overview airtraffic 1

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  • 7/31/2019 Overview Airtraffic 1



    On August 3, 1981, after 8 months of labor contract negotiation with FAA

    failed to yield satisfactory terms, more than 12000 Air traffic controllers

    represented by PATCO went on strike. Immedately Regan government declared

    strike illeagal and ordered striking air traffic controllers to return to work with 48

    hours or to be fired. Despite presidents order and courts injunction against using

    any PATCO benefit fund for stke benefits, 12000 controllers chose to continue on

    strike and were fired as a result.

    In the first few weeks of strike, although FAA had implemented contingency

    plans with supervisors and nonstriking personnel, supplemented by 370

    controllers supplied by military, the air traffic were still reduced within 75% normal

    level. The impact of strike were felt immediately by airline industry which saw

    loss of $35 million a day. Total airline layoffs reached 1000 in 3 weeks and some

    small airlines began to cease operation because of restrictions on flight. Cargo

    carriers were concerned with cargo piling up. Hotel and motel industry estimated

    their loss to be %10 to 15 million a day. The ripple effect on national economy

    were anybodys guess. The los Angeles Times estimated the cost of strike

    between one and six billion if it were to last more than 60 days. The Wall Street

    Journal predicted that capacity and competition in airline industry would be

    reduced and cost to the customer would be increased.

    On political front, while there were some criticism of governments

    inconsistency in handling the labor affair, many have pondered over the broader

    implications of the actions by PATCO and the Federal Government. Public poll

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    showed strong support for the Presidents decision, with 57% approval vs 30%

    disapproval. Meanwhile, 63% people felt that the controllers must have had a

    legitimate reason for sacrificing their jobs and 58% agreed that controllers

    worked under undue stress.

    FAAs task of rebuilding the system proved to be a difficult one. Under the

    pressure to fill 5500 jobs within a year, the recruitment and training of new

    controllers run into many problems. In the mean time, dismissed traffic controller

    found it difficult to get a new job, not to mention the comparable pay or benifits.

    Weeks after strike, FLRA decertified PATCO. In January 1982, President of

    PATCO Rober Poli Resigned. It paved way for the FAA to negotiate with new

    labor organization of air traffic controllers.

    Problem Identification

    During the strike, what grabed the headline were unions demands for

    $10,000 across the borad pay raise, 32 hours work week and better retirement

    packages. However, the fundamental issues were not just economic ones.

    Newsweek noted that "controllers concede that their chief complaint is not money

    but hours, working conditions, and a lack of recognition for the pressures they


    The final clash between PATCO, union for the air traffic controllers, and FAA

    had brewed for more than a decade. Since 1968, the year it was formed, PATCO

    had confronted FAA with various job actions: a two-day sick out in June of

    1969; a three-day sick out in 1970; and a four-day slown donw in 1978. The FAA

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    countered with firing of union leaders and a federal court issued order banning

    PATCO from striking again.Although there confrontations did not resulted in theresolution of air traffic controllers main issues, i.e., inadequate equipments and

    understaffing, PATCO had since become bigger and gained more influence.

    While the way FAA dealt with these job actions and the demand of air traffic

    controllers was a factor leading to final show down in 1981, the development of

    legal environment throughout the period exerted its own forces. In addition,

    political decisions from both union and goverment play a key role both before and

    during the strike. But lets first examine the fundamental issues facing the air

    traffic controllers and PATCO as a union of air traffic controllers.

    The Pressures of PATCO

    The need to have a voice in things affecting their life made PATCO

    membership and job actions the choices of the air traffic controllers. The jobs of

    air traffic controllers are extremely stressful due to their safety responsibility and

    long working hours. However, there was lack of recognition for the pressure they

    face and personal life they sacrifice. Adding to the grievance was the

    authoritarian management style in the workplace. Thus, the air traffic controllers

    felt a strong need to voice their complaints. With all the past job actions not

    heeded and a renewed negotiation with FAA came to no fruition, it is not too

    surprising that 95% controllers voted for a strike.

    On the other side of the table, FAA as employer of air traffic controllers did

    not seem to have done enough to alleviate the problem. They downplayed the

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    stress associated with the job. They tended to view air traffic controllerss

    complaints of working condition as PATCOs bargaining tactics for economic

    benefit. Even when Dr. Robert Rose, professor of Boston University, turned his

    research findings to FAA chief Loghorne Bond and suggested FAA to improve its

    labor relations, Mr. Bond did not seem to be interested.

    Peer pressure was also a factor contributing the strike. Air traffic controllers

    were young, strong and sociable. The nature of their work has given them

    opportunities to socialize among themself. In such a self-contained group, it was

    not difficult for PATCO to recruit memebers and pressure them to support the job


    The change in leadership of PATCO in 1980 was perhaps main driver to the

    strike. Replacing John Laymen as PATCO president, Rober Poli had different

    philosophy in managing union affair. In Polis own word, he was more militant

    than his predecessor. His militant approach was evidenced by his ruling out of all

    future slow downs and establishment of strike force to help organize and lead the

    union[2]. He even went on saying, The only illegal strike is an unsuccessful

    one., despite the fact that federal law prohibit strikes by public service


    Public unions grew rapidly in 1960s and 1970s. By 1980, 43.4% of public

    employees were unionized. Although PATCO was among the most influential

    public unions, during the strike there were no strong actions from other unions to

    show the support. One reason was simply that other unions feared of being

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    charged with violation of law. Another was the lack of solidarity within labor union


    External Forces

    To understand the course of actions taken by PATCO and how it ended up

    with an unsuccessful strike, we also need to look at external forces at work. First

    of all, PATCO must work within the legal framework governing public employees

    union Unlike employees in private sector, government employees are not

    protected by National Labor Relation Act. This had put air traffic controllers in

    vulnerable position when it came to conflict with FAA. Even the Federal Labor

    Relations Act enacted in 1979, which aimed to give public union some collective

    bargaining power, prohibited public employees from bargaining over job related

    issues. As such, when facing labor dispute, it was logical for air traffic controllers

    to turn to PATCO and support the job actions.

    This same legal framework gave FAA a strong hand in dealing with PATCO.

    While it is debatable whether FAA was unfaithful in negotiating with PATCO, the

    fact that FAA had had an "incredibly detailed" legal strategy to deal with a

    possible strike undermines FAA's credibility. This point can be further illustrated

    by the ruling of Distric Court in Denver on crimnal indictments against local

    PATCO leaders. As the judge concluded : The selection of targets under these

    circumstances culminating in an ultimate hit list containing many top level unicon

    representatives is instinct with invidious motivations ....

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    In commenting on the decertification of PATCO by FLRA after strike, William

    Ford, Democrat, chair of the House Committee on Post Office and Civil Service,

    said: ... We have a combination of ferderal laws that provide no meaningful

    remedy for this kind of labor impasse, an impasse that adversely affects not only

    the economy, but the safety of the public and the defense of the nation.

    Secondly, political decisions of both PATCO and then Regan Administrations

    help to explain the outcome of strike and, to a lesser degree, the onset of strike.

    In 1980, The PATCO was one of only four AFLCIO affiliates to endorse the

    Ronald Regan as presidential candidate. In light of Republicans well known anti-

    union stance, PATCOs endorsement can only be explained by Ronald Regans

    letter to Robert Poli in which he denounced the state of air traffic control system

    and pledged that my Administration will work very closely with you to bring about

    a spirit of cooperation between the Presedent and the air traffic controllers.... By

    the same token, it is possible that PATCO migh have expected the Regan

    Administration to respond to the strike in an amicable way.

    On the contrary, Reagan Administration took a tough stand. The government

    had not only fired striking controllers who did not returned to work within 48

    hours, but aslo banned them from any federal employment for the next three

    years. Reagan believed that the strike imperil public safety. But why not settle

    with union before the strike? Some obsevers believe that federal budget reigned

    over the demand of PATCO. In a time of recession, Ronald Reagans doctrine

    was that government was the problem not the solution.

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    Finaly, technology played a key role. It is interesting how technology had

    impacted the air traffic controllers, their jobs and eventually the handling of strike.

    In the early days, it was the obsolete equipments that concerned the air traffic

    controllers. They complained that little or no automation had been introduced,

    and near misses were common occurrence. However, technology advancement

    in later days had rendered air traffic controllers increasingly obsolete. By the

    spring of 1979, FAAs personnel analysis had shown overstaffing of air traffic

    controller. Most importantly, faced with confrontational PATCO, FAA clearly saw

    automation a means of eliminating skilled controller. In her article, The

    Pressures of PATCO: Strikes and Stress in the 1980s, Rebecca Pels argued

    that Only when the strike made it absolutely necessary did the FAA invest

    substantially in new technology after spending considerable effort on ensuring

    such equipment would mean less reliance on controllers' work. Indeed, on

    August 7, 1981 (the fifth day of the PATCO strike), the Wall Street Journal

    reported that the FAA hopes to install, at a cost of $2.8 billion, computers which

    will alert pilots directly in case of problem and instruct them automaticaally on

    changing course.

    Technology aside, the high unemployment rate at the time also made it easy

    for FAA to find permanent replacement for the dismissed striker. Almost from the

    firt day of the strike, the FAA was flooded with job applicants.(Air Traffic

    Controllers, by Ber A.Spector, HBS)

    Analysis from Human Resource Perspective

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    Symptoms and Causes

    The case of air traffic controllers revealed many human resources problems.

    First, safety and health protection was not on FAAs top agenda. The working

    condition of air traffic controllers was stressful. This was manifested by the fact

    the 89% of controllers forced to retire early because of medical disability. Dr.

    Robert Rose conducted survey show that hypertension and considerable drinking

    off-hours were common among air traffic controllers. Despite these finding, FAA

    were indifference and made no improvement to the situation. Second, there was

    lack of recognition of controller's safety responsibility. Controllers often felt they

    were ultimately responsible for the safety of aircraft, but they could not exercise

    control neither management nor pilots listened to them. This coupled with

    FAA's autocratic management style had led to low morale and resentment. Third,

    the training, promotion and reward system was not adequate. Management

    training was eliminated because the budget cut. Promotions were based more on

    individual relationship than performance or managerial skills. As a result,

    supervisors' management style tend to be authoritarian and impersonal. The lack

    of due human resources development process caused resentment between

    controllers and their supervisors. The sentiment of controllers were reflected in

    Rober Polis words :

    First of all, controllers resent the fact that supervisors get paid

    the money they do because theyre a [civial servce] grade

    higher but dont work the airplanes. Thats ridiculous. They

    get that for filling out schedules and sitting down there. They

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    dont really provide supervision. Theres no need for it. They

    have too many supervisiors in areas where they could double

    the number of controllers the person superson supervises....

    The FAA always fills those [supervisory] positions, but doesnt

    fill the controller positions.

    The negotiation between FAA and PATCO exposed other human resources

    problems. One question was related to good-faith bargaining in the process.

    There was suspicion that FAA had no real intention to negotiate. As discussed in

    previous paragraph, the pursuit of legal punishment on union leaders for their

    pro-strike behaviors was challenged for its motivation by US district court.

    Moreover, while negotiation was underway, FAA continued to push for

    computerization which would automate air traffic control system, a move viewed

    by PATCO as a threat to their jobs. On PATCO side, its demand for $10,000

    increase in wage was outrageous in pulic eye. It might have been viewed as

    surface bargaining thus sent a reaffirming message to FAA that a strike was

    pending. Yet in fact, as many aftermath interviews of controllers had revealed,

    the controllers main issues were not about money but were about their voiceless

    and powerless role in job related matters[2]. It was a failure in PATCO for inability

    to articulate the real demand of air traffic controller and to win public support.

    HR Policies and Procedures

    FAA did have a policy and procedure for employee recruiting and training

    program. Job candidates were required to be 18 to 30 years old, be a high school

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    graduate, have three years work experience in any jobs, pass aptitude and

    physical tests. The job requirements for air traffic controllers may be unique.

    However, FAA might want to consider more about workforce diversity. Its

    employees profole showed that 50% of FAAs employees had military

    background, while only 15% were women.

    New employees would participate in a 17-week intensive training. After that

    they would receive on-the-job training for 2 to 4 years until reaching full

    performance level. It was a time-consuming and costly process. It was not

    difficult to foresee that FAA would run into problems when it scrambled to fill

    positions of striking controllers.

    Compensation Policy

    Air traffic controllers were given same sick leave, vacation days, and work

    week as all federal employees: 40 work hours per week; 19-26 vacation days; 13

    paid sick leave days per year. Among western countries, the US ranked the

    longest in work hours while the shortest in vacations days and sick leave days.

    The air controller may retire at half pay at the age of 50 if they have worked for

    20 years, at any age if they have worked 25 years. By contrast most other federal

    employees must be 55 with 30 years service, or 60 with 20 years service. By

    1881, the pay range for FAA controllers was $20,447 to $49,229. The average

    salary for a fully qualified controller is $33000. But the maximum pay for a

    controller was $50112.50, which was pay cap for all federal civil service

    employees. The pay grades were comparable with Petroleum Engineer, with the

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    most experienced controllers paid one grade higher at GS-14. While not

    comparable with pilots who could make up to 115,000, air traffic controllers were

    among the well-paid federal employees.

    Major Players

    Rober Poli, as PATCO president, had important yet controvertial role in

    PATCO strike. His militant style was no doubt a crucial factor in PATCOs labor

    strategy. He reached the top of PATCO after a policy dispute centered around

    the complaint that former PATCO president John Leyden had not been militant

    enough in his negotiations with the Government[7]. However, his own negotiation

    tactics proved to be ill-advised and failed to win public support. Some labor

    stragists blame the failure of strike on his naive thinking and ill-preparation for

    Regan Administraions harsh response.

    Ronald Reagan, while being called union buster and lier by some, was

    hailed by many others as being a decisive and strong president [4]. It seemed

    majority of people supported the his tough stand on PATCO strike. An expert in

    public emplyee labor relations for Columbia University commented that Regans

    handling of the strike would show all government employers how they could

    seize control of labor relations instead of merely reacting to union demands.

    The impact of Reagans handling of 1981 PATCO went even beyond public

    sector. In his recent article Echos of a broken strike on Washintonpost.com [5],

    Charles J. Walen wrote : In the immediate aftermath of the PATCO strike, many

    observers reported that Reagan's action marked a turning point in U.S. labor

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    relation. History has shown this assessment was right on the mark. If it is true

    that the strike is labor's "only true weapon," as some unionists suggest, then

    practically the entire movement has been disarmed.

    Drew Lewis, Regans Secretary of Transportation, was the chief negotiator

    for the government. He seemed to be firm and skillful in dealing PATCO strike.

    He showed strong support for Reagans decision.

    Alternatives and Solutions

    Privatization as An Alternative

    Privatization of air traffic control system was a viable solution to the problem.

    There were already private owned air control systeim in Belgium, Netherlands,

    Luxembourg, and Germany. At a time when the nation was in recession and

    Regan himself felt that government was too big, it make sense to seek out

    privatization of some federal civil service. The then AFL-CIOs president Lane

    Kirland saw Regan Administrations handling of strike as inconsistent policy. He


    The air traffic control system is purely a subsidized service the

    government is providing for the private airline industry. Under the

    Regan doctrine of getting the government off peoples backs, youd

    think they might try to turn the whole thing over to the industry to run

    instead of using the might and majesty of the government to suppress

    a strike.

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    performance appraisal and proper recognition will boost morale. Management

    coaching and training will change the style and improve employee-management

    relationship. More importantly, FAA shoud have done something different in

    managing labor relations. Instead of wielding the political power backed by law,

    Administration and FAA should listened more carefully to the grievance of air

    traffic controllers and worked with union to come up with solutions. One way to

    handle this is establishing a grievance procedure, including internal and external

    monitoring system.

    The ultimate goal was to recognize and respect basic human rights. It is

    strong recommended to set up a centralized human resources management

    organization in FAA to lead efforts in identifying human rights issues, educating

    employees and management in idetification of thes issues, and working to

    develop framework guidance on how to deal with these issues.

    Labor Strategy

    From PATCOs pespective, it was an important lesson the it did not have

    well-thought-out strategy. Instead of immediately staging on strike, PATCO

    could have launched a corporate campaign to exert pressure on FAA and to

    gain support from other unions. Also, Polis negotiation stressing the monetary

    terms did not exactly reflect air traffic controllers main concern, i.e. stressful

    working conditions, autocratic management styles, and the lack of workplace

    voice. There should have been better communication between union leaders and

    its members so that everybody knew what they set out to do. Furthermore, Poli

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    and union negotiation team could have come up with their counter offer when

    FAAs final over were not accepted by union members. Doing so would possibly

    avoid a strike. Finally, engaging in a strike under the circumstances was a

    vialation of law after all. It would be prudent to do a thorough assessment of pro

    and cons of a strike. In the hindsight, Regans tough respone on PATCOs strike

    were not have surprised anyone. The political miscalculation and infexibility of

    bargaining stragety had caused air traffic controllers jobs and decertification of

    PATCO. Within the context of law, PATCO better choice might be to seek thirty

    party arbitration to solve issues related to working condition[6].

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    1. Air Traffic Controller, by Bert A. Spector, HBS

    2. The Pressure of PATCO: Strikes and Stress in the 1980s, by Rebecca Pels

    URL: http://etext.virginia.edu/journals/EH/EH37/Pels.html

    3. A Framework for Human Resource Mangement, by Gary Dessler

    4. In honor of Regan, by Brian Trumbore

    URL: http://www.aporrea.org/dameletra.php?docid=1560

    5. Echos of Broken Strike, by Charles J. Walen, Washingtonpost.com

    6. Topic 15: The Federal Government


    7. Man in The News: Militant Controller Chief: Robert Edmond Poli, by

    Jonathan Fuerbringer, The New York Times.