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Oxford Repetytorium Ósmoklasisty 5 Zawiera: kod dostępu do Online Practice poradnik egzaminacyjny przykładowy arkusz egzaminacyjny Materiał audio dostępny na www.oup.com/elt/repetytorium8klasa Workbook Jenny Quintana, Jacqueline Walkden, Dariusz Kętla Konsultacja: Ilona Gąsiorkiewicz-Kozłowska Materiały ćwiczeniowe z kodem do Online Practice 4 NIE NA SPRZEDAŻ ROZPOWSZECHNIANIE I KOPIOWANIE ZABRONIONE © Copyright Oxford University Press

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Oxford Repetytorium Ósmoklasisty

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ISBN 978-0-19-440487-7

Komponenty Oxford Repetytorium Ósmoklasisty

dla ucznia: wieloletni podręcznik z materiałem audio na stronie ucznia www.oup.com/elt/repetytorium8klasa i przykładowym arkuszem egzaminacyjnym; zeszyt ćwiczeń z przykładowym arkuszem egzaminacyjnym, poradnikiem egzaminacyjnym oraz kodem dostępu do Online Practice.dla nauczyciela: Classroom Presentation Tool; Teacher’s Pack (Teacher’s Guide – podręcznik z rozwiązaniami zadań, przewodnik po egzaminie, dodatkowe lekcje na czas po egzaminie oraz transkrypcje audio; płyty Class Audio CD); strona nauczyciela www.oup.com/elt/teacher/repetytorium8klasa (m.in. testy po każdym rozdziale i testy kumulatywne co drugi rozdział), 2 dodatkowe arkusze próbne oraz 10 dodatkowych lekcji do przeprowadzenia po egzaminie; serwis egzaminacyjny na www.oup.com/elt.

Repetytorium na miarę XXI wieku

Elastyczne i motywujące:

bogaty pakiet komponentów dla ucznia i nauczyciela,

nauka z elementami rozrywki,

odniesienia do kultury polskiej i krajów anglojęzycznych.

Regularne, różnorodne powtórki:

nowatorska i lekka forma utrwalenia materiału po każdym rozdziale,

kumulatywne powtórki egzaminacyjne,

utrwalenie gramatyki i słownictwa.

Egzamin i jeszcze więcej:

wszystkie typy zadań i tekstów egzaminacyjnych,

· duża liczba zadań otwartych,

testy kumulatywne w formie egzaminacyjnej oraz gotowy arkusz próbny.

Nowoczesne, bogate, łatwe w użyciu


Zawiera: kod dostępu do Online Practiceporadnik egzaminacyjnyprzykładowy arkusz egzaminacyjny

Materiał audio dostępny na www.oup.com/elt/repetytorium8klasa


Jenny Quintana, Jacqueline Walkden, Dariusz KętlaKonsultacja: Ilona Gąsiorkiewicz-Kozłowska

Materiały ćwiczeniowe z kodem do Online Practice




Oxford University Press is the world’s authority on the English language.

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Oxford Repetytorium Ósmoklasisty

Jenny Quintana, Jacqueline Walkden, Dariusz KętlaKonsultacja: Ilona Gąsiorkiewicz-Kozłowska



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Spis treści

Rozdział Słownictwo Gramatyka

1 Człowiek s. 8

Asking for personal information • Describing physical appearanceDescribing personality • Describing feelings and emotions

Question formationArticles

2 Miejsce zamieszkania

s. 13

Places in town • Types of home • In the house • Areas and homes Describing a placePrepositions of placeIndirect questions

3 Życie prywatne s. 18

Time expressions • Daily routine • Collocations: free time activities Family and family occasions • Stages in life • Friends and relationships Festivals and celebrations

Talking about present activitiesPrepositions of timeThe possessiveReflexive pronouns + each other

4 Edukacja s. 23

Education • Exams and qualifications • Course workIn and around school • School subjects • Collocations: education

School rules Question words

5 Praca s. 28

Jobs • Holiday jobs • Media jobs • Places of work • Duties at work Plans, intentions, predictions, arrangements and decisions about the futurePrepositions: at, in

6 Żywienie s. 33

Packaging • Portions • Food and drink • Breakfast Eating in a restaurant • Cooking and recipes

Talking about quantityIrregular plurals

7 Zakupy i usługi s. 38

Shops • Materials • Complaining • Clothes • Money • Dressing upAdvertising

Talking about the past (1)this, these, that, thoseone, ones

8 Podróżowanie i turystyka

s. 43

Holidays • Travelling and transport • At the airportGiving directions

Comparing people and things so, such, how, whatComparative and superlative adverbstoo and enough

9 Kultura s. 48

Culture • Performers • Visual arts Mass media • Magazines and newspapers • TV programmes

Talking about experiencesfor and since and, because, before, if, or, so, unless, while

10 Sport s. 53

Sports • Collocations • Sports placesSports events

Talking about conditionsGerunds and infinitives

11 Zdrowie s. 58

Illnesses and symptoms • Well-being • Accidents and treatmentsEmergency services

Talking about the past (2)Giving advice: should, shouldn’t, ought to, ought not to

12 Nauka i technika s. 63

Modern inventions • Computers • Materials and substances Talking about inventions Phrasal verbs

13 Świat przyrody s. 68

Geographical features • The weather • Animals • PetsNatural disasters • Looking after the environment

Giving essential informationCardinal and ordinal numbers

14 Życie społeczne s. 73

Crime • Crime: useful phrases • Social problems and conflictsProtest • Charity

Talking about the past (3)Reporting what people say

Sprawdź się! s. 78

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1 Wykreśl słowo, które nie pasuje do pozostałych.

1 economist banker archaeologist businessman2 vet doctor dentist surgeon3 babysitter secretary au pair nanny4 chauffeur taxi driver pilot lorry driver5 diplomat judge lawyer policeman6 mathematician historian scientist bank clerk

2 Uzupełnij definicje odpowiednimi wyrazami z każdej pary w ramce.

nanny/au pair mechanic/engineer judge/lawyer diplomat/politician

1 a A works for the government to represent his/her country in a foreign country.

b A works for the government and makes decisions about how to run their country.

2 a A gives people advice about the law and represents them in court.

b A makes decisions about the law and how to punish criminals. 3 a An lives with a family in a foreign country to help look after the

children and learn a language. b A is employed to look after children in their own home. 4 a A repairs machines and engines, and makes sure they are

working correctly. b An designs and builds machines and engines.

3 Uzupełnij dialog właściwymi wyrazami.

KATE There’s a careers talk at school tomorrow. Boring!JAMIE I think it’s great. Don’t you want an exciting job? KATE They never talk about exciting jobs, it’s all office jobs like being

a (1) or a secretary. I don’t want to be someone’s (2) . I want to see the world!

JAMIE You could be a (3) . They travel a lot. KATE I’d rather be an (4) . They travel to all the big competitions,

like the Olympics. Or a (5) in a famous ballet company. JAMIE Well, I want to be a (6) , and study the Earth. KATE Oh, Jamie, that’s so boring! Why not choose something creative, like

being an (7) ? JAMIE It’s not boring at all! I’m going to work for NASA. I’m going to be an

(8) ! Then I’ll see the world – from space!

1 chauffeur conductor receptionist2 assistant historian sailor3 economist stewardess servant4 vet athlete bank clerk5 mathematician dancer banker6 scientist surgeon linguist7 au pair artist economist 8 painter master of ceremonies astronaut

Can you keep children entertained?

(1) wanted for children’s

birthday parties. Card tricks, juggling,

balloon animals – anything kids will

enjoy. Phone John on 726 385

Are you responsible and good with kids?

I am looking for a (2) for my two sons (aged four and seven). Afternoons from 2–5 p.m. Phone Mandy 07932 236 198


(3) Duties include cutting the

grass, weeding, general tidying.

Two hours a week; £5 an hour

Can you speak foreign languages?

(4) needed to show visitors around the historic city centre. Ask for details at the information office.

Staff needed at the Castle


We are looking for a (5) to join

our friendly serving team and also

a reliable (6) to help with food

preparation and washing-up.

Holiday jobs

4 Uzupełnij ogłoszenia właściwymi nazwami zawodów.

babysitter tour guide gardener waiter/waitress kitchen helper magician

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Do you want to be on TV? We all recognize the faces

of the (1) who tell us what’s happening in the

world and the (2) who make us laugh. But

the truth is, most jobs in the media are behind the

scenes. A TV programme often has a script, so it needs

(3) to think of the material, and (4)

to check it and make sure there are no mistakes.

There is usually a theme tune. A (5) writes

the music, then (6) are employed to record it.

To provide the stylish and beautiful celebrities we

all recognize there are (7) to create and choose

their clothes, and (8) to make sure their hair

and faces are ready for the camera.

The (9) tells everyone what to do, and works

with cameramen, sound and (10) to make sure

all the technical details are correct.

Do you still want to be on TV? Remember there is

more to it than meets the eye!


Media jobs

5 Uzupełnij tekst wyrazami i wyrażeniami z ramki.

computer engineers newsreaders writers composer musicians comedians editors director make-up artists fashion designers

Places of work

6 Napisz nazwę miejsca pracy i zawodu.

café airport receptionist tour guide art gallery bank artist bookshop stewardess bank clerk shop assistant hotel museum waiter

1 ‘OK, here’s your key. You’re in room 206. It’s on the second floor.’

2 ‘Thank you for coming to look at my sculptures. Please do have a look around.’

3 ‘On your left there are some very interesting statues. They are from the eighth century, from Persia.’

4 ‘Here’s your money in euros. 20, 40, 50, 100. And here’s your receipt. Have a nice day.’

5 ‘A cappuccino and a cola. That’s £4.70, please.’

6 ‘Can I see your ticket and your boarding card, please? OK, have a nice flight.’

7 ‘Yes, we have The Da Vinci Code. I think it’s on special offer at the moment. Yes, look, it’s half price.’

Duties at work

7 Uzupełnij zdania wyrazami i wyrażeniami z ramki.

off sick social work on call part-time social services manage

1 If someone is not at work because they are ill, they are .

2 If someone is not at work but can be called, especially in an emergency, they are .

3 The are a department of the government who help people in the community with family or money problems.

4 is work in the community giving help and advice to people with family or money problems.

5 Work that is fewer than the normal number of hours that people work in a day or a week is .

6 If you a business, you make the decisions and are in control of the other people who work there.

8 Uzupełnij opisy wyrazami i wyrażeniami z ramki, a następnie zakreśl nazwę zawodu, który odpowiada opisowi.

manage long heavy equipment on call part-time off sick prepare away clean travel outside new dishes

1 I have to be from home a lot, and I work hours, sometimes at night. But I get to all over the world.

taxi driver bank clerk stewardess

2 I sometimes have to carry and it’s sometimes difficult to keep , but I love my job because I’m usually . I hate being stuck in the office!

sailor judge gardener

3 I work , which is good for me, because I have children. I food and keep the place clean. My favourite thing is making .

waiter shop assistant kitchen helper

4 My job can be stressful, especially when people are . I have to the staff and look after the customers. I am always , even at the weekend.

composer surgeon hotel manager

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Plans, intentions, predictions, arrangements and decisions about the future

1 Dopasuj zdania do opisów.

1 I’m going to be a vet.2 I see lightning. There’s going

to be thunder.3 I’m thirsty. I think I’ll have

some water.4 I think I’ll be rich one day. 5 I’m meeting Dominic at


a decyzja podjęta w chwili mówienia

b plan na przyszłośćc określone ustaleniad przewidywanie oparte na

mocnych przesłankache przewidywanie bez mocnych


2 Zakreśl właściwą formę.

1 A What time do you meet / are you meeting Sara?

B I’m not sure. I think I am going to / ’ll phone her in a minute to find out.

2 A What are you doing / are you going to do when you leave school?

B That’s easy! I’m working / ’m going to work with animals.

3 A Jack’s really good at maths. He’s doing / ’s going to do so well in the exam.

B I know. I bet he’s getting / ’ll get 100%.

4 A We’re going to / will go the cinema this evening. Do you want to come?

B Yes, OK. I’m going to / ’ll meet you there.

5 A I’m so bored! I’m not doing / won’t do anything today.

B I’ll go / ’m going to Jamie’s house this afternoon. Why don’t you come?

6 A Ana is so successful at everything. I’m sure she’ll be / ’s going to be rich and famous one day.

B Ana? She won’t be / isn’t being rich. She’s too generous. She’s giving / ’ll give all her money away!

3 Uzupełnij zdania. Użyj właściwej formy: going to, will lub czasu present continuous.

1 I’m sure Louie (become) a lawyer! He never stops talking!2 Harry’s studying medicine, but he doesn’t think he (finish) the

course. It’s really hard.3 The weather’s terrible. The match (be) cancelled.4 I don’t think I (have) a party for my birthday this year, but I’m not

sure.5 I’m hungry! I think (I make) a sandwich. 6 He (not pass) his driving test. He is a terrible driver! 7 I (not go ) on holiday this year. I haven’t got any money. 8 We (have) lunch at one o’clock. Don’t be late!

4 Ułóż zdania z podanych wyrazów i wyrażeń. Użyj różnych sposobów wyrażenia czasu przyszłego.

1 who / you / meet / this weekend ?2 what / you / do / when you leave school ?3 you / think / you / be / famous / one day ?4 what / you / do / this evening ?5 you / go / on holiday / this summer ?

5 Napisz zgodne z prawdą odpowiedzi na pytania z ćw. 4.

1 2 3 4 5

6 Zakreśl właściwą formę.

Hi Alice,Hope you’re OK. I just wanted to tell you about my plans for today. I (1) ’m going to go / ’ll go into town a bit later because I need to find a present for my sister’s birthday. After that I (2) ’ll meet / ’m meeting Liz and Sal outside our usual café. We (3) are going to / ’ll have something to eat and then we (4) are probably going to / ’ll probably go to the cinema. So, do you fancy coming? I’m about to go out, so send me a text. I (5) ’m checking / ’ll check my phone when I get on the bus. See you later,Lottie

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7 Przetłumacz wyrazy i wyrażenia w języku polskim na język angielski.

1 (On nie będzie) a businessman. He’s terrible at maths.

2 (Spotykamy się) outside the sports centre at three o’clock.

3 A (Gram w) football in the park this afternoon.

B Are you? Well, (nie pójdę) with you. It’s too cold.

4 I think (że pójdę do domu) in a minute. It’s getting late.

5 (Idziesz) to Joe’s party next week? I can’t decide.

6 What time (jadasz) dinner? (Zadzwonię) you after that.

Prepositions: at, in

8 Uzupełnij ogłoszenia przyimkami at i in.

Would you like to work (1) a restaurant? Do you prefer the idea of working (2) an office environment?Or how about doing a course (3) one of London’s colleges?Visit us (4) Careers Path and we’ll give you advice on the right career for you.

Are you currently (5) university?Are you planning to get a job when you leave? We advertise vacancies (6) newspapers as well as shops and hotels. Call us now or visit us (7) the Grand Hotel on 15th June for our annual job fair.

9 Ułóż z podanych wyrazów i wyrażeń pytania i odpowiedzi. Zastosuj wyrażenie would like i inne wyrazy.

1 you / go / cinema this evening? 2 Millie / be a professional tennis player. 3 me / help you? 4 I travel / around the world.

10 Uzupełnij tekst przyimkami at i in.

Prepositions of manner

11 Uzupełnij zdania przyimkami: as, by, for, in i with.

1 I usually travel bus.2 He works his father in an accountancy

firm.3 My grandma always asks for help

a smile.4 Milena is working a vet’s assistant during

the holidays. 5 How far is it to the station foot?6 Was Sam a hurry when you saw him?7 We practise music every day fun.

12 Zakreśl właściwy przyimek.

1 Are you interested in / on going to the careers talk?2 This room smells of / with oranges.3 Can I help you? What size of shoes are you looking

for / to? 4 I don’t agree on / with you about that.5 Do you believe on / in ghosts?6 Don’t look on / at the sun without sunglasses.7 My brother’s applying for / to a job in a café.

Hi Sandi,Next week, I’m going to France by train. I’m going with my family and a friend, Ted. We’re meeting Ted (1) St Pancras Station and then catching the train to Paris. We’re going to stay (2) a small hotel my parents know. It’s (3) the centre of Paris, (4) an area called Saint Germain. Ted and I would like to go to an exhibition which is on (5) the Louvre Museum. We’re both taking art at school and are really interested in art history. We’re going to look (6) the tourist guide to see what other things we can do.

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Funkcje i środki językowe5

1 Uzupełnij dialog. W każdą lukę (1–3) wpisz brakujące wyrazy, tak by otrzymać spójny i logiczny dialog. Użyj wyrazów podanych w nawiasach, ale nie zmieniaj ich formy. Uzupełnij luki w języku angielskim.

3 The headteacher said ‘Well done’ to my class because we passed our exams.

CONGRATULATED The headteacher passing our


4 Popraw błędy w wytłuszczonych wyrazach.

1 I will be swimming later. 2 This is Tom. He’s a college from work. 3 Secretaries often have to do lots of phone calls. 4 I usually work 40 hours a week, but sometimes I do

abovetime. 5 A waiter's job is to service people food and drink. 6 Taxi drivers pick over passengers.

5 Uzupełnij dialogi wybranym zdaniem (A–C).

1 A: Look at the weather. It’s really raining hard.B: That’s a pity! today A We won’t be able to play tennis. B We’re not playing tennis. C We’re not going to play tennis.

2 A: My family are going to the USA for our holidays.B: Wow. That’s great. A Have you got permit? B Do you need a visa? C Do you have to get permission?

6 Przeczytaj tekst. Uzupełnij luki 1–4 wybranymi wyrazami: A, B lub C.

A: What (1) (do) when you leave school?

B: I’d like to be a doctor and save people’s lives.A: Wow. But you have to have good marks and go to

university for that.B: I know but I've decided I (2)

(work) hard. A: Great! So, have you done the biology homework?B: Actually, I didn’t have time last night, I was at

basketball practice, but I (3) (do) later.

2 Przetłumacz na język angielski części zdania podane w nawiasach, tak aby otrzymać spójne i logiczne zdania. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność ortograficzna i gramatyczna. Uwaga! W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie trzy wyrazy.

1 I wouldn’t like to be a lorry driver and have to (jeździć na dużych odległościach) .

2 There are some firefighters in the (lewym rogu) of the photo.

3 It’s (zanosi się na deszcz) . Look, there are dark clouds over there.

4 ‘I failed my exam.’ ‘Oh, dear! What (szkoda) .’

5 ‘How often do you go to the library?’ ‘About (raz w tygodniu) .’

3 Uzupełnij zdania wyrazami zapisanymi wielkimi literami. Zachowaj znaczenie pierwszego zdania. Każdą lukę możesz uzupełnić maksymalnie trzema wyrazami, wliczając w to podany wyraz.

1 Alfie lost his job because he was late five times in a week.

FIRED Alfie from his job because he

was often late.2 I’m wearing my sister’s blue top to the party. BORROW I’m my sister’s clothes to got to

the party.

1 A how B why C what2 A helpful B helping C helper3 A am B 'll be C I'll4 A training B instruction C learning5 A will go B went C are going

Guess (1) ! I’ve got a job at a sports camp for a month. I’m going to be working with children between 8 and 12 years old. The job is to help the instructors organise the sports and games. The advert said they wanted ‘(2) , friendly people’. It will be great because I (3) able to spend the summer practising sport. The camp has great facilities, but I’m starting my (4) at the beginning of July. Then after two weeks, I’ll start working at the camp. The only disadvantage is my parents (5) on holiday at the end of July and I won’t be able to go with them.

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1 Dopasuj nazwy opakowań do nazw artykułów spożywczych. Do każdej listy dopisz własny przykład artykułu.

packet jar bottle tin carton bag can

1 a of lemonade, olive oil,

2 a of biscuits, sweets,

3 a of sugar, crisps,

4 a of mayonnaise, jam,

5 a of beans, tuna,

6 a of beer, fizzy drink,

7 a of milk, orange juice,


2 Zakreśl właściwe słowo.

1 A Do you have sugar in your coffee? B Yes, please. Just a slice / spoonful. 2 I try to eat five pieces / bowls of fruit a day.3 Would you like a drink? A cup / bowl of coffee?4 Please could I have a spoonful / glass of juice?5 A Would you like a bar / slice of chocolate? B Oh, no thanks, I’m on a diet. 6 Help yourself to a cup / slice of cake. I made it this morning.

Food and drink

3 Wykreśl słowo lub wyrażenie, które nie pasuje do pozostałych, a następnie uzupełnij objaśnienie właściwym wyrazem z ramki.

drinks sauces seafood sweet fruit meat

1 olives crisps nuts ice cream It’s the only one that’s . 2 water pancake juice soft drink All the others are . 3 lamb prawns beef pork It’s the only one that’s . 4 apple strawberry melon cabbage All the others are . 5 mince cake biscuit apple pie It’s the only one that’s . 6 ketchup mayonnaise dressing fibre All the others are .

4 Zakreśl właściwą odpowiedź.

1 Which of these would you not put in a fruit salad?

a) mango b) lettuce c) pear2 Which two of these are good sources of

protein? a) omelette b) steak c) pizza3 Which of these is fast food? a) lasagne b) roast turkey

c) cheeseburger4 Which of these is spicy? a) curry b) chips c) garlic5 What is a croissant? a) a type of biscuit b) a drink

c) a type of bread6 Which of these is not a fruit? a) avocado b) tomato

c) cauliflower

5 Uzupełnij dialog właściwymi wyrazami.

VALERIE Dad, some friends are coming round later to watch a DVD. Can we get some snacks?

DAD Sure, why don’t we get some (1) ? We could have a (2) .

VALERIE Hmm, no thanks, Dad. Lily’s vegetarian. She doesn’t eat (3) .

DAD OK, pizza then. Look here: (4) . That’s vegetarian. And to go with it, what about (5) ? They’re made of (6) .

VALERIE Yes, OK. And look, (7) . We can have them for pudding.

DAD OK, put them in the trolley. Your mother’s going to kill me.

VALERIE Mum loves (8) ! DAD Exactly! And she’s on a diet.

1 water hamburgers cabbage2 breakfast packet barbecue3 fruit vegetables meat4 ham and cheese and spicy beef peppers mushroom 5 tuna steak chips6 fruit vegetables bread7 delicious spaghetti doughnuts8 junk food tasty spoonful

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6 Znajdź i zakreśl czternaście nazw artykułów spożywczych. Następnie uzupełnij poniższy tekst tymi nazwami we właściwej formie.

t e a a s d f g h b j ko z x c v c t v b a n mm u s h r o o m p c c la q e r t f a y y o r ut m n b v f s c o n o xo l k j h e t j g g i cf d s b a e p u h o s ei b u e y d t i u r s rp r l a m i j c r n a ew e s n c e b e t h n as a u s a g e l k j t lh d g f d g d s a o i u

The traditional British cooked breakfast is a big meal. There are e , b and s and often fried m . Some people have b (in sauce, from a tin) and a grilled t , too. The traditional drink is t , but now lots of people have c and a glass of fruit j . Most people don’t eat this every morning any more. At home people have a healthier breakfast these days, just t or a bowl of c . In a hotel, guests have the choice between a cooked or a continental breakfast. A continental breakfast is French b or c with butter and jam, and sometimes fruit and y .

Eating in a restaurant

7 Połącz wyrazy z kolumn A i B, tak aby utworzyć wyrażenia.

A Bbook a takeawayorder chef’s specialitypay a table for fourlook out for dinnergo at the menutry the the bill

8 Uzupełnij zdania wyrażeniami z ćw. 7.

1 I don’t feel up to cooking. Let’s . 2 Shall we on Saturday? It’s Mum and Dad’s

anniversary. 3 I’ll ring the restaurant and for lunch

tomorrow. 4 I’d like to . I think he’s famous. 5 Mum and Aunt Belinda always argue about who’s

going to . 6 I’ll give you a couple of minutes to .

Dear Kelly,

I’m never going out with my football team again! It was Dave’s birthday on Saturday, and he (1) a table in the pizzeria on High Street.

Well, I haven’t got a lot of money, so I (2) at the menu and I chose the cheapest (3) . I didn’t have any (4) , I just had water. All the rest of the team had a (5) , and a (6) (garlic bread). Dave (7) the chef’s (8) , which is the most expensive thing on the menu. Then they all had (9) . I just had a cup of coffee.

I didn’t mind until it was time to pay the (10) . They decided to divide it equally! I couldn’t say anything because it was Dave’s birthday. I paid £25 for a snack and a cup of coffee!

Well, I’d better go! Write soon!


9 Uzupełnij e-mail wyrazami i wyrażeniami z ramki.

speciality side dish drinks bill looked booked snack dessert main course ordered

Cooking and recipes

10 Uzupełnij dialog wyrazami z ramki.

bowl fry add mixture mix melt pour frying heat cookbook

LIAM What a mess! What are you doing? AMY I’m making pancakes. Can you read the

(1) for me?LIAM OK. Put the flour in a big (2) . AMY I’ve done that. What’s next?LIAM (3) the eggs and (4) the eggs and

the flour together. AMY OK. Now what about the milk? LIAM Yes, that’s next. (5) in the milk – slowly!

And stir. AMY Slowly … OK. All the milk is in. LIAM Now you can (6) your (7) pan. AMY I’ll (8) some butter. LIAM Now pour two spoonfuls of the (9) into

the hot pan and (10) your pancake!AMY Cool! Watch out! I’m going to flip it!

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Talking about quantity

1 Wpisz podane słowa do odpowiednich kolumn. Zastosuj formy liczby mnogiej.

meat salt lamb carrot beef pasta orange rice onion pea banana butter bread milk lemon pork grape cheese water sugar coffee flour

Countable nouns Uncountable nouns carrot butter

2 Uzupełnij zdania rzeczownikami z ramki. Zastosuj formę liczby mnogiej tam, gdzie to konieczne.

coffee carrot biscuit money chip meat grape salt

1 I sometimes drink . 2 are my favourite fruit.3 She’s a vegetarian, which means she doesn’t eat

.4 I spend my on music and clothes.5 I love vegetables, especially .6 This soup isn’t very tasty. Could you pass the

?7 Are there any left in that packet? 8 Fish and is a famous British dish.

3 Zakreśl właściwą formę.

1 Would you like a more sugar in your tea? a) few b) little c) much 2 I don’t drink coffee. It keeps me awake. a) many b) much c) lot 3 I don’t eat vegetables. I should have more. a) few b) lot c) many 4 There are a chocolates left. Would you like

one? a) little b) lot c) few 5 I haven’t got a money. That’s why I’m

staying at home. a) lot of b) little c) few

4 Zakreśl właściwą formę.

BEN There isn’t (1) many / much / little milk left, Mum. MUM I know. Can you go to the shops for me?BEN Do I have to? I haven’t got (2) much / little / many

time. I’ve got football practice this afternoon. MUM You’ve got (3) a few / a lot of / many time, Ben.

Football practice doesn’t start until three. It’s only one now.

BEN All right. I’ll go to the shops. MUM Great. Can you get (4) many / a few / a lot other

things too? BEN What do we need? MUM Well, we haven’t got (5) a lot of / many / a few

fruit. Can you get some apples and some bananas?

BEN OK.MUM And we haven’t got (6) many / a few / much pasta

either. BEN Anything else? How about fizzy drinks and pizza?MUM What for?BEN I’ve got (7) a little / a few / much friends coming

round after football practice.MUM Oh. I see. Well, I haven’t got (8) much / many / few

money in my purse, so we’d better go in the car and I’ll use my credit card.

5 Uzupełnij pytania i odpowiedzi w ankiecie dotyczącej jedzenia. Użyj podanych form.

How much / How many / much / many / a lot of / a few / a little

1 A bread do you eat every day? B I eat bread. I have it with all my meals.2 A chips do you eat each week? B I don’t eat chips. I have them once or

twice. 3 A coffee do you drink in a day? B I only drink coffee. I have maybe one cup

a day. 4 A biscuits do you eat? B I have biscuits every day. I have maybe

two in the morning and two in the afternoon. 5 A water do you drink? B I don’t have water. I should drink more.

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6 Uzupełnij dialogi właściwymi wyrazami. Użyj jednego słowa w każdym zdaniu.





7 Przetłumacz wyrazy i wyrażenia w języku polskim na język angielski.

1 (Ile) sugar would you like in your coffee?

2 There’s (dużo owoców) here. Would you like some?

3 There are (kilkoro polskich uczniów) in the class.

4 I’ll have (trochę mleka) in my tea, please.

5 (Ile herbatników) would you like?

6 There aren’t (dużo frytek) on my plate.

A How money have you got?

B I’ve got a . Why, do you want to borrow some?

A There are a sandwiches left. Do you want one?

B No, thanks. I’ve eaten a of them already.

A How chocolates are left?

B Sorry. There weren’t in the box and I’ve just eaten the last one.

A Is there food in the house?

B Not really. There’s a cheese and a slices of bread. That’s about it!

Irregular plurals

8 Popraw rzeczowniki w liczbie mnogiej.

1 There were a lot of womans at the meeting. 2 My foots hurt after that long walk. 3 I was a bit frightened of gooses when I was young. 4 How many sheeps have you got on the farm? 5 The dentist checks my toothes every six months. 6 Some persons can't eat bread or milk. 7 How many goldfishes have you got now? 8 Sorry, we sold the last of our loafs of bread two

minutes ago.

9 Przepisz poniższe zdania, zmieniając podmiot i orzeczenie w formę liczby mnogiej.

1 The sandwich was on the plate. The sandwiches were on the plate.2 The child was singing in the garden. 3 The wolf was walking in the forest. 4 The mouse ran across the kitchen floor. 5 The fox was in the field. 6 The tomato tasted delicious.

10 Uzupełnij tekst wyrazami i wyrażeniami z ramki.

tooth leaf potato people a lot of teeth leaves person potatoes many

Diets today are very different from 30 years

ago. Nowadays, (1) eat food from other

countries and combine food in ways they didn't

think of in the past. We don't just eat lettuce

but salad (2) from lots of different

plants, such as spinach and rocket. We also eat

a variety of carbohydrates, not just (3)

and rice.

This sounds healthy, but we also eat a lot more

ready-made food. This has (4) salt and

sugar in it. It is also bad for our (5) , so

although it is easy to prepare when we are busy,

we shouldn't eat it every day.

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Funkcje i środki językowe6

1 Przeczytaj tekst. Wybierz właściwe uzupełnienie luk 1–5: A, B lub C.

3 Przeczytaj opis zdjęcia. Uzupełnij każdą lukę jednym wyrazem, tak aby otrzymać spójny i logiczny tekst, który będzie pasował do ilustracji. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność ortograficzna i gramatyczna wpisywanych wyrazów.

I don’t eat (1) cakes. I’m always disappointed by them. They are not as (2) as I expect them to be, but I love baking and I have a few favourite (3) . One is for potato cakes. You need about 500g of potatoes, an egg and (4) flour. You can add some cheese if you like. They are really good served hot with (5) butter and they go well with soup. They only take a few minutes to make and everyone loves them.

1 A many B much C some2 A delicate B tasteful C delicious3 A recipes B receives C instructions4 A a few B some C much5 A a few B little C a little

2 Przeczytaj opisy sytuacji. Wybierz właściwą reakcję: A, B lub C.

1 Przygotowujesz jedzenie na szkolny jarmark. Chcesz poprosić mamę o pomoc. Jak to zrobisz?

A Could I help you make some cakes? B Would you mind helping me with the cakes? C Could you do me a favour and make some cakes?2 Jesteś w kafejce i chcesz zamówić coś do picia.

Co powiesz? A Have you got an orange? B I’d like a fruit juice, please. C I’ll just have a chocolate, please.3 Nalałeś/Nalałaś sobie trochę mleka, ale okazało się

nieświeże. Co powiesz? A This is disgusting! B It disgusts me. C This isn't tasty.

This photograph shows a market. In the front of the picture we can see a woman shopping for some (1) . Behind her is a stall, where you can buy fruit and (2) . You can see some red and yellow peppers. We can also see two people sitting on a bench (3) the two rows of stalls, in the middle of the picture.It’s probably not a very hot day because the woman is wearing a (4) and a big scarf.

4 Które wyrażenie oznacza to samo, co podkreślone wyrazy?

1 I eat a few pieces of fruit every day. A I eat two to three whole items B I eat about five items C I eat about five different types2 There aren't any vegetables in the fridge. A There are only three or four B There are some C There are no3 I just want a dessert, not a main course. A I prefer sweet dishes to savoury. B I just want to leave. C I only want the sweet dish at the end of the meal.

5 Uzupełnij zdania wyrazami zapisanymi wielkimi literami. Zachowaj znaczenie pierwszego zdania. Każdą lukę możesz uzupełnić maksymalnie trzema wyrazami, wliczając w to podany wyraz.

1 I don't usually eat breakfast. ANY I food before lunch time.2 Karl really doesn't like food with lots of spices in it. HATES Karl food.3 Could you help me? MIND Would me?

6 Uzupełnij dialog. Użyj wyrazów podanych w nawiasach, ale nie zmieniaj ich formy.

A: (ready) order?B: Yes, please.A: (like) starter?B: Yes, please. I’ll have the soup, followed by the

chicken.A: (want) ?B: Just water, please.

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Zakupy i usługiSłownictwo



Where can you buy a pizza, a T-shirt, a DVD and

a roasted turkey? The (1) , of course! Huge

supermarkets and (2) have changed the

way we shop, but not everyone thinks it’s so super.

Thirty years ago, town centres were very different.

They were full of interesting little (3)

and (4) and they had character. Your

grandparents probably bought meat from the

(5) , bread from the (6) and fruit and

vegetables from the (7) . It probably took

longer, but it was a personal service. Now we all

drive to enormous shopping (8) outside

town, and the small town life is dying. Now you

can buy the same T-shirt, TV and CD in Warsaw,

Rome or Manchester. The same (9) ,

electrical and (10) shops are now in every



1 Uzupełnij wpis na blogu właściwymi wyrazami.

1 shoe shop pharmacy supermarket2 department stores pet shops newsagent’s 3 shops malls shopping4 computer shops supermarkets markets5 boutique greengrocer’s butcher’s6 baker’s bookshop pharmacy7 pet shop greengrocer’s sports shop8 shops malls stalls9 clothes bookshop pharmacy 10 boutique music centre


2 Zakreśl właściwe słowo.

1 That’s not a designer handbag, it’s a fake. It’s not even made of wool / leather.

2 I love this dress, but silk / nylon is so expensive. 3 Mum’s chosen some really pretty leather / material

to make the new curtains. 4 If it’s made of cotton / wool, you need to wash it on

the cool setting. 5 Nylon / Cotton is a man-made fabric.


3 Zakreśl właściwą odpowiedź.

1 A machine which is out of order is … a) not working. b) working. c) expensive.2 The piece of paper you get when you buy

something is a … a) bill. b) receipt. c) refund.3 If you get your money back, it’s called a … a) discount. b) receipt. c) refund.4 If you take back the thing you bought and get

another one, you it. a) damage b) exchange c) take back5 Something that is scratched or has a hole in it is … a) missing. b) damaged. c) not working.


4 Wpisz odpowiednie wyrazy z ramki.

fashionable swimming costume pyjamas slippers scarf sandals nightie socks tracksuit designer tie tight

1 Three things you wear on your feet: 2 Two things for wearing in bed: 3 Two things for doing sport: 4 Two things you wear round your neck: 5 Three words for describing clothes:

5 Uzupełnij poniższe zdania. Wybierz najlepiej pasujący wyraz z każdej listy w ćw. 4.

1 I always wear in summer. 2 My brother has Superman . He loves them!3 I didn’t go in the pool because I forgot my .4 My dad has to wear a in the office, but he

hates it. 5 Ugh! I can’t wear these jeans. They’re much

too .

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Have you been invited to a party, but you don’t know what to (1) ? The dress code can help you choose the right (2) .


This is for a very (3) party. Men should wear tuxedos and bow ties. Women wear long (4) dresses with expensive (5) . Think James Bond!


This is for an important event like a wedding. Men should wear (6) and (7) shoes. Women wear dresses. Traditionally, female guests should wear (8) to weddings.


This is for an expensive restaurant. Men should wear a smart jacket, a shirt and a (9) . Women can wear a (10) or (11) .



6 Dopasuj wyrazy z ramki do ich definicji. Uzupełnij przykładowe zdania.

cash machine currency change earn pay back pocket money

1 the type of money that a country uses, e.g. euros, pounds, dollars, etc.

‘What’s the in Japan?’ ‘It’s called yen.’2 the money that you get back when you have paid for

something ‘That’s £4.75, please … Thanks, and here’s 25p

.’3 the money that parents give their children every

week to buy sweets, toys, etc. ‘My little sister spends all her on Barbie

dolls.’4 a place in the street where you can get money out of

your bank account ‘I need to get some money out. There’s a on

High Street.’5 to return money that you have borrowed ‘I can’t buy that game. I need to the £10

I borrowed from Mum.’6 to get money for work that you do ‘I have a Saturday job, so I can some money

for clothes and CDs.’

7 Uzupełnij dialog na czacie internetowym wyrazami z ramki.

sale loyalty card bargain cheap half-price how much expensive pocket money

JAKE Hi, Beth! What are you doing? BETH I’m writing my blog. It’s about shops. JAKE Oh, OK. Hey, I just got a great (1) !

There’s a (2) at that new games shop in town.

BETH Do you mean GameZone?JAKE Yes. What’s wrong? I like that shop. I’ve got

a (3) . BETH There’s a GameZone in every town! It’s a chain. JAKE Yeah, it’s great that we finally have one here.

Their games are (4) . That other shop by the library is so (5) !

BETH I suppose so. My brother spends all his (6) in there. (7) was your game?

JAKE It was (8) so it was £7.99. BETH Wow! That is good. Hmm …

Dressing up

8 Uzupełnij artykuł właściwymi wyrazami.

1 wear dress put2 size outfit pattern3 style elegant tight4 designer unfashionable short5 trainers size jewellery6 suits sunglasses tracksuits7 big sports smart8 slippers hats pyjamas9 cap sweatshirt tie 10 skirt nightie T-shirt 11 glasses trousers trainers


9 Zakreśl właściwe słowo.

1 Anything that is made in order to be sold is a campaign / product.

2 A recognizable type of product that is made by a particular company is a commercial / brand.

3 A short TV film telling you to buy a specific product or service is a TV advertisement / brochure.

4 A large poster on a building or by the side of the road with advertising on it is a billboard / leaflet.

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Talking about the past (1)

1 Uzupełnij zdania formami was, wasn’t, were i weren’t.

1 We at school today because It was a national holiday.

2 The girls in town today. They needed to buy some clothes.

3 Our teacher well today, so she went home.

4 I in the library for three hours this afternoon.

5 James annoyed because he did badly in his exam.

6 You happy yesterday! Did something good happen?

7 My parents back from town, so I made lunch for myself.

8 It sunny, so we stayed in the flat.

2 Uzupełnij pytania formami was i were.

1 Where the 2008 Olympic Games?

2 Who the first astronaut on the moon?

3 When the first heart transplant?

4 Who Jan Kiepura and Eugeniusz Bodo?

5 Who elected president of the US in 2008?

6 Where Artur Boruc born? 7 Who Picasso and Dalí? 8 When Toy Story 3 and

Eclipse released?

3 Połącz odpowiedzi w ramce z pytaniami z ćw. 2. Napisz pełne zdania.

2010 Spanish painters China Neil Armstrong 1960s Siedlce Barack Obama Polish singers

1 The 2008 Olympic Games were in China.

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

4 Uzupełnij tekst formami there was, there wasn’t, there were i there weren’t.

I went to town yesterday because I needed something to wear to my friend’s party. (1) a sale in my favourite clothes shop, so I went in. Unfortunately, it was a nightmare! (2) so many people everywhere. (3) lots of bargains, but it was very difficult to see anything. (4) some T-shirts I liked, but they didn’t have them in my size. (5) small T-shirts and large T-shirts, but (6) any medium T-shirts. It was very annoying. I decided to look at jeans. (7) any blue jeans, but (8) a really nice pair of black jeans. I wanted to try them on, but (9) only one changing room and the queue was very long. I decided to buy them anyway. Big mistake! They were far too small. I looked in my wardrobe. (10) an old pair of jeans which I’d had for years and an old red T-shirt which I wore every day. (11) lots of people at the party wearing the T-shirt I’d seen in the shop, but (12) anyone wearing anything like my old red T-shirt!

5 Uzupełnij tabelkę.

Regular Irregular

Present simple Past simple Present simple Past simple


worked(1) stopped(2) liked(3) tried(4)

gomeet(6) give(8) buy(10)

went(5) saw(7) made(9) spent

6 Uzupełnij zdania czasownikami z ćw. 5 w formie czasu przeszłego.

1 My brother me a lovely necklace for my last birthday.2 I a pair of shoes and a bag in the sales yesterday. I

too much money! 3 I being in town on Saturday. It was so hot and crowded.4 We to go shopping, but then we changed our minds and

to the cinema instead. 5 I for my exams until I felt too tired. Then I went shopping.6 I Jake in the music shop. It was really nice to see him.

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7 Uzupełnij dialog podanymi czasownikami we właściwej formie.

ANA How (1) (be) your shopping trip in London? (2) (you/go) to Oxford Street with your sister?

GEMMA No, we (3) (go) to Camden Market. ANA Oh, yeah. I (4) (buy) some shoes there

once. They (5) (be) really nice.GEMMA Hmm. Well, we (6) (not buy) any

clothes or shoes, but we (7) (spend) a lot of money on music and food!

ANA What (8) (you/eat)?GEMMA I (9) (have) noodles first. But

I (10) (not like) them, so my sister (11) (eat) them. Then I (12) (find) a stall selling Jamaican food. It (13) (be) delicious.

8 Ułóż z podanych wyrazów i wyrażeń pytania w czasie przeszłym.

1 where / be / you / yesterday afternoon ?2 you / go / into town / last weekend ?3 how / you / get / to school / this morning ?4 who / you / see / on your way to school ?5 what / you / do / last night ?

9 Napisz zgodne z prawdą odpowiedzi na pytania z ćw. 8.

1 2 3 4 5

this, these, that, those

10 Przeczytaj informację. Uzupełnij zdania zaimkami this, that, these i those.

this + these = that + those =things that are near things that are far

1 A What’s ? 2 A What are ? B It’s a belt. B They’re shoes.

3 A What’s ? 4 A What are ? B It’s a rucksack. B They’re hats.

one, ones

11 Uzupełnij luki wyrazami one i ones.1 A Those red shoes are really nice. I wonder how

much they are. B I prefer the black next to them.2 A I watched Casino Royale last night. B Is that the first with Daniel Craig in it.3 A We're going on a trip to Rome next week. B Really? I went on last year.4 A I bought these at the new shopping centre. B Is that the behind the cinema?5 A I'm really hungry. I'm looking forward to this pizza. B Me too, which are you going to have?

12 Przetłumacz wyrazy i wyrażenia w języku polskim na język angielski.

1 (Czy podobała ci się) the CD I gave you?2 My sister (poszła) to university last year.3 (Nie podobał się nam) the film. 4 (Co robiłeś/robiłaś) at the weekend?5 ‘Do you like the silver earrings?’ ‘I prefer the

(te złote) .

13 Uzupełnij zdania wyrazami zapisanymi wielkimi literami. Zachowaj znaczenie pierwszego zdania. Każdą lukę możesz uzupełnić maksymalnie trzema wyrazami, wliczając w to podany wyraz. 1 Ellie likes all trainers but she really likes black

trainers. ONES Ellie likes all trainers but 2 Some of the beaches in northern Poland are amazing. THERE amazing beaches in northern


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Funkcje i środki językowe7

1 Uzupełnij zdania wyrazami podanymi w nawiasach. Nie zmieniaj ich kolejności.

1 We (buy / two / sandwich) for lunch yesterday. Today we are buying pizzas.

2 I (not / ask) size 38. I wanted size 39.

3 When we went shopping, Mona (try / four) skirts in the shop, but none of them fitted her.

4 This morning I (have to / borrow) a pen from someone because, mine was broken.

5 (there / be / lots of) interesting shops in the town five years ago.

2 Uzupełnij dialogi.


3 Przetłumacz na język angielski fragmenty zdań podane w nawiasach.

1 Where are (przymierzalnie) , please?2 I (wyszłam z domu) with my friends last

week.3 Do you like that (pasiastą) shirt? Or do

you prefer the plain one?4 How much are (tamte szaliki) ?5 My mum is always (wymienia) presents

she doesn’t want.

4 Przeczytaj tekst. Uzupełnij luki 1–3 właściwymi wyrazami z ramki (A–F).

A book B received C enjoyed D gave E like F have G ones H had

Two Christmases ago, Helen Wood (1) Lord of the Rings as a present from her brother. Helen loved the story when she was young, but now she preferred more realistic (2) , so she gave it to her cousin, Laura, as a birthday present in March. Laura (3) already got the book, so she gave it to her friend Michael for his birthday in June. He liked the films, but he didn’t (4) reading long books, so at Christmas he decided to give it to his friend Tom, Helen’s brother and guess what ... ? He was delighted!

5 Wybierz właściwą kwestię w dialogach: A, B lub C.

1 Can I borrow some money until tomorrow? A Sorry, I haven’t got any. B I can borrow you £5. C OK, I can let you.2 Do you have a receipt for this jumper? A I got it yesterday. B Yes, here you are. C No, I want a refund.3 What did you buy at the shops? A I went to the supermarket. B I couldn’t get a refund. C Just some trousers for school.

2How , please?

That pair are £30, but we’ve got cheaper ones.

Excuse me, I bought this skateboard yesterday, but it’s broken.

I . Would another one?

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Podróżowanie i turystykaSłownictwo




1 Zakreśl właściwe wyrazy.

2 Uzupełnij dialog wyrazami z ramki.

swimming tourist information trip backpacking relax package holidays luxury travel agent’s accommodation lying on the beach explore aqua park

CATRIN I’ve just been to the (1) with Mum. We’ve booked our summer holiday!

ADAM Cool! Where are you going?CATRIN Greece. It’s a beach holiday. Look! Here’s

a brochure. The (2) has got 5 stars, so it’s a (3) hotel. It’s great. They organize everything.

ADAM Hmmm. It’s not really my thing. I’m sorry. I don’t really like (4) . And I couldn’t spend a whole week just (5) .

CATRIN You’re kidding! I can’t wait to get there and just (6) . I’m going to have the best tan!

ADAM Don’t you want to (7) , and see the country?

CATRIN Sure. I’ve got some (8) leaflets here. There’s an (9) , that’s great, because I don’t really like (10) in the sea. And there’s a great shopping centre … Anyway, where are you going?

ADAM I want to go (11) in New Zealand. In fact, my dream is a big round-the-world (12) . Maybe I’ll take a gap year.

3 Znajdź i zakreśl dziesięć wyrazów opisujących sposoby wypoczynku, a następnie uzupełnij tymi wyrazami listę Adama.

s u r f i n g q w e i r sk t y s u i o p a s c d cy f r a f t i n g g e w ud h j i k l z x c v s a bi b n l m q a z w s k l av x f i s h i n g e a k di d c n r f v t g b t i in y h g n w j m i k i n vg o l p q w e r t y n g iu c y c l i n g i o g p na s d f g h j k l z x c gr o l l e r b l a d i n g

Cool things to do on my big trip

1 Go to Australia and try on Bondi Beach. 2 Learn in the Red Sea and see a shark. 3 Visit Moscow in winter and go in Gorky Park.4 Go to New York and go in Central Park. 5 Go in France. Try to do a stage of the Tour

de France.6 Charter a yacht and go in the

Mediterranean. 7 Visit the Grand Canyon and go white-water

on the Colorado River. 8 Go in Wigry National Park in Poland. Hike all

the trails and hope to see wolves!9 Go on the Amazon and catch a piranha! 10 Go up in a helicopter in New Zealand and try .

Ever since we opened the world’s first official

(1) bungee jumping / walking site in 1988, New Zealand has

been famous for adrenaline sports. With its snowy mountains

and long, clean (2) yachts/beaches, the amazing (3) tourism /

countryside of New Zealand is a natural theme park for anyone

who wants a real (4) adventure / city break holiday!

We’ve got 15,134 km of coastline. That’s a lot of (5) seaside /

monument! Put your swimming costume on and try the

challenge of (6) skydiving / windsurfing or the newer, more

exciting sport of (7) swimming / kite surfing.

Do you like (8) cycling / canoeing? Take a slow, peaceful trip

down one of our beautiful rivers. Or, for a faster ride, try

(9) white-water rafting / fishing.

New Zealand has jungles and volcanoes too, and horse-

riding or (10) ice-skating / trekking in our famous wild places is

an unforgettable experience.

So what are you waiting for? COME AND JOIN THE ADVENTURE!

Come to New Zealand!

We’ve got it all!

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Travelling and transport

4 Napisz właściwe nazwy miejsc.

car park check-in desk ticket office aeroplane train taxi

1 ‘A ticket to York, please.’ ‘Single or return?’ 2 ‘Please fasten your seat belts for landing.’ 3 ‘It’s £2 for one hour, or £5 for three hours.’ 4 ‘Can I see your passport and ticket, please?’ 5 ‘Tickets, please! All tickets from Leeds, please.’

6 ‘Where to?’ ‘Oxford Street, please, as fast as


At the airport

5 Rozwiąż krzyżówkę i odczytaj hasło.

1 a2 - i

3 r4 p

5 o6 r

7 t

1 when a plane comes down to the ground after a journey

2 where you show your ticket when you arrive at an airport

3 the part of an airport where passengers arrive4 the part of an airport that passengers leave from5 the office that deals with suitcases that are missing6 the document that shows your identification7 when a plane leaves the ground and starts to fly

6 Uzupełnij zdania właściwymi wyrazami.

1 My parents are going on a round-the-world . Dad’s started calling it ‘the of a life-time!’ – he’s really excited. The is enormous! (ship, cruise, voyage)

2 Emily rented a for her 18th birthday. A chauffeur was supposed to her and her friends to a restaurant. But then the driver got in traffic and they had to get the bus! (drive, delayed, limousine)

3 Dad used to when he was young. Once, he all the way up to Scotland in a . It’s not safe now, though. (travelled, lorry, hitchhike)

4 We went to the in Cannes to look at all the . We saw film stars drinking champagne on the . It was so cool! (deck, yachts, harbour)

5 It was so snowy last week. My uncle’s got stuck in snow. The rescue couldn’t get it out, so he had to it there. (vehicle, jeep, leave)

6 Mum’s dream is to go to Venice and ride in a . But every year we just go to our in Wales. We don’t even go on a ! Poor Mum. (caravan, ferry, gondola)

Giving directions

7 Uzupełnij definicje właściwymi wyrazami i wyrażeniami.

zebra crossing motorway traffic lights roundabout side road corner

1 A place where two streets join is a .2 A wide road where traffic can travel fast for long

distances is a .3 A small road leading off a larger one is a .4 A place where two or more roads meet, forming

a circle that cars must drive around, is a .5 Signals that control the traffic on a road with red,

green and orange lights are .6 An area of a road marked with white stripes where

cars must stop to let people cross is a .

8 Zakreśl właściwe słowo.

1 Go along / past this road and take the third street on / at the left. If you go along / past the library, you’ve gone too far.

2 Cross the street of / at the cinema and then take / turn left. The market is in / on the right.

3 Walk down the street to the traffic crossing / lights. Then turn left / along. You’ll see the butcher’s in / at the town square.

4 The market is between / opposite the library and the town hall. There are lots of stalls outside / inside the swimming pool, too. You’ll see them when you get there / at.

5 Drive to the roundabout and take / turn the first exit. Go past / along Main Street until you see a zebra cross / crossing. The school is on you/your right.

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Comparing people and things

1 Zakreśl właściwą formę.

1 Snowboarding is more exciting / most exciting than skiing.

2 Sunbathing is more boring / the most boring activity I can think of.

3 I’m happier / the happiest person in the world today.4 Staying in hotels is more expensive / the most

expensive than camping. 5 My sister is kinder / the kindest person I know. 6 Flying is faster / the fastest way to travel.7 London is bigger / the biggest than Oxford.8 Staying in is cheaper / the cheapest than going out.

2 Uzupełnij tekst przymiotnikami w nawiasach w stopniu wyższym lub najwyższym.

The Burj Al Arab in Dubai is one of (1) (expensive) hotels in the world. It also has one of the (2) (original) designs. The hotel rises 321 metres and looks like a ship’s sail. During the day the building is amazing, but at night with its bright lights, it is even (3) (beautiful).

Cannes is home to the film festival and is one of the (4) (famous) places in Europe. Some of (5) (rich) people in the world take their holidays there. The Martinez hotel is probably (6) (fine) hotel. Rooms can cost up to 30,000 Euros a night. The Presidential Suite is (7) (big). It has two sitting rooms, two dining rooms, four bedrooms and a sauna. But even (8) (good) than this is the wonderful view which looks out over Cannes Bay.

But perhaps The Ritz-Carlton in Tokyo has an even (9) (interesting) view than the Martinez. The hotel is (10) (tall) building in Tokyo and has beautiful views of Mount Fuji.

3 Które zdania mają podobne znaczenie? Dopasuj zdania 1–3 do zdań a–c.

1 The Raj hotel isn’t as good as the Hilton.2 The Raj hotel is as good as the Hilton.3 The Hilton hotel isn’t as good as the Raj.

a The Raj and the Hilton are both good.b The Raj is better than the Hilton. c The Hilton is better than the Raj.

4 Dokończ zdania, używając wyrażeń as … as i not as … as. Znaczenie obydwu zdań musi być takie samo.

1 Sightseeing is more interesting than sunbathing. Sunbathing isn’t as interesting as sightseeing. 2 Camping and backpacking are both cheap. Backpacking .3 The restaurants in the town are more

expensive than the cafés. The cafés in the town .

4 France is bigger than England. England .5 Learning Mandarin and learning Cantonese are

both hard. Learning Cantonese .

6 The travel guide and the taxi driver were both nice. The taxi driver .

so, such, how, what

5 Zakreśl właściwą formę.

1 A Do you remember our holiday in the alps. We had such / so a great time.

B Yes, and the weather was such / so hot.2 The hotel we stayed in had such / so interesting

architecture.3 A I bought this phone last week and now it's

broken! B How / What annoying!4 A This is a great place for a picnic and how / what

a fantastic view. B I know. It's such / so beautiful here.

6 Uzupełnij każdy dialog. Wybierz zdania A, B lub C.

1 A Sorry, Mum. I've dropped a cup of coffee on the kitchen floor.

B A How messy! B This is chaos. C Oh, no. What a mess!

2 A Can you tidy your room, please! B I'm tired. I'll do It later! A A You're so lazy, at times.

B If you've got time. C What are you doing?

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Comparative and superlative adverbs

7 Uzupełnij zdania wyższym lub najwyższym stopniem podanego przysłówka.

1 Jack runs (fast) in our class.2 Lois travels (far) than anyone

to school each day. 3 I work (well) when I’m not

feeling tired. 4 I don’t play football well, but you play

(badly) than me!5 Ben gets to school (early) out

of everyone. 6 I’m learning French, Italian and Spanish.

Of the three languages, I speak Italian (fluently).

7 We've got exams next week, so I'll have to work (hard) for a few days.

8 I can't understand your handwriting. Can you write (careful) next time?

8 Napisz zdania z przymiotnikami w stopniu wyższym lub najwyższym. Użyj poprawnej formy czasownika i dodaj inne niezbędne wyrazy.

1 My father / speak / loud / other people in our family. 2 Who / work / hard / among your friends? 3 Can / you / play / quite / please! 4 Where / far / you / be / on holiday ? 5 I usually / not play / tennis / well / friend, but I beat

her on Saturday. 6 No one / sing / bad / my brother. 7 None of us worked quickly, but Henry / work / slow / .

too and enough

9 Przepisz podane zdania tak, by znaczyły to samo. Użyj słowa enough i przymiotników w nawiasach.

1 It’s too cold in here. (warm) 2 This spaghetti isn't cooked. It's too hard. (soft) 3 I can't hear the radio. It's too quiet. (loud) 4 I was too careless when I did this painting. It's not

my best. (careful) 5 Don't put those socks on. They're too wet. (dry)

10 Przeczytaj wyjaśnienia i przykładowe zdania, a następnie uzupełnij tekst formami too i enough.

11 Uzupełnij drugie zdanie tak, aby miało takie samo znaczenie, co zdanie pierwsze. Użyj podanego słowa w niezmienionej formie.

1 It’s such a sunny day. SO It’s today. 2 I prefer going on activity holidays to beach holidays. MORE I like going on activity holidays

beach holidays. 3 Camping is more fun than staying in a hotel. AS Staying in a hotel much

fun as camping. 4 You’re too young to go on holiday on your own. OLD You aren’t to go on

holiday on your own. 5 That shop has cheaper CDs than any other shop

round here. THE That shop has CDs

round here.

Hi Sara,I’m on holiday, but I’m not having a very good time. The weather’s (1) hot and everything’s (2) expensive. The hotel is nice (3) , but the staff are rude and the food isn’t good (4) . The meals are always (5) cold or just plain tasteless. Everybody else is going on a sightseeing trip tomorrow. But I’m (6) fed up to go. Can’t wait to see you! Joe

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Funkcje i środki językowe8

1 Przeczytaj opisy sytuacji. Wybierz właściwą reakcję: A, B lub C.

1 Zwiedzasz miasto i chcesz pójść do muzeum. Jak zapytasz o drogę?

A Could you tell me the way to the museum? B Is it that way? C Is there a historical building near here?2 Chcesz kupić bilet w jedną stronę na pociąg do

Londynu. Jak o niego poprosisz? A A student return to London, please. B Could I have a single to London, please? C I'm going to London at 4 p.m.3 Rozmawiasz przez telefon ze swoim dziadkiem,

który pyta cię o pogodę. Co mu odpowiesz? A It's a bit too heavy. B It's rained all day, so far. C I had a really great time.

2 Dopasuj wyrażenia do właściwych kategorii.

Many thanks for …How about … ?Could you help me (with) … , please?I’m really grateful for …Guess what!Could you do me a favour?Do you fancy … ?Have you heard?

1 Making suggestions. 2 Saying thank you. 3 Asking for help. 4 Giving news.

3 Przeczytaj opisy sytuacji. Wybierz właściwą reakcję: A, B lub C.

1 Jesteś w biurze informacji turystycznej i chcesz się dowiedzieć o drogę do miejscowego zamku. Jak o nią zapytasz?

A What way is the castle? B How do I get to the castle? C Where is the castle found?2 Chcesz zaproponować koledze weekendową

wycieczkę rowerową. Jak to zrobisz? A Should we go on bike? B I'd like to ride my bike at the weekend. C Do you fancy cycling to the woods on Sunday?

3 Przechodzień zapytał cię o drogę na pocztę. Co powiesz?

A It's with the other offices. B I've got a letter to post, too. C Take the first turning on the right. It's opposite

the baker's.

4 Przeczytaj tekst w ćw. 5 i zdecyduj, jakiego wyrazu brakuje: czasownika (V), rzeczownika (N), przymiotnika (A), określenia ilości (Q) czy przyimka (P).

1 2 3

4 5

5 Uzupełnij tekst. Do każdej luki (1-5) dobierz właściwą odpowiedź: A, B lub C.

Cosy Coastal Cottages

Are you bored with hotels and tired of (1) , or just

looking for somewhere more interesting to stay? (2) no

further. At Crookes Cottages, we have the perfect place where

you can relax with family and friends; somewhere you can

take the dogs and cook your favourite meals without spending

(3) . We have some of the best beach-side cottages in

the (4) parts of England.

Most of our cottages are open all-year round, so you don’t have

to go (5) the most expensive times of the year.

For full details go to our website: [email protected]

1 A tent B camp sites C campers2 A Look B Looking C Don't look3 A as much B too many C too much4 A beautifuler B most beautiful C more beautiful 5 A at B on C in

6 Uzupełnij dialogi. Wybierz zdania A, B lub C.

1 A: We'd like to go to visit the city's sights. B: A We've got several voyages you can take. B Well, there's a trip tomorrow morning. C The journey takes in the castle and the main

square.2 A: Can I hire a bike for the morning? B: A Yes, of course. B OK. Order here. C The rent is £5 an hour.

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1 Zakreśl właściwą odpowiedź.

1 The music in that film is fantastic. I bought the on CD.

a) script b) soundtrack c) plot2 I love that book. The is so weird and

pessimistic. a) genre b) performer c) main character3 My sister loves TV like X-Factor and Strictly

Come Dancing. a) talent shows b) exhibitions c) scripts4 This is my favourite song. I think the are

excellent. a) hits b) lyrics c) musicals5 I’m going to a big this summer. I’ve got my

tent and my ticket already. a) museum b) entertainment c) music festival6 The special effects in the film were great, but the

was really bad. a) plot b) scene c) drama

2 Zakreśl właściwe słowo.

PHIL Hi Mia, what are you doing this evening? MIA I’ve got a (1) rehearsal / performer for the school

(2) show / theatre. Why?PHIL I’m going to the art college. There’s an

(3) entertainment / exhibition of the students’ work. My brother’s stuff is in it.

MIA Cool! What does he do? PHIL Mostly (4) pottery / photography. He works

with a digital camera. He’s done a (5) self-portrait / studio that I really want to see.

MIA I’m sure it’s a (6) genre / masterpiece! Can I come along later? We’re practising the final (7) scene / drama. I’ll be at the dance (8) museum / studio until seven.

PHIL OK, great. I’ll see you at the college.

Art Exhibition ReviewLast night was the first night of the student (1) exhibition at the Townswick Art (2) .There was a large (3) of paintings, both traditional and (4) . There were portraits, landscapes, and very creative modern (5) paintings. My favourite was a (6) art picture of Marilyn Monroe in the style of Andy Warhol.


3 Uzupełnij definicje wyrazami z ramki.

band cast orchestra choir pianist

1 The actors and actresses who are in a play or a show are the .

2 The musicians who play the instruments at a classical concert are the .

3 A group of singers who sing together, for example in church, are a .

4 A group of musicians who play music together, often with a singer, is a .

5 A person who plays the piano, e.g. in a concert or while people are singing, is a .

Visual arts

4 Uzupełnij tekst recenzji wyrazami z ramki.

art collection college abstract modern pop

Mass media

5 Zakreśl właściwą odpowiedź.

1 A website designer makes pages for the … a) television. b) newspapers. c) Internet.2 A sports commentator is a type of … a) radio station. b) satellite. c) TV presenter.3 When a TV station sends out programmes, they … a) report. b) broadcast. c) signal.4 A TV signal that comes from space is from a … a) big screen. b) satellite. c) radio.5 You get more with cable TV, but you have to

pay extra for them. a) stars b) journalism c) channels6 A person who plays music on the radio is a … a) DJ. b) TV. c) station.

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Channel 14.00 Soap opera5.00 Competition6.00 News headlines6.15 Quiz show7.00 Comedy show8.00 Music programme



ide Channel 2

4.00 Reality TV show5.00 Chat show6.00 News7.00 Sports programme8.00 Drama

6 Rozwiąż krzyżówkę.1

c 32 c n

46 j

5 p

7 r

8 s

ACROSS2 a person who operates a camera to make films or

TV shows5 a person whose job it is to take photographs for

newspapers and magazines7 a person who collects and reports news for

newspapers, radio and television8 a person who watches a sporting event

DOWN1 another word for star or famous person3 a person who announces the news from a studio on

TV or on the radio4 a person who writes news stories for newspapers

and magazines6 photographers who follow famous people around

to get interesting or embarrassing photos for magazines

Magazines and newspapers

7 Uzupełnij zdania nazwami z ramki.

broadsheet gossip magazine football magazine music magazine newsletter tabloid

1 John is an active member of his community and always likes to learn what has been going on and what is planned.

2 Sue plays the guitar and loves rock bands. 3 Peter is a businessman who likes lots of serious

news. 4 Helen supports her local football team. 5 Jeff loves celebrities and reading about the things

they do. 6 Arthur likes a light, quick-to-read newspaper for his


8 Uzupełnij zdania właściwymi wyrazami i wyrażeniami.

1 I bought a today because it had a picture of Madonna on the . Inside there was an about her by my favourite . (columnist, newspaper, front page, article)

2 On the train, I solved the . I read my to see what it said my day would be like, and read the advice given to people who wrote in to the . (problem page, horoscope, crossword)

3 On my way home, I read an article by the , I quickly read each and I looked at some pictures from around the world by a famous . (headline, photo-journalist, editor)

4 I read all of that magazine, from the to the – I even read an interesting . (front cover, back cover, advert)

TV programmes

9 Przeczytaj program telewizyjny i uzupełnij godzinę oraz kanał.

On which channel and at what time would you see: 1 an entertainment show with ordinary people in it?

2 a regular series with the same characters? 3 a long programme about things that happened

today? 4 a play? 5 a programme where people answer questions to

win prizes? 6 a show with pop and rock bands playing live?

10 Zakreśl właściwe wyrazy.

STEVE Hi Emma, did you watch the football on the (1) sports / music programme last night?

EMMA No, I was watching the (2) comedy show / news – it was really funny!

STEVE Did you see the interview with Angelina Jolie on the (3) chat show / soap opera?

EMMA No, I was watching the (4) competition / drama I entered – I didn’t win though. Did you see the (5) newsflash / music programme about the tree falling over and blocking the road?

STEVE Yes, I did, that was exciting – we had to come to school a different way this morning!

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Talking about experiences

1 Uzupełnij zdania czasownikami z ramki w formie czasu present perfect.

not ride start buy not be see not do

1 Hurry up! The exam . 2 I on an elephant before, but

I once travelled on a camel. 3 I to the opera before, but

I often go to the theatre.4 you Josh

today? I can’t find him anywhere! 5 They their homework, so they

can’t go out. 6 you

a new dress for the party?

2 Ułóż pytania i odpowiedzi z podanych wyrazów i wyrażeń.

A ever / write / a song B never / write / a song / but / paint / a picture

A Have you ever written a song?B I’ve never written a song, but I’ve painted a picture.

1 A ever / read / an English novel B never / read / an English novel / but / write /

a story / in English ? 2 A ever / touch / a snake B never / touch / a snake / but / hold / a spider ? 3 A ever / ride / a motorbike B never / ride / a motorbike / be / in a racing car ?

3 Ułóż zdania w czasie present perfect z podanych wyrazów i wyrażeń. Wstaw wyrazy z nawiasów w odpowiednie miejsca.

1 the artist / finish a new painting (just) The artist has just finished a new painting. 2 your sister / go to art college (yet) ?3 I / eat / my lunch (already) 4 we / not see / the exhibition (yet) 5 the children / open / their presents (already) 6 the students / finish / their exam (just)

for and since

4 Uzupełnij e-mail wyrazami w nawiasach. Użyj czasów present perfect, past simple i present simple.

Hi Tess,We (1) (arrive) in Sydney last night, and we (2) (already / explore) the city. We (3) (get up) early this morning, (4) (have) breakfast in the hotel and disappeared into the streets! The weather (5) (be) lovely at the moment and the city (6) (look) really beautiful. I (7) (love) the harbour and especially the Opera House. (8) (you / ever / see) pictures of it? It looks really amazing. Tomorrow we’re going to the Opera House because my parents (9) (want) to go to a concert there. I (10) (never / hear) classical concert before, so it should be interesting! Love,Olivia

5 Uzupełnij drugie zdanie tak, aby miało to samo znaczenie, co zdanie pierwsze.

1 The concert is about to start. The concert yet. 2 I last acted in a play six years ago. I in a play for six years.3 It’s ages since I’ve been to the cinema. I to the cinema for ages. 4 The film’s already finished. The film a while ago.5 They didn’t go to the museum yesterday. They to the museum yet. 6 He’s just got home. He a few minutes ago.

6 Uzupełnij wywiad czasownikami w nawiasach. Użyj właściwej formy czasu past simple lub present perfect.

JOSH How long (1) (you/be) interested in photography?

MAX Well, I (2) (always/be) interested in photography. My parents (3) (give) me a camera for my tenth birthday. I (4) (take) a lot of photos and discovered I had a talent.

JOSH How long (5) (you/have) an exhibition at the gallery?

MAX I (6) (have) pictures here for about three months now. I (7) (set up) a website recently too, so you can see my work there.

JOSH (8) (you/ever/think) about doing something different?

MAX No, I haven’t. I love this job.

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7 Wpisz określenia czasu z ramki do odpowiednich kolumn tabeli.

I was three years old ages 18th May a long time a few minutes yesterday afternoon a week 2006 two years

for since

8 Ułóż pytania i odpowiedzi z podanych wyrazów i wyrażeń. Użyj właściwej formy czasu present perfect, wyrażenia how long oraz określeń for i since.

A you / be / a painter B I / be / a painter / about three years

A How long have you been a painter?B I’ve been a painter for about three years.

1 A you / have / the Internet B I / have / the Internet / ages ? 2 A your parents / work / in the theatre B they / work / in the theatre / they were in their

twenties ? 3 A you / want / to be an actor B I / want / to be an actor / I was a child ? 4 A Liz and Lucy / be / interested in art B they / be / interested in art / about three years ? 5 A your uncle / write / stories B he / write / stories / since / he was a young man ?

9 Ułóż pytania z użyciem podanych wyrazów i wyrażeń oraz wyrażenia how long.

1 you / have / a mobile phone ?2 your family / live / here ?3 your teacher / work / at this school ?4 you like / your favourite actor ?5 you and your friends / know / each other ?6 your favourite singer / be / a star ?

10 Napisz zgodne z prawdą odpowiedzi na pytania z ćw. 9. Użyj czasu present perfect oraz określeń for i since.

1 2 3 4 5 6

and, because, before, if, or, so, unless, while

11 Zakreśl właściwy spójnik.

1 I've never been climbing because / so I don't like heights.

2 Could you put the shopping away, while / and I make a cup of tea.

3 I'm not going to the festival because / unless I get a lift in someone's car.

4 Jess has already been to the castle before / so she knows what we can see there.

5 That artist comes from France or / unless Portugal.6 I think it's best to read the book while / before you

watch the film.7 I only go to exhibitions if / because I'm really

interested in the artist's work.8 Picasso was born in Spain and / while lived there

until he was 21.

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Funkcje i środki językowe9

1 Które wyrażenie oznacza to samo, co podkreślone wyrazy?

1 Jake loves playing the guitar, but he hasn't played since he moved house.

A the last time Jake played the guitar was before. B he stopped playing the day C he didn't play before 2 I can't paint because I'm not in the right mood. A I don't want to. B I'm not feeling creative. C I'm moody.3 I'm going to Paris next month. I've never been there

before. A I visited Paris one time in the past. B It will be my first visit. C I visit Paris regularly.4 I was listening to my MP3 player while I was painting. A and I was painting at the same time. B but before that I was painting. C then I started painting.

2 Uzupełnij zdania wyrazami zapisanymi wielkimi literami. Zachowaj znaczenie pierwszego zdania. Każdą lukę możesz uzupełnić maksymalnie trzema wyrazami, wliczając w to podany wyraz.

1 Don't worry, I made sandwiches for the picnic this morning.

ALREADY I the sandwiches for the picnic.2 I want to play the piano well, so I practice for an

hour a day. BECAUSE I practice the piano every day,

to play the piano well.3 I haven't been to the exhibition of Picasso's

paintings, but I'm going to go. YET I haven't been to the .4 I started to live in this house when I was 11. SINCE I've I was 11.

3 Popraw błędy w wytłuszczonych wyrazach.

1 Auguste Rodin was a great sculpture. 2 I'm already waiting for the taxi. It hasn't arrived yet. 3 A lot of films use special affects. 4 I've ever written a poem. 5 We can't play basketball today, so it's raining. 6 They have often wrote stories for fun.

4 Wybierz właściwe zdania w każdym dialogu: A, B lub C.

1 Have you seen the latest Star Wars film yet? A I've been to the cinema. B I've seen all of it. C Yes, I have, but I was disappointed. 2 I'm looking for a novel by Charles Dickens. A He's not here today. B It will be at the back, under Fiction. C That will be £8.99, please. 3 You should watch this video. It's really cool. A You recommend it? B I've already seen it. C What time is it on?

5 Uzupełnij tekst na temat zdjęcia. Wpisz w każdą lukę jeden wyraz, tak by tekst był spójny z ilustracją.

6 Uzupełnij zdania. Użyj wyrazów podanych w nawiasach we właściwej formie. Nie zmieniaj kolejności podanych wyrazów. Dodaj inne wyrazy tam, gdzie to konieczne.

1 The film I (watched / yesterday / be) a romantic comedy set in Edinburgh.

2 (you / find) your bag yet? I'm ready to go.

This picture shows a long (1) outside a cinema. There are a lot of people. They (2) there a long time, probably. It’s day time, but there are lights shining above the queue. At the front of the picture is a girl in a purple top and blue jeans. She’s waiting for someone. To the right of the picture is a woman in a hat. She’s checking people’s (3) .One woman has her foot on a red (4) , but nobody is walking on it.

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1 Wykreśl słowo lub wyrażenie, które nie pasuje do pozostałych. Następnie uzupełnij objaśnienia wyrazami z ramki.

team winter athletics summer extreme water martial arts

1 snowboarding skiing swimming ice skating All the others are sports. 2 cricket ice hockey fishing netball All the others are sports. 3 judo yoga karate boxing All the others are . 4 snorkelling skydiving scuba-diving surfing All the others are sports. 5 cricket ice hockey tennis rock climbing All the others are sports. 6 sprint triathlon running skateboarding All the others are events.7 jogging snowboarding sky diving kite surfing All the others are sports.

2 Uzupełnij tekst właściwymi nazwami dyscyplin sportowych.

The original Olympic Games started in Ancient Greece in 776 BC. At the first games, the only sport was (1) . The games lasted just one day and athletes ran in a (2) race.

The modern games re-started in 1896. They included traditional (3) events as well as (4) . Later, more team sports like (5) were added to the programme.

The Winter Olympics include downhill and cross-country (6) , and ice sports like (7) .

More sports are added at every Olympic Games. In Sydney in 2000 the (8) (running, cycling and swimming) was included for the first time. (9) was added to the Winter Olympics in 1998.

It takes time to become a new Olympic sport. The new water sport of (10) was too late for the 2012 Olympics. Hopefully it will be in the 2016 Games.

1 running skateboarding skiing2 martial arts sprint jogging3 athletics judo cricket4 gymnastics snorkelling and fishing and and swimming scuba-diving horse-riding5 boxing diving basketball6 kayaking skiing rollerblading7 sumo wrestling netball and ice hockey and and judo table tennis ice skating8 water polo triathlon mountain biking9 Skiing Sky diving Snowboarding 10 rollerblading yoga kite surfing


3 Zakreśl właściwą nazwę dyscypliny sportowej, tak aby powstały poprawne kolokacje.

1 My brother plays triathlon / cricket for the school team.

2 Last week I went jogging / aerobics every morning. 3 I’ve never played martial arts / hockey before. I’m

rubbish!4 I really want to go ice hockey / snowboarding this

winter. 5 How many people play netball / sprint in your

school?6 I love doing running / yoga. It’s really relaxing.

4 Uzupełnij dialogi czasownikami do, go i play.

1 DIANA Do you want to ice skating on Saturday?

KYLE Not really. I ice hockey every Friday evening. I’d rather do something different.

DIANA Oh, OK. Well, if it’s snowy we could skiing.

2 DAN Look, there are new classes at the sports centre. You can volleyball or you can martial arts there now.

GINA Let me see. Wow! You can even sumo wrestling!

DAN Yeah, I’m not so keen on that. I’d rather boxing.

GINA Oh no, that’s too violent for me. I think I’ll badminton.

3 JANE I want to mountain biking this afternoon.

PETE Have you seen the weather? It’s pouring! JANE Oh well. Do you want to table tennis,


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Sports places

5 Połącz wyrazy z kolumn A i B tak, aby utworzyć nazwy miejsc, w których uprawia się sport.

A Brace poolski rinkswimming coursetennis ringice slopeboxing coursegolf pitchfootball court

6 Uzupełnij zdania nazwami miejsc z ćw. 5.

1 In 1875 the first indoor game of ice hockey was played at an in Montreal, Canada.

2 Dad’s excited because our hotel has an 18-hole .

3 An Olympic-sized is 50 metres long and holds 2,500 cubic metres of water.

4 Ascot is a famous . It’s 300 years old. The Queen goes to watch horse racing there.

5 Two contestants compete in the . They wear gloves.

6 A is 105 metres long and 68 metres wide. It has two goals.

7 Singles or doubles can be played on a . 8 Shall we go snowboarding this weekend at the new

indoor ?

Sports events

7 Zakreśl właściwe słowo.

The X Games are an alternative sports (1) team / tournament. Unlike the Olympic (2) Games / Race, which include traditional sports, the X Games is a (3) trophy / championship for new and exciting sports. Participants compete to win bronze, silver and gold (4) medals / matches and (5) prize / cup money.

The first X Games were in 1995 in the USA. Now there are winter and summer (6) competitions / practice every year. The games are an extreme sports festival with (7) finals / races and competitions for new freestyle moves and tricks as well as music and entertainment for (8) spectators / sporting event.

8 Uzupełnij zdania właściwymi wyrazami i wyrażeniami.

1 If there is a in the of the football , then the match is decided with a penalty shoot out. (World Cup, draw, final)

2 In the , four runners make up each in the relay . (team, Olympic Games, race)

3 The winner of a often gets a around their neck, or is presented with a . (trophy, medal, sporting event)

9 Rozwiąż krzyżówkę.

ACROSS4 a group of players on the same side6 the last match to decide the winner of

a competition7 competitions held nationally (e.g. Polish) or

internationally (World)8 the metal that the winner’s medal is made of9 when there is no winner and no loser, e.g. the score

is 1–1 10 a competition to see who is the fastest 11 to do something many times to become good at it

DOWN1 a game where 22 players kick a ball2 the match before the final3 the FIFA International football competition5 a prize, often a cup, given for winning a sporting


1 2


5 4





10 11

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Talking about conditions

1 Zakreśl właściwą odpowiedź.

1 If I was a famous sports person, a I sign autographs all day. b I will sign autographs all day. c I’d sign autographs all day.2 I put on weight a if I eat unhealthy food. b if I would eat unhealthy food. c if I will eat unhealthy food. 3 If there’s sport on TV, a I would usually switch it off. b I usually switch it off. c I will usually switch if off.4 I’d be an amazing basketball player a if I was a bit taller. b If I will be a bit taller. c If I would be a bit taller.5 If it rains tomorrow, a I wouldn’t go to football training. b I won’t go to football training. c I don’t go to football training. 6 The coach will make us play a even if there would be a thunderstorm. b even if there will be a thunderstorm. c even if there’s a thunderstorm.

2 Uzupełnij zdania czasownikami w nawiasach we właściwej formie.

1 If you (train) hard, you improve your game.

2 If I (not run), I wouldn’t be fit.3 You’ll get in the team if you (do) the

trial.4 They (not let) you play if you weren’t

any good.5 He won’t score a goal if he (play)

badly.6 If you eat well, you (stay) healthy.7 She (not be) happy if she doesn’t

come first.8 I (not give up) sport if I were you.

3 Przeczytaj szybko poniższe dialogi. Który tryb warunkowy powinien być użyty w każdym z nich?

1 Conditional GIRL What sport (1) (help) me if

I (2) (want) to get fit? COACH Well, you could try jogging. You

(3) (get) fit if you (4) (go) three or four times a week.

2 ConditionalTOM What event (5) (you/do) if you

(6) (be) in the Olympics?MAX Well, if I (7) (can/do) any

sport, I (8) (play) ice hockey.

3 ConditionalBOY What usually (9) (happen)

if it (10) (rain) during the match?

TEACHER Nothing! If the weather (11) (be) bad, you (12) (finish) the game.

4 Uzupełnij luki w ćw. 3 czasownikami we właściwym trybie warunkowym.

5 Ułóż pytania z podanych wyrazów i wyrażeń. Użyj zerowego, pierwszego lub drugiego trybu warunkowego.

1 where / you / live / you / be / famous Where would you live if you were famous? 2 what / you / do / you / have / more time ?3 where / you / go / it / be / sunny / this weekend ?4 what / usually happen / you / stay up / late

/ every night ?5 how / you / celebrate / you / pass / all your exams ?

6 Napisz zgodne z prawdą odpowiedzi na pytania w ćw. 5.

1 If I were famous, I .2 3 4 5

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7 Uzupełnij drugie zdanie tak, aby miało to samo znaczenie, co zdanie pierwsze.

1 If you want to be good at sport, you have to practise every day. You won’t be good at sport every day. 2 I’m worried about the game because our star player is ill. If our star player wasn’t ill, I about the game. 3 You should be pleased that you won. If I were you, that I won.4 I get unhealthy unless I do exercise. I only get unhealthy if exercise.5 Only amazing athletes can take part in the Olympics. You can only take part in the Olympics an amazing

athlete. 6 If you don’t like the other players, you won’t be happy. You won’t be happy unless the other players.

8 Przetłumacz wyrazy i wyrażenia w języku polskim na język angielski.

1 If I didn’t enjoy tennis, I (nie grałbym/nie grałabym) it. 2 (Czy zostałbyś/zostałabyś) a professional player if

you were very good at a sport? 3 What (zrobisz) if the match is cancelled tomorrow?4 If you go rock climbing tomorrow, (będziesz musiał/musiała)

to buy some equipment.5 If there’s sport on TV, he (ogląda go) for hours. 6 I’d join a gym (gdybym był/była tobą) .

Gerunds and infinitives

9 Wpisz wyrazy z ramki we właściwych kolumnach tabeli. Niektóre wyrazy pasują do obydwu kolumn.

agree can't stand enjoy manage miss need plan promise refuse suggest want

Followed by -ing Followed by to infinitive

10 Uzupełnij zdania podanymi czasownikami w formie z -ing lub bezokolicznika.

1 I enjoy (be) with other people.2 I’d like (do) more sport.3 I can’t wait (finish) my exams.4 I’m pretty good at (play) basketball.5 I need (practise) every day.6 I can’t stand (watch) sport on TV.7 I refuse (stay) in the house when there’s a big match on.8 I’m thinking about (go) to dance classes.9 (climb) is a very exciting sport. 10 It’s very healthy (do) exercise outdoors.

11 Uzupełnij tekst czasownikami w nawiasach. Użyj formy bezokolicznikowej lub formy z końcówką -ing.

I can’t stand (1) (play) team games like football and basketball. I even refuse (2) (watch) them on TV. But (3) (race) is completely different. For some reason, I’ve always been interested in (4) (go) to race tracks and I particularly like motorbike racing. My favourite rider is Valentino Rossi. He was so good at (5) (ride) when he was young that he won seven World Championships by the time he was 26. I’d like (6) (try) racing myself one day. I’m already having lessons. I definitely want (7) (buy) a motorbike one day and it is sensible (8) (learn) how to ride properly first.

12 Dokończ zdania tak, aby były zgodne z prawdą. Przypomnij sobie odpowiednie czasowniki i zastosuj formę z końcówką -ing lub bezokolicznik.

I enjoy …/I’m thinking about …/ I can’t stand …/I’m good at …/ I’m bad at …/I’m interested in …/It is sensible …/frequently …/ is good for people at any age

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Funkcje i środki językowe10

1 Uzupełnij dialog.



2 Przetłumacz fragmenty zdań w nawiasach na język angielski.

1 I (nie uprawiałbym) an extreme sport. I don’t like doing anything dangerous.

2 You (nie potrzebujesz) any special equipment, but goggles are useful.

3 If you play a lot of tennis, your game (się poprawi) .

4 Our team (byłby) better if we trained harder.

3 Uzupełnij zdania 1–5. Użyj wyrazów podanych w nawiasach we właściwej formie. Nie zmieniaj kolejności podanych wyrazów. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie trzy wyrazy.

1 Tim likes (go / to) the gym in the afternoon.

2 I thought (about / take part) an athletics tournament next weekend.

3 We wanted (have / pasta) for dinner.

4 Hana has just (finish / do) his homework.

5 They have (stop / play) football this season.

4 Uzupełnij luki w artykule wyrazami z ramki.

A scoring B lost C according to D won E said F score

5 Uzupełnij dialog czasownikami z ramki.

A: I’m going swimming this afternoon. (come) ?

B: I'd like to, but have to go to town with my mum. If I can, I (meet) there.

A: Great! Send me a text if you’re coming.B: What time are you going?A: I (plan) be there at 3 p.m.

football boots?

They’re really great! Where did you get them?

Excuse me,

Sure, it’s quarter to four.

A losing run for Greenhill Secondary

Greenhill’s Under 17 football team (1) against Oakchester Academy last Saturday. Greenhill seemed to be the better team for most of the match as they tried hard to (2) . Sadly, they were without success. Unfortunately, Greenhill’s team has lost its last five matches and still haven’t won more than two matches all season. (3) their coach, if they don’t improve soon they won’t qualify for the All Schools Tournament at the end of the year.

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NHSFlu can be a very unpleasant (1) , which can last from a week to ten days. (2) include a high (3) (fever), (4) hot and cold, severe muscle (5) and a headache. You may also have other cold symptoms such as a bad (6) , a (7) throat and a (8) nose. Flu is passed from person to person by coughing and (9) . If you have flu symptoms, get plenty of rest, drink lots of liquids and go to see your (10) .

Illnesses and symptoms

1 Uzupełnij tekst wyrazami z ramki.

sneezing blocked doctor sore cough illness symptoms pain feeling temperature

2 Zakreśl właściwe słowo.

ED Mum, I (1) feel / feeling terrible. MUM Do you? What’s wrong?ED I’ve got a really (2) painful / pain headache. MUM You look (3) tired / tiring. You should go to bed. ED I think I’ve got flu. I feel really (4) illness / ill. MUM Hmm. You look pretty (5) health / healthy to me. ED I’ve got a sore throat, too. I think I should be

(6) sick / off sick tomorrow. I don’t want to pass it on.

MUM Maybe you’ve got an (7) allergy / allergic.ED Yes, maybe. It’s really serious. MUM I agree. You’re seriously (8) allergic / allergy to

maths tests. And you’re a very bad actor. ED Oh Mum!

3 Uzupełnij opisy przykładami z ramki.

heart attack cancer deaf sprained ankle hay fever obesity

1 An example of an injury is a . 2 An example of a serious disease is . 3 An example of an allergy is . 4 An example of a modern epidemic is . 5 An example of a disability is being . 6 An example of an emergency is a .


4 Zakreśl właściwą odpowiedź.

1 To cut down on something means to do it … a) more. b) less. c) always.2 Being quiet and thinking deeply to calm down is

called … a) nutrition. b) meditation. c) well-being.3 A can help with tense, painful muscles. a) diet b) music c) massage 4 The ability to make yourself do something difficult

or unpleasant is … a) health spa. b) meditation. c) self-discipline.5 The things you normally eat and drink are your … a) health. b) vitamin. c) diet.

5 Uzupełnij wpis na blogu właściwymi wyrazami.

What do you do when you feel ill? Maybe you go to see the (1) . Maybe you (2) an aspirin and go to bed early. That’s fine and I hope you (3) better soon! However, think about this question: what do you do when you feel well? There are lots of things you can do to stay healthy.

Think about your diet. (4) is really important for physical (5) . Eat healthy food and make sure you get all the (6) your body needs. With a little self-discipline you can cut (7) on things like sugar and coffee.

Feeling good is about more than just your body, though. If you are tense and (8) you are more likely to get ill. You could try a massage or other relaxation (9) like quiet music or (10) to help you calm down. But you don’t have to join an expensive (11) – sometimes just going for a (12) can be the best way to relax! Are you feeling OK? Improve your habits and feel great!

1 doctor addict asthma2 make take do 3 feeling healthy feel4 Nutrition Bacteria Overweight 5 healthy sick well-being6 relax vitamins diet 7 up out down8 relaxed calm stressed9 discipline techniques energetic 10 fit practice meditation 11 healthy health spa health 12 walk yoga nutrition

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Didn’t go to school today because I’ve got a bad cough. Mum

says if I’m not better tomorrow she will make me an

(1) appointment / antibiotics at the (2) burn / doctor’s

surgery. I watched TV and stayed in bed most of the day.


Feel worse today. Mum says I have a (3) fever / hospital.

Tomorrow I am going to see my (4) GP / treatment.


Went to the (5) clinic / fever today. In the waiting room I saw

Steve – he was there to see a (6) specialist / prescribe about

his (7) hospital / twisted ankle.My doctor said he would (8) prescribe / treatment me some

(9) patient / antibiotics to treat my cough.


Spoke to Steve on the phone today. He said he’s feeling

better. The specialist gave him some (10) drugs / fever for the



I’m feeling much (11) ill / better today. Steve and I are planning

to go sledging as soon as it snows – hopefully we’ll both be

better by then!

Accidents and treatments

6 Dopasuj wyrazy do ich definicji. Następnie uzupełnij przykładowe zdania.

health service health check family history surgery waiting list doctor’s surgery

1 a list of people who are waiting to have a medical treatment

Uncle Jim needs to have an operation, but the is really long.

2 the public service that provides medical care In Britain, the National is free for patients to

use.3 people from several generations of a family having

the same illness Mum has to be careful not to eat a lot of salt

because we have a of heart disease. 4 another word for an operation Jack had to have on his knee after the

accident.5 the office where you go to see your doctor I went to the this morning, but the waiting

room was full, so I’m going to go back tomorrow. 6 a visit to your doctor to make sure you are healthy I’m going for a on Monday to have some

tests for allergies.

7 Zakreśl właściwy wyraz.

8 Wykreśl słowo, które nie pasuje do pozostałych. Następnie uzupełnij objaśnienie wyrazem z ramki.

injuries treatments places actions people

1 clinic doctor’s surgery appointment hospital All the others are .2 fever antibiotics drugs paracetamol All the others are . 3 concussion antibiotics scald twisted ankle All the others are . 4 surgeon drugs general practitioner specialist All the others are . 5 treat prescribe specialist operate All the others are .

Emergency services

9 Uzupełnij tekst właściwymi wyrazami.

A medical emergency is a situation where people are (1) , or their lives are in danger. For example, after a car (2) .

In the UK, the number to call for the (3) is 999. The telephone operators will ask questions about the (4) and give (5) . They will send an (6) to the scene as quickly as possible. Trained paramedics will give patients (7) at the scene and transport them to the nearest hospital with an (8) .

1 clinic injured well2 burn ambulance crash 3 family history specialist emergency services4 accident waiting list surgery5 paracetamol appointment advice6 antibiotics operation ambulance7 first aid bandage X-ray8 health service A&E department specialist

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Talking about the past (2)

1 Zakreśl właściwą formę.

1 I studied / was studying maths when I started to feel ill.

2 While Josh was at the dentist’s, he fell off his chair and broke / breaking his arm.

3 The receptionist talk / was talking to a patient when a group of injured footballers came in.

4 While I was waiting to see the doctor, I read / was reading six magazines.

5 When I saw the long queue in the waiting room, I suddenly felt / was feeling much better!

6 As I ran / was running to school, I tripped and hurt my ankle.

7 We walked / were walking in the rain when the car splashed us.

8 I came / was coming out of the house just as he appeared.

2 Połącz części zdań tak, aby powstały logiczne zdania.

1 I was chopping vegetables2 I tripped over somebody’s bag 3 Just as we were sitting down to lunch,4 When we arrived at the beach, 5 I bought some bargains

a while I was shopping in town.b it was raining. c our neighbour knocked on the door. d when I cut myself. e just as I was walking to my seat.

3 Ułóż poprawne zdania z podanych wyrazów.

1 text sent I While waiting five was I messages 2 an home I when saw walking was I accident 3 having lunch when I mobile my was rang 4 were football We playing to began rain it when 5 their when arrived I They doing homework were 6 was She when came he in talking 7 Henry home watching when his was parents TV

came 8 down dad driving when My the was car broke

4 Uzupełnij tekst czasownikami w nawiasach w formie past simple lub past continuous.

I (1) (cycle) to the park the other day when I saw a boy from my school. He (2) ( jog) past me just as I was going into the park. Unfortunately, as I (3) (look) at him, I cycled into a tree. I (4) (scream) and fell off my bike. While I (5) (lie) on the ground, the boy came over to me. He (6) (hold) out his hand and helped me up. While he (7) (help) me, he asked me my name. I told him and then, as we (8) (walk) back together, we (9) (arrange) to meet the next day. We’ve been together ever since! It (10) (be) a very lucky accident.

5 Ułóż pytania z podanych wyrazów i wyrażeń. Użyj czasu past continuous.

1 what / you / do / at seven o’clock this morning What were you doing at seven o’clock this morning? 2 what / you / wear / this time yesterday ?3 you / sleep / three hours ago ?4 what / you / do / at midnight last night ?5 your best friend / study / five minutes ago ?6 it / rain / early this morning ?7 what / you / study / earlier today ?8 you / speak / English / an hour ago ?

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6 Napisz zgodne z prawdą odpowiedzi na pytania z ćw. 5. Użyj czasu past continuous.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

7 Przetłumacz wyrazy i wyrażenia w języku polskim na język angielski.

1 The children were playing in the garden when (zaczęło) to rain.

2 Max (uczył się) when he fell asleep. 3 (W chwili, gdy wychodziła z) the

house, there was a clap of thunder. 4 While the band was playing, (zdecydowałem)

to go home. 5 They (czuli pragnienie), so they

bought a drink. 6 I had a headache, so I (wziąłem) an

aspirin. 7 The students were working hard when the teacher

(wszedł) into the room.8 I (szedłem) to the bus stop when

three buses went past me.

Giving advice: should, shouldn’t, ought to, ought not to

8 Zakreśl właściwą formę.

1 You should / shouldn’t never put your hands in your eyes or your mouth without washing them first.

2 You ought / should try to relax more because stress can make you ill.

3 Everybody should / ought to eat a healthy diet.4 If you’re feeling ill, you really shouldn’t / ought not to

go out.5 If you need to talk to a doctor outside those hours,

you should / ought call the emergency number. 6 If you have an accident, you ought to / ought not to

go to the accident and emergency department.7 Remember you should / shouldn’t call or visit unless

you think it is an emergency. Thank you.8 You should / ought always listen to the doctor’s


9 Uzupełnij każdą lukę jednym wyrazem.

10 Uzupełnij zdania wyrazami i wyrażeniami z ramki.

beware careful close hold pass not drop not run

1 of the dog! It bites.2 Please the door after you. 3 near the swimming pool.4 me the butter, please. 5 ! You almost ran into me.6 This plate is hot. it!7 on! Wait for me.

11 Uzupełnij dialogi.

1 A Aaargh! I've scalded my hand. B on it immediately!2 A Jess has given himself an electric shock! B Quick electricity and see if

he's OK.

Q I feel tired all the time. What should I do?

A Oh dear! You’re only a teenager and you feel tired all the time? Do you go to bed late every night? If the answer’s yes, you (1) go to bed earlier. Really, you (2) to be in bed before ten at least five nights a week! Teenagers are growing. They need their sleep. Also, you (3) eat junk food. Eating rubbish makes you feel rubbish! So, you (4) eat five portions of fruit and vegetables every day. In fact, you (5) to eat more than that. You definitely (6) eat hamburgers and chips every day and you (7) not to have too many fizzy drinks, either. You (8) look after yourself better and then you’ll feel better.

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Funkcje i środki językowe11

1 Uzupełnij zdania wyrazami zapisanymi wielkimi literami. Zachowaj znaczenie pierwszego zdania.

1 Sally was riding her bike in the park when she fell off.

WHILE Sally had an accident with her bike

in the park.2 I was opening the door to leave, when the post

arrived. JUST was leaving, the post arrived.3 I couldn’t understand what was happening. GOING I didn’t know what .

2 Przeczytaj tekst. Uzupełnij każdą lukę (1–5) jednym z podanych wyrazów: A, B lub C.

3 Przeczytaj opisy sytuacji. Wybierz właściwą reakcję: A, B lub C.

1 Twój kolega kroi warzywa ostrym nożem, nie zachowując należytej uwagi. Co powiesz?

A Take care of the vegetables. B You’re going to cut yourself. C You can scald yourself like that.2 Twoja koleżanka niedawno była chora. Jak zapytasz

ją o jej samopoczucie? A How are you going? B What do you feel like now? C Are you feeling better?3 Starasz się zorganizować wyjście do kina.

Przekazałeś/Przekazałaś kolegom i koleżankom listę filmów, które wyświetlane są w kinach w waszej miejscowości. Chcesz poprosić o ich opinię. Jak to zrobisz?

A Let me know what you think? B What’s your choice? C How do you feel about going to the cinema?

4 Uzupełnij zdania. Użyj wyrazów podanych w nawiasach we właściwej formie.

1 I (search) my symptoms on-line yesterday evening, when I noticed an advert for sports equipment.

2 My little sister was (talk) me, when we heard a loud noise.

3 I think I (break) my arm. It really hurts.

5 Które wyrażenie oznacza to samo, co podkreślone wyrazy?

1 My sister came in my bedroom, just as I was falling asleep.

A while I was sleeping B I hadn’t yet fallen asleep C when I was going to sleep.2 If you’ve got a headache, you ought to drink some

water and lie down. A it’s a good idea to drink some water and lie

down. B you shouldn’t drink any water and lie down. C could try drinking some water and lying down.3 I was crossing the road when a lorry came out of

nowhere. A there were no lorries on the road. B a lorry turned the corner. C I saw a lorry very near me.

1 A exercised B exercise C exercising2 A good B healthy C well3 A hard B difficult C strong 4 A to train B train C training5 A small B little C a little

What sort of exercise do you do and how often do you do it? Well according to scientists if you are (1) to have a (2) heart you should do some exercise five days a week. The best type of exercise includes running, cycling or dancing. If you exercise (3) you can reduce this to three days a week. If you want to increase your strength you should (4) two or three times a week and you shouldn’t exercise on two days together. What sort of exercise is best? Well, lifting weights is good, or working on machines. But remember even (5) exercise is better than none.

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Nauka i technikaSłownictwo



Modern inventions

1 Znajdź i zakreśl osiem nazw wynalazków, a następnie uzupełnij zdania.

a s d f c g d h j h k mm n b v h c y x z e a ih o o v e r n i o l p cu y t r w e a w q i z rq a z w i s m x e c d oc r f v n t i g b o y wh n u j g m t i k p o ap l n b g v e c x t z vc o m p u t e r l e k ej h g f m d s a q r w sl i g h t b u l b r t yu i o p i n t e r n e t

1 People chewed plants for thousands of years but the first modern was sold in the 1860s.

2 Leonardo Da Vinci drew plans for a in the 1480s. The first modern flight was in the 1930s.

3 The heating power of was discovered in 1945. The ovens became popular in the 1950s in America.

4 was invented by Alfred Nobel in 1867. It allowed people to make controlled explosions.

5 The word started as a brand name, but people use it to mean any kind of vacuum cleaner.

6 The small personal or PC that we recognize today was developed in the 1960s.

7 The was invented in the 19th century. It replaced gas and oil lamps for lighting homes.

8 The was developed in the 1960s and 1970s but now millions of people use it every day.

2 Uzupełnij dialog wyrazami z ramki. Użyj informacji z ćw. 1.

light bulb dynamite TV computers Internet inventions

ANIA I have to do a project about modern (1) for homework. What shall I write about?

MUM What about the (2) ? Everyone has one, and we all watch it every night.

ANIA I don’t know. I want something more original.MUM OK, the electric (3) . No-one else will

write about that.ANIA Mum! That’s because it’s boring. And it’s from

the 19th century. No-one was using candles even when I was born …

MUM What about (4) ? That’s exciting. ANIA It’s not very modern either, though. It was

invented in 1867!MUM Oh, you’re right. Well how about (5) ?

They’re modern. And they’re very important to society today.

ANIA Hmm … Maybe. They were developed in the 1960s. At least that’s in the 20th century!

MUM I know! Write about the (6) . That’s changed the way we do things in just the last ten years.

ANIA Great! Good idea. I’ll just go and google it …


3 Dopasuj wyrazy z ramki do definicji.

icon mat joystick DVD/CD writer wired mega computer game website portable press

1 equipped with wires or computer network connections

2 a symbol or simple picture 3 can be carried easily 4 controller for computer games 5 surface designed for using a mouse 6 what you do to a button 7 a place on the Internet 8 equipment for writing DVDs and CDs 9 fun program for a PC or games console 10 a term used to describe disk size

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Many of the materials and substances we use come out of the ground. (1) Minerals / Leather are solid chemical substances with a crystal structure, and include rock (2) salt / wood which we use in cooking, (3) diamonds / wool and other types of (4) fabric / gemstones used in jewellery.We traditionally used (5) coal / denim for heating and power generation. Although it looks very different from diamonds, it is made from the same element: (6) concrete / carbon!

4 Uzupełnij właściwymi wyrazami zdania z podręcznika obsługi komputera.

1 To the computer program, put the CD or into the . (install, DVD, CD drive)

2 With the mouse, move the pointer and on the ‘save’ – that’s the that looks like a disk. (icon, click, symbol)

3 Enter the of the person you want to the to. (email, send, email address)

4 If the computer does not respond, the computer, then the computer again. (turn on, turn off)

5 To the so that you can use it again, select ‘save’, type the name of the file, and the ‘enter’ . (press, button, save, document)

5 Uzupełnij dialog właściwymi wyrazami.

USER 1 Hi, my (1) isn’t working.HELPDESK Could you explain what you see?USER 1 My (2) is blank.HELPDESK Did you (3) the computer?

USER 2 Hi, I want to (4) an email to my friend, but I can’t remember their email address.

HELPDESK In your email, open your (5) – can you see the name of your friend in the list?

USER 2 Yes I can!HELPDESK From the list (6) the person you

want to send the email to.

USER 3 Hi, I have a photograph I want to (7) onto my (8) and put onto a (9) on the Internet.

HELPDESK Do you have a (10) ?USER 3 No.HELPDESK Sorry – I can’t help you!

1 press send PC 2 joystick monitor click3 turn off website turn on4 DVD reader document send5 laptop monitor contacts list6 icon select website7 button monitor scan8 joystick laptop press9 website mouse save 10 install scanner contacts list

Materials and substances

6 Zakreśl właściwe słowo.

7 Uzupełnij tekst właściwymi wyrazami.

Other materials we use, we farm or grow. Many (1) we use in clothing and furniture come from plants or animals. (2) is a fluffy fibre grown on plants and used to make T-shirts, table cloths and (3) jeans. From sheep we get (4) to make jumpers, and from cows we get (5) for our shoes, hats and jackets.

From trees we get the materials to make (6) buildings, furniture and boats. Processing wood gives us (7) for writing on, and (8) for boxes and packaging. (9) also comes from trees – we use it to make car tyres and even chewing gum!

1 fabrics paper sand2 metal rubber cotton3 concrete denim china4 wool stone wood5 gemstone leather plastic6 wooden glass salt7 wool paper coal8 rubber denim cardboard9 concrete rubber diamonds

8 Uzupełnij zdania wyrazami z ramki.

leather denim sand paper carbon wooden diamond cardboard

1 We’ve just got solar panels to try to reduce our footprint.

2 Beaches are made of , and so is glass!3 My dad went to Texas and brought me back some

cowboy boots!4 At the picnic we had plates and cups.5 Once a week we take our boxes to the

recycling centre. 6 A is very tough and can be used for cutting

glass.7 For my birthday I want a new pair of jeans.8 My uncle has an old sailing boat.

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B Don’t worry. The bill (6) (already / pay). It’s a birthday treat from my parents.

A This restaurant looks expensive! I imagine we (5) (charge) a lot of money in here!

Talking about inventions

1 Podkreśl czasowniki. Czy użyto ich w stronie biernej (passive – P) czy czynnej (active – A)?

They grow coffee beans in Brazil. A Lunch has been made. P

1 He paints pictures of the countryside.2 These photographs were taken last summer. 3 You’ll be sent an email tomorrow. 4 She gave me a CD for my birthday. 5 Lots of different things are sold in supermarkets. 6 The film was made in England. 7 It will probably rain next week.8 Sam’s been offered a holiday job.

2 Zakreśl właściwą formę.

1 Personal computers didn’t sell / weren’t sold to ordinary people until the 1970s.

2 Millions of text messages send / are sent every day.3 They make / are made these clothes in China. 4 A cure for major diseases will discover /

will be discovered one day.5 He speaks / is spoken three languages. 6 Toy Story 3 first showed / was first shown at the

cinemas in 2010.7 Where’s my mobile phone? I think it has stolen / has

been stolen!8 He gave / was given her some flowers for her


3 Połącz zdania.

1 Our teacher is ill. 2 Please sit down in the waiting room.3 The school looks new.4 The match is cancelled.5 He’s broken his leg.6 It’s a good picture. 7 Your watch is nice. 8 I can’t find my car.

a He’s been given an X-ray.b You’ll be seen by a doctor soon.c Thanks. It was made in Japan. d It was only built a year ago.e One of the players has been injured.f The lesson has been cancelled.g It’s been stolen.h It was painted by one of our students.

4 Uzupełnij zdania czasownikami w nawiasach. Zastosuj formę strony biernej.

1 Hundreds of books (publish) every year.

2 Robot teachers (invent) one day. 3 Mobile phones (sell) everywhere. 4 My brother (give) a laptop for his

birthday. 5 I (tell) not to talk during the exam. 6 A new sports centre ( just/build) in

the city centre.7 I (send) thirty text messages already

today.8 My sister (offer) a place at university


5 Uzupełnij dialogi. Zastosuj czasowniki w nawiasach w formie strony biernej lub czynnej.

1 A John (1) (write) another book. B He’s so clever. One day, I’m sure he

(2) (be) given something like the Nobel Prize for Literature!

2 A Robbie had an accident on his bike. He (3) (take) to hospital.

B I’ll phone my brother. He (4) ( just / get) a job in the accident and emergency department.


4 A That’s a nice pair of shoes. B Thanks. They (7) (make) in Italy. A What about your dress? B It (8) (make) in France. 5 A It’s my 18th birthday next week. B Fantastic! I predict you (9) (give)

lots of presents and (10) (take) out to amazing places.

A Let’s hope so!

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6 Ułóż z podanych wyrazów i wyrażeń pytania w stronie biernej.

1 where / kangaroos / usually find Where are kangaroos usually found?2 where / olives / usually grow ?3 when / mobile phones / first sell ?4 where / elephants / use for transport ?5 who / fireworks / invent by ?6 where / astronauts / send / next ?7 what / recently / build / in East London ?8 who / crown / the next King of England ?

7 Połącz pytania z ćw. 6 z poniższymi odpowiedziami. Napisz pełne zdania w stronie biernej.

an Olympic stadium in hot countries like Italy and Greece either Prince Charles or Prince William in Australia the Chinese in the 1970s in parts of Africa and Asia probably to Mars

1 Kangaroos are usually found in Australia.2 3 4 5 6 7 8

8 Uzupełnij tekst czasownikami w nawiasach. Użyj strony biernej lub czynnej.

Social Networking sitesIn 2004, one of the first big social networking sites (1) (create) by students at Harvard University. It (2) (call) Facebook. At first, the site (3) (be) for students at Harvard only. But then, they (4) (open) it up for students at other colleges. Eventually, anybody over the age of 13 could (5) (have) an account on Facebook.

Today, other social networking sites (6) (create). However, Facebook is still the most popular. Over the years it (7) (grow) bigger and bigger, and today it (8) (use) by more than 500 million people around the world.

9 Przetłumacz wyrażenia w języku polskim na język angielski.

1 The Da Vinci Code (został napisany przez) Dan Brown.

2 Pandas (można znaleźć) in China.

3 More Roman ruins (zostało ostatnio odkrytych) in Italy.

4 Students (będą odesłani) home if they are ill.

5 This T-shirt (jest produkowana) in England.

6 The Wawel Royal Castle and the Sandomierz Royal Castle (zostały zaprojektowane przez) Benedykt.

Phrasal verbs

10 Popraw błędy w wytłuszczonych wyrażeniach.

1 The scientists were looking to chimpanzees, but they didn’t find any.

2 What time does the plane take up? 3 Can you look on ‘mould’ in the dictionary, please. 4 Don’t give down, we’ve only got another 1 km to

run. 5 ‘Why have we stopped?’ ‘I think the engine has

broken out.’ 6 Could you take from the rubbish please. The bin is

in the garden.

11 Uzupełnij każdy dialog właściwym wyrażeniem: A, B lub C.

1 A: This computer doesn’t work. B: A Is it switched on?

B Does it need switching off? C That’s odd. I switched on it earlier.

2 A: Where are you going? B: I’ve left my bag in the class. A I’ll catch on with you.

B I’ll catch you up. C I’ll catch to you.

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Funkcje i środki językowe12

1 Uzupełnij dialogi. W każdą lukę wpisz właściwe wyrażenie, tak by otrzymać spójny i logiczny tekst. 1 A: First of all, click on the type of music you want to

listen to.B: A: Do you like hip hop or rock? B: OK. What do I do next? C: I usually use headphones.2 A: Can you tell me how to log on to this computer?B: A: Sure, have you turned it on? B: It’s been closed. C: I use the mouse. 3 A: Do you know what project you are going to do?B: A: Then, I’m doing a poster. B: No, I can’t think of anything. C: I’ll do it at home.

2 Popraw błędy w wytłuszczonych wyrazach.

1 Penicillin was designed by Alexander Fleming. 2 The first paper made in China. 3 Houses have made of stone for thousands of years. 4 A lot of motorway bridges are made of plastic. 5 Do you ever steam movies? 6 My brother wasn’t log off from the computer.

3 Przeczytaj opis zdjęcia. Uzupełnij każdą lukę jednym wyrazem.

4 Dopasuj wyrażenia do właściwych kategorii.

How about … ?I haven’t really got any ideas.We’re pleased to announce …Tell me what you think.I can’t think of anything.Attention!

1 Making an announcement. 2 Expressing uncertainty. 3 Asking for opinions.

5 Uzupełnij dialogi.


2 What from?

It’s 100% wool.

heat this soup?

Just put it in the microwave and turn it on for four minutes.

This photograph (1) in a café in London. It shows three women reading different things. In the front of the picture is a woman looking at a laptop. She is sitting by (2) and she’s wearing jeans and a black T-shirt. She might be doing some work or (3) the Internet. (4) her are other customers. The woman to the right is reading a newspaper. There are also some people chatting in the top right corner.

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Świat przyrodySłownictwo




Geographical features

1 Zakreśl właściwe słowo.

1 The Arctic region / village is the area north of the Earth / Arctic Circle.

2 Ponds / Glaciers are ancient rivers of ice. They can be found at high altitude / sea level on every continent in the world except Australia.

3 An ice shelf / sea bed is a thick floating cliff of ice that forms when waters runs off a glacier into the town / ocean.

4 A desert island / national park is a place that is reserved for the protection of nature / people.

5 A cave / desert island is small piece of land / cliff in the ocean that doesn’t have any people on it.

2 Uzupełnij tekst właściwymi wyrazami.

Australia is a (1) , an (2) and a continent. Its biggest and most famous (3) is Sydney, but the capital is Canberra.

Australia is made up of extreme and varied (4) . It has nearly 36,000 kilometres of (5) , with the sandy (6) and rolling (7) that have made surfing a national pastime. The biggest (8) in the world, the Great Barrier Reef, is in the ocean off its north-east coast. Most of the centre of the country is (9) where the famous Ayers (10) or Uluru stands out in the flat red (11) and attracts thousands of visitors every year.

1 town country land2 island Earth ocean3 village town city4 region countryside national5 sea level hillside coastline6 glacier beaches ponds7 rock mainland waves8 ice shelf coral reef Arctic circle9 desert sea cave 10 Rock Pond World 11 mountain landscape nature

The weather

3 Wykreśl słowo, które nie pasuje do pozostałych.

1 storm blizzard thermometer hurricane2 fire ice snow hail3 climate winter summer spring4 thundery snowy foggy sunshine5 drought rain snow hail

4 Uzupełnij treść prognozy pogody wyrazami z ramki.

blizzard weather icy wind sunshine season snow thermometer rain cloud

Good morning, and welcome to the (1) forecast. It’s looking like a cold day across Europe today, with a strong (2) blowing from the north. Temperatures are about average for the (3) .

The UK is the warmest today, with the (4) showing about 3oC in London. It’s a grey day with a lot of (5) and there will be some (6) later, so remember your umbrella.

After the (7) that fell in France and Belgium last night, there’s some bright (8) today on the continent. Be careful tonight though, because it’s going to get colder, and the roads will be (9) .

And here’s a weather warning for tomorrow. The wind will bring a lot of snow down from the Arctic, and there may be a (10) in Poland in the afternoon. Wrap up warm and be careful!


5 Zakreśl właściwą odpowiedź.

1 Which of these is not a land animal? a) wolf b) reindeer c) jellyfish2 Which of these is not an insect? a) cockroach b) mosquito c) worm3 Which of these is not a mammal? a) dolphin b) whale c) shark4 Which of these is not a domestic animal? a) sheep b) cat c) flamingo5 Which of these is not a sea animal? a) iguana b) octopus c) starfish6 Which of these is not a bird? a) kiwi b) dinosaur c) ostrich

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1 DogsMany people choose to get a (a) , but millions of

rescue dogs are adopted every year.

2 (b) More independent than dogs, this is a popular choice for

people who live in the city.

3 FishWhether you choose a simple (c) or go for a fancy

tropical aquarium, these are calm, quiet pets.

4 BirdsThis is a popular choice for old people. Many people choose

small birds, but larger ones like (d) are also popular.

5 (e) This is a popular pet for young children. Get a wheel or a ball

so that your pet can exercise.

6 (f) This can be an expensive pet, and needs a lot of space

outside. Many people keep them for riding.

7 (g) There are many different kinds, from small 90 cm pythons up

to 8 m anacondas.

8 (h) A slow, peaceful pet popular with families. They can live up

to 40 years.

9 (i) Intelligent and curious, they like to live in groups. Popular

with teenagers.

10 LizardsAll (j) need warm temperatures and special care.

(k) are a popular choice.

Today was Action for the Environment Day in my town. We decided to clean up the local park. It was a mess! People have (1) litter everywhere and the swings in the kids play area have (2) down. There were deer and other animals there when I was young, but someone (3) the fences and they all (4) away.

A big group of people from my neighbourhood came and we all helped out. My dad worked with a team to (5) the swings and the rest of the play area. I was on litter duty. We (6) 20 big bags of litter. Then we (7) out any glass or metal for recycling.

The park looks amazing now! We can’t (8) all the problems in the world, but when we work together, we can make a real difference! And maybe we can (9) the younger generation to take better care of their environment.


6 Uzupełnij tabelkę wyrazami z ramki.

snakes tortoises parrots iguanas cats reptiles puppy horses goldfish hamsters rats

Natural disasters

7 Zakreśl właściwe słowo.

When a volcano (1) erupts / eruption, it throws hot rocks and lava out of the top of the volcano. A cloud of (2) ash / mud forms in the sky. The (3) avalanche / lava flows down the slopes of the volcano. It is so hot that it (4) rescues / destroys everything it touches. Lava can also leave things burning, and start (5) tornadoes / forest fires which spread in the region of the (6) eruption / erupt.

Volcanoes can (7) erupt / shake on land or under water. An eruption under the sea can cause a huge (8) drought / wave called a (9) hurricane / tsunami.A volcanic eruption is a (10) national / natural disaster that can (11) ruin / save hundreds of lives, but luckily, scientists can usually predict if a volcano is going to erupt and they have the time to (12) rescue / shake the people who live near it.

Looking after the environment

8 Uzupełnij blog właściwymi formami czasowników z ramki.

influence drop solve fall sort damage collect run rebuild

9 Zakreśl właściwe słowo.

1 Huge areas of the rainforest in Brazil are produced / destroyed every year.

2 Scientists estimate / protect that there are only about 3,500 tigers left in the world.

3 The Indian government has promised to expand / reduce the areas reserved for tigers.

4 We must take action about climate change or the polar bears won’t survive / ruin.

5 My uncle works for a charity that rescues / survives chimpanzees.

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THERE ARE many women (1) work with wildlife has been very important. One of these is TV presenter, Charlotte Uhlenbroek. Charlotte’s father was a nature specialist (2) took his family around the world with him. From the age of five until she was fourteen Charlotte lived in Nepal, (3) she developed her love of animals. She did Zoology and Psychology at university and then spent four years in the forests of Tanzania, (4) she studied chimpanzees.

Charlotte’s TV career started (5) she presented a programme about chimps for the BBC. She went on to present more programmes from different parts of the world. She had one frightening moment (6) she was chased by killer bees in an African jungle. She isn’t too keen on crocodiles either! As well as her TV work, Charlotte has written books (7) include Talking with Animals, Jungle and Animal Life. She’s also a member of various organizations (8) support animal welfare.

Giving essential information

1 Podkreśl zaimki względne. Które z nich można pominąć?

1 A wallaby is an animal which looks like a kangaroo. 2 London is the city where I met my best friend. 3 This is the book that I told you about. 4 She’s the girl who lives next door. 5 Ingmar’s the girl who I met last year. 6 She’s the one whose dad works in Africa. 7 2009 is the year when it snowed a lot.8 New Zealand is a country where many tourists go.

2 Zakreśl właściwą formę.

1 He’s the man works at the wildlife park. a) which b) who c) where 2 That’s the place they look after sick animals. a) which b) where c) that 3 2010 is the year I visited friends in Poland. a) when b) which c) who 4 She’s the girl mother teaches geography. a) who b) that c) whose 5 Here’s the DVD I told you about. a) where b) which c) who 6 There’s the boy joined our class this term. a) that b) whose c) which

3 Uzupełnij tekst zaimkami względnymi: who, whose, which, where i when.

4 Połącz zdania, używając who, which, whose, where i when.

1 The World Wide Fund for Nature is an organization. It supports animal conservation.

The World Wide Fund for Nature is an organization which supports animal conservation.

2 Dr Laurie Marker is a scientist. She works for the Cheetah Conservation Fund.

3 A meerkat is an animal. It can be found in the

desert. 4 Helen Freeman is a woman. Her conservation work

has really helped snow leopards. 5 Africa is the only continent. You can find mountain

gorillas. 6 2008 is the year. My brother worked as a volunteer

in Zambia.

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5 Ułóż zdania opisujące ludzi, miejsca i daty. Użyj podanych wyrazów i wyrażeń oraz właściwych zaimków względnych: who, whose, which, where i when.

1 the Amazon / river / runs through / Brazil The Amazon is a river which runs through Brazil.2 Edmund Hillary / an explorer / climbed / Mount

Everest 3 Antarctica / place / only scientists / live 4 Niagara Falls / a waterfall / crosses / the border of

the US and Canada 5 a desert / an area / very little / grows 6 a valley / a geographical feature / lies / between

two mountains 7 1961 / the year / the WWF / was founded

6 Opisz poniższe rzeczy, daty, ludzi i miejsca, jak w przykładzie.

1 Sopot / a place Sopot is a place which is very popular with tourists. 2 bigos / a dish 3 Jerzy Dudek / a footballer 4 1410 / the year 5 Daniel Olbrychski / an actor 6 The Warsaw Rising Museum / a museum

7 Przetłumacz zaimki względne na język angielski.

1 A drought is a time (kiedy) there’s no rain for a very long time.

2 Recycling is something (co) everybody can do.

3 An environmentalist is a person (która) looks after the natural world.

4 A forest is a place (gdzie) there are lots of trees.

5 Pandas are animals (które) are in danger of extinction.

Cardinal and ordinal numbers

8 Napisz następny w kolejności liczebnik.

1 seven, eight, 2 eleven, twelve, 3 fourteen, fifteen, 4 twenty, twenty-one, 5 thirty-three, thirty-four, 6 forty-six, forty-seven, 7 fifty-one, sixty-two, 8 seventy, eighty,

9 Wykonaj działania i zapisz wyniki słowami.

1 242 + 317 = 2 91 + 79 = 3 964 + 56 = 4 748 + 160 =

10 Napisz brakujące liczebniki.

1st first 9th ninth 18th 2nd second 10th 19th nineteenth3rd third 11th 20th twentieth4th fourth 12th twelfth 21st twenty-first5th fifth 13th thirteenth 22nd 6th 14th 23rd 7th 16th 24th 8th eighth 17th

11 Napisz odpowiedzi na pytania.

1 What’s the date today? 2 What’s the date next Friday? 3 When’s your birthday?

12 Dobierz liczebniki do odpowiednich zdań.

Some important dates in the British calendar

fifth thirtieth twentieth twenty-first thirty-first twenty-third

1 The of December is New Year’s Eve.2 The of April is St George’s Day (England’s

national day).3 The of June is the Summer Solstice (the

longest day of the year).4 The of November is Guy Fawkes’ Night.5 Between the of December and the of

December is mid-winter and the shortest day of the year.

13 Pomyśl o co najmniej pięciu ważnych datach w polskim kalendarzu i napisz o nich zdania.

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Funkcje i środki językowe13

1 Przeczytaj tekst. Uzupełnij każdą lukę (1–4) właściwym wyrazem z ramki (A–F).

A which B pets C who D received E floods F wildlife G fog H responded

3 We’re (mamy zamiar pomóc) my uncle plant some shrubs in his garden.

4 ‘I’m going to help clean the beach.’ ‘That’s a good idea. (Pójdę) with you.’

5 He’s the man (który uratował) the animals from the hurricane.

6 That’s the mountain (gdzie widzieliśmy) lots of lizards.

4 Uzupełnij zdania wyrazami zapisanymi wielkimi literami. Zachowaj znaczenie pierwszego zdania.

1 The zoo has got small animals except for one elephant.

HOWEVER The zoo has mainly got small animals.

got an elephant.2 In the last year we had really bad weather. We had

floods one month! INCLUDING We had terrible weather last year,

one month.3 I like animals. However, I wouldn’t want a pet. ALTHOUGH I don’t want a pet animals.

5 Popraw błędy w wytłuszczonych wyrazach.

1 Adding to the rain, it was very windy. 2 Last, after tea, we went for a walk in the woods

before we left for home. 3 There is a lot of litter on the beach, such is plastic

bottles and bags. 4 It’s very clouds today. It might rain. 5 You don’t feed the animals!

6 Przeczytaj opisy sytuacji. Wybierz właściwą reakcję: A, B lub C.

1 Twój kolega, z którym jesteś w sklepie, mówi coś do ciebie i wydaje mu się, że go nie słyszysz. Co mu powiesz?

A I’m hearing you. B Don’t shout. C I can’t understand you.2 Koleżanka pyta cię, jaka będzie jutro pogoda.

Oglądałeś/Oglądałaś w telewizji prognozę i wiesz, że pogoda będzie brzydka. Co powiesz?

A It’s bad. B It’s going to be wet and windy. C There will be terrible weather.

Animal rescueWith climate change the UK now has more (1) . These are bad for people, but they are also bad for animals. When floods hit the north of England in 2015, an animal charity (the RSPCA) (2) over one million telephone calls about animals in trouble. Some of the animals in danger were (3) , like dogs and cats, but others were farm animals, like sheep, cows and horses (4) needed moving to safe areas from flooded fields.According to the charity, if heavy rain is predicted, you should buy lots of animal food and move animals to safe areas before the rain starts.

2 Uzupełnij dialogi. Wybierz właściwe zdanie do każdej luki: A, B lub C.1A: These bags are really heavy. I can’t carry both of

them.B: A Can you help me? B Do you want me to help you? C I can help you, if you want.2 A: It’s raining really heavily!B: A Should you take this umbrella? B That’s a really good umbrella. C You should take this umbrella.3 A: How can we reduce pollution?B: A We can cut down waste. B We can throw things away. C You can turn things off.

3 Przetłumacz fragmenty zdań w nawiasach na język angielski.

1 This wood is a nature reserve, so (nie zostawiaj śmieci) or walk on the plants.

2 I’ve got so many things I don’t need. I (powinnam wyrzucić) some of them.

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Życie społeczneSłownictwo




1 Wykreśl słowo, które nie pasuje do pozostałych. Następnie uzupełnij objaśnienie właściwym wyrazem z ramki.

criminals places weapons punishments actions adjectives

1 gun scream knife pistol All the others are . 2 guilty prison court police station All the others are . 3 trial fine sentence community service All the others are . 4 shoplifter lawyer forger mugger All the others are . 5 fingerprints accuse attack follow All the others are . 6 illegal violence guilty innocent All the others are .

2 Uzupełnij dialog właściwymi wyrazami.

AMANDA Did you watch CSI Miami last night?JAMES Yes, but I missed the end. Mum switched it off.

She doesn’t like (1) . AMANDA Oh, no! It was great. It was all about

a (2) . They (3) a bank manager and held him for (4) . They were all in disguise. But then one of them took off her (5) and the manager saw her.

JAMES I saw that bit. What happened next? AMANDA The bank manager (6) and the

(7) knew he could (8) them. But there’s a twist at the end and I’m not going to tell you.

JAMES Oh, come on! AMANDA Well, the detectives found (9) money

at the bank. JAMES So the bank manager was a (10) too!AMANDA Maybe! It’s repeated tomorrow night. You

can watch it then!

1 innocent legal violence2 follow gang guilty3 kidnapped kidnapping kidnappers4 punishment sentence ransom5 mask safe court6 released escaped followed7 muggers shoplifters kidnappers8 innocent illegal identify9 forgery forger forged 10 police officer pickpocket criminal

3 Uzupełnij każde zdanie właściwym wyrazem.

escape/release gunshot/gun legal/law victim/witness shoplifter/shoplifting punish/punishment

1 a The police decided to the man because they had no evidence of his crime.

b The burglar tried to from the police station.

2 a Local people said they heard a at about midnight.

b The robbers threatened the shopkeeper with a .

3 a It is against the to carry a pistol in the UK. b You can get a licence for sports shooting. 4 a The saw the robbery from an upstairs

window. b The screamed and the mugger ran away. 5 a The boy was caught cigarettes for his

sister. b Police have identified the from security

videos. 6 a The for murder is life in prison. b The judge decided to the vandals by

making them clean up the graffiti.

4 Uzupełnij zdania właściwymi wyrazami.

1 The gave the vandals a and made them do 100 hours of . (community service, judge, fine)

2 The man my brother of , but I’m sure he’s . (shoplifting, accused, innocent)

3 There isn’t punishment in the UK, the strictest is life in . (sentence, capital, prison)

4 The police sometimes have an amnesty when you can take and other weapons to the police station and not get . (illegal, punished, pistols)

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Hi Orla, I’ve just heard some terrible news! They’re planning to sell the school sports fields to a company to build posh flats on them!

We’ve got to stop them! I’m starting a (1) to Save Our Sports! S.O.S. – that’s our (2) – do you like it? I’m going to (3) a Facebook group to (4) the issue, and I’ve made some (5) to give to people in the town.

I think we need to make a (6) and take it to the town hall. We need to get lots of people to (7) it.

We’re having a meeting at Keira’s house this afternoon. Come along and (8) the campaign! See you later!Grace

1 Christmas present collection for families in needCan you afford to give happiness this Christmas?

2 Kick the habitDrop-in centre in the town centreAdvice and support for alcoholics

3 The Night ShelterProviding a bed and a hot meal to hundreds of rough sleepers. We need volunteers! Phone Phil on 626 567

4 Food AidPlease donate to our Africa drought appeal!

5 Having trouble at school? Need someone to talk to? Phone 0800 767 883

Crime: useful phrases

5 Uzupełnij zdania wyrazami z ramki.

sentence against commits defend break investigates

1 If something is the law, it is illegal.

2 A criminal is someone who a crime.

3 You may be punished if you the law.

4 A detective a crime. 5 Lawyers their clients in

court. 6 The judge may the criminal

to prison.

Social problems and conflicts

6 Dopasuj nazwy problemów społecznych do ogłoszeń organizacji pomocowych.

a homelessness d povertyb famine e bullyingc addiction


7 Zakreśl właściwe słowo.

There was another (1) demonstrator / demonstration in central London on Saturday. Thousands of people (2) marched / signed along Downing Street carrying (3) sponsors / banners and handing out (4) donations / leaflets. It was a peaceful (5) cause / march to draw (6) participate / attention to the first elections in this troubled country after years of war. The (7) organizers / slogans want to put pressure on (8) handouts / politicians to support the (9) volunteer / campaign for democracy.

8 Uzupełnij e-maila wyrazami z ramki.

sign campaign slogan petition publicize support handouts set up


9 Zakreśl właściwe słowo.

A charity is a(n) (1) participate / organization that operates to help those in need. People (2) represent / donate money and (3) volunteer / slogan to help charities that work for a (4) demonstrate / cause that they like or feel strongly about.

Many charities (5) represent / voluntary those who can’t speak for themselves. For example, through (6) publicity / collect the World Wide Fund for Nature draws people’s (7) attention / join in to the situation of endangered animals as well as working with governments and doing practical conservation work.

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Talking about the past (3)

1 Połącz części zdania.

1 I had never seen a crime 2 She decided to go to the police station3 By the time the police arrived at the scene,4 When I got home, 5 After he’d been mugged three times,

a I discovered we’d been burgled.b the crime had been committed. c because she had lost her passport. d he decided to learn karate. e until I witnessed the robbery.

2 Zakreśl właściwą formę.

1 I missed the bus. By the time I arrived at school, the exam ended / had ended.

2 She didn’t get up / hadn’t got up early because she had gone to bed late the night before.

3 My dad didn’t realize he went / had gone over the speed limit until a policeman stopped him.

4 My mum was angry because someone broke / had broken our car window.

5 She’d never broken the law before until she stole / had stolen that ring.

6 He saw / had seen Inception before, so he didn’t go with his friends.

3 Uzupełnij tekst czasownikami w nawiasach w formie past simple lub past perfect.

Hi Seb,I (1) (go) to the cinema the other day to see Inception. Have you seen it? It’s directed by Christopher Nolan and stars Leonardo DiCaprio. I (2) (already/read) a couple of reviews about the film, so I knew it was good. Some of my friends (3) (also/tell) me about the story. So I was really looking forward to going.

Actually, the evening (4) (not start) that well. When I got to the cinema, I realized I (5) (leave) my money at home. My friend (6) (buy) my ticket, but then we didn’t have enough money for popcorn. Also, everybody else (7) (book) their seats before, so we had to sit right at the front!

Anyway, the film is about a thief with a difference. He steals secrets from people’s minds! Overall, I (8) (think) it was a really original film, though the plot was a bit complicated!

See you soon!


4 Uzupełnij zdania według własnego pomysłu.

1 When I got to the airport, I realized

2 By the time the thief had taken all the money,

3 After we’d seen the film, we

4 I had never seen a crocodile until

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Reporting what people say

5 Zmień zdania w mowie niezależnej w zdania w mowie zależnej. Użyj imion i zaimków podanych w nawiasach oraz wyrazów said i asked.

1 I go swimming every week. (She) 2 We’re studying volcanoes this term. (Jake) 3 I went to the cinema yesterday. (Rosa and Keira) 4 I’ve seen a bank robbery! (The boy) 5 The thief had visited the scene several times before

the robbery. (The newspapers) 6 I’m going to buy a new pair of jeans. (My sister) 7 We’ll catch the criminals. (the police) 8 Do you like action movies? (He/me) 9 What’s your favourite colour? (I/her)

6 Uzupełnij dialogi.

1 A Could you close the door, please? B Pardon? A I asked 2 A What’s your address? B Sorry, I didn’t catch that. A I asked 3 A Did you see Mark yesterday? B Sorry, what did you just say? A I asked you

7 Zakreśl właściwą formę.

She told me she had seen a good film.

1 Lisa said / told she had seen a shoplifter.2 The police officer said / asked me what I was doing. 3 The teacher told / said the boy he had done well.4 My mum said / asked me if I could come home early.5 Jamie said / asked he was hungry.6 I said / told my friend I would be late.

8 Napisz, co powiedzieli ludzie w ćw. 7.

1 Lisa: ‘I saw a shoplifter.’2 Police officer: 3 Teacher: 4 Mum: 5 Jamie: 6 Me:

9 Zrelacjonuj rozmowy, używając mowy zależnej.

LEO What film did you see?JED I saw Inception.

Leo asked Jed what film he had seen.Jed said he had seen ‘Inception’.

1 FREDDIE Are you hungry? BEN I’ve already eaten. 2 ANA What are you doing on Saturday? JEN I’m going to the beach. 3 MICK Do you like detective programmes? TOM I prefer thrillers. 4 MUM Where have you been? ELLA I’ve been in town.

10 Przetłumacz wyrazy i wyrażenia w języku polskim na język angielski.

1 ‘Did the police catch the thief?’ George asked Max whether the police (złapała)

the thief.2 ‘Who’s your favourite TV detective?’ Joe asked me (kto jest) my

favourite TV detective. 3 ‘I’ve never committed a crime.’ The man said he (nigdy nie popełnił)

a crime. 4 ‘I haven’t seen the film before.’ Suzie told Jess she (nie widziała)

the film before. 5 ‘Do you want a sandwich?’ My mum asked me (czy chcę) a

sandwich.6 ‘I don’t like reading crime stories.’ Zack said he (nie lubi) reading

crime stories.

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Funkcje i środki językowe14

1 Popraw błędy w wytłuszczonych wyrazach.

1 I’ve funded my old clothes to a charity shop. 2 There are a lot of pickpocketers in town. 3 We have never been robbed, before last week’s

burglary. 4 The thief had commissioned lots of crimes. 5 Sorry, I don’t comprehend. Can you explain, please? 6 After we came back from holiday, we had decided

to learn Spanish.

2 Wybierz właściwe zdanie w dialogach: A, B lub C.

1 It’s really difficult to ask people for money, even for charity.

A I think the bank will help. B What do you want it for? C I know what you mean. I’ve tried it.2 People don’t have as many friends today as in the

past. A What do they do now? B Really? That’s interesting. C Could you explain?3 I’ve been ill for a few weeks. A I’m sorry to hear that. B How long was that for? C What was the cause?

3 Uzupełnij dialog. Wpisz w luki właściwe wyrażenia, tak by otrzymać spójny dialog.

A: I’ve got 100 people to sponsor me to run 10 km.B: Which charity (1) (do) it for?A: The money is for the children’s hospital. B: That’s interesting. My little brother

(2) (treat) there last year. Are you doing much training?

A: I (3) (start) next week. I’ll start doing 2 km a day to begin with.

B: Well, good luck.

4 Które wyrażenie oznacza to samo, co podkreślone wyrazy?1 When I got off the bus I found someone had taken

my mobile phone. A a person took my phone before I got off the bus. B a person took my phone as I got off the bus. C a person took my phone after I got off the bus.2 If I were you, I wouldn't eat that sandwich. It's two

days old. A I'm not going to eat the sandwich. B It's not a good idea to eat the sandwich. C I'd eat the sandwich if it was mine.

3 Tim's the one who knows about charities. A Tim is one of the people who have information

on B Tim knows someone who has information C Tim knows things other people don't know

5 Przeczytaj tekst. Uzupełnij każdą lukę (1–5) właściwym wyrazem lub wyrażeniem: A, B lub C.

1 A whose B who C which2 A donated B sponsored C fundraiser 3 A were training B have trained C had trained4 A a few B a little C little5 A finished B have finished C were finishing

Last week, I was one of a group of about 10 students from year 10 (1) took part in a 20 km (2) walk for the children’s hospital. We (3) for about three weeks, but none of us had done more than a 10 km walk. We’d also not included walking up hills in the training, so we were (4) worried about how we would get on. However, our fears were unnecessary. We all (5) the walk and did it in good time. We raised almost £1,000 for the hospital and were much fitter at the end of it.

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Sprawdź się!E


01 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie pięć tekstów. W zadaniach 1.1–1.5, na podstawie informacji zawartych w nagraniu, z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą. Zakreśl A, B lub C.

1.1 What would Jack like to do when he grows up?

1.2 Where is the conversation taking place?

1.3 What’s Nick doing after school today?A He’s studying for a test.B He’s having a barbecue.C He’s going to the cinema.

1.4 Jill is describingA her problem.B her last holidays.C her new boyfriend’s appearance.

Zadanie 1 (5 punktów)



1.5 The speaker is calling toA cancel her piano lesson.B accept Jack’s offer.C suggest working together on a science


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02 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie cztery wypowiedzi na temat miejsca zamieszkania. Na podstawie informacji zawartych w nagraniu dopasuj do każdej wypowiedzi (2.1–2.4) odpowiadające jej zdanie (A–E). Jedno zdanie zostało podane dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej wypowiedzi.

2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4

A The person no longer lives with his/her family.B The person doesn’t have his/her own bedroom. C The person mentions a negative side to living in the country.D The person likes living in a block of flats.E The person points out some positive things about living in the city.

03 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie wypowiedź na temat korzystania z biblioteki. Na podstawie informacji zawartych w nagraniu uzupełnij luki 3.1–3.4 w poniższej notatce. Luki należy uzupełnić w języku angielskim.

Zadanie 2 (4 punkty)

Zadanie 3 (4 punkty)

04 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie cztery pytania (4.1–4.4). Do każdego z nich dobierz właściwą odpowiedź (A–E). Wpisz rozwiązania do tabeli. Jedna odpowiedź została podana dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnego pytania.

A I dislike any kind of discrimination.B He really needs to get a job.C It’s not very nice.D I’d like to work with the homeless.E Bullying was a problem.

4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4

Zadanie 4 (4 punkty)

Bayhedge Public LibraryOpening times3.1 (six days a week; closed on Sundays) How to get a library card* Go to the Information Office (2nd floor) and fill in 3.2 .* Bring two pieces of ID. Things you can borrow* Books, magazines, DVDs, 3.3 and . Other things you can do with a library card* Go to local galleries and 3.4 for free.


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Sprawdź się!E


Do każdej z opisanych sytuacji (5.1–5.4) dopasuj odpowiednią reakcję. Zakreśl literę A, B lub C.

5.1 Nie wiesz na pewno, co będziesz robić w weekend. Co powiesz?A I may visit my friend in Warsaw at the weekend.B I’m sure I won’t visit my friend in Warsaw.C I know I will visit my friend in Warsaw.

5.2 Kolega bez końca opowiada o UFO, a ciebie niezbyt to interesuje. Co powiesz?A A lot of people are interested in UFOs.B I can’t believe it. You know so much about UFOs.C Sorry, but I’m not very interested in UFOs.

5.3 Chcesz się dowiedzieć, jaki sport uprawia twój kolega. Jak go o to spytasz?A Do you mind doing sport?B Which sport do you like doing?C What about doing some sport?

5.4 Chcesz, aby kolega oddał ci pożyczoną książkę. Co powiesz?A Could you borrow that book from me? B Could you return that book I lent you? C Could you lend me that book?

Zadanie 5 (4 punkty)

Uzupełnij dialog. Wpisz w każdą lukę (6.1–6.3) brakujący fragment wypowiedzi, tak aby otrzymać spójny i logiczny tekst. Wykorzystaj wyrazy podane w nawiasach, ale nie zmieniaj ich formy. Luki należy uzupełnić w języku angielskim.

6.1 A: (How) cinema? B: Thanks, but I can’t today.

6.2 A: Why? (matter) ? B: Oh, nothing really. I just need to study for my maths test. I failed it and I’m retaking it tomorrow.

6.2 A: (need) any help? B: Yes, it’s so nice of you to offer.

Zadanie 6 (3 punkty)

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Przeczytaj tekst, z którego usunięto cztery zdania. Wpisz w każdą lukę (7.1–7.4) literę, którą oznaczono brakujące zdanie (A–E), tak aby otrzymać logiczny i spójny tekst. Jedno zdanie zostało podane dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej luki.

A They didn’t want to eat it because it wasn’t fresh.

B We have chips every day, but they taste really awful.

C I was a bit scared at first and I didn’t want to go.

D Tomorrow night, we’re having a disco.

E I hope you bake it when I come back home.

Zadanie 7 (4 punkty)

Dear Mum,

I’m having a great time in Wales. Yesterday, we went rock-climbing.

7.1 Then my teacher talked to me and I was fine. We’ve

also been hiking, canoeing and sailing. Sailing was fun too.

We’re staying in a huge, old house with a big garden. There’s even a pond

in the garden. I sleep in a room with nine other boys, so it’s a bit noisy!

There’s always something to do in the evening. 7.2

I can’t wait because I love dancing.

The only thing I don’t like about the place is the food. It’s horrible.

7.3 They serve cheese sandwiches every lunch time.

I hate cheese! I can’t wait to have your delicious apple pie.

7.4 Promise me you will!

See you soon




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Sprawdź się!E


Przeczytaj teksty na temat różnych ras psów (A–C) oraz zdania 8.1–8.4. Do każdego zdania dopasuj właściwy tekst. Wpisz rozwiązania do tabeli. Jeden tekst pasuje do dwóch zdań.

This dog is for someone who8.1 doesn’t mind having a mess. 8.2 can spend time training it. 8.3 doesn’t like to leave their dog at home. 8.4 hasn’t got children.

Zadanie 8 (4 punkty)

The Yorkshire TerrierThe Yorkshire Terrier is a dog that you can take anywhere because it is very small. It is intelligent and easy to train. It is a little dog with a big personality which needs a lot of physical contact and loves sitting on your lap. The Yorkshire terrier doesn’t lose much hair and it loves children.

The Labrador RetrieverThe Labrador Retriever is very friendly with people and other animals so it is popular with families who have small children. It is strong and big but easy to train. It is an excellent swimmer. If you like tidiness this is not the dog for you because its hair gets on your sofa, carpets and all over the house.

The Irish WolfhoundThe Irish Wolfhound is a giant dog who loves long walks. It is so big that it shouldn’t be left with small children because it can accidentally knock them over. Many of them can be aggressive towards cats. They are not as easy to train as many other breeds, so you need some experience.



Przeczytaj teksty A i B. Uzupełnij luki 9.1–9.3 w tekście C zgodnie z treścią tekstów A i B. Luki należy uzupełnić w języku polskim.

Text A

Zadanie 9 (3 punkty)

Hi Claire,I’m organizing some things that we could do during your stay in Poznań and I’ve found free walking tours around the city. The tours are on Saturdays and Sundays, but I can’t go on Sunday, so I hope Saturday is OK for you. They’re at 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Shall we go on the morning one? We could then have lunch somewhere after the tour. Let me know what you think and I’ll book our places on the tour. Can’t wait to see you! Natalia

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Text B

Text C

Hi Natalia,Thanks for organizing activities for us. The day is good, but how about we do the afternoon one instead? We’ll be able to see all the nice lights when it gets a bit darker. My parents want to join us, too. Thank you for booking this.Love,Claire

Przeczytaj tekst. Uzupełnij luki (10.1–10.4) zgodnie z treścią tekstu. Luki należy uzupełnić w języku angielskim.

Zadanie 10 (4 punkty)

Poznań oczami mieszkańców: darmowe wycieczki piesze po mieście

Photography competition

Win a place at a two-week photography course in Rome, Italy!Send us three photos that you’ve taken in the last three months. To enter the competition, you must be between 14 and 18 years old and you must be a resident of one of the countries in Europe. All expenses paid.


Hi Damian,

I just saw an advert for a photography competition and I think you should take part in it. All you need to do is send three photos that are no older than 10.1 . The maximum age to enter is 10.2 and you must live 10.3 . The main prize is a photography course in Italy. And the best part is that you 10.4 for anything! Let me know if you decide to enter.Love,Aunt Tina


Ilość miejsc jest ograniczona, więc prosimy o wcześniejszą rezerwację.

Imię i nazwisko: Natalia Brzezińska

E-mail: [email protected]

Dzień tygodnia: 9.1

Godzina: 9.2

Liczba osób: 9.3

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Sprawdź się!E


Przeczytaj tekst. Spośród wyrazów podanych w ramce wybierz te, które poprawnie uzupełniają luki 11.1–11.3. Wpisz odpowiednią literę (A–F) obok numeru luki. Trzy wyrazy zostały podane dodatkowo i nie pasują do żadnej luki.

A any B discovered C do D invented E play F some

Zadanie 11 (3 punkty)

Try something differentFree running is a new and exciting sport. It was 11.1 in the 1980s. The sport combines running, jumping and climbing over objects. Free runners 11.2 their sport everywhere: in cities, towns, in the mountains and on beaches. You can see free running on TV, in adverts or in films. There is an exciting part at the beginning of Casino Royale when James Bond is free running.

Everyone can try this sport because you don’t need 11.3 expensive equipment. You just need a good pair of trainers and comfortable clothes. There are no rules, but you must be careful as the sport is very fast and can be dangerous.

Przeczytaj tekst. Wybierz poprawne uzupełnienie luk 12.1–12.4. Zakreśl literę A, B lub C.

12.1 A there B their C they’re

12.2 A longer B the longest C so long

12.3 A in B for C since

12.4 A which B where C that

Zadanie 12 (4 punkty)

FalowiecIf you’re interested in unusual blocks of flats, you should visit Gdańsk. You’ll find there eight buildings that look like waves. That’s actually where they got 12.1 name ‘Falowiec’ (‘Wavy block’) from. The buildings were built in the 196Os and 7Os. One of them, which is in the district of Przymorze, is the second longest building in Europe. Only the Karl-Marx-Hof in Vienna is 12.2 . The building in Poland is 86O metres long, it has ten floors and 1,792 flats. Over 6,OOO people live there. There are three bus stops from the beginning to the end of the building. ‘I enjoy living here,’ says Maja Antoniuk, who has rented a flat in the building 12.3 2O15. ‘The location is perfect because it’s close to the beach, park and public transport. On the ground level, there are many shops and services, so I don’t have to go far to do the shopping. There are also several playgrounds and children’s clubs 12.4 I take my son. This building is like a small town.’

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Przetłumacz na język angielski fragmenty zdań podane w nawiasach, tak aby otrzymać logiczne i gramatycznie poprawne zdania. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność ortograficzna wpisywanych fragmentów zdań. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie trzy wyrazy.

13.1 (Wróciłam) home before it started to rain.

13.2 A stay in a hotel is (droższy od) camping.

13.3 (Zdejmij) your jacket. It’s hot in here.

13.4 I will inform you if (dowiem się) the results of the test.

Zadanie 13 (4 punkty)

Wykonaj poniższe zadanie.

Po powrocie do domu od koleżanki z zagranicy zauważyłeś/zauważyłaś, że zostawiłeś/zostawiłaś u niej swoje ulubione ubranie. W e-mailu do koleżanki:• poinformuj, gdzie prawdopodobnie zostawiłeś/zostawiłaś ubranie;• opisz, jak wygląda to ubranie;• poproś o odesłanie go.Napisz swoją wypowiedź w języku angielskim. Podpisz się jako XYZ. Rozwiń swoją wypowiedź w każdym z trzech podpunktów, tak aby osoba nieznająca polecenia w języku polskim uzyskała wszystkie wskazane w nim informacje. Pamiętaj, że długość wypowiedzi powinna wynosić od 50 do 120 słów, nie licząc podanych wyrazów. Oceniane są: umiejętność pełnego przekazania informacji, bogactwo językowe oraz poprawność językowa.

Zadanie 14 (10 punkty)


Hi Clara,How are you? I just got back home and I’ve noticed that I left my favourite …

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