outpost - st. edmund's church, oslo · crown of thorns and the money bag con-taining 30 pieces...

OUTPOST The magazine of the Anglican Chaplaincy in Norway June–August 2016 TRINITY

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Page 1: OUTPOST - St. Edmund's Church, Oslo · crown of thorns and the money bag con-taining 30 pieces of silver on the large wooden cross. At the base of the cross were a hammer, nails,

OUTPOST The magazine of the Anglican Chaplaincy in Norway

June–August 2016


Page 2: OUTPOST - St. Edmund's Church, Oslo · crown of thorns and the money bag con-taining 30 pieces of silver on the large wooden cross. At the base of the cross were a hammer, nails,

WHO’s WHO SENIOR CHAPLAIN The Ven Dr Brian Russell

Harald Hårfagresgate 2, 0363 Oslo [email protected]

22 69 22 14

ASSISTANT CHAPLAINS The Revd Peter Hogarth [email protected]

51 55 54 88 48 60 40 61

The Revd April Almaas (locum chaplain) Kongsgårdsgata 2, 7013 Trondheim [email protected]

92 46 67 29

Bergen locums reside at … Langarinden 318, 5132 Nyborg [email protected]

… and have use of this phone: 40 39 62 42

READERS IN TRONDHEIM Priscilla Beck 73 93 81 50 Ursula Sonnewald (permission to officiate)

READER IN BERGEN Iris Evans–Bjørnø 55 18 67 34


Ingeborg Wörheide (Oslo) Linda White (Trondheim) Eirik Duerr (Bergen)

66 80 81 36 55 32 18 47

CHAPLAINCY CHURCHWARDENS Gregory Norton, Michael McNaull [email protected]

ASSISTANT CHURCHWARDENS Eirik Duerr (Bergen), Susan Boyd (Trondheim)

FORSTANDER Ingeborg Wörheide

COUNCIL MEMBERS Ekene Aqbalakwe, Kristine S Brorson, Michael Brooks, Helen Campbell Andrew Lane, David H Lovett, co-opted: Joseph Chidindi, Sampson Okeke Trond Werner Pettersen (Hon Sec) Sigrid Kvaal (Hon Treasurer)

22 46 07 53


Kirstin McNaull Anne-Grete Larsen Denise Johnson-Joakimsen [email protected]

ORGANIST/CHOIRMASTER John Chapman [email protected]


OUTPOST EDITORIAL TEAM Brian Russell (editor-in-chief), Roger Martin

Other clergy holding the Archbishop of Canterbury’s Permission to officiate at Anglican Services in the Chaplaincy are: Geir Barlaup, Andreas Hilmo Grandy-Teig, Harald Grønnevik, Janet Heil, Vebjørn Horsfjord, Ragnhild Jepsen, Limbani Juttah, Siv Limstrand, Jørund Midttun, Tracy Rishton, Geir Sakseid, Bodil Slørdal, Mary Strømmen, Harald Svendsen, Helene Selvik Thomas, Fredrik Ulseth.

Persons authorised by the Bishop to assist in administering the sacrament of Holy Communion are: all readers, Joseph Chidindi, Eirik Duerr, Torhild Fikseaunet, Cheryl Hogarth, Sigrid I Kvaal, Peter Lane, Margaret Luthar, Neil Matthews, Penny Mietle, Philip Ringrose, Betty Short, Rune Torsvik, Linda White.

For further information see our websites: www.osloanglicans.no, www.bergenanglicans.net, www.stavangeranglicans.net, and www.trondheimanglicans.net. The diocesan website is www.europe.anglican.org, and the Church of England’s website is www.cofe.anglican.org.

Donations and payments to The Anglican Chaplaincy may be made to bank account 7029.05.14973.

For further details see page 11

Page 3: OUTPOST - St. Edmund's Church, Oslo · crown of thorns and the money bag con-taining 30 pieces of silver on the large wooden cross. At the base of the cross were a hammer, nails,

The Senior Chaplain’s Notes

Having belief makes all the difference

Recently, I attended a very interesting

evening of the Anglo Norse Society in

Oslo. We had a brilliant presentation

from Ian Damerell, a Professor of Art

who was brought up in Wales and England,

and who has been working for many

years now in Norway and also in Lithuania.

He spoke about finding meaning in life

and how the visual arts can contribute to

this. His concern was about communicating

to people a map that can help them to

interpret what happens in their lives.

In the course of this, he showed us how

bewildering it is becoming for those who

do not have an overarching belief in God.

Increasingly, as we move into a secular

view of the world, we lose our bearings

and sense of what the world is about. By

contrast, belief in God, even if not a strong

belief, makes an enormous difference to

living in a constructive way.

Amongst the ideas he shared, two images

especially connected for me – the ship’s

anchor and the car’s steering wheel.

Without an anchor, a ship drifts and has

no settled place or rooting. It cannot come

to rest anyway. Belief in God secures the

workings of the world, allowing for some

movement and change, but within a sense

of attachment and belonging to some

fundamental values that anchor us.

Without a steering wheel, a car will

move out of control and lose its capacity

to set a direction and to move towards a

goal. It may have a purpose but it cannot

reach it or strive towards it in a trustworthy

way. So, with our efforts to be and to act

in the world, we need a way to steer our

lives, our communities, our nations.

He also wanted to press us to think of

togetherness in the world, that is a set of

values that are not just about an individual

pursuing their own personal goals but

about seeing how we are all in this together.

Only by acting together can we handle

situations in ways that link us to our

anchor and steer us towards the future.

For me, God is certainly our anchor and

our steering wheel. So belief in God can

give the basis and direction that make all

the difference in our lives.

May we find strength in being attached

to the God who gives us roots and to the

God who, through the guiding hand of

Jesus, helps us to see how to steer towards

the future that God offers, a future that

brings purpose to a complex world in

which so much seems to be drifting and

breaking apart..

The Ven Dr Brian Russell

Senior Anglican Chaplain in Norway

Bergen Notes We are beginning to get used to having

new priests arriving every few weeks,

showing them the vicarage, how to use the

washing machine and cooker, where to

catch buses to town and to church, where

to do their shopping and many more

things they need to know while staying

here. We try to make their stay as pleasant

and carefree as possible, with a bus pass

and mobile phone for them to use any

time, and have been very fortunate to wel-

come some really wonderful and friendly

clergy, who do their best to fall in with our

ways and be as helpful as is possible. We

are still praying for a permanent chaplain

to join us very soon, but in the meantime

we are grateful for these very different and

pleasant priests and for the effort Rev Bri-

an Russell puts in arranging for cover

week after week.

Page 4: OUTPOST - St. Edmund's Church, Oslo · crown of thorns and the money bag con-taining 30 pieces of silver on the large wooden cross. At the base of the cross were a hammer, nails,

Just before the beginning of Lent, we are

used to buying and enjoying Norwegian

fastelavnsboller filled with cream and jam,

but we had not tried the Swedish version.

On Sunday 7 February, after our family

service in Mariakirken, we were invited to

join the Swedish congregation in Maria-

stuen. It was with great anticipation that

we all trooped over the road to try these

different boller. My word they were really

tasty, and there were enough and to spare.

They had almond cream inside them and

the Swedish priest Anna told us that there

was rivalry between the Norwegians and

the Swedish people as to which were the

best. Obviously she thought theirs were.

We just enjoyed the treat and fellowship

once again with this friendly congregation,

a very pleasant way to set us up for Lent.

On Wednesday 10 February at 18:00

Rev Peter Tilley – who had just arrived

from Britain – and I shared a very special

service in Mariakirken with the Norwe-

gian church, led by Dean Jan Otto

Myrseth with the sermon given by Hil-

degunn Isaksen. We were asked to robe up

and sit with the Norwegian clergy near the

altar. The cathedral choir sang the liturgy

and a couple of sacred songs which added

to the solemnity and richness of this very

moving service. The ceremony with the

ash was very special, with each person

being blessed with the ash cross on his or

her forehead. We felt that we were includ-

ed in the service as, although we did not

actively participate, our presence was an-

nounced by the Dean in his opening


On Sunday 6 March, Mothering Sunday,

we held a special family service, with chil-

dren reading a small play about mothers,

and a young man reading one of the les-

sons and the intercessory prayers. I talked

about the origin of this special Sunday,

explaining that it referred both to

‘mothers’ and to the mother church itself.

There were about 40 people worshipping,

some of them Norwegians. As the service

drew to a close, the children handed out

roses to every female, before everyone

was invited to join us for refreshments.

We were blessed with a new organist,

Michael Sargado, who added greatly to

our worship with his wonderful playing.

Maundy Thursday found us in Mariastuen sharing a meal after a very meaningful

service of Holy Communion. Although

there were only eight of us, we all felt it had

been worth making the effort, as remember-

ing Jesus at the Last Supper brought home

the importance of the bread and wine, plus

the foot washing which we talked about,

discussing the reasons why Jesus took on

that task.

On Good Friday about twenty of us met

in St Marys Church in the morning to

share the reality of the Crucifixion in all its

darkness. We followed the seven stages of

the cross, with various people reading a

short Bible verse, followed by an excellent

short and very interesting explanation by

Rev John Roden. Finally Iris hung Jesus’s

robe, the whip, the sword, the sponge, the

crown of thorns and the money bag con-

taining 30 pieces of silver on the large

wooden cross. At the base of the cross

were a hammer, nails, bowl and towel, all

depicting what happened on that day.

These items were to stay on until Easter

Sunday morning.

Easter Day was a joint service with the

Lutheran church led by Hildegunn Isaksen.

Rev John Roden shared the service with her,

including taking part in the Communion,

helped by Iris and Berit Andersen, a retired

Dean. At the beginning, the things depicting

Good Friday were removed from the cross

and everyone was invited to bring up spring

Page 5: OUTPOST - St. Edmund's Church, Oslo · crown of thorns and the money bag con-taining 30 pieces of silver on the large wooden cross. At the base of the cross were a hammer, nails,

flowers to hang on the cross where the

awful objects of pain and death had hung.

Instead of death we saw new life, bringing

home to us all the sacrifice that Jesus had

made on our behalf and what his resurrec-

tion means to us. There were about 60

people worshipping that morning, includ-

ing tourists and Norwegians. After the

service everyone was invited for refresh-

ments in Mariastuen.

On Sunday 10 April we shared an even-

ing service with the Lutheran church, as the

Swedish church had their service at 11:00.

This was the last Swedish service to take

place at Mariakirken, as we are now to hold

morning services every Sunday morning.

Rev Brian Russell came over from Oslo

and took part in the service with Hildegunn

Isaksen. The service was well attended and

afterwards we went into Mariastuen for

refreshments, including hot soup.

On Sunday 17 April, with Harald Grønne-

vik leading our worship, we celebrated Eirik

Duerr’s 70th birthday. We were very pleased

to welcome Harald back and thoroughly

enjoyed his sermon. Afterwards we shared

lots of lovely food prepared by Ana. Eirik is

a vital member of our church, so it was only

fitting that we showed our appreciation for

all the work he does every week helping to

keep everything running smoothly. Thank

you Eirik from all of us.

We have been worshipping in St Marys

successfully for almost a year now and

with God’s help and guidance we will

continue to serve the many and diverse

people who find a welcome and a blessing

sharing their Sunday mornings with us.

Who would have thought twelve months

ago that we would be where we are? In-

deed God moves in a mysterious way!

Iris Evans-Bjørnø

Bergen Lay Reader

Stavanger Notes Greetings from Stavanger and blessings

during the Holy-days. We hope that your

will be having a good summer, with lovely

days of we hope fine weather and the

relaxed company of friends.

Here in Stavanger we are planning to have

our July services in the Bishop’s chapel next

to the Domkirke. It is a beautiful peaceful

building ideal for the lower numbers we

usually have during the summer. It has the

advantage of requiring far less ‘setting up’

than Bethel. During July we do not have our

usual regular children’s church and so for the

summer it very much meets our needs.

Taking the Archbishop’s Pentecost chal-

lenge to prayer for mission to heart, we shall

be continuing to pray for our outreach into

our community. Being visible is vital for us

as we have such a transient community. We

need to reach the new people that arrive over

the summer and planning for the activities

that happen in August when the new

academic year starts.

We shall be present at most of the sign

up events again in August and are again

planning for some exciting youth and chil-

dren’s trips. This year, taking on board

some of the work of last Novembers’

youth and children’s conference, we shall

be closely consulting our youngsters in what

they want from the trips and activities.

The Youth and Children’s resources for

church from Bath and Wells Diocese,

which is where our speakers came from

last November, have proved most helpful

and interesting, during the spring. We are

intending to take up their resource of a

weekly children’s magazine that has some

good simple activity resources, which are

ideal for a back of church “ colouring ta-

ble. If anyone else is interested in these do

get in touch.

Page 6: OUTPOST - St. Edmund's Church, Oslo · crown of thorns and the money bag con-taining 30 pieces of silver on the large wooden cross. At the base of the cross were a hammer, nails,

Sunday Oslo Bergen Readings * Stavanger Trondheim

JUNE 2016 Sun 5 2 afterTrinity 11:00 Confirmation

Gospel: Mark 4:1-9, 13-20 11:00 Mariakirken unless specified

Family Service Galatians 1:11-end

Luke 7:11-17 10:30 Bethel unless specified

Family Communion 18:00 Evening Prayer

Chapter House

Sun 12 3 after Trinity 11:00 Sung Communion 11:00 Eucharist Galatians 2:15-end Luke 7:36-8:3

10:30 Holy Communion 11:00 All-age Holy Communion Vår Frue Church

Sun 19 4 after Trinity 11:00 Sung Communion 11:00 Eucharist Galatians 3:23-end Luke 8:26-39

10:30 Family Communion 18:00 Evening Prayer Chapter House

Sun 26 5 after Trinity 11:00 Sung Communion 11:00 Eucharist Galatians 5:1, 13-25 Luke 9:51-end

10.30 Family Communion 11:00 Holy Communion with representatives from World Council of Churches Vår Frue Church

JULY 2016

Sun 3 6 after Trinity Thomas the Apostle

11:00 Family Communion 11:00 Family Service Ephesians 2:19-end John 20:24-29

10.30 Family Service 18:00 Evening Prayer Chapter House

Sun 10 7 after Trinity

11:00 Sung Communion 11:00 Eucharist Colossians 1:1-14 Luke 10:25-37

10.30 Holy Communion 11:00 Holy Communion Vår Frue Church

Sun 17 8 after Trinity

11:00 Sung Communion 11:00 Eucharist Colossians 1:15-28 Luke 10:38-end

10:30 Family Communion 18:00 Holy Communion (Bilingual Pilgrim Service) Cathedral

Sun 24 9 after Trinity

11:00 Eucharist Colossians 2:6-19 Luke 11:1-13

Holy Communion 11:00 Holy Communion Vår Frue Church

Sun 31 10 after Trinity

11:00 Sung Communion 11:00 Eucharist Colossians 3:1-11 Luke 12:13-21

10:30 Holy Communion Sorry, no service (5th Sunday)

AUGUST 2016 Sun 7 11 after

Trinity 11:00 Family Communion

Transfiguration Gospel: Luke 9:28-36

11:00 Family Service Hebrews 11:1-3, 8-16 Luke 12:32-40

10:30 Family Communion 18:00 Evening Prayer Chapter House

Sun 14 12 after Trinity

11:00 Sung Communion 11.00 18:00

Eucharist (Mariakirken) Joint Evensong with Sund Sund kyrkje, Klokkarvik

Hebrews 11:29-12:2 Luke 12:49-56

10.30 Holy Communion 11:00 All-age Holy Communion School Start Service Vår Frue Church

Sun 21 13 after Trinity

11:00 Holy Communion 11.00 Eucharist Hebrews 12:18-end Luke 13:10-17

10.30 Family Communion 18:00 Holy Communion Cathedral

Sun 28 14 after Trinity

11:00 Sung Communion 11:00 Eucharist Hebrews 13:1-8, 15-16 Luke 14:1, 7-14

19:00 Evening Prayer Bishop’s Chapel

11:00 All-age Service of the Word Vår Frue Church

* Each congregation uses or omits Old Testament readings according to local tradition

Sunday Oslo Bergen Readings * Stavanger Trondheim

JUNE 2016 Sun 5 2 afterTrinity 11:00 Confirmation

Gospel: Mark 4:1-9, 13-20 11:00 Mariakirken unless specified

Family Service Galatians 1:11-end

Luke 7:11-17 10:30 Bethel unless specified

Family Communion 18:00 Evening Prayer

Chapter House

Sun 12 3 after Trinity 11:00 Sung Communion 11:00 Eucharist Galatians 2:15-end Luke 7:36-8:3

10:30 Holy Communion 11:00 All-age Holy Communion Vår Frue Church

Sun 19 4 after Trinity 11:00 Sung Communion 11:00 Eucharist Galatians 3:23-end Luke 8:26-39

10:30 Family Communion 18:00 Evening Prayer Chapter House

Sun 26 5 after Trinity 11:00 Sung Communion 11:00 Eucharist Galatians 5:1, 13-25 Luke 9:51-end

10.30 Family Communion 11:00 Holy Communion with representatives from World Council of Churches Vår Frue Church

JULY 2016

Sun 3 6 after Trinity Thomas the Apostle

11:00 Family Communion 11:00 Family Service Ephesians 2:19-end John 20:24-29

10.30 Family Service 18:00 Evening Prayer Chapter House

Sun 10 7 after Trinity

11:00 Sung Communion 11:00 Eucharist Colossians 1:1-14 Luke 10:25-37

10.30 Holy Communion 11:00 Holy Communion Vår Frue Church

Sun 17 8 after Trinity

11:00 Sung Communion 11:00 Eucharist Colossians 1:15-28 Luke 10:38-end

10:30 Family Communion 18:00 Holy Communion (Bilingual Pilgrim Service) Cathedral

Sun 24 9 after Trinity

11:00 Eucharist Colossians 2:6-19 Luke 11:1-13

Holy Communion 11:00 Holy Communion Vår Frue Church

Sun 31 10 after Trinity

11:00 Sung Communion 11:00 Eucharist Colossians 3:1-11 Luke 12:13-21

10:30 Holy Communion Sorry, no service (5th Sunday)

AUGUST 2016 Sun 7 11 after

Trinity 11:00 Family Communion

Transfiguration Gospel: Luke 9:28-36

11:00 Family Service Hebrews 11:1-3, 8-16 Luke 12:32-40

10:30 Family Communion 18:00 Evening Prayer Chapter House

Sun 14 12 after Trinity

11:00 Sung Communion 11.00 18:00

Eucharist (Mariakirken) Joint Evensong with Sund Sund kyrkje, Klokkarvik

Hebrews 11:29-12:2 Luke 12:49-56

10.30 Holy Communion 11:00 All-age Holy Communion School Start Service Vår Frue Church

Sun 21 13 after Trinity

11:00 Holy Communion 11.00 Eucharist Hebrews 12:18-end Luke 13:10-17

10.30 Family Communion 18:00 Holy Communion Cathedral

Sun 28 14 after Trinity

11:00 Sung Communion 11:00 Eucharist Hebrews 13:1-8, 15-16 Luke 14:1, 7-14

19:00 Evening Prayer Bishop’s Chapel

11:00 All-age Service of the Word Vår Frue Church

* Each congregation uses or omits Old Testament readings according to local tradition

Page 7: OUTPOST - St. Edmund's Church, Oslo · crown of thorns and the money bag con-taining 30 pieces of silver on the large wooden cross. At the base of the cross were a hammer, nails,

This year poses many challenges with so

many of our regular congregation members

having had to move away from the com-

munity. We hope that we can be very much

out with the people in making contacts in the

community. Please hold us in your prayers

as we pray for blessing on all of you.

Peter Hogarth

Stavanger Assistant Chaplain

Trondheim Notes We have had a busy season in Trondheim.

We held our annual Shrove Tuesday

pancake gathering and the next day we

joined the Nidaros Cathedral Dean and

organist Ragnhild Jepsen and Magne

Dragaan for the Porvoo Ash Wednesday

service that we annually hold together with

the Vår Frue and Nidaros Congregation.

On the first Sunday of Lent the children

buried the letters A-L-L-E-L-U-I-A and

we fasted from using that word throughout

Lent. Also, throughout lent, we held (as

usual) a Lenten study group. This year we

added soup suppers to these gatherings

and ended each with compline in the gor-

geous but chilly archbishop’s chapel. The

last Thursday before Holy Week was a

community soup supper on St. Patrick’s

Day, with green-coloured squash, Irish

potato leek soup, quiz and a presentation

by Daphne Tangen.

Passion Week began in the Cathedral

with the Palm Sunday liturgy of palms and

dramatic reading of the Passion. On

Maundy Thursday we joined the Bymisjon

and the Vår Frue and Nidaros congregation

for our first Porvoo foot washing service for

this day. On Good Friday, we joined

Trondheim’s Christian Coalition for their

ecumenical Walking Service and even

sold traditional English hot cross buns.

When we celebrated Easter Sunday in Vår

Frue, our Sunday school and toddler singing

children had to run around to find the

A-L-L-E-L-U-I-A again (it did not

stay buried, you see!).

After Easter, our Anglican Student

Fellowship hosted a lively ecumenical

dialogue evening. On the 17 April, our

senior chaplain, the Venerable Dr. Brian

Russell, presided over a joint service in

Nidaros Cathedral with the University

Chaplaincy. Our AGM was on 1 May, prior

to which we were joined at Evening Prayer

by Nidaros Renaissance vocal ensemble.

Many thanks to all who have served and

continued to serve on our committee; your

help is invaluable. We are especially pleased

to welcome a new member: Benn Mugisha.

As is our tradition, we celebrated Pentecost

up at Fjellseter Chapel. There were curtains

of ‘fire’, maraca ‘wind’, the Bible read in

many different languages and lovely music

from Andrew Fleming and Sigmund &

Sarah Vik and company. Grilling and

games were directly afterwards. On Trinity

Sunday, we celebrated a Festival Anglican

Communion with lovely sung intercessions

prayed by our guest liturgist, and Anglican

PTO, Revd. Andreas Hilmo Grandy-Teig.

At the end of June, the central committee

of the World Council of Churches is making

a historic visit to Trondheim. We are hon-

oured to have been asked to be one of the

congregations that will host some members

of the central committee on 26/6 and are

delighted that our Stavanger chaplain,

Revd. Peter Hogarth, is able to join us for

this service as well.

And now, summer vacation is almost here!

For many, this is a long-awaited time to step

off of life’s treadmill and relax. In my child-

hood I remember summer break being filled

with lazy days swinging in the hammock,

drinking long cool glasses of lemonade and

pondering whether or not I had enough ener-

gy to bike down to the local swimming pool.

Page 8: OUTPOST - St. Edmund's Church, Oslo · crown of thorns and the money bag con-taining 30 pieces of silver on the large wooden cross. At the base of the cross were a hammer, nails,

Today however we tend to attempt to

pack much more into our vacation time.

The stores are filled with ‘must have’ vaca-

tion gear, and magazines offer extensive lists

of all that you need for ‘the perfect holiday’.

Tragically, many of these so-called ‘perfect

holidays’ are often quite costly, require a

significant amount of planning and, in the

end, leave us with very little true rest.

In fact, we do not need to feel pressured

into the ‘perfect’ anything. In Matthew

11:28 Jesus says, ‘Come to me, all you

that are weary and are carrying heavy bur-

dens, and I will give you rest.’ It is my

hope and prayer that each of us may expe-

rience some soul refreshing moments of

true rest this summer. Peace be with you!

Revd. April Maja Almaas

Locum Assistant Chaplain

Oslo Notes The Oslo Congregation looks ahead

On Sunday 5 June St Edmunds welcomed

Bishop Paul Ferguson, the Bishop of Whitby

in England, for our Confirmation Service at

11:00. We have seven young people and two

adults who have been preparing for this and

we have looked forward to a wonderful day.

St Edmunds will again take part in Culture

Night in Oslo, by offering Anglican Choral

Evensong at 17:30 and an open church

building. The date is Friday 16 September.

We are working our way through the 100

year anniversaries of key events in the first

World War and we have begun to plan for

Remembrance Sunday on 13 November.

We will have an Act of Remembrance to

begin our 11:00 service in St Edmunds and

the British Ambassador will join us. We will

both then lead a ceremonial remembrance at

the Commonwealth War Graves at Frogner

at 14:00. In the morning service, Brian will

be reflecting on the life of the St Edmunds

Congregation and its members during both

the world wars as a window into the reality

of what this meant for people in Norway at

those times.

Remembrance Sunday will follow our

Annual Bazaar at the Swedish church which

this year will be on Saturday 12 November.

Our Carol Services across Norway are

an important point of impact for our chap-

laincy in providing spiritual occasions for

reflection and worship. The Oslo Carol

Service this year will be at 18:00 on Sunday

11 December and the Drammen service

this year will be at 19:00 in Strømsø

Church on Tuesday 13 December.

St Edmunds church continues to be a

focus for concerts that invite visitors into

our church building, including modern

music festivals such as by:Larm and the

Oslo Jazz Festival, as well as classical

music concerts with the Norwegian Music

Academy (NMH).

The month of April was a ‘volunteering

month’ with an appeal for help in main-

taining our many activities and our church

building. We seek to be a church where all

can offer their skills and make a contribution.

One of our aims – to establish a group of

musicians of all ages – is under way.

During 2016 we will also be giving

thought to how to develop the crypt as a

‘parish hall’ that can add value to the

spiritual and community life of our church

and its availability as a venue to other

community groups. The City of Oslo

department of culture and heritage visited

our church building and were very en-

couraging of what the building is and how

it can develop for the future. When the

plans are clear, we will be making an

appeal for financial help to achieve this.

The Ven Dr Brian Russell

Page 9: OUTPOST - St. Edmund's Church, Oslo · crown of thorns and the money bag con-taining 30 pieces of silver on the large wooden cross. At the base of the cross were a hammer, nails,

IMPORTANT NOTICE Please submit material for the next edition of Outpost

by Sunday 7 August

From the Registers


St Edmunds, Oslo

Sunday 20 March Mira Christine Breistein

Sunday 22 May Camilla Rose Evje

Sunday 29 May Owen Caleb Campbell

Cathedral Chapter House, Trondheim

Sunday 7 February Francis Alfred Barron (Alfie) Eagle


St Edmunds, Oslo

Sunday 5 June by the Right Rev'd Paul Ferguson,

Bishop of Whitby

Heidi Holter-Hovind, Sandra Hubbuck, Maria Masemola, Fredrik Ottesen,

Miranda Thiis-Evensen, Eze Ukwoma

Abbas Bahiraei, Torhild Fikseaunet


We were sad to learn of the death of Pam Piper on 6 January this year, aged 87.

She was the widow of the late Revd Ken Piper, who was here as Assistant Chaplain 1987–89

for the Anglican Chaplaincy in Oslo with Trondheim, Bergen and Stavanger. Ken had died five years ago and both are

buried at Brent Knoll. Pam first visited Norway in 1958 because her uncle, shot down on at 1st May 1943, is buried

at Sola churchyard with a crew member.

Upcoming events Bergen

Sun 14 Aug Picnic and Joint Service, Sund

Church, Klokkarvik

Thu 27 Oct Rehearsals for Christmas Choir start

Sat 17 Dec 15:00 Carol Service in Korskirken

Sun 18 Dec 18:00 Carol Service in Mariakirken

Oslo Sunday 11 or 18 Dec St Edmunds Carol Service

Trondheim Sun 26 Jun 11:00 Service with representatives

from the World Council of Churches,

including Revd Peter Hogarth, Stavanger

Sat 17 Jul 11.00 Bilingual Pilgrim Service

Thu 11 Aug Acolyte Summer Worship

Sun 14 Aug 11:00 School Start Service followed by

bring and share picnic by the river with games

Sun 4 Sep Service celebrating the 20th anniversary

of the Porvoo Agreement

Page 10: OUTPOST - St. Edmund's Church, Oslo · crown of thorns and the money bag con-taining 30 pieces of silver on the large wooden cross. At the base of the cross were a hammer, nails,

Pru’s Strøket 9, 1383 ASKER 66 75 80 66/ 99603734 (outside the main entrance

to Trekanten Centre)

Aran knitwear & fleeces

with embroidery

(horse, tractor, sheep, etc.)

for children from 1 year and adults

Leisurewear by Alice Collins,

Hammerschmid, Tulchan, Gardeur,

Brandtex, Erfo, Lana, Wallmann …

Larger sizes by Verpass

Tartan kilts and trousers

by Glaschu (Glasgow)



OPEN 10–18 (Sat. 10–16).

Guild members 10% discount

Welcome to our concert series in

St Edmund’s Church on Saturdays at 17:00,

organised by the organist and choirmaster at

in collaboration with the Norwegian Academy of Music.

English tea & scones are served from 4.15 pm.

Donations Many thanks for donations to the Anglican Chaplaincy in Norway.

Donations and other payments may be made to the chaplaincy account, 7029.05.14973 (from abroad IBAN: NO1770290514973,


If you would like a donation to be directed towards a specific purpose, please indicate on the giro.

For 2016 Norwegian tax payers can receive tax exemption for donations between

kr 500 and 25 000 per year, i.e. you pay from gross income.

To make this possible, please ensure the treasurer has your 11–digit personal number.


Patrons: H.M. Queen Elizabeth II and H.M. King Harald V

The Anglo–Norse Society was founded in 1921 to ‘promote friendship and understanding bet-ween our countries’, in the words of our first President – Fridtjof Nansen. We invite you to come along to one of our monthly meetings at Frogner Church ‘kirkestue’ in Bygdøy Allé 38. Our events include talks on an array of topics, musical evenings, outings, Christmas Party and get–togethers, with time for mingling and refreshments afterwards. ANS membership is open for all, and for a modest annual subscription you can attend free events and receive our local Newsletters and the ANS Review magazine, which covers articles from Norway and Great Britain. Please visit our website: anglonorseoslo.com. Ring 41510840 or send us an e–mail: [email protected]. We look forward to hearing from you!

Page 11: OUTPOST - St. Edmund's Church, Oslo · crown of thorns and the money bag con-taining 30 pieces of silver on the large wooden cross. At the base of the cross were a hammer, nails,