parallel field ranking - jiawei · zstate key lab of...

Parallel Field Ranking Ming Ji , Binbin Lin , Xiaofei He , Deng Cai , Jiawei Han Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL, USA State Key Lab of CAD&CG, College of Computer Science, Zhejiang University, China {mingji1, hanj}, [email protected], {xiaofeihe, dengcai} ABSTRACT Recently, ranking data with respect to the intrinsic geo- metric structure (manifold ranking) has received consider- able attentions, with encouraging performance in many ap- plications in pattern recognition, information retrieval and recommendation systems. Most of the existing manifold ranking methods focus on learning a ranking function that varies smoothly along the data manifold. However, beyond smoothness, a desirable ranking function should vary mono- tonically along the geodesics of the data manifold, such that the ranking order along the geodesics is preserved. In this paper, we aim to learn a ranking function that varies linearly and therefore monotonically along the geodesics of the data manifold. Recent theoretical work shows that the gradient field of a linear function on the manifold has to be a parallel vector field. Therefore, we propose a novel ranking algo- rithm on the data manifolds, called Parallel Field Ranking. Specifically, we try to learn a ranking function and a vector field simultaneously. We require the vector field to be close to the gradient field of the ranking function, and the vec- tor field to be as parallel as possible. Moreover, we require the value of the ranking function at the query point to be the highest, and then decrease linearly along the manifold. Experimental results on both synthetic data and real data demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed algorithm. Categories and Subject Descriptors H.3.3 [Information Storage and Retrieval]: Information Search and Retrieval—Retrieval models General Terms Algorithms, Theory Keywords Manifold, Ranking, Vector field Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, to republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. KDD’12, August 12–16, 2012, Beijing, China. Copyright 2012 ACM 978-1-4503-1462-6 /12/08 ...$15.00. 1. INTRODUCTION Ranking is a fundamental problem in many areas includ- ing data mining, machine learning and information retrieval [17, 10, 6]. Given a query, we aim to learn a real-valued function f that ranks the data points according to their rel- evance to the query. In other words, for any twodata points x i and x j , f (x i ) >f (x j ) if x i is more relevant to the query than xj , and vice-versa. In many real-world applications, one is often confronted with high dimensional data, such as images, documents and videos [21, 22]. However, there is a strong intuition that the high dimensional data may have a lower dimensional intrin- sic representation. Various work in literature have consid- ered the case where the data is sampled from a submanifold embedded in the ambient Euclidean space [2, 19, 23]. In this paper, we are interested in the ranking problem on the data represented by vectors in Euclidean space, under the manifold assumption [28, 1, 29]. Most of the existing ranking algorithms on data manifolds are based on the Laplacian regularization framework [28, 29], with promising performance observed on various data types such as image [9], video [27], and text [25]. These methods usually construct nearest neighbor graphs over the data to model the intrinsic geometric structure, and use the Graph Laplacian [5] to ensure that the ranking function varies s- moothly along the manifold. They essentially spread the ranking scores via the graph iteratively until a stationary state is achieved. The Laplacian-based ranking framework has some nice interpretations including close relationships to personalized PageRank [28, 17] and HITS [10]. However, recent theoretical analysis [12, 13] shows that the Laplacian regularizer is way too general for measuring the smoothness of the function. Although it is ensured that data points con- nected by edges in the graph have similar ranking scores, the actual variation of the ranking function along the geodesics of the data manifold is unknown. Ideally, beyond smooth- ness, a desirable ranking function should vary monotonically along the geodesics of the manifold. Therefore, the ranking order of the data points along the geodesics of the manifold could be well preserved. Moreover, according to the nature of the ranking problem, no sample in the data set should be more relevant to the query than the query itself. So the ranking function should have the highest value at the query point, and then decrease to other points nearby. In this paper, we propose a novel ranking algorithm on the data manifolds termed Parallel Field Ranking (PFRank), which learns a ranking function that has the highest value at the query point, and varies linearly and therefore mono-

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Page 1: Parallel Field Ranking - Jiawei · zState Key Lab of CAD&CG, College of Computer Science, Zhejiang University ... the initial ranking score

Parallel Field Ranking

Ming Ji†, Binbin Lin‡, Xiaofei He‡, Deng Cai‡, Jiawei Han†

†Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL, USA‡State Key Lab of CAD&CG, College of Computer Science, Zhejiang University, China

†{mingji1, hanj}, ‡[email protected], {xiaofeihe,dengcai}

ABSTRACTRecently, ranking data with respect to the intrinsic geo-metric structure (manifold ranking) has received consider-able attentions, with encouraging performance in many ap-plications in pattern recognition, information retrieval andrecommendation systems. Most of the existing manifoldranking methods focus on learning a ranking function thatvaries smoothly along the data manifold. However, beyondsmoothness, a desirable ranking function should vary mono-tonically along the geodesics of the data manifold, such thatthe ranking order along the geodesics is preserved. In thispaper, we aim to learn a ranking function that varies linearlyand therefore monotonically along the geodesics of the datamanifold. Recent theoretical work shows that the gradientfield of a linear function on the manifold has to be a parallelvector field. Therefore, we propose a novel ranking algo-rithm on the data manifolds, called Parallel Field Ranking.Specifically, we try to learn a ranking function and a vectorfield simultaneously. We require the vector field to be closeto the gradient field of the ranking function, and the vec-tor field to be as parallel as possible. Moreover, we requirethe value of the ranking function at the query point to bethe highest, and then decrease linearly along the manifold.Experimental results on both synthetic data and real datademonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed algorithm.

Categories and Subject DescriptorsH.3.3 [Information Storage and Retrieval]: InformationSearch and Retrieval—Retrieval models

General TermsAlgorithms, Theory

KeywordsManifold, Ranking, Vector field

Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work forpersonal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies arenot made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copiesbear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, torepublish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specificpermission and/or a fee.KDD’12, August 12–16, 2012, Beijing, China.Copyright 2012 ACM 978-1-4503-1462-6 /12/08 ...$15.00.

1. INTRODUCTIONRanking is a fundamental problem in many areas includ-

ing data mining, machine learning and information retrieval[17, 10, 6]. Given a query, we aim to learn a real-valuedfunction f that ranks the data points according to their rel-evance to the query. In other words, for any two data pointsxi and xj , f(xi) > f(xj) if xi is more relevant to the querythan xj , and vice-versa.

In many real-world applications, one is often confrontedwith high dimensional data, such as images, documents andvideos [21, 22]. However, there is a strong intuition that thehigh dimensional data may have a lower dimensional intrin-sic representation. Various work in literature have consid-ered the case where the data is sampled from a submanifoldembedded in the ambient Euclidean space [2, 19, 23]. Inthis paper, we are interested in the ranking problem on thedata represented by vectors in Euclidean space, under themanifold assumption [28, 1, 29].

Most of the existing ranking algorithms on data manifoldsare based on the Laplacian regularization framework [28, 29],with promising performance observed on various data typessuch as image [9], video [27], and text [25]. These methodsusually construct nearest neighbor graphs over the data tomodel the intrinsic geometric structure, and use the GraphLaplacian [5] to ensure that the ranking function varies s-moothly along the manifold. They essentially spread theranking scores via the graph iteratively until a stationarystate is achieved. The Laplacian-based ranking frameworkhas some nice interpretations including close relationshipsto personalized PageRank [28, 17] and HITS [10]. However,recent theoretical analysis [12, 13] shows that the Laplacianregularizer is way too general for measuring the smoothnessof the function. Although it is ensured that data points con-nected by edges in the graph have similar ranking scores, theactual variation of the ranking function along the geodesicsof the data manifold is unknown. Ideally, beyond smooth-ness, a desirable ranking function should vary monotonicallyalong the geodesics of the manifold. Therefore, the rankingorder of the data points along the geodesics of the manifoldcould be well preserved. Moreover, according to the natureof the ranking problem, no sample in the data set shouldbe more relevant to the query than the query itself. So theranking function should have the highest value at the querypoint, and then decrease to other points nearby.

In this paper, we propose a novel ranking algorithm on thedata manifolds termed Parallel Field Ranking (PFRank),which learns a ranking function that has the highest valueat the query point, and varies linearly and therefore mono-

Page 2: Parallel Field Ranking - Jiawei · zState Key Lab of CAD&CG, College of Computer Science, Zhejiang University ... the initial ranking score

(a) Data samples (b) Ranking results

Figure 1: We aim to design a ranking function thathas the highest value at the query point marked byred, and then decreases linearly along the geodesicsof the manifold, which is equivalent to its gradientfield being parallel along the geodesics. The arrowsabove denote the gradient field of the ranking func-tion, and the green lines denote the geodesics of thedata manifold.

tonically along the geodesics of the data manifold. A func-tion that varies linearly along the geodesics of the manifoldis called a linear function on the manifold [18], which couldstill be nonlinear in the Euclidean space. It was shown thatthe gradient field of a linear function on the manifold has tobe a parallel vector field (or parallel field in short) [18]. Be-sides, in order to ensure that the query has the highest rank-ing score, the gradient field of the ranking function shouldpoint to the query at the neighborhood around the query,since the value of a function increases towards the directionpointed by its gradient field. Figure 1 shows an exampleof the ranking function that we aim to learn on a data setsampled from a 2D sphere manifold in the 3D Euclidean s-pace, where the red point denotes the query, the green linesdenote the geodesics, and the arrows denote the gradientfield of the ranking function. The size of each point denotesthe ranking order generated by the ranking function, wherelarge points are ranked higher than small ones. As can beobserved, the ranking results generated by a function thathas the highest value at the query point and varies linearlyalong the geodesics are quite reasonable. The gradient fieldof the function points to the query, and is parallel along thegeodesics which pass through the query.However, it is very difficult to design constraints on the

gradient field of a function directly [13]. Instead, motivatedby the recent progress in semi-supervised regression [13], wepropose to learn a vector field to approximate the gradientfield of the ranking function, and then design constraintson the vector field. In this paper, we propose to learn aranking function and a vector field simultaneously based onthree intuitions:

1. The vector field should be close to the gradient field ofthe ranking function.

2. The vector field should be as parallel as possible.

3. The vector field at the neighborhood around the queryshould all point to the query.

By encoding the above three intuitions, the gradient fieldof the learned ranking function should be as parallel as pos-sible, and is forced to point to the query at the neighbor-hood around the query. Hence the ranking function learnedby our method decreases linearly from the query to otherpoints along the geodesics of the data manifold.

The rest of this paper is organized as follows. We brieflyreview some background knowledge related to ranking underthe manifold assumption and vector fields in Section 2. OurParallel Field Ranking algorithm encoding all the three in-tuitions proposed above is introduced in Section 3. Section4 presents an optimization scheme that solves our objec-tive function. Section 5 provides the experimental resultson both synthetic data and real data. Finally, we concludethis work in Section 6.

2. BACKGROUNDSOur algorithm is fundamentally based on vector fields in

geometry and vector calculus. Also, for ranking methodsunder the manifold assumption, the most related work is theLaplacian-based manifold ranking [28]. In this section, wegive a brief introduction of [28], and review some backgroundknowledge related to vector fields.

2.1 Laplacian-based Manifold RankingLet M be a d-dimensional submanifold in the Euclidean

space Rm. Given n data points {x1, . . . , xn} ∈ Rm on M,where xq is the query (1 ≤ q ≤ n), we aim to learn a rankingfunction f : M → R, such that ∀i, j ∈ {1, . . . , n}, f(xi) >f(xj) if xi is more relevant to the query xq than xj , andvice-versa.

The intuition behind [28] is that if two points xi and xj

are sufficiently close to each other, then their ranking scoresf(xi) and f(xj) should be close as well. Let W ∈ Rn×n bea symmetric similarity matrix, and y = [y1, . . . , yn]

T be aninitial ranking score vector which encodes some prior knowl-edge about the relevance of each data point to the query.Then [28] minimizes the following objective function:

JMR(f) =



− f(xj)√Djj

)2 + µ


(f(xi)− yi)2

(1)where wij denotes the element at the i-th row and j-th col-umn of W , µ > 0 is a regularization parameter and D is a di-agonal matrix used for normalization with Dii =

∑nj=1 wij .

The first term in the above function aims to learn a rankingfunction that varies smoothly along the data manifold. Thesecond term ensures the final ranking results to be close tothe initial ranking score assignment y.

Let f = [f(x1), . . . , f(xn)]T . The closed form solution of

Eq. (1) is the following:

f∗ = (µI + L)−1y (2)

where I is an identity matrix of size n × n. L = I −D−1/2WD−1/2 is the normalized Graph Laplacian [5]. Wecan also obtain the same solution via an iterative scheme:

f t+1 =1

µ+ 1Sf t +


µ+ 1y (3)

where each data point spreads the ranking score to its neigh-bors iteratively.

The above ranking framework based on Laplacian regu-larization has enjoyed long-lasting popularity in the commu-nity, with successful extensions in content-based image re-trieval [9], ranking on both undirected and directed graph-s [1], ranking on multi-typed interrelated web objects [8],ranking tags over a tag similarity graph [14], etc. Howev-er, for the Laplacian-based ranking framework, we do notexactly know how the ranking function varies, and whether

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the ranking order of the data points is preserved along thegeodesics of the data manifold. [29] points out some draw-backs of [28] and proposes a more robust method by usingan iterated graph Laplacian. But [29] still works under theLaplacian-based ranking framework, addressing the smooth-ness of the function. Besides, the Laplacian-based rankingframework requires the final ranking results to be close tothe initial ranking score assignment y. In the situation whenthere is no prior knowledge about the relevance of each datapoint, people usually assign yi = 1 if xi is the query andyi = 0 otherwise. This might not be very reasonable, andthe final ranking results are likely to be biased towards theinitial ranking score assignment.

2.2 Parallel Fields and Linear FunctionsIn geometry and vector calculus, a vector field is a map-

ping from a manifold M to tangent spaces [18]. We canthink of a vector field on M as an arrow in the same way aswe think of the vector field in Euclidean space, with a givenmagnitude and direction, attached to each point on M, andchosen to be tangent to M.As discussed before, we aim to learn a ranking function

f : M → R that varies linearly along the manifold M.We first review the definitions of parallel fields and linearfunctions on the manifold [13].

Definition 1. Parallel Field [18]. A vector field X onmanifold M is a parallel field if

∇X ≡ 0,

where ∇ is the covariant derivative on M. �

Definition 2. Linear Function [18]. A continuous func-tion f : M → R is said to be linear if

(f ◦ γ)(t) = f(γ(0)) + ct (4)

for each geodesic γ. �

In this paper, a function f is linear means that it varieslinearly along the geodesics of the manifold. This definitionis a natural extension of linear functions on the Euclideanspace.Then the following proposition reveals the relationship be-

tween a parallel field and a linear function on the data man-ifold:

Proposition 1. [18] Let V be a parallel field on the man-ifold. If it is also a gradient field for function f , V = ∇f ,then f is a linear function on the manifold. �

3. PARALLEL FIELD RANKINGIn this section, we propose the objective function which

learns a ranking function that decreases linearly from thequery to other points along the data manifold.

3.1 Ensuring the LinearityAs discussed before, we aim to design regularization terms

that ensure the linearity of the ranking function with respectto the data manifold, which is equivalent to ensuring theparallelism of the gradient field of the function. However,it is very difficult to design constraints on the gradient fieldof a function directly [13]. Following the above analysis, wepropose to learn a vector field to approximate the gradientfield of the ranking function, and require the vector field

to be as parallel as possible. Let C∞(M) denote smoothfunctions on M. Following [13], we learn a ranking functionf and a vector field V on the manifold simultaneously withtwo constraints, which correspond to the first two intuitionsproposed in Section 1:

• The vector field V should be close to the gradient field∇f of f , which can be formularized as follows:


R1(f, V ) =


∥∇f − V ∥2 (5)

• The vector field V should be as parallel as possible:


R2(V ) =


∥∇V ∥2F (6)

where ∇ is the covariant derivative on the manifold,and ∥ · ∥F denotes the Frobenius norm.

∇V measures the change of the vector field V . If ∇V van-ishes, then V is a parallel field. Then the following objectivefunction learns a f that varies linearly along the manifold,from the vector field perspective [13]:


E(f, V )

= R0(xq, yq, f) + λ1R1(f, V ) + λ2R2(V ) (7)

where λ1 > 0 and λ2 > 0 are two regularization parameters.R0 is a loss function that ensures the predicted ranking scorefor the query xq to be close to a constant positive numberyq. If we remove R0 from Eq. (7), then if f is an optimalsolution to argminf∈C∞(M),V λ1R1(f, V ) + λ2R2(V ), it iseasy to check that f + c is also an optimal solution, where ccould be any constant number. Therefore, by adding the R0

term, we can get a unique solution of our ranking function f .In principle, yq could be any positive number. Following [28,13], we set yq = 1, and use the squared loss R0(xq, yq, f) =(f(xq)− yq)

2 for simplicity.

3.2 DiscretizationSince the manifold M is unknown, the function f which

minimizes Eq. (7) can not be directly solved. Following [13],we introduce how to discretize the continuous objective func-tion (7) in this subsection.

For simplicity, let fi = f(xi), i = 1, . . . , n. Then our goalis to learn a ranking score vector f = [f1, . . . , fn]

T . We firstbuild a nearest neighbor graph G among the data. Let Wbe the corresponding affinity matrix of G. There are manychoices of the affinity matrix W . A simple definition is asfollows:

wij =

{1 if xi ∈ Nk(xj) or xj ∈ Nk(xi)0 otherwise.


where wij denotes the element at the i-th row and j-th col-umn of matrix W . Nk(xi) denotes the set of k nearest neigh-bors of xi. Then for each xi, we can estimate its tangentspace TxiM by performing PCA on its local neighborhood.We choose the eigenvectors corresponding to the d largesteigenvalues since TxiM is d-dimensional. Let Ti ∈ Rm×d bethe matrix whose columns constitute an orthonormal basisfor TxiM. It is easy to show that Pi = TiT

Ti is the unique or-

thogonal projection from Rm onto the tangent space TxiM[7]. That is, for any vector a ∈ Rm, we have Pia ∈ TxiMand (a− Pia) ⊥ Pia.

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(a) Data samples (b) Ranking results without R3 (c) Ranking results with R3

Figure 2: A toy example explaining the reason of adding R3.

Let V be a vector field on the manifold M. For eachpoint xi, let Vxi denote the value of the vector field V at xi,and ∇V |xi denote the value of ∇V at xi. According to thedefinition of vector field, Vxi should be a vector in tangentspace TxiM. Therefore, it can be represented by the localcoordinates of the tangent space, Vxi = Tivi, where vi ∈ Rd.

We define V =[vT1 , . . . , v


]T ∈ Rdn. In other words, V is adn-dimensional column vector concatenating all the vi’s.Then according to the analysis in [13], R1 reduces to the


R1(f,V) =n∑



((xj − xi)

TTivi − fj + fi)2


And R2 can be discretized to the following:

R2(V) =n∑


wij ∥PiTjvj − Tivi∥2 (10)

3.3 Objective Function in the Discrete FormAs discussed in Section 1, a function that varies linearly

along the manifold is good for ranking. However, merelyensuring the linearity is not enough. Furthermore, we hopethat the ranking function has the highest value at the querypoint, i.e., no sample in our data set is more relevant to thequery than the query itself. Therefore, the ranking functionshould decrease from the query to neighboring data points,which is equivalent to that the gradient field of the rankingfunction at the neighborhood around the query should allpoint to the query. Figure 2 presents a simple toy problemto illustrate this idea. Suppose we are given a set of da-ta points sampled from a 2D rectangle as shown in Figure2(a). The query is marked by ‘+’. Figure 2(b) shows theranking results without employing a third regularizer R3

which addresses our third intuition, where the arrows de-note the gradient field of the ranking function, and the sizeof the circle at each point denotes the ranking order. Pointsmarked by large circles are ranked higher than those markedby small circles. It is easy to see that the ranking functionlearned in Figure 2(b) varies linearly, and its gradient field isa parallel field. However, some data points are even rankedhigher than the query itself, and points far from the querycould be ranked higher than those close to the query, whichis not reasonable. By addressing the third intuition via R3,we force the gradient field at the neighborhood around thequery to point to the query while still requiring the gradi-ent field to be parallel along the geodesics, generating goodranking results as shown in Figure 2(c).Since we approximate the gradient field of the ranking

function by the vector field V through R1, we can easilycontrol the gradient field using V . Therefore, we require Vat the neighborhood around the query to point to the query.

Let i ∼ j denote that xi and xj are neighbors. We nowpropose the third regularization term R3, which addressesthe third intuition proposed in Section 1:

R3(V) =∑j∼q

∥Vxj − Pj(xq − xj)∥2


∥Tjvj − Pj(xq − xj)∥2 (11)

Recall that Vxj denotes the value of the vector field V atxj , which is a vector in tangent space TxjM. (xq − xj) isa vector pointing from a neighboring point xj to xq, andPj(xq − xj) is its projection to TxjM. Therefore, ensuingVxj and Pj(xq − xj) to be similar forces the vector field atxj to point from xj to xq.

Let I denote a n × n matrix where the entry at the q-throw and q-th column is 1, and all the other entries are 0. Lety ∈ Rn be a column vector where the q-th entry is yq(= 1),and all the other entries are 0. Then we have:

R0(xq, yq, f) = (f − y)T I(f − y) (12)

Combining R0 in Eq. (12), R1 in Eq. (9), R2 in Eq. (10)and R3 in Eq. (11), our final objective function can be for-mulated as follows:

J(f,V) = R0(xq, yq, f) + λ1R1(f,V) + λ2R2(V) + λ3R3(V)= (f − y)T I(f − y)




((xj − xi)

TTivi − fj + fi)2



wij ∥PiTjvj − Tivi∥2



∥Tjvj − Pj(xq − xj)∥2 (13)

The trade-off among the three regularization terms is con-trolled by the parameters λ1, λ2 and λ3 in the range of(0,+∞).

4. OPTIMIZATIONIn this section, we discuss how to solve our objective func-

tion (13).Let D be a diagonal matrix where Dii =

∑nj=1 wij . Let

L = D − W denote the Laplacian matrix [5] of the graph.Then we can rewrite R1 as follows:

R1(f,V) = 2fTLf +



((xj − xi)




wij(xj − xi)TTivis

Tijf (14)

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where sij ∈ Rn is a selection vector of all zero elementsexcept for the i-th element being −1 and the j-th elementbeing 1. We further construct a dn × dn block diagonalmatrix G, and a dn × n block matrix C = [CT

1 , . . . , CTn ]T .

Let Gii denote the i-th d × d diagonal block of G, and Ci

denote the i-th d× n block of C, we define:

Gii =


wijTTi (xj − xi)(xj − xi)

TTi (15)

Ci =n∑


wijTTi (xj − xi)s

Tij (16)

With some algebraic transformations, it is easy to checkthat R1 in Eq. (14) can be written as follows:

R1(f,V) = 2fTLf + VTGV− 2VTCf (17)

Similarly, in order to rewrite R2 into a simplified form,we define Qij = TT

i Tj , i, j = 1, . . . , n. Let I denote theidentity matrix of size n×n. We further construct a dn×dnsparse block matrix B. Let Bij denote each d × d block,i, j = 1, . . . , n, then we define

Bii =∑j∼i

wij(QijQTij + I) (18)

Bij = −2wijQij (19)

Then we can rewrite R2 as follows:

R2(V) = VTBV (20)

For R3, we construct a dn× dn block diagonal matrix D,and a dn × 1 block vector H = [HT

1 , . . . , HTn ]T . Let Djj

denote the j-th d × d diagonal block of D, and Hj denotethe j-th d× 1 block of H. We define:

Djj =

{Id, if j ∼ q

0, otherwise(21)

Hj =

{TTj (xq − xj), if j ∼ q

0, otherwise(22)

where Id is an identity matrix of size d × d. Now we canrewrite R3 as follows:

R3(V) = VTDV− 2HTV+∑j∼q

∥Pj(xq − xj)∥2 (23)

Combining R1 in Eq. (17), R2 in Eq. (20) and R3 in E-q. (23), we get the following simplified form of our objectivefunction:

J(f,V)= (f − y)T I(f − y)

+λ1(2fTLf + VTGV− 2VTCf)

+λ2VTBV+λ3(VTDV− 2HTV+


∥Pj(xq − xj)∥2)

= fT (I+ 2λ1L)f − 2yT If − 2λ1VTCf

+VT (λ1G+ λ2B + λ3D)V− 2λ3HTV

+yT Iy + λ3


∥Pj(xq − xj)∥2 (24)

From Eq. (24), it is easy to compute the partial derivativeof J(f,V) with respect to f and V as follows:


= 2(I+ 2λ1L)f − 2y − 2λ1CTV (25)


= −2λ1Cf + 2(λ1G+ λ2B + λ3D)V− 2λ3H (26)

Requiring that the derivatives vanish, our solution couldbe obtained by solving the following linear equation system:

(I+ 2λ1L)f − λ1CTV = y (27)

−λ1Cf + (λ1G+ λ2B + λ3D)V = λ3H (28)

which is further equivalent to solving the following linearsystem:(

I+ 2λ1L −λ1CT

−λ1C λ1G+ λ2B + λ3D






5. EXPERIMENTSIn this section, we empirically evaluate the effectiveness

of our proposed Parallel Field Ranking (PFRank) algorith-m with comparison to several existing ranking algorithms.Since we focus on learning a ranking function under themanifold assumption, the main comparative method is theLaplacian-based manifold ranking algorithm (MR) [28]. Weuse the same graph structure according to Eq. (8) and em-pirically set the number of nearest neighbors to be 15 forboth PFRank and MR. The parameter setting of MR isthe same as the original paper [28, 9]. We empirically setλ1 = λ2 = λ3 = 0.01 in our PFRank algorithm.

We also compare with the SVM method, which has beensuccessfully applied to image retrieval [24]. With the spec-ified relevant/irrelavant information, a maximal margin hy-perplane could be built to separate the relevant data pointsfrom the irrelevant ones. Then we can return the data pointsfarthest from the SVM boundary as the relevant ones. Weuse the LIBSVM toolbox [4] in our experiments. However,with a single query, there are no irrelevant data specified bythe user. Following [26], we adopt the pseudo relevance feed-back strategy [15]. Specifically, the nearest 10 data pointsto the query measured by the Euclidean distance are con-sidered to be relevant, and the farthest 10 are treated asirrelevant. Then we can run SVM for ranking.

In the following, we begin with a simple synthetic exampleto give some intuition about how PFRank works.

5.1 Synthetic ExampleA simple synthetic example is given in Figure 3. We ran-

domly sample 1500 data points from a Swiss roll with a holeas shown in Figure 3(a). This data set lies on a 2D manifoldin the 3D Euclidean space. The query is marked by ‘+’.

Figure 3(b)∼(d) show the ranking order generated by PFRank,MR and SVM, respectively, where the data points markedby warmer color (such as red) are ranked higher than thosemarked by colder color (such as blue). We can see thatSVM does not take the manifold structure of the data in-to consideration. The ranking functions generated by bothPFRank and MR vary smoothly along the data manifold,and PFRank better preserves the ranking order of the datapoints along the geodesics of the manifold. For example, the

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Lowest ranked Highest ranked

(a) Data samples (b) Ranking by PFRank (c) Ranking by MR (d) Ranking by SVM

(e) Vector field by PFRank (f) Gradient field by PFRank (g) Gradient field by MR (h) Gradient field by SVM

Figure 3: Performance comparison of various ranking algorithms on a toy data set. (a) shows the dataset sampled from a Swiss roll with a hole, where the query is denote by ‘+’. (b) shows the ranking ordergenerated by PFRank. We can see that PFRank successfully preserves the ranking order of the data pointsalong the geodesics of the manifold. For example, the geodesic distance between the query and the pointmarked by ‘N’ is smaller than that between the query and the point marked by ‘�’. So ‘N’ is ranked higherthan ‘�’. (c) shows the ranking order generated by MR. We can see that ‘N’ is ranked lower than ‘�’, which iscounterintuitive. (d) shows the ranking order generated by SVM, which does not take the manifold structureinto consideration. (e) and (f) show the vector field and the gradient field of the ranking function learned byPFRank, respectively, which are quite parallel and point to the query. (g) and (h) show the gradient fields ofthe ranking functions learned by MR and SVM, respectively, which do not vary smoothly along the manifold.

geodesic distance between the query and the triangle point issmaller than that between the query and the square point.Therefore, the triangle point should rank higher than thesquare point. However, MR ranks the square point higherthan the triangle point, which is counterintuitive.Note that once the ranking function f is obtained, we can

estimate its gradient field reversely. Specifically, the gradi-ent field at each point xi (1 ≤ i ≤ n), denoted by ∇f |xi , canbe computed by minimizing the following objective functionat the local neighborhood of xi:

∇f |xi

= argming∈Rm


(f(xj)− f(xi)− gTPi (xj − xi)


We further plot the vector field learned by PFRank in Fig-ure 3(e), and plot the gradient fields of the ranking functionslearned by PFRank, MR and SVM (computed via Eq. (30))in Figure 3(f)∼(h), respectively. For SVM, many data pointshave the same ranking scores (i.e., same distance to the SVMboundary), therefore are ranked randomly. And the gradi-ent field of the ranking function has 0 values at many places,therefore are left blank in Figure 3(h). Note that the valueof a ranking function increases towards the direction pointedby its gradient field. Therefore, the ranking orders of datapoints get higher towards the direction pointed by the ar-rows of the gradient field. It can be observed that both the

vector field and the gradient field of the ranking functionlearned by PFRank point to the query along the geodesicsof the manifold, and are quite parallel. On the contrary,the gradient fields of the ranking functions learned by M-R and SVM do not vary smoothly along the manifold, andtherefore cannot preserve the ranking order.

5.2 Image RetrievalIn this subsection, we apply our proposed ranking algo-

rithm to the image retrieval problem in real world imagedatabases. Given an image as a query, we hope to rank theimages in our database according to their relevance to thequery. We begin with a description of the data preparation.

5.2.1 Data PreparationTwo real world data sets are used in our experiments. The

first one contains 5,000 images of 50 semantic categories,from the COREL database. For each image, we extract a297-dimensional feature vector which combines the followinginformation:

• Grid Color Moment: Each image is partitioned in-to 3×3 grids. For each grid, there color moments:mean, variance and skewness are extracted in eachcolor channel (R, G, and B) respectively. Thus, an81-dimensional grid color moment vector is adopted.

• Edge: The Canny edge detector [3] is used to obtain

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10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100













10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 1000















Figure 4: The average precision-scope curves of different algorithms on the two data sets.

Table 1: Performance comparison using different evaluation metrics on the COREL data setNDCG@10 NDCG @20 Recall@10 Recall@20 Recall@50 Recall@100 MAP

SVM 0.297 0.279 0.066 0.121 0.242 0.404 0.244MR 0.312 0.302 0.061 0.116 0.237 0.371 0.237

PFRank 0.435 0.388 0.091 0.152 0.272 0.394 0.256

Table 2: Performance comparison using different evaluation metrics on the CMU PIE data setNDCG@10 NDCG @20 Recall@10 Recall@20 Recall@50 Recall@100 MAP

SVM 0.761 0.530 0.503 0.570 0.631 0.695 0.575MR 0.537 0.446 0.383 0.583 0.698 0.806 0.441

PFRank 0.786 0.605 0.572 0.750 0.847 0.889 0.729

the edge map for the edge orientation histogram, whichis quantized into 36 bins of 10 degrees each. An ad-ditional bin is to count the number of pixels withoutedge information. Hence, a 37-dimensional vector isused.

• Gabor Wavelets Texture: Each image is first scaled to64× 64 pixels. The Gabor wavelet transform [11] isthen applied on the scaled image with 5 levels and 8orientations, which results in 40 subimages. For eachsubimage, 3 moments are calculated: mean, varianceand skewness. Thus, a 120-dimensional vector is used.

• Local Binary Pattern: The LBP [16] is a gray-scaletexture measure derived from a general texture defini-tion in a local neighborhood. A 59-dimensional LBPhistogram vector is adopted.

The second data set is from the CMU PIE face database[20]. This database contains 68 subjects with 41,368 faceimages as a whole. The face images were captured by 13 syn-chronized cameras and 21 flashes, under varying pose, illu-mination and expression. In this experiment, we choose thefrontal pose (C27) with varying lighting conditions, whichleaves us 21 images per subject. Preprocessing to locate thefaces were applied. Original images were normalized (in s-cale and orientation) such that the two eyes were alignedat the same position. Then the facial areas were croppedinto the final image for matching. The size of each croppedimage in all the experiments is 32 × 32 pixels, with 256 graylevels per pixel. Therefore, each image can be represented

by a 1024-dimensional feature vector in the image space. Nofurther preprocessing is done.

5.2.2 Experimental SettingsWe describe our experimental setup in this subsection.

Both of the two image data sets we use have category labels.In the COREL data set, images from the same categorybelong to the same semantic concept, such as eagle, bird,elephant, etc. In CMU PIE data set, images from the samecategory belong to the same person (subject). Therefore,given a query, images that belong to the same category as thequery are judged relevant. For each data set, we randomlychoose 10 images from each category as queries, and averagethe retrieval performance over all the queries. It is worthnoticing that both PFRank and MR need to construct anearest neighbor graph among the data and invert a matrixwhose size is at least n × n, which is time consuming. Inorder to make the ranking scheme more efficient, given aquery image, we first rank all the images according to theEuclidean distance to the query. Then we choose the top 500images as candidates and use different ranking algorithms tore-rank them.

We use precision, recall, Mean Average Precision (MAP)[15] and Normalized Discount Cumulative Gain (NDCG) toevaluate the ranking results of different algorithms. Preci-sion is defined as the number of relevant presented imagesdivided by the number of presented images. Recall is de-fined as the number of relevant presented images divided bythe total number of relevant images in our database. Givena query, let ri be the relevance score of the image ranked atposition i, where ri = 1 if the image is relevant to the query

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(a) Varying λ1




















(b) Varying λ2




















(c) Varying λ3

Figure 5: Model selection on the COREL data set.

















(a) Varying λ1

















(b) Varying λ2

















(c) Varying λ3

Figure 6: Model selection on the CMU PIE data set.

and ri = 0 otherwise. Then we can compute the AveragePrecision (AP):

AP =

∑i ri × Precision@i

# of relevant images(31)

MAP is the average of AP over all the queries. And NDCGat position n is defined as:

NDCG@n = Zn


2ri − 1

log2(i+ 1)(32)

n is also called the scope, which means the number of top-ranked images presented to the user. Zn is chosen such thatthe perfect ranking has a NDCG value of 1.For our PFRank algorithm, the dimensionality of the man-

ifold (d) in the real data is unknown. We perform cross-validation and choose d = 2 for the COREL data set, andchoose d = 9 for the CMU PIE data set, respectively. Allthe other parameter settings are the same as in the previousexperiment.

5.2.3 Performance EvaluationFigure 4 shows the average precision-scope curves of vari-

ous methods on the two data sets, respectively. The precision-scope curve describes the precision with various scopes, andtherefore providing an overall performance evaluation of thealgorithms. As can be seen, our proposed PFRank algo-rithm consistently outperforms the other two algorithms onboth data sets. MR generally achieves higher precision thanSVM, indicating that considering the manifold structure inthe data is useful for image retrieval.In order to have a comprehensive view of the ranking per-

formance, we present the NDCG, recall and MAP scores ofdifferent algorithms on the COREL and CMU PIE data setin Table 1 and Table 2, respectively. Overall, our PFRankmethod performs the best on both data sets. Although theprecision of MR is generally higher than SVM in Figure 4,the NDCG scores of MR are lower than that of SVM onthe CMU PIE data set. This is because the precision@n ofMR is lower than that of SVM when n < 20, and NDCGcomputes the cumulative relevance scores of the top rankedimages. Moreover, the recall and MAP of MR are lowerthan SVM on the COREL data set. MAP provides a singlefigure measure of quality across recall levels. Our PFRankachieves the highest MAP on both data sets, indicating re-liable performance over the entire ranking list.

5.2.4 Model SelectionModel selection is a critical problem in most of the learn-

ing problems. In some situations, the learning performancemay drastically vary with different choices of the parameter-s. λ1, λ2 and λ3 are essential parameters in PFRank whichcontrol the trade-off among the three regularization terms.We empirically set λ1 = λ2 = λ3 = 0.01 in all the previousexperiments. In this subsection, we try to study the impactof the parameters on the performance of our PFRank al-gorithm. Specifically, we fix other parameters the same asbefore, and let one of {λ1, λ2, λ3} vary.

In general, it is appropriate to present 20 images on ascreen. Putting more images on a screen might affect thequality of the presented images. Therefore, precision@20is especially important. Figure 5 and Figure 6 show theprecision@20 scores of PFRank with respect to different val-ues of λ1, λ2 and λ3, respectively. As can be seen, our

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PFRank algorithm is generally not very sensitive to the pa-rameters, and outperforms the other two methods over awide range of parameters.

6. CONCLUSIONSIn this paper, we propose a novel ranking algorithm on the

data manifold from the vector field perspective. Motivatedby recent study about the relationship between vector fieldsand functions on the manifold, we employ vector fields toensure the linearity of the ranking function with respect tothe manifold, as well as requiring the predicted ranking scoreof the query to be higher than that of its neighboring datapoints. In this way, the ranking function learned by ourmethod decreases linearly, and therefore monotonically fromthe query to other points along the geodesics of the datamanifold. Hence the ranking order along the geodesics iswell preserved. Experimental results on both synthetic dataand real data demonstrate the superiority of our methodover existing ranking schemes.There are several interesting directions for extending this

work. One important problem is how to efficiently learn aranking function from the vector field perspective for large-scale retrieval problems. The algorithm proposed in thispaper needs to build a nearest neighbor graph among thedata, and involves the matrix inversion operation. Givena query that is out of our database, how to update the n-earest neighbor graph and compute the ranking scores effi-ciently is critical for introducing this technique to real searchengines. We may also consider employing distributed com-puting techniques to further improve the efficiency. Finally,vector fields are very useful to study the geometry and topol-ogy of the data manifold. It will be interesting to explore theapplication of vector fields in many other real-world prob-lems under the manifold assumption, such as face recogni-tion, manifold alignment, recommendation systems and soon.

7. ACKNOWLEDGMENTSThe work was supported in part by the U.S. Army Re-

search Laboratory under Cooperative Agreement No. W911NF-09-2-0053 (NS-CTA), NSF IIS-1017362, U.S. Air Force Of-fice of Scientific Research MURI award FA9550-08-1-0265,and National Basic Research Program of China (973 Pro-gram) under Grant 2009CB320801. The views and conclu-sions contained in this paper are those of the authors andshould not be interpreted as representing any funding agen-cies.

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