our target population

Higher education the gold mine of a nation (Why HelpforAfricanStudents, Inc. targets University students?) Africa today is ~20,000 perishing daily due to extreme poverty, one in six children dying before the age of 5, ~½ of the HIV-AIDS burden of the world, 315 million surviving on less than $1/day... Most of these figures have barely changed in decades. Why do I consider higher education as the gold mine of a nation? Let me use a short Q&A to illustrate it. Q1: Where would the US economy be today if it wasn’t for its top 500-1000 businesses and political figures? A1: Probably in deep trouble. Q2: Where are you most likely to find the next generation of these top leaders? A2: The answer is simple: in universities around the country - that’s probably why

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Post on 12-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Our Target Population

Higher education the gold mine of a nation(Why HelpforAfricanStudents, Inc. targets University students?)

Africa today is ~20,000 perishing daily due to

extreme poverty, one in six children dying before

the age of 5, ~½ of the HIV-AIDS burden of the

world, 315 million surviving on less than $1/day...

Most of these figures have barely changed in


Why do I consider higher education as the gold mine of a nation? Let me use a short Q&A to illustrate it.

Q1: Where would the US economy be today if it

wasn’t for its top 500-1000 businesses and political figures? A1: Probably in deep


Q2: Where are you most likely to find the next generation of these top leaders? A2: The

answer is simple: in universities around the country - that’s probably why the US

administration spends so much money every year ensuring that these young people get

the best training possible.

Now consider the case of developing nations: with all the ongoing talk about empowering

third-world populations to take care of their own problems, doesn’t it seem only logical

that more attention should be given to African university students?

Page 2: Our Target Population

And yet studies clearly show this isn’t the case. Don’t get me wrong, a lot is being done in the field of education in Africa. Apart from occasional scholarships programs for university students, experience shows that primary education is the main focus. Why? Go figure