oxfam india's response to assam floods

ASSAM FLOOD RESPONSE PROGRAMME Oxfam India Humanitarian Programme Response Closure Assam | 2012-13 Photo Credits: Oxfam: - Zubin Zaman, Bipul Borah, Bhaswar Banerjee, Bulbul Moshahary, Sameera Ahmed, Amit Sengupta, Chandrakant Deokar, Medini Tasha. External staffs: Jane Alam, Rajakiran, P Patil Sam Spickett/Red R Sneha Krishnan/UCL 15 February 2013

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Updated on 15th Feb 2013


Page 1: Oxfam India's response to Assam floods


Oxfam India Humanitarian

Programme Response Closure

Assam | 2012-13

Photo Credits: Oxfam: - Zubin Zaman, Bipul Borah,

Bhaswar Banerjee, Bulbul Moshahary, Sameera Ahmed,

Amit Sengupta, Chandrakant Deokar, Medini Tasha.

External staffs: Jane Alam, Rajakiran, P Patil

Sam Spickett/Red R

Sneha Krishnan/UCL

15 February 2013

Page 2: Oxfam India's response to Assam floods

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Oxfam Assam Flood Response Coverage

Infographics made by Amit Sengupta/Oxfam/2013

Flood Response Areas in


Morigaon, Sonitpur, Nagaon

Supported by:

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3,200 Households in Morigaon.

Mayang and Lahorighat Block

2,800 Households in Sonitpur.

Biswanath Block

Oxfam’s reach:

7480 households (48,620


received Hygiene kits;

many more have benefited

from WASH facilities, PHP,

CfW and Shelter Assistance

Rights in Crisis: District-wise reach

7480 households includes coverage in Morigaon, Sonitpur and Nagaon.

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Response Timeline – July’12 to Feb’2013

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Date Timeline17-19 June Breakout of floods in Assam / OI Sitrep 1 on 19 June

28 June - 8th July Assessment at Jorhat, Golaghat and Sibsagar; Sonitpur; Morigaon and Nagaon


Oxfam participated in the debrief meeting of ECHO assessment mission and Inter

Agency Group (IAG) members of Assam that was held in Guwahati.


OI SITREP 5 dated 9 July states that Oxfam India has decided to launch a 6 months

humanitarian response in Morigaon, Sonitpur and Nagaon districts

9-Jul Consortia approach for ECHO's 2 million Euro flood response appeal

9-Jul Procurement Starts

13-Jul Assam flood response strategy circulated

16-Jul First NFI kits (hygiene kits and tarpaulin) distribution starts in Morigaon

17-Jul Oxfam sets up field offices in Morigaon and Sonitpur

16 July to 18 Sept

First phase of flood response (with NFI kits), PHE - construction of temporary latrines,

bathing cubicles, hand pump repair and chlorination; PHP - village meetings, hygiene


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Response Timeline…cont…

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18-21 Sept SLT, Board Members visit to Morigaon and interact with the community


Third spell of floods breakout (that affected 2.9 million population as per SDMA, Govt.

of Assam flood report) - Water submerges Oxfam flood project areas in Morigaon and

Sonitpur26-27 Sept ECHO start-up workshop at Guwahati1 Oct onwards Beneficiary selection for Cash for Work begins

11th Oct Distribution in Morigaon in response to third spell 30-Oct Shelter procurement starts from Hub/field office2-Nov Shelter material arrives in field

Cash for Work starts 28-Nov 1st Shelter prototype made in Sonitpur7 Jan - 11 Jan

ECHO monitoring mission by Davide Zappa and Elio De Bonis to Flood response

project areas; Morigaon and Sonitpur

12 Jan - 15 Jan

Vivien Walden, Global Humanitarian MEL Advisor, OGB and Elizabeth Ellen Fewtrell,

Business Support Administrator arrives at Morigaon for Evaluation of Flood response

programme; 12 jan and 13 jan - field visit to Morigaon; 14 jan - field visit to Sonitpur;

15 jan - staff interviews and travel to Guwahati

16-Jan Evaluation debrief at Guwahati

15 Feb Response programme closes

5 March

ECHO lesson learnt workshop for all ‘ECHO-Assam flood response’ partners at


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Immediate Post flood situation – 2.4 million affected

in 1st phase; 2.9 million affected in 2nd phase;

543,088 displaced throughout Assam

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Initial Response: Hygiene kits distribution in


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Distribution of hygiene kits in Sonitpur – July’12

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Oxfam Response – July’12 to Feb ‘13Safe Water, Sanitation and Hygiene – 7480 families (direct beneficiaries)• Oxfam’s WASH programme provided safe water, sanitation and hygiene

facilities; addressed public health risks targeting communities who have both been directly and indirectly affected by the floods. This meant immediate provisioning of safe water, community latrines, bathing cubicles, handpump repair and chlorination; and public health campaigns in the camp areas and affected villages.

• In addition, a large number of families have benefited from the WASH facilities (hand pump repair, water source chlorination, trainings), public health promotion campaigns.

Emergency Food Security and Vulnerable Livelihood – 625 households • We delivered emergency livelihood support though a well designed cash for

work component to ensure that immediate food and income needs are addressed among the worst affected.

Shelter assistance – 207 families • Construction of permanent shelters to 150 worst affected families to rebuild

their shelters though a cash for work programme. In addition, 57 families were given shelter kits (CGI sheets) to help them build their houses.

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Response Activities…cont…

• Oxfam has provided livelihood support through Cash for Work interventions to 625 households (175 HHs - unconditional cash support; 450 beneficiaries - cash for work and cash for training).

• As part of emergency hygiene kits, Oxfam has distributed 359,400 chlorine tablets ; water containers and hygiene kits to 5990 households in Morigaon, Sonitpur and Nagaon.

• Hand pumps chlorination done for 4195 hand pumps in Morigaon, Nagaon and Sonitpur since July in three phases. Out of which 1507 were done with ECHO support.

• Hygiene programme activities and campaigns in the project locations have now come to a close. A total of 42398 individuals have benefitted from the hygiene promotion activities.

• All program activities have now come to a close. Staffs would return to their substantial positions.

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Beneficiary Details – Result wise (under ECHO)

Results Sector No of




Result 1: Improved access to

cash and income-generating

opportunities through cash

transfers, skill training and

increased access to government


Food Security and



(175 HH under

unconditional cash

transfer and 450 under

cash for work)


Result 2: Shelters of the most

vulnerable households in the target

communities are restored through

material and knowledge support,

incorporating DRR techniques

Shelter 207 1345

Result 3: Increased access to

safe drinking water, sanitation

facilities and increased awareness

on positive hygiene practices

Water, Sanitation

and Hygiene


6,000 39,000

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Shelter construction – 50 such permanent shelter

units were constructed in Morigaon

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Images of Shelter beneficiaries in Morigaon

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Set of shelters constructed by Oxfam India in


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Shelter beneficiaries who received solar lamps in


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Some more group of shelter beneficiaries in


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Shelter assistance in Sonitpur – 100 permanent

shelters were provided by Oxfam

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Another set of permanent shelters in Sonitpur

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Shelter beneficiaries who received solar lamps in


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Unconditional Cash Transfer to 175 households

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Cash for Work provided to 450 families

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Water, Sanitation and Hygiene in Morigaon

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Permanent Toilet cum Bathing Unit (with WASH

facilities) in Morigaon

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Another Toilet cum Bathing Unit (with WASH

facilities) in Morigaon

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Water, Sanitation and Hygiene in Sonitpur

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Permanent Toilet cum Bathing Unit (with WASH

facilities) in Sonitpur

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Flood Response Team – Many others (not in the

photo) have spent weeks and months in the field to

deliver the program

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Funding Support

Funded by European Commission for Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection

Department (ECHO); Internal fundraising, Oxfam Canada and Oxfam


Corporate support: Mphasis,

Autodesk, HSBC, GATI

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A Big Thank You To

Oxfam India Senior Leadership Team ECHO, Oxfam affiliates and donors

Head Office Humanitarian staffs from the Kolkata hub

and other regional offices especially staffs and volunteers who spent weeks and months in the field executing

and delivering the

‘Assam Flood ResponseProgramme 2012-13’

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