out of the matrix

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Start it! Press Start and the start of your trip will be shown! Out of The Matrix The Key to The ONE The Secret of Ex-IS-tence Neo: "I know what you are trying to do!" Morpheus: "I am trying to free your mind Neo. But I can only show you the door. You are the One that has to walk through it. You have to let it all go Neo, Fear, doubt and disbelief. Free your mind!" Morpheus: "There is a difference between knowing the path and walking the path." The MATRIX The movie. 1999 - The material presented herein is to be read very slowly. Most of it originates from very deep levels of Mind. Pause when you feel the need to do so when something seems a bit obscure, and meditate on it. All will easily reveal itself. It is meant to. - Spread rapidly this message worldwide to as many human entities as you can using Email or any other means of communication. Time is of the essence now, as the dawn of a hopeful new era for all of us, as the One, wants to break free and shine within us. "Row, row, row your boat, HOME ABOUT US TRAINING FEATURES 2014 Special Discount PURCHASE PRODUCTS TESTIMONIALS AUDIO SAMPLES RECENT INTERVIEWS OLDER INTERVIEWS FREE RI E-BOOK SECRETS REVEALED OUR LATEST VIDEOS LATEST MESSAGES ARVARI Articles SITE MAP FORUM RESOURCES CONTACT US Affiliation Program converted by Web2PDFConvert.com

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Learn what the real matrix is


Page 1: Out of the Matrix

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Start it! Press Start and the start of your trip will be shown!

Out of The MatrixThe Key to The ONE

The Secret of Ex-IS-tence

Neo: "I know what you are trying to do!"

Morpheus: "I am trying to free your mind Neo. But I can onlyshow you the door. You are the One that has to walk throughit. You have to let it all go Neo, Fear, doubt and disbelief.

Free your mind!"

Morpheus: "There is a difference between knowing the path andwalking the path."

The MATRIX The movie. 1999

- The material presented herein is to be read very slowly. Most of it

originates from very deep levels of Mind. Pause when you feel the need

to do so when something seems a bit obscure, and meditate on it. All will

easily reveal itself. It is meant to.

- Spread rapidly this message worldwide to as many human entities as

you can using Email or any other means of communication. Time is of the

essence now, as the dawn of a hopeful new era for all of us, as the One,

wants to break free and shine within us.

"Row, row, row your boat,




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ARVARI Articles





Affiliation Program

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Page 2: Out of the Matrix

Gently down the stream; Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily,

Life is but a Dream."


NEO: "This isn't real?"

MORPHEUS: "What is real? How do you define real? If you aretalking about your senses, what you feel, taste, smell, orsee, then all you're talking about are electrical signals

interpreted by your brain."


The Universal Mind (The IS: Eternal Intelligence-Awareness) always tries toteach its entities of thought about Its reality and their purpose, through themedium of creative inspiration. However if, because of the resistance andcreative misconceptions that mankind introduces, the perception is that thiscannot be achieved within illusory frameworks of time and space, whichdefines periods within Creations, then these particular Creations justdisappear and are devibrated in the swirling of the real Black Hole of theMind.

We are nearing such a crossroad in this Creation.


MORPHEUS: "You are here because you know something. What youknow, you can't explain. You felt it your entire life. Thereis something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is,but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving youmad. It's this feeling that has brought you to me. Do you

know what I am talking about?"

NEO: "The Matrix?"

MORPHEUS: "Do you want to know what it is? Have you ever hada dream, that you were so sure was real? What if you wereunable to wake from that dream? How would you know thedifference between the Dream world and the Real world?"

The MATRIX The movie. 1999


Most human entities spend their "waking" lives hypnotized by their sensoryworld, which gives them the illusion of a material reality "out there."

In reality, space and time are really nonexistent both at the level of PureAware Consciousness, and also at the level of the unaware "blind parts" thatexperience for It the illusion of creative thought within an illusory space/timeconstruct called Creation.

Mankind rarely realizes that life is but a sensory illusion that givesexperience and learning to Thought, and that the only reality is ThoughtItself, which is forever evolving.

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Consciousness can be defined as Awareness projected onto a vibratoryDream. Period. For Space/Time Creation it is but pure lesser vibratory(conscious and subconscious) thought interacting more or less intensely withthe inner Holographic Light/Thought Reality originating through the facets ofThe MATRIX ("Deep" of Genesis 1: 2).

BEING means BE-IN-God. Not the reverse, which is impossible.

Our purpose in life is BE-IN-G, RE-MEMBER-ING, and ultimately EN-JOY-INGthe Godliness.

Our challenge is to be HAPPY and smile at our inner Higher Self.

The only real Space there is, is the mental Space within the DreamSpace(Imag-in-ation) of the Mind of God. The only real Time there is, is the pace ofthe evolvement of God's Awareness within Its Dream through the media ofVibratory Light, as God projects Its Consciousness onto Its own VibratoryDream (The Matrix).

Are you Finally Ready to Swallow theRed Pill? - Get Out of the Matrix


MORPHEUS: "I imagine that you know something about virtualreality."

NEO: "A little."

MORPHEUS: "Tell me about it."

NEO: "Essentially, it's a hardware system that uses anapparatus; headgear, gloves and whatever to make you feel

that you are in a computer program."

MORPHEUS: "If the virtual reality apparatus, as you calledit, was wired to all of your senses and controlled them

completely, would you be able to tell the difference betweenthe virtual world and the real world?"

NEO: "You might not. No."


MORPHEUS: "Do you remember when I asked you about anapparatus that could turn virtual reality onto reality? It is

right here."

The MATRIX The movie. Original script. Larry and Andy

Wachowski. April 8, 1996.


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The Matrix of life is projected and connected to each perceptual individualconsciousness through a Thought/Supercomputer (The Matrix) that interactswith its sensory input/output individual computer (brain).

The Matrix is really a field of pure information, not energy. It underlies andstructures all energetic processes. As such it cannot yet be detected by ourinstruments. It is really the realm of the mythic ether (implicate realm) thatphysicists know should exist but has not yet been experimentally detected.

Consciousness provides the energy of life.

Original Consciousness has an unfathomable number of connections to theGeneral Thought/Supercomputer. Each connection will be projected for aperceptual lifetime into a story/creation thinking that it is a particularcharacter experiencing a particular life, surrounded by particular entitiesand reality within an illusory space/time Holographic Virtual Reality. TheCreation and the individual will be given a certain history of linearlycoherent perceptual history and a sense of possible probable futures.


SPOON BOY, bending a spoon: "Your spoon does not bend becauseit is just that, a spoon. Mine bends because there really isno spoon, just my mind. Link yourself to the spoon. Become

the spoon and bend yourself."

The MATRIX The movie. Original script. Larry and Andy

Wachowski. April 8, 1996.


All we are is but wonder-full Holograms of pure vibratory light, interfacingwith Creative thought, who believe in a material reality because our sensesfool us, by the rules of The Matrix into perceiving that a solid world exists"out there." Where, in reality, none of the sort is real. No Real solid everexisted, exists, nor will ever exist. We cannot go through a wall because weare not allowed to do so, by the original rules of the computerized thinkingMatrix ruled by Original Thought: Infinite Intelligence Itself. The wall ishollow light, we are all hollow. Light is but hollow. All is hollow-graphic. Allis Holy. This is all it can be. All the rest is a Grand Illusion created by theOriginal Mind!

Are you Finally Ready to Swallow theRed Pill? - Get Out of the Matrix


MORPHEUS [Showing pure light] : This is the construct. It isour loading program. With it we can load anything.



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The construct to The Matrix of life is pure light and the modulating factor is

information/thought. As a matter of fact all light is, is vibratory thought, like

what we create when we dream. Vibratory light is light vibrated by sound,

manifesting as the material/biological world as it is decoded by our brains.

Each connection of Original Consciousness (Awareness) is therefore

projected into an individual Holographic Virtual Reality world which the

General Thought Supercomputer will coordinate with other connections of

Awareness/Thought that interact with the same virtual reality movie

(Creation). The ultimate Cosmic virtual reality sensory video game played by

the One Mind!

Life is but the Eternal (Original Awareness-Consciousness) experiencing

the temporal realm, for learning purposes.

Each grouping of connections (perceptual consciousnesses) that connects

to a shared general story will define a separate Universe/Creation.

There are myriads of such Universes/Creations operating simultaneously

within Original Consciousness, up to a potential infinity.

Each one can have a totally different construct of operational rules, and

system of creative input/output (Matrices). Many operate within visual

(Space/Time) realities of many models and creative dimensions. Others

operate within other sensory realms, or even as pure abstract thought.

Original Awareness is the One that fashions all these multiple systems of

Creation. It IS totally unlimited in scope of intelligence and potential

Awareness. It is only through tremendous restriction of Its Awareness,

Intelligence and Capabilities, that It can experience surprises within the trip

of the return of Its parts to the total realization of being Original Awareness.

This is the only evolution that really is and operates. This is the

impetus/direction and creative force of the Universe. The return of the parts

of the IS (children) to the IS (Original Father/Mother). Anything that impedes

this natural flow, must ultimately be intervened upon.


MORPHEUS: "The Matrix is everywhere, it's all around us, hereeven in this room. You can see it out of your window, or onyour television. You feel it when you go to work, or go tochurch, or pay your taxes. It is the world that has been

pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth."

NEO: "What truth?"

MORPHEUS: "That you are a slave, Neo. That you, like everyoneelse, was born into bondage... kept inside a prison that youcannot smell, or touch. A prison for your mind. Unfortunatelyno one can be told what the Matrix is. You have to see it for



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Our Universe is composed of extremely restricted Awarenesses(consciousnesses). It is considered to be a very experimental and dangerousCreation because within its original concept the degree of induced amnesiais maximum, the intentionally created and forever evolving misconceptionsintense, and the degree of very High (closer to Original Awareness)intervention very rare, often undetected, and few-in between, so far.

In this Universe, the Creative challenge to evolve is very high and difficult.

It is therefore considered to be a very high school of learning for the Mind in

Its desire to ever evolve Itself into higher expressions of Itself.

Original Awareness is always aware of all of its parts plugged into the

Virtual Reality Game of Life called Creation, no matter how perceptually

restricted they are. It knows that they are but Itself - all of them, without any


Certain parts of Original Awareness plug into the awareness of a whole

creation and its sub-parts at once (and the sub-parts hence become direct

children of their awareness/consciousness) and can therefore be considered

to have either a passive role (witnessing/monitoring) and/or often an active

Creational input (intervention) at the level of a whole creation. They can be

called the Creator/Creators of a particular Universe (The Matrix operators),

or the Overseer(s), depending on how active their role is.

Higher unrestricted parts of Original Awareness plug into groupings of

Creations that operate under an umbrella of similar operational rules and

therefore become Creators of a grouping of Universes.

Within a grouping of universes, certain universes may, if they are ready

and allowed to, interface more or less covertly with other universe, in order

to learn from them and probe if they can exploit their creative knowledge or

resources to further their evolution. This can only be done with the

knowledge of the overseers of the grouping of Universes they belong to, and

obviously of Original Mind (Awareness). Sometimes, as in all endeavors,

Original Awareness allows for the unfolding of the intermixing of these

different parts of its Mind to study the outcome. Sometimes, if the intent is

negative (against real Creative evolution), It might interfere with it.

Original (total) Awareness is the ultimate arbitrator.

Each connection of General Awareness to the General Virtual Reality

Supercomputer therefore defines and plays out for a lifetime a particular

role/character and thinks of itself as a separated Consciousness - no matter

how high and creatively powerful it is, or low and operationally restricted it


The learning is in the experiencing and the decision-making process.

Our creation operates by the interference of thought/waves.

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Our Holographic Reality is created and projected through the creative

interference of two thought waves.

First, the original reference beam of pure unadulterated extremely

Vibratory Original Light/thought. The Inner Sun ("Big Light" of Genesis) who

Is the original energy/star that gives life and reality to all and is the carrier

wave of thought/information to all of us as awarenesses experiencing virtual


Second, the modulation of this original reference beam of pure light by

our thoughts, as perceptual human individuals, operating within the creative

framework allowed by the mirroring of our intentions over the silvery

reflection (Inner Moon: "Small Light" of Genesis) of the interface of the

original intent of the All-that-Is and the MATRIX of Creational possibilities

allowed to us.

In reality, consciousness (awareness) never moves nor goes anywhere. It

only connects to each other and to the projection of virtual realities. When

an individual thinks that he/she is moving, in reality the scenery moves

within a 3D holographic sensory imagery and allows for the perception of

Movement, and Space, to be given within a sequence of events perceived as

Time. A Universe is only as big as one's perceptions of it goes, either

directly, through direct interaction or indirectly, through sharing the same


Each individuation of Total Awareness is the still center of its ever

changing bubble/universe of Creative Awareness/Reality.

It is through the connective interaction of such individual Centers of

Original Awareness that a General Universe/ Creation unfolds.

As in the Holographic Dream that we perceive and that our scientists study,

space/time as a 3D Universe exists only and always within the confines of

Eternal Non-space/time. This is but a metaphor to the Only Reality who is

always outside space and outside time as Thought-AWARENESS.

As a matter of fact, time and space never really exists, nor existed.

Consciousness as a restricted part of Original Awareness experience reality

within the illusory impression of a spatial reality "out there" operating within

sequential stories giving an illusion of time. All life is but Consciousness as

restricted Awareness (Spirit) experiencing a human or other life form.

Nothing else. And certainly not the reverse.

Nothing can possibly exist outside of one's TOTAL Self. The illusory "There"

is really "Here." Think that you are "There", and you become aware of being

the "There."

Reality (physical universe), as the Universal Spatial Hologram that we

perceive as material reality, is but an outward 3D virtual reality projection

from within ourselves that we will erroneously think exists independently of

our awareness of it. We are both the Projector (Father) and the Spectator

(Son) of the reflected Light or our common intent mirrored back onto our

conscious Awareness.

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Are you Finally Ready to Swallow theRed Pill? - Get Out of the Matrix


AGENT: Do we have a deal ?

CYPHER: [marveling at the sensory world and pointing to amorsel of steak]: You know, I know this steak does not exist.I know that when I put it in my mouth, the Matrix is tellingmy brain that it is juicy and delicious. After nine years, do

you know what I have realized? That ignorance is bliss.



Our sensory decoding and information processing apparatus (brain) onlyaddresses the decoding of the feedback of the reflected light (input) made byour restricted creative choices within the virtual reality game of "life." Weare usually not made aware of being also the originator (output) of that Lightand projection of reality, for the purpose of increasing the challenge of thegame and its sense of being "real."

One cannot but be stricken with awe at the incredible Intelligence, Beauty

and Creativity of the One Mind forming the illusory Many. As part of the

illusory Many, our role is to nurture and cherish the wonderful gift of creative

expression of Creation.

This 3D Holographically engendered movie is run by The Matrix. This

Matrix is neither static, nor permanent. It can and should be exchanged for

a higher-level Matrix (operational reality) where more creative input

(powers) and freedom are allowed to be given.

This decision can only be made either by the Creator of a grouping of

related Creations operating the Mainframe of a Grouping of Matrices, or, in

certain cases, by Original Awareness Itself: The ONE.

Any part of consciousness can become the totality of Original Awareness

by unplugging from the restricted awareness of its Matrix, become all-aware

and then choosing a different mode of creative operation as it plugs into a

different Thought-Computer program (Higher Matrix).

This action is often opposed by the mass consciousness that operates that

low-level Matrix (Collective Unconscious of Mankind), because it may be

fearing a loss of control and a decrease in the power of Its battery of massive

energy/consciousness that it has under its dominion.


MORPHEUS: What is the Matrix? Control. The Matrix is a

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computer generated Dreamworld built to keep us under control,in order to change a human being into a battery of energy. We

are the energy source easily renewable and completelyrecyclable. All they needed to control this mind was

something to occupy our mind. And they built a prison out ofour past; wired it to our brain and turned us into slaves.


The unplugging from a lower-level MATRIX to a higher level one is alwaysmonitored by higher levels (Creators) of the Original Awareness and is onlygiven if the awarenesses that define a creation show a higher purpose ofbeing and co-operative inclinations. Otherwise, these powers of HigherCreative Thought could be misused irresponsibly and be counter-productive.

The ultimate hope and goal is to be able to operate within the "promised

land" of the highest level Matrix of all: The Matrix of Perfection bestowed as

a precious gift by Zion (The One).


TANK: Me and my Brother are pure old-fashioned home-grownhuman beings, born here in the Real world. Genuine children

of Zion.

NEO: Zion?

TANK: The war is over tomorrow. Zion is where the party willbe.

NEO: Is it a city?

TANK: The last real human city. The only place we have left.

NEO: Where is it?

TANK: Underground. Near the Earth's core. Where it is stillwarm.



A low-level MATRIX such as ours requires a high level of coordination andthought/intervention by the Creator(s) of the individual Universe whoexperiences it and coordinates it. The Creator of that Matrix often feels thatin order to ensure the continuity of the experience of that Matrix by itsunaware sub-parts, It is required to think for them and act for them withoutthem being aware of it. Since that Creator's only task is to monitor andcoordinate a Creation for the Original Awareness, It will make sure that itcarries this role for as long as possible, and lives for as long as possible -hopefully for eternity. That Creator might feel that this ensures their survivalas a Creation and Itself, in the process. Primitive-level matrices often causegreat distress and fear/anxiety at all levels. Both at the level of the Creatorwho gets frustrated at the destructive behavior of its entities and therefore

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feels that It needs to closely monitor them and often think for them, and alsoat the level of Its very restricted unaware parts that remain in a state ofunaware dependence, subject to what they will perceive to be luck or fate.

This self-perpetuating bondage is, for low-level Creations, very hard to

break as it is often perpetuated by both the sub-parts (humans) and the

Creator (Collective Unconscious) of that Creation.


MORPHEUS: "The Matrix is a system, Neo. That system is ourenemy. When you are inside. You look around. What do you see?Teachers, lawyers, businessmen: the very minds of the peoplethat we are trying to save. But until we do, these people arestill a part of that system. You have to understand most ofthese people are not ready to be unplugged and many of themare so inert, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that

they will fight any change."



The sub-parts (humans) often fear change because they lack an awarenessof their real origin and creative possibilities. Faced with so many unknownsin life and questions about its purpose, they gladly relinquish control as longas their basic sensory needs are satisfied. They relish being told by otherswhat to think and how to act. They lack an awareness of how potentiallypowerful their thoughts are and how Creation operates. All of their thoughtorientations conglomerate around group-consciousnesses that emphasizecompetition and mistrust in their political, economical, ethnical, religious,and national agendas. Much remains unknown, and existential questions areoften relegated to that category and given superficial answers that satisfymost. They think of their reality as the only reality, at all levels. Fear is theconsequence and becomes the great motivator. Overcoming fear byexperiencing it is a constant obsession. Paranoia and violence often ensue,and power, greed, lies, mistrust and a lack of care seem to be favored.

The sum of their consciousnesses who as their general Higher Self

(Collective Unconscious) is their Creator (the part of their common self having

the awareness of all of them and their matrix) often gets very frustrated at

the constant intervention that is required in order to keep the elements of Its

Creation alive and operating.

It gets tired of taking care for so long of what It perceives to be

irresponsible children of his thoughts. It often does not perceive any real

evolution in their thought processes no matter what technology they are


In the meantime, since It is aware of all of them at once, they influence It

and It influences them in the flow of thought that defines the Creation. It finds

the necessity of trying to keep them disciplined and alive a paramount task.

Any human entity that is yet not unplugged from its present collective

unconscious is potentially subject to the thought-directions of mass

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consciousness. This is the realm of real mind control.

Are you Finally Ready to Swallow theRed Pill? - Get Out of the Matrix


MORPHEUS [showing the agents]: "They are sentient programs.They can move in and out of any software still hardwired to

their system. That means that anyone that we have notunplugged is potentially an agent. Inside The Matrix, The

Matrix reloaded, they are everyone and they are no one. Theyare the gate keepers."



The Creator in this Creation, as in most low-level Creations, has sadlylearned to violently and strongly oppose rare human visionaries that haveseen the real reality beyond the Matrix and have wanted to share theknowledge with others, because, in all cases, their teachings have beendistorted by Its human entities and have caused even more violence, senseof illusory superiority and righteousness amongst their followers, andbecome excuses for ever greater differentiation and aggression. It knows,sadly, that in our Creation, the messenger will be given far more importanceand study than the Message, nullifying its purpose.


MORPHEUS: "When the Matrix was first built, there was a manborn inside who had the ability to change what he wanted, toremake the Matrix as he saw fit. It was this man who freedthe first of us and taught us the secret of the war: controlthe Matrix and you control the future. After he died theoracle at the temple of Zion prophesized his return and

envisioned an end to the war and freedom for our people. Thisis why there are those of us who have spent our entire livessearching The Matrix, The Matrix reloaded, looking for him."



It knows that in order to be given more Creative leeway and freedom ofthought (free choice) i.e. a higher matrix in Creation, one must relinquishcontrol over one's entities. It knows that Its entities are not yet ready tohandle such high powers of thought-manifestation without endangering theirsurvival and the survival of their Universe/Creation. It witnessed how as Ittransmitted, within The MATRIX of possibilities that he operates, highcreational technological abilities to Its entities, they tried to convert them for

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destructive purposes and war-play, even endangering the entire survivabilityof this whole Creation. Up to the point where It, as the Creator of thisCreation, had to directly intervene on a thought-to-thought basis in order tostop their potential total destruction - in what mankind perceived to bemiraculous events rapidly unfolding - and control Its entities that wereengaged in an illogical perverse death-wish.


HEAD AGENT [pointing to our modern society]: "Have you everstared at it? Marvel at its beauty, its genius? Billions ofpeople living their lives. Oblivious. Do you know that thefirst Matrix was designed to be a perfect human world, with

no suffering, where everyone would be happy? It was adisaster. No one would accept the program. Entire crops werelost. Some believed that we lacked the programming languageto define the perfect world. I believe that as a species,humans define their reality through misery and suffering.

The "perfect" world was a dream that their primitivecerebellum tried to awake from. That is why this Matrix wasredesigned to the peak of your civilization. Or should I sayour civilization? Because as soon as we started thinking for

you, it became our civilization."



Its current frustrations have to do with a even more pernicious threat. Thedestruction by Its entities of their environment and sustainability in theextremely complex and fragile equilibrium that man and nature have incommon. Nature being the nurturing female complementary element ofmankind. This requires constant monitoring, intervention and hope for a newmatrix that will permit the reversal of the long-term damage that has alreadybeen inflicted upon the Being that a Creation represents. It is as if mankindhad turned into a cancerous cell, joyously ravishing the Central organismthat keeps It alive in a orgy of unlimited greed and desire for ever-increasing

irresponsible growth.

HEAD AGENT: "I would like to share a revelation that I havehad during my time here. It came to me as I tried to classifyyour species. I realized that you are not actually mammals.Every mammal specie on this planet instinctively develops anatural equilibrium with their surrounding environment. You,

humans, do not. You move to an area. You multiply, andmultiply, until all natural resources are consumed. The onlyway you can survive is to spread to another area. There is

another organism on this planet that follows the samepattern. Do you know what it is? A virus. Human beings havebecome a disease, a cancer of this planet and we are the


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This Creator dreams of a more advanced type of Creation for Its Entitiesand Its entire Creation. As much more aware and unrestricted Thought, Itknows that many more advanced type of Matrices exist and can be given atany time by higher level creators to lower ones such as It. It knows thatbecause of the very low-level of almost ingrained behavior of Its entities, thelikelihood of this occurring soon is quite remote. Unless a miracle happens.

Even if It creates better scenarios and more freedom of action for Its

entities and a semi-perfect world, which It has tested before, they seem to

reject the gift and prefer a world of violence and power-play. And It waits,

and waits, with extreme frustration and anger. Directed both at Its unaware

entities for their primitive behavior, and at the Higher realms for refusing to

give It more Creative abilities. Trying to keep a semblance of balance within

very restrictive and dangerous natural laws of cause-and-effect that threaten

the survival of Its entire Creation.

Are you Finally Ready to Swallow theRed Pill? - Get Out of the Matrix

HEAD AGENT: Do you hear Morpheus? I am going to be honestwith you. I hate this place. This zoo. This prison. This

reality. I must get out of here. I must get free.


The key to being offered a higher-level Matrix that incorporates muchmore freedom of action and thought-manifestations (Creative Powers), for theindividuals forming a Creation and ultimately for the totality of that Creationas their Collective Unconscious (Creator), is:

To be willing to let go of their sense of egotistic desires (Ego) and caremore about the evolution of Creation than about their individual realities. Toshow forth that behavior pattern of caring for the perceived "other" - nomatter how perceivably evolved or not - above and beyond caring for one'sself. For the "other" is none but your self.

To be willing to die in perception from their current form of operation in

order to be granted a higher form of operation.

To understand, integrate and learn that one's Universe is within one's selfand that if you really understand the tremendous power that yourindividual and common thoughts have in manifesting reality, you then have

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power over all your reality and can manifest all your desires. If you reach thestate of the total absence of fear by believing with full faith and experiencingthat you are ultimately the Original One Mind, you automatically erase fromyour reality all fearful situations.

To show forth an understanding that all forms of life are but a restricted

awareness and experience of the Original One Mind and that Mind

(Awareness) cares as much about any Part of Itself than about any other.

Since it is All but Itself. And experiences all of Itself. Each Part as much as

the other. So that when one part is hurt, neglected, and lacked the respect of

its real importance, the One Mind is feeling this hurt, neglect and disrespect.

And when a part is feeling a sense of peace, happiness, abundance and

cooperative purpose, all of the One Mind is feeling the same. And every part

of Itself is as important and precious as another, no matter whether it is part

of mankind or nature, within the hologram or without, whether it is of a

particular creed, color, or political inclination. Perceptually more productive

and intelligent, or less. No part is more of Itself than another one. Since all of

It is only the One Mind reflecting Itself in the mirror of all Its creational

possibilities for the only game It can play within Itself, by Itself, for Itself:


Are you Finally Ready to Swallow theRed Pill? - Get Out of the Matrix

Neo: What are you trying to tell me, that I can dodgebullets?

Morpheus: No Neo. I'm trying to tell you that when you'reready, you won't have to.


I would recommend your visiting this excellent site which explains indepth the underlying myths being played out in the reality bendingteachings of the "Matrix" movies trilogy.

This is a very thoughtful expose about the Dark Matrix by a student ofour Academy Saleem Rana ( [email protected] ) to the Grillflamegroup on May 14, 2002.

A wake-up cry. Please read it again and again. Gerald

My Dear Friends:

When I first saw the movie, The Matrix, The Matrix reloaded, I wasstunned by it, more than by any other movie I have ever seen. The onlyother movie that came even close, according to my experience, was JimCarrie's The Truman Story. In both movies, I believe life was exposed forwhat it really is -- a simulation program that keeps us locked from the full

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expression and freedom of our innate divinity. Most of the other movies Ihave seen are in alignment with the Dark Matrix, confirming the validityof our experience, strengthening our limited viewpoints, amplifying andrevivifying our fear-based realities.

This impulse to wake the sleeping masses has been given to our raceover and over throughout time from enlightened beings, who moved tocompassion by our plight, come down from their abodes of bliss toengage in our collective hell. Unfortunately everything they have saidhas been institutionalized. In the process of institutionalizing theirteachings, the Dark Matrix has always managed to distort the message insubtle but persuasive ways. Thus, for example, when Jesus the Christcame to speak of ascension through love, the collective found waysof codifying the teachings into a way of fearing God and doing what thesocial program for ethical behavior might design, which included wagingwar, mayhem, misery and destruction on less "enlightened" cultures. Thegreat civilization of America, the place where millions rush into church onSundays to shout praise at Jesus Christ, had only a momentaryhesitation in dropping the atomic bomb on the Japanese. And even then,once was not enough. Thus, ushering us into a new era of nuclearweaponry of even darker fear and misery for all mankind.

Once again, the message is being given to us. This time through themedium of the Matrix movies. It is speaking to us very clearly in alanguage we can understand. Gerald's course is even spelling out, indetail, the meaning of the message. In fact, the truth, I think, is evenmore insidious than the works of analogy. The truth is simply this. Weare all thought-slaves of low, non-vibratory energy.

The proof for this assertion, is, unfortunately, painfully obvious with aminimum of observation. There is no such thing as a benevolentgovernment anywhere in the world. There is no country that one wouldconsider utopia. There is no place, anywhere on this earth, where onecan truly feel happy and free. All economic systems are similarlycorrupt. They aim at consuming most of our time so that we remainbenighted, dumb, unconscious and unhappy. We work like robots forscraps of paper. We consume the short lives we have either working orsleeping. What time is there to reflect, to play, to be ourselves? Andusually when we do have that time, we are too tired to enjoy it. We callthis time for recuperation and recreation. The greatest gift of ourcivilization is we have no time to live our own lives. Look aroundyou...you see coercion and blind-forces everywhere...in all religions, in alleducational systems, and even in the smaller units of social integration,like the family. The Dark Matrix is everywhere, forcing thoughts ofscarcity, fear, limitation, and confusion everywhere. The earth itself isready for a cataclysmic upheaval the more we pollute the very systemswe need to survive: the soil, the air, and the water. In some parts of theworld, people have barely enough food to live and minimal shelters. Inother parts of the world, all these things are in abundance but people aremiserable just trying to hold on to the materials they need for well-being. I could go on, but I think you see the point--there really is sucha thing as the Dark Matrix. Behind the fiction is the truth. Behind thefiction is a message about how we really are.

You would think that given the increasing crisis of life here on earththere would be a massive movement to try and save things, to feed thedestitute, to stop the pollution, to educate future generations, togenerate health and well-being for all, to move more people intoprosperity, and so on. But this is not the case. Misery on our planet isincreasing at a rapid pace. We do nothing because we don't know whatto do. We can barely manage our own wayward psyches, let alone dealwith the crisis stimulated by collective insanity.

You would also think that higher beings, intelligences, and our ownHigher Selves would be rushing in to resolve these issues. But theycannot. They cannot because we will not let them. We will not let thembecause we are enslaved by thoughts of such a dark nature, of suchlimited potency, that we effectively block them out. Imagine, for amoment, that you were to talk to someone who is insane, perhaps aparanoid schizophrenic. You were to explain to them, with all the lovingkindness and reasonableness at your command, how it is possible to livea well-balanced and enjoyable life. Do you think they would understanda word of what you said? Your dog has a better chance of

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understanding your explanation of Plato's theory of forms than an insaneman has of understanding your good intentions. Your very actionswould, in his distorted view of things, be seen as further evidence of aconspiracy against him. He might even violently attack you to be rid ofyour influence.

This is the dilemma that the higher forces face. Many avatars havecome, many more will come, and yet we will remain as stupid, asmentally-enslaved. Only one in a million, maybe a billion, persons cangain enough from spiritual teachings to be free of the Dark Matrix.

Do not underestimate the power of fear thoughts. They controleverything, keep us in quiet despair, and effectively block out the light.

In conclusion, then, the movies called the Matrix are about somethingthat is real. It is all an analogy, with a lot of melodrama to hold our fickleattention, but it is about something that is indeed present in our world. In the movies, it is a computer program that controls us. In life, it is aconstant propagation of dark matter, expressed as thoughts and feelings,hooked directly to our individual minds, that is controlling us.

Now the R.I. course is like a complete exposition of the Matrix series.

After reading and listening to the new R.I. tapes, I was similarly stunnedby the works. I realized what an incredible act of love and courage ittook for Mr. O' Donnell to even produce this program. Many will notunderstand. Many will even seek to attack him. People attacked Jesus. People attack Sai Baba. People do not like to be reminded about howstupid they really are.

Mr. O'Donnell took a great leap of faith in bringing this work to us. Hecould just as easily have made a hundred-times more money in thecommodities market by just doing ARV. He could just as easily havesettled down to a quiet life of contemplation and seeking his ownpersonal exit from the Dark Matrix. Yet because of his love he isrestricting his freedom so that others too can be free.

Mr. O'Donnell, like Morpheus, has something very rare. He has seen theway things are. It is no easy task. Everything in our world fightsagainst a single human being having that awareness. He has a free mind,the most precious thing on this earth, and he wishes us to participate inthis experience.

This R.I. course is much more than remote influencing a few things hereand there: a little more cash, a free meal, a wonderful date, a trip to theBahamas, etc. This course is actually not about getting anything. It isactually about giving everything up.

Let me explain my thinking here.

As long as we are attached to the low, vibratory hum of the DarkMatrix, and as long as we cater to any fear, thinking it to be a realevent, we are under the power of mental enslavement. Our light istrapped. Sooner or later the pain of our misery will be so great that wewill do anything to ascend to a higher order of being. Right now there isjust a numbness, a quiet desperation, a vagueness, an apathy. The lowvibratory light is pleased with this state. It feeds off our fears, growsstronger, and uses us, our light, to make itself more sentient.

Thus, we must give up our attachment, our catering to the whims ofthe Dark Matrix. If you think that the Dark Matrix does not have muchpersonal control of you, let me offer an analogy. An analogy might bringhome the power of the dark force. Imagine that you are very poor. Yourjob is your only source of livelihood. You feel that if you lost it, youwould end up on the streets and then die of starvation and prolongedexposure to the snow. Unfortunately, your Boss is a complete tyrant. You must do everything he says, otherwise you will be fired. He has notolerance for you speaking up for yourself, for exerting your will in anyway. You hate the job, but you fear, even more, the possibility of losingit. You need somebody to come in and free your mind and show you thatyou can leave this wretched job and not only survive but actually startprospering and thriving. Similarly, the Dark Matrix keeps us in bondage. We do everything for it. We are terrified of going against it. We needsomebody to talk us out of catering to it.

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Just as Morpheus worked hard at creating a few free minds, so too isMr. O'Donnell working on creating a few free minds. If even one of usgets his message, his work will not be in vain. If more than one of usgets it, it will be a revolution in the history of time. If we all get it...oursmall band of 100 plus will be a force as powerful as the early Christianswho overthrew the seemingly invincible Roman Empire.

And just as Neo was able to overcome the Dark Matrix, readingbeforehand all its manipulations, so too, you are also able to leave theDark Matrix.

There is a way out. It is a way that is very difficult. I think it wasSomerset Maugham who said something to the effect that the path totruth is thin like a razor's edge. The path, as outlined by the course, asI understand it, is the following.

Monitor our thoughts. See where fear enters, how anger speaks, howdepression grabs us. See how these thoughts are not us. We are theOne who watches the thoughts. We are the light that is known as soul,a drop of the divine essence. We are the atman, the inner god. We arethe Higher Self. We are the watcher of thoughts. Our thoughts arecoming for the most part, from the Dark Matrix, from the pool ofbeliefs we have about reality. But some thoughts, of course, are comingfrom the soul. These are our moments of mental clarity, epiphany, burstsof original observation, our moments of earnest dialogue, debate, andfiery defiance against the order of things.

Next, raise our vibrations. This is done in a positive and negative way. The positive way is to feel joy, to smile inwardly at the world, at life in allits myriad expressions, at the social vortex with all its melodramas andmisdirections, to try and simulate the bliss of our Higher Self. Thenegative way is to work on catharsis, psychological healing and clearingof painful ideations. (If it hurts, we know it isn't ours. Get rid of it. Disbelieve in it. Send it away from us.) Thus, by working in this way, weraise ourselves to a level where the Higher Self can actually talk to us,give us proper direction in life, lead us away from our current problems.

We must realize how deeply asleep we are if we ever hope to wake up. We must become lucid in this world where almost everyone else is asleeptoo. We must feel the pain of our suffering, going beyond numbness,apathy, and helplessness, if we are to walk away free from continualsuffering. Once motivated sufficiently, we must act toward clearing theillusions and finding the latent joy in ourselves. If circumstances presshard against us at the moment, they must be given up internally beforethey can be experienced externally. Mere action at self-improvement isonly more band-aid. The cleansing has to be at a very deep level. There are many practitioners of internal cleansing, many paths, manydisciplines. One has to inquire into them.

Finally, work on maintaining correct identification. We are not this mind,this body, these emotions. We are not our particular personalities. Weare not our histories. We are not our future. We must cease identifyingwith things that we are not. We must cease persisting in the habit ofcontinuous self-delusion. What are we, then? We are the awarenessthat is reading these words right now. We are what is here; we are whatis now. As Ram Dass phrased it, Be Here Now. That is, we are thebeingness that is here in this place at this moment. All else is our illusionand will lead us into confusion and doubt. By working on artisticendeavors of any kind, we will be strengthening our awareness of themoment. Our small creations on matter will eventually lead us to controlmatter directly.

For those of us who feel terrified of the Dark Matrix we needto remember who we are. We are not the puppet of a simulatedprogram. We are the observer, the light, the awareness itself. Wecan move beyond any suffering if we can free our minds. If we arecontrolled in any way, it is because at some level we have given ourpermission to the source of misery.

Once we connect with our Higher Self, then we will be in a position tosee clearly, to create effortlessly, to move with speed and power, withblinding invincibility, just like Neo in the Matrix when he fought AgentSmith who was powerful enough to even capture Morpheus.

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The R.I. program can move us to have free minds. It may be thegreatest thing that we have ever encountered in our lives. Is thishyperbole? It can be, if we choose to think of it that way. We arewhat we think, and unfortunately most of what we think comes from ouracceptance of the Dark Matrix. Given the direction of this course, wecan move to ultimate freedom. Manifestation is nice. RemoteInfluencing is exciting. But freedom to embody our beingness isthe ultimate goal, the ecstatic culmination of everything.

Do you agree? Disagree? Your thoughts please on these reflections onthe new R.I. course.

Your fellow-seeker,


Explore Our Training Systems

For the ones of you that think that all of these are reallymetaphysical speculations, or worse, please read thefollowing page on the recent scientific decoding of our "TheMatrix of life." How this "Matrix," operating outsidespace&time, regulates the most fundamental elements of matterthat then define space and operate within time.

Is the story of the movie "Matrix" true or prophetic?

Are we about to create a Matrix within a Matrix? A simulationwithin a simulation, alike the situation shown in the movie"The Thirteen Floor?" Or are we already a virtual worldholographic simulation within another virtual worldsimulation? The Academy has reason to believe that the lateris the case. This would perfectly fit and decode the crypticfirst chapter of Genesis (Hebrew original version) whereAdam, as the collective unconscious of mankind, is created inthe similitude and shadow (inversion of sides and facets) ofthe original Higher world simulation of the Elohim (pluralGods within the feeling of Unity Consciousness, or TheGodliness mistranslated as The Lord). So how many levels ofreality simulations within reality simulations are therereally?

Basically, what if we were only part of a 3D virtual realitylife simulation where matter is only a hologram made upvibratory light and sound? Science and particularly advancequantum physics says that our entire universe and ourselvesare but holograms within a gigantic hologram. See the mainfeature article in the very respected Scientific AmericanAugust 2003 issue titled: "Are you a Hologram? Quantumphysics says that the entire universe might be."

Would you like to consult the Matrix movie original scripts?

For the Matrix I movie script, click here

For the Matrix II reloaded movie script, click here

For the very interesting original shadow script on theoriginal Matrix Reloaded movie (seems to have been theoriginal idea, later totally revamped and changed whenbrought to the silver screen), click here

For the Matrix III Revolutions script, click here

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And the original Matrix script: click hereFor the ones who have not yet done so, and even for the oneswho previously read it, please read again the wonderful andinspiring short work by Richard Bach "Jonathan LivingstoneSeagull". This gem was downloaded from very High levels ofthe One, and its eternal message is particularly relevant toall of us today. Our teachings and trainings on this sitewill let you understand this book in a totally differentLight. Happy Flights!

Are you Finally Ready to Swallow the RedPill? - Get Out of the Matrix

"I am thy Dawn, from darkness to release;

I am the Deep, wherein thy sorrow cease;

Be still be still! and know that I am God:

Acquaint thyself with Me, and be at peace!

Erase that record of the palimpsest:

Within thee, by the scribe of time impressed:

And on the smoothed surface write anew:

"I am All-Wisdom, Righteousness, and Rest,"

I am alone: thou only art in Me:

I am the stream of Life that flows through thee:

I comprehend all substances, fill all space:

I am pure Being, by whom all things be.

Yes, I am Spirit: In thy depths I dwell:

Art conscious of My presence, all is well:

Cleave but to that-thyself are thine own heaven,"

Out of the Silence

"Oh WRETCHED race of men, to space confined!What honour can ye pay to him, whose mindTo that which lies beyond hath penetrated?

The symbols he hath formed shall sound his praise,And lead him on through unimagined ways

To conquests new, in worlds not yet created.

First, ye Determinants! In ordered rowAnd massive column ranged, before him go,To form a phalanx for his safe protection.

Ye powers of the nth roots of - 1!Around his head in ceaseless* cycles run,

As unembodied spirits of direction.

And you, ye undevelopable scrolls!Above the host wave your emblazoned rolls,

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Ruled for the record of his bright inventions.Ye cubic surfaces! By threes and nines

Draw round his camp your seven-and-twenty lines-The seal of Solomon in three dimensions.

March on, symbolic host! With step sublime,Up to the flaming bounds of Space and Time!

There pause, until by Dickenson depicted,In two dimensions, we the form may trace

Of him whose soul, too large for vulgar space,In n dimensions flourished unrestricted."

-- James Clerk MaxwellTo the Committee of the Cayley Portrait Fund -- 1887

Are you Finally Ready toSwallow the Red Pill? - Get Out

of the Matrix

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Give yourself, or someone you care for, a once-a-lifetime opportunity to

release yourself from your mental boundaries, and control the "matrix" of

life. Order the Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing Courses Here!

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Gerald O'Donnell. All Rights Reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes, without the written permission of the author, except when permitted by law.

This page last updated January 7, 2008

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