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  • 8/14/2019 Oxford DTC



    I.NAME Otr'COMIYtrTTESlOxtorU Democratic Town Committee



    John c I-an Rogers ]ufrx3. TREASURERAI}DNNSSSht Add$s95 Good Hill Rd Oxford Stalc CT ZTPLre06478d ELNCfiON/f,ET'EREI{DI'M DATE 5, O!'FICE SOUGrVI (Cottiolctc onlv tfCanifrddc C*tttniltectr 6. DISTRICTNUMBUNt8.J-ir(mn/ddlylyy)7. CANDIDATI N]IME {Cuwlele only ilCan&Me ot E#lordom Conadtee}fitle Fird MI last tuffix

    f, TI|DT fln ttF.DfrllT a(-hrlr flnr Dr*r1l January l0 filing f 7th day preceding primary f' 7th day preceding referendum f:t Initial Contribution or Disbursement

    (PACs oNLf)3f April l0 filine s'l 30 days following primary t-. 45 days following referendum il Amendmat ioFi July l0 filing r 7th day preceding election f Deficit Type of Report:I October l0 filing ii l2th day preceding election {", Termination

    (State Centrrl Cmnilta Only)!:. IndeDendent Exoenditure;r #;;"' -"'t=a-riiion i 45 davs. following electionnot held in November9- Pfxrrllt a.}vT,r*1rl i ca r-0

    Beginning Date

    oTtoltozoo thruEnding Date


    rll a-r.DTrff(.rTrrlN L*I hereby certiff and state, under penalties of false statement, that all of the information set forth on this ltemircd Campeip FinanceDisclosure Stetemcnt for the period covered i$ true, accurate and complete.

    John G Rogers 10t13t2009DATE (mn/dd/yyly)RINTNAME OF SIGNER


  • 8/14/2019 Oxford DTC


    FORM 20Campeign Finrnce Disclosure Statement


    10113/2009Democratic Town Committee COLUMN ATlriq Perind COLUMN BAssresate

    Balance on hand January I of current year for Ongoing and Par1y Committees ORBalance on hand tom day Committee was formed for all other committees $14,042.58Balance on hand at the besinnine ofReportine Period $14,745.18

    Contributions received from Individuals (sections A and B) $3,57s.00 $4,457.00Receipts from Other Committees (Sections Cl and C2) $0.00 $0.00Other Monetary Receipts (Sections D-K) $22.00 $80.00Total Small Food and Beverage Receipts at Fair (Section Ll) Town Committeq ONLY $0.00 $0.00Total Proceeds fiom Small Purchases at Tag Sales, Auctions or Other Sales (Section L2) $0.00 s0.00

    Municipal and TottnTotal Purchases of Advertisine in a Proeram Book (section L3\ Committea ONLY $1,330.00 $1,410.00Total Monetary Receipts (add totals for lines l3-l6c) 94,927,00 $5,947.00Subtotals (add totals in line 12 + line 17 in Column A; and in line I I + l7 in Column B) $19,672.18 $19,989.58Expenses Paid by Committee (Section P) $1 '1 ,469.1 1 $11,786.51

    Balance on hand at close of Reporting Period lSubtract line 19 from line I 8 in both Columns) $8,203.07 $8,203.07In-Kind Donations not Considered Contributions Received (Section L4) $0.00 $o.ooIn-Kind Contributions Received (Section M) $526,2s $616.25Refundable Deposit to Telephone Company (Section N) $0.00 $0.00Receipts of Organization Expenditures (Section O) $0.00 $0.00Beginning Loan Balance $0.00 $0.00

    * I^"." Received (sectinn T)\ $0.00 $0.00* Interest and Penalties on Loan $0.00 $0.00- Payments on l,oan $o.oo $0.00Total Outstandine Loan Amount $0.00 $0.00

    Campaign Expenses Paid by Candidate (Section Q) $0.00 $0.00Expenses Incurred on Commitlee Credit Card (Section R) $0.00 $0.00

    Expenses Incurred by Committee Durine this Period but Not Paid (Section S) $0.00Ourstanciing Expenses incuned by Committee stiii Unpaid (Section S) !*n nn

  • 8/14/2019 Oxford DTC


    MONETARY RECEIPTS {Sections A-K) Paqc 3 of 17OF COMh/IITTEE N-INGDIIEDAT.EOxford Democratc Town Committee 't0/13/2009A; 'lotal eoEtrtbution$ from Small Contrib'utorr-Received thl$ Period ONLF

    {Sae ins'rtetidfts far dcftttt iat of *tull Crmtibii*l Sfilitiit*rtiirfiit; , 0.00B.NmERzeszutek Robert MI Prircipal 0ccupatioqLogistics Armunt ofContribution


    197 Riggs Street Oxford italeCT ,rp L4oe06478 NU? Ol t.mploydMemry Corpcontributor a lobbyist, spouse,dependent child ofa lobbyisf (. Yes.r l\o If contribution is in excess ol $400 to a candidate commitee for a chief executive olficer of amunicipality does contributor or business helshe is associated with have a contract with saidmunicipality valued at more than $5,000? l*i Yes f No

    Is this contribution associated with a i'. YeslundraisingeventlistedinSectionLl? ?il Nofyes, list Event #Is contributor a princigal of a state contsctor or prospective state contractoil il YesI/ycs, indicate which branch or branches lt$ Noof govemment the conmd is with: f, Executive {i Legislative

    Method of contribution:1-: Cash i.i, Personal Check fj' Credit/Debit Card 5 i Payroll Deduction f, Money Order Date RcaiYed07t28t2009 Ag8rc8ate FnttrDutlms$500,00Skyers FirsiErrol MI Principal OcouptimLawyer Amount ofContributionstreet Addffis Oxford itateCT llp Uo(F06478 , or rmPo)Self


    conributor a lobbyist, spousechilO o:t u foUUvisfi fil Yes. l No Ifcontribution is in excess of$400 to a candidate committee lor a chiefexecutive officer ofamunicipality does contributor or business he/she is associated with have a contract with saidmunicipality valued at more than $5,000? lli Yes i4 Nos this contribution associated with aundraising event listed in Section Ll?I/ycs, list Event # e Yesfi tto Is contributor a principal ofa state confactor or prospctiv state contractor? fi Yesfycs, indicate which branch or branches fii Noof govemment the contract is with: fl Executive fl Legislative

    ethod of contribution:E: Casn C: Personal Check i-- CreOiVneUit Card .{, Payroll Deduction 1] Money Order Datc Recoived08/1 1/2009Aggrcgate cmtnbutims

    $25.00Guillet FirstKaren MI Pnicipal OcmpstionTax Collector Amunt ofContribution


    nuu Duq^{restPO Box 492 Oxford JlaleCT 4ip Codc06478 Narne ot EmproyfTown of Oxfordcontributor a lobbyist, spousedependent chilO oiu iotityistf YesNo If contribution is in excess of $400 to a candidate committee for a chief executive officer of amuniciFliry does contributor or business he/she is associaM with have a confract with saidmuniciplity valued at more than $5,@0? f. Yes fi uo

    this contribution associated with aevent listed in Section Ll?Ifya,list Event # _lfi Yesii, wo ls conhibutor a principal ofa state contlactor or prospective state contractor? 'Cr YesI/yar, indicate which branch or branches {--1 Noof government the contract is with: fr Executive f, Legislatiue

    of contribution:i:i Cash !i, Personal Check f: CrediVDebit Card f'l Payroll Muction i* Money Order DAte Kecaved0812112009 Aggrcgil9 cmmoE@s$500.00Mover f rslJames MIc Principal OcorJntimTifle Searecher Amunt olContributior


    grg@ua wgAffiss336 Forbes Ave New Haven tullcct ,rpl.ffi lNffiorBmproyq0M78 Selfcontributor a lobbyis! spouse, ?31 Yesitl No Ifcontribution is in excess of$400 to a candidale committee for a chiefexecutive offrcer ofamunicipality does confributor or business he/she is associated with have a oonfract with saidmunicipality valued at more than $5,000? fl Yes ila No

    this contribution associated with aevent listed in Section Ll?IJyes,lisl Evant # _t-*l Yesf-: No Is contributor a principal ofa state contractor or prospective state confactof !i"l YesIDa, indicate which branch or branches fr Noof govemment the contract is with: f Executive i-: Legislative

    of contribution:f. Casn nii Personal Check f-' Credi@ebir Card {l Payroll Muction C Money Order Dale Reived08/31/2009 Aggreg4e $100.00SUBTOTAL Section BThis Pagr $1,125,00

    TOT.{L of sdditlonel Section B Pagos $2,450.00TOTAL OF ALL CONTRIBUTIONS FROM INIIIVIDUALS (scctions A &Bl Entet tatot u Linc 13 oisutnmrv Paee) $3,575.00

  • 8/14/2019 Oxford DTC


    I- MONETARY RECEIPTS /Secfions A-l(l Pase 3 of 1?OF 'OMMfTTF--E in IN{:l}lIF naTte:Oxford Democratic Town Committee 10113t2009. fo-tll Contributioru fnom Smrll ContributotpRcceived this Period ONIiY "lsee hutruoians fa defrnition otsmall Coftribr&oil Subtotel ScctiriE I $ 0.00

    R- Ifentizerl f-nnfrihufinnq frarn fndivldrroleDrayton-Rooers FiEl MIMaryAnn Princioal Ocrupation1st Selectman Amount ofConlribution


    Street Adress95 Good Hill Rd Oxford Ital6CT lpL(E06478 Town of Oxforda lobby'ist, spouse,child of a lobbyist? '.i; Yeslg;. No Ifcontribution is in exsess of$40O to a cardidat committee lor a chiefexecutive officer ofamunicipality does contributor or business he/she is associated with have a contract with saidmunicipalif valued at more than $5,00O? fl Yes f; No

    contribution associated with aevent listed in Section Ll?list Evant #i*'t!i YesNo Is contributor a principcl ola state contmctor or prospective stat contractor?fyes, indicate which branch or branchesof govemment the contract is with: {i Executive f; Legislatrve

    fr YeslS, Nool contribution:Castr :!: Personal Check f CrediVDebit Card fi Payroll Deduction C: Money Order D*e Rwived09/04/2009 Ag8regalc c6mD$lms$572.00

    Rooers Fist I MIJohn I c Principal OccupatioRetired Amount ofContribution


    u& DrgAffu6595 Good Hill Rd Oxford rl{tCT llpLre06478 Nffioi.hryloysa lobfuist, spouse, fl Yes{l No Ifcontribution is in excess of$400 to a candidate committee for a chiefexecutive ofTicer ofamunicipality does contributor or business he/she is associated with have a contract with saidmunicipality valued at more than $5,0O0? ilii Yes iir No

    this contribution associated with aevent listed in Section Ll?list Event # C YesfrNo Is contributor a principal ofa state contractror or prospctive state con$actor?fyes, indicate which branch or branchesofgovernment the conuact is with: l*l Executive f. Legislative el Yes{r'Noof contribution:

    "*O t , Personal Check l, CrediVOebit Card f] Payrolt Deduction 'ft Money OrderDrte Recsivd


    $500.00D'Souza Firsl mDnthony Principal OcopatimBuilder Amonnt ofContribntion


    nus)u@4rc598 Blue Berry Lane Shelton rlalcCT :rp Lre06484 fw or EmPrqyrSelfa lobbyist, spouse, f.i Yesfi No Ifcontribution is in excess of$400 to a candidate committee for a chiefexecutive officer ofamunicipaliS does conEibutor or business he/she is associated with have B contract with saidmunicipality valued at more than $5,00O? lYes CNo

    conFibution associated with aevent listed in Section Ll?list Event #'{*' YesS' No ts contribuior a principel of a state contractor or prospective state contractor? il Yes^I/yer, indicate *trich branch or branches i..f,; Nooigovernmentthecontractiswith: fi Executive f,Legislative

    of contribution:Cash !?, personat Check f: CrediVDebit Card fi Payroll Deduction i' Money Order Date Rffiived09/09t2009 Aggrcgate cmtnbutrus$1,000.00Murphy Ftrst MICTames Prircipal OccupatimRetired Amolnt ofContribution


    srg A@e33Road Oxford itdcCT 'lPeo(F lNreortmProycr06478a lobbyist, spous, f;" Yesf' No Ifcontribution is in excesr of$,10O to a candidate committee for a chiefexecutive ofTicer ofrmunicipality does contibutor or business he/she is associated with have a contract witi saidmunicipality valued at more than $5,@0? {', Yes l$i No

    this conbibution associated with aevent listed in Section Ll?Iist Event #r; Yesril No Is contributor a principal ofa stale contractror or ptospective state contractor?fyes, indicate which branch or branchesof govemment the contract is with: {i Executive d*! Legislative

    fi Yes3i Noof contribution:Fl Personal Check f.: CreditDebit Card Cl Payroll Deduction i--' Money Order DateRmived09/09/2009


    SUBTOTAL Scctio* hThir Page $2,100.00TO?AL of rddttiorel Sction'B P*gcs $0.00

    TOTALOF'ALLCOrrRIBUTI(}NStr.ROMINDmIittAL${$.ctiomA &WEittdtotdatit*ttloffiur *P*el $2,100.00

    ,/f'l'r /c/t''/? /' ?r" J ,4,

  • 8/14/2019 Oxford DTC


    MnlVf'.TAn\/ R|I(-IIIPTS fSenfinnr A-ICI Pase 3 of 17$T r}Jal nt''l rttTE

    Oxford Democratic Town Committee 10/13/2009I otal {-ontnDuuons llsm Sm|tt Uonffibutolls-fieceive{l mls tsenod. (,Ill,Ylsee instra*iow for itefinitionofSnall ffibttalt :''' " SubJoalStctionI 0.00$

    B, ItemLea Contributlons from IndfuiduslsAiksnoras FitrrLynn MI Prinoipal OccupatioHousewife Amount ofContribntkln


    sut AooressOxford Road Oxford itateCT Zip Codeoat78 Nffi Or Emplqyca lobbyist, spouse, fl Yeschild of a lobbyist? t-'l No If contribution is in excess of $400 to a candidate committee for a chief executive offtcer of amuniciplity does conuibutor or business he/she is associated with have a conbact with saidmunicipality valued at more tlnn $5,000? 'f Yes f' No

    contribution associated with aevent listed in Section L I ?list Event #j:Yesi'i: No Is contributor a principal of a state contractor or prospective state contractor? f' YesI/yo, indicate which branch or branches i-ii Noof govemment the contract is with: C Executive fl Legislative

    of contribution:Cash i!-. Personal Check 'f CrediVDebit Card fJ Payroll Deduction f, Money Order Dats R*ived09/1412009 Aggrcgale contnbuhms$100.00Bunzl Fi$rPeter Bunzl MI Principal OcruoatimRetired Amoutrt ofContribution


    )Effi A@6s160 Country Club Dr. Oxford rIgECT 1lp Uodg06478NUla of Employs

    a lobbyist, spouse, !*; YesfS No If contribution is in excess of $400 to a candidate committe for a chiefexecutive ofTicer ofamunicipality does contributor or business he/she is associated with have a contract with saidmunicipality valued at more than $5,000? r.l yes fr Nocontribution associated with aevent listed in Section Ll?list Event # !,

    YesNo Is contributor a principal of a state conFactor or prospctive stale contractor? e yesfyas, lndicate which branch or branches iiJ Noolgovemment the contract is with: I Executive f. Legislativeof contribution:Casn f: Personal Check il CreAitfnebit Card {l: Palmll Deduction Ii, Money Order Date Recivedo9l'17t2009 Aggrcgale contnbuums$350.00

    Firsl MI Principal Ocopotim Arnount ofContributionSlrest Address --ity itale lip Codc Niln or ffiploysCoble

    a lobbyist, spouse,child ofa lobbyisf ii YesNo Ifcontribution is in excess of$40O to a cardidate committee for a chiefexecutive oflicer ofamunicipality does conEibutor or business he/she is associated with have a contract with saidmunicimli8 valued at more than $5,000? l , Yes fi Noassociated with a

    event listed in Section Ll ?list Event #'r YesNo Is contributor a principal of a state contractror of prospective state contractor?f/es, indicate which branch or branchesoigovemment the contract is with: fa Executive d: Legislafive

    ns] YesNocontribution:castr 'S. Personal Check l: Credit/Debit Card fl Payroll Deduction {'' Money Onder Daic Rffiived Aggrcgete cmtnbutros

    Nue First MI Prircipal O,coptim Amount ofContributbnStrest Addrss lify itatc lip Code lNme of Enrployc

    a lobbyist spouse,child ofa lobbyisfl C Yesfl No If contribution is in excess of $400 to a candidate committee for a chief executive officer of amunicipality does contributor or business he/she is associated with have a contract with saidmunicipality valued at more than $5,00O? f. Yes ifr Nocontribution associated with a

    I isted in Section L I ?Event # _{*l Yes{il No Is contributor a principal ofa stale contractor or prospective stale contracioflfyes, indicate which branch or branchesof government the conlract is with: fi Executive {*: Icgislative

    fi Yes!i Noof contribution:Casn f, Personal Check r: Credit/Debit Card ti Payroll Deduction l'L Money Order Date Rmived Aggretale mtnburons

    SUFTOTAL Scction FThis Pagt $350.00TOTAL cf sdditiond Sceffor BP*ges $0.00

    TOTAL OFALL CONTRIBTflONS tr.f{OM INDMDUALS fStctiom A &Bt (Enta totat ott Line 13 of Sarrvlpry Page} $350.00

    2lfvp/71)tvL /-Q*S o r

  • 8/14/2019 Oxford DTC


    l. MONETARY RECEIPTS (Sections A-K) Page 6 of liCOMMITTF,F ?Ir INfr bl rF na.'E

    Oxford Democratic Town Commiftse 10/13/2009I. Anonvmous Contributions /^Srcrr? ddltr atmuil of the lills rcceivel)

    o811212009 Amul $13.00 09/0912009 $9.00 TotaIArnount Rcceivcd


    $l ulrs $13.00 $s uius $0.00coins $o.oo $lo biil $0.00

    $r uus $9.@ 65 616 $o.oocoins $0'00 g1s 6i11 $0'00,. .:.. .,.. : : .i.I: fnfereef frrim lleriosits in A[thorized Aetountr.,


    Datc RffiiYcd$0.00 TotrlAmount Reccived

    $ 0.00

    of InstitutioD Nm ofln$itutionStlel Addrcss

    ist*elcr Zip Codo City CT Zip Codetr(. Miscelleneous Monctar.v RcceiDts not Considered Contributions

    Date of Tmsctim Amount Reccived

    $ $0.00Addr6s City State CT


    Date of Trsrsctim Amounl Receivcd

    s $0.00Address City


    Date ofTmsrtimAmounl Reccivcd

    $ $0.00

    Add$s City Stat CTZip Codc

    Totd Sectioa K s 0.00:'$umtltriy of Other Monet*ry Recciptr ($ectfonr, I)-K},Loans Received this Period (Section D) 0.00Receipts from Entities other thsn Individuals or Other Committees (Scction E) + 0.00Amount Transferred from Afliliated Business Treasury (Section F) + 0.00Amount Transferred from Affiliated Labor Union or Othcr Orglnization Treasury (Section G) + 0.mAmount of Personal Funds of the Candidete Received this Period (Section IO + 0.00Amount of Anonymous Contributions (Section I) + 22.00Amount of Interest from Deposits in Authorized Accounts (Section J) + 0.00Miscellaneous Monetary Receipts not Considered Contributions (Seetion K) + 0.00of Othcr Motretnt? celpb. tAdd Scction! II'K)total on Line I5 of Sunu'avlry PWe) 22.OO

  • 8/14/2019 Oxford DTC


  • 8/14/2019 Oxford DTC


    II. FTJNDRAISING EVENT ACTryITY Pnge 9 of 17OFCOMMITTEE . llt rr{n il}F na.I*

    Oxford Democratic Town Committee 't0t13t2909L{. Sqrcfiesec sJAdvsrti$ing h e Prograu Bsok Municioat Caditu& and Towa Canwi$s oNl,yt

    South Britain Country Store l'USrnes!Enttty, YesCNo

    Date Resived08/1812009

    Aggrcgat Prchesfor AU Evmts$50.00

    Anpunt ofPurche*c$50.00Addrc$667 South Britain Road 'ltyS. Britain




    qfhrchffiCrystal Connection


    f; YeslNoDate Rtrived

    08t19/2009Aggrg8t Purchascs

    for All Evnts$50.00

    Amo[trt ofPurchasc

    $50.00tsret AddrssPO Box 123 - lryHaddamStale

    CTZip Code06438

    Evmr #10t4t20094ofPurchaser Cata Di Roma BusinessEntity

    t?lYesl-t No

    Datc Received0B/25/2009

    AggjegatcPwhMfs All Evmt!$50.00

    Amonnt ofPurchasc$50.00Addrss58 Bumside UrtyE. Hartford


    Zip Code06108

    Evctrl #10/M/2009AofPurchm Winding Drive lnc BusinessEntrty

    t.i YesfiNo

    Date Rmived09/01/2009

    Aggregstc Purchasesfor All EYsnts


    Amounl ofPurchesc$50.00AddressPO Box 1138 -rryWoodbury


    Zip Code06798

    Event #10t4t2009AofPurchaser Lebanon AG Products

    BusinessEntltyP"ot lNo

    Dale Received09to1noog

    AggregatePrcllMfor All Evats$50.00

    Amount ofPurchasc

    $50.00A(xtrcssExeter RoadittyLebanon


    Zip Code06249

    Eval #1AAt2009AAnaliese Designs BusinessEntity

    ifi YesfiNo

    Date Rwived09/01/2009

    Aggrcgate PwhNsfor All EvDts$s0.00

    Amunt ofPurchasc$50.00Addr6s4 Thompson




    EY{t #10t4t2009A

    Best Buddy Biscuits BusinessEntityfi? yesENo

    Dste Recived09t02t2009

    Aggrcgate Pmchasqfor All Evmts


    Amount ofPurchasc$50.00Addss25 Bishop Street

    LnyW. Haven



    Elcil #10tu2a09A

    of PurchmrDoris Pouch Petrochko BusinessEntlty

    iii Yes$'No

    Date Rffiived09t02t2ao9

    Aggegsle Purchssestbr All Evats$50.00

    Amoult sfPurchasc$50.00A&s70 Quaker Farms Rd LltyOxford StaleCT Zip Code06478 Evtrt#10r4l2009A

    of Purchascr Southem Relishes BusinessEntrty$ v"t$No

    Dalc l{csrvd09t0,4.t2009

    Aggregale PurchMfor All Evmts


    Amount ofPurchesc$50.00Address111 Anderson Ave

    ultyW. Haven



    Evat #10/4/2009A

    Bead Original BusinessEntityt.) YesC' No

    Date Reeived09/08t2009

    Aggrcgale Puchsefor All Evmls$50.00

    Amunt ofPurchrsc$50.00AddresOak Glen Hill Road -rfyDerby


    zip Codc06418

    Evflt #'tot4t2009A

    Barbara J West BusinesEnttty$ YesC, No

    Date Rffiivod09/08/2009

    Aggregsle Purch$elfor All Evmts


    Amo[trt ofPurchesc$50.00Address -rfyCheshire



    EYenl #10t4t200sA

    Jennifer Lynn Firmin BusinessEntityfi Yes{], lto

    Date Rtreived09i09/2009

    Aggreg$e Pwchaserfd All Evats$60.00

    Arnount ofPurchesc$60.00et AddrcssMcKesnan




    Evetrt #10t4t2w9ASUBT.OTAL $ectior Lr-Thir Page $610.00

    TOTAL of rdditional Section [,r Pascs $720.00TOTAL OF ALL PURCHASES OF AIIVEITTISINC IN A PROGRAM B00.IK (Enter tdal o* Liae I6e of Sutwtury Pase| $1,330.00

  • 8/14/2019 Oxford DTC



    Oxford Democratic Town Commiftee 10/13/2009L3. Purchgscs of Advertisins in a Prosrsm Book Ofunicba Canditutu and Town Conminea ONLV)

    JGS Consulting t'usrneslEntityr Yes0No


    Aggrgrte hrchssesfix All Evots$50.00

    Arnonnt ofPurchase$50.00Ad&ssMenyin Ave




    Evmt #1014/20094

    Bethany Home CraftsBus mess

    Entityfit.: YesNoDale Rsivcd

    09/09/2009Aggcgstc Prrchrc!

    br All Evaa$50.00

    Amount ofPurchasc

    $50.00AddrssVincent Rd -rtyBristolState

    CTZp Code06010

    E!flt #10/4/2009AChristine L Bassette BusinessEntity

    t?Yest 1No

    Dare Rreived09/1 1/2009

    Aggregaro hrchffisfor All Evenls$60.00

    Arnount ofPurchese$60.00AddressSt

    lrtyS. Glastonbury


    Zip Codc06073

    Evcnt #10/04/2009A

    ofl\rchm Peter M Petrochko BusinessEntityfr yes{ltNo

    Datc Rewived09/15/2009

    Aggrqrate PrrchtrE!fu All Evmts$60.00

    Armnnt ofPnrchasc$60.00jrtyOxford


    Zip Code06478

    Event #1014t2009A

    Anthony CocchiolaBusinessEntityF v.tI lNo


    Aggregate Purchesfor All Ev6tg$250.00

    Amunt ofPurchasc$250.00A@HtsFalls Ave



    Zip Code06779

    Evmt #10t24t2009

    MichaelH Horbal BusinessEntityiS Yes{l llo

    Dce Reivedo9t17t2009

    Aggrgatc Puehdsfor All Evats


    Anonnt ofPurthrsc$250.00AddressMain St




    Evml #14t24t2009

    BusinessEntitySY"t{j No

    Date Reeived AggegatcPuche!for All Evcnls Amotnt ofPurchaseAdftss lity State ZipCo& Evenl #ofPwhasrr BusinessEntity

    iil Yes$No

    Date Reccived Aggrcgale Purc.iaserfor All Evmts Amount ofPurcheseAd&ss lity StaJe ZipCa& Evsnr #of Pwhaser BusinessEntity


    Date Reeived ABgregale Puchaserfor All Events Amount ofPurchascAddress City State ZipCo& Evmt #

    BusinessEntityl3r yesCNo

    D8! R@ivd Aggr%ate Purchasefor AII Evats Amonnt ofPurchescAd&ss City Stat ZrpCo& Event #

    BusinessEntityil Yesf,No

    Date Rffiived A\ggrcgate Purchs!for All Evmls Amount ofPurchascAddress lity State ZipCo(& Event #

    BusinessEntityi YesfiNo

    Dare Reeived Aggr atePwhffifo AII Evcns Arnount ofPnrchaseAd&ess lity State ZipCo& Evsnt #

    SUBTOTAL See$en I;-Thb Pegt $720.00TOTAL of edditionel Section Lr Pagcs $0.00

    TOTAL OF ALL PURCEASES OFADYf,RTISING rN A PROGRAM DOOId (Entet total on Line Itu of Sur''''glry Page) $720.00

  • 8/14/2019 Oxford DTC


    IN. NONMONETARY RECEIPTS Page ll oflTVAMF NF fY}MM'1"T'1F trIT IN': ff IF 'IA{EOxlord Democratic Town Committee 10/13/2009

    M. In-Kind Contributionsam Peter Bunzl Type ofContributor:;qi Individual$ Committeett Othet (,cpdi"unk oaly to Rqqerdurn Comminees)

    Feir MarketVelut of thkContribution


    ffi Aoqfes160 Countrv Club Dr. -IryOxford :weCT elp Loce06478contributor a lobbyist, spouse,child ofa lobby'isf !'-:i!i YesNo Ifcontribution is in exces of$400 to a candidate commitlee lor a chiefexecutive officer olamunicipatity does contributor or business he/she is associated with have a contact with said

    municipality valued at more than $5,ffi0? .f' Yes ti: Noate Rewived09/30/2009

    Is this contribution associated wilh alundraising event listed in Section L l?{f/es, list Event #YesNo

    Dffiiption of In-Kmd CmtrihrtionCommittee Phone/E-Mail line.

    {ggrcBuE @nmouuo$135.00

    *m Margaret Potts-West Typ ofContributor:fr IndividualCa Committee{:'. Other (.4p$caHe unly to Rseadun Qnmtnex)Fair MariretVelne of thisContribution


    rea Ad(lress10 Sioux Drive -lryOxfordfETCCT arp Code06478

    s contributor a lobby'ist, spouse,r dependent child of a lobbyisfl Ci Yeslii No Ifcnntribution is in excess of$400 to a candidate committee lor a chiefexecutive officer ofamunicipality does contributor or business he/she is associated with have a contract with saidmunicipality valued at more than $5,000? C Yes !!t Noare Reeived

    08/2112009Is this contribution associated with afundraising event listed in Section Ll?If yes,lisl Event # _*

    {: YesSNo Descriptim of In-Kind CmtributionTown Clerk Campaign SignsASSregale sntnbutnns

    $481.25Narc Type ofContributor:

    fi Individualf; Committee{*.,, A$nr (,lwucaote ualy to Refaadum Comiteu)latr marxctValue of thbContribution


    lhcct Ad&cs litv )EeCT aiD Codes contributor a lobbyist, spouse,r dependent child ofa lobbyisfT I Yes{*. No If contribution is in excess of $400 to a candidate commi$ee for a chief executive o{ficer of amuniciplity, does contributor or business he/she is associated with have a confract with saidmunicipality valued at more than $5,000? f: Yes C No)ate Reived Is this contribution associated with a *' yesfundraising event listed in Section Ll? d*' NoIfes, list Event #

    Descriptim of In-Kind Cmtribution \ggregale cmmDurms$0.00

    Nam Type ofContributor:C Individuali*, Committef1 Othet (Applicablc ont! to Rdaendum Cummine*)I'sir MffkctValuc of thbContribntionItret Addr6 litv )meCT ZiD Co(b

    Is contributor a lobbyist, spouse,or dependent child of a lobbyisfl C YesNo Ifcontribution is in excess of$400 to a candidale committee for a chiefexecutive officer ofamunicipality does contributor or business he/she is associated with have a contract with saidmunicipality valued at more than $5,000? f Yes fr No)ate Rewived ls this contribution associated with a

    fundraising event listed in Section Ll?fyes, list Event #f--$.t -!

    YesNo Dmiptim of In-Kind Cutritutim rggrgE4r cuuruuuo$0.00Name Typ olContributor:f, Individualfl Committeefi A$er l,lp4xanemlyto R{audtmConmtdu)

    lair iurrllcaVrlue of thirContribution


    Sts6t Addtffi lity 5rdeCT CD Cod6s contributor a lobbyist, spouse,or dependent child ola lobbyist? t*":i Yes{lr No Ifcontribution is in excess of$400 to a candidate commisee for a chiefexecutive officer ofamunicipality does contributor or business he/she is associated with have a conFact with saidmunicipality valued at more than $5,000? f Yes llli Noate Received Is this contribution associated with afrmdraising event listed in Section Ll?fyes, list Event #

    it Yesli No Demiptim of b-Kind Cmributim Ag8rcgarc co!m($0.00SUBTOTAL Section M-Thb Prgr $526.25

    TOTAL of eddftionrl Scctior M Prgec $0.00TOTAL OF AI,r- IN-KIND CONT*IBUTIONS ENI& IotqT oN LfuE 22 Of SE/'|U,WY PAgC) $526.25N. Refundsble Depmit to Teliphone Company,' (NOTEi Mb *da rcfert orly lo dtanex. of @o.rtb 4 rrdY&tds fiot,nrc&el lrrubto bcrrefrttlrcc',/frnilttQ, nd dqost,s trrdi bythc csmfitea)

    ast Natr oflndiYidud6idmtisl StrEr Addss

    FiFt6 MI I oate Oeposit tutadeState lap CodecrlAmount ofDeposlt

    $0.00Narne of telephore oryanyStret Addres City State


    Totel Section N (Eter totd on Liae 23 olSunawry Pagel: . $0.00

  • 8/14/2019 Oxford DTC


    III. NONMONETARY RECEIPTS Prge 12oll7*tE nn flalt l,ft'r'TEF {I.IN{T rlIIE NA.TF.

    O. Nou-lWoectrry Reeeip$ of Orgrnizition Expcnditurel Mrdo By:Lesktrctive,Lcrdershtri Lui*lntivc Caueuii ahd Psrfrt ComrlritteG'.of Cmiree pegiskifv.Iaiaaship, Legkffile Caucus, antl Puty Comnin$ ONL0 | Nm of TremmAddrcss Date Ndie R*ivd Feir Mrrtet Valueof Donntion

    $0.00CT ZipCo&

    \ggrs,atc Domtims$0.00

    of Donation Purpose of Experditut (se. ial/,ra ctiots)f,A f-i B {:lC {_-, D f, Eof Comitte (Legifltattve lza.lerchip, Legtsldl'ive Caucus, and Party Comniltea ONLY) lNme of Trc8ffiAddrss Date Notie Rmived Fair Merkct VslueolDonstion

    $0.00CT Zip Code

    \ggrcgsta Donttims$0.00ofDonation Purpose of Exptrditw (see iastruabns)

    {-i, If1 BfiCfiDC-Eof Comittee {LegMAtle t*adership, Legblatlve Cuus, and Pilly Committes ONLV I Nm of TrcuroAddffis Dsle Notie Recsived Fair Mcrket ValueofDoaatbn

    $0.00CT Zip Co& Aggregale Donatims$0'00

    fDomtion Purpsc of FrQmditurc (see instnclions)i;A {-:B !'c :..1 D !.Eof lzudsshiP,IzgbldvcCaturs,asdPartyCnnineaONLY) lNarcofTlm

    DalG Notie R@ival Fair Merkct ValueofI)onation

    $0.00CT Zip Co& \ggregata Donntims$0.00

    of Domtion Prrpose of Expaditrc (se. tnstndius)f'l flp 1-:g fiP (,*s*ii p"ttv tonmina ONLY) lNure of TrecumAddrms D*e Notice Received Feir Merkt Valncofl)onstbn

    $0.00CT ZipCo&

    \ggregate Donalims$0.00

    ofDonation Cil rf B ric '{iD i:'D"tU V,Izgbbtlle Caucus, and Part! Committe* ONLY) lNme of Trcma

    Date Notis Rwived Fair Market ValneofDonetftrn


    Zip Co& \ggrcgate Domtim$0'00of Donation lrrpos of Expmdiuue (see ingndfut;s)C;A $18 f.c flD f.oniasoutn lNmofTreaw

    Address Date Notie R*ived Fair Market Valucof l)onrtion


    StaleET ZipCo& AggregareDomtims

    $0'00lrsposg of Erpaditue (sce inslructiols){- A rl B {.rc f: D i'E

    Totel Sectirm Q (Enter taal o*Li* 21 of Saaawy P,8SL $o.oo

  • 8/14/2019 Oxford DTC


    IV. EXPENDITURES Page 13 ol17L,fil rtr frArnttT'T'tl?. fi t}.ri+ftilf '.iT.F.,

    Oxford Democratic Town Committee 10/13/2009P:i' ExDen$es Paid. by eomni&.

    of Pavc' Caldwell Banker )ste ofPryGd7t28t2409

    Method of Paymentfl Check #- 1 31 0{:t Debit card


    s 600.00

    AddtessOxford Road



    ar Exp@arwcode) OVHD ouoo H""dqr"ters Rental Event #Expenditure (l! applicabk)'.Coordinated with reimbursement soughtCoordinated wi*rout reimbursement sougltt

    IndependentOrganization (see Inslruclions)flfr Bf.cfl DeE

    Cmdidat{s) Natc((apphcailQ Offic Sougbt u Supportedtr opposed

    fi olP&rc" AT&T )aic ot ralmr7t2912009Vlethod ot Payment

    ; Ctrecf * 131 1ADebitcadAmount

    $ 240.00

    At8lrss CityOxford 'TreCTZip Code0il78

    ol bxpnorhre OVHD Dt!On' Deposit (2) Phone Lines Evmt #of Expenditure (iI awlicabL).

    . Coordinated with reimbursement soughtCoordinated without reimbuaement soughtIndependentOrganization (see Instruoions)fl fin f,c i-.n lin

    Cmdidat{s)N8m(iIawlicaDl4 Offe Sought [J SupportedUopposC

    of Pse' United Methodist Church )d of Palmsnt7t30t2w9vlethod ofPaymenti? check #, 131 2f Debit Card


    s 100.00

    Hill Road -ltvSeymour JtateCT4rp Lqrc06483

    ot lrQa(utwcodc) FNDR ption- Deposit Fund Raiser - Pasta Dinner 10t24t20094of Expenditure Glawlicabl+.Coordinated with reimbursement sought

    Coordinated without reimbursement soughtIndependentOrganization (see In$ruaions)i,a !.Br.c !iDI_,tr

    Candidat{s) Nen(if aWlicable) Officc Sought E SupportedE Opposed

    t* sign A Rama ,ale or ralmar8/312009Method ot Payment' ghrgl g 13't3f; Debit card



    Addr6sEagle Road


    italcCT alPLoce

    06810or Dxpmouceode) A-Sign phon Deposit (50) Campaign Signs Evml#

    of Expenditure (If owltcrble|.with reimbursement souglrtCoordinated without reimbursement soughtOrganization (see Instradons)LA l rB i C !tD ! E

    Cmdid*{s)NcQf whcabtd Officc Sougbt fl SupportedEI opposed

    of Pave- Arrow Printers )ate of Palmilt8/3/2009Method of Payment

    . Check #- 1 314fr Debit CardAImtrnt

    s 900.00

    AddressMain Street -rtyAnsonia rmcCTLtp Lo{&

    06401or t{pm(trtue"ode) A-Sign DtioD' 400 24x18 Campaign Signs Event #

    of Expenditure Gl twucabr4'.Coordinated with reimbursement soughtCoordinated without reimbursement soughtIndependentorganizatiol 6ee lpilructions)fln f n rl.c {lo fi e

    Candidate{s) Nae(iJ applirailc) OffieSoughr DSupportedEopposea

    SUBTOTIIL Scction F-Thb Prgc $2,340.00TOTAL of rdditbnal ftg@fllgg $9,129.11T^T^' A6 ^ r r wDrNc,ES pAID By CO1,!1,{ITTEE @nler tAd aa Liae !9 alfiemary P4e}urtuur. nl-&IsIDltE rt{{ ,ao aa9rritvv.rr

  • 8/14/2019 Oxford DTC


    IV. EXPENDITURES Pagc 13 of l7rii r.Nat riltF nAfF

    Oxford Democratic Town Commiftee 10/'t3/2009Fi Exoanig Pdal b$ Committee

    ofPave' Prime Publishers lncSouths I Woodbury zipCT 06798

    )d of Payfitent8nt2009

    Method of Palmenttil Check #_ 131 5f-r Debit Card


    s 34.30

    c"de) M|SC Legal Notice of Oxford Caucusof Expenditurc (if adtccblc).rl Coordinated with reimbursement soughlej Coordinated without reimbursement soughtfl Independenti i Organization (see Inslruetions){".q, f:B f.c flD flE

    Cmdidarc(s) Nme(if wlitobte) E SupportedD oppor"a

    me of Ps' Arrow Printers ,ate or rEy]rmr811312009

    Method ofPaymentii; Ctrect* 1316fi Debit card


    $ 200.00

    AddrcssMain Street -rtyAnsonia


    ,rp Code06401

    urpos or rxpsolw.code) A-Other Poo" D"posit (1ooo) Magnets Event #rpe of Expenditure Gf awlicable)-.::': Coordinated with reimbunement soughtil: Coordinated without reimbursement sougbtf: Independentf: Organization (see Inslrua/ions)!rA r-B!.C l.Di'E

    Cmdidat{s)Nm(if applicable) Officc Sought IJ SupportedDopposed

    amofPrye' Sign A Rama )ate of Palmal8t1412W9vlethod ofPaymenti? check #- 131 7C Dbit Card


    s 705.75

    trest Add6s5 Eagle Road CityDanburySlalCCT

    ,rp Uode06810qr E Qqralrccode) A-Signs ption Final Paymt - 50 3X4 Signs Evmt #

    of Expenditure (f appfic able) :C Coordinated with reimbursement soughtr- Coordinated without reimbursement soughtI Indeoendentf: Organization (see Instructions)fta {1 R l-.c lD 'frr

    Cmdidal{s) Name(ifappficablQ Office Sought u Supportedtl opposed

    ffiol PaYF' Southbury Printing Centre 811412009 Memoo orralrnenl

    lircheck #-]t]9-il Debit CardAmoutrl

    s 200,00

    trest A&lress386 Main St South CitySouthbury 'laleCTarp Cod

    06488Eposg or Exp@urwby code) A-DM otion' Deposit (2500) Trifolds Evmt #

    of Expendirure Qf tmucablc):lfJ Coordinated with reimbunement soughtl{i Coordinated without reimbursement Joughtl{1 Independentf1 Organization (sec InsTrucdons)!-,A 1.,B:.C.(rDi.I

    Cmdidat{s)Namc(if aplieable)OtEcc Sought U supportedfl opposed

    uf Pavca" Southbury Printing Centre )ale of Palmnt8/3/2009 Methodof Payment

    f,: check #- 1314fi Debit cardAmount


    EHA@SS85 Main St South UrtySouthburyttalc

    CTzrp Lo@

    06488or rrQ4olrF A-DM ohon Final Paymt - Trifolds Event #

    y,pe of Expenditure (if aplicable):!i Coordinated with reimbursement soughtC Coordinated without reimbursement soughtC Independent.".i Organization (see Instructions)ra flnflc Cni-n

    Candidat{s) Nuro(tfWlieabl4 Ofre Sougbt ESupportedtropposed

    SUBTOTAL Stction P-.Thir Prgc $1,533.86TOTAL af rddition*I S+liq! qlryll

    TOTAL OFALL r-I..PENSES PAID BY C9MMITTEE (Entertaalen line 19 af S4ngiaty Page) Q4 EA? EA

    lffJ? P) i-11ot) 'tTL 0{-9

  • 8/14/2019 Oxford DTC


  • 8/14/2019 Oxford DTC


    ry. EXPINDITURES Pagc l3 of 17iiE rif rlntr[fi f i.F]t fft tN t$tD frAllE::

    Oxford Democratic Town Committee 10/13/2009rof Pwe Southbury Printing Cen$eMain St Soulh Southbury CT 06488

    )atc ofPaytnnl9/9/2009

    Iethod of Paymentiii check #- 1925f:t Debit Card



    sd) A-OTH (4700) Brochurespe of Expenditure (if applicablQ:

    Coordinated with reimbursement soughtCoordinated without reimbursement soughtIndependentOrganization (see Inslructioas)l* I l*:s f.c {:l n fin

    Cmdidat{s)Nmle(lf applicaN) Offce Sought Ll Supportedtr oppor"d

    fi ofPave' Peter Bunzl )ate ol ralmtrr9/9/2009vlethod ol Payment

    : ctect *- 1326n Debit cardAmounf

    s 295,02

    Country Club Dr. CityOxfordrlScCT

    ,rp Code06478

    ol Expendrmcode) RCW )ercriotion' Paym't for Magnets Evcnt #olExpenditure 0f aw&cable):Coordinated with reimbursement sought

    Coordinated without reimbursement soughtlndependent. Organization (see Inslrudions)aAi-.Br.cl.DrrE

    Cmdidat{s) Nmp$f ap&caffi)

    Offe Sougbt LlSupportedEopposed

    - Sign A Rama )ale ofPalmnt9t14120A9v{ethod ofPaymentili check #. 1 327il Debit Card


    $ 445.20

    A(tressEagle Road


    1lp Uodc06810or Expmommdc) A-Sign ption 100 18x24 CamPaign Signs F-vmt #

    pe of Expenditure (il adictbl+:Coordinated with reimbursement soughtCoordinated without reimbursement soughtIndeoendentOrganization (see Ingrudions)flr f n {-c tin f,ir

    Cmdidatds) NatrF(ifawliuile) OfreSougbt f,l Supportedfl opposed

    mofPrye' Southbury Printing Centre JAt Ol rayrenl9t17t2009Method ol rayment

    r$ check #-1 32t-$ uebit cardAInoltnl

    s 860.15

    Addr6sMain St South

    CitySouthbury5raCT Z,tp Uodc06488

    or ExPaqw A-DM onm' 4000 Campaign Letters Event #Expenditure flf awucoble)l{J Coordinated with reimbursement soughti Coordinated without reimbursement soughtfi IndependentOrganization (sec Inslrucllons)!:A f,l n l-: c frn f,r

    Cmdidd(s)Nam(fapp0cattlc) Offic Sought E SupportedE opposeo

    ' Automated Mailman lnc )ato of Palmrt Method of PaymentJii che{k #- 1329fi Debit CardAmount

    s 1,110.58

    AddrcssN Main

    CltyBeacon Fallsilale

    CTZrp eo{b06403

    or Expmouoode) POST nooo M"iling seMce (4597) Pamplets Evml #of Expenditure (d applicablc):Coordinated with reimbursement sought

    Coordinated without reimbursement soughtIndependentOrganization (see Instructions)- '. 4 tlB f:c r]DrE

    Cmdidatds) Naur(if awUcabl4 offis Sougbt ESupportedEOpposed

    SUBTOTAI, SecttuI f-Tbb Prge $3,410.95Tt}TAl:ofedditioqllEgqd6! ! !t1 4{n q5

    voJ a4//P Dtrrwflt- L

  • 8/14/2019 Oxford DTC


    IV. EXPENDITURES Pegc l3 of 17trII IN{: r}T 'F NAfFOxford Democratic Town Committee 10/13/2009

    P; Ero&n$es Patd by Committre- Oxford Wolverine Football )ale of Palml9/1 1/200S

    Method of Palmentlii Check #- 1 330{]r Debir card


    s 100.00

    Addrcss '[YOxford JtsrtcCT Zip Co&o&{78or Hpodm A-Ofi onon Pur"h"s" Ad oxford High School Football Booster Evert #

    of Expendihue (if applicablQ:Coordinated with reimbursement soughtCoonlinated without reimbursement soughtlndeoendentOrganization (see Inslructions){ a IIB f.c tllo f r

    Cmdidate{s) Name(if aplicable) Office Sougbt E SupportedE opposea

    'o zip Bar lnc )849/19/2009 Method ofPaymtntie check #- 1331il DebitcardAmount


    Famr RoadUltyOxford rtAlCT

    ,rp Lo@04t78ot ExPfloue POST Dtrm' Mail Service - 4700 PhamPlets gvml #

    of Expenditure (if appttcablQ'.Coordinatd with reimbursement soughtCoordinated wilhout reimbursement soughtIndependentOrganization (see Inslrua/ions)i_,c, r-- s i-.6 f. p i-' B

    Candidat{s) N.rlc6awtiu@ Offe Sought U Supportedfl opposed

    to sign A Rama )at of Palmml9/18/2009vlethod oiPaymentS Check #- 1 332lj Debit Card


    s 132.50

    Adr6sEagle Rd CityDanburyStateCT

    4rp Code0a+78or ilpstrerecodc) A-Sign Dcscription- Final Payment - (100) 18P4 Campaign Signs Evsot #

    of Expendirure 6lawacabl4'.Coordinated with reimbursement soughtCoordinated without reimbursment soughtIndeoendentorganization (see Instructions)t;a I Rt a r'D:1 ,f,

    Cmdidx{s)NmGlaw$uile) Offie Soughr E Supportedil opposed

    ' Southbury Printing Centre 912212009Method ol raymils check *-1!33--fr Debit card


    s 786.55

    S.Main StreetUrtySouthbury

    itateCT Zip Co{b06488wr ryuuruEcodo) A-DM Lotion' Final Payment (4700) Brochures Evmt #

    of Expeldirure Gf twauhle)'.Coordinated with reimbursement soughtwithout reimbu$ment soughtIndependentOrganiation (see Instructions)!.,A i..iB 1.C ItDi.E

    Cadidot{s)Nre(if w$ufie) Ofrcc Sougbt Ll SuPPortEdtr 0pposed

    of Pryw- Caldwell Banker )atc of Palmnt9t2412009Method of Payment

    {it Check #- 1334f:i Debit cardAmount

    s 600.00

    AffiessOxford Rd


    alp Looe06478$p@ouecode) OVHD olron' Rent - Democratic Town Committee Headquarters Evmt #

    of Expenditure (if aryticable):Coordinated with reimbunement soughtCoordinated without reimbu$ement souglttIndependent (see In stru ctions)f-l f B {-: c r: D f' E

    Cmdidat{s) Name(ifappbcable) Offce Sought flSupportedDOpposed

    $UBTOTAL Scctioa P-Thk Pegc 92,il7.05ffiTAL of rdditionsf Sceliqg PPige $o.oo