pact for animals annual report 2014

Emergency Pet Foster Care Programs 2014 ANNUAL REPORT

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PACT 2014 AnnuAl RepoRt 1 PACT 2014 AnnuAl RepoRt 1

Emergency Pet Foster Care Programs

2014 AnnuAl RepoRt

PACT 2014 AnnuAl RepoRt 2

letteR fRom the

ExECuTivE DirECTor At PACT we know that pets are part of our families, they share with us a unique bond. Unconditionally, they give us love and

companionship through joyous, challenging, and difficult times. In return, we open our hearts and our homes. We love them, and they love us.

Our mission is to preserve this “human-animal bond” by keeping family pets safe in PACT’s free emergency pet foster homes. When

responsible pet owners face a temporary crisis PACT provides emergency relief and prevents permanent pet-owner separation. PACT is a pioneer in a growing movement of pet safety-net programs providing temporary relief to pet owners in crises. We are proud to have become a trusted alternative to surrendering a family pet to a shelter during an emergency.

Our two programs, the Military Pet Foster Program and the Hospital Pet Foster Program, have helped more than 174 family pets from being surrendered to shelters since our founding in late 2011. We have helped people and their pets in over 23 states when they were faced with a medical crisis or pending deployment. Those we help truly love their pets and would be devastated if they lost them. Both programs prevent this heartbreaking loss, offer needed peace of mind, and keep loving families together.

Thanks to your support practically every aspect of our operations doubled in 2014. I am proud to share with you this report, highlighting the impact that our volunteers, staff, community, and especially our donors helped us achieve in 2014.

With gratitude,

Buzz Miller

FounDEr &

ExECuTivE DirECTor

Melvin “Buzz” Miller, Esq.

BoArD oF DirECTors

Michael Arms

Jane Biberman

Alvin J. Chin, MD

Kathryn “Kit” Levy Feldman

Major General John L. Gronski

Jennifer F. Johnson, DVM

Melvin “Buzz” Miller, Esq.

Sabina Louise Pierce


Catherine Marchand

Gerald B. Shreiber


Deborah Bedoll

Meredith Burger

Andrea Parra

Marianne M. Srnik

Sarah Casey Zangrilli

on A MissionPACT for Animals is a champion of the “human-animal bond.” PACT gives peace of mind to hospital patients and military personnel by placing their pets in temporary no-cost foster homes until their owners can be reunited with the companion animals they love.

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pACt for Animals is a network of passionate people who understand the “human-animal bond” and work hard to protect it. PACT is a constantly growing community of animal lovers that support each other and recognize that the connection between a person and their pet goes beyond life’s temporary, unpredictable crises. PACT’s vision is to have ZERO companion animals surrendered to animal shelters due to a temporary military or medical crisis.

MiliTAry PET FosTEr ProgrAM For military men, women, and their families, serving in our Armed Forces for months (or years!) at a time can make finding long-term affordable pet care with family and friends a difficult task. PACT helps military service men and women by providing safe and loving emergency foster homes for their pets, free of charge, for their entire

deployment period.

HosPiTAl PET FosTEr ProgrAM When patients of any age have no one to look after their family pets during a health emergency, PACT is there to help. If a pet owner is hospitalized, PACT will ensure their pets are safe until the hospitalization ends. PACT’s Hospital Pet Foster Program is the only program designed to help hospitalized individuals by offering free emergency pet foster care until they recover and can be reunited with the pets they love. The program also supports pet owning veterans while they receive inpatient treatment.

PACT’s Free Emergency Pet Foster servicesOur Military and

Hospital Pet Foster Programs offer

the best pet care possible.


Companion Animal Education Program For those who want to learn more about the “human-animal bond,” PACT also administers free Companion Animal Education Programs. Activities and events are organized around different topics, ranging from teaching children about animal care to breed-specific education, and anti animal abuse advocacy. The Companion Animal Education Program travels to schools upon request to develop compassion for animals in children, teaching them how to respect, care for, and love pets.

PACT 2014 AnnuAl RepoRt 3

Approved Foster Homes

experienced AnimAl trAiners

trusted veterinAriAns

emergency cAre AnimAl cAre supplies

pet updAtes (emAil, pHone, skype, pHotos)

24/7 support trAnsportAtion to Foster Homes

pet trAvel AssistAnce grAnts

Foster Home seArcH & plAcement

personAlized Foster counseling

PACT 2014 AnnuAl RepoRt 4

MyA Little Mya’s mom and dad, Lanea and Mark, were both deployed to Afghanistan in late December of 2013. This sweet 5-year-old terrier had no safe place to stay in Tennessee, so Lanea contacted PACT. Mya was a rescue and she dealt with some anxiety. She needed a special home with a tall fence, gentle people, and no other pets. PACT found a wonderful foster home for her with the kind and loving Ferko family. Lanea and Mark drove over 13 hours to get Mya to her foster home in Pennsylvania! After nine months of love and fun with the Ferko’s, Mya was finally reunited with her family (above). Her excitement to see Lanea and Mark was captured on video — watch this heartwarming reunion on our PACT YouTube channel:

HErBiE AnD PETuniAHerbie and Petunia are the furry family of Staff Sergeant Joy. When Joy learned she would deploy to Afghanistan for 9 months, she could not consider leaving them in a shelter and losing them forever. These amazing Persian cats were once rescues that Joy nursed back to health. Leaving them without proper care was not an option. Luckily, Joy’s Yellow Ribbon Representative told her about PACT and we helped her find the Zackowskis — a family

with a cat-friendly dog and three cat-loving grandchildren. While their mom was away, Herbie and Petunia spent an amazing 9 months being pampered at the Zackowskis’. As a symbol of her gratitude Joy presented PACT with a United States flag that was flown in Afghanistan! Watch their reunion online at:

MiliTAry FosTErs

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A swEET FosTEr MEMory We fostered cats Shady and Lena from Courtney, who drove all the way from Missouri to our home in New Jersey to save her kitties. One night during their stay with us, poor Shady went to sleep and woke up to find a winter wonderland outside. I just knew he was looking out the sliding door at the deck wondering what on earth happened! Although he wasn’t sure what to make of all the snow at first, after we shoveled some paths his curiosity took the best of him and Shady went out and had a wonderful time. It became clear very quickly that he loved snow! He would run around like a dog, climb trees and roll in the snow with joy. Shady and Lena spent a year with my family. Having them was an absolute joy, we still miss them and often think of them, but we are happy to have helped Courtney while she was serving in the U.S. Army.

–laurie t., new Jersey

sHEBA: A veteran’s Best FriendLast winter, Anthony, a veteran of the United States Armed Forces, was down on his luck. Even with a college business degree, life with PTSD had become really difficult. On the eve of a record-breaking blizzard, he was living with his dog Sheba on the cold streets of Philadelphia. Knowing that he needed to get off the streets, Anthony found shelter in a veteran’s hospital, but Sheba, his best friend and companion animal of 12 years, would not be allowed to stay. Learning this, Anthony refused help for himself without also finding help for Sheba. If being

warm meant losing his best friend to a shelter and never seeing her again, he preferred to stay out in the cold.

Unable to imagine a world without Sheba, PACT’s emergency pet foster program was his only hope. When PACT received a call from his social worker, 3 volunteers jumped to the rescue — only 2 hours before the snow began to paralyze the city and cause electrical outages that lasted for days! Safe with PACT, Sheba was loved and cared for by PACT partner,

Stoney Creek Veterinary Hospital. Sheba’s time on the streets with Anthony had affected them both; she only trusted Anthony, and needed lots of gentle TLC and some training to reduce her anxiety without him. While he received the proper PTSD treatment, Sheba also recovered from her anxiety. In only seven months, Anthony had turned his life around, with a new job and a new apartment. His incredible story and his reunion with Sheba captured the hearts of many local viewers on Fox News Philadelphia!

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HosPiTAl FosTErsCHArlEy Justin and his lovable deaf English Bulldog, Charley, have been together since Charley was a puppy. Through the ups and downs of Justin’s struggle with illness, Charley faithfully stood by his side. When Justin’s illness required hospitalization, he refused to go without finding someone who could take care of Charley. Justin called PACT, worried about where to place his pup, and PACT found Charley a foster home in 12 hours! Dedicated PACT foster, Mimi, was delighted to have Charley’s company through snowy winter days. Wanting the company of a dog, but unable to make a lifetime commitment, Mimi was able to find short-term canine companionship by fostering Charley. After a few months, Justin and Charley were reunited and began a new chapter of a happy and healthy life. Mimi found Charley’s companionship to be “a great treat,” and Justin is eternally grateful for the

care PACT provided Charley — “his son.” Watch their sweet reunion here:

CHiquiTAHard times began for Elizabeth when in-patient cancer treatment loomed on the horizon. She was trying to find temporary homes for her pets when the stakes became higher. Amid her search, Elizabeth was unexpectedly evicted, and forced to place her beloved beagle mix, Chiquita, in a shelter. Elizabeth went into the hospital feeling devastated and relinquishing her rights to Chiquita, fearing she would never see her dog again. With the help of PACT’s amazing foster, Renee, we were able to rescue the sweet Chiquita from the shelter and give Chiquita temporary foster housing. Elizabeth was immediately given the peace of mind that her companion animal would be safe and happy. PACT’s quick actions and active volunteers helped Elizabeth rescue her pup and keep Chiquita in her life, protecting their special bond!

GivinG the peAce of mind thAt

theiR compAnion AnimAls will be sAfe And hAppy

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number of placementsPlacement count is the number of times an animal was placed in a foster home (sometimes more than once for the same pet)

10194% increase

from 2013

5263% increase

from 201232 2011 2012 2013 2014

PACT 2014 AnnuAl RepoRt 7

All states Assisted by pAct programs

m Total number of States:


totAl pets fosteRed

Since inception, 2011-2014



program ReunionsTotal reunions since program inception

2012 2013 2014

breakdown of 2014 foster cases

Program ToTal

m Hospital 40

m Military 49

GRand ToTaL 89

approved Foster Homes:

159 Home Visit Volunteers:


our volunteer network



PACT 2014 AnnuAl RepoRt 8

Our work would not be possible without the hard work of our volunteers. PACT is grateful for all the work our volunteers do every day, from caring volunteer Foster Families who open their homes and hearts to foster pets in need, to our team of Home Visit Volunteers

who add more Foster Families into our emergency pet foster care network every day. Each new volunteer helps us to make a bigger impact in our community. Meet some of our generous volunteers below and learn more by visiting:

HAnk & MAriE sCHwEiTzEr Foster Family, Events and Home visit volunteers when did you first become involved with pAct? We have been volunteering with PACT since the very beginning in 2011.

why do you love to volunteer at pAct?Our favorite part about being PACT volunteers is taking care of the fosters in our home, interacting with other PACT volunteers, and having Buzz & Judi as our friends. We have been fostering animals for over 30 years now and PACT is such a great group of people to work with. It’s a great organization with a unique idea and they’re doing work no one else is doing to help animals, our military, and hospital patients. We’re happy to help them and be a part of the mission!

AnDrEA DiPiETro Foster Family, Events and Home visit volunteer when did you start volunteering for pAct?I started volunteering with PACT in October 2012 after hearing Buzz on a radio show.

what’s your favorite memory with pAct?My favorite memory from my time at PACT is when I reunited Casanova and Jason on Mother’s Day. While every PACT reunion brings tears to my eyes, this one was especially touching for everyone that day. It’s a different feeling to be there in person.

what motivates you to continue volunteering at pAct?The best part of volunteering with PACT is the dedication and determination of the staff everyday, as well as the amazing reunions at the end of a foster term. While taking in an animal for an extended period of time could be hard, it’s nothing compared to what our service men and women are doing for us overseas. PACT is inspiring. It makes you forget about how many hours you worked that day, and focus on the good stuff in life.

our volunTEErs

meet Some Amazing people

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raising Community Awareness: A girl scout Troop on a MissionTo help PACT’s programs, the creative and thoughtful Girl Scout Troop 7717 started a mural fundraising project in early 2014, helping to raise needed awareness and funds to support PACT. With the help of a talented mural artist, Eurhi Jones, from the City of Philadelphia Mural Arts Program, volunteering as the Art Director and Lead Muralist, the girls embarked on a mission to share PACT’s programs with their community. The result was a beautiful mural titled Silver & Gold and honoring

local pets. The mural is now showcased at Buzzy’s Bow Wow Meow, a PACT pet supply partner, companion animal department store, and “human-animal bond” educational center located in Narberth, PA.

Phillies Charities, inc. Batting for PACT!PACT was honored to be a special guest at the annual “Phillies Charities Holiday Party,” as one of their Featured 2014 Charities! We had the opportunity to share PACT’s fantastic reunion videos during the dinner, and the Phillies honored PACT with a generous donation of $10,000. The Phillies even donated hundreds of free tickets to our Board Director, Major General John L. Gronski, who invited hundreds of military service men and women out to enjoy a day at the ballpark!

Dawn Timmeney, Fox29: Capturing PACT’s Heartwarming reunions Sharing PACT stories with our community is one of Dawn’s countless specialties. She’s captured the heart of many viewers by sharing our amazing pet reunions on television. Dawn’s coverage helped PACT receive more foster home applications in 2014 than ever before!

CoMMuniTy PArTnErs

making a difference

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PACT 2014 AnnuAl RepoRt 10PACT 2014 AnnuAl RepoRt 10

FinAnCiAls sTATEMEnT oF FinAnCiAl PosiTionAs of December 31, 2014 and 2013ASSETS 2014 2013Current assets Cash and cash equivalents $ 48,837 $ 9,977 Total Current assets 48,837 9,977Property and Equipment Office equipment 8,937 4,419Less: Accumulated Depreciation (1,076) (108) net Property and Equipment 7,861 4,311 TOTAl ASSETS $ 56,698 $ 14,288 liAbiliTiES And nET ASSETSCurrent LiabilitiesAccounts payable $ - $ 2,852 Accrued payroll taxes 3,523 5,136 ToTaL CuRREnT LiaBiLiTiES $ 3,523 $ 7,988

nET aSSETSUnrestricted $ 16,906 $ 6,300Temporarily Restricted 36,269 - ToTaL nET aSSETS $ 53,175 $ 6,300

TOTAl liAbiliTiES And nET ASSETS $ 56,698 $ 14,288

wE’rE on THE roAD! Special thanks to, The William

H. Donner Foundation, Inc., for

their special donation to PACT.

sTATEMEnT oF ACTiviTiEsAs of December 31, 2014


m Program Services - Animal Care $ 154,189 68%

m Management and General 42,755 19%

m Fundraising 29,278 13%

TOTAl $ 226,222

2014 Expenses


ToTaL REVEnuE unrestricted Restricted Total

m Grants $ 73,000 $ 49,750 $ 122,750

m Donated Services 4,389 - 4,389

m Contributions 145,958 - 145,958

TOTAl $ 223,347 $ 49,750 $ 273,097

PACT for Animals is a tax-exempt charitable organization as defined by Section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. The official registration and financial information of PACT may also be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling toll-free, within Pennsylvania, 1-800-732-0999. Registration does not imply endorsement.

2014 Revenue


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THAnk you!2014 supportersGreg Ajamian

Jane Biberman

Elizabeth A. Botti

Connie Braden

Margaret Brady in Honor of Kathy Hein

Gary Calderwood

Crystal Cardenas

Anthony Carver

Sybille Castro

Julie M. Chagan

Alvin J. Chin

Sharon Cichocki

Robin & Bob Cookson in Memory Mary Yun-Chen (Kao) Chin

Michael Coughlan

Suzanne T. Cryan

Darryl B. Deaktor

Drew Denicoff

Andrea DiPietro

Rudy DiPietro in Honor of Andrea DiPietro

Sarah Dow

Karen P. Dunleavy

Robin Edwards

Tobi & Mack Emanuel

Noreen A. Fiorellini

Bethanne Friedmann

Michelle M. Gadsden

Rosemary Gaylor

Trudy Gillispie

William A. Gindhart in Memory of Robert A. Daniels

Elizabeth Gould

Virginia Graham

Sarah Gray, DDS, MS

Wendy R. Greenberg

Pam Haskin

Mildred Ann Hayman

Douglas Hein

Melissa J. Heller

Kathleen Henry

Shirlee L. Howe

Clayton S. Jason

Bess F. Joftis in Honor of Thomas Fall

Bess F. Joftis in Honor of Melanie Weisbord

Bess F. Joftis in Memory of Henry

Arlynn L. Kaufmann

Rachel Keatley

Lauren Keatley

Teresa Kerr in Honor of Andrea DiPietro

M.Jean Knapp

Lazaros Kochilas in Memory of Mary Yun-Chen (Kao) Chin

J.David LaChance

Pamela Larson

Amanda Leith

Cathy Lockyer Moulton

Elizabeth Loubet in Memory Bernice Coonrod

Susan Macera in Honor of Andrea DiPietro

Brenda Malinics

Matthew Marcon

Tamara Martin

Carmela Maschi in Memory of Bernice Coonrod

Sgt.Christopher McSherry

Mary McWilliams

Lynn Merves in Memory of Ruth Flitter

Torie Miele

Melvin B. Miller

B. Franklin Miller

Wendy Morrison

Peg Morthorst

Jamie Mueller

Jade Najera

Amy Norr

Julia B. O’Donnell

Bonnie Pastman

Gale Pekar

Grace Louise Perkins in Memory of Alexandra Brock

Jennifer Popa

Christine Prichett

Susan N. Quinn

Leslie Randall

Nina R. Resavage

Carolyn M. Rhodes

Erin Richards

Thomas W. Roberts

Herbert Rosen, DMD

Linda Ross

Pamela Quinn Saunders

Pamela L. Seymour in Honor of Max & Patrice Smith

Debi Simko

Christopher Slattery

Kelli Snyder in Memory of Misha Zahm

Joan P. Snyder

David Sole

Jesse Spacco

Marianne M. Srnik in Memory of Bernice Coonrod

Marianne M. Srnik in Memory of Suki

Colette & Guy Stanley

Amy Steel

Linda S. Strauss

Jennifer Anderson Taylor in Honor of Ret. SMSGT Ronald Anderson

Robert & Debra Thaler

Andrea I. Torf

Cee Viola

Joy L. Warner

Ray & Micheline Watrous in Memory of Mary Yun-Chen (Kao) Chin

Harry L. Worrall in Memory of Bernice Coonrod

Deborah Zateeny

Mengfan Zhang

Holly Zug

Thomas V. Zug, Jr

vFw Posts Adamstown VFW Post 8795

Beirne Webster VFW 1568

Crawford-Brubaker VFW Post

Edward J Smith VFW Post 3428

Farrell VFW Post 5286

Garfield Thomas Jr. VFW Post 4963

Gettysburg VFW Post 15

Hershey VFW Post

Hogencamp-Schupper VFW Post 531

Palmer F Strausser VFW Post 6497

Passalaqua VFW Post 1026

Raymond Richar VFW Post 6611

Richard J. Gross Post 8896

Santoni-Dininni Post 1213

Standing Stone VFW Post 1754

Telford VFW Post 5308

Thomas J Kavanaugh VFW Post 2290

VFW Post 175 Doylestown

Vietnam Vets ofAmerica Chapter 436

Willow Grove VFW Post 3612

World War II VFW Post 7252

York VFW Post 556

organizations & FoundationsBanfield Charitable Trust

Burket-Plack Foundation Inc.

Gerald B. Shreiber Foundation

Girl Scouts of Eastern PA Troop 7717

John W & Margaret G Bertsch Charitable Foundation

Katie’s Fund c/o The Philadelphia Foundation

The Barker Lounge (Anne Thompson)

Linda M. Knapp Trust

Ned Borowsky, The NAPCO Trust

PET360 MEDIA, Inc.

Phillies Charities Inc.

Purely Whimsical - Tana Jacks

Salon 31

Sunshine Farm Trust Fund

Ten Thousand Villages

The K Jordan Associates LLC

The Max and Victoria Dreyfus Foundation, Inc.

The PETCO Foundation

The William H. Donner Foundation, Inc.

in-kind DonationsAcquire Visual LLC

Buzzy’s Bow Wow Meow

Thanh-Trang Hoang-Le

David W. Kutz, CPA

Larry Fine (Doggyality LLC)

Madden Animal Hospital

Stoney Creek Veterinary Hospital

The Barker Lounge

The Spayed Club

Amy Thesing

Your Mannerly Mutt Inc.

PACT 2014 AnnuAl RepoRt 12

PACT for AnimalsP.O. Box 590

Gladwyne, PA 19035

Tel. (610) 581-4141

[email protected]

D o n At e f o S t e R V o l u n t e e R

@pACt4animals www.pactforanimals.orgConnECT wiTH us on:

PACT is a registered 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization