paper .. - lincoln county...

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' Paper

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~IDAY, Oct. 2; 1986 NUMBER 14

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By Edward W. Pickai'd

Roosevelt vs. Hearst on ''Red Backing"

11) W a1m1 N<WS/><Iptr Union

. so that it can be subrrlltted to con-gress with their support. .

A SSF:RTIONS made by W1lllam · Handolph Hearst and other op- Veterans of Two Wars

pcmf:'nts of the New Deal that the Onen Conventions Pn·Htdcnt .. possively accepts" the VETERANS of the World war and support uf the Com- of the ·Civil war op_{lned t)lelr rnur\:sts have got annual gatherjngs, the. American unclt·r Mr !loose- Legwn In Cleveland and the Grand Vf:'ll'H r.k:n. A stole- Army of. the Republic In Washing· nH'n! .-Hued through ton. The Legionnaires, many_ thou-Rt•·plll•ll T 1-:urly, sands of them, started off with the l11h b ,. c r e t u r y, dedlcatum of the Peace Gardens In ""'cl the Ohio· city, for which soil

.. My attent:on hus been brought from sacred shrines ht·•·n c allt•d to o of foreign countries and tht. forty-' ,. r ta:n no(orlous A eight states. Nattonnl Commander nt'""'"'~l"'' owner to ·' £] Ray Murphy presided ov~r an lm· r11uk•• 11 uppt•tH thot p.csslvc ceremony and unveiled a the l'rt·Mtdent pas- memorial plaque bearing the III· t.tV<•!y ut·ct•JJtlJ thl' ~upport of allen scription: wum~l711~IOOII holltllc lq J.h<:. !\men- -"Theile gartlemr, planned by ,toon c "" lorrn o' f!uvt>rnmcn. who know the horrors· of .var, were

"Sul'h urtulea ar" l'Cml·elved In dedicuied to the brotherhood of man malu ,. u11<J l>orn of pohllenl spite. ond peur:e throughout the world." Ttwy IHI! dt•l:benutely framed to Cornrnoncfer Mlltphy -In his annual (<tV•• a I .. tt.~· :rnprest~:on, Jfl other report sa_ld: "Whether Our country .,.,,,rdM to frurn~> th, Amcncan I nhull be spored purtlcipation In an­Jit•oplc• I other grcut international con!lagra·

"Tht• l'rt•Htdrnt do"" nnt want ond t10n may well depend upon our cour­do••u uot ~1.-cm.. ttw vc,tc or HUp- uge '"' Le(llonnralren to otund up and pur t of uuy 1nd:v:duul or group tak- dt•rnand thut our government now IIlli ord<·r• from ultt·n M>Urll'll take the r;tepn which moy oave us,

· Tlo" -.mplc lac t w. ul t·our 11e, ob· without ttw lema of honor-o aucrl· ''""" flee we ure unwiUing- to ma,ke o\

"Tt... Arnt•r:p111 peupll' will not uny coat " J•'''"''l HH"or ullf'l•lum to hi' UIYert"d Only about nine hutldrea aurviv· '' "'" ro·;ol '"11~"'" tu fukt• llltlUt'fl oro of till' Union arn\y wcro able to v. ''" h ''" pu!rwtu·, hor:oroble, dl!· Ultl•nd the G. A. R. encampment, • •·•·! • ''""'' "''uulcl JlU~!mwly tnJr<'l und many believe tl will be the IS!lt '"''' "'"'''" '"' alla:rn tc be held The oged worrioro,

M: llc·urul. who w1at1 In Arn••lt•r· I hcad"d by Olcy Nclnon of Iowa, the '"''''· 1""111 1•11)' ll'J•IH'<i l>y t·abh•. ' nallonal cornmon,der, bc{lan their '··~ •

11 1! 111 Jou<t prnl'('edlnr.o with a ocrvlec tn Wnoh· .,,,,. l'""·""'"l h:•n lnnw:•d 11 11tutt•· 1 tngtQnl·othedrol Tho route of their

n·•·••l llorou~th n ut•<·rr~ury lit• han 1 parade woo olx blocku on Pcruwyl­"''' 1 .. 111 lh<> fr nnkrwr.n to nay Ill ' VOniO avenue, lhO CCCnC Of tho grand .,., '"''" l•1· rrfl'f!l 111 tlw ntutl•mcnt n•vlcw of u10 Union ormleD before.

I tt.:nk I nrn )untfflt•d In '"'' Pretlid"nt Andrew Johm:on ecventy· •""''"" lh.ol I urn tlw nbJt•t•l of lhc one ycu ra uso. tult·<~oc·~ot. und thut I rnuy l'IIUr· __

h•ouool) c•ndl'uYot lu torrt•l'l Mr. JlmuwH·Il n ITIIII'tlotrmeniD and to H•! l11m IIJlhl

"l .... t rnr nuy thnl I hnvo nul alated ol ""Y tHn<' whrther th" Prruldt>nt " or unwalhn,t tt'<"('IVC'd the aUJIJ"•rt of th" Korl Mara Soclnlt!IID, ll11• ~·r unllfurtc•r r ndu. aln, ('0111111U·

•·••I• ~~tul anort'hlo~ the Tucwcll uulllhcuhL, nnd lhe Jl!rhbrrn u•v· ulu! IUhl!llO Vlhldl COIUitiiUtO 11\c bulk ,, file rullu\\ lflll

VIrgin lnlnnda Hnve New Federal Jud~e

G EO ROE P •• JON&S of Mlnno­noto, who hoD been norvlns 011

Japan's. Move Against Cjlina _ - --~

PROBABLY Japan Is abou~ re:.dy. to proceed further with tlie sub­

jugation of Chiita, · tbe latest e~-

• I

, cuses being ~he alleged murder ot rever a! Japanese natlonals by Chi­nese. It ·was announced \Jy the ;na.vY

. depa.rtment. m Tokio that Japan~e marines' had been ordered to lll!ld at Hank ow to 'protect ·the Ufe and property of Japanese ttl ere, and that "the navy tears that jt may be· forced to_ reaort to some defensive measures in the- nea.-- future." The announcement added that the sin., cerity ot' the Nanking government In wanting to end anti-Japanese feeling In China was not dependa­ble ·and hence protective ·meaaures were taken.

Havana Paper Dynamited; Four Persons Killed

F Ot:TR persons were killed and two buildings- wrecked by a dy­

namite blast that shook Havana, Cuba. The plant of the newspaper El Paljr\ll,as destroyed, and only the qufclvwork pf the police saved that of the Dhi~lo de lor Marina.

lnlormed _authocl*ics. .1lltpressed belief lhe explosion was planned by Spanish residents ••who became an­gry· over publlcatlon of Spanish civ­il war news In the tw_g . newspa- ·

pets. · · ' " h • • • C "" II The &last demolls ed a lt.uo c church ncar the El- Pals· building. Scores of suspects were arrested, many of them being memQers of the Spanish Socialist circle.

t" . . '. ..

1-Lewls 0. Barrow~:~, Republican, who was elected governor of Maine. 2--Germa~ flying boat £oluS in New York harbor after Its flight across the Atlantic. 3--SpQ.Jlish loyalists from !run and San Se}>astian taking refuge on French soil.

-- ~-·-- . -~--::.-------------------­• --. .. .,. . . ' Spain Appoints New •

Minister of War In the reorganization of the Spun­

Ish cubillet the, pCJst ot premier was

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• given to FrnncW<:o Larao Caballero, left SoclallGt l~ader.


· 'Mellons .l.{ece1ve ··Chemical . A wara •

Chenter G. Floher, chlllrman of tho Pitt!lbursh section of the Amerl­cnn Chemical coclcty, prccentin~ to Andrew w. Mellon, center, and hill· nephc\\t Richard K. Mellon, right, tho cocJcty'o bronz.o plaque "for out­otnnBlng service to chemlotry." Young Mr. Mellon accepted in the name ot hio father, tho late R. B. Mellon.

• -- . ~ow · Britishers Join the Army on Trial

• -- . • •

;-· I I • , I


I ''" "' u:mph noul hnd Ahnwn 1 f·,,d hr tlttf•<l rrc rtVl' tt,f' ~UfJJ*'-•rt nl If' tt ,.,, .... fl,lf'n 1•f t)lr 1\rnrru nn SSVA ... '"''' ,,f J:•· .. r·rnn~r·nt ond tha' hr htlll •h·hf' h11!:t tf•td lfl ti.,-rPt\( tht• CLUpf..ttJ11

uf .,.I "'tilt. tlu. 1 tJfl ann and dt•.n.lrut~

A•"• l'n••· "!I'll Sprrchr" S l•f • o·t 'I lie •t.; .... , .... rrolnl! wh111 • J· "' '\1 • '"''h t\uUtd IUkl· tn

. .; •

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t' • . .

An army recruiting officer in London explains to some young recruit!l .. The New Ide~" of .h\!1 mojesty'o army. The new idea is the army's supplemen!Dry reserve trial scheme. A t'Ccrult moy join the supple­mentary reserves Cor six months. U he likes military We, he moy join the regulnr army. Il he does not. he may return to civilian Ufe, but Is required to come up for 14 days of training for the next five years. Be is given a b'\unty of six trounds n yenr and pay whil~ in trnining. l''

II Duce Greets Mothers and Their Children

• • ,.

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Is Chosen for Palestine Post

Lleut.-Gen. J. C. Dill, dtt«!ctbr genera: of mllitary opetnUons and lnteDigance at the BriUsh war of­fice, who wos appointed os the new

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.. NEWS • --

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.. ,....('Ji;.·: . DRAGONS . ORJVE ·. YOU ·Sophistication Is Going Opt.-.

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• . . • · · · .• . Youth · Doffing. the ·soiled Mnntle o'f

· ·B1 EDWIN BAJ.MER .•. Jt inul~plled11 til Jll~_!,.bf)' aD..JI.St PI?.!!'- ... '· ·- Thos.e E.Uhittered· by Di!Ulppointment . Break crisP cooked bacon left · . . . • ' · • ertu.l a' IIlan'll IISttnets-1\lOSt powerlul ~Vel' aftel' breakfaSt into potato

SYNOP.SIS ~ ', ·-

• f Copyrll'llt t~:r E4wtn BB.lmer In some men-to protllCt a womau '-.-. ___ ,...... ________ ...,. ___ ,:.......J,.--.....,_,.-----~ ..,,. J•b· Qraddon, :roung and fll.ntaatl~all:r WNU 8 1 soup. It improves the ftav,:~r. •

•ucqeastul brok~r ot Cbl~~;o, !~ tnt&~·. • · erv co Ia her l~nocenee. To protecU To A COLLEGE DEAN said recent· f.reshness, its f.aith to write on 1 ,• • •

uatt~d wllb"' Gle11eltl>. ~e11.ut1tul ::::::;::::;;:::::::=;;:;:;:::::::::;;:;::::::::::::::== -eossess her, that was. . ly that being sopnistlct.ted is ·its ·own slate only beauty ~d · A ~loth saturated with vinegar 4aUilhter ot • h~tred rn-.nutacturer. · '" · · · "Gnd bel Cath"''" 1 t f hi f tl A d 1 •. h th ~l\odney, " doctor 111 lov• -will> ~t~··~ Wu· her- !DPth~r- aware, Agni,!S won· " · P )'OU, · · "'!-t- · ·.gong out 0 as on. · Per ec on. n w en you pre. and rubbed over brick tiling will vtatta hla brother,' Je)l. Rod pla!la work· dered'.almost •shast, wbat she was be. ·'ro~ld bave cried with dread and tear Can it be ,ttue that the craze for matur.ely dons the soiled and make the tiling look like new.

•"' llocbeater. Jell au.rg~su that he t,_)lng7' or didn't she· care, If this ·for him, could ahe have seen hlQI look sophisth::ation-to appear blase; to shabby mantle of those who have m1,1k• • tr:r ,or Al'!lea beror• tea.vlmr. man ~ave her a !lint lll!'t wonld help up, from Agne~· me,morandum, to seem worldly wise, to know it known disappointment nnd foil· Jn ll94 tiler• I~ ·• deept~r. Qbatlnate. be .. • · Agnes. . all, to be hard-boiled and con· ure, it ddes right to call this by 4ecenqy than In Jell. A-sn•• bellevea • • . . . to be happ;r, "' IJirl m11st bind ·h•r~tlf "It leta the man deny bls years," A~ne:s' '.Plother did see ·him: but temptuous gf the simple things- the· name "Sophistication" - a e.ntl,elJ lll· a ·.rnJI.II ·alii! ·tlave •4oriLbl• Catb 1 d h In tier mind there lay· ~ll.tween her can it be truE! that modern youth synonym of aljlulteration. bable.l, Vllltl! Acn~.•: and toll!! II. .~liiSWI!re .. t e mother as though daughter . .and this lawyer an uobrldg. is through with it? C Bell Syadicate.-WNU Ser\'lce. Gt ~·· lltfeat de•tre, but realize• It ~:an he noticed no~hlllg of her tntenStt)'. able chasm, wblch -she could not lm- And. why? .Is the advent ot old ll•ver be· tulftiJoA .. •nea' "'!ithllr Iii at· "He make• onto morN mane'" thou"h ~ "' ... ... · · ~ u "• " nglne him, even In fancv, nttemptln.. fashioned h"tS and ruffles so 1 "· tempting tci rer:al11 Jter b'Qibu,nd'i!l 19ve. grpwlng older. Jt aeefus a sign or • ~ " · .,. "'

Agnea hllll cu.~urblnc do)!bbt It!' 'o w:hat strength, rreater lllstead or Jess '!l'lth to eroS!!. Inlleed, <~~he left th.l!m alone fluenclng our point of view that i!~t:~~l~n~:r ~:tr.erl'~rn:~: ;!~:::; ::~ hla years. His wife, she llncls noth· a tew minutes after Cnthol bl,llfiiD tc modem youth now wants to throw lind toi!Jitller tlltt:r view an ap11rtrnef\t ·If!& In her. ilo!nga to deny her· years review, In bls clear, competent way, sophlstlcatron into the discard? tn ct~!o;ago, ,J~ ask!!. Asmus to aat a.n tor b!lr. S'pendlnJ money doesn't do the 1te111_s or erldence. The fellow- l·thln~ I know t!le reason, says earl:r date, but •he tell• h'lm 11he can· lt. You got to mnke lt. It'• mak- JJentrlce Olenelth decided-was not of- a woman writer of international flOt marry him. When the AKflnt. Mr, · " tenslve • 011 th t h 1 d i M d y · Colver, otrera to ahow them a rurnlahed lng money thnt gives proof, which. • e coq rnry, 0 •a reputat on. o ern outh must

"apartment, Jeb aak11 Agnes to uee It the wife can't match, of bla grenter knock of dealing wl.tb most dellcole have found out the real meaning alol!e, aAylnll he mu.c return to Ill• bill... d tt .~obJects 1mpel'l!onnlly. of the word. ·Poring over their omce. A"'n•• conaenta 11.nd Jeb leAve... a .., nn nttrac oos." ~You· will mnk d It " d' i 1 th h .. "Attrnctloftal". Bentrtco Olenelth r~ e a goo w ness, let onar es ey must L ve ac• A radio Ia bl&rlng terrlftcnltt from nno u ~ ~- C thai s Jd id U n.. a ·,, - • c en y bumped .into th,e derlva-e~r the apartmenta. Colver raP• upon pen ted, and Cathnl caught a· twltcb- For her? sold A'"'es. t'on ot "sopht'sticated." the door, wblch Ia opened by .~ arn.nUJ;v like 1 h ld 1 kl "" ~ elad slrl, who drawa Agncus Into the · \V nee, eo· e 80 qu c Y: '~For whom else?" asked Cnthnl. For "sophisticated" men n s room. Colver finds bcr huubAnd, C~tarlea "LorrJe knew .better -·but tiJey .nil ''You'll get :1\er- offi" Al:llCII reallz:ed ndulterate(i. Look it up tmd see

·Lorrie, tatall:r.ahot. He cn.lle the Pllllce. 4o. He knew It wna his money, n.ot nloud, as uhe looked ut him; It it doesn't! · l'a17rtle Lorrto aa'kl Agnes to phone him that •• tl h d h Sb Catha! O'lofara, a lawyer, to como at ' .u,Yr e 11 to 11 vo. e She liked him: Bbe hod liked· him And come to think of It, It

" once. Agnea doea; The pollee tnke married him for lt. from the Instant she saw . him enter couldn't have a better name. If eh•rse. O'Nara arrlvu, Tho omcere Are "And· she could have got nwny with ~lyrtle'a apartment, where the the wiaest of us had tried to put antaconlatld' to· him. l.ftM• •Isles with Lt, Md 110 l'OUid I d b t• · 11

"b'NArl, Ainiolto to"" !l wttnna ac-thll • - · 10•• an een, 11!1 ~s· alread.J~-"Werc. • The {llll!lllein the ttlng 11.\beJ, .on that ·ms of coming trl11l. cathtll'• grandfather and Oed, It be hadn't been· hnPI1Y In-lila ·-room-would Ilk!;) 111m : tbe Jury would youth's natural a n d bea-utiful father h11d loat their llvea In tbe line marri~JJ'e before. It wq11 that whtch like him. · freshness-If a genius had tried or 4uty •• ott:v nromen, and Ills r:rn.nd- proveff1 t.he death or hlm-Ulut o11ce T.he tall (Joel! In u1e hpll eurprlsLod to express that warping of stand· mother,· Wlnnto, haa built her All around l1e'd bee hnp I" n PY A"'nes with Its d~p. boon1ln,., etroke ards, that .. ointing ot taste, that (:athllJ, wlio, bolnll ambitious, bad " ~~ ,. worked lila wa1 tllrouuh lAw echo<>l "Howl" breathed Ben trice. or Ovo: the uun, unregurded, hnd cut souring of outlook, that premature and, hudlnl' tho appeal o~ the do~por• C4tbol c:ontrontetl her. "ltavl'l 1011 Its dimming rndlnocc hnlt acrolll! the aging of all the serislbill,l.les .he "'''and the despised cauao, 1111' .commit- not lrnown bnpplnesll?" he lllllll bOldly. room. It caught C'nthol'a bend. nntl could have mimufnctured no ted hlmaolf to tho detenae or crlmln11l cuea. Thouuhta or Acnu dlaturb cathnl. and wnlted for no answer. "Then how, AgnPo· observed tlmt hla hulr Will not, better word than "sophisticated." :asr. Lotrlo hAd Cllot oiT the wire <Vho hnvl11g bouiffit her with money, could 118 abo hall lhougbt, block. but au· For sophistication lo an adulter·

· bad borne btm hla dAugbter to m11rr1 he hnve wlt.h her thr run or 10 burn or Ho tii'I'Jl n hue that only tb~ atlon of viewpoint, 01 judgment,

Foreign Words and Phrases. •


· Aleu jacta est. (L,> The die is cast. (The words ot Julius Caesar after crossing the Rubicon.)

Alter ego, (L.) My other self: bosom friend.

Bonne • bouche. (F.) A dainty morsel; a tit-bit. · ·

Coup de theatre (F.) An unex· pected ever.t:. n startling surprise.

Qurnnte !® iL.l During your good pleasure.

Embonpoint. C F. l Plumpness: stoutness: corpulence.

Facile prlqceps. ( L.) Easily the first: the acknowledged leader.

'Loco citato. (L.) I.rl U\o place cited.

Par exemple.(F.l For example; for instance.

Montunl sempe1' llberl. ( L.) Mountaineers are a.ways freemen. (Motto of West Virginia. l

Quo animo? (L.) With what mind or lnt~ption?

Nation~l Flower M;rrtlo, and •ftor two yonrp ot wodd"d "ShA aold t1ft-elt bod, and .nul tn dltt'<'t sun brou"l\t om the red In tr. of taste by tho taint of frustra-ltto aho had kllltld blm. Tho coronor'o ~ •·• u ~ .. ft

~ur,., bold• M7rtla to tho srl:\nd lury. him, tilt! Myrllc, whom )'our tlaugft. llo hud ve'ry nlre hulr: nml. h& ho<l tlon, tho bltternesa of dtnllluslon- A nation-wide contc:>nt tor the A~nea promlaea O'Milta to revtow tba tcr walked In on, Mrs. otoncllh. She bolter bnmla. In nlrength 11n(J ahnpl', ment, the polson of disappoint· selection of a· nnllo11al flower was ca .. with him. tried to deliver her ooul' 011 wnll 08 I hun 011y other mnn lltu~ knew~srept mcnt, the dregs of tho cup of conducted by "Nature Magazine,"

her bot11 to hlw: but the aoul wouldn't. llod. Ills """" wrro 01 blue 011 A~:n~a poor experience. True, Uf9 Is not and louted for nbuut o year. More deliver. Somethhll: 11een to thnt." knl'w lwr o1vn to be. Thin lawyer all beauty or joy or ptlrlcctlon. than a mllllon vote:. were cast,

nc atoppetl, and Uentrlc:e Oll•ncllb hut! Pyea Jhnt routd be cool, c:ompPtrnt. Neither Ill It all bitter or !lour or and olmos1 half of U1em were tor CHAPTER V-Continued

-G-"TTl1!7 told nbout Bert tn tile pupens • • this morning," A iOn suddcni.J eald,

• curp.-tuloc blm.

remulnetl atnndlng, u·nltlng tor him. ltrnctlcul: nnd thl•u 7,.0 could rnt«'ll wrOnong. the wild ro!lc. Columb:ne wall ncc· "But OhnriPa Lorilo would hnnl aoul him Jooklns 011 ny llko .,a dreamc•r, 11 G e or the mont powctfu1 wcop-l ond choil."e. No national flower 1\ao

r•ocr. Oll!l In .the hands of youth Is Its been officmlly dc:>slgnatcd •

• • • After frosting cakes dip n knife

In hot. water ond smooth over the frosting {o rllake it· glossy.

• • • If o few sljces of bacon are

placed in the bottom of the pan in which a ment' loaf Is baked It will give it n delicious flavor.

• • • Don't forget to CO"er your

crocuses and tulips before the frost gets Into the ground. Cover well Witt leavi,!S and lay boards over the leaves so they will not · blow uway. ·• ··- • ' •• • •••

To remove varni-sh from floors, use 11 solution mode of three table· spoons of washing soda to one ctuurt of water. Appl~ with a coarse brush.

• • • . After flow~;~rlng plants have

faded and been removed from. piazza boxes fill "boxes wUh small growing evergreens or p l n o boughs.

• • • Sltlnl;! may be more e~slly re.

moved from potatoes If a ·narrow ntrlp arou11d potato Is pe~led oft before putting potato~ In to boll.

• • • When setting aut h~aclnth bulbs plucc Uu~m nix to ten inches aport and covc:>r to 0 depth or tour lnd'lc:>a. Cover bedu wltl1 lenvea, to prevent bulbs Creezln1. at t c r growlll h'Us slnrtcd In tho Spring. • • • • •

Whcm prc:>parlna mur;~tard add o drop of zmlnd oil to It while mix· tng Thill will areatly improve the fluvor.

II" ""''''""''<! N,wopa~ro.-W NU Sn•kc. • •Yl'll," uatd Ctllllol. "Decauso I told them.

<lrond Jurr 1(!Jitercla;v."

aa well ns bodJ, bnwtn~: paid tor \L. .. l•onr no hrr noul was, bo would hnve "I'll copy lblu: then tbnt'a all I'll ·-· ·-------------.---------:...--------------

1 told rbo IL Onco he hntl a wtte, body nnd nl'<'tl or )'Oil, now," ho anlfl. IIOUI. ion GOO: 10 Ito wn11 npoll1'tl tor "Jiow dltl yuti' lll'l lnlo 100r bnnl lt'uo. And Uu•n llu•ro wau UrrL so' Agoeu audth•nly, aRkl.'tl him. "Did roul" IJ,clld Catha!, and wnlchcd

bcr OWih up to tho rqota ot her nne, •tra\T•JCIIow bnlr. Sho bnd on a aim· plo blua dreu (tbo ll:lml!, It waG, wblcl• aho bod •worn tor ltod): and fo It abo tlell&htcd thl• roan too, tbuugb 11he wna not tliliik1itc or blm

he bl".:ao to b~nl up bill 7nun~r 1vtro ''Thc> lnwr atyrtle. A trlnP lwtore two o'cloelt "I nlt'nn. dt>rt>mllng ITomcu llko M vr· on tbnt day, when lat('t rour tlrm~:h· lle-t:nrrlo." tel' had tbr Ill lurk to bo looldns ••tnnll;r ho said: about .tho bblldlnu wlt11 Mr. nrnrtdon. . "I \\'DD oiTc.>retl wbnt you would rnll Chnrll'll Lorrlo ~rrnl too for. . • • a £lOOtl ntnrt In n ln<V·flrm. f\ttl'r l waa

llOIV. "It I hlldn't. wouldn't tbl'J bti\'C In·

c11crt'd l•err ' Uo lnughcd, rl!llJ.!lorlns her, anita aho

ant bark: "You'd notbtua to do wllb

T11ero wer(' rcrtaiQ bn•lcPll ond t'on· tu11lona on !lyrtlo whl~h )'our duuuh· tt'r, placed on 11he u-a11 wUh )fyrlll', could not hnvo tailed to IU'fl. RQ I mu11t mollo uure or the mnnner nt hPr

•· Cflo Indictment: 110~ .they kno.w obout ml!morr ot tJJem, and noroo .othrr Bert. bUt tlley did a C 1t:now bo cl Clllll'd llt'ID) ot· awltlone(!." tll.'r lit tho Oat \fbllo you waro lhtre! . , 'WtttT'1re-r."-- " • -r~~ ~ · · ·· • ~ · = ~Qt1,!111JtJ.tlm;. c"...'lln ./.WlmiD.Jt .Oft,

"Ditl yoo ll.llow thlll?" n•kc>cl AsnCD llr tb-ntter wl! were Ia that npart· •t.'c!rtnlnty. alto told Otn... ment. lnd I l'Clnr1 ltle tlllWIIfiDpt>ro ht'N!, "Oh 1.. ' I wroto down C!Vf!rylhlna lhor t knew IJer UIOIIIer aUrred hc~lr. Uol'l rd done. TliO PDJ>(>tll prt?ted llllml!

· familiarly bet dnugbter bnd bl'(!n con- lhlnWJ I -d,ldo't 11" 11 and dldn t rtn. '!_llll ..erolng crltb tbiJI crtmlnal law;rl!r 1 tbey dldn C nur~>e with each nthrr.

"You hnvo Juat referred to rour ell- "No," &:Jid CAtboL "II avo ;vnu wh.!lt el;lt. I prC~rumo." cbe cntd to Oltbal. rou m'OIC!f' "l~.. "lo m1 room." And abl! oroiUl. "'I'll Suddenl7 curt0111t7 rnucbt ller btl rlgbt back. ..

agoiDllt · her lntl!ntlon. "Do<>A • wom· fn hl!r room abo IX!nt llororl! bl't ao like that tell her tltloral.!>1 all tho deak. nod puliM out th11. drnwl'r con· tnlth about ber~~ettt" · talnlng heJ- own lnUmalt>, aeollmen·

•somo do." ailld C4lhot tnl mlstellany. "Dld abel.. Sb& reml!mbert!d now, when abe hod "She told me about ~rt-9otl her utnrtl!t1 to tuck In mth tbl.ll medley lhe

relnuana With her bUJJhllnd. no knew ~rd of her meetfn~t l'llth l17rtle St; and "he li_l!ett about Dert-thot Bert Lorrre. abo bod BlfP~d, teatrnlned by was In lova \\!ltb her, and ube u-c.a In tbe fCo~~Ung tlmt tbt ~mornnuum Wlllf love with B~ Sbl!'a mucll like any utterly allen and ~ntnmlontloll to th(l other woman; anll ho ..,.111 just a bUll· otbor ~ntents of tb~ drawer. Btl! abe lland w11G'c1 mnao for hlmielt r.oo hAd n~ ~fer reiJOllltorn omt w -ab~r much mot:ey, • hncl thrttat It nnder the other thlngB.

. 'lt ft~dr 4®gb~r bAd WP;»!Iled to She withdrew It wltl!. no. wcb e%· pus tbnt door In tbe morning, IDlllead oggeroted offense at Its utter lllrnn~:e­of llle ofteracon. she'd hove aeen a DE!IL Myrtle. lntn whOlle life Agopg lnabnnd and wile IIJ:e eoougb to 0 mil- Oter.elth bad lltombted, rro" no woman "You Will Make a Coed Wltnus,"

llald Cathal.

lion Glhi!n. 'Ttl tho way wllll 11 IIJOrt. Tbla I!VPnln~t. In NPw Vnrll. C11me llkll mun!er-01peclnlly murder. mlgbt ber rnthrr 00 seeklnn 1101J1P ndmltred to the bar. lflsa Oll'nl'lth,"" !JnL. Oleaelth. It springs from oolb· c:ounte~rt of Myrtle? he Mid. "II wog with o firm )'OU'd I lei nausunl Jtllll rrom Uie moo! ostJ· And what of Jeb t~n>nty 1"11 " from hlgbly opprov!'-lmowlnll nolhtn~: bu! l

a.t thltl;:9 lo thg world, It comell from now. or lllxll'f'n renrs or mnt'b lf'Sll. the name of thP partot>n nud thQ ell· ! -the OtOSt batnob lmpu~ pashed a It hl' l!l:hnDl'!l?d bill happiDI'!:ll avlrb entA thPY &erve. You !;now Rnme of· bit further... h~r IIOOilt'T? thPm-thP rllentl' dnnt:hten · onrl GOD\. ,

'"What ore you tatli:tn::; obnnn~ ftow. ortnally, bad Jeb o1Terro lilm· Some ll'te nloog rhht lake ahol'(>, tnnk· i -The life nil of tlll are living," Co· &etn. . . . , . In;: thl'l r. th 1 Ito It

... ftl r~ntJ"" without 'b~ ... , 11,. hlll HP d alve her ntJ: and 111le !J g{ve r mo ·w- e men- n " e 1·;

.... u ·~·· n.o, •cu.. .. Yotlt fotloer'd know many or rhetn.!

who shot him: There's nothing slrnntte •t don't !mow Olen: nnd nPIIher d() '"Connf'Ctlonsr s.'lld Agni'S. ln tl'le tbtl!9 ot them tt'om start to :ron. And I don't enr('.o<.nor do TAD-

• •

eohn. •And when one snddenly stopg hie aiL Together~ while tl•elr cup ron- I'd •lone W'l'll. enough In tsnv !:(>lJool,, livfilg n. from lleln~: shot by bls wlfe, tented them. the:v d Up It up and drnln nnrl mndP no aeQunlnton«"e that Jrot; Clthers ClUl see plnlner, perhaps. wlult It to thg lost dtop of mutual emnt!on, me the offer ot the job: bqt 11 ttasn'r ;· t.bey'te np to. Take Cbnrl~ r.orrte And tften be would tutn to oome oth· entirely me lhPy wonted. It l';'llS morP l and bra Ortlt wtre-..aM hill IU!rond er w<Nnan? And wbnt wonld RhP do? . my coooecllong." J

If fl t h II r "?.rtne. such II they .were, whll'h "-. • ~ -~ :;!:b7ihr! !!:rn '"'::-&-"!Jiel;"h:~ oth'::.~- rs ave everyt • ng rom'h .otnde me frlend!l wttli. M~Da who bnd-

putaes." - But she dltl cnre. tnfinPnce In flxlnno what olho>rs must BBI-&I'B! ·SAV£ MONIY!' Uf!TBBNIW

• '"\Vlltcb twor Agnea bt>ant h~ S~tJ shifted In\ the drawer onll' of pay to. the support of the Slat" ond lliothi!r 09k. JE!b a lmpetttotiS. \xcltlng letters: nnd the clts-ln tni:es. · I could b" nse-

' "LOrrle ·nod &f ..... te-who •. after he'd .. she tottebM .... r.or .. an Jostnnt. nod af· fill. I fQnnd, In seeln~t real-l'Stnte as· ,. ,.. ' m st wltfr. r~ tbt> 1 hi h aessmenta ndjusted nnd t:n:es re•luced

· , "- ~t otr her tbat bore bla dttughtet to 0 a'ICn . en"e ope w c to m"kh p· ronertle· 8 mor'e proflfnb1~ . · ., .. I! ~at. tht'tt m4ttll!d blm. a• stnrted · Bod bad ·Dddrgssed to her: nnd her " " •· n

• · 1i bfa. troubl~ b)' what he dlc1: ret he miQd rlong to Its qulell'r tl't Rtrnuge. for thllllli 1:1w'ntng them. I wna to be · · · l! ·. wu fdltowtng oril.F the-tommonest im- ty stirring contents. used In the tax·cllentlog thnt wai cut·

pulses ot tnen In middle Ute." · - Sit~ CloliM tbn drnwet• and tooll ttng the benrt out of Chicago." · "'What ttb-putu dd fi1U bielin1" f.o- dowuatnli'll the paper which preserved "J don't understtlnd," 1111ld Agnes, _... - h 1 tem~l ot b wri lchln~t him. · .... elft1r ·' ~·:- ei' lDP ODS t nt llpurtmeot a .<.

.i<Jnlfde1ltj b tlle 'liiilci~t torm It wlreffio t.Jyrttif lllliJ ~tzi!lr"'l)}Oif trer. · !' ow ·wonlu fotJ7 l>on't thlnlc me cakes, .. cathat s:ild. · • ·· C'llthtil arose to TOCelve rtom i\gnl!s vutUog myselhnbove tbem that wete ... KJnde•U" . . • · the paper 11he bad btongbt him: and nsl.:ed to do what J.i "Wlffildn't. You

'"At llilist.•• liald C&lhat/''sometlm~. he remahied standing In the center see. I wn11 stopped 'b;t' 11. stake or my The wtt~tba ~l •11e--more often or the rootn ns be read. own which J bnve 111 the city.••

• lets him back; It ~be wnnfa blill. fint Agnl'$ bn!l elated the paper, nnd ot . •You mean property?" asked Agnes, < 4. · • r.ome.1 'Rfien hti' t!ll iJllder the delo· the top bnd written why she '11'1\9 re- wondering nt hl9 feeling. ' fdon of the mldcili!'.ageif man maklh'!t eonltog, at tbnt time, exacttr wh!lt tie shook hla bend. "N&, not Pt'OII·

.':1 ' ml:ltll\7; didn't become uofa{UlC11L He abe bad teen nod heard nnd done: nod erty. Nothing .f own; merely n-a

" •

\ . ' \ f.

dlvorced lila old Wlfl!i Instead and why· sbe bod done wbnt she hnd. ~em(jry. At least) tt mode me thank boUght hlm It ;tounger oue..,. ' ' • Cntbrll . could t:ntcb Jts Importance · therii thnt o«eted me that Job, lin If ·"What do-· ton aU the deltiston ot to his client nod .at- the snm11 time turned me to crlmlnnl Jnw- tnktnJt

tho middle-aged man tnaklnr mooe~,.. tooJc tbrol!gb tbls wt[Un:r dePp hilo the cas~ ot the lllyrtle Lorrlet. ShOot· A.gjle!! heard h:er moth~t prest hlm on. thlf tevelnUon ot the nature (1t the Jolts treaner."

• • '

"TJ!eft' flnnt;J~fitliln tbiif. mlli'eylng i;lrl Who \\i!S Wl'lfchliliZ hfiil rt'llll llnw · '"Than whntt" ~n. ·the)'ll have aPia their- totltb- ·Impqulbte to dlmmb!e t\"hen olll'! tie was atrl!dng bock, Agne1 felt: .nil that ~1!1 call btiY both b'Odt llb!l writes upon a Plitt!! f · bilt. nnt at her. It waa nt others l!Oill ot· l womnrt. Ot t'OUrsi!. Ws tht • Ciltlifil hild iliit seen A .. nl'!l• wttt. wtr.m Iii" ft~lt In so/M Wily. iumo-crate<f --~~~a~ lrioTheiii;tt - .. • ...... -tiif liefonif ancrne TonTwit· iiJr fr'i}.m ttl•h her-:1n1f lJOW clOIIelt, she WOII-

"UOW 110M , tllit monet tfo U to \tht• page lib~ bnd wtltrfl\. '1tJLt.~!U· tleted. · ··. ...:-:. ·-:. _ .. ~ _;;"':~ ~~~· .. _bN~u_'.)!JI_~~t._li,Sf_.G~!ie_tc~ .fT(} !If. _CON'fiN(/$QJ .. -. .

. ( . -


. i

,if ;~ ... ,, . ' .. • •

• • •

I , .

l'l'ANDARD TIRI F . 'AISEI"P 101 IRBS'l'ONB eogioeets have - • c I CA 1

ptoved that. the tougb, Hac uead of ,-_,1 • . 4•S0.20,. · . · , , ~ ibe new 'Fireitoae V~ • • • • S 7•4S Standard Tire weats so little on wet, · • • • • 7 cold loads ot Fa11and Wiater thac you'll have nractically 4.?s.zg • • • •7S

r 5.00.19,· • .• • • • 8 ....... . _ new tt .. ead$ next Spring. -The FircstoQ'c Pum-Dip~ing process ha's proved to give s.zs.z • • • • .

h bt · • d • s 2 7

• • •••• t ·· · · ~ c greatc~ ZfP.' pro~?a;sa p~rn~es co;n;.r~on •• s-18•••••• . .. •45 eatutt;use onry n •restone g1 • pee an tan ar ares. FOR l. · . . . 9•i7S .

This new fi-restone Gum·D•pped . Standard ofTen ... , ~~~~f(S AND JU,• • values no othl!r make, at any price, can give. Ju price lZx(j t . . . ~ES r~main~ low. Dutwitb l!iU commodity prlc:cs going up- .· .. ,.ti r,,., $ • .., 6· = tltc pr1WJ. may to1Jow. lt toll want safely, long mileage.--- ~Zt__G-.f.t. tr.. ·· ;t• S · and teal ecoaomt IJf11.1hl ~olrellont Slamlard /iOW! Go w . ~09-20 ••••• : · _. •IS your 'Firestone A~to Supply and Service Store or ~htlil~,.,~ •· .a6.9J Deale.r and equip yout c:ar iodav. • . ·· · : ,_,. .. ':'et, r;w-


:t.hUn~~Yill«ot'Etmt~'MOrtdJitl?~ ··· • •

• • .• . •

f • •

• \

Iii' . . ,pia>. '

• . . . •

.. •

' .






' .


' •

' ' ' .


,. -

• '

Call For .County NoanipatinK Convention

. '

C11rrizozo, New' Mexico

Public's~ Favorite • • ' . .

Cibcla- Hotel . . , I . • . ... -.. . ~ .

Under ',l'he 14~gem,ent . or 1\ml. B. D. Game~ . . ' .

- Beautiful. Any- Rooms · · · Deliciou~J.Hom~Cooked

-MEAlS- . . . '

We ar• a)way•prepared!,• SERVE YOU

HELP WANTED . ·' -Notice iM her~Ly ·given that a -·;;~~;·~~-~~~~--~-·-"" I SIT Their Store ~~~:ga~,8~~~~~:1 ·:;·to

Oemocraqc N'orilirlatlnu "Conven- IE W this Machine. Carrizozo, l~ew Mexico and vicin-Uon will be held at Carrizozo N. u s. co&uussJONRH ICTOR R ,... .A· · it~-- work to apply on tuitio~. Mcx. at 10 o'clo1·k A. M. Wednes- . HOMRSTKAD '-" t Will also pay cash bonUJJ. Ex· . day . October 7 1936 at the AND paooPs cellent opportunity- to get Diatrict Court room. lnaurance Notary Public . .. money-makinl( education at low

The purpose of the Nominating omc~.oppoalle Telephone lb. You will be sure to cost. Write for !ull detailS at.. Convention is to select eandldal.e8 1 Cnri"'JW~o •. N. M. I C 1 once. Draughon's College, Lub-Cor all County otll(;es. :.----------- I boose bock,- Texas. · .

Repr<.'!lcntation to said Nomi• nating Convention will be aa ... .. - -Collowa: Prect. No. Del ega rea Lincoln 1 l2 Hondo i:! 14 Arabela a 2 Picacho 4 5 Rabcnton & 2 E'ncinvao 0 2 Jiearilla 7 fi While Oaks H 6 CapiLan !J 20 Ruidoso 10 7

-, -

Miller Service Station Highway 880, W('lt. ~r

City Limits.

StMCird OU Pr*<b. RPMOO

R.A.A.CHASE Teacher of Voko and ·Plano

Bealnaert alatt takea •

Studio two bloclt•. north

' . ' . •

--~ .. - -- ·---~-- ..

Katsomining, Painting. tnamel· in~ a Specialty.

. __ ,__,..__ _____ _ Stole of New Mexico .l. County of Lincoln -f 815


In thl' mottl"r of the Eetate } of William H Knowles, N<t.

Deccnae.d. 426

Notice of Appointment of Administrator

Nutlce Its hereby ~tveo that lho nnderalgncd, et the regultu Septem· l'lcr tllilO term of the Probate Court

• In" nncl for Lincoln County, Now '


. -· '

'JOHN W. HARKEY & SON ' . . . ' ..

• • • ' .

Building Materlala · .. Phunbilll'l Supplies · ·Pipo Ftt'ffng8~ ·. Pump Rd-Cylinder,. Paints


• ''


I~ is to our' advantag' :to render aood 1ervi~t to . this community; we want ·you to · f¢el that we are striving to make this banJo uweflll to you, and th.!3re .

. can be no permanent b;neft~ fol'UJ'UDless you are de­riving benefita from ua. •

Lincoln County Apn.,. · Ci~ S~tt BaDk 'Of Vauahn

Mem~r Federal De, IDI\lrance C,9rporation Carrizozo, :·: ·:-: · :-: :-: New Muico

- •

• •• •



Work Called F.or and Doliverod

Phone 60 · • Canilozo, N.Mex. ·

Nogal 11 7 Bonito 12 ll

Poll Office Phone 52 Corona 13 12

A-1 Work. Address Mczlco, Woo appointed ndmlntalrn­toT or the lllltote of Wllltom ·s. r----------------------..... K nowlen, deceeaed, All pt-raoua

Carriwzo '1'4 , . ,. !Hi O.Curu I& 2 Ancho IIi 7 Spinello 17 a Lon lH 3 WhiU! Mt. 1!1 18 Ramon 2<r 4

Wayno Rtchnrd, County Chair· man. . 2L


Carrho.xo Auembly, No 'I

Santa Rita Church -

Wm. Wett~tein Bx. 4, Carrizozo, N.M.

hnvlnjl clo~mn Djtlllnat aotd C'lltatc urr hereby nottflrd to fllu the ~tunul within the: llrne nod lo tho manner rcctulrrd by lnw.

}ohn H. llull, Adrnlnlatr11tor. J>nMrurtlce Addreuo: C n r r l r. o z o,

.-... ~. . ..... . . W'll.' ·• • New lllcslco .

Odd Fellow and N Is-Oct. II.

Rebelcoh Aat~embly Call For Blda "

Odd Fellow and Rcbeltnb M· -tambty o! N. Mme. to met~t at (atY. Pr. a.twat•r•, Patter) Raton, to{. l\1. Oct. 12-13. Sea· Notice)§ hereby given that the

burg hotel in cwembly hcadqunr· Lincoln Coun~y Board ot Educa· 25&•7 .Ma... .S;OOa..m. · t.ers. 'For rt!nlltvnUonn write ~Tru. witt roeeJvp· :i'iC:!llud 'bldrr

l.Atlye Cooper, ••~Nna llrrile 7:00 P· m. Bertha M. Bernnrd, t2:i Clark one nnd two ~ear contrnctn lor Worthy Advi.oor 1:4rrrrbodr ~all7 lnYiled Rnton, N. M. tlu.> trnnoportat.ion or high ochool

Marl{~rl't Shnrt'r, Jw('order ' , -~ children. • . . •t J "1 Sh 1 Notice for Publlcatlon · .. 1-'rom No. 30, LJm, to No. 13, Co •• rn . .. . c ton, • 0 b

Rolland's Drug Store_. •

In chooaing our medieln11 "" have been cartful to seleet th010 compOunded by the gnateat ehemiata in the world. Thty han built up their reputation beea.UM' tht7 11'1 reliable. · , '.


Mi!iiiDU, (iii} (ijtiS (l~illttfS

--, -

Pres(fiJliW urerolly tmnJHH·U,

Rolland's Drug Store

.. • . ' : .

. t!'l . t . ~-.' •

. --~~ .. .. -


. I


I ~ I



. -




I I CARRIZOZO l.<>IJGE on or berorc 7 P. r.,. cto er

Muthcr Adviwr I Department of tho Interior No. 41 2. 1!136. • r::::;;~::;:~~~~· ~~~;;;;~~~~~~~~;;~ Meet.a ou Lhe 2nd nnd 4th fo'ridaya General Land Offiee at!l A. Jo'. & A. M. No bida will be nceepted after .. · · -~ ~--- ~ -~-..- ·----~- ·~' ' -~-

in each month. . Cruc.., Ntw Mnleo, August 29, ' thia time and dnte. All b i d o 1936. must. be at.nted in dollaro nnd

Notlct IJ bert b)' given that Mootn on tht fimt Saturday in ron to nnd not in ternl!) of budget Edwtn F. Fergus.on, of Ancho, N. ueh month allowance. The trip is 44 mi1ea



-Subacnbo for the Nowa.

_.r------------------- Mex., who, o~ June G, 193~, made R. E. Lemon, ltoy Shnf<or, one wny; ten children to- be baul· homestead entry, No. 04'7K95, for Sec. ·· w. M. ed. A panefed body ear can be

lta,\\"e £,umbtt _1)~\\ ~a\\\ - .

We will ~o your

(U~eot~r Work AND

----. -hinttnt~----at reaaunable priet'ZI.. Give ua n tnnl.

R. We~TSTEIN P.O Box 4, Carrizozo, N.M. or rail at Blndromltb chop

at tbe old livery barn

LoW 1, 2, SEI N\Vl, NEJ!, Sue. - · · used. ·· • 7, Townahlp 6 8., R. 11 E., N. M. t -~~--~- --- f • Oln C. Jonen, Seaet.a!'Y, P. Meridian, hu filed notiee or Paaeer. Lode nnd Proof 0 Lincoln County Board of Educa-

Uililtclati(ID to rnakt 8 .vm Proof. l.abol' bJanltt for eruc!l at the t.ion. to establiah claim to the land cnn office.

Sager, u. 8. Oommlsaioner, at unuun

Carmozo, N. Me:x., on t.he lOth day of October, 1936.

Claimant n&IMS u wit.tlcsaa:

• Conlorn Lodge, No. 15

Meet& E>Very 2nd and 4th • Wedne;dny

William Kell., of Carrizozo, N. Birdio Walker, Clesta Prior, Mex. Walter Hob be, Secretary N. G


- WITH •

HENRY LUTZ "-----------• Hemy Dale, ,._ - . P. Guthrie, all of Aneho, N~ ·Notice for Publication

Rf;.al Estate Dealer •

Temt>Ora.t'Y offite at R.ESIDENCE


-. .t


lor PnbUeatlon

• •

• ' .... ••


' ' . . ' • . . . I.

' . , .. ".

J«> E!Z\ate. City Property. 'R.'lnchcl, Handle L i v ~ stock on conunisaion. . .

-. • . '

• • ' .


. 'l!;

• c

•• Wri~ or ~ee LUCK & KARm;J; at ALTO, _N. YEX. We apacialize lia native lumber for Cabina, Minina Timber&, etc._ ttll'tnf ·llywlftt.


Y POSITIONS. ••• Hundred~ of young lMlOPlt who looked ahead only a few monthi ago ud eraollld fdr the Draughon Training'artfnOW'hapPyin poiltitml of tnat and n~pottaibilitr - With btaad O}'lpottwllti• for ad· vaneemmt. How we can help you pripare for aimitar op-portun­itill, m abort timt ud at iiil\*11 upenH - and thtn·help JOU 'lleld'_,W totd polition, will be ful11 explained jf 'YDU '1rill rt*U the Coupon now for s.......:.t Iaformation. ----~ -- ----- - ·-- ··-·~ --- --- -- - ~ -- . c.._ a

Drauaho~• Buain•• Colleaea <Lubbock, AbiJilt-et, n.tiU, Wiehita Faill, Tuu.

. YOUI"' ~ •....•••• ~. • • • • . . • • ••.••••••••••.•..

. ~ Addrelll . -•. . • • • . ••••••••..••• ,. •.•.•••••••••....•

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~ts· .DemocrSa.t·.titc T·1JO.k "t_. ·.~ou~ ·ror Patiue•tiOil ·Loeal. an~. Supt. · · ~ r . a e l'l"' e :. : . ~ . . . . . . . ; . . . . . · ~ D_e~e~t Of The lnterictr Mrs. Sam Wells left Jlia\ lion~ · candt· ~nerallAn.i:l Office at LM Cru- d · · · · Tu. · • • ·

Cnun·ty . • ,,. Ni. M· . S • t . b· . A . ay ntgbt for.. · Jai'OQ to vwt . ,.. . ~· em · UICO ·· en em er lfll ·· ' (J ·-. ~hnnlR · \.,Je· ct . . • .. · J · .., · · · · · ·' · "" · ' her daughters Mmea W Coe $U1,1 ' 1986 , ' . , , I . • • 0

• . .- .'" - -': ~ ~' . '

' . . ' . __ ..

', . '

I ,

' '

Inc.·. .Gi-yinr dependable Three day a. week Serv.ce · · :out o(EI Puo and Alamog&do (Aisa <~ntr.ft Hauunq )

. . • NOTI.CE . b . b . · · ~..~. t and · L. E. · J{unt. ·lfn.

· · · .mu'ty,. Yotlr support will be ~p, · · · 11 ere Y. ilVen. ~u!l mbscribed for the NeW. to be ,. . Irene, HarK · .. R. Blal~here, ofCamzozo, · .. to ·her daughter.. Mrs.

Carrbozo. L .. Arri

~ .. .v.. .. Lv. Arri . ) . , ' i



(.\. . . N. Mex~, who, oa. sedpt_ember N2S, jlunt will spend tbe wmter in . ; . ··. thereby announce ~yself as. a . made homestea en.try, o. T·ularoa• as her pbyii'c1·.... - ... v11 l ·· c~0~~f;·~ for the nomination for 0 07 0. f SW .. NW~ w1sW1 .... .... ...

a.m. • a.~. Mon.l2:00. Tues. 6:00 Wed. 12:00 ~ ThUr&. 6:00 Fri~ ; ~2:f0 - Sa't. 6:00

.. a.m. ·\-Tues. 3:80 • Mon. Thurs. 8:80- Wed. Sat .. 8:80- Fri.

. p.m . 2:30 2:30. 2;30 ~ Superintendent of scbo~Ia. 4 · 0 ' .or 1 ~; • · "' that the 1.1Ititude is t()o high at ·

Democratic ticket. 'Your. sec. 26• SiN~, Si Sec. 27• SEl- White Oaks, for her to rJtum · _ .... ". ~~ ~:i~:~;~:l~~redand assistance ~reat~· . SEi, Section 28, .'~ownshi~-;ii~, there. Mrs. Wells intend& to go For Further Information Cali:Phone 51. . '· .• ~·

13 . , . lOE., N.M.P. Mer1dam, f T I t Los A l - .. ..

. , Lola Jones. has field notice of intenti.>n to . rohpte bu !lro~ll ~ 't t · ngtehea J. J. [BUSTER 1 BOONE, Agent- · ~\.,, ' ·

· · "· • · br h w er a e w1 v1B1 wo o er ;=::::::::::=::==~========~~· ===~ · ' :; · For" Tax Asaea~or ml a~e to8 ythearl Pdroobf, todeaUt.·b"d daughtens, Mmea. Wm. Do~u~rlafl ·---~·---- .. .

1 . • · c aim e. an a ove escrJ e ' and ··Aileen Severance; allo

-· ,. ., I hereby· a.nnounce my. candl· For U; S. senator (short term) b~o~ Frank J. Sa.ger, U.S. Com,- brother Mr. Robert Forsyth. • - . dacy for re-nomination to the ·--Dennis .Chavez, Albuquerque. m1ss1oner, at CarriZozo, N.Mex., . .


'· bffice of County .. taJ~: Asse~sor. . For U: s 'senafor (long term)--- on th~ 16th day of Ocl<?ber, 1986. ·\!anted- Fancy an<t plain : . ;Yo\U' supp.ort will be- appreciated. carl A. Hatch, Clovis. _ Ola1mant ~~~ea as w1tneases: sewmg. Also te> ean ables-1·1 .. ··~ • •. • Larry Dow. For governor-~Ctyde Tingley James E. Brown, of Claunch, N. and meat OQ the sham. See Mn. T. o f;:elebr~te ten years' aervice to local citizens, '

' •

.... -·· - -- ·-- - -· · -· - Albuquerque. ' · Mex. Jack Pierce, Carrizozo, N. M. 2t Ed w Sb 1 every customer. this visit, will be giv~n: ·

·' _ For Commissioner. Forrcpresentativ~J,.J. .. _war~----~cn, ~ - . Mr. Ernest Key ia.e:amgalgning .. .. . . . . . . . __ · . ~ · \• I hereby announce 111~se~f as a sey, Santa Fe. · Kel~, . in Otero county. Mr. Key iJ % ' r ·candidate for. t~e nomma~!On for For.Supreme.Court justice---A. H. w. McMillan, all of Carrizozo, Republican nominee of.the 18th -- 20 r) Discount

county CommlSStOner, subJect ~<, L. Zinn Gallup. · N.Mex., .enatorial d' t.rict · the action of the Democratic , ' · . Paul A. Roach

11 ·

_ . partY. .District:NQ· 8. Your sup· For heutenant · goveJ nor~-Ht~ S.ll 0 9 Regi¥_ter. FOR SA~E.-~fullline at Raw~ •

Alsp gold filled bQund spectacle case FREE port ;~:ipectfully' solici~ed. ...... ram·Dflw, Rosw6H. . .. ·~ . . . i .. .•. . I

Dewey Stokes Fol" state superintendent of tigh Produ~ts. See Mta. Mary ------------- public instruction---H. R. Rod· 064895 · Pl~e announce ~bat. I am a gers, Carlsbad. · Notlee lor PubUeatloD Mns. Sam Wella roeelvtd a

• ,.

li'ift.y aaniples of lateistyle rimless glasses; different shnpo lenses and large variety' of mountings

·New sttles, Fulvue!J in frames and rimless. Seo the new Caaa Manana style, Just ot:lt.

$ s

Big City czo testing equipment. Fifty local references upon request.

:~~~i~n;r fr~':~~,!~~lct rN:_ !for secretary of stat e-·Mn. D.epartment Of The Interior letter Monday from her brother, 8, subject to the will of the Dem?- Elizabeth Gonz~les, Santa Fe. . General Land Office at Santa Fe, Mr. Oliver Peaker, who hu ~n cratic par~y. Your. support w1ll .For s~ate aud1tor---J. 0. Garcta, N. M., Aug. 8lr 1986: in Yorkshire, England 1ince 1938.

· be apprectated. . . • Rto Arr1ba county. NOTICE Ia hereby given that He is still intere1ted in affairs at ______ E_w_•_u_g_C_ar_t<_r_. For state treap_yrer---J. J. Con~ Vina McFarland Pruitt, widow of White Oaks. Mr. Peakcr aent her

• Refitting of either lenses or trames FREE Cor one year. -

1 hereby announce toy candid~ nel~y, Raton. . · . Daniel M. McFarland, de~, one of the new Brili•h pottage . DR'. FRED 'R. BAKER, Optometrist

acy for county , CommiS!rioncr, For corporatiOn comQtirunoner of Roswell,hN. M., who, on 4JS" stampe which baa a picture of El Cibola Hotel, Sat. Oct. 3rd and Dts.trict No. 2, subjec~ to the --Don R. Casado~, ~ora county. g~8~~f~r gw~~}.{ ~n~isE!: King 'Edward VIII, the new Sunday until noon, Oct'. 4th. act1oti of the Democ~t1c party. For lund commts~noner-:-Frank Sec. 25, T. 6S., R. 18E; SWiSEt, English Monarch upon it. ~· Yow: . a~port aohc1ted and Worden, Si~>rra county. Sec. 20: NWJt NEt, S~NE}.(, !--------~----------------' apprcclat . Gordon Wella. For at~rncy ;t~neral--Franktl. NW~SEl, NiSWl, Set; 29; Lot Drink Water With Meala ===:':'_.':'_-::_::-: __ ~ .... ':': .. ':'. ':"'. ':"' .. -.-:--~ ........... -. .......,--:-:--.~.":':.-~. -:-. -:-_ ':"' ... ==--,....---------- ·-· Patton, Sliver Ctty. · 2, SEUNW}t, SWiNEl, S~tlon G d F ·s· 048383 • . . 80, Township 6S, Rango 19E, oo or tomach r hereby announce myself na a Scnatonal a~d ,~cpreeentat1ve N.M.P. Meridian, hu filed notice , -· Notice lor PobUc~tlon . candid11te on t,hc. Dcmocratif t~c- IJ1atncta or intention to mako threo year . • ' · D t or 'l'h I te · keL for Commt!l!!loner of Dtstrtct N 1 r: L' 1 Ot S Proof to eatabliah claim to the Water w&th meat. helps •tom· epar mont o n rtor W No. 2. Support of the votcro so- .o. o--· m~o n, ero, ocor- ' ach juices aides dig81tlon If Genl!ral Land Office at Las ith nil available booth apace licited and will bo greatly apprc· ro, l'orranrc-·-Mro. Louise Coo. land above described, before U. bloated with gu add a ~nr 1 Cruce. New Mexico September In the exhibit buildings at tho elated. No. 18-...Lincoln, Otero-Perry S. Commfu{oner, at CaQlta~, .~· f Adl 'ka 0 d 1 ~ 18 19S6 ' Enstcrn New Mexico State Fair

Jack Davidson. Scam. . . · ,.... M., on thA 12th day or .oct. }9~6. :OfaoU::nd w~~ ~;:u: au r Noti~ . is hereby given that next. we_ek take~, and ad~i~ionnl --------~ . .:,___ No. 30-Lmcoln, Socorro, Otero, Claimant names u mtnu::es. and lower bowtla. Rull;:;;a Bbnnie T. O'Neal, of Bingham, e~trtes m the hvestoclt dJvtnion,

, ~, For Sheriff J. V. Taylor. V~on Baker, of Ruidoso, N. ~- 0 St • N.Mex., who, on Sept.cmber 14, du•cctoro of the fair were sure 1

' 1 hereby nnnyunce myeelf an Third Judicial Dintrict--:-Dona Bill Pruitt, . rug ore. 1988, made bomestetld entry, No. that tho exhibits this year would candidate for the nominnti?n for Ann, Linroln, Otero and Torrance :in Mc~a, . R ll N M IN THE PROBATE COURT 048883, ror SWi Sec. 28, W~. be larg(lr .than e.v~r before. Some Sh.eritT nubject to the nctton of Judge Nu.rnu. ~· Fronger, Las . en Gre n, of OJWe • • ·. • OF LINCOLN COUNTY BEl, Sect.ion 38, Townahip 3 s., commercial cxh1b1tn had to bo re-Olo D"lffilUmlti!! lJ:lrt}"·. Crurro, Dantr1ct Judge. Leo- F. &~chez. · ·· STATE OF NEW MEXICO 1

· · · G""ir., N. M. P: Mcridilm, -Cused.-becaua~or Jack.ol11pacc.and . &Upport respectf~lly ~o~clt~ .. · . Dintrirt Attorney: Marlin A. S ll;O 9 Rtgiater. · • hu filed notice of intention to every inch of spncc wns utilized in

0 n \\Is Thret't, Lao Cruccu. . In The MntteJ: or.the } make 3 year Proof, to rotablinh assigning location of booth dis-.. • 1 hereby announce myself arJ n -- 042988. Eltate of Mana Jane No. 420 claim to the land above dcucribed, P I a Y s · Directors emphasized,

candidate Cor nominotion for ohcr· .. . ·048168 Notice for PubUcatloD Garnett, DeceasN edU. ·, beforu Frank J. Sager, U. &, Com· however, that individual cntrien Iff, nubje~t to th(l action or the Notice for Pn\)UcaUon Departm-ent Of The Interior ' 0 ee miilloner, at Carrizozo, N. Mex., in tho farm products department, Democrattc party. Your support Dl?partmPnt or The Interior . General Land Office at Laa Cru· Notice In hereby given that the on tho 3\)th day of October, 1936. thEY handicraft, fine arta and do· will be appreciated. • G' 1 • •. · · d ld b AI J J nk' en£>ra uund Office at Lan Cru· c:es, New Mexico, SeptA!mbcr 4, undersigned, wu on the 4th day Claimant names an Witnesses: mentlc arts epnrtmcnt wou e _______ M_._c __ m_s._ em, New Mexico, September.~. 1936. or May, 1936, appointed, Admin· Elsie O'Neal, well taken care of up to Lh<' e!o:;-

I hereby announce myself ns n 1936. · NOTICE is hereby 1given ·that iattat.rlx of thO estate of Maria ~im Gaine!l, ing hour apecifled in the -premium candidate for nomination !or NOTICE in hereby given ~ha' Estolano Chavez, of Claunch, N. Jane Garnet~ :deeeutd, by the Anaie S. Gaines, list for the various divisions. This ab~tT of Lif!coln County, on the Ren~hn M~lton Rustin, or Snnta Mex., who, on February 18, 1931, Honorable Manuel 9Grona, E. S. Com, all or Bingham, N. Cair starts Wednesday: October 7 Di

1 :cratic :ke~ Your support Mana, Cpltf., who, on August 14, IIL'lde entry, No. 042- Probate Judge of Lincoln County, Mex. and cloaca Saturday mgbt.

State Fair




.. ''

, .. • •


. '

wt e appr atA! · . . . · 1933, made homestead applica- 988, for All,' Section 8, To\Vtlihip New Mexico. Paul A. R~ach Tho amateur rodeo cneh nfttr-CoJem~n G. Joycu tion, No. 048158, for air or, See- 38., Range tOE., N.M.P. Men:. 1'limtofi "Ill ~ 25-0~t. ~- · RegiSter. noon t11 1ttractirig · the beat c:Ow- ·

RUldono, N~.M. tion H1, Township as., Rnnle hu filed notice of intA!ntl'on claims •gnltia't Uid 'elt:a'te are • .

lOE., N.M.P. Meridian, has filed to make 3 year Proof to establish hereby 'rlotffied to me klh'ie with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robtnson boys in the oou~hwent. Scntlng "'lnlldhiideraetteby nnnounee !JlY~>~If as notice of Intention to make 3 year daim to the land abo~e th~ County Cletk of Lincoln and IOD or Stinnett, Texas, nre capacity is .being enlarged and ... for the nommntlon for p f bJ' h 1 • · . . • b. · ·r · ten day11 here guests of · ··- - -·'tt ~ d subject to the nction or roo , to csta m c atm to th11 betore Mary C. Dulloil, U. , Wit · m 'Ofit 1eir atom . • ' uv.._ery seat \VI uo un ur cover.

. . as then" uncle and. aunt, Mr. and Wintz and his ad-

support respectfully Morris J. Stephan, notrary public Me%., on the 16th day of OCtober, COUll'"• ,..r. and Mrs. Thoma& dress system will be here from Frank Montgomery. at Santi Mnria, California, and 1936. be barred. ...., m 1

the testimony or the witnesaes Claimant names u witneaea: Seryl Garner Karr of tht Lucky dairy. California to announce the rod10.

' I hereby at?no~nce my candi- will be taken before. ~k J. S~redo Chavez, · S 11;0 2 Adminiattatrix - -·· -----·--· dacy.for oonunation £or9ffi~e or Sager, U. S. CommtS!loner, at Max Chaviz, Sheriff on the De!Jl!Jcnlllc ttcke.t.. Carrizozo, N. Mex., on the 6th Placido Romo, ~:':PP~f~~d.wh~?ted and wtll day o~ November 1936.. Estalino Sanchez, all of Cl~uncb,

Jess J. Roberts. Clatmant names as Witneue•: · N. Mtx. Harry Straley, Paul .A. Roach To Prpcinct Chairman:

. . George Straley , s 11;0 9 R · ter You are h~bJ authoriud to I hereby annQUDce my cnndtda· p M ,.1 Ito ' egts • c&Jl a precinct convanttlfD on Oet.

ey for nomination on the Dem· · • · 1' e n,

ocratic ticket for tbP office of P. A. Melton, aU of Ancho, N. 040741 a, 1936, for tbe ptll'pbjf of Jelect-M No •• ....._ for PubUeatloD mg· .. dele-tes to the Lin'Cdfn Coun· Sheriff of Lincoln count.Y. Your mt. '""'-.. 6-

support respecUully nohcited and . Paul A. Roach · Department Of The IntA!rior ty Democratie Nominltrn:g Con·

• Notice


wilfbe appreciated. ·. . 02-30 . . Register. t~!DeF.Il Lam:H>ffieg u w vention to be held in .9 .. &1. rr. ~:~,_jL ... . . . T. A. (Tommy) McCamant. ---=-:-:=-=----'------- I. ' N ,. ... .:.... a .. te b 4 at the CouttboUte, 10 L nt.

· cea, ew lnw.u..u, ..,.P m er • nesday, Octobl!i-7, 1936 • .COMET CHAPTER 1936• • . . • W_wtte Ridlltd,

No. 29 a~!~:Od~t~~h!:~wu::~ 2t. ·county'Chllniilin. ORDER EASTERN · ~ ··· ---

4 STAR · of Carmozo, N. Jlex., who, on · . . ;, October 2, 1929, made bomutead Red··Hill ltetna

MeE'ts on the lmit Thllli\day entry, No. 040741, for Sj, NW}(, -in each month. • Sec. 24, N~NE.s(, SEiNEl, · Mr. and Mia. W.'R. Lov*laoe

Visiti~g Stars cordially S~on 29, Town.ahip OS., Rangt 6f tht Red BUJ. dtmiet WEnt to

For .. c· ·

0 .. •nty· ·c· .J .. erk· Ula .Mayer, Ina Ma·y· r lOE., N.M.P. Mer1diaD hU filed El Puo the first of_ the week to u • · e . rtoti~ of intention to make a be with Mr. Lovelace'• mother

-Please annotmce th~t I atn a See. w. M yur Proof, to establish . claim W wlio tmder,weiit•n tiperltion lull I candidate for .the rt.O~i!J'Dation for . . . . . . . • land above detcrtWbeto..., Frank Tuesday. · county Clerk or Lmcoln .county . J Sa u ·S Co mi • t ·. . iubject. to the decision or the Republican Announcmenta c .ger, . N M man i';;eris:h Mn. BeUt, JobniOn wh• Uvtll ~mo~tjc party. Your sup-- · · · amzozo, • . CX.t 13 neat Red Hill apent Snnday port so~c1ted. .l ,. . . daJ o! October ~93~~ . C.pitan with her dauahter Mhl.

. VassarTho'mpson.. For County Clerk Claunant b&t:iii!I'U Wm. Petita. . .. .. .. .. ... . . . E. W. Sh~lto~, 'Ill-a....'--~. f " bia . .,.:,.uL--

, • . . d I hE!reby' nnn. out\ce myself u ... wm·. ~m. ~.t.. . .I:IYo:;&,J'DVUJ. rl.' t .· n .... u. uv.r· . For·.bate.· Ju .·· a~ 1· • -- .n.• .., h·-.1 • '-~ . • candidate tar County Clerk . · .... Ralp~ Swaet, all of Cai"NNzo, N. ~ got theu ~~· an .tu.u l h~0r.~~. •. ~~~~~·tLi~n~~o~In1if·~O~~o~untR· :y, sbulibject to .the ,r;fu., : ~~d~g thi tam an4 inow ' • · or t · e . epu · can B. Brown, of' Claunch, •waAUo / · • -- ·-Your- . . . - - . ~ --- ~···

For Counb'. Tre.aaurer •

I hereby announce myself as a · "" candidate for .nomination to the

. '· .. , office of Countv TreaSurer on thP ' ' Democratic ticket.. Your support

wUl he uppreciated. . . Oscar W. Bamberger.

. ',




'- ., -

· · appreciated. . · Jl!<:!~+"'~-~ ·· · '!luiriitaoA..J;Jiiiiif·~-

• - -q.· .....

·• • • • • • •

----·. ... . . •

~ ' .. · . • . "' .. "

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• • .. jl.- .... . ' •

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. • • fr ',


Filet c~~~h~t.Setf~~·i~k I "'"' ...... n+~,ptn~-!Porgotten'··Ctiair

" ' . ' , - !, , I

•, .. Growth of Ti.mber

New Fertilizer Made From Starch Penetrates Soil

Carrie{ Phosphorus to Roots of PlantH

• • • Nears Balance With· · Corisumptioti in v.· S ...

.. ~

·Danger of' Exhaustion · No Longer a Specter


The Household •

Mtl~ch of P~'ogress-Ha~ Found thinks New Uaes for lt.> · about·:. •·

TllOSE · wiio' are makiog #.\ · cQl- --.,·,... · · ·-·~ · · · ~ )"~s,sll\ior .'~halberg. ·. lection ·of ·Old. glassware that Qy EDITH 1\;l~Q.utB~,R ·· HOL~YWOOP,CALIF,..;_l3ig··

hasdeaigll'!Mfdeepcuttingorpress- THE word chocolatQ· means to ... a_ld_n,d.us_trv a.s th.e.movin~"" __ · ing, real~ze Jhe pieces are real- · -most-of us firs~ of !Ill a- fl!lvor, ·.- · s

. ' • . By LYDlA LEBARON 'WAJ,K,'£li . .

FIGURES often quoted, to show ly beautitul only when tbey ate perhaps, our f!iiVC?rlte, which 1s used picture industry is,· the. death of that America· is using up tim- .bright and shfnir1g. This 18 true of in cak~. in ~andy, 1n ice cream 11nd one slend(!r, shy, frail man · ""::o.+­

bcr resources several· tigtes as fast modern glai>S also, of ~ourse, ·but Qther desl!erts and· soJpetlmes in a l!t;un.n~<t it. ·The PI <I guard of thi~ I b . re the antique-·pieces mqre· frequenUy beveragfl, Cocoa, however,. sym· bus1_·_11· ,._ s_.s. has lo~t.l'ta.J1'ttle corporl.J,I.

as t tey are emg re-grown, we h,ave · deeply -imprinted p~;~ttems bollzes 'first of all a· hot drink. A " " " 4

called in question by John B. than does modem .glass, and this coneot:tlon of groll!'ill,...cocoa bearts ·and· the second· generation of pro·. Woods of the Society of American makes tho~ was the natio~\ll,....6everage of the ducing talent is left with a· )!8\fn• Foresters, in an address before his harder to wash western tropics for an· qnknown "ing ~ap ..where yest,erday ,· there

II . W h' t Dt and dry,r · J;iumbeJ; of years ·before the discov- IQonied a leader who .,vas ·both a co cagucs 10 as mg on, · • The first thing ery of Ame~ica. So important 'did. . • · •

Changes during very recent· r~;~, ot import{Ulce -is its Jnt,;ctluctlon into Europe seem to PIOneer and· a progresstve. · , he declared, hnve goqe tar toward to have a good the botanists of the day that tbey It:'ing Thalberg was .an aut~t!c b,rlnging timber production Into ~al· solution t.o wash aave the cacao tree lhe name of geJll!,Ul of the tllms -. ·01 mlllJ~r Iince with timber consumption. the glass in, and· "theobroma" which means "fQod shownum. a <J~t.·in·

Tho changes of the - · proper.. of tbe Gods." ' · ·· terPreter of t.h. a t crease In tree ~rrowth and a sharp temperature. A Perhaps because we use choco- tricky ·a r ~ which decUne 'in timber use, he said, Thq teaspoonful o f late so much as. a combined food finds l t s medium . new approach to a balanced state washing s o d a and flavor we use it less as a bev· thr~;~ugh at<>ry ani! is of post-depression dat~. , and two or three erage. H~t bev~rages are, In gen- camera nrtd screen.~ ·

. Con.11umptlon Declines. t~!lSJll:!Qnf!ill! Q t eral, used tor their $tli11\llatlng '!Ual- t It beiJ.· ~:~f!'!: . .:. PQwdered soap t.o ity rather than tor their food value. ~[e

FUet crochet in a ftesli, new design, is an easy way tQ briM n.,e-;1 life and loveUness to th!" ."tor­gotten" chair. Scad· ends can also be made this easy wp. Use string. · Patt'ern 1224 conta~ directions and charts for maklng the set shown: illustrations ot

·timt<;b!lSj inlitorilils needed. . .

Ht·Ho, Nev.-Combining a possi­ble lari{I'·Scale ti!>c for (arm procl­Ut'lb wllh a very much more efJcc· live way to get phosphorus to the roots o! growing plants, a new type of (CI WlZI:I .de !lclopc.d at the Ne· vada Cnivt·r!itly Collt'ge o{ Agri·' culttlrr 111 Hcno is heing watched with ~:n·alr•.,l intert"st by both· agrituhural sdt·nlisl~ and fcrtiliz­~r manu! ac lun·rs.

"To compare growth and drain four quarts of hot · Cocoa, however, which is merely o .. ,er . od the basis of 1929 nnd prior years water ·is recom· chocol1,1te from which some of tbe her~. For men .of Is to cling to the. bad old dnys," mended. After natural cocoa butter has. been ex- his br11in, his ,ener-Mr. Woods contended. Consump- the sod a and tracted, rllnltS next to tea nnd cot- gy, his pa~fl.Dd4Jg lion declined nbruptly from a five- soap have dis- teo In Its use as a hot beverage. instincts don, t come

15 cents ln. stamps.or colDs (coins ,preferred> for this pnttern to The Sewing Circ1e N eedlecraft . ~ Department, 82 Eighth Avenue, New ~ork, N. Y.

PhusphorWI lo one ot tho tncisl Important or all fertilizer clements, yet 11 111 ot present one of the most lrwtnr·tNltly used. In the form!l now rornrnNt·tully ovutlnble, the phos­phorurl ill ~:robbed by other cheml­col eh·rnr•nt11 1n the soli and held In tnnolublc (nrm ulmust where it lalla

t;ll ptrb !\Ia ke Discovery. rt doc·" nul Jll'nt•trute to nny op­

prN·wblt• dt•~trcc bc•low the level dlutudJr•d !Jy tho plow. wh()reali rnont ror""'"" nupn ond all orchard trccu ncnd Lho1r lccdllll! rootn for bl'low tlor plowllncl.

Obvloul'lly, a uolublc fertilizer, thot wrll )>l'nt•lrute dt•ept•r, 111 a lnghly dcmrublt• thing. Drn. Robert Stcv.·urt ond V K Spt•nccr hove lwcn cxJwrhnC'nttnc with orgonlc t·ornJJnundu ul plumphoru!l, lnDlt'Dd of Uw Bllnplt>r moq:umc ones now

J-:ronomlcal to l•rocluee. Tlwy "'"'' rnudC' nrvrrol rnllrcly

nrw Jlho•lJ•h••lr c·umJ•uundn, of whtl'h thr must r.\JI., t•rl!1(ul, both In lt!l bc­hnvlur Ill llw null und In 11!1 pun· 1111111111<"• f,r ,., unurnll' munufuf'tUtr, drr I UIIIJ•htJndn Wl\h ('OilllnOn glU•

year average of 30 billion feet of oolved,~ tpt tile .\VJlen it Is made tt is 1n eetsl ~9n t !ften lrvm s.C4)1Jl) lumber "to 10.4 bllliun ·tor tho ·ne,ct. witter 'I,Jo very •· more tban ever, of course, a food come. smgly, ·- · five.year period.' warm but not drink. Before tho American nevo- The name Napoleon h~ been

"Totnl foreot drain for the period Dcalding bot, and lulion the first chocolate and cocoa overworlted to dcscrib~ ability vi)~h-1020-1!134 Is eslim~;~ted by Smith In then put .in the fnctory was established 1n .Mosso- in some smrdl bOdy, but here, to the N. R. A. report ns 9,500,000 glassware.. chusetts, and tbe national tosto for the limits of his own crnft, wns not cubic feet per year. The snme re- At firat do not chocolate ·hoii begun t.o bo estab- only a Napnleon but 11 Daniel Boone

·port carrfen ari ealfmnte of growth lmmerae glnss llshed. Today, cocoa benns. come and a ~alzac aU 101led in one. for the same period of 8,900,000 cu- completely. It Ltrom the West Indleil, South Amerl- • • • blc feet. there Ill hollow ware such aa tum· cn and even from Africa, to supply Panoll Patriots.

"We recognize that production blero, goblef.ll, pitchers, etc., put the UIJ with tlto hundreds of million SOME low lr;l,dUDtrial roynllst bas and loss at tbe old rate • put too pieces in on their cldes with water pounds which we co!lllume ench been checklng. up on the sisters great p burden upon our growing to holt fill them. Thin nltowo the year. and the couoino nnd the auntJJ of capodty. But reduced consumption glaos to expand, an It doeo under Cocon benno grow In largo egg- New Dealero who nre on the federal ond lnt·rcooed eiTct:th·encon of pro- heat, nnd do thiD olowly. Allow the ohapt:d pods which are dried and pnyroll. We cnll thnt nepotism tccUvc mca!lurell havo put UIJ prac• heat gradually to penetrate the then cut open 00 that Ute beano when the oppoaltlon does It, or fam­ticolly In n alate of balance. "' Tho glll!ltl. Otherwloo the heat may be may bo removed. Thcv nrc then lly love when one of our own crowd. job nvw Itt to complete tho cxtenolon too oharp and audden and brealtogcr cured by ferme.ntatJon, ~~a shed and Is guilty. ot manucement to all our lando- occur. dried before they arc chipped t.o tlle 'Twould oeem ·Dixlelnnd leado In both public nnd private--and buUd Cloth llnd Brwsh. foct.orletl. There they ore cleaned th!D dlllPlnY or domeoltc aiTccUon. up our pr'oducUve capacity·" A bruoh ic a great old in cleaning and roooti!d, juot to tbe proper point Tho cbnmpJon lzs Sonntor Smith of

Rc·Orowth Is Rapid: , glnnn with deep cutting or lmpren- t.o produce tho bent 1lavor. Tho South Carollnn. Thoro were nU The occclorotcd re-growth of our oiono. Tho brlollen wtll get into beans oro then croclted and broken, oorts of delegateD at tl1e Demo­

Umbl'r In a trl·reglonnl affair, Mr. crcvlcell a dlchcloth cannot, cqpc- tho oheliD removed, leaving tho cratlc national convention, but ho Woodn otolt!ll. In thQ nUll • un· clally If tho bruoh rota teo 11!1 In the plcccc of kernel which oro known WIUI tho only 'valking do legate -Nthaunted Northweot, lumbermen cnao with tho kJnd uocd for wochlng as cocop nlbo. Otten coveral kJndt walked out twice, and each Umo hove at lo!lt learned tho leDntJilll of bott!T:o. .SUch 0 bruoh Is good for of cocoa nib!!, comins from different walked right baclt again. llo han more conoorvatlvo cutting, bettor clennlna tho Inside of vanen, an well countricn, arc blended before they five rclatlvcn drawing calarleo from protection ogolnnt flro and other as outcldo crovicen. oro ground with ht>ated machlnen Uncle Sam: Even Uncle Jaclt Gar­naturnl ngenclen of denlrucUon, ond Dry inc cut glaon hno alwayc of· by whleh 11 thick Uquld Ill produted. ncr, tho ophlruc of Tcxno, hll!l t~rovlmon for replncement on cut· fcrcd problema. Jewclern overcome ThiD 1.!1 tho chocolate which In lmov,:n three. ovC'r lando. the dlfficultlen by b\trYlng tllc piocen 00 plaln or bitter and which hnrd· Till!! lookn like on improvement

lnilh.•od of becoming a barren In Jowelern' ·onwd40t until tho motn- cno an it rullll iniD mold!!. 'l'hl.!l In on the old couthom syotcm, when wo11tc of, trccleo!J flntts ond llillo, tho lure lo entirely ob:J:orbcd, and Ulcn U1o typo of chocoloto which we w:o kin!olltn dropped In for a· week-end South "In two' dct'adl!n han become pollohlng tho plccen with a cloth mont of all in """kin". For dlpplnlf ~d stayed the rCDL of their Uvcc.

and bruch. Tho homemakclt will ~..... .. a potrnllal yellow plno farm, now t:carcely \love a oufficlcnlly largo chocolaiD and owcet chocolata oua- • • • w grow1n1.1 upon half ot ltD pine land!J quonUty of this oawdU!lt, nor wtnh ar and cometlmcn more cococa but- Summer Annoyances. (accortltnu to lnflllln Eldredge) 10,• , 1 th im d ,_ by th ter nrc added. For mUk chocolate EVEN in nun· lUcked Calllomlo,

Write plainly pattern numb_er, your name 11~ uddress.

Women·in Comm~nd Approximately 1,000,000 women

hold some form of public office in Russia. On tho mnnaglng boards of i'ndi1Strinl ·or agricultural co­operat~ves there art. another 100,-000 nnd. 112,009 oro co-judges. Eigl\t out ot every hundred vii­loges hove women prcDidents.

Week'• Supply of Poatum free neod t_lio oacr Ullldo by tbo Pootum

Company ln another part of Ulls Pl1· per. Tiley will 11eod a full wook's sup· pl.f ot hcnlth glvln~; ~stum tree to aosone who writ~ Cor lt.-Adv.

Friendship Frlendohlp ln nothing eloo than

enUre follow • fecUnn ao t.o an ll'Jngo, hum11n and divino, wltb mutual . coodwiU and aacc:Uon.­C.lcero.


., =================~ .. ' .,

U thr J:hJ< ,.,r Jlh"'lJlhnlt'!l rome In· to C'XIrnnrn• U'·'' It "111 provldt' n trC'mr•ndoun pot,•ntlul market for corn und other llll!h·ntarch Corm productn. Stnrrll itt ~nlly ~nverted Into 11luro:>r, nnd thr gluro9c, com· btnt'd Into the nC'W, h1,:hly c:>fnf'lent phonphnrun frrllll7.,r, t•un rrluro to '""k" thr furrn nnd orchtlrd more Jlfollluhlc•

Ofill.l\l\'.1. "nr"'" o' \\'ood. c;1ch vcor. ID , 0 t 0 to rywg In condcnoed · or powdered mfik Ill rrummcr In on lt.d loot le"tl. Thlo V'-' .... "4 A - " !ol!lw .proccn!J.. .1'Jm W!fm ,! "'

Aq U•·'~ areal plant owlnun Into pro- Ill to hove plenty of towel!!, keeping Udttcd.' · · ()no· wiD co ·dowrHn-~mtory oa -U:Ie-IH ductl• ot, an U1o amaU trees bccomo 0 dry one olwbya for flnol polll'lhlng, In the manufacture of cocoa como nummer which produced handlen, bill c· en, tho annual yield ot now• after untng 0 flral one for drying of tho oU Is removed and tho rc- knoclt·ltnocltn: the dUDl otorm and Umbl'f and pulpwood mny exceed tho glor;o. When pollnhlng the malning rrub!ltnnco 1o ground nnd tho campaign npcech, theoe two be-

Hawaiian Climalf>

(;ro\' mg WarnH'r, Hrrnrtl" lruliratr

In vc• ..1mc the yearly output of old• plt•cec, omit no crcvlccn. A b'tU!lh oUtl:!d t.o a very rmc powder. Good ina Interchangeable termo In moot crow. h pine In Um old dnyo.'' for pollohlng lo 0 good Idea. cocoa han a reddlnh ohade. Tho conca; llltcwl.!le U1e ccventccfi;ycatl

Y clluwMlonc Elks Far•· Starvation


Keeplnr In Touch. moll\ c.all!lfactory way to makc-'(t '1ocwt and tho gt>nUcman who Wll!l Into a beverage iD t.o add a cmnU In ocUve chorr.e of our Olympic

There nre timeD with everyono nmount of cold water and to olir thiD team'o trip to Berlin. People were when It Is necet;!lary 10 keep In con· over 0 low fire until the mixture iD ocrloU!lly anno)'t!d in oUter wnyo, tnct· JNith others. and again thero omooth nnd thick. Then cold millt ·too. oto tlmcn when It ill nee(!!:!lnry to · ·-• th • • • protect onenell ogoln!lt lnti'U!llon.<l on mny be added and hca ... 'U unlU e PoUUul Oe1sers.

II I I \\'I I I limA or on ntrnngth. I· ·- ponrtlblo mixture Is (oomy. It should then cAN I b """ 11 u - · 11 c wral 11:r on ~ "' " • w ~ L- b lth b 1 on t c WQ made a milltake

Yc !low!IIO"" Parle, \V~·o.-Yef· to aid In furtht>rina both objecl.q QIJ UlJ eo~ w on egg coer ""' by plowin" undar Aotlon •-~tehd lt.r "draonl.uul" 19 "i\ 10 .. pc:nJ•Ie ·p· " prftv-t tho tormallfD ot ceurn <> " ... uw ...

in Coming Winter

" .. 1 · 1 d I'· f 1 the ncccssily orlnca. •·ot the two "' '"' · of ora•ar~". l•lrnl\' lu llunk abmlt, ~ltldnii(Q ()( ow•.: ones tent IOUsan c K 0 t te i l ....... Aft clt-olatA ·- ""cd n .. n fin"or "'"' ' things, t ill easier to "et II .., .. ,.,., "~ "' ru "" .. ,. .. .. • That famoug phenomenon Of nn• I I I I · Nort ~u·rn hrrd face starvation and .. f d ~ d k It · u u • rm.11o "J!'Y m awau are hav111g touch with othern by meaiUI of or cane art c:o en Ill usua Y ture In Yellowstone park, which

lhrlr 0\\ n prohl«'ms II) nuulc deat!c clunng the corning winter, and telcgramn, notes nruJ melted. nhould be done over spoul!l nt such frequent intervals 'I 1 1 1 1 li T1{'r ;, c'le of llli.' un ~llfeeci1enfi:dinit- Ui'in 1t t,. tiJ 11hicld· our-- hol .watcr.ll!l .that .the dgllci!llJS. fll!· "'"<~h' ·~ . L- --"ettin"-··"n""mL. ... 11." ...

1f ('(' ' '·"'~('· 13 \'e )('('(Jmc Hp· .. " ill b d" .......... d b hi I ,.. .... ,..,. v..- .. .. ~ ~~,. -rug urc ,.f their rangeland and of the celven rrom tho company of others vor w not e """u,e Y g 1 moment it may lose ita name of

I'·•Trrnll· 1

P field" where hay is normally or from contac:Ung them by wlc- temperature. otd rallhfut and become known as riu rwtnc ll In the anfic have. phone. ThJg }btler Jnntrument 19 Chocolate 8qtl2fe!J,

alutwd lht>1r cnuroo. gru\\n for their winter usc. blt!llllinlt -nt mcnt tJmm, but ot l-3 eup tmtru Anti Sem<etnry IelrnlJ eertainly 1S

•"m1 ···r·cnrl Nothing 1.!1 more dnngqrOWl than

a frlrind without diccrcUon; even a prudent enemy 1.!1 prc1crable. -LaFontaine.

llawnlt'n temperature w gradually A ot tho altuaUon, just othern It becomes a bother.. •4 cup sugar . _ qunlifylng QIJ the minute-man of the --~n,:~•~n~lt~~:~~::;.:~r;;~:rl~co~P~a~pl~o~~:~~~a~h~o:ws~~a~f~a~n:ln~g~o:flm~w~he~n;w~e~w~nn~t~l~nun~~edi~a~te~ca~n~t~n~c~t-t-ili:~~ch~o~eo:la~t£e __ -:-__ ln"ew revolution - or oftener

r•nclll• Amcncan terrllory Is chang. twt>nly·scven per cent. nn compared oro tho bent means. The 1 cup c:clte flour Knox Isn't doing so badly, either. ang with the .flgurt:'ll for lost year. rorm.:!r qulclcer, but no more sure. Salt. ~- In the modem version of "the spiril


E:&perl l\lakell Study. Not only Is the t.otal amount of \'In mny decide to go to the theater, ~4 teaspoon r::OOa of '76," he's the one who's Mating Some potntll In llawall are rl'~IV· vegetation deddedly leruJ, but what but arc not sure U seal!! ore avaiJ. a tablespoons milk so bard on tho eardrum. sun. it's

'"ll 30 pt>r rent moro rain than they ill Jcrt ill qunlltDllvely leruJ fit for able. A few moments et the pho..1e Crcrun butter and sugar, add a grond thing _ but surprising _ drd 3o yearn nao whUc other polntll animal consumption. The palatable and we contact the bolt office, and ~hecolate, melted. nrut Mntcn egg. ii to find a newspaper editor who talks an• rl'<·e1vmu 21 per. cent lea.g. ara!llles have been largely burned know. Sift flour, salt and codtl nnd mid,~ forcibly on his feet irultead of writ• Jo:v«'ry month In the yenr Is slightly OJJl or eaten off to lhe room. Their We may be out oruJ wish to con- alternately, with the milk and mix , ing feebly on hls scat.

th th di place IJJ tnkcn by vnrioU9 kinds of tact home, ond \be phone putll U!l In weD. Brush baking sheetll or out- I On the other hand. Uncle Jack warmer an e corrcstJon ng IX!- 'unde"lrab\~ '"··~-"'- and unpalatable I h with th fam"lo. U ...... re • nod Jll )'('ar9 ago. u 1~ ....... ....., ouc e · 1v· w., 11 tide botlom!J of cnke pang witb melt-~ Gomer continues to oo tha ideal

ThC'u(' are some of the ronclu.'lloM brush. out. and wish t.o be in caU of the ed butter and spread on th.ihnest back-seal driver - the one who John It Voorhet>s, In chnrge of the Recovery U Slow. tnmily or of our business, we cnn la'yer possible of the chocolate mix· hasn't sn!d a single word. during ll ., '" th n I Th'- ~, .. b. h rd leave word where we can be ture. B·"" In a moder·~te o~en (""5 • •L- ~nu~. tr•'p. o nco er ureou at lonolulu, w meaM not o,.., 1Uer a · h-... liD ""'"' ~ • .,, u.w v '"' I d · 1 ud 1 t th lk d in ,.__ re11c ...... More sure s Is it t.o d""r~"n F.) ""'"'n m•wu•A- Jus• • • • \as rawn rom o st y of records l mcs or e e · ur g uru coming 1 th 1 h '-- .. t "a ""'~ """"' ... """" .. covnrln" the period since tho f-.... winter, but also ve- slow recove....,. eave e te ep one num~rer so tna as soon as baked, cut each layer -in- Dlctat.oriJ and Shirt Talb.

,.. .. """ ., • ., no one has to bo bothered to bunt il L.,..,...S Am h eral aovcrnment established nn offi· of the one·Umc r.ich game rang(!. d d · to squares. "'~ see. ung ot ers. WI:! c1nl weatber burenu Utere In 1004. land. Tho pasturo will oo yetlrs, up. A octorl, out on a roun of Cboeolate Saue!e. now have the blue shirts In

. d d 1n b ck vislls, general 'I keepS! in touch with Irel"nd, th" bro-- s'-•--- in Gep· Tho warmest December da" fii perhaps CCII e.!l, '~>~>.· mlng n • hi m· h •- k h ... 2 quor"~ ch-Jnt" or ... "' ..... till..,. •· 1 "'.:>•~ s o co enoug "' now w e ... er s """ """ " m"""• the red shirts In Russia, a"d. llonoiulu 1n nearly hnlt a CClntury "Perhaps the rnost uwtlnct indliUl· very 8~0k --ons n""d him .. ~ror"' ~ coooa of-., th •. 1 k .. ,_._ '' ·mw?x·l-·muuum·,.ui!'otimi!f'nnthr,n.~uJljriJioiJ,·"~.ftw" n~ •• LL;'d~~~rb~o~!~~g~~d~ .. ~ .. ~~ft~ .. fR_.7:,~omthtn°!'wtn- ........ "'"' "" ., . course e "ac s~.~ ... ..,. in Italy " • ..~ .... ~ cH u .. - ..... ,. .. ;;: ... _ wo- otlietwlm:i get ttr thorn •. , i :~~';:!"· whll!h ~~ -um most l)rllcilcni: :ot ercc9 • ter 1.9 tho height Of tornge plnnts,'' Securlnr Privacy. Pinch tlf sdlt all because you don't need t.o wash

Firat public: knowledge of an op· tho report continues. "The average When privacy Is wanted, and fr~ a teaspOOns vanilla • n block shirt. for rn:mths and' parent alight upwnrd climb ln h(\lght or aU ptnnts cxnmlned lri the dom from 'bOthering calls such as a tablespoons butter . months. • llawall'o ccmpctntuto wns obtained &nuts l!I 6S lii!l' ~1 lcSlJ Uinn In from clellncrs, agents, etc.. Unr cu~ .cnoeolat:e- in small .pleees or _So 'llltlybe- ~~:re. text quick. The llloment It fg ruways dullest just before

the yawn.

In 1025, when Edwnrd A. Ocala, at 1035. · phone need .not be llsled. Thts Itl use cocoa and sur ovet direct heat ·o.lartnists runong us are predicting that lime in eharr:c of tho U. s. "Id se\'cral Instances tho quad- frtquentty donO<. The telephqna with the watet untU thick and an enrly dictatorship here. At the WcGther Burenu In Hawaii, report· rnnl!l oxamhtcd did not contain n sih.r company .will not frive such num.- smooth. Add sugar . nnd s!llt ond rate nU' tlfe standard shares are ed to bin department hend In Wash· glo g

1rnss seed 8~!• \~~Ua_ Jn the' bershoutln. I~a;.;romiha_ns floor th

1,e ~hr- .stir untU diSsi>hred. lloU tlt~e ~~!>:~~1 snapped ~· Wlne'll,~~ve t!)

,.! " ·lngton Ula\ "llawnll is grow4tg (li'OV OUS year a guuu Se.tu crop Was son . av g urtr p !ltte g VC t e Utes, add fla\"Oring and butter r uuiu\ up i1 new c6,or Suu-.,., and. wnrmer year by yenr" produced. Seedling crpps hnvo been number to those he or she wishes serve hot. Store itl air-tight eon- unless we hurey, there may not be

• totally lnc1dns thiS year or hnva to receive telephone callS from. ttliner and teheat when wanted to any new colors think and died due to we:nt!Jer conditions.'' \\"hen n person must #et soirle serve again. · · .. · ·- you cnn't hnve n Ahnntfoned Mine Shaft Is

U~tt'd to Cure Rpquefort •

\\' ashington. -An old abandoned mine shaft Jn Pennsylvnnla is the newest _idea in curing plnces for domt'stic: Hntruefort cheese, r~ {tOrts· the l>cpartml'nt of Agrit:ul· ture ht're.

The damp shaft h!Y-1 been- ~.yhltc­waiilicd nnd air at 40 Mete~ Fohrcnhelt forced tbtot.tlb it.

'l,'buo a new underground J>bca till bCQn ndded ·to an. · · at.

work by a specUled time. ond can- Choeolate DeUeaoy. out a. shirt to Deaths -Exceed llirths --H~~~ebo. interrupted., .Jt. a well . t-3 cup·liutter · - - l'llle... .Lavender. ·

• ,I some plnce In the hOuse where d yet by anybody, seems t'~2!~~~::~~=~~~~ l'n Frenci1 Repuhlt·c· nei-ther doo_rbelt nor phonb enn be ~cup pc)w ~rJJ,W.S\lgar kind of sissy, and, whtle, a grnvr·

Jtenrd. In cnso of illness in n home · 3 ·egg$ . . • . · colored shirt might sUit the carelesa nnd phone c!alts would be disturb- 2 !:quaras chocolate, melted it. tacks ~g. don't you think?

Paris.-Denths exceeded births torr s_omtrtne-ber of the tnmlly can ~~- cup. dry "fiitted bNod crumbs In a"" even• our -"''-t 0 ht. t. in Fram~e tluriug 1935" declares ask trionds ~~~ to phQne the hou~e. Crenm the butter with the sugar. have ~., good Jon~t · i:u to if. ~ th. e s·ct'"'lt'''ic J'ourn"l L ... Sct'"n-._·e~ · e Ptil Slndl~~-WNU Se"~c-e. add th~ egg yolks. sllgbt1y beaten; cause. b. ·" th_ at tim_ e_, tjt_·_e Ameri~a .....

" WI .. ... " ... .., " · · · • tlte melte'd: chocolate and bread • "' b t - ·• In Vic. . " . .. cruw.})s..· 'Beat •"'e' e ... g wl)ltes and taxpn,yc~ pl'Q ab Y' will have lost

th ""' · .• ,, "t • ,. • hiS pnnt.s. " ... . o year numoot'ed fold into the miXture. uteas~ two IB.VIN s. ·COBB

Were ~M'l sbrulqw cake pa~ . and on~ 0 \Vtlltem Newltl>:ill"t ttlllou. · · e~~~e· ·~· ~~~ 1bird 11t the. batter' · · ·. -~ach. .,.. • · ·"· · · ' .... , ......

.9: id Bl)rie . ~cbtf' 1n . · sloW' oven (325. .

· · · -ready- notod lor . , . ~~- . ·-:-On- -11\o-- up~r- .

• .i:'&vel hnvo be0noc:ut

twel'ity milllites, IS "the ' .

· -tandJtonu- blults Mat • ~vlclc: wr!tlc ~

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');··· ool:..Fur- -~El!Senililes"h for ·Autumn-· tl • • . ... •

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· · :·· : ~- ,' ·nr·.~-~ca<>~As ··~·-.': · ' ., · Tates ami Traditions I. • ·~:;.. ... ll9at """"'(all

. ..., ....... "Satin-F-rock-···· ·:~h~~h~~~h;e,imuchd~slre~..!!c\r~- .:.. .. · --~No·:-1·3•1nch Fi~h- · ~- .. · ··· · ·· for Autumn Wear 1· Batbillll"bal B~U ~attern No. 194g..a """'1rteen -. m· e"' • tlsh are ....... · • s ava a e m s12:es 12, 14, 16; 18 .. •" •• . , ,..:

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wooL-and-fur 'Cnsemblen for brl!llt autumn daya are tl\c

moat tallted of .:o!ltumes amqng new orrivnlD tor brink autumn days. Prccloua lura arc combined with very fino oheer wools In atunnlng formal daytlmu mod~.>n, whUo popu· Jar oporttJ fum ouch an kJdoltln and

• leopard nrc teamed with novelty wool!l In outllttJ that wltl odd extra glnmor to t.ho football atndlum and cnmrun promenade Utlll ~1111.

Fingertip and three-quortca lenath jocktlta and capeo ore favored In there coatumCG, all thlo type of ntyl· lng playa up the amort be­tween gleaming fur and dull-our·

) faced wool uocd tor Uto lining of the '}l\ coot and for the accompanyln,~t frock

or llult. \

. '


~' : +·

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IY ·•flANK L HAGEN .....


I N 1832 a Democratic President decided to have his party's con­

vention ('the first it had ever held) renominate. him and along with

·that decision .. he directed thiit the nomination of his running mate should be made by vat~ of · .tw~.l thirds of· the convention delMates . · One hundred and four ;years lat­

er a Democratic !,)resident decid-ed to have his party's c~:~:e~n~~'l renominate him an'll along that action he brought about tho abolition of 'lhe cent~-old "two­thirds rule."

The man who originated that dis tinctlvely Democratic .Institution was Andrew Jackson. The man who ended Its existence was Frank· lin D. Roosevelt. ...

J qckson had selected his secre­tary of state, Martin Van Bllren, !or the position of vice-president. The senate bad only recently re-jeCted Van Buren's · as minister to Great "Old Hickory" thought it would square accounts with that body to have the "Red Fox" -preside over it. Also vice-presidents in those days usually succeeded to the Presidency through regular elcc• tion and Jackson wonted Van Buren

., to be his !lUCCe5SOf, , So -when his party prepared to

' '


..-? hold Its llrllt convention in BalU· , more In 1832, Jnckson wrote out Introducing Autumn'!l smartest

' thla resolution which he gave to ' Crock. Snua at the waistline and ~ .... · · .. • one. of hiD Jieutenan!D to prenent to llnTed below, a youthful lnterpre-

Soft rabbit woolen tn o muted the delegates: tatlon with snap and dash. It's green -shade atylcs tho nicely cut "Resolved, That each State shall . ll' lind for buninens, !lChool. ooclals. and detailed frock ahown to the be e,Jltltled, In the nomination of a and a winning number at bunco left. The tdenth:al r,oabbit woqlen candidate for the Vice-Prealdeney, or bingo! alno llnes the gray moleskin swag· to a number of voteD equal to t11o 1 The blouse has n clover fcml· ger coat of thls amart fall enaemble. number to which they wJll be cn·1 nine touch· In Ito ooft cnthct n thut Which reminds Ull that otylo ex· titled In tho Electoral College un· ! peep cunningly from beneath the pertD nrc nil agog In regard to aroy der the new apportionment In vot- , yoke, whfch ill topped by o nor· this oeaoon, eapeclally In rcu}rcct lhg for PretJidenL and·' row otnndlng collar that Uea In n to furs. Silver lame acccnt.a the dent; and that two-thlrda of U1c dainty knot. To pleMt your whim, buttoned narrow gilet and edgCD the whoro number of . the voteD In tho . omit the nccltUc and t:~ubatltuto o pocJcct tlpa. An further attraction convention llhall be neceosary to 1 nccl!crchicf, or nocot tlo then the sUet hao a 11>w of lemc-covcrcd conotltutc o choice." i aanln forcet about -the buttonu, ·ttny buttona. The diagonal acmmlng The Balllmoro c.onvcnllon wn.a open the yolte, prc!l!J down the of tho drC!l!l In notcwol'lhy. ll.ll completely dominated by Jack-' Olden~ rormlns a v and trim It with

French women adore block and c.on no the recent Philadelphia' a bricht bouttonnlrc. You may Ulia ocnc.on they oro again c.xprcn- meeting wn.a controlled by Roooo- · have your way about the alcevca, alng a preference tor It by wearing volt co tho dclcgotca obedlenUy · tuo. for tho pattern of!' era boU1, contumeo or atunnin1 bloclt broad· adopted · the rcr:olutlon. During long ond ohorl A graduated gore cloth with a touch of high color and Jocltnon'o lltcllmo covcrnl C!ifort.a rcduccn~ the G\~eep nt tho hlpllno with lavlah fur. In th1D category w .wore made to aboll!lh tho rule but

• •

' •

a~t: 20. Correspondin~ bust·mea- Parently very...Jtar<t to.· catch in ~;~urements 30, 32, 34, ;36 .and 38, Michigan," says R. W. Each-· Size H (32) requires .fo.ut . ana m~yer of the . Institute . tor three-eighths :r-ards ·of 39-inch rna- Fisheries Research, after check-terial, four nnll one-fourth ;yards ing over thousands of creel cellSU3 with short sleeves. · Price of Pat· returns made by the state's ang-tern, 15 cents.· . .• .... lers~ i\nglcrs estimate their fish

Send YQUr order to Th<! Sewing Circle Pattern, Dept.,· 367 w. at 10, 12, 14 and 16 inches but Ad St Ch. Ill --rarely, do they !!BY D, H, 13, J5 ams. ., 1cago, .

C!:l ~ell Syndlcat-..-:-WNV S•rvice. or any odd figure .

.., • ~. ' - . - - . - - --

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Make Ua• "Firat Quart" CoaU

Dmin Md refill \~1ich Quaker Srotc:. Note the milc;~gc. Prove (or your­

ad( dtat you do go fud1er before you luvc co add dac fu:sr q~r. The: rcuil price is 3'~ per qulllt. Quaker State Oil Refining Com­

pany, Oil City, Pcnn')·lv:u~i.t. ' '

• •

F . . .

' , r '


. '

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• Capen appear ln both awaecer and

formal otyling In any number or tho mont otrllilns wool•ond-rur crwcm· bleD. Tho new . cqunre·nhou:dcred

· · ~-.-..«j...o."~Ura~ ell]n!'lf llfnf afe moTwig thcir

the formal afternoon costume cult aU of U\cm foiled. After hl!l death thnt bopntn o fingertip box coat . of It bccamo all but r.acred or'ld Cor blnck kldaldn with otandup collnr the next hundred yenra tho nhodow .andJ:uuldin&.trim~taJfl'oand.pocl•· oCAn4row Jackoon, In Q1c form of~ ct.a or the aamc coft bloc}1 brood- thiD rule, hung over every 'Demo. !

..... ___ ,_ .. ·-···•


appearance In advance ore creating no end of excitement for they arc no atnrllincly dlfl'crcnt from anyUllng In the •voy of a daytime wrap cecn In recent yearn. For real owonk and o dramatic nen.naUon o llltcly fOtihulo calla far a oquar~ ahouldcrcd cnJ:e of oofnrl brown Alanka ccolnltin which, when It c,wlngo bock, chc;wo o Unlnc of .r;hecr rabbll wool In tnotchinll brown, and a fitted frock of the uome sheer wool with touche!! of gold lame ot the .high collar and tollor«< cults-a trul'! arlstrocrot tJ1is in ranhion'o realm. The belt bucklt> or the trocft and the ncclt cloop or tho cape ore of hand&Ome hammered metal. See

- "~·=· ... - ·thig patrician two-some pictured- to the right In the llluslrotlon (anme cape closed, In Uny Inset). .

cloth that Ia w;cd for the jacket c:rnttc convention. i llnlng and a atrolght cut aklrt. A I cherry red blouae and a onucy flt· GASTRONO!'tJ.ICAL 1 ted llidnltin cap edged with flaring Q NE of the bCDt wayo to win a I bloch ·net complctca the cnet'mble. j Prcoldcnllal cnmpnlan la to !

Then there in tho co:Jtume that Ia get a good ologan onJ din It In the' very a;woggcr indeed for eportnwcnr ! votern' cora. A good nlogan· tip- I and for Informal daytime wear In I pcnln to the lnntlnctn or to the cmo- I town thot fcnturen n


. Uono rather than to the lntellecL ~ lcn!fll\ Oared coat of gray kldnkln Combme that faot with thcr- old oay-j worked cleverly ln r.-.vlrling linen. lng about "the b1Mt way to a man's The coot ~nlng and n two-piece hcort in through hla atomoch" and " frock In wnsstctlnt styling nrc made ! It's cosy to undorntand ~crtnln m- 1 up in t,OXford rabbit wool with mull I· clrlents 1n political history. j colored pollto dots scattered gaily : Bock 1n JMO when the Whigs wt>re ,. over the surtacc. An occompnnyln:t 1 trying to elact Gen. WUllatn Hrn· kldsl:in hnt i.9 worn for back on Ule ry Hnrr!Go• over Martin Van Burrn, hend~_ It Is just_ auch nJI·gray COS:; j t~ DcmOt:rnUc candidate. theY tumes on thls Utat ore tatting the • raised the cry of "Van's,, world of fashmn by storm thi!l tall. : Fdty Cents 0 Day and Fren~·h :

e w .. tero N•"'•""P<T t'a:cm. ' So Ou p II ....... D 11 • --:------------------------------ up; T o cy, • wo o nrs o · 1 Day nntJ Roast 9~f. •• Wuuld n

., •

, I

' ' ! ' ' . '

LACE OVER METAL BRIGHT SASHES AND h~~f,?,.~votcr hesitate long betwe('n . lo Of

o:.• ... .u • ' i rwmical angle to this campaign. :: To be inspired by the men's • The "singing Whigs" set to the tu1110 1

clotheg of the Directoire periarl and ; of "Auld Lang Sync" rruch words ; at the snme time acllfeve o most jM th~: ~ feminine looking collection i.9 cer- , Sb.xlld ll">>d ~ cil!u be ~·~std ~ tainty no common feat. This wos A<;S ~·~· nvrt:"! ,_,, . ij brilliantly dcm-... r"'-d t th ~ •"'m lotr a'-'"' be ar,:ual

"'~· ..,.., a e (br ,rat~:u~ t;ci:t o1 ""~ • B~rn~~~~~~~rt ~·~~~~~· Parisiennes were given a glimpse 1 Fc. tt-.e '""' c:.: o~,.~. of beautiful fa~ions - to - be for ; L<t'• t•l:e • meg ,'JJ .X:.. """' autumn and winter. Fe ·~ tn:e c.:d .. ,.~. !

On · So Ule thirsty voters who wontro e of the most important Items · "good o!d cider'' joined with Ute

of this collectlon wos the lntroduc- hungt') voters who wanted ••roast i1

tion cf anshes. such _as the elegant beef" and together they elected! beaux of the Direct01re used to pa- H · . i rade in. They are black on black · ::gh t.he Whigs' slogan in~ dresses, an~ have the ends embroid- liMO was the ancestor of the "Full! ered In VIvid . colors. .~ey Jock Dinner Pail" of a later era, that graceful and gave a bn!hant note expression didn't actually come in­to th..!_dork day 311d even~ng gowns. to use until UJ9G. Itt that year .... ,.

t··-: ··,·.~, j\---'. \~''t

LOwse Itoulanger placeg Ifow:r opponents were Democratic Bryan clusters on the slee\"es this ~me m and Republican McKit\ley. The tar· many of her drt>sse!l, encircling thc iff was the principal issue and the arm. Republicans had various prosperity

slogans. But wiSe old Mark Harina Dignity Is Latest' Note in boiled them all down into the vote-

. . . . ~­;::J


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• Fashions for Campus Wear getting sloga11o-of the "Full Dinner . Pall" and the American

Fall atyles for the school and col· who wanted one voted Cot Mc:Kln·l lege miss nrc going sophisticate. It's ley and elected him.

· no longer smart to cultivate a look Thirty-two years later the nco of" studied carelessness. Swagger publicans used a varlaUon on the ..collegiate .. clothes are way prosperitY tfleme and tl1eit prom• to dignity and forlflal . tailoring. ise to the votc.ra of "A car in ~v.,,ntl Sweatera. nre wom with pe'arls, and garage -nnd a chicken m formal velveteens are breaking into pot'' helped Herbert Hoover deJrea!tl the cllnssroom. The college Jasg wUl At Smith in the election ot 1928. be up on her cul'led pbmpadours e weatoro Newap:~~r t1e1Gn. and her smoky shades of poliSh for . the na.ils. No more boyish 'bobs or WoOd Carvlnr ID Black Forest back-to-nature fingertips. F'or hundreds of years the Black

Off-the-face bort.-.ets ready for the Forest people of Germany have car· big .. gatne ate dressed up with tiny ried on thelto . wood carving · and veils. Bonnet,tdques are smart in bomecralts. Thet make cuckoo velvet with matching velvet bags. clocks, some entirely of wood, fur­'I'hese conttilst with the color ot the niture, music boxes and t;,ys. 1n suit: . American beauty with ·state former days manr gems were cut blue, (lnpudne or caratnel with there• and the regloh wu fatn2d for · black or with brown, raisin ·.vith its glass. After the discovery of dark · • this fast industry expert-

- ~~1~~~~w~e~·e~k~-i1~~~~i!~~:rr~~ ~~:::t>cl~~ ends, with fur j~cket costur4es a a. b eiucy. metal J e!IO!~e Jseoo""' • · " . ' . ·. 4 ... . ' - '-

... . . ... • • •


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Ov COURU, chUdren- llh011ld never. drink ((}!l'ee. A11d D111rty grown-ups, too, rmd tlult tho mfl'oin in .a~ll'eo dlaocroeu with thein. Ir you havo hll<ldachot or" .ltltligestlotl or can't Jll!Xl'P soundly ... try PQ>tum. it contalllll no aaffeln. It Ia rumply wholo wheat and bran, toaated ond slightly ewoottJ®cl. . •

You mily mlu·c:01f~ at . first, -but after 3o . days yt)u'U Jovo Pottum (01' Its ciwn rlcb, aotlflfylng Oovor. Pottum comes ln two fomu~Poatum C4r041, the kind you boi~ Cllld lmtant Posturc1, mado lmtantly in the c:up. Either way It Ia msy to mtlko, dollcloua economleal, add may PI'QVO a roaJ b'Oip. A ~lict of Ocnttal FoodL .

. F R IE-tet u. t~eall )'011 :rollf' fl.!•t -'<'• euppl; cf , PO.tum/tHIIIImpt,. truoll coupon. 0 toto e, " .,0 ,.;. . .. ' . '

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WE HAVE JUST ;~·- -· ·-~... :·--·· ~ DiiiTRlQl' COU~T OF 'l'HE. . . ··:;: -· ~TATE OFNlllW:M:E~lCO . • ..

' !_i..

R . E . c -E (. v E 0 .. !?:R ~~!~:;::t~.~: W!T~~g~LIN· . ·. . . Capitan; N.· M. · 02tf . R, E. Fr~eq~ez and ·lSfren

Th. e dpen season for bear b~ga'n Pacheco, Plai.,'Uif• . ,. VB. · · today. S e .v e r a 1 .huntei~

here from Kansas · A •. lf:~Pher.eo!l hnJ?leaiJ· ' in Qrder lo be ... the·. first . with the foUowJna- aamed ' ~

, In agqlast w)lom hunt. qubatituted aenlce le here•


Of fall and Winter CIQtbio~ ·a~ -follows: . '

Ladies'· All-wool Winter Coats - Men's Mackinaws

Mrs. D. f>. Elliott spent TQes- by e.oug<ht to b.e obtaiaed, · day and Wednesday in Alamo· to·wlt: Alb.ert H. M~••Y and

Mary Frai:Jc:ea J4aeey, hie gordo. .~.. yife, Thomaa B. Maaay. if

. .

Men's all-wool,Oress-Irousers B.oys' Cordutoy Suits· CliiJA:lren 's School Sweaters .. . -. ';

We are con~tdntly tuelvin~ sblp~P.ot~ of dotbtng for

. -


lH£ llTSWORTH (0.- If«. •

-- ·- ----•

Miss Lorena Sager of Santa Fe livi11~ a11d hie unknown is spending a few days at home belre if dece11e~d, Rutll

. · · ' Muaay, -wife of Thomae H. · With her parents. Maa11y, If .livlug. 1ui!,l her i'!~o

Mr. arid Mrs. L. J. Adams were ll!t~.nQw.D helra if de~toaed, CJvJ.!. El Paso visitors last week .return- D. w.· Low If living on~ hill, Suit to . . ' . kpown helrll. If deceaaed, Q u i e t m~ ltome the evemng of the btg Myrtle K. Low. w:lfe qf D. Title •. ram and snow storm. They made w. Low: If living aad her the trip fine until they reac.hed 1111know heire if deceaard, the big arroya between Oscura and Myrtle Woods Dilke, Ele· Polly then they aat there until worth Duke, Prunella Du~··

. · . . • • the unknown heir1 at law 4:30-m the mornmg wattmg for and legal repree.entatlvee of the water to run down enough Tom J. Duke; deceased, and them to cross. All uu~nown claimant• of

~1··. D th N' k 1 • . · ln\9£,e&ll ~u t~c; .ber~inafter 4 ISS oro Y . JC e S came deacribed premleea 1dverae

. home from Las Vegas to be to tbe plaintltJe Defelld· __ ...:·---~__;;··;;:;;....· ·;;..· ~~-:;.--;;.;-;;;,;;..:· ·;;;; .. ·;;:··.;:;:-·::;··:;· .;:-;;;-::-:;:;::;-;:::::;·;.;--;:;;:;;-::.;··..;·__;.___ installed in her office, at the a11t1t '


Read rules and instructions Before Registering


Rainbow lodge, after which the R?inbow girls and their boy Notice of Pendency of Suit frtends ml'l at the N1ckels ranch · .,_ hmpl' for a party honoring her THE ltTA'I'E OP NEW .MEXIGO

b. hd · To the above named defeadllllta, lrt ay~. GREETING:

Mr. \V. J. Langston, lrecretary You and each of you are hereby of the local 1. 0. 0. F. Lodge notified tbat lhe above uomed rec~ivl'd a telegram Sept. 30, rrom plaintltJI have IUed their compJniut

ogoluet you to the Dlatrlct.Court of the Albuquerque lodge stating of tbe Tbh'd Judicial Olatrlct of the Mr. L. M. Stone formerly :\ State of Nllw Me:~~lco wltbla and-for school teacher at Nogal had the County of Lincoln; !hat the paused away. .. ge11eral object of 111~d actton ie to

· quiet the eald · plalutl1fa ·IIIIo to

· :". ZIEGLER •

• .

BROTHERS '' . ' . .

"'I. -

. (

..OF BETTY ROSE - - .... .

.. . ...,. .... '"I -' _. .

You couldn't do better at any price.. . Every-- coat was hand· picked to-.assure you th~ best fabrics, the finest furs and the cleverest styling. -. A small de­posit holds any coa't sale. •


ZIEGLER BROTHERS To onrourngo better oportsmanohip in hunting, we will giv<• no a

. priz{', for the largest BUCK DEER killed during thq 103f.i huntinll twanon, A NEW 71 MODEL LEVER ACTION WlNCHgHTim It I f'LE, caliber 348 ln a 24 barrel valurd at:--

Mro. Nannie J. Stone of tbowe certain troclll oud parcrla of Corona will spend lhc week end land 11od real e1tote eltuate .lu.tbe 1!::=~=:: with ~1m. Carl Garrinon. Connty of Ltncola, etate of New ~ _ .. _ .. _ - .. _ ~- Me:dco and more parttcularlJ drB·



'l.'. ,, ,~',

•l •

·' . .. ~-

' . . .


- N~ ' Section 34 STATE OF NEW MEXICO ; S'rATE OF NEW .MEXICO !\Jr. G<•rnld and Doc Doon w• NWl Section 35 WI1'HIN AND Jt'OR LIN- ; WITHIN AND FOR LIN-

spent the week end in Bingham. AJI in township 6 south, rtmge 18 COLN COUNTY COLN COUNTY· "1 t•'ll •r k ... - 00 t cast, N.M.P.M. Rumaldita Sanche-~ Ar- o. B. Shook, l'lalnHII, •' rn. •I uc Pr re .. w u o NE1SE1 Sectt'on 18 h b Ra S d " " mcdB CbBvcz, Plaintiff R•lu and Conditions vu.

I cr orne noor yo un ay. In township 7 south, mngo.l8 . · i J. EnJrloud, lm·

ll] All conteatant.f muat be duly rfilltertd at our store, on or be- Mrn. J. P. Glover vialted ia the N.M.P.M. vs. l'>lended wtth the follow· · · tore 0 o'clock p. IlL. Octobt!l'Uthl93&.·- .. - .. , . ~- ... -- .. . ... _ . 'f-yckc,rbome Monday. "T- .. ... 8.t 4 ... 51 • G _and 7 .... Section 6 Jl 'ln Montes, implead- lng named ddendnn to

121 A rt>~tlntralion fet:~ of 60c will be charsed. Mr. and Mrn. L. L. Bullington SiSWl Sf:ctfon 8 ed witli tlu'! following tnlflrinat>rhomvubllttnn·

I a I !\ 11

l'onll•Rtnnt will be ret'ognized unless duly regintered. attended the Rodeo in Socorro S6 Section 10 n a m e d defendantn I l.'d "l.'rvtct• 11

"4' lu•rrhy


. . Ruu~rht to br nbtnfnt•d, 4! J·,,, k rnu11t bt· kilh·d durinJZ the 1936 open hunlinu ncanon . Salu~'ay. All Section 15 agamst whom substi· ., ru 1 1o wit: l...rr J l':nlllnfld,

urul \H'tlllll'd at 1''. E. Rirlmrrd's feed stort> In CJlrrizozo, N. M. All Sel'tion 17 tu~ service is SOU[!ht wtdowof l.l'wi" t~nll'lnnd "" Pr lll'fnrt' 6 o'cock Nov. 16th 1936. · TIMr.dJ. P. Glover was in Socorro Lot 3, NJt~~iSW U, NWiSE! to be obtained, to-\yit, I df'ceosed, M rto. l>ottl;

IUrn ny. S . 18 I The Unknown Heirs at I Kn"lond .\ldl'r,.nn. Mn. l r, I All J'{'cordo of weights will bb kept. by F. E. Richard, and th<> ectton ·• • • 1 H

N·'· ...-contcat.ant pol!len3ing the Iargent buck In actual weight, after inaiden, Mr .• and Mrn. Harold Dean W» \VY, Section 20 Law or Elejo Montes, 4~}4, I v::,"~,n~·,·;.:~~~~~~~·~:~.~~ heart, liver and lungn have"been removed, will& given u a prize, were lD Socorro Saturday ror El Section 21 deceased, The Unknown ·I Knglolld, Kay Kngland,

Hl8 Civil

th b d ib-"' rifl the Rbdeo and attQndlng to . . Heirs at L.lw o! L. \V. Civil.

1. PNI.'r Grlsok If livln«

. e a ovc eur cu e. " buaine:J.t. w~ W}~ Sectton 22 Adams, deceased, The BOd hl~ unknown heir':


• Sigaed and a\)prorld by •


o,ner or the T. E. Kftltyltmtwm ud lporl ihop, . ' . Carrls01-o, New Mtxlco.

-- - ,___;;;:,_ - --

L Y Rl C THEATRE Friday and SaturdaJ I

Mae West in

"Klondike Annie" .. , --~ .-

With Vic.1.or McLaalcn The call of tho wild, the spell of the Yu· kon, the Juro of the big ol)iln spaces, the one and only Mae West and The Lion o( the Sta, the He-Man of the briny deep, the rough, toUgh sailor ladle, the one and only Vic, MeLaglcn. . .

Al.o Be~ Boop. ~...and. "rh9 Magic of MUlia." Btginnlng Oct. 1st the weekly abowa will

" atart at 7:30p.m. •

Featuring Jam~ Cagney, Margaret Lind· ey,· Ann Dvorak. Plentyo'f·u6itmtent, thrills anti ac~~on in thil gn~Jol'._ anyol\•· Alao: .. Radio Silly" aad "Gnld Diggtra"

alao "Tbt Plow T~t Broke· ttie Plaina. *! Sunday Matinee at-1:80 p •. m. Night abow at- -8:00. · \... J ...

S2500 R!WARO· f()l' "f.M J)EAfi or ALIVE ot tbe beditll who held up ~ho • ·

• Guriitlht S"-" ucl:ldlltclr ont ot the 1\W'dat FOf. • tuttber lntormatlon~ ~

· •"rHREE ON :iJ:Id TRAtt.'• • anQtltet thrillint Wtdniiidar • • d

• • •


Mrn. B. M. Glover vtaittd Mn. W~W~ Section 27 Unknown Heirs at Law. j u deceBol'd and Annie June Ratta Wedntlday. NoNEl, NElSEi, SiS• Section 28 ot Jose Mnnu(') San· GriBnk. hlo ~lfe,lf llviuu: h d d : nnd' her unknown bt.lrll Mr B'll Grce od . d f il Wi W,, SE!SEl, SlSEl.Scction 29 c ez, ecense , and All n drceaoed, T h e~ u.n· ~ . • 1 ~wo an am Y N·~ , ' . Sectio 83 Unknown Clafmants or · known he ira of 1. u. attended the Fatr and Rodeo m . · · n. Interests in the herein· Pl1ITnpo(eoml'tlmes <'oil. Socorro Snturdaj. Alhn township 7 south, range 19 after described premis- cd Johb H. Phl•lipt>, de·

TbeBfghwaybttwHn e;:l.St, N.M.P.M. .adversetotheplain- cenoed, ond all unknown and San Antonio, iJ in You are farther uotffted that an- tifl', Defendants. clnimanfo ot inll.'reato In

~~~~~~~~~~~;=~==~~~~L-----~~tb~e~h~e~r:ei~n:af~t:er~d~e:s~cr~lb~e=d~---------or before

~ashed away. lgA6. judgeme11t will be rendered in aaid au .. •l'•ln•t 10u by dAtil alt.

Notice of Pendency · of· Suit

plaintitJ, Dcfeudonta.

Billy Sullivan spent Monday night with Steve Hayes. Tbe aatt addre•• of pluin·

titJa' attomey i• Joha :&. Hall, Car- The State ·of New Mexico To Notice of Pendency of Sf' Mm. Ratts, Mm. Hayro and rlso&o, New Mnfco, the above named defendants, .

Judge Kilgore were school visit- wuueea my b•nd aad aeal of utd GREETING: THE l:iTATii OF NEW MEXI' o, ora lt,riday. Court at Carrboso, Llncolu ·Conaty You a'i'e hereby notified that To tfte above named defeudaute,

• • Ne,w Mexico thla l!lret day of Oc- ~he above named. plaintiff has filed GR.E&Tl~G: Nellie Tucker Vlitted school tober,l9ao. • tn the above named Court in the You and eacb of you ore hereby

Monday. Erneet Key above named nnd numbered aotified lhot the abOve numed·ptuin· Althou~~gh th"- ........ a flood at (Seal) District Court Clerk. cause of action her complaint tltJ boa filed his complaint agaiuot

"""' nao .. 23 against you. )TOU in the District Court or tbe • Bingham Saturday the Oct... Thi J ...:....:----- "That the general object of said rd udicial..Qiatri!t of ·the State school attendants were "' · · is to quiet title in said of New Mo:ico, within ond for tho Monday. Notice to the property described County ot Lincoln; tbut the gener11l

-....,-----. • · the complamt in said cause, object of oaid actiou io to quiet tbe beiing a part of the s~u of said plaintiff' a title to those certain

-Ml'~d Amtr-.I,~rry--Smith . __ .. . . . ~--~---- __ . . . 1),., -Xownship. l-1- tractuud parce!s_of IQ_n_!l_!l~d reo! ... Los A~gelcs who have been gUesta NO HUNTING· ALLOWED R~n_fie 15 East, N. M. P.M.~ con- . . .. the property pnrticul· of thetr parents, Mr. lnd Mrs E~ NE3t, Wi NEi, El NWi·; tmmng approxunately 3)! ·acres arly dll!!ctibed in the comp,lalnt of Riley 1\lcPherson for two weeks and El NWi NW'i and Ei S\Vi and ~eing situate in precinct ~o: ploin~UI nnd bo:oing in sections 12 left forborne today nccompanied NWl Section 25 T 10 S. R. 15 E, 10, Lincoln. County, New Me:tteo. ~:~~ 13

• Townahip t•, Bontlt, Range ' . • . . . You are further . tifi d th. t ooat and aecfious 7, 8, 17 and 18, by . M~. and Mrn. Gdbert Dow N. M. P. M: . . · . unless you enter yo:oa ~ran~e T.ownahip to South~ .kange 14 Ka ~. who wdl Pr<?bably locate the.1'0. ··.. Wdbur Coe, Ranch. on or before the 7th day ~fNovem- in Precin~t No.9, Lincoln Oou~, ·- •• • ' u ~.. • ~·· -- • ·=-- · · , l930, judgment wilfbe tend· N~:Mexlcor ·. · ·. - · · ..

ered against you in said cause by You are further ttOWl'Eid_ that uu-default. . less you enter your appearance oa · ·T · . . · · ol' before the l:!th da·v 0· r· N b he name and addresa of · . ·· ·. · · ·. · ·.~· ·· · ovem er, tiff's nttortiey is John E. 1936

• Will be rendered in •

, • I&IIQ Court this 5 day Of Septent• h a attQrney is_ John E, Hnll; Car·

·SPONSO' . R'•ED a··.·y·· . . her 1936. • r ~o, .New MeXico. 1 · · . · . Witneas my bond and seal (If said Ernest Key, Coud ut Ctirrlzoao N. · ...,. ... ·

. . . . . . . I ew 1'&e:lJC0 .E. .. I c··l' b''' D ti' iii (Seal) . Clerk. lb(ij 26 day of September, 193t'L . . . \1 .· n.ecrea . YO •eu~«· 25.-'0ct. 16: &rn;t ~ey, l>ietritt . .ou.rt Cieri(.

Oct. 3. rd. • Co.·--.·-~~ ...... ity' a· t ....... c· ····r·. ~i::._ ....... ·..... . . y ttcille c. Path!raolf, . " ~ 5 •!""•:, .... • .. .. I'DI- · · . tlepuly.

·,M~aic--by J ~~.Cbnqui;btdor.. . lBa~10~1'$·t~:~~~!rd'l'!; o~ect, •a. . · . · · · . ·· · . :· . . ··~· IYeA!IX'B _sem···· ·.c.~ .h.e_re .. • ~ 2._() ·pe··· r cent ... t_os.·_T--_ ma .. re .. 00t·, . ..;..1·tk· .. 8.+w~ ... L

tc.· •• _. •~o ..


-- _,,~- ··-- -~ ·---~~.._q~,g~tt.l~ltl;i<)!j~·~· ___~· Com.• and .. hin *·wood_··. . ti.·uur 11 - ti 1 ·1• ..., & ... ,..~.... l ._, . -·-·-----~- . oh a op.,.. ca_worJU. J:Jl co __ .. lor.tan. ~.·.·. mu_J9_i ....... earr.n_qtk~ witiL~

Ad~. 70c,. $~tltora10c - ... · . Oct.,.~ra. .. m. ear. Notily Ollie L ··· . · ~


. . ' . -- ' .,

• • . .. . '

• .. • . . . " . . .

• • •

\j. .

,•>. -- - • • . • o - •' I -'• I (

• ••

. . . . . " ' . .

' '

Unt . no~n, Oct .. 4th. 2t . camz9Zo, . M. . . . ~~ •.

• • . .. • • •