p&a - skeletal system

Unit 2 Skeletal System

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  • 1. Unit 2
    Skeletal System

2. Please bring a chicken/pork bone to class
Please bringa liquid of your choice
Can be pop, milk, juice, powerade, acid, bleach, any liquid that is allowed in school
3. I. Bones: Structure and Function
A. Bone Structure long bone pg. 132
1. Epiphysis
A. expanded portions on end of bones which articulate with another bone
2. Articular Cartilage
A. layer of HYALINE CARTILAGE which covers articulating portions of epiphysis
3. Diaphysis
A. shaft/long portion of bone
4. Periosteum
A. tough, tissue covering of bone
B. attaches to tendons and ligaments
C. Forms and repairs bone tissue
4. 5. Bony Process
A. a bony projection/lump on a bone
6. Compact bone
A. Solid, strong bone
B. located in diaphysis
7. Spongy bone
A. branching bony plates with much space
B. webbed
C. light bone or else our bones would be too heavy to move around
D. located in epiphysis, small amount in diaphysis
5. 8. Medullary cavity
A. hollow chamber in compact bone diaphysis and spaces of spongy bone
B. houses marrow
9. Marrow
A. soft connective tissue located in medullary cavity
B. red marrow: produces RBCs
C. yellow marrow: stores fat
6. Process
7. B. Microscopic bone structure pg. 125
1. Haversian System
A. compact bone is organized by haversian system units connected to each other around medullary cavity
B. Lamellae
1. circular patterns of matrix surrounding haversian canal
C. haversian canal
1. hollow, vertical space with in haversian system which houses 2 blood vessels and a nerve
2. blood vessels provide nourishment for the bone
D. osteocyte
1. bone cells
2. receive nutrients and eliminate wastes through canaliculi
E. canaliculi
1. passageways for nutrients form blood vessels to osteocytes
F. Volkmanns Canal
1. parallel, horizontal canals between blood vessels in haversian canals
2. connect canals/systems
8. Drawing of Haversian System
9. C. Bone Growth & Development
1. Intramembranous bones
A. def: bones which begin as sheetlike masses of connective tissue and form broad flat bones
1. ex: skull bones
2. Endochondral bones
A. def: bones which begin as masses of hyaline cartilage and develop into long bones
1. ex:femur
B. ossification: formation of bone
10. C. Growth & Development Process (lengthwise)
1. Cartilagenous bone develops a Primary Ossification Center in diaphysis where compact bone develops towards outside
A. middle becomes
2.Secondary Ossification Center form in epiphysis of bone
B. Spongy bone develops outward toward end from epiphysis
3. Epiphyseal Disks form
A. bands of cartilage b/t ossification centers which constantly grow new cells
4. Epiphyseal disks remain active until ossification centers meet
A. disks become ossified = growth stops
B. Drs can check your growth plates (epiphyseal disks) to see if there is room to grow, or if they have met and ossified
D. Growth in thickness
1. compact bone tissue is constantly deposited beneath periosteum
11. 3. Osteoblasts & osteoclasts
A. osteoblasts
1. def: bone cells which build up bone
2. activated when bone tissue is deposited
3. work in forming bone from cartilage in ossification centers
B. osteoclasts
1. def: bone cells which absorb bone tissue
2. work to destroy old cartilage before osteoblasts build up bone
3. aid in bone fracture repair eat up all the fragments
Read pg. 136-137
List the process of repairing a fracture
Bring to class tomorrow
12. D. Bone Function
1. support and protection
A. bones of feet, legs, pelvis support body
B. ribs protectand lungs
C. helps body stand up straight
2. Body movement/muscle attachment
A. bones provide are for muscles/tendons/ligaments to attach to
B. bones pull muscles so body can move
C. tendons = connect bone to muscle
D. ligaments = connect bone to bone
13. 3. blood cell formation
A. marrow forms RBCs red marrow
1. red marrow found in most bones of infant
2. as age = yellow marrow (fat storage) replaces red
3. adults = red marrow in spongy bone of ribs, sternum, vertebrae, pelvis
4. Mineral storage
A. Ca, P, Mg, Na, K, Carbonate all found in bone tissue
B. bones release Ca into blood when stimulated to
14. II. Skeletal Structure Terms pg. 142
A. Condyle
1. rounded process on a bone
Ex: posterior distal femur
B. crest
1. a narrow ridge
Ex: top of pelvic bone
C. Epicondyle
1. process above condyle
Ex: medial distal portion of humerus
D. Facet
1. small, flat surface
Ex: on vertebrae where ribs attach
15. E. Fontanel
1. soft spots where membrane covers space b/n bones
When do we have these??
F. Foramen
1. opening in a bone
Ex: in bone at base of skull
G. Fossa
1. deep pit or depression
Ex: in humerus so ulna can go up and down
H. Head
1. enlargement at end of bone
Ex: head of humerus fits into shoulder ball and socket
16. I. Process
1. projection on a bone
Ex: process on zygomatic bone
J. Sinus
1. cavity in bone
Ex: nasal sinuses
K. Spine
1. thornlike projection
Ex: scapular spine
L. Suture
1. union line b/n bone
Ex: sutures b/n skull bones
M. Trochantar
1. LARGE process
Ex: greater trochantar on femur bone
17. III. Bones of the Skeleton
A. Skull pg. 143
1. Parietal 2
2. frontal
3. occipital
4. temporal - 2
5. sphenoid
6. Ethmoid
7. Vomer
8. Lacrimal
8. Mandible
9. Maxilla
A. palantine process on roof of mouth
10. Hyoid bone suspended, does not attach to another bone
11. nasal bone
18. 12. zygomatic
Zygomatic process point on zygomatic
13. foramen magnum
14. coronal suture b/n frontal & parietal
15. Squamosal suture b/n temporal & parietal
16. Lambdoidal suture b/n occipital, temporal & parietal
17. Sagittal suture b/n parietals
18. Styloid process
19. Mastoid process
19. B. Vertebral column pg 139
33 vertebrae total
24 separate
1. 7 cervical
2. 12 thoracic
3. 5 lumbar
4. sacrum 5 fused vertebrae
5. coccyx = tailbone 4 fused vertebrae
20. 6. Cervical Vertebrae
A. 7 vertebrae
B. atlas & axis top 2 vertebrae on which the head rotates
C. odontoid process
1. on axis vertebrae
2. rounded process which the atlas pivots around
3. lies in the ring of the atlas
D. vertebral foramen
1. hole for spinal cord
E. body weight bearing
F. Lamina b/n spinous and transverse process
21. 7. Thoracic Vertebrae
A. 12
B. lamina
C. pedicle b/n body and transverse process
D. body
E. spinous process pointy spine that you feel on your back
22. 8. Lumbar Vertebrae
A. 5
B. very thick because support most of the body weight
C. lamina
D. pedicle
E. body thicker than normal to support
F. tranverse process side spines
G. spinous process
23. 9. intervertebral disks
A. cartilage betweenvertebrae for protection and shock absorption
24. C. Ribs & Sternum
1. rib cage inverted cone shape
A. 7 true ribs connect to sternum
B. 3 false ribs dont directly connect to sternum, but connect to a rib/cartilage that connects to the sternum
C. 2 floating ribs dont connect to sternum
D. Costal cartilage cartilage which connects ribs to sternum
25. 2. Sternum
A. manubrium top
B. body long, middle portion
C. xyphoid process bottom point
26. E. Pectoral Girdle
1. Clavicles
A. Collar bone
2. Scapula
A. Shoulder blades
B.Does not attach to skeleton directly
C. Scapular spine
D. acromion process
E. coracoid process
F. glenoid cavity
Socket for head of humerus to fit into
27. F. Arm
1. humerus
A. proximal arm bone
B. head
C. neck
D. medial/lateral epicondyle
E. olecranonfossa
olecranon process fits into
F. Coronoidfossa
Coronoid process fits into
G Capitulum
2. radius
A. thumb side
B. radial tuberosity
3. Ulna
A. thinner than radius
b. Pinky side
c. Trochlear notch
d. Olecranon process
e. Coronoid process
28. G. Hand
1. carpals
2. metacarpals 5
3. phalanges
14 total 3 in each finger, 2 in thumb
Proximal, middle, distal
29. H. Bones of the Wrist (carpals)
8 bones
30. I. Pelvic Girdle
1. Ilium
A. iliac crest
2. ischium
3. pubis
Pubic arch
Pubic symphysis
4. obturator foramen
5. acetabulum
Fossa or cavity for head of femur
31. H. Leg
1. femur
A. proximal leg bone
b. longest bone in the body
C. head
D. Greater trochantar
E. Medial & lateral condyles
2. patella
A. knee cap
Rounded bone located in tendon which connects femur to tibia
32. 3. tibia
A. shin bone
B. tibialtuberosity
1. attachment for ligament
4. fibula
A. slender leg bone on lateral side of leg
B. Lateral Malleolus
33. J. Foot
1. tarsals
A. 7
B. calcaneus heel bone
C. talus connects foot to tibia and fibula
D. navicular
E. cuboid
F. lateral cuneiform
G. intermediate cuneiform
H. medial cuneiform
2. metatarsals
A. 5
3. Phalanges
14 bones/foot
34. IV. Joints
Functional junctions between bones
A. immovable joints
1. no active movement occurs
2. suture lines in skull
B. moveable
1. junctions between bones which freely move
2. components
A. joint capsule
1. tubelike capsule of tissue surrounding joing
A. outer layer - ligaments
35. B. synovial membrane
1. inner lining of joint capsule which secretes synovial fluid to lubricate joints
C. bursae
1. in some joints, not all
2. shock absorbing pads of cartilage between skin and joint bones, filled with synovial fluid
D. menisci
1. in some joints
2. shock absorbing pads between articulating surfaces
36. 3. Types of moveable joints
A. ball & socket
1. ball shaped head of bone articulates with cup shaped socket of other bone
2. ex hip, shoulder
3. head of femur into acetabulum
Head of humerus into glenoid cavity
4. allows for wide range of motion
B.Condyloid joint
1. oval shaped condyle fits into oval shaped cavity of other bone
2. ex metacarpals into phanlanges
3. good movement, no rotation
37. C. gliding
1. joints with flat or slightly curved articulating surface
2. ex wrist bones
3. gliding or twisting movement
D. hinge
1. joint where convex surface articulates with concave surface fit like a puzzle piece
2. ex elbow, knee
3. movement in only one direction
4. like a hinge on a door
38. E. pivot
1. circular surface rotates around a ring
2. ex head of radius around ulna
3. only movement is rotation around axis
F. Saddle
1. ex thumb
2. variety of movement
39. C. Types of joint movement
1. flexion
A. bending a joint so that the angle between its parts is decreased
B. flexing your bicep bringing lower arm toward upper arm
2. extension
A. straightening a joint so the angle between its parts increases
B. bringing lower arm back down, straighten the arm
40. 3. dorsiflexion
A. flexing foot upward at ankle
B. pointing toes up
4. plantar flexion
A. flexing foot downward
B. pointing toes down
5. hyperextension
A. bending a joint beyond extension of joint parts
B. hyperextend knee or elbow
6. abduction
A. moving a part away from midline
B. lifting arms or legs away from body
41. 7. adduction
A. moving parts toward midline
B. bring arms or legs back to the body
8. rotation
A. moving a part around axis
B. twisting head side to side, twisting lower arm radius around ulna
9. circumduction
A. moving a part so its end follows a circular path
B. moving finger in a circular path without moving the hand
42. 10. pronation
A. turning hand palm down
11. supination
A. turning hand palm up holding a bowl of soup
12. eversion
A. bringing foot sole out
13. inversion
A. bring foot sole in
14. protraction
A. moving a part directly forward
B. sticking chin out from neck
A. moving a part directly backward
43. 15. elevation
A. raising a part toward bodys superior
B. shrug shoulders
16. Depresssion
B. Bringing a part towards bodys inferior
44. 45. Compound /Open Fracture