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BECAUSE the best way to bless israel is with YESHUA

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BECAUSE the best way to bless israel is with


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One For Israel is an

initiative of native-

born Israelis on the

forefront of high-

tech evangelism,

proclaiming salvation

to Israel, raising up

leaders and equipping

them with the tools

they need to transform

our communities.

2000 years have passed since the first Jewish followers of Yeshua proclaimed the gospel in Jerusalem. The gospel went forth from Zion to Judea, Samaria, and the uttermost parts of the earth. Our generation has seen not only the prophetic rebirth of the modern state of Israel but also the miraculous spiritual re-birth of thousands of Israelis who have recognized the ONE of whom Moses and the prophets wrote. The circle has been completed, and the good news of Messiah is being proclaimed once again from Zion.

One For Israel is reaching and discipling the current and next generation of followers of Messiah. Using innovative methods and technologies, we are sending God’s Word out again from Zion throughout the world proclaiming the gospel of Messiah.I would like to personally invite you to extend a helping hand and become One For Israel!

Dr. Erez Soref, President

Who Is One For Israel?

Vision Mission


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&Vision MissionOur calling is to win souls, build disciples and send leaders who promote the kingdom of God to Jews and Arabs throughout the land of Israel and among the nations.

We strive to fulfill this calling with excellence in all that we do.


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Cutting-edge Evangelism

Rom. 1:16 1 Pet. 3:15Eph. 2:151 Cor. 9:22 Ps. 14:7

Biblical Education

Jews & Arabs As One

Reaching all segments of Society

proclaimING the gospel from Zion


the gospel with

Israelis in a

culturally- relevant

yet bold manner





in Hebrew

Building a community of

Jewish & Arab followers of

Yeshua that demonstrates

the living reality of

One New Man in Messiah

Reaching all

segments of the

Israeli society

in the name of



God’s original

call on Israel to

proclaim the gospel

from Zion



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For the past 1,800 years, any spiritual message one wished to bring to the Jewish people had to go through its “gate keepers,” the Orthodox Jewish Rabbis, Israel’s spiritual leaders who are committed to “protecting” the Jewish people from ever hearing the gospel message. All attempts to lovingly bring the gospel message into the Jewish community have always encountered strong resistance.Times have changed, however! We no longer have to go through the gate keepers in order to bring the gospel into the Jewish community. Modern technology brings with it direct access to virtually every Jewish home.

When you think of Israel, perhaps you imagine a desert teeming with camels, people in tents, riding donkeys to and from work. But modern-day Israel is… well, VERY modern! Israelis love technology, and Israel is one of the leading nations in the high-tech industry!

Jewish and Arab believers in Israel are one in Christ. It’s God’s passion and our privilege to reach our peoples, as well as our neighbors in the Middle East, both Jews and Arabs, with the Gospel of Messiah in Hebrew and in Arabic. Carlos, sharing the Gospel in Arabic



JewS & ARABS are one in Christ


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I have no words to thank you for the articles and videos. I saw your video-ad on YouTube a year or two ago, but when I realized it’s all about “Christianity” and “Jesus,” I switched it off. I was born into an Orthodox Jewish family and was very serious about my religion. By the time I was bar-mitzvahed (Jewish confirmation at the age of 13), I had become an extremely legalistic person. I later came to realize something was desperately wrong with my religious life, so I decided to run away from anything to do with God. In spite of my decision to avoid God and religion, I went back to the Yeshiva (a Jewish religious school) this past year thinking they would set me straight and put me back on the path again. By the end of the school year, I had become an atheist! Lately, I ran into your videos once again. Their message grabbed my attention, so I decided to read the Messianic prophecies in the Old Testament. I was surprised to find out they ALL point to Yeshua (Jesus). Then I wanted to find out about the lifestyle of Messianic Jews - how you live your lives - only to realize that it’s not about what we do, but about what’s inside, and the importance of a changed heart. This summer vacation completely changed my life! I found our Messiah and two days ago gave Him my heart.

Screenshot of one of our popular evangelistic videos


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Haifa Nazareth

Mitzpe Ramon

Tel Aviv






Training the next generation of pastors & leaders

Our College and Seminary - Israel College of the Bible - was established in 1990 for the purpose of training the rapidly growing community of followers of Jesus in Israel. We are, in fact, the only accredited Hebrew-speaking seminary in the world! Jewish and Arab believers come from all over Israel to study the Bible, theology, counseling, and practical ministry. They learn to rightly divide the Word of Truth and stand

strong on the foundations of their faith.

Located in central Israel, our seminary offers certificate, BA, MA and Doctorate programs.Main cities from which our

students come from

Location of our seminary: Israel College of the Bible


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30% araB Students

60% JEwish Students

10% International



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JEWS & ARABS together As one10

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Amidst all the violence and hatred around us, a miracle of peace and brotherhood is taking place at

One For Israel. This year we opened a groundbreaking Masters degree program to train pastors in

Israel; approximately half of those who studied with us were Jewish, and the other half were Arab.

It has been a privilege to have these godly men study, fellowship, laugh and grow together with

us - and with each other. Can you imagine the impact this could have in Israel? Here is a real, living

example of peace between Jewish and Arab leaders - all in the name of Jesus!

Usually in the Western world, if someone wants to become a pastor, he first must acquire training at

a Bible college / seminary and then be ordained as a pastor. The Israeli reality, however, is the other

way around: new believers start gathering around a more mature believer, who becomes their

pastor, and only later realizes that he needs training. For many, this Masters program was merely a

dream - is it possible that there would be accessible training for Israeli pastors?

Could Jews and Arabs study together in the same classroom? Instead of attacking one another,

could they study the Word of God together, in unity and in peace, serving Jesus as ONE new man?

Yes - With God all things are possible!

What the media will never tell you ...


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12 13

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population of israel


of all Israelisbetween the ages of 18-34 have a Facebook account

for every 100 persons there are 122 computers

highest in the world

of all Israeli households are

connected to the Internet

Number one in the world

in the amount of time spent on Facebook & YouTube

Born-again believers


What is the best way to reach Israel?

0.3%up to



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Answering Rabbis’ Objections to jesus,

Explaining the GospelBooks, Including

Hebrew NT Booklets


Sharing the Gospel through Media

Evangelistic Websites Messianic Radio STATIONThe only Radio for Believers in Israel


Printed Media


imetmessiah.com igod.co.il



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“The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord

of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest” (Luke 10:2).

“For if the Gentiles have come to share in their spiritual blessings, they ought also to be of service to them in material blessings” (Rom 15:27).

Vision: To encourage existing churches and to plant new churches in Israel and in the Middle East. Need: The body of Christ is rapidly growing in Israel and the Middle East. This growth brings with it an urgent need to support and encourage existing churches and to plant new churches.Mission: One For Israel is committed to supporting and encouraging our college graduates who are serving in existing churches as well as planting new churches.

This initiative will strengthen the local churches in Israel and the Middle East by providing much needed spiritual and material resources to a region that is hostile to the gospel. Moreover, this initiative will also strengthen the global church by providing a platform to bless the “mother” church, the church where the gospel message was first proclaimed, and from whence this message went out to bless the nations.

Church Planting & Church Support for Israel and the Middle East


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Media Evangelism

HUmanItarian Aid

What is the best way to bless Israel?

Spending vs. Investing

Many Christians worldwide have a God-given desire to bless Israel. Sadly, only a fraction of the resources spent by well-meaning evangelicals are actually used to bless Israel with the gospel of Messiah!

One for Israel partners from around the world believe, like us, that the very best way to bless Israel is with Jesus!

You can be assured that all of your giving to One for Israel is invested in proclaiming the gospel and training Jews and Arabs to reach Israel and the nations for Yeshua.

9% Admin

91% Ministry


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English: www.oneforisrael.org/messiah Hebrew: www.messiah.co.il

Just as devout Catholics would not challenge the Pope’s ruling, no Jewish person dares to question the

teachings of the Rabbis over the past 2000 years. Worshiping Yeshua is considered within Judaism to be

a form of idolatry and paganism, rather than realizing that He is the Jewish Messiah. Today, the Internet

provides a gateway for us to reach each and every person in Israel with the message of the Gospel!

“Project Messiah” is our flagship evangelistic project in Hebrew, answering 100 rabbinic-Jewish

objections against Yeshua (Jesus) and the New Testament.

In these videos we expose how Rabbis have been keeping Yeshua a secret from the people of Israel for

over 2000 years by dealing with the Old Testament prophecies about the Messiah.

The project not only publicly challenges the Orthodox Rabbis, but it also forces Israel to deal with “the

elephant in the synagogue”-Yeshua!

Yeshua the promised Messiah


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“ ”The project is making a great impact, receiving a lot of attention, both positive (new believers)

and negative (death threats). Here is an example of an email we got from Rachel (girl, 17):


Eitan Bar & Moti Vaknin

Defending & answering Rabbis’

100 objectionsto YESHUA

Israeli Messianic Jews

I’m from Tel-Aviv and was taught false things about Yeshua since childhood. Two days ago we learned in history class about a new religion that began (Christianity) 2,000 years ago. The very next day, I saw your YouTube video advertisement. I always skip the ads but decided to watch the whole video this time. It got my attention so I decided to watch all 52 of your videos! I made a decision that truth is with you and that Rabbinic Judaism is full of agendas, false teachings and man-made religion. Although I’m still in high school, and I don’t know any messianic Jews, and I know people will tease me and be upset with me if they knew that I now believe in Yeshua,

it’s important to me to find out more and live as a follower of Yeshua.


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Our response: The "findiNg" Journal

Just as Saul persecuted Jewish followers of Yeshua in the early church, today there’s a group of zealous Orthodox Jews who are devoted to preventing the spread of the Gospel in Israel. These anti-missionaries slander Messianic believers and spread lies about Jesus and His people. They recently began publishing a magazine named “Searching” which targets believers in Israel by mailing copies to their homes to intimidate and uproot Messianic Jews.

The magazines are full of half-truths and theological interpretations which twist the Scriptures and deny their true meaning and context. A handful of believers have been so traumatized that they have renounced their belief in Yeshua as their Messiah. In response, we have developed our own magazine entitled “Finding.”

The articles counter and dismantle the lies and accusations, and instead offer accurate, biblical teaching that defend the Gospel and the person of Yeshua. Our magazine encourages believers in their faith and is a witness to those yet to believe, sharing the light and truth of the Gospel.

Defending the truth


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Humanitarian AID While we know that eternal life is a greater gift than any temporary help we can give on this earth, God makes His passion for the poor and needy very clear throughout Scriptures. If we love God, we cannot ignore the needs of the people around us. In fact, as James writes, faith that is not prepared to act on behalf of others is no faith at all.

Like any major city, our city has areas where there are many living below the poverty line, many of whom survived the Holocaust. One For Israel has coordinated with the city municipality to find households in great need, particularly Jewish Holocaust survivors, and to take them gifts of food and supplies. All our staff visit these people, who are often alone and struggling with life, and seek to give not only practical help, but also to bring some comfort, encouragement, and love in the name of the Lord.

What good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can that faith save him? If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacking in daily food, and one of you says to them, “Go in peace, be warmed and filled,” without giving them the things needed for the body, what good is that? So also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead. James 2:14-17, ESV


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TEL:817.427.4900 (CHUCK)




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“ ”May the LORD repay you for what you have done. May you be richly rewarded by the

LORD, the God of Israel, under whose wings you have come to take refuge.

Ruth 2:12

because the best way to bless israel is with jesus