our pulpit. -...

j M t' Uuyoo u* a ! 0 « h .\v«Mini> 4 9 6 T K K B A J E > T 1 S T . JmOmvwt. iSJIaBaay. ovuiubany TBS Baptist Book House, S3T fccwn^ M. M«M»iybh Tout. ta Hnmur-ataol Ulmtoi* boIK wfc—. •a* y tiBMMIim'jdBm. S s s a i s - ^ m S T s r i ^ B.MlartT BMI —lUwluK. This book aa^ warn • 1cm« Timiat « « tn oar danmnl lUiMian. rs)mtu^tUUi,nM.- J. mr J. M. KaitlB. alarrTu B- thaAaeCtlaa > aiid wUla In Um bmzutaoftlw TOBSs. It wlU tm tnosd n x r jerafluMe to Pxint3cioUt.CJn. tg iUetrntm. laUkkmcktbaanHardto • • • • • m l " •nil 111."Tit ~ ' j t uui tili- W»i«1 —tlwrltr.Bl Ufcf I jmliinirf oi netetf^tSSntaTaf^diiim XttaoAlarlclttBaalptiiial jSw'iSj^S^iiJ (vMteaUmof OU Ijiait- • <ralBihtamtl«tRKS,aa(ll» k m t i f u i l aa lua at • gnat mamr u» tb« jMtWflittti.nifMmnitiT*^ BuUutadcala n, SBpib PUoBilte [ tna nUacUaad Um I divWon of iimiHii Into taaonal Mral iKftr pnhnUa ta anal I aBft ^itr't. tf pwa tkoa tigw an raaa.lB sla*ii.aetB. . Hw«a«y. Br S XUX. AanldatttUHidaSxIi of Bapdit ahonba. m 1 HartaJ Br EdwaidT. It or UUawot* la lo bnt tumuitrfiiial fa Uflktaneawhieti ma BaaaoakirSaecnBlBaaBuiUat. SmA-. IHMlllartooaClfcft&u. Jalaraariaiiar- •aatta* Tiaata. Kmy BnpUikoaabt to 4 l d f a UM etrenlaUoa of iImbv Irmctt. v M M a a I n paefcawa. iO ata. poaU mXT. B^ Q. B. _ Vol 1. taaUatoryat ' o L I L t a a h W a n o t ttaa i. B^.Arapofiicie^ ^hlav^l* •mnir at Taxt^^ook band book oC Bastlat blatOT. avalBaUaeaabOatkiatatoi^ balBc.* aaOactloa of h i a t a l SKta, wUh enptaoa D ^ of wnntanta and aUa-aioua. ^.aOajtaa. V a L U - ^ A , . ritee. ta aiotli.tua. eeeUaseUaewT. BrJMCtai^ D0. A ecas^SiM i>i««Q(Ttaimtha JboDdatSn oCUw 'toUiaeUaKaniiaa^^Mtt . BjrTO JaDaa.DS!^ataK ' ~^n,eaiitUiiiUr» J. and tofla- Fl1aa,»eti^ [ or K a m n . ay a. -Too oogitt tobaUaUlar ofyBgraTOdanwiiliiinrai, Martt. Toabswaottine taiaadalaica bna^ In thla Httto b p s ^ Ml ii^iM 11 in laen i. g ; In a natahan, Oia aotSareomaienaw and traeca baak tha Ba]>- ttBdamnlnaaoD fton tha laaaul oauUuj lo dan ot tba Apoatlaa. if wlU ifcair joo hat BapBHa did not nrlgtinta with B o n WUliaxa% aar tn aasbindrBarvttk tlie aaaar5ma*ar.aaoar«Bam]aa ehaisa, ku Uia ItoManU or ttaa in act tba ODtr zailcloaa _jaa«oaditBcatSaapaaUaii, andlathaoplyUwi^ilaMi ilintobacallad Tte Chixnh of ChiM. Xbla ^ aaw and (raaUjraniaiiadadUta. netmeou W y K t f a a — p f c a aTBallgl—a UlMMy. BrKBC'Bdai^u'l- An bSMtmx^ • o m r of tba eontnmntM pert^nlns M ^ TlKhta at tanarlatira, ftom the Ka- ormaxtan to lOL FTlm,IU» t^ctuaaMBaatUt Mlatary. Br Wm BWUBama. DO. ^ Prlea,«L3» enatCMifllefr-CDBeenanc Baptlata andndJ«loailIB<r«T. Br OaoCliiHteer. DD. FX3ce»IL0D Ukartx mt CanaalCTca aad tk* —1>- tiata. i^Bar.W.A.JaiTtf. TBHUanaw and aUa OmtamiiaJ Tlaet.of « pacti. Prtee,ln(£Mi.aieta. Huck. BrBar.W.U. In p«4nr Ur eta., la ek>tn Cntdw>. a c a s a b Mmmtrnm. Tha Iwo taanU oantnrr, br B. H. mt tba (iz- In dotb, igi BrW. (XBoek. Aaabiawork,aodoneUwtsanba nad wttb ^raflt b j atadenta aul mWMan iDlasaMcdoathlaiBM^ In eWta.tlJML • r m E A M f l T . Br Karv«U Babettaoa. TMa la an abW IraaUw oo tba wW. on eicctloa, ailTatloa by cnm. atooanwnt,— OBtbawbideWMiartalntkio. Farefaanrfa- mamben. or Tooas stadanta af tbeoloD, tiUaarwk wUlVBTCTTntaabta. rrteeUSk nBBm.BMvimmor'nuHi» ^K^UTK. AJI» MUMI'IIW •» l.«. p. Mr J-lt.CMTn, Toa want to lam a ScrtpUml Idea arraaratateaAardaaUiand batea tba na- onaetiaa. Ton want topiotaal roar flu^ t^ pmleloea fmrtiing d Kpl^ ta. Gat ttala book, nad ti, and n t all aunUrtonadlt. ItU. nottlatar> artlag attla book TOO aTcrnad. and wUl aX' plain a laisa nombcr of Ilia aioit dUDeait m a w a of^enptan. Yon alMiild nad U FrieaUrn«««l.»««»- CfcHittan DMtrtoaa. A CWnpandli of Ibaoton ur J- X. rcndletm, DJX Tbi> la an axall«>t v t r t oMi> |iac<a, Uj«e tjrpe. Pl<oe,ln cloth HJO. TfBTAJmr. Xhto wock, by t » T e i ^ bte Adlal WJOTTOod, IXD, an able tUrlne and npaaeboUr.tatiit batt work va kaov or Ibr Sowlay^dwola and 8<uiday.aciiool ttnehaiB. Two Tolomta, aach W.a. Batcaaa XntUMV. anrh. Lake Jaka-EzpUBanxxand pnetieaL A pop- niar eoomentaiT npoo a olttsal Daala, r- peeteUy dedzned lor paaloa and 8sndi. lyUw W airkrDD, ot A 2ravHannonyortl>eOaap«la.«(e. Tbeaaare vaIaaUeeomni*i>tarlca,a^tba aotbor la a BnpUst aebolar who deah teltbAUly w l ^ uS^vocd. Price, per ToUWJO UtCUSKTA!.! or t*« Arta ^ a— By Mn. A. U. QnTfa. In-tlOa boak la puit«ar«d the arta and wUeatif the ^^ Sihouc eh arch In mnnMtin and tha minds at tbe rtalnc tsnaratlon. >Tlee.ln doth.'taiiaL t k k w o x a s u ri' mrus ajtd kcak- MXTt om. THJC D O W X T A U or CA- THOiaCrtM- W Wblta. In tbla " ^ a martSSy hand, tbe enrtaln la u d ttaa nnlokl ml—ItaefeoantlMa book, unS. of tbaaalntaof Ood.uandioat aaone of ttaa iromlncnt eharaeteriaUoa of tba Lienzcbr. In ek>tb S.-JSO. De««i mt Dwkaeaa Dladaacd-BetaUTa to Anilealar Cmtftaidon. and Ito lalaUau to bO Aonctuju • HUM* MCTTdotal eeUbtasy, eoavenia, montftertea. morality, and e l ^ and relicioiia Bar JO White. SM pp. Prtoe,»lA H n o r BOOKS. IbeToonc. BrC ttoE m w of azpta-SoM aa (whlbaot^ datriaaitac to nwa eattand IntalllClbla to anlldnn i wlalti,vltboatMttberezpl rneaaUB ciTT otrr • r ' H o n ^ B y i t e U M C I ^ J J ^ jTbif mtte bo«* p w t t ^ t t o U; tbaecatof' ehlM^book. Uk Stand y« in kh»-«nya. and sea and aak tbp the did patha, wMch are the good ways. and-aaUc therein, and ya Bbell find I ; and abuply nolntad t^ -Mptanhrarrm--— za Onabnndnd sua talk Itoaa^ iB«ndaaal^eBl1 IndluMDAt^ U , toBedaliy nai guy beaoaMlilB tt «T. Hjr * ' ' ^ I T a a M w w K^ml^ in tberaar. Dtan aza baiidn< A «tity4fTaahi»ta«ymonatnit. Toai Eatand at tba Foat OOea of Mampbla, Tom.. M tMOBO Oaa XMUm. vboneedaMn tbla work la almoi alaobeolznatTBli oftbaCbAUan: UBaybeaoaM ly. PtleeCIA etaanbea. CDptoaa n n e beaTT paper, . U tbe moat eoaTanlent Becord-Bnok avar ea*red to Ute < datka wbo bnTanaad tbla Bool ttaa wtnBtM and beriaaH ii Tha Brace mt Mrmtk Br WlUtem Mm- man. A book >taat la nnHa^ ^to.gj^"- toralble. and elaaat l a a r a n U g S i w d q n S s ^ S o n l ' t t S m u M t ^ lilSaotf^Toa^n^^^ SpberaandMlariaaoiWaaiaB; theOefilui ofttmoorr' UlpaM By Bar BBairay.OD. A BapUatpraaeber. wbo-daBlrw to know how to be a «ood andaaMI jally i, •taoold b»Te. It la ao abaap • v c ^ n M M bay It. Pn8a, l»elfc The Aaaetirtea Pobltadicd by tbe Uoc to K l ^ ^ ^ m g ^ ] Itanotaaanbtlef belnc enmbenome. all leading mlnfrtera. Ko^ngaAm^M Btblical It a reeoounaadad by "oUbfaiyacbmn' ' FMea.la ab* p .1 Thlasa ••« HaaaamUy jompilatlonofti^aaaaQUtblM dueoTvad by matan InreatliDUloa B d crft- leam. Uteb UtbatemMjanitWata^^ cMuy loa rlsbt nadentandmx of tbe^bia^ and whleb bare never Iwbn been pot bi*re ute pnbUe In taeb conTenlent kif PiMa*grBiall.Meta. tanaar. By ana ~ ^ or tba ihMi l A a (UA aatcity. aad la a ounnar an aaaaaliiii aa la aaSua tba aofboriataa Inenabl •aaaiariiv^ SnSimnS^ o'nis^MSk^ aa • ttapaanat aabteet. grna tba nanlta mt Or. BGvrar^ atadiM ot ouiff yaara, and ina lataaim or Ma laatona touba Tbeolaa leaiaaMa •tJfawllliai, y T. It a aTMci agd patntad ot tba ee«*aet (tarn a li iuBm aaiMliaaer nwUlbaaenatpealally liBal tp wmfataiawbo want to baraS hand MM^oor Tlawa of PHei>,tlJ» 9srrmn WACtm wm. mmxMmnm •aaactblaa maalaaot&BJb. niairM&a^aMfiSutu^ aix r(iaikinsiDta.aj« ar**h» la tntMimr«M<«M. at r*mie< (•ttiMaiL..-. ebk U M dunidkaTotbabook. Ftlea m dotb.tum POUXICAI. THB «BAVX8<BI saajR to tba AvMClaan pre- abbs. UMmm 3a, m eiotb, vuo; To meat a papoiar demand tba abOTo book wlU be divided lata •izmnmca.thna: Im- gaantm, «M»: m a n i Bastlam, tLae: Uinreb urcaatak ija;Tba liidit ^par. » eti.; aailam% ttipUam. M eta.; Haal tt»aew' anoa of tba Halnta.S> ^ On (^mpbcU- Priad.lUO Tbla ta one ot the — tbe abt«>t eztant. Mo Minlatar out w ^ afltad to be wttbont It. Oatavoofavarmpacai. rrlea. WUttams,DJX One of tba able* w S a erar pmdaead In nfttaUnn of tba pemlekMM vlewa beld and tansbt by tbe ao-eaUad Cbxiattan eboreh. Frioe tn alDtlL tun. TMB lanaai.'a BAimwtBB. na Bodt by tba pHaoa at wtltata. Or. A. a •aaalB* ar Baita. Br A. C: Dayton. II- Wattatad, Tba sobtaat of b a p t t e a tbor mea.lB I akilb.tlJO. A.C. fiivto^ TttbMt*iinnSw la ef Dia. WaUar, muar, Mand ottaan. A Talaabia 1 be tanarally raad. In Key leCawahaUlaeu By D B Bay A iraiai&la wwa tor aU wbo wlab to wulai^ aand CaapballlBai. Pttoa.tlJO aacraixAi. abb kxbskticai. railew^ Warka. In tbraa arts oetaTu mlmmtrn-pinram pagaa. Tba >alBabla work altocda ahntat a enmplae aynam af Maad wltbia of tb« BtMa.'iakias me^ ap (a Ma tarn aed, with a.m^ kanwa to a* writarm. baaatifkUr »t<«ain«kab.«lA», TBB itKW B A r a « r HTU ABB E S ^ ^ i S L / a n d can be nacd by tb<ae to'taketbaplaeeof tba iSimat. iMoed twenty yean a«o. t h s b b w B A r a m b t b s book, wltaaa* •mae.-Beu. ••ataera raalMlat. A aew, tmproTed and nrtaed edltian, tn whleb wUl be Ibnnd, In ptMt» of tbe old Index, on* a< Imm, bold tn^mxtd aiao manr new and a*orlte bymjia, the plaea of oUien whleb were wantlns la merit. Tbe amasament and nomtermc taaT* no*, been Interrapted. IMabjmiM Fain raon.. B. Moroeeo,^!, I j n a (Ue. roan, UB Lane •lae.moroeeo, cut. rnlplted SA> THK u r r u BKBArM a the Bona Book yon want lor your Bonday^ebooL .1 baa b m admitted that tbta a tbe Cbssh ex. imii I If --- . ogbreifto oar 8unday.eebooli. Tbadootrlsa Tba nola* aia the new too awaattomention. Frlea by null Beta. Thvcarlatlaui Hai»aajr. mntalBltii a eboioo eoUartlon at Uymna and Pmlnu, Tana. Odta and Antbemafioa tba baat an- ibon in Knrope and America, togatbOT wltb a lane nnmbar of Kaw Tonaa flam eminent eooipaiaBi never balMe pabUalMd, eabnelna a grtirSurlety of ^iTto ^ted toneam^ IM Matrw epntalned tn tbe Tarloaa H ^ d andFmlmte^OMd by tba dlObrant de- nomlnatlona. iMal^Md alao tor tbe bmoI Hebooa, Cboln. Budai and PriTate PartUa In tbe •eTan<«ymbol aya. " annolatMn. with Aiaoaeomuaa alaeldatMn " 1 Moaa of tbe Mcleoea of Voeal Maae and main Ralaa a« Baclnneta. Beraad adltloo graafly wllb the adltton of moay Ifra Tbb» By Wm. Walkar,af Boulh caroUna. Pilee CIAL Radnetloa where oae doaan or mora an ocdwed at oaee. usmmosm. 7 rail a m r e y a jnautaBa. nnyrtort Bermoaa on Important anhleeta, by. J. M raadlatoit. Tba a an inTalnable work. Pnea,lBeiaUi,«Ua. r a U W a - n t a t , aMond and rtl" " " i-a blid tarlM,wltbaAnaata^en^wti^ Ptlea,. ^Toa. Pnaa,per roi.tl.5t •el»a*»taar«l|Ml. «.lou>.lua. ralBit raeyea. dotb.im. BOOaB I«B OVB miLDBBff. Tbv Stary af lb* Bthla-rrom 0«ecU* to Kn»attoa, faU In ttatpla tantaata lot " In — ^ Cte^ unM~papar.~mM in elotb,lBJBa Tba a not a book ofabaMoa tarmonatorlaay yoanc mlnattn, but • beak falCTilatw to aid I n ^ e prapamtloa «f aa^ iw reraed aaaeompletebookof naraneaonaO nusHMa anueeta. Edited by J. ifewtoa Brown. lUnftrated by wood-enta, mapa,and ancniTlncBaaeopMr and ataaL In abeep aztn MjH. HABJtaBT ABB Bxroamoa ar avBMBa<a«aBATrBapaacT. By D.O.Baek. One of tbe beat booka pobiabed on a aabfeot tbat aboald Intaraat every tjbitatlan.—the eotnlnz of Cbrlat avtla to Ibaeartb. fl;pacaCsSs. ^ Baod :or oatalocna. Addrtea all orden to tbe aArroiT aaoK HaiaiB. POWDER Absolotaly Pi^ Mede (Mm OnM Oaam Tartar, ir* Kssrisixsfiis,""^*' ^ ButAh BAktaa ayrn* Our Pulpit. JIOBE THAN COJiQUKBOBS. by ootavios wmaiow, ©. ftomtha joraof C ^ t ^ w^ SiS-itbaday ma.;« ^nshtac. Kay,ln.ntb«»t^wa«-~^ ^ Uk blm tbat lored Bom. 1HB BPOBtlB here ennmetBla «rt«la thinff A^SlcJ^otacaieeyeafWtb. »«> tto i iSwt of Bwae. would .ppe« to evidence, of ^ w ^ a a n ^ ^ to him. or >a cafcoUted to pioduce wtiha^t.^ proiloas an inquiiy.nd then ItoT^. That reply BetBtheqwaUoQ e n t i w ^ t he eaumeimtei ahaklng the c o n ^ c y of Q ^ tove. periUtag theaOetyof the Chrtettan. o t s h ^ ta^tt^oL oibb renown, they ^devtlo^ tto Saviof 8 eltectioo to hint more strong^. ^ fiilned the f«ct of his secorily. end entwined ^ and more verdant laurela artjond his brow. Nay. in all these thlnp we are more than conquerors thraosh him ihat loved us." ^are arstinvitedtocontemplatethe^r^ In the character of a "Conqueror ha^ at some length, already We l u m wea tt to eoorirt of a m«al conflict. wiU> S y ^ d ootwwl eaetnies ^ teiy^^ church-a wai of external s ^ n g . in w ^ penury, persecution and martyrdom toe ftafk Md essential elements. Now it wUi be instmcUve to observe in what way Christ ^ vides for the holy warrior's i^asage through Ihls ^ contest. It WIU be perceived that It is not by flight, but by batUe; not by relr^t. but b y ^ - vance; not by sbunnlng. but by lacing the ^ The Captain of their salvation might have wlth- drawn his people from the field, and condu^ them to heaven without tbe hawrd of a c o a f l ^ But not so. He wUl lead them to glory, but It shall be by the path ef glory. They fhaU carve thelt way to the crown by the achlevemrat. ^ V.4). MthlnthetrothoTGod^wort-^to the veracity of Qodls chaiacte-fclth In ^ might.andBldlUkndwIalom, oimatOomama^ add Leado—taith eyeing the priae, giw» victory to the Christian cembatant, kad s K i m the rfo«y to the Oiptain of UssalvaUo^ And t h e n ^ to the triumph of prtience! "That^ be not slolbital, out f o U o w « of them ^ o tiii^ U t h and patience inherit tbe ptomiw * * ^ ao. alter he had paflently endured, he obtrined UMjpromise." lHeb.vL 12,15). Oh,j8JtBO^ v l c t i ^ T ^ Holy Gh«t In beneah tbe pressure of great sffllction. i j s d ^ through a diadpline the most paluM ^ h ^ ta^.the sulfcring Christian is enabled to cry, ^nSvb he sUy me yet wiU I t r ^ to h ^ " (JobxilLlS). "Thecupwhichmy f k ^ hath bLu I not drink It? " (John "Not my wiU but thine be done!" SulB^ chUd of God: "let patience have her pe^ work, that ye may be perfect a ^ entto^w^ nothing." (James L 4). And, then, there la the conqu«tofjoy. and of the U*d, having uioch afflicUon. with Joy of the TheBa.L6). " M y brethren, count It aU joy when ^lintodiverstwnpUtions" o r t ^ ( J ^ ua. Whyistrialanoccaatanofjoy? Be^it is Uie triumph 9f the Holy Ghost ia t h e s ^ dMS not C h ^ i i o . •• Y e shaU be •onowfol. M ^sowmrtiStetamedlntoJoyr' (John^ of giaoe ahaU perlib la tt* wlanowlnfc a par- tide of fidth shall ba coomMd ia tha re*-*— S ^ g - S S T l - l s a with tt-*oa. victacy—"aMMthaaacaaqaaioc." AllUaia- ttceiare«*iB«i«bytba»Bl». Hla««BW to hrii^tK, his sword is keener, hla oaiaga ta BH«edaimtteiB,fartbe coolUet. Ewqr gnoB of the Spint to matured. Faith to stwagth«ed. Iw to eoanded, m/rnhmnh to daepfawl. knowledia toinm^ He comes fbrttifc«Bthetrialhjto and more valofoua than wbea be BBtend tt. Hto weaknw haa tanght him wtonia Ua tt^ lleth. HJa n«e»lty baa , ^ acqaalBtad with Chriii^ ftdaoa. Htopir«l^ ^ W B blm wbo tai*ht hto hmato to war BBd hto laeeM to IWit. aad wboaa ibieid roiered MB head totbe ^ of battle. Ha to "more tha coa- querM "— be to tiiaBiihaat! "Throiwh him ttat toted aa." Here to U»e great aecret of oor vfclory, tt» source of o w tfl- amph. BehtM tbe mystety e x p t o l a e d . ^ a we^ timid believer, oftm starttag at hto own rt«dow, to y H " B « « hto maoT and mighty face, TO Ouast arao Mrrra who ^ ^ rtead. andUvta to iatercsde oa hto bArt^ ^ MafttiatriamihtoaBcribed. Aadtbtoillka ^heaiaaia: "TbaakabetDOodwUebglvclh m tbe Vietour oar l*rd M C S i ^ •nuuivh tba oooqaMt whkb b a l i t a n ^ aetually UUktng bur deepea*. d a W * a o m w « o « ^ o f ttie deq)^gl«laeBB. peafaeand t h a i ^ civing? "Thou hast turned (or me my moor^ toto dandng: thou hast put off my sackdotb, and Kirded me with gtadneas; to the and that my rinry [my tongue] may sing prafae to the^ ^ n ^ a ^ t " (IM.XXX. 11.12). O h ! y ^ l t tak glorious victory of the Holy Ghost, the OMnkater, in the soul, when It can enable the believer to adopt the words of thesuflteringapostle. " I am OUed with comfort, i am exceeding joyful in aU oar tiibulaUon." (2 Cor. vlL 4). BuBering reader, Uietr wnjr w J ,1. the sword. They shaU have privaUoo^d^ tress, and sufltering. of every kind; yet whto bwiththepiwure.andinthevery heat of the batUe. victory shaU crown their arms, and rious triumph shaU deepen the ^ilendor of victory. And what «>lritual«ye does not clearly aee. that in conducting hto peopla acrosa the battle-field, the Iiord wins to himself more renown than ttiou^h he had led them to their eternal r«t with entire exemption from conflict and dlstieB? But In what sense are we oonquerois? Just In tbat BenBB In which the Holy Ghost obtains ttie victory. Itfanotthebellever himself who con. r ^ i t to the Divine Spirit within the beltovet. No movement to seen, no tacUcs are obwrved, no warcry Is heard, and yet there to passing within the aoul a more important batUe, and thm to -cured a more brilliant vktoiy. than ever ttie pen ^toTbtotorian recorded. In the first pUce. there Istbaooaquestoffidth. Where do U»e annato^ war preBentBuch aBUCcesrion of victories bo biil. llan^ achlwred by a weapon bo single and Blm^ m to recorded in tha ttorwth chaptn ot the BplatletoUieHebnwBT And what w a a t ^ g ^ S I ^ Uioee spiritual and ^oriousvictories? It wIithei«ceofWthl " Thta to the vldoiy t^ worid. even yoar Ihlth." (I Joba JcBUf knows tow to turn your sorrow into joy. Oonfide your grief to him, and he wiU e»n« it sweetly to sing. • •• More than conquerors." The original a-ord WiU admit a stronger rendering than our teansr latota have allowed It The same word to in another place rendered, " a l w m o r e and cxcs^- Ing and eternal weight of glory." Bothatlnthe ^ ^ t Instance It might be translated," Iw more isxceeding conquerors." The phrwe seems to imply that it to more than a mere victory which t h e ^ e v e r gains. A battle may be won at a great kas to the conquenw. A great leader may bU at the head (rf hto troops. Tbe flower of an army may be destroyed, and the best b l o o ^ a na^'s pride may be shed. But ttie Christian ^uere^th no such i d . NoUdng whatever BakedaMB.aadpem.aadrawwd,'' waata ^J ttian cooqasroca." Aixnaatsd ttnugb wa a u . - "sheap fur the stoaghtsr," yet oar OiMk Bbtp- henJ.himwUeUln far tha sheep, gaktos hto tock. and has dedaied tbat bo oaa sball pluck th*n out of hto hand. We are raon tbaa eooqasnB thraogh hto grace who toved aa la tba very eir- ouuBtanoet tbat threaten lo owarwbeim. Fear not, then, the darkest dood, nor tba pnads* waves, nor the deqieat waato—la tbcsa -ray things you shall, ttuougb Gbriat, prove triaovit- ant. Nor shrink trom the battto wltb ttM^birrt enemy." Desth raotlved a deatb-wonad wben Christ died. You toceacooqaerwlloa. HaiBanda at your side a cxawakM ktag. aad waving a broken aseptre. Your death abaU ba aaotber victory ovtT tbe believer^ WMtfoa. PiaaUagyoai foot of &itb upoo bto Ftoaknia aeek, y w ibeU apring Into glory, ware tbaa a eooqaBTor, throagh him htm that loved you. Tbas paaring to gjcty in triumph, yon «haU go to Bvdl tba laakB at tha " noble army of martyta "—tfaoaaCbristiaB bepncB of whom It to lecorded, " They overcame bl« by tbebloodof Ibe Lamb." sers Wltb no sucn «•». enentUl to b « weU-bring b periUed. Hto armor, rlvlted npoo hto soul by tbe H«ly Spirit, hecaiin^ lose. Hto Ute, hid with Christ In God, cannot 1>» eodangered. His Leader and Commander, once deidtaaUveanddlethDomore. Nothing valu- able aad predouB shall be lose. There to not a grace in hto aoal but shaU oome-oat of Uie battle vrith Bin, and Satan, and tbe worid, rarer and brighter for the conflict. Tbe more Utotoogbly the Lord brings oar graces Into exerclar, the more foUy ibaQ they be devdoped, and Um more mightOyBhanthcgrW InTifonted. Not a gtala PBABIB. EvcryonetoeltheraMporablnibaBeeto hto neighNx in doing good or dolag evfL A man may be Bald to know i b w u i ^ oaly what be (»n eorrecUy communteate to otbara. In time of aOlctkn we commoaly OMct with tbe Bweetwt erperieaee of tbe love of Ood, The more methods Uiere are lor aeqairlagricbBB without iDdwtry ot merit, the Ibm there wfll beoT eltberatate. An amtoble dtoposIUoa to Uke tbe euasbly of mmmer; tt itedB a brigbtasBa av« eoeryttlec tbateaabeaBBK

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Page 1: Our Pulpit. - media2.sbhla.org.s3.amazonaws.commedia2.sbhla.org.s3.amazonaws.com/tbarchive/1881/TB_1881_Jan_22.pdf · jM t Uuyo' uo * a!0 «h .\v«Mini> 496 TKK BAJE>T1ST. JmOmvwt

j M t ' Uuyoo u* a!0 « h .\v«Mini>

4 9 6 T K K B A J E > T 1 S T .

JmOmvwt. iSJIaBaay. o v u i u b a n y T B S

B a p t i s t B o o k H o u s e ,

S3T f c c w n ^ M . M«M»iybh T o u t .

ta Hnmur-ataol Ulmtoi* boIK wfc—. •a* y tiBMMIim'jdBm.

S s s a i s - ^ m S T s r i ^ B.MlartT BMI —lUwluK. This book aa^ warn • 1cm« Timiat « « tn oar danmnl

lUiMian. rs)mtu^tUUi,nM.-J. mr J. M. KaitlB.

alarrTu B-thaAaeCtlaa

> aiid wUla In Um bmzutaoftlw

TOBSs. It wlU tm tnosd nxr jerafluMe to Pxint3cioUt.CJn.

tg iUetrntm. laUkkmcktbaanHardto • • • • •ml" •nil 111."Tit ~ ' j t uui tili-W»i«1 —tlwrltr.Bl Ufcf I jmliinirf oi

n e t e t f ^ t S S n t a T a f ^ d i i i m XttaoAlarlclttBaalptiiial

j S w ' i S j ^ S ^ i i J (vMteaUmof OU Ijiait-

• <ralBihtamtl«tRKS,aa(ll» k m t i f u i l a a lua at • gnat mamr u» tb«

jMtWflittti.nifMmnitiT*^ BuUutadcala n, SBpib PUoBilte

[ tna nUacUaad Um I divWon of iimiHii Into taaonal Mral iKftr pnhnUa ta anal I aBft ^itr't. tf pwa tkoa t igw an — raaa.lB sla*ii.aetB.

. Hw«a«y. Br S XUX. AanldatttUHidaSxIi of Bapdit ahonba. m

1 HartaJ Br EdwaidT. It or UUawot* la lo bnt tumuitrfiiial fa

Uflktaneawhieti ma

BaaaoakirSaecnBlBaaBuiUat. SmA-. IHMlllartooaClfcft&u. Jalaraariaiiar-

•aatta* Tiaata. Kmy BnpUikoaabt to 4ldfa UM etrenlaUoa of iImbv Irmctt.

v M M a a I n paefcawa. iO ata. poaU

m X T . B^ Q. B. _ Vol 1. taaUatoryat 'oLILtaahWanot ttaa i. B^.Arapof i ic ie^

^ h l a v ^ l * •mnir at Taxt^^ook band book oC Bastlat blatOT. avalBaUaeaabOatkiatatoi^ balBc.* aaOactloa of h i a t a l SKta, wUh enptaoa D ^ of wnntanta and aUa-aioua.

^.aOajtaa. V a L U - ^ A , . ritee. ta aiotli.tua.

eeeUaseUaewT. B r J M C t a i ^ D0. A ecas SiM i>i««Q(T taim tha JboDdatSn oCUw

'toUiaeUaKaniiaa^^Mtt . BjrTO JaDaa.DS!^ataK

' ~^n,eaiitUiiiUr» J. and tofla-

Fl1aa,»eti^ [ o r K a m n . a y a. -Too oogitt tobaUaUlar ofyBgraTOdanwiiliiinrai, Martt. Toabswaottine

taiaadalaica bna^ In thla Httto b p s ^ Ml ii iM 11 in laen i . g ; In a natahan, Oia aotSareomaienaw and traeca baak tha Ba]>-ttBdamnlnaaoD fton tha laaaul oauUuj lo dan ot tba Apoatlaa. if wlU ifcair joo hat BapBHa did not nrlgtinta with B o n WUliaxa% aar tn aasbindrBarvttk tlie aaaar5ma*ar.aaoar«Bam]aa ehaisa, k u

Uia ItoManU or ttaa in act tba ODtr zailcloaa

_jaa«oaditBcatSaapaaUaii, andlathaoplyUwi^ilaMi ilintobacallad Tte Chixnh of ChiM. Xbla ^ aaw and (raaUjraniaiiadadUta. netmeou

W y K t f a a — p f c a aTBallgl—a UlMMy. BrKBC'Bdai^u'l- An bSMtmx^ • o m r of tba eontnmntM pert^nlns M ^ TlKhta at tanarlatira, ftom the Ka-ormaxtan to lOL FTlm,IU»

t^ctuaaMBaatUt Mlatary. Br Wm BWUBama. DO. ^ Prlea,«L3»

enatCMifllefr-CDBeenanc Baptlata andndJ«loailIB<r«T. Br OaoCliiHteer. DD. FX3ce»IL0D

Ukartx mt CanaalCTca aad tk* —1>-tiata. i^Bar.W.A.JaiTtf. TBHUanaw and aUa OmtamiiaJ Tlaet.of « pacti.

Prtee,ln(£Mi.aieta. H u c k . BrBar.W.U. In p«4nr Ur eta., la ek>tn Cntdw>. acasab

Mmmtrnm. Tha Iwo taanU oantnrr, br B. H.

mt tba (iz-In dotb, igi

BrW. (XBoek. Aaabiawork,aodoneUwtsanba nad wttb ^raflt b j atadenta aul mWMan iDlasaMcdoathlaiBM^ In eWta.tlJML • r m E A M f l T . Br Karv«U Babettaoa. TMa la an abW IraaUw oo tba wW. on eicctloa, ailTatloa by cnm. atooanwnt,— OBtbawbideWMiartalntkio. Farefaanrfa-mamben. or Tooas stadanta af tbeoloD, tiUaarwk wUlVBTCTTntaabta. rrteeUSk n B B m . B M v i m m o r ' n u H i »

^ K ^ U T K . AJI» M U M I ' I I W • » l.«. p .

Mr J-lt.CMTn, Toa want to lam a ScrtpUml Idea

arraaratateaAardaaUiand batea tba na-onaetiaa. Ton want topiotaal roar flu^

t^ pmleloea fmrtiing d Kpl^ ta. Gat ttala book, nad ti, and n t all aunUrtonadlt. ItU. U» nottlatar>

artlag attla book TOO aTcrnad. and wUl aX' plain a laisa nombcr of Ilia aioit dUDeait m a w a of^enptan. Yon alMiild nad U

FrieaUrn«««l.»««»-CfcHittan DMtrtoaa. A CWnpandli

of Ibaoton ur J- X. rcndletm, DJX Tbi> la an axall«>t v t r t oMi> |iac<a, Uj«e tjrpe. Pl<oe,ln cloth HJO. T f B T A J m r . Xhto wock, by t » T e i ^ bte Adlal WJOTTOod, IXD, an able tUrlne and npaaeboUr.tatiit batt work va kaov or Ibr Sowlay^dwola and 8<uiday.aciiool ttnehaiB. Two Tolomta, aach W.a.

Batcaaa XntUMV. anrh. Lake Jaka-EzpUBanxxand pnetieaL A pop-niar eoomentaiT npoo a olttsal Daala, r-peeteUy dedzned lor paaloa and 8sndi.

lyUw W airkrDD, ot A 2ravHannonyortl>eOaap«la.«(e. Tbeaaare vaIaaUeeomni*i>tarlca,a^tba aotbor la a BnpUst aebolar who deah teltbAUly wl^ uS^vocd. Price, per ToUWJO

UtCUSKTA!.! or t*« Arta ^ a — By Mn. A. U. QnTfa. In-tlOa boak la puit«ar«d the arta and wUeatif the ^ ^ Sihouc eh arch In mnnMtin and

tha minds at tbe rtalnc tsnaratlon. >Tlee.ln doth.'taiiaL

t k k w o x a s u r i' mrus a j t d kcak-MXTt om. THJC DOWXTAU or CA-THOiaCrtM- W Wblta. In tbla " ^ a martSSy hand, tbe enrtaln la

u d ttaa nnlokl ml—ItaefeoantlMa book, unS.

of tbaaalntaof Ood.uandioat aaone of ttaa iromlncnt eharaeteriaUoa of tba Lienzcbr. In ek>tb S.-JSO. De««i mt Dwkaeaa Dladaacd-BetaUTa

to Anilealar Cmtftaidon. and Ito lalaUau to bO Aonctuju • HUM* — — — MCTTdotal eeUbtasy, eoavenia, montftertea. morality, and e l ^ and relicioiia Bar JO White. SM pp. Prtoe,»lA

H n o r BOOKS.

IbeToonc. BrC t t o E m w of azpta-SoM aa (whlbaot^ datriaaitac to nwa eattand IntalllClbla to anlldnn i wlalti,vltboatMttberezpl rneaaUB

c iTT otrr • r ' H o n ^ B y i t e U M C I ^ J J ^ jTbif mtte bo«* p w t t ^ t t o U; tbaecatof' ehlM^book.

Uk Stand y « in kh»-«nya. and sea and aak tbp the did patha, w M c h are the good w a y s . and-aaUc therein, and y a Bbell find I

; and abuply nolntad t ^ • - M p t a n h r a r r m - - —

za Onabnndnd sua talk Itoaa^ iB«ndaaal^eBl1 IndluMDAt^ U , toBedaliy nai guy beaoaMlilB tt

«T. Hjr * ' ' ^ I T a a M w w K^ml^

in tberaar. Dtan aza baiidn< A «tity4fTaahi»ta«ymonatnit. Toai

Eatand at tba Foat OOea of Mampbla, Tom.. M tMOBO Oaa XMUm.

vboneedaMn tbla work la almoi alaobeolznatTBli oftbaCbAUan: UBaybeaoaM ly. PtleeCIA

etaanbea. CDptoaa n n e beaTT paper, .

U tbe moat eoaTanlent Becord-Bnok avar ea*red to Ute < datka wbo bnTanaad tbla Bool ttaa wtnBtM and beriaaH ii

Tha Brace mt Mrmtk Br WlUtem Mm-man. A book >taat la nnHa^ ^to.gj^"-toralble. and elaaat l a a r a n U g S i w d q n S s ^ S o n l ' t t S m u M t ^

l i l S a o t f ^ T o a ^ n ^ ^ ^ SpberaandMlariaaoiWaaiaB; theOefilui ofttmoorr' U l p a M

By Bar BBairay.OD. A BapUatpraaeber. wbo-daBlrw to

know how to be a «ood andaaMI jally i, •taoold b»Te. It la ao abaap • v c ^ n M M bay It. Pn8a, l»elfc

The Aaaetirtea Pobltadicd by tbe Uoc

to K l ^ ^ ^ m g ^ ] Itanotaaanbtlef belnc enmbenome. all leading mlnfrtera. K o ^ n g a A m ^ M


It a reeoounaadad by "oUbfaiyacbmn' '

FMea.la ab*p .1 Thlasa • • « HaaaamUy

jompilatlonofti^aaaaQUtblM dueoTvad by matan InreatliDUloa B d crft-leam. Uteb UtbatemMjanitWata^^ cMuy loa rlsbt nadentandmx of tbe^bia^ and whleb bare never Iwbn been pot bi*re ute pnbUe In taeb conTenlent


PiMa*grBiall.Meta. tanaar. By ana

~ ^ or tba

ihMi l A a (UA aatcity. aad la a ounnar an aaaaaliiii aa la aaSua tba aofboriataa

Inenabl •aaaiar i iv^SnSimnS^ o'nis^MSk^ aa • ttapaanat aabteet. grna tba nanlta mt Or. BGvrar^ atadiM ot ouiff yaara, and ina lataaim or Ma laatona touba Tbeolaa leaiaaMa •tJfawllliai, y T. It a aTMci agd patntad ot tba ee«*aet (tarn a li iuBm aaiMliaaer nwUlbaaenatpealally liBal tp wm fataia wbo want to baraS hand

MM^oor Tlawa of PHei>,tlJ»

9srrmn WACtm wm. mmxMmnm


maalaaot&BJb. niairM&a^aMfiSutu^ a i x r(iaikinsiDta.aj«

ar**h» la

tntMimr«M<«M. at r*mie< (•ttiMaiL..-.

ebk U M

dunidkaTotbabook. Ftlea m dotb.tum


s a a j R to tba AvMClaan pre-

abbs. U M m m 3a, m eiotb, vuo;

To meat a papoiar demand tba abOTo book wlU be divided lata • i z m n m c a . t h n a : Im-gaantm, «M»: mani Bastlam, tLae: Uinreb urcaatak ija;Tba liidit ^ p a r . » eti.; aailam% ttipUam. M eta.; Haal tt»aew' anoa of tba Halnta.S> ^

On ( mpbcU-Priad.lUO

Tbla ta one ot the — tbe abt«>t eztant. Mo

Minlatar out w ^ afltad to be wttbont It. Oatavoofavarmpacai. rrlea.

WUttams,DJX One of tba able* w S a erar pmdaead In nfttaUnn of tba pemlekMM vlewa beld and tansbt by tbe ao-eaUad Cbxiattan eboreh. Frioe tn alDtlL tun.

TMB l a n a a i . ' a BAimwtBB. n a Bodt by tba pHaoa at wtltata. Or. A. a

•aaalB* ar Baita. Br A. C: Dayton. II-Wattatad, Tba sobtaat of baptte a tbor

mea.lB I akilb.tlJO. A.C. fiivto^ TttbMt*iinnSw

la ef Dia. WaUar, muar, Mand ottaan. A Talaabia

1 be tanarally raad. In

Key leCawahaUlaeu By D B Bay A iraiai&la wwa tor aU wbo wlab to wulai^ aand CaapballlBai. Pttoa.tlJO

a a c r a i x A i . a b b k x b s k t i c a i . railew^ Warka. In tbraa arts oetaTu

mlmmtrn-pinram pagaa. Tba >alBabla work altocda ahntat a enmplae aynam af

Maad wltbia of tb« BtMa.'iakias me^ ap (a Ma tarn aed, with a . m ^ kanwa to a * writarm. baaatifkUr


T B B itKW B A r a « r H T U ABB

E S ^ ^ i S L / a n d can be nacd by tb<ae

to'taketbaplaeeof tba iSimat. iMoed twenty yean a«o.

t h s b b w B A r a m b t b s b o o k , wltaaa* •mae. -Beu.

• •ataera raalMlat. A aew, tmproTed and nrtaed edltian, tn whleb wUl be Ibnnd, In ptMt» of tbe old Index, on* a< Imm, bold tn^mxtd aiao manr new and a*orlte bymjia, the plaea of oUien whleb were wantlns la merit. Tbe amasament and nomtermc taaT* no*, been Interrapted. IMabjmiM

Fain raon.. B. Moroeeo,^!, I j n a (Ue. roan, UB Lane •lae.moroeeo, cut. rnlplted SA> THK u r r u BKBArM a the Bona

Book yon want lor your Bonday^ebooL .1 baa b m admitted that tbta a tbe Cbssh ex. imii I If --- . ogbreifto oar 8unday.eebooli. Tbadootrlsa

Tba nola* aia the new

too awaat to mention. Frlea by null Beta. Thvcarlatlaui Hai»aajr. mntalBltii

a eboioo eoUartlon at Uymna and Pmlnu, Tana. Odta and Antbemafioa tba baat an-ibon in Knrope and America, togatbOT wltb a lane nnmbar of Kaw Tonaa flam eminent eooipaiaBi never balMe pabUalMd, eabnelna a grtirSurlety of ^iTto ^ted toneam^ IM Matrw epntalned tn tbe Tarloaa H ^ d andFmlmte^OMd by tba dlObrant de-nomlnatlona. iMal Md alao tor tbe bmoI

Hebooa, Cboln. Budai and PriTate PartUa In tbe •eTan<«ymbol aya.

" annolatMn. with Aiaoaeomuaa alaeldatMn

" 1 Moaa of tbe Mcleoea of Voeal Maae and main Ralaa a« Baclnneta. Beraad adltloo graafly

wllb the adltton of moay Ifra Tbb» By Wm. Walkar,af Boulh caroUna. Pilee CIAL Radnetloa where oae doaan or mora an ocdwed at oaee.

usmmosm. 7 r a i l a m r e y a jnautaBa. nnyrtort Bermoaa on Important anhleeta, by. J. M raadlatoit. Tba a an inTalnable work.

Pnea,lBeiaUi,«Ua. raUWa-ntat, aMond and

rtl" " " i-a

blid tarlM,wltbaAnaata^en^wti^ Ptlea,. ^ T o a . Pnaa,per roi.tl.5t

•el»a*»taar«l|Ml. «.lou>.lua. ralBit raeyea. dotb. im.

BOOaB I « B OVB m i L D B B f f . Tbv Stary af lb* Bthla-rrom 0«ecU*

to Kn»attoa, faU In ttatpla tantaata lot

" In —

^ Cte^ unM~papar.~mM in elotb,lBJBa Tba a not a book ofabaMoa tarmona tor laay yoanc mlnattn, but • beak falCTilatw to aid I n ^ e prapamtloa «f aa^

iw reraed aaaeompletebookof naraneaonaO

nusHMa anueeta. Edited by J. ifewtoa Brown. lUnftrated by wood-enta, mapa,and ancniTlncBaaeopMr and ataaL In abeep aztn MjH.

HABJtaBT ABB B x r o a m o a a r a v B M B a < a « a B A T r B a p a a c T . By D.O.Baek. One of tbe beat booka pobiabed on a aabfeot tbat aboald Intaraat every tjbitatlan.—the eotnlnz of Cbrlat avtla to Ibaeartb. fl;pacaCsSs. ^

Baod :or oatalocna. Addrtea all orden to tbe

a A r r o i T a a o K HaiaiB.

P O W D E R Absolotaly Pi^

Mede (Mm OnM Oaam Tartar, ir* K s s r i s i x s f i i s , " " ^ * ' ^

But Ah BAktaa ayrn*


b y o o t a v i o s w m a i o w , ©. ftomtha joraof C ^ t ^ w ^

S i S - i t b a d a y m a . ; « ^nshtac. K a y , l n . n t b « » t ^ w a « - ~ ^

^ Uk blm tbat lored Bom. 1 H B BPOBtlB here ennmetBla «rt« la th inf f

A ^ S l c J ^ o t a c a i e e y e a f W t b . »«> t to i i S w t of Bwae. would . p p e « to

evidence, of ^ w ^ a a n ^ ^ to him. or >a cafcoUted to pioduce w t i h a ^ t . ^ proiloas an i n q u i i y . n d then I t o T ^ . That reply BetBtheqwaUoQ e n t i w ^ t

he eaumeimtei ahaklng the c o n ^ c y of Q ^ tove. periUtag theaOetyof the Chrtettan. o t s h ^ ta^tt^oL o i b b renown, they ^ d e v t l o ^ t to Saviof 8 eltectioo to hint more strong^. ^ fiilned the f«ct of his secorily. end entwined ^ and more verdant laurela artjond his brow. Nay. in all these t h l n p we are more than conquerors thraosh him ihat loved us."

^ a r e a r s t i n v i t e d t o c o n t e m p l a t e t h e ^ r ^ In the character of a "Conqueror h a ^ at some length, already W e l u m w e a tt to eoorirt of a m « a l conflict. wiU>

S y ^ d o o t w w l eaetnies ^ teiy^^

c h u r c h - a w a i of external s ^ n g . in w ^ penury, persecution and martyrdom toe ftafk M d essential elements. Now it wUi be instmcUve to observe in what way Christ ^ vides for the holy warrior's i^asage through Ihls ^ contest. It WIU be perceived that It is not by flight, but by batUe; not by relr^t. but b y ^ -vance; not by sbunnlng. but by lacing the ^ The Captain of their salvation might have wlth-

drawn his people from the field, and c o n d u ^ them to heaven without tbe hawrd of a c o a f l ^ But not so. He wUl lead them to glory, but It shall be by the path ef glory. They fhaU carve thelt way to the crown by the achlevemrat. ^

V.4). M t h l n t h e t r o t h o T G o d ^ w o r t - ^ t o the veracity of Qodls c h a i a c t e - f c l t h In ^ might.andBldlUkndwIalom, o i m a t O o m a m a ^ add L e a d o — t a i t h eyeing the priae, g i w » victory to the Christian cembatant, kad s K i m the rfo«y to the Oiptain of U s s a l v a U o ^ A n d t h e n ^ to the triumph of prtience! " T h a t ^ be not slolbital, out f o U o w « of them ^ o t i i i ^ U t h and patience inherit tbe p t o m i w * * ^ ao. alter he had paflently endured, he obtrined UMjpromise." l H e b . v L 12,15). O h , j 8 J t B O ^ v l c t i ^ T ^ Holy G h « t In beneah tbe pressure of great sffllction. i j s d ^ through a diadpline the most p a l u M ^ h ^

ta^.the sulfcring Christian is enabled to cry, ^ n S v b he sUy me yet wiU I t r ^ to h ^ " (Jobxi lL lS) . " T h e c u p w h i c h m y f k ^ hath

b L u I not drink It? " (John " N o t my wiU but thine be d o n e ! " S u l B ^ chUd of God: " l e t patience have her p e ^ work, that y e may be perfect a ^ e n t t o ^ w ^ nothing." (James L 4). And, then, there la the

c o n q u « t o f j o y . and of the U * d , having uioch afflicUon. with Joy of the TheBa.L6). " M y brethren, count It aU joy when ^ l i n t o d i v e r s t w n p U t i o n s " o r t ^ ( J ^ u a . W h y i s t r i a l a n o c c a a t a n o f j o y ? B e ^ i t is Uie triumph 9f the Holy Ghost ia t h e s ^ dMS not C h ^ i i o . •• Y e shaU be •onowfol. M ^ s o w m r t i S t e t a m e d l n t o J o y r ' ( J o h n ^

of giaoe ahaU perlib l a tt* wlanowlnfc a par-

t ide of fidth shall ba c o o m M d i a tha re*-*—

S ^ g - S S T l - l s a with tt-*oa. v i c t a c y — " a M M t h a a a c a a q a a i o c . " A l l U a i a -

ttceiare«*iB«i«bytba»Bl». Hla««BW to hrii^tK, his sword is keener, hla o a i a g a ta BH«edaimtteiB,fartbe coolUet. E w q r gnoB of the Spint to matured. Faith to stwagth«ed. I w to e o a n d e d , m/rnhmnh to daepfawl. knowledia toinm^ He comes f b r t t i f c « B t h e t r i a l h j t o and more valofoua than wbea be BBtend tt. Hto w e a k n w haa tanght him w t o n i a Ua t t ^ lleth. HJa n « e » l t y baa , ^ acqaalBtad with Chriii^ ftdaoa. H t o p i r « l ^ ^ W B blm wbo tai*ht hto hmato to war BBd hto laeeM to IWit. aad wboaa ibieid roiered MB head totbe ^ of battle. H a to " m o r e tha coa-querM " — be to t i iaBiihaat!

"Throiwh him ttat toted aa." Here to U»e great aecret of oor vfclory, tt» source of o w tfl-

amph. BehtM tbe mystety e x p t o l a e d . ^ a w e ^ timid believer, oftm starttag at hto own rt«dow, to y H " B « « • hto maoT and mighty face, TO Ouast arao Mrrra

who ^ ^ rtead. a n d U v t a to iatercsde oa hto b A r t ^ ^ M a f t t i a t r i a m i h t o a B c r i b e d . A a d t b t o i l l k a ^ h e a i a a i a : " T b a a k a b e t D O o d w U e b g l v c l h m tbe Vietour oar l * r d M C S i ^ •nuuivh tba oooqaMt w h k b b a l i t a n ^

aetually UUktng bur deepea*. d a W * a o m w « o « ^ o f ttie deq)^gl«laeBB. peafaeand t h a i ^ civing? " T h o u hast turned (or me my m o o r ^ toto dandng: thou hast put off my sackdotb, and Kirded me with gtadneas; to the and that my rinry [my tongue] may sing prafae to the^ ^ n ^ a ^ t " (IM.XXX. 11.12). O h ! y ^ l t tak glorious victory of the Holy Ghost, the OMnkater, in the soul, when It can enable the believer to adopt the words of thesuflteringapostle. " I am OUed with comfort, i am exceeding joyful in aU oar tiibulaUon." (2 Cor. vlL 4). BuBering reader,

Uietr wnjr w J ,1. the sword. They shaU have p r i v a U o o ^ d ^ tress, and sufltering. of every k ind; yet w h t o b w i t h t h e p i w u r e . a n d i n t h e v e r y heat of the batUe. victory shaU crown their arms, and rious triumph shaU deepen the ^ilendor of victory. And what «>lritual«ye does not clearly aee. that in conducting hto peopla acrosa the battle-field, the Iiord wins to himself more renown than ttiou^h he had led them to their eternal r « t with entire exemption from conflict and dlstieB? But In what sense are we oonquerois? Just In tbat BenBB In which the Holy Ghost obtains ttie victory. I t f a n o t t h e b e l l e v e r himself who con. r ^ i t to the Divine Spirit within the beltovet. No movement to seen, no tacUcs are obwrved, no w a r c r y Is heard, and yet there to passing within the aoul a more important batUe, and thm to - c u r e d a more brilliant v k t o i y . than ever ttie pen ^toTbtotorian recorded. In the first pUce. there Istbaooaquestoffidth. Where do U»e a n n a t o ^ war preBentBuch aBUCcesrion of victories bo biil . llan^ achlwred by a weapon bo single and B l m ^ m to recorded in tha t t o r w t h chaptn ot the BplatletoUieHebnwBT And what w a a t ^ g ^ S I ^ Uioee spiritual and ^oriousvictories? I t w I i t h e i « c e o f W t h l " Thta to the v l d o i y t ^

worid. even yoar Ihlth." (I Joba

JcBUf knows tow to turn your sorrow into joy. Oonfide your grief to him, and he wiU e»n« it sweetly to sing.

• •• More than conquerors." The original a-ord WiU admit a stronger rendering than our teansr latota have allowed I t The same word to in another place rendered, " a l w m o r e and c x c s ^ -Ing and eternal weight of glory." B o t h a t l n t h e ^ ^ t Instance It might be translated," Iw more isxceeding conquerors." The phrwe seems to imply that it to more than a mere victory which t h e ^ e v e r gains. A battle may be won at a great kas to the conquenw. A great leader may b U at the head (rf hto troops. Tbe flower of an army may be destroyed, and the best b l o o ^ a n a ^ ' s pride may be shed. But ttie Christian ^ u e r e ^ t h no such i d . NoUdng whatever

BakedaMB.aadpem.aadrawwd,' ' w a a t a ^J ttian cooqasroca." Aixnaatsd ttnugb wa a u . -"sheap fur the stoaghtsr," yet oar OiMk Bbtp-henJ.himwUeUln far tha sheep, gaktos hto tock.

and has dedaied tbat bo oaa sball pluck t h * n out of hto hand. W e are raon tbaa eooqasnB thraogh hto grace who toved aa l a tba very eir-ouuBtanoet tbat threaten lo owarwbeim. Fear not, then, the darkest dood, nor tba p n a d s * waves, nor the deqieat waato—la tbcsa - r a y things you shall, ttuougb Gbriat, prove triaovit-ant. Nor shrink trom the battto wltb ttM^birrt enemy." Desth raotlved a deatb-wonad wben Christ died. Y o u toceacooqaerwlloa. HaiBanda at your side a cxawakM ktag. aad waving a broken aseptre. Your death abaU ba aaotber victory ovtT tbe believer^ WMtfoa. PiaaUagyoai foot of &itb upoo bto Ftoaknia aeek, y w ibeU apring Into glory, ware tbaa a eooqaBTor, throagh him htm that loved you. Tbas paaring to gjcty in triumph, yon «haU go to Bvdl tba laakB at tha " noble army of martyta "—tfaoaaCbristiaB bepncB of whom It to lecorded, " They overcame b l « by tbebloodof Ibe Lamb."

sers Wltb no sucn «•». enentUl to b « weU-bring b periUed. Hto armor, rlvlted npoo hto soul by tbe H«ly Spirit, hecaiin^ lose. Hto Ute, hid with Christ In God, cannot 1>» eodangered. His Leader and Commander, once d e i d t a a U v e a n d d l e t h D o m o r e . Nothing valu-able aad predouB shall be lose. There to not a grace in hto aoal but shaU oome-oat of Uie battle vrith Bin, and Satan, and tbe worid, rarer and brighter for the conflict. Tbe more Utotoogbly the Lord brings oar graces Into exerclar, the more foUy ibaQ they be devdoped, and Um more mightOyBhanthcgrW InTifonted. Not a gtala

P B A B I B . E v c r y o n e t o e l t h e r a M p o r a b l n i b a B e e t o hto

neighNx in doing good or dolag evfL

A man may be Bald to know i b w u i ^ oaly what be (»n eorrecUy communteate to otbara.

In time of aOlctkn we commoaly OMct with tbe Bweetwt erperieaee of tbe love of Ood,

The more methods Uiere are lor aeqairlagricbBB without iDdwtry ot merit, the Ibm there wfll beoT eltberatate.

An amtoble dtoposIUoa to Uke tbe e u a s b l y of mmmer; tt itedB a brigbtasBa a v « eoeryttlec tbateaabeaBBK

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8 0 U B Q B i i i B r n r r E B i ^ L


B Y e . A . L o r r o v , S o . . i i d l K w t i i i i w c o u b ^ ,

" u w i f c MO.

f B T w C M n l d t T l i M c z t M t o r R t o i w o f m i n b i -

^ t t i t e t i p i W t t r .

I . m m a O a M n « r U M a m n i , a i i k U o f a > M i u d

a n l a l » r t M U > * l M U i i k a r « 6 c r i p t i i n U e h o n b , b M tiw l iKbt^ u t l K i « ) t i i U v « l 7 a i i d e z i M -f t l i y y , ^ f f M d t UHl I f M l t Owt- 's H * t m y 4 o U i i t ' a * b M w p o r t i t t e r of m c h a n ^ . m u t o -i r i a n u y o r m o t o l l i r t . m t lMoloc iaU p r o T c n o r o r a l i t o r o f • M n n i p f t | K T , o r m i M v I m t n o i ^ r e b l

t p t w i a t a w m t , n d T o l v o t m i n s b k w n r i e v , u i y -t r f t a n i M < iwaj>» l i tn* o v p o H a a i t y a n y o f lb r , a l l

r « l i i r * a t t M « i l } ( ir t l w e f a w r d i o f w h i c h h p tea mad v h i e k m a y ea i l h i m to a c e o a n t a n d

d M c f r f t l m k » n i w a a d D e t o r I w r w y .

Z ' A M B l n i i t e f i ^ U w « « r a m a y , b y d e e t i u a , b a I M JMptor o f a fl<!ck—pi^loK o v e r aa<t I r M f t t i i f ftwa N a w t M a m m t b h i h o p o r e i d e r , T t a i i v o r j E ^ { w i t o r c d v a i a a i i M f n I i l « e n t a c o p e o r A d d o r m l n i i t a r l a l d u l y , a n d a v e r y r « p b i » I b l e

I . H « m a y baf i i i i i«B|onai3r a t h o m e a n d a b r o a d M D t o a t p e l i a r c l i » o r e b i i r e l M i , o c c o a v o a U o o a l laaib^tm piat v u l n n t a r i t y . hut t b e p t t rp<«« of i n a l b ^ ^ b c l p i M , b a y U a i n g t t o o a n d o r g a n i z i n K tbeoB I a n e ^ u c i u f i K a l l n n d e r t h e a a t b m l t y of O u d a o d U m e b o r e b o f h e ia a l a e a i b H r , v e i M I n b i m t o d o racb a w o r k - F r o m C h i o a h e ! • r m r i f H f ' ^ bacic t o Jbia c i i o r c h i n A i u n i c a . o o U l [ h l a R i a U o w b y b e e u m i o s a m e m -b a r of m t m a c b f u e f a , o r i c s i n i M b y h i a o w n , o r o U M i , j W ^ 1B t h e 8 e U w h m b e w o r k a . ( I j

4 . : i t e J D a y . b a a i i e v a o g e i b t , ( o i a i c from c i t y t o e U y a a d f t o n p i a a t o p l a c e , {Mvaefajnc t h e t o i i i lH i i fn J o a d i t i r a a n d c b a r c b n — t w p m H i o l ? b a c k t o t b e efanacb t o w h i c h b « b e t o o g a fiir h fa K t b o d u y u d ^hmmun ' f r a a a l u l n i M e r o f t h e

9 . H « B W ( 3 r a i t a n i n i e t e r t h e a f d i i i < u t C M u l b a p t l : i a i a w t t t e n p p a a w h e n e v e r fagr a ehnrc fa b e i s I n v i M to d a a o , a l l b e r a a p a a t o r , o r a u p p l y o r

a f d a l B l i W

j a A j p y i S T

<ar M m t l W A l a M r i l j B D d w t o a d m i i 4 l i w t b a M d l a a a c ,

a a a i p t l a l 4 t h e r ^ t b t o T t b f l b

form t h « n rita<L L . y "

H i d e o f t h e c h u r c h | i a l < * .

o f d a t y —

w e a a t a m e ,

• t i l l t o i i e r -

m l a i a t H r i a l

m u n i o a o u t *

a n d P e d o .

l o f w U e b b i i t a

b e m paadkek t o o r p r e a i d e s ,

t o a q p o n a i i b T a w ' t h a d a U b c r a t i u a a o f a c f a n r c f a s o

I m r l t l D v U m . S o u m i a i o o a r y o r e v a n g e i i a t i n

i D t a i g & a D a n t z i e B a r d e ^ t i ^ p l a c r a , w i t e r e t h e r e

a t * B O t b o i c t a , b e m a y m a i i e ( l i > « e i | ^ c a b y

p r e a t t i a r . t h e B h a p l l s e t b e m a n d l e a v e t i i e m , o r

o r g a a i a a t t a e t t i n t o c b n r c h e B , a n d , w h a i « > o r -

g p n i M d , a d o a i B i a m t b a e o o u n a a i o Q t o t b e m — a l l

i m J 1 j u i J • i b j a r t t o t k e a a i b t s i t y o f t h e c h n r c b

t M h l m i h i m . ( 2 ) I t w a s o a d e i s u c h c i r c a m a t a n c e s

t l a f t P U U p , o a d e r a s p e c i a l e o m m i m i o n a n d

v i a i a a t froB C h a d , t a n g h i a a d b a p t i a e d t b e e a n u c f a .

8 o F l i e r d M O o m e U a s a n d h b b o o a e . S o d i d

r a m i t o t b a J a i l o r , L i d i a , B U p b a n w a n d t h e i r

faoanbaida; a a d w t i e a b e found i r x e g t d a r b a p -

t t a o B , a a o r t b e t w e l T « - a l S p h m w — I m n j c n w d ,

j i r i l w r * ! ^ o n i K d a i n e d A p u U o a — h e i v -

b a p l i a a d K o m i n & i t e r o f t h e w o i d , b o w -

• > a r , i o U t m t b e N « r » T t a t a m e a t rev«ab,ever

b a p l i s d o r a d m i o i k t i i r e i J c o m m o o i o a o o l a i d e t b e

p o l e o f a i d i o r e b , w h e r e a c h u i i t i e x t r f n i ; a n d i n

D O I n a t a a c a d o e a i t t e c i > r d t f e a i a g u l a r a d m l n i s -

t r a t t o a o f t b e L o r d ' t f a u i i p e r t o t b e a i d t o r o t h e r s

o o t a i d e t b e c b o i c h , a a i » I b e c u a t i K a of t b e i t o m a n

C U b o U e a a d P e d u b a p t i i i t o i i a i i i t r y . I n l a c t , n o

a d m l o U n t u r ^ c u m m n o i o n o r b d p t u i m i a u i e n -

t k m n l , a a v e i n t b e o H g t n i d o i d a i n e d m u i i a t r y ,

« h o w r t e e o f f l u i a d o i i i ^ , 1 . O f C o r i s t , a n d

T b o d e e n m m i B a l a a a d b y t b e a p o r i U e f . a a g e o e r a l

m i a a t n w a r i a i a n d e v a a c d i B t a i . tat a ^ a g y l a d

b W n t y tacoUk t h e c o n c t o i ^ t b a t t b e e l d e n o f

t b e e i i a t e b e a a n d t b e g e o e r a U m i n i s t r y v b i c h s w r

c e c d e d t b a a p o i t k a d i d a d m i n i s t e r t b e o r d i n a n c e s .

I t fa a t h a t ' n o i n s t a n c e o f b a p t i o m i n t h e N e w

T M a a o e n t i a r e c o r d e d ~ c t a a t b o r i x e d — w h e r e t b e

a d m i n i s t n i t a r i s m n i t i o o e d — e x c ^ a t U m b a n d s

o f a a o f d a t n e d s p o s U e , e v a n g ^ i r t o ^ m i n i o a a r y .

I t i a I I I ! i f s i j n i i h f i T i o s n p p o s a t b a t t b e e t d e r s a n d

s a c t v i d i B i B i o k t e y O f U i e d i w c l i M w e f B t b e ra

s d m i n i s t i a t o t a o f l i a p t i B m . . B u s u c -

e c e d l B « p n i v a d i B o d o t h e e l d e r s c o a U n i w —

^ , fttioti, t t i e minli«(«v I t o w m r t w d y . T h

RM-n beciiU«e of 'btWiii iM of t h u i r

faaptM n i i v r l t i e s . l i u W f V f r , i t i « t r a e \ h a t U i t h u l i c a n d KMiOis i i t l s t u i l i i i i r fFn d « s o a d m i n i s t e r t h e o r d i n a t i C J s b y t b o a u l h o r i t y of t h e i r c t i i M l i i — n e v e r w i t h o u t a o c h a u t h o r i i y , o r i n d e f l a n c e of t h e i r c h u r m u .

B s ^ i s t e t f a a v e b e e n b i t n o s t u d i f c ^ I n l i e t i .MS I h a v e a sMiu ied . t M d o m h a s a n y B a p t i s t mlnis t i*r c l a i m M l t b a t ( b e o ( d i n a i i c « w e r e min is - i t e r i a i s u l e i y , a n d t h a t t h e y w ^ b t b e a d m i a l a t e r e d a n y w h e r e , o r . t o Chr t ;> t i aw i a d i e c r i i u t i ^ t e l y , w i t b -o u t t b e s a n c t i o n o r I n y i U i i u u . o r a u t h o r i t y , of s o m e o n e irf o a r c h u r v b c s . D r . i k t y o a b s a r a c e a t i y m a d e a n e w d t - p a r t u r e o n t b i a s a b i ^ , i n t h e p r i -v n t e a n d slngulMT h a p t i s w of D r . WiM.ver, o f L f i u i s y i l l e , w i t h o u t t h e a u t h o r i t y , u s a g e u r s a n e t i on of a n y B a p t i s t c t a u | d i s i n c e t i o w b ^ g a s . . JUe m a d e a «rewt b l u n d e r n n d e r t b e s h a d o w o t a t o v -e r e ^ c h u r c h o f Q u d , a n d s g a l u a t N e w T e s t a m e n t ' o r d e r , l a w a n d a u t h o r i t y v e s t e d i n b o t h b i s a a d D r . W e a v e r ' s c h u r c h e s . B e i n g a p r o m i n e n t , a g r e a t a n J a g iMd m a n , b e h a s d o i w t h e c a u s e of , C h r i s t g r e a t w r o n g , un ie iB b e r e t r a c t s h i s e r r o r a n d a p o t o i s s a i t o t i t e d e n o m i n a t i o n . H a d n e i>een a w a y i n N e w S i e x i c o , ( a C b i n a , b e w o u l d , per^ ha{i«, h a v e d o n e r i g h t , p r o v i d e d b e t i a d p r o p e r l y t M g b t b i a o t n d i d a t e ' o n catrdioal tScri4>turat point i ' , ' a n d b a v e g i v e n h i m a c e r t i t t i a u e o f b n p t i s a i t o Jo in a N e w T c M a m u n t c b u i c h . ' A f e w y o i i s s i n c e , i n t h e w i l d a n d b r ie f c a r e e r of . o a t 4 i n o p e n c o m -m u n i o o iidipiist m i n i a t e t i i , a & p l i a t p r e a c L e r o r t w o i n N e w Y o r k i m m e n e d s e v e r a l c<indida(«s f u r m e m b t A d t i p i n Pedu tMpt i i t t c h u r c h e s . U n e w e n t s o l a r o n c e ad t o s ^ o k l e a c h i l d a r a i r d i n g t o t b e B u m i a o l i t u r g y ; b u t buch p r u c e e d l n ^ a r e g l a r i n g a n d d a r i n g i n n o v a t i o n s a n d v i u l a t i u n s o i a l l g o s p e l U w a o d i i r d e r , t u s ^ y n o t h i n g of B a p t i s t u s a g e . D r . B u y d hiix i i u m o ' s e d tof t h e M e t h u d i a U i n t i t . I a u i s ! ( 3 ) I t i s a d i r r c t s n d w U l f o l t r a i n p l i o g o f c h u t c h a u t h o r i i y lUHtt r f o o t , f u r n o B a p t i d t c h u r c h , u n d e r t l i e &dt ot C h r i s t , e v e r OHfcdned a n d m o U m k u i ^ a d i n i o J a l c r b s i ^ i i m ' <c« M e t i i u d i s t H P r t s b y t f r i a n s a n d o M e r o r g a n i s a t i o n s wb!c2t iiol-a t h e t M n n ^ r of s f f< t^oo« i n J a n t b a p t i s m , a n t . - S c r i p t u r « l c b u r c h Kuve ru -m e n t , a p o i ^ a e y f r o m g r a c e , a i i d o t h e r h e r e s i e . I t i s l i k e a d m i n i s t e r i n g t h e o a t h of a i l ^ l 4 0 c e of o n e g o v e r n m e n t t o a s o l d i e r o f a n o t h a g o v e r n m e n t a n d s e n d i n g b i m b^clc t o b'^idt a h n t l i e fla; a g i d n a t y o n i n t h e v e r y p o i n t s i n v o l v e d i n th-* o a t h . C t s r t a i ^ n o r e g u l a r B a p t i s t c h u r c h e v e r v e s t e d s u c h a a t i k o r i t y i n it-i p a s t o r . H Is u n h e a r d of i n r e g u l a r r a u k - i a s s u r e d l y .

F i n a l l y , a w o r d t o self o i n a t i t u t e d l a y e v a n g e i i s t s . I w i l l a d m i t t h a t e v e r y m a n , u n o f f i c i a l i y a n d w i t b o a t o r d i n a t i o o , i-t e x i l e d t o e x e m p l i f y a n d p r o c l a i m t b e g o s p e l t o t h a n sri>utt<l b i m , i n a l l t b e r e l a t i o n s o f l i f e . I n s u c h e s s e s t h e r e i t n o s p e ^ ^ l caU t o o n e m o r e t h a n a n o t h e r . E v e r y C b r i ^ a n o o e a r t h o o g h t t o s a y " c o m e , " a n d e v e r y c i h r i s ft.«n o u g h t t o t>a a t i l e t o e ^ r p o a n d O a d ' s w o r d p r i -v a t e l y o r p o b l i c l y , i f o c c i s i o o r e q a i r e i , l Q iK>(at s a t o d e f e n d t b e t r a t h a c c o r d i n g t o a b i l i t y , a n d *to c i v e a r e a s o n f o r t h e h o p e t l ^ i s i n b i m . B u t w h e n e v e r a m a n i t« i8 c a l l e d u p o n t o d e v o t e w b i i i e o r a p a r t of b i s t i m e t o t h e i^ iectal w o r k o f t b e m i n i s t r y , b e b s ^ o r o o g h t t o h a v e , t h e s p e c i f d c a l l of U u d , a n d b e (Might t o h a v e t h e s p m a l <inii-nati(M> a n d a u t h o r i t y o f s o m e c h u r c h . I t m i k o ^ h u r t t o h a v e s u c h a u t h o r i t y , a n d if tJ l i r is t h a s c i w s t l l n l e d b i s c h u r c h e s t u b e t h e g n a r d i a n a u f t h e o r d i u a c c i S , a n d e a c h a p i l l a r a n d g r o a b . d o f t b e t r u t h , t h e n h e w h o s p e d s l l y p r o d a i m s a i i d e z p o u n d s t h a t t r u U i o u g h t t o b e u n d e r t h e r e c o g n i t k » a n d s a n c t i o n o f s o m e c h u r c h , a s i n t h e N e w T e s t a m e n t u r g a n i z a U o n o f ( i o d ' s c h u r c h . A i i y e v a n g e l i s t w h o f ee l s s p e d a l l y b o u n d t o g o a b o u t , p t d r f i d y a n d s p e d a l l y p r e a d i l n g t h e g o s p d t o s i n n o s , o u g h t t o b e r e s p o n s i b l e t o s o m e S c r i p t o r a l c h u r c h . I f b e o o g h t t o b e , t h e n C t u i s t i a n i t y o t q ^ t , b y e v e r y m c o a l force, c o m p d t b e cs td ina-U o o of s o c b m e n , o r d a e w i t t i d n w p u b l i c l e c ^ ' n i i i o n . 11 i s n o a r g ^ e n t t o s a y O o d h a s g i v e n aatlHN-ltjr , a n d t h a t i s s a t t f l e n t ^ i f O o d b y h i s

l i - o ( d i « : i t t l r e ^ ^ v e n | | r l i o p l | t o l ie u i l i i n r i j l n d toaur^e a c i f i i i e ( i m | l i r e c n g ^

ac(iil|>|>li>the«f; )>ut Chsl h a s a r i g h t t o b teas I h e p r m e h i n g of S s t a n If h u ehooMM; w h i l e h e c o m m a n t l s u s u> o b e y h i s I s a s of t v g u l a r i t y , o r d e r a n d i r o v w i m i i i i l . t f i i l c a n a n d d«a<s b l e w h i s I r u l h w h e n p n - a c h e i l b y a h m i i l u I h e l u i i i i o l r y w h o m h e rt<|>ilri'H u« l u r<J c t . O o d a l l o w s K o w a u i i w i , U u l t a r i M n i t u i , U<iivcr<nl-i s m , a n i l { \ - d o | M p l l i u t . 4 o 1 n c r e a 4 e t h e U t>ut h e r r q u l r « « u s t o r» jec t e v e r y ii»in o n w r t h . W e m u s t r v p t T t l a w a m i o r d e r , t h o u g h H a b r l i I s h o u l d p r eac i ) i | u i a e f i l b « t Kospt k < v W t I r r t v u i s r l y l b t h a t wh icU e x l r t s . W e m u H b e gove rne* ! Ity t h e t m i h a n d l U imp l i ca t i onK, l l i o u g t s l l t h e •* w i s e a n d p r n d e n t " o n e a r t h g o a g a i n s t u s . ( l o I s l l o w s s e c t s an<4 h m s i e s t o e x i s t t o t r y u s a n i l d e v e l o p h i s p e o p l e a n d b i s t r u t h b y fire a n d c o n -flict, " t h a t t h e y w h o a r e a p p r o v e d m a y b e m s i l e l o a n i f i M t , " a s g o l d Ule i l i n t h o flee; b u t h e d o e s n o t te l l iM t o e n d o r s e t h o A t e b e c a u s e i t d o e i g o o d . W e m u s t e o t l o r s e t h e g o o d d o n e , b y w h o m s o e v e r i t i s d o n e , b u t - t b e d o e r of g ^ m o s t n o ^ ^ w d t i r s e d — o n l y t b e g o o d t h a t h e d o e s . I n w ^ - ^ s o e v e r h e i s w r o n g h e m u s t b e o p p o s e d , if neces -a s r y t o o p p o w h i m , a n d i t I s o u r d u t y t o h o l d e v e r y t i e ing o n e a r t h u p t o I h e s t a n d a r d of t b e g o s p e l . T t i e d i a c i p l e s s a w o n e c s s t i n g o u t d e v i l s . Mid t h e y f o r b a d e h i m , b e c a u s e l ie d i d n o t g o w i t n t h e m ; b u t J w u s f u r t i a d e t h e m t o lu rb i t l . (4 ) W e t i a v e n o r i g h t t o f o t b i d u tb t - ia . T h i s i s I h e c l a i m of R o m e ; b a t w h i l e i t i s o u r d u t y , if w e s e e o n e CHstiiig o u t devi i - i , t o e n d o r s e b i s w o r k a n d re jo icu o v e r b i s r e s u l t s , i t i>« o u r d u t y t o i n s t r u v t b i m m o r e {lerfecl ly i n t h e w a y , a s P r i s n i U a n d A q t i i l l s d i d A p o l i o s , w h e r e v e r t h e r e i s a n I r r e g u l a r i t y , a n d n e v e r r n d o n e t b e e r r o r s o r w r o n g s w h i c h a c c o m -p a n y t i l e s u b l i u i e s t g o o d . B m a l l err '>r8, o r I r r e g u -I s r i t i e s , of t o - d s y m s y b e m o n s t e r s of t o - m o r r o w ; a n d w e a r e t o w a t c h t h e a p p e a r a n c e s s u d liegiii-n i n g s o f e r r o r s n d e v i l , a n d a v o i d t l i e m . J u s t a s w e d o t h e i r g i u w t t i . T t i e s o p u b l i c l a y u v a u x d i s U o u g h t t o b e o r d i U n e d , a t l e a s t , b y s o m e au th i>r i sed o r g s n i z U i o n , a n d t h i s w o u l d ad<t U w a n d u r i l e r t o t b « g o o d t b e y «Ju; t h i s w o u l d p r e v e u t , ws tar a-] t h e y ai«9 e u n c e n i e d , t h e d i s o r g a n i s i n g t e m l e u c y of a n ' i r r e s p o i u i l t l e m i n i s t r y ; t h i s w o u l d l a y u o f o u n d a t i u a f o r f u t u r e c r y e t a l l i z i t i o n H . uf n e w d e p a r t u r e s ; a n d t h i s w o u l d i n c r e a s e t h e i r ui<eful-n e s s a n d e f f i c i e n c y i n s o l i d a o d s u b s t a n t i a l w o r k i n t h e c b u t c h e s . " O r d e r i s h e a v e n ' s first I s w , " a n d of a l l i 4 a c e s t b e c b u r c h i s t h e p l a c e t o i l lus-t r i t e i t .

B b H a b r s . — 1 . I f o u r b r o t h e r ^ p r e m i s e s b e t r u e

— a n d w e e n d o r s e t b e m — 1 . e . , t h a t t h e a d m i c i s -

t i a t i o n o f t u e u r i i i i a u c e s w a s U e h v e n d t o i b e

c h n r v b e s , a n « l i h « « y a l o u e li<-l<l r e i p • u t i ' t i u l o f i e i r

l i t M d f u r t h v i r p r * - p - r a d i u i i i U l r d t i u o , l l i f u t l i u

l e g a l i i i a x i i u i t a p p l i c a t i l . - , " D l i ^ s i e l i m i w . t s c a n n o t t i e a l i e n a t e d o r r e - < i e i e g t t t t 5 l . " t ' h e

c h u r c h e s m s y a s w e l l d e l e g a t e I h e a u t h o r i i y l o

t h e i r m i n i s t e r s t o a d m i n i s t e r t b e L o r d ' s s u p p e r l o

w h o m s o e v e r t b e y d e e m e d q u a l i f i e d , w i t h o u t t h e

a s s e m b l i n g o f t h e c b a r e b , a s t o c o m m i t l o t b e m

t h e a u t h o r i t y t o b a p t i s e w h < H i i t h e y d e e m e d fit,

i n d e p e n d e n t o f t b e a c t i o n o f a l o c a l l A u r c h . I f

b a p t i s m I s a c h u r c h o r v l i n a n c e . I t c a n n o t b e a d -

m i n i s t e r e d b y m a n o r a n g e l I n d e p e n d e n t o f c b u r c h

a c t i o n , a n y m o r e t h a n t h e l j u p p e r , a n d f o r t b e s l l -

s a B l c i e n t r e a s o n t b a t i t i s a c A u r e A o r d i n a n c e .

A n d i f a C h u r c h o r d i n a n c e , i t s a d m i n i s t r a t i o n

c a n n o t t i e d e l e g a t e d t o a n y t 4 h e r o r g a n i s a t i o n , a a

a c o n v e n t i o n o r a i t i o c l a t l o n , a c o m m i t t t j u <>r a

m i n b m , a n y m i t n t h a n t b e t i u p p e r ; b u t i f n o t a

c h u r c h o r d i n a n c e , i M t m i n i s t e r i a l , o r a r i t e t h a t

c a n b e a d m i n i s t e t v d b y a m l B i s t e r , i n a n y c t r e u m -

' t U a w e * o r c o o c e i v a b l e e x e g e n c y , t h e n D r . L o f t o n

c a n n o t r e p r c v e D r . B o y c e f o r h i s I m m e R i o n o f D r .

W e a v e r , i n t i i e b a p t i s t r y oi h i s o w n c h u r c h ,

w i t h o u t t h e c o n s e n t o f h i s e h u e h b e f < n e t b e a c t ,

a n d w i t h o u t v o t i n g h i m I n t o t h e c b u r c h , o r ^ v i n g

b i m t h e r i g h t h a n d o f feUowsbtp a f U r t b e a c t ,

t h o s l e a v i n g t h e e d i t o r o f t h e iBnittippi Beeard

m u U e t o a n s w e r o o r q o e s t i m , " I s D r . W e a v e r i n

t h e c h u r c h , o r o n l y i n t h s k i n g d o m 7 "

W « d o n o t b e U e v a t b a t a • • e o n v e o t l o m a b o d y "

T M B B A H T I f t T

h a t a n y a t t t b o r t t y u o d a t t b e b n t v t n a t o a e o d o u t

a n d t a ' h o r l a e a m i n l a t e c t o t m a e b o r b s p t i a s i . T t i e

p A M B B l g a t l o o o f t h e g o s p e l ' w a s e n t n u t e d a l o a e t o

t h e IochI d i u r e h e a , n o r c a n t h e y a l i e n a t e t b l a

H c n N i a n d r t a p o o s l b l e t n u t .

9 . N o r l a t h e n a n y n e e d o f t b e l e a s t I r r e g u l a r i t y

I B foieilili l a n d s , U t b e S c r i p t u r a l u i e t b o d g i v e n u s

i a I b l l o w e d . P a u l n e v e r w e n t f o r t h a l o n e , b u t

w i t h a e o m p a n i o n . W « k h u u l d s e n i o u t — a u d i t

l a o u r I D v a r i a b l y n i s t o m t o a e u d o m — t o K i g n

n l a i l o i M r l * ! b y . t w o ' s . I t n o t w « t r « > , a n d t h e i r

l a U w a w i t h t b e m i a n d w h « u t h e y n a v h t h e H e k t

o f t h e i r b d ) O M , i b e B r s t t h i n g t h e y a b o u l d d o —

a n d w a p r e a u m a t h e I n i t t h i n g t h e y d o — i s t o

o r g a a l a e a c h u r c h l i t t b e m i s s i o a h o u s e , a a d t 9

t b l a , a a a n u c k m , t b e o m v e r u a t e a d d e d .

I m i ^ a r p r o c e e d i n g s a t e i n e x c u s a b l e . A a d s o i n

a r m i e B , b r i g a d e e b u i c h e s c a n b e o r g a n i X v - d , a o d

t b e o r d i B a n e s a ^ a d m i n i s t o i e d b y t b e a e , a a t h e y

w e r e i n H a v e l o c k ' s b r ^ a d e c h u r c h , i n I n d i a .

T h e r e n e v e r w a s a n y n e e d o f a n y i r r e g u l a r i t y i n

o a r l a t e w a r , o n l y o u t m i n l s t e n , i v t h e i r a - ^ a n d

n n d e r t h e s t r o n g p r c e s n r e o f t b e c i r c u m s t a n c e a ,

d i d n o t s t o p t o tJkitdk, V e r y f e w w o u l d r e p e a t t h e s e

i r t e g u l a t i U c s , a n d w e t r u s t t h e y w d o k l n o t b a v e

t b e c h u r e b c a e n c o u r a g e t h e p r a c t i c e I n t i m e a u f

p e a c e b e e a u a e m a n y g o o d b r e t h r e t t d i d i n t h e l a t e

w a r , n e v « t

8 . T b l a s t r a n g e p r o c e d u r e i s n o t c o n f i n e d t o | ' t h e

w a s e i r a t l e p a s t o r o f t h e S e c o n d c h u r c h , b u t

o f & d a l l y p e r f o r m e d f t o r M r . A b n e r O o o p e r , a C u m -

b e r l a n d P r e s b y t e r i a n , b y K i d . J o n e s , a B a i i t i s t

p r e a c h e r , o f t b e W e s t e r n D i s t r i c t A w c c l a t i o n ,

W e s t T e n n e s s e e , w h o l i v e s n e a r P a r i s , b u t w h o i a

a m e m b e r o f t h e L e b a n o n c h u r c h . M i d d l e T o m e s -

s e e . W e u n d e f f t a n d t b a t t h o s e b e I m m e r s e d

b a d a l r e a d y b e e n a c c e p t e d l o r b a p t i s m , a n d , j o e -

f e r r i n g I m m e r a i o n t o s p r i n k i a n g , M r . C o o p e r , n o t

w i s h i n g t o g e t w e t , c a l l e d u p o n E l d . J o n o s t o

i n i t i s t e t h e m i n t o t h e C u m b e r l a n d P r e s b y t e r i a n

c h u r c h b y i m m e r s i o n , a n d h e d i d s o , a n d g l o r i e s

i n i t I A n d w o r s e , h i s c h n r c b t i s s b e e n w r i t t e n t o

a b o a t i t , a n d n o t o n l y r e f u s e s t o r e t m k e h i m , I w t

eadona A i l ad! W h o w U l s a y t h a t t i r a d b c r n -

s i o n o f t h i s s n b j e c t i s n o t n e c e s s a r y i n I V n u e a s e e r

4 . W e d o n o t b e l i e v e t h a t t h i s m a a w h o

c a s t i n g o u t d e m o n s b y t h e n a m e o f J t » t » w a s a n

e n e m y o r a n o p p o s e r , b u t o n e w l i o b t i t e v e d i n

J e s u s , w a s a d i s c i p l e o f J e w * * , s n d o n e w h o w a s

e x e r c i s i n g m o r e f s l t h i n J e s u s t h a n e v e n h i s

a p o s t l n a l w s y s d i d , f o r " b p r e w a s a U m e w h e n

n i n e o f t h e t o t o g e t h e r c o u l d n o t c a s t o u t o n e

d e m o n , t h r o u g h t b e i s c k o f f a i t h . I t w a s n o t m a d e

t b e d c t y o f t h a t m s n t o f o l l o w C S i r i s t c n n s t a n t l y ,

b u t o n l y t b a t o f t h e t w e l v e , t i e w a s d o i n g n o t h i n g

a g a i n s t C h r i s t , o r contrary to the teaehinjf* of Ouid^

a s P e d o b a p t l s t s a r e d o i n g . W e m a y , a n d i t i s o o r

d u t y t o , p r o t e s t a g a i n s t t h e i r u n s c r i p t u r a l t e s c b -

i n g a a n d p r a c t i c e ' , s n d , b y n o a c t , t o e n c o u r a g e

t b e m ; f o r , i n t b e forcible l a n g u a g e o f D r . B r i g h t ,

" t h e y a r e a n o r g a n i s e d m o o s t e r a g a i n s t t h e k i n g

o m o f C h r i s t "

h a d l a b w t d l a S u o p e a o d d o a e I n p o c t a B t n r r l o e

i n a p r e a d i n c < 3 l i t l s t i a B l l y i n B o ^ s o t t a e s i i e h

t e c w d w o o h i e a r t a l n l y b e found e l l b e r i n t h e A c t a

o f t b e a p o a t J e B , o r i n P e t e r l i i H t c i a . A U t h a o

I m p o r t a n t I n i t s b e a r i i M s o a t b a s a t i s a q M B i U a -t o r y o f I b e c h u r e h w e c a n n o t b e l i e v e w o u l d b a v *

b e e n o v e r l o u k e d b y t b e H o l y S p i r i t . T h e a h s B M e

u f s u c h r e c o r d to o M i d t t » l v « p r o o f t h a t o o s n c i i

e v e n t e v e r o c c u r r e d a a a v i s i t o f P e t a r t o B o r n e .

A n d t h i s ftvideitce g a i n s s t r e n g t h b y t h e a i l e o w

o f t h e A p o s t l e P i u i l . I n t h e l o n g l i s t o f a a l u t a *

t l o n s a t t h e d e s e of b i s e p i s t l e t o t h e B o i a a n s ,

K H e r ' s b a o t e to n o t o n c e m e n t i o n ^ . T h t o b m l a >

s i o n to a o o g e n t p r o o f t h a t P e t e r w m n o t i n B o o y a

a n d h a d B M v e r b e e n p r e v i o u s t o t h a t t i m e . P a u l

w a a a m o d a l o r f k a t e r o a l o o n r t e i y , a n d n e v a r n e g -l e o t e d a n o p p o r t a b l t y t o g i v e e o n l l a l g r B a t i n g l a

a n y l a b o r a c l a t b e g o a p e l . I f P a t o r h a d b e e o i h

R o m e i M e v i o i i B t o P a a i ' a e p i ^ t o U i a t d i u i d t , o r

t h o a a a d d r e a e d t o T i m o t h y a t t b e d o a a o f b t o l i l ^ ,

h t o n a m e w o u l d h a y * a n t e a r v d a m o n g t b o a e

m e B t i o n a d a s b a v i a g b e a a c o t o b o r e r s w i t h b i m

l a b o i l d i n g u p t b e c h u r c h i n t h a t d l y ,

T b e a a o i e s U e n o e w h i c h m a r k s t h e w r i t i n g o f

P a u l o n t h t o a a l ^ e c t c b a c a c t a r l x r a t h e w r i t i o g s o i

a l l t h e e a r l y f i t h H S o f t b e c h n r c b , w h o w e r e e o a

t e m p o c a n e o o s w i t h t h e a p o s t l e s . N o o n e i n t i -

m a t e s t h a t P e t e r w a s t b e f o o n d e r a n d flckt b i s h o p

o f t h e c h u r c h a t B o r n e .

P e t e r s m a r t y r d o m I n R o m e r a i t s o o u n c n U i n

t r a d i t i o o s , w h U e p r o < i f U U U l e l e s s t h a n d e m o n

« 4 r a t i v e , b o t h t h N n S c i l p t a r e a n d h i s t o r y , t h a t b e

n e v e r l a b o r e d t h e r e , a n d h a i * n o s h a r e i n f i n d i n g

a n d t r a i n i n g t b e c h u r c h . J . M . P H i i x t f s .

T u s c s k x i s a , A l a .

o f h f a B i V

• n w f l i t t -

i t

W A S P E T E R E V E R I N R O M E ?

ON E o f t h e m o 4 c u r i o u s p h e a o m e n ^ i n t h e h i s -

t w y o f l e l i g i o i n c o D t r o v e i 9 « y to t h e e l K i r t

b y t b e a d l i e r e n t s o f t h e ^ m a n C s t h o l i e

d m i c b t o p r o v e t b a t P e t e r w a s t h e first t ^ o p o t

t l i e c h u t c h I n R o m e .

I t to c e r t a i n t b a t t n e t i a d i U o n s o f P e t e r ' s r e s i -

d e n c e I n R o m e f o r t w e n ^ - f l v e y e a r s a r e a b s c d n t d y

folse. N o o n e tomUiar w i t h . t h e b o o k o f A c t s c a n

a t t a c h t b e rilgbtest c r e d i t t o i t . W e b a v e a r e ^

b y d i v i n e a u t h o r i t y o f P e t e r ' s t o b o r s I n J e r m a l e m ,

j a H M f O e s a r e a a n d A n U o c h , a n d n o m e n t k m to

n u d e o f B o r n e .

W e h a v e a b o b t o l e t t e r s w r i t t e n e v l d e n U y t o -

w a r d t b e d o s e o f l i f e , a n d w r i t t e a f h r t n B a b y l o n

s h o w i n g t h a t b e s t i l l m a d e b t o h o m e i n t h e E a s t ,

u x l s t t U t h e r e to n o a l l n s l o n t o t h e c b n r d i o f

B o r n e . T h e l e t t M : f a a d d i e M e d " t o t b e s t n m g O T l B

F 0 o t a 8 , a a U t t a a , A s i a , O a p p a d o d a a n d B y t h l n t o , ' • s w a s n a t m a l t o o n e w h o s e tobor w a e c o o f i n e d t o

t h a t r e g i o o a n d h a d n e v e r e x t e n d e d t o a m ^

N o t a c f c u r c b I n t b e W e s t to a d d r e s s e d - C e t t a l n l y .

h e w c t i M i i o t h a ^ o v e r i o o k e d t h e i r d a i m a a i K i

n e e d s , i f n n d e r b t o m h i t o t r y e b u T c h i e a h a d b e t a

CTtsHI**^ i a G r e e c e o r I t a l y . T h i s to n e g a t i v e

• t » | « « , l t t o t m i l » « t i t t o w a T l B d n t . I f P a t e t

T H E H E A B T .

T N t b e r d i g i o u s o r m o r a l q i b e r e t b e h e a r t to m a d e

t o r e p r e s e n t t h e s e a t o f m o r a l i a t e n t l o n a n d

a c U o u . I t to from t h t o s e a t o r foantain-hesd o f

o u t b e i n g t h a t o u r p a r p o e e ^ a c t k M i s , w o r d s , a n d

t b o u g b t s r e c e i v e n o r s l c h u a c t w . F r o m t h e h e a r t

t h e c o u r M o f l i f e r e c d v e s i t s d i r e c t i o n s . P r o v . I v .

2 3 : " K e e p t h y h e a r t w i t h a l l d i l i g e n c e f o r o a t

o f i t a r e t h e t o r a e s o r i i f e . " I n L u k e x v . I S , o u r

s h o u l d k e e p t h e h e a r t w i t h t h e g r e a t e s t p o s s l b t o

C A T P , for i t i s t h e f o u n t a i n f T o m w h l c b s p r i n g s t h e

w h o l e c o u r s e o f l i f e . A n d w h e n t h e h e a r t to l e f t

d e f e n s d e w , t b e v i l l l a n h a s a n e a s y t a s k . I f t h e a

y o n w o u k i i n f i o e o o e t b e l i f e for g o o d , c o m m e n c e

u p o n t h e h e a r t . T h e c o u r s e o t l i f e w i l l l > e i n n a -

t u i e a n d c h a r a c t e r a s t b e h e a r t f r o m w h i c h

s p r i n g s .

A d i s e a s e d t r e e c o m i p U t h e f r u i t . D i M s s e d

l u n g s c o r m p t s t b e b r e a t h , a n d d i s e a s e d h e a r t c o r -

r u p t o t h e l U e . " A c o r r u p t t r e e c a n n o t b r i n g f o r t h

g o o d t r a i t . "

A l l s u b s t a n t i a l r e f o r m a t i o n m u s t b e g i n w i t h t b e

b e a r L I t to o f n o o s e t o t r y t o m a k e a g o o d m a n

b y e f i b r U t o r e f o r m b i m i a o n e i t e m o r a n e t b e r o f

b t o p a a o n a i c o o d n c t . T b e h e a r t m n a t b e k o k e d

t o . I f y o o w o u l d p a r i f y a n y s t r e a m , g o b a c k to

i t s s o u r o e . S f l b r t s to p a r i t y t h e s t r e a m a r e

a o l o n g a s t b e f o o n t a l n r e m a i n s o o r r a p C E f b r t a

t o r e f o r m t b e e o a r m o f h u m a a i i f r . t h a t g o n o

d c ^ e r t b a a e x t e r n a l c o o d n c t , n e v e r b r i n g s l a s U o g

r e s a l t s .

W h e r e t h e s e S c r i p t u r a l f S w t s a r e p r o p e r l y u n d e r -

s t o o d , a n d toqit i n r e m e m b r a a c e , t b e y l e n d t o

g i v e p r o p a d b r e c t k m a n d p o i n t toaUrdigioaB

t e a d i i n g . A n d w h e r e t b e w M e ^ r a i d e f f i r f t to

b y t h e M e * * of ( M , b t b a toaalBlB l a ^ I m H o f o a t ^ i l d , « n y « M i a i K l a t h e j Q y t t o a w o o M t t l y o w . n r i , w I m b , l a t h a t e t e n i a l k i i « i l m a y p a , « ( « t i i M * l a d a ^ i a p t o n d o r , d r i a k i a c I h w U w i B e a a a a U h l e fcawtola • f a t a n u d l i fo , t h o i s w b o o i y o a tav* b a a a l a M n i -n e a b U l a s a v i n g . O , w h a t J o y : H o w p n e t o a a a a d e a d n r i B c t h e r a r a l t a o f t a i eb a Y o a naay t a k e t i w IKM p a a a a d e i « i m yoBK t f a o o s b l a a p o a t h s BMubla. Y o a a a y c s d a a a t t o N a totan l a a o U d n M l a l , a a d y a M l M y v i l i a s w i t a a l l y p a r -

B a t t b a w o r k y p a t o a y d o , a n d ttM O o i g b t o y o a i a a y . b y t h e w o r d ^ a n d a p l t i t o t O p d l n p i w a u p o a t b e h e a r t , w i U B e v e r p w t o b , b a t b e l a t h a t o o a a w e U o f w a t e r j ^ w i p f ^ . o p i a t o e v a U a M l a c i i i s .

I B t b t o d a y o t i o d a a U U i g a t r g r . o u n i e j t t o a a a d b o l d i a I M a U t y , b o w v e r y e p a o t l a l t h a t t l w k a u t o r t b e y o u a g h s p r e c e o a t ^ s i w t t b t t e a B | * a B d p r i n d p l o s o f e t e r n a l t r u t h .

R d i g t o o a v iea ra , w h e n o o o a a d o f i l e d , a n ^ p M w r -a l l y s a c r e d l y c h a t i a b e d . A o d l h a t o i t a t o m a a d i m p r e s r i o o a a r e g a o e o s l l y B o a t p o t e o t a a d l a s t -l a g . S o t h e o a s t b e c o p a a r v a t o r s o f O o ^ t r o U i i a i U p a r i t y , i o w h a t h a v e w e a t q n i f . i M v n l t b a a i n t a a c h i n g t h e y o a n g ? T h e y a r a l a i M l o w u s , a o d t a k e o o r p toeea , a a d o a t o t t b a i M a i t w i U OMDe t h e tosoea. S t iB ly t b e a w i t h a U yontr h e a r t t b e r d a t f o a o o r p i a a a n t acUvl t toa s M t a l n to o a t f u t u i e a s a d i n i c b . O , m o a w B t a M s a l a l l a a l

J . K i r c a t D . C o v i o g t o o , T e o a .

T H E B A P T I S T C A W I S N O R T H i m A S .

1 \ E A R B A P T D g l ^ T t i l o k t i * y o o r m a n y

^ r e a d o a w o n h P S k a t o . b e a t from i U a p u t

of t h e M w l ) c t t o v i a e y a n l , t b a m l t 1 BUM* e o a i w t h e a i g n a of t h e tiBMB a r e a o t w y H M t o r i a g . o a c . B a p t i s t d o o todlvided i a e a a a e i ] L O « « o T A a i i i d a -t k m a l t r o a b l a a a d o i l B t o l B r i a L J e a k x i d a a . T h a r e to a g r e a t w o r k todoJotMaeoBotry. > T b e l B ^ g t a t i o o p o a r i o g i a t o o o r e o o B t t y . o f a l l a a t t o m ^ -t k a a a d t d l s M v a h q a l i l a n a B e e v e a r B g y e - ^ A * foUowea o f t h s M a i l w , w « a h o o W a m o ^ e w w i l k t t o e s w o e d o f t h e S p i r i t , ^ I B sol id p h a t o u n i t e d , m a k e a fctwartawve a a d l e t o u r w a ^

d e a t r o y e d t h e i r i a l l a e a o s a o d o a a f n l a e a i l q r t a k i n g s i d e s , a s U to o d l e d b e t e , i a t h o s e dUBea t t toa . a n d i n s t e a d (rf g o i n g t w o b y t w o . i a d i s d M U s a o t I M r d u t i e s , t b e y a r e t t y i a g tofoUea^ethaKdinra. M a y t b e t i m e s p e e d i l y coom^ w b a a « a a i a y fae o f t h e s a m e m i a d . O a t d w R h a a h a v e p a n l a n a m b e r a , b a t i M t i a g x a e e a s t l i 9 l A o a l d . W e n e e d m o t e i s ^ r i t i a o a r w o n M p a a a d g o s p e l , i a o a r a a m m i a . J . K . P . V n i L t J M .

S h e r m a n .

m a k e t h e p r f s o a o f e r r o r p a t o t a b l e ; to g i v e v i c e a n

• t t i a e t i l v e n a m e ; to g l o s s s i n o v e r t o t b a t o n l y t b e

g u t t e r w U l s h o w , to p r o p e r t y c o m p e d t e n d e d , t b e y

a e t a s a m i g b t y t n e e n U v e t o f i d e U t y i o a l l C b r t o -

t t o n e f t e t f t H T t h e a i ^ v O t i o o o f t h e s a o U A n d I

k n o w o f o o f l e l d o f C b r i a U a B t e a c b l o K a n d e f f o r t

t b a t d e m a a d a m o t e a t t e n t i o a , a n d o f f o t s g r e a t n

o n p o t t a a i t l e s for a a i n g t h e m e a o s G o d b a s a p -p o i n t e d f o r t h e p a t i ( y i n g o f t b e h e a r t a n d l i f e , t h a n

t l i e S a M o t h ^ i A o a l .

I t s e e m s t o B i e t h a t t h e S a b b a t b - w b o o l f u r o t o b e s

( w p M t a n i t l e B w i t h i a t b e r e a c h o f m e c a p e < ^

M o m M o g g t e s t e r i e a n l t o t o t b e s o a l - t o l e O g f o o ,

toaodflt^ a n d to U t e n U n r e , t b a a c a a b e f o a n d

a a y w b e m d s e . O , y a t e a s b a t s o t t k e r w w g l • a p p o s e y e a s h o a W ,

W O R D F R O M T H E F I R S T C H U R C H P L A N C E O I N A L A B A M A .

n m E f d k n r i B g i n d i c a t e s b o w t b e n o d i - a b a a e d b o o k finds I t s w ^ y I n A l a b i i B a , a a w e l l a a

l i t o E B i i s i e : — O n e of m y b r e l h t e a l e o s a t l r a s M to m e - t b a t b e

« a s o i o c t o S B B d for a e o f 9 o f C M d l i a w t e a i f c i a m , ^ ^ T m i i l B d m e « a M o d faracimtf A O ^ I i l f o . a B d w e e a a l d e x d i a o g e r e a a l B g . W e d i d a ^

s s s i s . w . - ' s s a s s . ' S ' S E i ^ : touewa^ E n d o s B d f t o d a e v e o t y - f i v e c B B t i L forwlddiaeBdmeacaRy. I w a a t t o r a - i a a i L a B d h a v e s o m e BKwe of m y B r e t h r e a t s B d U - U 1 w e r e

i i ^ p l t o B B i o r e g o o d w i t h t h e s a m e a m m e a n a T T h a v e b s a a t a k t a g y « v p i w tor o ^ y t w o y e a r s , b o t s o t k m I w i U n b f f c w S ^ I t - ^ I f l r t U ^ ^ t h e ^ a i d i *» wta leh I h d o n g to o ld C b h o h a V a l l e y , t b e e b a r d i c d o a t t l B t a d l a A t o b ^ ^ W e t i d a m e a t b i o f d a y s to O c t o b e r , a a d toeie

i h i ^ ^ t l i B w o r l d i M l ' . ^ . toi^Uadaaaleaasbov, o r a « y t U w I

t c ^ n i t o w - b i i a s . l a t a s t a a r ^ m T U i

t h l B v a a r i t a i a « "

Page 3: Our Pulpit. - media2.sbhla.org.s3.amazonaws.commedia2.sbhla.org.s3.amazonaws.com/tbarchive/1881/TB_1881_Jan_22.pdf · jM t Uuyo' uo * a!0 «h .\v«Mini> 496 TKK BAJE>T1ST. JmOmvwt

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KnMoaiMlta tMUmonr.

TKx laaxRiTAiirK, so. i


^ ^ l i ^ T L ^ ' ' ^ wfaenwd wfU be o a ^ fUiaBt l i , ivfenented u d glorified, has ctORdmiMfoodlaiKtarai to nJae thdr h u d s In unuemeatand pat in wteraoBt defence of the popatarnotloatlHitbeUeveBi"c«n lesd theirtiUe a w to maariaas in the akiea;" and th%t these " n i M a h y ^ mn entered ImmedUtely at death V a r i o v M p t i m a an.appealed to toaostaln this • i a W j ^ U t a i f l i r no ptoof text has been ad-

and amdttkio of the redeemed h matter of expUdl rawtloB and promlae. They wlU Inherit ac-OT^ to te prooUw (iven to Abraham and his

tha Oiriat That Inheritance promlaed by

^ « p n ^ U n , t h e whotoautli. There • tandatheeovenantpl^OK an eternal inheritance, and Abraham~and Christ! a n d ^ h e U i m a r e t h e k v a e a . Bat none of S S taiatM hava j t t reealTed tiie inheritence; Abca-h a ^ act. Stephen God gave him no InhMilanw la It, aot ev en a fi>ot and yet ha pcomJaBd to glvv It to h lm. " f as? , vu, 5). The pmniaa ramalna to ba foUUIad.

T J a j K J Y ^ T G R J ^

^ h ' l i ^ K w*eaeratlon.th«new er th , when he sat npon the threue of h b glory J ^ d r i t on twelve thron«Jadglag the t ^ y e tr ib« of lanel. (Matt *§*. ffl.)

A* the anal gathering together of all the elect, l ^ w i U e o m e a g a l n - o i m e t o this wori.l, and recrive them to himself, that where he U

kingdom they may be alw. During hla • b e ^ h e has proposed a place for them; prepared a place by natural, providential and spiritual "grades, rannlng through the ages and extendinir

as Bar as the ruins of the fiUl,

OiTiat ^ ant ytt recdved tuc iTiaerilance.

kHIUmthaltbebihetitancamay beoow." But Ckidratoed him from the dead, and set him at his right hand, UU an bis enemies became his foot-•tootaadtlMwayafaaahe dear to mter upon his Inhrritanca. Aa Abraham and Christ have not ye ta le tad apon tbdr Inheltanea, It is equally tnw of aU IHa iqpUeai who have died In the&ith. "AH th«B haring obtained agood report through U t h d U notreodvethelUfil imentof thewom-

God having provided something concerning aa,thattiiqrwitlioot us should not be made per. frd** a reaoiRdion.

Chiirt i i the nnrealer (tf life and immortality.

Ha m p ^ and emphaaiaei the old Hebrew prom-ise , ' ^ t tamaekahan Inherit the earth." inhar-mcnjr with this, h« aMred Um apeatlo that tbey

The same Idea of a renovated and glorified worid runs through the apostolic episUn. Paul wjrs: " The creaUon shall bedeUvered Irom the ^ l ^ n of bondage into the glorious Uberiy of thechUjUen of God." (Rom. viii. 21). Peter

We look (or new heavens and a new earth wherdn dwdleth righteousness." (2 Pet. m . 13)

" ^ ® he^vea and a new earth Md there sbhll be no death, nor sorrow, nor cry-ing, nor pain, because the former t h i n ^ are pas^^

away." (Rev. xxl. 14).

The aportUIc futhers taujht the same vital t rato of the resurrection of the Just and the reign of Christ and hla redeemed on the earth. Thw TCver looked for a heaven in the skies or a finished J^einption apart fn.m the resurrection. Bdrna-

Ignatiui, Poli-c^rp, Papioj, JnsUn Martyr, Irenaos, and other noted defenders of the fiilth ^ the ad%-ocate8 of the millennial reigu of Christ on the earth wlthjils risen saints.

JtBlyn Martyr, in hla dialogue wilh Trypho, w ^ : " I f , U«erefore, you tali in with certain who are called Christfcms, who confsw not this truth, but blasphemes the God of Abrtham and I Isaac, and Jacob, in that they say there U no ' resurrecUon of the dead, but that immediatoly whm they die their soalr are received up into heaven, avoid them, and esteem them as not Chris-tians." etc. Irenaeu-j, bishop of Lyons, 178 trained as a pupU of Polycdrp and Papias.' says, "11 is titUng that the just rising Tt the appearing ol God. should in the renewed <.<!i*« receive the promise of the Inher-itance which God coveuanted to the latheis. and

labooidvrigalalt. • • •

tt Is hut Just that in it they should receive the l i ^ t s of their suffering, so that where lor the love ^ God they suffered death, there they shoultf be brought to lUe again, and where they endured bondage, there also should they reign." QuoU nir Bom. vU. 19-22. in proof he conUnues, -the promise of God which he made to Abraham de-ddedly confirms this, for he says, ' Lift up now thine eyes.' " QuoUng further. Gen. xUi. H-17 he adds. " F o r whom received no inheritance in It—not ev«i a a foot breadth, but always was a stranger and a sojourner in it. Therefore, as God promised to him the inheritance of the earth, and he received it not during the whole Ume he lived in it. It is necessary that he should recdve it to-

, gether with his need; that is with aU suih as fear God and beUeve In hlm. in the resurrecUon 0/ the Just."

He tien shows that Christ and the Church are the true seed and partakers of the promisee, and

" ' ' " k ' J L ! ! ? w h o are of Cdth are bleased with fidthfui Abraham, and the samearethechUdrenof Abraham, and the heirs of promise."

I r e n a ^ like Justyn, calls those " heriUcs. who M P ^ the saints' glorificaUon to follow l i m e d ^ l y after death and before the resurrecUon." J ^ f a W e w j f U i e inheritance of Uie saints his bOT hdd through more centuries by many of Uie

and purest of the leaden of Uie chuichea of God, and Uie opposite view has been hdd by Uw i ^ t n ^ r i ous and mischievous heriUcs. I t is one ofUiesigns of the Umes Uiat false doctrines con-

"Uie last Udngs."has gained such an as-cendancy as toalmost banish God'struUi ftom Uie press of the age.

I t fa safe to say Uiat ninety-nine fhneral sormom, om of eveiy hundred misrepresent UiecondiUon

^ Ute dead, and make &]ae impiasions concem-jlngUiefutarelife. Moreanon. c.

wiU not menHon his name, proves that the saint* wui Inherit heaven and reign In heaven above, where God i M n this way

C h i ^ declared Uiat he was "u his F-ther an-l his saints I9 him.

ohH^r, " heaven.

therefore in heaven. All saints who are dead are in Christ and will

te former, M d since Christ is in Gr^l forever, who

'n C W forever,and Uierefore In heaven for-He defies angels and devils to break this

a ^ U f t his andior. Is Uiere another Bip-tlst In Arkansas who wlU endorse this as rea oBh

ing on w r qnesUon ? I f so, we will pay his post-a l m d print his name If he will write us. We have a curiosity to know If Uiere is another of like mind.


r p H E following are a few of the principal sub-

^ J « t s Uiat Will bedfacussed in The BAVrm ln lool 5—

1. dlscuMlon between the editor ot ihis paper and Dr. J . S. Burrows, of Louisville. Ky.. on the leading poiitions in Old Landmarkism-What is It ? Thedl«cu38ion will commence in our issue after the nex t-^ Uiat friends can have un op-portunity to gather up subscribers. Both sid.^ WUI appetr and to gratlly many our Reply t..

J. M. P. will be republished Uiela^t wi-ek in Jan uary.,

2. Thequertlons. What Is a Church OrHliiancr -To whom were church ordinances delivered, an.l who ta responsible for their right obeervanceV

^ »ct or privilege he

4. The symbolism of the Lord's soppfr w ill ho discufsed In a series of articles.

5. The 7 DispensaUons will be con.pleUd Ihii J ' " ' " remains to be considt-red sl| the un-

fulfilled pnjphecles and all Uie events that remain to transpire before the SecooO AUvent. The troublesome Unies. The visible advent, the

The Messianic Reign 0/ ^ r W with his saints on this earth. The Unai J u d i ^ w t . The purification of thThea^ilis an j

^ the new home and heaven of the redeeme.!

J t r * ® o t our State Boards and ForeiKn Missions wUl receive special attention, and out columns open for their advocacy.

7. Our schools, male and female, u ill be kept before the people, and. their Interests suh*rve,i

8 Ministenai educaUnn will not beoveriookwl" but all possible succor be given to the Board '

9. general religious and secular news given ia weekly summaries.

^ Our object wlU be to make The Baf tust which has i ^ v ^ Uie generous support of Tennessee ^pUsts, for thirty years, and of a mulUtude of BapUsta in all Uie SouUiem Stotes. more Interest-ing and really valuable Uiis >-ear than any pre-vlous one. '

Tferms per annum. $2.50. For working minlstere. $2.00. Six monUis. $1.25 and fl.OO.

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Pl'BLISHEKS.

•«••••« aiaUlen* rami. riiHEKE an Uum yoaac mlnlMen at Jaekarm . * Who to^TAAM TTNMSK IW. ^^Y

Tli«y ara ploo., dsroted to Uwlr M n d ^ ^ n


mlnfc^ from Arkaniw now

very opinionated b ^ O m . for hla .ake ^ ^ • HneaifoT.i. D-^^-Hcoaia,

T H B ^ B A P ^ t R T



J. ft. ORAVB8. J.a»B4BCY,

•ditor I M PnwrMor

JAB B.MAHAnrT . . . Bsok-kaapar aad ttto CMk

•anrw ladailradbr

OtoUaaaldUMT Prtftylaa ar —»«la«a. toitaadkirtlMRipraiaaatlMrtty

ofMa wo^oTM u Uia Mlyaad •naatont ml* or BUth

toeoatnid. • oTCbrlat 3. AateBtM&waantoatasdIbrthaonlliuuic

w a ^ ^ w ^ y aamalawiwattr. • a^Miw US ^WMTMRNKR. , nnelumg^d ana

•oohsiunabU tdl he a Aa BaptlMa. wa are to Maud tor a •ptittnal and racnar.

M i ehureh. and that BOD* ihaU ba raeaind tato ^rUt^ ebiiRd>,orteW5lMCDM • personal (hitb In Chrtot, and glTlnc eredlbla CTtdaoo* PlKjr.

Cfearek r»IHy. I. ItepUiU u Uera ttiat a Chrtattaa chuieli la a local ooa-

trmtton, and corapleta in ItaaU: ChrUt. eaeb ehoreh U abaolatety aoTarelsn

and Independent. S-.Ttiat toaaeh ebnrah Cbr'it eommlttad tbe aole gnardl-

itKOwn membeoa.

DlaUaaualUBC P*Uey at BtaMilGkl •nintola. Tbe noa-reootml^n ot hnmaB aoeieuea as Berlptonl

otinrabea by amilatlon, mlnMarlal or or a u alUanm or e^opmUoa tbat U aoaeepUbla of being ^ gmnilr or locteallr emutmed by our mamban orthdn ^ /wloaleaUyewiatniedbyoorBiambaiBor

Nlleae* la Uie i •* eaieleat ArrvairUcc vT Crr«r.


BY RKV, B. 1. BISC0.\. n.D. I We kpeelally InTlte the attention of oar readcn to Dr. Ht»

cux% able arUele rvvtewtnc the buenptnial and oubaptUtle pudUona let forth by a Layman In the eolnmna of the Xc amiMT oad CknmM«.Ma« 1[orfe.aad thoioii«bly Mdaned by the editor, and we nsrat to aay tiHaaOv andoned by •evml or oar Soatbara BapUat esohaagaa. Dr. IDaeos ta tbe anthorot the moat pc polar ehareh aianaal fcelor* the •lenomlnaUon, and hm*lBs daroudeo moeh of hta UA to atvrarcKuekrtaUtr.We pwfluai MMUd bave wal«b> with oar peopla. Oar raaiMta win am ha ehargoa that antele with the aame lalla«<w and daaaenHiaUaehlBci. that ve did. Wbea laeb an arUele aa Layman, la endoteed by •even] ol oar leading paper* North and Sooth, who can tmlhraily aay there la no danger ahead of na-that tbe lade-pendency of oar eharahea la not ImperlUed t]

A FEW weeks since 7HE ALANDARD noticed with approval an article which had recently ap-

peared in the colnmnsof the EXAMINER TMD OIRONI-

DE, from the pen of a layman, on the subject of Baptist church independency. The maniieat ten-dency 0/ said arUcle, and others of similar charac-ter which have at Umes appeared thrangh the same medium, is to che<*k and hamper chutdi in-dependency. and to establish "interdependency." —to use a favorite term of that Journal. The meaning of which seems to be that churches should act in matters outside their dirrct and per-sonal polity and disdpline, not without, but only with the concurrence and co-operation of other churches. The independency of the churches Is not, in so many i^ords, denied, nor ecdeslasUral comblnaUons and church courts direcUy advo-cated, and moft Ukely these writers do not mean so much. But the tendency of tMs whole course of aigumentaUon and lllustraUon is moderately, yet manlfeaUy, to such conblnatlons of churches as shall consUtate an ecdealasllcal confederation, without whose aporoval churches shall not fed at liberty to act on any general qneoUon. Such a central federation, even though at first called ad-visory, wouki dowly crystallize into :anthoriU-Uve tribunals. Such teachings are misleadtog; sudi tendencies though natural, are perilous.

All admit that chnrches as weU as individuals owe courtesy to all, eepedally to those with whom they Uve In InUmate fdlowship. Uke other de-nominaUons, tbe Baptists have a of men who are special advocates of a "stronggovern-ment," and who, for Uie sake of having cburvhea do right,—right ac(>ording to tbdr daadard, fcffoetfaem, if by the action formulated ec-desiasUcal law, yet b^ the moral prevure of com-

6 0 X

blnatiooB; ahackte and ledrain pefsoad and chanh liberty in order to p m e n t or cure tbe mistakes and tdunders to vh i d i penonal and church liberty may give occasion. The remedy is worse tlian tbe diseaae; tiia method works greater misfortune than it prevrata. I f churches are "interdependent" t ^ a(e not "inde-poident," and Baptist interpretation of New Tu-Ument polity is a mistaken one; unless, indeed, to be " interdependent" and »indspoident" ara one and tbe same thing. If they ate the same, then there is no point made, and ndtber sense nor logic in the siatooient of the said article, and otbaaaimilaz to U.'

Now what are tbe tacts in the case? Each particular and individual g«Kpd church

is actually and abaalutdy independent in the ex-erclae of aU Its churchly prerogaUves and privi-leges of all other chnrcties, individnala,and bodiea of men whatever, and is under law to Christ alone. The will and tbe law of Christ are to be found in tbe New Testament, which is the only authoribiUve statute-book tor his church.

This sUtement is bfoad and comprehettsive.and needs ezplanaUon only—not defence. That inde-pendency is the true form of church government, as o p p o ^ to Preabyterianism and Prelacy, will not here tie argued, but is assumed aa accepted of all Baptists, as that which la Uught in the New TwUmest, verified by primitive church tiistory, and Justified by the genius of the goapd itadf. But all human liberty is under llmiUtions; it is not absolute and beyond conditions. What limiti the church's independence ?

1. Tbe liberty which the ii dependence of the church exercises is limited by the laws of Cbrist as expressed or dearly implied in the Scripturea The church is not a legisUUve body, but an ad-ministrative body; it cannot make laws, but only executes those divtndy prepared for i t But the church is the interpreter of those Uws for itsdf; not for others. Nor can others interpret them for it. Ttie opinion of tbe wise and good shouVd weigh with t t ; tint no msn. or body of m<si, can become authoritative inteipretmof thewodctf God to a chnrdi, or compd tabmlalcm to tbdr totaipretatioB.

Churches may perform many unwise and un-JusUfiable acts, l l iey may misinterpfvt or mis-apply the taw. or even openly do violence to both the spirit and Uie leUer of IL But thaw Is do human tribunal exc^t that of public opinion, to which they can be brought for'trial and punish-ment. Others. In tbe exerdse of their peiaonal. or ch&rch Uberty, may condemn Uielr acts, may disdalm all re«(ponslbUlty. in connection wlUi them, and withdraw their f i^wshlp . But fhr-ther they cannot go. except by the mon l force OL their dissent or condemnatl<in. And It Is fortunate Uut Mich Is Uie case; for to crush Uberty and destroy Independency in thechntebof Christ, would be a greater caUmity than to bear all tbe evils which may spring from a misunderstanding of the one, or a misuse of the otho-.

2. The independency of churches is limited, m far as its corporate acts are coaconed. or any question of personal rights or legal equity may be regarded, by the taws of the State in whidi it may be located. Most churches, by an (Hgnnlaed "sodety." or in some other way. bdd rdaUons to dv i l taw In order to enJoy Its protecUon In rights of property. In these matters It must be subject to dvU authority, and both as a body and as Indlvlduab, should be taw-keepen and not taw-breakers. But in matters of spiritual concern, in questions of faith and religious practice, the State and dvi l taw have no rights of cratrol over or interfierence with the church of Christ, in any matterfor mann« whatsoever.

It may abo han>en that in theexodseof ito ecdesiastical functions. In acts disdpline or ex-dudon, a church may be diarged with diddons which are deCunattay in tbdr nature, to Injure the reputation or tbe secular busineas of tbe individnal. and be may :«ek redreas at courts of dvtt Justica Sodi resolts have at t i i r a occurred, and under stress of pecallar dream-stances are Uable to occur. QvQ eooria nmally

matters via., that tba mtahlWwrt anagn of aay body of CSiriBtiaiM h a v a a r i ^ tobafoUmradi and if tbew taava beat obnned, apd wok tranaoended, the courts will not Intactera. Bat, if tram pasdonrpnjodiee ar tgnoraira (baas have

observe this rule when appealed to In ecdaiaatkal

bren disregarded, and tiie pcecedenta and 1 of the cburdi and lis denoealaatlee h m viotated, tbe eoutta nuty IntsfBra to gtv* n U i ^ tf Uiecburdi wIUnot; bat v iUlnterf inostr>» i v as to require tbe drarcb to give tbeeanaBaw trial, in whicb its own rolai and pnoedeata ahall not be violated.

3. By some, aa in the aaid artida, It baabaaa Wd tha t , while the diurdi k todepaodaDt In theory, its Uberty b samevhat a b c ^pd by Us rctations ts other chnrdus, and lieeaB« of tbat feUowddp and oimlty which axW amoBf By such. It is daUned that the rdatioB of church to the great body of chardMi, ta almiiar to theretationofaachmemberof a a im^e^BKh to the body of memben which oooatltida that church; and aa each member rdlnqolabm aome-'

thing of hit persooal liberty 00 beoomlof a mem-ber, and conaenta to tieoiBne anbject to tbaaathor-Ityof the body, ao the Individual ^ o i d i is Guodi-tioned. Or, to take another figon: Aa cae^ particular State, though in a asDae aoveraign, has its tod^iendence Umited by baing a mntnher of the federatkoi of Btatea, and anhmlta, ia oertala mattens to be subjed to the genend govemmadt while represented in It,—ao the chordi.

Now, this whole oourBe of argument la and misleading, and the lUndratkma a n naaa-thorixnd and contrary to the fitda. Than ia M such rdiOion subsisting between tbe vmriooa churches constituting a gineral f i ^w ib l p , aa exists between the individaal memboniof aa l i i i ^ diurch. No hint or intimation OL aay o d i alinll-arity is found In the New TesUmenL T b m tbe constitution and polity of tbe Individaal dtozA b taught IfthbalmUarity of relation be Indited on, then we should have this getmal confederacy or idiowship of chnrdies, cxeroaiGg 'utbortty over the individual c h u r ^ recdving, dbdptia-Ing and exdo^ng diiudwa, and ottMnrte tOBtr-ddng powers, rimltar to tboae tif tlia dnuch over ila membefs. Adu l t ao moch. awl w* Jaiva laiT. or papacy. In ^ t a a d in iMf, atoms. I

Nor b there any retation between tbe indlvidn-d churches that can be fitly rqmHotad fay tka union of SUtes In a genoa] govemiaenL I f It were so. we should have a de/iuto PndvtBitaD-ism. This argument,—or aMunpOoa nQier— carried out to its logicd resalt, woold not bava a vestige of church Independency. The only limU-atior of church Indepajdency, tbe only cbedc ojv on Uie excrcbe of CbrtaUan liberty leqnlnd tay the gospd. is loyally to Cairist aa kinglnZian, fideUty to hb t m t ^ and a conaiaat mwi-i— of that kindly courtesy wUd i fa la tba traa Oiristian life, wheUier Indlvhlial or aqcBak; whether personal, aoetalor offldaX. TUatpbl tar kindly courtesy dominant, wiU giva aB tba M-lowdilp which dmrdiea nead, or can

4. It b sometimes aaid that Baptbto fits too In-dependent. and Uiat Uidr liberty degtoctate Into license. Now, on calm refieetlbn, aU tUa maat ba denied. They cannot, as cfaoidira, be too inde-poidoit, using that vo id in its true Chrbtiaa sense. Nor can Uberty baooma IloDie. lcnor> ant and IboUah men may be charged wilb many wrong acts. T h ^ may praetiee li^atioa and ORifeadon. In the name ofUherty, and ander &a pretense of Independence. Bnt Bberty aad pendence are. at tbe most, only tba nrrf4.7n ggd are in no sense to be made responalbia for Iba evib whidi perverse and wroog-beaded r*mfw perpetrate under tbdr abdts .

Church independency b n its peculiar ItafaOltv tomi^^abose; bat it eanoot badwwBlbu Its oilBcnltieb are any more nnmemaiL or aar more serious than Utoss to wVkii oOiv temaor church govKnment are liable. ladaed. I f tbk ba tbe true, Uie divine plan, tfaen It sraat ba t te b a t

plan, wiUi Uie fkweat ot^eettooa aad tbe m o t ad-wtages . Tb« deiBds i lem)tintt ieplaa,batlB Uiose who administer It. ISiaae w b o ^ ^ oa such sntiJects ahooki be able to aoaka naedM db-tiTCtiona. and not to desire to Mtrr t n ^ cr

not to divine methods of reUgioas Uk.

Page 4: Our Pulpit. - media2.sbhla.org.s3.amazonaws.commedia2.sbhla.org.s3.amazonaws.com/tbarchive/1881/TB_1881_Jan_22.pdf · jM t Uuyo' uo * a!0 «h .\v«Mini> 496 TKK BAJE>T1ST. JmOmvwt

m a T V I H M \ I

X U F L S T E B I A L A U E H O B I T Y . WalMiUtt t o t e the anqoatlonabte rUiitor •

proKiMr.MtlaKaiidBrtbeiuiaiaritvor the b m d anwIiriiB rniiiHrtnw, to BHika diKiplM and l« t i ^ t a \bam~. WTe hutd that tnto act Hhuald be •luiiff.irpiHribl^iacucn9{meaenc8 with « gospel citunsb. E i w r coimiaenttlon of diaoiHIua and pnipriptr dcBMiMfa that the mtoi^ter ahaH pmr thfe uiliQl»orinpMttatlwk>eaIcbiindi. BatifMieb nneft t at m tkm iaimpcactic ibte fc>r aaiy c a ^ the minii^ur bM th« ufllcial ri^t to admuiMar_^ iirdlBanciiftii a duly (oallfira candidate.—ilKiaaina •SaptM.

Tbe nven l podtfooa In the abnve are eueb b ised n ^ an asMunptiua, and nut a ftaei.

1. that a mfnliiterof this age is pmebiutc under tbeaptHoiikieomaiiaaioii—and not under the an Uuslt/ and eammiifiion of a ehnreh.' If he is preaching under that commladon, lie in tu ail in-tents and ptirpaaes an apostle, and he m ^ premme to do what Um apcatles were anthuriwd to do— which wooid be nuthlng leas than bbuphemy. There woe only thirtBOi men antlioriaad tu preach nodathat bioad eomniLjaioa—the claims of the pepaigr u d of policy to the eontnuy notwithatand-inf. All poafwipiHtQlic oiinlMm a n the aenmnbi of the ehmehcft—have been ordained—cummia-aioned by, and been under the auld control of the ehaithea. " We preach not ooneivea, bat ChrUt Jemutha Lord, and oorjeives yoor'acrvanta fur JenuBfce.'* They were gifts to the ehureheato duMrrice for them. (Eph. I t . It).

2. That theonlihanesf-baplbai atl<9Mt. and we My if baptism, the Sapper also, fur no man cin aaparate them—were committed to the ministry, and,UiRidbr«,they have the official rixht to baptize withmt the action of the local church.

This ia theqasstiiin lately raised by B<tplistmin latns aod it needs the pcoof that bas been repeat-edly demaoded, but la vain. If we are referred back to tka a j ^ o l i c period in the inchoate state o r Oiriatianity when its ministers were acting tra-der the expren cnaamtailon of and ^direction of evidemai ol the Holy Spirit, making convicts, gathering in heathen land the material for the organUition«<fcEnrcfaes who were to be, when runatltutcd and invented with their divine pre-rogativta each a pUUr and gnMnd tif the truth-r thaa may men. claiming to .b« called of Ck>d to JwBn wOhoot sabmlt-ting to the onllmhw himxalf; th9D may our dea-con daim the right to. preach, and then may pur mintater premme to dldate to the churches, and funnulata dgctrinea and make laws for the d w R i ^ That argument ciaita't too much, and

- is worthlM. Bat; If baptism was committed to the ministTy, then It caiuiot be said that they are under the least obligaUontu defer any CA'W to the choRfa, hnt otherwise if the responsibility de-volves upon them they have no right to pat it upon the chnrches—they cannot alienate it,—and the chorches have no right to have a wad to say as to who is qualified for bap-

tor this ordinance as w<41 as the Supper waa to the chorchea to observe according to

the divine dUectlona, or It was not; and. If it was not, thay Jiave no right to any voice touching bapUm in any conceivable case, but. If delivered to the inlnMiy, fhea in no ooncelvable case have they a rtehtlo alienate the TesponaibUity by defer-ringtu tlw chnrcii. A miniirter has a right to faapUaamrabanforachureh In Its own baptistry, as Br. Boyee immraed Dr. Weaver without the cooRntof the choRh—as mnch right to baptise in Loakvilleas In the Sandwich Islands. Apiin-d ' ^ ouinot he divided. The IdeathiBt there is a m i n d anthorlty, Is as absonl as that {Alvatk>n is pa^yitf works and partly of (race.* It mvitba an ana or all the other-so all the anthoritvls voted In ^ n f a t m , or all wa^ vested by Christ in his eboTcheB.

BKOKEN I»WN. * H B O . GfAMBBELLin hia notice of our advertl«e-' ' m«nt lor mlalstetial credentials anthoriring a ainbter to baptise without the action of the chanA approving tha candidate, completdy bnaladown.

n win be remembered by aU nor reados who have taken any Intereat in the qnestioD of " min-

aottority,*' tb^t one of the strongholds

relit-d npon tgr Bro;.'a. wastbeantharityconftrred l7t j r l ibat i (n- i .e . , that the ordateing efawcb voted In the miulater the authority to baptiae wh<im be deemed qnalified, as well as to preaefa. We had never seen theevidenceaf suchanth'irity, and theretbre a<iveytiitti iiir i t ; bat up to this ffiod day, no such oniination paper has been sent us. Bro. u . will n€»t even send us a copy of bis own. To turn It off, luMtnul of meeting the Ivsoe, he says:— ^

Thk Baptiut wimtH to know of a certifieate of ordination which anthorir* a minisM to hapUw whom he may think qnuUfled. The Aseord wanU te know of uoe which authorixes the minister tu baptiz* provided the church approves by a vote. Tberuari! just as many of the first daae as the tatter. As The BAPnar knows, the oertiflo^ iiimpJy autborixea the minister to admlni^er the utdi^CM, and, of course. It is understood by all scoind Bdptists, a>xt>rding to the Scripture. What the Bible teBChee the (Siurehes have found out long age. Try again, Bro. Groves.

Yes, that's the very thing, and all It does the ordaining church simply anthorizea the mlnistw toadmintiter the ordinances of baptism aod the Supper. Now, the leaM Intelligent reader can see as dearly as Bro. O. can see, that this aothorixaa a minister to cdebrate the Lord's supper without the action of a local church Just as elira as it does tu baptize any one withunt the action of the cbureb, and that if this ordlnatton paper coniurs upon him the right to administer one of the ordi-nances without the action of a church it positively doea the othw, which proves too much and there-fore utterly breaks down. Need we try again, Bro. G.? A PKOTEST-WHAT THE DEACONS SAY.

This b the dosing of a long communication wbirii is being published in sevml of our Soutbei n exchange* :—

And we would say to Dr. Graves, our pastor's name had been occasionally in the papers for more than a quarter of a century, but the Mem-phis Baptis t has the honor of patting in print the tinit unkind pnbllcaticm that everapprared against E. L. Compere, that we ever heard of.

And if the doctor moans to treat the case further, we believe It would be more nanly, Baptisticand Chriatiike, if he would send bis chargea to the church of which Bro. Cbmpere is a member, be-airs he pottltebcM them to tbooiaiida nmOani '

a.B.COinrcH. A. Lovblacx, B. H. Cook, G. H. Pkt tus , QBO. A. Gravks, Isaac Davis,

Deacons of Fdlowship Church. Salem City, Sebastian county. Ark. Now our nnspnkable offence ia Uiat In annoanc

Ing tha decision of the laige cooncU, which was called to examine' the decision ot the church at Charieaton, which axduded E. lu Compere, we headed it with (the late) Bev. B. L. Compere, and we barely spoke about the persecuUng conduct of E . L . C. towards Eld. Kragel, whom both the church and coundl sustained as duly wdalncd. Now, the fact that E. L. Compere baa been expeUed fh>m the church for nnchristian coiMluet, ctc., etc., and a large andimparthil Council called, to which the church submitted lU action with charges and p n x ^ a n d that Council sustained the church In her action, has bera pablshed in this paper, and why do not these deacons go after that Goundl, and why after us? Whocantdl?

•'CtHi.-.pe>-tu-." of th*? BdptMt4. th»-ir prinripleci, ins I utiosw. monu^tnHntj, lab »a, and snffoings thiou^hnuettiewolHs ^ I K 'She Baptists bekanf their denomimitional life

under the ministry oi the Ssvior, and until now no aimiiar work has been attempted.

Bav. Wm. Catbc^, D. D., Prraident of llie American Baptbt Historical Sodety, assumed the task, and, anisted by such a list of eminent omi-tritotors with spedal qu^ific^ona fur the parts assIgBed tliem, has carried it tlTrnugh sucoeaafuliy, making it. It b bdleved, the greatest work ever iaaned in the intemt<< of the oldest dienominaliun in the Christian worid.

The engravings of thfct work,ov«r four hundred in number, are alt new.

Many Governors, Judgetn, Gonerals, EMucators, Authors, and Ministers of great disUnction have been identified with the Bsptbts, and, where possible, their portraits have been secured for the-work, and will appear In connection with their biographical sketches. Fine and numerous en-gravings of noted church buildings, and ceiebrated educational institutions, will also adorn its pages.

While not surprising, the i«ception of the work has so far been exceedingly gratifying, and when it b remembered that in onr own country to-day the Baptists have 2,200,000 cbureb members, and other adherenU, old and young, which increase the number to at least 5,000.000. it can contldently be expected that thb work will be an Important fiwtor In bringing about tne fulfillment of the prophecy of the editor, that In the coming con-tests of truth th^Biptis^ are destined spretui all over the worid, and nnfUri their banner over every home and hoart of Adam's fkmliy, on which will be conspicuously seen "Oae Lord, one filth, one twptbn^"

We are In receipt of P^rts I. and 11, of thb truly grand work. It b gotten out in the highest stylo of the art —all that the most fastidious tastecouid dictate. The engravings of laces of our most dis-tinguished men and noted buiidiues are not "cheap cub,'; but all finely executed. The pubiisherj prnpme to furnish the work in parb of about 05 to 75 pages, paper bound, at 50 cenls each. Orders addressed to the Bsptbt Book Houap, Ateinpbla. will be filled.

BKAirriFUL AND VALUABLE PBIZB. We will send the two parts, 138 pages, now out.

to any minbter, brother or sister, who will send us two new subscribers, (ri-SO each), and each subsequent part, as they come out, for one new subscriber. No Baptist minbter. and no Baptbt family, should be without thb grand work, and every subscriber to thb paper can powen It for a little effort in circulsting thb paper.


THK AOS. " The Baptist Encyclopa^la," a dictionary of the

doctrtnea, ordinances, ongea, c o n f c a ^ of ftdth^suRilngB, labocsi^and SQCcesaeB, and of the general history of the Baptist denomination in iU lands, with nnnMroaa^iosraph^ ^ ^ ^ of distinsuiahed American and foreign Baptbts,

. i r u i ^ -^luiun System "

„roroUon,'" ^ Agea." Louis H.

Everts, PuMtaber, Tie Filbert street, Phila-delphia, Fa. Thb truly great work haa bera tat years In

active preparation. H<»e than a l x ^ men ci dis-ttngobhed ability have contriboted to its pages. It b Intended to place before the reader a g r ^

1 nirasu and many Ulnstratk»s. Edited by CathourCl). D., Mtbor of " P M " The Baptbts and the Am^can * aod *'Tbe Baptbm of the Agei

B R E V I T I E S .

We can yut a church wishing an able iiostor in comspondenca with a most excellent man, who wbhes to come over on thb side of the river.

An exchange says: " A young man accused ol theft in Beading, Pa., called upen the Almighty to strike him dumb if he was guilty. Shortly afterward he was paralized."

" King John, of Abyssinia, believes that a na-tion ought to be Christian, and has ordered all the Mussulmans in hb dominions io be baptised or leave. Those good people who want a recognlOon of Chrbttanlty In national constitutions, might find a hopeful ally In King John."—BcgatM

WeeJOes/. Why blame John when be learned to do thb from hb P i^baptb t brethren ofCbrbtlan lands?

The Liquor proUbitlon bill, which Is styled the nuisance bUl, haa passed both houses of the Vomont I^islature. The blU b exceedingly stringent In Its provisions, and, if executed efl}-dently, wfll pot a stop to liquor sdling In the State. It makes any i^ace where liquor b sold or given away, or whoe gambling U allowed, a nol-Moce, and the place b abut np, the keeper being liable to be fined from $ao to and Imi^Ison-ment for three months.

Eqitai. m ScppoeiTiOY.—" Let us turn to Bo-mans xtI . 1, where we read, * 10i>mmend unto yoa Phebe, oar abter.' Qm we snnuee that thb


commendation faile-l to secure for Phebe an invl tAtipn to the Loid's supper in the church at RomeT* 'Y#)«, Bo. PMtHMon, v.na may *supp<«e' It frcured Phebe hu invitii(i.(n tu the lord's suppcw in Rome, and tiro. (iravM uMy *$iup-ose'it did no:; so on that point hitii wouhl lie tH}ual in the arnuigenient. It wamtn buslnm tliat Phebe aent to Rumi-, and we *onp|>ose' that Pj j I meant sim-ply to rerommcnd her ai a sister in Christ deserv-ing that they 'aasbt ner in whatever business ah" hath need.' "—7exa* BapluU.

T u e T « k l v e Tbibss.—"The twelve tribesul (he Cliriolbtn Israfl, the whole church, all its srhismtnutwithstanding, haa for Bi^ltxiked up to the apotttles as urrupants of such Judgmeot thrones as our Lord's pnmiii!*) nssigncd them." Thus writes I>r. Whittnn in the Independent Hf

claims that all religious denominations, however apostate from the truth, were typified by the twelve lriliea<onstitutinit one universal church. Ur. Barruwi>, of liuuisville, thinks the rainbow John SAW around the throne synbolixad the universal church, composed of all the various de-nouiinatiunx.

TniNKorTuESB PotXTS.—If imraendon ad-minbterMl to a believer by a Peduhapti!>t preitcber b valid, we cannot see why the lord's xupper aduiiiiistered to an Imniers^ bdiever by a P«m1<i liaptist should nut be n^arded as N-alid alw. Both sre chutch ordinances, havebei>ncoinuiitle(l totliechurchm, and what authurity Ls Tdqubite to the admiubteratlon of the one more t h ^ thf^ other? Uinthooathof allegiance t« adminis-tdrod in the United States by «ny one not hlm-<rff aciliteii? can a church urdinance be adininb-tvred by any one not himself a cbumh nx-nilM't?" — Itjrus Baptist.

that wrmon of Flavel. which he had hean!e!}.hV five years beluiv. eame vividiy hack to him. Hi 8«i<l to hfmself," t have never loved the Li»nJ Jfsus Christ; if I do not, I shall be accursed." The oM luHniMitM ni.t »l>.ik»' off the tbonght. God had visitnl him. and ti.)t in \-aln. H-i!«ia2lit and found Iteace through the bUml of the atuiie meat, and lived neariy sixteen y.-ar>» kui^T an ezeni|iLiry i?hristian.

S E L E C T I O N S . TiiK SLAVK B|'XX>MG MASTKB.—ChirartiT l«

king. An inU>>xlbt8 will liehind a pure heart tatn i.«t lie tieaten. Siy I will, 1 WIL.1., I WILL, and then do as you say.

When Diogenes had tioen cnptured by pirate, and was about tu lie sold ax a hlAVe, he painted to a CorinthiMi). very carefully drwned. saying, " Sell me to that man ; he wants a nuster."

Hb wish was granted, and theCorinthbn round ere long that the slave was really hl^ master, lie who lived in a tub had more Intl ience tlisn the man fiom a paluo*.

If your will U wenk. then ^IrenKtben it by doini; Uo<t*s will. Weub men do xlrong willing in the ilsy of hb p<jwi'r."

Mora l Legacy axd Mosky Lbgacy.—In every speech we have mad« in the liist forty years we kivt* urged upon parenb to give their soos and daujthters their " fortune" in an rdurjtion. with a Bound relij;ious training, rather than in tantb or money. \\> trtt«t onr wonls have influenced some. Our eye hat ju^t ftillen on the lae from the Scripture. Cabinet, which we commend to the con sideratiohsol fathers and mothers; " I n Buriing-ton. V t., a l ^ r family and two rieti Cnmilies lived neighbors/ The children of the latter leitrued to io\'e luxurV and spenil money, and all inherited great wealtl ; the children of the former learned to fear Gtid, and inheritel nothing liut gu<>d char-acter and such <lytnK bt iin^pi as Isrul left to hb •iins.

A Min of the poor family. wIki It iMmeaimpreme court Judge in liin native State, and afterwards post-maater-Oeneral of the United States, vi^itad Buriington to privi<le at a e.iurt sensitin. many years after be and bi» rich playumtes had forgot-ten each other. He found that t b e ^ aiid heir of one of thaa^ wealthy tamilie^ had wasted hb property, and hb furniture was about tc be sold for «iebt. He went nto the court room, and while upon the bench the case came t>efnre him of a .uan arraigned for a*Mult in a drunken quarrel. It was the son of the other wealthy family.

The judge thanked Uod be was bom psor. Said he: ' 1 believe th<isc parents provide best for their children who leave them the hicrhest e>luca-tion and morak, and the least money.' *'

Inki.uksck IsDisTBCtTABLE.—It is an encour-aKlng thought that all the healthful influenced we are enabled,-by God's grace to exert, ceasi's rot with our mortal life, that long after wu ps!» away our sil«it Influence works on, and often more po tentially than when we lived; and secib sown In our preaching, often germinates and yields a Koodly harvest, which b resped by othen*. An old railroad conductor in this State once pau<ted at our seat When he wa-* taking up the tickets, and Mirked U'4. 'iDu you rememt>er a ser'non you preached at Old Cunconl thirty yearx ago?" We replied, we remember being there, but nothing about the sermon. He said: " Though a boy at thatttime, I have not forgotten it." and tie gave us our Illustration of the life boat—he trustrd he had been pulled into it and raved from the .»ti)rm-wrecked ship himself.

A remarkable proolof the p<«ihunious influence of the holy John Flavel, is the oft-t4ilil stoiy of Old Luke Short, who died some years ago, in Mfddleborougb, Mass.

While he w«.<« Mtled in Dartmouth. England, Flavel preached a sermon on the tes t . ' If any man love not the L'wil Jtwix Christ let him be anathema mnranatha." Luke, who was a Dartniouth boy, was prnicnt and heard the sei-in6nVt>eingthen filteien yes-rs of age. S ortly afterward he ttecame a Kailor, and, after some years of sea-faring life, be i^ttled in Americv, where he spent the rest of hb days.

When be was a hundred years old, be was sitting one day In a field, reflecting on hb long life, and the nse be had made of hb nsany years. Suddenly

VaaTwrnvn ami C»tl(vl»r* r*r IMI. tkr th» KxerV' tlvt> BMra Bif Ualcht* AvM liktlUi.

Jobn Baumui—. Wx»l. 4rlaenaKb, UUkrctte kuil Ktun-vr. u Asttoor—rHitwi «t>ai«ir.

Joavpb H. nonim—Dxvnibius iinil l^a. J, K. Bole—Hermon. D. R BD»»t imd J. H. Ui.iTKi - Hlotury and

Ur&od JaDction. J K. Uuiada—Bravrr Crrek Ki>lirrvill.' kimI Nnr Hope. J W.CafWD—B«>lirwl* »nJ Waln.it Uro% »>. A. I*. Cope!mnd - Zioit. U.M> W. lMy.t>t!iimark. M:iplrS|>rinKt>nU Wood.Knii. E C. FaalknM-Rlpley an.) M'm. 0«a. W. Qrifflo—Macon. J. J. Unwa-Nfw IWthel aud Mu M.MisU. A. J. KlDcaltl - Cuvlogioii. B<'th»l. Bl« and Ml.

I'lagah. J. W. upacr—Bid(t> High. U>TniaDtnvD aad OilllrrrUlF. h. U. MiUlkln-LAQnuicv aixl Utirrty. A M. UXimnn—AotKie . Knoo, Hpbrnu and lb;chlnn. 8. M. Provenc^Brownavina. T.J. KAviui-Centnl chnrch. Mrniphu. B. Rleb Bmrras. H.C. Boamwi—Susuo, UnMiiony ana lt<>lh;chrni. U, M. MaTaite—Bonvar. O. W. maUiwr-Snel*); HUl and Omee. J. J. Taroer-.VIIbrlcbt. R. A. Vcnable-Flrmt church, MFmpblt. W. H. BarkfMlalv-Wooiltawn aod Cadora. Tbe Board ha* nada out tbv abov* uu tnKn Ina mlnDtca

ot laat raatr. u d doi.<l>U«M Ihcrr bar* bmn cban n* UuU U In notvwvwoT; and va tnui thai paMani vUl eurrrcl, idae-Ing the chnrekM thay aerraoppoaltaUwlr num. Tbaptan U for aaeb paator to Mind oae or tba moat UHtr(ml« lay-bralbtvn to aatlat him la oanraadnc and eollectins fax all tba eiiuretiaa tt»r aerv«, and wa wlili tha name of tbat brotbarMDt na to pabltsb with tUla list. Nov, bmthnn, aa tbl« plan la your*—Ibe ona yos reqacatad joaT Roiird to put Inio (zeenttoD, we moat cwneauy rtqasi^ ibat. In tba monlb bt Janoarr.or, if weather la nnSaTofable, at yoaraartim appototianiu TOO wUI preaent tha aal act of ntalona Hi tba boonda of oar Aaaoclallon and iKaVr, Io your ehnrelick, atx) gel each Ivother and alatar to aobaerlba aomeUitnc tor thla oldact, payable one-bair on tba ISnl day oX April, and lb a balance at the mmlnc af tbe Aanelatlon tba toanh Banday In Joly, bat report la na tbe amoaats pladgaA. Early la tbe Bprinc wa expect to be able to ieaaplny an arUre mUatonarr ta the draUtate Seld tbat Uca betveati tba Mia. nalppt River and the Central Kaltroad. Aa appUeaUoa W been made at a pcant oo tha Padneah Railroad, wbera a ebneb can aona be oraaiit(«t Let It be impramad npoa tha beUuen that wim taaa than •«« or tim tbat wa eaaaot carry onr plana IBlo aun uaiful opaaUaa, alaee oaa-lbartta la to ba aoit to tbeStatg Buard aaanatat IttBtatamiaatona; andalaoUtIt be dMtaettylmpraaaad that ercrr dollar aad «lBe eoDtribatad (oeadlrect to the mlailanaiy -not a Ibrtb-tn(topara(aetaar«jUaelari. Letnadoa worfc'tUi y«ar. By onler ot tbe Buatd,

O. W.GBAKBKBR7.8ee-y. J.B. CBATm, Piaat.

'OU> i j i S M i . u u n s m — W H A T u ETI^

WHAT THE PUSS AKB FBOPLS SLAT OT IT. Rapua Qoartarty amr%»w. IU<(. I. K. Ilaaaai. O. - Wbetttr-r ur noloaacttrtins tba Tlewaaaaancoauoila prcM-ntnl in U. Uu ta a MtU» Tolgmn that wni iBiaif • any mder wlio ba> an latanat In aaosrtuBlnc aad anatnlalalaa Uie 'Hcripural nodd tor a me aimttuUc ebanb.**' Alabama Bapdal, Bvr. B. T. WlnUer. tt. D.: -Jla Mnaa can answer UM qaeaUoB pnpoauded br ibia TOhuaa iinii' i-than Dr. Utavea. Jtauema aa tha TWwa nf «imTae I by many beao tisantad aa baiag, tbcrr ia aa aaitlaa tbey bave powerfSny eoptttbamd to the >.»aimllna ara tlber nam tkatwaaeamiA ta -raay qaanata iMitr nan ago. To thiiaa »l»o daalre to «aow what ou I artmaAlS u Btia what tt ia Bol, UtIa Totava WW cl«« aaqiK tal Uon. la Ul* goM aet>ta>a.Uia Bpttfa K or ttuf tbaa the form. YetwrwaalaaeeattiaeapeweeliaiiBl 01-er bnman BaUre,atHl vbin ttwr are otsssnaata caeaamtlva ol aaTlas aanrtnea. aad in—wui UonadbfillTl a aathartlj. thty mn^ Hy ij» •ggj*


p.-oinl8B3 ortualceledaa lUMtH fauulUar wltat&e wrlUnga at Dr.UraTaiK U U anniiiaiaaty tbat wo add tbat thia UUIr volame la iMi eCTWpla of eoor. Bgcoaa aad naeomprowiilm aixonanlaUoa. Cbnatlan BaroaUoiT. D:*- B- B. F . ^ Editor: -Wa fWly ladorae litis iaat eootmaadaUUB o( tha aBum ac Or. univai. Wa differ with bin la aoma thins*, bsl wc hnanr ha bettitc lire-wuta. ta maattug aud aspottng atror Whaiaan uttcnd.** BelUloas Ilamd, Rtcbnxuid, Va- -Wa roaaade tha attthorn elalmio apaak oa tWa Ml Mt, aaS aoa-

cnuoiata ooTMJraa on baTtac al laK iteaia»M^«oseba and aath •ItaUTv expoaitian oi a aaterdceotnaa wsldb have too uRco beaa obacarad bj tba dnatoC Ihaarwaabs4tha Trfblateol beatsd drbata." Ctatral Baptist. BL Irnla. Mo.: • With no nuia latarHtw* hare examined I«. GraTaa aew baak.. tail J anlfartwai— WliallsItT' Tbaqrthaxniaali>aaiidi*0auw<aMaatto more praiaa thaa It deenea. it wtti aoL iwA aigr Mai ior«^it. IiwlUatratigUMaiaaayabniQitr arWBlar vha l«- weak tn the httb.* w a caaawaa ah ta* vair «rUk Or. Graves in bu views on po plt amiiailoa, WlUi aua^ aT tb* malnldeaB* tbebOi* wearsta«y«ipa»j. M^awiiSlintr intenaUDg. It i>( abaorUnc latcraatTWa iw—n« U M> oar readar*." Evaaael, Ber. i. T. Pttor. Kdltor, Baa maM»l.OalA"a* a iraatmeui o( th*- Mew Trataiaaatrtaarefa mniOSU kt aifo KStbar imiqaa. Webawaa BBorTeaa aafthliiallkslL U U eminrouy prnatlcai. and baa Isauad maUwytaav.a tiHi«t opjionnno nma. Iiaiacii

to pmafc* or tha LoNt saivar vtth SBEb BapMUviB be br«apit ^ ^ E h k I S T-T>r- rTliTalllhli »aiialiali>aa.

obtala U and atody It ihoaiaaatj'.* Texas Baptist.Bev a . a Boekaar. Bdlkip: -lite aaota tills book ladlestati Its charaetar. mail setnid be latctila<rat a. anbats alter tratb.' • Aiamcaa Baptist F l ^ Wm. McNutt, tadUaa lUitor. ' H«Ttiig carHally taad •IMd Laadaaflikee.' aai tHaasd with U» docrlaa It taaoha Am awai* of tha a«t that «atneoioBrbeatmenaraO|tpa»d to Er.OtaTart views ar uwocaunaaloa aiMauoa,l.a..that Ika Utrd'S aoMnr Ja a local ebiireh ucdluanee. and aboald be nonBnart te tk« ehtoib admlnistanactt:yctlfaal«atUahaa«iaaa tha oatr able cruoitd tbat can be takaa on that m#sel. A tborafgh litVMtltaUoaof Uaacaouaaaloa taaatfa la I h n Bastal tt>ae>«Utba»«Beaetal «• BaMte 3>a eharah aasKlaii. tu mUottta k>t»«alIII Mltigi.lifalyaiiliiaiittalks acak.* X FMidlsCdit.I> D-Pplaaa,!^ TfcaSoak ha—'j asa la wrutao In r*mr and Aiwdbta laBaaw tka aaUtar kai liooeiHMhiiitbemriBtbaiiaavfaSSSiSSatyia Haras I •ee how anjr ooa eaa caaiplalaof iSa ipliUhaaMatMMa lowardatboae wbodiakrnom hlwaad vSoa ha WMtaa to eoncliiwta. Ma inui obvlaaat/ wTtUan saaM Ik* BOMua that ba waa wnttag la uia intenaia u( 'trath tuMt k la J.«is.-« » 1 rtaotoeto baUaw tfwttha latsisals ar w«ta,aa beld by Ba,>UMa. are a tbotuaixl Unwaaar ta tha atTkWi j ai J. K. Uravastban In tbe naaattonaca wMlMMraaMK Utuea tu be aauataed uiai tbry arc BapUiia,aadM ha raal* to «pi.kifla» to the am aiaa tbey meat air Uiatr ttaomtmi-tUiu^ raiatlooB." Brv. W. a Crane,IX. U- l*ra.ldant BuHir Vplrmmj Texas, to Uie Aatbor: - U la the Moai laaiaS <« aB roorata docUixuu Un wbat la a cbonitiT wbat la haetiamt wha OT (Wpel ministeniT what ar» tbatrqnmaiailaaaf ^aarhoBfc uohtu tbe jaith oocsdeilnml tuttatha aalata. Taa haM the rlslit puaitlon oo tba Uint i aappar, that U H a taMI ebaich tmunaao; that-'•"*•— - — n m r i a i i baTr no i l«bl IO tueol cbUreb. • • L ^ , r»nr oibar works, • bile sot. aceeptlaa aU t w s ndy tb. lr prlbclples aad twuUeea, aad to ' ctaMMy all laudrndaa la iictrlata boa aiiulva klia ana praeuet." »!ev. E. Q. Robinson, D. It,, Piwddaat at Brvwa Dblvanaty Kiwde laUou: - Tia« buuk Inw lataraMad qm aa aa t t t t -t ou ol Ti»w. u> wbketa I bao aaon ITrqnsiiT snnatiiaa.lwl ban notItctue*oauetatood.' _ Rer. .Uvah Honsy. U. D, Prasldesl Bewtoo ThMintea Seminary i - Have mad tne hooK, utesM wlthaal iMSSlag aa iMoeh study oa tba i M ^ aw naiif aa UdaMrw. Tal It ta • a u l ^ whieb I'hava had lb ataS tn«aaaity Bv

luauyyMn,aaaaitwnicaihavaaaaatalaa. I t tusay ttuu wnatevaryoa p«MMh la aa VI or art atrth, tbat I always read U with 1_. when 1 cunot accept ttta latarjiw«atliia ttpou eenalB iiMsagu oTaeriittBra,<w Iha r~ yuo draw noai nurtaln iirsiataa, i( ad lata waJd bafclnsi aod alaesriy at yoar inaaaaili la. tt fe aa.la yoarwuiKaa'CUdLawtmaralam.' lam glaai as harra U. IV tttslmponaatiokaow tbta^aathe; ara, aad iMaaa wa deMsribttiJId L«ndmaiaiam bataautaayauBBli: Bsioalha wbote, I easaut aeeept tha vl«r. tboogb I aaa OM It Im some BUXAg points, and tbat tha view •iilailalaail hr a )cirtty of llK|>tMa in tne Nortb laaaaUy — — - -polnta. Thlauad Icaanawaar."

Eldar T, J. laaa. East TutaaMa: - t have rwl aad I*, read yoar bouc on -Old LaadmarKlaBa,'aaS Baa Uaatw aad loU manllasiattua or Utas Chnatlaa aplMkaawahteg tnily tor tba old iMUaa. taking Ood word oa yoar galiia^ Whisb to make aa ladahMa tmpiamlM aa aaab nMw ml tba book aaiolts traiMelaea aad J>aa ataHaUov la^ aww anar 91, In caagiatal^ jma. (or faouUar that iTb Iht fiaatsat work ut yow Ula." Elder U. Narawortiiy. Arkaaaaa: " I mo bataiy aty a* macb lb oonBseadatwo or tbta book. 1 haieohaai hoto blgtiiy iBstratttd aad aduled la paieideg 1* mee. tttha pcaltSros takaa hy Oia aataur an B<a (Btir MMSad iv tha aeni*«tos,ldi>aiaandaralaodiaatnif I—i.tiif aiaiai aaa h n any innaB oaa r^eet tM isnBaiylas aa B& la fte book who lafai tha ttblaa(iaalraaMa. t tava aa* laftn aeaii.iBB(.aaBaUaboak.BaBBeh«rathaol ' aadofaaob vttallBpartaaeaMlaBl ttoa. Aad ysor bamMa writer ~

Page 5: Our Pulpit. - media2.sbhla.org.s3.amazonaws.commedia2.sbhla.org.s3.amazonaws.com/tbarchive/1881/TB_1881_Jan_22.pdf · jM t Uuyo' uo * a!0 «h .\v«Mini> 496 TKK BAJE>T1ST. JmOmvwt

f \

> C A

B B E v r r n a . lafaovs that there u e 1,783,-

S lSpeop lc i l l v t i i c aa lheT^ •qmaml la io r MM • 1 hulwili, or igB to the <quOT mile.

Bra. Bnyookio, of C b e a j Omek, Mte . . muBt tBka gOoil cam of our ioook iMimHwke a t b b

•ml giv* him a Sue adaaUoa—the best of

T t a p t k a a f "fiacnai'sSkateiieaof Tuunneftiee RiptUL M I o M n , " bm beas radocni firom «2 GO la tiMBp Undiag to tS 00, aod from oe In do tb to t l 90. te oaties In oar advflrtfadngcoiiunns.

chad of the B u o n raee is fdocated to wish to be b i t I t ki ouraystem; and a man coam to mii—ini hla graatnan bv the Rf te ta , earja and batzedsaf U s competitoa."—JSatcr-

One dollar of the minister's fund thia week re poEted eon ie from a wkknr In CSslifomia. Thus wagaUwraU fIrom a£ir. t h e yoong ministen need ana bondred dollazs this month: where am the the ana hsadrad wiso will commence this year by by a l i f t to benarolenoe.

" T e n cflmai make one dollar," add thescbool-mHicr. " Sow, go on d r . Ten doUan make one — w h a t ; " ••They make one mighty glad tbew timei,'*x^pUed t M b o y ; and the teadier who hadn't got Ua lait mo i th ' i salary yot, eondnded t i w t l k e b a y WMabeotright." And how the pobtishen of tiUa paper woald be If aU would pay a p this month on whom they have waited ONHL fftttna be iiold, and bow mighty ^ a d if a Ifm thomand would renew this montii for l a t l .

BIO. PhlBps, of Ga., asks as I f l t is tme that Spsrgeon, Itf iuiglrnd, ptBElded as Chairman of a

Convention, all denominations rqvesented, and administend the Loni's sapper to them aB ? We a y to Bro. F . that Mr. Sporgeon Mas open-eonummioD Baptist, and there is no taUnc what Ineosaialient and unacriptnnd acta they wUl Osa error leads into aevoaL Mr. Spargaan doea not believe that tiie Sapper is a ebard^ aa«Oaaiiee, as aUnaqil Baptiats do—thoagh UMirpnctiM does not agree with thr ir ikf th. Say to that alit twd. BIO. R , thai Mr. Bpaigea doea not b i ln* any act f i bajithwi but ImmerakMU and if he tegarda liim as a standard on t t e eommnnlon qnnrthin. irhT aot accept him on the heptiamal qaeetkm aiaoTI

Our Intormatim ia that Thniaday the 9th paat waa a day of prayer Cor the ftntherxnce at the Yoong Mm'a rbrint^wT AaMxiatkin. Can ItbethatBaptlatBgenaaUyareaednGsdInto (oay-la f t tn theadTaneementof aoch anorganiaation? I fao , what a n we eomlng to? W e ^ e a d a y , the Stlw waa the day aat apart to p a y , not for the unity of Chriatlans In one flock and,under one sbepbeRi, bat for the m l t y of ** the d i a rd i of Chzbt.'* WUaome B ^ d s t , who united with aU OenomiaatMu In prayer tor thla, do oa an pedalfitTor by explaining what was ondersfood In tke onloa p r a y s meeting by the p h r a s . PadobaptMapremtaU beUBved that tt meant aU dflBomiBafiiBia eouklaradaa one body, with varl' gas membeta—one army eompoaed ef varktoa allied nation^tlPH. e a A lighting nnder their own colon, ate. If we eir, we mast be corrected?


B n . A^ J. niweett w i l t a that the oatlook In i—Ii II ITN a t MonHfOo K H^P"

foL W e are glad the dark dood sbowstbe silver Qnlnc. VieBfiralmost eveiy spades is on the inenaae a t MonUcdlo, and it behoovea Christians tobeatirtl»maelveBand - k e e p t h e luwerUghIa bazslng."

Again wacaU attention to the &ct that the ad-d r s M o f ^ a v . J . T . Cialg is changed from New Edlngborg to P ise Blnff, Ark . Hla oomspond* enta win pieaae take n o t l ^ eqiedally the mailing cterk or TBB BAFnar .

B a r . W . W.^Tlnker azpeeti to try to atlr ap the d u u d n o m i e n d a h l p A w x i a t l c o o n t h a anbieet ofSoadayaeliodb. W e hope te wlU visit Tb-ledo.

We have had no word from Bev. O. M. Locas, State Sanday-sehool Mlsrionary, and Bev. B. W. Harmon, Saperintendent of Slate Mlaaions, ia tdy. We suppose the weather baa been so bad that they hAvedooe w y UtUe. We bope ^ to h m r f t o m them soon.

Bev. W . T. d e m e n t ^ of G n v d B l ^ Ark. , writes that many of the churches in his section have " gone Into w l a t a quarter?." that tkem is no Missksnary In the boands of the Genoal ABBO-ciatloo, and that there ia greet need of Miasiooary labor in the aouthem part of Biadlqr county. These things ought not so to be. W e moat have a good Mibslooary In the General Asaodatton, who will supply the deaUtatk>n and repceaent our school Interest.

A note from Bev. B. Thomas, of Little Bock, infarms us that he has b<>en unwdl recently, but is recovering. We hope be will be wdl soon, and will send out the minutes of the State Oonvenllon as soon as possible.

Some one has kindly s«i t m the minutes of the Thirty-ninth annual semkin of the Bocky Bayou ABBodaUon,beld with Mt. Nebo cfaurdi No. 2,Izard county. A r k , Oct. 9th, l l th , 1880, Eld. Samuel Gunn, Modoator , D. T. Martin, a ^ k . Next meeting to be h d d with Mt. Nebo church. No. 1, four miles west of Franklin, Izard county, Bi^ur-day before the first Sabbath In Octtober, 1881. They report 22 chureheB, 38 received by baptism, 67 recdved by letter, 19 by vouchers, 7 restored, 49dismiaBedbylett«,25 exduded, 6dead ; to t a l membership, 725. We return our thanks for the minutes oi thia Association. We hope to get one from every Aaaodaeicm in the State.

" O, how sorry I am that the editors of the Jhetar and THE BAFTIST are not on good terms. We are ^ brethren, and should * not Call out by the way.' I can say, however, that BRO. Graves ia better than I am. He talks mUd to them If they do talk rough to h i m ; bu t tha t la ther igbt way to • overcome evil with good.*"— W. 7. ClaunU.

Bev. J . F . Hlnaon, of Mlndoi, La., writes that bis lour churches have all been revived and btaned dnrloff the part year ; that they have pidd up his salary, and he has agreed to i»each for them another year for the same salary. W e are glad to read such reports.


m m s is a subject vitally connected with the beet Interest of our churches. No pastor can sac-

ceasfuUy a«ve a Sock whom be does not love, and no pastor can long k>ve a church who does not love him. And no church loves a pastor as they abould. If they leave bim and his foinUy to want for the ncceaaarles ot life, while bis time has been devoted to their speclid care. The following dipped bom iheBtfixlor, by Bev. A . J . F a w a t t , we commend as sound, tfaough somewhat crusty:—

DO VOO LOVK HIM ? How c m yoQ e i ^ the boontlfttl atore which

yoa poDseas and i S v e to want one whom you love? If be waa your son or yoor brother, would you fed happy to see him i£ id ied for dothlog, lor horse food, for bread ana meat, and not a dollar to lay out, while you have all these and bay land and machinery and loan money year a f t a year? Now. can you say, " I love my pastor?" Study weO before yoa atawer.

ABS von Hoxsar? How, then, can you pay one, two or t m dollars,

and rest easy when you know your pastor has not been paid one-half <tf what he has earned? Are yon satisfled to pay aamall sum and let the pastor and yoor brethren ** fix the balance?" Do yoa

r badwhcat ,or a n i o d e r o n a mi f r a n whom you havefldled to collect an old deM ? Do yoo make it the last th ingyoo pay.andatmie-t lmenevrpay a t a l l ? Then pause and think before yoasay you am honest.

IS THKBB A JtTSQHKtT ? Where then will yon appear? You who pay only ben year pastor la forced to beg—yoa who pay » r imdiKe—you that pay a few doUanto keep

It in every cro

when poor piodiKe—you that pay up yoor credit, and boaat of

bat d t quietly by and let your brethren defraud the pastor by keeping bade his wages year attar year andnever say a word, and yet you never for-get to dun your brother for a dollar which be owes you on " t h a t calf." I ask, in all seriottsneas, where w'U you aU be, and what wiU be your sfn-tenceat the great Jiidament day? Make a loog pause and fix yoursdf In full view of the Judge, and then say, aullty or not guilty.

But aome never pay, n<tver try, and never intend to. What ia to be doae with these? They will be at the g ^ t tribunal; they are honest: they love the "dear , good pastor;*' but they can't pay anything. Now, my t»other, I am sorry for yoa, for It was the devil who tiHd you t h a t " great l>iK, awful l ie." Do you smoke or chew t o b o ^ ? ^ yuu fish ot hunt, or spend days In town ? You xuve never felt too poor to do these, and they cost you twice as much as the deacon Mrould ask you for to pay the preacher. Now, If anybody does read this, he is the man, or she is the woman I am after. Now this is what I want you to do : Go to wwk and set every member uf your diurch to pay the pastor before the year d o s n , and then _ up a good Missionary Society In your church, and aend and get soaie Sunday^echuol lesson pa-pers, and make your school the banner BCIKIOI of the Avodation, and stir up all the brethren about the prayer meeting!), and read more youndf and pray more and talk lees; and pay more, too, and don't whine so much about It, and if we both live I will write you another letter next year.

BACKWOODS NUMBEB OXK. The above t i m d y ar t ide we commrad to the

thoughtiul reader as well worthy of hla study.

KKWa n o w TBK STATBt. Kcataekx.-Elders G. U. Sbott and J. O. Hardy ven

masnUcentlT nmembcred by tbrlr ebDietaes on CbrUtmaa day. BnUu B. O. WMterfield, U. V. Boyal and T. E Jaaper were rceentiy ordained to ibe tal! work ot the gospel mlnMrr, the two Carmer by Uie Macedonia etaoreb, Ohio ooonty, and tbe latter by Plnm Creek cbnrcb. ^ ^ c e r county. Bro. Jasper baa been called to Mr-re tbe eborcb at Boekport. Ind. Elder C. M. BUey recenUy eloaed a twelve days' meeUng wltb tbe Indian Fwk ebtireh, Shelby coonty. Sixteen were reeeWed by baptlam. •• I aaitkted BTO.1. P.Joiin.enatSeiiiaeOuieclmn:hthrec weeks. The good Lord moat grartoozly revived hla work, and sixty were added to the ennrcb. aboat torty-three by eootaslon and baptism. ID three meeUngs la which I haTe ailsted since Angost, there hare been 138 added to the chorchta,"- IT. T Ti/rrt, i» Strorxier. The collection In the Barrodsbuig cborch for State MUalons, on the Si Inst., asioanded to tUS Bro. H. A. Tapper, Jr., la pastor of this eborcb Dr. Hatcher, the pastoT' lect of the Walnat-streetebiuch,I<oiila-Tnia. praaehert tlMre on the fU> last. It la sot kamra vhetlier or not b« will aoeitpt, m oar Rlehmobd, Va., bnth-ren are on wUllnti to (ITS blm op. "At the last meat! og of the Long Ban Awndatloo, It waa voud that at least tUXO sboiUd be raised within the bounds at that body daring tbe year for State Hlialona, and the State Board wm leqaaatcd to make a thoroogh canvaas of all tbe chnrcbea tor this par-pcee,"—Rrmrxier.

Bfiala.—"We wish to get the biographical sketchea of Ben. J<din uawfOrd, W. «:. CleTeland, J. D. Cariton and M. L. Smith, and will greatly appreciate It If some IHend will mralsh them prompUy."—Ader Elder A. Van Hooee entaied upon his work as pastor of tha QreenTllle ebv^Ji on the ant Sabbath in this moBtlu

FlarMa.—Long Branch charch Is msklfig an earnest eflbrt to complete Its hoose of worship. Elder Becks has been called to the pastorate of Paran eborcb, and baa ac-cepted. Bev A. c. McOanis has moved to Jfontleello.

" Bro. Becks neently eloeeJ a goed meeting at Oceoia ehorch, east of the St. JohnV river, and baptised three con-Tcrta. He Is Hrrlng Sve eharehes the present year, and leanbe wm break down physleaUy, bat saya: -Withthe gnat desutntlon there la opon the St. John'k river, I can only say. Iwd, help me to do all that lean, asd to thy great name beau the glory.'"'-/lorida tdOar htOex.- "1 haira had about twenty-seven additions to my ehnreh. It sunils elosaly and very teaderly by me. Everything la worklBg Ukaacharm. I do pray tor the Lord to be good to yoa and jtmm.''—J. F. B. Maifl. JodaomiOt. ^ne ol yoor ac-qnalntaneea. aa* a regolar snbeeilker to yoor paper, Rnt. Wm. I.. Homer, died In oor town on the IMh Inst., ofeon-•ampUoo. HawMaoaUveorXeiuieBea—borsFebw a i m and baptised whan yoanf. Ha came here aboat slxtaea months ago, tor hia health. He waa a good man. Be Isavea a wUa and two children to moam bis loas. (WIU tha nzat Boftit please make a noU ot lt)f " - C r. ITaa^*, OaUte*-riOr, Jon. IL

Tcsaa.—The Baptuc HtnU has made arrangements to bave tha meeUngs ot Bro. Penn, daring the coming sprlpg ssd nmmer, reported every week. " I am now loeatad In Flatoala. Fayette ^ n t y . Thla Is now my poatofflee, to which my corraspondants wiU pleaae direct their ietteia. popaia, etc. Any chnrchea or persons wanUng me to visit and preaeb to them on doctrine,dlaelpIlBe,oraar8cTlptanl sabiecti,eanhav«myaerTteesoBnaaottabIetcnns. Invlta-tlooa shoold be at least one month betore the time of preach-ing.'—.A J. Shdgr. " Wa hava written to the American oooaol at Monteny,and hope soon to be able to give aU tha laets connected with the murder of Bro. Wsatmp to tha pot>-ile-'-BafUM BeraU.

A l a W f a —We have received a copy ot tha SapttM Cmtcn. a B«w pi^xr started In MooUo. Itbeginaeo asraaUaeala, belag only a thna-colnina toUo, bat la very neatly gottM op. A labama la not blaaed n aa many denominational popen asa taw other Stataa wo might msn*tan,lmtw« think aha Is (euisf along vary weU with what tha has. Howevar,

5 0 6

wo wish tha anlerpdta abandant nicews Tha Moblla charehea, having withdrawn from tbe UoJf Coast Asaodstkou at ita last meeUng, have. In eonneeUoa with (he ahtuck at WhIstler.orgsaUed a-Baptist CnKva," far the purpoae ot doing more eff^«Uvs waA tor tha Master. ^Thve la great dcaUtntlOD la the vicinity of Mobile. Bev. & U. Y. Bay haa moved ftom PaVimataha to Klchoieoa'a Slora, Cboctaw •coanty. "Bev. J, O. McCaskey haa been eompelledto move from UtfUnd to 0«orstaaa, having been aaabU to saeareaboaaeataailand. Ttie people aeem greatly pkastd with him as an evangeUst,"—^UobosHi SoftlM. Be v. N. & WlUisms,ol Uviagiton, haa been called to the care of tbe •OalnesvUle eborcb tor oaa Sanday In each month. Ooald not oar brethren at thla place manage to have preaching a ittttoottenerthan thatr Bev. Z D. Boby has moved a«n Tnskagee to Cos eU, Cbambeia ooonty.

• Isaiaalppl.-EMar B. M. Hall has been appointed to repreaent ttie Home Mlsaioa Board of the aoatbem Baptist CoavcnUdo In this Ststa, and lo aoUelt conuibotkioa.' £td«JameaBaawell, one of the pioneer preachers who did mo much to plant the Baptist esnse in this Stata, died re aently " I have a eomplete ttie ot the Memphis ilAmsr. Vais.z.,xl.andxll,an<lo< zUl. to date, excepting Koe. 18 and 21. wlateh I expect soon to bave auppUrd. Theae I oropoae lo give to eome college library, ao soon as VoL xUL Is complete. I make to ttie Mississippi Uollege, at Clinton, tne first olTer, bat 1 will not toree thsm on any who do not wish thsm. Tiie time may come when, aa works ot reference, they wUl be valaable."—JL JS JfeMa, w SteunL Bra. A. Taylor has been aat apart to tbe work of the gospel mtolstry l.y the Mt. Piagah church. The yieabytery eooslsted ot Eldeia J, L Peulgrew. W.S.Webb, V.H.Nelson, UT.Bay, and J. B OambrelL The meeting at Okoloaa, oondocied by Stale .evangelist D. I. Parser, closed on the a ^ ult. The resulls •were seventeen pobllc profeesions and nine adiUtiocu to tbe conreh by baptism and eight by letter. Others will, in all |>n>bability.,ioln soon. Elder C. M. Uoidon has accepted the postoiml eaie of the thurch. '• The Christmas trees at areuada and Dock HUl were grand socceeaea. In Orvnada the ladles, seeing my need of help, were kind enough to put six volomes ot Langes rommentoriei on the tree tor me. and at both piacea they overwhelmed me with presents, boots, suppers, eravata, liandkerehlels. a fiask ot sweet milk. etc. After the tree. Oapt. Powell, the BM>tist prince, and sister JPOwell, invited the whole 8anday«:booi to the most •omptnoos feast 1 ever ssw spiesd. n e Captain anticipated

>the boys, and aot for ibcm enough lire-works to keep them engaged onUl ten oViock."—£ A. Taylor, <irrnasla,i» Staird.

Isaaart.—Tbe yoong ladies ot the Third cborch, St .Loals, have organized a mMonary society, and now we . may expect more good work btun that cboicb ihan evrr.

The choreh at Bethlehem, five mllea east of Clinton, .has boilt a neat boose uf worship. Bev. S. M. Victor is the ipastor. A very intereatlng and profitable meeting has Just cloaed with ihe Bethlehem cborcb. Carroll coanty Tttera were aight received by liaptlsm, two by letter and ooe by idaUoB. •• B -v. J. G. Boigeas has been called tor luif othlaUmetotheeareolt aRborch at AI ooa. ThtsUagood cbaiah, and needs a good pwtor. Some cborch lu Batea eoaatjrwnalddowaUtaeaU Bro. Barneei tor the other half of hto Uma-'-Omfral BaftUi. Dr. Ynunan visited Klrks-viUe charch on the Isst Sabbath In December, and raked •SS » tor State Mlsnlans The cborcn at SteelvlUe. Cra fiud eoonty. thoogb small and not posBewing a superabund anceol this world's goods, greatly encouraged their pastor. Elder N. O. Sowers, by the presentation of 160 as a Christmas gltt. Elder H. B. Turner, after tendertcg his resigna-tion aa pastor ot the church at BuUer, was requesfd by the church to reconsider his action and withdraw It, which be did, and U stlU serving them with gnat saccesa. He hss been their paator for a year and a liatf; and daring that time there have been sixty-three addiUons to the charch

taken oot M love tor tha devotad mlartnnaty. MM tAla WbUden. now in China, wno Is a gradoaM of tbe Oiltaga of

uelMoflSO. •Irclaim.— Mrs. Sasaa Ltmar Tarpin, wife of Bev. Joiia

B.Tarpin.of Wanenlao.aad theouiy daaghlarot Dr.' .L.. M. curry. ot Kich mood, died oo the Tth laet. at the rwsideBoe of b<r father. We deeply xympathlaa with the bcnavod relattvst and triends. Be v. D. A. WoodMa hsa arnepted tbe paatotal care of the church at XL PIliMTil- Bev. Uilaiy Hatcher< of Orange C. H., Ikas aeeepned a oaU to ao^-riUe. Md., and other charei:ea ia that rcglao; and Krv. B. B. White, ID connect ion with his work as Sopftlntendaat at of Public Instructioa. will preach where and when he pl<!aaes.''-£c(wi<m> UenU. Ekicr W. T. I>anoaw«» haa removed from KUmamock to Mlddlebarg.

T^WMeaa«i.--l have been aiding Elder P. B. C. Hato la a meeUug with Uie CSay Creek church, tiooke eoonty, wliicn conUnoed eight days, with good iwulta, eoostdartng the Oehl. There wer« eight wlto proMned coavaisioa. and ihoae of the ctiurcb that auended were itoubtlaa baltt ap In the CsithofthegOKpeL Elder Hate, the pastor, is lalvnring bar to redeem itifc commnnlty trem drunkennem and ruin, an there are a faithful lew who are aiding him, white a large part of the membership otUie charch seem to carebutUtxle for the welfare of the ehnreh. Yet there la hope tor the church, provided the laithfnl ones w'U exercise rigid dlseip-Uae and employ Bro. Bale tor at least haU of his time.-- O C. Brovm, <>• -Braco i. The charch at Knob Crtek, Sevier ooonty, U enjo}-lng a gtacloor nvlval. The arrvices are eondoeu>d by EMers D. H. Couraii and U. Praetar. Many predoosaoois wtUdoubUaBbe brooght to a knowledge o{ the trath ss it Is In Jeaos.—-—^The Soiuisjr-aithoot Oonven-Uon ot the TenneMee AmociaUon wiU conveoe with the charch at Bnck Chapel, on Ihuralay, Feb. H, at it o'cloec a. m. The chorclies, or schools attacbed lo the etaorebes, an mioested lo appoint messengers at once, ss U » d<aircd to bare o very large atsendsnce.

B '

Br*. J. F. Moody has been ordained to the tall work of the gospel ministry by the ebureb at ML Zlon, PIsUe cnonty.

Tbe church at Republic Is in the midst of a glorioos revival. The aervices are conducted by Elder U. W. Black There liad been thirteen addiUons to the chureii up to issl jeport.

• • r t k Carwilu.—Tbe chnrcbes at Loulsburg and Prans ilnton have called Bev. A. Q. McMannaway, of Blacksbarx. Va., to serve them aa pastor. He has accepted, and tbus Virginialoaesaneof her beat ministers. "We are In-lormed by Rev. J. E. Outer that our large-hearted, Iib,?ral

.jcitisan, Hon. Oeorge Howard, with hla asoai manlllcince,

.Jiaa given a lot in Tolsnot to (he Mimlonary Baptists, on whleh to erect a ehnreh. Tbe building will commence soon.

' With his usual energy and pious aeal, fiav. Mr. Outer has Infoaad new lUb into hla denoainaUon, and be mnltlpUei

i Baptists wherever be works."-(Mifaooro Matngtr The good people ot this State are terribly in eameet on the Pro-

; hlUUoa ^uestton, and they cannot tail to carry It thioagh. Rev. B. K. Uoora hat resigned tbe car* ot Abbotts

> Creek church, and Elder F. S. Conrad haa beeome bis soe-. ceaaor. Bev. L. C. Brlckhouse^ poMofflce address Is , now Colombia. Tbe postofflce addrom of Elder E. Dod-aon. for 1881, is Eagle MUis. •««eith CanllM^** Horeb and BuSkio bave called me for

this year, and have agraed to increase the salary. To enable Bro. Millar to accept a call to Bold Spring, I hsve accejpted a call to Dom's Mine tor two Sabbsth alteraoona In each month, and tha other two Sabbath altemoons I expect to g l v a to miadooarypointa under the direction of the State Bosrd."-r. A. SM, m BaptUt CtMrier. Or. PhlUp Schaff haa been vlalttng Charleston, and delivered a lectors on tbe sublaet of Bible Raviaion. la the Citadel Square cbtireb, on tha 9th inat. " We are glad to note that the Little River ehnreh, Balada Ataociatlon. hat sgennd the atrvleea oi Rev. J. Bcott Murray tor the Bist and Third Sandaya In each month air tha praaent yeaf. Thla Is progreas, and wa know of maay cbarchat that woold do.this tame thing U they eoukl gatthapraaehrta. Waneni agood manymora preachanla

^aonlh rartilna thaa we have."—Ba|>«if Omler, Tbe -ywong lady puplla of the OreenvUte amale College hava •^ottanltad a «LoU Wbildaa Miatfonary Society," tor the

poipoaa of promoUng the mtnonary spiriL Tha name it

MAJOR PENN'S UNION M E E t l X G a RO. GR.WES:—Not being on l^exas soil, you ctnnot have thia controvnay cunliaued

in THE BAPTIST. When I wrote my letter I wrtrte It upon such

rdiable tvideocc that I bad no thought ut its ever being made a matter of controversy. Aa I under-stand the Mnjor'd letter, he does not da :y the fact or statement aucb aa the publication £rom the Daily Herald, of D jllas, that it was a "united" service, am that he and the Methodists baptized in one meeting at the river, bat denies it a "union" meeting.

HU own statement that when he reached Dallas he met the " Pastors' Aaaodatioa,"—Pedobaptiats, •od<^ agreed" to so and ao, and so and so, did set-tle my statement as substontially correct.

I have abundance of evidence to prove that he h a d ^ " union " meeUng there; that he refused to come to Weatherlord because I would not have a •* union " meeting; that he said: " I am not near 9o strict In making Baptist converts as formerly ;" but here close the maUer as far aa I am concerned in THE BAPTIST, as the controversy is especially a Texas matter.

In tbe columns of the lesa* BaptM I will give any amount of facts. I do not write statements to papers about such things upon rumoni,but upcm fact^.

The Major has no letters from me stating any' thing of the Itlnd intimated by him. They all state. " Inasmuch a.s your disdaim bdding union meetings etc., I remove all restrictions (m your coming here."

of t hne , aAioH d u t y l t s k a a Iw to prepare a paper, settings Cwrth. if poadble, aooM plan, Iqr which tbe Soutbera Baptist Convmtian may bet-tar succTCd in rwMoi r . ^ oootrfbailHia, tha m>»p« our Soutbera churches; and, that tUa pap» be present^ for conaidevaQon at the a e ^ m a t i n g cf the Southon Baptist OooventioB.

•Qi® Oommlttee ai^iointed under the above iota • luUon feel, that, this ia a miject to which th i^ may wdl call the &tti>ntiaa of all who are latetested intbe- work of the Soathera Ekptiat Oonventioo. ^

A elance at the ytsarly contributitns to Home and Fordgn 5ti»4oas will sniBee to show, that, we are not doiag a work rommemuTate with our ability. And we do not tUnk, that, (ot y e a s to come, tbe OoBventioa can art before U aay hictaer aim than that of reaching and enliwngthe maasna nf our Southern d in rd i c^n tbe eansea at mlaaions. Rral proercs in this directitio from year to year will be one of the bwt poasiUe answen to all qne8ti<mings co«u5eming the need few tbe Owvea-Uon, and the beet of aU justiflcatiaDS for having continued with the heretofore appsrenUy laise looportlon of ezpemm to ineome.

A ^ we bdieve, that, lor a woHc which ao im-p o r a t l v ^ needs lo be don^ there must be some way for approximatdy acrompJiAhing IL

•Hie Cbmmittee In preparing the paper aa ia-stmcted desire ail the liftbt t h ^ is no^bie . And as the tenitory of the Oonventwo V so large, and the condiHons for readiine the masMS mart be ao diffdrent In the d i f t o n t Stalea. they aik ftom aU who have given, or who can give to the toliiect special tbuueht, that, tlwgr will aend to the Oooi" mittee. in tbe most conctae form posaiUe, any suggestions which can h d p them IB hrinalng the a u l ^ properly before the Ooaventiaa.

I t is also h o ^ that, this sntaect may be die-cussed by the edttno and cHrespondenta ot oor denominatiooal newspapers,-and thus brougnt to the attenticm, not only of the CommitteiH but alao ot many ol the ma^ies. Very respectfiilly.

F . H-KERTOOT, } H. K . E ixvaos , } -Com. W. C. CLEVELAJnO. )

N. B . — n e ^ flpnd all ssdi commsnicallana to F. H. Kerfoot, 116 McCuUob Street, BaUimoce, Md.

I knew bis disclaimer Ldse; hence so carefully worded my letters as to tie him to the fjtcts.

W. A. JABBELU Waatherford, Tex., Jan. 6,1881. Remarks.—As an act of Justice we allow Bro.

Jarrell to set himsdf right be&re our readers in the matter of hid letter. Brr^. Penn did not_ put tbe construction upon Bro. J^s. language. ' We are not prepared to bdieve eitbo' brother inten-tionally m i s ^ t e d known facts. The wry beat are liable to mistake and be misUknu Tbe ques-tion whether Bro. Penn held a union meeting ia Dallas will be di-«u«ed in tbe Tern* Be^pUtU Bro. P. did not consider it such, and Bro. J . and otheiado. A Baptbt meeting should be above saopicion.



AT the late meeting of the Soutbem Baptist Gosventlon, h d d in Lexingttm, Ky. , tbe

following resolution was unanimoody paaaed Setolvtd, That the Boards of this Omventicm

are hereby instructed to appoint a Joint oommittee

IMPORTANT NOTICE. -DDITOK BAPTIST:—Please poUtoh far tbs ^ Inlivmation of all coneeroed. tbe following extract f n m the Cbnstltniioa of tbe aoath»m Baptist Convention, aad oblige. Yoooi tndy, i g |

WM. H . McIstToeH, Oor. 8ee>y. Marion. AU., Jan. U, 1881. ABT. I I I . The Convention shall ooodat of men-

bers who cnntribute funds, as are delegated Iqr reUgfous bjdies contributii^ funds, on the baalK of one ddegate for every hundred doliaxs Jeontzibuted to our funds at any lime withia the twelve maatlM preceding the meeting of the body: and of the reprwenUtivfls, on the terms herlnaBer ipedfiad, f c w n a n y o f t h e fdtowing bodies, v i a : t he l l a iy -U n d U ^ n Baptm Asaodation, the BanUat Oen-etal A n o d a t i o ^ West VIrginU. Uie North Qar-olinU Baptist State Onnvrotloa, the Baptist CbnvenUon of Wes ten North Oanllna, the Mala Convention of the Bi^itist denomination la South Cuollna, the Baptifit ConTention o( tbe State of OeOTgia. the Florida Bapdst Stale C r a v M ^ , the AUbama Baptist e ConvenUou, the Miada-rippi B«pU»t State Convention, the Bapthil Q se ra i A«ocioUoo o! Southeastern MissMBii^ the Lonia-i€na Baptist PUte Convention, the Baptist ritala Convention of Texaa,thB B a j ^ Oencnl Aw> dation of TViat, the Baptist Oonvestkm of East-ern Texas tbe Arkansas Baptbt StAe Convatloa, tbe Baptist General AsaodaUon W e r t e m ^ -kansas and Indian Territory, the Ten n e w e Bar-tint State CooTiHiaon, the Baptid General Amo-daUon of Kantucky, the M i s s o ^ eral A^-wdatian. the-Southwest Hi«onri Baptbt convention, which b<die» BhmU be alfowad one rPprewntailTO in tbifc Convention ftw every ftve hundred itoltars which, during t ie twelve mcBlba ending Decemljerai, previoiia to the t a m m ^ this .Convention, may have been expoadad iqr tb«n forotjectsdmilar to tJboae ta the preaeea-

Sanday-achool watk-Hrjvtded, ttait the ofBdal onrans of such Stote Cbn ventlon or Oenetal AsBodatiSn shall, by the Is tday of March preced-ing tbe annual aenkm of this GonventlDn. tave ( ^ m n n t c a t e d to tbe Home M M o n Boaid ol thla Oonventam the amount expended body in question as above tedlcatad: l ^ ^ t ^ atoo. thal the repraRntaUvra of theae bodta i te l l bHormedy a p p & t t d by the argnna tbereuf In t b e ^ ^ i E S may by be hoeafter directed, and that t h d r appdnlBMnt

be duly certified to this Onventr

Page 6: Our Pulpit. - media2.sbhla.org.s3.amazonaws.commedia2.sbhla.org.s3.amazonaws.com/tbarchive/1881/TB_1881_Jan_22.pdf · jM t Uuyo' uo * a!0 «h .\v«Mini> 496 TKK BAJE>T1ST. JmOmvwt

606 T H h . B A M ' l l S T .

T k e Y o n n g S o u t h .

POST-OFFICE. 7 £ b a n thte vwic, » letter firotn oar t v o

&lthftd flrioMta, Eaida u id M u t i a Gulhiip. olfcring tbdlr dBlma to tbe McnHl priae bosk. M i H v m l weaks eiaiiaed alter Uode James vacated Uw cfiair before I took hia aeat, Iwliir afaant from home a t hia aritlidnwa]. the accuonta for " Aiuwvn ReeeivMl" w o e not k e p t But tbev , ywui t iwUea have, wttiwut dobat, woo thia prixp. 1 k w n r at no otbez one, nn l ea U b Mia Mamie I v e r . H I n FMtie P e n y imvcd quite a T I ^ tUI lately; have not beaid frinn her C o r n m a l week* pait ; bofn Mln Pattia haa not doer tad mi. bat «UI give oa her lirip and ready anawen doriofr thi i new year.

DCAA Avar KOBA : —In T a x BAPTUCT at J u l y nut , Uhde Jiunea aaid be voold |[iy« » Tlae Story a rUieBib ie . ' ' t o tb«bqy«r ic i r i tefao.woaM aend the mart cDtm& a n k v e n to the ^ g m a a In T a x BAFnirr, from that time nntU tJiIa mootb. We Iiave aent ansareiH to every enigma except Di otm-b e r 2 a h « i | b | ^ « a a n i d today . W e w o a U h a v r wnt n o n e r . ^ t were all packed to move i h m VUianov to tbia iilace. We aend by tbe.fiiat mail dace we eoutd have the papers Amwer tit AeroMIe, Dsscmba 4th t— - j M o a , Ea. Hailiea, Opbir, Abiabia, SoaaoD, Uicfalbai. Primate are Jeboasb, flnabi, A u r i a b .

Answer to enlinoa, Deeember, 2Stb aicay or b r e ^ wagra. Oolban, Dartna. Gba-

dtab, Elbanan, Wiatb. The whole is. •*Alwajn aboanding in the work of the Lord." AAction-a te ly , * E U S A W . GCTBSXS.

MABTIK Q. QUTBUX. Sabligaa, Chattooga coanty, Ga., Jan . 8,1881. DBAK ACST NOBA:—I r r a l v e d the prfs« book.

" T h e Btoiy of the BiUe." laat ThntKiay wai>a week, waa so glad to ^ i t I appreciate it so moeii. F l a t , b rcaon It to such sn excellent book. Semod, luiiaqie yoo sent it to me. Yoa i u k e tbeculBmna of tlw Young Suath so very interest-ing for as, awl we aKoeciate yoa very mncfa for yoor troable.

If Unde Jamsa te not too bosy we woald like tu bear from htm occaakmally, w e think yoa make aimioDdidedltRm I boiw ail of the littia ikiemlii w i f i i a t e a a i s t e m ^ l B ibia flulMmti.

I tbliifc I have anived Blaster Edwin Ho<tfe'B Bilgma, If my solntkm is correct these are the

still, like a whipped spaniPi at y>iar feet. By the little lever tl>e va^t statmitliip is guided

iUtber and yonder,upon tbe aca, in spite of advene wind or cnnent . Tbat sennitivo and rcsptmsive •pot by which a boy's life is controlled is bis tMlrt. With yoor grasp gentle and ttrm on tbxt helm, yoa may pilot i i lm wiiitb*^ yiw will Never d o o M U a t be has a h<»rt. a t 4 und wHfal bofa very often have tlie tendereMt hesr i ; bidden a w w Bcmewiiere tjen<«tb invnutatiuns ut Kin or bdund barricsden uf pride. An<l it is you botines* l o ^ that heart, get hoid i>f that heurt, ket^p t>old of it by qrmiiarhy, ,cnn&deDc« in him, man) IMly working only for tiie goud by little indin cl klndncas to bis mother or sister, or even bis dog. See him a t bis homf, or invUc hiui to yuuiM. A o v t d e him some little plt>tt<un>, !jt>i him to Siiin«-little service of tmst fur yiiu; love hitn, love liini pnctlosily. Any wny anu evejy way rule hiui through his h e a r t . — . $ . l i m a

-BOB-I F Uui«uxge U OMii for ecmcoaUDC tliuucbt.

AM DO* OT UF Frrneti philosopher* Uasl>t, W* OUI and DO ikult viUi our Eii(Uih op. «cb.

For It pau thla povtr wlUiln our r«acb. Aadaaibartwltaia Uttl* wonl - bob " appearm.

b U mada th« ouak for mioiy Idea*. •• Bob** >• ibe box UMJ ba alnDcr or >ali>':

It 111* farmer, ball maka but ItlUa coiuplatat Of llu pininai, wbieb tarns a dee»t naniR

T»> UUe wtaeti nwta boUi waja tha w n r ; Bat wbU« « t andore TOUDS " Bob " aa w» nui.

WA eat Uia aciiiutntaDee at" Bob " the mau. Tban'k a *• l»b " on bU kllr. and the •• bib " he i«ys

Aa ** boot'<ta the Btchin with whom he |>U)'«; Tbara^a*-boll"«bleb hijerk, or boauce or orjanip'

And •• bob ' la tb^ handle OI pitcher and pomp; *• Bok " la ai'incClmaa a bead end loaietlmea a b ow,

Al^ aomatlmea tl>« name of a (rabblRK-boe. Bat or all tha "boba" that ever were Kuoarn,

A ** botMbort cm ' U the worst b> own ; Da a m^dan% brow the •dlo'ni - banc "

Olraa all ber lureta and friends a pant. Hot «T(a an Indian ehlaf wuald wear

Tbe acalp or a woman who banted ' her hHir. But fiublon than all doe* m j Tcnw b< wall

Tba bone that earrlra a " bob«hort tall: " Bat T wonder wbu bis Idaa would b.*

II that tall detrauded odea could ive Ah. hor<aa, like bnmana, prutcst in rala

When £tanlon o>nc« makc-a ber tulentious pl-iin. Leava a -bobtail coal " and a "bobiall " » r

For a man whos*.- bor*c mnnt a ''bubi.id'* wear. ••Bob** a poet** wins a too high he auara;

Cat abort lone atorlra'and bill* and b»re>: And not Ut valD wUI Uita 'bob" tali be.

URN ••bobiaU" laaa t..a world aball nee. —BATFIRN TRATUERTPT.

G k i n of Isfpsl, Wages, Dolhao, Darins, Oha-diah, Eihanan, Wrath. After pfau^ng aU tbe let t e a !n order we have this saiteDce, Always aboanding in the work of tbe Lord.

As yoa have Invited ns to send oiigmaa and aeraatlca of oar own eoa;pcBltlon, I send yoa with this, an acTOilic 1 cumpiaed.

W e have had a hai^iy Chrtatmas. Old Santa; caana visited as ami n n d e ua so happy wftb presents and good th ings ; be b sach m good oiti: ftdlow. I wonder If be toand UU!e D i v e ^ I hope he dirt find hcraiul give ber aU that SIN w a n & . I woald like to give ber a little Hew? Year presoit if I knew Sow to get It to berJ With much love ttnd beat wishes far y o a n antt the little cooslns socccsb, I remain yoor devoted t r l r a d , MAXIK IVXT.

Orion, Pike coanty, Ala., Jan . 4.1881.



IT is so stmnjie aUmt R. se Wciodville's wny, mamma. 1 wonder whht her Mt cret is. 8be

waa caltcd

BIBLX ACHOANC. 1. What tbe Spirit and the Bride says. S. Tke nanyi of the mount oo which Ciirist used

tf^teadihtidtaclpies. 3. Tbe name or the mother of JeaiB.

' 4. Wha t weare commanded to keep our tongurs from.

8. What w« ahoold keep from evil. ft. What things have p«Bed away. 7. Waa a p e ^ t e by whom C h ^

Ung; 8> One of the aues of Chris t 9. A soo ie«t antb tbe Lord. 10. The hnSband of Batb^dMiia. U . A king anointed t*y SamoeL The Inlliils compcae a predoos Invitation ex

t ended t o alf . MAMIX I T S Y . Orion, Ala.


Gi r r hoM of the boy<k heart. Yooder Iseooioh tiva with its thoBdetlng train comes l fkek

whirlwind down tfes track,'and a tc | i i i teat dl armed men m ^ h t seek to aneat In vain. I t woald emsh tbvm, abd plnoge anhfadftig-Bat there i i a iittto torer in na m e c i i a a i s m - ^ the prenore of a hand, will stodren !i» speed, and a moment or two bring It paatliig' and

makps friends of every one . ' Stw l!» jtt.*t us jHillte and plea.<ant tu one as toanntlier. I Uoo't Ret* how sbe can be."

" A n d does my Paulioe sometimeH make ene-mies? And is she at times liup»lite and uiipleas-anT?" asked mamma, with a smile.

The easer child biiisbed as she looked into her m o t b o ' s eyes, but sbe answere*! h<>ne«tty, " Y^s. mamma, she docs make enemies, nnd siie isn't B ^ t e or pleasant. You know, mamma, that Wnl iae Is soch a po«lUve sort of a child. She ha-to HLe and disl ike; and she shows out Ja-it all she feeSs. And some people do bother her so; at least thoy wtMJid bother her, if nbe could stsn<l it to let them, but she can't. She rld-s her^^lf of ihem in the sliortest pO!«il>le way, if 'lisn't just the sweet est, l ike Buee's."

" H o w d o y o u e f f ct t h U ? " &- ke<l her mamma. " O , 1 let them know plainly how I value their

cumpimy. **Anil t h e n ? " a>k<^l her oi.tmma. " Why, then, if Ihey have any SM-DSM* they Ret

vexed or bnfiy, and gu off and let me al->ne, juiit as I wished them to d o ; or if they are thew>(t sDly ones, who don't know wheu they are soabfaed, why, tb^n I ^et provoked, and r<ay wme

n eadi ease you care more for your «>\in pkaanre or comfort or omvenlence than for auv others," said her mother.

" Well, yes, mother, I believe I do," said Panllne, candidly. ••Almost everylnxiy does that, one way or anothtfr. I 'm not more ^el&sh than dtheis. I ' l l help and lend things, and do favors as cheerfully as any one, 1 t h i n k ; but I ab i ' t ' hkve tacbawayasB- i seha .4 , so kind, and gentle and sweeC"

" I think tbe secret of Riwe Woodville's way Is foand In her obedience to the new cuiiimaQdmei t o( oar triessed Lord. My Pauline neKit cts to keep It, 1 f a t r . " Mra. Warw* opened a Testament that hw near, and pointed to the thirty-foarth verse of the tbirteenth chapter of tbe guspel of St. John. Paoline read tbe verse: •'A new cum-

•nandment I give unto you, that ye love one an-otlwr; as I have lovttl you, and that ye also love one another."

Pauline's eyes l>ecatne very .vr iouiasshe re«d these words of th-? Lord J^U't.

'O iu y«Hi iniSKine theSivior as imp<>n»<»or un-pleasant in his wordsur msarter to a n y ? " asked mamma

" O , never, mamma," an«tterei| Pauline. ' Or as caring more for his couiftirt or pleasure

than fur that of others ? " ' •No, Indeed. My versa last S tmlsy wiwi:

For even i'hrst pleased not himselt.' N *. h» wa-s never rude or cruKs ar saoitstie," (^mtiuued Pauline, reflctively, " a n d (hiwo stiii>t<l, tiresome pe<>ple that U icked about liiin, teu.sin; liini for miroCtes and loaves and niu-jt. lutve been provoking enough too."

What was it in the {.itrd J - u s that made bim llius <-uQi«iilerate of others, kin<l, ifeotie, iruurteous, (Mtient, altogether unselQsh?"

'O, mamma," said Pituliiie hiiiiihly, " it WAS the love. Hut niamma, can 1 ever l >vo as tiu d d ? "

" H e l>Ms you do nolhin-' iiiipossiMe; yet ho says: *As I hnve lovetl j-ou, Hiat ye itlso l.>ve o:ie a n o t h e r ' "

Pauline was silent and tlioiiihtful for s.iiiie moments. She was a fair-miixtnl child and •••rilt honestly with herself as with others.

'*lf K s e WoodviDe e.in k w p thut <*i>iniir.vn<l-ment ci^rtainly I ought to," she still - I «.ill try to, thou,:b 1 know it will ts» fearfully liar.l for me; I Imve m> imlience, ami s iiiiv pfr 'ous uro SM tiresome."

Her minima smiled. "Mtiy n-d sotin* |>t-ohs find my lUtle girl's short, curt, p nilive ways tire some?"

"<), they do," said Pjuliiie tjlushini: " 1 kirnv I am ui:t thougtit niiiiabie, and, iudf»H|. I HUI n^it. But indeed I iii»in to try to U^-iime ho, for it i" I'tvely to be loved as itose is. and I hnve otien wLshM 1 had her way. V'm, I will try to Im? like Jesus. 1 will pray that h» wilt help in?, for I a'li sure that we can do nothiiii; without his help."

'• Yes, dear, we pniy, ' T h y kiiisrlom C . H I I H , ' L>Y our actions far more apivtiiaMy and elTsiiuslly th.tn by any form of words Anil our every ac tlon will l)e genuine, earnest, prevailini; pr.tvers for the coming of the klas^lom, if we at MII iiiit<^ tsntr in ininil and in heart this new <Mtuiiii<ii>l ment of our L-ini: ' lji>ve one iin-ither.' " —f?ii7</"« P^per.


TU E U F was a lad wtio at f.iarU-en, was appren-ticed to « soap tx>iler. One of his rtMuiutiiuis

was to read on« hour a day, or at that rate, anil he timed himself by an old silver watch left him by his uncle. He stayed seven years with his miutter, and when h" was twenty-one lie knew as much as the young siiuire did Now let us st-e how much time he hail to ^-ad in seven ye^rs. at the rate ut one hour each day. It wuulil be 2 .Vt.0 hours, which. »t the rate ol eight reading; hour> l>erday, would be 319 dsys; e<jual to forty-tWe weeks; rqual to eleven months—neirly a yi-ar's reading.

SO. \ iErHINU FOR T H E C t f i L DUEN.

An easy way of learninir the nu:nt-s of the lUr-fereutanimals. Ueiii); wrilten with a rhythui.

and tbow animals most unlike tM-ing arrnnsced tiRiether, it can l>e easily fs-stened ujxiii the memory:—

AlU«alor Beetle. Porcuptne. Wlial-, Roboltnk, IVnibi'r, Dnuoit H.T. Snail. Ooendlla. Monkey. Bulfklo. Hare, Ummadary. Ixopora. Mud-tartle. Bear, K'epliani. B.id:^r, Pelican, Ox, KlyiDS-IIsb, Kiundeer, Anaemida, For. ijulncM-plK. UulpiilJ, Aut,SO|^ lio«>4e, Hummlnic-bird, Wea-el. Picker, 1, Mouw, Iliex, Khlnoeeroa, Owl, KanKarr<o. Jackal, UpraauiBi, Toad, oekatni, KlDfttoliur, Peaouck. Aotealcr, Bat, L.isard, IcDueomoo, Honey-bee. Kal, Mucklns bitd. lUmel, Urai«il>0|>prr. Mno e, MIXbUnKale.Sploer.CatUeilah. Uraiuui, (K-ciou Pbeaaanl. Wo.»e»lue, A.ak. Periwink e. Ermine, Kaiydld. Hawk. Uu:ill, Hlppopotamiui, AnnauiUo, Moth, Kattleanake.Uou. Woodpecker/Xloth. &aaiiuuider. (idUanch, AUKle-wotiu Iwg. ncer, FlamlDKu. tV-orploo, Frnc, ITulcom. OKtrieh. Naotim>. Mole, Viper. UoillU, BasllUk.Si>le. Wfilppoorwtil, B«ver,CBnllpede, Kjiwn, Xanibo, (."auary, POIAWOC, Swaii. Vallowhammer, feMlr, Uyeua. I.Ark, Z:t>ra. Cbameleon, ButU-rfly, shark.

BITS OF BU.N. •• Many people who hunt for hsppine« are c in-

tinualiy tiuking fault."— »'/iiUhall lime*. An Ithaca little girl describes an elephant as

'• that thing what kicks up with his tuwe." A wagsoKuests that asuitalik'opening; (or many

rboirs would be. " O L»rd, have mercy on us miserable singers."

A school boy, on lieing aidied what lus'le the Tower of Pisa lean, n plieil, " Uecaum of tbe famine in tbe laud."


To all Sufferers IV«nn l'rt»-, tapsetl Orgaii>. •


1 take this atethod ol Galling yuut at ! teatiun to the oslebtated Budt atid Lung, Brace, wkldi I hare wld for the but ^ t e m years, that I may make It a tmieftt to v y ^ p e i b ; makiag it a ar peater . i j jal to TOO. *

1 «u brteAy aire /on a f rcw«iu tor i ' leoomaicndbix this inralnabl* arUcle to \

yon. Mare Ui«i eigtMeeo yean ago, I , wai thMOOKhly brolAn do«D ID roice fkom ezoEMve prasthiag; I cjald speak bat a UtUs white without gPtUn; hoane: m j throat WM geneniUy KMC an J esaiiy irritated, and iu tone became heary u d h n i ^ ; sooa a hackwg ooueh set . i , that, IttcrMMed, unUl at the CIOM of a luog meeting, my voice failed eatiml^, nmler ! tba raS^ of a duronic larynnUs Uiat i lOon iuperindttted bionddtit, which seri-oodv tkreatened mv Ufe I was now oompelled to deiiat from preaching, and, U rabble, OT«rcoffie tboae dtfficulUea, and ncover the kiat treasure, — the vdoe, that U a minister or U»yer i* more valuable than gold or 3ewel>,— or be dlent forever. I applW to tbe Bioat eminent phydeiaos, and was but little helped; mve the exddon of an elongated UTula, they could do nothing bot i^viae rest; and Ods 1 aaa com-p e l ^ to Uke. What canaed and cnn> U n ^ that conitant Irritation and j hacUni cough, they ooald neither ex-plain nor prevent. PiuvideDce tbiew 'he remedy in mv way. Mv wife wu 'Ufcring from proiapaiu uteri, and tbe proteanr ol the theory and praeuoe of medidDe la the Univenuty of NaahrUle l»r. Winston, waa her phrsician, and Ue pmcribed for ber this ^ U c a l Brace, whidi ipeedily iolle>ed h " She com-pUlnad ot a "dragging down;" and no language ocnid better ezprtai my foelinga, and eqwdally after preadibig. Hoocnrred to me if it waa good for one eaae of "dragging down," why not for •Bother. Wltiiottt cuasulting any one, I Moeared one Urge enough tor myaell and put it on, the first time doubtlem itwaa ever worn by a man for luch a KMon, and tbe result was, tbe ir-ritation of my throat lOon quieted, a ^ Uie hacking ere long waaed, and the

commenced building up, untd I eoold artknlata, which I l i ad not done for twelve BKntlu. and wary soon I oom-menced to preach agidn. That Brace I won nearly tan years without commuai-eatlngltawo^erful advantages to any one, Iwcauae I thought I waa udng an one, necauae l WUUgUk t was uaiugj au article tiiat waa invented for the use of fanalea only. Privately, to a few upecial tiiends who weie antfering as I suieretL I expliined the lue ot toe Biace, and t h iou^ me they obtained it, and were lelievedaalwaa. I now made knows the pewerof tiie Brace to restore, i t r e n ^ ra and preaerve the voice bi public •peakara, and then commenced offeHogit M a premium to ministeia for snbscnb-

Xlw caaae of hoaraRiem, aore throat, larmdtia, and finally broaddtis in public —^keiB,and all these symptomsof "drag-

down," goneneaa, exhaastioa after king, and weakneM of the beck and

and iwmia, i t Ihe riigkt rc-iaxation o/ (Ac abdominai mtucle*. wMeh aOaut the boweb to tint, and ibMNon 6y marked hoOow aoer the ( M ot (M Mp>- Now all know that tSa linings of ma tomad i are c o u n M ^ with thme of the throat and aSect u e vocal o i w a , and when the stomadi tliita a atrabing la b ron^ t to bear upon the throat, and apeakbig or talk-tiHwill irritate it and produce hoane-nem, and if continiHO aoie throat, and

t i ^ of evils UddpabUcspeakeia axawoBtto compi^o f . and whidihaa eatrled hnndieA to their giawB, ^ whIdi 'imApn Uying adde as nsdew hnndiedi etiieii.

How, after a person^ e x p e r i ^ ol aasilT twenty yean, and tha a d d ^ e ^ riSDOSOf more than one thonaaad minis-ten and pnUk apeakeia npon whom I

fitted the Brace with invariable

Uie aenae ol tatlgne, aivl Nsarr mr wiUi a heavy, husky with it, 1 can •peak Mar boun a day «iUk>ui ezhauo uon or hoanetMo. I now uae it only when iqpeaking, and thus p rwrr r my voice and u d p h y ^ l euerp- s. I Jo not brieve Uiat any one ever be afflicted with Acraia, or pOn, or weakuew of tbe lack a loiiu, should he il ordinarily looae, and only tight when ipeaking or putting lurih unuKual eAirb>. It is a prtwerrer ol » (twai voice «ud «! » mund phyidcal condiUon. ll ibuuld Oc worn V minwtei aud pubiii at«aker to carry tbe energy aud rip^r o: bis youth tar into old age and by ererj old man t- aaai^l hi.u U. aipivirl ih-gr iwiug weakni as ol acr. ^

Hundreds of «>l«l m«*n vearly ari-using tbe Brace for tcnti hncJa with iiivsLTiable satLslaetion.

I do not cljiim that the tf.i Jy auil Lwng Brace will cure ewry disease Uiat flesh Is heir to ; but it will re-lieve, where it docs not fully cure, all that great army of ills and achw that soon break down the best «x>nsti tutionn, which are caaseii by pro-Icuma vf tiff mutolet tr/iicA atppurt the mtentd organ*. This is Uie only mechanical contrivance ever dLs. covered that JUplifls Uie abdomer rather than eomprwHiw it, as all trasses do.

Tbia is what it doers as thrHi»ana< who have a.sed it are pr^-pared u» testify: it supports the back, al'a.» men, stomach, lungs and womb. : t, therefore, pn vents lassitud«.", hoi-jje-n«8, piles, hernia, eimsuaiption, and that terriblp disease, —dyspepsit.

It Increases the bn-uthinijesira -ity, and thereby glvw strength to the body.

I t e-tsponds and tmlarjrew thi >ungs^ and thus renders breathlns antl easy, and thereby promote^' di^ . ^ o n .

I t rd levw chrxjnlc coslivi i «s and pU<« when all oUu-r tii(>»i.» n.tve foiled.

I t InvaiUbly r^lieve» ah jtstx of pi-otoprus uteri In females, a dlsea.se that no medicine w n n-.ich, l«>«iase, like a brokra limb. It nwsls nu>cbanl-Oil support.

It relieves piles ami itrutaiteu» ani, by uplifting the lower Ixiwels fn»>n thcroofian.

I t is being nsetl more more yearly, as Ita value is known, by rabUc speakers and and by ;ho9e baNing weak lu.igs and hacks;

and by those having slooping shoul-ders and backing coughs, the sure precursors of coitsumptUm. .\nd many a sutTerer has been cure»l of

l.u tx -s>».l lumlxuo n»ey are i tri»., W. C LAWKKKCK, .M.f-

tYawhirdviUe, Mi*. j ncNTiMMT o r r r w j c arKAKKBa


ttrv. »»•«««,•»-1 Ba»« vaanat aaiiutr.f'o HnOy and Lnnc Bnm abam atn^ dayx, 8at toLtnmm m lai-a—of kaik •a.t

The billowing i"«*rtlficale trow Ot>v. Porter, who hits (Minw^chlv tested tlie merits «>l <«r Improved Brac^ shtmid he r««il b\ all sot&wx. He lnr,plv. If not allogethor, owes his tiist el»*ti«n tlx' Bnine. Notice * S»t hesa}'»: —

s t m t i T * OOkw. Xltah«»l»r^ VMM.. I BeveeiW* aU IM*. ^

O r . J . K . C in iv ra - U e t a r M r : I t l i e f t r w c e ««e»l fcy y a w r -a e i r dHr lHg m y l a t e csm»&aa*1 lk«9 « t a t e . II w a s <•! vfTj - i r rwal Mor t i ce t » m e , a u d I r e e l r c i > w e l l aa t Is f led t taal 11 • b a d c « m -m e u r r d I ts a s e a w r e h e a r l l e r l laat m y v o i c e w o u M ttot l i a i e b e e n eOTected a l a l l . T t i c Ural l i m e I Kaed It I a d d r e m e d a l a r g e c r w w d o r p e o p l e l a t h e e | t « a a i r , a n d I l o a n d U i a t m y « o i v « w a a v c n m a c h a t r c a g t k -^ • n e d . a a d . a t t k e c loae o f a t w o b o o r ' s s p e e c h I w a a iVee ft*om m y aaniU f e e l t a g o f w e a r l a » « « a n d e K b a u a t l o H .

» > r i n e s p e c l l t a l l j . 44S . D. P O R T K H .

•isun-KKS* TSKTUiOBnr. OKAR V » V I I Y

a m p t * * mm* It tor ^ * •• • as All

lite <a a v >nli«r. 1 eaatM* I

B ^ w . h e u - ^ StoS U*. . Mha.. »UT »«. Bd-J. B. Uraraa-UaaJ «»r: «3Ulei wlU» Uw partit* I «d«fi«l ia«»«i»

Hn-* I ortarad lor «Ufln mpttra, wttt l w

He nam oe*w w m •» —

tb^aKd<la«IU>oat. O. U ««I>»IA* Hn.t'Voan, Ark.

TirvnBOKT o r r a a a r — 1 aara iwaweknuc BraM «llii« . BOk^arMM «i

* d tbe naa ol

TARAOTKB AT S f M T ^ K r Mr a r .

w t t k l i . 1 w H l e w a i s l l y i w w e -tkla Brmre tm thaa« wtkm mimf.

Paator Third Baptlai tarnrdt. Ml. bmVi.

teal dionid have been bM aaide IStom pabUe

S T l S r o W l y i J a v S ^ ' a loat voioe, ^ am liliiwtifl with one uncommon power and endnianea. Witiamtlt,two r - . . aafcaaat tad glva M

ixiauy a ... dyspepsia and liver o^nplalnt who h ^ been coasidereil In the last s t w of consumption.

o c a iMPaovED saACK. The original Brace, made only foi

ladies, was too weak for the stenier sex. I remedied it by an imiwrtant improvement, as the followinir will show:—

all Tskc a»Utia. TMa I* certify Ikat Uie w i ^ m l i ^ n l

la ta* M i r MBBBirtarer mf Baif alBit anw«s MMl Uuil t b w BMI* aia^reel,*™* aroaaMvawnMn.

aa laarravMBMl mrrr Ike |M«»»»I M W ^ wutrfcet. We aeir** • «

USceo'ManrKCa.^Cbttn.,l(«r I IS3*-No other p a r ^ in this d t y or the

Soath sells my Imi»rov«l Brace, un-less he can show s written a>m mi98ion from me.

TBarrtHoxiALH. I could produce tke tcsUmony ol

tea em' hundreds cd'eminent plnrsicians and guigeons of the North, but prefer to give a few Southern pracfltionerB, who are known or may be written to.

The late Dr. Stone, the great sor-Bon of New Orleans, pronounced it

_ie p ^ e c t l m of mechanical inven-tion for the purpose intended: j . e., the upUfting of the bow<^ and rell^ of al l causes of prcdapsos (tf the in-t»na l organs.

1 lureKntied one your Braces to a lady patient (rf mine las t fftIL Bba says she woald not take cme hnndred i i o l t o far it , if she could not get an-other one of the same kind.

a . TURNER, M . D . HayneviUe, La., AprO 1», 1877. All the Braces which I have at

dered give tbe greatest satisfhcUen. n v aU k i ^ of wnmb diaeaieB, weak

Sle tor mMBal laa.*. Mrt had tm t t nn rmn, alwnai wmaiaaa ca aaaa^t el a wtmk bmrM and m m l »«*• wtilcb the Bran haa «t™» In rtdtnc bane4iaiA BO oaa baa m^aoi^ crnUtm of Ita vjria. > iKtlem IV ta ka an

Watanca,1Vtui- T. K- R- rCDHT"-rmr Honw-taefc RMIait.

I haw tnwelwl acroaa U»«8la»«wrilliwlwt|wl ,4 bimetaMk «iMie wlBtar aM IB and Btnaft

u w ^ l have b M " m s J t ' • I " — * * » hare atond U wttluMiL BMS It a sn^

h«« U to do a « « « - «»» CuaHen, Ml*, Jaanaijr a MH.

AUKOSHIA c v A v a E u a r . lUriMC gi«eii tbe Banning B m r a tail

Utal, I dieeifully bear my tartiaamy to i u value. I Ota perform my labor wiOi fifty per cent more eaae and omalttrt thaa faefoie: I would not be without It ir» t w ; . * i u price. T . C ^ B * .

. Unut, Ga. r k r M t e Dle»r*ee.

I . wet t ^ « yoor B?'!" athf

The Brace I nicei\-ea thva you I dnd is of g m t tieneflt to m«. I was afraid it was not wiu t it «-as recom-mended to be; but I was iadnoed by my ^ y s i c i a n to get one. Shortly af lerwiw, the chun-Ji that 1 was a member of called mo tu serve Uiem as t»w4or; and 1 atve|»ttHl on the ooo-dition tliat they should gt t me a Brace. 1 was entirely broken down from over speaking. I could nut sitesik longo* than Sfteai minutes nn-til 1 became very hcane ; bat, .wtth the Brace on, 1 can speak with per^ feet ease one hour: and, after s p u -ing, I do not fiB*d that unirfeasantnaB at my stomach that 1 did before osing the liraue. I tan say that the Brace is all tbat is claimed for i t : and I woald advise ail s{ieaken who foel latigue .and laMsitude after speaking by afl means to get tbem a Uiuee, belure they ba^'e to stop speaking, as I had to do. 1 would not be aathool It for any consideration.

Uoienum, Ho. D a t i o DTT.

I have eiven tbe Brace a bur triaL 1 find it aB that la claimed for it. 1 would not take <$100 for the r i r t t to u « it. I hope that all my muiiatering brethren will procoie one.

J . A. l lrkToua. FnlUMi. Uia.. 1874. 1 can pceadi day and aigiit mr twb

months with my Bcace on ask not be as boarw aa I would ia oae week witheat it: every miniater, strong or weak, dboakl have one. A Botrra.

Unfon Depot, Eaat Teonawie.

ijjd liiVe b.»i>aartn« n "»« ahort trial oftlw Ibaoa. I «

dlMW. wWrti 6 \ i nS2

4>dar Key- ru . I received tbe Brace f « my patient,

to. Martin. '} niieved hw badi fawnedjatety. 1 i S T w e n ; 4 t « « l i H t i i ' U - toen. U y tbe oniy supponw that I taiveM or (Md in my exUamve pracHoe that 1 « n rvly n|ion vritboat ^ anceofevil from its use. IsbaUlMm-afUT Introduce It into my prwctiue, andHwrgenoeiimtulsrifai.

A. A. DAVIS, M.D. Uoustou'ia, Mo. p u r e o r BRACR*. The priceof tbi? t r ace before t ^

war w»«S) , a a d l l ^ when Bttod by tbe medical profarioo. ^

Tbe patent having expired I nave Mcnredtbe manu&eture of «l the Improved Bnoes nponaaiiitJsrmi that 1 Sin furnish them at tbe follow-ing prices:— inaia aniee, ofdinaiT ismce, oreiBawj M*^ tanxla Honla Brai*. onUnarr UMldc - - - - —

I ofcr my improred Brao- to any o w u a premium !of 10 new •nbacnban fci

A m s r a t » T« faiduding p n ^ and f t for every subscriherywi foil lo

Brsce^tnr to* Branw wUh cash, | iO each.

Sd-STSSfS&SS®^ B i R t t m o n r a a

i r

1 h a n o n m d troni ma Ihrmyamala Btanda. Tba paittaa aU Ur m SwW^eat Mat , MlaL^U bava bM B ^ t a M U a d . TlMBoatarUiani a n d ba wltlkiat tl»atr .Mraiaa mr any aawiai. M wa or tliaa racrasi parlaa taatr BMwar f

IdotUaataw^OTbaaaataiiyoa In bMl haallli, •saal ally alt tmt . iaal graatly IBdOtad mrjnr raaimd


InaUisBea tbe cash mart aocwai-p i^y b o r d e r , wltii n ^ ^ a g n m M m . as Booe are sent oat OB trial to

Brace by mall. ^ a P S j ^ ^ f g a m n a d i A and B a c e ^ fa e»-


Page 7: Our Pulpit. - media2.sbhla.org.s3.amazonaws.commedia2.sbhla.org.s3.amazonaws.com/tbarchive/1881/TB_1881_Jan_22.pdf · jM t Uuyo' uo * a!0 «h .\v«Mini> 496 TKK BAJE>T1ST. JmOmvwt

T H B B A f r r i S T .

The cotbBi aaumntBd to 1

alone of Ti balMlMtjw.

dpCG^ W. Cbkaen.cf tbenvnth nvaiiy. mmmltted aiieiiiB at Ftxt Duocaa, TtanrL oo tlw IStli.

A fin at Milan, Xhul, dertrojred wnren boikflogR on the KUi., Inr^r-InnrnUmoimjOOO.

Hoo. Tban F. fiamni, ol Dde-vaie, bam dMn n-^cetKl to the PaitBd atmtm Heimtm. Tba cattlaaxporti from this coantiy

In tiM pairt idx raan have amounted to naailr tSOOOvOOO.

Tm pobUe acfaooto have been dnwd to J m raty, N. J., on ae-coont ol aeaiiet ferer. Cboaidetabie «i«rm preraik.

Mn. Hanlet A. Kinner, far aever-•3 yemjs pMt Bute libtirian erf MJchl-gan, been re-appeared to the porttfanbyGor./efMT

A eoal unine ta pnrmlllng in aev-

udfiiUof bariDeMaBerer. Daring! , U>e pmmt few yema be has become very

which of late jreaa haa asBomed tanjeproportlona. Tbeflnncf flinun I 4 Oa., BodMater, N. Y.,occnpy amaouK^elKht atoiy mureboose. a ^ do noamaQaharaof the seed naoewthe oountiy. The name of ^ 8 l b l » to anllUent asonnceof their imdoabtad rMpoaaibiUty; i and thetect that they nte so i i ^ a pnpottioa of their atock on their own (poonifaeoabto them to gaarantee te qnaaty. We have been favored Jrtto a copy of their catalOKoe for

an annooncement of which may be foond in anotha colnmn. It la m t ltetoany addreas on appUca-tux^


F O R D ' S C H R I S T I A N R E P O S I T O R Y ,

Edited by 8. H. FOHD, D.D..LL.D., and SALI.IE R0CUE:!»TER FORO, ABthor or " Grace Trneutan."

enU towna in Iowa, and quence the public xiuxiia have been eloaed.

OOT. Littleileld, of Bbode lUand. In hto annual mesHge to the aanm-bly, iRommeoda woooan snfljeace on theKhool qaestion.

A anow-allile oceoned at Aita. T^toy. a &w days aco,

(lamoiiiriilnz lujim, rBBoitinc in the death of quite a namber of people.

The annnai potato crop of the United States fa eatimatedatnearly ao,000,000 boheis, of whiah Nw York Htate airate AimialieB 25.000.000 bualida.

England imported from thb conntry last yatt fiO.OOO.OOO poon^ of leather, amoontinc to one-forth of her conanmption.

Hondmto of cattle and hoiaes were froam to death in NorthmToas .(uriog the late cold snap. One man alune faa4 400 mtUe and 25 horaea trOBBI*

Tennnaee bad in 1870 a population ^ and stood ninth in the Uai^ In nepei to nnmbem. Now,

aumbw. anera minioaB more poople th«n £ngW, uuM aUuSETm than fVanea. elfht mora tban Oer-many, twenty more than Italy, and twelve more than Anatrla-Hansary.

TbabiotiinioilTatti yaaT 01017 ia for. •Irasaan; ta jtobj- opponent, lolanscv; torn iriiind.Taai luut: ta jraarsblld • good ex-•mpia; to m Duhmr, atmnem; ta mr motlur. eoutnet tBat VUI mak« W praod of ran, 10 rnusair, nqwot; la >n mo. eluul&; and to ta* ilejt, atnunoni UT»r Bit«alator. "For D«an(nn«n» uT ta* Urv, avOn-

prpda, DlBTthoi., PUm, «tc-. Dr. Slmmona UnrBr«alk(are«natal7luanonpalar. II aetm llk> s ebum, wtthoot dsfiUltatlnc Um •ysum. 1 hina tzlid u taoraaiUT, ud •pomk wbu t teov.-

BKV. a aABDJnai. Atmpnl«ni. a. -Hanrtaa taM«it pnannaUr «nd la my

PTMcUm roar Blmmoiu Um Bacolatar 1 har* miuut U Jiat tlM modlern* omdad u . mmuy naudr. ajr pmon. UTlaa la a warm ennia<>,u<t«*p«elaU7 by tlio^ InhablUoa Um mora malarial dbortKU of narida.-

r. nctciaamr, xjx. aais«Tui«. na

BaaiUr. It may be oaidy aasnmed that these

nave been mistaken who sappoeed th« phyaioloeicai rest consirtedin inaction, and that repair itoai on dnr-Incqnkacence. Xntrition — and, theiefare, repair — is the CGOcomitant I rf^exerdae. AppeUte ia one thinR,' Oie power of dicesUng food anolbw. A man may feel ravenoos, and I coorame large qoanUties material ^tuning the danmts of nutriment. 1

^ appropriate the rapply A^thed, or, in other words, tonouriah himaelf. It is ao with rest.

njay be secored without rest, and idlenen without the reatora-, «oP of eaeny. The faculty of reeovay and recnpendion • after

fa in direct proporUon to the of the organ rested. This opt to be caUed into acUon

by inactivity. It follows that rdief and tecovm from the effticte of what fa impraperiy called "over-work"

u necesaary, and the mode of action chom most be one that supplies moderate exercise to the very part of H*?. requlml to i®^ and retfore. HeaJtb-set-Jtew

oltai err in trying to recover their Poweja by simple divendon of

» PoPoJar error to sup-! woriceit U>e_ mmcnlar ayatem abouid


of nutrlt^n ; K to fresh \TOrk

wUch will indte the same powers to act in a new dlrection.-X<S .

f. able^'mtai'll^""'"'"'"'""®"^ U«J-.Scri,.turaJ and exhaustive. - b, new .nu


I I I . ArUclai Ui detence mad lUmitraUon of the doctplnMi and ordlnaacw of the Boepia

IV. Bible Stodiea — tucladlD« ssTrral cuodenud uirnioD* ID each L*.ue

T. ExcundanslnprotinehiMory.UiUiitraUreolhainauplanulug aud divlno providence

TliUm; or. Forty Yearm Amona tbo a»pt)«t Churchos ..f tlie


Till. EdltorUli on panlng ereota, and review* of boolca.

We will wnd the RKPOSITOBV .nd THE BAPTLST tor J4.00. Addr w, roKD-S CBKISTIAH S£PONIT«RY. Hu l^nl.. Mo.

(uouxi m—One and a half pinta Mill^: one pint of .su ar heaped ; one-half t butter an'l lard mixed, or all liiAter; three e-Rs; ooe-lialf toiwpti Hoda ; one cake cunapre«^ y»wt I when light put In eKK» nd (KMitt a ^ i^thpm stand overDigbt.

For .1 »eve|4 and aggravated coosh, accom-panied by aluire cheat, 1 have lued Dr. BoU'a UoQgb Syrjp with the most »U»lacU>iy reaolta, obtaining aa I did apeedy relief.

JOHN QLOVEB, I rtamonth, v«.

Kotva on the Umpel by Lah*. We call Mperlal atientlun;to the ahle and

acbolarly work of Rev. Q. W CI rk, 1> D.. advertlaed In nnoiher ci>lumn. The Inter.' naUonal Sanaay a.-hool Uwmn» for ih» next few moutha will W on this Onupei. and It will beeapecUll.v valnable to Bible atud nii Bend tor new Catalama, loat laaaed. Addraw' Bapuat Boole Hoo«., MempbU.T>.no.

A Blvcr la aiaaka.

Tfca Imr^rt rum la Ik* V«rM Is the SoU^t fi.rm. Ford county, lUa.. consisting of Ibrty thons^ apes. It fa owiud by Hiram Sibiev Esq., Rochnter, n/y^ who fa^ proprietor of the Howland Island fi^ ?[ nau-Syracuse, JT. y„ a^i^t l tohandred other fiirmS ofvarioasateBstai that State and the States of mtnofa and Mlchiga^N^

owner in the extenai

. bat 1» fa atoo ^-Jin raliraad eo-

-•=- pmqartetorofa -—--— in Tennesssee and largest stoAholtein three other B o o ^ mafia. He waBfarflneep yeun Pro-identoithe Weslera Union Tetegraph ra in pan|r,fai the orfanlxatJon cf whiS bf w>w an active movor, and wn also rootractor for the oanstructkm of tlie Pa iacThiegTaph ^ s T ^ O i ^ nent. afa- S b ^ f l r S p h a t i , ^ . f»lf-n»de man. and thoogh n o w ^ seventy years rfag-aerana as acdre

. Atoka explorers report one of the largest rlvera ia the worid, the Yukon, as M^gabie for steamers two thoas-and fl^ hundred mUes, and five Mndred miles from its mouth it re-^ v e ^ large tributary. The basin formed by tlie conan<>nce is twenty-five mUes wide. The Yukon fa nearly aa large as the Mississippi. Indiaiw S* war between the tribes to cmitinoon^ There to •oow tor aix months, and, without roods, ^siedgcB Mnd gocd travel Unng. Game abounds, and Indianx have an easy life. From seven to ntaedm makea team, the old one "J?? the leader. The driver has to iwtch tlA dog. If it itets on the went of game it fa off, and the whole team is demonUlzed. Off they scamper through woods and thicket uplet-nng the load, smashing the sled. »ring tte ham«8«,and giving the driver days of hunting to restore the Halu 9110. So vast a country, tra-veised by navigable waters, wUl soon tempt restless and speculative adven-tures to explcse It.

P o s t Of f ice . J D roller, Tarrant coanty, Texas.-Yoo

gave no pnaiofflce, and w tall to And your aame on <.ar lut. We cannot crrdli tba IZJo untu yoo a«nd n» the name of yoar poatofllee.

E d i t o r i a l N o t i c e s .

Or. Beaj. H. Riaa*. Srlnia, wrl;ea: Colden'i JLleblg-a Liquid Extract of Beef and Tonic Inrlgorator la u exceUent preparation, who»> composition is known and one th»t pUj-stelann can Intelli-gently prwrrtbe. I have Brand It of giwM •ervice In my practice.


CBtTMB PuDDtJio.—One pint of fine U M cmmfaa,one quart of aweet rich n^onempof sugar, the yolks of «wr eggs beaten, with a iittfe lemon to flavOT and two bUiiespoons of batter. Bake untU done, tat not I • '•yw of jeUy; whij. the whites ol the eggs to I a froth and add one cnp of sugar and ^JokMOfalemon; mnr this frvnt-idkoTRthe JeiiT an^ return to the oven natU a l ght brown. To be eaten eoid with cream and sugar.

Mr V B Thayer, the popoUrand enUrprto-Ingjewrler, baa removed bUuoek «»goods to No »> Main street, {old Bamcm rand), where be ta Btled up In the mnct tasteful manner. He baa opened up In hia new atand with one of the flneat atock* of watrbea, elocka and One Jewelry to be found In any dty In the »onth. and he Invliet thoM vboeoatamplata pnrcbaalng to give blm a nul and ua Ibr themselrea that great bargaloa are Jlftred kr Tbayer U a manuf wtorlEa jewaUar, and eaaazecQtaapedal • ders pimnptly, and at remarkably cbeap ra ea- WldJe he keeps a fbU line of goods oi tbe b«st qoallty and lalMt and most anlaUe desi«>u. if y«n wlab anytblnc not la atock. be wUI have It mad* for roa at anocVnoUce. Hia oi cet U to gtre satvCKtioa to hb cnstomera. and be gnaian-t«»tt>dothUbotb in quant? of goods and low pricea. Remember tbe pUK«.aB Main »tree» (oU Bamnm «tand). eppoalte Cboit •qoare.

O r d e r D e p a r t m e n t . — »

a-MAHArrT. Order-Clerk. The Lung and Body Brace. THE BKACE BT X*IU-To enable n*

to aend tbe Mrace by mall, we have had a deaerlpuve elrealar printed, giving toll diraatlona for puttlns oa and wearing; aim bow to pat together, aa wo have to take it a ^ when sent by maU to avoid breaking By tbU means, thone who Uve at a dlstauoe firom an Express Offlce, can have then) lent to tbelr Postofflce. A circular wui be a<nt to anyone aendlng ua oostal card.

Teatliaoajr fkr ttee Body Brae«. The very best l« that we have been selling

them la increased numben tor more than twenty years past, and when one la med In a neighborhood, aud the results are made known, lanr* numt>.'n l>ay them. D T Eapey ol Qeorgls, writesI have been

using me Brace since July, igTu. and And It all It to reoommanded to b«. Ti> me It Is in-valtlable, an>( every minuter abouid prncure and use one." .««. .a. T^T-y^jjr a

Uon«. Aner wearing It nearly twoyJS™ | am prepared to lay that It has bwn'ofTi,. bund^ dolUn Jor mine could I not m M« er. «nd there cb erfally ncommea'n to aU pobllcapeakers. Youra truly.

A. C. MCCANTSI, M. MontlcJ^i^^^M^JSt"""

TemtMwmmmy mf m Lawyer. I worn tb* Laiur and Bodv Rra/w man*

trtaL It TOW alRinIa me gfreat pleasiu«w tbewof tbaBraee.lathewayofincreaalu 4"* tone and strength of my tbe strenatbenl ol ihi .iSVi nSroS



Premiums £xtraordinary!

Tmjs i b a t ^ t r o ^


K o l l & R e c o r d B o o k .

The Bapt i s t " -.\XIX-

Dc i i i o r e s t ' s M a g a z i n e For W.-'iO.

t, thv modf 1 parlor masaiine oi Amer-ica. contains the ewentlaU of all othen. including Home Intereau In all lu dcpart-menta. The only Reliable Fashions la all their details. Kor ttJlo we will send Tua Baititt

(price K.JO, aud Demoresfs Monthly Ma«k. sine B.® per annum) with one of tbe really '.-aluable premium* offered by I>emor»st to h Is hubHcrtber*: —

^ An Aettunsilc Pocket Masulfler microscope), tbree len!«. ' iZ

"rustic oa Pic. Inrci.: -The L'ot.la BrHe." glvl larl --H. <-ot Ajje ." IS*24 Inches Tb,.I.r|;J

sr.- motmud un oniivow »iiu stret-hT? addliional ctmnte and f, rwHrd-l by Tx^l' (to be pild by Itie.ubwrtl-r whea feSKS?-lli otd.r.lo »hli tic»wihe i'lclunn wiM ui nl ..y l.ijll.»r rha.^ jiTd Vfr

A ArOcl« of !• alth Rul« Of IVourum. oic, «utia,ie for

B»ptl»l churrftea. CfcploM index for n»m member.,M.owinsataglaace auy mem

standin,.; b..w and when received how a.-ul when dlMnl«.vl_in *p.xr««col umn,: «i«> colum . for r»m«rk" cttiiuiaa roUd paper In bark Mfflcleni u. record Mmutea of each church meeliu* ftw twelve rears. .Uowluione full p,g„ f«. Minutes of '^ h meeiluB, which Kelj.,m rintuire tban oa .four:h ol a page. Mne. heavy l«per. acaurately ruled, hi,J ihe m<»i con. venlentand omuI 8«„ra Hook t- .r oUwed to the churches, clerks who hav, thU book for recording the Mluules and Oualnew nsacuona of th-lr churrhw, prooounoe

Ibem perfect In every parUcular. lUe bind log IS superb. Pric . by mall, post-paia, for s qulte book, B« above _ . „ „ Address. BAPTiar BOOK HOCKE.

s: Second atrwl. V^,.

OBOANS .. U uaalilDgion. N J.

l*laM0«' aiss a r. Kfitii

xtll a XIV ;

omciAL arraKT ar t«e . Second Presbyterian Council,


/^.''mrm I s ^ ^ t ^ ^

BLOOD. i w r t If TK M. i i i a i n a g V fc a ^

DYSPEPSIAJ m^m/c. uiiSiXtri

H O L L E N B E R a S NEW M U S I C H O U S E .

• •fWOi

_ P.JJtna-fW". U-. 7. Mmu. Deruoi il. hjceUlor Sj-«em »,r

Oimlitg UullM I t prtcvSf-iiJJM,,?;' Demon->i\ • hlklr nl. M.Wte I*..?"

««. A l>.-.lHlimi Mllv r-pl.llrtl Nnnkln Rlns I'o-laK- rii.a.- rlLK-. -re «.>llrt .u*.;

Si' V J'" '; »«> el iani In flnUh,ai.d a ver) Mii»l»m<« BmVmm .

Knife. to. 8«l-eii.Mi« ii>r AMbwrKpii niid V(-riiii,.

lUnd.«.,oe cloth, ei.iu«w. I-oat-fnSe o

iJoJIil T . requ^I -i„J?r. ;iao.l».>me C- wkft of stationery oie f.iper. and Knvelopeii to mHi<«h with KuW,er .nlti»i»iHi„p»u.lra" fo^ marainS -ijy nrilcle. P.«.«.e'reqal ed, Mo-ulS o

r l-'lr .""'"" -- "wn Ad.lr»»s PubliahenorTlie Bapftot,

Memphis. Tenn

•W.P. - -

JTT. 4s |mM4<M iw mUIii^







O R G A N S .

clay BLlkflBt. STREKT.


i? i - — —

t *t., f>kU«<M>a(a, rm


( G O S P E L B Y L U K E llPLAimtV \.\D PS.\fTIfiL

A Popntar «ommentjiry I p«n a rni-teal Basla. Ea|>erlally ntklciMd tor l>aal«r«anfi l>niHi»y.«ebM|s. W. flark. D. If. Hrlce ai-10. by mall poKi.psid.

Thr Iiilrrnatlocul for the ne-1 m..nlhH ,n ihla book will bTcrf g est avai.ia u. oft\.-en.. sn r MiUn. It, -th-icWll. u

B.\ni.ST BfXiK HOCSE, Memplils. Tenn.

4.\ O^Ll I>.iFGUTER I t R tD OF CO. StrnPTIO.V. When <leath w.» beany ex|iect«d. all r*m-

eillea havlnit Diile<1. and Dr. H. Jame* ira« experlm-n-lna with the many herbs of Cal-cutta be accidentally msde a prrpwaUun which cured his only child of ransanp. tlon. His child la now In thia country and enjoying the best of heallh. He hn proved to Ibe worid that <-.i»wnpii«n can be .Itlvely and permanently cured. The

iHiciornow Kiv.a IhlsRecipe tree, only ack-lii* two green ktam.ns to p«y expetises. Hito IlKb cup nlsht-sweats. nausea at the slomacb. ami wiL- iTeak s cold up in iw«ity four lioom. Address CRADDOCK a ' lusj Rmx stn-et, Philadelphia, namlna


Bio^rtiiphical Sketches


B a p t i s t M i n i s t e r s . UT JOSEPH II. BORtn.

«y Itov. Eton Pa«>t. EiuttnH4u« tnmS

to CbrMlaa uwsiln aw ' riBs sad ABeedMnTllbl-Two volumaa. ChriaUu

— • - —•. I" I u t wnbtaeiioe Atlno-

- TTP«* and Ftsun a. rrieelMB aacb.

P i ' K M ' R e d u c e d !


WALXrr CASE; drroral l »1U, COLD BEOXZE. »Inches: Iwtsfct 3 la.; „ to.

Thtacovtl ttjlecftiw JLVSOS A lujars CAB-IN'ET onOAXS (TTy tji:, mosth) haa mfflclrat

txoraaace, with fan faired sod SeccUrj:i»!<-gr.TenIlr. It letajja^ woBder extent, for ,3 tnormnnt to raaa. the «««o«lIl»r» boti aa to power and iniaUtT or toae. Wtlch l>M Eiv.B tie JiASOS t BXMui Cihtnet Or^ ^ ttca tte incar .T DKTKCTIOSS at EVECT

IXDtrSTEIAL EI. n.DiTioss f« Tintrrrrx tea-s. E w ^ wttLM rruT Knxxyma. cash PElcE la-on reeeljt of gvicM Bwni fce ijilppcj aadL-ectid. fr ox KCXHT iri. TOit. IT t..M TOT StTISTT Tna rvEousis. rr xjt cc azrrxxxs xxt> id soxrr WTIX BX asjTO-o. CGITTT STTLE of Orsaa. are rf«nl«rty code

««= ••«» COSrCEET Ofr t ^ i TbegTMtaiaJortty,,, ur lSOcach. niCSTRATEDCATALOOCEi ClSCCLAESaad PRICE UBTSfce


£Ui sat

THI bone er>ntHlea the blowtanhloi at « »r«Dt.hf« hunnr«l taltJiiSfiTKSi in ih- vinevarj or ihe Maaier, aome SfV^m

gone to tbe - r»« that i™iLSiSiTi?fhJ of «od," whUe manySorTa nin

. "rove.-t lnl>n*e IntHwtiAih. t ".';'' htt-herhooTiSd SJSauit? I " a n d kindred of tCgS525

It will give a clear Inalcht intoilM charact-r and wotka of t^iJaifc ta Ibll ItoiatheuSrifS* nStl

Itcontr*— to the p.e.enl'ds Bound In ahoep

" cloth. Addrwa B-VPflBT BOOK HOUtU

eontatnscw pages. *!M

- IJ»

Memphis. Tena.

cents. sad BeUstMsa AarrtetM. * c tlleetioB Of nnuly uirsr iBooasnd taetA, in-cl^ta, cxampleii. and IssUmnules Uuh

andHcnptmal Indexes. Prter futo.

— tboaghtl In cloch, I>» I

-bnsln— In deUberaUvs ms inlillia M pages, 7» out. •^KUMK HAmsm u n . ByJ.JLIxcataa. Tlila bdok abooM tamw eWT MfWM. M tk* MM..11M ... I. ..ttW^^^ IA. viaa, inm Done aaoOM tBIenat

emy panotttaalha readingMu vUi MBit in goad ta^ aanSl tbe sUtrlTili; imutyttaUttar. Ca«h.H|iag* iljiL

OS Jll lar*e new Chromo carda, tbe tirei-*r.®r saw. altb n J ^ * ^ ' wwcTj MiW, WIUI nSme. Iv :f.»ssu card u>, Xa«n,N Y. HUM w

imam need not villa totSri aeStaa^ toe largest eollccthnaof maubMiLdVw mt oat by any Mead HoaataAMte^ large portion o< which ware grtfaatMr^ med tarms. PbU dliwoiaBBlora^^ute

otte V«get&las, I invlia tbe aatrattM tf 2 who arTmSm to bava tbefr^uSAMte bS'iSiE"'"'


TBAirog mr auiewui. bt a <'oa«a,Jr. KTwrpuantMaaaMayaUiuaaa prom tills boA and nwi U «a«l»aJrS akJUL, n pncs Bi eH.

many Mad aad wood enaavtBaL lUtL '•V^S'T*^^ Br Qeo»»elt«Uar.oll

» daaHBsd tor Uhrtlsns ganai^!^ a wtaily. caoUi, UB

Page 8: Our Pulpit. - media2.sbhla.org.s3.amazonaws.commedia2.sbhla.org.s3.amazonaws.com/tbarchive/1881/TB_1881_Jan_22.pdf · jM t Uuyo' uo * a!0 «h .\v«Mini> 496 TKK BAJE>T1ST. JmOmvwt

B c f t c r l p l i v c C i r c u l a r .

Ta c vtiXASk o r t A s p

r e a t O r a n g e B e l t . Tht» »I»«I In about iMM»y fl« min» fr«>n»

thiAlumM O ^ awl 1» »«««»' , fitTorv h'Uiaicmptrcd r:

S i a B r e e z e ,

mtm •« »««oain« it ta j^iuiarlr iplp-—« to tlM necMHilo of InraJbte.

Thta B«ll crt to. li «'» iwentr mtlT ^alaUnc. •"•I, In onr lmm«l!«l«

U n s u r p a s s e d i n f e r t i l i t y , b» UT P»n« nsmn In the 8J«!». In jrtl-Uonly Joor jo«»oUl, we b»». » SB*

C l I A I i T K U O A K S

K A l { L Y B R E A K F A S T

F A V O i l l T E ,

A n d C i l A M l ' i O N .

S c h o o l B u i l d i n ulaa Ihr Dnioo 8iiimBy-«:hool I

ebarcH innrtcwi. W« !»t» dmllr mmlJ*. "nn of the unjw

^J^j^SereliailUsMona tn soath KlodiU. sdn^Mora, BB E i e h t - F a g c W e e U y P a p e r , talit«iuBnlU> ««» •••pn •'MP' •''""'i^J!"

*'l|w£?btlan3imtlon ot IntuIVLi »e »»n fcW =SriMirt phyrttcUUM »» "H'^'J? ^(ISmU nidleml mSO. when


H . W E I T K R & C O . ,


nr iend for CataloKoe aad

HOP BITTERS, (A Mc«elM, Mrt s DrlakJ


DASDELlOIi, ASOTIU Pc«MT »jn» Bnr HimcAi. QuiimM or AU. oxmw Birnu*.

• p w w-g- c m t B All Diseases of tho Stonwh. B o w ^ Blood, Larer Kidneys »ml Or-puis. NcrvooBneas Blf^'^ncss, FtmsJe Complaints laJ Drunkenciio.

$1000 ISOLD Will be paU for a cnse they will not rare or help, or for anylUing Impure or Injuri-ous fiHind In thim. . „ .

Ask ynur druggist for Hop Bitters ^ frt!0 brM.ks, »nd try tho Bitters U-fora you sletp. Take uo other. The Hop Cough Cure and Pain R^ief U

the Cheapest, Surest and Bert. TOM BT nafooisTs. For lala W. N. Wllkenon A Co, Meia-

pbla, Tenn.

I 8 6 0 . E S T A B L I S H E D , 1860.

n . G . C R i ^ I G & C O . ,

R e l i a b l e F a r m I m p l e m e n t

^ n d S K E D I ^ e a l e r s ,

M a i n S t r e e t ,

C u i t i T a d n g O r a n g e Ud temon «re»«sl»oor.|»oUlty. of which jna jjji TlelnllJ In

ot »n sOamlm I cui.ien feamsttnau Um*.

tfcusoOkrtos thau C b o l c « L a n d s

I ^ S S ^ J T S ^ Villi*, lota .nd •pm ed yiwuyfcirinf*!*'- -rot furtliw psrtienlmni call 00 or adUrcM

J . Y . P A R C E , B«LAa». T«l»«l« Commty. ri-rt-u.

B . A- DcLAXO. rAIKTOKT. C«»«I». S. T.

M E S l P l l i S , T E N N .

»: 11 wf 12 «1M>wib« nm* .. istra

AGISTS ffASTEBgiit^'^^.^n^M.^a

InSamlaalM. It will »l»o knit ot fancy-wnrk fw whicb ib»re l» »Iwmy« » iwdr invkri. tviul (sreirmlsr and ter^ to th«*ww»My toiiuiig «•<• — Waahlnr on atmt. . tViBloo. Mam xlli

co,» C.11... > « Tea. XtU ffiSI

r n r t ; "UeicalCoBBoaSeise," I tn aumrm to pot g*. .

^ F l L O m D A .

D e L a i i d


MiaatMltnabMUititnlBnil bMtth; snd wIthU TBRER BelM>-l, t» now oP" ""

RBCKPTION o r Q C E S T S . Tmkia m w I M Wllk t la tfcf Warket.

P R B VtXK.. "Aac^lWia tor^M ^ T«A5!»lE2rT BOAJUS PER DAT JitoP •JIW

O. r . T B B R T , P r o p r l e l a r . siussit

.BUCKEYE BELLFOUXU^ l ^ b !rr:>. tto wlaBStTSD. _

i-an«iu«n mali» f»»m KB m »si f-t ifOnds Ibr IC. e . ' «• I"

>lmli^atlii«t.1l«wTork.lleifc ^eatatocw atttliaiTU.

H Y M N B O O K S , j

^Tvrsmw lljmBa. (Word* oniyi. A coil«tlon of I'O of Ihe b«t and .w«lestoI oor-oWUme-hymaa. Thl» book ha« bc»n eomplUd 10 m«>l a want Ion* Wt In unr country eban:he».and the praxer and aoclal mwUnri j; ctacfcra e clM-. an i lown». Ibt a .mall and chMp Hymn Eooi crntaln-Ini; me 0»»t approvBd and mo i popular hymn*. iKHb old and new. Pri». in paprr anfn, U cU p»r copy. 11 per do« ; In fleilbl. clolh, 15 ct*. llJiO P«r do»n. Sent by mnil on ttcelptof prlec.

Thr G»H>»« Uyma aod Tnwe B«.k. By I»wry A l»»ne. A cboica oillertlon 01 llymns and ^uMc.old andnew.f-ir use In prajer.mr»!ln«. Cmlly circle and cbuicb lerrire. It contains 135 Hymna familiar to all Chrt»ll»n», and "o Iborooghly elaaallled that tha pMtor or leader will be able to p«r-ceire almost at a tlan» tne cinater of bymn» from wWeh to make bU aelection. In band-tome cloth blndlof and black Mam p. red edcf^ prSeeSUcta per copy. In all qnantlllea. nve cenU extrm when orderwl by mall AddrcM BAFTIIIT BOOK HornE. Xemptala. Trail.

V I O L I N O U T F I T S ^

zuissAses i I

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_ in ml. WW— tm 1: HKlttMr.i. l>>»

WaLFE. I4S taltk Ct--of irMt Talu.

XlllSt <S


AumxTfi tr.txrwM't ih. liKwl c.i. .'.K'i.l .ilKil. <*ff.-rM

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S u n d a y - S c h o o l B o o k s

m e C i n c i n n a t i W e e h l j T i m e s Ih* iHwarr werHiy of Ih' Wr«l.an el«hl paiwr ""l* dolUr a y««r. and » S w i S r « l «i«t»Tin« le-t wide and

h^ M three tert i™>« tn*. and poatasf .aid 10 eTerr witKK'rlh.'r. AiWrw ' WKKKLT Tl«ia«,CI«el»»»ll O. U »1U3»

T h e M c K e i i z i o R o u t e


N a s h v i l l e A » D T H E



mm m. i x s iunws t i o w w i .

Bend Ibr cav.-!:'ocne. Addr.«B. LOWRCY a berry, rroprletora.

K«a ilountua. Tippah county. Ktitn

A <ew riny Tolnaae Ubrmry. Wbola anmberp»seainUbr»ry«5lO. Marble paper 4dn. clota b«k. IKDO.

Baptist Uucauon Book, (by A. C. Dayton) Vota. 1. and tU e«b. 2S eta.

MyrUe Qn-iatrfM BOOK , u- Weaw) wcli.ncts. , ,.

Child-* Cktechlsm In Rhym* (Mrs A. t. Or»»«i)eaeh.a)cta.

Brief CatecUtara ou Bible Doctrln. 4Dr. J. i n b i n t f l a w QueaUon Book lU U- Shack)

t . (B. -aaty. Jr.) p«

^ I S ^ I I l m . , Part U, (B. Jtonly. Jr.) p«

" " S w ^ S ^ o n Book. (B. M«ily

jover. per doien. |1 J». Blue and Bed Ttcket».per IWO. H-OO. Any of tb* book. «nt by riaU. port

P*ld. on receipt id price. Ad.lrH»

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b a U a n o ^ a M. t h e Southeaal ,

Ufltn. ,he trarelllns P""-"'

ra^nsera tafelng thU rout. IcaTe Memphis eromLAS Depot, bead ol Main street.

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h Pritfs fruff. »9t. t« $5.00

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Small 0>Mavo Albnmv tnrli«^ 12 Klylw bolUlrg iroin .10 tn io ranging In price from Sic. lo $I.IO e:icli. ar cording lo nutabiTof pboUigrapiia.

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del* It » we a In luilr i.ivu. Trrnii. ..m 900t50Uia' Addrtrw " «»t.l l.-n ft to. t inlan.!. Mm..,- itli A



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J !• UOOEItM. J A- jr-TICK

R o g e r s C o .

J O B P R I N T K K S , BOOK ri:BLl.<«iit:n!>. a

m m k m i m i i\M ruiu.i^.s

itnin Kirrcf. MEMPHIS, - - • T E W .

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L a w s o f H e a l + b . a n d X ) i s e a s e . Ajir

T h e o r y l a d P r a c t i c e of X e d i c i n e , I b r F a m i l j U s e . My Br. MKXM THOV*« vT 1

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wt>rk ta an a;,pan« that Ita gteat rain* BMr-^ needs to lie a.t itank. enee (o an utgent He demand lor noch a w jrk that tlM ptewui '

ttwaawtth ind it la cofifldt ni ty bellevid thai ibia de u lad ia ww, Mr'^ fliatthlM^^

^monthaa^ortrye. Tbe wmk. eoahnees MB-ivatiaB) oTUir

Authornf ihl. »«.rK taa dUt<ngubib>ti phyiu^n of mon than ortr yeaiasneeartUane-te leal writer of nudouWed au>Uty Tbe wxttk.embsaees tbe fesalts'ffbii <ce and rarlrd practice, and la a full, aanuate, aad ecaBprebeait tlee,and a me leal writer of nndouWed au>U' lone experleoce and rarlrd practice, and la a fL the lAwa of Health and Ulnawe, written tn langnac* adiptad to the eoespcali non-ptvr«xio'nal reader. fVoM Prof. V. K. Bimtine, Pmrai^tf .WuMBf, naa..-—Btsit eapal ami unptvjudl ed mind that ezumlnes Ihla work, wUl award to tta aotaar u s of lalenta of tha highest order, an Intellect - - • I n tellect cooapteaoos t>r tba po«er ID BiBfp Md aastjse tn dlaeaae. and oSXmn lo ta aaemlsr wsansr, Ms mara. The work to an^mliahla adnssr, aad kr tbs

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Tlh- abore book will be unt, post paid, to any addisst on receipt of prlc«. THE BArTOIT BOOK ••CBG, •


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i Oammentlng and COmmeotarlea. Lee-i tare, .ililr—nd to tbe Btorteat. ot the

Paator-s College, taeeUMsr with a list al tlw b-« BibOeal Uominsclartea and Expoa Uona. Tbt>«alBCMBka< spoia.foti'a t.ectarw ' «m Preaebera;- alao a complete list ol sU of spnig>on>i Sermoos pnbtlshed In tbUcoantry, wt'b the Scripture text. oaed. I vol. t.-mo I !

rb» Uatehlrw. Mywer. and other Ser-mon.; with In^exeaofScrlpturrTesta.

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HAPIIMr RiMtH HorvE. «em|tkl«. Tram.

T h e tJrout ( l i u i r l i Li^^l.t S h o i ' t - H r t u d W r i l i i i g Fill Nik'?* lA r» N r KKKLtliTolW i ^

(JtviMlit* tii4»4 potrtrfiil, ttif' on b k iio«ru for cit<trt*h(*i%.s|«»r - , TU -BT PtKSsWiLV. OK I) WH .luiW Wliulo,.. piTMir*, tiHiiU. I>nire«. pie | til egitlivn • ilu .tiea. ili'poix e r X want; ; L I'I.l. aii-l e mi Vf. liH.tt net ton* given in eK- ant dm n * I'-e or' n l'.mii>«raptiy. ••r xtH tl llan<l t<«nd.txei>. KXIU. ud KtH Cl cuUi ai d t Wiifm, ytiii r me «mw .nr ii.t m-ILAt Uftlw lima *. ! rii t.v mNK H \l.Fit>ri.ie u nail; e«-arged .A 'I- era! .ll eouiil citmeiie- ai'il II.f li-«,lr I •«>' l*li'M»ette e»»ll-gr... .ihI |in>>ri..i<<r.n *beaat 1 I-F'ltINK .i' I'.aii .ireet, .Ne» 'koiii i M r..<isbi>ui ti,,. coon'rj, MaUaT^laa »11 II Xlll >1 { Uniir«..i«rd, wr MMej- B«-ftiad»d

! Ae Ive lulnlateta am! titair anas er dangh I u-ra. i.iig .ta- HALF PRlfK. • i K.-r ei-eulani aitd t»TTOii ad-T-aa, vltb IMauii). KEV. |.R\KK L DcPlJtT.

^P O a>i n. FarmUgloo, Ey. nil KM

XIII ..U ^ euW

I C U R E F I T S ! When 1 aay cure. I do not mean merely tn atop tliem.fer a time an** then have them Ketarn acaln: I mean a radical curc, I have made the dlaeanc of FITS, i r i u m 01 rALiise SICUESS

a Ufa long aindy. I warrant my remedy to TO re the worat cawea. Beeanae other* have tailed la no remna tnr not now reealvtac s eare. Hend at one« tor a Trwitlae and a T?Ul BotUa oc my tntelllM* mnedy. It ^ . _ ncthlnc. and I wtil ear* you. Olve Ezproa and Poatofflre. Addraa Or. U. U. R «X>T. US Paarl St, New Yor tUIBMeow

a^Acenl. tV.'.ni.-d for tlMi rict«r1al U j B L E c o m m e n t a t o r


D . W . ttUUHiS, BeaMvIa

W A T C H E S , C L O C K S , J e w e l r j , S i l r e r a n d P l a t e d

W a r e . an Mala* awa WKE3C- tH a day at boms eeally made. CMty Ootill baa. AMisss Tairx A lo, Angosta, MalM. sUtUxlTU

A W o n d e r f u l D i s c o T e r y . A speedy cnra Ibr PaeaeMala and all Lng in.nMas;J»aacTOilaeeersl saass tkat van proDoancsd mnsnmaMcB. Daat pay oar aay mora nwMT nag hatoi aad azMota-laats,bntseadoaadaOarlD MMd IMtwo rMwiAta tbat win save roa dallaa. Tbs •ngtvdlrat. ean be had la m t y MmOr tor a l i ^ BotblaK. AdanM ^ ^

ilB& stMAir cammsB. osewi twser eeeal^Aze. Sluwa

l ^ M o m


B A P H S f C M P f l l l f Y . ^Ser.&TJECDOOZ; S.St.

Neir,reTtw.i.aDdenlarged(ditJoe. aewCknMtauti) Fmm'an eatiRi* iwv art oTpbuet. PiUCCKEOCCnEOi tC^pcir hutbcd, Si»stcCi»le«» CeaU.

Onu^nidm'V aim tall m. _ a»

mmaa. ttcasataaAKkteoI ^ mnoc, Cbantt Odic. h Bale, at (]rte, Tamt scd Btnka. Ac. Biery dia^awBbtt.VialdAansca^. BoakeaUetvy

S T * 4 BOOK OX (3XISTIAX B A M S M . DT HiBeai. tM-OB'i'SOc lteilbll culsy, nc _8TA» BOOK roR MlillSlMS. by Br. Hi.rt>i n* cktsTsuti-. twta sMCsaL 1 Vd, •IAOl

Sixth Tbmand. I)^-.rrA.\lXT OS. BAPTISB.-7W af the BM Cnitary.

iHhstsr-"^ IierlBS;ila^a.Vy.lilL a i s ^ ia tke Ind .haBlt hsts sad dir*i«w. »«J*pi Txkn^

'octen fc^oQ^U^ t» pno itSy tad cSKfUlx aiMdsd io.

-TteBspBCBaaklleoeaf ItewTaifc-

a>BBaBaat,S.T. zlUXOeow


zm ler


U tha T m t I T >

S U B S C B I P n O X P B I C E



II hat


Tot aaa ssDd yw laBNlbr T n U m r .

UbMttHlllVM ihliaBa^MnB •aduavnlMH

Page 9: Our Pulpit. - media2.sbhla.org.s3.amazonaws.commedia2.sbhla.org.s3.amazonaws.com/tbarchive/1881/TB_1881_Jan_22.pdf · jM t Uuyo' uo * a!0 «h .\v«Mini> 496 TKK BAJE>T1ST. JmOmvwt

I ' Uoyov Us _ 3IU 4tii


SrtSSfSl. Prtcby in»u,»cu.

! mlnmab «Mh tUa


I iSw&nnony o f U » e J S S ^ S ^

JIH^.^ifiiiSiolWoauJi: Tli«0«nlu«

BMVW VW m m vtth Bii« [SSrV^U-BMd 1 e f t W tgj

sua I* • <»« ud FilM««ta-


, S S a ^ a M S i t o ^ «»• rtUn. pmenrtlon. i Prta^lnetoU».W»-

f t e oMhe Yoong M«B « u>a botiw^"" iB^^iSdlJlirtoliolWoauJi: Tli«0«nlu« ISfMSJSw. •««». Mater. Br BeT H BmttV D D. A

iruilsiBS, y ' I

I Buar ckMti

i S ^ m s I __ .


vitK Binr Uiocnuid anoa-

I tSu m r brtoni boo»d 'SS^SS 1 SStlii a iiMBdioineaaper.royal rro ol ort I TOOpaip^ Inolom.BM. Pal»U GanMk ««im tor

II ilMiaa laai TiiT_ i—

r o i f U C A i .

lb* American py rmmem i I «T«r bMB pr®.! " - ' ^ f i g r


^ IB -gtilHIT UM —*wnr

l ^ s S S E ' S S ^ " SJlSSaSfS h S k S b ^ T - U to » hii.1 tKj5i55tp«MaW It wUI bafctout ipcclaUy want u> OMnmt bam

• A r a n irAcn va> lunruoBm • A KJftJI KW TM

WB-TTrS^. ^aaiauraawlanhUia vMhoak anr •wrUlaa of aonanlanna, M w ^ o f M la not tlw autt ol ua rrtaataaloui^

|aBaTT.S.J<ma%IXO. maa, to etoUu ILN

atata. <• Ma^aM-•CBVtWn THX At». BrKUUX •.iSiSr. Imalalk.lUpaiaa.Mata.. ^

H f a i l aal I a ^ l Wagfca la raiMr e

un—liiiia *i ttir l~i—"—* Bjr»aai»>'

w»nUn« ln merit, pie STnJSbSrtn* liaTa not baan tatarniptad. UWIU'SS'-

iMtft aiaa. roan —

ooK of ralaranM <n aU 1. Mewton ,nu|ia,and enf»Tln«ioa Inahaepaxua 1 •osvy

M i ^ S i s t tSw SiooW inlerart vnry Ihaaaitli. pagea,SIA

Bend :oT oatalocna. Addraa all orden to Um „ BArriNT MWOK HOC^ M—uMa Ta**

nZS iM^l r^ ik . By A. & Dajooo. U-

• l i laa t i - Utf CMapfc<Jtlt» ua.

•aC I By D B Bay. A Bosnia i S S w i i u * ^ uunpnauim. Prlea,»IJO


BliBaat a aoB IV BSV* WiWTW m a valnabta '•Taompiaia By-trwk amra auiM» • - - - t - ^

StST iSaaa nnM of wtoc — • BOOK « Aiaai WW wbom anpajnplasad

Ute^trtUUB IIM TS«B fftwES^K

SSSiKSdaradatoMa. • s M o n -

jS 'SKi - t i n a «-a wo voUflJ.

Hr tpaf t i i - p - i ^

BOOMB rOB M B CB Tw W W tf^ "BSS: o Ha-mlailDo, Told l» BiMpla

Of hlnl P O W D E R

lil isolBtily p u n .

THE BAPTIST. Entcrad U tha Foat OOe* of Mamphla. Touu, aa HaaOBd Oaa MaUar.

O l d S e r i e s — Y o l . X X X V U . p m s , T E N S . . J A N U A B T 8 9 , 1 8 8 1 . Ne i r S « r i e B - Y o L x n i . ] ! • . SS .

O u r P u l p i t .


Wboaa la tUa Image aad tnpMMtlpUon r'-Uark zU. M. m H E «ieinlea of Christ, auloos to compus his

dfetrnctkni, tried to beti»y him into th« ezpreatfoQ of seditioos sentiments. Tb^y ap-pioBched him with reverence in t h ^ manner, with honejred words on their lips, and witli the DullRnant devil of deceit in their hearts. Havins, as they 8n]q>ofled, disarmed suspldon by t h ^ ftil> some flatteries, and secoted a place in his confi-drace by their well simulated earnestness and sincerity, they inqaiisd of the Savior; " I s it lawful to give tribute to Cn^ar, or not?" " I s it lawful for ua, the children ot Abraham, the chosen people of God, to countenance the usurpa-tions of the Roman, pagan authorities by yield-ing to their exactions ?" The answer of a Judas Maccabeus to such a question they cooid easily imagine, and it must have appeared impossible to tiiese eonning Pharisees and Uerodians that one claiming to be Messiah should ever think of re-plying in terms less revolutionary than would have been employed by that fleiy prince. Bat Jesus disoarned their spbdt and their moavea, and treated his advcraailas, not aa ardent patriots, Iwt'ttl tmdberoos knavts: ^ Ittid oito tfcam:

^ I h ' ilwalty, ^ l i o a ^ t h j T u a l l i S i ' and raperacrlptionr" continued he. " O e w V ' they promptly answered. Jraus having led them by bis method to discover thtir thinly-disgnited hypocrisy, for why were they in poseession of this f(»eign roin if they bad not recognised as lawful the authority uf the foreign potentate whoao imtige it bore? He said to tbcm decbively: " Bender unto Qe«ir the things tl at are Ca>iar's." And then, a.') reaUziog the wider api^ication of the principle laid down, xn application which these Pharisees needt^ to learn. He added, "and to God the things that are Ood's."

The general doctrines set torth in these words of our Lord was snbsequenUy expresBed by the Apostle Paul, in his epistle to the Romans: "Render therefore to all their dues, tribute to whom tribute Is due; custom to whom custom; tear to whom fear; honor to whom honor," and should be recognised cheerfaily in all relations of lUs where indebtednes exists.

Whose image and superscription do yon bear? WhoM bdng has been wrought into your soul and body, and whose training into your chaiac-tcr? Do yoa answer, "Our parents?" Th«i render to your parents the things that are yrar pweota*. Whose image and sopetscnptkm do yoa bear nationally? America's? Has thta ooontry imparted to you her spirit; has she left apob yoo the Imprint of her genius and her Insti-tntlooar Then render to your country theal-ligianoe, serrioe, and sopport that are yoor coon-ti^B. B«t whose Image do yoa bear roU^uasIy? Who baa refined your lif)B? Who has ted yoa to the Savior, taught you the signiflcknce of time IU14 the o iy of eternity? Who opened to yoat mtad tiM Soiptares; who chid yoor IndUEmnoe; oometed yoor erron, awakened yoor oon•ctale^ InflBBDced your eonduct, and was InstmmentBl In imprinting on yoor sool^the Ukeneasor Chriitt Ko wbom are 700 IiKltf>ted for what yoa know of the goqiel, what yoa fbel orpows, what yoo hops offaWTcntr K yd^an^mdld^wlllac^cnowl*

edge that the churdi, under God, haa been the Booroettf these spiritoalbftsaings, and that to her yoa owe yoor attainments—be. t b ^ ever so high, be they ever 80 meagre—in the life divioeb Bat tot ber yoa woald have had lk> gospel, no Sunday-school instractlcm, no holy Sabbath, no sotemn asaembly, no oMana of grace, and no direct labon for yeor Balvattoo. If yoa a n Christians in heart itisdnetotheinflnesoeofthechnrch. Yoo have received the image of h n Lord, and her sopnscription is on yoo; then render to tlie church the things that belong to the chnrdi. This, aooording to the reasoning of the Savior in the

of the tribute money, is nnqucsticmabiy yoor daty.

The church daims your sympathy, afliKtlonr and support. She expects more than your patron-age, yoor coontenanoe, or approval. Her assump-tion is, that yoo should be membeia of ber body, labcren m her vineyard,teapen in her ilelds,aod aoldlers in her army. Anything short this does not satisiy her. They whom she has helped she daims should hdp her; and they who have de-rived their spiritual strength from bet services ahoold devote their strength to her service'in le-tnm. Thia is her positiwi, the view she oiter tains reganUng what she is enUtled to at the hands of then who have been reUgifMisly entidted tar het miBfatrattomii yeaaonabln aa thia posiUoo

t h e m t i w i w Ik M o b i m .vi^lmttapupaB.^ ..XtoebBtpb iMC lkelcpcsMMla bw ueM-

Ings, and even their pecnnJaiy aid; bat tbcty de-cline to ally themselves mws doidy with- her membership, w identify themsdves mgie inti-mately with her interests. The(y pref^ to be re-garded as ontsida saints, onoomimmised by paUlc profeasion, and unrestrained by any authority other than " tbeir own sweet wilL-' Some among them afftct a scrfter dlMain tor the chutdi and her offices. They acknowledge no obli^ti<Mi to nnite with her, and assnme that they can be Just as usefnl, andjustassidritoal apart from her associations and ordinance^ Sometimes thoy even intimate that membenhip in a church renects on the.efflcacy of grace, im-plying, as it seems to do, that Oud can not be reilel on absolutely for needed succor, and for the perfecting of hia own work in the soul. Andthas the church is d ^ v e d of the coonsds, tite ener> gettc support, and penonid infiuence of hundreds, ptthapa thoosands, who are best quaUfied to in-c r e a « ^ efficiency in the world for good.

Thai tb« attitade of these negative fiteida is QB8cri}>taiaI, onwanantatde, OBiJiHtiflabie, and onMr I undertake to prove; and I bespeak for my endeavor your most serious attantion.

First of all, U fkOs entirely to recognise the divine authori^ by which the d^ms of the church are sanctianed. In that remarkaUe tri-partite production, called "the Bible (or leame(S,>« it is aigned that Jesos Christ founded no eedssi-astical instttatlons whatever, and that the organl-nti(m of rdigloas Ufa was a thooght of FBol's and waa doe to hia aapdty- This view, however,

hardly snstalnaMe, and certainly it to not In aoconl with either the testimony of Scriptare or ofhlstoty. The Savior, when Pater contesed his

^tpeared In Jiidea.aBdln vatlaaspottloaBortl|t Roman empire. The episttos were aMisawiil to socb commnnltim or to their oOea-bwrsm and aiBBme throagboot their i«wtoss aad formation. That the diadpies promptly and eariy have sssnclati toalrewly Iif favor of the sopporitian that they regarded it as conaonaat with the divine wm tor them. In this maimer to give viaibOky to tiiair U t h ; and that thto obligatioa WM commonly ai^nowledged, various WT|Bwkaia in t t e New Testament abandanUy prove. Tbos It to staled, as one of the features of the apostolie paried. " that the Lord added to the dimdi daily awh w should be BKvcd." It to also written of thase eon-verts, "that UMor conUnoed ateadlsat ia the apostle's doctrine and Mlowshlp, in bnaUag ct hrsad and of prayers," worda that deseribe tbs completed d ide of Cbristiattdnty. BnAtastUes in commendaticm of certain bellevan, that "they gave themsdves to the Lord, and •Osnnud to each other by the wiU of God," and ezhosis others "not to fonske theaasemUiagof them-selves together." From sll of wMeh wegatfasr that the primlUve diad|to were boand fay a Divine command to organite themsdves into sommunitios.

i AndUUtey.whynotwe? Atunramptton trpm

Uw Bile In o t Ikvoteai bswImi » duB)^ as aa InstilBtton w ^ t o 1)71

a the promlseor OBr8BvfortototefliMQid.t*> lieven of every age most enter Into Iti wimbei^' ship. There to no eaeape ftom thto nmiiaslini Then it la to be remembend that then a n two ordinances Unding oa all «bo a n s b v I ^ changed-bvtismandtheLard<Banpper. OaeaT them lies at the thifahoU of m ^ Uj* other occurring at BtattdperlodaaloivitoepaiM. But these ordinances wws oomnjitted to the church, and are administered nader Ito aapervt-sion. Who, then, to to can for them, gnart fhrn , and be respondhle for their Baistenaaee? I haw already said" the diBrdL** Bat tt can 4«Iy give what it has reodved, and If Its memtaa Individ-oaily have reedved these wdluux», and If t ^ a n only warranted In Imparttag them to o d m In tbeir organic capadty aa a diBrdi,ar diotiMi, then it follows th«t indivldoally tfaiy a n nader otrfigattons to form soch oigantiattaaa or to nfila with tbcee already tacmed, that then ritas n a y be duly admlatotered, and be parpetaaUy ob-served. Therefore, armidlng to the taaAlag of the Kew Tertament, it must be Qie doty of cvay bdiever to si»k membership la snoM honehoid of iaith." And if God h n thus oedaiMd, Who a n we that we should pnsame to set ap oar opinions against hJs law ? It Is neither modatBor saft! for ns to snbsUtntaoor tondasand prsteances In the place ol hto nvealed wQL HhahM lakan pains to show m the way In whid wvAoaid walk, sordy H to a smaD thing forn ts lake

e pains to dlaeover the path, and InlnaB within its boondaiies. - .

MenlahBhlp, q x ^ of hto durch M extotlng, aad dedatad Ita indcstmctlbUlt]^. He also, daring htominlsfary.ibrmatatedltblawot d i s d ^ ^ aad «UoInednvaenoeforItsdedaloaa. Hto language erfdentty implies Its ezlstenw In hto day; and thto Inftnnee k fkiUy eonflrmed by the het that soon attar Us naorreettoa organind ooaunoalttoa

Then, secondly, tho attltadsr of than whode-rllne to panne thto eoane, Bi'b altogath* to 14k predate the humaa aeeda by whiA the dalna of the church a n dnngtheasd. Shlllar oxpnaHi la hto " Mary B t ^ " ti^ d a ^ yeaning of tta aool ka i^lgioas aaodattoa. wtiw ha cxdalaHx "Oh, hapfy one whom glad aaitsd prayer awaiiililii la the Lsid's hoosa." Bat thto is not a M n asntlmenlallonging; tttontberapntonndBiao-tkal fcdlng originating la a eonsdon aswM ef