paarl post 5 julie 2012

Voorheen die Afrikaanse Patriot Volume 107 Donderdag 5 Julie 2012 Tel: 021-870-4600 SMS 32363 [email protected] R5.50 (incl) Lise Beyers EEN jaar nadat ’n juwelierswinkel van Wellington beroof is, het gewapende ro- wers weer toegeslaan. Dit blyk dat die rooftog vooraf goed be- plan is, want die mans was geklee in uni- forms wat bekend was aan personeel. Kort voor openingstyd Maandagog- gend, het ’n voertuig wat duidelik gemerk was met die embleem van ’n beken- de koerierdiens voor American Swiss in Kerkstraat gestop. Een van die insittendes, ten volle geklee in die uniform van die koe- rierdiens, ook met identifikasie, het uit die bakkie geklim en gevra dat die verkoopsdame die deur oop- sluit. Sy het aan hom verduidelik dat hulle nog nie oop is nie en dat hulle om 09:00 moet terugkom. Hulle het later teruggekom en het toe- gang tot die winkel verkry nog voordat die verkoopsdames die sekuriteitshek kon oopsluit - vermoedelik met ’n lopersleutel. Een van die mans het die personeel met ’n vuurwapen gedreig. Die verdagtes het aangedring dat die geld uit die kasregister en kluis aan hulle oorhandig word. Hierna het hulle in die bakkie gevlug. Kontant van R22 000 is gesteel, maar geen juweliersware is geneem nie. ’n Polisiewoordvoerder het gesê dat hulle navraag gedoen het by die koerier- maatskappy oor hul voertuie in dié gebied Maandagoggend. “Daar is aan ons gesê dat al hul voertuie met opsporingstoestelle toegerus is, dus weet hulle elke oomblik waar hul motors is. Die naaste motor aan Wellington van hierdie betrokke maatskappy was dié og- gend op Stellenbosch. “Hulle kan ook verslag doen van al hul personeellede op dié dag.” Byna presies ’n jaar gelede, op 27 Junie 2011, is personeel van hierdie juweliers- winkel ook aangehou deur gewapende mans. Hulle het juweliersware ter waarde van duisende rande gebuit, sowel as die per- soneellede se selfone, ’n skootrekenaar en duisende rande in kontant. Tans word dié gebied lamgelê deur ge- wapende rowers. In die afgelope jaar het nie minder nie as 20 gewapende rooftogte vanaf Wellington tot die Paarl plaasge- vind. * Nog ’n besigheid wat ook ’n twee- de gewapende roof ondervind het, was Armaan’s Bakery in Borssen- bergstraat, Daljosafat. Hierdie besigheid was in Septem- ber verlede jaar ook beroof. Die jongste voorval het Saterdag- oggend plaasgevind toe ’n werkne- mer van die bakkery na buite geroep is deur ’n vermeende kliënt. Die man het gevra vir vier kratte brood en toe die werknemer weer na binne stap, het die verdagte van agteraf ’n vuurwapen teen sy kop gedruk. Hy is beveel om na binne te gaan en die kluis oop te sluit. Die verdagte het toe met ’n groot hoe- veelheid kontant gevlug. * A jewellery store in Church Street, Wellington, was robbed on Monday morning.. Foto: Weer beroof Rooftog by winkel fyn beplan Een van die insittendes, ten volle geklee in die uniform van die koe- rierdiens, ook met identifikasie, het uit die bakkie geklim en gevra dat die verkoopsdame die deur oopsluit. Coach signs his book 4 Honour for Paarlite 4 Kano’s spring 11 Julie weg 40

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Paarl Post 5 Julie 2012


  • Voorheen die Afrikaanse Patriot Volume 107 Donderdag 5 Julie 2012 Tel: 021-870-4600 SMS 32363 [email protected] R5.50 (incl)

    Lise Beyers

    EEN jaar nadat n juwelierswinkel vanWellingtonberoofis,hetgewapendero-wers weer toegeslaan.

    Dit blyk dat die rooftog vooraf goed be-plan is, want die mans was geklee in uni-forms wat bekend was aan personeel.

    Kort voor openingstyd Maandagog-gend,het n voertuigwatduidelik gemerkwas met die embleem van n beken-de koerierdiens voor AmericanSwiss in Kerkstraat gestop.

    Een van die insittendes, ten vollegeklee in die uniform van die koe-rierdiens, ook met identifikasie, hetuit die bakkie geklim en gevra datdie verkoopsdame die deur oop-sluit.

    Sy het aan hom verduidelik dathulle nog nie oop is nie en dat hulle om09:00 moet terugkom.

    Hulle het later teruggekom en het toe-gang totdiewinkel verkrynogvoordatdieverkoopsdames die sekuriteitshek konoopsluit-vermoedelikmetnlopersleutel.

    Eenvandiemanshetdiepersoneelmetn vuurwapen gedreig. Die verdagtes hetaangedringdatdiegelduitdiekasregister

    en kluis aan hulle oorhandig word.Hierna het hulle in die bakkie gevlug.

    Kontant van R22 000 is gesteel, maargeen juweliersware is geneem nie.

    n Polisiewoordvoerder het ges dathulle navraag gedoen het by die koerier-maatskappyoorhulvoertuieindigebiedMaandagoggend.

    Daarisaanonsgesdatalhulvoertuiemet opsporingstoestelle toegerus is, dus

    weet hulle elke oomblik waar hul motorsis. Die naaste motor aan Wellington vanhierdiebetrokkemaatskappywasdi og-gend op Stellenbosch.

    Hulle kan ook verslag doen van al hulpersoneellede op di dag.

    Bynapresies n jaargelede,op27Junie2011, is personeel van hierdie juweliers-winkel ook aangehou deur gewapende

    mans.Hullehet juweliersware terwaardevan

    duisende rande gebuit, sowel as die per-soneelledeseselfone,nskootrekenaarenduisende rande in kontant.

    Tans word di gebied lamgel deur ge-wapende rowers. In die afgelope jaar hetniemindernieas20gewapenderooftogtevanaf Wellington tot die Paarl plaasge-vind.

    *Nog nbesigheidwatook ntwee-de gewapende roof ondervind het,was Armaans Bakery in Borssen-bergstraat, Daljosafat.

    Hierdie besigheid was in Septem-ber verlede jaar ook beroof.

    Die jongste voorval het Saterdag-oggend plaasgevind toe n werkne-mervandiebakkerynabuitegeroepisdeurnvermeendeklint.Dieman

    het gevra vir vier kratte brood en toe diewerknemer weer na binne stap, het dieverdagte van agteraf n vuurwapen teensy kop gedruk. Hy is beveel om na binnete gaan en die kluis oop te sluit.

    Die verdagte het toe met n groot hoe-veelheid kontant gevlug.

    *Ajewellerystore inChurchStreet,Wellington,was robbed on Monday morning..


    Weer beroofRooftog by winkel fyn beplan

    Een van die insittendes, ten volle geklee in die uniform van die koe-rierdiens, ook met identifikasie, het uit die bakkie geklim en gevra dat die verkoopsdame die deur oopsluit.

    Coach signshis book 4

    Honour forPaarlite 4

    Kanos spring11 Julie weg 40

  • 2 . Paarl Post Thursday 5 July 2012News Nuus

    ) Eskom dreig al weke lank om diePaarl-omgewingsekragweereensopn Sondag af te sny vir noodsaaklikeinstandhoudingswerk.Maar totdus-ver het dit nie gebeur nie. En noudreig hulle weer hierdie Sondag,maar by Eskom word mens van bak-boord na stuurboord gestuur om teprobeer uitvind of dit nou wl so is ofnie. Maar weesgewaarsku, indien ditwel so ishierdieSondag,moetdiepu-bliek maar genoeg hout en gas byme-kaarskraap, want volgens die weer-voorspelling gaan ysige weer oor diegebied toesak.) Terwyl sport die afgelope week oftwee gedy met talle besoekers by dieo.18-Akademierugbyweek op Wel-lington, die studente-fietsrykampi-oenskappeinDrakensteinendieWP-karatekampioenskappe in die Paarl,het Boland Fietsry se bande skielikpap geraak. Daar was skynbaar niegeldomvanSuid-Afrikasebelowend-ste junior fietsryers Oudtshoorn toete stuur nie. Laat mens wonder.

    Icy weekend aheadTODAY we may have some refuge from therain, but be prepared - the next few daysit will be raining cats and dogs.

    Itwill besunnyat16Ctoday,but tomor-row torrents of rain return.

    Saturday brings more rain and an icy13C while Sunday will start to clear at16C. Isolated showers will however still bepossible until Monday morning.

    PlakstukDIE tweede plak-stuk in die Plak-vir-jou-Sak kompetisiewaarin n leserR1800 kan wen,verskyn op bladsy38.

    Die kompetisiesluit op Vrydag 10Augustus om16:00.






    TV Program...p19


    Vakansiedae, reg of weg?Frans le Roux

    DIE vraag oor of Suid-Afrika te veel va-kansiedae het of nie, is n kwessie watsorg vir warm debat.

    Veral sakelui kla dat die baie vakansie-dae inAprilproblematies is, enproduktiwi-teit benadeel.

    Hoekom moet Vryheidsdag en Werkers-dag binne een week gevier word, kort nPaasnaweek?Dit isniesinvolnie.DalkkanVryheidsdag en Werkersdag gekombineerword? was een voorstel.

    Ander mense meen dat dit onnodig is omop n Maandag n n vakansiedag n ekstravakansiedag te h.

    Die Regering kan gerus Paasmaandagkanselleer-dansaldieekonomieniesosleggetref word in die Paastyd nie.

    Verskeie mense wat genader is, is egterbekommerd dat Christelike vakansiedaemag wegval en is ongelukkig dat Hemel-vaartdag nie meer n vakansiedag is nie.

    Ander meen weer dat ander geloofsgroe-pe ook hul vakansiedae moet kan vier endat vakansiedae meer eweredig tussen ge-loofgroepe verdeel moet word.

    Werkers wat op vakansiedae dubbelloonontvang verwelkom di dae en soek selfsmeer.

    Groot fabrieke wat elektriese masjineriegebruik om hulle produkte te vervaardig,word baie negatief geraak deur vakansie-dae omdat die masjiene dan stil staan.Maande soos April is vir die meeste onder-nemings n nagmerrie omdat produksie bytye gestaak word.

    Dit issoortgelykaanDesember,wanneer

    ondernemings lank toe is enbestellingsniegeplaas kan word nie.

    n Finansile rekenmeester by n fabriekin die Paarl s dat April vir hulle nag is.Produksie moet dan beplan word rondomvakansiedae.

    Ons vermy produksie ten alle koste op

    vakansiedae weens die geweldige elektrisi-teitslading wat die masjiene gebruik omweer op te warm nadat dit afgeskakel is.

    Maar werkers kla glad nie - op vakansie-daekryhullediegeleentheidomteontspansaammet familieenvriendesonderomeni-ge salaris in te boet.

    Willow van der West-huize: Ek dink al dievakansie kan maar blywant ons ken dit so.Die meeste van onswerk in elk geval opvakansiedae. Ek sous my gunsteling va-kansiedag is 26 De-sember want dan is alKersfees se kos nogoor. Ek kuier graag opvakansiedae saammet my vriende indienek nie werk nie.

    Fotos: Frans le Roux

    Ashley Andrews: Ekis tevredemetdiehoe-veelheid dae wat daaris, ons kan lekker rusindien ons nie moetwerk nie. TweedeKersdag is n lekkerdag om te ontspan,naby aan die Nuwe-jaar. Ek geniet dit omsaam met my vriendete kuier op sulke dae.

    Alrich Isaacs: Ek ver-kies dat al die vakan-siedae bly, en anderander gelowe moetook meer vakansie-dae geniet. My gun-stelingdag is Erfenis-dag (Nasionale Braai-dag) want dan steekons n lekker vuurtjieaan en braai n sappi-ge steak.

    Alecia Henkeman:Die belangrikste va-kansiedae vir my isKersfees en Vryheids-dag. Kersfees oor mygeloof en Vryheids-dag waarvoor onsmense baklei het. Fa-miliedag kan maarverdwyn. Ek verkiesom op my vakansie-dae kwaliteit-tyd tespandeer saam metmy babadogtertjie in-dien ek wel nie werknie.

    AANGETREE VIR AKSIE. Die 22 rugbyspanne wat aan vanjaar se o.18-Coca Cola Akademieweek deelneem, staan hier aangetree tydensdie openingseremonie op die Boland-stadion in Wellington Maandagmiddag. Die spanne van WP en Boland vaar dusver albei uitstekend.

    Foto: Sieb Sieberhagen

    )Op6 Julie1984 berigdiePaarl Postdat die beraamde koste van die sloe-rendePaarlbergsaaktussendiePaarl-seMunisipaliteitenboerewatwilboerteendiebergnaoorwegingdeurnpar-lementre gekose komitee sowat R2miljoen bereik het. Uitspraak is laterten gunste van die Munisipaliteit ge-gee.

    Terugflits Julie

    Akademierugbyspanne ding mee op Bolandstadion

  • Donderdag 5 Julie 2012 Paarl Post . 3Nuus News

    R e s e r v a t i o n s : 0 2 1 8 6 3 6 1 7 4

    Police cornerarmed robbersLise Beyers

    DETERMINEDpoliceofficersfromGrootDrakenstein apprehended three armedrobbers last week, in real cops and rob-bers style.

    The incident occurred after an armedrobberyatafarminBanhoekneartheHels-hoogte Road.

    Here five armed men held a man andwoman hostage in their homestead for twohoursonTuesdayevening,beforeescapingwith numerous valuables.

    According to Groot Drakenstein policespokesperson, Const Rionel Uithaler, oncethe hostages were released, the man calledthe police.

    A high alert was sent out for patrol vehi-cles in and around the area to be on thelook-out for suspects. The help of theBoland K-9 unit was also called in.

    Earlier the evening, members of GrootDrakenstein police had spotted a suspi-cious vehicle, but, said Uithaler, only onepersonwasinthevehicleandwhenstoppedand searched there was no need to appre-hend the occupant.

    Butwhennewsof thearmedrobberywassentoutonair, theofficers realised that thevehicle in which the suspects had fled,matched the description of the vehicle theyhad stopped earlier that evening.

    The vehicle was again spotted nearBoschendal and when members of the dogunitstoppedthevehicle, threemenjumpedout and disappeared into the vineyards.Another suspect however did not manageto flee.

    Early the following morning, detectiveswere still trying to track down the fugitives.

    They then noticed three suspicious look-ing men near the four-way-stop in Klap-muts. The men were soaking wet and weretrying to hitch-hike.

    When the unmarked police vehiclestopped, the three suspects fled into anopen field. One suspect was quickly appre-hended while another disappeared.

    A third suspect continued running whilea detective gave chase. This chase contin-ued for approximately 4 km, through farmland and even a dam, before the suspectwas eventually apprehended with the helpof passing ADT security guards.

    Three suspects are still at large whilethree suspects appeared in the Stellen-bosch Magistrates Court in connectionwith the incident.

    TheyareSiyaSilombo (22),NdivikeMan-ga (38) and Simion Shalong (23) of CapeTown.

    Anyone with information regarding theincidentcancontactConstFabianvanRietat 021 874 8000.

    CHASE. These po-licemen were in-volved in thesearch for and ap-prehension ofarmed robbers af-ter an incident at afarm in Banhoek.From left areConst Johan Bos-man, Sgt Septem-ber Konstabel, SgtShaun Jacobs,Const Fabian vanRiet en Const Hay-den Maart.Pic: Lise Beyers

    Sunday blackoutACCORDING to Eskom, the power supplyto Paarl and surrounds will be switched offon Sunday at 06:00. The power blackoutwill last until 17:00 for essential mainte-nance work, depending on the weather.

    Affected areas include Paarl, Mbekweni,Simondium, Agter Paarl and Wemmers-hoek Road. If the weather is poor, the workwill be postponed to Sunday 15 July.

    Another head may roll at MunicipalityLise Beyers

    ANOTHER senior municipal offi-cialhasbeensuspendedpendingan investigation.

    Anthea Abrahams, a formerdeputymayorandDirectorofSo-cial Services at the DrakensteinMunicipality, is being investigat-edformisconductofexpenditure,after amongst other, a YouthWorkshop which coincided withYouth Day 2009.

    The healing art workshop, inMbekweni, cost more than R300000, including catering of R20000 and the cost of a book pro-duced after the event, cost morethan R200 000 to print.

    About60cameraswerepurchasedand30laptops rented and used by young people totakeanddownloadphotographsforthebooktitled Picture our Reality, in remembranceof June 16.

    R18 000 was also spent on steel frames

    needed to hang artwork.Theworkshopwasoutsourced

    toaCapeTowncompanyatgreatexpense,while lowerquotes fromlocalserviceproviderswerealleg-edly not accepted.

    Further expenses which wereapproved by Abrahams was R77000 for further art projects in-cludingfilmmakingandR50000for Africa drumming kits.

    According to sources, few peo-pleexpressedinterest inthisandthe equipment was basically leftunused.

    The Drakenstein municipalmanager, Johann Mettler, de-clined to comment on the specif-ics, but confirmed that an exter-

    nal forensic investigation is at an advancedstage.

    The outcome of the investigation will de-termine whether disciplinary procedures,civil action or criminal charges, or a combi-nation of these, will be instituted.

    SUSPENDED. Seniormunicipal officialAnthea Abrahams (aformer ANC mayor)has been suspended,subject to a forensicinvestigation.

  • 4 . Paarl Post Thursday 5 July 2012News Nuus

    VERSIGTIG. Motorbestuurders word gewaarsku om ekstra versig-tig te wees wanneer hulle paaie gebruik in nat weersomstandighe-de. Hierdie motoris het hierdie les op die harde manier geleer, toehy verlede week tydens swaar renneerslae beheer oor sy voertuigverloor het op die N1 net buite die Paarl. Die bestuurder was onder-weg in die rigting van Kaapstad toe sy motor tot in die oorkantstebaan van die N1 gerol het. Niemand is in die voorval beseer nie.

    BOEK. Peter de Villiers, voormaligeSpringbok-rugbyafrigter (middel),was Saterdag die middelpunt vanbelangstelling by die Paarl Mallwaar hy en Gavin Rich (links), dieskrywer van sy boek Political Incor-rect, boeke onderteken het. Dieboek handel oor De Villiers se erva-rings in sy tyd as Bok-afrigter. Byhulle is Nicole Virgin, n student insportbestuur wat n versamelaarvan sportboeke is. Rich vertel dathy net meer as n jaar geneem hetom die boek te skryf en dat hulletot dusver baie positiewe terugvoervan lesers ontvang het.

    Foto: Sieb Sieberhagen

    Vullisverwydering sal nie sakelui benadeelDIE Munisipaliteit beoog nie om die brooduit die monde van plaaslike inwoners be-trokke by die afvalbedryf te neem nie.

    S s n woordvoerder nadat plaaslike in-wonersverledeweekinnberighulontstelte-nisuitgespreekhet oor nkennisgewingaanplaaslikebesighedeomonmiddellikallever-wyderingvangewoneafval testaakhangen-de die uitreiking van permitte.

    Die Wet op die Bestuur van Vaste Afvalbepaal dat plaaslike owerhede die verant-woordelikheid neem rakende die beheer enregulering van vaste afvalbestuur. Ons isdus die diensowerheid wat hierdie diens be-tref. Nasionale en provinsiale regering saldus die Munisipaliteit verantwoordelik houvirsulkediensteendaarsalookvanonsver-wag word om verslag te gee oor wat in Dra-kenstein gebeur aangaande vaste afvalbe-

    stuur.Die munisipale verordeninge bepaal dat

    die Munisipaliteit die diens ten opsigte vanalgemene afval (huisvullisverwydering) salvoorsien. Die voorsiening van dienste deurprivate kontrakteurs rakende mediese, ge-vaarlikeen industrileafvalkansteedsdeurprivate kontrakteurs onderneem word.

    Herwinningvanafvalkanookdeurpriva-te kontrakteurs onderneem word n n be-hoeftebepaling en sluiting van n ooreen-koms met die Munisipaliteit om te versekerdat die afval volgens die neergelegde stan-daarde hanteer word.

    Geenprivatekontrakteurssalgevrawordomhuldienstetestaaknie.Privatekontrak-teurs wat tans dienste verskaf kan met dieMunisipaliteit onderhandel wat betref dieoorgangsfase.

    Amado gallops to new heightsLise Beyers

    LOCAL lass, MLani Bas-son (32), has been listedas one of 200 inspiringyoung South Africans.

    This comes after the influentialnewspaperMail&Guardiansannu-al list of thecountrys top200youngSouth Africans was recently re-vealed.

    Annually this newspaper com-pilesalistoftheleadersoftomorrow,as well as in many cases, today.These outstanding young individu-als (35 years old and under) from allwalks of life, excel in their variousarenas, such as sports, politics andarts.

    MLani was included in this elitelistofyoungpeople fortheoutstand-ing work which she does amongstdisabled, underprivileged childrenin and around Paarl through horse-assisted therapy.

    This is a unique form of therapywhere interaction with horses isusedtoenhancethequalityandpro-ductivity of the lives of persons withmental, physical, and psychologicaldisabilities.

    MLani has already become well-known in Paarl for this unique formof therapywhichhaschangedmanychildrens lives.

    She has on various occasionsbeenhonoured forherselflesswork,receiving a mayoral award in appre-ciationof service rendered in theSo-cialServicesField,aJetCommunityAward in recognition of dedicationandcommitmentandaRotarymeritaward for services rendered to hu-mankind.

    Having majored in psychologyand art in 2003, she wanted to spe-cialise in art therapy, but did nothave R25 000 for the course.

    Having been an avid horse ridersince the age of three, MLani stum-bled upon equine-assisted therapyten years ago.

    She surfed the internet andhopped onto a plane to EdinburghinScotlandwhereshestartedwork-ing as a volunteer at an equine as-sisted therapy centre outside thecity.

    Her income came from the farmnext door, where she had to cleantwenty stables a day and was re-sponsibleforcheckingaherdofcowsevery two hours during the night forsigns of labour.

    This apprenticeship schooled herfor the future. Today she saves onveterinary bills by inoculating herhorses herself, cleaning and trim-ming hooves and teeth.

    Amado was then eventually bornin 2006.

    Today MLani offers horse-assist-ed therapy to 60 children of the Lig-straalSchool for thedisabled inAm-stelhof. Groups of children are dailytransportedbyMLani toherstableson the slopes of Paarl Mountainwhere theyparticipate inall kindsofactivities related to horses.

    Iamnotoneofthose horseypeo-plewhoareonlyinterestedinthean-imals because of the image theysometimes represent. I see the po-tential of horses and what they canoffer the children.

    In nature, horses are flight ani-mals,buttheyalsohaveanimmensesensitivity and can sense who is ontheir back.

    It is awe-inspiring to see a horsesuchasoldJoseph,wholovestorun,becomemeekasa lambonceadisa-bled child mounts the saddle.

    All my horses are incredible with

    the children. If they seem to be slid-ing off the saddle, the horses willmove with the falling child to stabi-lise it.

    MLani has truly had inspiring re-sults from her therapy. Childrenwhohavetheirentirelifebeenboundto a wheel chair and for whom doc-tors had no hope, now run aroundher stables and saddle up horses.

    She also has to deal with childrenwhohavebeen sexually abused andafter only a few encounters withhorses, these children whose liveshave been devastated, get a newlease on life, becoming responsive,laughing out loud and enjoyingthemselves.

    But being a non-profit organisa-tion remains an uphill battle. It is aconstant worry where next monthsfunding will come from.

    We do apply for a governmentgrant, but this takes many monthsbefore, and if, it materialises. Wethus rely on contributions from thepublic and the support of our fund-raising events. The public can alsobecomeinvolvedwithAmadobyreg-istering us on a My School card atWoolworths.

    MLani can be contacted at 083604 4037 or visit her website,,toreadmoreaboutthemagicalworkwhich isdoneatAma-do.

    THERAPY. Trevor Manuel (Minister in the Presidency for the National PlanningCommission) showed a keen interest in MLani Bassons horse-assisted therapycentre, Amado, at a recent function in Johannesburg, where MLani was listedas one of 200 inspiring young South Africans.

  • Donderdag 5 Julie 2012 Paarl Post . 5Nuus News

    WENNER. StephanKrige is een vanverskeie mense watonlangs ingetekenhet op die PaarlPost en hy is ge-trek as die gelukki-ge wenner van nspa-dag vir hom ensy vrou by SantWinelands Spa Ho-tel. Hier ontvang hysy prys van Anne-mie Bruce, adver-tensieverteenwoor-diger van PaarlPost.

    VERWOES. Drie gesinne het alles verloor toe n brand informele woningsin die agterplaas van n woning in Mossiestraat, Amstelhof, verwoes het.Die brand het Maan-dagaand ontstaanbinne een van die wo-nings. Al die inwonershet ongedeerd ont-snap. Hier stel onder-burgemeesterConradPoole ondersoek insaammet tweevandieslagoffers, Anwill Go-liath (links) en Veroni-ca Witbooi.

    Lise Beyers

    TWEEplaaslikesakemannehetsote s alles verloor, toe diewe ver-moedelikhulfabriekaandiebrandgesteek het.

    Dievoorvalhet vroegverledeDon-derdagoggend plaasgevind by nwerkswinkel in Louwstraat, Welte-vrede, Wellington.

    Hier bedryf Jeffrey Roux en TitusSolomons die afgelope sewe jaar hulT&J skrynwerkersbesigheid.

    Roux het ges dat dit die derdekeer binne twee maande is wat daarby hul fabriek ingebreek word.

    In Mei het diewe een aand al hulkraggereedskap gesteel. Vroer inJunie is daar weer by die werkswin-kel ingebreek. Die diewe het glo toeook nvuurgemaak,maardithetnieversprei nie.

    Maar omstreeks 05:30 Donder-

    dagoggend is die sekuriteitshek vandie werkswinkel afgesaag, die deuroopgebreek en n vuur is binne die

    perseel aangesteek. Dit het vinnigversprei en die perseel, asook al dieskrynwerkgereedskap, is vernietig.

    Ons sekuriteitsmaatskappy hetons laat weet dat daar n brand opdieperseel is.Metonsaankoms,wasdie brand reeds deur die brandweergeblus, maar alles is in puin gel,het Roux ges.

    Onsbesigheidwasbesigomgoedopdreef tekom.Onshetbaiebestel-lings gehad en nou is al ons werkdaarmee heen. Ek weet nie hoe onsdie stukkies weer gaan optel nie.

    n Woordvoerder van die polisiehet ges dat besighede in hierdie in-dustrilegebieddikwelsdieslagofferis van diewe.

    Die gebied is snags afgele en toe-gang tot persele word maklik verkryvanaf die spoorlyn. Die gebied is ookbaie naby aan die informele neder-settings by New Rest en Carterville.

    PUIN. nWellington-besigheid is inpuingel nadat dit vermoedelik deur dieweaan die brand gesteek is.

    Polisiemanne vat die pad weens sigaretbedrog

    Besigheid in puin gel weens diewe

    TWEE koppe het onlangs gerol bydie Paarl polisiestasie nadat poli-siebeamptesopheterdaadbetrapismet die diefstal van sigarette.

    Ditkomnadatdiespesialeonder-soekeenheidvandiepolisie,dieVal-ke, in Januarie n ondersoek ge-loods het na ongerymdhede binnedie polisie.

    Inligting is ontvang dat ten min-ste drie lede van Paarl polisie be-trokke is by bedrieglike aktiwiteite.

    Die werkswyse van hierdie amp-tenarewasglodathulle oponwetti-gesigarettevanstraatsmouseindie

    Paarlse middedorp beslag gel hetendanvanhierdie sigarette virhul-self gehou het.

    n Lokval is gestel en drie polisie-beamptes is vasgetrek nadat hulle160 pakkies sigarette gesteel het.

    Adj Wilfred Martin, konst ShaunFalmer en vrouekonst Landie Gor-don is in hegtenis geneem en vandiefstal aangekla.

    n Interne ondersoek deur dieSuid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens hetgevolg.

    Voordat hierdie ondersoek vol-tooi is,hetMartinvrywilliglikuitdie

    polisie bedank. Falmer is skuldigbevind op die aanklagte teen hom.Hy is afgedank en Gordon is vir sesmaande geskors.

    Hulle staan wel steeds tereg opkriminele klagte en sal binnekortweer indieBellvilleHandelshofver-skyn. Paarl polisiebevelvoerder,Brig Leon Grobbelaar het ges dathy geen vorm van korrupsie salduld nie.

    * Three Paarl police officers have beenfoundguilty of fraudafter theywere caughtstealing illegal cigarettes confiscated frominformal traders.

  • 6 . Paarl Post Thursday 5 July 2012Opinion Menings

    MY heart is full of mixed fee-lings, one of gratitude and theother of deep disappointment,if not loss.

    I have laboured in this vineyard(theWesternCape)forsome50ye-ars and come to regard the wholecommunity of Paarl, with one ortwo notable exceptions, as a verypersonal blessing. We have someof the finest and most talented pe-ople in the world.

    We not only belong to one ano-ther, but also have an obligationtogether to make this town andothers like itwork for our childrenand grandchildren.

    It could become a model urbansociety with less rancour and mo-reappreciationforthegoodthingsthat we have in common and lessrecriminationaboutapastwecanno longer change.

    Mywife,however,hasremindedmethat Idoa lotof grumbling the-sedayseverythingis always wrong and I must confessthat the answerwould be to turn offthe news.

    Then,whenevery-thing looks bleak, Iget a nice letter fromthe Municipality,from Ester Kearns office whereshe is our Ombudsman. Iwrote toheraboutaproblemmymanFri-days and Tuesdays is having atFairyland and was rewarded witha positive result. It has made MrMagele Fezile Franks life in hisdesperatesurroundings,somuchhappier.

    What has made me much sad-der, however, is that a well-dres-sedmanwalked through thebackdoor the other morning while mywife was busy with breakfast andfeeding the dog.

    She thought he was from theMunicipality, but challenged himwhen she found him in the passa-ge.

    He justbrushedpasther,howe-ver,anddisappearedintotherain.In themeantime,hehad looked inat my bedroom. There, he snat-ched my wallet and cellphone

    from right next to my bed.Fortunately, I was not sleeping

    in it at the time, but momentarilyfetching in the Paarl Post from theverandah.

    The mercy is no one was hurt,butweexpectmore respect for oldage, if not illness, from able-bo-died youngsters who could be do-ing a useful days work, buildinga future for themselves and theirchildren.

    It isno jokehaving to renewcre-dit cards and driving licences, butthe real disappointment is thedestruction of ones confidence inthe community and the future.

    Now, I hear that some folk po-singas indigentor starvingarebegging for money or bread fromcustomers right inside the super-markets.

    Little old ladies inclined to digin their purses for the necessarymight find theyaredonatingmore

    than just alms forthe poor!

    That also appliesto those who waylayheavily laden olderwomen on the wayfrom the shop totheir vehicles.

    Could we notjointly find some

    wayofpromotingsoupkitchenstofeed thestarving,or justpersuadethe trade unions to allow our yo-ung folk tostartdoingcommunitywork somewhere, even voluntari-ly or for a menial wage? Lyingaround the streets and living offeasy pickings is no investment fortheir own lives or our future.

    Sop Mammies could be put incharge of every block, to adviseandassisttheirneighboursandli-aise with donors and the Munici-pality.

    I believe that if the communitywants to heal itself, it must startrightthereinitsownhomes,chur-ches and schools. Self-help is thebestkindofhelp,butthatdoesnotinclude people who are caughthelping themselves.

    P.S. I takemyhatoff to our localpolice for their friendly andprompt assistance.

    Bring on sop mammies

    PRIDE only breeds quarrels, but wisdom isfound in those who take advice.Proverbs 13:10

    Koopkrag nou heelwat duurder in DrakensteinEK was verstom om verledeweek in die Paarl Post te lees datkoopkrag nie meer goedkoper isas gewone krag nie.

    Die rede hoekom baie mensedestyds na koopkrag omgeska-kel het, was omdat koopkraggoedkoper was. Dit maak sin,want die Munisipaliteit kry sygeld n maand vroer, en daar isgeen risiko dat mense nie gaanbetaal nie.

    Daar was ook geen basieseheffing, soos met gewone kragnie, so al jou geld wat jy koop-krag mee gekoop het, het vir joukrag gegee

    Van 1 Julie betaal almal die-selfde vir krag en die koste vaneenhede isverlaagvanR1,37naR1,30, maar dit gaan nie ver-goed vir die groot hap wat dieMunisipaliteit in sy eie sak sitvoordat ons koopkrag kry nie.

    As jy die basiese heffing vanR4,26 per dag (BTW ingesluit)bytel, kry jy heelwat minderkrag vir dieselfde geld.

    Voorheen, as ek R600 se kraggekoophetvirdiemaand,hetek438 eenhede gekry nadat BTWafgetrek is. Maar nou kry ek virdieselfdegeldslegs362eenhede- dit is 16,6% minder.

    Dit isookniesomaklikomnetjou stroombreker af te gradeer

    na n goedkoper vlak nie - danmoetdiegeyserendiestrykysterafgesitwordtotMaklaargekookhet, anders skop die krag aan-mekaar af.

    Die Munisipaliteit kon regtigmaar die arm man se belange ingedagte gehou het toe di slimplannetjies aanmekaar geslaanis om hul boeke te laat klop!


    Die munisipale woordvoer-der reageer: Dit is korrek datkoopkrag vir sekere koperstot 16,6% meer sal kos. Dit isegter steeds goedkoper as virgebruikers met konvensione-lemeters.Vir600eenhedesaldie konvensionele gebruikernou R718,64 betaal (R18 of2,7% meer as die koopkragge-bruiker).

    Is asking for help like begging?EVEN in a house where the el-derly pension drawing men andwomenhavefoundrefuge,thereis a great economic divide (seeletter regarding Huis Lizelle inPaarl Post of 21 June).

    The saying living below therailwaylinehasneverbeenmo-re apt.

    Thehaughty fewwhomayha-ve access to funds from friends,family and widows pensionsseem to think that they are ele-vated to a higher status.

    Caterers and companies of-ten have a lot of left over food af-ter their functions.

    Theyhaveinthepastdroppedthose off at Huis Lizelle, kno-wing that there is a need in thishouse.

    Ihaveneverknownanyoftho-se superior persons refusingthe food or suggesting that it betaken to a shelter for the needy.

    Thankfully the Lions organi-sation has given us boxes filledwith grocery staples, washingpowder etc. at Christmas time.

    Havethesepeopledonatedtheirboxes to those less fortunatethan themselves?

    Yes, we can all admit that ourrent is very reasonable, andfrom what I understand it wasthe idea of Mr Tienie Malan toprovideaffordableaccommoda-tion for the elderly. Yes its trueliving has become very expensi-ve.

    Inatownfullofstudentsthereis constantly a shortage of hou-ses to rent which enables homeowners and estate agents tosend the rent sky high.

    Simply a question of supplyand demand, it is business, butto max out the rent of the lessfortunate, is inhumane. For theten more fortunate of us, thereare 20 other people who mayland up on the street.

    Begging isnotonthecards forthese people, they are proud.

    Since when has asking forhelp become begging?

    Liz Kamps

    Health riskI WOULD like to respondto the sms in Paarl Postconcerning people uri-nating on the wall at thetaxi rank in BredaStreet.

    This wall actually be-longs to the Herberg Ho-tel of which I am thecaretaker. My customersin the rooms at the backof the hotel are unableto open their windowsbecause of the stench.

    I returned to the hotellast Sunday and saw awoman lifting her dressand urinating next toour bar entrance.

    We clean this area reg-ularly with disinfectantand I think is is hightime something is done.

    I wont start on thetrucks that double parkmost times behind Sho-prite. And phoning theauthorities does nothelp.

    Jerry Kemp

    THE question of public holidays has arisen again.For many it is a welcome break, while for others it is a cumbersome

    disruption of what should be profitable work-time.Andaccording toeconomiccharts, thenegative impactof theseholi-

    days outweigh the advantages.Firstly, schooling is often disrupted, with an extra school holiday

    given if thepublicholiday falls onaTuesdayorThursday. It isaknownfact that many of our schools are far behind in their curriculum.

    Not to mention the Mondays that get latched onto public holidayswhich fall on a Sunday.

    Then we must not forget the huge economic impact these holidayshave on businesses. The financial loss runs into millions of rands forsome.

    Andon topof it all, SouthAfricahasmorepublicholidays thanmostcountries.

    In short, these holidays are counter-productive for a society in arecession which can least afford time out.

    And does the broad public actually respect and celebrate holidayssuch as Youth Day, Womens Day and Workers Day?

    Now Christian religious holidays are also under the spotlight.Accordingtostatistics,themajorityofSouthAfricansareChristians.

    If religious holidays are added on for other religious groups, it will bea severe blow to the economy.

    So maybe it is time for Christians to do the right thing, and giveup some of their holidays for the good of the country. Surely one cancelebrate Easter without having the Monday off?

    Paarl PostToo many public holidays?

    Verhoging van kragtariewe onvermydelikDIE Drakenstein stadsraad hetreeds moeilike besluite geneemoor die gebruik van beskikbareenskaarshulpbronne.Onskannie almal tevrede stel nie en al-mal sal nie noodwendig saam-stem met hierdie besluite nie.

    Die hoofbepalers van elektri-siteitsdiensfooie is nie Draken-stein Munisipaliteit nie, maarwel Eskom en die NasionaleElektrisiteitsreguleerder (Ner-sa).

    As Munisipaliteit word daarvan ons verwag om by hul be-sluite in te val. Dit sluit in dievermindering van die gapingtussen koopkrag en konvensio-

    nele krag.Tenspytevanhierdiebepalin-

    ge sal ons ons steeds beywer omdie reeds armlastige inwonersvan Drakenstein Munisipaliteitse uitgawes te verlig, sovermoontlik.

    Ons het ook n goedgekeurdedeernisbeleid wat wel n direkteimpak het op die armste van diearmes; deur vir diegene 100elektrisiteitseenhede (50 meerasandermunisipaliteite),asook10 kiloliter water, gratis te ver-skaf.

    As huidige leidende party vanDrakenstein Munisipaliteit salons die belofte soos aan inwo-

    ners gemaak is, wel gestanddoen om altyd na ons armes sebehoeftes om te sien.

    Ongelukkig het ons in Dra-kenstein die uitdaging van mul-ti-laagfinansies van ons inwo-ners wat dit soms moeilik maakom almal te alle tye tevrede testel en inwoners sal moet pro-beer om kostes te verminderdeur kragverbruik te beperk.

    Ons bly fokus op die doeltref-fende lewering van munisipaledienste vir alle inwoners.

    Conrad PooleOnderburgemeesterDrakenstein

  • Donderdag 5 Julie 2012 Paarl Post . 7Briewe Letters

    ) Koopkrag.Oordiegat inmunisi-pale finansiesmoetdiearmesopdok!Gaan haal by di wat wanbestee het!)Ek was nog nooit iemand vir toi-

    toi, maar nou moet die hele Draken-stein saam staan - die kragpryse isuitbuiting!) Hoekom mense penaliseer om-

    dat hul krag koop?) I fail to understand how the sy-

    stem of parking booms can be imple-mented without any alternative par-king for people who work in PaarlCBD. Is this Democratic?) Paid parking has nothing to do

    with revamping the CBD. Its aboutmaking money. Revamp first. FrankMoses) Ek is ten gunste van betaal vir

    parkering op die dorpspleine. Nou isdaar darem parkeerplek.) Ek is ontsteld dat Drakenstein

    Munisipaliteit bestaande besighedewil benadeel deur vullisverwyderingvir hulself te annekseer!) Vullisverwydering: Hoe is dit

    moontlik dat Munisipaliteit hullediensopmensekanafdwing?Gedinkons bly in n vry land.)Daar is geen manier wat die Mu-

    nisipaliteit die diens kan lewer watdie privaatmaatskappye gee nie, watvullisverwydering by besighede aanbetref nie. B du Toit, Paarl) Ek hoop die taxidrywer wat as

    beste bestuurder aangewys is, het nskoon rekord by Verkeersafdeling?)PicknPayPaarlsowelinMallstel

    teleur met maalvleiskwaliteit. Be-stuurder baie onbehulpsaam. Vrotviennas moet ook van rak afgehaalword, gesondheidsgevaar.) Huurders, sommige van jul het

    geenintegriteitnie.Omvirsesmaan-de nie te betaal nie en dan nog hoftoe te gaan om langer aan te bly - jysteel van my, maar God slaap nie.

    SMS 32363 Reward for lost keysI AM looking for the keys that I lost atPaarl Mall on Saturday 9 June. Pleasecontact me on 083 458 3919 or 083251 2177. I am offering a reward.

    Bella Stevens

    Geen fondse vir herstel van grondpaaieNA klagtes oor die grondpaaie in Agter-

    Paarl wil die Kaapse Wynland Distriks-munisipaliteit die volgende terugvoeringgee:

    Distriksmunisipaliteite in die Wes-Kaap se paaiepersoneel tree op as agen-te vir die provinsie wat betrek onder-houd van grondpaaie.

    Die provinsiale padnetwerk se toe-stand word elke jaar herevalueer deurtegniese personeel sodat fondse aange-vra kan word vir herstelwerk.

    Die realiteit is egter dat die beskikbarefondse vir paaie ook moet kompeteermet ander behoeftes soos behuising, ge-sondheid en basiese dienste.

    Dit is noodsaaklik om die huidige teer-padnetwerk in stand te hou teen R8,5biljoen per jaar om te verhoed dat dieonvervangbare bate totaal disintegreer.

    Die tweede prioriteit is om te poog omdie groot agterstande wat opgebou hetmet die voorsiening van n minimumgruislaag op die gruispad-netwerk. Die

    betrokke paaie in Agter-Paarl, is n jaargelede van n nuwe laag gruis voorsien.

    Die derde prioriteit sal wees om diebestaande geteerde padnetwerk aan tevul met nuwe teerpaaie as daar nogfondse oorbly, maar dit is baie duur.

    Die gruispaaie vertoon redelik tot goedin vergelyking met die meeste andergruispaaie in die Provinsie en problememet rygerief word hoofsaaklik toegeskryfas buitengewone nat toestande ont-staan.

    Waar swaar renbuie uitgesak, het isdit onmoontlik om die padskrapers da-delik op elke pad te kry.

    Die gewone skraapsiklus vir die Wel-lington, Paarl, Stellenbosch en Fransch-hoek se landelike gruispaaie is gemid-delde elke agt weke deur twee padskra-pers. As die begroting dit toelaat, wordselfs na ure gewerk.

    Rowena Kellies (skakelbeampte),Kaapse Wynland Distriksraad)

    Baie dankbaarEK verwys na die berig Bejaarde betrapboef oor die gebeure in my woning in DeOude Renbaan. Ek wil die Paarl polisie be-dankvirhul flinkeenprofessioneleoptredegedurende die hele episode en nou nogsteeds. Ek weet die boef sal uiteindelik ge-vang word. Dankie dat suster Martin enverpleegster Fortuin by die siekeboeg, virwie ek gebel het omhulp, dadelik diepolisiemanne/vroue se hulp gekryhet.Dankieookaanmy kinders wreld-wyd wat my byge-staan het. Bowenalmy dank aan onsHemelse Vader watons beskerm enkoester.


  • 8 . Paarl Post Donderdag 5 Julie 2012Nuus News

    Canoe race startson WednesdayTHE 51st Berg River canoe marathonstarts at the Market Street bridge inPaarlonWednesdaymorningat09:30and ends at Velddrif on Saturday 14July.

    Theracewillbeprecededbythe tra-ditional timetrial inPaarlonTuesday,starting at the Berg River Resort andending at the Market Street bridge(Paarl Canoe Club).

    On Tuesday, race registrations willtake place at the Paarl Canoe Club(14:00) while the time trial registrati-ons at the Berg River Resort will takeplace at 14:30. The time trial starts at15:00, with the finish at 16:30, follo-wed by the prize-giving and the hand-over of the yellow jersey.

    OnWednesdayat09:30theracewillstart in Paarl (Market Street bridge)followedbytheLegendsbatch(09:36),the Ladies batch (09:42) and the finalbatch (at 09:48). The winner shouldreach Zonquasdrift by 13:45.

    PAARLS HOPE. Heinrich Schloms, Paarlcanoeist, will give his all to take honoursin this years Berg River marathon.Schloms finished fourth in last yearsevent. Pic: Sieb Sieberhagen

    Paarl eiendomme steeds gesogFrans le Roux

    ASonsnou nnuweeiendomoponsboe-ke kry en hy is reg geprys, neem dit slegssowatdrietotvierwekevoorhyverkoop.

    SosLizetteJoubert,eienaarvanRawsonPaarl, oor die groei in die Paarl eiendoms-mark.

    DiePaarl-takvanRawsonhet onlangs die Bill RawsonVoorsitterstoekenning ge-wenvirdie franchisewatdiebeste diens lewer, en goeiewerks en -klinteverhou-dinge bevorder.

    Ek het as jong meisie opdie ouderdom van 16 beginwerk by OK Bazaar. Ek hetverskillende vakansiewerkeaangepak - ek dink ek wastoe al reeds n entrepreneur,hoewel ek dit nie besef hetnie.

    Nadat ek getroud is, hetek en my man verskeie be-sighede gehad - van restau-rante, tot hardeware wat ncourier, kwekery, troetel-dierwinkelsowelas n staal-besigheid ingesluit het.

    Ons het ook ons eie eiendomsportefeuljegehad - dit is waar my belangstelling in diekoop en verkoop van eiendomme begin het.

    Ek het besluit om die eiendomseksamente doen sodat ek die bestuur van ons porte-feulje kan hanteer.

    My pa was destyds by n Rawson-agent-skap en hy het vir my laat weet dat die Paarlnie n tak het nie.

    In 2005 het sy die Rawson-tak geopen indiePaarlensedertdiennognooit teruggekyknie.

    Volgens Lizette is die Paarlse eiendoms-mark steeds sterk en kopers weet wat hullesoek: Die aanvraag in Paarl is hor as dieaanbod en ons sukkel om vir almal huise tekry.

    Paarl is gewildbystedelingewatbuitediestad wil woon. Ons het die skole, natuur-skoon en ho lewenskwaliteit hier.

    Alhoewel ek van die Oos-Kaap kom eneers gedink het hierdie is stad, bly dit steedsplatteland vir die stedelinge.

    VolgensLizetteisRawsonandersasanderagentskappe omdat jy as eienaar in-koop in

    die Rawson-franchise:Jy besit die winkel en be-

    stuurditookenkansodoen-de n baie meer persoonlikediens aan die klinte lewer.

    Joubert is oorspronklikvan Cradock en is getroudmetsakemanArnoJoubert.

    Hullehetdriedogters.Dieoudste, Carmen, studeergrafiese ontwerp, terwylMarcelle (gr12) en Liani(gr10) albei in Hor Meisie-skool Paarl is.

    Min mense weet dat Jou-bert n voormalige skoon-heidskoningin is. Sy het in1989 die Mej Karoo-titel ge-wen en hiermee deurge-dring tot die semi-finale vanMej Suid-Afrika.


    Hoekomsalagente verkiesombyRawsonte werk?

    Rawson het n opleidingsakademie waaral die agente landswyd opgelei word. IndienjybyRawsonbegin,kanjyversekerweesdatjynrensanders indiebedryfdieselfdevlak-ke van opleiding sal ontvang nie.

    Watter toekomsplanne isdaarvirRawsonPaarl?

    Alhoewelek ngoeiegevestigdeverkoops-span het sal ek baie graag Rawson Paarl wiluitbrei met ten minste nog drie verkoops-agente.

    My verhuringsafdeling gaan ons spesifiekna groter hoogtes toe neem gedurende dieres van 2012!

    HARDWERKEND. Lizette Jou-bert het Rawson Paarl gestig enonlangs die toekenning vir bestefranchise-tak gewen.

    Death of CouncillorAN executive councillor of the CapeWinelandsDistrictMunicipality,Ras-sievanZyl(67),passedawayon29Ju-ne after a battle with cancer. Van Zylwas thePortfolioHolder forLocalEco-nomicDevelopment.Hewaspreviousa councillor of Drakenstein after hisretirementasprincipalofLaboriHigh.

    He was a valuable asset to theCouncil and will be best rememberedfor his passionate contribution to-

    wards trainingand develop-ment, a spokes-person of CapeWinelands said.

    Thefuneralser-vice was held onMonday. He issurvived by hiswife Gerta, fourchildren and sixgrandchildren.Rassie van Zyl

  • Donderdag 5 Julie 2012 Paarl Post . 9Advertensie Advertisement

  • 10 . Paarl Post Donderdag 5 Julie 2012Jeug Youthww






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    Wackieststudent!ANIMATION Generati-on, a nationwide dra-wing competitionsponsored by CartoonNetwork, is celebra-ting its seventh yearin South Africa.

    Animation Genera-tion promotes the artof illustration and ce-lebrates the imagina-tion of the many ta-lented young SouthAfricans in schoolsacross the countryaged 6 to 14.

    Up for grabs areiPads, Blackberryphones and iPods forthe top three in everyage group. The over-all school with themost entries will re-ceive R10 000.

    This years Anima-tion Generation the-me is The AmazingWorld of Gumball!Students are encou-raged to design andcreate the neweststudent to join Gum-ball and all hisfriends at Elmore Ju-nior High School.

    The closing datefor entries is 3 Sep-tember.

    For inspiration, vi-sit

    For more informa-tion, contact [email protected].

    EXHIBITION. The Draken-stein Municipality recentlyheld a Youth Exhibition inthe new Paarl East Thus-ong Centre with 24 exhibiti-on stalls. Several learnersof the Drakenstein attendedthe event. Here from leftare Abongile Makaula (Wel-lington High), SibhosiethuMnukwa, Siphesihle Mxakuand Zimasa Mnweba of Ih-lumelo High School, at thefirefighting stall.

    Pic: Devidean Moses

    HOKKIE. Die Boland Barlinka o.16-hokkiespan vertrek Saterdag om aan die nasionale streek-toernooi in Bloemfontein deel te neem. Agter (van links) is Niel Botha (afrigter), Chelsea deWee, Lee-Ann Louwrens, Kayla de Klerk, Diane Blaauw, Nicka Engelbrecht en Willem Albertyn(plaaslike maatskappy). Voor sit Nazli Gaidien (spanbestuurder), Danelle Rabie, Elaine Steyn,Jana van der Merwe, Renelda Scholtz, Annerika Verwey en Helena Naud. Afwesig is AndraMaasdorp, Micaela Baatjies en Alyssa Rademan. Foto: Devidean Moses

    MEDALS. Membersof the Boland tabletennis teams (u.13 tou.19) who participa-ted in a tri-provincialtournament inOudtshoorn securedseveral gold, silverand bronze medals.With them is (left)Sonja Wells (secreta-ry of Boland TableTennis). Pic: Achmat Patel

    HOLIDAY FUN. TheMbekweni Library pre-sented holiday fun forthe youngsters with acolouring in, puzzlesand a crafting session.On Friday 6 July at11:00 kids can watchDSTV at the library. OnTuesday 10 July, a co-louring and puzzles ses-sion will take place andon Friday 13 July theprogramme ends withmore DSTV. All sessi-ons start at 11:00 andend at 13:00.

    Pic: Devidean Moses

    POPPEKAS.DiepersoneelvanDrakenstein-biblioteek inPaulusstraathetonlangsvirdiekleinspan(4 tot 5 jaar) vermaak met n poppekasvertoning as deel van hul vakansieprogram. Hier staanvan links Stone Herbert, Lorenzo Evans, Ross Samuels, Matthew Goetham, Garren Pietersen enDamian Davids by die poppekas. Foto: Devidean Moses

    VAKANSIE. DieWellington le-sersbiblioteek inVanwyksvlei hetas deel van hulvakansieprogramfoeliefotoramevir hulself ont-werp met n fotovan hulself daar-in. Hier wys dieopgewondemaatjies hulpragstukke.Foto: Devidean Moses

    Wen groot pryse vir kunswerkeWENgrootpryseterwaardevanR10 000 met jou kunswerk ofhandwerk.

    Inskrywing is gratis en in-skrywingsvorm is op bl 12.

    Die weeklikse gunsteling en ngelukkige leser wat stem sal elkn geskenkbewys kan wen vanBella Bellota of Bossa NovaPaarl. Lees meer op bl 13.

  • Donderdag 5 Julie 2012 Paarl Post . 11News Nuus

    The cold months bring a surge in household energy costs an increase of up to 15%: You begin to switch on space heaters Your house might not be insulated - heat escapes through the ceiling and through

    gaps in windows and doors You take extended baths You cook for longer periods to prepare stews and other soul-warming favourites You run additional appliances such as tumble dryers to dry clothes.

    Winter-wise electricity Advertorial

    What can I do with 1 kilowatt hour?

    Why do I nd winter energy costs expensive?

    Your cut-out-n-keep road map to smart energy savings when its cold outside.

    We can feel it in the air the rst little nip telling us that winter is around the corner. But getting ready for winter doesnt have to mean heating up your electricity bill. Be winter-wise during these tough economic times with this step-by-step guide on how to become electricity smart and save. Lets start our trip and travel question to question, answer by answer .

    Remember, lowering your energy costs and saving electricity requires a combination of two simple decisions:

    Switch off all appliances and lights you do not need and are not using.

    Switch to new, energy ef cient technologies throughout your home.

    Visit for more information.

    500 to 750 kilowatt hours (kWh)

    Immediate steps:

    Lower the thermostat on your geyser to 60C, cover it with a geyser blanket and insulate the water pipes. The most energy-hungry appliance, the geyser is responsible for up to 39% of monthly electricity bills. Consider replacing your geyser with an energy ef cient alternative like solar geyser or heat pump.

    Keep warm this winter by dressing appropriately, use blankets, hot water bottles and insulate your home. Hot beverages will go a long way in keeping you warm. Get your winter kit on, no need toswitch on.

    In the event that you do switch on, keep it energy ef cient. We recommend that you use heaters with a built-inthermostat and a short warm up time. Consider if the heat required is to project directionally (like a fan heater orair-conditioner) and nally, which option will be the safest.

    Insulation is one of the most important solutions to improving the energy ef ciency of your home. Insulated houses stay cooler in summer and warmer in winter. This keeps ambient temperature in the home constant. An insulated room requires 51% less energy to heat up, while warmth generated by heaters is more effectively retained and does not escape. Insulation reduces the need for space heating and uses less energy.

    How many kilowatt hours would the average household, a family of four, use in an average month?

    Homelight & homepower tariffs from 1 April 2012 (excl. VAT)

    Energy charge* [c/kWh] (incl. environmental levy charge of 2c/kWh)

    Block 1(350 - 50 - 600 kWh) 122,21

    (* Based on current Eskom tariffs)

    The less you use the lower your tariff please see the inclining block tariff rates below:

    How am I billed?

    The cold months bring a surge in household energy costs an increase of up to 15%:

    Your house might not be insulated - heat escapes through the ceiling and through

    You cook for longer periods to prepare stews and other soul-warming favourites

    What can I do to save electricity today?


    Wash 3 loads of laundry

    Boil 6 kettles of waterBoil 6 kettles of water


    What is a kilowatt hour?

    It is 1 000 watts of power used for one hour.


    1 h


    Issued by Eskom Integrated Demand Management June 2012 Eskom Holdings SOC Limited Reg No 2002/015527/06








    rl Po



    Body foundTHEbodyofamanwasdiscoveredonFran-schhoek Pass on Monday afternoon by aunsuspecting tourist who had parked toadmire the view.

    The man presumably died after beingshot in the back with a shot gun.

    He is presumably in his mid thirties andwas wearing a blue track-suit pants, aNampak fleece top and Ultra Tek trainingshoes.Apolicespokesperson,ConstMarizePapier, said that the body was presumablydumped on the mountain.

    Thecommunity isaskedtocontactFran-schhoek police with any information as re-gards to the incident. Sgt Lood Muller canbe phoned at 021 876 8060 or 072 0592024.

    Initiation courseTHE Department of Cultural Affairs andSport (WesternCape) is rollingoutaprojecton initiation for traditional surgeons andcarers.

    The training will be focusing on first aidtrainingfor15beneficiaries(men)fromTul-bagh, Prince Alfred Hamlet (Witzenbergarea), Paarl andStellenboschwhospeciali-se in ritual circumcision.

    This istoprepare fortheupcominginitia-tion season for teenage boys in these parti-cularareasandtoensure thesafetyof initi-ates. The course will be held in Groot Dra-kenstein on 21 and 22 July.

    For enquiries, phone Thandwa Ntshonaon 021 483 9714.

    Sharing a liftWITH petrol prices at a premium and roadcongestion increasingalmostonadailyba-sis, commuters have become very frustrat-ed. But a new website has just beenlaunched to assist all South African com-muters, while reducing their carbon-foot-print.

    Liftshare isa free-to-join,mission-drivensocialenterprise,whichseekstomakeadif-ference in the way South Africans traveland interact with each other.

    Liftshares main aim is to help people totravelmoresustainablybysharingtheircarjourney.

    Viatheironlinenetwork,theymatchpeo-ple with similar journeys, enabling them tosave money, make the world a better place,and have fun whilst doing it.

    Liftshare South Africa is affiliated, the worlds largest liftshar-ing network. They are therefore able to relyonatriedandtestedsystem,whichmakes-registering and searching for journeymatches easy and safe.

    The benefits of liftsharing include sav-ings, reduction in pollution, time saving,safety and company on frustrating trips.

    Liftshare South Africa is operated byPatrick Hebbard and Thozamile Javu whoare passionate about improving social andenvironmental conditions in South Africa.

    Hebbard said that many residents ofDrakenstein work in Cape Town and thatthis system could significantly improvetheir lives. Visit formore information.

    Chippas - just the place to let your hair downLise Beyers

    WEhaveallheardoftheeverpopularGu-gulethuhotspot,MzolisRestaurant,buthiddenonourdoorstep,withinMbekwe-ni, lies just as vibrant a rural restaurant,Chippas Place.

    Andat thehelmof this restaurant is localentrepreneur,ChippaMlata.HereinMbek-weni he has managed to create a popularhang-outforlocalswheresafetyandsecuri-ty is the name of the game.

    Mlata, born and bred in Mbekweni, firstsetout in the1990sestablishingcellphoneoutlets out of containers.

    He then saw the potential of a restaurantin Mbekweni, to offer the community a safeand friendly environment in which to enjoythemselves.

    So on 1 December 2007, Chippas Placeopened its door just off Maqhina Street.Likemostbusinesses, itstartedoff humblywith a small butchery and eating section.

    ChippaspopularitysoongrewandMlatarealised that his business had space for

    growth.More and more people

    were coming to my restau-rant because it is safe andit has a nice vibe. I had toextend the facilities to ac-commodate more peopleand I also discovered thatin the whole of Mbekwenithere were no conferencefacilities.

    As finances becameavailable,Mtalaexpanded,slowly but surely buildingon more venues at Chip-pas, aswell asanupstairs conferenceareawith its own entertainment area.

    But he did not stop there. Hand in hand

    with conference facilitiescame the need for accom-modation. So Mlatas wife,Gladys, now runs a bedand breakfast from theirhome which is withinwalking distance of therestaurant.

    I would like to see moretourists visiting Chippastohaveahands-onexperi-ence of what township lifeis like. Oftenpeople thinkthat only bad things hap-pen here, but at Chippas

    peopleget together toenjoythemselvesandjust have fun.

    At Chippas the public choose their meat

    at the butchery and there are grillers whobraai it for them in the many blazing fire-places right around the venue.

    They can then choose from traditionalside dishes such as samp and pap, but sal-ads are also available. African cuisine canalso be enjoyed. Live music and DJs seeto the entertainment over weekends.

    Mtala does not take any nonsense fromdrunkenness and disorderly behaviour.

    He employs security personnel and noweapons or any type of drug is allowed onthe premises. Those who disobey are red-carded and are thereafter not even allowedto buy meat at the butchery. Car guardsare also at hand to safe-quard vehicles.

    Chippas is truly a spot which deservesa visit to enjoy the vibe of the township.

    PRIDE. Mbekweni entrepreneurChippaMlata in frontofhispopularrestaurant, Chippas Place.

  • 12 . Paarl Post Donderdag 5 Julie 2012Mense People

    Soup and wine evening in aid of animalsWELLINGTONSPCAwillbehostingafund-raising soup and wine evening at Diemers-fontein Wine Estate on Wednesday 18 Julyat 19:00.

    The cost is R70 and includes a tasting of

    wines from top Wellington wineries, as wellas a selection of mouth-watering soups.

    For tickets or more information, contactthe SPCA at 021 864 3726 or e-mail [email protected].

    Wildsfees inWellingtonOP 28 Julie gaan

    daar groot feeste-likheid gehouword by Welling-ton-Oos se NGKvanaf 09:00 saammet MiddelburgNG Kerk wat hullekundigheid vanwildsvleis saam-bring.

    Dit is n dagpropvol wilde lek-kerte wat jy saammet jou gesin kankom geniet, waardaar iets sal weesvir die ouers enkinders om te ge-niet.

    Die stalletjiessluit in di met ngroot verskeiden-heid wildsproduktevan koedoe, sala-mi, biltong, dro-wors, wildswors en-maalvleis. Diewildsvleis gaan be-skikbaar wees inn verskeidenheidsnitte, karkasse enbekostigbare klei-ner verpakkings(vakuumversel).Vir navrae, skakelDanie by 0845172 6010.

    INTERVARSITY. The national cycling tournament of University Sports South Africa (USSA) kickedoff on Monday evening with a carbo-loading dinner for 200 cyclists at Primi Piatti restaurantinPaarl.YogiFrater (behind left)ownerofPrimi, isaco-sponsorof theteamfromtheCapePeninsulaUniversity of Technologys (CPUT) Wellington Campus who are also this years hosts. The tourna-ment of five days takes place around Wellington, offering several road and off-road challenges,and ending tomorrow with a hill climb up Paarl Mountain. The CPUT team members are (fromleft) Tim Cooper, Corn Swart, Bernard Venter, Eduard Louw, Sarita Swart, Louis Knipe, AdriaanLouw, Niel van Zyl and Charles Keey. Pic: Lise Beyers

    RETIRED. Two loyal educators of LangabuyaPrimary, Lindeka Bolani (left) and Nomsa Fran-ce, deputy principal, both retired this month atthe age of 60. Lindeka has been a teacher for28 years. She obtained her Primary TeachersCertificateatAthurTsengiweCollege in theEas-tern Cape and started her career in Ashton.Nomsa was born and bred in Mbekweni and isa former learner of Langabuya. She studied atSt Matthews College. While teaching at Lang-abuya she studied further at Bellville Collegeand at CPUT. Both of these teachers plans toget involved with community projects.

    Foto: Devidean Moses

    BESTUUR. Konst Bronwyne Petersen is aange-wys as die bestuurder van Paarl-Oos se Sektor3 polisiringsgebied. Hierdie gebied bestaan uitdie woongebiede van Klein Nederburg, Riversi-de en Mountain View. Enigiemand wat Petersenwil kontak, f in n noodgeval, f diegene watenige misdaadverwante inligting kan verskaf,kan haar direk skakel by tel 079 894 1412.

    Foto: Lise Beyers

    SKRYWER. Die VLV Paarl (aandtak) het die bekende plaaslike skryfster Alta Cloete (middel voor)as gas gehad. Saam met Cloete is agter van links Dalene de Jager, Lennie Henderson, MiemieMalherbe, Petro Boshoff (sameroepster) en Pat Timothy (voor). Alta het aanvanklik onder die naamMarile Cloete romanses en kortverhale gepubliseer. Haar tiende roman, Haar grootste geskenk,verskyn binnekort by Lapa-uitgewers. Die Geur-trilogie, vollengte romans, is onder haar eie naamgepubliseer.GeurvanGenade,GeurvanVergifnisenGeurvanVervulling isgoeddeurdie leserspu-bliek ontvang. Tans werk sy aan n drieluik met jonger karakters. Die eerste een, Seisoen vanGenade, het pas verskyn. Hierin word eg-Suid-Afrikaanse kwessies aangeraak. Di boek is tansnommer agt op Graffiti se lys van topverkopers.

    NEW. At the Welling-ton Rotary presiden-tial inaugurationwere (from left)Cecil Rose, assistantdistrict governor,Theo Rischbieter,new president ofRotary Wellington,and Reg Cowie, im-mediate past presi-dent of Rotary Wel-lington. Pic: Johan Nel

  • Thursday 5 July 2012 Paarl Post . 13Lifestyle Leefstyl

    PM_POWER_AD_CONVERT.indd 1 2012/07/03 2:25 PM

    )Autism.TheWellingtonAutismSup-portGroupwillhostanintroductoryAu-tism workshop on Thursday 28 Julyfrom 10:00 to 16:00 at the BreytenbachCentre. The topics at the workshop areChanging your perception, ChangingyourchildsbehavioursandaToolkit forhomeintervention.BookticketsatR250at [email protected]. Formore information, call 072 649 5465.

    )Womensconference.ShenetGlo-bal Women together with the Women ofStrengthsupportgroupwillhostaHagaiConference (evangelist empowerment)on 6 and 7 July at the Family WorshipChurch in Wellington.

    Tickets are R50 per person and parti-cipantswill receivean internationalcer-tificate. For more information, contactMagda van der Walt on 072 176 5720or Geraldine Gordon on 083 731 3380.

    ) Youth Conference. A Revival Yo-

    uthConferencewill takeplaceonSatur-day 7 July at the House of Revival, 34LadyGreyStreet,Paarl.ThethemeoftheconferenceisJustdoIt.Therewillbedif-ferent sessions starting at 11:00, 14:00and 17:00. Entrance is free. ContactVanessa Wessels on 074 485 9181.

    ) Uitstappie. Paarl-Wellington Vol-lies onderneem op 14 Julie n uitstappiena Grand West en Houtbaai. Vir meerbesonderhede, skakel Esau Jacobs by072 405 4513.

    )Stamp Fair. A Stamp Fair will takeplaceonSaturday21JulyatStPetriLu-theran Church Hall at 6 Mill Street,Paarl, from 09:00 to 13:00.

    Ifyouhaveanythingtoselloryouneedanevaluation, this is theplacetobe.Theusual contingent of dealers and collec-torsisexpected. Thisisthelastopportu-nity tosubmitstamps for thenextaucti-on on 4 August.

    OUERLEIDING. GoeieHoop SielkundigeDiens het onlangs ndriedaagse ouerlei-dingswerkswinkel virjong moeders aange-bied. Studente wat hulinternskap by di orga-nisasie doen, het diemoeders asook toe-komstige moeders ge-leer hoe om moeilikesituasies te hanteer enhoe om na hul eie wel-stand asook di vanhul kinders om te sien.Van links is LezaunRoelf, Verencia Jon-kers, Greer Salt (intern-berader) en SuritaBlankenberg (verteen-woordiger van MCM,Tiffanys). Foto: Liezl Davids

    LEER KOEK BAK. Die Charleston Hill Seniorsklub het aan vroue die geleentheid gegeeom nuwe vaardighede aan te leer of hul vaardighede op te skerp. Tydens die werkswinkelwat gehou is by die Immanuel kerksaal, kon vroue leer hoe om koek te bak, te hekel enlapverfwerk te doen. Dit bied aan werklose vroue n kans om vir hulself n inkomste teskep. Hier demonstreer Marietta Goliath (links) hoe om n koek te versier. By haar is RunitaAbrahams, Theresa Demas en Louise Leven. Foto: Liezl Davids

    Toon jou kunstige streepKAN jy skilder, brei, hekel, kwilt, potte-bakkery- of beeldhouwerk doen? Watvan houtwerk, kralewerk,mosaekwerk of draad-werk?

    Dan kan jy gerus inskryfvir Paarl Post se Arts andCraft-kompetisie. Jy staannkansommet joukunsvlytgrootprysetewen.Diekom-petisie word aangebied insamewerking met PaarlMall.

    Belangstellendes van alleouderdommekanhulkunswerkeenhand-werkinskryfvirdiekompetisie.Diefinalistesal hul handwerk in Oktober in die PaarlMall kan uitstal. Pryse ter waarde van R10000 is op die spel.

    Die kompetisie skop af op 12 Julie metdie ouderdomsgroep 50 jaar en ouer wathul items kan inskryf tot 2 Augustus.

    Vanaf 9 tot 30 Augustus kan die ouder-domsgroep van 19 tot 50 jaar hul items in-skryf en laastens, vanaf6 tot27Septemberkan die ouderdomsgroep12 tot 18 jaar hulitems inskryf. Inskrywings vir die betrokke

    week sluit Maandae om 14:00.Deelnemers kan hul items tesame met

    hul inskrywingsvormbring naPaarlPostsekan-toor, te Newstraat 1A(langs Virgin Active). PaarlPost-personeel sal dan nfoto van die item neem watdan daardie week geplaassal word en waarvoor diepubliek kan stem per SMS(R1,50 per SMS).

    Elkeweekworddiewen-ner aangekondig en aan

    die einde van die maand word die vier gun-stelinge bekend gemaak. Aan die einde vandie kompetisie kan die twaalf wenners (vierwenners van elke ouderdomskategorie hulwerk uitstal by Paarl Mall, waarna n alge-hele wenner, tweede en derde plek aange-wys sal word.

    Die pryse word geborg deur Waltons,Postnet,Winefolk,BellaBelotta,CafJuno,eight* (printing, signage, branding), Krop-man & Seun, Fresh Stop, Convenient Fit-ness, Family Farmstall, Bossa Nova, Pal-miet Valley en Articles.


  • 14 . Paarl Post Donderdag 5 Julie 2012Arts Vermaak

    VERMAAK. Op 13 Julie om20:00 maak Mathys Roets ndraai by die Brdienghuistea-ter op Wellington met sy nuweproduksie Rembrandt semeisie in die maan. Die titelvan Mathys se nuwe CD prikkelnie verniet die nuuskierigheidnie. Die liedjies wat op geen vansy ander CDs is nie, is geskryfdeur woordtowenaars soosPiet van Wyk de Vries, DanieNiehaus, Andr Swiegers, Nar-dus du Plooy en vir die eerstekeer is daar een deur Mathysself. Op 14 Julie kom roer diekitaarmaestro, Dan Patlanksy(14 Julie) die snare en op 20 Ju-lie tree die internasionaal-be-kendeAlbertFrostop.Kaartjieskos R100 per persoon, per ver-toningenkanbespreekwordby082 812 1112.

    Win tickets to the Bastille FestivalTHE Franschhoek Wi-ne Valley, South Afri-cas leading wine andfood destination, willbe hosting the annualBastille Festival overtheweekendof14and15 July, to celebratethe Valleys FrenchHuguenot heritage.

    In keeping with itsFrench heritage, theFranschhoek Wine Val-ley has officially beenaccredited to be part ofan exciting collaborati-on between France andSouth Africa, the SA-French Seasons 2012-13.

    Visitors to the festival will have thechance to meet ten winemakers fromthe Rhne-Alpes Region in France, whowill be showcasing some of their finestwines.

    The Food and Wine Marquee, whichwill be located closer to the village thisyear, isopenfrom12:00until17:00andas always is the hub of the festival.

    There will be a selection of stalls andactivities as you make your way to themarqueewhereyoucanenjoyfinewinesand indulge in mouth-watering dishescreatedby theValleyshighlyacclaimedchefs.

    An entrance fee of R150 per personallows you access to the Bastille Foodand Wine Marquee, which includes atasting glass and a complimentarybooklet of tasting coupons. Thereafteralltastingswillbechargedonconsump-tion.

    There will also be major festival at-tractions,includingboules,theWaitersRace, the Franschhoek minstrel para-de, as well as the popular barrel-rollingcontest.

    A farmers market, craft market

    stalls, musicians and childrens activi-ties are also included in the line-up offestival celebrations.

    Visitors to Marche de Franschhoek,located in the Town Hall, can look for-ward to an array of French and Frenchinspired food and lifestyle products.

    Whatbetterwaytopaintthetownred,white and blue?

    Tickets to the Food and Wine Mar-quee,VIParea,aswellasthepublicwinetasting can be purchased

    Booking is essential as tickets to themarquees are limited. Once the venuesare fullno furtherpatronswillbeadmit-ted.

    For more information, or con-tact the Franschhoek Wine Valley offi-ces on 021 876 2861.)Five luckyPaarl Post readers stand

    thechancetowintwotickets to theBas-tille Festival on Sunday 15 July. Sendyour name and contact number [email protected] which will be celebrated at the fes-tival.

    Choral festivalTHE fourth annual Ihlombe South AfricanChoral Festival is coming to the ToringChurch in Paarl on 11 July. The concertwith three choirs starts at 19:00.

    The Ihlombe festival offers South Africanaudiences an opportunity to hear the mostdiverse and exciting South African and in-ternational choral groups. Choirs perfor-ming are Lirica Choir, Belgium, under thebaton of Jos Venken, the New Zealand Se-condary Students Choir (Andrew Withing-ton), and Paarl Boys Highs Cantare VocalEnsemble Choir led by Stfan van Hansen.

    Theconcertwill endwithaSouthAfricanpiece. Contact Marissa van Zyl on 083 4130119 for more information or tickets (R50)for the Paarl concert.

    Magical words andwine at the fireTHERE is a wonderfully magic feelingabout cold wintry nights, roaring fires andfine wine.

    Combinethatwithanewmoon,deliciousfood and the perfectly crafted words of twowell-known local authors, Patricia Schon-steinandDonPinnock,andthisnext Culi-nary Innovations evening on 20 July at19:00atBosmansRestaurantat theGran-de Roche Hotel is an evening to savour.

    Guests will enjoy a journey through themagical realism and travel adventures ofthetwoauthorsastheydiscusstheirbooksin frontof theroaring fireat themosthospi-table and historic hotel in Paarl.

    Addtothatthetastingofthefinelycraftedwines of Avondales proprietor JohnathanGrieveandasuperblymatcheddinnercon-jured up by Chef Roland and a host of sen-sory experiences awaits you.

    During the evening the winemaker willdiscuss the leaf phase of the lunar calen-darwhichcoincideswith the functiondate.

    Tickets cost R420 per person. For boo-kings, call 021 863 5100.

    Creedence tributeshow with CadillacsTHE Cadillacs, who are known in the Wes-tern Cape as a fun and entertaining tributeband, will perform at the Wynvlieg CellarTheatre on 7 July with a Creedence Clear-water Revival tribute show.

    Doors open at 19:00 and the show startsat 20:00.

    Remember to bring your own picnic orsnacks. Wine and drinks will be for sale atthe cellar.

    For tickets (R80) phone 021 862 6190.You can also purchase your tickets onlineat

    Musieksentrum hou weer galakonsertDIEwintervakansie ishierentweewekenadat die skole weer oopmaak, bied dieFrank Pietersen Musieksentrum weerhulle jaarlikse Galakonsert aan.

    Dit vind hierdie jaar plaas op Sondag29 Julie in die Bethel CongregationalKerk in Paarl-Oos om 17:00.

    Op Saterdag 28 Julie om 15:00 saldieselfde konsert in Mbekweni by Ihlu-mehlo Horskool se skoolsaal aange-bied word.

    Daar is iets vir almal en die sentrumshowcase sy talente vanaf die jong-span tot die seniors, met musiek deurdie eeue vanaf die Baroktyd tot byStrausssebekendewalseendanverdertot by jazz en Afrika-musiek.

    Die junior strykers en junior orke-straleperkussiekinderskombymekaarin n junior orkes.

    Die senior strykensemble sal ver-maak met Strauss Walse en Bach sedubbel vioolkonsert met soliste CaraPaulse en Catherine Kramer.

    Die senior blaasorkes asook die ko-

    perblaasensemblesalookbekende ligtewerke speel en die Jazz Ensemble salaan jazz-liefhebbers wys wat gedoenkan word.

    Natuurlik kan geen sentrumkonsertvolmaakweessonderdieJeugorkeson-der leiding van Milton Pietersen asookdie drie sentrumkore nie.

    DieKinderkoor treevirdieeerstekeerop saam met hulle nuwe dirigent RykieBoekewatvoorheenbydieDrakensbergSeunskoor koorleier was.

    Die Volwasse koor asook die Jeug-koor albei onder leiding van JohannesSchickerling sal weer eens n fees vir dieoor wees.

    Die Afrika Musiekafdeling van dieMusieksentrum sal n skouspel aan-biedmetmarimbas,tradisioneleAfrika-instrumente, djembe-tromme, sang endans.

    Kaartjies kos R60 (R30 vir pensiona-risse en R20 vir leerders). Skakel Joce-lyn Jones by 021 8722123/4. Kaartjiessal ook beskikbaar wees by die deur.

    Jannie du Toit Onderwegna Wellington

    DIE sanger Jannie du Toit tree op Vrydag6 Julie om 20:00 by die Brdienghuis-tea-teropWellingtonopindieproduksieOnder-weg .

    Hierdie produksie vier Jannie se 40 jaarindiemusiekbedryfenbeloofomietsspesi-aals te wees.

    Jannie neem die gehoor op n boeiendereis van teks en musiek waarin Afrikaansdie botoon voer, maar daar is soos van homverwagkanword,ookpragtigeNederlandseliedjies en n skeutjie Frans en Engels by waaronder liedere van kabaretmeestersJacquesBrel,BertoltBrechtenKoosDoep.

    PG du Plessis se gevatte verhoogteks,Emma Bekker se sterk regi en Jannie sefyn aanvoeling vir erns, die komiese asookvir die vertolking van wyd uiteenlopendemusiekgenres maak hierdie aanbieding ngenotvolle anderhalfuur se gesofistikeerdevermaak.

    Kaartjies vir di produksie is R100 perpersoon en kan bespreek word by 082 8121112.

    Enter talentcompetitionTHE annual Global Spotlight TalentSearch Competition invites singers,dancers and actors to enter andstand the chance to win great prizes.

    The entry fee for solo acts is R25peractandR40permember forduosand groups. Everyone between theages of 15 and 25 years can enter by31 July.

    Auditions with Sidwell Buziek willtakeplaceon18and25AugustattheOld Mill Theatre in Paarl with regi-stration at 09:00.

    To be part of this exciting competi-tion, fax your entry form as well asyour proof of payment and a copy ofyour ID to 021 872 8285 before 31July.

    Forentry formsandmore informa-tion, contact Adri Francke on 073503 9753 or Angela Adams on 076970 0351.

    Entry forms will also be availableat the Paarl Post office at 1A NewStreet (next to Virgin Active).

  • PULLETS. Nulaid is busy upgrading its Fransrug pullet rearing farm in the Voor-Paardebergarea. The project will be executed in a number of phases to ensure continuity of pulletproduction for delivery to the laying farms in the Western Cape. Two rearing houses andan ablution block with the latest bio-security technology, up-to-date ventilation equipmentand energy saving lighting systems have been completed recently. The second phase willcommence in spring.

    Wynbedryf kry hulp metbemagting deur Vinprose adviesdiensDIE pas van transformasie moet versnelopn volhoubarewyse,maarditbenodigdie inkoop van alle betrokke partye indie wynbedryf.

    Dt isdiemeningvanJohanGiliomeevanVinPro se Swart Ekonomiese BemagtigingAdviesdiens.

    Die wynbedryf het nog n lang pad omtestapmetbaieuitdagingsvoordatdaartenvolle getransformeer is, maar ons sien welprodusente se toenemende positiewe hou-ding ten opsigte van transformasie en be-magtiging.

    Dit is belangrik om te onthou dat swartekonomiesebemagtiging (SEB)oormeerasnet eienaarskap en grondbesit gaan.

    Volgens Giliomee is Vinpro in die prosesom n volledige databasis te skep van alleSEB-inisiatiewe omdat daar tans net be-perkte inligtingbeskikbaar isoordievorde-ring.

    Die huidige status van grondhervor-ming is52projekte indiewynbedryf,waar-van die gemiddelde plaasgrootte 110 hek-taar is.

    Grond in swartbesit is geskat op 5 500hektaar. Wat aandeelhouding betref, is31% van die projekte ten volle swartbesit.

    Hy wys ook daarop dat sowat 40 maat-skappyeinswartbesitbetrokkeisbysekon-dre wynbedrywighede soos handelsmer-ke, bottelering en toerisme.

    Volgens Giliomee is opleiding n baie be-langrike faktor. Tegniese en bestuursop-leiding benodig dringend aandag. Daar isegternie ngekordineerdestrategietussendiestaatendiebedryfnie.Anderuitdagings

    istoeganklikheidenbefondsingvirkursus-se. Daar is wel n aansienlike toename inopheffingsinisiatiewe vir plaaswerkers.

    Die opheffing word op n grootskaal ge-doen en n hele gemeenskap word ontwik-kel.HierwordnaonderandereFairhillsAs-sociation in Rawsonville (1 000 begunstig-des); Wellington se Bosman FamilyVineyards (260 begunstigdes) en Fair Val-ley in die Paarl (52 families) verwys.

    Ander plase wat ook sulke projekte het,is Solms-Delta (Franschhoek), Bergendal(Citrusdal),Bergsig(Wolseley),Bonnievale-kelder (Bonnievale), Buitenverwachting(Constantia), Goedemoed (Vredendal),Graham Beck-wyne (Robertson), Koop-manskloof (Stellenbosch), Lucerne (Ro-bertson),Meerlust(Stellenbosch),Realebo-ga (Upington), en Rust en Vrede (Stellen-bosch).

    Plaaswerkeropheffing verwys na bre-basis opheffing ten opsigte van opvoeding,gesondheid, sport, kultuur en behuising.

    Produsente besef toenemend die pro-duktiwiteitsvoordeel van gelukkige wer-kers.Arbeid is immers41%vanproduksie-koste.

    Daar is egter verskeie uitdagings nog opdie pad vorentoe waarna Giliomee ook ver-wys het: Daar is geen staatshulp vir swartboere om grond te besit nie. Onthou win-gerdgrond is duur en groot lenings is nien opsie nie.

    Die Onvoldoende langtermynonder-steuning vir nuwe boere bly ook n pro-bleem. n Oorhoofse strategie vir opleidingsal ook baie help.

    BIBC strategy to retain industry skillsTHEBuilding IndustryBargainingCouncilWestern Cape has announced the launchof its skills data-base, a strategy designedtoretaintheskillsofthoseemployeesconsi-deredtobeunemployedwithinthebuildingand construction industry.

    With an annual trade turnover of up to45%, the need to maintain this intelligenceis critical.

    The data-base will go live by the end ofJune and is a first of its kind for the indus-try.

    This essential tool is designed to helpcombat the cyclical nature of the buildingandconstruction industry,a trendthatad-versely affects the demand for labour.

    This industry cant afford to lose its skil-led labour force during a downturn period,asoncetheindustrystartstoexpandagain,the critical skills base will be required onshort term notice, says Arnold Williams,Secretary for the Building Industry Bargai-ning Council (Cape of Good Hope).

    The entire data-base comprises close to500 000 employees records, dating back to1983,andistheresultofyearsofITdevelop-ment.

    Wewillmonitortheusageofthedata-ba-se to establish trends, which in turn willprovideuswithabarometeroftheindustry.

    The valuable information capturedwithin the data-base is available, free ofcharge, toall compliant employers toensu-re that they have access to the skills thatare lacking at any point in time and from

    which the industry as a whole can benefit.We have on average about 800 compli-

    ant employers, at any given time, and weare once again, rewarding those employersthatsubscribe togoodcorporategovernan-ce, said Williams.

    It therefore, goes without saying thatnon-compliant contractors will be unabletoaccess these critical skills andwill there-fore be at a disadvantage.

    The data-base will be comprehensive fo-cusingonall artisanaswell as semi-skilledtrades.

    In addition to these, other employmentcategories such as drivers, general wor-kers, labourers and cleaners will be inclu-ded. The details of between 8 000-10 000employees,whoareconsideredtobeunem-ployed over a rolling 12-month period, willinclude name, trade category, address andcontact telephone number.

    TheonethingthatCouncilwillnotbeableto confirm is the competency of the indivi-dual.

    Compliant employers will have their re-quirements e-mailed to them as soon asthey make the request online, concludedWilliams. Once the service goes live, allcompliant employers have to do is to log onto the BIBC website, select the Labour Bu-reau tab and follow the relevant instructi-ons. If you are thinking of building, ensurethat your contractor is compliant with theBIBC by logging into orphone 021 950 7400.

    A first for wine tasting: satellite linkupA LOCAL winery, Avondale, is to host awine tasting by satellite link-up.

    Ritrovo, an Italian fine dining restau-rant in Pretoria, will be hosting an exclu-sivementoredtastingofAvondalesrangeof nature-friendly wines in its video con-ferencing room.

    AvondaleproprietorJohnathanGrievewill discuss each wine with the guestsfrom a remote location, via satellite link-

    upinRitrovosvideoinitsstate-of-the-artconferencing room. Grieve says that theMentored Tasting is one of the waysAvondale is looking at reducing its car-bon footprint. Avondale prides itself onits innovative, forward-thinking and en-vironmentally-conscious approach, andthis is one of the ways that we will be ap-proaching tastings in areas that are fur-ther afield in future, says Grieve.

    Free funat winterschoolTHE Prestige Aca-demy will be hos-ting their annualWinter Schoolfrom 11 to 13 Ju-ly. This event at-tracts many Grade12 learners fromacross the count-ry.

    The aim of theWinter School is togive the learners ataste of what it islike to study atthis institution.

    For more infor-mation on thisfree event in Bell-ville, contact 021949 5036.

    Poultry farm has top technology

  • 16 . Paarl Post Donderdag 5 Julie 2012Sake Post Diensgids



    In memoriamIn memoriam


    FLACKSEN: FREDDRICK (RASTA). Gebore:10 /01 /1984 . Oor l ede :25/06/2012. Begrafnisdiens:Saterdag 7 Julie 2012. Huis:09:00. Kerk: 10:00.

    FREDERICKS: JACOBUS. Gebore: 16/08/1950.Oor l ede : 30 /06 /2012 .Begrafnisdiens: Saterdag (7Julie 2012). Huis: 08:45.Kerk: 09:30 (ApostolieseKerk, Groenheuwel).

    CLEOPHAS: JANINE.05/07/2011. Reeds 1 jaar vanons geskei. Tyd bringgenesing. Ons mis jou baie,maar gun jou die rus. Liefdevan jou twee kinders,mammie, broer en suster.

    DAVIDS: JOEY. Passedaway 6 July 2011. Gone, butnot forgotten. Still miss you.Lovingly remembered bychildren, grandchildren,greatgrandchildren and inlaws.

    DAVIDS: SYBIL. 14 July,your 19th birthday in heaven.With love: Children, grandchildren, greatgrandchildrenand inlaws.

    JAFTHAS: MARCELLUS.Vyftien jaar is reeds verby.Met baie mooi herinneringe,maar ook met hartseer enverlange dink ons vandag aanjou. Daddy, Mammie, Gizelle& Marcha.

    JORDAAN : MARIA(TOSSIE). Tien hartseerjareis al verby en die verlange issteeds meer. U leef voort inons gedagtes. Liefde Terina,Cecil en gesin.

    MEYER: CORNLL ROY.One year has passed. Youwillalways live on in our hearts.Love the Nicholas family.

    MEYER: CORNLL ROY.Vandag 05/07/2012 is ditpresies 'n jaar wat jy van onsweggeneem is.Die verlange isgroot, maar ons sal jou altydin ons gedagtes koester.Liefde Dadda, Mammie,Elzaan, Leandri & Kylie.

    MOUTON: HELENA.Mamma se eerste jaar weg.Dink nog elke dag aanMamma, somsmet 'n glimlag,soms met 'n traan. Dievermisting is groot, maar onsweet dat u veilig is by LieweJesus. Pappa, kinders,kleinkinders & agterkleinkinders.

    NAU D : M E RV I NBENNETT.Aan ons dierbareseun en neef. 3 Julie jou eersteverjaarsdag weg van ons.Baie trane vloei in stilte. Inons harte leef jy voort, salaltyd met liefde onthou word.Ma, pa, Farren (kind), familieen vriende.

    WILLIAMS: RODERICK.02/02/1965 05/07/2010.Reeds 2 jaar by Jesus.Vermisting groot, maar jouliefdevolle herinneringe bringberusting. Baie liefde! Joubruid en kinders.

    KYK WIE IS 21. God kryalle eer. Van Dadda Norman,Carlo en Mammie, Pappa enMamma.

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    OPPASDIENS: Yorkies(miniatuur), Sneausers enLassiehonde tydens vakansies of naweke. Skakel Sonje:084 499 5563.

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  • Donderdag 5 Julie 2012 Paarl Post . 17Sake Post Diensgids

    2BEDROOM ensuite, withb.i.c. (part of house).Charleston Hill, Paarl East.Nice view of Paarl Mountain.For a small family. Availableimmediately R3 200 pm.W&E excluded. Dep + 1month rent in advance. 082896 6957(after 09:00).

    BACHELOR ' S p a d :Bachelor on Wine Estate,Wellington. Private, secureliving. Immediate occupation.Owner Elza 083 268 0542.

    CENTRAL PAARL :Spacious one bedroom flat,bics, offstreet parking. Noanimals R3 800 pm +deposit. Electricity excluded.Available 1 Aug 2012. 083358 6419.

    DUBBELVERDIEPINGWOONSTEL: Twee slaapkamers, groot kombuis +sitkamer. Onmiddellik beskikbaar R3 500 p.m. Skakel021 862 2355.

    LEILANI HEIGHTS:Central Paarl. 2 Bedroom, 1bathroom apartments: 70 sqm R4000/mnth; 79 sqm R4500/mnth. Available 1August 2012. Maretha: 079306 4242.

    PAARL DENNEBURG:Oumawoonstel. Gemeubileerd. Onmiddellik beskikbaar. Slegs enkelmanspersoon. Privaat ingang, W+Eingesluit. Skakel 082 4663924.

    PAARL Zomerlust: 2Slpkwoonstel. Volledige kombuismet stoof, nderdakparkering.Geen troeteldiere. Beskikbaar1 Augustus R4 000 p.m.Skakel Marlene by 021 8733140.

    RUIM 1slpk in Markstraatmet onderdakparkering.Beskikbaar 1 Augustus R3100 pm. Kontak Johan: 083752 4554.

    RUIM 2slpk. w/s. Paarl Sentraal. I.g.k., stoof, oond.M/huis + onderdakparkering.Onmiddellik of 1 Julie R5000 p.m. Kontak Marius: 082375 4767.

    WELLINGTON: Upmarketbachelor & 1 bedroom flats,secure, in centre of town, tiled,oven/hob, shower. From R2100. Call Permanent Trust021 441 8800.

    SENTRAALPAARL R8500 pm. Dubbelverdieping4slpk huis met swembad &"granny flat". Kontak 083 2905824.

    124m KANTORE vir R8500 p.m. (2 x onderdakparkering), en/of 98 m winkel,banksaal of koffiewinkel @R11 200 p.m, op LadyGreystraat. Beide persele indie Towersgebou, Paarl.Kontak M Mostert 021 9816 0 3 0 ( e p o s : m o s [email protected]).

    NAELTEGNIKUS: Spasiete huur in skoonheidsalon teWellington, vir persoon metervaring. Skakel 021 8733337 vir onderhoud.

    OFFICES TO LET: Primeposition inMain Street, Paarl,opposite McDonalds. Rentalfrom R1 500 pm. Contact Pat:021 447 3665.



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    80% GREEN shade cloth,5000m. In 20& 30metre rolls@ R30 p/metre; 40% white &grey cloth, R20 p/metre inshort rolls. Contact Andy: 082774 6033.

    BRAAI/KAGGELHOUT:Rooikrans, Blackwattel,Bloekom; Firestarters. Gratisaflewering (radius 50 km),verpakking ekstra. Kontak083 493 6894.

    POOL BOARD te koop virR3 000 (o.h.b.). Skakel 073182 6579.

    BOERBOEL hondjies. 4Tefies, 3 reuntjies. Pa isSABT geregistreer. Ma isopregte boerboel. Kontak 079391 9407/021 868 2917.

    ACCENT XS 1300, 1998.194 000 km R21 500. Skakel083 294 8144.

    CHRYSLER VOYAGER2.4 SE, 2002. For sale as is R54 000 (neg), 240 000 kmson clock. Aircon, CD player.Good condition. ContactTony: 084 515 1416.

    FORD SIERRA 2.0. GL.5Spoed. Een eienaarmet baielae km. Baie goeie lopende enoorspronklike toestand.Towbar en nuwe lisensie R13 500. 083 734 1445.

    HONDA BALLADE 160ETWIN CAM, 1993 model.Enjin nuut oorgedoen R35000 (o.h.b.). Skakel 076 7443856.

    MINI 1275 E, 1981 withR.W.C. Make me an offer.Call 078 938 7898 Paarl.

    OPEL CORSA BAKKIE1,4 Utility, 2005 model. 1Aircon, radio & tape + mags.White with canopy, 196 000km R55 000. 076 143 3865.

    UNO FIRE, 1996. Eeneienaar! Lae 175 000 km, wit,5deur. Uitstekende toestand gereelde dienste. Prys: R24500. Skakel eienaar: 082 3391669.

    VW CARAVELLE, 1995,5speed R25 000; ToyotaCorolla, 1995 (Bubble shape)1300 4 speed, alarm, centrallocking. New tyres. Licencedtill next year April 2013 R18000. 078 700 1484/078 3111979.

    EK soek voertuie om aan tekoop vir kontant. Skakel 078543 9039.

    5SLPK HUIS met groot erfen 2 woonstelle in middedorp R1