our vision a community transforming lives our values ... · taroga. ena qai caka na lave liga ena...

Our Vision A Community Transforming Lives Our Values, Grace, Inclusion, Dignity, Faith and Hope. Parramatta Mission acknowledges that all of our work and our 36 sites are on the land of traditional owners. We pay respect to the traditional custodians of the land on which we gather, and acknowledge Elders past and present, and emerging leaders. Congregational life @ Westmead & Parramatta, Hospitality, Community and Mental Health Services across Greater Sydney, Central Coast, Hunter and Mid-North Coast OUR NEWS 24th March 2019

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Page 1: Our Vision A Community Transforming Lives Our Values ... · taroga. Ena qai caka na lave liga ena Siga Tabu ka tarava (7 Epereli). Kerei meda masulaka tiko na i tavi sa tu e matada

Our Vision

A Community Transforming Lives Our Values,

Grace, Inclusion, Dignity, Faith and Hope.

Parramatta Mission acknowledges that all of our work and our 36 sites are on the land of traditional owners.

We pay respect to the traditional custodians of the land on which we gather, and acknowledge Elders past and present,

and emerging leaders.

Congregational life @ Westmead & Parramatta, Hospitality, Community and Mental Health

Services across Greater Sydney, Central Coast, Hunter and Mid-North Coast

OUR NEWS 24th March 2019

Page 2: Our Vision A Community Transforming Lives Our Values ... · taroga. Ena qai caka na lave liga ena Siga Tabu ka tarava (7 Epereli). Kerei meda masulaka tiko na i tavi sa tu e matada

Leigh Congregation A MESSAGE OF HOPE Last Sunday, 17 March, a ceremony of remembrance and community solidarity was observed at Leigh Memorial’s coffee lounge – in the wake of the recent terror attack in Christchurch. Coming together were our pastoral team, Leigh Memorial & Leigh Fijian congregation members and friends, the President of the Parramatta Mosque, Mr. Neil El-Khadoumi and representatives of the Parramatta Police for a time of silent respect, prayers for comfort and peace, and the lighting of candles in remembrance of lives lost. Please continue to pray for our Muslim friends everywhere and for all the residents of Christchurch as they begin a long process of recovery.

LENTEN STUDIES Each Wednesday evening during Lent (6 – 7pm), Rev. Keith will be leading a Lenten study hour at the Alan Walker College of Evangelism, North Parramatta. Dates are 13 March – 17 April. If anyone if interested in attending but concerned about getting there, please ask the Leaders’ team for assistance. NEXT COMBINED SERVICE On Sunday 31 March, there will be a Combined Service with Leigh Fijian, starting at 10.00am. Both congregations are invited to bring some food to share for morning tea. LENT & EASTER PROGRAM Please consult the weekly newsletters and posters in the Coffee Shop for all details of our Lent & Easter program. This includes service times and morning tea arrangements. Many thanks. DIARY DATE: CONGREGATION ‘POT LUCK’ DINNER On Friday 3 May in the ‘Coffee Shop’ at Leigh Memorial, starting at 6.30pm, we’ll be having a congregational ‘pot luck’ dinner. Everyone is invited to bring a plate of food to share as part of a community meal – savoury or sweet: anything goes!! – plus there will be plenty of time for a chat. Enquiries: Bruce & Moses/ Leaders’ team.

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Stations of the Cross …

at Northmead 2019

Monday April 8 to Sunday April 21 -- 10 am to 4 pm

In the Hall of Northmead Performing Arts High School

End of Campbell Street, Northmead

For information and special events see our

Facebook page

Stations of the Cross at Northmead 2019

Group visits can be arranged during opening hours: A limited number of guided tours for groups can be

arranged in the evenings

Bookings: Northmead Uniting Church office.


[email protected]

THANK YOU BILL Last week, the Heritage Committee hosted a special visitor: Mr. Bill Bradley, Vice-President of ‘Hornsby Connect’ (a food service for those in need – see [email protected]) – and a direct descendant of our first Sunday School superintendent, James Bradley. Bill and his wife Clover enjoyed a tour of our old chapel site and Meals Plus, where they also met Paul. Bill was presented with a certificate in acknowledgement of his contribution to Parramatta Mission’s archival record.

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FIJIAN Congregation

Bose ni Synod: Ena vakayacori ena koro ni vuli na Knox Grammar e Wahroonga mai na ka 5 – 7 Jiulai 2019. Eda vakauqeti na Qase ni Lotu meda tiko kina ia e dola raraba vei keda kece na lewe ni vavakoso ka namaki moni mai solia e dua nai tukutuku lekaleka baleta na bose vei ira na vavakoso. Na i naki ni bose qo sai koya me soli na galala vei ira na lewe ni Lotu mera veivosaki taka na vei ka raraba e so (future direction,policy) baleta na Uniting Church ni kua, mataka kei na veigauna sa bera mai. Veitaratara mai kei Vakatawa se Chairman ke o via gole me rawa ni vakaleweni na fomu ka vakaulesu ni bera na 31 Maji. Sydney Alliance: Vinaka vakalevu Anare Seru na vakaitavi ena “rally” ka vakayacori ena Sydney Town Hall ena bogi ni Lotulevu sa oti (14 Maji), vakakina vei kemuni kece na Turaga, Marama, Cauravou kei na Gone Yalewa ko ni tiko rawa. Vinaka Ofa na vakaitavi ena “organising committee” baleti keda ena Pasifika. Vakadinadina taki ena soqoni qo na duavata, veirogoci, cakacaka

vata ka sai koya ga qori na gaunisala e rawa ni rogoci kina na domoda keda vinakata me yaco na veisau baleta na ka e tara noda bula ena veisiga, me vaka na sau ni vale/rede, sau ni livaliva kei na kasi (gas).

Mata ki na Church Council: Vakaraitaki ena Siga Tabu sa oti ni sa bole o Siti Nasalo me mata ki na Church Council, vinaka vakalevu na vaka io ki na kaci nei Jisu. Sa neimami masu vaka i Vavakoso ni na vukei kemuni na Kalou ena tavi bibi qo. JNC: Toso tiko nodratou cakacaka ka kerei me tomani tiko na veimasulaki me yaco nona lewa na Kalou ena veidigitaki vaka Talatala. JNC: Sa cava nodratou bose na JNC ka sa digitaki o Faye Talatonu me veiqaravi ena Vavakoso VakaViti e Parramatta. E na qai vakaraitaki ki na Vavakoso nodratou digididgi ena Siga Tabu mai qo (31 Maji) ka soli talega na galala vei kemuni na Vavakoso mo ni taro ke so na ka ni via taroga. Ena qai caka na lave liga ena Siga Tabu ka tarava (7 Epereli). Kerei meda masulaka tiko na i tavi sa tu e matada me yaco ga nona veidigitaki na Kalou. Youth: Sota ena kena gauna ena Coffee Shop ena bogi ni Siga Vakaraubuka. Sunday School: Qaravi ena kena gauna ga ena Siga Tabu. Veisiko: Kerei me tomani tiko na veisiko vei ira na noda era tu voliti keda ka gadreva tu na veivuke, ke gadrevi na veivuke tukutuku mai vei Vakatawa se Chairman.

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Date Vunau Vunau Vunau Tuvakarau Tali Comm

Lesi Vakarau Veiliutaki Vunau Stewards


07-Apr Rev K.Hamilton M1 J.Foiakau

Vulavou H/Comm A.Allison

14-Apr S I G A T A B U N I G O N E

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PARRAMATTA MISSION, 119 Macquarie St; Parramatta

“A Way Other Than Our Own”


LENT: Wednesday 6 March: Ash Wednesday worship – 7.00pm

Wednesdays 13 March – 17 April: Lenten studies, Alan Walker College of Evangelism, North Parramatta, 6.00 – 7.00pm

NOTE TIME CHANGE: Sunday 14 April: Palm Sunday procession, 9.15am worship @ 9.30am

EASTER: Thursday 18 April: Maundy Thursday

‘Tenebrae’ & light meal – 6.30pm Friday 19 April: Good Friday worship – 9.00am

Sunday 21 April: Easter Sunday worship – 10.00am ________________

The Leigh Memorial and Leigh Fijian congregations of Parramatta Mission & the Uniting Church

in Australia/Parramatta Mission Chaplaincy, Western Sydney University

Enquiries: Rev. Dr. Manas Ghosh & Rev. Dr. Amelia Koh-Butler via 9891-2277

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Community Visitors Scheme Do you want to make a difference in someone’s life? Parramatta Mission currently supports the Community Visitors Scheme (CVS), encouraging volunteers to make regular visits to people who are socially isolated or are at risk of social isolation or loneliness. As a volunteer, you will help enrich the quality of life and care, of recipients within aged care homes who may benefit from interacting with a visitor. Volunteering as a community visitor can be a rewarding experience. By befriending an older person, volunteers have a chance to make a positive difference to the care recipients’ life – as well as their own. As a volunteer you would make a commitment to visit a resident within an aged care facility at least once a fortnight. Visits can include activities like singing hymns as a group, chatting, playing cards or engaging in social interactions both yourself and the resident are interested in. For more information, please contact: Bianca Ferrari Volunteer Coordinator Police Checks are mandatory (Costs are covered for successful applicants) E: [email protected]

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DEEPENING FAITH and RELATIONSHIPS with others Worship Sundays 9.45am Bible Study- Mondays 2.00-3.30pm Fellowship- Tuesday 2

nd April 2.00pm

MAKING A DIFFERENCE Time Out Café (TOC)- Tues/Thurs 11.00-1.30pm Play Group – Mondays and Wednesdays 9.15-10.45am Open Door -Wednesdays 1.00-3.30pm Tai Chi- Fridays 10.00-11.00am


There is a special update for people wanting to know about the redevelopment of Mayflower in Helen Street. You are welcome to attend at 1.00pm Monday. Tea and coffee will be available from 12.30.

WELCOME A Special welcome to Natasha and her family as she begins her Field Education Placement with us here at Westmead! We are so glad to have you with us and look forward to getting to know all of you.

STATIONS OF THE CROSS Northmead Uniting Church in partnership with Northmead High School is hosting Stations of the Cross. This year there is also a special conversation on Tuesday April 9

th 7-9 pm with a focus on grief. Speakers are Dr Liz Mann and

Scott Andrews (Liz- Clinical Director, Scott- Senior Counsellor of National Centre for Childhood Grief- for both children and adults living with grief). Everyone is encouraged to attend the Stations of the Cross and there are postcards with more details available in the foyer. BIBLE STUDY During the season of Lent we are invited to engage with the book by Walter Brueggemann entitled ‘A Way other than our own’. We are following this during our Bible Study times and everyone is welcome to attend and engage with the Bible Study. The books are available in the foyer- and if you are able to contribute to the cost that would be most welcome. Please see Rev Christine. PRAYING FOR PARRAMATTA COUNCIL Please pray for Parramatta Council as we negotiate appropriate changes to their request for land from PM and our desire to build in a way which both assists the council in their desire and fulfils the work we seek to do with the most vulnerable.

WESTMEAD Congregation

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Psalm 63

A Psalm of David,

1 O God, you are my God, I seek you, my soul thirsts for you; my flesh faints for you, as in a dry and weary land where there is no water.

2 So I have looked upon you in the sanctuary, beholding your power and glory. 3 Because your steadfast love is better than life, my lips will praise you. 4 So I will bless you as long as I live; I will lift up my hands and call on your

name. 5 My soul is satisfied as with a rich feast, and my mouth praises you with joyful

lips 6 When I think of you on my bed, and meditate on you in the watches of the

night; 7 for you have been my help, and in the shadow of your wings I sing for joy. 8 My soul clings to you; your right hand upholds me. 9 But those who seek to destroy my life shall go down into the depths of the

earth; 10 They shall be given over to the power of the sword, they shall be prey for

jackals. 11 But the king shall rejoice in God; all who swear by him shall exult, for the

mouths of liars will be stopped. (NRSV translation)


The Psalms in the Bible were written more than 2,500 years ago. Sometimes they express raw emotion. They tell it like it is. What they teach us is whatever we feel or think, we can take that to God in prayer. Somehow that seems to make things better. Here, the Psalmist, thought to be David who became the king, is in a difficult place. He goes to God and finds solace there.

It has been a week, full of mixed emotions, that might include shock, dismay, disbelief, sadness, anger, and many others and may at the same time. It has also been Harmony Week. A time when we are encouraged to think about how we might include all people, and what we might need to do to enable that happen.

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Above: Some of the messages written at the time of remembering Christchurch last Sunday:

Kia Kaha, our brothers and sisters in Christchurch Our sincere condolences, stay strong during this sad time Love is stronger than hate. Live Love ! Your tears are ours; love conquers all. Prayers coming your way, may God bless our Kiwi brothers and sisters Our heartfelt condolences for our Muslim brothers and sisters in God Peace to you and your family in time of grief. God be with you. May God and his son Jesus Christ bless and look after the people of New Zealand and comfort them in this time of need.

I had the privilege of meeting with many of our staff this week, working together for the good of people often excluded.

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Above: It was good go catch up with our staff at our Charlestown office. Staff spoke of the delight when there is a ‘lightbulb’ moment for a consumer. Most consumers are visited daily, however some require twice daily visits. Many are people who have been in an institution for an extended period of time, and now with assistance are learning to live in the community. Some consumers have engaged with the Wellness Centre at Whitebridge UC. Special thanks to Darren, Sue, team leader Jarrod and Manager Phoebe, who attended with me the Hunter Presbytery, and provided an insight to both the work of PM in the Hunter and the achievements of the consumers. Following this meeting, many conversations have commenced with people from Hunter Presbytery congregations that will lead to new partnerships. The Presbytery meeting was held at St Luke’s Belmont North.

Right: Our staff at the Maitland Office, who hosted me for afternoon tea last Tuesday. They shared with me some stories of consumers. One had been a hoarder and had been empowered to clear three rooms, and now has a new lease of life. Another who had been in an institution for over ten years, and has been assisted to live in the community, and learn such things as cooking, shopping, and set goals. The staff travel as far as Cessnock, Taro and Cresford to meet with people

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Left: LikeMind Penrith staff meeting with Carmel Tebbutt (blue jacket), CEO of the Mental Health Co-ordinating Council, 18 March 2019. We heard about the great partnerships with the Local health District. The staff spoke of highlights being the team, the relationship with the LHD and the amount of clients accessing the service. Some clients come from Katoomba and even as far as Cowra.

Right: headspace Individual Placement Support (IPS) consumer journey stories, of life changing experiences. Watch out for more news about IPS in coming weeks.

Thank you to the Chantal and the members of the CCLS operations team, who welcomed me to their meeting this week. It was an opportunity to draw and describe the complex structure of PM, and the interrelationships with the wider Uniting Church. We discussed how all of us at PM can keep each other updated with stories and events across PM. We are all ambassadors. The more we find ways to work together the better the outcome for the people we walk along side.

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Above: Amelia organised this Christchurch Memorial on Harmony Day, and

later an afternoon tea for faculty and staff at WSU Parramatta Campus.

Parramatta Mission hosted a team of 5 leaders from Kippax Uniting Church in the ACT this past week. Kippax operates like a parish mission. They are reviewing their organisation exploring the possibility of becoming a parish mission like PM. Some of the team meet with Jo from Fundraising and Marketing, others with Lyall from Finance, and Paul in Meals Plus. The team had the previous day visited Wayside.

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Above and page before: Youth Services and PM headspace joined with the EELS, Outback Steakhouse, Police, Lebanese drummers, Orange Sky Australia, and the Harris Street Centre to come together on the theme of harmony. Here Richard, manager of PM Youth Services, makes a speech.

Blessings, Keith Hamilton

Foster your faith this week

Jos5:9-12 Ps 32

2 Cor 5:16-21 Lk 15:1-3,11b-32

We at PM are a community transforming lives

and today we experienced just that. A man whom was homeless for 20 years came into the office

and expressed his absolute gratitude to us for helping him on his journey.

He donated $1000.00 and said he would be forever thankful to us.

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Pastoral message for this week….

For my thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways my ways, says the Lord. The prophet Isaiah, The Bible

Jesus said love your neighbour (regardless of gender, race, religion)

PARRAMATTA MISSION CHURCH COUNCIL The Church Council has determined that the minutes of its meeting should be made available to any interested congregation members. The only exception would be matters of a sensitive or confidential nature. A small number of copies of the March 2019 Church Council minutes are available from the Stewards. A copy of the minutes may also be obtained by contacting Robert key on either 9624 1797, 0412 100947 or email [email protected]

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The people of Parramatta Mission invite you to pray for: PM congregations and staff. For headspace, the Parramatta redevelopment

negotiations. The people we contact every day that we might exhibit the values of grace, inclusion, dignity, faith and hope.

PM Leigh Memorial: : Jolame, Wilhelmina, Col, Joan, Betty E, Hazel, Betty B, Neil & Darlene, Victoria & family, Marcel & Brian, and grieving individuals & families including Shane, Elizabeth, Gloria, Ian and friend, the Matutinas, de Relands and Goodins. Plus the Open Church team, Sunday School & Youth Group (especially this year's HSC students: Johana, Ulita and Shaalane). Please let the Leaders' team know of any additions.

PM Leigh Fijian: Adriu Rogoimuri, Senitiki Qata and family, Niko Balavu, Mili Sigani, Terry Butler, Young Adult and their Families.

The JNC work of calling a Minister of the word for the Fijian Congregation.

PM Westmead: Gary family, Scott, Sushila and her family, Reg and Heather, Robyne and Phil. All farmers and their communities, Sharon, Keith and Noeleen, Debbie and Michael, Kevin, Jean, Caroline and David A, Josh and his family (Kerryn, Peter and Ben), Mrs E and family, Mary and Aloy and the boys, Silvano, Jinky, Isabella and Gerard, Mary, Justice and family, Aravind and family, Tanzida, Nancy, Paula and Geoffrey, Garry, Chris and family, Rob, Jodie and Family, May, Rajes (Sandra), Henry, Phyllis, Vita, Col, Al, Mrs G and family, Judy, Shanika and family, Ashima and Anusha Saxena, Lyn, Sheila W, Ruth and Lela, Mr and Mrs S, Carmen and Rob, David and Christopher.

UC congregations of the Cumberland Zone: Dundas/Ermington, Northmead, North Rocks, Carlingford, West Epping, Centenary, Wentworthville, Holroyd, Greystanes, Grantham Heights, Parramatta Mission, Auburn.

We pray for Carlingford Uniting Church Congregation

We join the World Council of Churches in prayer for China, Hong Kong, Macao

Prayer Points

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Worship Services at

Mon to Fri 9.00am - 2.00pm Open Church @ Leigh Memorial

Tuesday 1.10pm Holy Communion @ Leigh

Sunday 9.30am Leigh Memorial Congregation @ Leigh

9.45am Westmead Congregation @ Westmead

11.15am Leigh Fijian Congregation @ Leigh

1.30pm Korean Faith Community @ Leigh

7.00pm Praise, Prayer, Cake & Coffee @ Leigh


For all e-tree news follow the link below http://www.parramattamission.org.au/etree

Leigh Memorial Congregation: Rev Dr Manas Ghosh 0429 892 548

Leigh Fijian Congregation: 9891 2277

Leigh Korean Faith Community Minister: Rev Hyun Goo Jun 0433 320 588

Leigh Memorial Church, 119 Macquarie St, Parramatta

Westmead Congregation: Rev Christine Bayliss Kelly 0409 925 607

Westmead Church: 175 Hawkesbury Road Westmead: 9891 9354

Senior Minister/CEO: Rev Keith Hamilton 0417 487 446

Church Office: 9891 2277 Email : [email protected]

Children’s Hospital Chaplain : Sarah Bishop 0429 912 943

PM WSU Chaplain : Rev Dr Amelia Koh Butler 0427 955 157