to ten Tabor City

community families. If you have pledged to support a family,

please have money to Drake Richardson by Sunday, December

18th. Any ques+ons, please call Drake at 843-333-1927. May

God con+nue to allow us to be His hands and feet to share the

love of Christ to His people.

Page 4: Our Mission: Glorify God and Make Disciples · PDF file12/05/2016 · Ac+vi+es will resume January 4th. Church Office Closed Friday, December 23rd Monday, December 26th ... Harvey

Non-Profit Organ.

U.S. Postage


Tabor City, NC

Church Office Informa0on

Hours: M-TH 8:30 am-5:00 pm

(Closed 12-1pm for Lunch)

F-8:30 am-1:00 pm

Phone: (910)653-2029

Fax: (910)653-5812


E-mail Addresses:




Church Staff

Pastor—Jeremy Deal

Worship Leader—Joey Ray

Pianist—Kathleen Gambrell

Ministry Assistant—Tonya Stevens

Sunday Schedule

Sunday School—9:45 am

Sunday Morning Worship—11:00 am

Sunday Evening Worship—6:00 pm



THOSE WHO SERVE— December 18, 2016

Deacon Offering Collectors/Offertory Prayer

Sco$ Johnson, Mark Harris

Deacons at Doors

Keith Darrow, Brian Fipps


Jerry Bullard, Drake Richardson

Sunday School Greeters

Dennis & Sara Jones, Brian Cribb, Mark Harris

Morning Greeter

Margaret Ann Dameron

Nursery Volunteers

Cynthia Graham, Jones Lay


Pete Rasmussen, Bill Kosick

Evening Greeter

Richard Dameron

Kitchen Helpers, Wednesday, December 14

Peggy Legge$e, Judy Prince, Richard Gore,

December 18—Jody Drake

Amanda Winslow

December 19—Sarah Greene

Cynthia Inman

December 21—Chessa Lee

Harvey Fowler

Wayne Cox

December 22—John Lewis

Nancy Jernigan

December 23—Eddie Prince

Gloria Fowler

Bobby Powell

December 24—Meredith Lay

SUNDAY’S RECORD—December 11, 2016

Sunday School .................................................................... 122

Sunday School-Tabor Commons ............................................29

Morning Worship ................................................................ 164

Ma$hew 25 Pledges to Date ..................................... 22,285.00

Amount Needed/Weekly Budget ................................ 7,198.09

Budget Offering ........................................................ 5,126.95

LoTe Moon Christmas Offering ..................................... 370.00

Children’s Offering ............................................................. 2.00

Music Ministry .................................................................. 75.00

Total ......................................................................... 5,573.95

Included in the above figures are memorials for Dot Ray.

Year to Date Budget Needs .................................. 107,971.35

Year to Date Budget Receipts ................................. 97,376.12

Year to Date Total Receipts .................................. 110,419.18

200 Live Oak Street

PO Box 126

Tabor City, NC 28463

LoEe Moon Christmas Offering

Church Goal: $8,000.00

Given to date: $1,230.00

Dishes in Kitchen There are several dishes on the counter in the kitchen. If any

belong to you, please pick them up asap.