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Astrology Articles Article Title: Declination Charts -- A New Way of Using Old Techniques; Part 1 - by Bette Denlinger [Author Note: Converting the declinations to their ecliptic equivalents makes sound astronomical sense and provides enormous extra information for an astrologer to work with in delineation. Declination conversions are the "hidden agenda" in a chart, that once took much effort to calculate and had to be tabulated in numerical lists. The cumbersome grid to erect declination charts has never become popular. However, now that there is a software program to quickly convert the declinations to their equivalents, and by using the standard chart wheel that astrologers are accustomed to utilizing, we may now REALLY look at declinations from the perspective of the traditional chart. By creating what I call a "Declination Chart" and comparing it to the natal horoscope much new information comes to "light." Using the Declination Chart will revolutionize the way astrologers use declinations. The following article is being published in the next NCGR Declination SIG newsletter. It attempts to explain not only the theory behind converting declinations into degrees of longitude, but also how to erect a declination chart and delineate it with several chart examples. - Bette Denlinger] Declination Charts -- A New Way of Using Old Techniques Recently I mentioned declinations to someone at an astrology conference and the person thought it would be a subject her group would be interested in since I "had something new". Declinations are not new -- they are an old technique. With Uranus in Aquarius the old, traditional methods are being unburied and re-examined as is seen with the emergence of interest in Arabic Parts, the Moon's Nodes, and retranslations of ancient astrology texts. My battered copy of Margaret Hone's Textbook of Astrology says to make note of planets in parallel or contraparallel and interpret those as mild conjunctions or oppositions. My older textbooks from the 20's and 30's lists the aspect interpretations for the planet conjunct and/or parallel, as well as oppositions and/or contraparallel. Raphael's Ephemeris lists not only the declinations, but also the distances apart of conjunctions and oppositions by declination. It seems that declinations were given much more attention in the past than in the last twenty five years. Recently there has been a resurgence of interest in Kt Boehrer's book, Declinations, The Other Dimension written in 1974. Ed Dearborn published an article in AFA's Today's Astrologer in the spring of 96. The sign of the times is to explore these more thoroughly, again. Declination Charts are charts using the declinations translated into longitudinal equivalents as described in Kt Boehrer's book so we can better see the activity or "essences" of a planet, as Ed Dearborn called these equivalent points. Astrologers have only looked at the parallel or contraparallel, but by this method other formations may be viewed within a chart. Denlinger Declination Charts use only the longitudinal equivalents and their solstice points in the common chart wheel to explore these energies. So many times a transit appears to wait until after it is exact by longitude to manifest, or it "hurries" up and is in operation sooner than expected. The explanation by conventional astrologers is that "some planets have a wider orb", or "Saturn is slow", or, "this is a sensitive soul" etc. However, once you start using the declination equivalents you will see that the planet has another two locations in a chart, and that these are what actually are triggered when transits or progressions appear to be activated early or late. Declination Charts show the third dimension of the planetary energies and let an astrologer view it in the format that he is accustomed to using -- the chart wheel. With a Declination Chart you will see where the planet really is located. Parallel and Contraparallel Traditional astrology asks us to look at the declinations of two bodies, and when they are within one degree of distance to consider them parallel. If both planets are in the same direction of declination, as when both are north, or both are south, we should consider them parallel. However, if one is north and one is south, we should consider them as contraparallel. These are then considered to have a mild effect the same as a conjunction or opposition respectively. The other keyword used for the parallels of declination is "intensity", i.e. the energies of two planets in whatever aspect they have natally will be intensified. So if you have two natal planets with a semi-sextile and they are also parallel , this semi-sextile will be more intense. Rather than ignore this as a minor aspect you may wish to emphasize this in an interpretation. If you plot this aspect by declination longitudinal equivalents and insert them into a Denlinger Declination Chart you will be able to see the energy more readily. For instance, if we have that same semi-sextile, which is also a contraparallel, and it is to be interpreted as an opposition, doesn't it make sense to have the planet's energy noted in the opposing sign? If you inserted an opposition into the standard chart form you would have a quite different interpretation than with a mere semi-sextile. Using the information regarding the ecliptic that we will delve into in the following paragraphs, it is sensible to assume that when planetary bodies are closer to one of the cardinal points these parallels and contraparallels will also be more powerful. When you have a square of two natal planets, and they are also parallel, you can judge this is again as a very important and powerful area. The energy is reinforced. But it is the hidden aspects, such as the semi- sextile mentioned above , with its opposition, that you will not see unless you use the declinations. Astrology is always a matter of weighing and judging the relative strengths of aspects and planets and is a subtle art only learned by experience. The declinations are an important refinement . Unless you are using all the tools of the trade, so to speak, you will miss out on much needed information. Explaining Declinations When we erect a traditional chart (using the tropical Zodiac which has a measurable starting point at 0 Aries, the intersection of the ecliptic and equator), we place the planets in their longitudinal positions according to the signs. The signs are the area of space, divided into twelve segments, where we view the planet from a horizontal perspective. But declination is the placement of the planet vertically, above and below the celestial Equator. It is the measurement of how far into the pie-shaped wedges of the zodiac a planet lies. If you take your chart form with its markings for each 30 degrees dividing the signs, and place an "X" on one of those lines, you notice you have room along that line for many other "X's". Place another "X" on that same line to represent a different planet that is conjunct the first. Planets conjunct by longitude run along the same line that appears to emanate from the chart wheel center. If you then measure these two "X's" from the ascendant/descendant line, and draw a horizontal line, from right to left, that parallels the ascendant/descendant line, you will see that from that perspective the two "X's" are NOT conjunct. However, another planet located along this horizontal line would be in the same declination, and therefore, equidistant from the horizon. Not only is a planet (and I use the term planet to also describe the Sun and Moon for convenience sake) in a segment of the sky, but it also has a location up and down in relation to the Earth. This is an easy way to look at declinations for astrologers before we attempt the astronomical theory. Think of this: When there is an eclipse of the Sun by the Moon or vice versa, both bodies are not only in the same degree of longitude, but also in the same degree of declination. Occultations are times when the Moon is in the same degree of longitude and declination as a planet. Eclipses and occultations are important points in astrological study. Now it starts making sense to pay attention to declinations. Since the Earth is tilted approximately 2327', the Sun's path marks a great circle around the Earth called the ecliptic. (In truth, the Earth turns and views the Sun from an angle). At the time of the equinoxes, the Sun is traveling along the line of the equator, and is at 0 declination, but at the time of the solstices (the longest day or night), the Sun's path is 2327' from the equator. Those 23 degrees and 27 minutes are the declination. The midpoint of this approximate 47 degree swathe is called the celestial equator. So the maximum declination of the Sun can only be 2327' North or South from the Celestial Equator and these 2327' maximum areas are marked on the globe by the tropics of Cancer and Capricorn. The summer solstice around June 21, when the Sun is at 0 Cancer, marks not only the longest day in the Northern hemisphere, but also the beginning of the warmest and brightest period of the year in the Northern latitudes. The Sun has reached its maximum declination North of the celestial equator. (2327'N) While the winter solstice near December 21st with the Sun at 0 Capricorn is the official beginning of winter and the Sun has achieved maximum south declination. (2327'S). Out of Bounds Planets When planets exceed this 2327' area, north or south, they are called "out of bounds." Kt Boehrer interprets this as a planetary energy which is outside the ordinary. The Sun, of course, never goes "out of bounds", but sets the boundaries. Planets moving along or crossing this 2327' tropical boundary line seem to denote extra significance, as do planets moving along the celestial equator (0). The activity of the Sun is most powerful within these demarcations known as the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn. Planets with declinations outside this path are perhaps not challenged by the strength of the Sun and can operate more independently. Perhaps we could also say that the planet cannot express itself along normally accepted lines. Longitudinal Equivalents or L.E.'s The premise here, according to Kt Boehrer, is to translate the declination north and south into longitudinal equivalents since astrologers are accustomed to using degrees of longitude to view a chart. If you've ever played the game Battleship you know you have two sets of coordinates to locate the hidden submarines and destroyers in the waters represented on a grid. In somewhat the same manner, you have the "grid" of the zodiacal positions and you will have two points of longitudinal coordinates to deal with when translating declinations, one being the declination converted into a degree of longitude and the other the solstice point. The solstice point will be important because we are relating the declination to the celestial equator and the 0 point of origin. The solstice point is the relationship to the 0 cardinal points of Cancer and Capricorn and marks the place when the Sun will be in the same declination but going in an opposite direction along the ecliptic. If we go back to our standard chart wheel with the planets marked with two "X's" along a degree of longitude, and look at the horizontal line we drew parallel to the ascendant/descendant line, we can extend that horizontal line across the circle of the chart wheel. That line will cross the chart wheel boundaries at TWO places. In somewhat the same way, we equate the declinations to TWO points in space, except in this case we use the ecliptic for the chart wheel. And instead of the ascendant/descendant line we use the celestial equator that starts at 0 Aries and culminates at 0 Capricorn. We are locating a planet in space not only by area of the sky, but also north or south of the celestial equator and relative to our Earth. A three dimensional figure requires the planet's longitude and the two coordinates of its declination. Three points are needed for the true location of a body in space. Captain Kirk of Star Trek set off into space using three sets of coordinates and so should we. Using the path of the Sun as the basis for conversion we correlate the degree of declination of another body to the same longitudinal position as occupied by the Sun in that degree of declination. Then we calculate the solstice point which will be explained in more detail later. Since the Sun never exceeds 2327.5' in declination, when we find planets that exceed this limitation, (those Out Of Bounds planets otherwise noted as OOB), we must then make an additional calculation, rather like folding the flap of a football end back in on itself, to arrive at the correct coordinates. We subtract the distance outside the boundaries from the declination and then relocate the planet inside this little football field shaped area that the Sun's path inscribes. See illustration and point "P". The Propaedeutics of Declination by Kt Boehrer and Minnie McNutt published in 1973 goes into more detail and prints a table of Zodiacal Longitude Equivalents. Points of Interest As stated above, when the Sun achieves maximum declination North or South (2327.5'), there is a change of season and if you in the northern hemisphere observe the seasonal changes, June 21 is a time of warm weather, but not for another two months approximately do we get the brunt of the heat from the Sun. The Sun transits the tropical 0 point of Cancer and from then on the heat increases. It is a turning point. Conversely, the winter time follows the same pattern in reverse from 0 Capricorn. And when the Sun is at 0 Aries or Libra, exactly on the plane of the equator, and at the other cardinal points, we have the equinoxes and light and heat either increases or decreases. This is the time when the Sun has no declinationit is 0. The plane of the celestial equator and the ecliptic are one at this time: the time of germination or harvest. The path the Sun travels as it appears to move away from and towards the equator is called the ecliptic. The ecliptic is so called because eclipses can only occur when the Moon is in or very near it. It follows that planets at these degrees of declination, either 2327.5' or 0 will be at a crucial point. These are the turning points of the solar energy. Actions and changes and events happen along the ecliptic. Therefore it would be wise to consider carefully any planetary bodies falling on these points by declination in the natal chart, the progressed chart or by transit. Also, we should observe the times when planets or other bodies cross these cardinal points, either by change of direction across the ecliptic at 0 declination or when going OOB or returning from outside the solar path and crossing 2327.5' of declination. A significant point to ponder is that the Moon's Nodes in their approximate 19 year cycle are tied to declination. When the Moon's orbit coincides with the 0 point of Aries the ascending Node will be at Aries or crossing the ecliptic, and the Moon then attains its greatest declination to the Earth's equator during its 19 year cycle, about 2835'. However, it can continue to exceed the bounds over and over again for several months. In 1950 the Moon's declination was at 2844' on September 19th. About 9.5 years later when the ascending node crossed the autumnal equinox point ( 0 Libra), the Moon reached its minimum declination for the 19 year cycle. In 1959 this was 1810'. And it remained well within the bounds of the solar path for many months thereafter. Denlinger Declination Charts The origin of the chart wheel is the ecliptic, the path of the Sun through the sky as represented by the circle of the chart wheel. Through the years this has come to be seen as a perfect circle even though the actual ecliptic is shaped more like a football. The chart wheel concentrates on the 12 zodiac signs and the 12 houses, the divisions of space that aid us in locating planetary bodies. Our printed chart forms show lovely, evenly spaced sections even though the zodiac is not perfectly aligned. Our chart wheels often ignore signs of long and short ascension. Even so, we are accustomed to this "mandala" for our interpretations and are comfortable with this technique. Since astrologers are a visual group for the most part and accustomed to erecting circular charts for interpretation, let's start by drawing a chart using the natal ascendant and MC, as well as house cusps of the house system of your preference. Then insert the longitudinal equivalents only, and compare them to the natal chart. The basic thrust of Kt Boehrer's book is that not only is the planet vibrating at its natal place by conventional longitude, but also the energy is active at the l.e. points due to declinational activity. However, a chart with both the planets and their l.e.'s included will be overwhelming in complexity since you would have over 30 points to view. One of the other reasons to erect a separate chart is that you can see where this declinational energy is manifesting clearly by house. A planet may be in the 3rd house but have declinational activity in the 4th and 10th also. You can also see specific areas in the chart that are emphasized when several parallels coincide, perhaps by solstice points, but not by declination. You must have a good knowledge of the natal chart before you can examine the declination chart. What you note by this method are not only conjunctions and oppositions, but also squares, trines, and the other array of aspects that astrologers utilize in interpretations. And most importantly, if the contra-parallel is to be equated to an opposition, why not insert this into the chart and show it as an opposition? The graphs for converting declinations into their longitudinal equivalents can be found in Kt Boehrer's book Declinations: The Other Dimension, or by using the conversion feature of a new software program available for Windows through Solstice Point Productions by Jamie Longstreet. Once you have those longitudinal equivalents and have created a separate chart erected for comparison, however, you need to make note of several items that will help you in interpretation. First of all you should make note of any planets that are Out Of Bounds. These are special. Note planets near 2327' as well as planets at 0 as they may be more powerful due to proximity to the ecliptic. Then you will compare the natal charts aspects with the ones found in the Declination Chart. It is helpful to make a special list of the planets and note when natal aspects are repeated, showing an intensity of energy expressed. Also, you may find natal aspects that are not reiterated by declination. These are points to consider in weighing the aspects from the zodiacal chart. By tabulating only the aspects in the Declination Chart you will note that sometimes the solstice points will interact with the co-longitude in unusual ways. You have a chart before you with 20 planetary bodies and every time one aspect is noted it is repeated elsewhere in the chart. But sometimes there is an interchange with these four points. This is the reason to consistently use BOTH the co-longitude and the solstice point in a declination chart. For instance, in the 1951 chart reproduced elsewhere Mars and Pluto make a square by longitudinal equivalents. But one "leg" of the Mars to Pluto aspect sextiles the other point. So, we have on our list: Mars sq. Pluto, Mars sextile Pluto. This is interesting. Here we have energies with NO ZODIACAL LONGITUDE aspect within normal limits (Mars at 1745' Virgo and Pluto at 2127' Leo) but making an almost exact square by declination, and the solstice points in sextile. Here is some "hidden" energy, that can perhaps be used both in the manner of the square and the sextile. Perhaps numerous opportunities for constructive activity (or explosive temper that could be dynamically funneled into productive activity?) The rest of the chart will help you synthesize the interpretation, as always. Make a special note of any planets that are at the same degree by L.E. as in the natal chart. These planets are on the ecliptic and again, probably powerful. Important also are planets that make contrasting declinational aspects versus the natal chart. As in the 1951 chart, by zodiacal longitude Uranus and Neptune SEEM to be in wide square, but by declination conversion we see a trine lurking beneath the surface. In my opinion, this means that there is a way to use these energies in an inspirational manner that is not readily apparent from the zodiacal chart. I also think that by using a Declination Chart the question of width of orbs of influence MUST be reconsidered. You will see with these special charts that sometimes the declination equivalent falls a few degrees ahead of or after the zodiacal position. When ahead this is the trigger point for progressions as well as transits, and perhaps when after explains why some people continue to experience long term effects from transits that should be long out of orb. It explains, perhaps, the so-called sensitivity some people experience to certain planets. These charts may help us understand why one person with a Mars to Saturn natal square is often frustrated and held back, but another person excels in organization and ambition and has a way to utilize these energies in a positive manner. Using the Denlinger Declination Chart (illustration by Bette Denlinger -10kb) allows us to examine the one dimensional chart from its other dimension and view this other dimension in the manner in which we have been trainedon the chart wheel. Copyright: Bette Denlinger ...the need for emotional validation as a divine being (apart from the opinions of other people)is symbolized by the parallels of declination. The parallels reveal a sense of specialness unto self; they go off on their own to find an individual answer to some question in life which the aspects address in a conventional, stereotyped, and therefore rather sterile fashion. The parallels exemplify an ideal of individualistic effortblazing a new trail all alone. They symbolize those areas of life marked by a touch of personal distinctiveness. In the parallels we have combinations of planetary energies operating in unconditional fashion, on a level of intuition and feeling rather than one of concepts and thinking. We know how to use these energies without ever having been taught. We use them to express what is in our hearts rather than what is in our minds. Therefore, a parallel shows an inherently more satisfying use of planetary energies than an aspect does. We can thus say that the parallels are of a benefic nature, although they do tend to isolate us within ourselves (cut us off in this area of life from the rituals of reward and punishment which animate most of the people around us). For present purposes we will consider two planets to be in parallel if the difference in their declinations does not exceed one degree. Two planets within the same degree of declination, but with one planet north and the other south of the equator, are considered to be in parallel (that is, no distinction will be made here between parallels and contra-parallels). Also, we will only consider two planets to be in parallel if they are not also involved in a major Zodiacal aspect with 6 orbs. This is done to make it easier to distinguish between the action of the aspects and the parallels. In real life, when both a parallel and Zodiacal aspect exist between the same pair of planets, you should consider this planetary combination to be of particular importance and interest in the natives life, Preponderance of Parallels: People who have many parallels in the horoscopes (six or more) are emotionally self-contained individuals who tend to seek isolation. Albeit superficially agreeable and pleasing, their natural instinct is to avoid other people or to push them away. They are often self-conscious in social situations because social poise doesnt come naturally to themthey feel they have to fake it somehow. Thus they shy away from the social commitments and entanglements which people with no parallels eagerly seek out and enjoy. These people often seem oddball or quixoticreal characters. They are hypersensitive to encroachment on their private space, and they take an oblique view of their fellow men suspicious, cynical, superior On the other hand, they have a deep sense of personal integrity. Attuned to their own inner convictions rather than to canons of social acceptance, they are hard working, thorough, and conscientious. Absence of Parallels: People who have no (or few) parallels in their horoscopes are sociable, outgoing, and demonstrative. They go into social relationships in a breezy, matter of fact way. They seek their own equilibrium by keeping on top of their social milieu in some sort of controlling role (e.g., the organized one, the charming one, the innocent one, the mischievous one). Whatever role they choose they employ to dominate their social environmentthey can usually make everyone around them accept them more or less on their own terms and give tern whatever special attention they desire. On those occasions when this support system of other people fails them, they feel totally lost, betrayed, and bewildered. Before delineating the meanings of the individual parallels, one point should be made clear: a person does not exhibit all of his aspects and parallels at the same time. Typically, a person will have his Venus-trine-Jupiter days, and hell have his Mars-square-Saturn days. What an aspect or parallel shows is a characteristic mood or mindset which at times comes over those people who share this aspect or parallel. It does not mean that they act this way all the time... Sun-Moon: The aspects try to reduce everything to simplicity, to be straightforward, upfront, and on the level. The harmonious aspects are more, and the inharmonious aspects are less, successful at getting other people and the world around them to cooperate with this ideal of laying all ones cards on the table. They have very little capacity for guile, and rely instead upon a stubborn logic and contrariety to get their own way when complexities and subtleties become too complex and subtle. They have a genuine, innocent self-delight which however can be perverted into an irritating smugness. The parallels are warier, more reserved, less inclined to barge into any situation with a handshake and a Howdy. They are just as direct and frank, but without the clatter and effusiveness of the aspects. They are more sensitive to nuances and less naive about their own motives, and they are therefore ultimately more convincing and sincere than the aspects. Sun-Mercury: The aspects (that is, the conjunction) are extremely defensive and emotionally repressed. They never feel relaxed and secure, and they live in constant fear of being attacked or unmasked. Critical of others, they bristle at any criticism of themselves; and indeed they automatically reject any and all talk about feelings. They are proud, disciplined, and have themselves under very tight control. The parallels are by no means humble, but they feel no need for apologies or excuses: they are ultimately quite content with who they are. They can see themselves dearly and objectively, and they withhold judgment from themselves; this in turn makes it easy for them to be non-judgmental with others. Where the conjunctions distance themselves from people in fear, the parallels distance themselves by granting other people their due space, and insist upon their own in return. Sun-Venus: The aspects (the conjunction) tend to find life frustrating and unrewarding, no matter how hard they sacrifice and try to play by the rules. They take every setback as a personal rejection. They generally have little sense of self-worth, and are inhibited by feelings of shame and inadequacy. They can give, but dont know how to accept in return. The parallels have a great sense of manner, a smooth self-possession, and a sense of belonging no matter what company they find themselves in. They have democratic impulses because they know they are any mans equal; they are not ashamed to take their rightful share of the good things in life. Where the conjunctions moods are tied to the approval or disapproval they receive from others, the parallels are steadier and have an unshakeable sense of their own inner worth, no matter how the tides of fortune flow. Sun-Mars: The aspects are alert and assertive. They stand up for themselves and make their voices heard. They have a peremptory manner and a sharp tongue. They are bold and saucy, but are also touchy and quite thorny to deal with. The parallels have the same bristles as the aspects, and evince the same readiness to stand and stand alone; however, they lack the rebelliousness and contumacy of the aspects. They are every bit as resolute, but not as scrappy and pugnacious. They dont choose combat as their first resort; but rather find that calm, unflinching determination works quite well by itself, with no need for added histrionics. Sun-Jupiter: The aspects are lively and optimistic. They try to maintain an attitude of cheerfulness and goodwill no matter what circumstances are confronting them. Generally good-humored, they tend to be rather indolent or laissez faire. They maintain a detached and ironic view of themselves which buoys their spirit when times get tough. The parallels are as optimistic and forward-looking as the aspects, but they are not as gushing, nor are they as smug and complacent. They are humbler, or at least lacking in that overweening superiority and swagger which so often characterize the aspects. They are more conscientious because they are more analytical and open to learning from their experience than the know-it-all aspects. Sun-Saturn: The aspects are serious minded and grave, and are not to be toyed or trifled with. They can be rather scornful or deprecatory of other people, which is how they deal with the fear of being hemmed in by them. They have an overriding concern for the maintenance of their sense of dignity and independence, and for the proper amount of respect which they feel is their due. On the other hand, they are hard working, responsible, and punctilious in the discharge of their obligations. The parallels are just as dependable and serious as the aspects, but they are more laid back and much less demanding. They are not so manipulative, nor as petty in scoring little power points for themselves. Rather, they work steadily at a relaxed and satisfying pace; and they know that anything they're supposed to have will come to them of its own accord. Sun-Uranus: The aspects have a freewheeling, unpretentious, California kind of style. Theyre broad-minded and tolerant of other people, and they have the attitude of live and let live. Loose and nimble, they carefully avoid being pinned down and emotionally committedthey try to preserve their freedom of action at all times. Thus, while they are friendly and outgoing, they can also be maddeningly vague, distant, and noncommittal. The parallels are just as emotionally detached as the aspects, but they are more self-contained. They maintain their independence not through a sidestepping strategy of avoidance, but rather by being collected and in control of themselves, and hence difficult to move or influence. They are not as glib as the aspects, but they are more cautious, penetrating and analytical. Sun-Neptune: The aspects march to the beat of a distant drum. They are part visionary, part spaced-out, with a taste for the abstract or mystical, and a well-developed set of spiritual and moral ideals. Although generally cheerful, they also have an air of vague worrya restlessness of nervous, little backward glances. They are forward looking but indecisive, capricious, and inclined to view the world through rose-colored glasses. Their viewpoint is bold and original, but also distorted by its own fancies and imaginings. The parallels are similarly idealistic and willing to operate on a basis of their own intuition; but they are not so blindly optimistic and naive on the one hand, nor as torn by self-doubt on the other. In contrast to the fluttery aspects, they are more intellectual or logically minded, and have a strong sense of inner stability and being connected. Sun-Pluto: The aspects are self-absorbed and concentrated upon the path beneath their feet; hence they tend to take a shortsighted view of the world around them. They can be extraordinarily naive or idealistic, and they are given to making black and white judgments. They have the attitude "Damn the torpedoesfull speed ahead!" Albeit courageous and determined, they can also be adamant to the point of unreason. Their extreme self-will combined with complete self-assurance makes these natives very prickly to deal with. The parallels exhibit the same flashes of crazy independence as the aspects, and theyre every bit as mulish; but they have a greater sense of proportion and detachment from their own value judgments. Thus the parallels feel less need to impose or impress their views on others: their extremism is more intellectual, less acted-out; it is tempered by a self-restraint absent in the wildly passionate aspects. Moon-Mercury: The aspects are quick: quick to pick up on other peoples feelings and points of view, and quick to understand and catch on to nuances. They have logical minds and are fond of arguing. Their hallmark is earnestnessa firm belief in common sense and good faith. They depend on cooperation, clear communication, and making intellectual connections without the need for pretension, embellishment, or appearances. They have a nervous, fitful energy, and a blunt and abrupt manner. The parallels have the same quick intellectual grasp as the aspects, but they are more reserved, and not as explanatory and self-justifying; not as dependent upon convincing other people or securing their agreement. They have a self-critical faculty not usually present in the aspects, and thus they are able to take a calmer, deeper, more philosophical view of life than the aspects. They are more detached in their dealings with people, less urgent. Moon-Venus: The aspects are optimistic, outgoing, and gregarious, with an appreciation for social grace and niceties. They make a strong effort to please and be pleasing because they are nonplused by conflict, and so try to avoid it through obsequiousness or emotional withdrawal. Contrary to popular belief, not even those with the good aspects of Moon and Venus make happier marriages than anybody else; but there is less tendency to divorce here because the overriding concern for harmony in relationships leads these natives to endure more for the sake of peace. The parallels feel the same need for order and harmony in life, but they are less fidgety, more easy-going than the aspects, and less dependent upon agreement with others for their own sense of inner peace. They have a better sense of their own emotional space, and they dont permit other people to disturb their inner balance as much as the aspects do. They know the art of compromising with others without compromising their own true feelings. Moon-Mars: The aspects are humorous and playful, with a childlike sense of mischiefthough they do tend to come on pretty strong. At the same time, they embody a staunchness and courage which command the respect of other people. They are true to their principles and unswerving in their determination, though they also have a Prima Donna streaktheyre ornery, and given to pets. The parallels have the same spunk and cockiness as the aspects, but they are more aloof and impersonal, and therefore less overbearing. They are more impassive than the aspects, who are always taking a stand or proving a point. The parallels feel little need to win (or bowl) other people over to bolster their own sense of prowess because their self-assurance is more of an inner glow than an outer flash. Moon-Jupiter: The aspects are good natured and amiable, comfortable people to be with. They possess a wry humor and they take a benign interest in other peopledetached and non-judgmental. They are determined to enjoy themselves come what may, and simply wont permit themselves to be oppressed or weighted down by other people or circumstance. The parallels are like the aspects in their positive and constructive attitude and their easy acceptance of other people, but they have a milder and more heartfelt manner than the cool aspects. They have the same emotional detachment, but not the above-it-all self-satisfaction. Where the aspects banter and jest, the parallels communicate a true concern. Moon-Saturn: The aspects greet experience with a grim, ready-for-anything stance. They are cautious and reserved, and they are quite canny. They always stop or step back for a moment to calmly weigh the pros and cons; they are meticulous, logical, and argumentative. They are not so much inhibited as resolute, girded for action, and prepared in advance for any conceivable contingency. The parallels are as serious minded as the aspects, and they have the same hesitation: when a decision is required they also retreat for a moment to ponder. However, here the reach is towards a deeper understanding rather than for immediate personal advantage. The parallels are conscientious rather than contentious. They seek to comprehend a situation or relationship rather than dominate it through elaborate preparations and defenses. Moon-Uranus: The aspects are thoroughly self-disciplined, dedicated, and professional. They are unbothered and unruffled (though far from carefree), with little wasted motion or needless expenditure of energy. They are gregarious, but have a blunt manner; and they are restless and intense. They can be coldly analytical, verging on cynical, and can manifest a sneering, heavy-handed superiority and absolutism. The parallels take the same pride in their competence and fitness as the aspects do, but they are lower keyed, less overbearing. They have the same cool-headed self-certainty, but they have a genuinely friendly regard for people and a sense of being at their service. Moon-Neptune: The aspects are soft and vulnerable, and have a wistful, abstracted air about them, as if they were tuned into their own personal wavelength. They have an impish glint in their eyes, as if relishing their own secret joke. They gaze past the things of this world with a look of yearning for some idealized universe. At times you can speak directly to them, looking them right in the eye as they smile and nod back to you, and they wont even hear a word youre saying. But they are true salt-of-the-earth types in their naive optimism and harmlessness. The parallels are as private as the aspects, and they have the same spritely and winsome manner, but they are nowhere near as woolly. In fact they can be quite shrewd and calculating in employing their pixie-like mischievousness to charm and wheedle other people. Theyre never so far off in the stratosphere that they miss an opportunity down here on Earth. Moon-Pluto: The aspects are sedulous and intent; they hum like little machines at work as they go busily about their tasks. They are most difficult to halt and deflect, or even to influence (much less convince). They are neither open nor amenable to suggestions: if an idea did not originate within themselves, then it holds little interest for them. But they are gritty, tenacious, and indomitable in carrying out their own designs. The parallels are as wrapped up in themselves and their schemes as the aspects, and they act with the same finality; but they are more flexible and willing to modify their plans as the situation dictates. They are capable of executing a strategic retreat if need be, or of simply waiting patiently. They always keep their sense of humor and perspective. In the first part of this article we discussed parallels of declination. In contrast to Zodiacal aspects, which symbolize strategies people use to make themselves feel special in a social context (that is, valuable to their group), parallels reveal a sense of specialness that comes from within the self; a feeling of being unique in ones own right; a touch of distinctiveness and importance in the divine scheme of things. Where the planetary energies operating on the level of the aspects tend to work out in terms of success or failure, triumph or defeat, wins or losses; these same energies operating through the parallels work out in terms of responsibility, understanding, freedom, and joy. Previously we described the parallels involving the Sun and Moon; now we will delineate the rest of the planetary combinations. However, the parallels between Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto will be omitted due to a dearth or redundancy of data, as the case may he. Mercury-Venus: The aspects (the conjunction and sextile) are easy-going and self-possessed. Albeit aloof, they feel right at home no matter where they are; they can relax and just be themselves in any company, with no need for apologies or self-deprecation. They possess a humorously cynical view of other people and their motives, and they have a gift for persiflage which enables them to communicate with people without unduly compromising or involving themselves emotionally. The parallels show the same bantering irreverence as the aspects, and they are equally blithe and unaffected. However, they have a more sincere and inviting manner than the cool, impersonal aspects do. Their levity does not preclude sympathy, nor is their detachment standoffish. Their cheerfulness is heartfelt rather than casual. Mercury-Mars: The aspects are forceful and direct; they possess the no-nonsense, take-charge air of born commanders. They are fair and just, fearless advocates of the moral right. They will bear no quibbling (read: difference of opinion); nor have they the time or energy to waste on such nonessentials as tact or propriety. The parallels are as positive and cocksure as the aspects, and they are quite as indomitable. However, they have a far more ingratiating manner and an appreciation for the rights and sensibilities of other people. They are as blunt and outspoken, but are capable of listening to differing points of view and hammering out compromises. They grasp that the essence of leadership is persuasion rather than peremptoriness. Mercury-Jupiter: The aspects take a positive, optimistic attitude towards life, and they approach other people in a spirit of hope and goodwill as they proffer their advice and opinions. They are logical and analytical, and they try to take an objective view of any situation. Although they endeavor to be convincing (and indeed they have themselves thoroughly convinced), they do have their unacknowledged blind spots which become apparent when they exhaust their stock of pat answers and cut-and-dried solutions. The parallels are as sanguine and forward-looking as the aspects, and they take the same constructive interest in other people. But they are animated by a deeper intellectual curiosity than the aspects are; they are fresher and less pedantic. They feel a deeper need to understand people, to appreciate and savor them, than they do to impress them by being marvelous. Mercury-Saturn: The aspects have an air of world-weariness, of long-suffering and patient forbearance. They are sober and logical thinkers, hard-working, and extremely thorough and meticulous in discharging their responsibilities. They can be overly serious-minded and pessimistic, and easily become bogged down in drudgery, as if resigned to accepting whatever new load Life might care to pile on top of their already overburdened shoulders. The parallels have the same perseverance and sense of long endurance, but they are more hopeful and positive than the aspects. They also slog through life, but with the idea of looking forward to some bright future (rather than gazing sullenly down at the trodden earth below). Therefore, they ultimately take some joy and consolation in their heavy responsibilities rather than view them as an unavoidable drag. Mercury-Uranus: The aspects are irrepressible and unpredictable. They are lone wolvespart visionary and part crank. Though they may present a front of tight self-control and ability to cope under stress, they are high-strung and temperamental individuals, given to occasional volcanic outbursts of emotion which startle and floor everyone around them. They are very alert, perceptive, and mentally clear; hence they can act with lightening speed and total self-assurance. The parallels have the same analytical mentality and are just as aloof, but they are more laid-back than the intense and bull-headed aspects. They can be equally firm and unyielding in their absolutism, but without the swagger and need to register an impression on other people which characterizes the aspects. In their calm detachment they come closer to true objectivity and disinterestedness. Mercury-Neptune: The aspects are dreamy and idealistic, and have a highly utopian outlook on life and human nature, wanting to believe the best of people and situations. They are unsophisticated and unselfconsciousthey come on like playful puppies wagging their tails, with a surplus of enthusiasm and good intentions. Albeit rough and blustery on the surface, underneath they are soft-hearted and a bit soft-headed, which makes them easy to impose upon or deceive. The parallels evince the same naive trust in people as the aspects, but they are nonetheless cautious and wary. They have a governor on their impulses (which the aspects totally lack) that lets them intellectually examine a situation before committing themselves to it. They temper the emotional vulnerability of the aspects with a modicum of common sense and self-appraisal. Mercury-Pluto: The aspects are alert, wily, and secretive. They are ever on the qui vive for nuances, and they have a diplomats attunement to the subtle shades of meaning in the words and gestures of others. They clearly perceive hidden motives, and they are fond of making cynical remarks about the covert rationale underlying other peoples behavior. The parallels exhibit the same wariness and stealth as the aspects, and they have the same dubiety about other people and their intentions. But they dont have the strong competitive urge that characterizes the aspectsthe need to make comparisons with other people. They too like to fee] that they re on the inside track of things, that theyre smart and nobodys fool; but they are more willing to accept their own limitations and those of others, rather than indulge in a game of sneering one-upmanship. Venus-Mars: The aspects are gracious and engaging, with an easy manner and a genial disposition. Albeit highly sociable on the surface, they nonetheless maintain a coot reserve: they are quite adept at securing the validation they seek from the social whirl without in any sense compromising their own integrity or betraying their true feelings. They use their considerable charm to win and to woo, enabling them to get what they want from others without the necessity of entangling commitments. The parallels are also cheerful and saucyin fact they are far more brazen and open about what theyre really thinking than are the aspects (who usually gloss over their real intentions). Albeit as aloof as the aspects, they are far more straightforward and natural. Venus-Jupiter: The aspects are cheerful and optimistic, yet they are a trifle standoffish. They have a sense of aristocratic superiority, of being above it all, unaffected by the hurly-burly of the hoi polloi. They have a delightful sense of humorthey are basically jovial peoplebut they also have a hard edge of stubbornness and prejudice in their mindset. They turn a deaf ear to anything they really dont care to bear. The parallels are as blithe and unconcerned as the aspects, but they are more down-to-earth, less pretentious. They have a deeper insight into themselves than the aspects do, and are more self-accepting and hence comfortable within themselves. Their good humor is the product of an inner joy rather than an outer loftiness. Venus-Saturn: The aspects tend to be wary, reserved, and calculating. They play their cards close to the chest, and they have a real zest for all the power politicking and undercurrents of manipulation to he found in everyday life. They play life like a game, and are forever scoring little points for themselves. Quite aware of their own little ploys, they are equally suspicious and cynical about the motives of others. They have an ironic sense of humor, even about themselves. The parallels are as cautious and cynical as the aspects but they have a more highly developed sense of detached and benign amusement; and they are nowhere near as intense and driven. They are basically loners (as are the aspects), but they are generally more interested in keeping themselves disentangled emotionally from other people, than they are with trying to control them. Venus-Uranus: The aspects exhibit an extreme self-will and a spirit of sassy rebelliousness. While they are gregarious and sociable creatures on a personal tte-- tte level, they are staunchly independent and resist being lumped together with other people. They psychologically distance themselves from any group (for example, family) in which they unavoidably find themselves, unless they are indisputably leading or in control of it. They are unbending, unyielding, pig-headed; but also quite nimble and free-spirited. The parallels are as individualistic and emotionally self-sufficient as the aspectsin fact theyre even more off-beat and mischievous. They truly march to a different beat (rather than merely indulge their contrariness and wrong-headed insubordination). The parallels are admirably stubborn in following their own hearts. Venus-Neptune: The aspects have a distracted, ethereal, otherworldly quality. They move through life in an absent-minded, perfunctory manner, as if late for an appointment in some other universe. They are open and candid about their feelings, and they are naive and trusting in their dealings with others. They close up like a mimosa at any harsh touch, yet their innocence inclines other people to treat them gently. The parallels are as artless and outspoken as the aspects, but are not as supersensitive and out of it. They have a blunt, rough-and-ready manner (in contrast to the shrinking violet aspects), and they take delight in calling a spade a spade. They have the same childlike vulnerability, but since theyre real toughies they dont need to appeal to other peoples indulgence for protection. Venus-Pluto: The aspects have refined and delicate sensibilities, together with an acute perception of human nature. They have a penetrating grasp of emotional undercurrents, and the ability to sense and react to extremely fine shades of nuance. They tend to prefer the role of passive observer to that of active participants in their social milieu. They have a skeptical turn of mind, and can be very critical and exacting of other people. The parallels are as perceptive and incisive as the aspects, but they are far more tolerant of the foibles of others , and hence less inclined to patronize people. The parallels are lighter, gemtlicher they lack the dark self-obsessions which characterizes the aspects. While equally detached, they take a broader, gentler, more humorous view of the people around them. Mars-Jupiter: The aspects are characterized by an avuncular detachment and a general spirit of benevolence. Nonetheless, they are very stubborn and set in their ways, and quite impervious to other points of view. They can even be a bit thick at times, when their ornery bullheadedness shows through the facade of well-intentioned impartiality and reasonableness. The parallels are as amiable as the aspects, but are fare more agile and diplomatic in their dealings with others. Like the aspects, they are plain-spoken and good-natured, but are not as overweeningly insistent on their own point of view. They have a true objectivity instead of merely benign detachment. Mars-Saturn: The aspects have a serious, plaintive, intensely earnest demeanor, and a pained or pinched look in their eyes. They have an air of beleaguerment, of dogged exertion and unremitting struggle, with neither the time nor patience for frivolity and nonsense. They are responsible, disciplined, and hard working, but also intolerant and critical of others. The parallels are as grimly determined as the aspects, and they have the same fortitude, but they are not so grave and overbearing. They have retained their sense of humor, and therefore can laugh at themselves and the world around them; hence they dont have the sense of being besieged or the fear of being hemmed in by circumstances which characterizes the aspects. They have the knack of being cheerful in adversity and not taking setbacks personally. Mars-Uranus: The aspects exhibit a wild and abandoned streak. No matter how sedate they may appear in repose, they are in fact creatures of impulse who secretly harbor a melange of utopian visions and crazy schemes. They are self-willed and buoyantly optimistic about their prospects. They charge on ahead with little forethought, concern for consequence, or sensitivity to the feelings of other people. The parallels are as frisky and irrepressible as the aspects, and they have the same resolve and courage of their convictions. But they have a greater political sense than the aspects dothey know how and when to move warily and skillfully, and how to take other people into account. They are therefore more agreeable in their single-mindedness, and less prone to bluster and stonewalling. Mars-Neptune: The aspects breeze through life on a cheeky and brazen insolence. They are not so much presumptuous as naive and inclined to take a lot for granted. They delight in being contrary, and have a spirited insouciance and elan. When they find that theyve overreached themselves, they cheerfully shrug their shoulders and muddle their way through. The parallels exhibit the same gumption and playfulness as the aspects, but they are a trifle more humble and self-effacing. Theyre not as inclined to impose themselves on people because they have a well-developed sense of their own private space, and they can respect the space of others. They are equally mischievous and irreverent, but have a greater sensitivity and attunement to feelings. Mars-Pluto: The aspects are brash, self-certain, and pig-headed. They are completely inflexible and unyielding, and they roll up their sleeves and lick their chops at any prospect of a good scrap. They have a lightening stomp which leaves most would-be opponents breathless, and a finality about their acts and proclamations which leaves no margin for misunderstanding their intentions and point of view. The parallels are as stubborn and indomitable as the aspects, but they are wilier, more reflective, and therefore less intense. They thread their way around people and obstacles instead of battering their way through. While they can be as adamant as the aspects, they withdraw peacefully into themselves rather than stonewall and create needless conflicts. Jupiter-Saturn: The aspects are cautious, pensive, and characterized by a vague disgruntlement with this world and its ways. They arent interested in the latest styles, trends, and buzzwords. They are not old-fashioned so much as nonplusedthey act like perplexed foreigners even in their own milieu. They have a sense of being misfits, sad sacks, who nonetheless cling fierce]y to their own inner feeling for what is good and true. They have high ideals and standards of conduct to which they scrupulously adhere, and a moral courage which is the source of their deep inner pride. The parallels have the same strong sense of personal integrity as the aspects, and they are equally detached from the prevailing cultural mores. But they are more reined, less self-conscious than the stiff and stuffy aspects. Although they stand apart from their society, they dont warrant themselves to be above it with defensive contempt. They have a true policy of live and let live. Jupiter-Uranus: The aspects are happy-go-lucky and devil-may-care. Albeit gregarious and cheery, they are not truly warm or sympathetic. Their aloof independence and intolerance of any stricture keeps them at a respectful distance from even their boon companions. There are times when they can become callous in their determination to pursue their own ends and enjoy life come what may. The parallels are as perky and breezy as the aspects, and they have the same maverick streak. However, they have a somewhat greater awareness that there is more to life than just what they want this minute. While they are as detached and aloof as the aspects, they have a greater sense of perspective, and hence tend to be more respectful and gentler in their handling of other people. Jupiter-Neptune: The aspects are expansive and outgoing, but also brusque, arbitrary, and high-handed. They are so idealistic and sold on their images and fantasies that they seem to exist in their own insulated bubble or island universe; and they look down upon this one with a somewhat snooty or superior distaste. While they are genuinely hopeful and convivial, they are also brash, absolutist, and never make excuses for themselves. The parallels are as jovial and sociable as the aspects, and they can also be quite as blunt and removed. But they are more retiring than they are autocratic, and therefore they are less prone to meddle or presume too much. As they float along in their bubble, they are calm and unhurried, and skillful at avoiding collisions. Jupiter-Pluto: The aspects are alert, insightful and outspoken. They have a rough sense of humor and a cockiness which is superior and self-mocking at the same time. They possess a penetrating understanding of human nature, but they also tend to feel that this puts them a notch above everyone else, which makes them mildly pompous and given to strutting. The parallels have the same mental clarity and discrimination as the aspects, and they are every bit as jaunty and self-confident. But they have a greater depth and delicacy of feeling than the flamboyant aspects. They feel a stronger need to understand people than they do to dazzle them, Saturn-Uranus: The aspects are steadying, thoroughgoing, and meticulous. They are extremely cautious and hesitant in any new situation, or until theyve got their own feelings figured out; but once theyve made up their minds they storm on ahead and burn all their bridges behind them. Of the planetary combinations which mean stubborn and inflexible determination, this one is about at the top of the list. They are extraordinarily tenacious and self-willed, and they make cold, hard, and unrelenting opponents The parallels are as resolute and dogged as the aspects, and they are every bit as obstinate and unyielding. But they are more patient and humane than the touchy, fussy aspects, and less inclined to overstep themselves or intrude themselves on other people. They are willing to grant others the same rights and liberties which they insist on for themselves. Saturn-Neptune: The aspects are private individuals, concentrated and intent on their own designs and feelings. They are dutiful and obliging, but otherwise stay within their own shells, They are quite sensitive and vulnerable, and have an air of pathos or anguish about them. Although they possess a great depth of feeling they have an extremely narrow focus of interestthey shy away from harshness or conflict, and they tend to plod through life wearing blinders of self-protection or self-pity. The parallels are as emotionally self-cloistering and evasive as the aspects, but they have a great deal more joie de vivre. Like the aspects they have a sense of weariness and pain, but they dont let it get them down. They maintain a positive and optimistic attitude towards life without the constant sighing of the aspects. Saturn-Pluto: The aspects have a seething energy combined with a great self-restraint and nervous control. They have a "grit and bear it" fortitude, and are inured to (and even welcome) hardship and tests of Their mettle. They are obdurate and stoical, and can show a hatchet-faced indifference to other peoples feelings and limitations. The parallels are as intense and self-contained as the aspects, and they have the same analytical detachment in the face of adversity. But they are much lighter in spirit and dont have the sense of onus or begrudging which weights down the aspects. They too are ready for anything, but they great life with elan rather than throw down their gauntlet at it.posted by: To understand what a Parallel (or a Contraparallel) aspect is, we have to take a few steps back and understand exactly what it is that were looking at when we look at a chart. When we measure and note the sign positions of the planets, what were doing is noting their longitudinal position along the ecliptic. The ecliptic is the plane of the Suns apparent path around the Earth, and also the plane of the Earths orbit around the Sun. The Zodiac includes the band of sky above and below the ecliptic.When we look at a chart, were taking a 3-dimensional phenomena, and ignoring two of the dimensions. If you give it some thought, its obvious that we ignore the relative distances from the Sun of each planet by placing them all around the circle of the chart. But what were also doing by focusing on the Sign (longitudinal) positions of the planets, is ignoring the latitudinal positions of the planetshow far above or below the ecliptic they happen to be.This is easy to see in the night sky: the next time two planets are conjunct and visible at night, go outside and take a look at them. (An excellent example occurred with the 1999 conjunction of Venus and Jupiter). Even though the Ephemeris said that they were exactly conjunct, when you looked at them in the sky, they were several degrees apart from each other. Why? Because they were at different latitudes.For the record, latitude is the measurement of a planets position North or South of the ecliptic, while declination is the measurement of a planets position North or South of the Celestial Equator.Two planets at the same latitude or declination (e.g., Mars at 12 North and the Moon at 12 North) are parallel each other. Planets at the same degree of latitude or declination but in opposite directions (e.g., Mars at 12 North and the Moon at 12 South) are contraparallel each other.In general, parallels and contraparallels are minor aspects and can be interpreted as weak conjunctions (parallel) or oppositions (contraparallel). Parallels and Contraparallels become important, however, when they reinforce longitudinal aspects between two planets. In particular, when two planets are both conjunct and parallel each other, then the faster-moving planet completely eclipses the slower-moving planet, an event known as an occultation. Solar eclipses are simply occultations of the Sun by the Moonthey occur when the Sun and Moon are both parallel and conjunct. Occultations are extremely powerful conjunctions. They are somewhat rare, but worth noting when they do occur.I personally wouldnt attribute intuitiveness to any of the aspect permutations that you mention; however, if your Sun/Mercury/Pluto aspects involve one or more occultations, they are certainly very important aspects to you in general.