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Post on 20-Jan-2016




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Em espanhol Gerard Vilar, Desartizacin (e outras coisas?) Szondi (poetica y filosofia de la historia I e II) Em alemo Das Drama nach dem Drama _________________________________________________________ Critical Theory and Performance Theatre in the Expanded Field: Seven Approaches to Performance alexander garcia duttman [philosophy of exaggeration e outros] The Idea of Communism 2: The New York Conference [ i ek's Jokes: (Did you hear the one about Hegel and negation?)] (fev/14) Theatre of images (e outros da autora) Adorno, Lectures on negative dialectics Philosophy in cultural theory sobre o wooster Rimini Protokoll (usado) Sebald, a radical stage performance, identity and the neo-political subject performance and the politics of space the contemporary ensemble logics of disintegration, peter dews figures of dissent, eagleton coleo Studies in International Performance New relations in art and society Janet Cardiff? (Walk ways?) Subjects without Selves, Gabriele Schwab Tragic Play: Irony and Theater from Sophocles to Beckett Jacques Ranciere and the Contemporary Scene Brecht and critical theory Art's Way Out: Exit Pedagogy and the Cultural Condition As Radical as Reality Itself Theatres of Engagement (2013) contemporary practices - art and experience sobre Rancire (an introduction...) Communities of sense - rethinking aesthetics and politics All Theater Is Revolutionary TheaterContemporary art in latin america 'Pataphysics what to cook and how to cook it Mapplethorpe, Lachapelle, Sophie Calle, Matthew Barney, Elaine Sturtevant Phaidon contemporary artists: Maurizio Cattelan, L'autre Mediated (Thomas de Zengotita); Michael Wesch David Graeber everyone talks about the weather... we don't Performing Remains: Art and War in Times of Theatrical Reenactment Robert Wilson (Miguel Morey) Body Art and Performance: The Body as Language Art works: Perform (Hoffmann, Jonas) Bourriaud - Altermodern 19.80 Hal Foster - The return of the real What is fluxus, what is not, why The apocalyptic century (a special issue of Theatre) The Routledge Drama Anthology and Sourcebook: From Modernism to Contemporary 29.03 Simon Shepherd - Theatre, Body and Pleasure The senses in performance Certain Fragments (Forced Entertainment) The theatre of societas raffaello sanzio 37.95 Coco Fusco - The bodies that were not ours Harold Pinter - The Proust Screenplay Methuen Contemporary Dramatists: Complicite, Dario Fo, David Greig Nicky Silver, Anthony Neilson, Tracy Letts, Ngugi wa Thiong'o, Derek Walcott -------------------------------------------------------------------------------AMAZON.FR (EM EUROS) L'aventure de la philosophie franaise : Depuis les annes 1960 Isabelle Garo, Deleuze, Foucault, Althusser, Marx L'Or des images : Art - Monnaie - Capital L'idologie ou la pense embarque Miguel Abensour Apprendre 35 : entre thtre et performance : la question du texte Thtre/Public, N 205, Juillet-sept : Entre-deux, du thtral et du performatif Bourriaud,l'ange de l'histoire L'oeil de l'histoire : Tome 4, Peuples exposs, peuples figurants Regnault, Thtre - Equinoxes e Solstices Michel Henry - Marx (2 volumes) Joseph Jacotot (mestre ignorante) Josette Fral - (economia poltica do teatro) - Pratiques performativesDu labeur l'oeuvre : Portrait de l'artiste en travailleur, Pierre-Michel Menger Critique du Thtre: De l'utopie au dsenchantement -Jean-Pierre Sarrazac Qu'est-ce que la danse contemporaine? - Franois Frimat Badiou - Tetralogie d'Ahmed Jacques Roubaud Le thtre de l'exprience : Contributions la thorie de la scne -Esa Kirkkopelto Philosophie de la scne (solitaires intempestifs) Tankred Dorst: Le voyage Stettin Moi, Fuerbach 12,35 8,55Ivan Viripaev Noelle Renaude Falk Richter H.H. Jahnn, Peter Hacks, Lothar Trolle, Peter Handke, Michel Vinaver, Mathias La nghoff, Antoine Vitez, Werner Schwab Gombrowicz, Obaldia George Tabori Raymond Roussel Oeuvres thtrales Les voies de la creation theatrale