page the evangelthe evangel - clover ·...

Page May 2012 May 2012 May 2012 May 2012 The Rev. Hollis Wright Rector THE EVANGEL THE EVANGEL THE EVANGEL THE EVANGEL THE MONTHLY NEWSLETT THE MONTHLY NEWSLETT THE MONTHLY NEWSLETT THE MONTHLY NEWSLETTER OF ER OF ER OF ER OF ST. MATTHEW’S EPISCO ST. MATTHEW’S EPISCO ST. MATTHEW’S EPISCO ST. MATTHEW’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH PAL CHURCH PAL CHURCH PAL CHURCH Dear Friends, Recently I mentioned to someone that I go to St. Matthew’s. He replied, “Isn’t that the church where everyone is welcome?” I have to tell you, that made my day! Jesus was clear that all people are welcome to follow him. When the disciples thought the children were getting a little annoying, he said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs." (Matthew 19:14) When he encountered the Samaritan woman at the well, he encountered someone that cultural mores said should be shunned, yet he had the longest of his recorded conversations with her, and she went and told everyone about him. When the lepers who were considered untouchable showed up, Jesus touched them. With Jesus, everyone was welcome, so I was overjoyed that a member of our local community noticed our church as welcoming. I remember years ago, when our daughter was maybe three years old, friends invited us over for dinner. When we got to the table, there were four places set. My daughter began to cry; she had immediately discerned that there was no place for her, that she wasn’t really included. It’s a small thing to you or me, but to a three year old it meant everything. (This couple wasn’t trying to snub our daughter, they just really hadn’t thought about her; they quickly set her a place.) It seems to me that the act of welcoming someone begins with preparation. If someone is coming over for dinner we ask if there are any allergies or food dislikes. We consider the temperature of the rooms. Usually we take time to clean the house; maybe we set out fresh flowers and take special care with the food. How much more so when we welcome someone to God’s house? What are our welcoming acts here at St. Matthew’s? Some are subtle, like the work done to clean up the outside recently, or the faithful work of the altar guild to set the table each week. Some are more obvious, like the greeters and ushers saying a word of welcome as folks come through the door and as they enter the church, or the folks setting up for coffee hour each week. The words of greeting you speak to visitors are a very clear sign of welcome. It’s funny, you know, but some people are extroverts and really want to receive a strong welcome, while others might be introverted and really want a little space to themselves. How to tell the difference? Watch and listen! Are there things we can do that are not welcoming? Probably. If we ever tell someone that he or she is sitting in our chair, well that would be the height of unwelcoming! Of course, we don’t do that. Same thing with not taking a moment to pass the peace to a person sitting near you that you don’t know. Again, I’m pretty sure this isn’t a problem. I have, however, heard this spoken to the spouse of an every-Sunday member: “Well, it’s about time you showed up!” Probably the person saying this thought it was funny, probably the spouse was not amused. How much kinder if the person had said, “I’m so glad to see you again!” Now that would be welcoming! Jesus equated welcoming the stranger with feeding the hungry: “I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me…” (Matthew 25:35). I am glad to be part of a church where we know this, and we act like it! Faithfully, Pastor Hollis Inside this issue: Sr. Wardens Report 2 Birthdays/Anniversaries Treasurer’s Report 3 Youth & Family News 5 Ministry News 6 SAM’s Update 7 Music by Request form 11 Calendar& Ministry Schedule Insert Ministry News 4

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    May 2012May 2012May 2012May 2012

    The Rev. Hollis Wright Rector




    Dear Friends,

    Recently I mentioned to someone that I go to St. Matthew’s. He replied, “Isn’t that the church where everyone is welcome?” I have to tell you, that made my day!

    Jesus was clear that all people are welcome to follow him. When the disciples thought the children were getting a little annoying, he said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs." (Matthew 19:14) When he encountered the Samaritan woman at the well, he encountered someone that cultural mores said should be shunned, yet he had the

    longest of his recorded conversations with her, and she went and told everyone about him. When the lepers who were considered untouchable showed up, Jesus touched them.

    With Jesus, everyone was welcome, so I was overjoyed that a member of our local community noticed our church as welcoming. I remember years ago, when our daughter was maybe three years old, friends invited us over for dinner. When we got to the table, there were four places set. My daughter began to cry; she had immediately discerned that there was no place for her, that she wasn’t really included. It’s a small thing to you or me, but to a three year old it meant everything. (This couple wasn’t trying to snub our daughter, they just really hadn’t thought about her; they quickly set her a place.)

    It seems to me that the act of welcoming someone begins with preparation. If someone is coming over for dinner we ask if there are any allergies or food dislikes. We consider the temperature of the rooms. Usually we take time to clean the house; maybe we set out fresh flowers and take special care with the food. How much more so when we welcome someone to God’s house?

    What are our welcoming acts here at St. Matthew’s? Some are subtle, like the work done to clean up the outside recently, or the faithful work of the altar guild to set the table each week. Some are more obvious, like the greeters and ushers saying a word of welcome as folks come through the door and as they enter the church, or the folks setting up for coffee hour each week. The words of greeting you speak to visitors are a very clear sign of welcome. It’s funny, you know, but some people are extroverts and really want to receive a strong welcome, while others might be introverted and really want a little space to themselves. How to tell the difference? Watch and listen!

    Are there things we can do that are not welcoming? Probably. If we ever tell someone that he or she is sitting in our chair, well that would be the height of unwelcoming! Of course, we don’t do that. Same thing with not taking a moment to pass the peace to a person sitting near you that you don’t know. Again, I’m pretty sure this isn’t a problem. I have, however, heard this spoken to the spouse of an every-Sunday member: “Well, it’s about time you showed up!” Probably the person saying this thought it was funny, probably the spouse was not amused. How much kinder if the person had said, “I’m so glad to see you again!” Now that would be welcoming!

    Jesus equated welcoming the stranger with feeding the hungry: “I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me…” (Matthew 25:35). I am glad to be part of a church where we know this, and we act like it!


    Pastor Hollis

    Inside this issue:

    Sr. Warden’s Report 2


    Treasurer’s Report


    Youth & Family News 5

    Ministry News 6

    SAM’s Update 7

    Music by Request form 11

    Calendar& Ministry Schedule


    Ministry News 4

  • Page 2

    SSSSrrrr.... WWWWararararddddeeeennnn’’’’ssss RRRReeeeppppoooorrrrtttt

    Holy Week was just that, “Holy Week with many blessed events”. The only down side was not having Rector Hollis with us for Easter. The good side of her sickness is that she has built a great support team and they were there when she needed them. The Easter service with the bells, choir, organ and the Holy Spirit were what St. Matthew’s is all about. Rector Hollis truly needs a Hollis Holiday. The Lenten programs were one of the best attended since I have been here (8 years). The final three sessions were very informative and gave us food for thought and action. The guest speaker was excellent and filled in many questions about wills and the succession of inheritors. Rector Hollis had a great idea with “packing your bags” and we all benefited. A discussion of our support to Mission was held at Vestry and we have concluded that we need to have fund raisers (i.e. St. Matthew’s Birthday Party, etc) that net about $6,500. This will assist in our support of Cathy Donahoe’s mission in the Dominican Republic and to help our aspirant, Mary Rosendale, with her mission to Africa this summer. The Fund Raising Team will be brain storming these issues and will bring their ideas to the Vestry in the near future. That was a mean corned beef and cabbage dinner we were treated to on St. Paddy’s Day. St. Paddy’s day was a success and the Men of St. Matthew’s (MOSM) netted $208. After a vote by the Men of St. Matt’s, the profit from St. Paddy’s will go to assist “the House” and its operations. “The House” is a non-profit that is building and operating a housing unit for homeless teenagers. It will help the 160 homeless teenagers in the Grand Valley find their way. Spring Clean-up went well. Even with a smaller crew than last year, we got a lot done. With the Fall Clean-up we held last year, we were able to concentrate this year on many areas we did not get last year. Thank you to all for the hard work and sore muscles the next day. A special thanks to Lee Wildhaber who not only organized and ran St. Paddy’s Day, but also gave us some great BBQ after Spring Clean-up. Thank you, Lee. We don’t see them in action, nor do they boast about their many charitable deeds, but this month’s unsung heroes are the Daughters of the King. From the on-going baby project that provides blankets for the infants at St. Mary’s Neonatal Intensive Care Unit to the assistance at the Diocesan Convention with the staffing of a Prayer Room, all 23 members have given the church a group of women whose middle name is dedication. The many projects mentioned last month are still in progress. The lighting in the parking lot is out for bid and the re-wire and re-speaker of the Sanctuary is also still out for bid. The bid for the repair of the organ is in and being evaluated by Robbie Breaux and Daniel Foster. They will present their findings to the Vestry in May. I want to thank everybody that assisted in all of the set-up/take down and kitchen work that made all of the Lenten and Holy Week services work. It takes many people giving of their time and talent to make these events happen. We are approximately $3,700 down from our planned budget, year to date. Most of this was due to our starting up the lawn service and pre-paying for lawn fertilization (saved 10% with the pre-pay). This is normal for this time of year. With Easter giving and May coming up, we should start to see a catch-up to our planned budget. Holy Week is past and the doldrums of summer are approaching. Not really!! Rector Hollis has many things planned as does the Vestry. Stand by for many youth events as well as some adult adventures. Ed Groenert Senior Warden

  • Page 3

    May Birthdays

    Treasurer’s Report Treasurer’s Report Treasurer’s Report Treasurer’s Report

    March 2012March 2012March 2012March 2012

    MarchMarchMarchMarch Operating Operating Operating Operating


    Year to DateYear to DateYear to DateYear to Date

    Giving 29,809 94,416

    Other Income 5 28

    Total Income 29,814 94,444

    Expenses -32,521 -98,179

    March income over expenses


    YTD Income over expenses


    A detailed financial report is posted monthly on the Vestry bulletin board, which is on the east side of the pillar in the Gathering Space around from the water fountain. You can contact Lynne Bird, Treasurer if you have questions.

    5/01 Rebekah Mendrop 5/15 Linda Jameson 5/25 Rich Emerson

    5/04 Bonnie Bentson 5/15 Kathy Morgan 5/25 Ryleigh Mill-Wilhelm

    5/05 Kathy Swain 5/16 Dale Moore 5/26 Kathleen Davis

    5/07 Dorothy Stevenson 5/17 Melvin Davis 5/27 Dave Emerson

    5/09 Bob Engels 5/17 Ava Paul 5/28 Deb McLaughlin

    5/09 Norma Patrick 5/18 Spike Howard 5/28 Kristen Lizotte

    5/10 Gale Bacher 5/19 Blake Bickham 5/29 Keith Coombe

    5/11 Elizabeth Fisher 5/19 Tyler Way 5/30 John Wohlfahrt

    5/12 Charlie Taylor 5/20 Audrey McConnell 5/31 Dick Keeler

    5/12 Odele Hightower 5/20 Joy Gordon

    5/13 Don Aust 5/23 Shirley Jess

    5/03 Dick & Joan Keeler

    5/16 Howdy & Judy Martsolf

    5/16 Jim & Dot Campbell

    5/17 Allan & Sharon Conrad

    5/20 Charlie & Billie Taylor

    5/21 Terry & Beve Farina

    5/23 Bill & Janet Loring

    5/29 Don & Judy Schneider

    May Anniversaries

  • Page 4

    St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church 3888 27 1/2 Rd.

    Grand Junction, CO 81506 Ph# (970) 242-3293 Fax# (970) 242-5703

    e-mail: [email protected] Web Site:

    Rector: The Rev. Hollis Wright e-mail: [email protected] Deacon: The Rev. Judy Schneider

    e-mail: [email protected] Priest Associate: The Rev. Robert Engels Priest Associate: The Rev. Tom White

    Vestry: Sr. Warden Ed Groenert Jr. Warden Ann Hayes Treasurer Lynne Bird Clerk Kathleen Davis Rich Bacher Richard Berryman Lynne Bird Rene Crow Krish DeGarmo Cynthia Mill Richard Morgan Heather Palo Rich Paul Staff: Parish Administrator Beth Fisher Youth & Family Minister Kristen Lizotte Music Ministry: Music Director Dara Fubler Church Musician Daniel Foster Nursery Supervisor Lauren Sobzcak Sexton Tara Sommers The Evangel Editor: Beth Fisher

    Join us to celebrate the Day of Pentecost at all three services on Sunday May 27th. There will be a barbeque and potluck lunch after the 10 AM service. St. Matt’s will provide the meat and drinks. Please bring a salad, side dish or dessert to share. Come and feel the power of the Holy Spirit!

    Compassion Sunday

    Thank you to everyone who chose to sponsor a child

    through Compassion International after the services

    on Sunday, April 22nd. Members of St. Matt’s are

    now sponsoring approximately 40 children in all

    parts of the world. There is still time to sponsor a

    child if you missed out on Compassion Sunday.

    Dara Fubler has packets for eighteen more children

    or you can go online to learn more at

    Pentecost Celebration Pentecost Celebration Pentecost Celebration Pentecost Celebration

    Thank You! What a wonderful church! Thank you from the depths of my heart for your concern that Chris and I take a break, and then going so far as to fund a vacation for us! I am still in shock! Who does that? The answer, obviously, is the good people of St. Matthew’s. We considered a number of choices, and decided to go for something really relaxing. In a few weeks we will take off for a week at a resort/spa in Arizona and get massages and lay around the pool.

    What a kind and generous thing you have done! Words fail me. The best I can do is thank you very much, mahalo nui loa, merci beaucoup, dank schön, toda raba, grazie, domo arigato, and muchas gracias!!! Pastor Hollis

  • Page 5

    We would also love to have

    some volunteers to help

    organize and price, sell and

    take money, set up and take


    Please sign up in the

    gathering space if you can


    Donations NEEDED for

    our Annual Youth Group

    Fundraising Yard Sale on

    May 12th!

    Please bring your items

    into the shed, in the

    designated “yard sale”


    This year, the proceeds of

    our sale will help fund a

    camping trip to Ridgway State

    Park for our Middle School

    and High School Youth


    Youth and Family NewsYouth and Family NewsYouth and Family NewsYouth and Family News

    Honor your mom this year at

    Saint Matthew’s! We will be constructing a

    wonderful, crafty Mother’s Day project in Sunday School just for our

    Mom’s; don’t miss it!

    A Celebration of New Life

    In honor of new lives being born into the world and

    into the hearts of our congregation we invite everyone

    to enjoy a celebration for expectant mothers and their families after service on May 6th, following Ice

    Cream Sunday.

    We are requesting no gifts, but you

    may provide an optional donation;

    which will be split between the

    expectant moms for baby care


    Celebrate Mother’s Day Parents’ Date Night Parents: Bring your kids to Saint

    Matt’s on May 19th from 6-9 for

    dinner and games, and enjoy a

    night out with childcare on us!

    Sign up in the gathering space to

    reserve your childcare!

    SPLASH into VBS!! This year VBS will take place Monday, August

    13th through Friday, August 17th, from 9-12. Our

    theme is “Splash” into God’s Word. Our focus is

    on water-based bible stories; teaching values in

    different learning styles including science, sport,

    craft, story and video each day!

    Extended hours care will be available for an

    additional fee. Register online beginning May 15th.

  • Page 6

    St. Matt’s 101

    Do you want to know more about St. Matthew’s? Come to St. Matt’s 101! We’ll talk about the Episcopal Church in general and St. Matthew’s in particular. Included is information on the various ministries of our church, the way the church is organized and how things get done, what it means to be a member, the history of our church and of the Episcopal Church in our country and in Colorado. This is a place to bring any questions or concerns you might have.

    Sunday, May 20th

    Following the 10 AM service

    In the media/meeting room

    Sunday Morning Hospitality

    It takes a whole congregation to provide hospitality! Fellowship after worship at the 10 AM service is handled by the alphabet. The church office just assigns last names (by alphabet). We’ve been doing this for awhile, and it’s going pretty well. Here’s what’s involved when it’s your Sunday:

    • Bring some sort of goodies: cookies, pastries, crackers and cheese, etc. Others are bringing food, too.

    • Set out the long tables for food.

    • After the “Peace”, step into the kitchen and start the coffee and mix the lemonade. (Don’t forget to step back in for communion.)

    • Put everything out for the congregation. Coffee can go in the large thermoses.

    • Clean up. There really is no one on staff to clean up, so please take a few minutes to wash out pitchers, wipe counters, and dispose of trash.

    Do you have to participate? Of course not, this is just the best way we can think of to provide ongoing hospitality at the 10 AM service. Your name will probably come up every 10 weeks or so. One alternative is to have the coffee hour catered, but that doesn’t seem like the best use of our funds! If you have suggestions for another way to provide hospitality, please give the church office a call – if something might work better, we’ll try it. In the meantime, please do your best to help make the coffee hour welcoming! Here is the schedule for May:

    May 6 - Ice Cream Sunday May 13 - Junction Shuttle May 20 - P thru R May 27 - S thru T

  • Page 7

    TTTTaaaaizizizizeeee SSSSeeeerrrrvvvviiiicccceeee

    May 6 & 20May 6 & 20May 6 & 20May 6 & 20

    at 7:30 PMat 7:30 PMat 7:30 PMat 7:30 PM

    Come and enjoy a time for meditation. There is a lesson, a quiet time and music in a calm and renewing atmosphere. You will find it a truly enriching experience. Feel free to bring a friend; it is a completely personal experience. All are welcome. If you would like more info, contact Jeanne Koizumi.(244-9033).

    PPPPrrrraaaayyyyeeeerrrr ChaiChaiChaiChainnnn The Prayer Chain is an important ministry of St. Matthew's Episcopal Church. There are about 15 active members who have made a

    commitment to try to pray daily for each name and listing on the prayer list. This list is updated regularly when the group members meet in the church library at noon on the first Wednesday of each month. You can be a valuable prayer partner even if you are not able to attend the monthly meetings, as the updated list is mailed out to all members each month. Requests are mainly being sent by e-mail, and this seems to be working well. Names and special needs are kept confidential. If you are interested in becoming a part of this ministry and would like more information, please contact Margaret Palo at 243-2467 or [email protected] or Merrilyn Simpkins, 464-5446 or [email protected].

    SSSSAMAMAMAMSSSS MMMMisisisissisisisioooonanananarrrryyyy UpUpUpUpddddaaaatttteeee

    Dear Partners in Mission,

    Physical therapy focuses on the movements of our

    bodies and what isn’t moving the way it is supposed to, due to various sicknesses and conditions which

    occur in our lives. I enjoy being active myself and helping others recover their ability to be active. Mission

    is also about movement, spreading the Word of God around the world. Churches undergo growth when

    they are effective in their mission and it is a blessing to outgrow a sanctuary. The response for the

    community of Santa Fe to this growth combined with the deterioration of the state of the building we’ve

    been using, is to build a new building. Since we will build on the same site, we are tearing down the

    current building and will hold services in the old school building until the new church is completed. We

    have been blessed with the commitment of a church community in Florida to work with us in this project.

    They plan to send 4 teams this summer to help us get a good start to the building. Before the first team

    comes, however, we must have the foundation and walls in place so they can construct the ceiling of the

    first floor. Please pray that the local community is able to step up to the plate to complete our

    responsibilities, so as the teams can contribute their best efforts on our behalf! Please pray for the teams’

    preparations. May God bless and guide you in all you do.

    In Christ,


    Cathy Donahoe is a missionary with SAMS, the Society of Anglican Missionaries and Senders, formerly known as the South American Missionary Society. She is serving in the Dominican Republic as a physical therapist in San Pedro de Macoris at the Asociación Dominicana de Rehabilitación. E-mail: [email protected] Snail mail: Apartado 587, San Pedro de Macorís, Dominican Republic website:

    Society of Anglican Missionaries & Senders

    Handbell Concert

    Come and see our Handbell Choir along with several others on Sunday, May 20th at 4:00 PM across the street at First Presbyterian Church.

  • Page 8

    Visit our website at:

    Non Profit Organization

    U.S. Postal Paid

    Grand Junction, CO

    Permit No. 114


    3888 27-1/2 Rd. Grand Junction, CO 81506


    Loving the Lord and Offering His Love to All By The Power of the Holy Spirit

    Music by Request

    From Memorial Day to Labor Day, we are taking requests for music at all three services.

    Please provide the following information

    Service: 7:30 AM 10:00 AM 5:00 PM

    Name of Hymn/Song: ____________________________________________

    What Hymnal or Book: __________________________________________