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Palm Schwenkfelder Church Annual Reports 2019

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Page 1: Palm Schwenkfelder Church Annual Reports Palm Schwenkfelder Church P.O. Box 66, 833 Gravel Pike Palm, PA 18070 Phone:

Palm Schwenkfelder Church

Annual Reports


Page 2: Palm Schwenkfelder Church Annual Reports Palm Schwenkfelder Church P.O. Box 66, 833 Gravel Pike Palm, PA 18070 Phone:


Directory for 2020 Page 3, 4 Pastor’s Report Page 5—7 Registrar’s Report Page 8 Moderator’s Report Page 10 Treasurer’s Report Page 11—13 Financial Secretary’s Report Page 14 Diaconate Report Page 15 Custodian of Endowment Report Page 16—19 Cemetery Report Page 20 Pastoral Relations Committee Report Page 20 Board of Music Ministry Report Page 21 Youth Director Report & Board of Christian Education Report Page 22—24 Mission Board Report Page 25 Ladies’ Aid Society Report Page 26 Ladies’ Aid Benevolent Giving Report Page 27 Ladies’ Aid Financial Report Page 28 Prayer Chain Report Page 29 Sunday School Report Page 29 Custodian of Buildings and Grounds Report Page 30 Men of Palm Report Page 31 Endowment for Continuing Education Report Page 32 Palm Country Day School Report Page 33, 34

In the event of a weekend snow storm, please listen to KYW1060 AM, go to our

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watch WFMZ TV69, regarding cancellations.



We would like to thank all committee members who took time out of their busy schedules to submit articles to the 2019 Annual Report.


Page 3: Palm Schwenkfelder Church Annual Reports Palm Schwenkfelder Church P.O. Box 66, 833 Gravel Pike Palm, PA 18070 Phone:


Palm Schwenkfelder Church P.O. Box 66, 833 Gravel Pike

Palm, PA 18070 Phone: 215— 679— 5321 (office) 267 – 374 – 5691 (Pastor Pence)

Fax: 215— 679— 2650 E-mail: [email protected]

[email protected] [email protected]

Pastor: Reverend Nicholas Pence Committee Members & Staff Directory for 2020 Pastor Reverend Nicholas Pence Church Office Administrator J. Daniel Ferry Custodians Kevin and Barbara Master Organist Eric Muhlenberg Director of Music Edward Bieler Youth Director Barbara Master Senior Choir Director Edward Bieler Senior Handbell Choir David Luz Moderator Lawrence Croll Vice Moderator David Woodward Recording Secretary Dayna Jalowy Financial Secretary Joanne Jalowy Treasurer Robert Croll Custodian of Endowments Gene Dolloff Buildings and Grounds: Alexander Jalowy— Chair (One year term) Phillip Badman Richard Kleppinger Andrew Kriebel Brian Shelly Registrar: Nancy Hoffman Diaconate: (Three year term) Beth Croll—2020—Chair Kathleen Bieler—2020 Blake Master—2020 Joanne Luz—2021 Katherine Pence—2021 Renee Shelly—2021 Anne Goda—2022 Lisa Sensinger— 2022 __________________________________________________________________ Mission Statement of Palm Schwenkfelder Church: Our task is to proclaim the Living Word of God, which empowers us to care for and share with our community and the world.

Page 4: Palm Schwenkfelder Church Annual Reports Palm Schwenkfelder Church P.O. Box 66, 833 Gravel Pike Palm, PA 18070 Phone:

Directory (cont.) Christian Education: Lisa Stitt—2020 (Chair) (Three year term) Charlotte Puff —2020 Rosemary Heffner—2021 Corey May—2021 Diana Cleaver—2022 Sunday School Superintendent: Lee Schultz Asst. Sunday School Superintendent: Michelle Badman Board of Music Ministry Michelle Badman—2020 (Three year term) Merris Ann Hoffman—2021 Carol Carlin-Woodward—2022 Jeff Wohlbach— 2022 Mission Board: Sarah Linsinbigler (One year term) Kay Kleppinger Amy Pusey Ladies’ Aid Society: Carol Carlin-Woodward—President (One year term) Lillian Master—Vice President Kathleen Bieler—Secretary Merris Ann Hoffman—Treasurer Men of Palm: Jeff Wohlbach — President (One year term) Bart Moser— Treasurer Gregg Hoffman—Vice President Timothy Hoffman—Secretary Pastoral Relations Committee: Gail Ferry (One year term) Jean Ross David Luz Lillian Master Jeffrey Stauffer David Woodward Pennsylvania Southeast Conference Board: Robert Croll (One year term) Scholarship Committee: Kathleen Bieler (One year term) Carol Carlin-Woodward Elizabeth Croll Thomas Long Glenn Hoffman Pastor Nicholas Pence Vision Statement of Palm Schwenkfelder Church: Serving the glorious God, claimed

by Jesus, and inspired by scripture, honoring our history, with renewed commitment we will reach out to our community and the world through worship,

spirit enriching programs, and outreaching mission.


Page 5: Palm Schwenkfelder Church Annual Reports Palm Schwenkfelder Church P.O. Box 66, 833 Gravel Pike Palm, PA 18070 Phone:


Vulnerability and New Beginnings

For my annual report I decided this year to start at the ending of the year. My last

official act of ministry in 2019, before taking some vacation time and making it to a new

year, was the wedding of Ian and Alena Althouse. The ceremony was held at The Book-

ing House in Manheim, an old cigar factory converted now into an event venue. It was a

blessing to end the year with a reminder of love, vows, and the promises that sustain us

always. I was struck particularly with the opening words that Alena and Ian selected for their ceremony:

Whenever we attend a wedding, we are given the opportunity to reflect on our own relationships. We might look

at the couple before us and be tempted to compare their love to the quality of our own relationships. The truth is

that every relationship is as unique as the individuals in it, but one thing holds true: For love to exist between

two people, each person must allow the vulnerability of giving his or her love to the other, and each must be

open to receiving the other’s love in turn. Therefore each of us is a powerful creator of love.

Each of us, every moment of every day, has the choice to dedicate ourselves to one another or to withhold our

love and caring.

If you ask couples who have a strong and abiding love what they like most about their partners, many will say

when they are with that person they don’t have to pretend to be anything other than what they are. They are able

to express themselves without fear of being judged or rejected. There is room in the relationship for both of them

to be unique individuals. They are free to surrender to the vulnerability of true intimacy—to be known and loved


If I was to pick one word that held the most significance for me in 2019 it is, hands down, “vulnerability.” I

would say that I have been wrestling with vulnerability throughout 2019. January witnessed vulnerability as we

discerned the best way to continue worshipping following the loss of our organist in December. We give heart-

felt thanks for Dottie Heebner filling in for several choir anthems and services. I also learned the recording proc-

ess for organ and began having Susan Royer record our worship music with a number of folks helping to “play”

the organ on Sunday Morning. We celebrate this specialized technological ministry for Kate Pence, Emily Bad-

man, Bob Croll, Ed Bieler, Anne Goda and Carol Woodward who each covered services.

February’s vulnerability was the acknowledgment that we are far greater together than as separate individu-

als or congregations. We once again held our community Day of Service, partnering with several organizations

including Rise Against Hunger, packaging over 10,000 meals to be used in places of need throughout the world.

As a Board member of Upper Perk Manor, I was especially delighted to help serve a meal at the Manor as a part

of our outreach.

In March, we were reminded of our vulnerability as Palm was scheduled to host the First Monday Meal, but

was not able to have the opportunity with the event being canceled due to inclement weather. However, March

proved to be an extraordinary month as we presented our commissioned anthem by Joseph Martin, “A Celebra-

tion of Service” in honor and memory of Peg Jacob. Jane Cocks and Suzanne Williams provided the four-hand

piano accompaniment, and Steve Eisenhart, a former organ student of Peg’s provided our service music and

joined the Senior Choir in singing for the anthem debut, along with Peg’s son Adam. Our other March celebra-

tion was the wedding of Blake and Leja Jalowy at Bear Creek, with the couple and wedding party all coming

down the slope following the ceremony.

April witnessed the completion of our Lenten journey, through Holy Week and the vulnerability of the cross.

With Easter and the celebration of resurrection, Susan Royer played in person for our Easter Dawn service.

Thanks to Peg’s recordings on the organ we also heard her traditional Easter chimes which brought a beaming

smile to my face.

May witnessed another lesson in vulnerability as I traveled to Clergy Convocation in Lancaster. Our pre-

senter was Rev. Dr. Sarah Griffith Lund, author of “Blessed Are the Crazy.” Sarah’s story and presentation

opened up places in me and many of the Convocation participants where the transformative and healing power

of God had been waiting to pour in.

Page 6: Palm Schwenkfelder Church Annual Reports Palm Schwenkfelder Church P.O. Box 66, 833 Gravel Pike Palm, PA 18070 Phone:

With the coming of June, I once again helped to facilitate the Upper Perk High School Baccalaureate ser-

vice, attended the PSEC Conference meeting, and was recognized for my 20th Ordination Anniversary. The

month of June also brought the vulnerability and surprise of two resignations from Palm Country Day School

staff. Honestly with the timing I questioned if the Day School would be able to start on time, and at times ques-

tioned if it would be able to continue. The interview processes for Head Teacher went well, hiring Stephanie

Quier, then an Assistant was identified, Monica Torres, and the Day School started as scheduled. There was still

another transition to come, though, as Monica stepped into the Head Teacher position and we welcomed Alicia

White as the new Assistant teacher. Amazingly, as God’s Grace often is, the transition went beautifully and the

relationship between the Church and Palm Country Day School has never, in my ministry, been better. I would

like to extend a much deserved thank you to Jackie Tomlin for her dedication and drive, and Matt Tomlin for his

steadiness and hopefulness as we continue to journey together as partners in reaching out to the young families

of our Community.

The month of July brought all sorts of vulnerability. My daughter Kate traveled to Japan, and I discovered

there was a whole other level to worried parent when you have a child abroad. It was a great experience for her

and I am delighted that she had the opportunity. Andrew also was away from home doing the Counselor in

Training program at Ressica Falls Scout Reservation, and Nicholas assisted with National Youth Leaders Train-

ing at nearby Camp Musser. With July also comes the vulnerability of needing vacation time and at the end of

the month traveled to North Carolina. Sadly, shortly after getting to the beach I received word that Kristie

Oswald had died tragically while competing in a Triathlon. It was a blessing and humbling privilege to be able to

walk with her family through our grief and officiate the beautiful celebration of her beautiful life.

As a pastor in this community for over twelve years there were wider opportunities to minister in times of

grieving as well as in our extended church family. In addition to those listed in our Registrar’s report of our

members who entered eternal life, I also led the celebration of life services for Beth Petrucelli, Tom Dagan,

Dorothy Gaugler, Bob Croll, Kurt Weiss, Clarence Hart, Marie Shupp, Phyllis Shaeffer and Laverne Weller.

Through the vulnerability of loss we are reminded of the power of love, and the compassion of this community

to strengthen and renew us.

In August I finished my vacation time, led worship at the Meetinghouse, and then embraced a whole new

aspect of vulnerability as my hair turned blue! Back in June we began a coin collection competition between our

Reformers group of churches. New Gosh came out on top raising over $3000.00 and selecting Rev. Deb

Schwartz for the hair dye reprieve. The new hairstyle for most of our clergy was seen first at a combined service

in New Gosh Park. I preached on turning shipwrecks into playgrounds in my bright blue hair. We began the coin

collection hoping to raise around $2000.00 to hold another Rise Against Hunger packaging on September 14th

and we wound up raising over $9500.00. From vulnerability arises new opportunities and new beginnings that

far exceed our expectation.

September witnessed its own new beginning as we welcomed Eric Muhlenberg as our organist and accom-

panist to his first Sunday morning worship service at Palm Schwenkfelder Church, and concluded a seven month

search process for the position. Our congregation also embraced the vulnerability of trying something new as we

hosted a booth for the first time at Community Day. It was a great day of outreach and community connection.

Honoring our Schwenkfelder heritage we participated in Day of Remembrance, both at Palm and with the Gen-

eral Conference in the afternoon, with our own Rev. Dave Luz preaching at the afternoon service. September

also witnessed the celebration of 60 years of Ordained Ministry for Rev. Dr. Martha Bean Kriebel, the first fe-

male pastor of the Upper Perk Valley, serving Palm from 1959-1972. It was a grace-filled day and wonderful

opportunity to celebrate with this servant of God in the same pulpit in which she began her ordained ministry.

(continued next page)

Pastor’s Report (Continued)


Page 7: Palm Schwenkfelder Church Annual Reports Palm Schwenkfelder Church P.O. Box 66, 833 Gravel Pike Palm, PA 18070 Phone:


A highlight of October 2019 was my participation in the Men’s Retreat held at Kirkridge Retreat facility for

the PSEC and PNEC Conferences. Our speaker was Felix Villanueva and our focus book was Dare to Lead by

Brene Brown. The retreat continued new insights for me on the importance of vulnerability. Vulnerability is not

easy, but I believe it is the way forward to all of our new beginnings. It was also my privilege to officiate at the

weddings for Shawn and Britney Johnson, and Kevin and Christal (Horn) Irvine in the last two weeks of Octo-

ber, and to be a part of the new beginnings for these couples.

November kicked off the Ed Bieler Challenge, as several of us grew beards in affirmation of men’s health

and the importance of regular exams. The fundraiser was again successful raising over $1000.00 in support of

the YMCA Annual Campaign. This year I also invited contributions from the United Schwenkfelder Choir in

support of our fearless Director. In conjunction with Veteran’s Day Gene Dolloff was gracious enough to wrestle

with vulnerability and share his story as a Vietnam Veteran returning to the land that made a profound impact

upon his life, and discovered peace and hope on his journey. I continue to serve as Secretary of the Upper Perk

Ministerial Association and helped plan our Thanksgiving Eve worship service hosted at St. Philip Neri in con-

junction with their 100th Anniversary year as well as attending the PSEC Fall Meeting at Ursinus College.

December brought the offering of the United Schwenkfelder Choir, a group I continue to delight to be a part

of. We again presented the Christmas portion of our concert in the community and were welcomed to Schwenck-

feld Manor. Our Youth presented “The Christmas Mouse” the story of “Silent Night” for their Christmas pro-

gram as we were all reminded of the vulnerability of the manger, and the beauty that can emerge when some-

thing as small as a mouse changes our plans, and reveals the gracious hand of God. And that brings us back to

the ending of 2019 and the beginning of this Pastor’s Report. Just a couple days before Ian and Alena’s wedding

was the Christmas Eve Cantata and Candlelight service, and we give our thanks for all of our instrumentalists

and choir participants to present our humble offering of gratitude in response to the gift of Christ. I conclude this

report with an excerpt from my December Pastor’s Pause.

In this season of Christmas, I ask myself and all of you, how comfortable am I with my own vulnerability

and the vulnerability of God?

In Dare to Lead author Brene Brown shares her experience of presenting in 2014 to several hundred military

special forces soldiers on a base in the Midwest.

I looked at these brave soldiers and said “Vulnerability is the emotion that we experience during times of uncer-

tainty, risk, and emotional exposure. Can you give me a single example of courage that you’ve witnessed in an-

other soldier or experienced in your own life that did not require experiencing vulnerability?”

Complete Silence. Crickets.

Finally, a young man spoke up. He said, “No Ma’am. Three tours. I can’t think of a single act of courage that

doesn’t require managing massive vulnerability.”

What happens when we embrace God’s gift of vulnerability? What happens when along our journey of faith

we find Christ in the most unlikely of places? What happens when we move beyond our fears, cynicism and de-

spair to offer our gifts to Immanuel? What happens when we allow the Spirit of God to transform our perspec-

tives and lives?

What happens, in one simple word, is Courage.

Faithfully in Christ,

The Rev. Nicholas L. Pence, Jr.

Pastor’s Report (Continued)

Page 8: Palm Schwenkfelder Church Annual Reports Palm Schwenkfelder Church P.O. Box 66, 833 Gravel Pike Palm, PA 18070 Phone:

Registrar’s Report 2019

BAPTISM 6/23/19 Emma Amelia Debellis daughter of Michael & Kate (Davis) Debellis 6/23/19 Grace Marie Debellis daughter of Michael & Kate (Davis) Debellis 6/23/19 Michael Debellis son of Michael & Kate (Davis) Debellis


2/5/19 Emma Amelia Debellis daughter of Michael & Kate (Davis) Debellis 2/5/19 Grace Marie Debellis daughter of Michael & Kate (Davis) Debellis 6/21/19 Oliver Frank Camacho son of Jacob Camacho & Kirsten Croll 10/2/19 Reagan Mae Hoffman daughter of Eric & Jessica (Hunsberger) Hoffman

DEATHS 3/15/19 L. Eugene Wilcox age 96 of Boyertown. Husband of the late Mary (Frantz) Wilcox 3/18/19 Mary (Maun) Cleaver age 105 of Delaware. Wife of the late Dr. E. Eugene Cleaver. 5/22/19 Doris (Difenderfer) Schofield age 99 of Bethlehem. Wife of the late James Schofield 7/28/19 Kristen Jo (Meitzler) Oswald age 44 of Royersford. Wife of Christopher Oswald. Services 8/6/19 at Palm 8/3/19 Raymond F. Davis age 94 of Emmaus. Husband of the late Carmen (Rivera) Davis. Services 8/10/19 at Palm. Entombment Allentown 9/28/19 June (Fox) Smoll age 88 of Hereford. Wife of the late Harold Smoll Services 10/5/19, interment Palm

MARRIAGES 3/10/19 Blake Jalowy to Leja Jaedine in Macungie 9/14/19 Ryan Morris to Jenny Luff in Barto 10/19/19 Kevin Irvine to Christal Horn at Palm 10/19/19 Christopher Smith to Hayley Schultz in PA. 10/26/19 Shawn Johnson Jr. to Britney Styers at Palm 12/27/19 Ian Althouse to Alena Nestler in Lititz

NEW MEMBERS 10/20/19 Sandra (Gill) Waidell

Number of members as of 12/31/19: 599 Respectfully submitted,

Nancy L. Hoffman


Page 9: Palm Schwenkfelder Church Annual Reports Palm Schwenkfelder Church P.O. Box 66, 833 Gravel Pike Palm, PA 18070 Phone:


“…proclaim the Living Word of God, which empowers us to care for and share with

our community and the world.”

The Palm Schwenkfelder Church Mission Statement

Page 10: Palm Schwenkfelder Church Annual Reports Palm Schwenkfelder Church P.O. Box 66, 833 Gravel Pike Palm, PA 18070 Phone:

Our task is to proclaim the Living Word of God, which empowers us to care for and share with our community and the world

Mission Statement of Palm Schwenkfelder Church

Message from the Moderator:

Our Congregation saw a great number of transitions as we moved from 2018 into 2019. We

started the year still shaken and mourning the sudden loss of our friend and beloved organist Peg

Jacob in December. 2018 was also the last year of service for Joanne Luz as moderator, David Luz

as treasurer, Dianne Dunn as recording secretary and Tom Dunn as custodian of the endowments.

Needless to say, we had some pretty big shoes to fill in roles that are important to the life of this

church. Over the coming years I ask God to help me be the best moderator I can be for this congre-

gation and thank everyone who has lent me their support, especially Pastor Nick and the Board of

Trustees. I would also like to thank the others who have stepped up to fill the vacant positions,

Robert Croll, Dayna Jalowy, David Woodward, Gene Dolloff and Eric Muhlenberg.

We also used the transition in personnel to initiate a transition in mindset for our church

leadership group. An investment committee restructured our investment portfolio in an effort to be

better stewards of the generous gifts given by this congregation and we adjusted our endowment

accounts to make it easier to communicate to the congregation how the Trustees are using those

gifts. A renewed focus was also placed on the mission and vision statements of Palm Schwenkfelder.

It is important to know where you are going before beginning a long journey; you don’t want to

start out walking in the wrong direction!

As always, building improvement projects continued throughout 2019. The leaky bell tower

was fixed. Slates were replaced on the roof. New tile and carpets were installed around the church.

Poles were installed around the rear sidewalk to prevent cars from wearing it out too quickly. We

also began the collection of “Raise the Roof” funds to replace the roof over the education wing, with

the goal of replacing it in 2022. At the end of 2019 we had received approximately $8,000 of our

$100,000 goal. It is a good start, but we still have a long way to go. Many other smaller mainte-

nance projects were completed and still more remain ongoing.

While transitions never occur without their challenges, I feel like Palm Schwenkfelder has

seen this one through with the resilience, support and love I’ve seen from this congregation time

and time again, yet still humbles me every time. I see nothing but a bright future as we continue

our journey together into 2020 and beyond.

Respectfully Submitted, Lawrence S. Croll


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Treasurer’s Report


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Treasurer’s Report 2019


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Submitted by Bob Croll

Treasurer’s Report 2019


Page 14: Palm Schwenkfelder Church Annual Reports Palm Schwenkfelder Church P.O. Box 66, 833 Gravel Pike Palm, PA 18070 Phone:

Submitted by Joanne Jalowy


Page 15: Palm Schwenkfelder Church Annual Reports Palm Schwenkfelder Church P.O. Box 66, 833 Gravel Pike Palm, PA 18070 Phone:


Diaconate 2019

The Diaconate continued to strive to meet the spiritual needs of the Palm Schwenk-

felder Church congregation in 2019. We started off the year with a reception in January

for new and continuing officers serving Palm Church in leadership.

In February, the Deacons sponsored Valentines for our shut-in members. Church members

contributed cards and goodies for the Deacons to deliver or mail.

During Lent, communion was served on Maundy Thursday and on Easter Sunday. Palm

branches were distributed to the congregation after worship on Palm Sunday. The Deacons

hosted a covered dish breakfast following the Easter Dawn service.

Carnations were distributed in honor of Mother’s Day and Father’s Day. On Memorial

Day weekend, names of those who died in the past year were read and carnations were

handed out in remembrance. Communion was served in observance of Pentecost.

The Deacons hosted worship services at 3 meetinghouse sites this summer. Refresh-

ments were provided at Hosensack and Kraussdale. Laity Sunday was held in August this

year. Several Deacons took part in this service. A special thank you to Kate Pence for pre-

senting the sermon.

With the help of the youth we decorated the front of the sanctuary with food and fruit

trays for Harvest Home. The fruit trays were delivered to our shut-ins, while cards were

sent to our members who were at a distance.

At the end of the year, Christmas cards were signed and mailed to sick and shut-in

members, as well as to the church staff, in appreciation of all their hard work throughout

the year.

Respectfully submitted, Beth Croll

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Year End 2019 Custodian of Endowments Annual Report

2019 was a very busy year and we were blessed with a financially successful one. In interest of congrega-

tional education and transparency this will be a longer report than usual but necessary to record all the

actions taken during the year.

The Year in Review

The investment committee, as a sub-committee of the Trustees, was reconvened to periodically review the

endowment portfolio and make recommendations to the Trustees for their approval.

The endowment fund investment policy was approved by the Trustees.

Endowment funds will be invested in lower risk mutual funds and exchange traded funds;

60% in equities; 40% in fixed income

No individual investment holding more than 5% of the total portfolio

The portfolio will be rebalanced quarterly

Dividends and interest will be deposited into the portfolio brokerage cash account for ease

of access for church operating needs

Cash balances in the portfolio brokerage cash account greater than 5% of the total portfo-

lio will trigger the investment of the excess as approved by the Trustees into the portfolio

Other Actions approved by the Trustees

TIAA checking account closed; 2 (two) checking accounts not necessary

Wells Fargo checking account remains open; Check writing requires 2 (two) Trustees sig-

natures for approval

The individual endowment funds were reduced in number and located in one of the three

following areas consistent with past practice and original intent of the funds

Endowment Funds

Endowment Principal Restricted Funds: Not Available

These funds are fully restricted and the principal MAY NOT be used

Included endowment principal funds are:




Palm Church

Palm Cemetery

Mrs. Lester (Mae Schultz)

Shultz Mausoleum



Claude and Mae Schultz


The combined cemetery endowment was closed; the balance was allocated equally to the other

cemetery locations

In the Scholarship Endowment, per its gift requirements, principal was increased at year-

end by the income generated but not distributed during 2019. In 2019 1 (one)

$3,000 Scholarship was awarded and the Scholarship principal was increased by


The Claude and Mae Schultz Fund was designated as a restricted fund with the approval

of the family to do so.

Undesignated memorial gifts will be added to the Palm Cemetery Endowment Principal


Year-End Portfolio Value

2018 2019

$982,957 $1,114,115

Up 13.3% Up $131,158

Page 17: Palm Schwenkfelder Church Annual Reports Palm Schwenkfelder Church P.O. Box 66, 833 Gravel Pike Palm, PA 18070 Phone:


Earnings from Endowment Principal: Available

These funds are the earnings from the endowment principal restricted funds.

The earnings may be used for the particular purposes designated when the endowment

principal fund was created.

Included earnings from endowment principal funds are:




Palm Church

Palm Cemetery

Mrs. Lester (Mae Schultz)

Shultz Mausoleum



Claude and Mae Schultz


The combined cemetery earnings fund was closed; the balance allocated equally to the other

cemetery locations

The Claude and Mae Schultz Earning fund was created.

Earnings or loses are recalculated monthly based on the performance of the total investment


Unrestricted Funds: Available

These funds are unrestricted and are fully available at the discretion of the Trustees for

use in their particular designated purpose

Included in unrestricted funds available are:




William and Dorothy Schultz


The Memorial Fund and the Special Fund were closed and the balances were combined with the

Discretionary fund.

The earnings or losses to the unrestricted funds values are recalculated monthly based on the

performance of the total investment portfolio

Many thanks to the Trustees and the Investment Committee for their support and commitment as stew-

ards of our endowment.

Respectfully submitted:

Eugene D. Dolloff

Custodian of Endowments

Page 18: Palm Schwenkfelder Church Annual Reports Palm Schwenkfelder Church P.O. Box 66, 833 Gravel Pike Palm, PA 18070 Phone:


Palm Schwenkfelder Endowment Fund December 31, 2019

Wells Fargo Checking $6,425

Endowment Principal - Restricted Funds: Not Available

Kraussdale Endowment $49,673

Washington Endowment $51,827

Hosensack Endowment $62,582

Palm Church Endowment $288,164

Palm Cemetery Endowment $50,427

Mrs. Lester (Mae Schultz Endowment) $40,000

Schultz Mausoleum Endowment $2,147

Kratz Endowment $45,288

Scholarship Endowment $86,836

Claude and Mae Schultz Endowment $69,164

Sub-Total $746,108

Earnings from Endowment Principal: Available

Kraussdale Earnings $12,577

Washington Earnings $11,223

Hosensack Earnings $12,383

Palm Church Earnings $41,701

Palm Cemetery Earnings $19,110

Mrs. Lester (Mae) Schultz Earnings $7,706

Schultz Mausoleum Earnings $3,724

Kratz Earnings $4,035

Scholarship Earnings $0

Claude and Mae Schultz Earnings $7,328

Sub-total $119,787

Unrestricted Funds: Available

Music Fund $27,311

Emergency Fund $90,349

Discretionary Fund $88,592

William & Dorothy Schultz Fund $8,467

Sub-total $214,719

Total Earning Available $334,506

Brokerage Cash Account Total $27,076

Brokerage Account Total $1,107,690

GRAND TOTAL $1,114,115

Continued next page

Page 19: Palm Schwenkfelder Church Annual Reports Palm Schwenkfelder Church P.O. Box 66, 833 Gravel Pike Palm, PA 18070 Phone:


Receipts & Disbursements - 2019


January (Memorials to Palm Cemetery Endowment) $550

February (Memorials to Palm Cemetery Endowment) $2,985

March (TIAA -close-out of Account) $12,933

March (Memorials to Palm Cemetery Endowment) $225

April (Memorials to Palm Cemetery Endowment) $175

May (Memorials to Palm Cemetery Endowment) $225

June $0

July $0

August (Pershing Brokerage Acc't) $10,000

September (Memorials to Palm Cemetery Endowment) $1,450

September (Palm Cemetery Plots) $400

September (Scholarship Fund) $150

October (Memorials to Palm Cemetery Endowment) $125

November (Memorials to Palm Cemetery Endowment) $415

November (Pershing Brokerage Acc't) $6,836

December (Memorial Hosensack Endowment) $3,600

December (Memorial to Palm Cemetery Endowment) $75

Y-T-D Receipt Total $40,144


4/18/19 Ck#-1686 Landmark Monument for Washington Cemetery $816

5/13/19 Ck # 1687 Palm Church Endowment Earnings $10,000

5/31/19 Investment Advisory Fees, Net of Brokerage Account $531

6/30/19 Investment Advisory Fees, Net of Brokerage Account $420

7/15/19 Ck#1688 - Palm Church Endowment Earnings $15,000

7/15/19 Ck#1689 -Pershing (Brokerage Acc't) Palm Cemetery Endowment $4,160

7/31/19 Investment Advisory Fees, Net of Brokerage Account $449

8/31/19 Investment Advisory Fees, Net of Brokerage Account $457

9/09/19 Ck # 1690 Scholarship Earnings: Blake Master $3,000

9/09/19 Ck# 1691 Palm Church Endowment Earnings: Rear Entrance Tile $1,920

9/30/19 Investment Advisory Fees, Net of Brokerage Account $428

10/15/19 Ck#1692 Upstairs Carpet $1,916

10/15/19 Ck#1693 Palm Church Endowment Earnings: $5,000

10/31/19 Investment Advisory Fees, Net of Brokerage Account $452

11/30/19 Investment Advisory Fees, Net of Brokerage Account $442

12/10/19 Ck#1694 Pershing Brokerage Account $2,540

12/22/2019 Ck# 1695 Pershing Brokerage Account $3,600

12/31/19 Investment Advisory Fees, Net of Brokerage Account $455

Y-T-D Total Disbursements $51,586

Page 20: Palm Schwenkfelder Church Annual Reports Palm Schwenkfelder Church P.O. Box 66, 833 Gravel Pike Palm, PA 18070 Phone:

2019 Cemetery Report

It has a been year of transition for the managing and record keeping of the Palm Schwenkfelder Church Cemetery. After several years of exemplary service, Tom Long has decided to step down as Custodian of the Cemetery. Palm Schwenkfelder Church is extremely grateful to Tom for all the work he has done not only maintaining the records and managing the purchases and transfers of plots and graves, but for modernizing and streamlining the Cemetery data. If you would like information on the cemetery here at Palm, please contact the church office: 215—679—5321; [email protected]


Pastoral Relations Committee

The Pastoral Relations Committee meets periodically with Pastor Nick, discussing various

issues as a means to assist communications and understanding between the congregation

and the pastor. We have sought to support and encourage our pastor, to listen to the

needs of the congregation, and to be a liaison for discussion between the two.

The Pastoral Relations Committee is committed to encouraging a positive relationship

between the pastor and the congregation. To that end, the committee encourages any

questions or comments at any time. Please feel free to contact any member of the

committee: Jeffrey Stauffer, Jean Ross, David Woodward, Gail Ferry, Lillian Master,

or David Luz.

The Committee would like to thank Douglas Wallinger and Ray Hausman for assisting in the

search for Pastor Nick and for their service on the PRC. Over the past thirteen years both

Nick and the Committee have appreciated their time and commitment along with their

valuable input.

Page 21: Palm Schwenkfelder Church Annual Reports Palm Schwenkfelder Church P.O. Box 66, 833 Gravel Pike Palm, PA 18070 Phone:


A Prayer for the New Year Eternal God, thank you for bringing us once again to the threshold of a new year. Help us

dedicate each day of 2016 to following your will for our lives. Guide us, Lord, in all our decisions and actions, day by day and hour by hour. Help us accomplish all that you desire

for us to do, until our mission on earth is finished. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

Board of Music Ministry 2019

The Board of Music Ministry is responsible for directing the ministry of music throughout

the church. We are also responsible for the care, maintenance, and repair of all musical

instruments (organ, piano, keyboard, handbells), and for the purchase and maintenance of all

choir gowns.

We meet as needed, to discuss and schedule the music calendar for the year. We review

dates and music required for special services at Lent, Easter, Advent, Christmas Eve, and special

music for summer services. We also provide gifts for all who have participated in our Christmas

Eve Candlelight Service.

One of our most important tasks this year was the search for a new organist/pianist, following

the death of Peg Jacob, who had been our organist/pianist for over 22 years. A committee was

formed to search for and interview possible candidates. The search ended this past summer

when it was decided that Eric Muhlenberg would be our new organist/pianist. This decision was

a good one, as Eric has served us well during the few months that he has been at Palm.

Music Sunday had to be canceled this year, but we did have additional special music: the

Senior Choir presentation on Sunday, March 10th, of the commissioned anthem written by Joseph

Martin to honor Peg Jacob; the Suite Brass playing for our service at Washington Cemetery on

June 16th; for one of our Sunday services at Palm; and special trumpet music by Jeff Wohlbach

during one of our regular Sunday services.

A sincere thank you to all who were involved in the music program here at Palm in 2019. Your

participation was very much appreciated.

Respectfully submitted by

Marilyn Roznowski

Secretary, 2019

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Youth Director and Board of Christian Education

Annual Report—2019 Submitted by Barb Master and Lisa Stitt

Winter Rally was held in January to welcome back the Youth after the new year. This

was a combined Sunday school class. Teams comprised of a range of ages competed to

answer Bible Trivia questions. The teams also got to test their talent by playing festive minute-

to-win-it games; such as snowball toss and candy cane pick up.

Blake Master and Kate Pence held an Epiphany Scavenger Hunt, “Jesus’ Midnight

Mystery.” Three teams of Youth and adults competed to be the first team to find baby Jesus.

Clues were given about Palm Church’s history, current features, and Biblical questions which

made this event educational, challenging, and lots of fun.

The following Sunday after church, Charlotte Puff led the Youth in making wrapping

paper crafts.

“Souper Bowl” Sunday was in the beginning of February. Food was collected for The

Open Link. Baked goods were sold to raise money for The Open Link. Some of the Youth and

adults wore their favorite sports attire.

A Youth Night was held at the end of February. Youth nights include a Bible study,

games and snacks.

Ash Wednesday was in March. A dinner was provided to the Youth before the service.

After the meal, palms were burned creating ashes which the Youth used to make ash crosses

on paper. This began their Lenten journey. Everyone was given a Lenten Passport that was

filled with daily Bible verses and acts of kindness ideas to encourage an active participation

through their journey. The Youth held a Lenten food drive for The Open Link.

A Youth Night was held near the end of March.

Palm Sunday was in April. This is the day of the Sunday School’s annual teacher egg

hunt, as well as the children’s egg hunt which takes place after church. During Sunday

School the children hide Easter eggs for the teachers to find. Classroom teachers compete

against each other to find the most eggs, winning a Dunkin’ Donut party for their classroom.

Donut holes are enjoyed by all classes. The egg hunt which takes place after church is for

the children. Eggs are hidden outside by age group. Prizes are given to all children. Refresh-

ments are served in the Adult Sunday School classroom.

On Maundy Thursday the Youth gather before the service for dinner and an activity.

For Good Friday, the Youth participate in the community Good Friday Walk, church

service, and fellowship time at PC Pub. That evening the Youth participate in “The Last Sup-

per”, have a worship time with Pastor Nick, and then stay at church for a lock-in.

In May the Youth led the worship service for Youth Sunday.

(continued next page)

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The Sunday school year came to a close in the beginning of June. This included a com-

bined Sunday school class in the Social Hall. Youth and teachers were recognized. After

church a congregational picnic was held in the grove. Everyone brought a dish to share. A

rock wall and bounce house were enjoyed by all who participated.

A movie night was held in July. Hot dogs and popcorn were provided.

At the beginning of September, a committee worked on hand-outs for the Upper Perk

Community Day. Rubber bracelets with Biblical sayings were handed out for younger chil-

dren. For older children, lifesavers were handed out attached to a card with a Biblical say-

ing. And a handout listing our Youth events along with our church events was also given out.

September begins the new Sunday School year. Rally Day is a combined Sunday School

with a covered breakfast. It is a time for fellowship, for students to see who is in their class,

and for students to meet their teachers. A game of Bible Jeopardy was played.

Palm Youth competed against the Youth from New Goshenhoppen church in a food

drive challenge. Palm Youth set up at Redner’s in Red Hill to collect food at the same time as

New Goshenhoppen’s Youth was set up at Wal-Mart in East Greenville. Although we did not

collect as much food as New Goshenhoppen, we did collect an impressive amount of food

and the community won with such a large donation!

Pumpkin painting took place in October during children’s church. Children were given a

Bible lesson. After the lesson children got to pick a pumpkin to paint and bring home. The

older Youth cooked pumpkin seeds which everyone got to eat.

The Youth helped in the kitchen and in the dining room during our Pancake Breakfast

Fundraiser in November. That night the Youth stayed at the church for a lock-in.

The Youth made chocolate covered pretzels to sell at the Holiday Bazaar. A free craft

was offered for young shoppers.

Youth Group was held in November.

In December, the Youth and congregation adopted a family from The Open Link. Gifts

were bought for a family of 4 children.

The Advent Dinner was a potluck dinner with many delicious foods. Before dinner, each

table lit their advent wreath as scripture was read. After dinner, gingerbread houses were

decorated by groups. A winner was awarded that night. The congregation chose a winner

the following Sunday.

We traveled to Allentown to drive through the Lights in the Parkway, Christmas light dis-

play. Afterwards, everyone went to the home of Kevin and Barb Master for a hot chocolate


The Sunday School Christmas program wrapped up the 2019 year with the Youth perform-

ing an adaptation of the book “The Christmas Mouse.” After the program the Youth handed

out oranges to the congregation, then gathered for refreshments.

Youth Director and Board of Christian Education

Annual Report—2019 (Cont.)

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Children’s Church is offered for children aged Toddlers through 4th Grade. Visitors are

welcome to join. After the children’s sermon, children may go to the 1st & 2nd Grade Class-

room for a Bible story, activity, and snack. An adult leader and Youth helper will lead Chil-

dren’s Church. The bulletin will say who the leader is or if there is no Children’s Church for

that particular Sunday. Parents are asked to notify the adult leader if their child has food

allergies or other restrictions. After worship the parents are asked to pick up their children

upstairs at the 1st & 2nd Grade Classroom.

We look forward to serving God’s will in 2020.

Youth Director Report — 2019 (Cont.)

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Palm Mission Board Report 2019

The Mission Board meets to educate and encourage participation and support in

the mission work of Palm Schwenkfelder Church as called by Christ. We are grate-

ful to our congregation for their continued support and dedication to the work of

Christ in our community and the world.

Some highlights of our 2019 efforts included:

Support of UCC special offerings (One Great Hour of Sharing, Neighbors in Need,

Christmas Fund)

Chester County Migrant Ministries

Miller Keystone Blood Drive

Annual sponsorship (Silver level) of The Open Link

Child Sponsorship of 3 children through Church World Services

American Cancer Society Relay for Life

Mission Trip - Puerto Rico hurricane relief

College/Military care packages

Schwenkfelder Missionary Church

Community First Monday Meal

Balance brought forward from 2018————$ 5,067.60

Total mission income for 2019———————-$ 25,051.57

Total Available Funds in 2019———————--$ 30,119.17

Total outflow for 2019———————————-$ 20,101.27

Balance left in account on 12/31/2019———$ 10,017.90*

*This balance includes some previously dedicated funds for up-coming mission

projects. For detailed income and spending information, please see any mis-

sion board member.

Thank you for your continued support in sharing God’s Love in the coming year.

Respectfully Submitted,

The Mission Board

Palm Schwenkfelder Church

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2019 Ladies’ Aid Society Report

The Palm Schwenkfelder Church Ladies’ Aid Society dedicates itself to serving both our church

and our greater community. We continue to offer fellowship and support among our sisters in

Christ. All women of the church are invited to the organization’s business meetings, generally

held at 1:00 p.m. on the first Tuesday of each month in the church library. We gather to discuss

ongoing and future projects, plan our fundraising for each year and report on visitation and/or

communication with ill or home bound members of the congregation. We also act on agenda

items relative to the organization’s service to Palm Schwenkfelder Church’s wider mission, and plan our annual

monetary support for both local and global ministries.

Our elected officers for 2019 were: President - Carol Carlin-Woodward; Vice President - Lillian Master;

Secretary - Kathleen Bieler and Treasurer - Merris Ann Hoffman. Our agenda of projects and activities for the

past year included:

The Epiphany Party Luncheon, with collected funds donated to The Open Link

Our “Souper Bowl Sunday” soup sale

The Easter flowers sale and Easter candy making fundraisers

The November Election Day Bake Sale

Assistance with preparation for the Men of Palm Chicken Barbecue

Quilt making and knotting for Chester County Migrant Ministry

Apple butter making

Participation in the Redner’s Market Save-a-Tape program

Christmas candy making and sale

Planning and presenting the Holiday Bazaar fundraiser along with the support of congregation members

Providing volunteers for serving at funeral luncheons throughout the year

Delivering Christmas poinsettia plants and fruit baskets to church members and the church staff

Sharing through our Christmas Stocking Ministry to Norristown State Hospital and Pennsburg Manor

Mailing Christmas greetings to church members and their families living at a distance

The Ladies’ Aid Society’s monetary support throughout the year has included gifts to the following services

and organizations:

The Open Link The Salvation Army One Great Hour of Sharing

The American Red Cross The MAMA Project Meals on Wheels

Helping Hands The ACS Relay for Life The American Heart Association

Norristown State Hospital The United Schwenkfelder Choir

Peter Becker Community Auxiliary Frederick Living Benevolent Fund

The Schwenkfelder Missionary Church Community Food Ministry

Palm’s Care Package Project for College Students and the Military

The Schwenkfelder Library & Heritage Center

The Palm Schwenkfelder Church Memorial Fund

The Palm Schwenkfelder Church General Fund

Accomplishing these goals is made possible through the generosity of our church family and the continued sup-

port of our community. Blessings to all from your sisters in Christ!

Submitted by Kathleen Bieler, Secretary

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Ladies’ Aid Benevolent Giving 2019

Submitted by Merris Ann Hoffman

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Submitted by Merris Ann Hoffman

Ladies’ Aid Financial Report 2019


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Sunday School Report

September 9, 2018 to September 1, 2019 Superintendent: Lee Schultz Assistant Superintendent: Michelle Badman Curriculum Coordinator: Lisa Stitt Sunday School Teachers and Helpers: Rosemary Heffner, Corey May, Sandra Chrysczanavicz, Barbara Master, Jean Ross, Sally Muse, Lisa Stitt, Ed Bieler, Kevin Master, Pastor Nick.

Sunday School Statistics 2018-2019

September 9, 2018 to September 1, 2019 Enrollment

Sunday School 34 Toddlers and Three Year Olds 1 Four and Five Year Olds 4 First and Second Grades 3 Third and Fourth Grades 5 Fifth and Sixth Grades 4 7 Up Class 11 Library Class 6 Teachers and Helpers Enrolled 10 Special Officers 3

September 9, 2018 Rally Day

December 16, 2018 Children’s Sunday School Christmas Service

3 crates of oranges

Leftover oranges taken to Open Link

June 2, 2019 Sunday School Closing and Picnic

Submitted by Lee Schultz

Prayer Chain

The prayer chain is a group of individuals who have committed to praying for individuals with special prayer requests. We are

currently in need of new prayer chain members. No meetings are involved just a willingness to pray.

If interested or if you have any prayer requests contact Nancy Hoffman.

The prayer chain is not the same list as in the church bulletin & can be kept confidential.

Respectfully submitted by Nancy Hoffman

Page 30: Palm Schwenkfelder Church Annual Reports Palm Schwenkfelder Church P.O. Box 66, 833 Gravel Pike Palm, PA 18070 Phone:

Custodians of Buildings and Grounds Report—2019 The Custodians of Buildings and Grounds is responsible for the maintenance, repair, and general

upkeep of the church buildings and grounds, which includes the parsonage and meetinghouse

buildings and grounds.

The following special projects and non-budgeted repairs

were completed in 2019

1. Repaired major roof leaks in church and parsonage

2. Repaired heated steps to outside of social hall

3. Purchased new dehumidifier for social hall

4. Replaced driveway stone at Hosensack and Kraussdale Meeting


5. Repaired south side overhang roof on Christian Education


6. Trimmed trees in front of church

7. Purchased new carpet for two rooms in upstairs Christian

Education Building

8. Installed new floor tiles in rear entrance of Christian Education


Respectfully submitted,

Trustees of Buildings & Grounds


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Men of Palm

The Men of Palm were blessed once again with a productive year in 2019. We sponsored the Annual Spring Chicken Barbeque Dinner with great success, allowing us to continue our support to the mis-sion of the church. A grateful “thank you” to all who helped and contributed their time and efforts. We welcome all who are interested in joining the group and becoming involved in our activities. Thank you again to all for your support in the past year, as we look forward to the new year. Balance as of 1/1/2019 $1,634.10 Chicken Barbecue Revenue $6,539.00 Chicken Barbecue Expenses $3,989.55 Profit $2,549.45 Donation to General Fund $2,000.00 Balance as of 12/31/2019 $2,183.55 Submitted by Craig Kriebel

Another Year is Dawning

Another year is dawning, dear Father, let it be,

In working or in waiting, another year with Thee;

Another year of progress, another year of praise,

Another year of proving Thy presence all the days.

Another year of mercies, of faithfulness and grace;

Another year of gladness in the shining of Thy face;

Another year of leaning upon Thy loving breast;

Another year of trusting, of quiet, happy rest.

Another year of service, of witness for Thy love;

Another year of training for Holier work above.

Another year is dawning, dear Father, let it be,

On earth or else in heaven, another year for Thee.

--- Frances Ridley Havergal

Hymnwriter of Take My Life and Let It Be and many others

Page 32: Palm Schwenkfelder Church Annual Reports Palm Schwenkfelder Church P.O. Box 66, 833 Gravel Pike Palm, PA 18070 Phone:

Endowment for Continuing Education 2019

Established in 1994, the Palm Schwenkfelder Church “Endowment for Continuing

Education” makes scholarship funds available to members of our church who are seeking to

further their education beyond the high school level. Our scholarship may be awarded

annually to one or more high school graduates. As a criterion for obtaining this financial

assistance our students are encouraged to remain active within the church family and to

contribute their time and talents to the church’s broader mission. Many of our applicants

have participated in service projects throughout the greater community.

Each year, graduating high school students are informed by mail of the

availability of scholarship applications, which may be obtained through the church office

beginning on June 1. Applications must be completed and received (including required

references) no later than August 1, following secondary school graduation. Information

submitted with the completed applications remains confidential. A copy of the scholarship

guidelines is always available upon request through the church office.

This scholarship award is made possible through interest earned from invested

“Endowment for Continuing Education” funds. Since we strive to assist as many students as

possible in future years, your gifts to this endowment fund are always welcomed. Through this

vital generosity and support we can leave a lasting legacy through our students. To date,

twenty-one of our students have received scholarship assistance.

Congratulations are extended to Blake A. Master, our 2019 scholarship recipient. Blake

is a graduate of Emmaus High School and is enrolled in a four year academic program at

Harrisburg University of Science and Technology, where he is majoring in Data Analytics. As a

devoted member of the Palm Schwenkfelder Church family, Blake has participated in the

VBS program as both a student and a helper. He has served as our sound technician, as part

of the church custodial team, as a member of the Cherub Choir, as a member of both the

Junior and Senior Bell Choirs and as a participant in Palm’s many youth activities. In addition,

he has made himself available to help with the Men of Palm Chicken Barbecue, the Ladies’

Aid Holiday Bazaar and Harvest Dinner, the Christmas decorating committee and Palm’s

Relay for Life Team event and Christmas luminary project. Blake currently serves as a

member of our Diaconate. We send our best wishes and prayers to Blake as he continues his


Members of the Endowment for Continuing Education Committee include:

Kathleen Bieler, Carol Carlin-Woodward, Beth Croll, Glenn Hoffman, Tom Long,

and Pastor Nicholas Pence (ex officio).

Submitted by Kathy Bieler


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Palm Country Day School Report 2019—2020

Page 1

As of January 2020, the enrollment for 2019-2020 is as follows:

3 Children – 2 day Class (Monday & Friday, 9:00am to 11:00am)

11 Children – 3 Day Class (Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday, 8:45am to 11:15am)

13 Children – Pre-K Class (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday, 12:30pm to


The following field trips/visitors are included to enhance specific units of study:

East Greenville Fire Company for fire prevention week. This year we went to the

fire house for a more enhanced program.

Hausman Fruit Farm for Hayride, Apple Picking and Pumpkin Patch

Buck Tree Farm, Pre-K only, to choose school Christmas tree

Lehigh Valley Zoo to enhance the new zoo animal curriculum

Art on Main for Pre-K only

Special Days throughout our school year:

Two Open Houses prior to school opening (enhance enrollment/meet new staff)

Halloween Parade and Family Party

Thanksgiving Feast

Santa Visit for Christmas Party

Baking Cookies to celebrate the letter ‘C’

Pajama/Pizza party to celebrate the letter ‘P.’ Pre-K only

Valentine’s Day Party

St. Patrick’s Day Party

Easter Egg Hunt/Spring Party

Open House/ Children’s Performance for Families/Art Show

End of Year Rock Painting

Family End of the Year Picnic

Graduation for Pre-K

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Palm Country Day School Report 2019—2020

Page 2


Scholastic Book Orders

Mums (Schantz Greenhouse)

Poinsettia Sale (Glick’s Greenhouse)

Read Across America Read-a-thon

School Walk, Bake Sale

Lularoe (Pamela Marshall, retailer)

The Staff Consists Of:

Stephanie Quier, Director/ Head Teacher (resigned position, Dec 2019)

Monica Torres, Assistant (July 2019 – December 2019) Director/Head Teacher (December

2019 – Present)

Alicia White, Assistant Teacher (January 2020)

In June 2019, the resignations of previous Director, Meredith Reinhart and previous Assistant, Noel

Brooke, were accepted by the Board of Directors. The Board then hired Stephanie Quier as Director/

Head Teacher. This position was too much for her family, so she tendered her resignation, effective

December 19, 2019. At that point, her Assistant, Monica Torres, was promoted to Director and her

Assistant, Alicia White was hired.

The Palm Country Day School Board of Directors:

President – Jackie Tomlin, Parent/Church Member

Vice President – Pamela Marshall, Parent

Secretary – Rebecca Reese

Treasurer – Matt Tomlin, Parent/Church Member

Church Liaison – Joan Pusey

Pastor Nick Pence – Church Pastor

Stephanie Quier – Fundraiser Chair

Alicia White – Assistant Teacher

Monica Torres – Director, non-voting member

This report is respectfully submitted by Jackie Tomlin,

President of the Board of Directors of the Palm Country Day School