our town and region

Our town and region, Class 2B, 2015-2016

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Our town and region,

Class 2B, 2015-2016


Emilia-Romagna is our region, it is situated in the north of Italy. Important cities are Bologna, Ravenna, Ferrara, Modena, Forli, Cesena, Rimini and Parma. It borders with Toscana, Liguria, Marche, Piemonte, Lombardia, Veneto.

Torre degli Asinelli

This tower is situated in Bologna.

Tomba di Dante Alighieri

Dante’s tomb is situated in Ravenna

Fontana di Nettuno

This fountain is in honour of the god Neptune.

Arco di trionfo

This triumphal arch was built in 1769 when Ganganelli was elected Pope with the name of Clement XIV. This arch has got homs attached and during the fair of St. Martin people say that if you pass under this arch and the homs move, your partner will be unfaithful to you.

Museo Archiginnasio

This museum is situated in Bologna. It was the office of the old University and now it is a public library.

Piazza Maggiore

This is the main square of Bologna.

Casa Pascoli

It’ s situated in San Mauro Pascoli. It was the home to the poet Giovanni Pascoli.

Riviera Romagnola

Our littoral stretches for more than 90 kms.