pal gov.tutorial1.session9 10.bpmn-overview (mahmoud saheb's conflicted copy 2012-02-06)

1 PalGov © 2011 فلسطينيةلكترونية الديمية الحكومة ا أكاThe Palestinian eGovernment Academy Tutorial 1:Process and Data Modeling Session 9 & 10 Business Process : An Overview Dr. Mahmoud H. M. Saheb

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أكاديمية الحكومة اإللكترونية الفلسطينية

The Palestinian eGovernment Academy

Tutorial 1:Process and Data Modeling

Session 9 & 10Business Process : An Overview

Dr. Mahmoud H. M. Saheb

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This tutorial is part of the PalGov project, funded by the TEMPUS IV program of the

Commission of the European Communities, grant agreement 511159-TEMPUS-1-

2010-1-PS-TEMPUS-JPHES. The project website:

University of Trento, Italy

University of Namur, Belgium

Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium

TrueTrust, UK

Birzeit University, Palestine

(Coordinator )

Palestine Polytechnic University, Palestine

Palestine Technical University, PalestineUniversité de Savoie, France

Ministry of Local Government, Palestine

Ministry of Telecom and IT, Palestine

Ministry of Interior, Palestine

Project Consortium:


Dr. Mustafa Jarrar

Birzeit University, P.O.Box 14- Birzeit, Palestine

Telfax:+972 2 2982935 [email protected]

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© Copyright Notes

Everyone is encouraged to use this material, or part of it, but should properly

cite the project (logo and website), and the author of that part.

No part of this tutorial may be reproduced or modified in any form or by any

means, without prior written permission from the project, who have the full

copyrights on the material.

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Tutorial Map

Topic Time

Module I: Conceptual Data Modeling

Session 0: Outline and Introduction

Session 1.1: Information Modeling 1

Session 1.2: Conceptual Data Modeling using ORM 1

Session 1.3: Conceptual Analyses 1

Session 2: Lab- Conceptual Analyses 3

Session 3.1: Uniqueness Rules 1.5

Session 3.2: Mandatory Rules 1.5

Session 4: Lab- Uniqueness & Mandatory Rules 3

Session 5: Subtypes and Other Rules 3

Session 6: Lab- Subtypes and Other Rules 3

Session 7.1: Schema Equivalence &Optimization 1.5

Session 7.2: Rules Check &Schema Engineering 1.5

Session 8: Lab- National Student Registry 3

Module II: Business Process Modeling

Session 9: BP Management and BPMN: An Overview 3

Session 10: Lab - BP Management 3

Session 11: BPMN Fundamentals 3

Session 12: Lab - BPMN Fundamentals 3

Session 13: Modeling with BPMN 3

Session 14: Lab- Modeling with BPMN 3

Session 15: BP Management & Reengineering 3

Session 16: Lab- BP Management & Reengineering 3

Intended Learning ObjectivesModule 1 (Conceptual Date Modeling)

A: Knowledge and Understanding

11a1: Demonstrate knowledge of conceptual modeling notations and concepts

11a2: Demonstrate knowledge of Object Role Modeling (ORM) methodology.

11a3: Explain and demonstrate the concepts of data integrity & business rules

B: Intellectual Skills

11b1: Analyze application and domain requirements at the conceptual level,

and formalize it using ORM.

11b2: Analyze entity identity at the application and domain levels.

11b4: Optimize, transform, and (re)engineer conceptual models.

11b5: Detect &resolve contradictions & implications at the conceptual level.

C: Professional and Practical Skills

11c1: Using ORM modeling tools (Conceptual Modeling Tools).

Module 2 (Business Process Modeling)

A: Knowledge and Understanding

12a1: Demonstrate knowledge of business process modeling notations and concepts.

12a2: Demonstrate knowledge of business process modeling and mapping.12a3: Demonstrate understand of business process optimization and re-engineering.

B: Intellectual Skills

12b1: Identify business processes.

12b2: Model and map business processes.

12b3: Optimize and re-engineer business processes.

C: Professional and Practical Skills

12c1: Using business process modeling tools, such as MS Visio.

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Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN)

An Overview

Session ILOs

This session introduces the basic concepts for Enterprise

modeling, Business Process Management, Business

process Modeling and its relation with SOA. It also

introduces the BPMN.

After completing this session students will be able to:

1. Demonstrate basic knowledge of Enterprise modeling,

BP management concepts and BP Modeling notations.

2. Demonstrate basic knowledge of BPMN notations and


3. Demonstrate basic knowledge of using BPM tools:

BizAgi and Bonita.

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Session Outline


» Enterprise model (Slide 7)

» Business process management (Slide 12)

» SOA (Slide 18)


» BPModeling (slide 25)

» BPMN Basics (slide 35)


» Bizagi tour Or Bonita

» Examples & videos

Lecture Materials

» Wikipedia

» Software – MS Visio and Plug-ins

» Online resources and tutorials

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Enterprise Modeling…

• An enterprise model is the abstract representation, description and definition of the structure, processes, information, people, behavior, goals, constraints and resources of an identifiable business, government body, or other large organization.

• It deals with the process of understanding an enterprise business and improving its performance through creation of enterprise models.

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Enterprise Modeling

• An enterprise in general is a unit of economic organization or activity.

• These activities are required to develop and deliver products and/or services to a customer.

• An enterprise includes a number of functions and operations such as purchasing, manufacturing, marketing, finance, engineering, and research and development.

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Enterprise Modeling…

The basic idea of enterprise modeling is [Ulrich

Frank] :

• To offer different views on an enterprise, thereby providing a medium to encourage dialogues between various stakeholders -both in academia and in practice. For this purpose they include abstractions suitable for strategic planning, organizational (re-) design and software engineering.

• The views should complement each other and thereby foster a better understanding of complex systems by systematic abstractions.

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Enterprise Modeling…

• The views should be generic in the sense

that they can be applied to any enterprise.

At the same time they should offer

abstractions that help with designing

information systems which are well

integrated with a company's long term

strategy and its organization.

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Enterprise Modeling

Various enterprise modeling styles have been identified. These include:

• Business Strategy Modeling

• Organization Hierarchy and Geography Modeling

• Responsibility Modeling

• Business Process Modeling

• Maturity Modeling

• Business Cohesion Modeling

• Communication Modeling

• Business Relationship Modeling

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Session Outline


» Enterprise model

» Business process management



» BPModeling

» BPMN Basics


» Bizagi tour Or Bonita

» Examples & videos

Lecture Materials

» Wikipedia

» Software – MS Visio and Plug-ins

» Online resources and tutorials

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Business Process Management (BPM)

• BPM Fundamentals • BPM as a broad organizational

– Strategy

– Framework

– Methodology

• BPM Evolution

– TQM: Total Quality Management

– BPR: Business Process Re-Engineering

– ERP: Enterprise resource planning

• Its all about organization

– Performance improvement

– Operational efficiencies

– Process effectiveness

– Change Management

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Business Process Management

BPM Phases








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Business Process Management

• BPM is a systematic approach to making an organization's workflow more effective, more efficient and more capable of adapting to an ever-changing environment.

• A business process is an activity or set of activities that will accomplish a specific organizational goal.

• The goal of BPM is to reduce human error and miscommunication and focus stakeholders on the requirements of their roles.

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BPManagement Outcomes

The outcomes of a business process

management project are essentially:

• value for the customer,

• reduced costs for the company,

• leading to increased profits.

• increased competitive advantage, market

growth, and

• better staff morale and retention.

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Assignment 1

• Download the IBM innov8 game or play it online at:

• Write one page about what you have learned from the game about BPM. What did you think of the game? What did you like about it? What was annoying?

Course Activity

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Session Outline


» Enterprise model

» Business process management



» BPModeling

» BPMN Basics


» Bizagi tour Or Bonita

» Examples & videos

Lecture Materials

» Wikipedia

» Software – MS Visio and Plug-ins

» Online resources and tutorials

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Service-Oriented Architecture [Sommerville]

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SOA: an architectural style to promote business-

aligned enterprise services as the fundamental

unit for designing and building solutions.[Boris


• Services can be provided locally or outsourced

to external providers

• Services are language-independent

• Investment in legacy systems can be preserved

• Inter-organisational computing is facilitated

through simplified information exchange

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Key Standards

• SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol)– A message exchange standard that supports service


• WSDL (Web Service Definition Language)– This standard allows a service interface and its bindings to be


• WS-BPEL (Business Process Execution Language )– A standard for workflow languages used to define service



– XPDL (XML Procedure Description Language)

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Business Process Execution Language


• An orchestration language for specifying business process behavior based on Web Services

• Executable vs. abstract business processes

• XML-based business process models that can be executed, stored, and exchanged

• No graphical notation

• Originally called Business Process Execution Language for

Web Services (BPEL4WS)

• Convergence of XLANG and WSFL

• BPEL 1.0 jointly developed by IBM, BEA, SAP, Siebel, and

• Microsoft – published August 2002

• BPEL 1.1 submitted to OASIS in April 2003

• BPEL 2.0, OASIS standard April 2007

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XML Process Definition Language (XPDL)

• Workflow Management Coalition (WfMC) standard

• A format for business process definition interchange

• Addresses both the graphics and the semantics

• XML-based business process models that can be

executed, stored, and exchanged

• XPDL 1.0 was ratified by the WfMC in 2002

• XPDL 2.0 was ratified by the WfMC in Oct 2005

• XPDL 2.1 was ratified by the WfMC in Apr 2008

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SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol)

• Is a protocol specification for exchanging structured

information in the implementation of Web Services in computer


• It relies on (XML) for its message format, and relies on other

layer protocols as (HTTP) and Simple Mail Transfer

Protocol (SMTP), for message negotiation and transmission.

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WSDL specification components

• The „what‟ part of a WSDL document, called an

interface, specifies what operations the service supports,

and defines the format of the messages that are sent

and received by the service.

• The „how‟ part of a WSDL document, called a binding,

maps the abstract interface to a concrete set of

protocols. The binding specifies the technical details of

how to communicate with a Web service.

• The „where‟ part of a WSDL document describes the

location of a specific Web service implementation (its


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Session Outline


» Enterprise model

» Business process management



» BPModeling

» BPMN Basics


» Bizagi tour Or Bonita

» Examples & videos

Lecture Materials

» Wikipedia

» Software – MS Visio and Plug-ins

» Online resources and tutorials

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Business Process Modeling

BPMN is Product of:

» Flowcharting

» E-R Diagramming

» O-R Diagramming

» Use Case Diagramming

» Cause-and-Effect Diagramming

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BPMN Diagramming: Definitions

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• Business model: Is a framework for creating

economic, social, and/or other forms of value.


Direct sale, Bricks and clicks, Fee-in Free-out,

online auction business model, …

• Workflow: is a depiction (present in picture or

words) of a sequence of operations, declared as

work of a person, work of a simple or complex

mechanism, work of a group of persons.

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Business Process Modeling

• BPModeling :is the activity of representing

processes of an enterprise, so that the

current process may be analyzed and


• The process improvements identified by

BPM may or may not require Information

Technology involvement.

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Process Modeling Methods

• Process Map

• Value Chain Analysis

• Process Models

– UML Activity Diagram

– Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN)

• (Extended) Event-driven Process Chain

• (EPC/eEPC)

• Function Allocation Diagram (FAD)

• ICAM Definition 0 (IDEF0)

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BPModeling Example (USING BPMN)

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12 distinct diagram types Only one diagram type

Used by system architects

and software engineers

Used by business analysts

Objects as first-class


Processes as first-class


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There are two main different types of Business

Process Models:

•The 'as is' or baseline model (the current


•The 'to be' model (the intended new situation)

“establishes and manages accurate requirements

that are sufficient for building information systems

satisfied by customers.”

which are used to analyze, test, implement and

improve the process.

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Programming Languages Tools for BPM

• BPM suite software provides programming

interfaces (web services, application program

interfaces (APIs)) which allow enterprise

applications to be built to leverage the BPM engine.

This component is often referenced as the engine of

the BPM suite. Programming languages that are

being introduced for BPM include:


• Business Process Execution Language (BPEL),

• Web Services Choreography Description Language (WS-CDL).

• XML Process Definition Language (XPDL),

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Session Outline


» Enterprise model

» Business process management



» BPModeling

» BPMN Basics


» Bizagi tour Or Bonita

» Examples & videos

Lecture Materials

» Wikipedia

» Software – MS Visio and Plug-ins

» Online resources and tutorials

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Business Process Modeling Notation


• BPMN is a graphical representation for

specifying business processes in a

business process model.

• BPMN was developed by Business

Process Management Initiative (BPMI),

and is currently maintained by the Object

Management Group(OMG).

• The current version of BPMN is 2

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Business Process Modeling Notation


• The objective of BPMN is to support business

process management for both technical users

and business users by providing a notation

that is intuitive to business users yet able to

represent complex process semantics.

• The BPMN specification also provides a

mapping between the graphics of the notation

to the underlying constructs of execution

languages, particularly BPEL.

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BPMN Scope

• BPMN supports only the concepts of modeling that are

applicable to business processes. This means that other

types of modeling done by organizations for non-

business purposes will be out of scope for BPMN. For

example, the modeling of the following will not be a part

of BPMN:

– Organizational structures

– Functional breakdowns

– Data models

In addition, while BPMN will show the flow of data (messages), and

the association of data artifacts to activities, it is not a data flow


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Standards Organizations

• Object Management Group (

– Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN)

– Business Process Definition Metamodel (BPDM)

• Workflow Management Coalition (

– XML Process Definition Language (XPDL)


– Driving the adoption of global e-business standards

– ebXML

– Business Process Execution Language (BPEL)

• W3C (

– Open, collaborative review process

– SOAP, WSDL, core XML specifications

– Web Services Choreography Description Language (WS-CDL)

• WS-I (

– Interoperability of WS technologies and standards

– WS-I Basic Profile

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Business Process Modeling Notation


• A standardized graphical notation for drawing business processes

• Currently no definition for storage or exchange of business


• Started within the Business Process Management Initiative


• BPMI merged with OMG in mid 2005

• OMG Final Adopted version of BPMN published February 2006

• BPMN 1.1: OMG Specification, Feb 2008

• BPMN 2.0: Business Process Model and Notation

Will also define a metamodel and interchange format

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BPM Tools


• Microsoft Visio2010 Premium

• Microsoft Visio2003 or 2007 + BPMN Modular

• Oracle BPMN Suite 11gR1

Free and Open Source

Oryx project:

Bonita Studio :


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BPMN Components -- Part I




Sequence Flow

Message Flow




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BPMN Components




Data Object



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BPMN Modeling Notations -- Part II







Advanced Triggers :





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BPMN Modeling Notations -- Part II


Used to control Sequence Flow

Core Gateways:


Event Based


Advanced Gateways





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Links & References

• “Enterprise modeling”, Ulrich Frank,

• Software Engineering, 9e, Ian Sommerville, ISBN-10: 0137035152




• “Defining SOA as an architectural style”, Boris Lublinsky,

• Dive-into-BPM

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Session 10: Lab Activities and Assignment

• Basic Elements BPD

• Bizagi tour

• Examples of BPMN diagrams

– Trade Mark Licence (

– Discuss

– Travel Request\ Expenses report (Bizagi)

– Discuss and using Bizagi to modify

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Assignment 2

• Redraw the invoice Approval process

which was handed out in class. You will

need to download BizAgi Process Modeler

-- LINK:

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As-Is :تصديق شهادة منشأ لمصدرين صناعيين

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• In this session we have discussed:Introduction

» Enterprise model

» Business process modeling




» BPMN Basics

• Next session will discuss the status

and the notation of BPMN