our prisons: are they doing what we expect of them? analyzing political and social responses to...

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  • 8/7/2019 Our prisons: Are they doing what we expect of them? Analyzing political and social responses to Criminal Penalties


    Our prisons: Are they doing what we expect of them? Analyzing political and social

    responses to Criminal Penalties in the United Kingdom

    Dissertation Proposal


    The English prisons are divided into three major subdivisions. These are England andWales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland. All jurisdiction and responsibility for the prisons

    lies with the British Prime Minister.

    The highest per capita imprisonment rate in Western Europe is unenviably held by theUnited Kingdom. As of September 01, 1989, the total UK prison population amounted to

    55047 prisoners- that are 95.6 prisoners per 100,000 citizens (Council of Europe, 1989).

    The most common problems tabulated in the often restrictive-access prisons are limited

    or no in-cell plumbing for prisoners, bad conditions for pre-trial prisoners, and a lack ofeducational or work activities for the majority of prisoners (Collins & Burns, 1992).

    Furthermore, the mentally disturbed as well psychiatric prisoners have not been provided

    with the proper medical facilities that they require. There has also been quite an amount

    of literature amassed regarding drug abuse with in the prison boundaries.The executive agency of the British Prison and Probation Service is NOMS- National

    Offender Management Service. There has been widespread speculation about the role ofNOMS in keeping the British population safe from offenders, although that is its main

    purpose (Hedderman, 2005). It was created to help manage the prison systems to keep the

    public safe, as well as to restrict re-offending. The main method by which it purports to

    keep the UK public safe is by ensuring that the offenders who are sentenced each year doundertake that punishment. It also works in close liaison with agencies to reduce the rate

    of re-offending.

    Much has also been written against the use of imprisonment-both from a philosophicaland moral viewpoint (Walker, 1991; Hudson, 2003). There has always been strong

    argument about whether prison punishments are really effective in keeping the crime ratedown, or are they a political and social tool to gain a means to an end. In particular,literature is concerned with the level of confidence and trust that has been reflected in the

    UK public as a consequence of imprisoning offenders, whether such a measure has

    indeed reduced the rate of re-offending, as well as crime. In addition, rising prisonpopulation has also led to rising imprisonment costs, thereby putting an economic and

    social strain on the facilities.

    The social attitude towards imprisonment has revealed that the British public has

    expressed the need to be kept aware of criminal sentences, irrespective of the crime rateor the type of changes in the policies implemented (Hough & Roberts, 2002). It points to

    the fact that the public is largely unaware of the prison system and criminal justice

    approaches. Due to this negative awareness, the public hold the judges in negative esteemand doubt the severity of prison sentences. Another important social response to the

    prison system of UK is the perception that the sentences meted out in criminal cases is far

    too lenient than what it actually deserves.This dissertation aims to assess the state of UK prisons at present and the policies

    followed in penal judgment analysis. It aims to view the political as well as the social

    pressure faced by the UK prisons.

  • 8/7/2019 Our prisons: Are they doing what we expect of them? Analyzing political and social responses to Criminal Penalties



    The major aim of this dissertation is to assess the penal system in force in UK prisons, the

    mechanism behind criminal sentencing, and the political and social pressures faced by theUK Prison system. It aims to examine the efficacy of the judicial system, and how

    successful the UK Prisons are in reducing and deterring the crime rate on the whole, and

    specifically with regard to re-offenders.


    To critically examine the Prison system in force in the UK at present

    To critically examine the judicial policies and processes in criminal sentencing

    To evaluate the efficacy of the judicial management, specifically the Prison

    Service and NOMS, in proper maintenance of Prison safety and in helping todeter re-offenders

    To evaluate the political response and accountability towards formulation of

    criminal policies and aims and objectives behind the policies, as well as their


    To examine these policies in light of social responses and perceptions of thegeneral public at large regarding the success of UK prison policies and thejudicial systems efficacy in crime deterrence

    Research Question:

    What is the role of UK Prisons in crime deterrence and what is the political and socialresponse to the UK Prison system in force right now? Are the policies being implemented

    good enough to deter crime, or do policies need to be evaluated in a fresh light?

    Literature Review

    Although not much, but some research has gone into various aspects dealing with the

    state of UK prisons, the criminal policies and reforms in action, both at present and overtime. Political and social responses have also been measured to evaluate the general

    response to the efficacy of the prisons. Several authors have attempted to visit the prisons

    to address the issues from the other side, noting the prison infrastructure and social as

    well as physical conditions of the inmates. Much research has also been conducted toevaluate the prison conditions and their effect on the in-mates, the psychological

    perspective as well as prison statistics. The focal point of my dissertation is an evaluation

    of the UK Prison system as a whole, the political and social responses to the judicialsystem and the efficacy of the system in crime reduction and deterrence.

    Carol Hedderman is a Professor of Criminology who has written on various aspects

    related to UK Prisons. The main literature pertinent to my area of study for this

    dissertation titled NOMS and the Prison Population looks at the role of NOMS and itsefficacy in helping curb the rate of crime and its efforts and effects on the prison

    population. She examines the population statistics, both in general and specifically with

    relation to male and female head count and tries to make out a case of whether the risingprison population justifies the role of NOMS and what kind of feelings and perceptions it

    evokes in the general public. Her review finds no conclusive evidence to relate the

    increase in imprisonment to a reduction in crime rate. This is a disturbing fact as it pointsto a general lack of effort on the part of the Prison Service and NOMS in curbing crime

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    rate. Qualitative and quantitative researches like this which lead to a negative correlation

    between increase in prison population and crime rate evokes negative social responses.

    There is evidence that by 2012, one-third of the total UK prison population may be liableto be facing indefinite imprisonment (Sanders, 2011). This is feared by many to lead to

    strains on an already highly populated prison system in the country, as well as reduce the

    efficacy of the prison management services (Mc-Lennan Murray, 2011). This evidence isalso purported to qualify the present penal system of the UK Prisons as a policy


    Another concept that has been widely researched and advocated is Restorative Justice(Rossner, 2011). It analyses the effect of the present judicial system and examines the

    efficacy of the current criminal policies with regard to crime deterrence. It then goes on

    to evaluate alternative forms of justice, mainly restorative in nature, that may be more

    beneficial in helping crime reduction rather than merely brute force deterrence that is theunderlying concept of the present penal system. There is some literature that supports the

    theory, which advocates that criminals be made to repay to the community through some

    action on their part in order to realize their offense. The advantage here is that it involves

    the psychological faculties of the inmates as well as the general public, who are moreappreciative of the efforts of the offenders rather than if they were just serving out a

    prison sentence.


    There are several factors that limit for the exhaustive data collection as required for thequantitative analysis. However, this research will be based on the analysis of secondary

    data on the basis of relevant theoretical support. In this respect the aim of the dissertation

    will be addressed through desk research.

    The desk research will begin with text books related to the prison system management

    and the agencies handling the prison services, as well as the statistics to identify therelated theories. In addition, articles in journals, related news papers will be referred for

    the currents updates. For the study of the books and journals; college library, some local

    libraries, and the online library of a reputed British University Library will be used. And Ihave access to all these above mentioned libraries. The results from the desk research will

    be used to formulate the data analysis strategy, find the inductive approach to research.

    Since this is a secondary research, all the data that are required for the analysis will beaccessed from the website of the official Ministry of Justice and the UK National

    Statistics. The information about the prison population rates and any increase or decrease

    will be accessed from the official website of Bank of England. The information about theinfrastructure, management, services and associated problems will be obtained from the

    official website of UK Ministry of Justice.

    Time scale

    The whole dissertation will be divided in manageable pieces of work as shown in the

    Gant Chart in the appendix A.

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    1. Breaking the Cycle: Effective Punishment, Rehabilitation and Sentencing of

    Offenders, Lord Chancellor & Secretary of State for Justice, December 2010,http://www.justice.gov.uk/consultations/docs/breaking-the-cycle.pdf

    2. Green Paper Evidence Report: Effective Punishment, Rehabilitation and

    Sentencing of Offenders, Lord Chancellor & Secretary of State for Justice,December 2010, http://www.justice.gov.uk/consultations/docs/green-paper-


    3. Rethinking Crime & Punishment: The Report, Esmee Fairbairn Foundation,http://www.esmeefairbairn.org.uk/docs/RCPTheReport.pdf

    4. Sentencing Trends in Britain: Public Knowledge and Public Opinion, Mike

    Hough, Julian V. Roberts, Punishment and Society,

    http://www.uk.sagepub.com/cavadino/sentencing_trends_in_britain.pdf5. NOMS and the Prison Population: Does NOMS have the courage to keep the

    prison population down? Carol Hedderman, Prison Service Journal, Issue 162, pp


    6. The State of Prisons: Exploring Public Knowledge and Opinion, Roberts, J.V.,Hough, M., The Howard Journal, Volume 4, No 3, July 2005, pp 286-306

    Appendix A:

    The work Plan (Gant Chart):


    March April May June

    1st 2nd 3rd 4th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 1st 2nd 3rd


    Review literatureRefine Topic

    Define Methodology

    Review with Supervisor


    Data collection


    Data analysis

    First draft

    Review with Supervisor

    Second draft

    Formulate dissertation


    Literature review




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    Review with Supervisor


    Final version