oxford historic preservation commission€¦ · 1. window replacement: a. insufficient information...

Oxford Historic Preservation Commission COA application: 359 Applicant: Mike Bridge Address: 1504 Madison Avenue COA Request: After- the-fact- COA for unapproved work – see application and photos COA History: 6/2015 - Case #334 - Window replacements Remove or replace remainder of existing (partially removed) fireplace. Approved (copy of previous case information and minutes from meeting attached) Historic Preservation Ordinance References: Sec. 54-26. (2-3) Design Guideline References: Section 10: Exterior Building Materials Section 11: Windows, Doors, Blinds, and Canopies Consultant Comments: A2H PLLC Comments: 1. The applicant has conducted a renovation effort that is beyond that which was approved with the June 2015 COA #334. a. It appears as though a two level space has been added on the rear of the property in the location of an existing porch. i. Code Enforcement should be able to check records to verify whether or not a permit has ever been pulled for this work. If not, from a Code perspective, this work should be considered nonconforming and cited for removal. b. A new eave detail has been installed that creates an awkward relationship to the existing eave condition. c. Hardiplank siding has been installed as an exterior finish material. The guidelines state, “Whenever modern materials are used, they should be similar in their physical qualities to historic materials found in the district.” d. Installed windows are not compatible with the existing windows. e. Exposed conduit has been run across the face of this addition. f. The gutter has been demolished. 2. The previously approved COA addressed the following: a. Approval for removing the abandoned Fire Place on the front of the house utilizing the demolished brick to fill for the veneer. b. Repair of the soffit/roof where chimney was previously removed. c. Approval for replacing the 6 over 6 window on the side of the house. d. In lieu of replacing additional windows as needed, rebuild the current sashes as required.

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Page 1: Oxford Historic Preservation Commission€¦ · 1. Window Replacement: a. Insufficient information has been provided to evaluate window replacement. It appears as though the majority

Oxford Historic Preservation Commission

COA application: 359 Applicant: Mike Bridge Address: 1504 Madison Avenue COA Request: After- the-fact- COA for unapproved work – see application and photos COA History: 6/2015 - Case #334 - Window replacements Remove or replace remainder of existing (partially removed) fireplace. Approved (copy of previous case information and minutes from meeting attached) Historic Preservation Ordinance References: Sec. 54-26. (2-3) Design Guideline References: Section 10: Exterior Building Materials Section 11: Windows, Doors, Blinds, and Canopies Consultant Comments: A2H PLLC Comments:

1. The applicant has conducted a renovation effort that is beyond that which was approved with the June 2015 COA #334.

a. It appears as though a two level space has been added on the rear of the property in the location of an existing porch.

i. Code Enforcement should be able to check records to verify whether or not a permit has ever been pulled for this work. If not, from a Code perspective, this work should be considered nonconforming and cited for removal.

b. A new eave detail has been installed that creates an awkward relationship to the existing eave condition.

c. Hardiplank siding has been installed as an exterior finish material. The guidelines state, “Whenever modern materials are used, they should be similar in their physical qualities to historic materials found in the district.”

d. Installed windows are not compatible with the existing windows. e. Exposed conduit has been run across the face of this addition. f. The gutter has been demolished.

2. The previously approved COA addressed the following: a. Approval for removing the abandoned Fire Place on the front of the house utilizing the

demolished brick to fill for the veneer. b. Repair of the soffit/roof where chimney was previously removed. c. Approval for replacing the 6 over 6 window on the side of the house. d. In lieu of replacing additional windows as needed, rebuild the current sashes as required.

Page 2: Oxford Historic Preservation Commission€¦ · 1. Window Replacement: a. Insufficient information has been provided to evaluate window replacement. It appears as though the majority
Page 3: Oxford Historic Preservation Commission€¦ · 1. Window Replacement: a. Insufficient information has been provided to evaluate window replacement. It appears as though the majority
Page 4: Oxford Historic Preservation Commission€¦ · 1. Window Replacement: a. Insufficient information has been provided to evaluate window replacement. It appears as though the majority
Page 5: Oxford Historic Preservation Commission€¦ · 1. Window Replacement: a. Insufficient information has been provided to evaluate window replacement. It appears as though the majority
Page 6: Oxford Historic Preservation Commission€¦ · 1. Window Replacement: a. Insufficient information has been provided to evaluate window replacement. It appears as though the majority
Page 7: Oxford Historic Preservation Commission€¦ · 1. Window Replacement: a. Insufficient information has been provided to evaluate window replacement. It appears as though the majority
Page 8: Oxford Historic Preservation Commission€¦ · 1. Window Replacement: a. Insufficient information has been provided to evaluate window replacement. It appears as though the majority

Oxford Historic Preservation Commission

COA application: 334 Applicant: Mike Bridge Address: 1504 Madison Avenue COA Request: Window replacements Remove or replace remainder of existing (partially removed) fireplace (see application) COA History: N/A Historic Preservation Ordinance References: Sec. 54-26. (2-3) Design Guideline References: Section 10: Exterior Building Materials Section 11: Windows, Doors, Blinds, and Canopies Consultant Comments: A2H, PLLC Comments:

1. Window Replacement: a. Insufficient information has been provided to evaluate window replacement. It appears

as though the majority of the character defining features of this property remain intact. As the property is identified as a contributing element to the district, efforts should be made to retain its significant features.

b. The design guidelines clearly state that when feasible, repair of historic windows is preferable to replacement. If the original windows cannot be retained, the replacements must preserve the character of the property.

2. Replacement of brick fireplace: a. Insufficient information has been provided to determine the appropriateness of the

proposed work. If the existing brick is to be replaced in-kind, this might fall under routine maintenance and not require approval. If the chimney is to be entirely rebuilt of new brick, information about the type of brick used, etc. should be submitted.

Page 9: Oxford Historic Preservation Commission€¦ · 1. Window Replacement: a. Insufficient information has been provided to evaluate window replacement. It appears as though the majority
Page 10: Oxford Historic Preservation Commission€¦ · 1. Window Replacement: a. Insufficient information has been provided to evaluate window replacement. It appears as though the majority

H I S T O R I C RESOURCES INVENTORY S t a t e o f M i s s i s s i p p i Department o f A r c h i v e s and H i s t o r y P . O . Box 571 Jackson, MS 39205

1 . a . P r o p e r t y Name, H i s t o r i c

1 . b . P r o p e r t y Name, Common

2 . P r o p e r t y Address

1504 Madison Avenue

3 . Legal D e s c r i p t i o n


14 . MDAH I n v e n t o r y Code 201

15. County

1 6 . C i t y

L a f a y e t t e

O x f o r d

2 0 . USGS Quad Map

2 1 . UTM Reference

2 4 . P r i n c i p a l Mater1 a1 s b r i c k veneer

6 & 7 . S i g n i f i c a n t persons, events , themes, i n c l u d i n g da tes o f a s s o c i a t i o n

8 . Date of C o n s t r u c t i o n 9 . H i s t o r i c Changes c a . 1925

10. A r c h i t e c t 1 1 1 . Bui l d e r / C o n t r a c t o r

23. Post H i s t o r i c Changes

25 A r c h i t e c t u r a l S ty1 e C o l o n i a l & Tudor

13 . O u t b u i l d i n g s or Secondary Fea tu res (use sep. f o rm i f i m p o r t a n t )

1 2 . B r i e f D e s c r i p t i o n : One-s to ry , f i v e - b a y , b r i c k veneered c e n t e r ha1 c o t t a g e w i t h C o l o n i a l R e v i v a l and Tudor R e v i v a l i n f l u e n c e s , b u i l t ca . S i d e gab le r o o f covered w i t h a s p h a l t s h i n g l e s , w i t h exposed r a f t e r t a F r o n t facade has an a s s y m e t r i c a l chimney s t a c k . Windows a r e 6 /6 doub sashes, some i n p a i r s . One-bay, g a b l e - f r o n t po rch suppor ted by box p Ent rance con-tai ns a mu1 t i -1 i g h t d o o r ,

1925 1s . e-hung e r s .

30 . H i s t o r i c a l I n f o r m a t i o n : T h i s s t r u c t u r e was b u i l t between t h e 1925 and 1948 Sanborn map s e r i e s .

31 . H i s t o r i c a l Con tex ts :

33. Sources o f I n f o r m a t i o n :

Page 11: Oxford Historic Preservation Commission€¦ · 1. Window Replacement: a. Insufficient information has been provided to evaluate window replacement. It appears as though the majority


3 2 . A d d i t i o n a l Remarks o r I n f o r m a t i o n :

3 8 . Photo Date

4 0 . Survey P r o j e c t O x f o r d I Date of Form January, 2000

A t t a c h Photograph MDAH INF~RMATION

2 6 . Category

2 7 , F u n c t i o n a l Type

28 . Reg-l s t r a t i on S ta tus /Da tes NHL L i s t e d NR I n NR D i s t r i c t Federa l DOE S t a t e Landmark Loca l Landmark I n Loca l D i s t r i c t HABS/ HAER

29 . D i s t r i c t Name

R a t i n g C / N C I n v e n t o r y #

42 . Other HPD

43 * Eva1 u a t i on a . A l r e a d y L

I n d i v i dua E l i g-i b l e

n fo rma t

s t e d NR l y E l i g f Restored


b l e

C o n t r i b u t e t o D i s t r i e t A p p a r e n t l y Not E l i g i b l e I n s u f f i c i e n t I n f o r m a t i o n Not E x t a n t

b . A r e a l s ) o f S i g n i f i c a n c e

c . Eva lua ted b y / d a t e

Page 12: Oxford Historic Preservation Commission€¦ · 1. Window Replacement: a. Insufficient information has been provided to evaluate window replacement. It appears as though the majority


Page 13: Oxford Historic Preservation Commission€¦ · 1. Window Replacement: a. Insufficient information has been provided to evaluate window replacement. It appears as though the majority
Page 14: Oxford Historic Preservation Commission€¦ · 1. Window Replacement: a. Insufficient information has been provided to evaluate window replacement. It appears as though the majority
Page 15: Oxford Historic Preservation Commission€¦ · 1. Window Replacement: a. Insufficient information has been provided to evaluate window replacement. It appears as though the majority
Page 16: Oxford Historic Preservation Commission€¦ · 1. Window Replacement: a. Insufficient information has been provided to evaluate window replacement. It appears as though the majority