p5l mutation in ank results in an increase in extracellular inorganic pyrophosphate during

omas Jefferson University Jefferson Digital Commons Center for Translational Medicine Faculty Papers Center for Translational Medicine October 2006 P5L mutation in Ank results in an increase in extracellular inorganic pyrophosphate during proliferation and nonmineralizing hypertrophy in stably transduced ATDC5 cells Raihana Zaka omas Jefferson University David Stokes omas Jefferson University Arnold S. Dion omas Jefferson University Anna Kusnierz omas Jefferson University Fei Han omas Jefferson University See next page for additional authors Let us know how access to this document benefits you Follow this and additional works at: hps://jdc.jefferson.edu/transmedfp Part of the Cardiology Commons is Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Jefferson Digital Commons. e Jefferson Digital Commons is a service of omas Jefferson University's Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL). e Commons is a showcase for Jefferson books and journals, peer-reviewed scholarly publications, unique historical collections from the University archives, and teaching tools. e Jefferson Digital Commons allows researchers and interested readers anywhere in the world to learn about and keep up to date with Jefferson scholarship. is article has been accepted for inclusion in Center for Translational Medicine Faculty Papers by an authorized administrator of the Jefferson Digital Commons. For more information, please contact: JeffersonDigitalCommons@jefferson.edu. Recommended Citation Zaka, Raihana; Stokes, David; Dion, Arnold S.; Kusnierz, Anna; Han, Fei; and Williams, Charlene J., "P5L mutation in Ank results in an increase in extracellular inorganic pyrophosphate during proliferation and nonmineralizing hypertrophy in stably transduced ATDC5 cells" (2006). Center for Translational Medicine Faculty Papers. Paper 1. hps://jdc.jefferson.edu/transmedfp/1

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Thomas Jefferson UniversityJefferson Digital Commons

Center for Translational Medicine Faculty Papers Center for Translational Medicine

October 2006

P5L mutation in Ank results in an increase inextracellular inorganic pyrophosphate duringproliferation and nonmineralizing hypertrophy instably transduced ATDC5 cellsRaihana ZakaThomas Jefferson University

David StokesThomas Jefferson University

Arnold S. DionThomas Jefferson University

Anna KusnierzThomas Jefferson University

Fei HanThomas Jefferson University

See next page for additional authorsLet us know how access to this document benefits youFollow this and additional works at: https://jdc.jefferson.edu/transmedfp

Part of the Cardiology Commons

This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Jefferson Digital Commons. The Jefferson Digital Commons is a service of ThomasJefferson University's Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL). The Commons is a showcase for Jefferson books and journals, peer-reviewed scholarlypublications, unique historical collections from the University archives, and teaching tools. The Jefferson Digital Commons allows researchers andinterested readers anywhere in the world to learn about and keep up to date with Jefferson scholarship. This article has been accepted for inclusion inCenter for Translational Medicine Faculty Papers by an authorized administrator of the Jefferson Digital Commons. For more information, pleasecontact: [email protected].

Recommended CitationZaka, Raihana; Stokes, David; Dion, Arnold S.; Kusnierz, Anna; Han, Fei; and Williams, Charlene J.,"P5L mutation in Ank results in an increase in extracellular inorganic pyrophosphate duringproliferation and nonmineralizing hypertrophy in stably transduced ATDC5 cells" (2006). Center forTranslational Medicine Faculty Papers. Paper 1.https://jdc.jefferson.edu/transmedfp/1

AuthorsRaihana Zaka, David Stokes, Arnold S. Dion, Anna Kusnierz, Fei Han, and Charlene J. Williams

This article is available at Jefferson Digital Commons: https://jdc.jefferson.edu/transmedfp/1

Open Access

Available online http://arthritis-research.com/content/8/6/R164

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Vol 8 No 6Research articleP5L mutation in Ank results in an increase in extracellular inorganic pyrophosphate during proliferation and nonmineralizing hypertrophy in stably transduced ATDC5 cellsRaihana Zaka1, David Stokes1, Arnold S Dion2, Anna Kusnierz1, Fei Han1 and Charlene J Williams1

1Division of Rheumatology, Department of Medicine, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA 19107, USA2College of Graduate Studies, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA 19107, USA

Corresponding author: Charlene J Williams, [email protected]

Received: 10 Aug 2006 Revisions requested: 30 Aug 2006 Revisions received: 5 Oct 2006 Accepted: 26 Oct 2006 Published: 26 Oct 2006

Arthritis Research & Therapy 2006, 8:R164 (doi:10.1186/ar2072)This article is online at: http://arthritis-research.com/content/8/6/R164© 2006 Zaka et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


Ank is a multipass transmembrane protein that regulates thecellular transport of inorganic pyrophosphate. In the progressiveankylosis (ank) mouse, a premature termination mutation atglutamic acid 440 results in a phenotype characterized byinappropriate deposition of basic calcium phosphate crystals inskeletal tissues. Mutations in the amino terminus of ANKH, thehuman homolog of Ank, result in familial calcium pyrophosphatedihydrate deposition disease. It has been hypothesized thatthese mutations result in a gain-of-function with respect to theelaboration of extracellular inorganic pyrophosphate. To explorethis issue in a mineralization-competent system, we stablytransduced ATDC5 cells with wild-type Ank as well as withfamilial chondrocalcinosis-causing Ank mutations. Weevaluated the elaboration of inorganic pyrophosphate, theactivity of pyrophosphate-modulating enzymes, and themineralization in the transduced cells. Expression of transducedprotein was confirmed by quantitative real-time PCR and byELISA. Levels of inorganic pyrophosphate were measured, aswere the activities of nucleotide pyrophosphatasephosphodiesterase and alkaline phosphatase. We alsoevaluated the expression of markers of chondrocyte maturationand the nature of the mineralization phase elaborated by

transduced cells. The cell line expressing the proline to leucinemutation at position 5 (P5L) consistently displayed higher levelsof extracellular inorganic pyrophosphate and higherphosphodiesterase activity than the other transduced lines.During hypertrophy, however, extracellular inorganicpyrophosphate levels were modulated by alkaline phosphataseactivity in this cell system, resulting in the deposition of basiccalcium phosphate crystals only in all transduced cell lines. Cellsoverexpressing wild-type Ank displayed a higher level ofexpression of type X collagen than cells transduced with mutantAnk. Other markers of hypertrophy and terminal differentiation,such as alkaline phosphatase, osteopontin, and runx2, were notsignificantly different in cells expressing wild-type or mutant Ankin comparison with cells transduced with an empty vector orwith untransduced cells. These results suggest that the P5L Ankmutant is capable of demonstrating a gain-of-function withrespect to extracellular inorganic pyrophosphate elaboration,but this effect is modified by high levels of expression of alkalinephosphatase in ATDC5 cells during hypertrophy and terminaldifferentiation, resulting in the deposition of basic calciumphosphate crystals.

IntroductionThe pathologic deposition of calcium pyrophosphate dihy-drate crystals in the joints of patients with familial chondrocal-cinosis is associated with mutations in ANKH (for a review,see [1]). The ANKH gene is the human homologue of the gene

responsible for progressive ankylosis in a naturally occurringmutant mouse [2]. The product of the ank/ANKH geneappears to regulate the transport of inorganic pyrophosphate(PPi) through the cell membrane. Sohn and colleagues origi-nally observed high expression of Ank in the hypertrophic

ank = progressive ankylosis gene/cDNA (murine); Ank = progressive ankylosis protein (murine); ANK = progressive ankylosis protein (human); ANKH = progressive ankylosis gene (human); AP = alkaline phosphatase; bp = base pair; col2a1 = gene coding for type II collagen (murine); col10a1 = gene coding for type X collagen (murine); CPPD = calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate deposition; DMEM = Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium; ELISA = enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay; ePPi = extracellular inorganic pyrophosphate; iPPi = intracellular inorganic pyrophosphate; M48T = methionine position 48 to threonine; NPP = nucleotide pyrophosphatase phosphodiesterase; P5L = proline position 5 to leucine; P5T = proline posi-tion 5 to threonine; PCR = polymerase chain reaction; PPi = inorganic pyrophosphate; RT = reverse transcriptase.

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growth plate [3]. Interestingly, high levels of ANKH expressionhave also been found in osteoarthritic cartilage and in cartilagefrom patients with calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate deposi-tion (CPPD), particularly in areas of cartilage tissue that arepopulated with hypertrophic-like chondrocytes [4-6]. Whilethese observations suggest that Ank plays a role in the patho-logical mineralization of cartilage, Wang and colleagues [7]have shown that the protein also has an important role in thephysiological mineralization of the chick tibial growth plate bydemonstrating that increased Ank activity led to decreasedlevels of extracellular PPi resulting from the concomitantupregulation of alkaline phosphatase (AP) expression.

To characterize the role of wild-type Ank and its mutants in theregulation of PPi transport in vitro, we stably transducedATDC5 cells with wild-type Ank and three missense mutationswe have reported in families with familial chondrocalcinosis.We chose to only modestly overexpress wild-type and mutantAnk in order to create a stable dominant-negative environmentin which to evaluate PPi elaboration, as well as the activity oftwo enzymes that are critical to the fate of PPi generation:nucleotide pyrophosphohydrolase phosphodiesterase (NPP)and AP. These studies were performed in ATDC5 cells to takeadvantage of the fact that these well-characterized cells arefully mineralization competent [8] and are amenable to stabletransfection. Furthermore, the use ofATDC5 cells permitted usto address some critical issues concerning the biochemicaland physiological impact of overexpression of wild-type Ank,and the expression of mutant forms of Ank, on the course ofchondrogenesis.

Materials and methodsCell culture, proliferation assays, and gene expression studiesATDC5 cells [9] (3 × 104 cells/35 mm dish) were maintainedin DMEM/Ham's F-12 (1:1) containing 5% fetal bovine serum,2 mM L-glutamine, 10 μg/ml human transferrin, and 3 × 10-8

M sodium selenite (maintenance medium), or the cells weredifferentiated, without passage, in the same medium supple-mented with 10 μg/ml insulin (chondrogenic medium). Themedia were changed every other day. Proliferation of untrans-duced cells or transduced cells was monitored using the cellproliferation agent WST-1 (Roche, Indianapolis, IN, USA).Cells were propagated in 96-well plates at the same cell den-sity as described above. Following addition of WST-1 reagent,the optical density was read at 450 nm. The background wasdetermined by assay of clean media collected at equivalenttime points.

For studies of mineralization in ATDC5 cells, at day 21 of cul-ture, α-MEM medium containing 5% fetal bovine serum 2 mMglutamine, 10 μg/ml human transferrin, 3 × 10-8 M sodiumselenite, and 10 μg/ml insulin was added to the cell cultureswithout passage of cells. The concentration of CO2 was alsoswitched to 3%, as previously described [8]. The medium was

replaced every other day. For measurements of mineral con-tent by Fourier transform IR analyses, cell layers were washedwith phosphate-buffered saline, scraped into 0.1 M ammo-nium bicarbonate solution (pH 8.5), pelleted, and lyophilized.

For experiments in which the constitutive expression of ankwas assessed, cells were incubated in parallel cultures con-taining maintenance medium and chondrogenic medium for aperiod of 21 days. Cells were harvested at the times indicatedabove for poly A+ RNA isolation using the Micro-FastTrack 2.0kit according to manufacturer's specifications (Invitrogen,Carlsbad, CA, USA). For cDNA synthesis, 150 ng mRNA wasreverse transcribed using the ThermoScript RT-PCR system(Invitrogen). The resultant cDNA was utilized for quantitativeRT-PCR, using β-actin as standard. The primers used toamplify ank were sense primer 5' -cttctagcagggtttgtggg-3' (inexon 11 of the transcript) and antisense primer 5' -tcgtctctttc-ctcctcctc-3' (in the 3' -untranslated region; product = 166 bp).Thermocycling was performed in a MyIQ thermocycler (Bio-rad, Hercules, CA, USA) using a reaction mix containing sybergreen. A melting curve was performed for each PCR cyclingreaction to ensure recovery of a single syber green fluorescingspecies in the reaction product. The fold changes of steady-state RNA levels were determined by the formula 2-ddCt, whereddCt = dE – dC (dE = Ctexp – Ctactin and dC = Ctcontl – Ctactin;dE = delta experimental, dC = delta control, Ct = cyclingthreshold).

Preparation of FLAG-tagged Ank constructs and transient transfection with FLAG-tagged constructsThe wild-type sequence of murine ank was used for both tran-sient and stable cDNA constructs of ank, and all mutations inank were prepared in the context of the mouse cDNAsequence. Ank cDNA was subcloned into a pcDNA I vector(Invitrogen) containing a FLAG sequence at the amino termi-nus of the multiple cloning site. To generate an inframe FLAGtag, the stop codon of each Ank cDNA – wild type and theproline position 5 to leucine (P5L), proline position 5 to threo-nine (P5T), and methionine position 48 to threonine (M48T)mutants – was ablated by site-directed mutagenesis and theFLAG tag was added to the 3' end of each cDNA by the PCR.The integrity of each construct was confirmed by directsequence analysis of the entire cDNA-FLAG insert.

For transfection with pcDNA I/ank-FLAG cDNA constructs,ATDC5 cells were transfected with wild-type and mutant con-structs (1 μg plasmid DNA/ml medium) in the presence ofFuGene 6 reagent (Roche) at a ratio of 1 μg plasmid DNA:2.5μl FuGene 6 reagent. A construct containing the lacZ genewas prepared as a control for transfection efficiency using thesame lacZ:FuGene6 ratio. After 48 hours of culture in mainte-nance medium, cells were fixed with 4% p-formaldehyde andwere immediately processed for immunohistochemistry usinga mouse polyclonal anti-FLAG M2 antibody (Stratagene, LaJolla, CA, USA). and goat anti-mouse secondary IgG antibody

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conjugated to Alexa fluor 488 (Molecular Probes, Eugene, OR,USA). Parallel chamber slides were incubated in secondaryantibody only. Cells were mounted with VectaShield (VectorLaboratories, Inc., Burlingame, CA, USA) mounting mediumwith propidium iodide for fluorescent detection of double-stranded DNA, and the cells were then visualized on a ZeissLSM510 Mera confocal microscope (Carl Zeiss MicroImag-ing, Thornwood, NY, USA) using a 63x lens.

Preparation of retroviral Ank constructs and stable transduction of ATDC5 cellsFor the preparation of stable transfections via retroviral trans-duction, ank cDNA wild-type and mutant constructs, preparedin the context of the mouse cDNA sequence, were subclonedinto the pLNCX expression vector (Clontech, Palo Alto, CA,USA) and were packaged as directed by the manufacturer.Virus-containing medium was directly added to ATDC5 cellsthat had been plated to 80% confluence in maintenancemedium 24 hours prior to infection. After 24 hours cells weresubjected to selection with the neomycin resistance reagentG418 (350 μg G418/ml media) for 2 weeks (media werechanged every 4 days). Approximately 10% of cells survivedselection and were expanded at low density in 100 μg G418/ml media and were further subjected to clonal selection. Cellswere expanded in the presence of G418 to ensure retentionof the transduced cDNAs, and were eventually harvested formRNA isolation to evaluate relative expression of endogenousand transduced cDNAs.

DNA was also isolated and used in Southern blot analyses toconfirm the clonality of the cell lines. Genomic DNA wascleaved with XbaI (an enzyme that cleaves only once in thepLNCX vector in the 3' long terminal repeat region), blotted,and probed with a PCR product derived from the cytomegalo-virus promoter region of the pLNCX vector to exclude detec-tion of endogenous ank sequences.

Detection of expression of transduced Ank in ATDC5 cells by real-time PCRReal-time PCR was used to measure levels of both endog-enous and transduced ank transcripts in clonally selectedpopulations. For detection of transduced wild-type or mutantank transcripts, PCR primers were derived from sequencesbetween exons 11 and 12 of the ank cDNA (sense primer, 5'-ggtttgtgggagaatctacc-3'); the antisense primer was derivedfrom the pLNCX vector (5' -ccccctttttctggagacta-3' ; productsize = 265 bp). For detection of endogenous ank transcript,the primers described earlier in Materials and methods wereused. The ratio of PCR products was determined by compari-son of the ddCt values for the endogenous transcript dividedby the ddCt for the transduced transcript, as previouslydescribed. For each cloned transductant, four separate clonesexpressing a 1:1 ratio of endogenous to transduced transcriptwere independently evaluated for Ank protein expression.

ELISA determination of Ank protein expression in stably transduced cellsCells were harvested, in the presence of protease inhibitor,from confluent cultures of transduced cells and were dis-rupted by rapid freeze/thaw with final dispersion through an18-gauge needle. Protein was quantitated by the BradfordCoomassie assay (Pierce, Rockford, IL, USA), using bovineserum albumin as the standard.

Polyclonal anti-Ank antisera were generated (Cocalico, Bio-logicals Inc., Westville, PA, USA) in Leghorn chickens againsta synthetic peptide immunogen derived from the Ank carboxyterminus conjugated to keyhole limpet hemocyanin, as previ-ously described [2] for the preparation of an Ank-specificantiserum. Ammonium sulfate-precipitated chicken antibodyderived from blood sera was delipidated with n-butanol/diiso-propyl ether in a 40:60 (vol/vol) ratio [10].

ELISA procedures relevant to the determination of antibody orantigen titers using a twofold dilution series have beendescribed [11]. Primary antibody binding to antigens wasdetected with an affinity-purified, peroxidase-conjugated don-key anti-chicken IgY (Jackson Immunoresearch Laboratories,Inc., West Grove, PA, USA) at a dilution of 1:5,000. The sec-ondary antibody was then quantitated with a chromogenicsubstrate, o-phenylenediamine, and the optical densities at490 nm were recorded with a microplate reader (Opsis MRMicroplate Reader; Thermo/Labsystems, Waltham. MA, USA)using Revelation Quicklink software (Dynex Technologies,Chantilly, VA, USA).

Intracellular and extracellular inorganic pyrophosphate assaysFor studies of extracellular inorganic pyrophosphate (ePPi)and intracellular inorganic pyrophosphate (iPPi) elaboration incells undergoing differentiation, as well as for measurementsof AP and NPP activities, and measurement of expression ofmarkers of hypertrophy (see below), cells were cultured in dif-ferentiation medium until 24 hours prior to assay. At this time,media for cells to be assayed were refreshed with mainte-nance medium (which does not contain insulin).

For assay of iPPi, cells were harvested heated at 65°C for 1hour and were lysed in lysis buffer containing 1% Triton X-100,1.6 mM MgCl2, and 0.2 M Tris, pH 8.0. For assay of ePPi,media were cleared of cellular debris and were diluted 1:2 inlysis buffer. PPi levels were evaluated by the enzymatic proce-dure of Lust and Seegmiller [12], as modified by Johnson andcolleagues [13], where PPi is determined by differentialabsorption on activated charcoal of UDP-D- [6-3H]-glucosefrom the reaction product 6-phospho- [6-3H]-gluconate. Allassay results were normalized versus DNA concentrationusing a Pico Green assay of double-stranded DNA (MolecularProbes).

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Assays of alkaline phosphatase and nucleotide pyrophosphohydrolase activityThe diethanolamine enzymatic assay (Sigma, St Louis, MO,USA) was used to measure the AP (EC activity [14].Cells were disrupted, were reacted with substrate solutioncontaining a final concentration of 15 mM p-nitrophenyl phos-phate in the presence of 1 M diethanolamine and 0.5 mMMgCl2, pH 9.8, and the optical densities of the reaction prod-uct (p-nitrophenol) were determined at 405 nm at time 0 andat 1 and 2 minutes after the start of the reaction. The AP activ-ity was normalized to the total protein concentration of dilutedcell lysates as determined by use of the BCA Protein assay(Pierce). Inhibition of AP activity was performed with the addi-tion of 3 μM levamisole, which was added to the cell culturemedium for 72 hours prior to harvesting for AP activity meas-urements.

For the assay of NPP (EC, EC activity, 1 mMp-nitrophenyl-thymidine 5' -monophosphate (Sigma) was usedas substrate in a reaction to which 5 μl cell lysate was added[13]. A standard curve consisting of p-nitrophenol in 50 mMHepes-buffered DMEM and 1.6 mM MgCl2 was also prepared.Reactions were terminated by the addition of 55 μl of 0.1 MNaOH, and optical densities were determined at 405 nm. Finalsample comparisons were expressed as units per milligram oftotal protein.

Expression of markers of chondrocyte maturation and terminal differentiationTo monitor the differentiation of transduced cells, poly A+RNA was used in real-time RT-PCR to detect the expressionof type II collagen (col2a1), of sox9, and of type X collagen(col10a1). Primers for these transcripts were as follows:col2a1, sense primer 5' -gagggccaggaggtcctctgg-3' and anti-sense primer 5' -tcgcggtgagccatgatccgc-3' (product size =177 bp); col10a1, sense primer 5' -taccacgtgcatgtgaaagg-3'and antisense primer 5' -ggagccactaggaatcctga-3' (productsize = 236 bp); and sox9, sense primer 5' -agt tga tct gaa gcgaga ggg-3' and antisense primer 5' -cct ggg tgg ccg ttg ggtggc-3' (product size = 169 bp).

Expression levels of additional markers of the hypertrophicphenotype were measured to evaluate the impact of ankmutants on hypertrophy in transduced ATDC5 cells. Theseadditional markers included osteopontin (sense primer 5' -cacatg aag agc ggt gag tct-3', antisense primer 5' -atc gat cac atccga ctg atc-3' ; product size = 198 bp) and runx2 (cbfa1;sense primer 5' -atggcactctggtcaccgtc-3', antisense primer 5'-cctgaggtcgttgaatctcg-3' ; product size = 110 bp).

The fold changes of steady-state RNA levels in ank-trans-duced cells compared with cells transduced with empty vectoronly were determined as previously described. Reactionswere performed in triplicate and were repeated twice.

Statistical methodsData are presented as the mean ± standard deviation. The sta-tistical significance was identified using the unpaired, two-tailed Student t test, unless otherwise indicated in the figurelegend (P values reported in the figure legends). All assayswere performed at least in triplicate; see figure legends for theexact number of replicates performed.

ResultsExpression of endogenous ank in ATDC5 cellsBefore transduction studies were performed, we determinedthe endogenous expression of ank in the cell line during a 21-day course of chondrogenesis, prior to the entry of cells intohypertrophy. Cells were plated in the presence or absence ofthe chondrogenic promoter insulin [9] and mRNA was isolatedfor determination of ank expression., The expression of ankafter day 3 of culture was consistent throughout the prolifera-tion stage in the untransduced cells regardless of the insulintreatment regimen (data not shown).

Localization of mutant Ank molecules to the cell membraneTo confirm that the mutant Ank gene products could appropri-ately translocate to the cell membrane as has been observedfor wild-type Ank [2], we transiently transfected FLAG-taggedmutant and wild-type ank constructs into ATDC5 cells. Themutant ank constructs were three missense mutations ofANKH that occurred in four unrelated CPPD disease families,as we previously described [15-17], and whose sequence andsequence contexts were fully conserved in the murinesequence. The missense mutations included the P5T and P5Lsubstitutions, occurring at positions +13 bp and +14 bp of theAnk cDNA, respectively, and the M48T substitution, occurringat position +143 of the ank cDNA. Cells expressing mutantAnk molecules exhibited localization identical to that seen forwild-type Ank. Figure 1a demonstrates the localization of onemutant Ank molecule: the M48T mutant. In all cases,expressed Ank molecules could be visualized at the cell sur-face by confocal microscopy.

Selection and characterization of clonal populations of ATDC5 cells expressing wild-type and mutant AnkTo achieve moderate levels of mutant ank expression inATDC5 cells that were comparable with expression of theendogenous transcript, we chose to subject our transducedcells to a further round of selection using limiting dilution.Clonality was confirmed by Southern blot analysis (data notshown), and mRNA was isolated and subjected to real-timeRT-PCR with primers specific for either the transduced anktranscripts or the endogenous ank transcripts. The cloneswere then analyzed for both endogenous and exogenous anktranscript levels, and clones that exhibited a 1:1 ratio ofendogenous transcript to transduced transcript were selectedfor further analysis. For each wild-type or mutant construct,

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four independent clones exhibiting a 1:1 ratio of transduced toendogenous transcript were assayed for protein expression.

To ensure that transduced cells were expressing gene prod-uct derived from the transduced cDNAs, we first consideredthe possibility of adding a tag to the transduced cDNAs to fol-low their expression and translation into protein. We ultimately

wished to use the transduced cell lines for determination ofPPi levels, however, and we were acutely aware of the fact thatminor perturbations in the structure of the Ank protein canhave a major impact on Ank function [2,15,16,18,19]. Wetherefore chose to monitor the production of total Ank proteinby a quantitative ELISA assay using a peptide-directed poly-clonal antibody that was capable of reacting to exposed (that

Figure 1

Transfection of ATDC5 cells with wild type and mutant AnkTransfection of ATDC5 cells with wild type and mutant Ank. (a) Confocal microscopy of ATDC5 cells transiently transfected with M48T mutant cDNA. Left panel is phase-contrast image of right panel. All transfected cells showed a similar pattern of plasma cell membrane staining, indicating that even mutant Ank molecules were able to translocate to the plasma cell membrane. (b) ELISA assay results showing comparative levels of Ank protein expression in ATDC5 cell lysates versus lysates of independent clones of ATDC5 cells transduced with various ank constructs. All cells express endogenous Ank protein, but transduced cells also express protein derived from expression of transduced constructs. Data represent quad-ruplicate assays and are representative of results obtained from other independent clones for each transductant. *P ≤ 0.05. (c) WST-1 proliferation assay at day 7 of culture in ATDC5 cells transduced with empty vector and with various wild-type (WT) or mutant ank constructs. At days 7, 14, and 21, 7.5 μl WST-1 reagent was added directly to 150 μl cell medium and incubated for 1.5 hours at 37°C in 5% CO2. Results at all time points con-sistently exhibited no significant differences in the proliferation of mutant-transduced cells compared with untransduced cells or cells transduced with empty vector. n = 3.

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is, nontransmembrane) epitopes following cell disruption. Weexpected clones expressing a 1:1 ratio of endogenous anktranscript to transduced ank transcript to produce approxi-mately twice the amount of Ank protein as cells that expressedendogenous ank transcript only. ELISA assays were per-formed on the cell lines, and the results indicated that clonestransduced with wild-type or mutant ank expressed approxi-mately twice the level of Ank protein as observed in the origi-nal, untransduced cells (Figure 1b).

To determine whether transduction of wild-type and mutantank constructs affected proliferation of transduced cells, wedetermined the proliferation and cell viability based upon thecleavage of the tetrazolium salt, WST-1, by mitochondrialdehydrogenases in viable cells. At days 7, 14, and 21 of assaythere were no significant statistical differences in proliferationand viability in cells transduced with wild-type ank or mutantank compared with cells transduced with empty vector (Figure1c). These results demonstrated that the transduction of ankdid not affect the ability of cells to proliferate normally.

Levels of intracellular and extracellular inorganic pyrophosphates in transduced ATDC5 cellsThe levels of PPi are variably affected by many growth factorsand cytokines (for a review, see [20]). Because of the reportedeffects of insulin-like growth factor 1 on the elaboration of PPiin chondrocytes [21,22], we chose to eliminate exogenousinsulin from the medium used for the studies of PPi levels intransduced ATDC5 cells for 24 hours prior to assay. We firstevaluated the impact of overexpression of ank in day 14 (pro-liferation phase) cells transduced with wild-type ank, but priorto clonal selection. Overexpression of ank resulted in a statis-tically significant decrease in iPPi (Figure 2a) and a concomi-tant increase in ePPi (Figure 2b), as has been previouslyreported in COS cells and in bovine chondrocytes [2,6].

We next examined the impact of mutations in Ank on the elab-oration of ePPi in proliferating ATDC5 clonal cell lines, in non-mineralizing hypertrophic ATDC5 clonal cell lines, and inmineralizing ATDC5 clonal cell lines. The results demonstratethat, during their proliferating phase, all cells stably transducedwith ank exhibit higher levels of extracellular PPi than cellstransduced with empty vector only; however, only cells stablytransduced with the P5L mutant exhibited levels of ePPi signif-icantly greater than cells transduced with the other mutants orcells transduced with wild-type Ank (Figure 3a). These sameresults were observed for the P5L cell line when ePPi levelswere measured at hypertrophy under nonmineralizing condi-tions. Also, at hypertrophy there is no statistically significantdifference in ePPi elaboration among cells that were trans-duced with wild-type Ank and the P5T and M48T mutants incomparison with cells transduced with empty vector (Figure3b). Finally, ePPi levels were evaluated from cells that weremineralized, and we observed a significant increase in ePPielaboration in all transduced cells (Figure 3c).

In light of reports suggesting that Ank expression is increasedin regions of cartilage undergoing terminal differentiation andmineralization, or in response to agents that induce mineraliza-tion [3,6,7], we explored the possibility that the high levels ofePPi in mineralized cells might be a function of increased Ankexpression. Figure 3d illustrates that ank expression is roughlyequivalent among the cells lines transduced with wild-type ormutant ank at all three stages of chondrogenesis; however,the expression of ank in the transductants increased as thecells progressed toward mineralized hypertrophy. Notably,there was an approximately fourfold increase in ank expressionin the transduced cells at mineralized hypertrophy comparedwith that in nonmineralized hypertrophic cells. As illustrated inFigure 3c, in mineralizing conditions we did not observe a sta-tistically significant increase in ePPi in any of the mutant celllines, including the P5L cell line, when compared with cellstransduced with wild-type ank. Additionally, there was no sta-tistically significant difference in the elaboration of ePPi in cellsthat overexpressed wild-type Ank compared with cells trans-duced with empty vector only.

Our observations were consistent with the previous observa-tions of Wang and colleagues [7], although not as dramatic asthose they observed. More specifically, Wang and colleaguesobserved that retroviral-driven overexpression of Ank in hyper-trophic chondrocytes actually decreased the elaboration ofePPi, apparently due to increased activity of AP resulting fromthe overexpression of Ank (see below), while, as stated above,we observed that modest overexpression of Ank did not resultin an increase in the elaboration of ePPi compared with cellstransduced with empty vector only. Since ATDC5 cells havebeen shown to elaborate significant amounts of AP duringtheir mineralization phase [8], we hypothesized that the lack ofePPi excess in cells overexpressing Ank compared with that incells transduced with empty vector, or in the P5L mutant cellline, may be due to hydrolysis of PPi by AP. We therefore nextevaluated the nature of PPi elaboration at hypertrophy and atmineralization as a function of AP activity, as well as of NPPactivity.

Alkaline phosphatase and nucleotide pyrophosphohydrolase activity activities in ATDC5 cells transduced with wild-type and mutant AnkIn the complex regulation of cellular PPi elaboration, two majorenzyme systems play an important role in the generation ofextracellular PPi: NPP, an ecto-enzyme that can hydrolyzenucleoside triphosphates into their monophosphate estersand PPi; and AP, an enzyme with pyrophosphatase activity[23]. We evaluated the levels of both of these enzymes intransduced cells during the proliferative phase of differentia-tion (day 14), the nonmineralizing hypertrophic phase of differ-entiation (day 28), and the mineralization phase ofdifferentiation (day 35).

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AP activity was very low during the proliferative stage ofATDC5 cell chondrogenesis in all of the cell lines tested (Fig-ure 4); however, its activity increased during both the nonmin-eralizing hypertrophic phase of differentiation and inmineralizing cells. Consistent with previous reports of ATDC5cellular hypertrophy and mineralization [8], the levels of APactivity increased significantly between day 28 at nonmineral-izing hypertrophy and day 35 when the cells were mineralized.Although AP levels were somewhat higher in cells overex-pressing wild-type ank versus cells transduced with emptyvector only, neither nonmineralizing hypertrophic cells nor min-eralized cells that had been transduced with mutant ank con-structs demonstrated significantly different levels of AP activityto cells overexpressing wild-type ank (Figure 4). The increasein AP activity in response to the modest overexpression ofwild-type ank was not as great as that observed by Wang andcolleagues in their study of the role of Ank in nonmineralizinghypertrophic chondrocytes derived from the chick tibia growthplate [7]. In their study, however, wild-type ank was greatlyoverexpressed via retroviral transfection and infection using areplication competent retrovirus [7]. Nevertheless, the con-comitant increase in ank expression (see Figure 3d) and in AP

activity was consistent with that observed by Wang and col-leagues [7].

Activities of the PPi-generating enzyme NPP were also evalu-ated in proliferating cells, in the nonmineralizing, hypertrophiccells, and in mineralizing cells that had been transduced withwild-type and mutant ank at days 14, 28, and 35, respectively.Figure 4 demonstrates that, in contrast to cells transducedwith wild-type ank and the P5T mutant and M48T mutant Ank,the P5L mutant cell line consistently exhibited significantlyhigher NPP activity during the proliferative, the nonmineralizinghypertrophic, and the mineralization phases of differentiation.All of the transduced cells illustrated an increase in NPP activ-ity at day 35 (mineralization) of culture; this observation wasconsistent with previous reports showing that an increase inAP expression leads to enhanced levels of PC-1, an NPP iso-form [24].

As already discussed, we observed that increased levels ofePPi were not present in the P5L cell line when the cellsunderwent mineralization, despite the fact that at this stage ofdifferentiation NPP activity was still elevated in the P5L cells.

Figure 2

Extracellular and intracellular inorganic pyrophosphates in ATDC5 cells transduced with wild-type vector before clonal selectionExtracellular and intracellular inorganic pyrophosphates in ATDC5 cells transduced with wild-type vector before clonal selection. Cells were assayed at day 14 of chondrogenesis. (a) Consistent with previous reports of the impact of overexpression of ank on levels of intracellular inorganic pyro-phosphate (iPPi) and extracellular inorganic pyrophosphate (ePPi), cells transduced with wild-type (WT) ank demonstrate a decrease in levels of iPPi when compared with cells transduced with pLNCX empty vector or with untransduced ATDC5 cells. (b) Concomitantly, cells transduced with WT ank exhibit an increase in ePPi levels when compared with cells transduced with pLNCX vector only (empty) or with untransduced ATDC5 cells. n = 6; *P ≤ 0.05. PPi, inorganic pyrophosphate.

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We therefore hypothesized that, during mineralization, highlevels of AP activity may have resulted in the hydrolysis of theNPP-driven excess of ePPi in the P5L cell line. To test thishypothesis, the P5L cells were treated with levamisole, aninhibitor of AP activity. Figure 5a,b illustrates that treatment ofthe P5L cell line with levamisole inhibited AP activity, andresulted in an increase in ePPi in the P5L cells, suggesting thatexcess ePPi is being hydrolyzed by AP during the mineraliza-tion phase. Although depression of AP activity was dramatic,the data suggest that approximately 25% of ePPi was hydro-lyzed by AP. These findings are consistent with the trendtoward a higher level of ePPi in the P5L cell line during miner-alization – although, as discussed above, this trend was notstatistically significant (Figure 3c). The failure of AP to furtherhydrolyze ePPi may relate to the rate of hydrolysis of ePPi byAP in the cell line; however, we did not evaluate the kinetics ofePPi hydrolysis in the current study.

Taken together, our data suggest that at day 35 (mineralizinghypertrophy) neither NPP nor AP are entirely responsible forthe high levels of ePPi elaboration among the ank-transducedcell lines (Figure 3c), including the P5L cell line. Rather, theresults strongly suggest that the increase in ePPi elaborationin the ank-transduced cells during the mineralizing hyper-trophic stage of chondrogenesis at day 35 is a reflection of theincrease in transport activity of Ank (that is, higher levels of ankexpression).

Effect of ank overexpression, and expression of mutant ank on the hypertrophic phenotype in transduced ATDC5 cellsSince studies of idiopathic CPPD disease have suggestedthat the pathological mineralization of articular cartilage mayoccur in a matrix that expresses many markers of chondrocytehypertrophy [5,25], we took advantage of the fact that ATDC5cells are capable of undergoing a complete course ofchondrocyte maturation that would enable us to monitor thecourse of chondrogenesis in the ank-transduced cells. Asreported previously [8], the synthesis of col2a1 reached max-imal levels at day 14 of culture. At 28 days of culture, all cells– whether transduced with empty vector, with wild-type Ank,or with mutant Ank – were morphologically hypertrophic andexhibited a decrease in col2a1 and sox9 expression levelscompared with the levels observed in transduced cells at theirproliferative phase (data not shown), with a comcomitantincrease in expression of col10a1 that peaked at 35 days ofculture [8]. These observations showed that stably transducedcells were fully competent to appropriately undergo a courseof chondrogenesis, thus indicating that retroviral transductiondid not influence the course of chondrogenic differentiation inthe cells.

To determine whether the expression of mutant ank affectedthe course of chondrocyte maturation in the transduced cells,we performed real-time RT-PCR to assess the expression of

Figure 3

Expression of Ank and generation of extracellular PPi in transduced ATDC5 cellsExpression of Ank and generation of extracellular PPi in transduced ATDC5 cells. (a) Extracellular inorganic pyrophosphate (ePPi) levels in various ATDC5 clonal cell lines at day 14 of chondrogenesis. Empty, uncloned ATDC5 cells transduced with pLNCX vector only; WT, wild-type ank. *Significance of ePPi levels of WT and mutant Ank-trans-duced cell lines versus cells transduced with empty vector only. #Sig-nificance of P5L ePPi levels versus cells transduced with WT Ank or mutant ank constructs, as indicated. (b) ePPi levels in various ATDC5 clonal cell lines at day 28 (nonmineralizing hypertrophy) of chondro-genic differentiation. (c) ePPi levels in various ATDC5 clonal cell lines at day 35 (mineralization) of chondrogenic differentiation. WT, P5T, P5L, and M48T are independent clonal cell lines of stably transduced ATDC5 cells exhibiting a 1:1 transcript level ratio of endogenous ank to transduced ank and twice as much Ank protein as untransduced cells. At least three independent clones for each cell line were evaluated; results presented are from single clones and are representative of other clones for each cell line. Inorganic pyrophosphate levels for untrans-duced ATDC5 cells and empty vector were comparable. n = 9; *P ≤ 0.05. (d) The fold change in the expression of ank mRNA as deter-mined by real-time RT-PCR at various times of chondrogenesis. Black bars, day 14 (proliferation); grey bars, day 28 (nonmineralizing hypertro-phy); white bars, day 35 (mineralizing hypertrophy). Note increase of expression in ank under mineralizing conditions, which is consistent with the dramatic increase in ePPi in transduced cells at day 35 of cul-ture.

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markers of the hypertrophic phenotype in nonmineralizinghypertrophic cells. We examined expression levels forcol10a1, the classic extracellular matrix marker of hypertrophic

chondrocytes, for osteopontin, a secreted glycoprotein that isa marker of terminal differentiation [26,27], and for runx2(cbfa1), a transcription factor that is expressed in prehyper-

Figure 4

Alkaline phosphatase and nucleotide pyrophosphatase phosphodiesterase activity in transduced clonesAlkaline phosphatase and nucleotide pyrophosphatase phosphodiesterase activity in transduced clones. Enzyme activities were measured in trans-duced clones at day 14 (proliferation), at day 28 (nonmineralizing hypertrophy), and at day 35 (mineralization). Empty, uncloned cells transduced with pLNCX vector; WT, wild-type ank. For alkaline phosphatase (AP) measurements, the units of enzyme were determined by first subtracting the optical density reading of a blank from diluted samples at 2 minutes. The result of this calculation was then subtracted from a similar calculation per-formed on samples determined at time point 0. Levels of AP are negligible at day 14 of culture and increase at day 28. Consistent with previous studies [8], AP activity is much higher in cells at day 35 of culture during mineralization. Although AP activity is higher for cells overexpressing WT ank compared with cells transduced with empty vector at days 28 and 35 of culture, cells expressing mutant ank constructs did not demonstrate AP activity that was significantly different from cells transduced with WT ank. Nucleotide pyrophosphatase phosphodiesterase (NPP) activity for each sample were determined by comparison with the standard curve of p-nitrophenol and expressed as units, where one unit is equivalent to 1 μmol sub-strate hydrolyzed per hour. With the exception of the cell line transduced with the P5L mutant, all transduced lines exhibited NPP activity that was comparable with cells transduced with empty vector only. AP and NPP activities for untransduced cells and empty vector were comparable. n = 9; *P ≤ 0.05. At least three independent clones for each cell line were evaluated; results presented are from single clones and are representative of other clones for each cell line.

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trophic and hypertrophic chondrocytes [28,29]. col10a1expression was almost threefold greater in cells that overex-pressed wild-type ank than in cells transduced with emptyvector. In cells transduced with mutant ank constructs, how-ever, the expression of col10a1 was significantly reduced incomparison with cells overexpressing wild-type ank and wasmoderately reduced in comparison with levels expressed bycells that were transduced with empty vector only (Figure 6a).The expression of osteopontin was not significantly differentamong the transduced cells in nonmineralizing conditions (Fig-ure 6b). Finally, the expression of runx2 was essentially thesame for cells transduced with either wild-type ank or withmutant ank constructs, and was not statistically different fromthe level of runx2 expressed by cells transduced with emptyvector only (Figure 6d). Taken together, these results suggestthat most markers of the hypertrophic phenotype such as AP,osteopontin, and runx2 are unaffected by expression of mutantank, although overexpression of wild-type ank resulted in anincrease in the expression of col10a1.

Mineralization in ATDC5 cells transduced with wild-type and mutant ankTo determine whether transduced cells cultured under miner-alizing conditions were competent to undergo mineralization,cells were cultured in a mineralization medium in 3% CO2 (seeMaterials and methods)as previously described [8]. At 35days of culture, the cells were then processed for analysis ofthe nature of the mineral phase deposited by all cell lines,including cells expressing mutant Ank molecules. Similar tothe cells overexpressing wild-type Ank, the mineral to matrixratio for cells expressing mutant Ank molecules exhibited lowcrystallinity compared with those cells transduced with emptyvector only (data not shown). In all cases, however, Fouriertransform IR analyses of the mineral phase indicated that onlybasic calcium phosphate was deposited. This finding is prob-ably a result of the high AP activity in the cell lines during min-eralization. With respect to the P5L cell line, the hydrolysis ofthe NPP-driven excess in ePPi by AP is probably also respon-sible for the deposition of basic calcium phosphate in this cellline.

DiscussionRecent studies of Ank in a variety of model systems have sug-gested that the expression of Ank is intimately involved in theregulation of cartilage mineralization and that, at the very least,this regulation includes a triad of constituents: Ank, AP, andisoforms of nucleotide NPP, especially the NPP1 isoform (fora review, see [30]). Human ANK and murine Ank exhibit almost98% homology at the protein level, with complete conserva-tion of charge and polarity among substituted residues. Forthis reason, we decided to utilize a mouse cell line for our stud-ies and to prepare mutations in ank in the context of the mousecDNA sequence. Use of the ATDC5 cell line also enabled usto evaluate the effect of overexpression of Ank and expressionof mutant Ank on hypertrophy – a point of interest in light of thefact that Uzuki and colleagues recently observed that ANKHimmunoreactivity in chondrocytes derived from patients withidiopathic CPPD disease reached maximum levels in areas ofaffected articular cartilage occupied by chondrocytes exhibit-ing expression of markers of hypertrophy [5].

In the studies described herein, we chose to only modestlyoverexpress wild-type and mutant Ank in order to create a sta-ble dominant-negative environment in which to evaluate PPielaboration, to evaluate AP and NPP activity, and to evaluateexpression of markers of hypertrophy in transduced cells. PPianalyses in the Ank mutants indicated that only the P5L mutantgenerated more ePPi than any other mutant or wild-type Anktransduced cells at the proliferative and nonmineralizing hyper-trophic stages of differentiation. This line also consistently dis-played greater NPP activity at all stages of maturation than anyother cell line. Our studies suggest that the increase in ePPi inthe P5L cell line is probably a direct reflection of the NPP activ-ity exhibited by this mutant. These observations are consistentwith previous studies showing that Ank regulates PPi levels incoordination with the PPi-generating activity that is specificallycontributed by NPP1 [6]. The P5L mutation is unique amongthe two proline mutations at the 5 position studied here – inthat the proline residue is substituted with a neutral, nonpolaramino acid, in contrast to the P5T mutant in which proline issubstituted with a polar residue. How this fact may affect the

Figure 5

Levamisole treatment of the P5L cell line increases elaboration of extracellular inorganic pyrophosphateLevamisole treatment of the P5L cell line increases elaboration of extracellular inorganic pyrophosphate. (a) Treatment of the P5L-transduced cell line with levamisole results in a dramatic reduction in alkaline phosphatase (AP) activity. (b) Treatment with levamisole increases extracellular inor-ganic pyrophosphate (ePPi) in P5L-transduced cells. n = 3; *P ≤ 0.05.

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structure of the P5L mutant Ank is presently unclear and mustawait the studies of Ank transmembrane topology that are cur-rently underway in our laboratory.

We also investigated the steady-state mRNA expression ofseveral hypertrophy-related genes in our ATDC5 cells trans-duced with wild-type and mutant ank. While the course of dif-ferentiation appeared to be undisturbed with regard toexpression of markers of chondrocyte proliferation and differ-entiation such as sox9 and col2a1, we were able to observesubtle differences in the expression of col10a1 in the trans-

duced cells that overexpressed wild-type ank. Under nonmin-eralizing hypertrophic conditions, cells overexpressing wild-type ank demonstrated levels of expression of col10a1 thatwere twofold to threefold higher than levels in cells transducedwith empty vector only. Cells expressing mutant Ank con-structs, however, did not exhibit any significant change inexpression of col10a1 when compared with cells transducedwith empty vector.

Previous in vitro studies of the impact of dominant mutationsin ANKH on the function of the ANK protein were performed

Figure 6

Real-time RT-PCR analyses of hypertrophic markers in transduced lines (day 28) cultured under nonmineralizing conditionsReal-time RT-PCR analyses of hypertrophic markers in transduced lines (day 28) cultured under nonmineralizing conditions. RNA levels were nor-malized to expression of β-actin. (a) Expression of col10a1 in transduced lines. Expression is higher than empty vector in cells overexpressing wild-type (WT) ank (*P ≤ 0.05); however, in cells expressing mutant ank, expression levels of col10a1 are equivalent to empty vector. (b) Expression of osteopontin in transduced lines. Expression of all transduced cells is lower than empty vector, but not significantly different among cell lines that express mutant ank versus cell line overexpressing WT ank. (c) Expression of runx2 (cbfa1) in transduced lines. Expression is equivalent for all trans-duced lines and not significantly different from the expression of runx2 in cells transduced with empty vector only. n = 6. At least three independent clones for each cell line were evaluated; results presented are from single clones and are representative of other clones for each cell line.

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on transfected COS cells with constructs containing the inser-tion of four amino acids mutant and the M48T mutant [15]. Thefamilial mutations did not significantly alter iPPi levels, andePPi levels were not examined. To explain the lack of impacton iPPi observations, it was hypothesized that, in contrast tothe ank/ank recessive mouse mutant, the dominant humanCPPD disease mutations might act as gain-of-function allelesthat would moderately increase ePPi levels over time, leadingto subtle abnormalities that have a minor and cumulativeimpact on articular cartilage homeostasis [15].

Recent studies of transient transfection of a familial (P5L [17])ANKH mutation and two ANKH variants (-4 bp, 5' untranslatedregion [31] and deletion of E490 [15]) in an immortalizedhuman chondrocyte cell line (CH-8) demonstrated an increasein the transcription and translation of ANK. Among the twomissense ANKH mutants studied, neither the P5L mutant northe M48T mutant demonstrated an increase in ePPi elabora-tion [31]. This effect may, in part, be due to the fact that thestudies were performed in an immortalized cell line of humanarticular chondrocytes that elaborates large amounts of tumornecrosis factor alpha [32], a cytokine reported to inhibit theelaboration of PPi in articular chondrocytes and cartilageexplants [33] and shown to dramatically decrease the expres-sion of ank mRNA in cultured rat chondrocytes [34]. Interest-ingly, this same study explored the expression of type Xcollagen in order to determine whether ANKH variants had thepotential to stimulate hypertrophic differentiation in the trans-fected immortalized articular chondrocytes. Only those cellsexpressing the P5L variant appeared to induce the expressionof type X collagen [31]. Our observations of type X collagenexpression show that, among the mutant constructsexpressed in transduced cells, the P5L mutant cell lineshowed the highest level of type X collagen expression; how-ever, all mutant cell lines expressed considerably less col10a1than did cells overexpressing wild-type ank.

While the various in vitro studies of Ank overexpression on PPitransport activity consistently demonstrate an increase in ePPilevels (or a decrease in iPPi levels) [2,6,7,15,31], there is anotable lack of agreement among studies utilizing the CPPDAnk mutations. This lack of consensus illustrates the limita-tions of in vitro systems, especially with respect to the availa-bility of suitable in vitro model systems for the study ofdiseases of articular cartilage. Future studies of Ank mutationsin animal models may illuminate the role of the CPPD-causingmutations on the transport of PPi and the pathological miner-alization of articular cartilage.

ConclusionIn conclusion, we have stably transduced ATDC5 cells withwild-type and mutant cDNA ank constructs and haveobserved that, among the missense mutations, only the P5Lmutant resulted in increased activity of NPP and resulted inincreased elaboration of ePPi at the proliferative and nonmin-

eralizing hypertrophic stages of differentiation. This effect wastempered during the mineralization phase when AP activitywas high in all transduced cells.

We also observed that modest overexpression of ank mayhave subtle effects on chondrocyte maturation. Although thisis the first report of a gain-of-function in one of the familialchondrocalcinosis-causing mutations, as previously hypothe-sized [15], it is not clear why the two other mutations in Ank(P5T and M48T) did not exhibit this effect. The increased ePPielaboration in the P5L mutant appears to be driven by theexcess NPP activity exhibited by this cell line (and other inde-pendent cell lines expressing this mutation). This observationmay allude to the possibility of increased interaction betweenthe P5L mutant molecule and NPP. The evidence for interac-tion between NPP and Ank is compelling [6,35,36]. Whethermutations in Ank may alter the affinity of potential interactionbetween these two proteins is intriguing and warrants furtherinvestigation.

It is also not clear at this time whether our observations reflectthe state of ePPi elaboration in familial CPPD patients bearingmutations in ANKH. CPPD disease is a disease of articularcartilage that normally does not undergo mineralization, andseveral reports suggest that the pathological mineralization ofarticular cartilage in idiopathic chondrocalcinosis may occur inthe context of hypertrophic differentiation [5,25]. Interestingly,radiological examination of joints from familial CPPD diseasepatients indicates that crystal deposition precedes jointdegeneration. Consequently, the state of articular cartilage dif-ferentiation with respect to markers of hypertrophy is unknownin patients suffering from familial chondrocalcinosis. Ourobservations of ePPi elaboration during the proliferative andnonmineralizing phases of chondrocyte hypertrophy maytherefore hold some relevance in studies of the impact ofANKH mutations in dominantly inherited CPPD disease.

Competing interestsThe author(s) declare that they have no competing interests.

Authors' contributionsRZ carried out the preparation of retroviral constructs, thetransfections/transduction of cells, the real-time PCR experi-ments, the PPi assays, and the AP and NPP assays. DS par-ticipated in the design of retroviral constructs. ASD purifiedantibodies and performed the ELISAs. AK made site-directedmutant constructs. FH assisted RZ in the selection and clon-ing of transduced cell lines. CJW conceived of the study, ana-lyzed and interpreted data, and prepared the manuscript.

AcknowledgementsThe authors gratefully acknowledge the excellent technical assistance of Gina Bonavita and Cheryl Starrett, and the advice of Dr David Coulter and Dr Sonsoles Piera-Velazquez for real-time PCR analyses. They also express gratitude to the staff of the Confocal Core Facility of the Kimmel Cancer Center at Thomas Jefferson University for confocal microscopy

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and to Dr Adele Boskey of the Hospital for Special Surgery for Fourier transform IR analyses. This work was supported by NIH/NIAMS grants AR44360 and AR052619 to CJW.

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