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STRATEGIC RELOCATION BY JOHN BAEZ PROPOSAL FOR IPHONE APPLICATION PROJECT For Users searching for Detailed Data on Strategic Relocation in the event of a hazard. Just imagine evacuating from a high dense population area in an urban area rated very low for relocating for medium, or long-term timeframe. Strategic Relocation is designed to inform its users with high level information on the best actions to take in the case of an emergency situation. OVERVIEW Strategic Relocation by John Baez is pleased to submit this proposal for services to support Mercy College in achieving its goals for improving customer satisfaction by providing software in the form of an IPHONE application for providing information to the mass population in case of critical hazards, or civil emergency. Strategic Relocation will be submitted in Beta form to Mercy College Cyber Security Dr. John Yoon and further developed until conditions for final review, and initial launch is conducted. As the application’s owner my full intention is for further expansion of this product. The Objective (Strategic Relocation) This Product in the form of an IOS App was created to help the survivalist, preppers, patriots, or for anyone with the foresight in mind to strategize, and prepare for an emergency, or an evacuation by way of a relocation away from a point of hazard. Identify hazard Provide a high-level risk assessment of hazard. Provide information on possible solutions. 1

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STRATEGIC RELOCATION BY JOHN BAEZ PROPOSAL FOR IPHONE APPLICATION PROJECTFor Users searching for Detailed Data on Strategic Relocation in the event of a hazard.

Just imagine evacuating from a high dense population area in an urban area rated very low for relocating for medium, or long-term timeframe. Strategic Relocation is designed to inform its users with high level information on the best actions to take in the case of an emergency situation.


Strategic Relocation by John Baez is pleased to submit this proposal for services to support Mercy

College in achieving its goals for improving customer satisfaction by providing software in the form of an IPHONE application for providing information to the mass population in case of critical hazards, or civil emergency. Strategic Relocation will be submitted in Beta form to Mercy College Cyber Security Dr. John Yoon and further developed until conditions for final review, and initial launch is conducted. As the application’s owner my full intention is for further expansion of this product.

The Objective (Strategic Relocation)This Product in the form of an IOS App was created to help the survivalist, preppers, patriots, or for anyone with the foresight in mind to strategize, and prepare for an emergency, or an evacuation by way of a relocation away from a point of hazard.

Identify hazard Provide a high-level risk assessment of hazard. Provide information on possible solutions.


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Table of Contents:

1. Abstract P. 1

2. Objective P. 1

3. Table of Contents P. 2

4. Executive Stratergy P. 3

5. High Level View of Application (Strategic Relocation) P. 4

6. Navigation Page & Imbedded Safe Harbor. P. 5

7. Login Page P. 6

8. Registration Page P. 7

9. Description Page P. 7

10. Main Page (EMP, Hurricane). P. 8

11. EMP 1 P. 9

12. EMP 2 P. 9

13. EMP 3 P. 9

14. EMP 4 P. 9, 10

15. EMP Browser P. 9, 10

16. Hurricane Main Page P. 11

17. Hurricane CAT 1 & 2 Descriptive Only. P. 12

18. Major Hurricane CAT 3 Page. P. 12, 13

a. Relocate & Map Buttons P. 12, 13

19. Major Hurricane CAT 4 Page. P. 13

a. Relocate & Map Buttons P. 13

20. Major Hurricane CAT 5 Page. P. 13

a. Relocate & Map Button P. 13

21. Major Hurricane Bowser page. P. 13

22. Final Thoughts P. 14, 15

23. Timeline of Execution P. 15


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Execution Strategy

My Execution Stratergy will be based on programming with Swift/Xcode/JSON in order to provide a smooth running, and user-friendly application for satisfactory user experience. The Data provided will be researched through various resources described below under materials used, and Resources. I will on occasion be syncing with Dr. Yoon for technical advice, and will use the cyber security lab for some work. My Reason for developing this application are to better inform the public on how to properly prepare in case of detrimental hazards that can affect or drastically the way you live. In a Civil Emergency information will fragmented, and Transportation Systems will be adversely affected. Financial Institution will be spent, or not available. Power Grids can become fragile, and will fail. Civil unrest will lead to a public safety nightmare. The mass population on 3 days without proper options for food, water power will descend into total chaos. This holds especially true in urban areas where population density is at its highest.

The OpportunityForgive me for the thought of searching for opportunity in a potential crisis situation, but give a human being an opportunity for survival at the critical point of survival regardless of the situation I don’t think that person would be to apologetic. I consider myself awake from the slumber I have been half my life. I choose to help people when I see danger, and this is the reason why I have created the app Strategic Relocation, additionally I choose to help myself in the process.

Opportunity create Goals

Goal #1: Create an IOS Application (“Strategic Relocation”) using the IOS Platform. Source Code will be on Swift 4 X Code.

Goal #2: Create several View Controllers that will display functionality of pages, for example: Login Page, Registration Page, Description Pages, Hurricane Pages, EMP Pages, and 2 Multiview view controllers designated with web kits for Browsing activity.

Goal #3: Contents inside each view controller are as follows: Labels, Buttons, Text Boxes, Text Fields, and Web kits. Labels will be used to label functionality of a process, or item. Buttons may be used as an actionable process that may be shown, or used as process of segueing through another page. Text Boxes are used for descriptive text of multiple lines of plain text usually s functionality or relaying desired searched information. Text Field is used for entering prompted text, for example username, and password. Web Kits are Kits used for the possibility to view internet content like Google.


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Goal # 4: Create Segues to interconnect between view Controllers within the software application. Properly label segues, and program the source code that will make the page functional.

Goal # 5: Provide an array of options on IOS for end user with informed research on best solutions possible dependent on the hazard researched.

Goal # 6: Raise self-awareness regarding the application Strategic Relocation on the IOS platform and provide detailed information for prepper to gain knowledge on best possible course of action to make better informed decisions that will provide improved experience when relocating to different area from hazards that can affect loss of life, and property.

High-Level View of Application “Strategic Relocation”.

High Level View (Explained)

This High-Level View is an overview of what the Application entails. Directly above I have taken a snapshot to give the reader the idea of what the application Strategic Relocation would logically look like. On the upper left-hand corner of the pages there exists the Navigation Controller, and the Protected Page. The Protected Page holds a Disclaimer that holds a Safe Harbor Clause. Next You will see Login, and Registration Page. Once the Credentials entered pass then you are segued to a Description Page. After the Description Page you will see the Main Page with 2 hazards (EMP & Hurricane). On the EMP Section there are 6 pages detailing different hazards. On the Hurricane Section there are 7 Pages detailing Hazards. In Total there are 19 Pages segued in different ways with different layouts that are similar. To the left of the Story Board Layout you will see a list of view controllers that each page is under. To the left of the View Controllers there is another list with files that map to the View


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Navigation Controller Imbedded into Safe Harbor Page with Protection

Navigation Controller Imbedded into Safe Harbor Page (Explained)

1st I created the Protected Page, and embedded the protected page into the Navigation Controller. I manually configured the output Segue in order to ensure the protection of the page and created a Textbox. I believe every Application should have a disclaimer and a Safe Harbor to protect the App and advising the user the legal use of the application. The Swift Source Code is located on the right of the page. Besides the usual overrides that are default when you add items to a View Controller there is additional function that I created with an Override Function. Basically, this function will load the protected page for a couple of seconds before you see the Login Page advising the user of the Disclaimer. If the User is already logged-In he will not be able to change anything that’s why it’s a protected page. Additionally, the reason why I created the Protected page was because Apple will obligate every developer to create one to fulfill legal requirements. Notice there is a logout button underneath the disclaimer text. It’s designed to flash a disclaimer when you click on the App, and before leaving the App you must press the button below the disclaimer.


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Login & Registration Page

Login Page & Registration Page (Description)

Next, we see the Login Page of the App (Above). The Login Page consists of black background, and 5 labels (Strategic Relocation, White Login Label, Email Label, Password Label, and OR Label). 2 Text Fields (Email, and Password). The Text Field Entails Placeholders inside it to further prompt the user Email & Password. There are 2 Buttons blue, and aqua in color. These buttons that are both actionable and are connected to segues that interconnect the buttons to next Pages. These buttons are the Login Button, and the Register Button. After entering the text into the text fields, and the Login Button is pressed the actionable result if credentials are correct will be a successful login, and a segue to the Description Page. All buttons, and fields become functions in the source code. These functions need to be programmed in a certain way to reflect the functionality of the page, and the App overall. The Registration Page is located (Below) and consists of the mustard yellow page with 4 Labels which are: Register Page, Email, Password, and Repeat Password. There are 3 Text Fields with Place Holders to prompt the user on to where enter text. There are 2 Buttons that are in blue, and once you press these buttons they segue you into the Login Page. If Registration fields are empty, or Passwords don’t match then Action Alert Messages are supposed to pop-up prompting the user to re-enter the passwords, correctly match passwords, correct email, or enter text in empty fields. All items that were inserted into the page such as: Label’s, Buttons, Text Fields, Text Boxes, and Segues should be reflected as functions in the page’s source code inside of properly labeled View Controller.


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Registration Page:

Description Page Description: (Below)

After You register, and properly login, you will be segued to the Description Page. I designed this page to briefly describe the purpose for the application “Strategic Relocation”. Not much goes into this page due to its intended purpose. This page has some limited features that I will describe them for you at this time. Remember the source code to view controller file its located to the right of the actual page. The features included are 2 Labels (Strategic Relocation & Description), 1 Textbox with the Apps supposed description, and 1 Button (Segues to the Main Page of the App.

Description Page: (Actual)


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Main Page: Description

The purpose of the Main Page is to act as a delegator between both Hazards which are EMP, and Hurricane. This is the 1st page as to which you will find evidence of the 2 hazards that are showcased on this App. The Main Page has of a black background that consists 3 Buttons (EMP, Hurricane, and Back button) colored in Yellow, Aqua, and Blue respectfully. There are 2 Labels (Strategic Relocation, and Main Page Label). The Segues input from Description Page, and into the Main EMP Page, and the Main Hurricane Page. The Segues are set to show this means they will automatically connect to the next page they are connected to at the press of the button. The Back button is designed to connect to the Descriptions Page before.

Main Page (Actual)

EMP Description Page (Below)

After You enter the EMP Description Page, you will see a description box detailing what’s an EMP. I designed this page to briefly describe the purpose for the application. Not much goes into this page due to its intended purpose. This page has some limited features that I will describe them for you at this time. Remember the source code to view controller file its located to the right of the actual page. The features included are 2 Labels (Strategic Relocation & EMP), 1 Textbox with the supposed description, and 2 Buttons (Next Button Segues to the Main Page of the App, and the Back Button segues back to the EMP Description Page). The actual Image of the Description page is directly below on the next page (top).


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The EMP -1 & EMP -2 Page is an important page. In order to identify the view controller page, it’s the one in the middle with the grey, and white background titled EMP-1. The purpose of this page is to identify 3 hazards of an EMP, or 3 sources of an EMP which are: Solar Flare, Nuclear, or Terror Attack. This Page has 2 Labels (Strategic Relocation, and EMP-1), additionally there are 4 Buttons (Solar Flare, Nuclear, Terror, and Back), and finally a text box briefly describing each button’s purpose. EMP-1 Page contains input, and output segues that interconnect the app. The input segue is attached to the back button. The output Segues output out of the 3 buttons described above, which are: Solar Flare, Nuclear, and Terror. Each Button segues into its appropriate designated connection. In this view there are 3 View Controllers, but there are 3 more View controllers that will be identified in the next Page. The View Controllers described in this view are: EMP, EMP-1, and EMP-2. EMP -2 Page can be identified with the grey, and white background, and entails 2 special functions that are critical to what this Application is all about. The purpose of EMP-2 is further detail what a solar flare is, and to provide suggestions on an informed course of action. EMP-2 has 3 Labels (Strategic Relocation, EMP-2, Solar Flare). It has 4 Buttons (Relocate, Map, Back, and Next). 1 Textbox with description, and details. It has 1 input segue, and 4 output segues. The input segue is the input coming from EMP-1(Solar). The output segues are the 4 Buttons which are Relocate, Map, Back, and Next). The Relocate & Map Buttons are segued to go into the Web View Controller where Google Maps will give you a Geo Location on where to relocate to with respect to location. This will be a suggestion sourced from the developer. The Map function will allow for your own search using Google Maps. You have the option to use the regular search browser for additional information but that will be on the web browser itself through the in-line Web kit.

EMP- 1 Page Description Box (Below)


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EMP, EMP-1, EMP-2 View Controllers Layout

EMP-3, EMP-4, EMP- Browser View Controllers (Below)

EMP -3 Page can be identified with the grey, and white background, and entails 2 special functions that are critical to what this Application is all about. The purpose of EMP-3 is to further detail what a EMP is due to incoming Nuclear Attack, and to provide suggestions on an informed course of action. EMP-3 has 3 Labels (Strategic Relocation, EMP-3, Nuclear). It has 4 Buttons (Relocate, Map, Back, and Next). 1 Textbox with description, and details. It has 1 input segue, and 4 output segues. The input segue is the input coming from EMP-1(Nuclear, or EMP-2 Next). The output segues are the 4 Buttons which are Relocate, Map, Back, and Next). The Relocate & Map Buttons are segued to go into the Web View Controller where Google Maps will give you a Geo Location on where to relocate to with respect to location. This will be a suggestion sourced from the developer. The Map function will allow for your own search using Google Maps. You have the option to use the regular search browser for additional information but that will be on the web browser itself through the in-line Web kit.

EMP -3 Page can be identified with the grey, and white background, and entails 2 special functions that are critical to what this Application is all about. The purpose of EMP-3 is to further detail what a EMP is due to incoming Nuclear Attack, and to provide suggestions on an informed course of action. EMP-3 has 3 Labels (Strategic Relocation, EMP-3, Nuclear). It has 4 Buttons (Relocate, Map, Back, and Next). 1 Textbox with description, and details. It has 1 input segue, and 4 output segues. The input segue is the input coming from EMP-1(Nuclear, or EMP-2 Next). The output segues are the 4 Buttons which are Relocate, Map, Back, and Next). The Relocate & Map Buttons are segued to go into the Web View Controller where Google Maps will give you a Geo Location on where to relocate to with respect to location. This will be a suggestion sourced from the developer. The Map function will allow for your own search using Google Maps. You have the option to use the regular search browser for additional information but that will be on the web browser itself through the in-line Web kit.

EMP-4: Terror Description


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EMP-3, EMP-4, EMP- Browser View Controllers (Below)

Hurricane View Controllers (Below)

Description: (Description, Hurricane Main, Category (CAT 1 – 2)

In the Strategic Relocation Main Page which is considered as the main page to the app is not to be confused with the sub section to the app under Hurricane button. This Section of the App has a total 7 View Controllers. The 1st 3 View Controllers are directly below this description, which are: Hurricane Description, Hurricane Main Page, and CAT 1-2. The Description Page is like any one on this App its made to be simple. The items include 2 Labels (Strategic Relocation, and Hurricane). It also includes a Textbox with a description of what defines a hurricane, and the purpose of this section of the application. Finally, it has 2 Buttons 1 Red Labeled Next, and 1 Blue Labeled Back. The Segues have 1 input, and 1 output. The Input source is the Apps Main Page, and the Output segue is the Hurricane Main Page. The Hurricane Main Page is identified with a black background with various items on the page. The purpose of the main page is to act as a main delegator between all 7 view controllers that deal with hurricane data. The Items inside this main page are 4 Labels (Strategic Relocation, Hurricane, Categories, and Major Hurricane), and the 4 Buttons (CAT 1-2, CAT 3, CAT 4, and CAT 5) these buttons have a grey background but different color font. In CAT 1-2 Page its purpose is to detail what is a CAT 1, or Cat 2 hurricanes, and what to do when its predicted to make landfall in your area. Its basically descriptive in nature. The Page is designed in black, and yellow background. I designed the page this way in order to strike a caution with the user, and it’s the least severe of the hurricanes. A CAT 2 cab bring damage with flooding and low-lying areas. The Items in the CAT 1-2 Page are simple and include the following: 3 Labels (Strategic Relocation, Hurricane, CAT 1-2) It has 1 Back Button to segue back to the Main Hurricane Page. It was not my intention to put a Next Button on the page because I would like the User to use the Main Page more.


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Hurricane View Controllers: (Hurricane Main, Category (CAT 1 – 2)

Hurricane View Controllers: (CAT 3, CAT 4, Browser) – Description -

In CAT 3 & 4 Page its purpose is to detail what is a CAT 3, or Cat 4 hurricanes, and what to do when its predicted to make landfall in your area. There are Special Buttons created for these pages. The Page is designed in black, with Orange, or Red background. I designed the page this way in order to strike a heightened seriousness with the user, and it’s a serious event unfolding. Please be Advised these are Major Hurricanes and evacuations are likely, and hence the purpose for this application. A CAT 3 can bring damage with flooding and low-lying areas greater than a CAT 2, and property damage can exist. The Items in the CAT 3-4 page are the following: 3 Labels (Strategic Relocation, Hurricane, CAT 3 - 4) There are 4 buttons which are: Relocate, Map, Back & Next. Two of the Buttons are considered special buttons. The Relocate & Map Buttons are segued to go into the Web View Controller where Google Maps will give you a Geo Location on where to relocate to with respect to location. This will be a suggestion sourced from the developer. The Map function will allow for your own search using Google Maps. You have the option to use the regular search browser for additional information but that will be on the web browser itself through the in-line Web kit. When it comes to Major Hurricanes I would like for the User to have as much flexibility as they can have, therefore I have left the Next button on the page allowing then to compare between the different categories between the hurricane pages. The Browser also has Back, and Next Buttons, It also has a web Kit installed for independent browsing. It has a Search Bar to allow for the browsing to take place. I defaulted 2 Labels to identify it with the application, and the View Controller.


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Hurricane View Controllers: (CAT 3, CAT 4, Browser) Image

Hurricane View Controllers: (CAT 5) Image

A CAT 5 Hurricane is the worst of all Hurricanes, and Catastrophic damage is certain in this event. The Items in the CAT 5 page are the following: 3 Labels (Strategic Relocation, Hurricane, CAT 5) There are 4 buttons which are: Relocate, Map, Back & Next. Two of the Buttons are considered special buttons. The Relocate & Map Buttons are segued to go into the Web View Controller where Google Maps will give you a Geo Location on where to relocate to with respect to location. This will be a suggestion sourced from the developer. The Map function will allow for your own search using Google Maps. You have the option to use the regular search browser for additional information but that will be on the web browser itself through the in-line Web kit. When it comes to Major Hurricanes I would like for the User to have as much flexibility as they can have, therefore I have left the Next button on the page allowing then to compare between the different categories between the hurricane pages. The Browser also has Back, and Next Buttons, It also has a web Kit installed for independent browsing. It has a Search Bar to allow for the browsing to take place. I defaulted 2 Labels to identify it with the application, and the View Controller.


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I have developed solutions to help a person, or family plan and stay ahead of hazardous trends and propose that Mercy College implement a software solution focused on IOS platform coded in Xcode and interfaced with Swift and is designed to provide you with steps in your relocation process. Our solution easily integrates with a wide range options dependent on the hazard you face and can enable Mercy College to fully realize the benefits of informed egress, or evacuation throughout the entire relocation process. Most importantly, we provide the information and options that ensures you, and your family can ramp up quickly and realize concrete data based on facts and sound rationale in order to reach the goal of strategic relocation. In Conclusion I have done extensive research in the subject matter, and I feel ready to begin the Application Phase of the project in which I feel can help many people to strategically relocate if the need arises. I look forward to working with Mercy College and will appreciate your efforts to improve the project with Strategic Relocation, and informing the interested public of how to critically asses their situation. I am confident that we can meet the challenges ahead, and stand ready to partner with you in delivering an effective IOS Application that provide the user with informed data for improved awareness that will allow for better planning. If you have questions on this proposal, feel free to contact <Name> at your convenience by email at [email protected]. I will be in touch with you next week to arrange a follow-up conversation on the proposal.

ResourcesThe Resources used will be NOAA.Gov for inclement weather hazards like a hurricane. DHS.gov for civil unrest, and terror attacks. MTA/NYC.gov for transportation hazards. USA/MIL/DOD/USMC/NBC-Hazards for Nuclear-Biological -Chemical warfare.

Timeline for ExecutionThis project will begin upon proper approval from Department Head Cyber Security Mercy College Dr. John YoonKey project dates are outlined below. Dates are best-guess estimates and are subject to change until a contract is executed.

Description Start Date End Date Duration

<Project Start> (Proposal) Approval March 10th 2018 2 Hours

All View Controllers 03/22/2018 3/25/2018 4 Hours

All Segues 3/28/2018 3/29/2018 4 Hours


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Coding (Buttons) 4/4/2018 4/4/2018 2 Hours

Coding (Webkits) 4/8/2018 4/8/2018 5 Hours

Application Crash Nav Controller irreparable 4/14/2018 4/14/1028 2 Hours

Restart of Project (All View Controllers) 4/18/2018 4/18/2017 4 Hours

Login Page, and Registration Page (Complete) 1 Error Thread Sigbart)

4/22/2018 4/22/2018 5 Hours

All Buttons, and Segues completed

4 Errors with the Alert Action Messages

4/26/3018 4/26/2018 4 Hours

Webkits Installed (Google Maps) Multiview Controllers

4/28/2018 4/28/2018 4 Hours

Debugging (Alert Action Massage) Resolved 4/30/2018 4/30/2018 4 Hours

Reports (Power Point, and MSFT Word) Init 5/1/2018 5/1/2018 8 Hours

Reports (Power Point, and MSFT Word) Completed

5/2/2018 5/2/2018 8 Hours

Coding & Debugging 5/3/2018 5/3/2018 ???

<Project End>

Materials Used

The following materials are to be supplied by Mercy College for this project. For Strategic Relocation

by John Baez to meet project milestones, this material must be supplied on schedule. The due dates included in the following table represent our best guess based on current proposed project dates:

Materials to be supplied by Mercy College Due Date*

MAC, XCODE, SWIFT,JSON, Books on Swift May 5th 2018

Thank you for your consideration,

John Baez

[email protected]