page 14, the estill county tribune, march 13, 2019 eku ... · page 14, the estill county tribune,...

Page 14, The Estill County Tribune, March 13, 2019 Clay City Dairy Queen 5796 Main St. Clay City Ky. 40312 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Youth Sport players will receive a FREE MINI BLIZZARD! Dining in, after a game, when in uniform! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TRY OUR NEW SPICY SWEET CHICKEN STRIP BASKET! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Check out our “Throwback Thursday” Deals! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ● 3/14 Banana Splits $1.59 3/21 Chili Dogs $.99 - Hot Dogs $.69 3/28 Original Cheeseburgers Bring this coupon to Clay City DQ and receive a FREE Mini Blizzard No Purchase Necessary! Expires 03/31/2019 Eastern Kentucky Univer- sity recognized 1,072 gradu- ates at the conclusion of the Fall 2018 semester. The graduates were hon- ored at separate academic college commencement cer- emonies Dec. 14 at Alumni Coliseum. Local EKU graduates in- clude: Jacob Dylan Chaney, Bachelor of Science (BS) in Occupational Safety; Kay- lee Ray Isfort, BS degree in Biomedical Sciences; Dylan Scott Travis, Bachelor ofArts in Broadcasting & Elect Me- dia; Kayla Rashae Patrick, BS in AGR Pre-Veterinary. Aaron Thomas Dorton, BAS in Criminal Justice;An- drew Stephen Farmer, BS in Biology; Whitney Shae Fer- rell, BS in Horticulture; and Evan Garrett Stelter, BS de- gree in Physics, Molly Lau- ral Lane Burchett, Bachelor of Arts in General Studies. The new degree holders join more than 140,000 East- ern alumni in Kentucky and across the United States and world. Eastern Kentucky Uni- versity has announced 735 Dean’s Award recipients for the Fall 2018 semester. Award recipients include: Mandy Richelle Neal, a senior and Paramedicine ma- jor; Alexandria Marie Harris, a senior majoring in Child and Family Studies; Kaylee Rae Isfort, a senior majoring in Biomedical Sciences; Al- exandria Nicole King, a se- nior majoring in Philosophy. Dylan Scott Travis, a se- nior majoring in Broadcast- ing & Elect Media; Makayla Raye Horn, a junior Mu- sic major; Brianna Grace Robinson, a junior Finance major; and Daniel Joseph Potter, a junior majoring in Mathematics. To earn the Dean’s Award, students must achieve Dean’s List honors at EKU for three semesters, not necessarily consecutive. A lapel pin is presented to students by the dean of their academic col- lege. Michael ChadTate, Senior majoring in General Stud- ies, and Allen Eric Baker, a senior majoring in National Security & Systems, To achieve Dean’s List honors at Eastern, students attempting 14 or more credit hours must earn a 3.5 grade point average out of a pos- sible 4.0. Students attempt- ing 13 credit hours must earn a 3.65 GPA, and students attempting 12 credit hours must earn a 3.75 GPA. Eastern Kentucky Uni- versity has announced that 3,646 students earned Dean’s List honors for the Fall 2018 semester. The List includes: Chris- topher Brandon Prewitt, a senior Psychology major; Jerri Catherine Taylor, a junior majoring in Social Work; Mandy Richelle Neal, a senior Paramedicine ma- jor; Caitlin Curtis McQueen, a senior majoring in History Teaching. Jonathan Logan Mc- Queen, a senior English ma- jor; Lisa Kathryn Noland, a junior majoring in Risk Management & Insurance; Alexandra Marie Harrison, a senior Child and Family Studies Major. Kelsie LeAnne Johnson a senior Sociology Major; Karen Rae Stamper, a senior majoring in Public Health; Kaylee Ray Isfort, a senior majoring in Biomedical Sciences; Brandon Michael McKinney, a senior majoring in Middle Grade Education. Kordel Lee Day, a senior majoring in Fire/Arson & Expos Invest; Corey William Neal, a senior Muisc major; Alexandria Nicole King, a senior Philosophy major; Dustin Tyler Abshear, a se- nior majoring in Account- ing. Mikaela Leanne Garber, a senior majoring in General Dietetics; Bethany Danielle Hall, a senior majoring in Communication Disorders; Kaisee Marie Riddell, a se- nior Political Science ma- jor; Sarah Allison Barnes, a senior majoring in Political Science. Kaitlyn Emmaline Fred- erick, a senior majoring in General Studies; Dylan Scott Travis, a senior mar- joring in Broadcasting & Elect Media; Aaron Thomas Dorton, a senior Crimi- nal Justice major; Timbre Rein McCoy, a senior major- ing in History Teaching. Kerrie Abigaila Wolpert, a junior General Studies major; Jordan Clay Martin, a senior Marketing major; Samantha Dawn Puckett, a junior majoring in Pre-Oc- cupational Science; Alyssa Nicole Wysong, a senior El- ementary Education Teach- ing major. Zachary Ray Lemmon, a senior majoring in Wild- life Management; Ashleigh Elizabeth Dozier, a senior Homeland security major; Evan Garrett Stelter, a se- nior Physics major; Makayla Raye Horn, a junior Music major; Dusty Lee Wiegold, a sophomore majoring in Homeland Security. Austin Tyler Witt, a senior majoring in Criminal Justice; Emily Jean Hardy, a junior majoring in Elementary Ed- ucation Teaching; Nicholas Anderson Prewitt, a junior Environmental Health Sci- ence major; Taylor Renae Young, a senior Psychology major. Jacob Quinn Roberts, a sophomore majoring in Oc- cupational Safety; Brianna Grace Robinson, a junior Finance major; Jadyn Bailey Webster, a junior Pre-Com- munications Disorder major; Sarah Jean King, a senior ma- joring in English Teaching. Katrina Marie Flynn, a sophomore majoring in Pre-Occupational Science; Jadyn Brooke Rose, a fresh- man majoring in Pre-RN Pre-Nursing; Brittney Anne Fowler, a junior Criminal Justice major; Daniel Joseph Potter, a junior majoring in Mathematics. Skyler Brooke Gilbert, a senior majoring in Health Services Administration; Hailey Danielle Fox, a fresh man majoring in Explor- atory; Nathan Miles Lay, a freshman majoring in Digital Forensics & Cybersecurity, Michael Chad Tate, senior majoring in General Studies. Allen Eric Baker, a senior marjoring in National Secu- rity & Systems, James Mi- chael Yarber, a sophomore majoring in Pre-Homeland Security; Stephen Dal- ton McQueen, a freshman Mathematics major; and Adam Kristopher Jeffries, a senior majoring in Network Security & Electronics. To achieve Dean’s List honors at Eastern, students attempting 14 or more credit hours must earn a 3.5 grade point average out of a pos- sible 4.0. Students attempt- ing 13 credit hours must earn a 3.65 GPA, and students attempting 12 credit hours must earn a 3.75 GPA. “We are always pleased to recognize outstanding aca- demic achievement at East- ern Kentucky University,” said EKU President Michael Benson.Eastern Kentucky University is a comprehen- sive university serving ap- proximately 17,000 students on its Richmond campus, at its educational centers in Corbin, Manchester, Lan- caster and Hazard, and throughout Kentucky. Eastern Kentucky Uni- versity has announced that 1,721 students earned Pres- ident’s List honors for the Fall 2018 semester. The List includes: Jessica Lynn Watkins, a senior Spe- cial Education Teaching ma- jor; Jerri Catherine Taylor, a junior majoring in Social Work; Mandy Richelle Neal, a senior Paramedicine ma- jor; Caitlin Curtis McQueen, a senior majoring in History Teaching. Alexandra Marie Har- rison, a senior majoring in Child and Family Studies; Kelsie LeAnne Johnson, a seniorSociologymajor;Kay- lee Ray Isfort, a senior major- ing in Biomedical Sciences. How many out there can live without your phone? I use my phone everyday about every hour it seems like. I use my phone for email, alarm clock, watch, timer, in- ternet, flashlight, social me- dia, news, weather, games, coupons, driving, selling goods, buying goods, music, text messaging, and yes, a phone. I am not sure how we lived before cell phones! Do you feel anxiety when your phone is at 2% and no charger around? Have you ever about wrecked trying to get to the phone that fell be- tween seats? Have you ever done the pocket pat down when you can’t find your phone? I could go on and on. I am guilty of all I do believe! When I lose my phone, life shuts down until I find it. I get fussy to everyone around me. It’s panic time if I don’t find it quick. I start saying, someone call my phone to see if I can hear it ringing. My heart starts racing. The thought of missing an im- portant email or phone call. Then I find it, and all is well again in the world! The other day, I jumped on the side-by-side to head to the bottoms to check cows. I stuck my phone in my jacket pocket. I rode through a lot of nasty mud holes. Went up some big hills and cov- ered a lot of open ground. I finally made it home, got off the side-by-side, and you guessed it, no phone! Panic! Fussing! I thought my phone could be any- where on the farm. I could imagine it in the mud hole I almost got stuck in. I bet it fell out in the mud and I ran over it. I headed back over the hill in search of the phone. I had to find it! Well, good news, I hadn’t gone very far and there lay this beautiful piece of technology, unhurt. You would think all is right with the world again! No, it wasn’t right. God just gave me one of those Spiritual Whoopins! You see, I thought about the most important thing I own! Do I treat this most im- portant thing I own the same way I treat my phone? Do I look at the most important thing I own daily? Do I panic if I can’t find the most impor- tant thing I own? Does life shut down when I can’t find the most important thing I own. This most important thing I own makes the world right! Well, I couldn’t answer those question well. I prob- ably would get a D minus to an F plus if I was graded. Spiritual Whoopin time! You see this most impor- tant thing I own is my Bible! God’s Holy Word. I can live without a phone, but I can’t live without God’s Holy Word! Thanks be to Jesus for the Spiritual Whoopins! 2 Timothy 3:16-17 (KJV) All scripture is given by in- spiration of God, and is profit - able for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: 17 That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly fur- nished unto all good works. Until next week get out and enjoy God’s creation! Wanderings from the Woods & Water by Jay Bicknell WetStoneKennels@Yahoo. Com Panic! Panic! Lost Phone! EKU Fall 2018 Dean’s List --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Eastern Announces President’s List Honors Brandon Michael Mc- Kinney, a senior majoring in Middle Grade Education; Kordel Lee day, a senior ma- joring in Fire/Arson & Expos Invest; Alexandria Nicole King, a senior Philosophy major; Bethany Danielle Hall, a senior majoring in Communication Disorders. Kaisee Marie Hall, a se- nior Political Science ma- jor; Sarah Allison Barnes, a senior majoring in Occupa- tional Science; Aaron Thom- as Dorton, a senior Criminal Justice major; Timbre Rein McCoy, a senior History Teaching major. Kerrie Abigail Wolpert, a junior General Studies ma- jor; Samantha Dawn Puckett, a junior majoring in Pre-Oc- cupational Science; Alyssa Nicole Wysong, a senior El- ementary Education Teach- ing major; Zachary Ray Lemmon, a senior majoring in Wildlife Management. Evan Garrett Stelter, a se- nior Physics major; Austin Tyler Witt, a senior Crimi- nal Justice major; Sarah Jean King, a senior English Teaching major. Daniel Joseph Potter, a junior Mathematics major; Hailey Danielle Fox, a fresh- man Exploratory major; and Nathan Miles Lay a fresh- man majoring in Digital Fo- rensics & Cybersecurity. The President’s List was established by the Univer- sity to recognize outstanding academic achievement. It is bestowed upon full-time un- dergraduate students who at- tain a perfect 4.0 grade point average for a semester. “All of us at EKU are committed to academic excellence and the suc- cess of our students,” EKU President Michael Benson said, “and we are especially pleased to recognize those students who have excelled to the point of perfection during a semester’s work.” -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Three from Estill are EKU Dean’s Award Recipients -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nine from Estill County are Fall ‘18 EKU grads DANNY NEWMAN Now Hauling Gravel for Tipton Ridge Quarry Single-Axle Dump Truck Loads Range From 1 to 12 Tons (606) 723-9816 or (606) 643-6118

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Page 1: Page 14, The Estill County Tribune, March 13, 2019 EKU ... · Page 14, The Estill County Tribune, March 13, 2019 Clay City Dairy Queen 5796 Main St. Clay City Ky. 40312-----Youth

Page 14, The Estill County Tribune, March 13, 2019

Clay City Dairy Queen 5796 Main St. Clay City Ky. 40312-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Youth Sport players will receive a FREE MINI BLIZZARD!Dining in, after a game, when in uniform!

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------TRY OUR NEW SPICY SWEET CHICKEN STRIP BASKET!


Check out our “Throwback Thursday” Deals! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

● 3/14 Banana Splits $1.59● 3/21 Chili Dogs $.99 - Hot Dogs $.69 ● 3/28 Original Cheeseburgers

Bring this coupon toClay City DQand receive a

FREEMini Blizzard

No Purchase Necessary!Expires 03/31/2019

EasternKentuckyUniver-sityrecognized1,072gradu-atesattheconclusionoftheFall2018semester. Thegraduateswerehon-ored at separate academiccollegecommencementcer-emoniesDec.14atAlumniColiseum. LocalEKUgraduatesin-clude: Jacob Dylan Chaney,BachelorofScience(BS)inOccupationalSafety;Kay-leeRayIsfort,BSdegreeinBiomedicalSciences;DylanScottTravis,BachelorofArts

inBroadcasting&ElectMe-dia;KaylaRashaePatrick,BSinAGRPre-Veterinary. Aaron Thomas Dorton,BASinCriminalJustice;An-drewStephenFarmer,BSinBiology;WhitneyShaeFer-rell,BSinHorticulture;andEvanGarrettStelter,BSde-greeinPhysics,MollyLau-ralLaneBurchett,BachelorofArts inGeneralStudies. Thenewdegreeholdersjoinmorethan140,000East-ernalumniinKentuckyandacrosstheUnitedStatesandworld.

Eastern Kentucky Uni-versityhasannounced735Dean’sAwardrecipientsfortheFall2018semester. Awardrecipientsinclude: MandyRichelleNeal, aseniorandParamedicinema-jor;AlexandriaMarieHarris,a seniormajoring inChildandFamilyStudies;KayleeRaeIsfort,aseniormajoringinBiomedicalSciences;Al-exandriaNicoleKing,ase-niormajoringinPhilosophy. DylanScottTravis,ase-niormajoringinBroadcast-ing&ElectMedia;MakaylaRaye Horn, a junior Mu-sic major; Brianna GraceRobinson,ajuniorFinancemajor; and Daniel JosephPotter,ajuniormajoringinMathematics.

ToearntheDean’sAward,studentsmustachieveDean’sListhonorsatEKUforthreesemesters, not necessarilyconsecutive.A lapelpin ispresentedtostudentsbythedeanoftheiracademiccol-lege. MichaelChadTate,Seniormajoring in General Stud-ies,andAllenEricBaker,aseniormajoringinNationalSecurity&Systems, To achieve Dean’s ListhonorsatEastern,studentsattempting14ormorecredithoursmustearna3.5gradepointaverageoutofapos-sible4.0.Studentsattempt-ing13credithoursmustearna 3.65 GPA, and studentsattempting 12 credit hoursmustearna3.75GPA.

Eastern Kentucky Uni-versityhasannounced that3,646studentsearnedDean’sListhonorsfortheFall2018semester. TheListincludes:Chris-topher Brandon Prewitt, asenior Psychology major;Jerri Catherine Taylor, ajunior majoring in SocialWork;MandyRichelleNeal,a seniorParamedicinema-jor;CaitlinCurtisMcQueen,aseniormajoringinHistoryTeaching. Jonathan Logan Mc-Queen,aseniorEnglishma-jor; Lisa Kathryn Noland,a junior majoring in RiskManagement& Insurance;AlexandraMarieHarrison,a seniorChild andFamilyStudiesMajor. Kelsie LeAnne Johnsona senior Sociology Major;KarenRaeStamper,aseniormajoring inPublicHealth;KayleeRayIsfort,aseniormajoring in BiomedicalSciences;BrandonMichaelMcKinney,aseniormajoringinMiddleGradeEducation. KordelLeeDay,aseniormajoring in Fire/Arson &ExposInvest;CoreyWilliamNeal,aseniorMuiscmajor;AlexandriaNicoleKing, asenior Philosophy major;DustinTylerAbshear,ase-

nior majoring inAccount-ing. MikaelaLeanneGarber,aseniormajoringinGeneralDietetics;BethanyDanielleHall, a senior majoring inCommunicationDisorders;KaiseeMarieRiddell,ase-nior Political Science ma-jor;SarahAllisonBarnes,aseniormajoringinPoliticalScience. KaitlynEmmalineFred-erick, a senior majoringin General Studies; DylanScottTravis,aseniormar-joring in Broadcasting &ElectMedia;AaronThomasDorton, a senior Crimi-nal Justice major; TimbreReinMcCoy,aseniormajor-inginHistoryTeaching. KerrieAbigailaWolpert,a junior General Studiesmajor;JordanClayMartin,a senior Marketing major;SamanthaDawnPuckett,ajuniormajoring inPre-Oc-cupationalScience;AlyssaNicoleWysong,aseniorEl-ementaryEducationTeach-ingmajor. Zachary Ray Lemmon,aseniormajoring inWild-lifeManagement;AshleighElizabeth Dozier, a seniorHomeland security major;Evan Garrett Stelter, a se-niorPhysicsmajor;Makayla

RayeHorn,ajuniorMusicmajor;DustyLeeWiegold,a sophomore majoring inHomelandSecurity. AustinTylerWitt,aseniormajoringinCriminalJustice;EmilyJeanHardy,ajuniormajoringinElementaryEd-ucationTeaching;NicholasAndersonPrewitt, a juniorEnvironmentalHealthSci-encemajor; TaylorRenaeYoung,aseniorPsychologymajor. Jacob Quinn Roberts, asophomoremajoringinOc-cupational Safety; BriannaGrace Robinson, a juniorFinancemajor;JadynBaileyWebster,ajuniorPre-Com-municationsDisordermajor;SarahJeanKing,aseniorma-joringinEnglishTeaching. Katrina Marie Flynn,a sophomore majoring inPre-Occupational Science;JadynBrookeRose,afresh-man majoring in Pre-RNPre-Nursing;BrittneyAnneFowler, a junior CriminalJusticemajor;DanielJosephPotter,ajuniormajoringinMathematics. Skyler Brooke Gilbert,aseniormajoringinHealthServices Administration;HaileyDanielleFox,afreshman majoring in Explor-atory;NathanMilesLay,a

freshmanmajoringinDigitalForensics&Cybersecurity,MichaelChadTate, seniormajoringinGeneralStudies. AllenEricBaker,aseniormarjoringinNationalSecu-rity&Systems,JamesMi-chaelYarber, a sophomoremajoring inPre-HomelandSecurity; Stephen Dal-ton McQueen, a freshmanMathematics major; andAdamKristopherJeffries,aseniormajoringinNetworkSecurity&Electronics. To achieve Dean’s ListhonorsatEastern,studentsattempting14ormorecredithoursmustearna3.5gradepointaverageoutofapos-sible4.0.Studentsattempt-ing13credithoursmustearna 3.65 GPA, and studentsattempting 12 credit hoursmustearna3.75GPA. “Wearealwayspleasedtorecognizeoutstandingaca-demicachievementatEast-ern Kentucky University,”saidEKUPresidentMichaelBenson.Eastern KentuckyUniversityisacomprehen-siveuniversity servingap-proximately17,000studentson its Richmond campus,atitseducationalcentersinCorbin, Manchester, Lan-caster and Hazard, andthroughoutKentucky.

Eastern Kentucky Uni-versityhasannounced that1,721studentsearnedPres-ident’s List honors for theFall2018semester. TheListincludes:JessicaLynnWatkins,aseniorSpe-cialEducationTeachingma-jor; JerriCatherineTaylor,ajuniormajoringinSocialWork;MandyRichelleNeal,

a seniorParamedicinema-jor;CaitlinCurtisMcQueen,aseniormajoringinHistoryTeaching. Alexandra Marie Har-rison,a seniormajoring inChild and Family Studies;Kelsie LeAnne Johnson, aseniorSociologymajor;Kay-leeRayIsfort,aseniormajor-inginBiomedicalSciences.

Howmanyouttherecanlive without your phone?I use my phone everydayabout every hour it seemslike.Iusemyphoneforemail,alarmclock,watch,timer,in-ternet, flashlight, social me-dia, news, weather, games, coupons, driving, selling goods, buying goods, music, text messaging, and yes, a phone.Iamnotsurehowwelivedbeforecellphones! Doyoufeelanxietywhenyourphoneisat2%andnocharger around? Have you ever about wrecked trying to get to the phone that fell be-tweenseats?Haveyoueverdone the pocket pat downwhen you can’t find your phone? I could go on and on. I am guilty of all I do believe! WhenIlosemyphone,lifeshuts down until I find it. I get fussy to everyone around me.It’spanictimeifIdon’tfind it quick. I start saying, someone call my phone tosee if I can hear it ringing. My heart starts racing. The thought of missing an im-portantemailorphonecall.Then I find it, and all is well again in the world! The other day, I jumped on theside-by-sidetoheadtothebottomstocheckcows.Istuck my phone in my jacket pocket. I rode through a lot of nasty mud holes. Wentup some big hills and cov-ered a lot of open ground. I finally made it home, got off the side-by-side, and youguessed it, no phone! Panic! Fussing! I thought my phone could be any-whereonthefarm.Icouldimagine it in the mud hole I almost got stuck in. I bet it felloutinthemudandIranoverit. Iheadedbackoverthehillinsearchofthephone.Ihadto find it! Well, good news, I hadn’t gone very far and therelaythisbeautifulpieceof technology, unhurt. You would think all is right with

the world again! No, it wasn’t right. God just gave me one ofthoseSpiritualWhoopins! You see, I thought about the most important thing I own!DoItreatthismostim-portant thing I own the same wayItreatmyphone?DoIlookatthemostimportantthing I own daily? Do I panic if I can’t find the most impor-tant thing I own? Does life shut down when I can’t find the most important thing I own. This most important thing I own makes the world right! Well, I couldn’t answerthose question well. I prob-ably would get a D minus to an F plus if I was graded. Spiritual Whoopin time!You see this most impor-tant thing I own is my Bible! God’s Holy Word. I can live withoutaphone,butIcan’tlive without God’s Holy Word! Thanks be to Jesus for theSpiritualWhoopins!2 Timothy 3:16-17 (KJV) All scripture is given by in-spiration of God, and is profit-able for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: 17 That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly fur-nished unto all good works. Until next week get out and enjoy God’s creation!

Wanderingsfrom the

Woods& Waterby Jay

BicknellWetStoneKennels@Yahoo. Com

Panic! Panic! Lost Phone!

EKU Fall 2018 Dean’s List


Eastern Announces President’s List Honors Brandon Michael Mc-Kinney, a senior majoringinMiddleGradeEducation;KordelLeeday,aseniorma-joringinFire/Arson&ExposInvest; Alexandria NicoleKing, a senior Philosophymajor; Bethany DanielleHall, a senior majoring inCommunicationDisorders. KaiseeMarieHall,ase-nior Political Science ma-jor;SarahAllisonBarnes,aseniormajoringinOccupa-tionalScience;AaronThom-asDorton,aseniorCriminalJusticemajor;TimbreReinMcCoy, a senior HistoryTeachingmajor. KerrieAbigailWolpert,ajuniorGeneralStudiesma-jor;SamanthaDawnPuckett,ajuniormajoringinPre-Oc-cupationalScience;AlyssaNicoleWysong,aseniorEl-ementaryEducationTeach-ing major; Zachary RayLemmon,aseniormajoringinWildlifeManagement. EvanGarrettStelter,ase-

niorPhysicsmajor;AustinTylerWitt,aseniorCrimi-nal Justice major; SarahJeanKing,aseniorEnglishTeachingmajor. Daniel Joseph Potter, ajuniorMathematicsmajor;HaileyDanielleFox,afresh-manExploratorymajor;andNathanMilesLaya fresh-manmajoringinDigitalFo-rensics&Cybersecurity. ThePresident’sListwasestablished by the Univer-sitytorecognizeoutstandingacademicachievement.Itisbestoweduponfull-timeun-dergraduatestudentswhoat-tainaperfect4.0gradepointaverageforasemester. “All of us at EKU arecommitted to academicexcellence and the suc-cessofourstudents,”EKUPresident Michael Bensonsaid,“andweareespeciallypleased to recognize thosestudentswhohaveexcelledto the point of perfectionduringasemester’swork.”


Three from Estill are EKUDean’s Award Recipients


Nine from Estill Countyare Fall ‘18 EKU grads

DANNY NEWMANNow Hauling Gravel for Tipton Ridge Quarry

Single-Axle Dump TruckLoads Range From 1 to 12 Tons(606) 723-9816 or

(606) 643-6118