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Post on 16-Nov-2020




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Psalm 119

John 1

Colossians 1

The word “authority” can be defined as the power to determine, control, or command. Who or

what are some authorities in our culture and in your life? What does it look like for these things or

people to exercise their authority?

How can authority be used for good? How can it be used for evil?

God has revealed Himself through His Word and through Jesus His Son. What are some

character attributes you know about God through His Word? What are some character attributes

you know about God through Jesus?

Why do you think it’s important to have a source of “ultimate truth” as an authority in your life?

How does believing in an ultimate authority of truth help you and your family or group navigate

chaotic and evolving circumstances?

What does it feel like to submit to an authority that you love and trust? How do you respond

when that authority is saying something that is difficult for you to believe or do?

What is one area of your life that you know you’ve been trusting something other than God and

His Word as your authority? Confess to God that you have been following your own way, and ask

Him to help you take tangible steps to follow His Word as your authority in that and every area of

your life. Remember that His grace is sufficient for you.

What are one or two tangible actions you and your family or group can do together this coming

week to affirm the goodness of God’s authority in your lives?









PRAYERGod, thank You for revealing Yourself so that I might know You and trust You. I want to joyfully obey

You when it is easy and when it is difficult. Show me the areas of my life that aren’t submitted to You,

and lead me according to Your will in those areas. I know Your Word guides me in the best and most

loving ways, and I don’t want to trust anyone or anything but You as my authority. Bring people into

my life who can walk alongside me as I seek to know You more and trust You in all things. Amen.

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Genesis 1-2

Mark 9:1-11

The Christian claim of a God who is one and who exists in a community of three for all eternity

has significant implications for those seeking to worship and follow Him. What comes to mind for

you when you think about God’s Triune nature?

Part of being a Christian is embracing “unity within diversity,” which reflects God’s three-in-one

nature. Have you seen this unity/diversity dynamic within Christian communities you have been a

part of? What did that look like?

What can be difficult about pursuing unity with those who are distinctly different from yourself?

How can you overcome these barriers?

What does it say to the world when they see a group of diverse people who are unified in love

and mission?

What time can you set aside this coming week to ponder the Trinity and its implications for your

Christian community? Schedule that time now.







PRAYERGod, thank You for revealing Your three-in-one nature to us through Your Word. Help us to worship

You as our Father, to remember the saving grace expressed in the life, death, and resurrection of the

Son Jesus, and to trust the empowering work of the Holy Spirit within our hearts. God, instill in us a

heart that embraces both our differences and our unity as members of Your family, so that we as

Your church can better reflect Your image. Amen.

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Genesis 2-3

Romans 3:23-24

When you think about other people, do you find yourself believing they are generally good and

trustworthy? Or do you often find yourself assuming the worst about them, skeptical of their

character and suspicious of their intentions? What memories or stories from your life do you think

may contribute to that particular disposition towards others?

When we read the first two chapters of Genesis we see how God created the world and

everything in it, including mankind. How was the way God created mankind unique relative to the

rest of creation according to those chapters? What do you think God was showing us through the

unique way He made us?

While mankind has been set apart by bearing the image of God in creation, sin has distorted that

image. Read Romans 3:23-24 and consider the reality of the word “all.” What does it mean to

“fall short of the glory of God”? How do you see that clearly in the lives of others in the world,

and also in your own life?

Who are some of the most influential and admirable people in your life? How does remembering

the brokenness in all mankind keep you from over-esteeming or deifying these people?

What kinds of people do you find it hardest to understand or value their perspective? Who do

you struggle to feel empathy and compassion for most? Oftentimes the people who are most

different from us, whether in their race, worldview, religion, political affiliation or other category,

can feel the most difficult to value and ascribe dignity. How can remembering their creation in

the image of God and their corresponding dignity help you see them in a more loving and

honoring way?

The fact that all people are made in the image of God has significant implications for how we

view all people, including the elderly, people with disabilities, people of all races, and the unborn.

What can the church do to reinforce the dignity of all people and show respect and love for all

made in the image of God? What can you do personally?








PRAYERFather, thank You for the gift of being made in Your image. Thank You for bestowing a value and

dignity that can never be taken away because it is sourced in Your own value. Help us to be a

people who see ourselves and others as valuable and unique within Your creation.

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Show us where our hearts stray and disregard the gift of dignity you have given all mankind; soften

our hearts and help us to be a loving and compassionate people. And, Lord, help us to also

remember the brokenness of sin in every human heart, even the ones we love and admire most.

Keep our own sin and weaknesses ever before us so that we do not think more highly of ourselves

than we ought, but instead fix our eyes on Jesus, who perfectly embodied Your image without ever

experiencing the ravaging distortions of sin. Make us wise and sober-minded people who can see

the beauty and brokenness in every human heart while clinging to the perfect love within the heart

of God. Amen.

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Philippians 2

What does the word “humility” mean to you? Think about someone in your life that you consider

to be particularly humble. How do they live their lives? What do they seem to believe about

themselves and those around them?

Jesus, fully God and fully man, perfectly modeled humility for us. How did He think about and act

toward others in the Scriptures? What does this show us about His heart and His character?

In our flesh, we try to find our identity, purpose, and meaning in our possessions or our

accomplishments. In the gospel, we learn that we have all fallen short of the glory of God and are

sinners in need of a Savior. How should this reality deeply humble us? How should it change the

way we view and act toward God and others–including those we consider enemies?

In A Purpose Driven Life, author and pastor Rick Warren observed, “Humility is not thinking less

of yourself, it’s thinking of yourself less.” What does he mean by this? How did Jesus live in this


Why does our humility matter to God? How does practicing humility bring Him greater glory in a

world groaning under the weight of sin and brokenness?

We live in a tumultuous time characterized by disease, racial strife, and profound political division

and animosity. How can you “value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests

but each of you to the interests of others” through your cultural and political engagement

(Philippians 2:3-4 NIV)?








PRAYERGod, thank You for Jesus and the humility He displayed in His life, death, and resurrection. Although

He was fully God, He came in the form of a human being to love and serve others – especially those

I’d often consider the least deserving. When pride wells up in my heart, remind me that I, as a sinner

in rebellion against You, was among the least deserving. Still, in Your overwhelming mercy and

grace, You chose me to be Yours and made me a new creation through Christ. Please help me to

grow in humility, to remember the life You gave to my dry bones and hard heart. Help me to consider

others more important than myself, to seek their wellbeing even when it requires me to sacrifice my

own interests. May my humility bring glory to You and You alone, inviting the people in my life to

look to Jesus and trust in Him. Amen.

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Ephesians 2:1-10

Soteriology, the doctrine of salvation, says we are saved from our sin by grace through faith in

Jesus. How does this salvation differ from other religions? How is it different from what our

culture says about sin and human nature? Why are those differences important?

Re-read Ephesians 2:1-10. How does Paul describe life apart from Christ? What is our identity

apart from Him? What do people apart from Jesus do?

How does Paul describe life with Christ? What is the identity of those who trust in Him? What do

we do, now that we are alive?

How do we move from death to life? Who is responsible? What role do we play in our salvation?

What does that tell us about the nature of salvation?

Why are we saved? For what purpose? How does knowing this purpose for salvation make you


This week, read Ephesians 2:1-10 three times, such as on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

Following each reading of the text, spend 5-10 minutes thanking and praising God, the One who

defies death with life.








PRAYERO Father, may we never cease to wonder at Your amazing love! We were dead, buried in tombs of

selfishness and disobedience and left to rot. But You, God—You loved us even when we were dead,

choosing our way instead of Your way. You came to our tombs and called us out of them, making us

alive in Christ. O Father, Your grace cannot be measured—that You would love people such as us!—

but it can be shown. May the immeasurable riches of Your grace shine in our lives now, with humble

gratitude and the good works You have given us to do, and in the ages to come. Amen.

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1 Corinthians 15

Hebrews 9

2 Corinthians 4

What are some things that come to mind when you think about eternity and eternal life? How do

you feel when you think of these things?

Why is bodily resurrection important for Christians? What would we be missing if we were simply

disembodied spirits for all eternity?

How does knowing about the resurrection impact the way you think about the future? How does

it affect the ways you live today?

How does reflecting on your future resurrection bring you hope? How can pondering the

resurrection help us patiently endure trials in your life?

What about eternal life are you most excited about? Spend some time this week pondering

eternity with God and praising Him.







PRAYERJesus, we thank You for Your resurrection. Since You rose from the dead, we, too, will rise from the

dead. Holy Spirit, we ask that You would daily remind us of our eternal life, and that it would produce

hope in us today to live a life full of faith, love, stewardship, and obedience as we wait to physically

be with You for all eternity. Amen.