oxford read and discover level 2 : sunny and rainy

Sqnny And Bqiny Louise Spitsbury Read and discover atl aboutweather ... . What makes Earth warm? . What fa[[s from clouds? Read and discover more about the world! This series of non-fiction readers provides interesting andeducationtl content, with activities andproject work. Series Editor: Hazet Geatches ? nudio CD Pack avaitable S i'"'",""iJ*o,0, @ hilf-:olo,o, S |o".1:1,,5',,,,,. @ ^!"r",."":iuo,o, O |i.",.t"1*uo,o, O i:yfl,f r*,,,,r, Covcr photr:graph: Corbis (Women with umbre[[a/'Vijay Mathur/Reuters) ISBN978 0 l') 4rr40ill ilililltlffil[[

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Page 1: Oxford Read and Discover Level 2 : Sunny and rainy

SqnnyAnd BqinyLouise Spitsbury

Read and discover atl about weather .... What makes Earth warm?. What fa[[s from clouds?

Read and discover more about the wor ld! This ser ies ofnon-fiction readers provides interesting and educationtlcontent, with activit ies and project work.

Series Editor: Hazet Geatches

? nudio CD Pack avaitable

S i'"'",""iJ*o,0, @ hilf-:olo,o, S |o".1:1,,5',,,,,.@ ̂ !"r",."":iuo,o, O |i.",.t"1*uo,o, O i:yfl,f r*,,,,r,

Covcr photr :graph: Corbis (Women with umbre[[a/ 'Vi jay Mathur/Reuters)

ISBN 978 0 l ' ) 4rr40i l l


Page 2: Oxford Read and Discover Level 2 : Sunny and rainy

And Rq inyLouise 5pi[sburg

IntroductionI Sunng 4

2 Roing 6

3 Cloudg 8

4 Snowg 1,0

5 Windg L2

6 Worm ond Wet L4

7 CoLd ond Drg L6

8 People ond Weother ].8

Activities 20

Projects 36

Picture Dictionorg , 38

About Read and DisCover 40

OXFORDuNrvl1|(s l ' l Y l ' l t l iss

ken chachanthoeun
contact me: Facebook: ken_chanthoeun Email: [email protected]
ken chachanthoeun
Placed Image
Page 3: Oxford Read and Discover Level 2 : Sunny and rainy


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li l rs lrdt ions l ly: Kcl ly Kernedy pp.4,7,9, 12. 74, I 5, 16, 23, 28:Al in Rowe pp.20, 2 l , 22, 25, 26, 27, 29, 30, 32, 33. 35, 38, 39.'llrr Jlrhlishrrs worll slso lilic lo lhoak thr'follltwingfor thdr kind

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Fraser Band); Corbis pp.6 (rain/Miclucl S. yanashita): cerryInrages pp.8 (Ryrn/ l leyer), 9 (Scth ResDick/Science lract ion),l0 (picturcgn(lcnf lhc Imagc Rauk), I I (ski ing/AshleyJouhar/' Ihe Imagc Bank, slow in r tr( 'e l /Stephcn St. . lohn/Natidral

Gcogr?phic), l8 (bench/ l)on Snri lh/ l i l ickr) . l9(rain on rool iChristophcr Pi l l i tzf lhc Inr ige l lank); Ni l lurcpl .com p. l7 ( l )oug

Al lan): Oxfbrd Univc$ity l ' rcss Pp.3 (surny day), 4, I 5, 16,I 8 (shut lers): Photol ibrrry pp. I 4 ( l .uiz ( : Mrr iUo/ l ,cter ArnoldInlrges): Science I) l l (no l , i l ) rnry pp.5 ( l i r ry l : rnclol l i ) ,

I : l (hurr ic ine/ l inr l i ( l ( ls) .

lntroductionCon Uou see the sun in the skg?Cqn Uou see rqin? Is it sunnu outside,or is it roing?\Whqt is gour fovoritetupe of weqther?

Whqt do gou do when it's sunng?Do gou like roing weqther?$[hot tgpes of weqther do Uou know?

Now reod ond discover moreobout the weother!

Page 4: Oxford Read and Discover Level 2 : Sunny and rainy

The sun is o stor. It's veru, veru hot!The sun hqs lots of heot ond light.Heqt ond light from the sun cometo Eqrth. The heqt ond light mokeEqrth worm so we cctn live here.

Light from the sun comesto Eorth in eight minutes!

Some ploces ctre wqrm ond sunngoll geor, ond theg hove no seosons.Some ploces hqve seqsons. Insummer, there's more light from thesun, so it's worm. In winter, there'sless light from the sun, so it's cold.

Is it worm ond sunnu where Uou live?

) Go to poges z0-zLfor octivities.

Page 5: Oxford Read and Discover Level 2 : Sunny and rainy

When roin folls, woter goes intorivers. Wqter in rivers goes intooceons. \il7hen it's sunnu, woter otthe top of the oceqn gets worm.Some of the wqter goes up into thesku.\ilfqter in the skg mokes clouds.Then rqin fqlls ogoin! This is cqlledthe wqter cgcle.

Roin fqlls from clouds in the sku.There ore mong roindrops in q

cloud. \fhen smoll roindrops meet,theg moke one big roindrop. $(/henthere qre lots of big rqindrops, roinfqlls to Eorth.



People, plonts, ond onimoLsuse woter to live ond to grow.

I Go to poges 22-23 for octivities.

Page 6: Oxford Read and Discover Level 2 : Sunny and rainy

tl-, !}il,,,* ,.

Do Uou see clouds in the skg where

Uou live? Some clouds ore grog ondsome clouds ore white. Grog cloudshqve mong roindrops. SThite cloudsdon't hqve mcrnu roindrops.

$7hen it's cloudg, big clouds stopsome light from the sun comingto Eqrth.



Cumulonimbus clouds ore veru, verubig.When Uou see this tupe of cloud,get Uour umbrellq! Cumulonimbusclouds hqve lots ond lots of rqindrops,ond theg moke verg big storms.

Cumulonimbus clouds conmo ke Lig htn ing. Lig htn ingis verg, veru hot!

,1,, l.l'Go to p0ges 24-25 for octivities.

Page 7: Oxford Read and Discover Level 2 : Sunny and rainy

3'-\+:* -

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SnowyWhen it's verg cold in the sku, woterin clouds is ice. Some ice fqlls toEorth. $7hen it folls, the ice is snow.When snow folls on worm ground,the snow melts. Then the snow iswqter ogoin. Some wqter goes intothe ground ond it helps plonts togrow. Some woter goes into rivers.

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$7hen snow folls on cold ground, it'swhite everuwhere!tWhen lots of snowfolls on mountoins, people con go

skiing. When lots of snow folls onhouses ond streets, people cqn't drivetheir cors. Then theg con't go toschool or work.

) Go to poges 26-27 for octivities.

Page 8: Oxford Read and Discover Level 2 : Sunny and rainy

WindyDo gou know the sun mokes wind?

til7ind is qir thot moves. In the skgthere's qir. The sun mqkes the qirwqrm. Wqrm oir goes up intothe skg. In the skg it's veru cold,so the oir gets cold. When theqir is cold, it goes down ogoin.

\(rind blows. A breeze is wind thotblows slowlg. A breeze ccrn blow flogsin the skg. Some winds blow fqst.A hurricqne is wind thot blows verufqst. \il(rhen there's q hurricqne, peopleqre sccrred. A hurricqne cqn blowdown trees qnd houses!



Page 9: Oxford Read and Discover Level 2 : Sunny and rainy

Itfqrrn qnd WetIn the Tropics, it'sworm ond wet oll geor.Mong rqinforests growin the Tropics. In q

rqinforest, trees get lotsof light qnd roin, qnd

theg grow veru tqll.

In some roinforeststhere's 3 centimeters


of ro in everg do g !

Mong qnimols live in wqrm, wetroinforests. Monkegs live in treesqnd theg eqt nuts ond fruit. Birdsflg from tree to tree. Birds eqtminibeqsts. Theg eot nuts qnd fruit,too. Smqll frogs drink rqindrops onthe big leoves of rqinforest trees.

Go to poges 30-3L for octivities.

Page 10: Oxford Read and Discover Level 2 : Sunny and rainy

In the Arctic qnd theAntorctic it's verg coldond drg. A lot of thewqter is ice or snow.There ore no trees -

plonts cqn't grow in thes.ploces. There's white iceqnd snow evergwhere!

There oren't mcrng onimols in the

Arctic ond the Antqrctic. There ore

no leqves, fruit, or nuts for onimols

to eot.

Seols swim in the oceon to find fish.

Theg eot lots of fish ond theg g et

verg fqt. This helps them to be worm.


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Page 11: Oxford Read and Discover Level 2 : Sunny and rainy

V(rhen it's sunnu, people con get hot.Mong buildings hove windows withshutters. \U(rhen it's sunnu, the shuttersstop the heqt qnd light going in thebuildings. Then people in thebuildings don't get hot.

\When it's sunng,mqnu peopleweqr o hot. Thentheir heod doesn'tget hot.

\When it's rqinUr people cqn get wet.

Buildings hove roofs. The rqin fqlls

off the roofs qnd it doesn't go in the

buildings. Then people in the

buildings don't get wet.

tWhen it's roing,mqnu people useqn umbrello. Thentheg don't get wet.

\Whqt do gou dowhen it's rqing ondwhen it's sunnu?

) Go to poges 34-35 for octivities.l$l['rf,,I

Page 12: Oxford Read and Discover Level 2 : Sunny and rainy

lll sunny$ Recd poges4-5.

1 Find ond write the words.

3 Complete the sentences.

seosons worm cold svn'n"U

L Some p[oces ore wo rm Qpi =i.:i=.-:-i=:=ro [L geo r.

Some ploces hove2



In summer, there's more Light f rom the sun,so it 's

4 In winter, there's Less Light from the sun,so it 's

4 Write the words.

winter cotd wsfitl summer

. l


2 Write true or false.L The sun is o stor.

2 The sun is verg, verg co[d.

3 Heot ond Light f rom the sun cometo Eorth.

4 The heot ond Light moke Eorth col-d.

31"1'l" , l '


o U r e S it I b t n Ud bt s u n


u t q ts r t W e kq c h e o te a r t h zp z u L nh e a r n 5


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Page 13: Oxford Read and Discover Level 2 : Sunny and rainy



$ Reod poges6-7.

I Circle the correct words.

2 Write true or false.Roin fo[Ls f rom the sun in the skg.

When big roindrops meet, thegmoke one smoL[ roindrop.

3 When there ore lots of big roindrops,roin fo[[s to Eorth.

4 People, p[onts, ond onimo[s usewoter to live ond to grow.

ocacloud / river

, , , ,

roin /cloud river f oceon

oceon I skg plonts I onimols plonts / onimo[s

3 Complete the sentences. Then writethe numbers.

sku oceons clouds roin rivers

1 When roin fo[Ls, woter goes into

2 Woter in r ivers goes into

3 When it 's , woter of the top of theoceon gets worm.

Some of the woter goes up into the

Woter in the skg mokes

The n foLl,s ogoin !







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Page 14: Oxford Read and Discover Level 2 : Sunny and rainy

€Xsudy$ Reod poges 8-9.

I Motch. Then write the sentences.

Some clouds -\ mong roindrops.

Some clouds ore \

hove mon g roindrops.

Grog clouds hove \- ore g ro4.

Complete the puzzLe.Then write the secret word.

White clouds don't white.

I t

t)ffif-flre fff#ufls fire qrflv,

2 Find ond wri te the words.








6 .1




o@Jq:-^t 5-

4 Circle the correct words.

L Cumulonimbus clouds ore veru,veru big ' / smo[[ .

2 Cumulonimbus clouds mokebig I smo[t storms.

CumuLonimbus cloudsstop /moke Lightning.

Lightning is verg, verg hot / cold.

The secret word is:


\ ->

ffi,ubto uwh itesunhortiq ht

m#qy 3


@ r . :

Page 15: Oxford Read and Discover Level 2 : Sunny and rainy

)$nouwy 3 Write the words.

mou nto in snow housecloud skiing cor$' Reod poges 10-L1.

X Motch.r--------*-- -\ 's2'


'mWhot is snowwhen it melts?

G:r*;\Sflro*' '''." th.-) fA[-r:"llt'o:'"*';,"!Y

Fl*r l.I-t*rrlt*'1111ll":IYr-








Number the sentences in order.

[_J Then the snow is woter ogoin.Write true or false.

1 When snow fol ts on cold ground,the snow melts.

When snow foL[s on mountoins,peopte con' t go ski ing.

When snow fo[Ls on streets, PeoPLecon' t dr ive their cors.


[ _J When ice folts to Eorth, the ice is snow.

I j When snow fo[ [s on wo rm ground,the snow melts.

[*_1 When it 's verg cold in the skU, woterin c louds is ice.


Page 16: Oxford Read and Discover Level 2 : Sunny and rainy

B Windy 3 Write the words.

breeze house treesku h u rrico ne flog$ Reod poges L2-L3.

1 Circle the correct words.

1 Worm oir goes up /down.2 Air gets hot lco[d.

Com plete the sentences.

s kg cold su n down o ir


3 CoLd oir goesup /down.









In the skg there's

The mokes the oir worm.

Worm oir goes up into the

In the skU,the oir gets

2 Which wind blows fost?


When the oir is co[d, i t goes ogotn.


3 Whot co n 0 h u rr ico ne do?

Page 17: Oxford Read and Discover Level 2 : Sunny and rainy

Wqrrn e&?d Wet$ Reod poges L4-L5.

1 Write true or false.L In the Tropics, i t 's co[d ond drg.

2 Mong roinforests grow in the Tropics.

3 In o roinforest, trees grow verg smo|"[.

2 Find ond write the words.


3 Motch. Then wri te the sentences.

Mong onimoLslive in

Monkegs eot nuts

Birds eotminibeosts ond

Smo[[ f rogs dr ink

nuts ond fruit, too.

roindrops on big leoves.

worm, wet roinforests.

ond frui t .







4 Answer the questions.

1 When is i t worm ond wet in the Tropics?

2 Where do monkegs t ive in a roinforest?


f r U t h b i r d PX q f t I o n z o t tU I h u L e o V e 5 Xz r u q p c n t X km o n k e 9 V f r o Im i n i b e o 5 t 5 t


3 Whot do birds do in o roinforest?

Page 18: Oxford Read and Discover Level 2 : Sunny and rainy

Cold qnd Dry$ Reod poges L6-L7.

I Complete the sentences.

onimo[s snow woterArctic ice Antorctic ptonts

L In the


A Lot of theor Snow.

ond theit 's verg co[d ond

15 rce

3 There ore no trees -con't grow in these ploces.

4 There's white ondevergwhere!

5 There oren' t monuin the Arct ic ond the Antorct ic.

@'i . : r" i : i ' | *rEr ' r i i ' ra;niai : tai i i r . i r : i i r1r '1: :r ' i f " i : ' i ' i

2 Find ond wri te the words.

oce 0 n rl u ts I ceseolfis htree


3 Circte the correct words.

L Seols wotk / swim in the oceon.

2 SeoLs eot fish / fruit.

3 Seols ore fot / thin.

4 SeoLs ore fot to help them to be worm I coLd.

4 Answer the questions.

L How do seots get verg fot?

2 Whot helps seo[s to be worm?






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Page 19: Oxford Read and Discover Level 2 : Sunny and rainy

People qnd Weqther( Reod poges 18-19.

I Motch.

L When it 's sunng, peopte

2 When it 's roing, peopte

3 When i t 's sunnU,

4 When it 's roing,

con get wet.

ccn get hot.

people useo n u mbretto.

people weoro hot.

2 Order the words.

L hove windows I Msng bui l .dings / with shutters.

,..lV\UUr i:*=i+il.l].::l:== ui J 1,#*rtur,,tn r+ftfl'r rufllrit5g=,.

2 the heot ond Light lThe shutters I stop /going in.

3 people con get / When i t 's ro ing, /wet.

4 Roin / roofs. I foLls off

3 Comptete the Puzzle.

be k=w d3{*

L0 ->





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Page 20: Oxford Read and Discover Level 2 : Sunny and rainy

@ AWesther Diq ry1 Complete the weother diarg.

Mondo g roiny off doygroy clouds in the sky

Dog Drow theweother.

Write oboutthe weother.


Tuesdo g

Wed nesdo g



Sotu rdog


@,, @

@ WeqtherCqrds1 Complete the weother cords.

P[oce Weother Animo[s


P[oce Weother Animo[s

' ' i t ' ' : i j i : i t j : '


2 Write o weother cordfor where Uou tive.

P[oce Weother Animo[s

Page 21: Oxford Read and Discover Level 2 : Sunny and rainy

Picture Dictionqry

f f iM ff ?il 6ffiffi

ro ind rops









ts ffi llrffruit

blow buil.dings down

Eorth fo l,L fost

minibeosts minute

oceo n





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g rou nd






Page 22: Oxford Read and Discover Level 2 : Sunny and rainy

Series Editor: Hazel Geatches . CLIL Adviser: John Ctegg

Oxford Read and Discover graded readers are at six levets, for students fromage 6 and otder. They cover many topics within three subject areas, and supportEngtish across the curriculum, or Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL).

Avaitable for each reader:. Audio CD Pack (book & audio CD). Activity Book

Teach i n g notes & C Ll L g u i da nce : www.ou p.c om / elt/ teacher/reada ndd iscover


Levet \The Wortd of Science

& TechnotogyThe Natural

WortdThe Wortd of Arts& Social Studies



. Eyes

. Fruit

. Trees

. Wheels

At the BeachCamouftageln the SkyYoung Animatsa

. Art

. Schools



o Etectr ici ty. Ptastic. Sunny and Rainyo Your Body

. Earth

. Farms

. In the Mountains

. Witd Cats

r Cit ies. Jobs



How We Make ProductsSound and MusicSuDer StructuresYour Five Senses

Amazing MinibeastsAnimals in the AirLife in RainforestsWonderful Water

* Festivals Aroundthe Wortd

u Free Time Aroundthe Wortd



. A[[ About Plants

. How to Stay Heatthy

. Machines Then and Now

. Why We Recycle

. Alt About Desert Lifeo All About Ocean Life. Animats at Night. lncredible Earth

. Animats in Art

. Wonders of the Past



Materials to ProductsMedicine Then and NowTransportation Thenand NowWitd Weather

A[[ About lslandsAnimaI Life CyctesExploring Our WorldGreat Migrations

" Homes Aroundthe World

- Our World in Art



o Ce[[s and Microbeso Ctothes Then and Nowo Incredible Energy. Your Amazing Body

. All About Space

. Caring for Our Planeto Earth Then and Now. Wonderful Ecosystems

. Food Aroundthe Wortd

. Helping Aroundthe World

Readers in GRAY avai tabte 2013

Metric measurement customary measurement

Page 15 3 centimeters 1.2 inches