pahlavi namakiha manushchihar


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Namakiha Manushchihar, Epistles of Manushchihar,Printed In Bombay 1912.


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PubHshed by the Trustees of the Parsee

Panchayat Funds and Properties.

No. I


[ Namakiha - i Manushchihar ]


Edited by


Lecturer in Avesta and Pahlavi^

Mullan Feeroze Madressa-


Page 10: Pahlavi Namakiha Manushchihar

Printed at


No. 1, Pwrsec Bazar Street, Fort, by Gunpatrao Ramajirao Sindh*,

Pablished by the Trustees of the Parsee Panchayat Funds and Frop«rtiM»

Hornby Road, Fort, Bombay.

Page 11: Pahlavi Namakiha Manushchihar





The A'ictoria Jubilee Pahlavi Text Fund Committee, at a

meeting held on 25th November 1909, advised the Trustees of

the Parsee Punchayet to pubUsh the Pahlavi text o£ the Epistles

of M^nuscheher (translated by Dr. E. W. West in the S. B. E.

Series, Vol. XVI 11), and recommended Mr. Bomanji Xassarvanji

Dhabhar, M A., for the preparation of the text. The Trustees

accepted the recommendation on 10th December 1 909 and

entrusted the Avork to Mr, Dhabhar on l4th December 1 909.

This work is published by the Trustees from the \^ictoria Jubilee

Pahlavi 'J'ext Fund in their hands. This is the fourth Pahlavi

book published from the above fund, the first three being the

following :




2. Madisf^n-i-Hftzar D^dist^n.

3. Bundahishn.

While the above three were prepared by the photo-zinco

process, this is printed from type. This is done for two reasons,

viz., (] ) to avoid the heavy expense of getting the book photo-

zincographed, and (2) to give, to students of the language, the

benefit of a properly collated edition.

The texts of the following Pahlavi books are in the press

and will be shortly sublished :

1. Shayast-l^-Sh&yast.

2. The Writings of Zddsparam.

3. The Pahlavi Revayet including the Legends of


The Trustees offer their best thanks to the following gentle-

men and Institutions for kindly lending their manuscripts for the

use of the editor:

1. Dastur Kaikhoshro Jamaspji Jamasp&sa.

1 i^^r^^os

Page 12: Pahlavi Namakiha Manushchihar

2, Pestonji Jamshedji Kapadia, Esq. (of Bulsar)

whose manuscript was kindly procured for this

edition by Mr. Manokji Rustomji Unwalla.

8. The Royal Asiatic Society of London.

4, The Meherji Kana Library of jSTavsari.

They also offer their best thanks to Mr. Dhabhar for the

care with which he has collated the manuscripts and for his

interesting introduction.

JIVANJI JAMSHEDJI MODY,Secretary, Parsee Punchayat..

Page 13: Pahlavi Namakiha Manushchihar


M^nushchihar, son of Goshna-Jani, son of Sh^hpuhari was the

supreme high-priest afid pontiff ol Pars and Kirman^ in the year

250 o£ Yazdagard3, i. e,, A. D. 881. His father Goshna-Jam

was himself the peshopdi or leader of the reUgion before him*.

Besides the D^distan-i-Dinik, M^nushchihar wrote three Epistles

on the subject of the Bareshniim purification to be undergone by

a person coming in contact with the dead, (1) to the people of

Sirkan, in the South of Persia, (2) to his brother Z^dsparam, the

high-priest of Sirkan, and (3) to all of the good religion in Iran.

It appears from the Epistles that Z^dsparam wanted to suspend

the rigid rules of the ritualistic Bareshnuim purification (VendidSd

IX, 1-36) and to substitute a simple fifteen-fold washing

for all manner of pollution. This fifteen-fold (panchadasa)

, washing is mentioned in VendidM 8 §§ 99-103 where it is stated

that the man defiled by the dead in a wilderness where there is

no possibility of obtaining a professional purifier shall wash

himself summarily fifteen times with gdmez and water and

then run on to some neighbouring village, proclaiming

aloud on the way, three several times, his defilement by the dead

to persons whom he encounters on the way, asking them to

purify him with the Bareshndm ritual. If none of the persons

(1) So caUedin Ep. I, Oh. ]II § 10, but Buadeliish, Ch, 33 § 11 calls him Vah-


(2) Pars va Kirman asraviia pishak farmadAr (Ep. II, Ch. 9 § 12); Para vaKirtnan

rad va asravan pishak farmadar (Dadistan, Ch. 94 § 13); Pars asraviin pishakjfarmadar

va madan o^jtan magopatau-i Pars sardar—pgshOpai-i din (Dd. Ch. 45 § 5).

(3) The date attached to Maaushchihar's third Epistle.

(4) Ep. I, Ch. IIT § 10 ; Ch. VII § 5.

Page 14: Pahlavi Namakiha Manushchihar

2 Introduction.

whom he encounters cleanses him, he shall forthwith proceed to

the village and there make known, for the fourth time, his defile-

ment by°contact with the dead and shall cleanse himself with

gdmez and water and shall thenceforth be regarded as clean. The

A vesta says this much only about this provisional purification.

It does not inform us whether the person so purified has still to

undergo the greater purification of the Bareshnim. The Pahlavi

commentators seem to be at variance on this point. Some of them

say that the man who has been so washed may perform the

ordinary duties of hfe, but, until he undergoes the ceremonial

purification of the Bareshnum, he must abstain from all religious

rites and celebrations. (Pah. Vd. 8 § 103 comm.) However

this may be, Zadsparam was supposed to be certainly wrong in

issuing his notorious decree to the people of Sirkan on the Baresh-

niim purification, because, as stated above, he wanted to dispense

altogether with the higher mode of purification and to put in its

place the law laid down for extreme emergency, viz.y the simple fif-

teenfold washing with gdnez and water for all cases of pollution.

The people of Sirkan being grievously offended by the issue

of this heretical ordinance by their high-priest addressed their

complaints to the superior functionary, asking him to interefere in

the matter. The question was of vital importance to the commu-

nity. Any laxity in the stringent regulations of the BareshnAm

would be looked upon by the orthodox as subversive of

the best hygeinic, and, for the matter of that, religious

interests of the community. As Prof. Mills observes : " The

mention of ceremonial impurity or purity among the Parsis

at the early period here referred to must have been one which

brought into conflict the actual employments of business as well

as ordinary social intercourse. Nothing could touch more nearly

the immediate interests of individuals or families than the questions

involved."^ As the matter at dispute required immediate solution,

M^nushchihar sets himself vigorously to the task. He at once

^l) Asiatic Quarterly Revievy, April, 1897.

Page 15: Pahlavi Namakiha Manushchihar

Introduction. 3

proceeds to Shiraz, holds there a general as^sembly of the Zoroas-

trians and writes his famous Epistle to the people of Sirkan from

that citVj propounds his own views on the Bareshnfim, quoting

chapter and verse for nearly all of them and decides entirely in

favour of his correspondents.

M^nushchihar also sends a man named Yazdan-panak with

a copy of this Epistle and a temporary one on the subject (jf

Bareshnum to his brother Zadsparam who received, in course of

time, a further Epistle (Epistle II) wherein tlie elder brother

uses all possible arguments, exhortation and entreaty to dissuade

the younger brother from the course adopted by him. M^nush-

chihar even proposes to visit Sirkan and oppose Zadsparam at his

own head -quarters if he does not cancel the heretical decree at

once. A third Epistle in the form of a public notification is

written to all the Zoroastrians of Iran, whom Manushchihar

exhorts to discard the obnoxious decree of Zadsparam and to put

implicit faith in the law of the religion regarding the Bar-


As enjoined in the Vendid^d, the original object of the

Bareshnum is to purify men who have become infected by coming

in contact with dead matter and who are likely to spread infection.

*' The numerous commandments of purfication, which are given

by the Avesta for almost all imaginable occurrences, have a direct

and important bearing upon tha daily life of the Zoroastrians.

They are multiplied to such an extent, that the excess of forma-

lities and ceremonies must necessarily choke the deeper sense which

underlies them."^ These formalities and ceremonies of the Baresh-

niim must have given occasion, in ancient times, to burning contro-

versies on various occasions, as we see in the present case.^ No

less than four grades of the Bareshnum are mentioned in the

(1) See Geiger's •' Civilisation of Eastern Iranians," tr. Dastur Darab P. Sanjana.

(2) See Pah. Vend. 8 § 103 comm. " Cette c^remonie la plus itnportante peut.ctre

du culte mazdeen avait probablement occasionn^ des scbismes et divisions parmi les

disciples de Zoroasire" (M. de Harlez : Avesta traduit, ect. p 108).

Page 16: Pahlavi Namakiha Manushchihar

4 Introduction.

Vendi(]A(i: (l) The ceremony of the Bareshniim without

isolation for nine nights (Vd. 8 ,n§ 37-72) ; (2) The ceremony of

the Biireshniim with isolation for nine nights, called Bareshniim-i

no-shabeh, or the nine nights' Bareshniim. (Vd. 9 §§ 1-36).

This is the Bareshnilm proper; (3) Simplified form of the Baresh-

num without isolation (Vd. i6 § l2) ; (4) Purification by the

ceremonies of the greater and smaller Bareshnum (Vd. 19 §§ 25).

Affain, the Pahlavi commentators have much more elaborated

these cases of the different forms of the Bareshndm purification.

" The details of them are generally more minute , a greater number

of cases have been examined and explained : in a word, casuistic

science has been developed."^

This purificatory ceremony of the Bareshnilm which even

opened the heavens to the person undergoing it (Vend. 19 § 33)

has lost its original object in process of time and it is the priests

only who are now required to take the bath of the Bareshnum

in order that they may be fully qualified for the performance of

higher services likej|the Ya^na and the Vendidad.

A summary of the Epistles is appended below :

Epistle I : To the good people of Sirk^n.

Ch. I. Manushchihar acknowledges the receipt of a letter sent

to him by the people of Sirkan, complaining of the heretical

ordinance of their high-priest Zadsparam, regarding the Baresh-

nto purification. He manifests his pleasure at the receipt of

this letter—even though the contents thereof are of an appalling

intelligence—as therein is shown courteousness, courageousness

and thoughtfulness for religion by the good people of SirkSn,

although the notorious decree of Zadsparam has created quite a

commotion amongst them. Manushchihar concludes with a

desire for new and further information on the subject.

Ch. II. The Evil Spirit who is astute in evil and full of

deceit seduces from the path of virtue even those who are most

(I) Casartelli;Philosophy of the Mazdayasnian Religion under the Sassanids,

tr. F. J. Dastur Jamasp Asa.

Page 17: Pahlavi Namakiha Manushchihar

Introduction. 5

righteous and most steadfastly truthful. Hence Manushchihar

sees the necessity of quoting the adage implied in Vendid^d 7,

§§ 78-79 that there is risic of sin for a wrongful act even

though it be done with good intent. Anv one who propounds

the religious law according to his own fancy in order, perhaps,

to carry out his own ulterior object is said to be following in the

tread of the Evil Spirit. The fifteen-fold washing substituted

by Z^dsparam for the religiously ritualistic BareshnAm purifica-

tion is useless since it only cleanses the body and not the soul.

M^nushchihar quotes Pah. AM. 5 ^ 21 in support of his state-

ment to prove that one should undergo the Bareshntlra ritual to

seek, through the purification of the body, the purification also

of the soul. Talking of the efficacy of the Bareshnam purifica-

tion, Manushchihar lays especial stress on the essential qualities

of the professional purifier. The purifier, he says, must be well-

skilled in the art of cleansing the unclean, since everything will

go wrong if there be any the slightest defect in the administration

of the BareshnAm. Finally, Manushchihar exhorts the people of

Sirk^n to be oii their guard as to the many innovations in I'eligion

applaudingly set forth and trumpeted abroad in high flown


Ch. III. Some remarks introductory to Mdnushchihar's

pointing out the falsity and worthlessness of Z^dsparam's teaching.

(a) He who disseminates theories not in conformity with the spirit

of the law and not universally accepted will not command respect

for his teaching and apostleship. (6) Heretical opinions which

are destructive of the spirit of the Scriptures will be welcome

only to the worldly-minded; but those who adhere steadfastly to

the religious teaching of their forefathers will be grievously afflict-

ed thereby, (c) The high priest, who is wise, humble and

fearless, will, in such a case as the present, side with the good

creatures in aflliction and trouble. Without having recourse to

ingenious verbiage, he should set forth his opinions clearly. Heshould be observant, fearless and humble ; he should understand

Page 18: Pahlavi Namakiha Manushchihar


good and evil and should know well the consequence of his own

action, {d) Manushchihar, like his predecessor in office, his own

father Goshna-Jam, has always the well-being of the priesthood at

heart. When the present emergency arose, he at once went to

Shiraz to hold a general assembly for dehberating on the question

at dispute, whence he wrote this epistle to the people of Sirk^n.

(e) The performance of the duties connected with the sacred fire

bein<' a source of delight to Manushchihar, he wishes to set himself,

heart and soul, in the healing of the distress of the afflicted.

(/; The falsity and Uttle learning of the worldly-minded should

be properly taken into account by the learned of the realm who

seek after truth.

Manushchihar leaves his answer, given below with true

conviction, to be properly judged by the people of Sirkan who

are extolled for their cleverness and freedom from strife.

Ch. IV. Quoting Vendid^d IX which treats of the

Bareshnum proper, Manushchihar says that this kind of ritualis-

tic purification is to be kept intact as has been enjoined by reli-

gion and confirmed by the Poiryd-tkaeshas. The latter were

very particular about everything connected with the religion,

much more for maintaining the religious law about the Baresh-

num : hence, the fifteen-fold washing as mentioned in the epistle

of the good people of Sirkan is a custom which did not previously

exist and which is, therefore, not authorised by law. To change,

then, the practice in the existing law is a violation of the unani-

mity of opinion of the faithful. 'Moreover, in the commentaries

of the scriptures is to be found the teaching of former high-

priests who have preserved therein much evidence and experience.

Any teaching of theirs ought not to be changed and rendered

useless, but should be maintained as pre-eminent. For example,

Nishapur, the supreme officiating priest of the time of the Empe-

ror Khusro Noshirvan, revised the opinions of the ancients so

that they became, as it were, once for all decided j hence the

commentaries of the ancients, after the decree of Nishapur, have

Page 19: Pahlavi Namakiha Manushchihar

Introduction. 7

become unanimous and in cases like the present, they are the law

of the religion to be unanimously followed.

Ch. V. The commentaries of A.farg, Mediomah and S6shy6s

which are further elaborated and commented upon by the writer

of the new decree, viz., Zadsparam, are explained in such a way

as to break the spirit of the original and to carry out, ultimately,

his own views as regards the point at issue. Z^dsparam's under-

standing, in this case, seems to be warped as his decision is not

in accordance with the exposition of the religion and the teaching

of former high-priests. The author of the new decree seems to

pounce upon some solitary opinion of any one of the former

commentators with a view to enforce his own opinions on the

question, but he ought to know thit che solitary teaching of that

commentator is not the whole statement on the question and

that there are many opinions thereon which have decided the

question in quite a different way,

Ch. VI. The number of purifiers and the washings requisite

for the person undergoing the Bare^hnum are discussed on the

authority of the three principal commentators, viz., Afarg,

Mediomah and S65hy65. Afarg has said that two purifiers are

requisite: as a^iiu^t thi-; stateinant, it is declared by the evidence

(vikaya)oi two teachings in particular, viz., of Mediomi,h and

S6shy63, that one purifier is quite"- sufficient for the purpose.

Again the Poir//o-tkaeshas of old have laid dovvn that one purifier

is sufficient for reciting the Avesta in the Bareshniim ceremony :

hence, as stated in the following chapter, (Ch. VII § 15), what

is mentioned by two teachings is certainly more correct., Perhaps,

owing to scarcity of men or things requisite for the purpose, if it

be not possible to act accoi'ding to any two opinions, then what

is mentioned as suitable by one teaching should be acted up to,

but should be regarded only as an expediency.

Ch. VII. Three hundred pebbles should also be cast into

the consecrated gdmez and water, as required by the practice

of the religious law. The two liquids, when required for the

Page 20: Pahlavi Namakiha Manushchihar


ceremony of purification, should be supplied in equal measures,

i. e., at the least, as Afarg has said, one cup of gomes and one cup

of water. This proportion has been laid down by the former

high-priests ; but in cases of scarcity, less than the specified

measure will do. These liquids should be consecrated by the

solemnization of the Vendidad ceremony, i, e., the Nirangdin.

But if the Vendidad which is the consummation of the Nirangdin

ceremony is not performed, then the liquids will not drive away

pollution. Such being the case, the decree of Z^dsparam should

be discarded.

Ch. VIII. On the authority of the S ikadum Nask, Manush-

chihar says that the consecrated gdmez, when it becomes fetid,

should be stirred up. It should be stirred up so long as it can

be of any use. It is stirred up, because • when carried near the

fire, the stench, if any, arising from it subsides and does not

injure the fire. Gomez being consecrated, fire is not said to be

injured or contaminated by the istench arising from it; but

if the stench at all injures the fire, it is on account of the moisture

issuino" from it and then it is sinful to carry it near the fire as it

would be to injure or to extinguish it with the Zaothra (holy

water) which is, also, like the gomez^ a conscerated liquid,

Ch. IX. M^nushchihar passes in review the arguments used

by him in connection with the different commentaries on the

necessity of the service of one purifier or of two, about the

washing, once, or twice, of the diffierent members of the body,

about the casting of the three hundred pebbles in the consecrated

gomez, about the proper use of the ablution seats imag), etc.

He says that every rite in connection with the purification

ceremony is to be -performed in conformity with the declaration

of revelation and the testimony of the high-priests thereon.

Thus, regarding one single rite, if any dissimilarity i ^ noticed in

the different commentators, then that commentator is to be

followed who teaches the most preservative and efficient mode of

performing that rite and whose statemant thereon is nauch testis

Page 21: Pahlavi Namakiha Manushchihar

Introbuction. 9

fied. If there still remains any doubt about the matter, the high

priest should be consulted.

Ch. X. In order to remove the doubts created in the minds

of those who have read Z3,dsparam's ordinance, the foregoing

explanation suffices ; but an explicit reply on special subjects is

reserved for the priests who should perform all the rites as

required by the law of the religion. Before propagating his

controversial decree, ZMsparara ought to have consulted the

existing law of the profession of the priesthood, and the practice

of all those of the good religion of the realm, and ought to have

deliberated on the matter with the supreme high -priest, viz.,

M^nushchihar himself and also with other priests of the realm.

Different opinions and interpretations are also to be found amidst

the teaching of former high-priests owing to the depth and

intricacy of the original Avesta, but such controversies as were

raised by them were carried on wit h peace, mutual friendship

and affection amongst themselves. Such is not the case with

the decree of Z^dsparam which has raised a hue and cry all over

the realm, and which has created quite a commotion in the minds

of the community. This decree, as seen on the surface, appears

to be quite harmless and in apparent conformity with the teachings

of former commentators, but, if examined minutely, it will not

maintain its ground in the light of the very teachings on which

it seems to take its stand. It is the duty, therefore, of all those

who are steadfast in the practice of religion not to allow this

decree to pass unnoticed but should bring it under searching

scrutiny with the light of their most advanced understanding

and discernment.

Ch, XI, Conclusion of the first Epistle. M^nushchihar

sends this epistle to the people of Sirk^n in charge of his own

priest who is advised to co-operate with them and to temporarily

advise them on the matter at dispute until they get from him

another epistle on the subject with further elucidation. Atemporary epistle on the subject of Bareshniim is also sent to his

Page 22: Pahlavi Namakiha Manushchihar

10 Introduction.

brother, Zadsparam, before paying him a visit at his head-quarters

for giving hira more explanatory information on the controver-

sial question. Epistle concluded with benedictions.

Epistle II :—To his brother Zadsparam.

Ch. I. ivianushchihar acknowledges the receipt of a letter

from Zadsparam. He informs him that the people of Sirkan had

already written to him about his heretical ordinance and complains

in bitter terms of this new decree. By his incidental allusion to

the Tughazghuz, we are led to infer that previous to his issuing

the controversial decree, Zadsparam must have imbibed heretical

notions from the Tughazghuz, a Turkish tribe who according to

Maooudi (quoted by Dr. West on the authority of Prof. Darmesteter

in S, B. E. Vol. V. p. 216, and in S. B. E. Vol. XVIII, p. 329)

dwelt between Khoras^n and China and had become Manicheans

whose tenets according to the Sh^yast 1^ Shayast (Ch. VI § 7)

were a mixture of truth and error„ M^nushchihar informs Zad-

sparam that if he would dispense with the purificatory ceremony

of the Bareshnum, people would dispense with his wisdom and


Ch. II. The decree of Zadsparam is a cause of terror to

purifiers and is a discredit to the decreer. Even when the

princijDal commentators disagree amongst themselves as to a

particular rite, then it is one's duty to consult those whoare better qualified to judge thereon. Owing to the pre-eminence

of the Avesta, or, as Mdnushchihar says in the first epistle, owing

to the depth and intricacy of the original writings, any one is

liable to misinterpret the wisdom of the ancients and thus wouldattribute to their writings ideas foreign to them. Thus whendoctors differ, who should decide? Maaushchihar ffives the

instance of the three astronomical tables {zich) known to the

Iranians—viz., (1) :ich-i-Sheherydrdn, (2) zich-i-Hindilkdn and

(3) zich-i-Patermyush (Ptolemy) which tables differed from

one another in the interpretation of the different conjunctions

of the stars and planets. Manushchihar wants to

Page 23: Pahlavi Namakiha Manushchihar

Introduction. 11

show by his reference to these three tables that as astro-

logers use the particular zich (astronomical table) out of these

three, which they prefer for their own interpretation, so, on

the subject of BareshnUm, out of the three principal com-

mentators, viz., Afarg, Mediomah and Sushyos, he whose cArtsA^a.7

(teaching) is more in conformity with the spirit of the Avesta

and which appears to be more weighty and reasonable should be


Ch. III. It is disquieting that Zadsparam should be vehe-

mently desirous of establishing a new law. By this new law,

the laity will understand that the frasn&tee and upasnatee—different kinds of washing to be undergone in the Bareshnum

purification—are of no purpose and thus they will substitute the

fifteen fold simple washing. But when there is no proper

purification of the body, then, according to the Avesta, it is

impossible to purify the soul. 1 he " pre-eminent operation"

of the Bareshnum must be religiously accomplished when such

is needed and there should be no trifling with it in the name of

authority. When Zadsparam does not perform the ceremony

himself, even his presence, as high -priest, is desirable to secure

efficiency of the ceremony performed by his subordinates.

Finally, Manushchihar exhorts Zadsparam to perform every rite

of the Bareshnlim in the spirit of the three pre-eminent teach-

ings thereon.

Ch- IV, Manushchihar asks Zadsparam whether his

heretical decree was from a law of Zartusht. Since Zadsparam

has asserted in his decree that the purifiers of Iran wash in the

manner he has prescribed, Manushchihar says that his under-

standing of the disposition and virtuous practice of all the

purifiers of the realm is less and that it is necessary for him to

determine the reason that all the purifiers in the country of Iran

conform with his heretical decree. To say the least of it, his

teaching is far from the commands of rehgion and sound wisdom.

Page 24: Pahlavi Namakiha Manushchihar

12 Introi>ugtiok.

Ch. V. Zadsparam had no reason to keep his decree see*

ret for some time since, as he says, he had prepared it with a

knowledge rightly obtained from the Avesta. He ought to have

conferred with ManushchiharJ and other high -priests about his

decree which was privately propagated by him. If, in the discus-

sion thereof, there would have arisen any difference, M^nush-

chihar would have given him a correct reply. If Zadsparam s

decree is far from exhibiting any correct knowledge of the truth,

as set forth in the Avesta, every place in the country of Iran

where the information of that decree arrives will regard him as an

aharmog (apostate) and a din-dushman (enemy of the religion).

It is greatly distressing to think that surpassing contamination

is possible to arise from the propagation of the new decree.

Manushchihar finally says that people would be as likely to put

faith in such heretical teachings of Zadsparam as they would do

if he were to mention the existence of two moons.

Ch. VI. Quoting the famous passage, ndit astacha of Ven-

didad 19^7, Manushchihar exhorts Zadsparam to remain steadfast

in the faith. He now threatens Zadsparam that if he does not

turn away from the heretical way adopted by him, he will visit

Sirkan and attack him at his own head-quarters, and such being

the case ^ more harm will happen to him from his opposition. Asfor himself, he will never fall away from the exercise of religion

,in any way. Even if his best friend were to swerve from the path

of religion, he would assert his authority and try, to the best of

his powers, to set him right,

Ch. VII. The fifteen-fold washing substituted by ZM-sparam for Bareshnfim is meant only for places where there are

no purifiers to be obtained. (Even then, according to some com.mentators with whom Manushchihar seems to be at one, the manthus summarily purified should finally undergo the Bareshniimin order that he may participate in rehgious ceremonials anci

celebrations.—Pah. Vd. 8 § 103). Manushchihar here informs

Zads^l ai:.m that he had previously written on the subject o£

Page 25: Pahlavi Namakiha Manushchihar


Bareshnilm to the people of Sirkdn, and a temporary epistle on

the subject (not now extant) was sent to Z^dsparam in charge of a

man of his own. Zadsparam should appoint properly qualified

purifiers as set forth in the Avesta and in the teachings of the

former high-priests.

Ch. VIII. To nullify Zadsparam's decree, Manushchihar

has prepared and sent forth a general epistle (Ep. Ill), to the

good people of Sirk^n, Shiraz and other places. If Z^dsparm

will not cancel his decree and will show himself recalcitrant, his

descendants will, for ever, be his accusers. Moreover, people

will abandon confidence in Manushchihar as their guardian since

they would suppose this to arise through want of their high-

priest's advice and guardianship. Such being the case, Manush-

chihar proposes, with grim humour, to retire from Iran and go

to distant lands where no rumour of Za-dsparam's evil deeds

will approach his ears. He may, perhaps, wander forth by water

to China or by land to Arum (Asia Minor).

Ch. IX. MAnushchihar repeats the statement made in

Ch. VII that if those who are polluted by contact with dead

matter do not get any qualified purifiers to wash them with the

Bareshnum purification ,they should, then, thoroughly wash them-

selves. Now, for this rule laid down for extreme emergency, if

any one were to substitute fifteen-fold washing for all times and

for all places, then such a law would be, to say the least, sinful.

If Zadsparam remain stubborn in the propagation of his new

decree, people would put a different construction on the disinte-

rested services of Manushchihar and would attribute motives to

him for trying to put in force the strictly religious law.

Manushchihar regrets he has occasion to write so sternly, but

in cases of great danger, desperate remedies should be applied and

drastic measures resorted to. It is none of Zadsparam's business

to explain anew that portion of the scriptures which has been

ably commented on by three pre-eminent authorities and to alter

their spirit when the wisdom of the age in which he lives is ques-

Page 26: Pahlavi Namakiha Manushchihar

14 IntroductioI^".

tioned hy many. Thus the heterodox who wish for many new

usages and who have perplexing kinds of doubt would follow

Zadsparam, if thus encouraged, and would like to make wholesale

innovations in the religion. Epistle concluded with benedictions.

Epistle III :—To all of the good religion in Iran.

Manushchihar says he has heard of the revolutionary decree

of Zadsparam, substituting fifteen-fold washing of those polluted

by contact with dead matter for the strictly religious Bareshnum

purification. He exhorts his listeners—those of the good religion

in all quarters of the country of Iran—to pay no heed to this

decree of Zadsparam which is unlawful, falsely taught, vicious

and grievously sinful, and to at once abandon the practice and to

place unflinching reliance upon the purification of the Bareshnum

only. Manushchihar sets forth this opinion of his, not merely

on his own authority but on the information provided by the re-

ligion, by the former high -priests and by the renowned commenta-

tors of the Avesta, principal among whom being Afarg, Medio-

mah and Soshyos. All should abide by the teachings of these

Poiry6-tkaesha8, The opinion of even one of these ancients is

greater and higher than the sayings and decisions of all the

moderns taken together. He who, in the name of authority,

sets up the ordinance of the fifteen-fold washing as all-remedial

for those contaminated with dead matter is to be considered as

an ashmdg[{heretic) and marg-arjdn (deserving death).

Epistle finished and sealed in the month of Khordad, in

the year 250 of Yazdagard corresponding to A. D. 881.

We see from this summary of the Epistles that Manushchihar

is vehemently desirous of prescribing a high standard of efficiency

for the profession of priesthood of which he was the leader anddirector (peshopai and farmadar). A priest (yoshdathragar) in

order to be worthily (qualified for his profession should have, amongothers, the following characteristics :—(!) ahlSb= righteous


{2) gdbdk h6zvdn=oi Huent speech; (3) rdst goftdr= speaking

Page 27: Pahlavi Namakiha Manushchihar

Introduction. 15

the truth; (4) srilt-gdsdn-vfho has chanted the G^thas

; (5) dkds

n/ran^=acquamted with the ritual; (6) farhakht ^(^r=trained for

the work; {7) Msruh hlm^oi renowaed dispo-jition and (8) rubdn

dilst=2i friend o£ the soul. i Notice also the frequent allusion by

M^nushchihar to some of the priests of his time, who having no

such characteristics are regarded by him as unworthy.- We are

also told that the supreme high-priest had the power to enforce

the retirement of any'priest found wanting in the discharga of

his duties.^ Even from his youth, while he was a junior in

office under his father, he had the well-being of the priesthood

at heart. He says that even in the life-time of his father, the

saintly Goshna-Jam who was then the leader of the faithful

(hCi-dinan peshop^i) he worked hard, alone and with little

assistance (ay6takiha va kam ayy^rih^) for the proper mainte-

nance of the priesthood.* The duties appertaining to the sacred

Behram fire were zealously performed by him, such duties

being, as he says, the joy of his mind.^

No doubt, M^nushchihar's duties were varied and onerous.

Shiraz, Sirk^n, Kirman, R^i, Sarakhs and P^rs were still the

strongholds of Zoroastrianism, and he superintended them

all for preserving therein efficient administration and, in addition,

he found time for doing an amount of -literary work which would

have been a credit to an otherwise unoccupied man. Being, thus,

a man of varied activities, he often com])lains of *' much work

and little leisure," (k^r vish, pardajashna kam)^.

M^nushchihar's work gives evidence of careful study. Alofty and earnest tone pervades his writings—as of one who is

(1) Ep. I, Ch. It § 12. Cf , also, Dd. Pardeshai 47 §j 38-

(2) Ep. I, Ch. II § 13 ; Ep. I, Ch. VU § 18; Ep. II, Ch. I § 13; Ep. II, Ch.

V § 14.

(3) Ep. I. Ch. XI, § 7.

(4) Ep. I. Ch. III§§ 10-11.

(5) Ep. I, Oh. Ill, §§ 13-14.

(6) Ep. I, Ca. Ilf, §§ IM3; E),). £1 $ J ». I j \, !i^) 11, Ci . V. §§ 18-19.

Page 28: Pahlavi Namakiha Manushchihar

16 Introduction.

aware of his responsibilities—as the leader and teacher of the

flock consigned to his care. Such writings and sound interpreta-

tion of the Avesta by a veteran expositor of the type of M^nush-

chihar cannot but produce the desired effect. As seen from the

Epistles, he solved the question at issue not by any compromise,

as he would admit no compromise in matters religious, but by

well-weighed arguments, tact, skill, exhortation and persuasion,

he seems to have brous^ht his brother round to his own views.

While critically examining Zadsparam's heretical decree, M^nush-

chihar avails himself of the Pahlavi commentaries on the

Vendidad of the Sassanian period which were more numerous

and complete in his time than their fragments now extant. ^

M^nushchihar held in high esteem the ancient commen-

tators—the Poiry6-tkaeshas, as he calls them,—for their depth

of learning^. He had also a high regard for his learned

predecessors as well as contemporaries in office^. He expreses

a very strong abhorrence of those who pervert the spirit

of the Scriptures to suit their own purpose.* Ingenious

verbiage and mere preparation of phrases (ch^vuk v^jakih va

sakhun pasajashnih) in the exposition of the Scriptures lead us

astray from the spirit of the original.^ M^nushchihar vehement-

ly desires to arrive at the truth by a fearless and critical exposi*

tion of the Scriptures and the commentaries of the Poiry6-tkaeshas

thereon. What he writes and says, he does truly and with true

conviction (rastiha va rast madammiinashniha) ^. He is, by no

means a careless writer ; on the contrary, he takes infinite

labour to establish the truth of what he writes. In their

religious influence, the Epistles of Manushchihar are incom-

(1) Ep, I, Oh. V5-8.

(2) Ep. Ill § 16.

(3) Ep. I,Ch. IV§15; Ep. I, Cli. Ill §§ 9-10; Ep. I, Ch. VII § 5; Ep I,

Ch. X ^ 8.

(4) Ep 1, Ch. Ill §6.: Cf., also, Dd. Ch. 37 ?93.

(5) Ep. I, Ch. II §14; Ep. I. Ch. Ill §8

(6) Ep. I, Ch. HI §17.

Page 29: Pahlavi Namakiha Manushchihar

Introduction. IT

parably more impressive in the best sense than any

other Pahlavi works. His acknovvledged aina was not to court

popularity but, as a true religious teacher, to do good to the

flock consigned to his care- He has an abhorrence of affecta-

tion of any kind. In the Epistles we generally find an absence

of vagueness or of loose generalities. In his language, he is

outspoken, but never coarse. Indeed, he has never allowed

any ill-natured word to escape his pen. It is this genuineness

of the man that invests his writings with moral dignity.

Some passages in the Epistles are most difficult to inter-

pret, but it is not so much, as Dr. West calls it,^ " the involved

and obscure style " affected by Manushchihar as the ambiguous

character of Pahlavi in general. The habitual absence of

stops and of diacritical marks, the strange character of the

colloquialisms and idiom of the language, mistakes made by

careless and ignorant scribes in copying the original Ms., and

last, but not least, want of sufficient available material, all

combine to perplex the translator and often baffle his attempts

at the proper decipherment of the so called obscure text. AsHauo' has lono^ agfo said, Pahlavi is the most eniormatical

language known to have existed. Manushchihar has often

tried to make himself properly understood by his numerous

comparisons and similes (angoshitak) and apt quotations from

previous writings, some of them being now no longer extant.

Only in some cases, the picture presented by his similes is

unfamiliar to the general reader. We also notice his fondness

for repetitions where any marked eflect is to be created- Ona

(1) Speaking of Dr. "West's translfitioa of the Pahlavi Epistles, Prof. Mills makes

the following remarks in the April no. of the Asiatic Quart erly Review (1897) :

''As it is, I must confess, and no one will suspect me of being other than a most reluc-

tant critic, these epistles are very difficult to read, and, compared with the lucid

virility of Dr. West's original prose, they are painful compositions. Should not trans-

lation be such as to read like a translator's natural style, so far as that may be possible?

Here, of course, this would not be fully possible ; but should it not be at least attemp-


Page 30: Pahlavi Namakiha Manushchihar

in Introduction.

characteristic of the language of M^nushchihar is his predilec-

tion for long compound epithets which are so numerous and

varied as to constitute quite a feature in his style.

The following Mss. are used in the preparation of the text

of the Epistles :

(1) W. A Ms. of several foolscap quarto leaves, in the

'handwriting of the late Dr. E. W. West, here called W", was

kindly lent by the Royal Asiatic Society of London to the

Bombay University at the request of the Trustees of the

Parsee Punchayet, Bombay. This Ms. contained the transli-

teration, in the upper half of each page, and the translation,

in the lower half, of the following texts :

(1) the Epistles ; (2) the conteais of the fourteenth fargard

of the SMgar Nask from Dinkard, Book IX; (3) a legend

about the soul of Kershasp ; (4) on KhvetiVcdas\ {b) Pahlavi

Vd. 8 §§ 271—299 3(6) Pahlavi Vd. IX ^^ 1—145. The

transliteration and translation of the Epistles by Dr. West

in this Ms. were based on the text ]of the unique Ms. K 35

described in S.B.E. Vol. V. Intro, pp. XLVIII—L and S.B.E.

Vol. XVIII, Intro, pp. XV—XVII. and is supposed by Dr.

West to have been vvritten by Marzp^n ParidCin who wrote

the Ms. Bk (described below) in 941 A. Y. t.e. A. D. 1572.

The text of the Epistles as given in the following pages is

based on the Ms. W. of Dr. West whose scientific system of

the transliteration of Pahlavi is so well-known to Pahlavi

scholars that any one who carefully follows his system will

not encounter the slightest difficulty in writing out the actual

text from the transcript. This Ms. W. bore the date 1882,

the year in which S.B.E. Vol. XVI ft, containing a transla-

tion of the texts described above, with that of the Dadistan,

was published.

BK. 10'' X 6 f" X ir. A. Ms. written in 941 A. Y. (A. D.

1572) by Marzp^n Faridiin Vahr6m RAstahm Blinder,

Page 31: Pahlavi Namakiha Manushchihar

Introduction. 19

Malka-mard^n Diny^r in Kirman in the district of Dahig^n.

It contains (1) Pahlavi Riviiyat; (2) DMistan-i-Dinik


(3) Pahlavi Rivayat; (4) the Epistles of Manushchihar


(5) the selections of Zadsparam ; (6) miscellaneous texts on

{a) the omniscient wisdom, (6) the Evil Spirit; (c) the

creation of Ormazd, {d) Kangdez, (e) Var-i-Jam Kart, &c.

and (7) Visparad (Avesta and Pahlavi) from I § 4 to X § 2.

This is the only Ms. now extant which gives a complete

text of the Pahlavi Rivayat preceding the^D^distan. Several

folios in the middle and some at the end are missing. Themissing folios in the middle are replaced by new ones in a

later writing. This Ms. was used by Dr. West. See. S.B.E.

Vol. V. Intro, p. XXXIII and p. XLIX ; also S.B.E. Vol.

XVIII, Intro, pp. XV—XVII. It belongs to Mr. Pestonji

Jamshedji Kapadia of Bulsar and was kindly lent by him for


J. 8i '' X 5-i% X 1". A. Ms. of the DMistan and its accomp-

animents. The oldest portion upto Ep. I, Ch. VII ^ 'h is

written in 1188 A. Y., and a further portion upto Ep. II, Ch.

VIi^2 bears the date 1210 A. Y. Written by Ervad Jamshei

bin^Dastur Edalji bin Dastur Bahmanji Jamshedji Jamaspji

Asaji Faridunji. The Ms. ends at Ep. II, Ch. VI § 2. The

£rst part of the Pahlavi Rivayat is more recent and seems to

have been copied fromBK. This Ms. was also used by Dr. West

in settling the text of the Dadistan and of some portions of

the Pahlavi Riyayat. Ms. described in S.B.E. Vol. XVIII,Intro, pp. XVII—XVIII and S.ilE Vol. V. Intro, p XLIX,11. 18-25. It belongs to Dastur Kaikhusro Jamaspji Jam asp

Asa and was kindly lent by him for collation.

MR 121" X 7V' X If . Ms. belonging to the Meherji KanaLibrary of Navsari. Written in 1241-42 A. Y. by the late

Dastur Erachji Sorabji Meherji Rana, a well-read scholar anda careful copyist, to boot. The Pahlavi Rivdyat preceding

the Dadistan is fully copied out from BK (described above)

Page 32: Pahlavi Namakiha Manushchihar

20 Introduction.

and the second i)art of this Ms. is an exact reproduction of

TK written about 900 A.Y. (described by Dc. West ia S.B E,

Vol. V. Intro, p. XXXIII and p. XLLX and in S.B.E. Vol.

XVIII, Intro, pp. XVI—XVII) otherwise called TD (Vide

the Biindahishn, edited by the late Ervad T. D. Anklesaria,

Intro, p XVIII, and the Preface to the Datistan-i-Dinik,

Parti, edited by the same scholar). MR. is important in as

much as the selections of Zadsparam are more extensive in it

than in BK (described above) wherein the final folios are

missing. A minute description of TK or TD is given by

Dastur Erachji at the end of MR. in Gujarati. As this TK,

now called TD, was not available for settling the text of the

Epistles, I have used MR. Dastur Erachji also made out

another copy of TK or TD, in 1241-42 A. Y., which is now

in the Mulla Feeroz Library.

MRi 12f " X 8'' X ij". Ms belonging to the Meherji Rana

Library of Navsari and written by the late Dastur Erachji

in 1236 A. Y. from a copy (undated) of the late Ervad Mino*

cherji Jamaspji Vachha. It contains the Dadistan with it?

accompaniments upto Ep. II. Ch. VI § 2. Another copy of

this MS. (with the exception of the first part of the Pahlavi

Rivayat preceding the Dadistan) was made by Dastur

Erachji in the same year and is now in the ^lulla Feeroz


The text of the Epistles has been divided into Chapters

and sections as in the translation of it by Dr. West in S. B.E.


Page 33: Pahlavi Namakiha Manushchihar

A AThe Epistles of Manushchihar




V ic-trt^ '** «tUo '** «toi^s ** i5(uo 1^^ l«^n3


(1) So W; the rest «• (2) J om. (3) So W, MR; BK om ; better

MRi, J ' . (4) BKom. (5) BK repeats (6) BK adds ^ (7) MR'^^•".

(8) MR »"*'5. (9) MR ^^' 10 MR om ; J > for «. (II) MR ^'aMi^r-S

(12) MR "'*''5; J omits the last 5 words. (13) MR -^f<\Jt^I MRi adds N

(14) MR » -^^-V^-V. (15) MR 5' «?3i«i?^e; _ MRi, J ^Kt iBr^^^ _BK -"^ "5i«^^e; for the last 3 vfordB. (16) BK ^u^ • (17) MRi, J add >•

Page 34: Pahlavi Namakiha Manushchihar


^^^^ '\m \\i}\ -vw^ 'ijsur^e)* \^^ii -^^v

^ ^ f€« -t^-*- ''-06

1^stvs -^-^i^i "<?^-tri "^


I5JU0'"^1 "^pti se^* (3) ipejJ^t^ej ''** 1^^ '"^rerj

t^-nju -51 <^ -*tr;^-^ ife)-*' \\v -trrtD «^<? <^6^i6

(1) So W, BK, MR; MRi, J Aiit^y (2) MR »'?15> j J »^>». (3) MR ^^.

(4) MR om. (5) MR -^6- (6) MR J^v^. (7) MRi, J omit the last 10

words. (8) MRi »A"^S. (9) MR -^K5^(?'. (lO) BK -VC—V'; MR-j-j-j-w. (11) BK adds ^. (12) So W, BK = le** » »i«^: better MR 'Cr»«»af

or MRi, J lyi^-w. (13) Thus all : better <?^-V ». (14) BK "^5. (15) So

VV; J -n^aj^-»: better MR, MRi -^JO^i*^-*. (16) MR - -nJ3ife-«'C» ; MR],

J -^d^-^V. (17) MR, MRi, J add ». (18) BK ^\ ; MR om: a-varik (P.

y,j^ )= constant, durable. (19) Thus all but BK; better BK "?UV: avishn

cf. P. V '=honour. (20) BK ^- (21) BK »«15»^. ^22) J, MR i»<)3;

MR] adds '• (23) BK -UJg^'i'^j; MR « -^J-^gi-'f^J. (24) MR,MRi, J

prefix I. (25) MR -^^^^ ; MR] -J5l«)--^». (26) MKi ^Jft^^^i.

(27) BK, MRi, J om. (28) Mil !^i. (29) MR adds >. (SO) MRi, J ^V>.

(31) So all: better ?>|? or V^J^.

Page 35: Pahlavi Namakiha Manushchihar

Epistle I : CHAPTER I, 3-5. 3

I3t/i3 'i-ii5}ueiJ-^ \\^^ -^ireie 1^^ iiK-tlej 'rt3-^Aj

^'i^tso-^ (^i6 t^ w\^}^ ir^ej«ir ^^'to ^'-^(^1 s^

^i-M -'^^^p^''-t)3re)«? ''ir^A3i5- gi^ « -o-o-"^^ eriej ii3

li^-»t)-sej ""-^132^13 "'if^-^^ '"^^rt^^G W j-;^ lr6 613^

(1) So W, BK; the rest om. (2) MR -ii^'J-*. (3) J Jjyi»^Jig. (4) MR»«-«%•; MRi, J >tt«fOJ-*%; BK adds «. (5) g^ ^. ^he rest ^^•^.

(6) MRi, J i^KiW. (7) MRi adds »• (8) MR, MRi JlSi*. (9) cf, P.

U^JJ—SU^^JJ - to cleanse- (10) BK, MR om. (11) MR •'S'?(?'?.

(12) MRi ^*-^5-« and J ^-^JJ for ^-- 3^1 cf. P.^i, '-^ Wi^&lth; sag Mr=

mineral wealth. (18) MRi -nj(6. (H) Thus W;; MR 50J» for the last 3

words: better, read the last 3 words as visp-guu. (15) MRi ^*J''^'t BK writes

-y^ above "ly-^; J -^^-S.(16) BK J^-t-^^J. (17) MR >l|c^^y..

(18) MR -^e. (19) BK ireU';. (20) So W; the rest -Jii^)*;*. (21) J A)^-»>:

^JrvS^, cf. P. tt;«^j^*=to be attached, to obey. West reads dirangak. (22) MRom. (23) West reads gdh: better, as iu the rest, afsinukika (as one word).

(24) Thus all but MR; better MR ""^ASa^d for « HJ3'?S. (25) MRi, J add ».

(^6) MR adds » (27) MRp J » -^3^)5. (28) J -n}\«?. (29) MR,

MRi ti^nj. (30) So W, BK, MR; MRi, J -W<?3^-«)ei;--;.

Page 36: Pahlavi Namakiha Manushchihar



«?uu^ ''^^1 1^-^ '^r^ 'VsA;^? '"-^^ 6er "ftP-^ ''6i«(0-«

«?ier y-^^s \^jr "^i -*ucr<55^3-tj ''^ iiej -^324


(1) J --UO^^it*. (2) MR -O'e.-'^'r; MRi, J ^^v\. (3) MR-\t{ili^'? (4) Mil '^ t<^- (>; MR, J "^'5. (6) MRi, J -UO^SC».

(7) MR om. (8; MR, MRi, J add »• (9) BK, J -^J^g^ic^j; MR "^J-'ie^Ie)-';

Mil, MRi. J add '• (10) MRj, J add »• (11) MRi rS^. (12) MR

adds ». (13) MR ''. (U) MRi, J »!?JW-0-*'>-. (15) MR 'f^AJWi; MRi,

J mSAjL'). 06) MRl, J add >. (17) MR"^'^-". (18) So W, BK; bett^

MR, MR 1 (^^51 or J w'^-"'. (19) MR om (20) J X^'**ifJ\jK. (21) MR,

MRi J -^^K MRi, J add ' (22) J '"J- (23) MRi S^- (24) MR 'K^J-.

(25) MR 'tW-** (2t3) J -njO'J^JV for -V0'?^-> 6V. (27) MR »i?5-C-HJ-»'»V

(28) BK, MRi, Jadd '• (29) BK ^?^; MRi •^'«»» ; MR, J V>. (30) §o

W, MEiJ better "^Ui^-*' as in the rest.

Page 37: Pahlavi Namakiha Manushchihar

Epistle I : CHAPTER II, 2-3. ^

-lej Ki lis" "ire«j-» i i^^^^to-^^ i '-^^eAri «^^ ir6 i^k-»

-irt^-^-* 1^-^^ "^W 6ir^l3^3 -X:rtU-^ |5i;'-aJrO?^ I sir?)

-r^^i "ire)— ir^P^ «nju^ ''eir?)—ro?-^ iiej i" sir^i'i^

'V^iJ-^ej ifi?^ ''6ir^3.w?xr -xir^-^ ''-voi3^ iitj sir^a

^^ I3^^S^ irt^-- II5J ltt5K irt^l^ llti itti-** ''lltt3^^6^

\^ ^ ''^ ''i3rtro^^ <?^ W<? 3 i5Jir^ iir^t€i

JJJ"b! -o-**!! ''-tJit^ ''!rt3l'!^3-tJ-^ i:^^P-» "l Ir^l3jl3ejl3

PJV ''^\f^^ ^\il ^f 2!!J"^^ •^l€'^l '^1 It6 tt3IW

(1) So W, MR]; better BK. MR, J »"!'^-»'<? for the last two words. (2) So

W, BK;MR -^^'i-W^f^ and MKi, J ^-*3^J--»3 for ^-'S^UO 1^3. (3) BK>A*e;. (4) J (?«?__JJ5. (5) J ^s^W:; BK ^^^JV t's^r for the last 2 words.

(6) So W; BK »^^ ')3 irtHJJ (for j^i »5»rtK5?) ; better MR, MRi> J ie)» »fl»itn3.

(7) J '5u\i,'. (8; MR > for -. (9) MR ^-'^'^. (10) BK, mh, J "^^W'


J^Rl has -OJ-^-tr on the margin. (11) BK, MRi ^^ ', MRi, J add »•

(12) MR, MRi, J ' fii-'ai^-'X (13) MR, MRi J add ». (U) BK, MRi»ifyj3-HJ. (16) MR, J om. (16) MRi,Jadd »: cf P. ^-^ = utiUty.

(17) MR adds -*J West reads the last three words thus :

dilshahil yednhito

drtd: better read gush-/id s'lUo khirat. (18) So W; the rest -njO**^.

(19) ahangi/dtiiu: cf. P. cs^^j'- cousonance, harmouy. (io) j^ MR i>^0-'^Z}-

(21) MRi, J add ». (22) J ^^J^'^^. (23) MR, MRiom. (24) MRl adds >.

(^5) MR om. (-26) »i^*^5^--. (27) MRl tl- (28) BK :€)^-"; J

adds '.

Page 38: Pahlavi Namakiha Manushchihar


^3 -S15-S *j^, -^ 1^-5?- ^ ,€«( iiej^

I (4)

1^-^% llfo ''feu's -0-5^ ''-t53rOJirej "-t3?^-^ei

13-tP^ <?f€ I (5) ittiiw ''I5^^-»-^% i^ite^ irtar^

-tjW(^ 3^ro^ ''i5^^3r«ej tt5«>''- ''-sP-s-** i^ ""w ''^e)»

(1) BK om. (2) MR, MRi, J add i. (3) BK i^f*^^: cf. with tMs

section, Pah. Vd. VI 1§ 79 (Dastur Darab's Edition.) (4) MR ^U (5) J

Ji«Je; MR Jt^ti ^. (6) J MteMJ"?0. (7) MR t^*J«»^. (8) MR, MRi, J

^^jf for « ^»^. (9) So W. BK; the rest om. (10) MR 'S^t'^-V^e;


MRi )5I«^-V^M; J )3iej-v\. (H) So W, BK; the rest -UJi^-^W.

(l2) MR -V\^^»f=ej». (13) MRi, J add '• (14) So W, BK; the rest cm.

(15) MR '^--ey: cf. P. »j4^ = active, nimble. (16) MRi om; MR, J " for ».

(17) BK lifenj-***;. (18) MR >W-»'%. (19) J adds ' (20) MR adds **•

(21) MR, MRU J A)),6ce^. (22) So W, BK; the rest ^^V- West suggests At'arg

(the commentator): better, ouar^chief; of. Ji^'O'"*'' »'«C» ^V "« (Dd. p. 84;

Ervad Tehmurus' edition). Or, reading -"^V cf. P. »^jj» - ufiy I - Ai^


(-23) MRl om. (24) MR ->^->»'. BK Ji^J--

; MRu J J^^J--'. (26) MRl

om. (26) MRl »'S^--5fW ; J )^-«to5»««.

Page 39: Pahlavi Namakiha Manushchihar

Epistle I : CHAPTER II, 5-8. 7

lltl tr ^f^ -^ 'fc;: €li€^ -C-^3^ ^f6«!r (6)

-t/W-** ltt3-*0eMJ ''-^ 'JdJi3-i(3-tj^ 'w 135-^ lej-^

-^% 'irO-^5 13-tJ-s^ -*OIK^-^ 'bl "-nJC-^K-^ 1^1^

"IJUW ''-'t) ^'-^fOJ'^; (7) je"-2J"^ l^iTt5-W '"li€

-\K3-^^ iwr^^iV^ ^ ''-*c-^-^i5-*o-a^ ''ir^ej^ (8)

«# 'o^ii^-o^s^^ie «MJ-^ -^le^ ir^i^^ -^ r«j^ -^

(1) MR, MRi om. (2) MR, MRn J add »-.(3) J «» (4) BK

-^>-"?f. (5) J adds >. (6) MR om. (7) BK *i*-[;T (8) BK MRi, J om.

(9) MR -W^^^-O^';. (10) J om. (11) J 'i (12) MR om. (13) So

W, BK; the rest -^i^^. (U) So W, BK; J -iJO^-*' ; better MR, MRi

-^JOJ^-9 : Vide ^7; MR], J add J. (15) cf. P. cJ«^-'»=to wash. (16) BK,

MRl, J *• (17) MR -^. (18) MR, MR] add ' (19) MR '^^iC^W: cf. P.

j»ji>l^=U8tle88 (80 West): better. P. j»j >> Ij = common people. (20) M .t adds

»*. (21) MR -^iCrg: bettpr ^iierf. r22) MR -v^^; MRi, J add ».

(23) MR om. (24) MR »?^-»^^-O-*0^ • BK, MR], J add «. (25) MR adds

-. ((26) MR -W^^-^3-D^ (27; MR im^-«. (8) MK, J om. (29) MR"V»^)^-5. (30) MRl, .1 -^^J^^-^r. cf. Ys 48 § 5 with §§ 6-7.

Page 40: Pahlavi Namakiha Manushchihar


.-^-a^ -^ 'itt3rt3-^ ir*?6i \^^ 'iW ' (9-io)

l3eJI3 1^113 'V^js? "l I'^^o 11^ -*^ -X3lf6^ t:!^

t^ irt3-*C3^ro5J -v^ ''W^ (]i) itt^iH-^ j;^ Gt^

(1) MR "W cf. with §S 9-10. Pah. Vd. VIII § 100. (2) MR >i«»«»ai.

(3) BK, MR ^J-ny^-^-^'?, MRi (*^^*J^^>J-^«;. (4) J om. (5) MRj

-n3^->-"-nj-KJ'?. (6) MR om. (7) J f^^SJ\j^ ; MRi om. (8) So W, BK;

better MR, MRj, J S^. (9) BK, MRi, J om. (10) MR, MR] f^lfotil.

(11) MR -"J^'-^-^-HJ*;. (lii) BK, MRi, Jem. (13) MR repeats. (14) So

W, BK; the reft "^'J'?. (15) MR om. (16) MK f^-^', J » ^^ i»jiJJ.

(17) MR "^''^'^; MR], J ire^s^-u; BK ^i-Jl. (18) BK, J om. (19) MRJ.6.

(20) MR om. (21) BK, MRi l^-^c«i; J )rJ-^:»: or, better »l^'-«^(»r.

(22) MR om. (23) MR] adds ' (24) MR 'l^l'-^'T. (25) MRi **<^.

(26) MR om. (27) MRi, J om. (28) MR, MR], J -n;)^*:«. (29) MR adds

tr. ^30) So W, MR; BK, J om; MRi ' for «• (31) All but W fitSTJ^-


(82) MR adds »• (33) BK W^-^-OK. (34) MR] -^OIW--. '

Page 41: Pahlavi Namakiha Manushchihar

Epistle I : CHAPTER II, 11-13. 9

'w 1^--^ w leu's iitt3-^ i€^ t^ (12)

O^-^-s.3^ Xt^^^o '1^ lit) I16 !^l '^XrrtTG 'l^TO^

-^r^^s I -^r^ I "-C5-^i "t 1^6 "'leiJH-*' 515 "^re)-»'r^i3

'^w '^--o-i»-^i5-*c-a«;? nej i!^ec_5JK ""i eu* jjK^^

V ''\^^% ^^ 'iiroso-^% '*iirt5^6 "i iire)-«5(i

w^^:*U«? I«^^ Ivj^-^-y ''±,f ir«ejT^ ''|!^^--0-^l3^3

"iTt5«50-^^'ej iire)--«?i iiej i^-^n-^ \^^6 ''ii^-^€ ^r^

(1) BK, MRi,Jom. (2) J, MR 1 omit final -« (3) MR omits the

last S words. (4) J ^^'^. (5) So W. BK; MR "^ ^3^-^; better MRj, J

w »-,5u-- (P. t^T) (6) MR adds «. (7) BK om. (8) MRi, J add -•

(9) BK e^Li-i^j^. (10) MRi.Jadd) (11) MR, MRj, J add ». (12) MR»i^^-^. (13) MR om. (14) MRi -C-"». (15) MRi -\JMK (16) MRj^i^tr for ^Jj>^-^. (17) BK, J, MRi add ''. (18) MRi adds «.

(19) MR -^3'ren/'-^2J. (20) MRom. (21) So W, BK; the rest -H3^4J-y-V«;.

(22) So W,» BK; the rest om. (23) BK, MR om. (24) MRi, J add '. (25) MR,^_M%. (26) cf., with § 12, Pah. Yd. 9 j^ 2 and Dd. Purseshn 47 § 38. (27) MR-aienj-'; BK ASKJJ- . (28) MRom. (29) J >'^t-tJ'5: AH but W add >. (30) MR],

J add '. (31) MR ^J*^)^*^• (V. (^d + ii-f = origin). (32) P. jl^^b =

of the same kind: alike: (Av. tif"\ to divide). (33) So W; the rest add »*.


Page 42: Pahlavi Namakiha Manushchihar


l6 31! 911 (^W-*- (i^) 'eUU-^lt^ l3-tJ-32J iK-^ej^


(1) J «-Vtt« ; BK e^JO-**'*- (2) MR »<?)).tMJ. (3) MR »!?J'«|3J.

(4) Mli '^ '>^-- (&) So W, BK; the rest om. (6) So W. (mshdn=

token): better a.".J > a? in the rest (va Yazdan)- (7) So W: BK 5"?i*-6W;

MR, MRi? J -^'"^-SO. (8) West reads yh)/>>'nHdnng(&dj): better, ydmtiini-

ndnd (yevb.) (9) BK -^ry5^--. (10) ilP. om. (1!,^ MR '-SO (12) So

VV, BK; better MR -J:aJ»5^-Mj-"iy or. MRi, J -^ 1^ Xi-^j-^y ) for these two words.

(13) ;-o \\\ BK; the rest » ^^iio. (U) BK »5t^-^. (15) Thus W: West

reads ynye; better -\)M^3 as in BK or -\M5»S'»3 as in the rest. (16) BK (€"!;.

(17) EK '3y"J ; MRi B^^j; J tilery: cf. p. »>f.^ = translntion: ^^^i =interpreter. (18) MR Mf^ni'- (19) MR cm- lietter ^ for »• (20) J adds '.

(21) BK »ty^-«. (22) MR om. (28) MR W6^. (24) MR •^'*4)'^'€. (2,5) BK

M.Rl> J prefix »•

Page 43: Pahlavi Namakiha Manushchihar

Epistle I : CHAPTER II, i:5-U ; CHAPTER TTI. 3-5. 11

« 13-tr^ I'i0(? Itt^-*^^ iir^f€l -^S^ 1'=?"^ TOI'6^

-*0l^^ 'WI^G (^-il^er'^

1i^ -^^ €!r$)ti 1)

V ''-s^iO^^ 63 -^^

(I) MRom. (2) MR f^^. (3) MK, MR], J add'. (4) MRli«».6»aj. (•)) MR -t). (6) J-^UO^'^-Mi. (7) BK, Jom. (8) MRi. J add ».

(9) magavogan: MR "^tS- (10) MR -^. (11) J adds ^. (12) BK'i^^. (13) So W. BK; the rest '?^-*')eD-*'). (U) MRi, J add »»». (i5) So

W; MR »t€n3 »'e; \ for »ttnj^9j ; the rest ij^ZJ {pardakht : P. e;^ I o^ to

complete; accmplish ) . (16) MR Wy^e; . (17) MR -^3tW-«(?!J'r ', MR,

MRi, J add I. (18) MR ''^-^ai^-^'J . (19) MR om. (20) MR om: MRMR], J add -^V • (21) BK, J, MRi, om. (22) BK s:>*^' • (23) MR,

MRi, J add »- . (24) MR J^-"; MRi J^J^i

; J s^^l . (26) So W; the

rest om. (26) So \V, BK; the rest om. (27) BK "^ with ^ written above.

(28) MR « i^-'-^oe;.

Page 44: Pahlavi Namakiha Manushchihar


'I3-LK3 '^^ '\^^^ j€^ '^ t^ f6^ ^^tt5 (6)

1,6 ^re)ij w ^wii ^ "'i^f^ -^'ej "-o-^"^-^*?

(1) MR om. (2) MR li^-^-W ; J "sU"-^^ :— sazrf^iiw ; cf. P. C5^>i

grief; vexation. (3) MRi, J_^> (4) BK, MR, J "i-UO : cZa/u/fc : cf. P- » .i

=aunoyance (Av. -«3-"e)'-^.) (.^) BK, J, MRi om. (6) MR -H5-sr€)-»; MR,

MRi. J add >. (7) MR -i-W^y . (8) MR >^-V^ *, MRi e^^U'eU' . (9) Thus

all but BK; J adds » • better BK "rtXJ (shatr6). (10) West translates 'well-

lamenting ( /m-sawai/tik) , P. (i)i>>'j— to complain, howl; or F. (j^-* — honour,

reputation j also, cheerful :—...,. "is not honoured by his countrymen" ( hamyaran

shatro) or, ....'"is not honoured by the unfriendly of the country" ( a-hamyaran

shatro). (H) MR om. (12) MR, J >!?J'i?)^ . (13) So W, J; the rest om.

(U) All but W, BK add '. (15) BK C«^)e; for X^k^ },^ , (-jg) MRi

AJ-V«) . (17) J. MR, MRi om. (18) MRi, J add » . (19) MR -^^f?^;

MRi, J add » . (20) MR, MRi, J add ^ . (21) BK -"itrj _JV - P.

jlfW (22) MR '5f*^' -**'• (23) So W; the rest J»^6

. (24) So W, BK


better MR ^ ^^^ or, MRi. J i^^^^ . (25) MR n3^»^'-» for «_^»t^-».

(26) MR adds ->; MRi adds <? • (27) MRi, J add ». (28) MR, MRi om.

(29) MR «?^V • (30) MR J^-u-^'ir ; J »'^J^-->y .

Page 45: Pahlavi Namakiha Manushchihar

Epistle I : CHAPTER III, 6-9. 13

-t3-»l(^ |:^;«^6 ''c;!^ ''|5?VJ-s-« |5^ 50 -s^ "3-tJJJ^ -^

(^-^^^ I '"-*e3«?i ''tsS ^3«?i ''f6^ f6 t^ rt5iitt3«? f€«?

(1) MR, MRi> J add ' : West reads undasili, F. ^_r\<^i\ —measure,

compataion; better, undihd (severally): or, hu-ndye (P. /"i'** )—well protecting.

(2) cf. P. ^ij —expert, dexterous; J -^BJc^ . (3) MRp J add » •

(4) MR '^VJJ ; MR, MRi, J add ^^ • (o) J sO'^j^; MR <?»« . (G) MR

!*J)i6 . (7) MR, MRi cm. (8) So \V, BK; better -iJO^) as iu the rest ( cf.

**-«;» '-> t^'^ in the following clause). (9) J, MRi add » . (10) MR ^'^ •

(U) MR, J add ». (12) So W, BK; better '"^J^ as in the rest. (13) MRj cm.

(14) MR -^ • (15) MR, MRi add »isj . (16) J omits the last 7 words. (17) MRJ»i6t;ri^^. (18) Mtiadds »• (19) BK 5^^->-V . (20) J om. (21) MRi

adds ) . (22) MR, MRi, J add -» • (23) MRj om. (24) So W; (for

31^1 ); J M.aJM _the rest -^JM for -^i' » ; better, .read cCik ( Av. -"Jti'^i? . )

(•25) BK )(y-«'i^-. (26) MRi om. (27) MR, J Vie; • (28) J -«S^^^ .

(29) J 6'5 . (30) MR om. (31) MR "*\ • (32) MRi, J »^"S: •

(33) MRi Jj'^e;--*' ; J ^^^w-

Page 46: Pahlavi Namakiha Manushchihar


-^5^; -^IW 'I3M3 '^i)\ Vie*^ \^^)\Ji}\ \^^^ ^tl

'i3TO)-i'pej -^V^ns^ ^' '' 'I'^^-e^'^''"^^ "^^r 'iro-^

''€3''l -*U03^r^^ G^ (11) '"TO'SO-^ -^^ ''-^KS

(1) MR, MRi, J add * . (2) BK ,^\J^ • (8) J, MRi 'r«'5


(4) J l^i^J-^^U . (5) BK 'VS . (6) Bii-dfyndn—good abode: Av. -")-*"6i^


also, cf. Av. -"ji^>^ . ]'/(/e, also, Pah. Vd. 19 § 31 ( Dastur Darab's Edition).

For West's interpretation of this word, Vide S. B. E. Vol J VIII, (Dd. Pursesh 30)

p. 63, note. (7) MR, MRi om. (8) MR adds ' . (9) MR '^^eAT* : Read

vin<ivishn(Av. ]^^)', or. wz'sAw—passage; shifting (Av. ^-^l?), or, with MR, read

niyajdn (P. iD^j^ii —needy) (10) J 6^^-^/? • (11) MR. J ^-^^--J'^-m .

(1;^) So V". BK; MR, MRi ^r€>UW ; J ^f€W ; Weet reads zdhtar (cf. P. (Aj)-

Better i-d,spo/?f/)r/gfd^<;/ta/d/- with the preceding (as one word). (13) BK -^sXAJ-se;;

MR, MRi ^V-i^J\J^'J . (14) BK ^•rJJ';. (15) BK, MR. .J oin. (16) BK,

J 'J^-^ieA^O^ • (17) MRi, J add »• (18) So \V, BK; better IBf^^'S as

in the rest. (19) J ._Jt3'"S . (20) MR adds ». (21) MR om. (22) J

omits the last 6 words. (23) J -\)^-^: See the preceding note. (24) J adds '-'


(25) MR, J om, (26) MR om. (27) J f^-»^ij . (28) So W, BK; MRi

li^-^C*) ; better MR, J '^-"<? • (29) MR, MRp J add « .

Page 47: Pahlavi Namakiha Manushchihar

Epistle I : CHAPTER TIT, 9-14 15

'^1^3 3-^ ^V" '"^iittr tr t6«^ gi^pj (14^

(1) MRi- J add -. (2) MR MRi, J add ' .

(3) MR A^^^ •

(4; MR ^V^- (5) MR '^i^ . (6) MR om : P u<^i\^^ = to be sad;

»-^lj^^ = sorrow; sorrowful. (7) ^f ^^ : BK « for »; the rest om.

(8) So W, BK; MR, MRi, J )'^^) ('j) BK -«.6^t3n3(D,; ^Rj,

.1 J.S'^JS-tjC^ . (10) So \V. BK; betu-. )^.-^S) as h. the rest. (11) MR*^3-"J'^' •' J ^AKJ'^ : See Oaoia Memori>il Volume, P. 2!i9. (12) MR, MRi>SJ

prefix ». (13) So W, Blv; better -"UO'^* as in the rest. (U) MR, MRi>)^-«=f ; J V»i--^ . (15) MR, J add I ; MRi adds ' «• (16) MRi,

J A^VIJ^' . (17) MR on.. (18) So W, BK; MR, &»> « i3^ for <6 »5^»9^ :

better, MH, J 5»^ - )5^) . (Vj) MR, J Mtog . (20) MR, MRi, J om*

(21) MR, MRi, J add "^. (:2) MR •^-'(^^^^j; . (^.J; MR :»JM^-5»


(21) MR, MR], J 'r?i)--y . (25) MRi.< J add »• (26) MR ajy\ .

f27)MRom. (28) J adds ». (29) MRi f'3 . (3o) MRi, J om ; MR,

MRi, J add M^^rt- . (8i) BK '^--5; MRi f^^^^o for »^-"5 *-<? .

Page 48: Pahlavi Namakiha Manushchihar


'V^if6 "i |6S,j^ ''^1 ^--ij ''i3--a(?i ''-v^ 1311 -^^

V -t/te*^ iMj ''-aj^rs '''\s^f ''\^\^

(1) MR, MRi, J »^-*";» • (2) MR « for » • (3) MR om; BK, MRi,

J ^)3 . (4) So all: better »5^3-^-S'^ (5) So VV, BK: MR. MRi •€«»•

better ,60 as iu J. (6) So W; BK, MR )S\^}\J'\ ; MRp J BttKAyt (7) MRom. (8) MR adds ' • (9) MR »^»<6 . (^10) MR ^^\ ', MRi, ^^'^^ for

et/-^ i^^ . (11) MRi, J eicein^-** . (12) BK 'tS ; MR om. (13; BK 't«))i?)^ .

(14) MR -»"? • (15) MR t^3 for -^ >5" . (16) BK »5-«?l • «a /asafc,

p_ ij...^ trouble. (17) BK '^» • (18) BK, MR, MRi ora. (19) So W; the

rest '"^(S . (20) MR 'i^Ti^eJ - (21) So W, BK; better '^'^ • (P. lAji ) as

in the rest: J adds ' . (22) J, MRi, BK add « . (23) MR ^> 'SttJ .

(24) MRi >3i*"^» . (2o) J adds « • (26) MR ity^-" . (27) MR -^i^^UC^

cf. note 11 § 12. (28) MR ^^f;^oj - (29) MR, MR,i, J add rt^M,^-- ^-^}

(6 -*0-5-5 . (30) MR -n5it«»iJ3-^ . (31) MR '^^^^e; • (32) J adds »»\«-"-^ -^V'^-» >;

MR adds »t«JAM^ )(?iJ)i^eJ ^-i-' • (33) BK om. (34) MR. J »^»'^-' • (35; BK^5^', BK repeats the last 9 words (with the first word ~u instead of '**^)

MRl adds "?6S "^ ^ «"*""?« -^3J|«J.i3 l for the last 10 words. (36) MR cm-

Page 49: Pahlavi Namakiha Manushchihar

Epistle I : CHAPTER in, lo-l? : CHAPTER TV, 1-2. 17

'i3Tt3e)i -t)^5^S liJJiJ 'i i9rOJ5pJ^l -cre)-^':^ '«l3r^ir^'l

V ''61r6^ rOJ-^-^ej ''ir^-xj-»'ir<5-L^,^-«i5| "|



''^e "r^ ""l^ Irt^l!^!^ \^V^ \^^^!^JU-^V \^% {'2)

•"w -^ ''i ^Pt^ ''-t;-^rtr ''-^5 -^13 "irt^-t^je"-^"^ "^3

(1) MR -^'JJ^-ttr "JJO ; MRi, J -J^-V syOt cf. p. jlc>»^-^ expert,

clever. (2) MR om. (3) BK. MRi. J om. (4) MR, MRi oni.

(5) So W, BK; the rest '3t^'e)'| ; MR adds -> . (6) BK. J om.

(7) MR om. (8) BK ""J-^-V^ with *'-^5-^-«« written abovp. ^9) BK om.

(lU) BK «M/l<'.aJ . (11) MRi, J add '• ^-[2) Thus W, BK;(cf. P.

e,«>j,*« = 4y<J.iJ l^-i = to praise); tetter "t^'-"3» as in the rest: MRj J add '•

(13) MR, MRi om (11) J f^^\J^J^Uro . (15) BK «»ro^^ . (16) So W.

BK; better -H)»^i^» as in the rest. (17) BK, J '^-'=^. fl8) Mli, MRj,

J add ». (1&) MR -"?'v?r-"e;. (20) BK, MK. .1 add •»£/ • (21) So MR,

MRi, J : W, BK 131*5 . (22) J « I'^i^'-V. (23) MR] adds r€ ».€ .

(24) J adds '(6 <S • (25) MR, MRi, .1 om. (26) Thus all but J : J ipJ-^JHaJ-^j

(27) MRi) J add » . (28) MR om. (29) MR om: J » for -.


Page 50: Pahlavi Namakiha Manushchihar


W WV *r^'V\\\G W(^ (3) tt5!W 'ltt5^^-^ ' ''T^

-ijj \\^^ e^ '^^1 -^ite 'w^ « IIP I^ I t!:

i«?^ "ittje^'p '"e€ ittro-*^ ^ -v-^ w^n^^ ©€ ii6 ^

(1) MR »r^^-" . (2; BK 'i^-^i' . (3) cf. P. v«-^ leaping, absence;

or, cf. P. *- ^^^i-* = placed into disorder (4) BK 'tWi^ . (5) MR, J ifii^^ .

(6) BK cm. (7) Hie Avesta passages, quoterl ia this chapter, are corrected from

Geldner's text, as they are indiflerently written in the MSS., and the variants are

given as foot-note.s. (8) W, BK, --6-"i«iej^ ; MR --$.f«ie;^ . (9) MR •»"/<=:;

W, BKadd *^-»*'^-»*-^*'-^*'«^>J>; J has these words on the margin. (10) MRj om.

(11) MR --(•M«^ (12) MR, J, MRi, add -**"?«. (13) W, BK om ; MR, MRi

j^jRjJj-e;-^''^-*-; J -"VW-""--!} .«^J-»'. (14) Thus J; the rest •^">J> (15) MR

-^V ; the rest —W . (16) MR, MRl> J -cW^aj-"))-- for the last two words;

W, BK ^e)'J-*)-»r-^^<^-"iai«' tor the two words ; M&i, J have W}-»j-"r-^-*<^--:ai6'

on the margin : W, BK leave a blank here of about 2 inches. (17) W, BK om; MR^ (18) W, BK om ; MR -HJJ^Cl^ . (19) MRi, BK, J om. (20) MR, MR],

J add -^ ' (21) MRi. J add ». (22) All MSS. omit, by mistake -VS « i'

cf. the Pail, version of Vd. iX § 41. (23) MR ^^^ . (24) BK J<f>J--)>-»')J22.^;

J J^Kj--»*«'J!as^ : MR, MRi JVJ-"«--»-*»;a5^ . (25) BK "-S-rjOi*; MR

--«iriOa>; MRi, J -"«J^5«« .

Page 51: Pahlavi Namakiha Manushchihar

Epistle I : CHAPTER IV, 2-5 19


iife^j-tj"-^ ^'j-i*'^

(«ii3 if^Gj^^ i3f^i3 iiej i«^ju-53r<'

(1) MR om ; MRi, J "^i-^nJ for ^fO--*") . (2) BK ^^<i-«^«l»^fb ;

MR '^^:!^^^1^ ; MRi ^«--^ij«a)«l»^--fO; j ^^iau^-e^fO.

(3) wBK om. (4) BK, MK, J J^J^Ic^J^ . (6) BK, 3 t^^--'^; . (6) BK,

MRi, J om. (7) MR 13^^^. (8) So W, BK ; better MR, MRi, J >«€ .

(9) So W, BK; better »l^ as in the rest. (10) MR adds «. (U) The

above 6 words are instrted in MR, MRi, J after the following »J>^-V;

MR. MRi» J add »»t*W-«^ . (12) MR om. (13) BK, J Jj^^V • (14) J

*Vs«-«*»-"»-*)aiO' . (15) W, BK, MR «{^^-*; MRi adds «lU-w-J^JW«--»-«;iai^

cf., with ?§2-3, Ep. II., Oh. Ill §5. (16) MR ^^^ • (17) MR om. (18) MR•^'t*^ . (19) BK om. (20) MRi, i prefix » (21) MR « »eO • (22) All

but W, BK rightV add ^ • 23) MR adde ' *, MRi, J add »» .

Page 52: Pahlavi Namakiha Manushchihar


as ^13 ''i ^re)i3itrG ''-C3S Js^rte -^i3 f6 i«^JU-^3r<='

(1) BK omits 'iej'^ ; Mil; MRi, J omit the last 4 \*^ords. (2) MRin^J»aS ; MRi adds >• (3) MR, MRi, J add ». (4) MR, J >i^'-i3>S.

(5) MR »<iy-^-»«r J MRi, J >"J-^-"^ . (6) So W, BK ; better -^;W-*re)y

ati in the rest ,• J, MR, add I • (7) BK, MR om. (8) MR <6. (9) MRi cm;

J » for ^. (10) MRi, J om ; MR ^ for ». (11) BK om. (12) J adds *'•

(13) MRi, J add ». (14) MR om. (15) MR, MRi, add (6. (16) J J'V.Ji?.

(17) MRi, J 'i^\^-** • West reads dast ~ power: better jast (p. (i?*«-^)j or,

r«ad itted with MRj, J. (18) MRi om. (19) MR -njo£j»ft,*-" - MRi, J add »•

(•20) MR tt'M»{0. (21) So W, BK; the rest add -*UO"^U'?: »4irtnj-*'l<»

-l3>-t«e; MSj ( -HJQUJM MR ) ^UO^Hi '^^ » . (22) MR, MR]

om. (23) MR om. (24) Thus MR, MRi ; the rest -^SU* ; BK repeats -^»W •

(25) MR], J add ». (26) MR. ,1 add f. (27) MR -»K6 . (28) Thus all, for

Jjr_^ ' (29) MR, MR], -^ . (30) So VV, BK ; the rest "-J^i^J^-^.

(31) MKi om ; MR « for >.

Page 53: Pahlavi Namakiha Manushchihar

Epistle I : CHAPTER IV, 5-10. 21

vsi(€'<;' ^5'?oe>' '-o-l^<^i |^i wv '-^'itt5ii«n5 -^ i3«r


(0,13 i^'r^^-Vjej"!!?

''^ ''i3-^i3-t3-o^ ISU<^ ^ ''r6

(1) MR -n3'>U^t«D; MRi adds '. (2) So W, BK ; better "^Oreo

as in the rest. (3) BK, MRi, J 'i°»'^ (4) xMR ^ . (6) Thus \V, BK


better add "^ " as in MK, or "tt) as in MRi, J . (fi) J om; cf. P c)'^i'?^',

MR ^v6i . (7) MR, I\lRi Om. (8) BK -o-o-->- . (9) MR J»^^-^> .

(10) J '<r . (11) J om. (12) So W, BK ; the rest om. (!3) J >tt*t«-" ;

BK *^-» I. (14) J t^'^'^-*' ; MR, MKi, J add « . (15) MR,

MRi >€'? 'S . (IG) BK. MRi, J om. (17) BK om, (18) BK-.0^jJA3-y-Mj<; . (19) J it^JJ-- »N>-^y . (20) MR <?-^ . (21) MR, MRi

udd « . (22) MR iBr^)\jt>; AlRj, J add "5 . (23) MR adds > . (24)

So W, 3K; better 'V> as m the rest: cf. § 13. (26) MR, MRi, J

prefix f€^ • (26) J i=' . (27) MR omits the last 4 words ; better

omit the last 3 words as in MRi, J. (28) So W, BK; the rest add

-^W -u—** » . (29) J ^«r>^go ; MRi, J add I . (30) BK. MRi,

J. om (31) MRi, J add » . (S2) MR -^< and adds > •

Page 54: Pahlavi Namakiha Manushchihar


f6t^K (^i^iO-^ -tr!6^ ir^ii«n5 '-t^f€<^ JJ-*'P -iieyit)^^^

Jinj -nj-ej 'i^r^tj^s -^6^^ 'is-^ej _^'!jr i«xrm^i^6

I5^r^er ^^ <^f^ I (11) -trre^ -^\^ -^ -5j€^

j'^s ''6if^3KreHj-*'ire)^ "-^-a^^s -0-^3^ GireJer '"^i -sr^

-t/'i^'^ ''ittitt!^ t^s -^t^ej^^uo "i^rtrs iiej^3w^

l6 tt3«^ ''\^^ Iltt5«?re)l 3PI3 ''\^^ Wi) I'^UU^-" (12)

t^tiij ^-^ej-tj 3-gu<^ ^ -^c^r^ren^^ i^^o^^ '*\^^ w

(1) So VV, BK ; the rest ^-^-!5i«<f^»o; . (-2) MR »i(^ M3f«!?J> ;

MRl, J add »5lteD . (3) So W, BK ; the rest add tS . (4) J J(6U' .

(5) So W; BK »^^"^^ "> the rest t^^'^ »>3 . (6) MRi, J add ' • (7) So

W, BK 3 the rest "^^^^'J • (8) MR. MRi, J add « . (9) J >i«"<{C .

(10) MRl w» ; MR adds' • (U) J adds " • (12) MRi omits medial

-^. (13) MRl ^ZJ%5 . (14) J cm. (15) MR, MRi, J om. (16) J

^>- . (17) BK ^3^6 • (18) MR. JtO-i^i^i; MRi, J l^^^ . (19) MRi

om, J adds '"'^ . (20) So W, BK, MRi i better MR, J SjSU* : MR adds

i6«C . (21) MR om. (22) So W, BK ; the rest ' for « • (23) MR'

MRl om. (24) MR adds » • (25) BK « ^•'^i^^ . (26) MR•^iXi^Jv^oj . (27) So W, BK ; better "^ as in the rest. (28) So W, BK ; the

rest V» cf. § 9. (29) MR adds *- • (30) So W ; the rest ^^^n3J ; MRi,

J add ' . (31) MR -^^a)---^ . (32) MR •n5;^-^5t«e; / MR, MRi add » .

Page 55: Pahlavi Namakiha Manushchihar

Epistle I : CHAPTER IV, 10-16. 23

i?xrj;^i«>5 'irt^-^^^ V(€i 'iir€AJ iirenj "^ ^jjii6<?'i;

(1) BK ^'J . (» So W, BK ; the rest ^"^t^ . (3) BK om.

(4) So W, BK ; the rest ^ for »• (5) MRi (^^> (6) MR ora. (7) MR r£M3

rew» « for "€nj Mrtnj; MRi "f€n3» |^eM^ . (s; Mr iite »^ ; mRi, J in* (6 .

(9) MR, VlRi l^^y . (10) BK om. (11) So W, BK ; better -\I^V as in the

rest. (12) MR '^-"55^ • (13) MR 'rtKJo . (14) MR -^>9ier« . (i5) BK,

MRi, J ^ie;^UO-'J BK repeats. (16) So W, BK, MRi ; the rest om.

(17) MR, J if^i"iS . (18) So W : the rest Ji^'^u . (19) BK, MR, MRiomit final ». (20) BK "^^sXtr . (21) BK S^'^-'^' j J ^f*^^3S . (22) BK

om. (23) MRi '>>-"|S . (24) MR, MLli, J add '. (2o) .1 ii^'a •

(26) MR ora. (27) MR, Mri, J add *'. (28) MR ^>t013.

Page 56: Pahlavi Namakiha Manushchihar


Wt^^ -tjr^'ti i=^^«^s 'ir^f€i 1^^ "^JO^^i^ 'w-^

'-at^ej "\^^s \^^ 1:^ VcAJi'^ ite^uej' KJUty -^^^

iiej (18) -»ii€^ ^'iMj i^r^rew^ -^t^ej i^^6 'i^^

^^y* W<^ itty-^ 1^^ ir^ej«? ^-5^ -aj'^re:)' "iireu-t3


"13^1 « lare^utii iws i^r^^ i3rtiutii ""iS a;

(1) J >ft;i>SO. ^2) MR, MRi, J add ^. (5) MRi s^J'T (4) MR->^6 . (5) So \V; MR, MRi, J »^^ ; better BK >^- • (6) MRtfiyifo)B) . (7) MRi, J »feni»^» . (8) .So W. BK : the rest om. (9) So

W, BK; the rest add n"*' • (10) J >'»»'^3 • (11) MRi, J add ».

(12) MR, MRi ^-^rv . (13) MR, MRi, J om. (14) MRi adds '•

(15) MR "Xrir ; MR, MRi, J add « (16) BK om. (17) MR adds ^ •

(18) MR '=^>-^3"?. (19) MR -»»3tnj-*C6 ; MRi, J O eAJ-^:» . (2O) MR

?4dfl "* . (21) J »*'» • (22) Thus W, BK, J : better omit, as in MR, MRi •

Page 57: Pahlavi Namakiha Manushchihar

Epistle I : CHAPTER IV, 17-18 : CHAPTER V, 1-4. 25

irt^-tj^is '^r^-DS'l^ j^itt^^ 1^ ^ i^^G ''iiu i^K-5

(1) MR, MRi, J add « . (2) MR •^•WeMi-' . (3) MR, MR i, J add > .

(4) Thnaall, for ^B : MR '^K5 for -^ -»)-o • (5) So W, BK; better

(^ for ^ as in the rest—to be read with the next word as i*S;^ . P. e^*Aa^-to

be inclined ; to be bent. (6) MRi, J -\HZJ^ . (7) MR, MRi, J

ito'JrenjJ . (8) cf. P. ^*-^^->. = to turn . (9) MR -^'^U^(^ .

(10) BK '^'M,6U^ ; MR ^^i^. (11) MR )^^tWjr - (12) BK, MRi, J

-^ifJ<^'3V . (13) So W, BK; the rest J^V - (U; MRi, J add » .

(15) So W, BK ; the rest ^''(tr . (16) MRi »t«^J^'; J <^^ » . (17) BK,

MR, MRi repeat ^V . (18) J Vu-^S-^"^; MR adds ' . (19) So W; BK -^J;

J q> ; MR cm; MRi ' ftAj-^iB for the last 2 words; (20) MR, MR], J

om. (21) MRi ^?-*' • (22) So W, BK; better »3itn5-» as in the rest:

Vide §§ 4-6. (23) MRi adds ' .


Page 58: Pahlavi Namakiha Manushchihar


,5^ w|5^is)]

"^1 -tjj^ "cxr ^""c-^i ^^ "^ '«3^

''I3re^i-*'^ MU '^-tr535?rt5S''- ''-^^^31 l3ttn3-5 <^^)

nej ''l3'>U' -^13 -ii^JU^ \^^ ^ -i^\ ''-i)-tr63^tt3S

ri) MR )^"^(?) . (2) MRi adds » . (3) BK, MR, J-V^fj^Sl;

MRi »ai^->A> . (4) MR om. (5) MR -"^i^^ ZJ-^; BK -nJ^-*'l«J-'y-« .

(6) Thus all but MR: better MR '5f€M3-» • (7) MRi » -^)^^^ ; J ^ips^^t .

(8) MRi ora. (9) MR, MRj 5^ . (10) BK adds ^; MR, MRi,

J add ' . Ql) J, MR '{Wi; MR MRi, J add « . (12) MR adds "«"^VJ£»j

-^J-S w <xr » -njJj* Ot« » 5^ » -aJW . (13) MR om. (14) MR V^^~**1 .

(15) MR, MRi, J r^e/' • (16) MR, MRi, J -nj<6 . (17) MR ora. (18) MR,

MR 1 add ». (19) MRi, J t^^^i . (20) MR, MRi t6«; i€ . (21) So W,

BK; the rest rightly omit it. (22) So W, BK ; the rest add 35 . (23) BK»

MRi, J -*UV3^^3» . (24) BK, MR om. (25) BK -^S ^^i^iS . (26) MR,

J adds «. (27) MR 3J-V6';it^'5 ; J "V? 5»^'e ; MR adds Jiren.-*'^' )>e; .

(28) MR om. (29) So W, BK; MR "i^'t^iS and MRi. J ""»t?Jt5 for '"iS' t^iS.

(30) So W ; the rest om, (81) J ^-^ for "£/. (32) MR omits final I.

Page 59: Pahlavi Namakiha Manushchihar

Epistle I : CHAPTER V, 4-« ; CHAPTER VI, 1. 27

« '|!^/<?l wv •v\^-^<^^ -tier (7) ir^iB s^ -^^i 'i

-3^tt3S « ''itt3-^ i^t^rew _fj3''^


i-ii-trs 3«^tt3S « iBftMj-*'^^ iiej iti^ -^ ir^tJ^? -tr63^r^


** i3re)ti"^^ iiu ''t^ ire^eji ''^ib^i ^ 51^''« ^ (i)

^ -^13 itt3-*'e>' '^-^is-^o-tj^ ti^ ittiii^e ^^ ''-c^^uu'iO

(1) MR om. (2) MR, J i^fJ^j • (3) MR 'i^^i^'?. (4) MR om


MRi ^f. (5) So W, BK: MR, MRi, -^jajt^Sf; J iO^is^^ .

(6) MR iiery. (7) MR -^ • (8) BK "^J»»iW-**"^ . (9) MR »»a?^*«6«p3

(10) MR om. (11) MR, J ft5"i«-eO . (12) MRp J, BK -^3^(6. (13) BK,

MRi, J -xm^^d . (14) MR -^e^'t^S . (15) MR ^ • (16) MR, MRi,

J add »3rtnj-*'i« -')3i«-*'6 >»»l »i«ej«5 « ( MRj_Jl"?9J' ) '^'t'^U' -iy63';;^6 " .

(17) MRi, J om. (18) MR, MRi, ':y^-»c»» . (19) MR ^^^ • (20) MR,

J om. (21) BK ^-*V with rWA/U written above the word- (22) MRi f^i^f'^.

(23) MR om. (24) MRi ^' • (25) BK, MR] -U'V^S^J . (26) So W


BK ; MR adds »t^ ; MRi add^ (cf. Pah. Vd. IX, 32 comm : Dastur D. P.

Sanjana's Editiou, p 184, U. 8-12) ; J adds -^ (cf. Pah, Vd. p. 187, 1. 2).

Page 60: Pahlavi Namakiha Manushchihar


i-2j-t:rG35?tt35 ^ i3r€Ju-^<^ "^ii^ i3e>'ti'^'" ^ i3t^j-^<^

r^ (4) _^3 131^ -b-^^-t5-C'5? -tJl^-- lrt5-^-^5^^

(1) MRi, J 0111. (2) MR «?teJ5ren5«?. (3) J repeats '5«W. (4) So W,

BK ,• better omit as in the rest. (5) So W, BK ; better W-\J\J-*' as in the rest

(H) MR J'. (7) MR om. (8) BK, MR add ^ • (9) MR om. (10) MRi,

,) om. (U) MR t^ . (12) MR ^ST -^-\ • (13) MR )t«i€<^ 5 J om.

(14) Thus W; better BK ';*J-^5»)|^5^ , or MR, MR], J 't^J-VS','?!?'^ (cf

^SJi^Sr §7. (lo) MR, J add ^ • (IG) BK, MRi -Jf^H.'^rJ , (17) So W'

BK ; the rest ifJ-UlJ-- • (18) MR _^»l«-ii-' • (l;j) MRl om- (20) MR,

MRl, J prctix '. (21) MRl, J add ».

Page 61: Pahlavi Namakiha Manushchihar

Epistle I : CHAPTER VI, 1-6. 29

-0 -*|ij -^ -s-^er « ^^^ i3^f^ 'V-^ ^rt^ej '-tj-»i

-ijo^j' (5) it^-^ey 'li / i^-^^--c-^^ ir^ej^

«-^^ \^^ll -^ |||Ojj '-M-3;-^!€P^_J'^"^ '^

vrej^ ir^ir6^ -tiii^o^ "i^^i ^ '^^' "^t6S itt3-nju

\^\\b -0-^36r_J'''^

r6 -^3 ''ltt5lli6 I3^SU' I5?a* -^w

(1) So W, BK;better -OJi^-VU

, as in the rest, for -MJJ> >t»J-iJ^J (cf.

Ep. II. Ch. 7 § 15 and Ep. Ill § 7). (2) J. >nO-"; better ^i^iW as one word :

cf. -UOi**'f*«^/ Ch. 8 § 7. (3) MRi, J -n;^s . (4) MEi, J add « .

(5) MR, MRi, J add tr • (6) J -^ for >^ ; MRi om. With §§ 1-1

cf. Ep. II, Ch, II §7. (7) MRi_r5'^^ . (8; MR om. (9) MR, MEi add

^ . (10) J '1^'^; MR adds '- (11) MR adds ^ . (12) J "I^W . (13) BK,

J om. (14) MRi -O'r^^f . (15) MRi pretlxes >. (Itj) So W, BK ; the

rest i^V ' (17) So AV, BK; the rest add "^^Jren;^ . (18; MR -M.-^ .

(19) MR »!^"n« ; MRi, J t^U^ . (20) MR, MRi, J add ^ . (21) MR,

MRi tAy for final -*'y: F/zta^/a = evidence, witness (cf. Zeud-Pahlavi Glos. p. 43,

1. 7.) cf. Ep. II. Ch. I£. § 7. (22) BK, MR 'N'^^iitni . (2o) J adds »=?US6 .

(24) MR 't^i"^. (25) J_/i€ ; MR J-KS and adds^J- . (26) MRJ'Ke J J JiS .

(27) MRl J"'-^ (28) MRl? J add « . (29) So W, BK ; better, a.s in the rest, (6 .

Page 62: Pahlavi Namakiha Manushchihar


113 1 |!^^IK^ Z^J^/" iB-^-^ej -•'IS 1::::^ '^^^ "t/'s

t^ pu^ -^-*e>' (9) ''itti-'uu -^-^ irtJiM-^ "^ ^_^_j f6^ 5^ ''i irt^-'^-^

-^^ irt^iP-^^ I3'>U' r^

5^ is^i-^-^e S!re)ej ^jji«>^ ^ '^\^^^ ^ "-^

(1) J 'i^-UO^t^e; . (2) MR, MRi, J (?I»S^ • (3) BK ^3«i^.<>? ;

MR -^31^^. (4) MR, )'(^-^; cf. Pah. Vd. 9 § 32 comm., 1. 5. (5) MR, MRi">0-9-**i**!: patdhh, patdislm, P. C^*^"- v — to be constant, fixed; to be established).

(6) Cf. Pah. Vd, 9 § 32, comm, (Dastur Darab's Edition, p 186 11 18-19),

(7) MR, MRi, J Ir^KJ-^c*. (8) MR ^^J-*"^ . (9) BK, MRi, J JiJ>SU-j-«i« .

(10) MR -^aJ^J!^ . (11) MR, J om ; MRi 5' for ^ . (12) MR (^te*; . (13) MR,

l^^W . (14) So MRi, J;W, BK -**'; MR om: better^- . (15) MR

om. (16) MRi, J -njO'-^-SW^^ . (17) J -^^^L^J^V ', BK -'Uo'^^CXJ-'e;.

(18) MR -nsaiy^ . (19^ MRW-»-*"^ . (20) MR, J, BK i^ . (21) jahH

(cf, P. u*~^X' BK »!^'^^*, MR, J it^-njAj . (22) MR -OJiC-^JnUJ-^s^ .

(23) MR -'J''^ .

Page 63: Pahlavi Namakiha Manushchihar

Epistle I : CHAPTER VI, 7-11; CHAPTER VII, 1. 31

J^l (10) ^6 61f^ej Itti-^ V. Ij 13^ g£ '\n^^^

•tens '^€t^2j if6 1^1^" i^«? 6^ i^-^-^ '°itt3^3^


(1) BK repeats the last 7 words. (2) MR '^'^J-"^.(3) MRi adds ».

(4) MR, J om. (o) MR -^'SVJJ-*"^ . (6) BK, MR ^^OiJ^ZJ . (7) MR, J

•*«>*'\We; . (8) BK, MRi adds > . (9) J »(6 . (10) MR t^^^^^t; MRi adds ».

(11) MRi om. (12) So W, BK, MR ; better MRj, J •^«JO-»ej . (13) MR•nj^j^t^; MRi "^J^U . (U) MR (^rt- . (15) -^^-i-^iM . (16) mR adds «.

(17) MR adds '3^ ; MRi, J add|

(18) cf. Ep. II, Ch. II § 8. (19) MRom. (20) MRi ,^e^» . (21) BK, MRi, J om. (22) MR -nJi^.!}^ ; Pah.

Vd. IX 32, comm. has ^i^SS : cf §§. 5, 6. (23) J ^t«)'^ ; MRi, J add » .

(24) MR, MRt, J^J'J5^ . (25) MR ^^ : 8humar= like; (P. J^*^) So.

fllio, Pah. Vi. IX 32, coram.

Page 64: Pahlavi Namakiha Manushchihar


t€ I (2) i5^/e)6«? \%J=>'Xf 'i wiittr^ ::^ 3^^ ^

''6r€'^ '*I^II3 l-aJt^)U-^r^ -^ ^^._t!!J

^^^ ito-nju

(1) J adds -i . (2) MRi, J add » . C^) J »t: • (4) MR, MRi, J om.

(5) MR]> J I'Jg'^ . (6) MR omits the last 3 words. (7) MR -^-eo : see note 25 p. 31

(8) MR, Jem. (9) J ^ • (10) MR "*»3 . (U) BK ^rinJO^^'. (12) Thus W,

BK: the rest i?'? ^ - (13) MR, J ^B^Sr^iJ. (14) MR, J t<M^ . (15) MR S'lSsr .

(16) J (S'J i6 ; MRi omits the last 11 words. (17) MR om. (18) J om.

(19) So W, BK; better add ^» as in MR. or i=' » as in MRi, J • (20) BK ^ ^».

(21) MR, MRi, add > . (22) MR Jt«W-«) . (23; MR, MRi, J add ^ •

(24) .MR, MRi, J add > . (25) Thus W, BK; better MR, MR}, ^Yii'^^Jr^b or

J •)\Jr€^i^Jr4 cf. Z. p. G: p. 38, 1, 10 & p. 120. (26) MR, MRi, J add ^

Page 65: Pahlavi Namakiha Manushchihar

Epistle I : CHAPTER VII, 2-7. 3,3

'^ ir^llreu-" -^ Jj-V^^^^ lT^-51^ 5V'\ Ser (o)

ir«^5- iiro^-\AJ 11^ ^ i3reKJ-^^ iiej 'irtr le^^ -^

V -^3 '0-0-^3^ -XJ-si J^lrOJ-5 ^ j^UJ^

''(?II3 I l^-^<^ ^^ IPIW ''-^rtW ''l3K-5| "^*^-«

(1) MR om. (2) MR -^^^ '- MRi, J |^J^^ . (3) BK e€ .

(4) MRi, -^^-ez-HJ-se; . (5) J adds '. (6) MR om. (7) MR adds ' . (8) MR,

J add ->; MRi adds > . (9) MR, MRi, J prefix ' • (10) MR, J add -» .

(11) MR om. (12) So W, BK ; the rest »if-\A;-** . (13) MR om. (14) So

W, BK ; the rest >^^^i (16) MRi, J 'CT) . (16) MR om' (17) So W,

BK ; the rest i"*»5 • (18) J adds » -» . (19) MR, MRi, J om. (20) MRprefixes » . (21) MR, MRi, J add « . (22) MR >S^^ . (23) MR adds <€^

(24) MR, MRi, J add ' . (25) MRi J'^-" • (26) MR adds ' . (27) BK (^ for


Page 66: Pahlavi Namakiha Manushchihar


^1 S^ Vllr05^ ^ SS' (8) \\^\^^ \^^V 'iW-^I


^lit-^-vi^ ir^-- (^ito* "I (9) '"it^iry^ 'iiTe^-*o -^3

"^ "^3 wv ''\^ i3re^-5 « e^s^ i -^s ii6

t^ -^o^"!^ i€ ''iie)U^ir?)^ ittJ-^llU 'VW(^ (^I^IW leyi

i«;o<^'*i -xj-«rtr iiej W<^ (ii) ittiHiS v'''^a»>}-ai \^s^ \^

(1) MR ^J^^-^%; MRi, J ^$^^^-^-^% . (2) BK lU'^gt^ej^


MR, MRi, J >5*$!«2J^ . (3) MR, MRi , J MttKJ^ . (4) MR i^t^i^ .

(5) MRi prefixes » . (6) MR t^Mt^'J-" . (7) J omits the last 17 words


(8) MR ^ (9) MR, MRi Jftn^-ns . (lo) MR, MRi JttMi^^ . (H) MRom. (12) MRi, J^ . (13) MR adds «. (14) J om . (15) MRHOjrJ^ . (16) BK om. (17) MRi i€^i^)) . (i8) MRi, J add » .

(19) MR, J add » . (20) MR itMJ)i^-^ . (21) MR. J add M'j . (22) MR»

MRi, J •• ^C6^Cw^w-- : (,f_ vd 11 §7. (23) MR ^^^1-^; MR MRi, J

add ** • (24) MR om . (25) J ff^-Xt .

Page 67: Pahlavi Namakiha Manushchihar

Epistle I : CHAPTER VII, 7-15. 35

-v^ (12) -*c3^rt3ti '-^-s-^-tr t€ if6 iren3-*'S^^

^ -^ "-51^^-5 ^Jrtn^-^ii t;: (13) iptie? si«^<?

t^ ''it^lW IBenj'l f€^ 5^ j;;^ ^'Sl^lV^ (14)

\^\\^^ w e)* ''is^sp^j lit) i3re^-s « lejs^ ''i -*06

<^i€Pf^ ''-tjs^^ Uo) '^W'-o -^3 ^ \\^\G\^ ""ire^-^^?

(1) BK ^i3^-^ ; MRi, J add > . (2) So W, BK ; better Va5 as

in the rest . (3) MR om. (4) So W ; the rest om. (5) MRi, J add » .

(6) MRl, J om. (7) So W, BK ; better MR *W!e>'5r ; or MRi, J

w -n3io-«y : cf. with §§ 10-11, Pah. Vd. 11 ?§ 1-2. (8) MR adds » . (9) MR« '?Li-s^-l3 . (10) J om. (li) MRl « fti-^fl . (12) BK .aJtt«3-"M


MRl lO-i^M ; MR, J ren5-»>" . (13) MRi adds » . (14) BK adds » .

(15) MR, MRl, J om. (16) So W, BK ; the rest add '^* • (17) MRi

om. (18) MRl, Jadd«. (19) MRi, J g>^-»^ • (20) So W, BK; the

rest If )»<^ . (21) MR "^ • (22) BK li'^Sf^ . (23) MRi >3rtnJ-«ce . (24) MR-O-nj . (25) BK om. (26) MR '6'? • (27) MRl om.

Page 68: Pahlavi Namakiha Manushchihar


itti-^ !iu ''itt5iitt5^ -^ r^ ^!'l__^*ie)'i irt^iiSi^ "ire)u-^^

y >8^-^a.,,--, ^^^ 1^^-^'' (17) it^-^a; ''*'!3reHJ-^^

—-(^ it^-* iiti (18) "^^^ "I'f^iB iiej "iire)-*'^ i^s*

1,^^^-.^ ^'I«^- 11^ i^jj^-i^-^^ V \ij^ -^ w i3re^

(1) So W, BK ; the rest om . (2) MRi adds ' . (S) BK repeats -tf .

(4) MR adds » . (5) MR MRi, J S^'V • ((3) MRi om . (7) J om'

(8) ambasiniiah (West) = sprinkled: cf. P. e^'*"«'^^l "• better, read ham-hdgimtak

r Av. ^^ =" to divide )— equally, proportionatelj' . (9) MR om . (10) MR

adds ' • (11) MR .^>'5«^ . (12) MRi, J '3"!^ • (13) MRi )5reKJ-"C» .

(H) yd/ (West) = iniiuird prayer: better ra <trh . (lo) MR omits the last 11

words. (16) J om, (17) MRi, J prefix » • (18) So W ; BK, -*U-«--'?> ; MR

-OAJ^?» ; MRi, J -^-«-">' . (19) MR »^* . (20) MR -^t^-aJsu^; MR, MRi,

3 add » . (21) MR '^-^'^; MRi, J add » • (22) So W, BK ; the rest add

1KX . (23) Khodr (West) = easy: better, IcJtwdr = drinkiug—P. j '^-^^ •

(24) MR -^5"*^'; MR] -^VM^^ . (25) BK, MRi ; »(W5^-nj; MR, J

i^-^W . (26) MR, MRli J it^i'-^l^ . (27) MR, J om. (28) MR om-

Page 69: Pahlavi Namakiha Manushchihar

Epistle I: CHAPTER VII, 15-1;^; CHAPTER VIII, 1-2. 37


u,, ^ _5,ja ^ '^i^iPis -0 -tj-^itr "^1e^'iej i^^

'^i -^ 'j|5- ^ Iter ^ irt^'it^-^ -v-^w

gig -^^--II ti -^ '^\^^ Vjiir^^ ^-^ttr

i^5f ^'le^^:- w -^ij^ ^'i'^w -^j^-« ^ iTOJif6^

--^l^l^'iir I "'-^t^AADl^erS ''\M) tJ-^ (2)''-^ ''l JJI^

,^jj^-w-ti-^'rtr "^1 ^^ ''-*05|uJj |oyi^ J^-^ ^ ifo^«-

i6«^ lit' -^ -o-^ii « i3'iy6r^ej_-*Mj ''ie5s«? ^-^ir^ -^

(1) MR om. (2) MR adds-^^J * (3) MR, MRi, J add -^ •

(i) MR, MRi, i^'^^-V: cf. P. u>ij^^^ or U'^i./''^ = to cause to move'

to excite (Steingass) : MRi, J add » . (5) MR i)^-is; MRi, J *)i>^-a3 .

(6) MRi, J J*;. (7) ilRi, J add J^

. (8) MR omits the last 8 words.

(9) MR -^J»e;'^ . (10) MR, MRi om. (11) J om. (12) BK, MRi, J

add - . (13) MRi SttKj--^ . (14) MR ^-^ . (15) BK, MR, MRi om.

(16) MR, MRi, J add ^ . (17) MRd J om. (18) MR om. (19) MRi,

J add « . (20) So W, BK ; the rest om. (21) MR "t) . (22) MR, MRi,

J »-aJi)J . (23) MR -^re^LK5-*»^t'^6 . (24) MR ^f^Kf^i^-^^^ . (25) At

this point, MR makes the following note:— (jjj o>^, l:s:ij j I v.. ti/ ^^^ ..i

^iiy ^U3 IsAJjj ^ijo v^^ J^b^JJ '^'^z ul" Vf* uOl *^-' /^j .

(26) BK om.

Page 70: Pahlavi Namakiha Manushchihar


Ji5-*0-^e? '-^JJ «-t3S "^Ire W^ ^ '^rO'^ -^V ,^

-^«r ^ w^^-^v i^^ 'le^se? '^^jjj (4-5)

f^ j| ^ !5tut(ire)-^-« -«ij '^ ''ir^tt3-^ ir^r^U -^

(1) MR, MRi, J add " • (2) BK ^W but has -^ above. (3) MR,

MRi -^it"'^' . (4) MR, MRi, J add » . (5; MR, MRi, J ^'^>-iJ . (6) MRadds • . O) MR, MRi, om. (8) MR i^-^K^^ . (9) ^,«/ia/- (West)= care : better

read =o/;ar= libation. (10) BK '£> • (11) So W, BK ; the rest fSr^^ij for

Vd t«^?J . (12) BK ll^nj*; . (13) MR, MRi add » • (14) MR, MRi, J

»i«M^ . (15) MR, MRi, J add « • (16) J i:^'"^)^ . (17) BK -i^-^-^V


(18) MR, MRi, J prefix ' • (19) BK "^i^^ . (20) MR, MRi, J add -^.


Page 71: Pahlavi Namakiha Manushchihar

Epistle I : CHAPTER VIII, 2<k CHATPEIl IX 1-2. 39

^^ ^ (^^ °^ \^ij \^^ I '-^-XJ-S-*' -^ t^ |6?^ '-^IJ

-*^ -tj-"rtr \\t) \^^ '^ i3re^-5 ^ le^s^r t^ 5^r^5j

lU^ 'j|«50-^ -^9 wv t^ isros^re)-^-*- -^^ - I3nj

f6 135;U' 't^ '-*lt^S ^\^tl 6\^d^ '^ 3S\ (7)


(1) BK »'9J . (2) «sar : thus all but BE •, better BK ^-t?-^ (higar).

(3) cf. S.B.E. Vol. XXXVII : Dk. Book 8th : Ch. 38 § 33. (4) All but W om*

(6) J fS^K^-^y' . (0) MR -w-nj . (7) BK adds "2; . (8) BK ^>3^$ .

(9) MR, MRi, J add ^ iS . (lo) MR, MRi add » . (U) J adds »- •

(12) MRi, J om. (13) BKjO^^ ; MR, MRi, J ^^'s . (14) MRi om.

(15) So VV, BK; better add as ro as in the rest. (16) J om. (17) MRi -'iifJiJS^

(18) MRi ^ii:^ ; J 'tO-iieiiJ . (19) So W, BK ; the rest »»3 . (20) MR,

MRi -"^-^ .

Page 72: Pahlavi Namakiha Manushchihar


'^13 I^VuI^I ttr t^ 6t^-«5;u 15^^ -^ ^ (4)

_/r€^ jnj ^-^I3ttrs I3re^^<? __/* -^I3 ^ ^i3r^S

i^^-t5-XJ«< t^ -tTfe"!? Ir^^ IllttJ-*' Ir6 "^ -XJ-s-- 'l

li^^jre^ tr^ej^ '^^^iuu^io ^-tr63«?tt36 inj 13^

liej l«iUUr^ '1(5) Itt3-^AJ-^ W^-^ \^V Ir^ t^

-^S -^^ -^J^ t^ ^r€^: ''it^-^Ai 'nu r^ 1 (6)

(1) J '3^ • (2) MR, MRi '^'«' . (S) So \V, BK ; the rest add _jr,

(4) Thus all ; better omit ' (5) BK 3J-ii<^UU5«J ; MR ^'(^i*J^ » ; MRi, J

» ^'^LMJJ'W . (6) J cm. (7) W, BK leare a blank space here ; the rest do

not. (8) MR, MRi ^r. (9) So W, BK ; the rest om. (10) MR, MRl? J

Page 73: Pahlavi Namakiha Manushchihar

Epistle I : CHAPTER IX, 2-10. 41

—^j (fo^ 1^:^^ -^p^ ^j^ ,j^ Ir^-Cl)^ ^36 as

^^ 'y5\^^ i'Mj-^ irtJii^ijj TO<^^ -^ -or^ej

13-^ iiKfj iiK^iijr 'i ittNW ^ lyr^U iir^^ J^^ij-a^-^ ittri (8) 'iTt3-nA) -^ 'irt^i^^ --ij i5-«fO

V lry-\;U -^ I3ttrijj^ -3$)-t3 191^13 11^

|!?UII3 1^^ ''-SlK-si -^13 t^ (^re^r f«?OJ^U 3^ (9)

e<? BS liej -^I (10) -^ttJIj^ f6W l^lr^J ^--O-O

^ ^-y*! ''-^rt3r€^|!^/§a J-5|K-5| iiej ''jj-t/'63«rrt3S t:^

(1) J inserts ^ between ^^ and '^y abovo the line. P* /^f^ or 'L^.r^'^

(2) J »J>. (3) So W, BK ; the rest add i . (4) MK, J add i . (5) MR,

J -Hi--. (6) P. w^>-.J = to clean (Steingasa). (7) MR, MRj, J «.

(8) P. w^O-*- = to collect ; to be collected (Steingass). (9) Thus W, BK ; the

rest »tW-MJU-- for »if-UU -*-. (10) MRi J-'^-'. (11) So W. BK; the rest add

*'. (12) MR, MRi om. (13) So W ; better »V as in the rest. (14) So

W; the rest J"^-". (15) MR. MR], J omit final »» . (16) BK V*i€«?i?»a|2lj .


Page 74: Pahlavi Namakiha Manushchihar


^r^i6^l5^i^ -Xr^S^^6 i6S ^ '^13 '1^113 '^-WS

I3-r^^ ''|tOJ-«3«? ^-51 -^^«? \5^\^V -^T^S ^ 2!ll

"^^ lto«^ it^«> ^ittr ''i e\fB&Q \^^ ^f6^ I (12)

(1) Thus all : better omit » • (2) J WK . (3) BK ^-V6W6 .

(4) MR, MRi, J add zj!:^ . (5) MRi om. (G) So W, BK; the rest

^tWi6'^(?»J . (7) J om. (8) MR, MRi, J add *'. (9 MR, MRi omit the

last 3 words. (10) J V'tS-^U^ . (H) BK adds ^. (12) BK j^-^

(18) BK om. (14) Thus W, BK ; the rest 'r€)->'r' • (15) MR, MRi. J prefix

-"'i . (16) MR, MRi, J add « . (17) So W, BK ; the rest ^-VHeW .

(18) MR, MRi, J ^aJ-*'3«; and add > . (19) So W, BK ;the rest •« .

(20) So W, BK ; the rest add 'vC . (21) J niiW-**;^ . (22) MR, MRi, J add

» . (23) Thus all; better omit ». (24) BK -^^^^W', 3 -^^-"UU but has

-n3«j-^-*« on the margin.

Page 75: Pahlavi Namakiha Manushchihar

Epistle I : CHAPTER IX, 10-15. 43

« i3re«J"-^<? -^iBrtrs iiti (is) iTt3-^AJ -^ -^ =^I*j

"^ l^W 13^(^1 ^ irenj liej w |:*u-5!;u 'l ^-t/SdesTrt^S

^i3t€rs iiej "^i«iO-* (u) i^n^-^-^ it^s^* n^ -^

ir^-^iH-^ i8|uu-s3t«^iej « itew iiej ** ^ I (lo)

(1) So W: dyinugtU : better BK M3-nj»s'.5-*' ; or MR, MRi, J -nj-ttsU*

(2) MR, MRi, J add »i*J»n>J-- . (3) MR, MRi om. (4; BK om; MRi,

J €-*•. (5) BK "*'5 and has >t<=»<W» above it. (6) J om. (7) BK >,€t5^


(8) J om. (9) BK om ; MR, MRi add » . (10) MR, MRi, J add «.

(11) J adds >. (12) Thus all : better B^i^t : Vide § 13. (18) So W ; MR,

MRi, J 'ty-'UO-'"? ; BK »t«-UlJ-»^ . (14) BK C^i^' . (15) BK (^'t^.

Page 76: Pahlavi Namakiha Manushchihar


SP t^ '»^ 6^ ''^j6^ J^!!J-^311^^ "^1 -C3-^


(^i€^ I (2) irOIW IdeA;*! I^I5^ ''«n3»'=>6 ;^ \^^

«;UUIi6 «^^-^3l I3ren3-^ « l^ltl^e?JSJ^^

\^^^6 ^«^3^3

(1) MRi, J as ; MR ' ^ 35 . (2) BK |-^J>J^) . (3) BK om.

(4) West reads ydyo : better -\>o£j);^-" as one word. (5) BK adds -^HT

(6) BK has -^V written above the following -Oi^AJW . (7) Thus W ; the

rest -^<^Ki^ . (8) BK >3tW-^AJ':<? . (9) J »ft/U5» . (lo) MR, MEj

add »• (11) So W, BK ; better "^"^yV as in the rest. (12) So W ; better

MR, MRi, J -nit^lttJO* : or, omit the last 4 words as in BK. (13) J omits the

last 9 words. (14) J »i^i6>iJ .

Page 77: Pahlavi Namakiha Manushchihar

Epistle I : CHAPTER IX, 15; CHAPTEZJ X, 1-5. 45

IMI^-^ 3^^ -^ja 'sl^ ^ V \ (o) ^'^ Ir^lf6^ ej^

bS -tiii6 j^ -^1^6 ^ ittr ^-^ '^-t/ '^ '^ it^-^

-jJrei)^ '-^re)-^ sr^W-^ i:jut3 ^if6 irtJiireo 'ireitieji

-ss^^is-tj -c^ -0-51 ^ 11^13 irenjsji ^ -^ -*uo3

''i!?t; ^ -^^ i^ttr 1 (4) -sf^nten^-^ Vjj:^/-5«?ou "i

''-itt3-^ iiu ite«jeji -b^ ^ iiej -tjit^ -^ (5)

11^ -*c^ii6^ ir^eiJ3"tj 113 ''^1 ''1 ^tt5U -^rti-^-^ 63

(1) J 0111. (2) The last 4 words are thus found in W, BK ; J 5^ St)»'?J'> :

better MR, MRi 5«'V (to be taken in connection with § 2) . (3) So W,

BK; the rest om. (4) J adds » . (5) BK •-j|€)-«i«3 »^C-" for the last

2 words. (6) So W ; dijhhnth (West) ~ approaching : better, as in the rest

^(^j-Mg^ for the last 2 words (for .ai^J-«|«^) . (7^ MR, MBi "1^'?^ •

gdmhiitaH = to cause to travel, or shetninilan — to cause to name, to appoint.

(8) BK ^i^^-^-\l% for the last 2 words. (9) BK ^tUf'ZJ . (lo) So

W ; BK -V>^^-" ; the rest "^^^-s* • (11) BK om. (V2) So W, BK; the rest

•WJ . (13) BK -t) . (14) BK 2:^ . (15) J -\;CS\J-H3'J^-V> . (16) J

>r€K;ej» . (17) J om. (18) So W, BK ; the rest om. (19) BK ^' .

Page 78: Pahlavi Namakiha Manushchihar


- ^r^ttW '-^G «:|U0-5 1i^ IMJ -^ ^S^ j€«^"^

3r€W ii5j (^li^ittr t6S (6) siw^ ir«^3-^' i«^^

'-t36 15^UU-53t^^l^ «iuul^i ^ -t5i3te)u-^<? 't^^ |6

« -X3«rt^r€n5 ir^^f \^v* '>\& it^^ 1^13- f6 "<?im3

(1) BK ft^lW-" . (2) So W, BK ; the rest ^'6 . (3) BK ><\y^f . (4) J

•*^ifjl^M . (6) So W, BK ; better MR, MRi, J (S,»J'^iJ for (»' >Vf^, or, with the

foUowing »t=e; , read "^e;^ 'y'£', cf. P. t^5^;a.= to be inclined ; to turn the mind-

(Vide ''"e/i? § I'O- (6) MR adds C». (7) So W, BK ; the rest -^Jg. (8) MR,

MRi, J add »-. (9) MR, MRi, add > . (10) J add*^ > . (11) MR, MRi(«>3l*»3; J CB5i*)5

. (12) So W, BK ; better MR, MRi, J -'"^» . (13) So W,

BK ; MR, MRi t^-*t€)---^«^; J ^^^re)-*-^^ . (14) BK e^ 'j^^- ^ (15) MR,

MRi, J add > • (16) MR, MRi) J add _^3 • (17) J adds '•

Page 79: Pahlavi Namakiha Manushchihar

Epistle I : CHAPTER X, 5-10. 47

|^JItt5-W JIS^G "^I ^=-tr t^lre^^ r^ '-^K^ 1^ (9)

'f6 (10) 'sir^ir^s -^re^ Ire e^-^-*-^ le^-^^r^ i -^o^:^] i

"i^i '^ iren5 1'^ oip <?^i!r itt;uo-s^ isreiusji i^^ts^r

I'^AjI^I ** <^I5;^-^^ --0W<^ "itti-^ I5^!t5ej H?!^ I^ir^ii I

(1) J M;^-" . (2) So W, BK ; better omit as in the rest. (3) BK, MR,

MRi 5) (t)i^ for the last two svords. (4) BK adds >'e; • (5) So W only ; the

rest om. (6) So W] MR, MRi, J "^rJJ; BK has -^^ which is erased and

has '^"^-' written above. (7) BK Sit^'^S ; J S't^t^S ; MR. MRi, J add »«^AAJ i6

» (j -njJ^Jl) -^J^J )3-€AJ^i »<;=r ^ ^ (J -^J^tr^l) -^js^'jj-S » -^jJ-tr» .CP'P

w -nJW^ j BK adds this sentence on the margin, with aS added to it. (8) So

W : the rest om. (9) J ^^'^i^rens; BK •^J^'tnj^niJJ for the last 2 words-

(10) J »ieU"^^-V» • (11) So W, BK; the rest ft^'^^iii'j for the last 2 words.

(12) J »3t^»J» . (13) J e^ (14) J -njlMj . (15) So VV, BK; or Jre^Jl as

in the rest. (16) P. o**^ = to be inclined.

Page 80: Pahlavi Namakiha Manushchihar


-^r^i w 6ire)ev -o-^ -tj^ i^^^iia -^ tie)'

»* 15(^1 i^j^jsii i^K '-*uc-c-*'3^ -iiw 'i-aj'^e)'i (12)

"|!{U$)e>* I^^J-^t^^ nJ05*'^ lt^^l3*'t^5J ir^^-^^-Xi^

''^S^ "lte)U^I -sV ^(6 "l3r^-t5 ''-^^6I«;0<? I (13)

|6 t^S'i "^ ^^"^ -nje;^9 l5fUS!i 'f^lW "*U0^3

^ « i3t€HJ2Ji -ajw^ iJU-^-t/*! 13-^t^ej « i5|uii;-r<='^

(1) MR i€C • (2) J omits the last 8 words . (3) J om ; BK adds

-nj»r » (4) MR, MRi -^fB . (5) BK Ki^-»5 . (6) MR repeats ^«^y»


(7) MR, MRi, J add > . (8) BK, J om. (9) MR adds > . (10) BK

wb^*^'^ . (11) MR, MRi I'^J^y . (12) MR, MRi >S'? . (13) MR,

MRi, J add » . (U) MR, MRi add ' . (15) J, MRi S^ • (16) avbidlshno

(West) = uuobtainable: better a«Z'as««=inconsisteut. (17) MR ''-"? .

Page 81: Pahlavi Namakiha Manushchihar

Epistle I : CHAPTER X, 13-14; CHAPTER XI, 1-4




ijj^^^-^sr^ej i3-^r^^ \^^5^ « i3^i i6^k ^^e^i ^-^

« -^ se)* (2) ir^ntew -^ififs ^ '^i ^'^'enj'i

\ f€ « .as tsS i3€i •^r^^^3^ '^i sv^ irew-^ej i^i^

6IS0— —f6^ IMJ '-^13^1 51^ -si«?6 ^ ItV (3)

-v^^ti \^^^<^^ « ^3 "ifer 1:^ it^-** -v-trs:

-i^-*5)-5i 11^ -*uiA*'3 «^ie5-*ej ''r^jJij j5jir^ iire^uc^ii

(1) Thus W ; better -%W-»W» or -VO-sW> as in the rest, for -\W J'^*

iOnggdh: P. "-^^-^ = authority (so West) : better, nisangihd — doctrines; statements

(Av. y^--^) (2) MR adds »• (3) BK ii^'^J-"**. (4) MRp J ^>*''?.(5) MR, J

s^^• (6) MRi, J Sn • (7) MRi, J, BK add the suflfii V . (8) MRi,

J -njiiJ^ » . ^9) So W, BK ; the rest add > . (lO) MR, MRj add ' .

(11) BK ^'^«^J-*'5*' . (12) MRi, J •It'-*' . (13) So VV ; MR, MR 1, BK»iJSO-n;C* -H)I«2J \d J ^^-^ ^-^^V for ^^U^ -^^V . (14) J addf5 » (15) So

W ; the rest add » • (16) MR, MRl -n3^iesJ-^-»» .

Page 82: Pahlavi Namakiha Manushchihar


ittiiirew 13^1 r€«? 'rer^Pi ire^tii 3^ jis^i idj^l

itt^iitew -^ ^^ "lre)-t/'«^ « i3r&s i3^^ is^n3 '"1


•^ir^^ w ^eji ^ -:^ i€PK -Xfil ^ ^-nJCSU'

V.9U0 -o-«^ '^^^-^^ -^re)-^(^i^ -at;; -of^^ -tj^^

^SUjjij isj^^;* itenj^i sv^ f€e? n^ itv -;^ (7)

(1) So W, BK ; the rest ^feW'? . (2) MR, MRi, J rightly add »*^ here.

(3) So W, BK ; the rest t^JlJ . (4) So W ; 7idhidd (reflection, P. i^^'i = to

reflect): better ^"V as in the rest, (for iWVl) '• If you ask (my) private (opinion^.

(5) MR adds « • (6) So «,BK; the rest 6"^ . (7) BK, J «-t^» : ms/^y (P.

*-*xiJ = descent). (8) So V', BK ; the rest add » • (9) J adds i6 . (10) So W»

BK; the rest om. (11) iMR adds '•" jinh&rt (cf. P. e^^ij^t'j = to teach,

to instruct). (12) MR, MRi add » . (13) So W, BK ; the rest (^^^'-O-^J- .

(14) So W, BK ; the rest add » • (15) So W, BK : dijandyish (P. o^J«^'ji

= forthwith) : better -WS-"^" as in the rest ; nitwigihd—cf. § I . (16) So

W, BK; the rest add ». (17) MR, MRi add >. (18) l^Ri •^'Je • (19) J adds » .

(20) MR ^'f' ; MRi ^-V' . ^21) BK »i«jW .

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Epistle I : CHAPTER XI, 5-11. 51


,5*^j-^J^ ir^iS—e HjO « I^ (9)

'^!^^«? -ti'roj'^ ^^s^rs ^i? '"5J -^^ irtril«n3 -tJ^^;^^

^^P^ tt3iTs6^ i^-S^ ^rt3^ "ir€)--c-i3^ irt5-^3i -or^ej

i^-^-^G 1 16 "t^ ''i^ej-s ^retueji rt^-^-^ ^i (lo)

613^ ^1 sv^ I3€i t€^ 6-^1 'Vj^^ ir^^re)i -^ _--ij

;tJJ<q' -»! lTt5-^ii jMI/n: 13^1 ^ 16PP "'ir€)s 19^^

"vcwe)* -^15^I -*uo^sr^ej -^i^ 311 311 «tuc "I'^r^e)' (id

(1) MR, MKi add » . (2) MR, MRi, BK omit ii:itial » . (3) derik :

F. y.i . (4) So W, BK ; the rest ^^Mft; . (5) BK -iJ^^S . (6) MRi,

J i> . (7) So W, BK; or, better -*UW"^';« as in the rest. (8; So W, BK;

the rest -xn5J-*)C0» . (9) MR -^^J-^ea? • (10) J om. (11) So W, BK 5

the rest 'i?J-^-ms: . (12) BK f^V^ . (13) So W, BK ; better — as in

the rest. (14) MR, MRi add • • (15) BK gn/icD. (i6) So W, BK

the rest '3ie)6 . (17) J 6f^ . (18) J "^^V . (19) BK "UO'-'V .

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V -^^^ 3^1 '-^leiJi w 'n^ipej -*o^ej 'i5?J^ 'i

tre 6«? irenjeji '^•^ i5^/«? --^-xjexji^s (12)

\\v "16^ ^ -tjii€ -trs ''id^ "tDi 'i5{u-3-t/'i (13)

(1) MR, MKi add » • (2) So W, BK ; the rest om. (3) So W,

BK ; the rest itfiU^V » • (4) MR ^' «i" ', MRi, J ^» >?D> for -^J^iJ' .

(5) MR, MRi om. (6) J omits "^^S . (7) P. ^ 1^**^ I = contideuce. (8) So

W, BK ; the rest om, (9) MR i<^j^-XJ' . (10) MRi, J 'S»^ • (11) So W,

BK ; better S*? as in the rest.

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Epii^tle I : (Hi^PTER XI, 11-12 ; Epistle II: CHAPTER I, 1-2. 53





6ire)er -^r^^ '« iroej-^-*- ii6 i^i^o '^ -gu (i)

'-5nxr^ ^^S* 3-^3 i^W_/ -^13 515 « --o-^^^-sej

^leMjut?! 116 i^er -;;;5j Sf^ S't^ '3«i (2)

'-^i^-^r I 'tS eer rs ir^f^ej iite«jeji

(1) J om. (2) MR, Mi^i om. (3) BK ^ "^sAl • (^) All but W,

BK rightly add »t;uo • (o) MR, MRj, J add > . (6) MR, MRi, J om.

(7) BK »«^AJ)'^:— hu-nishi>u (8) So W; MR, MRi, J fill up the blank by

the words 'cJ—*» ^"^J^S ; BK also leaves a blank space and the words ^i^LP*

^-^ are inserted by a later hand. (9) So VV, BK ; better -«i^JK as in the rest.

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«-»C-0-*'3^ ^r^rej^ '"tTrGS' ir^-^^-^e)' j;;^ irr^e)* '-tJ-^-*0

« i:^^r^^ ti^t^^ -t^i^*!? 'iit^ueji 'it^j-*' \^v\

W<^ -^Jii/^r^^ i^^35? Ir6 i^«? I«?U<? K<!jr-*0 13-^1

'w -^-<^-w^ 'Iv^311 1311 <^ "j5-*^5 1^ H-_^^l

(^•^ is'TJu-^i lit* ir^?^ej ire^^i ^ttj^ ?bS (3)^ej^

13^1 «;Xr6"^3t? W^ -^ j;Vj^ '"i^-^^i ^ '\5\^^^

(1) J -*U«^-^-*3-*'^' ; MR adds « • (2) All but W add "* .

(3) MR, MRi, J add « . (4) BK "*^ej> . (5) BK -'S^ef . (6) MRi,

J ^^ . (7) BK, J om. (8) P. v f*' = together; along with; mutual.

(9) So W, BK :— atlptah (fr. aujitddaii) = occurence; better MR, MRi,

J 3t*S;?' • (10) J '^'^'5 '^^'^ for '^tJ"^^^^ ^-^ : West reads — vach dahhhno -

better laiJiMno (Av.^^ + ^ = to come out, to issue) = exposition, expla-

nation, (11) BK ^"^ • (12) BK, MRi -^JO-^ • (13) MR itZf\J'\ • (14) MRV g^J-**- . (15) P. ^i — t5t^ • /^^,=empty, void. (16) BK om. (17) MR,

MRi, J add ** • (18) zarik (Av. ^^ = to torment). (19) cf. P. t^*- .

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Epistle II : CHAPTER I, 2-7;


3-^ 'SV « -^^ l«^(^ lir^-*- ^ (5) ''iirOJ-^«^

5^ "-^itrtr ''^ '-^1^5^ 'i3^^ (6) 'ltt5ll^='•S^ ir^-^ I

-^r?)-^ 'b-t:;' (^^^ itt^IiSl^ '"iro^^^-e)* I^rt^is-^S

''-^r^^ ,j^j|fi^ ^fOf^ '-''ii^-M5-^

(^S!re)ej ee^* (z)

^W-^ t/'f€^ Ir^-^ <?r^ ''** ''-J^^l ^ I iPer^ "21 "^

(1) So W, BK; tha rest '^ol^ . (2) MR Jte'?!;^-- . (3) So W, BK


West reads din-rastand : better, MR, MRj, J Wtlxfj- (dgavirzit : Av. ^\i + ^-"^

= abandon;

quit). (4) So W, BK ; better «6<W (P. e;^* = eye) (5) Thus

W, BK; the rest '"W »»(« . (6) f/azlsJm, P. cj«^j^ . (7) BK <^^j ..

(8) MR -*^' . (9) All but W -^)^^ . (10^ MR, MRi, J add -«--.

(11) x\IR, MRi, J add » . (12) BK -"«» . (13) Thus W, MRi, J; West

reads drtC = contest : better »te)-*'i^-*' as in MR, BK (as one word •

At. -''u--)iM,f(>x>M> = to contaminate.) (14) West reads mrdstih : better, drdsiik

= embeUishmeut, order. (15) MRi l^JJ ; J JJ»J . (16) MR, MRi, J

add » . (17) Thus all . West reads vahdr (P. 'Lrt^ ) : better ^"tr » .

(18) avramjihatdr : cf. P. ^jj' or '^ jj'^ = fraud, deceit (19) BK, J

rtnjJ-^ . (20) dmnglhdtar : cf. P. vJijf = grief, trouble , deceit : MBseparates the last 2 words thus :— ^roVW-" "^reW ^ . (21) MR, MRi, J

ightly add ^ • (22) khur-matth. (cf. P. jj'^ despicable; vile; abject): MRn

MR, ^l")?) . (i

-*V-"(^» for '^ -"^' .

J, MR, ^1°)?) . (23; MR,MRi, J add - . C"24) MR ^C? . (26) BE

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isfu^^s I'^'^s ^ *^KrenAJ wa ^t^' (s) t^-^ '-^-ss

-ofogj Isi^i ^°,^^j;j)^ ,5^ w t*c^e "i^ii \^^^ '0

''^ tew

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Epistle n : CHAPTER I, 7-13. 57

i3eri i6«> ^r^ '-aiso-^ di) -it^^^^fi^ itt^ 'iiit^--

^eJl 5^ -^^ ''t6«? e€ ^^ t^ ^''6^ (13^

(^•^ej-tJ i«tuuw-^ ^jE^ ir^iittr^ ^-^6? -^^ i^rtr

(1) iMR ^J' • (2) BK -^t^-Vi^ (3) BK -»^"« . (4) So W, BK;

the rest add »>»iW-« tT • (o) MR, MRi, add ^^ ; J adds tes. (6) MR'

MRi, J •^5-*' • (7) MRj, J S:'°e;y • (8) MR, MRi, J -UOSrenSJ. (D) MR-

MRi ^UO'^^^' ; J -njO'^U^-" • (10) BE Jy^^. (11) MR, MRi, J --<? '

(12) So W ; BK ii^n^'? ; MR, MRi, J i-^'i^'? • (13) MR -Sj^i". (U) BK

adds 5W • (15) MR om (16) MR 6^ . (17) cf, P. i^^j= a garment of

fine texture ; or (s^'^J ~ lameness : lit. a disease iu the feet of asses which makes

them lame (Steingass). (18) So W, BK : veshi-ait = is become more ; or, MRrtJ-HJ-^a ; MR 'i^*-^-03 ', 3 »i«-*W-03» (l<,itthit= is become less). (19) So W,

the rest 'itnjto.


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J^l '- ^ r6 'Sl^ - '<?f€^ (]4) -trj€«? 'lTO»«?ueJ

<^f6^ 6er (15) ir^ii«n3 "^ttxn^-^^ r^^a-o ite«j"^i?^^

'"itoii/o 'i^n^s-^u -vw-^ w^^wv -^ \\^ re)j "|t^^

^W-*' ^W'\ ir^^i^ ''"^-Sl ** ^^'n^^ t^ iT^"*'e)*-^-^

V -^re)-«^A31 '"-^tt;uo-tr-^^ ''^

i6 siKe)* -^33

-*oi3^5J iire«j is^"5-^ ''-^K? ^:w^ ittr i (ig)

d) MR 'l^^-* ; MRi, J T?J) ^'-»2;. (2) MR, MRi, BK iSS; J ,6<^ .

(3) BK om. (4) MR om. (5) MR, MRi, J add » • (6) MR ^'JW«: *,

J -^5 t^-ui^' . (7) West te&da an-zanidsh7nktar (P. i^j^j' ) =^ to sleep, slumber)

= unslumberable : or, read, an-zohhlmikkir = disapproved (cf. P. U^j ^=

praise, approbation) (8) khilrdnihdtar =^ more consnming\y ] or, un-rdnihdtar {ci. P,

^jjAJI^ r= to driva away) ^== more pressiugly. (9) MR, MRi, J add i6 .

(10) SoW, BK; better t^^J ^"T as ia the rest. (11) J «?i*^ . (12) J •^P*')\.

(13) MR MRi, J add ». (14) MR, MRi, J add *'• (15) MR makes the following

note on the margin: ^^-^^ /i^i'^Ui' jl UbajjI jUj ^li,yijtj^ wU^ jl l?^i H"* •

(16) MRl, J '"^^O . (17) BK adds « • (18) MR adds > . (19) MR

adds "* • (20) MR ^r€n5 -t^\ . (21) So W ; the rest ^'C?^ »^'? for

JK* <^WS; . (22) MR om. (23) MR -SJJ-**- . (24) BK ^^Z^^-*' . (2b) MR,

MRl, J om. (26) MR adds « .

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Epistle II : CHAPTER I, 14-17; CHAPTEll II, 1. 59

^-^-"1 'n?6J -^fi Ji(s 'i 13-xiJ^ j| ^ tr^3--e>' 'iiej

1,6 "tj-'w -uu^r^^ « j|,6^ 'i-aj^'^ ^ (17)

"-^^ -5«?o^ -J) "^sfo^i -o^-««^ '"i3it^ JJ3 nej


''i3^^^ '"^^I ''itt5-^3i i3re)ii;: iiej "'i3r€^eji ^ ee)* (i)

(1) So W, BK ; the rest om. (2) MR, J om. (3) MR <S^-> . (4) MR omita

'^5^-- and adds »r€^UO^ . (5) MR "^J* - (6) MRi, J »t«»»^j^ . (7) j

len/f . (8) BK 'y>-a)g|'?; MRi, j 'fj£j

• (9) So W only ; better omit as in

the rest. (10) MRi, J »»3 K . (11) MR -O^^' ; MR, MRp J add »•*

West reads wawesAnl/i= advance : better, ndvigdnih^^^uame by name. (12) BK^^ • (13) MR, MRi, J «)<IW» . (14) MR ftnJy . (I5; MRi, J e«5i€ for

i6«; 16 . (16) MR J»'?i*M^ . (17) MR t^^^-i^t for Jt^J'C »«^i«e; . (18) MRi,

J »(tnje;», (19) MR 'reJj^' : klmrtah n/gfirii= found fault with (P. » ^j^-^ fault)

(20) MR adds *'. (21) BK adds *-• (22) MR, MRi, J add «. (23) MR om. (24)

MRi J^X owe; and J »^K MW for '^ » »'?3'?€)ej • (25) MR H^nj-"*—, MRi,

J )<M-^y^y. (26) MR »l€>UU-».

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""(^W-^ -^ TOK -^3 -i^(^i^ ^ r6 ''i3^rt3ej -^r^^

0) MR ^' for -*f^' • nurAr (cf. Ar. jj> = little).. (2) MR, MRj, J

^(^^'eJ-*' . (3) MRi '^VJ«; . (4) sammishn = terror (P. j^f* — dread, terror),

(5) MR 'renje; . (6) J -W . (7) sA?'Mi7«cW (P. i:J«>'J:o^'^= to be terror-struck

(8) MR om. (9) MRi adds '. (10) MR. J om. (11) MR, MRi, J and "* .

(12) BK ^^''K/' . (13) MR adds ^ . (14) MR •^^'>*^-^^, MRi. J

-J«^i--UV3-i5'^. (15) MR »i«»5. (16) MR adds «. (17) MR adds »>. (18) MR•lOT^J)-* ; MRi, J ftei'iSjaj . ^19) MR adds ». (20) MR -niJ-sy'j for «»^t^*£;.

(21) So W; BK "^ 't?:-*' ; the rest -*««-«. (22) MR adds ^. (2o) MR

-^a^-*'"^ . (24) MR S-^tWe; . (25) BK f^'"-. (26) BK rSO , with -^ written

above. (27) J J^J^^-tiS ; (28) MR adds ^ •

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Epistle II : CHArTER II, 1-6. 16

-3-0 '-t5t€n3-^ iexr^__ ^9 IIPI3 \5^\^V I^K 'l 'idgu*

3^'>S r6B? \\^JVV\ I^r^er -trf€^ *03^Tt3ej liej^lt^l^

"-5K-5I -^13 ''-^i3re)u-"<? ^iiej if^-5^3 ^ 'i5^>ii3 iiitO"^

V w'' -^f€ "^1 I'^tni-^ej 5^^G irt3-\Aj -^3 '"^ ^f^ ^ (5) iro-^'^ ''-^ '"W^s ''i^re)--3r<=ej

iti^'' '^

''i3re«j^(^ iiej j)-5K-3i -^13 ir^ lej^ IrOJ-^t)-^^

(1) ]y[R, MRi, J SU* : IJiimak, khim (P. ^^'^ ; — nature, disposition.

(2) MR cm: (3) BK, MR -^-Wrenj-*' ; MR, MRi, J add »• (4) MR -Wg^Ji-HJ.

(0) MRi, J -'j^-C^t;'. (6) MR _»J^-^'? . (7) So W. BK ; the rest om.

(8) MR ^ (9) MR 5'-i"?«- (10) MR *' . (11) MR^'itU . (12) MR iW'^iA' .

(13) J Oftnj-^Cj; MR] JS-tn^-^O-^C* . (14) MR adds « • (15) BK »'!U»5 .

(16) BK, MKi, J — »5ri;AJ-5--:? . (17) MR, MRi, J add «• (18) MR om. (19) J

<?^it«'j . (20) MRi, J add »• {21) BK om. (22) MR om. (23) BK, MRi,

J lif^^J--*. (24) MR ^\'-*'. (25) MR adds ^. (26) BK »ir€>U-J-^^. (27) MRi

J _r ; BK om.

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"-^-^e)* ^SJiJ tt5ii«>C TO«?^r^^ Jit^-ii -^i"? "<?-(^^3^^

(1) MR ^^-^-^^ . (2) MR --'ej-*' . (3) So W: MR, MRi, J ;^^>' ;

better BKJU^'!'^ • (4) Thus all; better ^^L'-J-'e; {pesh-maV)- (5) MR om.

(6) MR-^ . (7) MR, MRi, J om. (3) MRi adds -^V J"^' j J adds

jjy w as I. (9) MR -*'• (10) BK JSttMJ.!-*'!* ; MR, MRi, J add ^ . (11) BK

-0<^mjsro . (12) BK -*' ^. MRi, J, MR it^'-njU-*' for.'i^^-uvr • (13) MRi,

J («-nj--J-"3«;« . (14) MRl adds » • (15) So W; BR -^ '• better MR, MRi,

J « 1•• for WD'W«--3-»>^ cf. Pah. Vd. 75 43 com. For -»"-»'3^;|j see

Ep. 1, Ch. VI § 6, uote 21 (16) MR adds ^ ^^ MRi, J add 25 . (17) mR/^J^SM'

(18) MRl, J add '. (19) Thus all but J ; J rightly omits it.

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Epistle II : CHAPTER II, 6-10. 63

''\^^ -oi«50<^ iiS i6 irt5^'< ''i^-t;'iire«J - i^

(1) So W, BK ; MR -^^^UtJ^ii ; better iMRi, J ^^LXj-se; . (2) .So VV,

BK ; MRi, J ^•3'!; MR -W-^^^ . (3) So ail but MR ; butter AlK

J'^nO^ . (4) J ^-"re/V . (5) BK ':^-» • (tj; MRi adds '. (7) MR, J

6 for (6 ; MRi i^J^o for ^-^ (6 ; J has, on tbt- margin, 6-^5iKr>J6 for

i6 -VS nrsg . (8) :i!i Cf. *-^iJ ~~^'-^ = astronuuiical tables). Tiiis word i

written indiflereutly iu tlie MSS., in tliis section and the following, as »i/-»-^»

lijj^— )ij-5) and '-^-^ • the last, being the correct form, is adopted throughout.

(9; BK, MRi »^-V»f«nj ; J )^-0'»teU5-' . (10) MR adds B^. (11) MR ora.

(12) MR l'^"?ot«»J (^j*^ii:.? = Ptolemy). (13) MR, MRi, J «"W'. (U) BK

<fJ^-i . (15) MRi, J add '. (16) <in.dnnigak (P. «-^'j^ = doubt, suspicion.)

(17) BK, MRi, •^M,^-*'. (18) MR fi<V . (19) BK, MRi, J ^-trir€nj .

(2U) BK, J '>W • for t^'^3 (P e^'j-i:^)- (:^1) BK S (.'•.') Thus W: better

MR '""S ; BK, MRi, J -Xr6 i'^-i'S for -V6 » i)~j5 . (23) MR, MKi> J add

» . (24) BK, MRi, J ^'sSl^e; .

Page 96: Pahlavi Namakiha Manushchihar


•^ (11) '-^ii^v^ <?^«?G 'ireni-^ I'i^jit^ iiT€AAD-sej

lo-w ^;- ^ jin -3 ^icpi) |^,«| ^^t^ '\ i^r^-^

''i^-triire^ )^^ HSJ ^ ^ ^ lej^ -^e)* ''i^^/ro)--

'Vj^^nj-s I ^ jQ^ r€f^K ireiueji I'^t^^ ''3Te)ti--^

(1) BK 6ty-w3 for <€ J{fi5^ . (2) So W; BK tffJS 3"^^$ ', better MR

Ml«6; MRi, J ^irSS'^tyS for "VC ) Mtt'S . (3) All MSS. omit here "t) by

mistake. (4) BK 6^ "53 for i€ '^l';5 . (5) Thus W, P.K ; better MR, MRi,

J -^^ . (6) BK "^Je)";^-' . (7) BK ir£HJ15-» ; MR, MRi, J Wrtn3-» • (8) MR-'"W' . (9) SoW; the rest om. (10) So W, BK

; the rest om. (11) BK

l«W»i^-i - (12) BK, MRi, J t^-t^tftMJ . (13) SoW; BK (^t^J^ with r°

written above <^ *, MR ^^^-^ ', better, MRi, J \^^ . (14) MR, MRi,

J omit -^^ and add « . (15) MRi, J ^^-^t-tK) . (l(i) SoW,-MR, MRi,

J om : BK has i^J^-Vr^MJ "^-V -^ lr«AJ for the last 3 svords. (17) MR,

MRij J add «- . (18) BK '^tJ'?5l«^; ; MRi, J -v>'^^i! ', MR -^^^J . (19) MR

adds « . (20) MR, J rt'liSiaj : For a new translation of §§ 9-11, see S. B. E.

Vol. XXXVII, Intro, pp. xlvi-xlvii. Also, for comments ou the same, see pp.

38-40 of the Report of the Proceedings (1890—91 1897—98) of the Society for

the Promotion of Researches into the Zoroastrian Religion. (21) BK (€(>' .

(22) BK S<^ . (23) MR adds « . (24) So MR, MRi, J; W. BK,

»;^"?«^;U-» . (26) MR om.

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Epistle II : CHAPTER II, 10-13 ; CHAPTER III, 1-2. 65

l^f^i€l -^^ l35Xr i€I^K I3f?)--d^^^ ^ -tU>t

V iiitnj'^ irtJ-^ej I'^o^ i^r^rtn^ "nr^' ^i)\ 3-r^ej -v^


(1) MR -^> . (2) BK om. (3) So all bat MRiI MRi 'Ai'^'^itnJ 'for

^^^ »f€n5 . (4) So W, BK ; the rest »(6 . (5) So W, BK : MR. MRi J

om. (6) MRi, J add » . c7) J, MRi »>t«'6 . (8) MR -Oi^'Sff for ^ t^S6


(9) MR, MRi, J add *'• (10) BK "«-*-'-''• (11) MR, MRi, J add *^S .

(12) BK -^^3 . (13) cf. P. ^jj or 'Jjj • rri:t/t7i = greed ; or, with the preced-

ing », read varanjdth : (P. fOj= greedy). (14) MR om. (15) Thus all, for ^3.

(16) MR "^ for ». (17) MR »i«i^i«e; . (18) MR, MRi, J add ». (19) (cf

P. »JL.r"^ = fault ; criticism). Mfir/a^-cAw/' = fault— finding (cf. P. (j^i'^jj^ —(^»^^= close criticism; cavilling. (2.>) BK -^^-^m

. (21) MR -^. (22) BK,

MRij J om.


Page 98: Pahlavi Namakiha Manushchihar


i^iTtJ^ ''« K^ « <^^ (4) ire)u^jj^^ ''i -^^-^ej

'^i^ Iter ^ ''it^-^cii'^^-*' w^ti^-^ '"^\ ittr ^-^ ii3

(1) So W only ; tbe rest -^ for -*^ - ', MR, MRi, J add '. (2) MR

om. (3) Thus all but MR : vdi (P. '"d'j — t5J ~part, portion, or cf. P. 'i 'j=

the object of a wish, desire, or inclination; necessary (Steingass) :—or, read "*"

for -^l as in MR. (4) MR J'l^tft*^ . (6) MR om. (6) MR, MRi add »•

(7) All but W ^-V . (8) BK •i^eW-*'' . (9) MR « W^-J-HJ^ . (10) J

"^-V . (U) MR om. (12) MR e^'^ • (13) MR -nJ0^<5l yie^ : better, MRi,

J -'^J^y>B^ V^V 5»^' for the last 3 words. (U) So W, BK ; better _J- as in

the rest. (15) MR om. (16) BK, MRi om. (17) So W, BK ; better

"^^ as in the rest. (18) MRi> J om. (19) MR, MRi, J add *-• (20) MR

adds « . (21) MR om ; MRi> J add « • (22) MR om. (23) So W, BK;

the rest 'i^i^Wi^' 5« (ba^mtjViinet^' comes out, issues (Av. -*^> + •* )• (24) MRadds « . (25) MR, MRi, J om. (26) MR *' • (27) BK f<^-^3^S. (28) So

W :'= paltsht (p. ^^^= impure); better ^M^^V as in the rest ivargast =perhaps).

Page 99: Pahlavi Namakiha Manushchihar

Epistle II : CHAPTER III, 2-7. 67

e€ Ire as tr -^^(^^ iiirti^ ^3 '^ i6S

i^^ (6) ''tt5-^ tjr^ejj*' jjP-tr ^ i-ij^-^ijK-tr ^^

f^^ -^nnj-^ttrej -^ ^ ^ una ^l^= -^irs

i^to^ ir^-^3Pej -^-^ i«>^ \V 11^ "^-t5-^-*o«?o lr^A3

''i^-*i5i^ '"iii«?o '"^3t^^ ^-^-t3'?o ** -^ 50 « i3re)^?' (^11^

(1) MK »ty"<;c . (2) MR adds « . (3) MRi, J add « . (4) BK»i€t5-^ . (5) MR, MRj, J »i«»«6»4) . (6) MR, MRi om. (7) So W, BK 5

better (^-^i€D as in the rest. (8) MRi, J add '• (9) BK -^,y^r.•J--<^ .

(10) MR om. (11) MR, MEi, J add '• (12) cf., with this passage, Pah*

Vd. IX § 43. (Dastur Darab's Edition). (13) MR, MKl) J rightly add -^'"6 .

(U) MR om. (15) MR, MRi, J om. (16) MK, J om, (17) MR adds 55.

(18) MR, J om. (19) MR om. (20) So W only ; better f^^S^iJ as in the rest

(21) MR, MRi, J •A'-^'eU* .

Page 100: Pahlavi Namakiha Manushchihar


jpJl ^ -^t^ l)PI3 -xyi^^ 1^113 61^ 'irHt^-^ W

«j)^i 'li-t^^ % (8) ^^ 'I'irt^^ ^-»c-o-^3^

-^ iir^s 3 Bfi?';^' e-^ lit) ''t^^ it^ie^ ''i^«r Ji^''"^il

'>^ yv^ -s<^ le^s^ I -*cs I -*uc-^3 ler^ r^ J\jir^

« ^ (^W-^ iitoj5;uJ-*uo -t^rt^y- wv* -^^f

i^F 5^ ** ^^e^ T^eji « ieK5iK-5i iPisy^j ito-^AJ i3retu

Asj %#^jL>^ii-^-t)K iri'ip'i -xr^-*' ''-^iiej -^iie^r


(1) BK i«»f^-^ . (2) MRi, J add > . (3) So W, BK oxA-^ =aztum: (cf.

p. jT = ingeixious) = most ingenious : better, MK. MRi^ J J^'fytj; for

6)l«er "ej ; or, change 6.'l*y to 6't€)y . (4) MR adds « • (5) BK J*?!^ .

(6) MR «?<6 for as ; MRi, J, BK prefix C»t6 to ^ . (7) MR, MRlj J

add i6 . (8) MR adds ' . (9) MR adds ^ ; MRi, J « -UO-*"^i for

-Utt-«-««^ . (10) MR >5f«/U5J' . (11) MR -^i^^^ . (12) MR adds « .

(13) So W only, (ddshtar = more maintained) ; BK ^t^KAi ', better ^fenJO-* as

in the rest. (14) MR adds "*• (15) MR, MRi> J om. (16) Thus all but

MR; better, MR 'i!H'l* ;^ for >^«? »"* -*MJ : West suggests DtOnj for

"•*rlHJ . (17) MR, MRi, J t^t?.*-^ . (18) MRi adds » . (19) BK ^/ew .

(20) J <5 for J>i^ . (21) West reads dah-ae — thou shalt give : better read,

with the preceding word, paiaHhilid-% = through them; by them. (22) LK ^^i).

(23) MR «. (24) MR s:^^-«-*«-HJS .

Page 101: Pahlavi Namakiha Manushchihar

Epistle II : CHi^PTER I]L 7-1:5. 6]9

a^ '\\\^)v ^3| ^-xf (11) iire)-^G^ 'iroj-s-^ey 'ms'^-s^ej

"ir^J^ej w^ ^!^ ^-^^6e>' ire)u-» 3^€ lejs^ '-ii^s

irea^5fu -t;foej ^'-^39 "Ge>' ''iro?-^-- 1911 13s "*^ -*-iir^

-Mi9 ^'Ijjjj-^-ot^ iiej« -^r^s^ eey ir^I^^ -^ -^3

-^Isej-o iiej i3reiu**'<^^ -^13 w<^ ^ ipi3 i^t;^ jk-si

(1) MR, MRi, J "'^'5. (2) Mil adds » . (3) MR r€M3 . (4) MR

-^^.;;3jJji-o-^«; . (5) So W : the rest -^?^ for -^?'• (6) BK Vjit^^niS;

(7) BK r€^ ; MR i6 fS^ . (8) MR adds « ; MRi, J add ' . (9) MKi»<^e; . (10) BK cm. (11) J omits the last 7 words. (12) MR li^-^ -*»>i Mig

for the last 3 words. (13) MR adds -*'»3 . (14) MR, MRi, J «»3e . (15) MR,

MRi, J add ai'^V » . (16) MR, MRi, J ^^^Jr^ . (17) MR, MRi, J

-^jJis-^^^^'?. (18) So W, BK ; better MR fJ-^±J or MRj, J ^^i^J^^ll •

(19) So W, BK : better, add the following words as injMR :

>nU(^ K^: Jit^-n;';'? iS W-^AJ J'C? ^jJ^h-^-^K : MRp J also add the above

words except the last. (20) So \V, MR, BK; better MRi, J Si^^n. (2i) J jsw^

^22) hazd (cf. P, O^ and ^'^i<y/^ to lop, to trim) = ciutailnient. (23) BKi) . (24) So VV, BK ; the rest »ir€AAJ' {vhhdtak, P. »^l^).

Page 102: Pahlavi Namakiha Manushchihar


-^^ 119 w<? ^^ ^ \\^ny\^^ \f^ '-xi^j* 04:)

\\^->^ S^ W6 f6 I'reHj-t^ -^3 ^ i-ajs^-58?oej

ItO^^ ''-^6^^ ^ 1^ "ir^^-^c^; ^jJIJ ''^ (15)

j^i iii^-« -^jj -t^jj -aro^j '^jfj-^ -tj^ jni^jtjji;^

ir«^^ -tier "'ter«)0 "Viittri!^ -xj-^r^ 5^ ''j^\v\ i3^

(1) MR, MRi, J -*U03f^-"lg. (2) MR »t«)'i^ . (3) MR -"JJ^J-" .

(4) So W, BK; better, MR, MRi, J \t^(^-i for these two words. (5) MR0111. West suggests ~tt for ^

, but the text, as it is, yields the same meaning.

(6) MR, MRi, J add « . (7) MR om. (8) UR -^^^^^^^^'i .

(9) MR, MRi om. (10) MR « for » • (11) BK i<M^Sr°^fZj ] MR 'i\)\J^S>^i^

(12) MR, MRi om. (13; MR adds ^ . (U) MR Ji^-**^ • (15) MR,

MRi, J add ». (16) MR JiJit^^-- I MRi, J l^iO-^-- . (17) BK aS ^for ^ ^ . (18) J om. (19) Thus all but BK ; BK ^SAJ'. West suggests

J^enj' : better l^eni (p. ; S (^ = a washerman). (20) MR, MRi,

J '^AJt^ . (21) cf. P. tf^'b^T . (22) MR, MRi J m\^^^ . (23) MR

Dt^'MiO''? . (24) MR Hfe^W . (25) So W, BK ; better, i^-*«? » as in the rest.

Page 103: Pahlavi Namakiha Manushchihar

Epistle II: CHAPTER III, 13-16; CHAPTER IV, 1-4. 71


r€ ^<^\ irtr ire)-5^ '|p?)-^^l -^^^ -^13 (i)

ittr I \i^i)^ *-xj\v% \\W^-^(5) 'iiir^-*' irtnj-*-ir?)^''«


irenj^Ji ^rti^ '^ JL/U ^ (2) Itt3i^r0"0 '^-^

i€8? ''^i«?o-« J)-^-^ "iiPiittr^ i€ ittr ipejc? (,3)

•^ ^ "-X3^ r^r^ -*i| ''•/o^-c'r i^^;!;* i:>-^ \^^ --ij

-^ f6^ i^f^f^ t^ ir^^3-tj -i^ey ^i€^ ser (4)

(1) MR »;y-^ce» . (2) MR -nJOreni for « rtW . (;i) BK om. (4) MR»^'<? . (5) MR, AlRi, J 5«"A/' • (6) MR adds » . (7) MR om' (8) J repeats

-^ ./J^ . (9) MR iJ^-t) . (10) All. but W om. (11) BK '""^W ; MR'^'^e; and adds « iS^^ ] better MRi, J '"^^e; for "<; f^^e; . (12) MR om.

(13) MR, MRi J « »i«>lie;'^ . (14) Thus all: better _ y^^ . (15) MR f^-^-

(16) MR '(«-- . (17) MR, MRi. J ora. (18) MR adds ' . (19) MR omits the

last 3 words, (20) BK ^il but has ^^ written above; MR, MRi, J add « .

(21) BK |-LrJO ; MR, MRi, J add « . (22) Here add the following words

as in MR, MRi- J : "t) i^ »?2)'ljCij ^jvy »5^^ ^-^5« »^ w aj .


Page 104: Pahlavi Namakiha Manushchihar


-t3-ti«? 5^^ t^ ir^s -*o-^-^ -t^r^ej "5^Mt6 ir^tn:-*'

Itt^P ^-^-^-^-^ l^llj '^2JI « -*^^^ 3t^3 135Xr

W<^ W\B^ r^6 -^ ^^ "^1 1^: iire^J 1^-5-^

,;-^j- Ji5-^-c«? '>-^ iitt^ S^-2-^ II5J t^ iro^-*'e>'

(1) BK ^^^>-H5-nJS . (2) BK, J S«"W» • (3) BK cAo^ • (4) MR-^J0-0-« . (5) So W ; MR "tUJ 5>(?); MRi, J '^Jlcei

; better BK ''Xj-x^i .

(6) MR ^-O-y-* . (7) Thus W, BK ;better MR, Mil], J -^ . (8) MR

MRi. J >€"^-n; . (9) MR '^i*'^ • (10) MR om. (U) MR, MRi, J add f .

(12) All but W »l^'"i0J«^ . (13) Thus W, BK ; better MR, MRi, J »X .

(14) AIR <^^d . (15) MR adds ^ 16 . (16) BK i*^^, J 3?r

. (17^ ^j^ q^^^

Page 105: Pahlavi Namakiha Manushchihar

Epistle II : CHAPTER IV, 4-6; CHAPTEIi V, 1-4. 73


W (6r^K irt5i€^ !M|5fO I«r3-^^ Iiej "ir^je* --^ '"l

I'^MSt-*' iten^sN^ -^t) -t.'5U i^f^irtr (3)''^


-tP^ 'Hr^ey (4) Iit5r6^ ltt5^=>^K s^ -orr6 If^yii--

leniii \\v 'Viw i5;otK3'^ i!^^-^3i 5;!^ i^^^3^^

(1) BK adds «. (2) MR adds '. (3) avjdr (P. j^j\ = loaded;

replete) (4) Thus mRi, J ; W, BK, MR "VW • (5) BK iJ^^ . (6) J

-"-•6; BK « -^6 . (7) c5A«u/ian , P. u^^^ J BK »M« ew . (8) MRi,

J i^-^-se; . (9) MRi, J *^^ « . (10) BK om. (U) MR om. (12) MR'^3->-*' . (13) BK om ; MR, MRi, J rightly add ^|? . (14) BK fP&V •

MRi, J rightly add -6 . (15) So W, BK ; MR rightly adds J'V; MRi, J

add J<jy . (16) MR J3-«c>-«J-*aj . (17) mR ^^>3 . (18) MRi »dds ».

(19) MR « -iS-**^ . (20) MR, MRi >'?'*'€r . (2i) MR, MRi, J add

i^^w-** »t«»i 'le* »jV ""^^ Mr€>uw^ ^e;'? ^v • (22) bk adds '^i^cr .

(28) MR, MR], J AK^VSL .


Page 106: Pahlavi Namakiha Manushchihar


itt3$)j^! -^-^-^16^ -sia-tj '-iy^ij ^ i^r^rer (5)

^^'o^yL^^ e it?(«rtr (7) _j^^ it^«50-*<) iit^ej-^r^ej

w -tro-^3*' W ^ *03^tt3t) ''-^^1 16 Ir6 ^^^ ^I

*# |s;t^-^ej I^TPI^-^ ''1^16^''''f^JJ 5P ^-^rt5^ ittr


itOAS^^TV-^ Iter''1

(8) -Xf^^ r^s '*-*r?)-se)»'^

(6 \\^^\^

(I) MRi, J add ' . (2) J S«S5 . (3) MR adds ^^ . (4) MR )»»J . (5) MR

om. (6) asliakartoih (P. <j5^j-^'-^). (7) MR om. (8) MRi (^'i^'? .

(9) MR om. (10) MR, MRi, J om (11) MR >i^>J^ty> : vUvartntd(?.

y^AjAjj = to be lost ; to seek and apply a remedy). (12) BK >^i«y .

(13) MR }yi-^ ' (U) MRi adds » . (15) MR om. (16) MR adds <6 .

(17) MR ' ^i^ . (18) MR, J add » • (19) MR, MRi add ». (20) J

joV'? . (21) MR, MRi, J i*"<^ . (22) BK om. (23) MR \ for -^ i6 .

(24) MR adds ' • (25) MR om.

Page 107: Pahlavi Namakiha Manushchihar

Epistle II : CHAPTER V, 4-11. 75

'^ irt'-n^ -^ iir<'t6i -* ^i w 'iiej « -^3*-rt^ej ^t^

iireMJ*^ ^r^r^ irt^^-3(^i '-^ -^ aS \^^ wii

t6S -^ rer^H w ''-^Jrenj^i irvp-s ib^^)* -tje>' (n)

»i«?s ''iro-tj-^it^ -^ ""-^rens 3ii -^-e^ ittro-^i3

(1) BE, MRi, J rightly add "e; . (2) MR, MRi, J <6 . (3) Mil adds

w, (4) All add ' . (5) MR omits the last 6 words. (6) MR cm. (7) MR

<^»»e; and adds '^ .' better MRi, J ^^ V^ for tiV . (8) BR ^^f ] the rest

rightly omit it. (9) MR '"S • (10) So VV, BK; MR, MRi, J »-€^>*• (11) MR

MRi, J J^I^JM . (12) MR iSt^^^^ ; MRi, J "3i*e;^-" . (13) MR, MRp

J om. (14) MR aJ'^^ . (15) MR >3iJi3Kfi . (16) MRi, J add ». (17) MR

iSV • (18) MR -V0^*3» ; MRi, BK -O^JJ . (19) BK, MR -^t^AJV .

(20) MR B^)S S/& . (21) MR \ for ^ <€ . (22) BK Jtl^Ji? • (23) MR

•rfy^:ufe» ; MRi, J Jy-^-^e^ . (24) BK, J ft^J-*'»>»-^ . (26) MRi, J

-^reWJH for -^lii^i *»» • (26; MR, MRi add » • (27) MR "^ •

Page 108: Pahlavi Namakiha Manushchihar


•^jUaj^I? |jij0(5 w ^"^i^^uj^ J^3 iiej |5{UUe>' (13)

—«i^ (€^ t^ V«iO -^13 iite«j ^-5-^ ''w ''--^t«io-«

(1) MK, MRi, J add m . (2) BK tJftMJjy ; MR »5reM5 ; MKi, J

>5r6W : dvoshtah {V. ij^^'i^ = tc conceal), or cf. ir", tj^^ ^^ to change.

((3) iMR <?»•*«' ' iiiliiv (p. *T**t' = fear, terror), or nisM^} (P. 'r*i^'^ =descent). (4) dahik (Av, -"i-"er-"% P. »^ = annoyance, trouble). (5) MR

adds « . (6j BK -V^-UU«; . (7) So all but MR 5 better MR -UO-^l*t^).

(vizutdnhd = hviitM). (8) MRi, J tl '^S^ . (0) BK, J, MRi ^S^^O . (10) MRomits the last 20 words, substituting 2'Ut° »5cen3-» for them ; MRj, J add »' .

(11) At this place MRi has copied, by mistake, on pp. 484-485, § 16 of this

chapter from »t?;-^y)^e; -^^iJ to Chapter 6 § 1 upto ^^ - A later hand has

added the same matter in BK on .a separate piece of paper stuck on to the

original folio. (12) MRi "O^UJS . (13) MR om. (14) BK >.^ . (15) MR

-^^tr . (16) MR] add ^ . (17) MR -^i^ » . (18) .^So'W, BK ; better

MR, MRi, J J»« . (19) MR om. (20) MR, MRi add « . (21) J om.

(22) MR J^^-O^"? for J^-O ^K .

Page 109: Pahlavi Namakiha Manushchihar

Epistle II : CHAPTER V, 12-16. 77

^ '"tre5^_jj3 -^3 ^iM t€^ iiej 'I'^f^e)' (14)

« 3K-si ''i SI y « «^^K 13^ iiej '']^s«?f6 ^'-^^ -^

ser (15) \^m\ "itt3^ -t)-^ t68!r f6 V^i^ij -^rti-^^

'°i^ 'i!f^e^3-tj j€^ ijj r^ -'re)-*'5;uu«^ s^ -^ <^^

-^ ''l«?0(» lrt5-^3l -^-^ llltt^-*- 613^ I (16)

(1) MR S'^ . (2) Mil -c-^'ei) . (3) J Jit^iSr--' . (4) MB adds *- .

(o) MR -" . (6) BK 6)t<''?^^-*"U)-« . (7) bo VV, BK ; better MR, MRi, J

»=i»^je;-^ . (^s) So w, BK; Mr, mi,j j '^^^ • (.») bo w, bk; me, mRi

J »i<tO-^5 . (10) MR -^«6r . (11) MR adds » . (12) MR, MRi, J add

)ttMje;» -^ ]=>» J^^Ajy 'renje;» « ii«ei-^-« ^ (mRi, J oui ) 3!iJ 6i>> ^^ -^ j^uu-j-^

(13) BK, Mr cm. (14) MR "l^"^ . (15) Mkicishn (cf. ?. c>*^*^ )•

(16) MR J^ . (17) BK, MR cm. (18) MR 't^'iC'r . (19) MR, J add fi6;

MRi adds t^ • (20) So \V, BK;

iayyiVcktan, cf. B. c^'^^^i)] MR)^d-xr ^-V ; better, MRi, J »i€^-- :!=-tr . (21) MR ^'^1 • (22) MR adds «.

(23) MR, MR], J »3^-XrS: . (24) MR adds « . (25) MRi, J add »'C/


(26) /i2t-(Zt (27) BK "^-V ; MR ^"V) •

Page 110: Pahlavi Namakiha Manushchihar


'i6 '-^'-su* (17) '\\^\\^ '-^1^-5 -tjr^ej irons -^itt-*'

"-^tt5^iii '°it6 ^ f^ ^«nAi^ I '"^-tr V^-^ ^^a)*

r^e^3-tJ ^=>l ^ ''-^0-^ <?IIP -^ Sl'3^ ^ ''-*0l5e(t3J-^

-iiti rK-5 ** (^-t:-c-^3^ "^ -t5i^e)"^ti-" s^ (is)

^1^ ''I l^txr^ "1 IPSO ^'i ^'-c-*-3^ -^ ''-^^^V^ ''6^

''iiej ''it€ ^^^-^ (19) i3p^^ -^er iite^eji ^njuey

'-^ 61*^ '^\ ^ -Mjc-^3pej 'ia-i^r^ej « '^-^^y

(1) SoW, J; the rest »i^^'?-SW? . (2) MR 'l^-*' . (3) MR om. (4) MRadds ». (5) So W; BK 'ty-^-» •* rjirditar (p. ly'^O-r^ ) ' or better MR, MRi,

J -^-V^ (cf. -n3^-\>0^ = banter, derision). (6) BK )t<'»t^. (7) BK -^f}J' .

(8) MR €'W and MEi, J S-^SU* for t6 ^^. (9) So W : West reads dar-khud-

khdr ; better ^"V^ s^^J as in the rest (P. ^^^ = bitter, sad). (10) MR, MRi

J 6»t6 . (11) MR, MRi, J add ' . (12) MR -njiit^ui;-*' . (13) MRj, J

-M>-»'» . (14) MR ^^^t°. (15) MR « -C-*'**'. (IC) MR "HStifiU^ . (17) MRi

omits the last 12 words. (18) MR ^J^)<^y\-« . (19) MR, MRi, J -n3-'3-*'5*'

(20) MR ^ for ». (21) MR om. (22) MR, MRi, J om. (23) MR, MRi, J add

^r€n2-»». (24) BK -U^-^rtnjj) ; MRI -\M5-^rtn>^. (25) MR adds «. (26) MR»SUJ-n;<? ; MRi, J, BK "^-*U-5-0i^. (27) MRi, J ^' for ^ ^.

Page 111: Pahlavi Namakiha Manushchihar

Epistle II: CHAPTER V, 16-19 CHAPTER VI, 1-2. 79


jitt^As '->^P^ j-*oso I ipe) 'ij/' ,6 '?-*re)o>' 'i -t^^r^

'w UPS -^ i'^'^ 'i w 'iif^ se)* 'ir^r6^ ir€nj-^

(1) MR > ^!^S . (2) MR -'JiJ'^^'JSJ-*. (3) MR ora. (4) MR add « » .

(o) MR »»e; iS'? . (6) MRi, J add ' . (7) BK, MRi, J »>-*0:e. (8) MR

adds « . (9) MR « W . (10) W, BK om. (11) MR -0'^v;^»^;y : dz-

padihhuik (cf. P. j' = rest, ease) — West. Better, read a-c/ja/fiVtMi"/.- (P c;^*^ =

to be crooked, bent ; ij'^^'4'^~to squeeze, coiupress) impartial. (12) MR, MRi,

J om. (13) MR -^W K?; MRi, J -^-^j"!'? • a-v&>idpih= unvisionary ; not

illusory (P. V^"^- ^^ vision); or, read un-gawazlh (P. »J '^ = reproof

; jest;

fun; u«>^j'^^= to desist, relinquish). (14) BK 6^ with ^-^ written above by

a later hand. The MSS. MRi and J break off at this paiat. The text hereof in

J. continues in an interpolated pisjage in the taxt of Daiiitati 37 § 33 between

folios 101 and 102 of the same MS. (1.3) Thus W, BK ; MR »*iJ^ ! West reads

shaspd (P. V—^= leaping): better, J-e!)-*«-'J-*'i<; for »ti5-nj-J-*'iS . (16) cf.

Vd. 19 § 7. (17) So J; MR ora ; W ' for « . (18) BK, J 'rtA^--*^-^,

(19) MR, J om. (20) MR adds «. (21) MR om. (22) West reads ivi^/iM

(p. J^^'^)'- hetter dUr I did ; cf ?. 3. (23) J €»r6; BK "*<€ . (24) MR

i5«?e)e; ; j '^'J^w • (25) bk, mr, j s^-xn .

Page 112: Pahlavi Namakiha Manushchihar


61*3^ "^ ^ Glr€ IteW 'l^iO '^ w -c-*o 'i (3)

2U«p5j^ tt3^-«S l^t^ "^'>^ 6l|5|0 \\^jj ''llt^AJ <^-^-^

_^3 i6 ti! 'Vil^ W-^AJ -tj-si i5Xr^ 613^ S^

(1) MB,, J ''^W. (2) MR "r^n^'^ . (3) MR, J add tT • (4) MR»»tysU' . (5) MR, J i|^«^ . (6) ME, J •€«)-*'i*'». (7) MR om. (8) MR adds «.

(9) J adds ». (10) MR «(6«?. (11) MR IV<^ . (12) MR adds « . (13) MR

j^ l^-er. (14) So W, BK iVistdnh ( P.-^***"^ ) ', or MR, J -3^(^5 : kasfdrtli

(p. iJ^^ )= decrease. (15) BK, MR om. (16) MR '^t^V'^f ; BK om.

(17) MR, J e'tW-s-*'. (18) J f^^-^. (19) All but J om ; MR adds »'.

(20) AH but MR add f- (21) Av. -«cc-^I?, p. J$jj = a coat of mail.

(22) M&' om. (23) J ^tiS for !€«; ,6. (24) MR ^'. (25) MR, J »iO' .

(26) MR 'i6» (27) MR adds « • (28) So W, BK : better MR, J -^Sr^V ^ :

cf. § 7. <29) MR om. (30) MR i^jj .

Page 113: Pahlavi Namakiha Manushchihar


Epistle 11: CHAPTER VI, 2-8; CEAPTER VIT, 1. 81

^'w ^ti;* -*or^-^ ''cxrr^ "CG 1^^ (8) e\^ ^3


iiej -5-^^ ''iiej ^ J5jif« iittwj'^ as (^i6^ (1)

(1) MR -^^'? for « ^^^- (2) All but J om. (3) MR om- (4) MRi>i«»)-^» . (5) MR om. (6) BK u*i^ ; MR, J """^ • (7) BK^JtJ^"^(8) So W, BK; better MR, 3 -^ - (9) MR ora. (10) MR ^^o . (H) MR,

J « )-UU^ . (12) MR •^-5--^y for -«J-- - )v . (13) Thus aU but J :

paiSni (Av, 'Sy'ZJ = to fall), or, better, read with the preceding word, /(l;a//om as

in J (p. e;*^^=to turn tlie mind; to be inclined). (14) MR V. (15) J

3 -^-V^^ . (16) ddshlhast (Av. -^IZl^Z^ • (17) MR W-t^ . (18) MR om'

(19) MR -^J-^i ; J '3^-". (20) MR, J "^'^'-^. C21) MR om; BK adds ^.

C22) BK -^y^-JSj-MJ or « 'f^ez-W .


Page 114: Pahlavi Namakiha Manushchihar


'i!?uii/r^^ iB^fip* ^ sv" '^ ^ren5 '-^i^ej \^\^tv

-rtlJJ iS'^rOJt;^ f^ 3)-*-^ -tj^5 i^i«^ If5 iiP-^ 'islt)^

''«13^1 t€«?" (2) '"i^!j w -^ $S iiej -?i 'iittr

i^j j^^ yy:>^^^s w^ 'i -SJ3 -^e)* j;j*o!svje^-^u-«

(1) Thus all, for -«*'>'?ce?J . (2) MR, J 5))r£n3 for « ^f^Hi . (3) MR adds

^ . (4) MR, J ^' for ' . (5) MR, J -ns-- . '6) MR '^^. (7) MR cm.

(8) MR -*>'«)' . (9) MR, J f^fiJ-^ . (10) MR *- «^)'J . (11) MR prefixes

^ and J Str - (12) MR om : J 5^ for « • (13) MR, J \^^\i. (U) BK

cm. (15) 3 ^-"e »U5C6 for -^^-^ 6^^:^ '• (16) MR f€|jj-^ . (17) tcmeilc^ag&m

(18) MR adds "eJ- (19) MR adds t*"^ • (20) BK ^r«^^0^ . (21) MR, J add the

following words:— »;^-*'tr l^^JO t^ (j S'reKj) Si)r^)M ViJ^^5t<»j Oren^O^-"

5« (^r^jJjJ. (22) SoW; better l^-^C^ as in the rest. (23$ J -**'l. (24) MR, J

rightly add tl • (25) BK, J f^-^V ', MR omits the last 12 ^Yords.

Page 115: Pahlavi Namakiha Manushchihar


Epistle II : CHAPTER VII, 1-G. 83

-^ if€ -g^ ^^^^1 ^ w 1,^6-^, "^ «;e)^ii '-U0

-^j) (5) ire^eji -^^^rs6^ -^<^r^ttn5 -os iiej ^p

(1) MR adds '^i^^J) J'JI* 1)2; . (2) MR om. (3) MR, J add -*ty .

(4) MR ^T'J^JI ^ . (5) BK, MR om. (G) pc.ih-did ( i'. '^i >> u^J )= ia

view, in sight. (7) BK ^^^-^jj • (y) <t;y(//(i another form of 'lit)-*'^!

(_P. (j:»jlo.?= to explain, to discern) or J'l^'J-^'ce) (Av. -"^Jr^l?; P. ^^j = decision)

= to decide. (9) MR, J add -^ . (10) MR -^J . (11) MR, J I'teU^^U .

(12) MR om. (13) MR -\A5^^-'-^-ii-*«-Hj'fj J -«---iJ^J-nj'; . (14j JIR »rtxe;>.

(15) BK {^^^^j^^^j'ji • (IC) J omits the last « words. (17) MR adds '^ .

(18) MR )>t€n3 . (19) Ml^_J*o; J_/Lr-9 . (2u) J adds "^ • (21) MR

adds ^ . (22) MR i^)i^)^ •

Page 116: Pahlavi Namakiha Manushchihar


-^ Visual -0 3r«i3 'bi 'iiitt5"^ '^-5J^-*c-tj6!r t:^


L^ "^Jjfo^ II5J 'ifenjtii '-^-t/i i^tti^ i-^^e^* (i)

\^^^ l€^^ l«^-^-ai5 \3| -^-a-^ej lie; IB-^l iire^-^J-^i

inj w i^^-^w w iireHj^i nittJ-^ 'una '-^^^i Vt::^

f6^ "tti-M-'eJ 61^ iro- ^S (2) 'Vj-^-^-5i -^^

Wt^lU ^"tr Ji^ll^"^ "^_rD '3tt3-^-^ "ll3"^ 113 1^1^^

(1) MR, J ^^J-nJ^'? . (2) MR, J >i^-« . (3) BK 'i*'i •. (A) vahdr

(p. l^^ -a part), or read '^-V as ia MR. (5) MR Mrt^J*)) . (6) MR

'^^jp'e; ; j ^-s^i^e; . (7) mr ^ri:-^ • (s) MR -^J . (9) MR, J 't*)5 .

(10) BK »i^«^J» ; MR »«J^-5l . (11) J ^^V . (12) MR >=^-^-»f=2;. (13) MR,

J add *^. (14) iNIR Jf'?)^')!* )^cce for the last o words : read, dngim; or Um/c va

(p. C5^^ = mode, manner, habit). (15) MR «?1)?^J)» . (]C) BK if^U-'-^s;

MR, J 'a?-^^ . (17) MR 6>ftiJ<? ; J eJiy^" . (18) MR om. (19) Better

M-R, J ^i're; . (20) jahed (P. ij"-^^ ) • MR, J W-H:C» ^ for ii^-^J ^^.

(21) MR -^«'» . (22) J adds ^. (23) MR i^as for -> ^. (21) MR "* -^-^iV •-*';

MR, J add >•

Page 117: Pahlavi Namakiha Manushchihar

Epi.^tlc II : CHAPTEU VII, 6. CHAPTER VIII, 1-5 85

"winter (o) '^w^-^ '-t5^rtre>' i^^JO iiej , -X3«iO 'i

j^jjij 'i (4) IIP13 '^ ien)-i5 ^6 ^1 -^^ -^-^^«)0i

--tJ-5!;^ 5;0 (5) '"iir^eyK^ Slf€-6^l -^ 6!"3^ ^ IM3 PI

^ Iltl l^^iU* ''15;^!^ ^1 _--^ -^5 IIU "liStJ 6^ -^3

t6 -^ 61^ tr ^1'^ \^^ ^ ''t:^ -^r^I3^3 ^e>*

(1) MR om. (2) P. ^l^-j' = confidence (cf. Av. ^t«J3-*e;> ). (3) MKj^lliJ-^. (4) MR t5 . (5) MR oui. (G) J ^)?l•-^A'<^6 for « »y-^^ «?6 •

(7) MR »t6. (8) BK, MR, J add KJ'^5 . (0) agavarzidan (Av. ^\f+J-"'^=to

leave off ; abandon). (10) MR »it*'Aj • (11) BK M3^ ; MR ^^ ; J

j-iJ5 r5^ for ))3-"J 5s^— Read sIiUmu (P. t:;^ = turning away the face). (12) MR

»>fce . (13) MR om. (U) BKadds « • (I'o) MR, J add iS . (16) BK

)-=M--"^ • (17) MR adds "^ • (18) So W, BK ; better MR, J "^ • (10) MR,

Mtcenj-w; J »)reK5-« . (2O) MR adds "^. (21) MR ir^^'^ZJ . (22) MR om.

(2o) MR 6»^"<^ for )f6 »^'(^ • (24) MR, J -O-**' • (25) MR J ifJ-^-^li,

Page 118: Pahlavi Namakiha Manushchihar



ittN(6^ 'i<!ir-aji5?o'^ -0-^3^ 'leiPeriti 'rt^rs^ ^^ip

'°^eJI '^1 6^ -O-^ll I^OAjJ^I ^ ^ l<^5^€ 13^1

-^ i3txn sv^ -voir^-^ i*^-^ 'ieA5^ I's^r^e^' (s)

(1) hilziiihartl (of. P. uJ'^i^^tO ^^ '0 teach; j 'tO ^^ knowledge,

protection, security, wariness). (2) BK tS. (3) MR '^^'^J't^ for >i^*<6S: ^»t»

(4) MR, J om (5) MR om. (6) MR, J <(\^. (7) So W, MR; (West reads

pe.s;i= previous); better J S^-^eJ or BK ^i*eJ. (8) MR, J > -^^^ .

(9) MR omits the last 10 words. (10) W adds J"^ and BK adds ^~-" with

•9-—** written above (evidently, the first three letters of the next word) (11) MR

^-t)- (12) MR, J om. (13) MR -^i^-^-")3 for -^t^-^-") 3)).

(14) MR '-^w (15) P. v''^-'^= fetid water; MR leW'?'? t^y for IW^ Ki«»r.

(16) Jchvdvak (P. '-?-^ —' flesh, meat ; or taste, relish). (17) MR B^^^'il Av.

&»e^>e)'*-c»-«'(S2. (18) MR -nji^e;


Page 119: Pahlavi Namakiha Manushchihar

Epistle II : CHAPTER IX, 1-6. 87

\5\^'^^^ *^^ i^po)* (5-4) ire^I^ej -^ij 'irt^-nju

le^-^ '"i^e^K '-*^ I'^^i'^o i3reK5-5 ^_J-S^ "^ "^-^^

''-VO-sf^K iiirtJ-^ iir^e)''^ t/r6^ -^W w* ''irt3^3^

(1) MR _i|»J . (2) MR ii^i£'V\J) . (3) MR, J tfi^-\JV. (4) So MR;

W, BK ?'?!€; J ^'^ i€ . (5) MR adds « • (6) MR. J -^Jll^OJ . (7) MR om.

(8) MR om. (9) BK, J ^. (10) J adds »W . (11) MR om. (12) MR,

J >re>UO-» ; MR also adds -**-^ • (13) MR, J p-^S<»j, BK J^~^3f°>j for

»| ^S^V . (U) BK ^3\<"J for "^5 Mf ; MR p-"S. (16) MR 'i:^^:^'^.

(16) MR "(^l^OM . (17J So W, BK ; West compares P. I^^J = disturbance:

disobedience. MR )i»Jn^^'i ; better J J^Jl^^ . (18) So \V. BK ; MR, J

-VJ-^^ (p. ^-^O-JJ )• (19) ^IR »',tnj»j>. (20) BK r^tJt. (21) MR-n.'^*'!^? -*tj"; . (22) J adds *'.

Page 120: Pahlavi Namakiha Manushchihar


''i^-^(? -^ ^ ''\^£^ r^v}j 'rt3-^3i ''i^-^r^i^ ire)-*-

3-tj''i i3W'-fj3 isr?)^ I3re).^ *- ''^^^f^\ \\^^ (8)

''l'i^^_J''^^Sii -\>03^^ 61^ llttAAD-sej W It^^ &€ ''l

(1) MR om. (2) MR ity-^-J). (3) MR oni. (l) MR J '^"-t)ey. (5) MR

-njO'^l^D^JJ , (6) J ^-^'; MR omits ^trl 6^ . (7) MR, J -^<?5 .

^8) mas-ddt (advanced or old age). (&) MR adds ^ . (10) J adds ^.

(ll) MR adds "^ . (12) MR t^ . (13) MR « »3r€AJ-"c» . (14) MR^^?D^^ »»SJ . (15) MR "I*t6> . (16) MR, J |^ . (17) MR 3J^t^><? .

(18) MR, J t?J»'\^'«? . (19) The interpolated passage in J (Ep. 11, Ch. 71 § 2 to

Ep. II, Ch. IX § 7) breaks off here. (20) MR adds '• (21) MR «r'^VJ^^ .

(22) MR om. (2.3) MR S^ - (24) MR om. (25) (jundmh (cf. P. /^ U/ =old) —so West : or cf. P. e;^^ — rule, regulation. (26) So W, BK :

pashnogarih (P. cA^'^^J = sprinkling): better MR -^^)'^Uy cf. § 10. (27) MRom. (28) So W. BK ,- better MR ^-W^ . (29) MR J^-^"

. (3O) MR J'ft'^e;!.

(31) MR om.

Page 121: Pahlavi Namakiha Manushchihar

Epistle II : CHAPTER IX, G-U. 89

ir^-^-^ ^'^1 I ^^ iT^jfo^J lt^r)0-- <^|!9 ^f^t^

Jid-o-at? ^ '-^ "-^ ^ ^ Jii^ -'^^5- (9)

-^i3re«j-*'^ '\\v - -5K-SI -^13 lejsu* i3reAJ-^<w' -^i3

^ '-C-t3JJ3 -*Ol5|!;U2j ''-O^lfi? ^ ^-tr (10) V jgli

"i€?i ^ -*0r6 jfJ3J^^^ ''l (11) j^ll^tJ itt^-^e)* ^

(I) MR ^S^B-^'^ . (2) MR om. (3) So MR , W, BK -«^^-y-^jt;.

(4) MR omits the last 11 words. (5) BK -*V-^-«-*V*-MJ<;. (f.) Guwlml, (P. vy^

= rule, regulation). (7) MR -*U0Jj5 ,' BK tJiil^ with -w^£)5 written above it

for -^^i >\B . (8) MR om. (P) MR »)!«i<; . (lo) MR ^ . (11) MR

adds ^ . (12) MR om" (13) BK ^^ • (U) MR «€<?.€ . (15) MR aJ

for '^ J-^'> . (LG) MR 'i^t^ . (17) BK -S^v? . (18) MR om.


Page 122: Pahlavi Namakiha Manushchihar


,6 "-iiSV-'-^ii ''i^^-s-*'^ (15) ire)Uire)^ iisir^t^T^

(1) MR ^ . (2) MR <€«r . (8) BK^ . (4) BK t^^V . (5) MR

^•*^^ . (6) MR om. (7) BK 'tt'»'^ . (8) MR adds ' • (9) MR om-

(lO; MR adds « . (U) MR ^tW\3\ . (12; MK adds J • (13) MR -".

(U) MR om. (15) MR adds ^ • (16) MR om. (17) BK S^^Srt)\J-» .

(18) MR <Mi'»'^ . (19) MR «r'=^J-»" • (20) MR om. (21) BK irtMJ--)^-^

(22) MR add? ^ . (28) MR adds « "W^ »^^^ ^ ^^V » . (24) BK -nj^-V.

MR -^^O^-" .


Page 123: Pahlavi Namakiha Manushchihar

Epistle II : CHAPTEll IX, 12-15 Epistle III, 1. 91



:o: .

're) i^^B '-c-^y i^-g |5^/^ '^-^enji^s ^ (i)

J Jlrj^ ''ittilfil^ Itt5^-5^l -^:^;-5i^' I3-Xi-5U "icXr

(1) cishdfak (P. 8^1-ik^ = open). (2) MR adds «. (3) So W, BK;

AIR '^Vt . (Taking this word with the next, read ^^^ »"^S 'cf. •^^ for ^

(Jamshed) " Dadistan-i Dinik " by Ervad T. D. Anklesaria, p. 84 1. 8). (4) MR^ • (5) MR 2U • (6) MR ^-^V^^S . (7) MR adds > • (8) MR nie) .

(9) MR '^J'le-^ . (10) MR 'XT ; read, witb the preceding word, l^-'-^-'-J

or, better, read '«/ ' -^3-" : cf. §§ 4-5. (11 ; So W, Bk ; better MR ^^ .

(12) W, BK repeat. (13) BK _rir3. (14) MR om. (15) So MR; W,

BK '!« .

Page 124: Pahlavi Namakiha Manushchihar


1^-5 Vej-53-xj -^e)* jr^iifo i^itti"^ ii^?^2j 'i5^/^^

% -*uc-^-«3^ "iireiti-^'°«

''laeKTi 6^ (3) iro^ire^

•^1^ 61^ ''^-*ci^^e5-*ej e€ <?"^-5J 6^ (5-4)

i^i^Jire^ ''-»o-e-"^ I3IOI3 "'i^uu-53r^$)iej -*uoi3re^-^^

\\v''« ^ j^iy^o -*o^ "Xjf^ej ^iyro? icxr

''1 ''"^-^

(1) MR om. (2) MR adds « . (3) So ^IR ; W, BK om : cf. §§ 13 «& 20.

(4) So MR ; W, BK J'^-^. (5) MR adds «. (6) BK i3^. (7) MR ) >i«ej^3-%j .

(8) MR -''* ^»i6=^ for -^ >- (6!^. (9) BK 5)^^ with '^ written above tlie last

letter. (10) MR om. (11) MR J» for ' • (12) MR i^StATi • (13) BK i:>i^l>i

(U) MR -^^S^^^^. (15) MR adds ^. (16) MR W"!'^^ • (17) MRomits « and adds •"^I'St-^C?'^ » . (18) MR J't^J-*'**' . (19) ^d>jc-ch (West) :

better read, with the preceding word, C^-nJO^" • (20) MR >ifJ*J-iS^^iJ. (21) MRadds »*. (22) BK «?,€15^ . (23) MR ^*-*') . (24) MR om. (26) MR J»»'?0 .

(26) MR ^ 'l^-** ; BK >;«-*' ->.

Page 125: Pahlavi Namakiha Manushchihar

Epistlo III : 1-8. 93

'i3-*cr^ej 'f€ 'lip 'iir^iKM -^uci^su* ^ -sk^i r^i^*

'<^iiteiu-5 iiej '-tj-531 \±^s_^__j'_j*' ^ w-^ (c)

w ^ 1^? ^ -K-5i I •^% ^'^irer '°i -t^s 'lys^

ii^ ^'i5^(^ ^ i^j-^^-'o-tj^? ''%\\5 '"1i3^rt55j i3re^-^^

"irtJ-^ t^ i^'j-^ (7) j|«;o-t5 i3r«i3 iiej irt^t^iy-r^^

-3«ftt^s lie; ^ 'i3reiu-^^^ ''« i^«^ nej 1^=^ ^\^-^

r6 13'^U' - 1^^ lit' WV* I3r€^-^^ ^ 16 '"l3S0'

vci3reHj-^^ ^ ''^ ^ ''i«^/u-s3t^$)ie; ''«i3r^i3 iiej

-^\^^ \5^^j''''*' ^ ""'-*ucfen5

''«6i=i^jj iiej i^-^^^^

(1) MR -UO^^'^'-*' . (2) MR om. (8) BK ti^'-t^). (4) mR om. (5) So

W, BK : pad)/dLC= atUck (West) : better MR S-^itt^V (jHitOshak- contaminated).

(6) Thus all : West reads asar : better, hifjar. (7) BK -*U0 . (8) MR C^i^fenj-s

(9) MR adds '. (In) MR om. (11) MR adds «. (12) BK om. (13) MRt ':=J-*' (14) MR om. (15) So W, BK ; better MR »9rtAJ-«:e _/*. (ig) BKs'-i-^S . (17) MR om. (18) BK p'^fJ'JS^ ', MR -Os^UUnC. (IJ) MR»**"^-*'. (20) MR ^'^W • (21) MR lisy • (22) MR om. (23) MRlifJU-iSr^^V . (24) MR ™. (2o) MR ^^^^il . (2G) MR ^^^. (27) MRom

iBK adds rt/'i. (28) MR -\;0'ttK5 • C^[^) iMR om.

Page 126: Pahlavi Namakiha Manushchihar


i3^«?u iire^ iire)u ^iis 'i(6 ire^eji i^^ ^^ ij-^^-*c--o«?

6i5^ nej VenD-*- '^\&^ 'w^^v ir?)^s^ i3^«>o

ltt5-*Cr6 ''W^''^ 61^ iiej « |5^/-52(U IBs^SU* ^ r6 (H)

'' -^ lima -^ « js^^e^-^-t/'t) «i^^e>' -tj-^rtr ''i "t3S

(1) MR ^"'^*• (-2) MR adds ^. (3) MR (^^^C^ . (4) MR <6. (5) BK

om ; MR adds "ithJ . ((i) MR iJtt^^Je; . (7) MR t^"'^J. (8) BK ^tV^-"',

ME Jii'Ln^-- . (9) MR om. (10) BK J^Xi ; MR-T/O. (H) MR om.

(12) MRj^Jii* • MR repeats § 10 with the last word )^-!;ni^V' (13) MR om-

(14) MR adds >rtnjy> »)e;. (15) MR om, (16) So W, EK : Both MSS. leave

a blank space here. MR -^^2]'^'"^ ^^r -UO^ii^-» -^ If, as stated

by Dr. West iu a note on p. 361 of S. B. E. Vol. XVill, some text is really. missing

here, it is, possibly, the following passage in the MS. J. interpolated iu Dd. 37 § 33:

^» r^'it*^ -^->' o^ t^-^y '<« -^'s ej^ -53» i^ ^3S ^^ i-?: e;«w -^^

^3-^j-w)» -Mjt:; Di^^iU T«j-^y gO t^D^J t**^-^ -j;^ -"jt^ t^i»<io -^ -^ej-*!;

,y_A.y. 5)^ 3e;-Mj _jr_xjr ^i 'ittiJ'^j I'j-^tr ^ 5"^/) >^ /^t) j> o Su^ ^

Page 127: Pahlavi Namakiha Manushchihar

Epistle III : «-13. 95

w *i:^ir^-A- 'f^ (12) '-*uo-o^ii '^-» -n-Kpjir^^

lit) lip i^ejl -^ 61^ r€ rt5^ ^ \^-^^ W i'5J

SiS^ nej r^ !^(? -^rtn^-0-^ii ^-5 -^w^ '-v^

n^(^ 'w^ J/J*^ "^ -^'^"^ "^ 'r€AJ*ji 'i«^^

^yj^ lit) -5|i^-»- -^ '"irewjiii w?Jr 61^ iiej

(€ itt^fi? ^ i:;u-»^ ---;^^P3 "iti'^L^ ireHJSJi iso^ '^

V -^iisto -*J) -^-^ ttii^Si-ii ir^^-5^1 « i^Ji^j 13-tj-s^

J--IJ -*c^r^r^ -CG ''-^e)' "^ ''-^ f^ (13)


''^1 r^ ''1 1^-* ''-o-^'ii -iK^i -tj-^rtr -^5 ^)

(I) MR 'NJJ . (2) MR -ni-y-")). (3) BK adds ^ • (4) MR •'^'J'^.

(5) MR ^•'^; BK adds « • (6) MR « for vcce

. (7) MK_rjn; ; BK

_r/'_3 . (8) MR om. (0) BK -"; MR om. (10) MR l)-*nji'» . (H) MR

_rjn3 ; BK ^^J . (12) MR adds «• (13) BK i'^. (14) MR om.

(15) MR adds ^ . (16) MR adds tS -^ 6 . (17) MR om. (18) dzirth, or

a-chdrih or khajiarih (cf. P. ''J •* = active, dexterous) (19) MR adds ** •

(20) BK, MR om. (21) MR '^ • (22) MR fi'^S^V •

Page 128: Pahlavi Namakiha Manushchihar


1^ 'i36?'p' '-^I (14) -njojitt^^ -^ iir^i3 -^w

6^)0-*' -*or^^ v. ^"^--(0 lijO^ t^ ^ 5^ (15)

I'^-ilr^'si: l^r€ S^"^ irertJtil W^ '"^ Gl5tUJ "^

''ireHJtJi I'lO^ « git^ iiej "-^^ ^1 nt^6 nre^^

-t3-i:j«!rI 13^13 tt^-t/'-^u '^ t6 -sj-^^^^ ''^-stti-*-

''ipe)--^i '°i^^^2J w "«iuu-^3r^^(ej \^^u^J^\ (i6)

-Lf^-,y-w^iI ^°-*o-o-X5 ''lire) I ''-voif^i3-t'-^ liu-trti

(1) MR adds ». (2) MR -^-"j-"^. (3) MR -^^ . (i) MR adds «

(5) So W, BK=6^ (5^ ; better MR i^ <^IS^ - (6) xMR 3^-^:». (7) MR om.

r8) MR "tei''^' . (9) MR repeats the last 13 words. (10) MR om- (11) MR

adds ^ . (12) MR om. (13) MR ^^^-ZJ . (14) MR r€;0. (15) MR V^-^.

(16) MR 1_i^ . (17) MR -^^J-^-ii-MJ-HJs . (18) BK »t«. (19) MR r!^J^->3V>K^V

(20) MR '?i'i^nJ-»»J . (21) MR n^-^S) . (22) MR i^^TSt . (23) MR

^)(6 . (24) MR "^ -*J-*tt^ -^»t€ for --J-nj OHJitS . (25) xMR 6^^ . (20) MR

:;;5Jt;U\JJe; . (27) MR -"5 . (28) ashahartdihd (cf. P. t^o^^'-^). (29) MRadds ' . (30) BK, MR -\t\i'^ .

Page 129: Pahlavi Namakiha Manushchihar

Epistle III: l;5-18 d7

''iiro^-^^i -t^-aj iiej w^'i^v "iTti^^fu ireHj^i eiso^ ^

(1) MR > ^«>-t^-n;';» . (2) MR -UO'SJnj . (.S) MR om. («) MRadds ^ . (5) MR "t^J^^^^^^ . (6) MR adds » . (7) BK, MR ».€ • (S) MRom. (9) MR M*'!^*?- . (10) MR 'ai'^ei-^ej . (11) MRom. (12) MR Mi^<^5


(13) So MR; W, BKom. (14) MRom. (15) MR^rC ; BK _Jl/;j) .

(16) MR ^ n-eiJ-X) . (IT) MR »ty<^JCe' • (18) MR »i'*i3 . (19) MRw §)^)ier^ and adds 'ew' . (20) MR »"*2'"^ • (Jl) MR -'r^nrO"^ . (22) MR "^'i .

(23) MR "^^ . (24) MR om. (25) MR nr»i5 for « "*'3 • (2o) MRadds "* • (27) BK i . (i^) BK C«o^ .


Page 130: Pahlavi Namakiha Manushchihar


iiej iire^u ^-^-*' ^ ii6 '^ 'i (i9) ^ i5^;ii«^ tot^ej

:^ '"^^--^ ^^ -*o-^i

V i!^^^-c^ i«^-*s laf^iir 'ii^ Viiter^

J'^ f€ j;;;ij ^-^Ife^lB^S 5^5 '-^^ WW^-^ (20)

^61t^j '^ '^^ ^ '^^^ (^^B^PB ''w iej«?j* ''-t3s iiej


(1) BK, MR "SB for ^ »• (2) JJR •n^WJ^^ . q]^ mR om. (4) MR adds **.

(5) MR -"(S'^-^i^. (6) TMR adds ^ • (7) MR 'it«M-€rsr. (8) MR repeats.

(9) MR -*U'<6 . (10) So W, BK : better MR _^ • (11) MR -^S^tr » .

(12) MR adds «. (13) MR 't^'";« . (U) MR ^r/W ; BK _JT^. (15) MR

adds ^ . (16) MR adds ^ • (17) MR '«/. (18) MR '^^^'J^ • (19) MR1'*J)'^ . (20) MR om. (21) MR '1^. (22) MR "«5^ for '^ '(^«M

(23) MR '^*'?. (24) MR « for ».

Page 131: Pahlavi Namakiha Manushchihar

Epistle III : 18-23.7 99

<^«r3^p3 '--^i!;vjiw -0-^5- 13^1 t6^ se)* (^i)

'^eji ^Jti\ 1I5J -^ i^-e =^^^ -^-^eAJi^s -* - -^^ej

"6ir^i3!^^-*' ''i3te«j-^i -*'s^:^ ^rens '!f6 -^mj ire)

^5;u-s-^^ r6 "(23) ''!r€njir?)^ l^^ttJ^ '^-Xf^il ireiU-s

It^-^ ''65^^-^ej ^il'V -05 -tP-^-tir_J6«?f6 1^^-511

(1) MR om, (2) BVi is'> ^y ioT "^ ^^V . (3) MR «^' • (4) MR-n3^)ro^ . (5) MR "t*ei-^-» . (6) BK ora. (7) MR •" ^'^

, (8) MR-tt^reni-0-«»J3 . (9) Thus all, for i6 . (10) So \\ , BK : better MRiB\t)\^-^ . (11) So W, BK ; MR 6»i«»5r€n--«» : better (>f°>3t^AJ^ . Also, cf.

Ep. II, Ch. y §14. (\2) MR acMs ^• (13) BK »^enj-*"S)-^ . (ii) W, BK

add »^6r;aJ?l3 . (15) j^xK '*6'?U-«'e;. (16) MR 'itnjll^)-^ . (17) Mii «;u^j-3i«^2;

(18) MR -**'^ ^ as and BK v. -^ w is for »U-iS , (lO) .MK ^^iT •

(20) So W, BK; better MR '3r€^).


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