p4 p5 p6 m3

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This material is related to BTEC L3 Business, Introduction to Marketing. The assignment is covering the following; P4, P5, P6 & M3. In this booklet could be find marketing analyses including obtained information about Tesco, Microsoft and Barnet College and then used the tools PESTEL, SWOT, SMART, SEGMENTATION & MARKETING MIX in order to come up with final marketing analysis. All the information is proofread and supported with accurate links and comments where applicable. However be aware that there could be parts on this booklet in where the information is presented as ''IF'', which is fallowing a few ways what could happen if e.g. UK goes out of EU. The importance of this booklet is to meet the criteria of BTEC L3 Business, Marketing assignment. Overall: The information provided could be reused from other people for the same purposes or different aims related to marketing research.


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Content Explain how your chosen organisation uses marketing

research for its marketing planning

Explain how and why groups of customers are targeted for selected products

Develop a coherent marketing mix for a new product or service

Analyse how your developed marketing mix for a new product and service is targeted at a defined group of potential customers


Page 3: P4 p5 p6 m3

How Tesco uses marketing research for its marketing


On this assignment I will introduce how business do marketing planning, what it is and why business use it. I will look at marketing researches and variety of them. Marketing Planning is set by business in order to prepare for survival or successful sales. I define that in the way it is because before sales and advertising business will do marketing researches and based on the findings it will create marketing plan.

PESTEL analysis stand for Political, Economical, Social, Technological, Environmental & Legal. Those factors are external and the organisation doesn’t have control on them from the other side the business have to study those internal factors and adjust with future changes.

For example the marketing department will use PESTEL and more specific e.g. Social factor to find out what has been changed in the lifestyle of the public since the last ten years. And if the organisation find out that people become more healthy, trying to add more healthy things (food, gym, water) into their lifestyle then the organisation could create a marketing plan how to add those things into their service or product list and satisfy the customers.In the same way the business will investigate Legal Factors that will appear in the country in where business operates. For example in 2019 the new law comes saying alcohol drinks will be sold to people over 24 years old. Now the business have consider that and make a plan how they will meet this requirements. Maybe they will sent staff on training and induction to know how to check IDs and when exceptions can be made. From the other side the business will reduce sales because most of the young age who like to drink will not be able to. In this order the business must find a way how to deal with that issue, maybe reduce the price of certain drinks so more people will buy them or do something else. The factors help the business to realise what will happen but the business itself have to create the plans and take the decisions what will be done in order the business to survive and success. According to Political decisions they also play very important part and they are linked to legal factors as well. Now the EU referendum will take vote and the

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final decision will be of the public however the referendum weather to have it or not was decided by the politics. Firstly they had internal vote between politics. Now the businesses have consider what to do if UK go out of EU, that will means high taxes when taking stock in and out from the UK. In that case many business will relocate to other countries which are part of the EU for example Germany. Those business who decide to stay in the UK they must come up with another plan how to overcome problems and survive.When it comes to Technological factors in the last 15 years the technology level grew up to very light level and all the business adjust to it. For example before 20 years there wasn’t self-check outs, but recently they was added as with the new technology people are more educated how to use touchscreens, to orientate with different software’s and finally saving time and money to the business. In ten checkouts works only one or two employees to help customers. The important point is that innovation didn’t come from nowhere, it come from PESTEL (Technological and Social) researches. Over the time the external marketing companies that are researching people’s behaviour also those focused on PESTEL discover that the technology is taking more and more part in the peoples live for the last 10 years. From the other hand business also took advantage on that process and the example is self-scanning check-out. Based on this finding from the technological and social researches I find out that most of the big shops are using those technologies and they becomes more and more popular.

Once the company get the information about the external factors and how that will influence the company now is time the company to investigate its own performance and factors which are depending on the company existence. For this purpose the business will use SWOT analysis, SWOT stands for Straights, Weaknesses, Opportunity and Trends. The first two are clearly internal factors which, helps the business to make evaluation of their performance. For example Tesco can put two columns on the white board and in the first to write all the strengths that company has such as international operation, Variety of services and products, large shops all over the UK. From the other side to outline all the weakness such as no very good customer service, whistleblowing (regarding sharing information), not very professional staff (I found that by myself) and bad planning (when they move to USA and Failed). Now all those two help the business to see first what they do good which apply to strengths and how they can improve it even more or at least to build a strategy to keep all those points stand in the same standard. Weakness will show them what really must to be improved and that will help them to perform better in future. The last two factors of SWOT are Opportunities and Trends which are external factors but

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very closely related. Opportunities will show the company what is out there, what could be achieved. Using PESTEL for example if the company decide to stay it the EU then that will open potential opportunity to Tesco to expand in Greek, Bulgaria, Romania and all those small countries. The trends have to be fallowed, I notice high demand of purchasing tablets and smartphones in the las couple of year, also gadgets for such Tech and we can all notice that Tesco add those in a separate section to their shop. This is one example how company find out the trends for the year and decide whether on nor to add it to their shop.

Once the company go through all those steps in marketing research using tool PESTEL and SWOT analysis. Now the company have to set their goals based on the outside environment as they know what is possible and what is not or what could be sold and what not. When having that ideas in mind the business will go to the next step called SMART objectives.

SMART stands for specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, time consuming. In order to explain how this tool work and helps the business to build smart objective I will build the fallowing example ‘’ In the next 3 years, Tesco will open 3 New big Stores in France, because the population in the city is grew up with 5% because of the emigrants coming and the building of the sores will take about six months.’’Now this example is specific because it has figures of the years, in how many years that will happen, it is measurable as Tesco will open not 30 but only 3 new stores, it is achievable because Tesco is a big company and have the capacity for investments, realistic it is realistic because the strategy is based on the raisin population which, means if more people are in the city the consumerism will be raisin as well and in las it is shown the time consuming which is six months in order to build (prepare the existing building to meet the quality and standards of one shop of TESCO).

The businesses like Tesco must use both tools PESTEL, SWOT and SMART objectives in order to plan and build marketing plan. Each tool is important and the information obtained from PESEL has to be taken and used when doing SWOT. It has to be considered PESTEL without SWOT is not valuable to the business and it won’t helped much.

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How and why groups of customers are targeted for selected


On this assignment I am going to explain how business segment and use targeting in order to

Segmentation is division of focused group of people. As we all know there are different factors that influent the customers and there are different groups wanting and wishing for different products. Business cannot afford everything to everyone, which is costly and also will reduce the quality of services. This is why businesses segment and focus at specific groups and trying to satisfy their needs.

Marketing planning is based on marketing research swot, PESTEL etc. but without knowing who are the customers then all the research lose its value. Once the business run the marketing research and find what is popular today, what is the status of social factors then business decide where or actually on which group to focus. Once they target their group then business position by using their own brand, image and reputation.

Market research is depending on segmentation, targeting and positioning in certain ways. As I already mentioned above, marketing research will lose its value without those three parts of marketing planning.

General Basis of Market Segmentation

Segmentation is based on dividing customers by using different factors such as demographic factors. Demographic factors are based on gender, age, sex, education level, income level, marital status, occupation, religion, birth rate, death rate, average size of a family, average age at marriage. Those sub-factors are used by the business to divide customers in one way for example one business

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could divide people to male and female, especially when comes to cosmetic the against sweating, facial and body creams, shaving tools and so on. In the same order of thoughts, they could be divided to male female and kits, kits also use cosmetic products but usually the contents is different. Most of the products for adults are stronger which means including string chemicals such as tooth paste, this is why on the market could be find tooth paste for kits. So the company like Colgate is segmenting by using demographic factors and sub demographic factor such as age and gender.

Other businesses use Psychological factors which are based on lifestyle and belief. The lifestyle for everyone is different for example in the last ten years people become healthier in relation to food and physical activities. However there are other group of people who still don’t care what the food contains as long it is delicious. For example Tesco focus on both group of customers by offering variety of food and more specifically they add GM free products, healthy options for dinner. In order to do that business is a specific sign to mark the product that it is free GM or e.g. eggs of free living chickens. There are factors in which every business focus and have to consider and this is Geographic, which is applying to Location, place. Depending on the other factors that I mentioned above, now the business have to think where to be located or if it is located somewhere, however it is not working well in that place where to relocate and things like that. This is important because without that business could bankrupt. For example the shop Harrods is located in East End of London and this is so because the people living in that area are more having higher income than the middle class customers. That brings us to the next factor which is Socio Cultural and it is related to class of lifestyle. There are different locations, areas, countries in where people live in different way, can afford different things etc. This is depending on their job and status in life. Some groups are with lower income that the others this is why some business focused on that and create low price with reasonable quality, those businesses are Aldi, Asda, Lidl and so on, from the other hand there are businesses for people with higher income, which creates higher class of lifestyle, for those kind of people have shops such as Harrods as I already mentioned. Also there are customers who are with middle class lifestyle, they do not have much to spend but asking for high quality in reasonable price and of course for those have businesses such as Mar & Spencer or Morrison’s.

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Purposes of segmentation and reasons how organisation

choose their segments

Organisation chose their segments in different way. Each factor in which business will focus on will require different investment. As the money are one of the leading factors, business will think of which group will be most appropriate to focus. For example company like Apple which is very popular, proofed itself on the market, can now focus on high class people by creating phone with gold or silver paces. The reason for it will be because the company can easily afford that and it will earn money form it, as they are with big market share. From the other hand there are companies such as Nokia, which are surviving at the moment and in order to sale they will focus on people with less income, that means Nokia will reduce the

price of its products and make it affordable for people from lower class.

The main purpose organisations are looking to segment is focusing on certain group, which can help them increase sales, buying the products it means helping them sale. How the business will segment will be depending on the resources because the resources are limited for everyone, for some organisations they are larger for some are smaller, however still limited for everyone. Every

organisation is aiming to invest less and get more than the break even.

In order to prove and put in examples all the theory I have written above, I will use Tesco as a main business to explain how Tesco contribute to different segmentations, factors, targets etc.I will introduce six different groups in which Tesco is focusing on and Targeting.

The groups of customers are divided once the marketing research is done for example during the marketing research the information obtained can be worked out and put into percentages for example 8 of 10 people care about healthy food, 4 of 10 people are willing to pay life insurance, 5 of 10 people care about their religion and how they will fallow it, 9 of 10 customers care about the type of cosmetics they are going to use (male and female), 7 of 10 kids are saying that they can chose their toys without the suggestion of the parents, 8 of 10 people are willing to go local shop instead of going to the big supermarket.

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The information above is ready to go into the next step in where the information will be put in focused groups such as Psychological (healthy lifestyle), Socio Cultural and Psychological (not everyone will thing that is important/essential the rest of them would think it is waste of money but people who can afford it they would invest), Psychological (religion/belief), Demographic (age and gender), Geographic (Location).

Now, the information above is transferred into segmentation of groups, and once that is done the business can go to the next step which is to take the decision is it worth to focus on satisfying that group or not. If we look at the first segment psychological related to healthy lifestyle we can say that Tesco decided to focus on that group because that’s 80% of the people willing to eat healthy food. This is why Tesco add to their shelfs free GM products, fresh fish and vegetables, green pack edged eggs which are from free/happy living chickens also Tesco introduces products with less sugar or salt. Those products will be costly that the usual one however there is 80% of customers vote yes for that so Tesco decided it is worth to add them to their menu. The second segment is Socio Cultural and Physiological about the insurance, the percentage is less than 50%. However if Tesco add that service to their offered it will help the business. As it known banking and insurance is a way in which business will get money to operate with. The third segment is 50% of people care about religion and fallow it, this percentage of customers should be satisfied in order to

get their money. This is the reason Tesco introduce Halal section in their shops. The fourth segment is almost everyone is dividing cosmetics as people have different bodies and different needs this is why Tesco divided the male and female sections by adding variety of different cosmetics, because people buy it. When a family do shopping it is most likely to get at least two type of shaving tools (man/woman), at least two types of antiperspirants etc. More than a half of kits can make chose without the suggestion of the

parents which means that Tesco should allow the whole section for toys from small to teenage age. Also to place the stock it the way that will catch the eye of kits, so when the parents are doing their shopping the kits can see and go to the toy section, choose and bring the chosen toy to the parent’s basket. Today people are busy and they prefer to get something from the local shop instead of traveling long distance to Tesco Extra in a case that they need to get only two bags of products. It is important that Tesco consider that and

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open small shops in a central places in a small areas so people can get easily to their products. People will spend less for shopping but they will do shopping more often, a few times weekly.

There are obvious reasons why customers are targeted for such groups, of course the business cannot satisfy everyone but they must focus on a groups from similar character and attract their attention. By winning the groups of customers the business will increase sales and profit.

There are cases in where Tesco can Sale business to business. Tesco is supplying some charities such as FareShare aiming to cut wood waste. (http://www.thegrocer.co.uk/channels/supermarkets/tesco/tesco-to-send-seven-million-meals-to-fareshare/350637.article) Tesco also supply wine using Wine By the case in which is saying ‘’ On top of our extensive range of over 1000 wines we have a dedicated team of wine advisors trained to help advise our business customers with any wine requirements, including’’ http://www.tesco.com/wine/zone/default.aspx?name=B2B-wines Tesco is retailer supplying to public and b2b is not the strength of Tesco. For the following reason I will use Microsoft, which supply both B2B and B2C. Windows Professional is a product that Microsoft sale to other businesses and the evidence is https://www.microsoftstore.com/store/msusa/en_US/pdp/Windows-10-Pro/productID.319935900 also there are other software products offered by Microsoft which is aimed to be sold to businesses. Microsoft has a website called For Your Business https://business.microsoft.com/en-gb in where other businesses can access and buy variety of software products. Microsoft sold its products to PC World and then PC world sell those to the public. http://www.pcworld.co.uk/gbuk/computing-accessories/software/office-software/1115_8706_71796_xx_xx/xx-criteria.html there are online platforms such as Staples http://www.pcworld.co.uk/gbuk/computing-accessories/software/office-software/1115_8706_71796_xx_xx/xx-criteria.html which buy the products from Microsoft and then re-sale it to public. Amazon, the popular online shopping platform also buy products from Microsoft and sale those to the public https://www.amazon.co.uk/Business-Office-Software-Applications-Suites/b?ie=UTF8&node=600014. There are also businesses such as Ebuyer.com https://www.amazon.co.uk/Business-Office-Software-Applications-Suites/b?ie=UTF8&node=600014 which are buying from Microsoft.

INDEX-To make clear why other businesses buy from Microsoft is for two particular options, the first option is that they use the products the example is Barnet College. The second option is that other businesses buy from Microsoft to resale and make profit of those

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products. The businesses that I mentioned above are all retailers using to buy products from Microsoft and then re-sale them to the public.

Targeting, focusing on groups help business to outline the groups which will try to satisfy and how and why. Obviously the profit will be the main Why, however there are business that will target a group of people in order to popularise a new product e.g.From this report the understanding of focusing, segmentation, why and how is much more clear.

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Develop a Coherent Marketing Mix for a new product or service

Definition: The marketing mix refers to the set of actions, or tactics, that a company uses to promote its brand or product in the market. The 4Ps make up a typical marketing mix - Price, Product, Promotion and Place. However, nowadays, the marketing mix increasingly includes several other Ps like Packaging, Positioning, People and even Politics as vital mix elements. ‘’http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/definition/marketing-mix’’

Own Explanation: My understanding of marketing mix is that it contains seven factors also called 7Ps which come together in order the business advertise. In my opinion business use each P to find the most appropriate group which will take place in certain P for example Place (what will be the most suitable place to do the presentation of our new product, is it going to be in some hotel, in the mall, in the street/busy square etc.)

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Marketing planning is related to marketing mix because once the companies decide the product or service they will provide then they will use the marketing mix in order to find Price – to be affordable for certain group of people that visit Tesco, the bread has to be less than £2 otherwise people will chose other providers. From the other hand in Tesco have variety of products with variety in their price, some of them are cheaper and some are more expensive. This is allowing customers from different level to come and buy the products. Product – based on what the public wants create a product and sale it in Tesco. As we know there are different segments, some of them like fresh products but some like frozen. This is why Tesco have variety of products aiming to meet the requirements of different group of customers. Promotion – how and what types of promotion will be considered for this certain product. Tesco do many types of promotion but the main one is when reducing the price of products in order to sale more units. Place – where will be the most appropriate place for Tesco to sale its products, big Tesco Extra is located in a main road such as North Circular Road with lots of traffic and small Tesco will be located in the main roped of certain area such as Barnet. Packaging – what will be the packaging material cartoon, plastic etc. also the use of images and fonts, colours and all those matters depending on the type of product, Positioning – wearing the brand logo, People – who will work in order to sale the products, all staff working within Tesco such as customer service, cashiers etc… The people in Tesco are trained to do their job in the best way for example cashier assistants will have the knowledge how to operate the till but also to smile to the customers, to make customers feel coming back. If there are any issues customer service has to be trained to be problem solving and satisfy customers for the same reason so they will come back. People working for Tesco are trained in a way to finish their Politics – are they going to allow the products to be sold in that country, considering that they vote for the laws. Because of political issues and conflicts Tesco started closing shops in certain The main point in here is marketing mix can’t be define without marketing research which will give the main details and then by using 7ps put all those details coherer and be creative where required for example packaging.

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Explanation the link between segmentation, targeting and positioning

and marketing mix

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Marketing Mix includes seven factors as I mentioned earlier. The first factor is Product which is aiming to tell that the business have to make sure the product or service meet the customers criteria, which means what they want for example if they want a phone then the product must do the functions of the phone receive calls, SMS and so on. The other importance is to meet the customer criteria of what they want for example if they want a white phone they should have it or different colours phone will apply as well (the example is iPhone 5s). The second factor is Place, the business have to think where they will sale their products as I already go with the example of the phone, I would say that the most appropriate place for that will be in the tech shops such as Curies PC World or Three Mobile, EE… etc.

The third factor is Price, the price obviously is very important segment because after the customer like the product itself then goes to look at the price. This is why the price must be available and easy to seen and recognise. The other thing is that the price doesn’t have to be the cheapest on the market but it has to be value for money and if it is the highest on the market such as IPhone and Samsung comparing to others then that has to have a reason, quality materials and good faction. People are willing to pay more for high quality. The next factor is Promotion which refers to how the company will pass the information to the right audience, in different words that’s called advertising. Advertising have different methods and for example if we sale technologies such as smart phones the targeted audience will be people from early teenage to individuals up to 5o year old. The business could advertise on the TV which is very huge platform to pass message to large audience but also it can use posters and web advertising as those are the main platforms that will meet the everyday life of those targeted people.The next factor is the People who will run the business, the product won’t exist if the company doesn’t have people to work on. It is important the business recruit and put the right people into right place because not everyone will be good developer or sales assistant. The next factor is focused on Process and how the service of delivering the product to the customer will be carried out. According to process different businesses will have different process for example process of production have to consider hardworking and qualify people who will use the budget of precaution wisely without wasting too much money, in other business process of delivery must be managed well, quick process, save delivery all those factors have to be considered. Now you can see that there are different processes in the company and all of them have to be managed well in order the business to run well. Even customer service is a process and if it is not working well then that would make customers turn up and never return, which is potential risk of losing money. The next important P is related to Physical Evidence and it is very interesting subject. Every business including those providing services such as banking, insurance etc. support their services with materialistic/physical objects. Unusually those could be leaflets, for example when we get car insurance soon we receive a letter will all information that services includes, including price etc. From the other hand some businesses such as hairdresser will provide comfortable environments such as TV, Radio, Comfortable Chairs or wipes.

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Now we can all understand clearly what is marketing mix, what those seven ‘’p’’ stand for. However the purpose and why the business have to consider those 7 Ps is also important to be understood. In order to understand what is the purpose of the marketing mix, I would

say this is putting the right product in the right place, at the right price, at the right time. It seems easy formulas but it requires a lot of time and researches in order to put all those together. However, if only one piece of this formula is not done properly the product or service will fail and the company will be in big lose. In conclusion I would say the whole purpose of using marketing mix is to help the product and the service to take stable place on the market, to step up strongly and be there for a long time. It is also aiming to help the business, it is well known those businesses offering good services and products are well

known and popular. This is so because those businesses put in place the 7 Ps system, and the results are obvious. If you need an example for that you could take a look at Apple and how they consider the 7 Ps.

New Study Option – Study Go

This is a new service, which is different from online studies. The main point of the service will be to allow student to come only for lectures but only if they feel the need of having this lections. For some students, some topics are very familiar to them and there is no need for them to attend certain lection. Also students will be able to work on their assignments out of college and just submit their work in ilearn.The students for this course will have a teachers who will be able to be contacted online for questions and help or be contacted face to face at the college. In the end of the academic year the students will attend exams, which will give those 50% of the final grade decision.

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EXTRA PACKAGE- Study Go might come with work experience, which will depends on the course for example those who are doing accountancy will be put into Accountancy company for one to six months and see how the job is done. I believe the theory without actual practice is not worth it. For better understanding theory has to be fallowed with practice. Barnet College will get in contact with different businesses and negotiate the terms about this working places which will come along with the course.

Note- In order to get into one of those two course people must take an exams also show their higher grades such as GCSEs A/B but not less than that. For those who can’t show that will have option B which is to pass an assessment and write a motivational letter why they need the course.

Study Go can be provided as an, equivalent of every course including Business, Media and the rest of the serious, commercial focused studies.

The target audience for this option will be students who are doing their A levels or professionals doing higher levels such as 4/5. The main audience for this service will be people who are working or attending other activities. The course will give them the chance to learn how to self-manage, self-organise and use external guide on their way to success. This is built on those people high sense of independent work and high level of performance. Studying is investment of time but we all study in order to get better job, to increase our chance of progress. However the progress doesn’t come only with theory but also with practice and the students need to get into employment so they can build one or two years of experience in certain area because this is the required amount of experience that companies are looking for. The course will encourage those students who want to study but also want to work, to be

able to get the benefits of both activities, combine them and get much closer to success. That will attract many young people because it will give them chance to reduce time waning to finish the studies

and get a good job.

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The price for the EXTRA PACAGE service will be £1500 per year and if it is three years course the price for both years will be £4000. The amount of money could be paid in parts such as every month, every six months, every year or in one go. Students aged 16-19 will use the service for free with some conditions, which could be negotiated in further analysis. This price is low as it is offering work experience, which predicts service users will be unemployed or in job with less income.

The normal Study Go will cost £5000 up to £6000 as it include practice such as seminars in where students will go in other business to see how things are done practically such as how Company A is using Marketing Planning. The purpose for this course predicts that service users already have a job and this is why it could be slightly more expensive than the package with work experience included.

The college will use less rooms, less computers as customers won’t us the facilities much so the point is the expenses will be cut off. The salaries of teachers will be raised and college will increase net profit after all.

So the salary per month for a teacher could be £2000-3000 or more, for further expenses will be used 1000 and the college will have net profit of average £1000 every month/ per student. The best pricing strategy could be skim pricing because this will be something new, from the other hand the fees are same as the most

college courses and in time when increase popularity the price could be raised.

The promotion of this service will be done by sending people from Barnet College to run presentations in different schools about the course so students will be attracted also inform

how the system works and what to expect. Advertisement could be put in different business building so even those people who wants to change

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carriers or improve their knowledge can be aware of the new service. So the College can use presentations, posters and also online advertising in websites. This will give one expensive way of advertising and two cheaper so there will be some balance.

Design is also important which will attract the audience. I believe even services has to come with some physical evidence which is more attract full and satisfying. Study Go will come with a contract, terms of engagement, code of conduct and such things which will be read and signed form the service user. Those documents will have a copy, which stays to Barnet College but the originals will be packaged in a luxury black cartoon, which will have engraved in gold the logo of Barnet College, finished with violet (colour of the college) ribbon. In the package will include special section for the student ID card and along with the first receipt that will be given to the service user. It might include gritting letter saying welcome to Barnet College and one Leaflet with induction giving the locations of different facilities within the campus.

The service will be sold in all campuses of Barnet College. The course will be engaged with a contract which has to be negotiated between the college and the service user. This place is best the service to be sold on, because the course and lections will be done by Barnet College and won’t include external parties in collecting the money.

All valuable and successful organisations use marketing strategies and one of each is marketing mix in order to plan and prosper. By looking at my analysis it could be defined how the business use the 7 Ps in order to build a market for the product or service and why they need to use market mix in order to do successful sales. The organisation can achieve their goals when they plan strategies smart and in order to plan smart the organisation will need to us PESTEL, SWOT, SMART objectives and Marketing Mix for high performance and best results in sales.

Developed marketing mix for a

Study Go is targeted at a defined group of potential customers

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For this topic I will be looking at how the developed marketing mix help the new service target new audience of potential customers. I will outline the importance of marketing to businesses which means to explain the benefits of marketing mix to businesses and the consequences when not used or put together perfectly.

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I already state before that marketing mix could be useful a lot to the business when is done wisely the benefits of it could be great. For example it can help the business to get a guide for resource allocation, which will help the business to see the limited resources both human and financial and to plan how to use them wisely. Also it shows the different aspects and areas business have to work on so it helps the business to allocate the responsibilities, give each department the purpose, for example finance will deal with how to manage resources for advertising and promoting, the sales department will use the findings from Research and Development to build a pricing

strategy (most

appropriate one). Those are only a few examples, it helps the company to work as a team. Marketing mix can help the business to put the right product, on the right place, at the right price and offered to the right people. However if the marketing mix is not considered well and something goes wrong or misleading then consequences will bring the business serious loses. For example the

wrong price might not sale the product which is repairable, but if it comes to the place then that might not increase the amount of sales to break even and the business will lose a lot in financial aspects. If the product is advertised in non-appropriate way it might go to the wrong audience. For example the perfumes for lady will be advertised between some TV show which is targeted to the lady’s audience but if the advent with that product comes in the meddle of football match then man could see that and decided to get it as a gift but also reduce the chance from high sales, and it has to be considered TV advertising is expensive so has to be done wisely. The Products put on the market, which many competitors offering the same will be fatal for the business. This is important the business to research what people wants and give what they wants that means people will buy only what they want to and business can benefit to earn money from it.

The service is designed to suits people who are working and hardly can manage to do part time job. Not many people can find part time jobs also full time employment brings higher income and ability to spend more money in those kind of highly commercial courses. In order to see the full design and how the service will function please, get back to my P6 in where in details is explained how the whole design is done. The design will suits also people who want to study and get to employment quickly. The apprenticeships give work (learn while earn) but don’t give high level of knowledge/academic level of knowledge which is

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required for high authority positions such as managers, legal related positions or accountants. 2

People with aims to become managers or get into job which requires let’s say a degree can be exchanged with the equivalent of my service. The units which will include the certain course and also how the information will be proportioning/served in parts will be further discussed with expert opinion of teachers and professionals and also consider the need of specific areas which the certain companies will require. The targeted audience will be people who want to get into job that they want to do, people who want to improve carrier, young individuals/ambitious students, the people who want to use the time wisely.

The main points of marketing mix are four, price is the only point of the

marketing mix which, creates sales revenue, all the rest product, place, people are costs. Price is important factor and it helps all the

rest to exist. Price make profit and this profit will be used to pay for place, where the products will be sold also the product itself as for the production money are required and people as well, in order business to bring people to buy the product they need to advertise which cost money as well. From the other hand if we have place but we don’t concentrate on price and people the whole point will be pointless, the product won’t be sold and

business will not make profit. Product and price without a good or any specific place will affect in the same way. If the business have products, place and good price but doesn’t consider promotion at the right way to promote all the rest, then there will be lack of people, which means customers won’t be aware of the new product, the place where could be found and the price of it as well. If the business don’t meet all the factors it won’t make profit and it won’t have money to invest in processes of products or any other processes that business require.

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Each factor of the marketing mix is unique and can’t exist without the rest. Every factor is much important as the others so the business have to concentrate on all the factors which marketing mix include. There is no such thing as, most important than the others when it comes to marketing mix or any marketing systems which includes factors. Even when I was comparing in the above paragraph, it could be seen how one depends on all and all depends on one, which is the actual prove of that there can’t be one most important than the rest.