· no ia»vtcr what the...

I (J & ' -?.v f! v :i. ; j%sassaM|iMM ^ef»^(^^ip^:v<!)»i^;^ ^eir - ;• : JM«*tlMM^^flSr mm PAL [ .H*s J ; r#«ie# : ir^> *&**£ tfflftifc *^>#«tfs* pt ^5S ..'^C£v*#<£r-- ,1866. " ANNtTAL ANNOUNCEMENT. ** •SAW ^JL'^ •apt ©old :.-tfet^a3ttttfiGwF. ass MMriMM,**SM**aie| 8 gilMI_iii_ n iisiijji IT SSSSSESSSSSS H»Mr#r iil.mii »*»• l«.i.i|1»«S.-.^ imltiHii i III •!«« .... ,. "J^^fe.*^**,-* - •>•-• No. 2, Union Bloats Poit Offle* Baildiv, '**-*-^* : '-**;%3&tfftjfat tjo'ei o T ' '" *'' <• thatttocaliar iel»f»*»'|na «tjat whtoh TIM *lw»Ji <ilstla- ™i»I^^eJ<>UiIn«ft^Athe''HepBltoJ>'''stnirn«aal!ysoia ... ? .12$ J*5 v.- 9n^> ; '-'.. •--£ - .-: •, « 4 % V* .:i .-• •••• 'Rftm«i|Sfi & £ t f *W^(jiL&$|kjHae~ Old prices for old Goods, but evcryttlhfX brought'down to a level tfthpraentp^eeAwlfh^tremrdtoeost. My mm i M TWB V I E A T T N I 1 COLVMlT, '_: • • 'r ' U » " J 4- ; * > / } ? % 99 Wkahingrton St., Bo«ton. The IwytM iriM MfntaMt te K*ir I U M 4 . r'T**""*- A PMTEOT MACHINE WlWEftANl? SPIRIT^ I* ImndagplenaiilUMrtmentpf; * • - .ju^S^wMmmm.. _.... . _„, '.,.•' ".' '* ' <T^-' "-law-.ww thcx,^ " «-»«-<.! te?'' DUMffTHH* JW>K1X>K OOMMAt. OIK. OOLI>EM SHEAP WHISBBT. . , . Conslitlnjtof f *ts. Eneltah, SwlMand ithe celebrate! Wait* h»m Watclie*.. Offlpe, faxlor andatan- tel Clock*, ormaii^ vartetie* ofiftyl*. GOEP, SltVEE AND KNAMKLKD WITCH GUARBB, CHAINS, AND LADIES'NiCKtAOKS Of THE MOST EXftDlSETB STlttB AftD Wtt - • • 3 •; »«aWMpletcs!«eTCjy»i)<l r>y far . . J !» i:«-s-.-.-f SJI«IIE» .- ' . -h-.M-i „& siwtlSB THE MDST EXTENSIVE IN TOWN. g».EGS; STocI: FINGER RINGS, EAR DROPS, PINS, AC, Of thednMt mat«rislscleoted by himself with thoutmoit care. feold Fens and Cases, " PeneUsiand Spectacles. '" Re Iiiu also aJileJ to his stoA a great variety or RUBBER AfVO ijvklVCY GOODS, J' ' W^i/jbijiesaffeiarprsale at tteloyest price. He aronldaay (D the nnbllo that Jie has had many years exptrieae* in , Europe and this country In re i»lrlng watches, clocks and jewelry, and pays part colar attention hlni- iidf to this branch of I lis bn>Iness,.anit Wurronis all Ills Work and Goods. ,";V ** sises-Bw PP"BH*5 !«sa W TO •TOWS AND SOLDIEfl j Jffrt«f«i I. ?. 'liiMir «i Naiai n 'i ^^.iJi-V-^f Hfcff ,..; ^.-. aif;j^,^.^JJhfeeoBf & .•T**- -- - " - A ^ * ' - ^. (i.AT»PAYitAn«R,n.a.A.,) , •*?^ Aik UM ihMwaads irha ar* ualac it. Jlalra tk« eMnlry Ol^- Jcfe^ r:; BEVJEl tOE Perkap* Mer are T<rit and «ee. #feS»iiflift.V s - !*.»;« ."> i i »-J-i*' ,—,„ __——ilaprof.. yr^walrwlawHa sUhiil upon appllc*Uoa,:«e fsnraraX by mall. '..,.'•. f . ' l TolTItam lttmar Caaewat rTh» »HlflT« hi* aUtaUoa to th« oollecUon of aU kinds of OIOTHIH6,r - tANDWAKEASTS, »0O»TY, 'jpfitHOJW, EfiIZBltOM*vr. > OaVM, Kia««a'Bl«>«tt^*ir«r the Hardnrare. . .C^watatl^^ i»9^^«iu wWIe PrUon- Oraaaiaa<^-'-#ar '«f-«ile«r» Between- dat»,«7<J»«a»h»lt«aja41Io»t«rlnto8errloe(*o.,Ae. ^TOa»^«»ilfJsMi^> > ,sji l Uye«^ P*««- ed laws flrins; aMUonaT pay to a3j»ted Men. AU Inter- ested can be Informed of said iddlUons to their pay by «""i«* «f .'--14^X? v > Yt-^'T ft 2" ' n-: )^ *'v." 1 "^ ,vv», .•.. J? Kafi-v- "1 ».:,,,: ' t H. 2 a.1^1'?,.,* Ne\^r Spring 1 Goods! f ., « jr . ., l-sraMi* r«aa»ee«aiUT aw>Uelt.uiejpatron- *f *k|*M .-»i*^r7<-»sct ?»yv »*»I«i».^»e-iIt5 be! Meon^nisllptofjDiaf^' Third—It will not elof, Jpartlt—IfirlJl eat Grass or Ofinrer w«» or a»y. fifth—It if portable and easy to cianajte. Bar. W.<XWH*Olt Traoklto Co. Cot.J.j.8i«viir^ do Malone, May 23, 1S0B.' 1805U. gCM *{•*:;•.£«- •»'.- J «*»• .«: Si-.v..^ . - •-. Jsprepared to manofactare In all-the latest styles and every ^armenfr guaranteed to fit aid salt In all rejpecW. Mr. <JaKRBIEft«l)Ibe(rladtosee|slHiIsoH friends and many qetohe»-tt'PaImeriCJothlng|8lnre, ' jp^m0m¥ii^;B LOCK! West SMecfthelUyer, Next Door to . i «s»oper & G«vi^>'« riii Shop. - - -- » * - - "4 ^ ' AuFniii, isee. ! LANGDON & CO., s. vsa«*- -6 - r .'|-v 5 , • .« W^i^^aln^@#fiaWWO> aTHB K&OIJB8 llf a,at«|eK|p».tothMeceipi ;pt* Lai^e ani FaShloMWe Stock of ;-»u-,.*48!cSpepn i;»^M!?h*#f«»«e»pM%y,llrs,lecte Their i-i .*{' ;-e.u-,.*^Ps^epnsl«»-ot..J r ." : s- f.- •• * .- 'i-*u-?S :-,• "•.••/-••'I . • >-• * JBonneU, H»t», Eiboo laqes, riBMlDgs, Etc. nnotkfall Ud: gptBiaBttWaeHott -Mih -as. to ^naBi^|iflcSit«a*oS»aianshIpi as'they' ^ * ^ * i * BOBAOK HAVKNB,Oswejatchle. THO& VOLA.Vi), Oswejatchie. JOHN DONAMK Hammond, i. -• fv..' .^ .-X "A- .? ...L ^ i -& '-^9Af»Mi f - «« %^VAHBOIOiarf iiterra«owtVy And from the belt Bye at (hat. None Of yonr musty, mouldy, heated stoir.-bnt the V e r y B e a t o f R y e , ihaVgrosnt to the Cumbertand Valley. « Uettoaih to do a man's soul good to taste It, and' a*e how- different it Is from the strong, fiery staff that . * peopleose TorKyriJVnUltey. fft l^sasade ' DitTerout, It retains, by a peculiar mode or •' distillation, the very fitCdlclttal Q^aUtlea that have made It so popular. If you want to use a Pure, Genuine article of Spirit to stimulate* weak Etomach, or to give you renewed Iicallii and long life, This preparation Is uneqnaled as [a Kiyuvenstor and Re- storer of wasted or inert functions, j The aged should be certain to mace the Blokrcne a house- liold god, lnusmnch at It will render) them youthrul in feel- ing and In strength, and enable them to live over again ibe j days 'or their pristine joy. It not only exhilarates but strengthens, and Is really an inralnkble btesilnjr, especially to those who have been reducedtoa condition of lierflllty, self abuse t mfafortuBe..or ordinary sickness. No ia»Vtcr what the cause ol impotency of anyf human organ; this su- perb preparation will remove the effect at once and, forever, BIO-KIZEBIEilSr-EJ iscAPACirr, DrspjEpaiA, DEPifflisiON, t o s s OP AP- PETITE, LOW SPIBIT3, WEAKNESS OP THB QBGAtfS OP GENEItATlON, IMBECILITY, MKNTAL INDOLKNCK, EMACIATIOS,.B»STjn. IT HAS AJJJ08T DtUGHTTOtl DESIRABLE AND NOVEL EFFECT PPON THB NUJVOlTfl oTSTEMjand oil who are lu any way prostrated by ner- vous dlBSBilftles are earnestly advised to seek a core In this most excellent and onequaled preparation. Persons who, by imprudence, have lost their NATURAL v i a o n , will Hod a speedy and permanent core in the The FEEBEG, the LANGUID, the DESPAIRING, the OlD should give this valuable discovery a trial; It will be found totally different fromall other articles^or thassibeparpoaes. TO FEHIAt.ES.»»ThiB preparation Is inraluable In nervous weaknesses of all kinds, as if #lir»eat6re«Hie wasted strength with wonderfDl'permanencc. 1 ' It is also a grand tonic, and will give relief ItfByspepala. with thefirstdose. A brier persistence In tti Use will «5ti- vate the stomaph to a degree of perfect health, aiid banish Dyspepsia forever. „,. One DoUar per Bottle, or six Bdttles' for *5. Sold by Druggists generally. • I ; Sent by express anywhere, by addretetogA Infers- 8IB!!BD, «9 * fl il*? f WilkTOta, JlimiS 28De^fitreet,KewSrk. USE THt EXTi^A.T OF RYE. It Is put up in lar^e square buttles, which contain ilie Dime 0 f ' ,'!>{*:.'. tit i ti tit' C. 4. Biehardxi i;o„ 99 Waxbington St., Bmtoa, Uli..u In the glnff Hr is Hie U e n e r H l t g e s t l , yet r»i| ran tln<> u 411 over ilir country at the urlacqinl 1 - ., i«(M>|HfftM «% m DUNSTER'3 THE IL.A.MB FAMlitKNfTTlflcHIE! tt is found at last! Just the Midline the people hare been waiting for! ItiaadspUd t* knltai)r»gr»at«r. variety of article* than any other Machine. It knits the single, double, plain and fancy ribbed, flat and web, produc- ing ail the varieties of fancy knit roods in use. Boawls, Hoods, Scarfs, * a , * o , £ c . It knits a y vP#lr prstodklnga In- flfleen-.-l«Iootef-,.-knlt*1«Jrhetl;. •^1n^^foeMnr,'halTOir» br^FSefkat* "wobWrif cr cotton yarn, coarse or flue. K to simple, durable and easily operated. It can be attached to a. common tabic and when not in nse can be laid aaide, P R i r i i OF MACHINE - - • . - «65.04> flen.'-A»t'fort*.X«wrenc«t Jc«VrfboanaFranklin Ceantlea J. T. WHITE, Hfalone. N. ¥., Agent for franklin County. la the vidalty cTsay oaoejuid wish me^o procure a tettle- assnt a Y ^ a s ^ ^ w^i«tio7*rih%* M ^ of their isWm.andlwmsendHisatproperBIanks to befilledout ^»l»siB««».i*raogtis4« front tbadUrerent Departmenti at WaaWat^ can do so e« favorable terms. Yw^aalel r^Mmecttallr aM>IIeIt.tIiejpatron- .•'-.-i'»*i,'i'v,? ^«i' WWWTOS'r'AprnSS, 18G0. Muoa J. A.8AB1H:—Dasa ta.— I learn tbs85tro are about toj.retur« .to northern New rork, and that yon contemplate establishing there a Milita- ry Claim Agency.^ Tonr experience^asa'aymajter In the V, j* >rn5j-«r-— !l*Baf 7 a?'ttfci. SCHOLAR. SHIP at a DISCOUNT OF TWBNTt- cr,St»J^I43B^t-erjSpi2m*iJ*»e1P*A|» • * PRICE., •• - toWE&MSIiFs&JSSmi . -•^?^Jtf*t&%^MP ">e Bureau of " Heferred Claims," gives you rare facilities to be of invalid Army, yonr Serened Ola 1 , ^ able service to soldiers and their widows, in bringing their claims properly end promptly before Government officials. My long personal acqaajntance with you, and my knowl- edge 0/the socoeasfal 'arid iatis'facUry manner in which yob hare discharged yonr varied and responsible duties here, authoriies me to-«xpte»lbr.yo«innqnesUonedsuccess,and the utmost satisfaction U all such as have occasion to em. ploy yonr assistance. BespectfUUy, Tours, 0. T. HTTLBUBD, M. 0. NEW aOODS. w. f r'c-it. ,.. -A^ p^l&Ct litis .i*;.;».J,^., MiTjSW. . : ,«< ilTiursday, April 5 V 1866, ,-^u^pm^. Firrt Floor en CtthariM »t»€^ ' Where may bo fouua ail ktadis of tnunei, AIDBB*. »« graphs Stero«cope* tod Views,Hth^friHp^ Ays,. ' .Pictures of every $t*&$Uaiti&mixi:all : .khai/of:;We«ttar. " First Prmiuma awarded our-;PhMJiiraph« at tte^i \-'^'tw# ! la»tJCon^tyj»weC^ c v -• - '' c.,n.i?Ar. ''•••^ ? ^r w ^ f? ^atlWWft •• e ,* SJ; s, •<accf«w#r to Miss tfeHigk. TJ •iii.ij.wc'^ v»"; a •" i{ i-- XtadlM ax* Seqaactafl to Good*. aadHiairitaa Malone,AprtlC,3SflaV' -:-- : ^ .-.v.t .^i^v^A.t---'^ s-: : r-- -—~ .^V.' T .,"/:E'T- f '" ; ' f "•-• r V r. AWj«r»W **•!»*• *|B 4^jtik i«BPABE&' 1, to famlJh the best and mcatdwabli FtLT ao4 CEMENT and flat BOOnSG nowtoate, ^.e««i; Roofs. An iarproTeineBt On the ifareteamg -' ' r. •' - ' ', *'iTatartowa,», ft, Ctl2CB£RZu&NI> OOAIi 1 :''.*,, '^, . .' "«>*: '••"'} I .•.'-.. .^^* , ^*^^a»^s^^pl^a(a^sj|pH^aa^B^^4aWi^BB^Ba'^a» ^ri^W^B^^^^ar ^ valv W^^ ^aaa? KSPT CORWANTLT 09 «U*» a«1> »tftAUtnv ''' ''' WH.MASI HOflLB, •laae,6,l$&3.-45M4r. Far* C»*tJt»toa. Mowing KmhliMW, Whool Bakes ajaay •» taa akoHaHliaisaaDp i iiaiiiatut examine ES! r AUtheinsfrumentsof tWiSlve difWw*;saakso ara Whose headqnsrters are at Ogdsnsbnrgk. 1r*d«airatoe*il . :, especial attenUcn to themaffaific«ata»<ths*eut» K'ttt--- - PorUalnUia somucfi aJmired ty alt at the late County fair.; TfcSMrar* '^piaiKi'Wrts -•^ •*-- .... -._,... . ,— are giving tJ JWgBtotrcsOmmeiaanonattveraa. iParflat wiU A> fr»H to scktrowl' United . ^cheapest!Itetefaai„._, .... x, The Mojrtcal Profession are giving them the examine A sanrple canto seen at all times at the rooms TaefireatDiireticReaea^ortkeAse. A2>m A PLEASANT BEVEBAQSL Celebrated in Kngland for halfa century,-spreading Its . popularttyailoverAcse&itUrDiallHed from '' ffitstesJ Orata and Jas^tper Berries, flawpr* ^i;%fftla Aromattelee^aMel Vfi^iMisl' Flo.weria. Health-glvtogandpangentwl^lMde^ClOus^c^r^;!^^. IT ACTS D1RECTI.9 -OWBTHaf KIDNEY* Hemniring^Isprdcr and tapwtIng.BJea|tJa, : aM^-|r^a>; or. Kxeellsotasa HOUSEHOLD HEDICIKE. A|«dp^pie,or(k)MWltiVi^ J co^«tu&on* It a ' blessing. ^tBJ»faUstrsntth,In.aIl,IU natural pa- rity, in larg>square bottle*, with the name or ••".•• -•-' .<*».; i.% tla ?s i<^ * - H « £ i ami' 4.M nmmmmimwm*i Jonea'Bnildins;, jait Bant PaJJadlam Bnildlags JVEVF8PAPEBS, itflGAZWES, aOBCtLLANIOUfl BOOKS, BLANK BOOKS, DIABUBS WBITING PAPCB, INVlCiOPIA PJNSj PINCILS, PIOTDBtS, PiCTUKE"?KAMK3, MOULDING, ' LADIKS! BASKETS. Sewlag< MachlUcMr, CItfthet WrlBf^r*. ' Sift'' t.'~t I'I ...d it;1 c*-)«> i'J ! - iii:. jr" '-""• of 1866. i »,(?* 'SJ J f , ,.», '.f ( HUBBARD & MALLON Harlox just returned :frotn Market, are now receiving a large and complete 8tock of iPBING AND SUMMER GOODS, »3w Blown In the gias*. Principal Depot at To he fonnd In most all'Drug aa'ol Grocery Stores, sill oret 0* »o^;o OMK.. ' BT-APFXJCS, 0 * A ! t ~ G E S , N V T 8 , j e OAMDICS.VAHOT SOAP, Ac, Ac. OaB and***, for Wf ara-determlnesl not to be outdone In Staple* or Price*, laying Packac** coming even day from Wholesale Dsal- ^MM^toXtf . ^ J.T.WHITE. Extreme XJO-W Prices, Which will be sold at Cost with Profit added. W I ABK PBCPABXDTOSELL GOODS CHEAP FOB Onr Kotto is "Hot to be Undersold by Hew EstabliibmenUorOli" ,f sHfYF ^fT 8 ^^^ 0 HITBBABD & BIALlLtOlV?® Where can be found all the Latest Styles or yj ?.???5 r - •'-"" "' •: "- .;.. \ Life Mealier in to© liternafioHal Chain of Colleges, » •,.. ^ortlie^oK price pt PCHIK^IC DOLLARS! .<5:" • «• . GOOD'BpABDIseecarBdferetudenuatTirBIl!! DOLLARS ~™ Wany hire rooms for sslf boa greatly lessen* th« expense. A WEEK. Many btaJ rooms for sslf boarding which —"ylesr ' Book-KeepiniT, Telegraphing Penmanship, Arithmetic, •< > . .. , TbetTelecrapIs Ueaartaaent conneeta wfth Western rJntoa Line, tlie oldest Tele* rapn litite Iks Use United State*. 1 - t The axtten o 4LLEN & FISHER I •',•(..!•• ••» '•>}• ,'• ...ji would rcspectlully an»aiincc.t<i the, people of Malone, and t!cinHy,ttaVfS^TiaWust ? r%uree^^ ''with a complete Stock or ..; SPRING AND SUMMER 600DS. ••- , *" " GreatiyBeducedPi-iees,"^ . i*> low (hat they ore iireprtr«c( to give tlielr-Customers BBTTEH B^LX«.Ca-^t.XXflnB THAN HERETOFOBE. , Tliey would callportlcolar attention to their llns-jof LADIES' DRESS GOODS, Which they Hatter themselves cannot be surpassed in style, quality., and price. In any Store In Northern ! Sew York. •f,*,.i« H will Wel| pay purchasers for their time and trouble to sail f and examine this Stock.'• " ! "'* We have also a complete Stock of DOMESTIC GOODS," Used by DRFAS HOOD3, CLOTHS, ' BEADT-BADK CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES. HATS AND CAPS, CSpOKEBY, GLASS WABE' WALL PAPEEi GK00EBIE3, ! PROVISIONS, 40., *&,! 40;° Whleh we shall sea at Correspondingly LoW Ericas.'. Give u s a Call, and we will Guarantee ta Snlt In Goods and Price*. Remember the Place, No. 4, Phtenls Block. ALLEN & yEffiEB. Malone, April 18,186R. > BLACK AND COLOBID SILKS, SHAWLS, BALMORAL A HOOP 8KIBT8, TOILCTatHLTSr CUBrAINMb8LINS, CAMBRIC EDGINGS AND MSEBTINGS, WHIXX GOODS. -.BDUOT in^B^SS^bax, YAHKEB NOTIONS, A C . ; TJieV'^lrtinln* Cttlcnlator," Taught to all Students. The above otter holds goocTfor thirty day*fromApril 24th, All who think of attending a Commercial School should , avail themselves of It, asthe.opportunlty may not ! ;-"jfft..- ~ . .' again be" prSwfti . f w.j» Call or write for a Circular. msomu GrNCKALDXALBBSIN ... F llfCV OAJHUafEBES, CLOTHS, COT-1 tonade* and Ladles' Cloaklnrs to all Qualities and Cheap HHBBARD A MALLON'S. til. »i !r t't'.iti.iJi .^tjftjl , >r*. , "v.'Asi i .*/.«,*..< it..; i T..jif-;',t4gJJE B 4^^ OFiLLm SOtffiBOKSf •i^-'VV''.*'^-''^^'.'-..-' ' Theyetterable rM"«Ie5'i>o«en^ erowiedwlth ; a golden . '"'. "'-.**.''''^-*'JiS-aifl#,V-i^ i ' / ': ' ><^£- Baoto!nreodari*tagaway.en--^ ; ' ' whlcftrArestoteitfcyMm^aniraltogaW ] PlTBl^T, OLDEOT, MILD. ' * . naterere«BldnUt»btcfcieafrah>«tW. G«wfa«rey«awlO,Iaanyc)(y,towa or rUIage, and. yo« wUlflsdaeaiskeeyftatto*got a little of t h e , . . •;.,.., . M5L0DE0NS AND 0B8ANI. GSLOfH SIE4F VIISIE7, Prt^lT. J. Cottiraf, Maloie. '*^i^ toJ yi>»»JJ»S t«B»extended to the Bast fertile E8TEY & CD'S ORGANS AND M 10DE0NI "Whlchare without a rival. We itupply these Ineti nmewl* prompuy on the be.t.^()»sibl» terms, and are ,a*w the S O l . 6 A 6 f « T 8 IN THUfStOTION. THB OOWAGB 0mm « NOW MAD! WITH TMBIB 88TSOPRBKD9, and has Just received a »*» lavetttia*, rag PATENT TREMOLO OK VOX HUMANA STOF, 8en4 for* circular, «»lv*ryt«wu»lUh*»bifeilIroiuUi*i boase. Oar mmtm\ ptsUfeatlofla cut be ruuad at all Uaae, tuaaHsai 1 allg tit* f.itrrt and most popalar most* or the das, at lb* Beet More of 0. Wilr„i, tVv, *l M»l«u*. I 0T Xatr ianiou w:trr»M«d|« aJJ U«|Ma«S*o«*. -'"' OI.EwQiU A MOTKOTea;. N.:< i itnur to Judson Baafc rtrilsnstutih. Mnslj>*nb)l,Hrr»itrf Wl^|e*ai*^ V |%«li*V3*V*. }Co». T, Xii\ *' .'-- s ** * ; J -Be*aa*elf'w "V --^^ *. ' £»tT3E83EQ jr\JSTX) G H 0 0 3 D 1 ' •^Jp jplf-fiHI fT^fwilfft IWfWFf^WP j»tv.tWfll*% ••• -,- ~Aiii.««aiaiia^o*irii^ /f UJsp«tivialarf*bo«U««,aadlt* PUEI^T B 00A»ANf£M>. lr : lilt*1lf a^jMwrjyw" an« OMIT AcMrta C. A. RICHARDS ot CO, •VwgoaWaskyeorgreeerer *a4th*carxA^at>^U** aey eoaef Utee* ifcree artietss, W yea «sa*M* te ley taase, andiflMha«»M(at^Mkliah«hb*U*wlUi«lls)ea,«Kl is sold by aB grocers aa* «raf|ista wlo *• set eare *e atasa »>rv«tl^«<a««^«<ta^ar'w«age*Uacaf astkey as to •asMearrs what ta*y ** *Jr ead *««t. 0# W^ariUaMaw4A* flCal^aftaL SaWlalfaM skf«a«*. - ' : . . IViWStdrii: jv • -<,t rr- t ^ mr.-nB girfc Goods. -elt 1 ^ 3STO. 4 ELA-O-IiiJ B I i O O K l ivCilUt* e--'-'•:• •"•« »-.?;Tr?TpST.''*- ;:-•« .•»••*; tto -3 «5V J f.'A'l 6 .•.;•">..•* -• •:« -ta C r* -•'v 1 -*S-'"-'-''^:- 1 toj.?i^5 Malone and Vlulait^l *v .Hi.-., '-t *'-'•:?,.'» ^ ^ i f O ' l * ,'-'-Sf.W % t ? . V ' ^ ••• .Tk«tUMyar*.^*w.e^r»ottral¥»-lH*ck*^V' :r ' . •*; tei.'( #,iij-i -iff e«4i-'5c'>*ii",."''',i!,('-.V.t '• . - ''^/•i^-^)tJi*l»ll*f iftv^.X".' ' ." - ,1 -' -^s >,- 1 ' ,>• t-» -—7—11 ttlaalt awd'Faiaer «reaa aWIWe. 'WaaMalra, «a«lia«s »***«•«, atoKsilstSH CMalUao, •raraaa*^Bjsmm^|rrtnta l *e. £ *r.»f*"*a4[ JfV^ >e salt jt^wisfl.ii>wA. : iAaja)< Stock «f '" i|»lmowa $w& JC^oj f JaM»^ : . VAISJKfE NQTiONS, B'Hi.WLa, •1 f 6reo»rlf*v.Cro«kery, Glaseand Stone Ware, Cheap at HUBBARD A MALLON'S. PETS, FLOOR Oil. CLOTHS, BUGS w.nn._„ <—*"——'red andaellf—"*•-—* HUBBARD and Wall Paper, Just reoelrcd and felling-Cheap at ITMALLON'8. AIKTS AND O I J U , Cheap at HUBBARD A MALLON'S. Hop Hooks and Haying Tools, Cheap at HUBBARD* MALLON'S. DBY dooidsi N&t*SON 0. WOOM DEALER Bf AECCB3t!|bS Sicf' ;'/ ' ,.-;' FUEH it tii&JBnl Of Eoslen and KTew 7ork Manafitdtnr*^ " i W Cheap at HUBBARD A MALLON'S. CLOTH*, tfltalMMBf, LAtHB' WOAWMGS, BUTTON*, TBIMMlNOi?, v »BaWOi*AMBlfW,AC. > T *mWUOOD»,, HIT8AMP8, IMTIAIffOES, C*VX"«=>oexrJ.<MaS ctoo.. Our Giwdajitivlng »*cu swrsaasetl for CAfff, aad sar—Hn,w«asnsas a* taw a* efv, rkMM give asaoaA. - »* fraet] r.m.AO«n». ll^rtAl»*Mwasa%fiwi*l a* law eufel>o«Krfct lotus Mark* ~ etarge »ftw sbowhse: Ooees. BLOBBBIW./IrT Have Jest r*earrs4 rrssa sapHy «* O -A. JS !i? ^E T 8 '--•WBMwrllNs Wr-*~ PlM>, 8«p«rfM, Extra aai TfcfM ffjr f Akwafreak•*»•>/ a* . jFMmm *MM< .czmxm*. ' Wear*aawiseatilaialaraai*Oassitem Imaaf. - MyflwwA)CfrMAfftf* CrocMfyt Ac# .-'i-v.l,"f«U*l" M^y, .TI j»P€l m ' Ml *{Are now receiving an addition te their former Stock or, ».?/s;«^'i«i«i»3tsi»j S OROO£Rn3Sji&.o., A HBBAawOBTQrrOf NEW PATTERNS AT . »-.•.•.' oijs 'iiiij-'Vp.nir .'?.- i»4' > i v;V,'?» v , ( . , ^ . i-?i? ALSO.'OONcjiASHiTOJFfltASBi^ ••- : « ' ' '• •' .*54%r .--.« .. - COFFINS, CASKETS & BURIAL CASES. -^^ . r. - ^ .' . I . " *-&?? ^..-^ j Wara Rooms, at tbe old.Stand, Wait Slda'Of _/. the Bridge. ' r lU .'"'::•' : Malone,Feb. I, lSOC. ' ^ '.'r''i'.'fa« - . ., 7* ,.*,.*.-I.'MS. ^.."««. . 6- lffiiSnbscrIbirIa«iSw?preifareiio-%n^^ «|. ^»,r>Ojr ^-£Si*» ,- ' .; r^vT.' t,V ****?* ***"."*f, J ^*i;;-**• >^/rf-. 5L.-£i. i V i - -<vKi- ' *'* - N.i?BA» KJ»W Ca^ktaa Scataev Lcwrjt .Watnmr, •> d'^ww^.'W'fflgStfei,* IMPORTANT NEWS. •r'-.-.*.v:.'"-'.r.r:ir;:•.'!•.;.• . ; " :-£»:• '•.;-.":« i A «H>»A»i»aW^jao|mD,« _ , wV ^ » At Bu E. .KHTCI'8. A lfWr «WOr t^ttLBN* #AmRKB, JUST RE, CKITBD, AT W# W . * « * E . KING'S. 0.0. MENOENHALt,'$ IMPROVBOajELp.ACTING PAlanUd/A 0 ,10 ( i8«4,*Apr,a9 ) 1865. liftk it yttr ITfm l»t*rtsts. tVeas ejteen te thirty yards out aaeUy be Woven on this LsOMlaaday. r - UW*ajr*eaara*ta«aay Fnrniture ]n^We r Pi»int Stone*, MTjUer^^ ^S <? &0,,» *C„ -,;^.) K -- .'' "t'iii ** '.. . t A^B0J?TteCHffi^BKi^OXI| .^,"*.^; »W- c. Than thomtawha travel through thto warfrom Swanton, y ViVsiffl i>reJtend'tbeff WorlKteSoieiby * ik»--^- - ..',.- Machinery. '.„.-., ", : - r. +* ... . m*m **•.'.--'<, -i£3 '^ •v.' i T~ Tit' «f a. JCIa ./ asjJtt»tMtiirni4<reaiHark»twl^». -- '' - i OPBTTLISH ,r r Maaylrac«tvy.I«o*>, and Jea* tke flood* '. At least hat r 0>« «oet of qsMhlai a e aaved,^r*at t « U f i t per Say can ^tt hm ja^a^a^aMSsw-Aaaas **»• •• - _ ^^i ^w. ^^^^^^^I^e^^^^w y ' ' ;'- ^ ^ • ' »y H)« l««tet- , «W mm** * m* *h« W e n off, Jkw^dalLatialaiMw^^ •awflltl-tf a*an«a'lk^a«wkicb it was. laftBJj^aajavattaa a y a t l a i a t a y atora. No. 8, |*t, IT. TOBMIT, Ajgaai^ * •-' . „o -.-.^^ CLOTHING! W«0H SBpriUtKLL Fllty per €c»t d m M r Tkasi has heeavMl* la fMisseSiaee Ha* war Ixigw. o-o a*.j* 4 . W D » » . « , M»W*,Mar<*l«,18*«.-» T If ^ir«k if.'not ^one acwordlar, to Ordisr, : ' IkavetaiengrsatiBalnslBrgeUlng the • And sSaUkeep'c^nsTan^osikner the t*r> Latest Style* Parti** wishing to.'PumAajct aoy.ol <he.aJ>oT» nam**' •• '.«rH»3#s,will''ito'weirtir ealla* htt Marble Iforifi •-'VB^d : '»*e*hat-aie>'.c»4'^oWoj**»r^^ ". «1*e*be«e,''_.- Malone, rtori ! S6,.IS*^ '' •'• •/.' ^4»3ELOH«^'. Haw fo»te(<ff"*HD^attnifJ^p and fitted^ a aie^Is ttft OldmblMUMmEWLWl .f Ne»rth<Gri«t»lUl,tiitheviaage« . jkA'L'6N;'i;',' i; ' Aad bavlr* aatio the nectary Wilsery, are p>»»a*Td r to roanufaetnre various kinds o/ W<pOD jTOBk; Swell as NJrWKtL J asMBWiCB ' If - . - - S I * f t ; -Jv ;; : : »'<aDt^ '•'" T4aw«ds.U^s»'s M .. ' '..^! : " :: ^.^^ ft ». ii " w * ' •"" r " " .*»«eAi»Mv. rMvtt.iit*,] mmmam I -'C'^l r3 I* P^' I? «- f VI •1 %i IJ***' •: ::'i'

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Page 1: · No ia»Vtcr what the cause ol impotency of anyf human organ; this su perb preparation will remove the effect




' -?.v



: i . ;

j%sassaM|iMM ^ef»^(^^ip^:v<!)»i^;^ ^eir -

;• :JM«*tlMM^^flSr mm

PAL [ .H*sJ

; r#«ie# :ir^> *&**£ tfflftifc *^>#«tfs* pt

^ 5 S

..'^C£v*#<£r--, 1 8 6 6 .


* * • S A W ^JL'^

•apt ©old :.-tfet a3ttttfiGwF.

ass MMriMM,**SM**aie| 8gilMI_iii_ • n i i s i i j j i IT

SSSSSESSSSSS H»Mr# r i i l .mi i »*»• l « . i . i | 1 » « S . - . ^ imltiHii i III •!««

. . . . ,. " J ^ ^ f e . * ^ * * , - * - •>•-•

No. 2, Union Bloats Poit Offle* Bai ldiv ,

' * * - * - ^ * : '-**;%3&tfftjfat tjo'ei o T ' '" *'' <•

thatttocaliar iel»f»*»'|na «tjat whtoh TIM *lw»Ji <ilstla-™i»I^^eJ<>UiIn«ft^Athe''HepBltoJ>'''stnirn«aal!ysoia

... ? .12$ J*5 v.- 9n^> ; '-'.. •--£ - .-: •, « 4 % V * .:i .-• ••••

'Rftm«i|Sfi & £ t f *W^(jiL&$|kjHae~ Old prices for old Goods, but evcrytt lhfX brought'down to a level

tfthpraentp^eeAwlfh^tremrdtoeost. My

mm i



'_: • • ' r ' U » " J 4- ; * > / } ? %

99 Wkahingrton St., Bo«ton. The IwytM iriM MfntaMt te K*ir I U M 4 . r'T**""*-



I* ImndagplenaiilUMrtmentpf; • * •

- .ju^S^wMmmm.. _.... . _„,

'.,.•' ".' '* ' <T^-' "-law-.ww thcx,^ " «-»«-<.! te?''


Conslitlnjtof f * ts .

Eneltah, SwlMand ithe celebrate! Wait* h»m Watclie*.. Offlpe, f a x l o r andatan-

tel Clock*, ormaii^ vartetie* ofiftyl*.


EXftDlSETB STlttB AftD Wtt

- • • 3 •; »«aWMpletcs!«eTCjy»i)<l r>y far . . J !» i:«-s-.-.-f S J I « I I E » .- '

. -h-.M-i „& siwtlSB


g».EGS; STocI:


Of thednMt ma t«rislscleoted by himself with thoutmoit care.

feold Fens and Cases, " PeneUsiand Spectacles.

'" Re Iiiu also aJileJ to his stoA a great variety or

R U B B E R AfVO ijvklVCY GOODS, J' '

W^i/jbijiesaffeiarprsale at tteloyest price. H e aronldaay

(D the nnbllo that Jie has had many years exptrieae* in , Europe and this country In re i»lrlng watches, clocks

and jewelry, and pays part colar attention hlni-iidf to this branch of I lis bn>Iness,.anit

Wurronis all Ills Work and Goods.

, " ; V **

sises-Bw PP"BH*5 !«sa W

TO • T O W S AND SOLDIEfl j Jffrt«f «i I. ?. 'liiMir « i Naiai


'i ^ ^ . i J i - V - ^ f Hfcff

,..; .-. aif;j^,^.^JJhfeeoBf &

.•T**- - - - " - A ^ * ' - ^ .

(i.AT»PAYitAn«R,n.a.A.,) ,

I » •*?^

Aik UM ihMwaads irha ar* ualac it. Jlalra tk« eMnlry

O l ^ - Jcfe^r:; BEVJEl tOE

Perkap* M e r are T<rit and «ee.

• #feS»iiflift.Vs- !*.»;« ."> i i »-J- i* '

,—,„ _ _ — — i l a p r o f . . yr^walrwlaw Ha sUhiil upon appllc*Uoa,:«e fsnraraX by mall. ' . . , . ' • . f . 'l

TolTItam lttmar C a a e w a t

rTh» »HlflT« hi* aUtaUoa to th« oollecUon of aU kinds of

O I O T H I H 6 , r - tANDWAKEASTS, »0O»TY, 'jpfitHOJW, EfiIZBltOM*vr. >

O a V M , K i a « « a ' B l « > « t t ^ * i r « r t h e H a r d n r a r e .

. .C^watatl^^ i » 9 ^ ^ « i u wWIe PrUon-

Oraaaiaa<^-'-#ar '«f-«ile«r» Between-dat»,«7<J»«a»h»lt«aja41Io»t«rlnto8errloe(*o.,Ae. ^ T O a » ^ « » i l f J s M i ^ > > , s j i l U y e « ^ P*««-ed laws flrins; aMUonaT pay to a3j»ted Men. AU Inter­ested can be Informed of said iddlUons to their pay by «""i«* «f .'--14^X?v> Yt-^'T ft 2" ' •

n-: ) *'v."1" ,vv», .•..

J? K a f i - v -

" 1 » . : , , , :

' t H .

2 a.1^1'?,.,*

Ne\^r Spring1 Goods!

• f ., « j r .

., l - sraMi* r«aa»ee«aiUT aw>Uelt.uiejpatron-a « *f *k|*M .-»i*^r7<-»sct ?»yv »*»I«i».^»e-iIt5 be!

Meon^nisllptofjDiaf^' Third—It will not elof, Jpartlt—IfirlJl eat Grass or Ofinrer w«» or a»y. fifth—It if portable and easy to cianajte.

Bar. W.<XWH*Olt Traoklto Co. Cot.J.j.8i«viir^ do

Malone, May 23, 1S0B.' 1805U.

gCM *{•*:;•.£«- • •»'.- J

«*»• .«: Si-.v..^ . - •-. Jsprepared to manofactare In all-the latest styles and every ^armenfr guaranteed to fit a id salt In all rejpecW. Mr. <JaKRBIEft«l)Ibe(rladtosee|slHiIsoH friends and many qetohe»-tt'PaImeriCJothlng|8lnre, '

jp^m0m¥ii^;B LOCK!

West SMecfthelUyer, Next Door to

. • • • • i

«s»oper & G«vi^>'« r i i i Shop. - - -- » * - - • "4 ^

' A u F n i i i , i s e e .


LANGDON & CO. , s. • vsa«*- -6 - r • .'|-v 5 , •

. « W ^ i ^ ^ a l n ^ @ # f i a W W O > a T H B K&OIJB8 l l f a,at«|eK|p».tothMeceipi;pt*

Lai^e ani FaShloMWe Stock of

;-»u-,.*48!cSpepn i;»^M!?h*#f«»«e»pM%y,llrs,lecte • Their

• i-i .*{' ;-e.u-,.*^Ps^epnsl«»-ot..J r • ." : s- f.- •• * .- 'i-*u-?S :-,• "•.••/-•• ' I . • >-• *

JBonneU, H»t», Eiboo laqes,

riBMlDgs, Etc.

nnotkfall Ud: gptBiaBttWaeHott -Mih -as. to ^naBi^|iflcSit«a*oS»aianshIpi as'they'

^ * ^ * i *

BOBAOK HAVKNB,Oswejatchle. THO& VOLA.Vi), Oswejatchie. JOHN DONAMK Hammond,

i . -• fv..' .^ .-X " A - .? . . . L ^ i -& '-^9Af»Mif- « « %^VAHBOIOiarfiiterra«owtVy And from the belt Bye at (hat. None Of yonr musty, mouldy, heated stoir.-bnt the V e r y B e a t o f R y e , ihaVgrosnt to the Cumbertand Valley. « Uettoaih to do a man's soul good to taste It, and' a*e how-different it Is from the strong, fiery staff that

. * peopleose TorKyriJVnUltey. f f t l ^ s a s a d e ' D i t T e r o u t , It retains, by a peculiar mode or

•' distillation, the very f i t C d l c l t t a l Q ^ a U t l e a that have made It so popular. If you want to use a

Pure, Genuine article of Spirit to stimulate* weak Etomach, or to give you renewed Iicallii and long life,

This preparation Is uneqnaled as [a Kiyuvenstor and Re­storer of wasted or inert functions, j

The aged should be certain to mace the Blokrcne a house-liold god, lnusmnch at It will render) them youthrul in feel­ing and In strength, and enable them to live over again ibe j days 'or their pristine joy. It not only exhilarates but strengthens, and Is really an inralnkble btesilnjr, especially to those who have been reduced to a condition of lierflllty, self abuset mfafortuBe..or ordinary sickness. No ia»Vtcr what the cause ol impotency of anyf human organ; this su­perb preparation will remove the effect at once and, forever,


iscAPACirr, DrspjEpaiA, DEPifflisiON, toss OP AP­PETITE, LOW SPIBIT3, WEAKNESS OP THB QBGAtfS OP GENEItATlON, IMBECILITY, MKNTAL INDOLKNCK, EMACIATIOS,.B»STjn. IT HAS AJJJ08T DtUGHTTOtl DESIRABLE AND NOVEL EFFECT PPON THB NUJVOlTfl oTSTEMjand oil who are lu any way prostrated by ner­vous dlBSBilftles are earnestly advised t o seek a core In this most excellent and onequaled preparation.

Persons who, by imprudence, have lost their NATURAL v i a o n , will Hod a speedy and permanent core in the

The FEEBEG, the LANGUID, the DESPAIRING, the O l D should give this valuable discovery a trial; It will be found totally different fromall other articles^or thassibeparpoaes.

T O FEHIAt.ES.»»ThiB preparation Is inraluable In nervous weaknesses of all kinds, as if #lir»eat6re«Hie wasted strength with wonderfDl'permanencc. 1 '

It is also a grand tonic, and will give relief ItfByspepala. with the first dose. A brier persistence In tti Use will «5ti-vate the stomaph to a degree of perfect health, aiid banish Dyspepsia forever. „,.

One DoUar per Bottle, or six Bdttles' for *5. Sold by Druggists generally. • I ;

Sent by express anywhere, by addretetogA Infers - 8 I B ! ! B D , « 9 * flil*?f#« W i l k T O t a , JlimiS 28De^fitreet,KewSrk.

USE THt EXTi^A.T OF RYE. It Is put up in lar^e square buttles, which contain ilie Dime 0 f

• • ' , ' ! > { * : . ' . tit i ti tit'

C. 4. Biehardxi i;o„ 99 Waxbington St., Bmtoa,

Uli..u In the glnff Hr is Hie U e n e r H l t g e s t l , yet r»i| ran tln<> u 411 over ilir country at the urlacqinl 1 - ., i«(M>|HfftM «% m •

D U N S T E R ' 3


FAMlitKNfTTlflcHIE! tt is found at last! Just the Midline the people hare been

waiting for! ItiaadspUd t* knltai)r»gr»at«r. variety of article* than any other Machine. It knits the single, double, plain and fancy ribbed, flat and web, produc­ing ail the varieties of fancy knit roods in use. Boawls, Hoods, Scarfs, * a , * o , £ c . It knits a

• y vP#lr prstodklnga In- flfleen-.-l«Iootef-,.-knlt*1«Jrhetl;. •^1n^^foeMnr,'halTOir» b r ^ F S e f k a t * "wobWrif

cr cotton yarn, coarse or flue. K to simple, durable and easily operated. It can be attached to a.

common tabic and when not in nse can be laid aaide,

P R i r i i OF MACHINE - - • . - «65.04>

flen.'-A»t'fort*.X«wrenc«t Jc«VrfboanaFranklin Ceantlea

J . T . W H I T E , Hfalone. N. ¥ . , Agent for franklin County.

la the vidalty cTsay oaoejuid wish me^o procure a tettle-assnt a Y ^ a s ^ ^ w ^ i « t i o 7 * r i h % * M ^ of their isWm.andlwmsendHisatproperBIanks to be filled out

^»l»siB««».i*raogtis4« front tbadUrerent Departmenti at WaaWat^ can do so e« favorable terms.

Yw^aalel r^Mmecttallr aM>IIeIt.tIiejpatron-

.• '- .- i '»*i, ' i 'v,? ^« i ' WWWTOS'r'AprnSS, 18G0. Muoa J. A.8AB1H:—Dasa ta.—

I learn tbs85tro are about toj.retur« .to northern New rork, and that yon contemplate establishing there a Milita­ry Claim Agency.^ Tonr experience^asa'aymajter In the V,

j * > r n 5 j - « r - — ! l*Baf 7 a?' t t fc i . S C H O L A R . SHIP at a DISCOUNT OF TWBNTt-

cr,St»J^I43B^t-erjSpi2m*iJ*»e1P*A|» • • * P R I C E . , •• -


u » . -•^?^Jtf*t&%^MP ">e Bureau o f " Heferred Claims," gives you rare facilities to be of invalid

Army, yonr Serened Ola1 , ^ „

able service to soldiers and their widows, in bringing their claims properly end promptly before Government officials.

My long personal acqaajntance with you, and my knowl­edge 0/the socoeasfal 'arid iatis'facUry manner in which yob hare discharged yonr varied and responsible duties here, authoriies me to-«xpte»lbr.yo«innqnesUonedsuccess,and the utmost satisfaction U all such as have occasion to em. ploy yonr assistance.

BespectfUUy, Tours, 0. T. HTTLBUBD, M. 0.

N E W a O O D S .


f r'c-it. ,.. -A^ p^l&Ct litis .i*;.;».J,^., MiTjSW. . : , « <

ilTiursday, April 5V1866,


Firrt Floor en CtthariM »t»€^ ' Where may bo fouua ail ktadis of tnunei, AIDBB*. » «

graphs Stero«cope* tod Views, Hth^friHp^ Ays,. ' .Pictures of every $t*&$Uaiti&mixi:all:.khai/of:;We«ttar.

" First Prmiuma awarded our-;PhMJiiraph« at tte^i \-'^'tw#!la»tJCon^tyj»weC^cv - • - ''

c.,n.i?Ar. ' ' • • • ^ ? ^ r w ^ f ? ^ a t l W W f t ••

e,* SJ;

s, •<accf«w#r to Miss tfeHigk.

T J •iii.ij.wc'^ v»"; a •" i{ i--

XtadlM ax* Seqaactafl to Good*.


Malone,AprtlC,3SflaV' -:-- :^ .-.v.t . ^ i ^ v ^ A . t - - - ' ^ s-: : r- --—~ .^V.'T . ,"/:E'T- f '" ; ' f "•-• r V

r . AWj«r»W * * • ! » * • * | B 4 ^ j t i k i«BPABE&' 1 , to famlJh the best and mcatdwabli FtLT ao4 CEMENT

and flat BOOnSG now to ate, ^ . e«« i ; Roofs. An iarproTeineBt On the

ifareteamg -' ' • r. •' - ' ', *'iTatartowa,», ft,

Ctl2CB£RZu&NI> OOAIi 1 : ' ' . * , , ' ^ , . .' " « > * : '••"'} I .•.'-..

.^^*,^*^^a»^s^^pl^a(a^sj|pH^aa^B^^4aWi^BB^Ba'^a» ^ri^W^B^^^^ar ^ v a l v W ^ ^ ^aaa?

KSPT CORWANTLT 0 9 «U*» a«1> » t ftAUt nv ''' ' ' ' WH.MASI HOflLB,

•laae,6,l$&3.-45M4r. Far* C»*tJt»toa.

Mowing KmhliMW, Whool Bakes

ajaay •» taa akoHaHliaisaaDp i iiaiiiatut examine

ES! r AUtheinsfrumentsof tWiSlve difWw*;saakso ara

Whose headqnsrters are at Ogdsnsbnrgk. 1r*d«airatoe*il . : , especial attenUcn to themaffaific«ata»<ths*eut»

K'ttt--- -PorUalnUia

somucfi aJmired t y alt at the late County fair.; TfcSMrar* ' piaiKi'Wrts -• •*--

. . . . - ._ , . . . . , — are giving tJ JWgBtotrcsOmmeiaanonattveraa. iParflat wiU A> fr»H to

scktrowl' United . ^cheapest!Itetefaai„._, . . . .

x, The Mojrtcal Profession are giving them the examine A sanrple canto seen at all times at the rooms



Celebrated in Kngland for half a century,-spreading Its . popularttyailoverAcse&itUrDiallHed from ''

ffitstesJ O r a t a a n d Jas^tper B e r r i e s , flawpr* ^i;%fftla Aromattelee^aMel Vfi^iMisl'

Flo.weria. Health-glvtogandpangentwl^lMde^ClOus^c^r^;!^^.


Hemniring Isprdcr and tapwtIng.BJea|tJa,:aM^-|r^a>; o r . Kxeellsotasa

H O U S E H O L D H E D I C I K E .

A|«dp^pie ,or(k)MWltiVi^ J co^«tu&on* It a ' blessing. ^tBJ»faUstrsntth,In.aIl,IU natural pa­

rity, in larg>square bottle*, with the name or • • " . • • -•-' .<*».; i.% tla ?s i<^ *-H«£i ami'

4.M nmmmmimwm*i

Jonea'Bnildins;, jait Bant PaJJadlam Bnildlags




Sewlag< MachlUcMr, CItfthet WrlBf^r*. ' S i f t ' ' t.'~t I'I . . . d it;1 c*-)«> i'J ! -

i i i : .

jr" '-""• „ of 1 8 6 6 . i »,(?* • 'SJ J f , , . » ,

' . f (

HUBBARD & MALLON Harlox just returned :frotn Market, are now receiving a

large and complete 8tock of



Blown In the gias*. Principal Depot at

To he fonnd In most all'Drug aa'ol Grocery Stores, sill oret

0 * »o^;o OMK.. ' BT-APFXJCS, 0 * A ! t ~ G E S , N V T 8 , j e

OAMDICS.VAHOT SOAP, Ac, Ac. OaB and***, for Wf ara-determlnesl not to be outdone In Staple* or Price*,

laying Packac** coming even day from Wholesale Dsal-

^MM^toXtf . ^ J . T . W H I T E .

E x t r e m e XJO-W P r i c e s ,

Which will be sold at Cost with Profit added.


Onr Kotto is "Hot to be Undersold by Hew EstabliibmenUorOli"

,f sHfYF ^ f T 8 ^ ^ ^ 0 H I T B B A B D & BIALlLtOlV?®

Where can be found all the Latest Styles or

yj ?.???5r- • ' -"" "' • : "- . ; . . \

Life Mealier in to© liternafioHal Chain of Colleges,

» •,.. ^ortlie^oK price pt

P C H I K ^ I C D O L L A R S ! . < 5 : " • «• .

GOOD'BpABDIseecarBdferetudenuatTirBIl!! DOLLARS ~™ Wany hire rooms for sslf boa

greatly lessen* th« expense. A WEEK. Many btaJ rooms for sslf boarding which

— " y l e s r '





•< > . . . , • • •

TbetTelecrapIs Ueaartaaent conneeta wfth Western rJntoa Line , tlie oldest Tele*

rapn litite Iks Use United State*. 1- t

The axtten o

4LLEN & FISHER • I • ' , • ( . . ! • • • • » '•>}• ,'• . . . j i

would rcspectlully an»aiincc.t<i the, people of Malone, and t!cinHy,ttaVfS^TiaWust?r%uree^^

''with a complete Stock or . . ;


• ••- , • • • • • * "

" GreatiyBeducedPi-iees,"^

. i*> low (hat they ore iireprtr«c( to give tlielr-Customers

B B T T E H B^LX«.Ca-^t.XXflnB


, Tliey would callportlcolar attention to their llns-jof

L A D I E S ' D R E S S G O O D S ,

Which they Hatter themselves cannot be surpassed in style, quality., and price. In any Store In Northern

! Sew York. •f,*,.i«

H will Wel| pay purchasers for their time and trouble to sail f and examine this Stock.'• "!"'*

We have also a complete Stock of


Used by












40 . , * & , ! 40;°

Whleh we shall sea at Correspondingly LoW Ericas.'.

Give us a Call, and w e wi l l Guarantee ta

Snlt In Goods and Price*.

Remember the Place, No. 4, Phtenls Block.

ALLEN & yEffiEB.

Malone, April 18,186R. >





TJieV'^lrtinln* Cttlcnlator,"

Taught to all Students.

The above otter holds goocTfor thirty day* from April 24th, All who think of attending a Commercial School should

, avail themselves of It, asthe.opportunlty may not ! ;-"jfft..- ~ . .' again be" prSwft i • . f w.j»

Call or write for a Circular.


Fl l f C V O A J H U a f E B E S , C L O T H S , C O T - 1 tonade* and Ladles' Cloaklnrs to all Qualities and Cheap


til. » i !r t ' t ' . i t i . i J i . ^ t j f t j l ,

>r*.,"v.'Asi i .*/.«,*..<

it..; iT..jif-;',t4gJJEB4^^

OFiLLm SOtffiBOKSf •i^-'VV''.*'^-''^^'.'-..-' '

The yetterable rM"«Ie5'i>o«en^ erowiedwlth;a golden . '"'. "'-.**.'''' -*'JiS-aifl#,V-i i'/': '

><^£-Baoto!nreodari*tagaway.en--^ ; '' whlcftrArestoteitfcyMm aniraltogaW ]

PlTBl^T, OLDEOT, MILD. ' • * .


G«wfa«rey«awlO,Iaanyc)(y,towa or rUIage, and. yo« wUlflsdaeaiskeey ft at to* got a little of the , . . •; . , . . , .


Prt^lT. J. Cottiraf, Maloie. '*^i^toJyi>»»JJ»S t«B»extended to the Bast fertile

E8TEY & CD'S ORGANS AND M 10DE0NI "Whlchare without a rival. We itupply these Ineti nmewl*

prompuy on the be.t.^()»sibl» terms, and are ,a*w the

S O l . 6 A 6 f « T 8 I N T H U f S t O T I O N .

THB OOWAGB 0mm « NOW MAD! WITH TMBIB 88TSOPRBKD9, and has Just received a »*» lavetttia*, rag PATENT TREMOLO OK VOX HUMANA STOF, 8en4 f o r * circular,

«»lv*ryt«wu»lUh*»bifeilIroiuUi*i boase. Oar mmtm\ ptsUfeatlofla cut be ruuad at all Uaae, tuaaHsai1 allg tit* f.itrrt and most popalar most* or the das, at l b * Beet More of 0 . Wilr„i, tVv, *l M»l«u*. I

0T Xatr ianiou w:trr»M«d|« aJJ U«|Ma«S*o«*. -'"' OI.EwQiU A MOTKOTea;.

N.:< i itnur to Judson Baafc rtrilsnstutih. Mnslj>*nb)l,Hrr»itrf Wl^|e*ai*^V |%«li*V3*V*.

}Co». T, Xii\

* ' .'--s ** *; J-Be*aa*elf'w "V --^^ * .

' £»tT3E83EQ jr\JSTX) GH003D1 '

•^Jp jpl f - f iHI f T ^ f w i l f f t IWfWFf^WP j»tv . tWf l l *% • • •

-,- ~Aiii.««aiaiia^o*irii^ / f UJsp«tivialarf*bo«U««,aadlt*

PUEI^T B 00A»ANf£M>. l r : l i l t *1 l f a jMwrjyw" an« OMIT AcMrta


•VwgoaWaskyeorgreeerer *a4th*carxA^at>^U**

aey eoaef Utee* ifcree artietss, W yea «sa*M* te ley taase,

andif lMha«»M(at^Mkliah«hb*U*wlUi«l ls )ea ,«Kl

is sold by aB grocers aa* «raf|ista wlo * • s e t eare *e atasa

»>rv«tl^«<a««^«<ta^ar'w«age*Uacaf astkey a s to

•asMearrs what ta*y ** *Jr ead *««t.

0 # W ^ a r i U a M a w 4 A * flCal^aftaL SaWlalfaM

s k f « a « * . - • • ' : . • • .

IViWStdrii: jv • - < , t rr- t ^

mr.-nB girfc Goods. -elt1^ 3STO. 4 ELA-O-IiiJ B I i O O K l

ivCilUt* e--'-'•:• •"•« »-.?;Tr?TpST.''*- ;:-•« .•»••*; t t o -3 «5V J f.'A'l 6 .•.;•">..•* -• •:« -ta C r* -•'v1-*S-'"-'-'' :-1 toj.?i^5

Malone and Vlulait^l * v .Hi.-., '-t *'-'•:?,.'» ^ ^ i f O ' l * ,'-'-Sf.W % t ? . V '

^ ••• .Tk«tUMyar*.^*w.e^r»ottral¥»-lH*ck*^V':r' . •*; tei.'( #,iij-i -iff e«4i-'5c'>*ii",."''',i!,('-.V.t '•

. - ' '^/•i^-^)tJi*l»ll*f iftv^.X".' ' ." - ,1 -' - ^ s > , - 1 ' ,>• t-» -—7—11

ttlaalt awd'Faiaer «reaa aWIWe. 'WaaMalra, «a«lia«s »***«•«, atoKsilstSH CMalUao, •raraaa*^Bjsmm^|rrtntal*e.

£ *r.»f*"*a4[ JfV^ >e salt jt^wisfl.ii>wA. :iAaja)< Stock «f

'" i |»lmowa $w& JC^oj f JaM»^:.

V A I S J K f E N Q T i O N S ,

B'Hi.WLa, •1 f

6reo»rlf*v.Cro«kery, Glaseand Stone Ware, Cheap at HUBBARD A MALLON'S.

PETS, FLOOR Oil. CLOTHS, BUGS w . n n . _ „ <—*"——'red andaellf—"*•-—*


and Wall Paper, Just reoelrcd and felling-Cheap at ITMALLON'8.


Hop Hooks and Haying Tools, Cheap at HUBBARD* MALLON'S.


N&t*SON 0. W O O M DEALER Bf AECCB3t!|bS Sicf' ;'/ ' ,.-;'

F U E H i t tii&JBnl Of Eoslen and KTew 7ork Manafitdtnr*^ "

• i



TBIMMlNOi?, v »BaWOi*AMBlfW,AC.>

T * m W U O O D » , ,

HIT8AMP8, IMTIAIffOES, C*VX"«=>oexrJ.<MaS c t o o . .

Our Giwdajitivlng »*cu swrsaasetl for CAfff, aad sar— Hn,w«asnsas a* taw a* efv, rkMM give asaoaA. - »* fraet] r.m.AO«n».

l l ^ r t A l » * M w a s a % f i w i * l a* law eufel>o«Krfct lotus Mark* ~ etarge »ftw sbowhse: Ooees.


Have Jest r*earrs4 • rrssa sapHy «*

O -A. JS !i? E T 8 '--•WBMwrllNs Wr-*~

PlM>, 8«p«rfM, Extra aai TfcfM ffjr f Akwa freak •*»•>/ a*

... jFMmm *MM< .czmxm*. ' Wear*aawiseatilaialaraai*Oassitem Imaaf. -

My flwwA) CfrMAfftf* CrocMfyt Ac# . - ' i - v . l , " f «U* l "

M^y, .TI

j»P€l m ' M l

*{Are now receiving an addition te their former Stock or,


S OROO£Rn3Sj i&.o . ,


»-.•.•.' oijs 'iiiij-'Vp.nir .'?.- i»4'

> i v;V,'?» v , ( . , ^ . i -? i?

ALSO.'OONcjiASHiTOJFfltASBi^ ••-: « ' ' '• •' • .*54% r . - - .« .. -


-^^ . r. - ^ .' . I . " *-&?? ^..-^ j Wara Rooms, at tbe old.Stand, Wait Slda'Of

_/. the Bridge. ' r lU.'"'::•':

Malone,Feb. I, lSOC. ' ^ '.'r''i'.'fa« -

. . , 7* , .*, .*.-I . 'MS. ^. ."««. •

. 6- lffiiSnbscrIbirIa«iSw?preifareiio-%n^^

« | .

^»,r>Ojr ^-£Si*» ,- ' .; r ^ v T . '

t,V ****?* ***"."*f,J^*i;;-**• >^/rf-. 5L.-£i. i V i - -<vKi-

' *'*

- N.i?BA» KJ»W Ca ktaa Scataev Lcwrjt .Watnmr, •>


IMPORTANT NEWS. •r'-.-.*.v:.'"-'.r.r:ir;:•.'!•.;.• . ; "

:-£»:• '• . ;- .":« i

A« H > » A » i » a W ^ j a o | m D , « _ , wV ^ » At Bu E. .KHTCI'8.

A lfWr « W O r t ^ t t L B N * #AmRKB, JUST RE, CKITBD, AT W # W . * « * E . K I N G ' S .


PAlanUd/A0,10 (i8«4,*Apr,a9 )1865.

liftk i t yttr ITf m l»t*rtsts. tVeas ejteen t e thirty yards out aaeUy be Woven on this

LsOMlaaday. r-UW*ajr*eaara*ta«aay

Fnrniture ]n^WerPi»int Stone*, MTjUer ^

^ S < ? &0,,» *C„ - , ; ^ . ) K -- .'' "t'iii **

'.. . t A^B0J?TteCHffi BKi OXI| .^,"*.^;



Than thomtawha travel through thto war from Swanton, y ViVsiffl i>reJtend'tbeff WorlKteSoieiby *

• ik»-- - - ..',.- Machinery. '.„.-., ",:

- r. +* ... .

m*m * * • . ' . - - ' < , - i£3 '^

• v . ' i

T~ T i t ' «f a. JCIa

. / asjJtt»tMtiirni4<reaiHark»twl^». -- '' - i


Maaylrac«tvy.I«o*>, and Jea* tke flood* '. At least hatr0>« «oet of qsMhlai a e aaved,^r*at t « U f i t per Say can ^ t t hm ja^a^a^aMSsw-Aaaas **»• •• -

_ ^ ^ i ^w. ^^^^^^I^e^^^^w y ' ' ;'- ^ ^ • • ' »y H)« l « « t e t - , * » « W mm** * m* *h« W e n off,

J k w ^ d a l L a t i a l a i M w ^ ^

•awfl l t l - t f

a*an«a'lk^a«wkicb it was. laftBJj^aajavattaa ayat la ia tay atora. No. 8,

| * t , I T . TOBMIT, Ajgaai^ • * •-'

. „ o -.-.^^


Fllty per €c»t d m M r

Tkasi has heeavMl* la fMisseSiaee Ha* war Ixigw.

o - o a*.j* 4 . W D » » . « ,



If ^ir«k if.'not ^one acwordlar, to Ordisr,

: ' IkavetaiengrsatiBalnslBrgeUlng the •

And sSaUkeep'c^nsTan^osikner the t*r> Latest Style* Parti** wishing to.'PumAajct aoy.ol <he.aJ>oT» nam**' •• '.«rH»3#s,will''ito'weirtir ealla* htt Marble Iforifi • - 'VB^d : '»*e*hat-aie>' .c»4'^oWoj**»r^^ ".


Malone, rtori!S6,.IS*^ '' •'• •/.' 4»3ELOH« '.

Haw fo»te(<ff"*HD attnifJ p and fitted^ a aie^Is ttft

OldmblMUMmEWLWl .f Ne»rth<Gri«t»lUl,tiitheviaage« .

jkA'L'6N; ' i ; ' , ' i ; ' Aad bavlr* a a t i o the n e c t a r y W i l s e r y , are p>»»a*Td

r to roanufaetnre various kinds o/

W<pOD j T O B k ; Swell a s NJrWKtL J


' If - . - -SI* f t ; -Jv

;; : • : » ' < a D t ^ ' • '"

T 4 a w « d s . U ^ s » ' s M . . ' ' . . ^ ! : " : : ^ . ^ ^ f t » . i i " w *

' •"" r " "

.*»«eAi»Mv. rMvtt.iit*,] mmmam

I -'C'^l



P '


«- f VI •1 %i


•: : : ' i '