our quality control system according to en iso ... - flow-arm loading arms... · lpg loading arms...


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Page 1: Our Quality Control System according to EN ISO ... - FLOW-ARM Loading Arms... · LPG loading arms Bottom loading 2503-BC loading station 31 ... Single range top loading arm Operating
Page 2: Our Quality Control System according to EN ISO ... - FLOW-ARM Loading Arms... · LPG loading arms Bottom loading 2503-BC loading station 31 ... Single range top loading arm Operating

OOuurr QQuuaall ii ttyy CCoonnttrrooll SSyysstteemm aaccccoorrddiinngg ttoo EENN IISSOO 99000011::22000000,, hhaass bbeeeenn wwiiddeellyy

tteesstteedd iinn yyeeaarrss wwii tthh ccoonnttiinnuuoouuss uuppddaatteess,, ttoo tthhee pprroodduuccttiioonn ccyyccllee,, ttoo tthhee ff iinnaall cchheecckkss aanndd tteessttss aanndd iinn ccoonnsseeqquueennccee ttoo tthhee qquuaall ii ttyy mmaannuuaall aanndd pprroocceedduurreess.. For this reason on September 2001 we have obtained the approval from


OMC normally operate with the most important third parts inspection authorities as:

� LLOYD’S REGISTER (certifing body of our quality standard according to ISO 9001) � RW TÜV � BUREAU VERITAS � S.G.S. � DET NORSKE VERITAS

PED 97/23/EC

ATEX 94/9/EC

Page 3: Our Quality Control System according to EN ISO ... - FLOW-ARM Loading Arms... · LPG loading arms Bottom loading 2503-BC loading station 31 ... Single range top loading arm Operating


Introduction We are pleased to introduce our wide range of liquid transfer systems, currently installed and operating all over the world supported by more than 40 years of experience. Our loading arms are the right solution to solve problems regarding loading/unloading liquid products for truck/rail tanks, proposing various types of arms, according to the loading typologies, products and operating conditions.


622-BC/722BC 4 621-BC/721-BC 5 621-LR/A 6 621-LR/B 7 2239-U/A 8 2239-U/B 9 2633 10 2619 11

Top loading



12 2454 13 740/750 14 750-LR 15 750-SPC 16

Hydrocarbons loading arms

Bottom loading



17 2374 20 2385 21 2385-LR 22 2902 23

Top loading



24 2455-BC 25 2504-BC 26

Chemicals loading arms

Bottom loading 2475

Pg 27

2503-BC 30 2503-BC loading station 31 LPG loading arms Bottom loading 2503-BC closed system loading station

Pg 32

2570-M jacketed 34 2879 jacketed 35 2570-M electrically traced 36 2879 electrically traced 37

Loading arms for hot products Top loading

2902 electrically traced


38 2385 40 2385-LR 41 Loading arms for food service Top loading Special

Pg 42

2249 floating suction unit 44 2302 floating suction unit 45 Drainage unit 46 Various loading arms

4903 hydraulically operated


47 C-3659 API RP 1004 coupler for liquid 50 C-3682 API RP 1004 coupler for vapour 51 2823 Socket 105 coupler 52 C-3889 anti-spill valve 53 504 loading valve 54 504-U loading valve 55 2141 check valve 56 2289 check valve swivel 57


Vacuum breakers


58 Vacuum breakers 60 05182 bilancing cylinder 60 Electrical signals 61 2429 lock-down system 62 2408/2410 drip bucket 62 2424 sight glass indicator 62 2453 flexible hose end 62 Support units 63 Pneumatic overflow 64 Pneumatic operating 64 Safety cage 65


Flow chart



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Page 5: Our Quality Control System according to EN ISO ... - FLOW-ARM Loading Arms... · LPG loading arms Bottom loading 2503-BC loading station 31 ... Single range top loading arm Operating


Loading arms for Loading arms for Loading arms for Loading arms for

hydrocarbons hydrocarbons hydrocarbons hydrocarbons (Carbon steel/Aluminium standard execution)(Carbon steel/Aluminium standard execution)(Carbon steel/Aluminium standard execution)(Carbon steel/Aluminium standard execution)


Mod. 622-BC / 722-BC

Mod. 621-BC / 721-BC

Mod. 621-LR/A

Mod. 621-LR/B

Mod. 2239-U/A

Mod. 2239-U/B

Mod. 2633

Mod. 2619

Mod. 2620


Mod. 2454

Mod. 750 / 740

Mod. 750-LR

Mod. 750-SPC

Mod. 2475

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Model Description

622-BC 722-BC

Single range top loading arm

Operating conditions

Design pressure 10.0 Bar G Test pressure 15.0 Bar G Design temperature -15° C / +65°C

Seal material VITON Nitrile (Buna N)

Flow rate 3”–75 mc/h Max 4”–125 mc/h Max 6”- 280 mc/h Max

Standard dimensions Dn. 3” 4” 6” A 2100 2100 2100 B 1600 1600 1600 C / / / D 296 353 525 E 289 328 462 F 174 201 278 G H

Weight 85 105 200

N. Description Dwg/Mod

1 Style 50 double swing joint 2174 (*) 2004 (*)

2 Loading valve (stay/hold-open) 504 3 Tube assembly 4 Drop tube swivel 536

5T Drop tube with “T” deflector 2359-T 5D Drop tube with flow deflector 2359-D 5BF Standard drop tube 2359-BF

6 Spring balancing cylinder 05182 7 Valve remote control 2356 8 3/8” NPT Vacuum breaker 2336 9 Nipper drip bucket 2408


(*) Mod.2174 installed on Mod.622-BC loading arm Mod.2004 installed on Mod.722-BC loading arm

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Model Description

621-BC 721-BC

Double range top loading arm

Operating conditions

Design pressure 10.0 Bar G Test pressure 15.0 Bar G Design temperature -15° C / +65°C

Seal material VITON Nitrile (Buna N)

Flow rate 3”–75 mc/h Max 4”–125 mc/h Max

Standard dimensions Dn. 3” 4” A 2100 2100 B 600 600 C 1600 1600 D 296 353 E 289 328 F 238 305 G 174 201 H

Weight 90 115

N. Description Dwg/Mod

1 Style 50 double swing joint 2174 (*) 2004 (*)

2 Loading valve (stay/hold-open) 504 3 Tube assembly 4 Intermediate swivel C-3443 5 Secondary tube assembly (horizontal or slopped) 6 Drop tube swivel 536

7T Drop tube with “T” deflector 2359-T 7D Drop tube with flow deflector 2359-D 7BF Standard drop tube 2359-BF

8 Spring balancing cylinder 05182 9 Valve remote control 2356 10 3/8” NPT Vacuum breaker 2336 11 Nipper drip bucket 2408


(*) Mod.2174 installed on Mod.621-BC loading arm Mod.2004 installed on Mod.721-BC loading arm

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Model Description

621-LR/A Long range top loading arm

Operating conditions

Design pressure 10.0 Bar G Test pressure 15.0 Bar G Design temperature -15° C / +65°C

Seal material VITON Nitrile (Buna N)

Flow rate 3”–75 mc/h Max 4”–125 mc/h Max 6”- 280 mc/h Max

Standard dimensions Dn. 3” 4” 6” A 2500 2500 2500 B 2100 2100 2100 C 1600 1600 1600 D 296 353 525 E 289 328 462 F 439 510 707 G 174 201 278 H 2000 2000 2000

Weight 160 215 300

N. Description Dwg/Mod 1 Style 30 base swing joint 2174 2 Boom assembly 3 Style 50 double swing joint 2174 4 Loading valve (stay/hold-open) 504 5 Primary arm 6 Drop tube swivel 536

7T Drop tube with “T” deflector 2359-T 7D Drop tube with flow deflector 2359-D 7BF Standard drop tube 2359-BF

8 Spring balancing cylinder 05182 9 Pillow block C-4354 10 Valve remote control 2356 11 3/8” NPT Vacuum breaker 2336 12 Nipper drip bucket 2408

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Model Description

621-LR/B Long range top loading arm

Operating conditions

Design pressure 10.0 Bar G Test pressure 15.0 Bar G Design temperature -15° C / +65°C

Seal material VITON Nitrile (Buna N)

Flow rate 3”–75 mc/h Max 4”–125 mc/h Max 6”- 280 mc/h Max

Standard dimensions Dn. 3” 4” 6” A 2500 2500 2500 B 2100 2100 2100 C 1600 1600 1600 D 334 404 525 E 289 328 462 F 477 560 707 G 174 201 278 H 2000 2000 2000

Weight 160 215 300

N. Description Dwg/Mod 1 Style 30 base swing joint 2174 2 Boom assembly 3 Style 50 double swing joint 2174 4 Loading valve (stay/hold-open) 504 5 Primary arm 6 Drop tube swivel 536

7T Drop tube with “T” deflector 2359-T 7D Drop tube with flow deflector 2359-D 7BF Standard drop tube 2359-BF

8 Spring balancing cylinder 05182 9 Pillow block C-4354 10 Valve remote control 2356 11 3/8” NPT Vacuum breaker 2336 12 Nipper drip bucket 2408

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Model Description

2239-U/A Long range “unsupported”

top loading arm

Operating conditions

Design pressure 10.0 Bar G Test pressure 15.0 Bar G Design temperature -15° C / +65°C

Seal material VITON Nitrile (Buna N)

Flow rate 3”–75 mc/h Max 4”–125 mc/h Max 6”- 280 mc/h Max

Standard dimensions Dn. 3” 4” 6” A 800/2000 850/2000 1000/2000 B 2100 2100 2100 C 1600 1600 1600 D 296 353 525 E 318 375 491 F 296 353 525 G 174 201 278 H

Weight 125 165 335

N. Description Dwg/Mod 1 Style 30 heavy-duty base swing joint 2174-HD 2 Boom assembly 3 Style 70 double swing joint 2174 4 Loading valve (stay/hold-open) 504 5 Primary arm 6 Drop tube swivel 536

7T Drop tube with “T” deflector 2359-T 7D Drop tube with flow deflector 2359-D 7BF Standard drop tube 2359-BF

8 Spring balancing cylinder 05182 9 Valve remote control 2356 10 3/8” NPT Vacuum breaker 2336 11 Nipper drip bucket 2408

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Model Description

2239-U/B Long range “unsupported”

top loading arm

Operating conditions

Design pressure 10.0 Bar G Test pressure 15.0 Bar G Design temperature -15° C / +65°C

Seal material VITON Nitrile (Buna N)

Flow rate 3”–75 mc/h Max 4”–125 mc/h Max 6”- 280 mc/h Max

Standard dimensions Dn. 3” 4” 6” A 800/2000 850/2000 1000/2000 B 2100 2100 2100 C 1600 1600 1600 D 334 404 525 E 318 375 491 F 334 404 525 G 174 201 278 H

Weight 125 165 335

N. Description Dwg/Mod 1 Style 30 heavy-duty base swing joint 2174-HD 2 Boom assembly 3 Style 70 double swing joint 2174 4 Loading valve (stay/hold-open) 504 5 Primary arm 6 Drop tube swivel 536

7T Drop tube with “T” deflector 2359-T 7D Drop tube with flow deflector 2359-D 7BF Standard drop tube 2359-BF

8 Spring balancing cylinder 05182 9 Valve remote control 2356 10 3/8” NPT Vacuum breaker 2336 11 Nipper drip bucket 2408

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Model Description

2633 Long range “unsupported”

top loading arm

Operating conditions

Design pressure 10.0 Bar G Test pressure 15.0 Bar G Design temperature -15° C / +65°C

Seal material VITON Nitrile (Buna N)

Flow rate 3”–75 mc/h Max 4”–125 mc/h Max

Standard dimensions Dn. 3” 4” A 1500/2500 1500/2500 B 2000/3000 2000/3000 C 1600 1600 D 296 353 E 318 375 F 296 353 G 174 201 H

Weight 125 165

N. Description Dwg/Mod 1 Style 30 heavy-duty base swing joint 2174-HD 2 Boom assembly 3 Style 70 double swing joint 2174 4 Loading valve (stay/hold-open) 504 5 Primary arm 6 Drop tube swivel 536

7T Drop tube with “T” deflector 2359-T 7D Drop tube with flow deflector 2359-D 7BF Standard drop tube 2359-BF

8 Spring balancing cylinder 05182 9 Valve remote control 2356 10 3/8” NPT Vacuum breaker 2336 11 Nipper drip bucket 2408

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Model Description

2619 Double range top loading arm

with rigid vapour return line

Operating conditions Design pressure 10.0 Bar G Test pressure 15.0 Bar G Design temperature -15° C / +65°C

Seal material VITON / Buna N PTFE

Flow rate 4”–125 mc/h Max

Standard dimensions Dn. 4” A 1500 B 2000 C 1600 D 445 E 375 F 488 G 375 H 1820 L 2000 M 800

Weight 450

N. Description Dwg/Mod 1 Style 30 heavy duty base swing joint 2174-HD 2 Boom assembly (liquid) 3 Style 20 swing joint (liquid) 2174RV 4 Quadruple articulation 2619GR 5 Swing joint (liquid) 2174RV 6 Primary arm 7 Loading valve (stay/hold-open) 8 Check valve (liquid) 2289 9 Vapour recovery head

10 Vapour recovery cone 11 External sealing cone 12 Two-halves flange 13 “T” drop tube 14 Turnig elbow with collar (vapour) 15 Expansion joint (vapour) 16 Vapour return tube 17 Swing joint (vapour) 2174RV 18 Style 20 swing joint (vapour) 2174RV 19 Vapour return line 20 Expansion joint(vapour) 21 Bool pillow block 22 Flanged upper swivel 23 Spring balancing cylinder 05182 24 3/8” NPT Vacuum breaker 2336 25 Sight glass 2424 26 Verticality linkage 27 1”BSP female threaded with plug 28 Nipper drip bucket 2408 29 Pneumatic cylinder for up/down movement 30 Air logic control unit

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Model Description

2620 Double range top loading arm with flexible vapour return line

Operating conditions Design pressure 10.0 Bar G Test pressure 15.0 Bar G Design temperature -15° C / +65°C

Seal material VITON / Buna N PTFE

Flow rate 3”–75 mc/h Max 4”–125 mc/h Max

Standard dimensions Dn. 3” 4” A 1200 1200 B 2000 2000 C 1600 1600 D 372 455 E 289 328 F 372 455 G 203 343 H 1000 1000 L M

Weight 190 220

N. Description Dwg/Mod 1 Style 30 base swing joint 2174 2 Boom assembly 3 Style 70 double swing joint 2174 4 Loading valve (stay/hold-open) 504 5 Check valve 2141 6 Primary arm 7 Style 40 drop tube swivel 2175 8 Vapour recovery cone

9T Drop tube with “T” deflector 2359-T 9D Drop tube with flow deflector 2359-D

9BF Standard drop tube 2359-BF 10 Spring balancing cylinder 05182 11 Pneumatic cylinder for vertical movements 12 3/8” NPT Vacuum breaker 2336 13 Verticality linkage 14 Sight glass 2424 15 Air logic control unit 16 Apex push buttons for vertical movement 17 Pendant push buttons for up/down movement 18 Level control with protective tube 19 Vapour-return hose with loose flange 20 Valve remote control 2356 21 Pillow block C-4354 22 Pendant reset push button 23 Handle 24 Nipper drip bucket 2408

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Model Description


Triple range bottom unloading arm

Operating conditions Design pressure 5.0 Bar G Test pressure 7.5 Bar G Design temperature -15° C / +65°C Seal material PTFE

Flow rate

Standard dimensions Dn. 3” 4” A 1500 1500 B 1800 1800 C 600 600 D 272 300 E 200 245 F 200 250 G 200 250 H L 272 300 M

Weight 160 180

N. Description Dwg/Mod 1 Style 30 base swing joint 3996 2 Boom assembly 3 Style 70 double swing joint 3996 4 Primary arm 5 Style 70 double swing joint 3996 6 Butterfly valve 7 Spacer 8 Loose flange 9 Spring balancing cylinder 05182 10 Gas spring balancer 11 Handle

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Model Description

750 740

Bottom loading/vapour return arm with flexible vertical hose

Operating conditions Design pressure 10.0 Bar G Test pressure 15.0 Bar G Design temperature -15° C / +65°C

Seal material VITON PTFE

Flow rate 3”–75 mc/h Max 4”–150 mc/h Max

Standard dimensions Dn. 3” 4” A 900/1800 900/1800 B 2500/4000 2500/4000 C 600 600 D 296 353 E 289 328 F 296 353 G H L M

Weight 90 120

N. Description Dwg/Mod

1 Style 50 double swing joint 2174 (*) 2004 (*)

2 Tube assembly 3 Flexible hose with safety collars 4 Style 30 swivel elbow 2175 5 T.T.M.A. flange

6C Dry-disconnect coupler OMC C-3659 6RV Vapour return coupler OMC C-3682

7 Spring balancing cylinder 05182 8 Handle

9 Style 40 additional swivel (Optional) 2174 (*) 2004 (*)


(*) Mod.2174 installed on Mod.750 loading arm Mod.2004 installed on Mod.740 loading arm

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Model Description

750-LR Long range bottom loading/vapour return

arm with flexible vertical hose

Operating conditions Design pressure 10.0 Bar G Test pressure 15.0 Bar G Design temperature -15° C / +65°C

Seal material VITON PTFE

Flow rate 3”–75 mc/h Max 4”–150 mc/h Max

Standard dimensions Dn. 3” 4” A 1200/1500 1200/1500 B 900/1800 900/1800 C 2500/4000 2500/4000 D 296 353 E 318 375 F 296 353 G 296 353 H L 600 600 M

Weight 120 150

N. Description Dwg/Mod 1 Heavy duty base swivel joint 2174-HD 2 Boom assembly 3 Style 70 double swivel joint 2174 4 Tube assembly 5 Flexible hose with safety collars 6 Style 30 swivel elbow 2175 7 T.T.M.A. flange

8C Dry-disconnect coupler OMC C-3659 8RV Vapour return coupler OMC C-3682

9 Spring balancing cylinder 05182 10 Handle 11 Style 40 additional swivel (Optional) 2174

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Model Description

750-SPC Bottom loading/vapour return arm

with rigid vertical hose

Operating conditions Design pressure 10.0 Bar G Test pressure 15.0 Bar G Design temperature -15° C / +65°C

Seal material VITON PTFE

Flow rate 4”–150 mc/h Max

Standard dimensions Dn. 4” A 900/1800 B 2500/4000 C 600 D 353 E 375 F 353 G

Weight 130

N. Description Dwg/Mod

1 Style 50 double swing joint 2174-HD 2174

2 Tube assembly 3 Style 40 additional swivel 2174 4 Vertical tube 5 Style 20 single swivel joint 2175 6 Special light swivel C-3736 7 Spring balancing cylinder 05182 8 Gas spring balancer 9 Dry-disconnect coupler OMC C-3659 10 Handle

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Model Description

2475 “A frame” triple section

bottom loading arm

Operating conditions Design pressure 10.0 Bar G Test pressure 15.0 Bar G Design temperature -15° C / +65°C

Seal material VITON PTFE

Flow rate 3”–75 mc/h Max 4”–150 mc/h Max

Standard dimensions Dn. 3” 4” A 1500/2800 1500/2800 B 1500/2800 1500/2800 C 600 600 D 296 353 E 289 328 F 279 343 G 279 343

Weight 130 160

N. Description Dwg/Mod 1 Style 50 double swing joint 2174 2 Inboard pipe 3 Style 40 swivel joint 2174 4 Outboard pipe 5 Style 50 double swing joint 2175 6 Dry-disconnect coupler OMC C-3659 7 Spring balancing cylinder 05182 8 Gas spring balancer 9 Gas spring balancer

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Loading arms for Loading arms for Loading arms for Loading arms for

chemicalschemicalschemicalschemicals ((((Stainless steel standard executionStainless steel standard executionStainless steel standard executionStainless steel standard execution))))


Mod. 2374

Mod. 2385

Mod. 2385-LR

Mod. 2902


Mod. 2903

Mod. 2455-BC


Mod. 2504-BC

Mod. 2475

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Model Description

2374 Double range top loading arm

Operating conditions

Design pressure 10.0 Bar G Test pressure 15.0 Bar G Design temperature -15° C / +65°C Seal material PTFE

Flow rate 3”–75 mc/h Max 4”–125 mc/h Max

Standard dimensions Dn. 3” 4” A 2100 2100 B 600 600 C 1600 1600 D 347 424 E 302 348 F 279 343 G 279 343 H

Weight 100 125

N. Description Dwg/Mod 1 Style 50 double swing joint 2815 2 Fire safe (full-bore) ball valve 3 Tube assembly 4 Style 40 double swing joint 2175 5 Secondary tube assembly 6 Style 40 double swing joint 2175

7T Drop tube with “T” deflector 2359-T 7BF Standard drop tube 2359-BF

8 Spring balancing cylinder 05182 9 Valve remote control 10 3/8” NPT Vacuum breaker 2336 11 Nipper drip bucket 2408

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Model Description

2385 Single range top loading arm

Operating conditions

Design pressure 10.0 Bar G Test pressure 15.0 Bar G Design temperature -15° C / +65°C Seal material PTFE

Flow rate 2”–35 mc/h Max 3”–75 mc/h Max 4”–125 mc/h Max

Standard dimensions Dn. 2” 3” 4” A 2500 2500 2500 B 1600 1600 1600 C 207 279 343 D 285 309 373 E 273 303 348 F G H

Weight 80 120 170

N. Description Dwg/Mod 1 Style 50 double swivel joint 2815 2 Primary arm 3 Fire safe (full-bore) ball valve 4 Style 40 swivel joint 2175

5T Drop tube with “T” deflector 2359-T 5BF Standard drop tube 2359-BF

6 Spring balancing cylinder 05182 7 Nipper drip bucket 2408 8 Handle

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Model Description

2385-LR Long range top loading arm

Operating conditions

Design pressure 10.0 Bar G Test pressure 15.0 Bar G Design temperature -15° C / +65°C Seal material PTFE

Flow rate 2”–35 mc/h Max 3”–75 mc/h Max 4”–125 mc/h Max

Standard dimensions Dn. 2” 3” 4” A 1500 1500 1500 B 2000 2000 2000 C 1600 1600 1600 D 310 347 424 E 273 303 348 F 285 309 373 G 257 279 343 H

Weight 110 170 250

N. Description Dwg/Mod 1 Style 30 base swivel joint 2815 2 Boom assembly 3 Style 70 double swivel joint 2815 4 Fire safe (full-bore) ball valve 5 Primary arm 6 Style 40 swivel joint 2175

7T Drop tube with “T” deflector 2359-T 7BF Standard drop tube 2359-BF

8 Valve remote control 9 Spring balancing cylinder 05182 10 Pillow block C-4354 11 3/8” vacuum-breaker 2336 12 Nipper drip bucket 2408 13 Handle

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Model Description

2902 Double range top loading arm

with rigid vapour return line

Operating conditions

Design pressure 10.0 Bar G Test pressure 15.0 Bar G Design temperature -15° C / +65°C Seal material PTFE

Flow rate 3”–75 mc/h Max 4”–125 mc/h Max

Standard dimensions

Dn. 3”x2” 4”x3” Phase L V L V

A 1400 1400 1400 1400 B 1600 1600 1600 1600 C 1600 1600 D 309 285 373 309 E 303 273 348 303 F 309 285 373 309 G 309 460 373 309 H 1200 1200 L 680 680

Weight 270 350

N. Description Dwg/Mod 1 Style 30 base swivel joint (liquid) 2815 2 Style 30 base swivel joint (vapour) 2815 3 Boom assembly (liquid) 4 Boom assembly (vapour) 5 Style 70 double swivel joint (liquid) 2815 6 Style 70 double swivel joint (vapour) 2815 7 Ball valve 8 Primary arm (liquid) 9 Primary arm (vapour) 10 Style 40 drop tube swivel (liquid) 2815 11 Style 40 drop tube swivel (vapour) 2815 12 Vapour recovery cone 13 Level control with protective tube 14 Drop tube with standard deflector 2359-BF 15 Spring balancing cylinder 05182 16 Pneumatic cylinder for up/down movement 17 3/8”NPT Vacuum breaker 2336 18 Air logic control unit 19 Transducer microswitch 20 Vapour check valve 21 Valve remote control 22 Nipper drip bucket 2408

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Model Description

2903 Double range top loading arm with flexible vapour return line

Operating conditions

Design pressure 10.0 Bar G Test pressure 15.0 Bar G Design temperature -15° C / +65°C Seal material PTFE

Flow rate 3”–75 mc/h Max 4”–125 mc/h Max

Standard dimensions

Dn. 3” 4” A 1200/1600 1200/1600 B 1600/2000 1600/2000 C 1600 1600 D 385 475 E 302 348 F 372 424 G 360 373 H 1000 1000

Weight 230 300

N. Description Dwg/Mod 1 Style 30 base swing joint 2815 2 Boom assembly 3 Style 70 double swing joint 2815 4 Fire safe (full-bore) ball valve 5 Primary arm 6 Style 40 drop tube swivel 2815

7T Drop tube with “T” deflector 2359-T 7BF Standard drop tube 2359-BF

8 Spring balancing cylinder 05182 9 Pillow block C-4354 10 Vapour recovery cone 11 Level control with protective tube 12 Vapour check valve 13 Vapour-return hose 14 ANSI/DIN loose flange 15 Pneumatic cylinder for up/down movement 16 3/8” NPT Vacuum breaker 2336 17 Air logic control unit 18 Valve remote control 19 Verticality linkage 20 Nipper drip bucket 2408 21 Handle

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Model Description

2455-BC Triple range bottom unloading arm

Operating conditions

Design pressure 10.0 Bar G Test pressure 15.0 Bar G Design temperature -15° C / +65°C Seal material PTFE

Flow rate

Standard dimensions

Dn. 2”x2” 3”x3” 4”x4” A 1500 1500 1500 B 1800 1800 1800 C 600 600 750 D 285 309 373 E 273 303 348 F 285 309 373 G 285 309 373 H 600 650 650 L 285 309 373

Weight 110 150 220

N. Description Dwg/Mod 1 Style 30 base swivel joint 2815 2 Boom assembly 3 Style 70 double swivel joint 2815 4 Primary arm 5 Style 70 double swivel joint 2815 6 Butterfly valve 7 ANSI/DIN loose flange 8 Spring balancing cylinder 05182 9 Pillow block C-4354 10 Gas spring balancer 11 Handle

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Model Description

2504-BC Triple range bottom loading arm

Operating conditions

Design pressure 10.0 Bar G Test pressure 15.0 Bar G Design temperature -15° C / +65°C Seal material PTFE

Flow rate 2”–35 mc/h Max 3”–75 mc/h Max 4”–125 mc/h Max

Standard dimensions

Dn. 2”x2” 3”x3” 4”x4” A 1500 1500 1500 B 1800 1800 1800 C 600 750 800 D 285 309 373 E 273 303 348 F 285 309 373 G 285 309 373 H 600 650 650 L 285 309 373

Weight 120 160 230

N. Description Dwg/Mod 1 Style 30 base swivel joint 2815 2 Boom assembly 3 Style 70 double swivel joint 2815 4 Primary arm 5 Style 70 double swivel joint 2815 6 Fire safe (full-bore) ball valve 7 ANSI/DIN loose flange 8 Spring balancing cylinder 05182 9 Pillow block C-4354 10 ½” drain valve 11 Drain hose 12 ANSI/DIN drain flange 13 Locking device ball valve closed 14 Gas spring balancer 15 Handle

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Model Description

2475 “A frame” triple section

bottom loading arm

Operating conditions

Design pressure 10.0 Bar G Test pressure 15.0 Bar G Design temperature -15° C / +65°C Seal material PTFE

Flow rate 3”–75 mc/h Max 4”–125 mc/h Max

Standard dimensions

Dn. 3” 4” A 1500/2800 1500/2800 B 1500/2800 1500/2800 C 600 600 D 309 373 E 303 348 F 309 373 G 309 373

Weight 130 160

N. Description Dwg/Mod 1 Style 50 double swing joint 2815 2 Inboard pipe 3 Style 40 swivel joint 2815 4 Outboard pipe 5 Style 50 double swing joint 2815 6 Coupler flange connection 7 Spring balancing cylinder 05182 8 Gas spring balancer 9 Gas spring balancer

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LPG loading armsLPG loading armsLPG loading armsLPG loading arms (Carbon steel standard execution)(Carbon steel standard execution)(Carbon steel standard execution)(Carbon steel standard execution)


Loading arm Mod. 2503-BC

Loading station

Mod. 2503-BC

Loading station Mod. 2503-BC closed system

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Model Description

2503-BC Triple range bottom loading arm

Operating conditions

Design pressure 40.0 Bar G (till ball valve)

Test pressure 60.0 Bar G (till ball valve)

Design temperature -15° C / +65°C

Seal material Swivels: BUNA N Valve: PTFE

Flow rate 4.5 m/s

Standard dimensions Dn. 2”x1.1/2” 2”x2” 3”x2” 3”x3” A 1500 1500 1500 1500 B 1800 1800 1800 1800 C 600 650 650 750 D 221 221 221 296 E 218 218 278 278 F 221 221 221 296 G 233 221 221 296 H 600 600 650 650 L 233 221 221 296 M

Weight 100 110 120 150

N. Description Dwg/Mod 1 Style 30 base swivel joint 2174 2 Boom assembly 3 Style 70 double swivel joint 2174 4 Primary arm 5 Style 70 double swivel joint 2174 6 Fire safe (full-bore) ball valve 7 Safety breakway coupling 8 ANSI 300/DIN PN 40 loose flange 9 Spring balancing cylinder 05182 10 Pillow block C-4354 11 ½” drain valve 12 Drain hose 13 ANSI 300/DIN PN 40 drain flange 14 Gas spring balancer 15 Ball valve locking device in closed position 16 Handle

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Model Description

2503-BC Triple range bottom loading arm

installed on standpost

Operating conditions

Design pressure 40.0 Bar G (till ball valve)

Test pressure 60.0 Bar G (till ball valve)

Design temperature -15° C / +65°C

Seal material Swivels: BUNA N Valve: PTFE

Flow rate 4.5 m/s

Standard dimensions Dn. 2”x1.1/2” 2”x2” 3”x2” 3”x3” A 1500 1500 1500 1500 B 1800 1800 1800 1800 C 600 650 650 750 D 221 221 221 296 E 218 218 278 278 F 221 221 221 296 G 233 221 221 296 H 600 600 650 650 L 233 221 221 296 M 300 300 300 300

Weight 100 110 120 150

N. Description Dwg/Mod 1 Style 30 base swivel joint 2174 2 Boom assembly 3 Style 70 double swivel joint 2174 4 Primary arm 5 Style 70 double swivel joint 2174 6 Fire safe (full-bore) ball valve 7 Safety breakway coupling 8 ANSI 300/DIN PN 40 loose flange 9 Spring balancing cylinder 05182 10 Pillow block C-4354 11 ½” drain valve 12 Drain hose 13 ANSI 300/DIN PN 40 drain flange 14 Gas spring balancer 15 Ball valve locking device in closed position 16 Stop in rest position 17 Standpost 18 Handle

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Model Description

2503-BC Triple range closed system bottom loading arms installed on standpost

Operating conditions

Design pressure 40.0 Bar G (till ball valve)

Test pressure 60.0 Bar G (till ball valve)

Design temperature -15° C / +65°C

Seal material Swivels: BUNA N Valve: PTFE

Flow rate 4.5 m/s

Standard dimensions

Dn. 2”x1.1/2” Vapour

3”x2” Liquid

A 1500 1500 B 1800 1800 C 480 750 D 221 221 E 218 278 F 221 221 G 460 221 H 600 650 L 233 221 M 300 300

Weight 100 120

N. Description Dwg/Mod 1 Style 30 base swing joint (liquid) 2174

2 Style 30 base swing joint (vapour) 2174

3 Boom assembly (liquid)

4 Boom assembly (vapour)

5 Style 70 double swing joint (liquid) 2174

6 Style 70 double swing joint (vapour) 2174

7 Primary arm (liquid)

8 Primary arm (vapour)

9 Style 70 double swing joint (liquid) 2174

10 Style 70 double swing joint (vapour) 2174

11 Fire-safe (full-bore) ball valve (liquid) 12 Fire-safe (full-bore) ball valve (vapour) 13 Safety breakway coupling 14 Safety breakway coupling 15 ANSI 300/DIN PN 40 loose flange 16 ANSI 300/DIN PN 40 loose flange 17 Spring balancing cylinder 05182

18 Pillow block FY-35-TF

19 ½” drain valve 20 Drain hose 21 ANSI 300/DIN PN 40 drain flange 22 Ball valve locking device in closed position 23 Gas spring balancer 24 Stop in rest position 25 Standpost 26 Handle

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Loading arms for hot Loading arms for hot Loading arms for hot Loading arms for hot

productsproductsproductsproducts (Carbon Steel standard execution)(Carbon Steel standard execution)(Carbon Steel standard execution)(Carbon Steel standard execution)


Mod. 2570-M single range

jacketed loading arm

Mod. 2879 double range

jacketed loading arm

Mod. 2570-M single range loading arm

electrically heated

Mod. 2879 double range loading arm

electrically heated

Mod. 2902 double range loading

arm electrically heated

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Model Description

2570-M Single range jacketed

top loading arm

Operating conditions

Design pressure 10.0 Bar G Test pressure 15.0 Bar G Design temperature -15° C / +200°C Seal material Fluoroloy k

Flow rate 3”x2”– 20 mc/h Max 4”x3”– 35 mc/h Max 6”x4”– 60 mc/h Max

Standard dimensions Dn. 3”x2” 4”x3” 6”x4” A 2000/3000 2000/3000 2000/3000 B 1200/1600 1200/1600 1200/1600 C 404 454 524 D 312 375 370 E 295 370 480 F G H

Weight 140 190 240

N. Description Dwg/Mod 1 Style 50 jacketed double swivel joint 2833 2 Jacketed “Fire-safe” ball valve 3 Jacketed primary arm 4 Style 40 jacketed swivel joint 2833 5 Drop tube with standard deflector 2359-BF 6 Spring balancing cylinder 05182 7 ¾” self-closing vacuum-breaker 2878 8 Lock-down device 2429 9 Handwheel valve remote control 10 ½” steam hose (inlet) 11 ½” steam hose (outlet) 12 Hooking drip bucket 2410 13 Handle

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Model Description

2879 Double range jacketed

top loading arm

Operating conditions

Design pressure 10.0 Bar G Test pressure 15.0 Bar G Design temperature -15° C / +200°C Seal material Fluoroloy k

Flow rate 3”x2”– 20 mc/h Max 4”x3”– 35 mc/h Max 6”x4”– 60 mc/h Max

Standard dimensions Dn. 3”x2” 4”x3” 6”x4” A 1000/1500 1000/1500 1000/1500 B 1500/2000 1500/2000 1500/2000 C 1200/1600 1200/1600 1200/1600 D 307 375 524 E 341 400 550 F 307 375 524 G 404 453 615 H 700 800 1000

Weight 300 400 520

N. Description Dwg/Mod 1 Style 30 jacketed base swivel joint 2833 2 Jacketed boom assembly 3 Style 70 jacketed double swivel joint 2833 4 Jacketed “Fire-safe” ball valve 5 Jacketed primary arm 6 Style 40 jacketed swivel joint 2833 7 Drop tube with standard deflector 2359-BF 8 Spring balancing cylinder 05182 9 Pillow block C-4354 10 Handwheel valve remote control 11 ¾” self-closing vacuum-breaker 2878 12 Lock-down device 2429 13 ½” steam hose (inlet) 14 ½” steam hose (outlet) 15 Hooking drip bucket 2410 16 Handle

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Model Description


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Model Description

2879 Double range top loading arm

electrically heated

Operating conditions

Design pressure 10.0 Bar G Test pressure 15.0 Bar G Design temperature -15° C / +200°C Seal material Fluoroloy k

Flow rate 3”– 35 mc/h Max 4”– 60 mc/h Max 6”– 125 mc/h Max

Standard dimensions Dn. 3” 4” 6” A 1000/1500 1000/1500 1000/1500 B 1500/2000 1500/2000 1500/2000 C 1200/1600 1200/1600 1200/1600 D 355 445 637 E 273 318 421 F 459 548 740 G 279 343 484 H 1000 1000 1000

Weight 200 230 400

N. Description Dwg/Mod 1 Style 30 base swivel joint 2175 2 Boom assembly 3 Style 50 double swing joint 2175 4 “Fire-safe”(full bore) ball valve 5 Primary arm 6 Style 40 drop tube swivel 2175 7 Drop tube 2359-BF 8 Spring balancing cylinder 05182 9 Pillow block C-4354 10 Lock-down device 2429 11 ¾” self-closing vacuum-breaker 2878 12 Valve remote control with handwheel 13 EEx-d converter/magn. Contactors box 14 EEx-d junction box heating cable 15 EEx-d junction box heating cable 16 EEx-d junction box heating cable 17 Hooking drip bucket 2410 18 Handle

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Model Description


Double range top loading arm electrically heated

with vapour return rigid tube

Operating conditions

Design pressure 10.0 Bar G Test pressure 15.0 Bar G Design temperature -15° C / +200°C Seal material Fluoroloy k

Flow rate 3”x2”– 35 mc/h Max 4”x3”– 60 mc/h Max 6”x4”– 125 mc/h Max

Standard dimensions Dn. 3”x2” 4”x3” 6”x4”

Phase L V L V L V A 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 B 1800 1800 1800 1800 1800 1800 C 1200 1100 1200 1080 1200 1450 D 350 285 426 312 600 375 E 305 273 350 305 460 350 F 350 285 426 312 600 375 G 312 465 375 440 524 590 H

Weight 300 380 600

N. Description Dwg/Mod 1 Style 30 base swivel joint (liquid) 2833 2 Style 30 base swivel joint (vapour) 2833 3 Boom assembly (liquid) 4 Boom assembly (vapour) 5 Style 70 double swivel joint (liquid) 2833 6 Style 70 double swivel joint (vapour) 2833 7 Primary arm (liquid) 8 Primary arm (vapour) 9 Style 40 drop tube swivel (liquid) 2833

10 Style 40 drop tube swivel (vapour) 2833 11 Drop tube 2359 12 Vertical tube (vapour) 13 Vapour recovery cone 14 Pneumatic level control 15 Spring balancing cylinder 16 Air logic control 17 Air logic hose 18 Emergency pushbutton 19 Reset pushbutton 20 Pendant push buttons for vertical movement 21 Pneumatic cylinder for vertical movement 22 Electrical components box 23 Thermostat box 24 Junction box heating cable 25 Hooking drip bucket 26 Handle

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Loading arms for food Loading arms for food Loading arms for food Loading arms for food

serviceserviceserviceservice (Stainless Steel standad execution)(Stainless Steel standad execution)(Stainless Steel standad execution)(Stainless Steel standad execution)




Special arm for food service

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Model Description

2385 Single range top loading arm

Operating conditions

Design pressure 10.0 Bar G Test pressure 15.0 Bar G Design temperature -15° C / +65°C Seal material PTFE (FDA appr.)

Flow rate 2”–35 mc/h Max 3”–75 mc/h Max 4”–125 mc/h Max

Standard dimensions Dn. 2” 3” 4” A 2500 2500 2500 B 1600 1600 1600 C 207 279 343 D 285 309 373 E 273 303 348 F G H

Weight 80 120 170

N. Description Dwg/Mod 1 Style 70 double swivel joint 2815 2 Primary arm 3 Fire safe (full-bore) ball valve 4 Style 40 drop tube swivel 2175

5T Drop tube with “T” deflector 2359-T 5BF Standard drop tube 2359-BF

6 Spring balancing cylinder 05182 7 Nipper drip bucket 2408 8 Handle

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Model Description

2385-LR Long range top loading arm

Operating conditions

Design pressure 10.0 Bar G Test pressure 15.0 Bar G Design temperature -15° C / +65°C Seal material PTFE (FDA appr.)

Flow rate 2”–35 mc/h Max 3”–75 mc/h Max 4”–125 mc/h Max

Standard dimensions Dn. 2” 3” 4” A 1500 1500 1500 B 2000 2000 2000 C 1600 1600 1600 D 310 347 424 E 273 303 348 F 285 309 373 G 257 279 343 H

Weight 110 170 250

N. Description Dwg/Mod 1 Style 30 base swivel joint 2815 2 Boom assembly 3 Style 70 double swivel joint 2815 4 Fire safe (full-bore) ball valve 5 Primary arm 6 Style 40 drop tube swivel 2175

7T Drop tube with “T” deflector 2359-T 7BF Standard drop tube 2359-BF

8 Valve remote control 9 Spring balancing cylinder 05182 10 Pillow block C-4354 11 3/8” vacuum-breaker 2336 12 Nipper drip bucket 2408 13 Handle

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Model Description

SPC Long range special top loading arm

Operating conditions

Design pressure 10.0 Bar G Test pressure 15.0 Bar G Design temperature -15° C / +65°C Seal material PTFE (FDA appr.)

Flow rate 3”–75 mc/h Max 4”–125 mc/h Max 6” –280 mc/h Max

Standard dimensions Dn. 3” 4” 6” A 800/1200 800/1200 800/1200 B 1500/2000 1500/2000 1500/2000 C 218 301 425 D 309 373 528 E 305 350 460 F 310 373 521 G 309 373 528 H

Weight 110 170 320

N. Description Dwg/Mod 1 Style 30 base swivel joint 2815 2 Boom assembly 3 Style 50 double swivel joint 2815 4 Primary arm 5 Style 40 apex swivel joint 2815 6 Mod. 2914 ball joint 2914 7 Spring balancing cylinder 05182 8 BSP (male) threaded spacer 9 Handle

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Various loading armsVarious loading armsVarious loading armsVarious loading arms


Mod. 2249 floating

suction unit

Mod. 2302 floating

suction unit

Drainage unit

Mod. 4903 hydraulically


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Model Description

2249 Single range floating suction unit

(aluminium standard execution)

Operating conditions

Seal Material VITON

Flow rate 1.5 m/s

Standard dimensions Dn. 2” 3” 4” 6” 8” 10” 12” A ** ** ** ** ** ** ** B 91 129 125 190 210 226 375 C 91 129 125 190 210 226 375 D 257 363 375 513 547 634 885

E * 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 F * 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 G * 800 800 800 800 800 800 800

N. Description Dwg/Mod 1 Swivel joint 4044 2 Swing joint tube 3 Final elbow with baffle plate 4 Floats 5 Traction rope 6 Inspection rope


(*) Demonstrative dimensions (**)“A“ dimension is calculated according to tank height

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Model Description

2302 Double range floating suction unit

(aluminium standard execution)

Operating conditions

Seal Material VITON

Flow rate 1.5 m/s

Standard dimensions Dn. 2” 3” 4” 6” 8” 10” 12” A ** ** ** ** ** ** ** B ** ** ** ** ** ** ** C 91 129 125 190 210 226 375 D 257 363 375 513 547 634 884

E * 91 129 125 190 210 226 375 F * 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 G * 800 800 800 800 800 800 800

N. Description Dwg/Mod 1 Swivel joint 4044 2 Swing joint tube 3 Swivel joint 4044 4 Swing joint tube 5 Final elbow with baffle plate 6 Floats 7 Traction rope 8 Restraining cable 9 Support 10 Inspection rope


(*) Demonstrative dimensions (**)“A“ dimension is calculated according to tank height

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Model Description

Articulate drainage unit for

floating roof tanks (Carbon steel standard execution)

Operating conditions

Seal material VITON

Standard dimensions Dn. 3” 4” A * * B * * C * * D 296 353 E 296 353 F 296 353 G 296 353

N. Description Dwg/Mod 1 Style 40 Swivel joint 2174 2 Flanged lower section 3 Flanged middle section 4 Flanged upper section 5 Support chain


(*)“A“ dimension is calculated according to tank height

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Model Description


Double range hydraulically operated loading arm

(Carbon steel standard execution for hot products) (Stainless steel standard execution for chemical pr oducts)

Operating conditions

Design pressure 10.0 Bar G Test pressure 15.0 Bar G Design temperature -15° C / +65°C Seal material PTFE

Flow rate 3”–75 mc/h Max 4”–125 mc/h Max 6”- 280 mc/h Max

Standard dimensions Dn. 3” 4” 6” A 1000/1500 1000/1500 1000/1500 B 1500/2000 1500/2000 1500/2000 C 1200/1800 1200/1800 1200/1800 D 347 424 524 E 302 346 460 F 347 424 524 G 318 394 484 H 1000 1000 1000

Weight 210 300 500

N. Description Dwg/Mod 1 Style 30 base swivel joint 2815/2833 2 Boom assembly 3 Style 70 double swivel joint 2815/2833 4 Ball valve with actuator 5 Main tube assembly 6 Style 40 drop tube swivel 2175 7 Drop tube 8 Pillow block FY-35-TF 9 Vapour recovery cone

10 Vapour check valve 11 Vapour-return hose 12 Loose flange 13 Level control with protective tube 14 Protective flexible hose for push buttons cable 15 Push buttons 16 Protective flexible hose for air supply 17 Proximity switch 18 Proximity cables junction box 19 3/8” NPT Vacuum breaker 2336 20 Verticality linkage 21 Hydraulic cylinder for boom assembly movement 22 Hydraulic cylinder for primary arm movement 23 Hydraulic cylinder for vertical movement 24 Pneumatic cylinder for open/close anti-spill system 25 Internal anti-spill system 26 Electro-hydraulic power unit 27 Flexible hose mounting 28 Standpost

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DryDryDryDry----disconnect couplings disconnect couplings disconnect couplings disconnect couplings

and valves and valves and valves and valves


Mod. C-3659 API RP 1004

Mod. C-3682 API RP 1004

Mod. C-2823


Mod. C-3889

Mod. 504

Mod. 2141

Mod. 2289

Mod. 2336

Mod. 2361

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Model Description

C-3659 API RP1004 Dn.4” dry-disconnect

coupling for liquid

Operating conditions

Operating pressure 6.0 Bar G Max Design temperature -15° C / +65°C Seal material VITON Flow rate 4”–150 mc/h Max

Standard dimension Dn. A B C D 4” 327 225 170 224


On request, dry-disconnect coupling can be equipped with sensor to signal coupler correctly connected

N. Description Q.ty Material 1 Body 1 Alu. Alloy 2 Sleeve 1 Alu. Alloy 3 Lug 5 AISI 304 4 Spring 7 S.S. 5 Cylinder 1 Alu. Alloy 6 Cylinder Seal 1 VITON 7 Valve 1 Alu. Alloy 8 Operating stem 1 AISI 420 9 Link 1 AISI 304 10 Bent link 2 Carbon steel 11 Pin 2 AISI 420 12 Flanged bushing 1 PTFE (teflon) 13 Handle 1 Alu. Alloy 14 Handle screw 1 AISI 303 15 Handle pin 1 Carbon steel

N. Description Q.ty Material 16 Lug pin 5 AISI 420 17 “O-ring” 1 VITON 18 18x20 bushing 1 19 Operating stem sleeve 1 AISI 420 20 R-clip 1 S.S. 21 Operating stem washer 1 AISI 420 22 Cylinder bushing 1 PTFE (teflon) 23 “O-ring” 2 VITON 24 Handle bushing 1 PTFE (teflon) 25 Roller 1 Bronze-Alum. 26 Split pin 2 S.S. 27 Spring 8 S.S. 28 Safety lug 2 AISI 304 29 Safety lug pin 2 AISI 420

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Model Description

C-3682 API RP1004 Dn.4” dry-disconnect

coupling for vapour

Operating conditions

Operating pressure 1.5 Bar G Max Design temperature -15° C / +65°C Seal material VITON Flow rate

Standard dimension

Dn. A B C D 4” 120.3 101.6 160 215

N. Description Q.ty Material 1 Body 1 Alu. Alloy 2 Valve 1 Alu. Alloy 3 Sealing surfaces 1 Alu. Alloy 4 Handle 2 Bronze/Aluminium 5 Spring 1 S.S. 6 Handle pin 2 AISI 420 7 Primary seal 1 VITON 8 O’Ring 1 VITON


On request, dry-disconnect coupling can be equipped with sensor to signal coupler correctly connected

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Model Description

2823 “Socket 105” Dn.3” dry-disconnect

coupling for liquid

Operating conditions Operating pressure 3.0 Bar G Max Design temperature -15° C / +65°C Seal material VITON Flow rate 3”–75 mc/h Max

Standard dimension Dn. A B C D 3” 146 260 220 122

N. Description Q.ty Material 1 Body 1 Alu.Alloy 2 Hose connector 1 Alu.Alloy 3 Interlock ring 1 Bronze 4 Cylinder 1 Bronze 5 Valve 1 Alu.Alloy 6 Packing nut 1 Brass 7 Operating stem 1 AISI 420 8 Lever handle 1 Bronze 9 Bent links 2 S.S. 10 Valve joint pin 1 AISI 303 11 Stem joint pin 1 AISI 303 12 Grease nipple 1 AISI 420 13 Lock pin 1 AISI 303 14 Lock pin spring 1 S.S. 15 Interlock springs 3 S.S.

N. Description Q.ty Material 15A Spring pin 3 Brass 16 Wave spring washers 1 S.S. 17 Roller 3 AISI 303 18 Balls 1 Carbon Steel 19 Ball retaining screws 2 AISI 303 20 Seal ring 1 VITON 21 Cylinder seal 1 VITON 22 Grease O’Ring 1 VITON 23 Packing nut O’Ring 1 VITON 24 Interlock stem O’Ring 2 VITON 25 Stem O’Ring 1 VITON 26 Roll pin 1 Carbon Steel 27 Handles 2 Alu.Alloy 28 Bumper ring 1 Synth. rubber 29 Pin lever handle 1 Carbon Steel

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Model Description

C-3889 Dn.3” anti-spill valve

Operating conditions

Design temperature -15° C / +65°C Seal material AF Flow rate

Standard dimension

Dn. A B 3” 150 185

N. Description Q.ty Material 1 Body 1 Alu. Alloy 2 Valve 1 Alu. Alloy 3 Pivot 1 AISI 420 4 Opening valve pin 1 AISI 420 5 Locking nut 1 6 Ring with pin 1 Carbon Steel 7 Primary seal 1 ASBESTOS FREE 8 Piston’s O’Ring 1 VITON 9 Spring 1 S.S.

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Model Description

504 Loading valve

Operating conditions

Operating pressure 10.0 Bar G Max Design temperature -15° C / +65°C Seal material VITON

Flow rate 3”–75 mc/h Max 4”–125 mc/h Max

Standard dimension Dn. A B C Weight 3” 340 154 154 10.0 Kg 4” 372 190 190 15.0 Kg

N. Description Q.ty Material 1 Body 1 Alu. Alloy 2 Plunger 1 Bronze 3 Piston ring 1 PTFE 4 Bonnet 1 Alu. Alloy 5 Bonnet O’Ring 1 VITON 6 Bonnet screws 8 Carbon Steel 7 Needle valve 1 S.S. 8 Plunger guide 1 Brass 9 Plunger disc 1 VITON 10 Plunger guide screws 1 Carbon Steel 11 Pilot valve 1 Brass 12 Plunger guide stem 1 S.S. 13 Spring 1 S.S.

N. Description Q.ty Material 14 Pilot valve stem 1 S.S. 15 Regulating unit 1 S.S. 16 Cam control 1 Brass 17 Cam(stay/hold open) 1 Bronze 18 Operating stem 1 S.S. 19 Packing nut 1 Brass 20 Packing nut O’Ring 2 VITON 21 Operating lever 1 Alu. Alloy 22 Lever screw 1 Carbon Steel 23 Plug 1 Carbon Steel 24 Packing nut gasket 1 AF 25 O’Ring 1 VITON

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Model Description

504-U Loading valve

Operating conditions

Operating pressure 10.0 Bar G Max Design temperature -15° C / +65°C Seal material VITON Flow rate 6”- 280 mc/h Max

Standard dimension Dn. A B C Weight 6” 470 233 233 28.0 Kg

N. Description Q.ty Material 1 Body 1 Alu. Alloy 2 Plunger 1 Bronze 3 “U” section rings 2 PTFE 4 Bonnet 1 Alu. Alloy 5 Bonnet O’Ring 1 VITON 6 Bonnet screws 8 Carbon Steel 7 Needle valve 1 S.S. 8 Plunger guide 1 Brass 9 Plunger disc 1 VITON 10 Plunger guide screws 1 Carbon Steel 11 Pilot valve 1 Brass 12 Plunger guide stem 1 S.S. 13 Spring 1 S.S. 14 Pilot valve stem 1 S.S.

N. Description Q.ty Material 15 Regulating unit 1 S.S. 16 Cam control 1 Brass 17 Cam(stay/hold open) 1 Bronze 18 Operating stem 1 S.S. 19 Packing nut 1 Brass 20 Packing nut O’Ring 2 VITON 21 Operating lever 1 Alu. Alloy 22 Lever screw 1 Carbon Steel 23 Cap screws 8 Carbon Steel 24 Top ring 1 Alu. Alloy 25 Bottom half-ring 2 Alu. Alloy 26 Plug 1 Carbon Steel 27 Packing nut gasket 1 AF 28 O’Ring 1 VITON

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Model Description

2141 Check valve

Operating conditions

Design temperature -15° C / +65°C

Seal material VITON Buna N

Flow rate

Standard dimension

Size 3” 4” 6” A 133 157 206.5 B 15 16 20 C 90 118 164 D 154 190 232 E 7 7 8 F 6 fori ø11.5 6 fori ø13.5 8 fori ø 15.5 G 3/8”NPT 3/8”NPT 3/4”NPT H 114 146 184

Weight 2.5 Kg 4.0 Kg 6.5 Kg

N. Description Q.ty Material 1 Body 1 Alu. Alloy 2 Screws for retainer ring 2 AISI 304 3 Retainer ring 1 Brass 4 Spring 1 S.S. 5 Plunger stem 1 Brass 6 O’Ring 1 VITON 7 Top plate 1 Alu. Alloy 8 Disc 1 VITON/BUNA N 9 Bottom plate 1 S.S. 10 Fixing nut 1 Carbon Steel

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Model Description

2289 Check valve with drop tube swivel

Operating conditions Operating pressure 10.0 Bar G Max Design temperature -15° C / +65°C Seal material VITON – Buna N

Flow rate 3”–75 mc/h Max 4”-125 mc/h Max

Standard dimension Dn. A B C D E Weight 3” 190 128 154 128 140 7.0 Kg 4” 220 159 175 138 150 9.0 Kg

N. Description Q.ty Material 1 Body 1 Alu.Alloy 2 Seat ring 1 Bronze 3 Plunger guide 1 Alu.Alloy 4 Plunger disc 1 Buna N / Viton 5 Plunger 1 Alu.Alloy 6 Spring 1 S.S. 7 Spring regulator 1 Brass 8 Check nut 1 Steel 9 Plug 1 Brass 10 Gasket 1 Viton

N. Description Q.ty Material 11 Seat screws 2 AISI 303 12 Half collar 1 Bronze 13 Half collar 1 Bronze 14 Packing seal 1 Buna N / Viton 15 Seal ring 1 Aluminium / S.S. 16 Outlet elbow 1 Aluminium 17 Collar screws and nuts 2 Steel 18 Grease fitting 1/8”BSP 1 Steel 19 Plunger guide bolts 4 AISI 303 20 O’Ring 1 Buna N / Viton

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Model Description

2336 Dn.3/8” vacuum breaker

2361 Dn.3/4” – 1” vacuum breaker

2336 Brass

N. Description Q.ty Material 1 Body 1 Brass 2 Spring 1 S.S. 3 Disc holder 1 Brass 4 Gasket 1 VITON 5 Cap 1 Brass 6 O’Ring 1 VITON

2336 S.S.

N. Description Q.ty Material 1 Body 1 AISI 316L 2 Spring 1 S.S. 3 Disc holder 1 PTFE/Grafite 4 Gasket 1 AISI 316L 5 Cap 1 VITON


N. Description Q.ty Material 1 Body 1 Brass 2 Bonnet 1 Alu.Alloy 3 Disc guide 1 Brass 4 Disc 1 VITON 5 Disc retainer 1 Brass 6 spring 1 S.S. 7 Male threaded adaptor 1 Brass 8 ’Ring 1 VITON

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Various accessoriesVarious accessoriesVarious accessoriesVarious accessories


Vacuum breakers

05182 balancing cylinder

Lock-down device

Drip bucket

Sight glass indicator

Flexible hose for closed




Wall fixing plate

Folding stairs

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Model Description

2336 Dn.3/8” vacuum breaker

2361 Dn.3/4” – 1” vacuum breaker

Vacuum breakers are designed to allow quick drainage of loading arms after the loading valve is closed, and are standard on all OMC top loaders

Mod. 2336

Design pressure : 10 Bar Spring setting : 850 mm./H²O Material : Ni-platted Brass or AISI 316-L Seal Material : Viton for brass execution, Viton/Teflon for AISI 316-L Diameter : 3/8” (on Dn.3” e 4” loaders).

Mod. 2361 Design pressure : 10 Bar Spring setting : 980 mm./H²O Material : Brass and aluminium Seal material : Viton Diameter: 3/4” - 1” (installed only on Dn.6” loaders).

Model Description

05182 Spring balancing cylinder

It is the most common balancing unit installed on OMC loading arms, ranging over a vertical angle of 100° and more (ex.+80/-20° from t he horizontal or different depending on the loading arm model). This dependable unit, fitted with proper compression springs, can be selected according to the weight to be balanced from the following basic types: Low, Medium, Strong, Extra Strong. In this manteinance free unit the compression springs are not repleceable. When necessary a new complete unit must be required. However, spring tension regulation and working angle adjustment are possible.

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Model Description

Electrical signal switches

OMC loading arms can be equipped with electrical components to signal many differents position or conditions. This electrical signals can be realized with electro-mechanical microswitches or with proximity switches, both certified according to ATEX normative. Open/close 504 loading valve signal: It signals Mod.504 loading valve open by the lever. It is realized by microswitch or proximity switch.

Arm down switch: It signals the loading arm in working position (10° under the horizontal) and prevents loading operations unless the loading arm is in working position. It is realized by microswitch or proximity switch.

Rotational switches : They are provided to indicate the side of gantry in use (right or left) or boom assembly in rest or working position and may be set in various positions according to individual requirements. Stop lugs, secured to the swing joint and the fixed flange, restrict the angle of rotation and prevent twisting of flexible conduits. It is realized by microswitch or proximity switch.

Drop tube in contact with tank bottom: The signal is realized to allow the arm to load by a mechanical device that operates when the drop tube is in touch with the tank bottom. When the drop tube press on the tank bottom a microswitch acts and makes a signal to allow the system to load. It is realized by microswitch or proximity switch

C-3659 Mod. Dry-disconnect coupler connected: It is provided to signal that API RP 1004 female is connected with respective male and the lever is in loading position. This signal is used on 750 or 2454 bottom loading arms. It is realized only by proximity switch.

C-3682 Mod. Vapour return coupler connected: It is provided to signal that API RP 1004 vapour return female (cam and groove) is connected with respective male. This signal is used on 750 bottom loading arms. It is realized only by proximity switch.

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Model Description

2429 Lock-down device

By means of this optional device the loading arm automatically locks in any position below the horizontal when manually pulled down. The balancing unit actuates elevation of the arm when locking mechanism is released by operator.

Model Description

2408 - 2410 Drip bucket

Can be applied at the end of the drop pipe when the loading is finished to avoid fluid dripping.

− 2408 Nipper drip bucket , aluminium made for Dn.3”-4” loaders − 2410 Hooking drip bucket aluminium made for Dn.6” loaders

Model Description

2424 Sight-glass indicator

It can be welded near the loading valve (or check valve) inlet to give possibility to verify that the arm is in wet condition. Material: Polycarbonate with aluminium or steel body

Model Description

2453 Flexible hose for closed loading

It can be required instead of the rigid drop pipe, for the top filling of closed tanks with vapour return line. Material: Conductive rubber hose Dn.3”, with aluminium flange and brass quick coupler

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Model Description

Support unit for long range loading arms


Standpost is recommended when the loaders are installed on a gantry where there is no other support structures to fix them. It is available in many heights (it depends on client necessity) and it is possible to install on it maximum no.2 loaders.

Model Description Support unit for long range loading arms

Wall fixing plate

The fixing plate is recommended when the loaders are installed on a wall or on the gantry structures .It is available in many heights (it depends on client necessity) and it is possible to install on it maximum no.2 loaders.

Model Description Support unit for single range loading arms


This type of standpost is a support for a single loading arm and it has also an internal line for the product with inlet and outlet flange (inlet on one side, outlet on the top). This is recommended for fixed range loading arm installations. It is available in many heights (it depends on client necessity) and it is possible to install on it one only loader.

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Model Description

2794 3013

Level alarm control

In this page different types of overfilling divices are shown, specially designed to give dependable and safe operation. Pneumatic level controls designed and realized by OMC use FESTO air logic control, the components are assembled in AISI 304 protection box, to prevent any damage and ensure long life and reliability.

2794 Mod. Pneumatic overflow alarm The sensing tube is installed on the drop pipe of top loaders to have a possibility of depth adjustment by client. When sensing tube is submerged of 2/3 cm the amplified back-pressure closes (or opens) an Eex-d electric contact. Pressure: 3 / 5 Bar Air consumption: 1.5 nl./min.

3013 Mod. Pneumatic overflow shut-off This air logic control is similar to 2794 Mod. but in this case the loading valve, pneumatically operated by a single action (spring return) actuator, closes when the sensing tube is submerged. On request it is possible to have an electric signal by Eex-d microswitch.

Beside using level control pneumatic systems, OMC utilized also electrical level sensors. This level control uses a vibrating probe and electronic unit not from our production, EEX-d or EEx-ia certified. It is installed on the drop pipe of top loaders to have a possibility of depth adjustment by client. When the product level is in contact to the probe, it gives a signal to the electronic unit that, with electrical proper connection to automatic closing system, will provide to close the valve. Concerning bottom loading, the high level control is installed in a permanent way on the tank trucks, that through a special device are connected to the logic control present in the different depot. These systems are not of our production, but if you need them we can suggest you some companies specialized in this type of components.

Pneumatic operating system Long range OMC loaders can be provided with the pneumatic control to move vertically the loading arm and to open/close one or more loading valves. This automatic control is realized through an air logic control; the operator, pressing the push buttons (apex push buttons for up/down loading arm and push buttons on protection box for open/close valve), transmits a pneumatic input that will control the vertical movements or open/close valve.

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Model Description

Folding stairs manually or pneumatically operated

Folding stairs

Folding stairs have been designed for easy and safe crossing between loading rack platform and tank trucks or rail tankers. These folding stairs can be supplied manually or pneumatically operated and are balanced in any position by spring cylinder and fitted with anti-slip profiled steps, handrailings and rubber fender guard to prevent damage to vehicles. According to customer necessity and tank truck/rail tank distance from the platform, they are available in three standard models, whose characteristics are brought back in the table here below. On special request folding stairs with “safety-cage” are available in order to guarantee the maximum protection from accidental falls from the tank truck/rail tank of the operator during the loading operations.

− Pneumatic type: Air pressure required: 5-6 Bar (3-4 Bar available on request)

Pressione aria richiesta: Size n.step A B C H Weight

S (short)

2 1250 1300 800 1000 195

M (medium) 3 1650 1300 800 1000 215

G (long)

4 2050 1300 800 1000 255

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Model Description

Flow chart for piping

The chart allows easy calculation of the necessary velocity in a piping system, to obtain a given flow rate in relation to the bore size, or the proper diameter according to the desired flow rate. A straight line across two columns will show the required value. As general rule it is recommended that the line velocity not exceed 15 ft/s in delivery pipe and 5 ft/s in suction pipe.

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