p9 jessie skinner portfolio

Portfolio Jessie Skinner

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Post on 08-Sep-2015




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COMM 130 Portfolio


  • PortfolioJessie Skinner

  • Jessie Skinner450 W 4th S #[email protected]


  • Table of Contents1. Business Card2. Letterhead3. Brochure4. Web Page5. Logos6. Event ad7. Montage8. Flier9. Imaging

  • Description: Black and white business card (front and back) for a faux business: Jackson Photography & Design

    Process: I created the logo with Illustrator using the text tool, shape tool, and a little copy and paste. I then used InDesign to create the business card. I knew I wanted a sleek, simple design to match that of the logo. I love the sleek look of having two parallel lines next to each other, so I put them on each side of the card. For consisten-cy and repetition, I put a thicker black line at the top of one side of the business card. I found a high quality image that displays advanced design skills as a built-in advertisement for the design skills in the company.

    Message: This business has cutting-edge talent and is up-to-date with modern styles and trends.

    Audience: A younger audience, between 18 and 30

    Top Thing Learned: The power of black and white. Its the simplest of color schemes, yet its not boring. It really communicates my message that this is a sleek, modern company that knows how to design in a sleek, modern way.

    Title Font and Category: N/A

    Body Font and Category: Avenir Book; Sans Serif

    Business Card

  • P h o t o & D e s i g nJ A C K S O N

    Jessie Jackson707.548.9966jessie.noelle.jackson@gmail.comjessiejacksoncreations.wordpress.com123 Murphy Lane

    P h o t o & D e s i g nJ A C K S O N

  • Description: Black and white letterhead (to match business card) for a faux business: Jackson Photography & Design

    Process: I created the letterhead using InDesign. I placed the logo Id made in Illustrator into the document. I also placed the same professional image that I used in the business card and reduced the opacity to make it a watermark. For the stripe at the top and the two stripes at the bottom, I simply used the shape tool to create black rectangles. As I said with the business card, I love the sleek look of having two parallel lines next to each other, so I put them on each side of the card. For consistency and repetition, I put a thicker black line at the top of one side of the business card.

    Message: This business has cutting-edge talent and is up-to-date with modern styles and trends.

    Audience: A younger audience, between 18 and 30

    Top Thing Learned: The power of black and white. Its the simplest of color schemes, yet its not boring. It really communicates my message that this is a sleek, modern company that knows how to design in a sleek, modern way.

    Title Font and Category: N/A

    Body Font and Category: Avenir Book; Sans Serif


  • P h o t o & D e s i g nJ A C K S O N

    Jessie Jackson 707.548.9966

    [email protected]


    123 Murphy Lane

  • Description: Brochure for a fictitious poetry society in Rexburg (duplex print)Process: I used Adobe Illustrator to create the logo, Photoshop to clip and refine the images, and InDesign to make the brochure layout. In InDesign, I had to figure out where to place everything so that it would come out correctly when I printed the duplex layout and folded it. I did this by first making a paper mockup of my design and labeled each panel so Id know where they were on InDesign. I also used the textwrap tool to wrap text around the images and the paragraph styles tool to format my subjeadings.

    Message: This brochure is targeted especially to those who dont like poetry. It talks a lot about the outdoors and social aspect of the society in order to attract the poetry haters so that we can change their minds about poetry

    Audience: College students who are interested in poetry, and especially college students who arent interested in it

    Top Thing Learned: Brochures are very difficult to make successfully. I have so much more appreciation now for brochures and all the hours of hard, exhausting, frus-trating work that go into them.

    Title Font and Category: American Typewriter Bold; Slab SerifBody Font and Category: Avenir Light; Sans Serif


  • Description: A webpage of the logo I created along with explanations of its target audience and how I created it.

    Process: I used Text Wrangler to code the HTML and CSS for this page. I used basic coding to input the image of the logo, the font color, background color, headings, and link. With a little help from someone more experienced, I created divs in order to make the black boxes holding the text. I input code that created the block shape theyre in.

    Message: I can create modern, sleek, audience-catching logos, and that I can do this in a very legitimate way because of the knowledge I possess of design principles and the Adobe design programs. I also created this site to show my basic HTML and CSS coding abilities.

    Audience: My audience is anyone looking to hire me to create logos, web pages, or any other project that fall under the graphic design category.

    Top Thing Learned: Coding HTML and CSS is not nearly as scary or intimidat-ing as Ive always thought. I feel better about my abilities now, knowing that I can at least do the basics. Making this web page was actually kind of fun and so much simpler than I originally thought.

    Title Font and Category: Century Gothic Regular; Sans SerifBody Font and Category: Cambria Regular; Oldstyle

    Web Page

  • Description: 3 Variations of a logo color, black and white, and white set against a color

    Process: I used Adobe Illustrator to execute these designs. I created the camera and its details very simply by using the shape tool. I made the paint brush with the pen tool and the paint splotches with the blob tool.

    Message: Because the business is both photo and design, the logo has both a camera and a paint pallet to communicate this. The paintbrush points to the name of the company to lead the eyes there.

    Audience: This logo is for my a faux company that design for individuals and small businesses.

    Top Thing Learned: The most powerful thing I learned in creating this design was how to use the pen and pencil tools. These tools allow for any shape or drawing to be created.

    Title Font and Category: N/ABody Font and Category: Century Gothic (Regular and Demibold); Sans Serif


  • Description: his is a color advertisement promoting a fundraising event using a scanned picture from a magazine.

    Process: Surprisingly, I used Microsoft Word to design this ad. I knew I wanted to implement the rule of thirds since I figured the dog would take up about a third of the page; I knew centering it would not be as visually appealing. I put the image in the left-most third of the page, and added to the effect by placing a contrasting color (brick) on the right-most third of the page. Since the dog only takes up the bottom half of the left-most third, I balanced it out by placing the title in the top right corner. I chose the teal color because I thought it would contrast nicely against the dogs black fur. I chose to use the complementary brick color because the pair give the ad a nice summery feel and summer is when the event is being held. I added the line down the center of the two colors because the ad needed that extra little accent to spice it up a little bit.

    Message: Come support these dogs - just look how adorable they are!Audience: The intended audience is dog lovers.Top Thing Learned: I really learned for myself the importance of alignment while doing this project.

    Title Font and Category: Century Gothic; Sans SerifBody Font and Category: Cambria; Oldstyle

    Event Ad

  • Description: Montage of two photos of Christ visiting his people after the Resurrection, with text.

    Process: I used pictures I found online and created a design/montage using Photoshop.

    Message: The pictures are of Christ visiting the Nephites, and the scripture quoted is from this very visit to the Nephites. Although that message was originally meant for them, it applies to us all today. The pictures depict Christs tender love for His children, which serves to support the scripture that says will heal us.

    Audience: The audience is anyone and everyone.Top Thing Learned: The top thing I learned is how much work needs to be put into blending in order to keep it from looking abrupt. Its difficult to gradually fade one picture into another.

    Title Font and Category: N/ABody Font and Category: Lucida Calligraphy; Script, Century Gothic; Sans Serif


  • - 3 Nephi 9:13

    Will ye not now return unto me andrepent of your sins and be

    convertedthat I may heal you?

  • Description: This is a black and white promotional flier I created for a company called Vouant Communications to advertise their annual Graduate Leadership Conference.

    Process: I created this flier using Adobe InDesign. Before launching the program, I sketched out several possible designs on a piece of paper to get the creative juices flowing. Once I had a good idea of what I wanted to do, I launched InDesign. I used the shape tool to create the repeating black boxes at the top and bottom and to place the image of the girl.

    Message: Im communicating to graduating college seniors that they should attend the annual Graduate Leadership Conference presented by Vouant Communications. Specifically, I want to attract responsible, go-getter leaders.

    Audience: Go-getter graduating college seniorsTop Thing Learned: The biggest thing I learned in creating this flier was how important and helpful it is to sketch possible designs before using a design program.

    Title Font and Category: Arial Rounded MT Bold; Sans SerifBody Font and Category: Lucida Bright; Oldstyle


  • LeadershipG r a d u a t e

    C O N F E R E N C E

    Do you want to have the competitive edge in businness?

    Come learn how at Vouant Communicationss annual

    Graduate Leadership Conference. Vouant Communications

    is devoted to helping tomorrows leaders gain essential

    leadership skills in the workplace. During this dynamic

    three-day seminar, attendees will meet with the top

    executives of Vouant Communications to discuss

    breakthrough leadership techniques while cultivating

    attributes of leadership that will make graduates

    marketable to any employer. Conference is available to

    graduating seniors. Space is limited. Registration and more

    info available at at http://www.vouantcomm.com/leaders

    Date: October 21 Time: 8am - 5 pm Place: Lincoln Convention Center

  • Description: A wall-hanging I created using a picture I took and edited in Photoshop

    Process: I took a picture of flowers and leaves with a natural color scheme and edited the picture in Photoshop. Then I continued to use Photoshop to add the text and the other elements.

    Message: This piece is meant to uplift and remind women of their friends.Audience: Women and girls of any ageTop Thing Learned: I learned how much natural color schemes appear in nature!

    Title Font and Category: N/ABody Font and Category: Lucida Bright; Oldstyle


  • Friendship

    is like a

    flower that


    and grows

    in beauty.

    ComplementaryViolet Lime