pageant script

RUTHJANE: Good afternoon CBNHS beauty they say should not only be exuded in the outside but also in the inside..tonight as we look forward to some various beauty pageants we are meticoluosly choose our own bets.and ofcors we are all looking forward for a wonderful evening which will culminate with the crowning of the new mr and miss intrams 2015. We will be highlighting 25 beautiful ladies and gentlemen coming from every section of this institution. WESLEY: And this afternoon is one fitting platform to showcase greatness. Putting the fore, the educational,sports and social values of every youth of our beloved cbnhs. And in lessthan 2 hours, 2 of our 23 hopefuls will be the new mr and miss intrams 2015 We will all be witnessing our contestants compete in lifestyle and fitness in sportswear,and formal wear R: Lets kick off this afternoon with the sport and fitness competition W; This stage of the competition is designed to see how well contestant maintains a lifestyle of good physical, emotional, and intellectual health.Our judges will also be looking at each contestant’s commitment to fitness and confidence. R: the contestantant’s presence, as well as their drive, energy,charisma and composure are likewise to be considered. 1

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Page 1: pageant script

RUTHJANE: Good afternoon CBNHS beauty they say should not only be exuded in the outside but also in the inside..tonight as we look forward to some various beauty pageants we are meticoluosly choose our own bets.and ofcors we are all looking forward for a wonderful evening which will culminate with the crowning of the new mr and miss intrams 2015. We will be highlighting 25 beautiful ladies and gentlemen coming from every section of this institution.

WESLEY: And this afternoon is one fitting platform to showcase greatness. Putting the fore, the educational,sports and social values of every youth of our beloved cbnhs.

And in lessthan 2 hours, 2 of our 23 hopefuls will be the new mr and miss intrams 2015

We will all be witnessing our contestants compete in lifestyle and fitness in sportswear,and formal wear

R: Lets kick off this afternoon with the sport and fitness competition

W; This stage of the competition is designed to see how well contestant maintains a lifestyle of good physical, emotional, and intellectual health.Our judges will also be looking at each contestant’s commitment to fitness and confidence.

R: the contestantant’s presence, as well as their drive, energy,charisma and composure are likewise to be considered.

W: I agree,ruthjane, let’s all get ready for the 2015 mr and ms intrams sports and fitness competition.

Sportswear competition

v.o: behold an amazing cascade of beauty and confidence ladies and gentlemen lets meet and greet our 25 candidates as they introduce themselves beginning with candidate no.1



V.O: Ladies and gentlemen your 2015, mr and miss intrams candidates in the fitness and sports competition.


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R: After seeing the fierceness of our 24 hopefuls, I might say the contestant are really fit for the who among them will be worthy for the crown!

W; I couldn’t agree more ruthjane, it is really great to be here, delighting in the potential for greatness of the cbnhs. And well of course, these young ladies and gentlemen have astounded us with their style and spirit in their sportswear.

R: ladies and gentlemen, the perfect embodiment of ilocana magnificence and beauty, a visionary and tireless advocate for the youth, our beloved principal Miss ditas domingo

Speech principal

Vo: our principal miss ditas domingo

Keeping the intensity of the moment is miss sarah Geronimo for a song number.

W: and we are back at the pageant, well of corse ruth jane a guy and a gals beauty in our campus is truly remarkable- they should stands simplicity, independence and service in whatever sphere and time.

R: that’s very true Wesley,also, it realy doesn’t matter wheter your in or out of fashion what mattermost is the inner beauty that remarkably glows in you. And this we will see in the next segment of the completion.

W: ladies and gentlemen we welcome back our 25 official candidates in their own personal style of street casual wear .be captivated with the splendor our 25 candidates of mr and miss intrams 2015!


W: and that wraps up the casual wear competition. ruth jane, which garment would you like to wear?

RUTHJANE: make adliv..dont be so scripted !! I like candidate no 7,its really flattering!!ganoyn !!!

W: well, will see what our judges might probably say.


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W:.we shall now move on to the next and exiting part of the competition the casual interview. In here, our candidates will answer candid questions and they can answer what ever dialect they wish to use. And of cors, this is how we test our candidates wit and sponteniety in otherwords their inner strength.

R: so may I call on miss sherry ann galicino and mr. dary alkaline llannes to be with us on stage to fascilitate us in this interview portion




W: We have seen our equaly glamourous 25 candidates in the spothlight,.That means we are only a few moments away from crowning our new mr and ms intrams 2015.

R: But before we go further to the crown let us all witness once again our candidates HAVING AN AMAZING cascade of beauty and grace .our candidates in their production number.


W: what a fantastic production number;and what a great group of young and men and women!so magnificent and so spectacular

R; Indeed, Wesley well pfcourse their prod number was specialy choreographed by mr. rogiemel flojo a round of applause for him pls.

At this, juncture , may we all be entertained by the asias song bird miss regine velasquez alcasid


W; THANK you ate reg…blah blah for that great performances

And speaking of greatnes, we’re ready to witness the magnificence of our 25 official candidates as they showcase in the spotlight superb creations of our homegrown designers. Ladies and gentlemen our candidates in their formal wear


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R:celebrating their style and sophistication, ladies and gentlemen on with 2015 mr and miss intrams formal wear competiTIon



W: Beautiful ladies and debonair gents cutting edge designs. We are indeed at par with global standards of excellence. Around of applause for our 25 ladies and gentlemen!

R: wow! Such elegance in their evening gowns. They deserve applause for an amazing retrospective.

W: who among these hopefuls exhibited sartorial resplendence in the gown and suit parade?. We all find out later.

R: we are now ready to announce our minor awards tabulated by our honest and efficient statisticians _____________

Here is the result

W:we begin with our best in sportswear our best in sportswear is given to the winners who stood out best wearing their sports aoutfit to our jurors.!


w:and this awards go to candidates ______ and _______

R: the next award id the best in casual wear.this award is given to the candidates who showed confidence and charisma wearing their fashionable casual wear

VO: presenters

R:AND our best in casual wear go to candidate_______ and _________

W: the next award is the best performer in the production number this awrd is given to our candidates who soar beyond the average and went an extramile during their performance in the production number .

V>O presenter


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W.: and the winners are candidates _____ and -----

W: WE LIKEWISE award the best outfit worn during their production

V>O presenter of best in production outfif

W: And the awrd go to ________ and ___

R:the next awrd is the mr and miss congeniality this award is given to the candidates who showed kindness and spirit with his and her fellows.chosen by our candidates themselves ladies and gentlemen the mr and miss congeniality

VO: announce presenter

R: and the friendliest among our candidates are candidate___ and __

W: the next awrd is the darling f the crowd

VO: presenter

R: and our crowds favorite is no other than candidtes _____ and ___

W:the next awrd is the mr and miss photogenic, last sept)___ our candidates undergo a pictorial with of cors by our official photographer________. Chosen by our very efficient teachers the winners who captures charm from our camera are..

VO: to present the awrd of the mr and ms photogenic

W: and the winner go to candidate ___ and ____

R: our next awrd is the best in poise and our mr carriage who among our 25 candidates sashay confidence,and glamour on this pageant?

VO: presenter

R: our best in poise is candidate no ___ and our mr. carriage is candidate no ___

W: the next minor awrd is the most handsome and our most charming/

This awrd is given to the winners who showed positive aura that glows in themall through out the pageant,

VO: presenters


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W: with her beauty that shines the brightest the most charming is candidate no ____

W: and with his killing smile and debonair look the most handsome is candidate no___

R: and the next awrd is the best in formal wear. Who among this 25 candidates showcases elegance and sophistication..ladies and gentlemen the best in formal wear

VO: presenters

R: and this award go to ___ and ____

W:and that wraps up the first set of our minor awards. Congratulations to our winners. We have seen 24 equally glamorous ladies and gents in the spotlight, but only 10 of them will move further on. That means, we are only a few moments away from crowning our new mr and miss intrams 2015!. Coming right up is the final round where our contestants will battle it out for the final question and answer portion, In here our candidates will be given a one common question which will come from the chairman of the board of judges. They will write their answer simultaneously in a piece of paper and they will be given 3 minutes to write down their answers.

R: we would like to reiterate that the scores of our finalist during the preliminary will all go back to zero. Which means that they will start another clean slate. And the criteria for judging for the final round is 50% for the beauty and 50% intelligence summing up to 100%.

W: alright! Here are the judges decision. Our top 10 finalist as tabulated by our official tabulator mr. joseph gambalan Aquino.

W: and the first 2 to make it on the top 10 are candidates ______ and ____.

R: the second pair of finalist and will have the chance to answer the final question are candidates ___ and ____.

W: were halfway down. And our third pair finalist are candidates ____ and ____.


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R: alright ladies and gents ill be announcing our fourth pair of finalist. You have shown us your fit, physique and enchanted us in your formal wear. But two of you truly stood out and will make it to the finals. Are candidates____ and ____

W: and to complete our top 10 finalist, and will continue their quest for the crown of mr and mis intrams 2015. Our candidate ___ and ___

R: ladies and gentlemen, the judges’ pick for the top 5.lets give these 5 beautiful ladies and 5 gorgeous gents a round of applause.

W:now our ten finalists have yet to hurdle one more challenge before we crown our 2015 mr and miss intrams. The judges will rank the finalist in order from 4th runner up all the way to our mr and miss intrams 2015. And that depends on what they’re going to see from our ladies and gents in the final round!

R: this is finally it, ladies and gents make your teams proud. Let’s give it up for the 2015 mr and miss intrams final round!


W: excellent job ladies and gentlemen. But the journey to the crown isn’t just over yet. Before the crowning of the mr and miss intrams 2015. Here are the 10 finalist for their final evaluation. We begin with finalist ____ and ____.

R: CBNHS Poblacion this is finally is it! The judges’ faces show how they grappled to make the all-important decision in their lives.

W: and that tough job is finally over. Our heartwarming gratitude goes to all of you, our dear judges.

R: very much so. Our appreciation and congratulations also goes to these 10 finalist up here. At the beginning of the competition, each of you hoped to make it in the very spot you are right now. And you are fortunate to share this moment with the other 9 finalist. So, wether you make it to the crown or not, you have come a long way.

W: ladies and gentlemen, our 4th runner up

VO: announce presenters


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R: the winners are candidates ____ and ____. and our 3rd runner up

VO: announce presenters

W: and the 3rd runner up are candidates _____ and ____.

R: our second runner up Mr and Miss 4H CLUB.

VO: announce presenters

W: Mr and Miss 4H CLUB are candidates ____ and ____.

R: Alright, CBNHS, this is the final moment. You are looking at Mr and Miss CBNHS Poblacion INTER HI 2015 and their 1st runner up.

VO: announce presenters for the 1st runners up and Mr and Miss intrams 2015

W: ladies and gemtlemen our first runners up are candidates-____ AND CANDIdayes____

R: and our new mr and miss intrams 2015 is no other than candidates ___ and candidate ___ who represent TEAM___


W: congratulations to all our winners!!


R: see you again next year for another spectacle of beauty, talents and wit, I am \ruth jane aninon saying goodnight everyone