
Aubrey Raby Portfolio

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Portfolio for my COMM 130 class.


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Aubrey RabyP o r t f o l i o

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Aubrey Raby3700 E Tudor RdAnchorage, AK [email protected]

Contact Me

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Logos Web PageFlierImagingBrochureLetterheadBusiness CardEvent AdMontage

Table of Contents

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D e s c r i p t i o n :

D a t e :

C o u r s e / I n s t r u c t o r :

P r o g r a m ( s ) / T o o l s :

O b j e c t i v e s :

P r o c e s s :Did some research on adoption agencies to help understand the market and target audience. Drew out some sketches on paper. Made three different logo drafts and got votes from people on which one they liked the best. Further refined and developed the most voted for logo. I experimented with several text placement options, and finally decided on placing it to the bottom right of the logo. I used the same font for both lines of text and experimented with several weight combinations. I adjusted the tracking on the subtitle. I made sure to align the text segments with each other on the left. I then made three versions of this final logo: full color, black and white, and negative space.

Create three different logos for a company.Use basic tools of Adobe Illustrator. Refine one logo for submission.

Adobe Illustrator


COMM130 Section 11Emily Kunz

Logo for an adoption agency


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I created this web page using Notepad ++. I also used the W3Schools validator for both HTML and CSS.

I wrote my copy and then marked it up to display the way I wanted it to. Then I placed my logo in an img tag. I used Adobe Photoshop to open the original logo and extract the colors using the eyedropper tool. I changed the fonts of the webpage to Times New Roman and Verdana, plus some backup fonts. I adjusted the padding and margins around the various elements to give the page good white space. I also had to add some extra line breaks between the list item elements to achieve the white space desired.

Modify original logo for web use and identify hex colors used in logo.Describe design process in writing.Learn basic HTML and CSS.

Adobe Photoshop.Notepad ++ and W3Schools validator for both HTML and CSS


COMM130 Section 11Emily Kunz

A web page to highlight an original logo.

Web PageD e s c r i p t i o n :

D a t e :

C o u r s e / I n s t r u c t o r :

P r o g r a m ( s ) / T o o l s :

O b j e c t i v e s :

P r o c e s s :

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I started by researching the company, which turns out is fictional so I wasn’t able to find any real info. I then researched the audience. Next I researched flyer layouts for an idea file. After gathering ideas I made four sketches by hand on blank paper. From there I launched InDesign and made a flier based on my favorite sketch. I used horizontal lines of increasing widths to create flow and lead the eye of the viewer from the image to the title. I placed my title on a white bar to provide contrast to the grey copy box and dark suite of the person in the large image at top. I kept my copy small to allow white space in the copy area and around the company logo.

Apply design principles and rules of typography.User basic Adobe InDesign tools.Learn good file management with Adobe projects.

Adobe InDesign


COMM130 Section 11Emily Kunz

A promotional flyer, in black and white, for a graduate conference on leadership.

FlierD e s c r i p t i o n :

D a t e :

C o u r s e / I n s t r u c t o r :

P r o g r a m ( s ) / T o o l s :

O b j e c t i v e s :

P r o c e s s :

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First, I planned out my layout and color scheme during the formulate stage. I selected a split complementary color scheme, because I knew I had exercise items of fundamentally the correct colors. I tried several arrangements and layouts of exercise equipment before selecting this photo. I used my Pentax Optio M30 camera to take the pictures. I imported the images to Photoshop and performed the following adjustments: levels, sharpness, saturation, color balance, and selective color modifications. I then designed my layout to fit on an 8.5 X 11 page. My layout included my photograph, text summarizing what I learned recently about achieving goals, various design elements. Some of the elements used were: color swatches, solid color boxes, solid color lines, and groupings of small solid color rectangles. I included my color scheme name, color swatches, and color names into the design. I then went through and simplified my layout to ensure there was sufficient whites page, and that my original message was communicated clearly.

Learn to use a digital camera to take quality images.Learn to edit images; crop, adjust brightness, contrast, hue and saturation levels.Use selective colorization to modify a portion of an image.

Adobe PhotoshopPentax Optio M30 Camera


COMM130 Section 11Emily Kunz

Original photos taken and edited/formatted by myself for this assignment.

Photo DesignD e s c r i p t i o n :

D a t e :

C o u r s e / I n s t r u c t o r :

P r o g r a m ( s ) / T o o l s :

O b j e c t i v e s :

P r o c e s s :

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Using Adobe InDesign I configured an offset fold brochure layout. I split the inside of my layout into three sections so the two left inside sections would be the body and the right inside and right outside sections would be the front of the brochure.I used green squares throughout the brochure to create repetition and flow. I adjusted the color profiles of the pictures to make them work with the brochure’s color scheme.

For the image of the black and white boxer I used the ‘quick selection tool’ in Adobe Photoshop to remove the background of the original image. I then used the ‘refine mask’ dialogue box to smooth, feather, and shift edge to the outline of the boxer. I used the ‘refine mask’ dialogue box to ensure a softer image that transitioned smoothly into the brochure’s background. I then ‘placed’ the boxer and used the ‘text wrap’ option to wrap my text around the ‘alpha channel’ of the image.

I created the logo in Adobe Illustrator using the pen tool and the shape tool.

Create a two sided, folded document.Create a clipped image with word wrapping.Use paragraph styles in InDesign.

Adobe InDesign, Photoshop, and Illustrator


COMM130 Section 11Emily Kunz

A two sided (duplex) folding brochure.

BrochureD e s c r i p t i o n :

D a t e :

C o u r s e / I n s t r u c t o r :

P r o g r a m ( s ) / T o o l s :

O b j e c t i v e s :

P r o c e s s :

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I created the logo using the pen tool in Adobe Illustrator. I also used simple shapes to make the book. Then I used the text tool. After the logo was assembled I placed it into a new InDesign document.

Following the samples I made the first page my stationary and the second page my business cards. I placed the logo in the upper left corner and the contact information in the upper right corner. I made sure to include all the contact components. I then placed the line beneath the owl and contact information. I positioned it so that the owl is perched on the line. Then I took a copy of the logo and cropped it down to remove the text. I made it large and placed it so the owl is mostly off the lower right side of the page. I then placed a black to white gradient on the entire page.

Create a new logo for a company.Create letterhead and business cards using the logo.Use the basic tools of Illustrator and InDesign.

Adobe Illustrator and InDesign


COMM130 Section 11Emily Kunz

Matching letterhead and business card designed using a personally created logo.

LetterheadD e s c r i p t i o n :

D a t e :

C o u r s e / I n s t r u c t o r :

P r o g r a m ( s ) / T o o l s :

O b j e c t i v e s :

P r o c e s s :

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Aubrey [email protected] E Tudor RdAnchorage, AK 99504Books



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For the business cards I copied the logo and placed it on the back of the card, over a gray background. For the front of the card I placed just the owl portion of the logo as a watermark in the background, with the right portion off the card. Then I placed the contact information towards the bottom, sitting above the same line as from the stationary to create unity. I also placed the same black to white gradient.

Create a new logo for a company.Create letterhead and business cards using the logo.Use the basic tools of Illustrator and InDesign.

Adobe Illustrator and InDesign


COMM130 Section 11Emily Kunz

Matching letterhead and business card designed using a personally created logo.

Business CardD e s c r i p t i o n :

D a t e :

C o u r s e / I n s t r u c t o r :

P r o g r a m ( s ) / T o o l s :

O b j e c t i v e s :

P r o c e s s :

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OwlAubrey [email protected]

6577 E Tudor RdAnchorage, AK 99504


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I scanned the image of the jellies. I chose to use a triad color scheme based on the blue. I placed the image at roughly the 2/3rd line from the top and used some image modification tools in Word to enhance it. I then created a boarder by placing thick gold lines at the top and bottom of the image. I then placed a blue box to fill the top right 1/3rd of the flyer. Next I placed the title, event details, and benefactor in the upper left 1/3rd of the flyer. I then made a red box to fill the bottom left 2/3rds of the flyer and placed the beneficiary information there. I split the lower right third of the page into thirds and used the top 2/3rds for a white copy box providing details about the beneficiary. I made a dark gold box to fill the remaining lower 1/3rd. Last I made a dark gold label strip to note that all jams and jellies were homegrown and homemade. I placed this label along the bottom right of the image centered on the vertical 2/3rd line. Two contrasting fonts are used to help add some visual contrast.

Learn how to scan quality images at high resolution.Create a full-bleed design.Learn how to use Word for design.

Microsoft WordHP Desktop Printer/Scanner


COMM130 Section 11Emily Kunz

This is a color flyer advertising a fund raising event. I created it in Microsoft Word and scanned the image.

The Therapy Garden is a charity set up in 1998 to create an attractive and supportive environment for young people and adults with learning disabilities and development delays, mental health challenges and physical disabilities.

All proceeds support The Therapy Garden.

Homegrown and Homemade

Jam & Jelly Sale! Thursday, September 24, 5:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Zimmerman Hall, 123 Main Street, Ogden

Hosted by Focus Services

Small Jars - $3 Large Jars - $5

Event AdD e s c r i p t i o n :

D a t e :

C o u r s e / I n s t r u c t o r :

P r o g r a m ( s ) / T o o l s :

O b j e c t i v e s :

P r o c e s s :

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The Therapy Garden is a charity set up in 1998 to create an attractive and supportive environment for young people and adults with learning disabilities and development delays, mental health challenges and physical disabilities.

All proceeds support The Therapy Garden.

Homegrown and Homemade

Jam & Jelly Sale! Thursday, September 24, 5:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Zimmerman Hall, 123 Main Street, Ogden

Hosted by Focus Services

Small Jars - $3 Large Jars - $5

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Brainstormed layout to use during the Formulate stage. Located images to use. Set the background to the required sizes. Placed the Savior to the right hand side and made him as large as the image resolution would allow. I placed a box on the left hand side and filled it with the red from the Savior’s robes. Selected the praying hands and moved them to the background image, then I added a mask. Using a large soft edged brush with 40% opacity I made the whole image blend into the background. Then I smoothed the edges out with several passes of the brush and made the transition gradual. I repeated the process with the holding hands image. I added the quote and title with two contrasting fonts onto the red box on the left. I added a smart filter to the red box n the left to make it match the texture of the Savior’s robes better.

Learn to work with Adobe Photoshop layers.Learn to use masks to smoothly blend images.User filters and apply good typography.

Adobe Photoshop


COMM130 Section 11Emily Kunz

A montage with a spiritual theme made by blending three images together, and the use of typography.

MontageD e s c r i p t i o n :

D a t e :

C o u r s e / I n s t r u c t o r :

P r o g r a m ( s ) / T o o l s :

O b j e c t i v e s :

P r o c e s s :

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