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08:30 – 09:00 Registration of participants

09:00 – 09:20 Press scrum

May 26 (Wednesday) PLENARY SESSION

09:20 – 09:30 OPENING CEREMONY Abdukodir Toshkulov – Minister of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the

Republic of Uzbekistan

Kongratbay Sharipov – Rector of Tashkent State University of Economics


Komiljon Karimov – Rector of the University of World Economy and Diplomacy

Gulnora Abdurakhmanova – Vice Rector of Tashkent State University of Economics

09:30 – 10:20 Greeting:

Jamshid Kuchkarov – Deputy Prime Minister for Finance, Economy and Poverty

Reduction of the Republic of Uzbekistan and Minister of Economic Development and

Poverty Reduction of the Republic of Uzbekistan Erkin Gadoev – Chairman of the Committee on fiscal and economic reforms of Senate of the

Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Ibrokhim Abdurakhmonov – Minister of Innovative Development of the Republic of


Nozim Khusanov – Minister of Employment and Labor Relations of the Republic of


Sherzod Kudbiev – Chairman of the State Tax Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Eldor Tulyakov – Executive Director of the Development Strategy Center of the Republic of

Uzbekistan Uktam Umurzakov - Rector of the Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural

Mechanization Engineers, Chairman of the Republican Council for Higher Education Adkham Bekmuradov – Rector of the Academy of Public Administration under the

President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Nabi Ziyadullaev – Honorary Scientist of the Russian Federation, Chief Researcher of the

Institute of Market Problems of the Russian Federation

Lim Jake – Professor, PhD

Vice Rector of Ajou University in Korea and AUT in Uzbekistan (South Korea)

Almaz Kadyraliev – Rector of the KEU named after M. Ryskulbekov ( the Kyrgyz


Umid Abidkhadzhaev – Director of the Institute for Forecasting and Macroeconomic

Research under the Ministry of Economic Development and Poverty Reduction of


10:20–10:30 Eric Salzman – First Secretary/Commercial-Economic Team Lead

U.S. Embassy in Tashkent

Creation of a supportive investment climate for Uzbekistan

10:30–10:40 Eskender Trushin

Senior Economist at the World Bank Representative Office in Uzbekistan

Constraints to increase productivity and job creation in Uzbekistan




Marty Kaszubowski – PhD, Director of Institute of Innovation and entrepreneurship

Old Dominion University (USA)

The Role US Universities Play in Developing the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem

10:50 – 11:00

(1:50-2:00 PM,


Mona Isa – Professor, PhD

Universiti Teknologi MARA(UiTM) (Malaysia)

Managing Research: New Normal Reality During Covid-19 Pandemic

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11:00 – 11:10

(1:00-1:10 AM,


Tina Coffelt – Professor, PhD

Iowa State University (USA)

Higher Education and Professional Development Opportunities in the USA

11:10 – 11:20 Paul Lee – Senior Specialist Advisor at the Ministry of Finance of Republic of Uzbekistan (South Korea) Perspectives of Capital Market Development in Uzbekistan

11:20 – 11:30

(1:20-1:30 AM,


Janak Joshi – Professor, PhD

School of Business, Hood College (USA)

Nutrition Quality and Budget Constraint: Evidence from Panel Data

11:30 – 11:40

(9:30-9:40 AM,


Elena Zarova – Professor, DSc Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (Russia)

Dynamic indicators of the recovery growth of industrial production of the Republic of

Uzbekistan during the turbulent conditions of the "Coronacrisis"

11:40 – 11:50

(1:40-1:50 AM,


Okila Elboeva – Professor, PhD

Lincoln Memorial University (USA)

The effects of COVID-19 on education outcomes and the ways to lessen its negative effects

11:50 – 12:00

(6:50-7:00 PM,

New Zealand)

Zhavlonbek Kadirov – PhD

Victoria University Wellington (New Zealand)

Three Macromarketing Principles for Sustainable Development

12:00 – 12:10

(3:00-3:10 PM,


Vanessa Gaffar – PhD, Professor

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, West Jawa (Indonesia)

Poverty Alleviation through MSMEs Empowerment

12:10 – 12:20

(3:10-3:20 PM,


Sharifah Zannierah Syed Marzuki – Professor, PhD

Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) (Malaysia)

The Economic Impact of Covid-19 Towards Halal Industry

12:20 – 12:30

(9:20-9:30 AM,

Czech Republic)

Tomas Kucera – Professor, PhD Charles University (Czechia) Population perspectives of Uzbekistan and its regions until 2050 and beyond

12:30 – 12:40 Azamat Duisembaev– Ass. Professor, PhD Karaganda State University named after E.A. Buketov (Kazakhstan) Development of tourism in the Republic of Kazakhstan in the context of strengthening

the integration of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan

12:40 – 12:50 Sarvar Khalikov– Doctoral student

Shanghai Maritime University (PRC)

Mechanisms of recovery in the world market of air transportation in the conditions of

large-scale economic shock COVID-19

12:50 – 13:10 DISCUSSION


13:25 – 14:00 COFFEE BREAK

Registration link

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10:00 – 12:00

Strategy of Actions for the five priority areas of development of the Republic of

Uzbekistan: reforms aimed at further strengthening macroeconomic stability and

sustainable economic growth, a summary of achievements and steps for future

development. Moderators:

1. Aktam Burkhanov – Professor, Doctor of Economics

Dean of the Faculty of Finance and Accounting, TSUE

2. Azizjan Bobojonov – Ass. professor, PhD, TSUE


10:00 – 12:00 (7:00-9:00 AM,


Deepening structural changes, ensuring sustainable development of regions on the basis

of increasing the real sector production capacity, achieving food security by development

of the agricultural sector. Moderators:

1. Dilshodjon Rakhmonov – Professor, DSс

Vice-Rector for International Cooperation, TSUE

2. 2. Ahmed Mohamed Aziz Ismail – Professor, PhD

University of Benha (Egypt)


10:00 – 12:00

Creation of favorable investment climate, active attraction of foreign investments,

exploration of new markets, support of exports, integration with economic alliances,

expansion of infrastructure and transport corridors. Moderators:

1. Muhiddin Kalonov– Professor, DSc

Director of the Scientific Research Center "Scientific Foundations and Problems of

Development of the Economy of Uzbekistan", Vice-Rector of TSUE

2. Sanjar Mirzaliev – Ass. Professor, PhD

Head of Research and Innovation Department, TSUE


10:00 – 12:00 (1:00-3:00 PM,


Poverty reduction and employment, comprehensive protection for migrant workers and

the creation of decent jobs. Moderators:

1. Gulnora Abdurakhmanova – Professor, Doctor of Economics

Vice-Rector for Science and Innovation, TSUE

2. Mona Isa – Professor, PhD

Universiti Teknologi MARA(UiTM) (Malaysia)

3. Sanjar Goibnazarov– Ass. professor, PhD

Head of the Department of Human Resource Management, TSUE

Tashkent, st. Islam Karimov No. 49. Tel.: 71 239-29-20

Tashkent State University of Economics

tsue.uz conf2021.tsue.uz