pamela iheme_advertising practices project


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Post on 12-Jan-2017




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PROJECTPamela Iheme

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SEXY AD FOR BOLLYWOOD MOVIE HISSThis ad uses sex appeal to promote the film Hiss. An Indian movie about an mythical snake woman goddess. Her character is portrayed as a heroine. The ad shows her in her temple next to her throne depicting her powerful goddess. Her scantily clad clothes show that she thrives off of nature and the out doors. The target audience is global, because her sex appeal will draw a western audience and her Indian nationality/popularity will pull a huge Bollywood audience. This type of ad will not be too embraced in India, because of how conservative the culture presents itself to be. But it will receive great attention in the U.S and the U.K, because of Malika’s sex appeal. It will generate interest and curiosity about the film. The film cost about $5 to 15 million. It did not do well in the box office, because there was too much nudity with a poorly written script. But this ad definitely generated enough attention to draw people to the movie.

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VICTORIA’S SECRET MAGAZINE ADThis a Victoria's secret advertisement about their new fall clothing and lingerie line. They used the very sexy Brazilian Adriana Lima as their cover girl. Her sex appeal and popularity will attract men who find her attractive and women who are frequent purchasers of Victoria's secret products. She is strategically posing in a position where her cleavage is exentuated and her facial expression is very inviting like ‘sexy bedroom eyes”. She is also only wearing a bra up top, because Victoria's secret is known for sexy lingerie. The colors in the background are warm and sexy like lilac, black, different shades of pink, red, black, and purple. Colors that are eye popping, sexy and invoke sensuality. I find the ad to be highly effective, because sex sells. And the sexy models have created a very loyal fan base for Victoria's secret.

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FEAR AD FROM HINDI FILM RAAZ 3This is an Indian film called Raaz 3, which means secret. The target audience for the film are fans of Bollywood Cinema all over the globe. The fear factor would be the image of the woman crying blood in the back drop. The ad promotes, romance, fear, horror, intrigue, curiosity, obsession, and fatality. There is clearly sex appeal with the very sexy Bipasha Basu and the handsome Emraam Hashmi. Both very popular, attractive and bring in high earnings in the box office. The movie cost $4.1 million and brought in $16 million. So the ad worked and brought the money it was supposed to generate.

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SCARS MAGAZINE FEAR ADThis is a magazine that focuses behind the scenes of horror films. The target audience are fans of horror films, people who are interest creating props for the sets of horror films, and people who do special effect make up in horror movies. The creative appeal would be giving an insight to novices who are not very knowledgeable about the hard work that is involved in creating props, sets, make up, artificial gory monster body parts. The ad is very frightening to most people, including myself, due to all the blood, and ugly monstrous faces. This is a small independent magazine dedicated to one genre of film. The budget for this as was not that expensive. This was marketed online mostly through social media, also subscriptions are available for interested prospectors.

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CREATIVE FUNNY INTERNET AD TO PROMOTE FITNESSThis is an internet ad that was created to promote fitness. The creator of this website focuses on funny, but brilliant ads that are witty, entertaining and relatable. The target audience are people who are trying to get fit or loose weight. The ad uses the Lincoln Memorial as their spokes model, since President Lincoln was known as “Honest Abe”. He would be the best person to promote the honest truth what happens when a person sits around all the time, without any for of exercise. You would obviously gain weight, as we can see the Lincoln memorial has packed on the lbs. The ad does a great job at catching your attention and making you laugh, since President Lincoln was never plus size. But then it draws you to the message underneath which reads “If you don’t move, you get fat”. The message could be considered blatant, may be even mean, but the message is clear. The ad works, because there are so many people trying to loose weight today, that it could serve as a motivator for those people.

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FUNNY PEANUT MAGAZINE ADThis is a funny magazine peanut ad done by an Indonesian company. Obviously, it is one elephant giving another elephant the Heimlich maneuver. This caught my eye, because I love elephants very much. The target audience would be peanut, humor, and elephant lovers. The ad is funny, but its clearly unrealistic, because elephants cannot perform this CPR procedure. Also elephants are beloved animals in Asia, they are even considered deities in certain parts of southeast Asia. Elephants are very majestic creatures, so it’s nice to see them in a comical light. But on the contrary, I feel such a large creature took away the spot light from the product. Overall, I think the ad is funny, but a bit confusing. I still love the two elephants very much.

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MILLENNIALS INSURANCE ADThis ad is targeted to millennials who do not have insurance and might need it. Most millennials today are covered by their parents, since the job market is slim for them. Also access to birth control is an issue that has been debated by congress. This ad covers issues such as safe sex, access to contraceptives, and the irresponsible decisions that have plagued this generation of millenials. The ad promotes getting insurance for common misfortunes that often plague young people today due to poor choices made out of impulse. The ad is effective, straight to the point and comical.

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TIME MAGAZINE MILLENNIALS ADThis ad is about the how the present baby boomers generation views the millennial generation. The milennials are viewed as vain, Irresponsible, impulsive, lazy, and reckless, according to this article. There is even a picture of a girl taking a selfie to prove the vanity of this generation. In bold letters it says “ The Unemployed Generation”. This is a statement designed to capture the attention of all generations including the people who agree or disagree. This ad is selling the idea that the milennial generation is completely useless and there is no hope for them, unless they start behaving like they have some manners. The ad does exude disappointment in the milennials, so I think it gets that point across. But it is advertising an idea more than a product.

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MAD TV MAGAZINE AD FOR VIAGRA This is a magazine ad by MAD tv magazine about viagra. Which is a drug that prevents erectile dysfunction. The target audience for this are men who have hard time getting an erection, mostly older men. The background is sunny and bright, which gives off the illusion of happiness. But the old man in the picture looks sad and unhappy. Even his clothes are dark and gloomy colors. The mail box next to him is obviously a metaphor for his erectile dysfunction, since the mail box is limp. His shoulders are slouched and he looks depressed because the slanted mailbox clearly reminds him of his erectile problem. The idea of this ad is that taking Viagra will give him an erection, which will give him his happiness and manhood back. The ad works because most men see not being able to get an erection as a death sentence. They think it’s emasculating, and will purchase any pill to make that disappear. This ad basically says Viagra equals happiness.

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MENOPAUSE INTERNET ADThis an internet on menopause. The target audience are older women that a currently going through menopause and need a pill to make their lives a bit easier. The ad shows a woman making a physical gesture of freedom and happiness. A very liberating gesture. The drug being advertised aims to break all of negative stereotypes associated with menopause, such as abdominal pain, hot flashes, irritability, and mood swings. The background of the ad shows rays of sunshine, implying that the drug will give you happiness and liberation. The color in the background is also a nice warm lilac or lavender, which is a very inviting and soothing color used in Spas to create a calming effect.