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Copyright © 1999-2013 Parallels IP Holdings GmbH and its affiliates. All rights reserved. Parallels Operations Automation 5.5 Privileges Reference Revision 6.52 (October 28, 2013) © 1999-2013

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Page 1: Parallels Operations Automation 5 - · • Modules in this guide are divided into sections, which, in

Copyright © 1999-2013 Parallels IP Holdings GmbH and its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Parallels Operations Automation 5.5 Privileges Reference Revision 6.52 (October 28, 2013)

© 1999-2013

Page 2: Parallels Operations Automation 5 - · • Modules in this guide are divided into sections, which, in

Parallels IP Holdings GmbH Vordergasse 59 8200 Schaffhausen Switzerland Tel: + 41 52 632 0411 Fax: + 41 52 672 2010 Copyright © 1999-2013 Parallels IP Holdings GmbH and its affiliates. All rights reserved. Distribution of this work or derivative of this work in any form is prohibited unless prior written permission is obtained from the copyright holder. { Patented technology protected by U.S.Patents 7,328,225; 7,325,017; 7,293,033; 7,099,948; 7,076,633. Patents pending in the U.S.} Product and service names mentioned herein are the trademarks of their respective owners. Parallels Operations Automation is a registered trademark of Parallels.

Page 3: Parallels Operations Automation 5 - · • Modules in this guide are divided into sections, which, in


Preface ....................................................................................................................... 8

Documentation Conventions ............................................................................................ 8

Typographical Conventions ......................................................................................................8

General Conventions ............................................................................................................. 10

Feedback ...................................................................................................................... 10

Understanding POA Privileges Management Concept .......................................... 11

Understanding Concept of Roles ................................................................................... 12

Security Model ...................................................................................................................... 12

Concept of Privileges ............................................................................................................. 12

Concept of Roles................................................................................................................... 13

Understanding Hierarchy of Accounts and Users ........................................................... 14

What is Account .................................................................................................................... 14

Staff Members ....................................................................................................................... 14

Types of Accounts................................................................................................................. 14

Managing Reseller Accounts ................................................................................................. 15

Managing Customer Accounts .............................................................................................. 15

Managing Staff Members ...................................................................................................... 15

Page 4: Parallels Operations Automation 5 - · • Modules in this guide are divided into sections, which, in

Provider Staff Member's Privileges ........................................................................ 16

Reseller Staff Member's Privileges ......................................................................... 21

Customer Staff Member's Privileges ...................................................................... 25

List of Privileges and States ................................................................................... 28

All Domains ................................................................................................................... 28

All Logins History........................................................................................................... 31

All Users ....................................................................................................................... 33

All VPSs ........................................................................................................................ 35

AntiSpam Management ................................................................................................. 39

AntiVirus Management .................................................................................................. 40

Apache Configuration .................................................................................................... 41

Application Users .......................................................................................................... 41

APS Packages .............................................................................................................. 42

Backups Configuration Management ............................................................................. 43

Backups Management .................................................................................................. 44

Billing Access ................................................................................................................ 45

Branding Configuration .................................................................................................. 46

Configuring External CMS.............................................................................................. 49

Content Management Systems ..................................................................................... 50

CRM Administration ...................................................................................................... 52

Crontabs Management .................................................................................................. 55

Customer Accounts ...................................................................................................... 56

Customer Directory Integration Administration ................................................................ 59

Customer Directory Integration Synchronization ............................................................. 61

Customer Dedicated Servers ......................................................................................... 61

Customer's CP Access ................................................................................................. 63

Databases Management ............................................................................................... 64

Dedicated Servers Management .................................................................................... 66

Dedicated Servers OS Images ....................................................................................... 67

DNS Configuration ........................................................................................................ 69

E-Mail Administration ..................................................................................................... 72

Events .......................................................................................................................... 77

Events Log Configuration .............................................................................................. 79

Page 5: Parallels Operations Automation 5 - · • Modules in this guide are divided into sections, which, in

Exchange Domain Configuration .................................................................................... 79

Exchange Mailbox Templates Administration ................................................................. 81

Exchange Public Folder Stores Replicas Administration .................................................. 82

Exchange Company Disclaimers Administration ............................................................. 83

Exchange Resource Mailbox Administration ................................................................... 85

Exchange Unified Messaging Administration .................................................................. 86

Global Relay Archiving Management .............................................................................. 87

Hardware Nodes ........................................................................................................... 89

Hosting Services Configuration ...................................................................................... 93

IIS Configuration ............................................................................................................ 99

Infrastructure Configuration ......................................................................................... 100

IP Pools & Addresses .................................................................................................. 103

Licenses ..................................................................................................................... 108

Logfiles Access ........................................................................................................... 109

Login As to MyCP ....................................................................................................... 111

Maillists ....................................................................................................................... 111

MessageLabs Management ........................................................................................ 113

MX Logic Configuration Management .......................................................................... 114

MX Logic E-mail Security Administration ...................................................................... 114

News .......................................................................................................................... 115

ODBC DSN Management ............................................................................................ 118

Office Communications Management .......................................................................... 120

Office Communications Meeting Policies Administration ............................................... 122

Office Communications Pools Administration ............................................................... 123

Office Communications Phone Numbers Administration ............................................... 123

Office Communications User Profiles Administration ..................................................... 126

Office Communications Users Administration ............................................................... 127

Own Account Info ....................................................................................................... 129

Own Applications ........................................................................................................ 131

Own CP Access .......................................................................................................... 132

Own Customer's CP Access ....................................................................................... 132

Own Domains ............................................................................................................. 134

Own Login History ....................................................................................................... 138

Own Reseller's CP Access .......................................................................................... 140

Page 6: Parallels Operations Automation 5 - · • Modules in this guide are divided into sections, which, in

Own Security Configuration ......................................................................................... 141

Own User ................................................................................................................... 145

Own Users .................................................................................................................. 148

Own VPSs .................................................................................................................. 151

Own Websites ............................................................................................................. 155

Packages .................................................................................................................... 155

Postini Management .................................................................................................... 158

Provisioning Configuration ........................................................................................... 161

Public API Management .............................................................................................. 167

Reseller Accounts ....................................................................................................... 167

Resellers CP Access ................................................................................................... 170

Scheduled Applications Management .......................................................................... 171

Security Configuration ................................................................................................. 172

Server Management .................................................................................................... 175

Service Users Management ......................................................................................... 178

Sessions ..................................................................................................................... 181

Setup VPS Hosting ..................................................................................................... 182

SPLA Reports ............................................................................................................. 183

Streaming Media Configuration .................................................................................... 184

Subdomains................................................................................................................ 186

Subscriptions .............................................................................................................. 187

System Configuration .................................................................................................. 190

System Login History .................................................................................................. 192

Tasks .......................................................................................................................... 193

User Repository Access .............................................................................................. 194

View Own Subscriptions .............................................................................................. 196

VZ Templates .............................................................................................................. 197

Web Applications Management ................................................................................... 199

Web Applications Management (for Provider) ............................................................... 201

Web Statistics Access ................................................................................................. 202

Website Administration ................................................................................................ 204

Websites ..................................................................................................................... 208

Webspace Access ...................................................................................................... 208

Wireless Services ........................................................................................................ 211

Page 7: Parallels Operations Automation 5 - · • Modules in this guide are divided into sections, which, in

Wireless Services Administration .................................................................................. 212

Index ...................................................................................................................... 214

Page 8: Parallels Operations Automation 5 - · • Modules in this guide are divided into sections, which, in

In This Chapter

Documentation Conventions ....................................................................................8 Feedback ................................................................................................................10

Documentation Conventions Before you start using this guide, it is important to understand the documentation conventions used in it.

Typographical Conventions

The following kinds of formatting in the text identify special information.

Formatting convention Type of Information Example

Special Bold Items you must select, such as menu options, command buttons, or items in a list.

Navigate to the QoS tab.

Titles of modules, sections, and subsections.

Read the Basic Administration module.

C H A P T E R 1


Page 9: Parallels Operations Automation 5 - · • Modules in this guide are divided into sections, which, in



Italics Used to emphasize the importance of a point, to introduce a term or to designate a command line placeholder, which is to be replaced with a real name or value.

These are the so-called shared VEs.

To destroy a VE, type vzctl destroy VEid.

Important An important note provides information that is essential to the completion of a task. Users can disregard information in a note and still complete a task, but they should not disregard an important note.

Important: The device drivers installed automatically during Setup are required by your system. If you remove one of these drivers, your system may not work properly.

Note A note with the heading “Note” indicates neutral or positive information that emphasizes or supplements important points of the main text. A note supplies information that may apply only in special cases—for example, memory limitations, equipment configurations, or details that apply to specific versions of a program.

Note: If Windows prompts you for a network password at startup, your network is already set up and you can skip this section.

Monospace The names of commands, files, and directories.

Use vzctl start to start a VE.

Preformatted On-screen computer output in your command-line sessions; source code in XML, C++, or other programming languages.

Saved parameters for VE 101

Preformatted Bold What you type, contrasted with on-screen computer output.

# rpm –V virtuozzo-release

CAPITALS Names of keys on the keyboard. SHIFT, CTRL, ALT

KEY+KEY Key combinations for which the user must press and hold down one key and then press another.


Page 10: Parallels Operations Automation 5 - · • Modules in this guide are divided into sections, which, in



General Conventions

Be aware of the following conventions used in this book.

• Modules in this guide are divided into sections, which, in turn, are subdivided into subsections. For example, Documentation Conventions is a section, and General Conventions is a subsection.

• When following steps or using examples, be sure to type double-quotes ("), left single-quotes (`), and right single-quotes (') exactly as shown.

• The key referred to as RETURN is labeled ENTER on some keyboards.

Commands in the directories included into the PATH variable are used without absolute path names. Steps that use commands in other, less common, directories show the absolute paths in the examples.

Feedback If you have found a mistake in this guide, or if you have suggestions or ideas on how to improve this guide, please send your feedback using the online form at Please include in your report the guide's title, chapter and section titles, and the fragment of text in which you have found an error.

Page 11: Parallels Operations Automation 5 - · • Modules in this guide are divided into sections, which, in

In This Chapter

Understanding Concept of Roles .............................................................................12 Understanding Hierarchy of Accounts and Users .....................................................14

C H A P T E R 2

Understanding POA Privileges Management Concept

Page 12: Parallels Operations Automation 5 - · • Modules in this guide are divided into sections, which, in


Understanding POA Privileges Management Concept

Understanding Concept of Roles

Security Model

POA gives various users the abilities to perform various operations with system objects. The system of Roles and Privileges is the mechanism that is used to manage and control the provision of such abilities.

Each operation involves certain objects. So the logical way of allowing users to do something is to require users to have specific permissions to perform certain operations on the involved objects. For example, in order to be able to create a new domain the user has to be given the necessary permissions, including the permission to create domains.

There are basic security notions you must be familiar with when dealing with permissions and operations:

1 Account is the basic security notion as all operations being performed within the system are connected with different accounts. The types of accounts in POA are:

• Provider Account. A Provider is able to create reseller and customer accounts subscribing them to Service Templates and giving them privileges to perform operations in POA.

• Reseller Accounts. A Reseller can add and manage his/her own Reseller and Customer Accounts that would form a subordinate hierarchy of Accounts toward the "top" Reseller Account.

• Customer Accounts. A Customer can only add the Staff Member accounts.

2 Privilege is a named permission to execute certain operations on certain objects. For example, the Domains Management privilege allows for creating and managing domains. Privileges are defined system-wide at POA initial installation or upgrade and cannot be modified.

3 Role is a set of privileges. Its purpose is the grouping of privileges and assigning them to different users. One Role can be assigned to several users and several Roles can be assigned to the same user simultaneously. If a Role is modified, all the users assigned this Role are influenced correspondingly at the same time.

Note: After a user's Role is modified, changes take effect only upon his or her next login to POA.

Concept of Privileges

Privilege is a permission to perform a certain operation, or a set of operations. The entire set of operations define all capabilities of POA and are created during initial installation, upgrade or component addition.

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Understanding POA Privileges Management Concept

Privileges are created and mapped to operations by POA components during component installation. Also the area of applicability for each privilege (types of users that can have privilege) is defined during component installation. The following areas of privileges’ applicability are distinguished:

• Providers’ privileges,

• Resellers’ privileges,

• Customers’ privileges.

Privileges are used through Roles. No newly created privilege belongs to any Role until it is explicitly added for it.

Note: The exception is the Role Administrator created when POA is installed for the Provider. All the available privileges are automatically added to it, and all new privileges that appear in the system are also automatically added to it at the moment of their appearance in the system.

Concept of Roles

The system of Roles is a common concept used in the permissions systems. It is a convenient mechanism of administering user’s abilities within the system. By assigning Roles to user or revoking Roles from him/her, one can change the set of operations available to the user or, in other words, manage user’s permissions.

A Role is a set of privileges and is used for providing users with the permissions for operations on objects defined by these privileges. A Role also has two editable attributes: name and description.

Note: Any user can have multiple Roles. Any Role can be assigned to multiple users. The resulting privileges the user gets is a combination of all privileges defined by all Roles assigned to the user.

The concept of Role is used in POA for the same purposes; however the exact definition of Role may be different for other systems.

Our definition of Role: Role is the set of privileges.

There are two ways for the Role to appear in the system:

• The Role is created manually by the user (any user of any type is capable of creating Roles, unless it is specifically explicitly forbidden for this given user).

• Whenever there is a new account added in the system, a default Administrator Role for this account is assigned automatically. Such Roles are defined for all newly created accounts and assigned to the account Staff Member created with the account, this Staff Member gets all the privileges defined by the Administrator Role.

Roles are created for particular types of accounts. This is due to the fact that different sets of privileges are applicable for different types of accounts.

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Understanding POA Privileges Management Concept

What is Administrator Role

The Account Administrator Role should be mentioned separately from other Roles. As was mentioned earlier, this Role is created and automatically assigned to the first Staff Member of the newly created account.

The Account Administrator Role is defined by user for types of accounts he/she can create and is supposed to provide the new account Staff Member with all the privileges applicable for this type of account. Its purpose is to immediately enable the first created Staff Member to perform all required functions, like setting up other Staff Members, etc.

Note: Staff Members eventually created for the account are not assigned the Account Administrator Role automatically.

Understanding Hierarchy of Accounts and Users

What is Account

Account is a POA object.

All users working with POA are represented by Accounts and all operations being performed within the system by a user is performed on behalf of a certain account.

At the same time, an account is rather an abstract notion, meaning a record of a company that works with POA; such record contains the general and contact information.

Staff Members

Staff Members are active users of the system. A Staff Member represents a certain company that is registered in POA as a Provider, reseller or customer.

All operations on behalf of an account are physically performed by a Staff Member. When you create a new account in POA, you simultaneously create the first Staff Member for this account. More Staff Members can be added to an account later, if there is a need to share the scope of work between several Staff Members of one account.

Types of Accounts

Accounts in POA can be of the following types:

• Provider – the owner of hosts or various services installed on hosts that he/she provides to Resellers and Customers.

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Understanding POA Privileges Management Concept

• Reseller – the mediator between the Provider and Customers. The Reseller can add and then manage his/her own Reseller and Customer accounts. These accounts form a hierarchy of accounts that is subordinate toward the "top" Reseller account.

• Customer – the end-user of resources provided.

Managing Reseller Accounts

When working with users, the primary function of the provider is managing the first-level resellers. The provider is able to create and manage resellers, assign system resources to them so that resellers are able to perform their functions i.e. distributing the system resources further, to customers and/or the resellers of lower levels.

When a first-level reseller and a corresponding account is created, the provider uses the various means provided by the system (e.g. Roles and Privileges) to define the specific part of the system, which a given reseller will be responsible for – where he/she will have the necessary powers to manage the system objects. Acting on behalf of this reseller, the provider can also create resellers of lower levels that will be subordinate to the given reseller but that is not the provider’s primary function.

Managing Customer Accounts

A customer is the system’s end-user, the end-user of its resources. As a reseller, you can create and manage customers directly.

A customer’s account consists of two basic pieces of information: company information and information on a Staff Member, representing this company. In other words, a customer is not an active user of the system, but this is some system object that represents a company, which consumes the provided hosting services. Physically, a customer interacts via its Staff Member(s) (users).

Managing Staff Members

Staff Members are active users of the system; they are created for a particular user of one of the three regular types, i.e. provider, reseller or customer.

A Staff Member represents a certain company that is registered in POA as reseller or customer, and is actually the one who performs certain operations in POA within the limits of his/her assigned privileges. There can be several Staff Members for each reseller or customer.

A provider can also create one or several Staff Members and grant them the same (or lesser) capabilities as the provider has, sharing this way the provider’s responsibilities among several people who will work all on behalf of the provider. The provider can create Staff Members for him/herself as well as for other users (resellers and customers).

Page 16: Parallels Operations Automation 5 - · • Modules in this guide are divided into sections, which, in

There are the following Provider Staff Member's privileges:

Application Hosting

• Application Users (on page 41)

• APS Packages (on page 42)

• Web Applications Management (on page 199)

• Web Applications Management (for provider) (on page 201)

• Backups Management (on page 44)

• Own Applications (on page 131)

Dedicated Hosting

• Customer Dedicated Servers (on page 61)

• Dedicated Servers Management (on page 66)

• Dedicated Servers OS Images (on page 67)

Linux Mail Hosting

• AntiSpam Management (on page 39)

• AntiVirus Management (on page 40)

• E-Mail Administration (on page 72)

• Maillists (on page 111)

• Backups Management (on page 44)

Linux Shared Hosting

• Apache Configuration (on page 41)

• Crontabs Management (on page 55)

• Databases Management (on page 64)

C H A P T E R 3

Provider Staff Member's Privileges

Page 17: Parallels Operations Automation 5 - · • Modules in this guide are divided into sections, which, in


Provider Staff Member's Privileges

• Logfiles Access (on page 109)

• Own Websites (on page 155)

• Scheduled Applications Management (on page 171)

• SiteBuilder

• Configuring External CMS (on page 49)

• Content Management Systems (on page 50)

• Web Statistics Access (on page 202)

• Website Administration (on page 204)

• Websites (on page 208)

• Webspace Access (on page 208)

• Backups Management (on page 44)

Windows Shared Hosting

• Databases Management (on page 64)

• IIS Configuration (on page 99)

• ODBC DSN Management (on page 118)

• Own Websites (on page 155)

• Configuring External CMS (on page 49)

• Content Management Systems (on page 50)

• Streaming Media Configuration (on page 184)

• Web Statistics Access (on page 202)

• Website Administration (on page 204)

• Websites (on page 208)

• Webspace Access (on page 208)

• Backups Management (on page 44)

Hosted Exchange

• E-Mail Administration (on page 72)

• Exchange Domain Configuration (on page 79)

• Exchange Mailbox Templates Administration (on page 81)

• Exchange Public Folder Stores Replicas Administration (on page 82)

• Exchange Company Disclaimers Administration (on page 83)

Page 18: Parallels Operations Automation 5 - · • Modules in this guide are divided into sections, which, in


Provider Staff Member's Privileges

• Exchange Resource Mailbox Administration (on page 85)

• Exchange Unified Messaging Administration (on page 86)

• Global Relay Archiving Management (on page 87)

• MessageLabs Management (on page 113)

• MX Logic Configuration Management (on page 114)

• MX Logic E-mail Security Administration (on page 114)

• Postini Management (on page 158)

• SPLA Reports (on page 183)

• Wireless Services (on page 211)

• Wireless Services Administration (on page 212)

Hosted Dynamics CRM

• CRM Administration (on page 52)

• SPLA Reports (on page 183)

Hosted OCS

• Office Communications Management (on page 120)

• Office Communications Meeting Policies Administration (on page 122)

• Office Communications Pools Administration (on page 123)

• Office Communications Phone Numbers Administration (on page 123)

• Office Communications User Profiles Administration (on page 126)

• Office Communications Users Administration (on page 127)

VPS Hosting and Parallels Plesk Panel in VPS Hosting

• All VPSs (on page 35)

• Backups Configuration Management (on page 43)

• Own VPSs (on page 151)

• Setup VPS Hosting (on page 182)

• VZ Templates (on page 197)

• Backups Management (on page 44)

Page 19: Parallels Operations Automation 5 - · • Modules in this guide are divided into sections, which, in


Provider Staff Member's Privileges

Customer Directory Integration Privileges

• Customer Directory Integration Administration (on page 59)

• Customer Directory Integration Synchronization (on page 61)

System and Miscellaneous Privileges

• All Domains (on page 28)

• All Logins History (on page 31)

• All Users (on page 33)

• Backups Management (on page 44)

• Billing Access (on page 45)

• Broadcast Messages

• Branding Configuration (on page 46)

• Customer Accounts (on page 56)

• Customer's CP Access (on page 63)

• DNS Configuration (on page 69)

• Events (on page 77)

• Events Log Configuration (on page 79)

• Hardware Nodes (on page 89)

• Hosting Services Configuration (on page 93)

• Infrastructure Configuration (on page 100)

• IP Pools & Addresses (on page 103)

• Licenses (on page 108)

• Login as to MyCP (on page 111)

• News (on page 115)

• Own Account Info (on page 129)

• Own CP Access (on page 132)

• Own Customer's CP Access (on page 132)

• Own Domains (on page 134)

• Own Login History (on page 138)

• Own Reseller's CP Access (on page 140)

• Own Security Configuration (on page 141)

• Own User (on page 145)

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Provider Staff Member's Privileges

• Own Users (on page 148)

• Packages (on page 155)

• Provisioning Configuration (on page 161)

• Public API Management (on page 167)

• Reseller Accounts (on page 167)

• Resellers CP Access (on page 170)

• Security Configuration (on page 172)

• Server Management (on page 175)

• Service Users Management (on page 178)

• Sessions (on page 181)

• Subdomains (on page 186)

• Subscriptions (on page 187)

• System Configuration (on page 190)

• System Login History (on page 192)

• Tasks (on page 193)

• Trouble Ticketing Management

• User Repository Access (on page 194)

• View Own Subscriptions (on page 196)

Page 21: Parallels Operations Automation 5 - · • Modules in this guide are divided into sections, which, in

There are the following Reseller Staff Member's privileges:

Application Hosting

• Application Users (on page 41)

• APS Packages (on page 42)

• Web Applications Management (on page 199)

• Backups Management (on page 44)

• Own Applications (on page 131)

Dedicated Hosting

Customer Dedicated Servers (on page 61)

Linux Mail Hosting

• AntiSpam Management (on page 39)

• AntiVirus Management (on page 40)

• E-Mail Administration (on page 72)

• Maillists (on page 111)

• Backups Management (on page 44)

Linux Shared Hosting

• Crontabs Management (on page 55)

• Databases Management (on page 64)

• Logfiles Access (on page 109)

• Own Websites (on page 155)

• Scheduled Applications Management (on page 171)

• SiteBuilder

• Content Management Systems (on page 50)

C H A P T E R 4

Reseller Staff Member's Privileges

Page 22: Parallels Operations Automation 5 - · • Modules in this guide are divided into sections, which, in


Reseller Staff Member's Privileges

• Web Statistics Access (on page 202)

• Website Administration (on page 204)

• Websites (on page 208)

• Webspace Access (on page 208)

• Backups Management (on page 44)

Windows Shared Hosting

• Databases Management (on page 64)

• ODBC DSN Management (on page 118)

• Own Websites (on page 155)

• Content Management Systems (on page 50)

• Streaming Media Configuration (on page 184)

• Web Statistics Access (on page 202)

• Website Administration (on page 204)

• Websites (on page 208)

• Webspace Access (on page 208)

• Backups Management (on page 44)

Hosted Exchange

• E-Mail Administration (on page 72)

• Exchange Domain Configuration (on page 79)

• Exchange Company Disclaimers Administration (on page 83)

• Exchange Resource Mailbox Administration (on page 85)

• Global Relay Archiving Management (on page 87)

• MessageLabs Management (on page 113)

• MX Logic E-mail Security Administration (on page 114)

• Postini Management (on page 158)

• Wireless Services (on page 211)

• Wireless Services Administration (on page 212)

Hosted Dynamics CRM

Page 23: Parallels Operations Automation 5 - · • Modules in this guide are divided into sections, which, in


Reseller Staff Member's Privileges

CRM Administration (on page 52)

Hosted OCS

• Office Communications Management (on page 120)

• Office Communications Users Administration (on page 127)

• Office Communications Phone Numbers Administration (on page 123)

VPS Hosting and Parallels Plesk Panel in VPS Hosting

• All VPSs (on page 35)

• Own VPSs (on page 151)

• Backups Management (on page 44)

Customer Directory Integration Privileges

• Customer Directory Integration Administration (on page 59)

• Customer Directory Integration Synchronization (on page 61)

System and Miscellaneous Privileges

• All Domains (on page 28)

• All Logins History (on page 31)

• All Users (on page 33)

• Backups Management (on page 44)

• Billing Access (on page 45)

• Broadcast Messages

• Branding Configuration (on page 46)

• Customer Accounts (on page 56)

• Customer's CP Access (on page 63)

• DNS Configuration (on page 69)

• IP Pools & Addresses (on page 103)

• Login as to MyCP (on page 111)

• News (on page 115)

• Own Account Info (on page 129)

Page 24: Parallels Operations Automation 5 - · • Modules in this guide are divided into sections, which, in


Reseller Staff Member's Privileges

• Own CP Access (on page 132)

• Own Customer's CP Access (on page 132)

• Own Domains (on page 134)

• Own Login History (on page 138)

• Own Reseller's CP Access (on page 140)

• Own Security Configuration (on page 141)

• Own User (on page 145)

• Own Users (on page 148)

• Provisioning Configuration (on page 161)

• Reseller Accounts (on page 167)

• Resellers CP Access (on page 170)

• Security Configuration (on page 172)

• Server Management (on page 175)

• Service Users Management (on page 178)

• Sessions (on page 181)

• Subdomains (on page 186)

• Subscriptions (on page 187)

• System Configuration (on page 190)

• System Login History (on page 192)

• Trouble Ticketing Management

• User Repository Access (on page 194)

• View Own Subscriptions (on page 196)

Page 25: Parallels Operations Automation 5 - · • Modules in this guide are divided into sections, which, in

There are the following Customer Staff Member's privileges:

Application Hosting

• Application Users (on page 41)

• Web Applications Management (on page 199)

• Backups Management (on page 44)

• Own Applications (on page 131)

Dedicated Hosting

Customer Dedicated Servers (on page 61)

Linux Mail Hosting

• AntiSpam Management (on page 39)

• AntiVirus Management (on page 40)

• E-Mail Administration (on page 72)

• Maillists (on page 111)

• Backups Management (on page 44)

Linux Shared Hosting

• Crontabs Management (on page 55)

• Databases Management (on page 64)

• Logfiles Access (on page 109)

• Scheduled Applications Management (on page 171)

• SiteBuilder

• Content Management Systems (on page 50)

• Web Statistics Access (on page 202)

• Website Administration (on page 204)

C H A P T E R 5

Customer Staff Member's Privileges

Page 26: Parallels Operations Automation 5 - · • Modules in this guide are divided into sections, which, in


Customer Staff Member's Privileges

• Webspace Access (on page 208)

• Backups Management (on page 44)

Windows Shared Hosting

• Databases Management (on page 64)

• ODBC DSN Management (on page 118)

• Content Management Systems (on page 50)

• Streaming Media Configuration (on page 184)

• Web Statistics Access (on page 202)

• Website Administration (on page 204)

• Webspace Access (on page 208)

• Backups Management (on page 44)

Hosted Exchange

• E-Mail Administration (on page 72)

• Exchange Domain Configuration (on page 79)

• Exchange Company Disclaimers Administration (on page 83)

• Exchange Resource Mailbox Administration (on page 85)

• Global Relay Archiving Management (on page 87)

• MessageLabs Management (on page 113)

• MX Logic E-mail Security Administration (on page 114)

• Postini Management (on page 158)

• Wireless Services Administration (on page 212)

Hosted Dynamics CRM

CRM Administration (on page 52)

Hosted OCS

• Office Communications Management (on page 120)

• Office Communications Users Administration (on page 127)

• Office Communications Phone Numbers Administration (on page 123)

Page 27: Parallels Operations Automation 5 - · • Modules in this guide are divided into sections, which, in


Customer Staff Member's Privileges

VPS Hosting and Parallels Plesk Panel in VPS Hosting

• Own VPSs (on page 151)

• Backups Management (on page 44)

Customer Directory Integration Privileges

• Customer Directory Integration Administration (on page 59)

• Customer Directory Integration Synchronization (on page 61)

System and Miscellaneous Privileges

• All Logins History (on page 31)

• Backups Management (on page 44)

• Billing Access (on page 45)

• Broadcast Messages

• DNS Configuration (on page 69)

• IP Pools & Addresses (on page 103)

• Login as to MyCP (on page 111)

• News (on page 115)

• Own Account Info (on page 129)

• Own CP Access (on page 132)

• Own Domains (on page 134)

• Own Login History (on page 138)

• Own Security Configuration (on page 141)

• Own User (on page 145)

• Own Users (on page 148)

• Service Users Management (on page 178)

• Subdomains (on page 186)

• Trouble Ticketing Management

• User Repository Access (on page 194)

• View Own Subscriptions (on page 196)

Page 28: Parallels Operations Automation 5 - · • Modules in this guide are divided into sections, which, in

All Domains This privilege controls the following operations with domains of the child accounts:

Operation Name / Privilege State Disabled View Manage Admin

Change domain registrar status Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

Create domains Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Delete all domains Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Delete domains Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Disable domains Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Enable domain Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

View all domains Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

View domains Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

Provider Control Panel and Reseller Control Panel


The following screens are not displayed:

Services > Domains

SELECTED_RESELLER_ACCOUNT > Resources tab > Domains subtab

SELECTED_CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT > Resources tab > Domains subtab


On the Services > Domains screen:

• Domains of child Accounts are displayed.

• Domain properties are displayed.

On the SELECTED_RESELLER_ACCOUNT > Resources tab > Domains subtab and SELECTED_CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT > Resources tab > Domains subtab screens:

• Domains of child Accounts are displayed.

C H A P T E R 6

List of Privileges and States

Page 29: Parallels Operations Automation 5 - · • Modules in this guide are divided into sections, which, in


List of Privileges and States

• Domain properties are displayed.


On the Services > Domains screen:

• Domains of child Accounts are displayed.

• Domain properties are displayed.

• Domain properties can be modified.

On the SELECTED_RESELLER_ACCOUNT > Resources tab > Domains subtab and SELECTED_CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT > Resources tab > Domains subtab screens:

• Domains of child Accounts are displayed.

• Domain properties are displayed.

• Domain properties can be modified.


On the Services > Domains screen:

• Domains of child Accounts are displayed.

• Domain properties are displayed.

• Domain properties can be modified.

• Domain can be made enabled or disabled.

• Domain can be created or removed.

On the SELECTED_RESELLER_ACCOUNT > Resources tab > Domains subtab and SELECTED_CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT > Resources tab > Domains subtab screens:

• Domains of child Accounts are displayed.

• Domain properties are displayed.

• Domain properties can be modified.

• Domain can be made enabled or disabled.

• Domain can be created or removed.

Customer Control Panel

Not applicable.

See also:

Own Domains privilege (on page 134)

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List of Privileges and States

DNS Configuration privilege (on page 69)

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List of Privileges and States

All Logins History This privilege controls an ability to view the login history of all Staff Members and Service Users:

Operation Name / Privilege State Disabled Enabled

View locked users Disabled Enabled

View other login history Disabled Enabled

View own login history Disabled Enabled

Provider Control Panel and Reseller Control Panel


On the YOUR_ACCOUNT screen:

Login history of the currently logged in Staff Member is not displayed.

The following screens are not displayed:

My Profile > My Login History in the Audit group

System > Users > Login History tab


System > Users > Locked Users tab


On the YOUR_ACCOUNT and My Profile > My Login History in the Audit group:

Login history of the currently logged in Staff Member is displayed.

On the System > Users > Login History tab screen:

Login history of all Staff Members and Service Users is displayed.

On the SELECTED_STAFF_MEMBER > Login History tab screen:

Login history of Staff Member is displayed.

On the System > Users > Locked Users tab screen:

• List of locked Staff Members and Service Users is displayed.

• Lockout history of Staff Members and Service Users is displayed.

Page 32: Parallels Operations Automation 5 - · • Modules in this guide are divided into sections, which, in


List of Privileges and States

Customer Control Panel


On the Account > More Tools > Login History screen:

Login history of the currently logged in Staff Member is not displayed.

The following screens are not displayed:

Account > More Tools > Login History

Account > More Tools > Locked Users

Account > Admins > STAFF_MEMBER > Login History tab

Users > SERVICE_USER > Login History tab


On the Account > More Tools > Login History screen:

Login history of the currently logged in Staff Member is displayed.

On the Account > More Tools > Login History screen:

Login history of Staff Members and Service Users is displayed.

On the Account > More Tools > Locked Users screen:

• List of locked Staff Members and Service Users is displayed.

• Lockout history of Staff Members and Service Users is displayed.

On the Account > Admins > STAFF_MEMBER > Login History tab screen:

Login history of Staff Member is displayed.

On the Users > SERVICE_USER > Login History tab screen:

Login history of Service User is displayed.

See also:

Own Login History privilege (on page 138)

System Login History privilege (on page 192)

Page 33: Parallels Operations Automation 5 - · • Modules in this guide are divided into sections, which, in


List of Privileges and States

All Users This privilege controls the following operations with Staff Members of all accounts:

Operation Name / Privilege State Disabled View Manage Admin

Add users Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Change regional settings for users Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

Delete users Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Edit users Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

Update language for users Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

View users Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

Provider Control Panel and Reseller Control Panel


The following screens are not displayed:

System > Users > Users tab

SELECTED_RESELLER_ACCOUNT > General tab > Staff Members subtab

SELECTED_CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT > General tab > Staff Members subtab


On the System > Users > Users tab screen:

• List of all Staff Members is displayed.

• Staff Member properties are displayed.

On the SELECTED_RESELLER_ACCOUNT > General tab > Staff Members subtab and SELECTED_CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT > General tab > Staff Members subtab screens:

• List of Account's Staff Members is displayed.

• Staff Member properties are displayed.


On the System > Users > Users tab screen:

• List of all Staff Members is displayed.

• Staff Member properties are displayed.

Page 34: Parallels Operations Automation 5 - · • Modules in this guide are divided into sections, which, in


List of Privileges and States

On the SELECTED_RESELLER_ACCOUNT > General tab > Staff Members subtab and SELECTED_CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT > General tab > Staff Members subtab screens:

• List of Account's Staff Members is displayed.

• Staff Member properties are displayed.

• Staff Member properties can be modified.


On the System > Users > Users tab screen:

• List of all Staff Members is displayed.

• Staff Member properties are displayed.

On the SELECTED_RESELLER_ACCOUNT > General tab > Staff Members subtab and SELECTED_CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT > General tab > Staff Members subtab screens:

• List of Account's Staff Members is displayed.

• Staff Member properties are displayed.

• Staff Member properties can be modified.

• Staff Member can be created or removed.

Customer Control Panel

Not applicable.

See also:

Own Users privilege (on page 148)

Own User privilege (on page 145)

Page 35: Parallels Operations Automation 5 - · • Modules in this guide are divided into sections, which, in


List of Privileges and States

All VPSs This privilege controls the following operations with all VPSs:

Operation Name / Privilege State Disabled View Manage Admin

Remove IP addresses on a VPS Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

View VPS network configuration Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

Acquire VPSs Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Change VPS root password Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

Delete VPSs Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Edit QoS setting for VPSs Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

Edit VPS offline-management Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

Migrate VPS Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Restart VPS Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

Start VPS Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

Stop VPS Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

Switch autoupdate parameter Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

Unregister VPSs Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

View VPS QoS settings Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

View VPSs Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

View all VPSs Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

Reload UBC Statistic Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

Provider Control Panel


The following screens are not displayed:

SELECTED_RESELLER_ACCOUNT > Resources tab > VPSs subtab

SELECTED_CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT > Resources tab > VPSs subtab

On the Services > Cloud Infrastructure > VPSs screen:

• List of own VPSs is displayed.

• VPS properties are displayed.


• List of own VPSs is displayed.

Page 36: Parallels Operations Automation 5 - · • Modules in this guide are divided into sections, which, in


List of Privileges and States

• VPS properties are displayed.


On the Services > Cloud Infrastructure > VPSs screen:

• List of all VPSs is displayed.

• VPS properties are displayed.

On the SELECTED_RESELLER_ACCOUNT > Resources tab > VPSs subtab and SELECTED_CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT > Resources tab > VPSs subtab screens:

• List of VPSs is displayed.

• VPS properties are displayed.


• List of all VPSs is displayed.

• VPS properties are displayed.


On the Services > Cloud Infrastructure > VPSs screen:

• List of all VPSs is displayed.

• VPS properties are displayed.

• Child Account's VPS can be started, stopped, or unregistered.

On the SELECTED_RESELLER_ACCOUNT > Resources tab > VPSs subtab and SELECTED_CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT > Resources tab > VPSs subtab screens:

• List of VPSs is displayed.

• VPS properties are displayed.

• VPS can be restarted, started, stopped, or unregistered.

• VPS properties can be modified.


• List of all VPSs is displayed.

• VPS properties are displayed.

• Child Account's VPS can be started, stopped, or unregistered.


On the Services > Cloud Infrastructure > VPSs screen:

• List of all VPSs is displayed.

Page 37: Parallels Operations Automation 5 - · • Modules in this guide are divided into sections, which, in


List of Privileges and States

• VPS properties are displayed.

• Child Account's VPS can be started, stopped, unregistered, or removed.

On the SELECTED_RESELLER_ACCOUNT > Resources tab > VPSs subtab and SELECTED_CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT > Resources tab > VPSs subtab screens:

• List of VPSs is displayed.

• VPS properties are displayed.

• VPS can be restarted, started, stopped, or unregistered.

• VPS properties can be modified.

• VPS can be created or removed.

• VPS can be migrated.


• List of all VPSs is displayed.

• VPS properties are displayed.

• Child Account's VPS can be started, stopped, unregistered, or removed.

Reseller Control Panel


The following screens are not displayed:

SELECTED_RESELLER_ACCOUNT > Resources tab > VPSs subtab

SELECTED_CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT > Resources tab > VPSs subtab


On the SELECTED_RESELLER_ACCOUNT > Resources tab > VPSs subtab and SELECTED_CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT > Resources tab > VPSs subtab screens:

• List of VPSs is displayed.

• VPS properties are displayed.


On the SELECTED_RESELLER_ACCOUNT > Resources tab > VPSs subtab and SELECTED_CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT > Resources tab > VPSs subtab screens:

• List of VPSs is displayed.

• VPS properties are displayed.

Page 38: Parallels Operations Automation 5 - · • Modules in this guide are divided into sections, which, in


List of Privileges and States

• VPS can be restarted, started, stopped, or unregistered.

• VPS properties can be modified.


On the SELECTED_RESELLER_ACCOUNT > Resources tab > VPSs subtab and SELECTED_CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT > Resources tab > VPSs subtab screens:

• List of VPSs is displayed.

• VPS properties are displayed.

• VPS can be restarted, started, stopped, or unregistered.

• VPS properties can be modified.

• VPS can be created or removed.

• VPS can be migrated.

Customer Control Panel

Not applicable.

See also:

Hardware Nodes privilege (on page 89)

Own VPSs privilege (on page 151)

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List of Privileges and States

AntiSpam Management This privilege controls the following operations with anti-spam protection of QMail mailboxes:

Operation Name / Privilege State Disabled Enabled

Add entries to SpamAssassin blacklists Disabled Enabled

Add entries to SpamAssassin whitelists Disabled Enabled

Delete SpamAssassin E-mail addresses Disabled Enabled

Delete entries from SpamAssassin blacklists

Disabled Enabled

Delete entries from SpamAssassin whitelists

Disabled Enabled

Edit SpamAssassin general configuration Disabled Enabled

View SpamAssassin Disabled Enabled

View SpamAssassin blacklists Disabled Enabled

View SpamAssassin general configuration

Disabled Enabled

View SpamAssassin whitelists Disabled Enabled

View mailname anti-spam configuration Disabled Enabled

View mailname antispam settings Disabled Enabled

Provider Control Panel and Reseller Control Panel

Not applicable.

Customer Control Panel


The Mail > Mailboxes > E-MAIL_ADDRESS > Spam Protection tab screen is not displayed.


On the Mail > Mailboxes > E-MAIL_ADDRESS > Spam Protection tab screen:

• Anti-spam configuration is displayed.

• Anti-spam configuration can be modified.

Page 40: Parallels Operations Automation 5 - · • Modules in this guide are divided into sections, which, in


List of Privileges and States

AntiVirus Management This privilege controls the following operations with anti-virus protection of QMail mailboxes/maillists:

Operation Name / Privilege State Disabled Enabled

Edit maillist anti-virus settings Disabled Enabled

Edit mailname anti-virus settings Disabled Enabled

Manage antivirus settings for mailname Disabled Enabled

Provider Control Panel and Reseller Control Panel

Not applicable.

Customer Control Panel


The following screens are not displayed:

Mail > Maillists > MAILLIST > Antivirus tab

Mail > Mailboxes > E-MAIL_ADDRESS > Antivirus tab


On the Mail > Maillists > MAILLIST > Antivirus tab and Mail > Mailboxes > E-MAIL_ADDRESS > Antivirus tab screens:

• Anti-virus configuration is displayed.

• Anti-virus configuration can be modified.

Page 41: Parallels Operations Automation 5 - · • Modules in this guide are divided into sections, which, in


List of Privileges and States

Apache Configuration This privilege controls the following operations with Apache Configurations:

Operation Name / Privilege State Disabled Enabled

Manage configurations Disabled Enabled

Provider Control Panel


The Services > Web Hosting, the Manage Configurations screen is not displayed.


On the Services > Web Hosting, the Manage Configurations screen:

• List of Apache Configurations is displayed.

• Apache Configuration properties are displayed.

• Apache Configuration can be created, modified, or removed.

• Apache Configuration can be applied to Apache webservers.

Reseller Control Panel and Customer Control Panel

Not applicable.

Application Users This privilege controls the following operations with Service Users of Applications:

Operation Name / Privilege State Disabled View Manage

Manage Users (Register/Unregister Service Users in Application)

Disabled Disabled Enabled

View Users (View list of the registered Service Users for Application)

Disabled Enabled Enabled

Provider Control Panel and Reseller Control Panel

Not applicable.

Customer Control Panel


Page 42: Parallels Operations Automation 5 - · • Modules in this guide are divided into sections, which, in


List of Privileges and States

The Applications > APPLICATION > Service Users tab screen is not displayed.


On the Applications > APPLICATION > Service Users tab screen:

• List of Application Users is displayed.

• Application User properties are displayed.


On the Applications > APPLICATION > Service Users tab screen:

• List of Application Users is displayed.

• Application User properties are displayed.

• Service User can be registered or unregistered.

See also: Own Applications privilege (on page 131).

Note: To learn more about the Application Service Users, refer to POA Subscribers Guide, Managing Application Hosting section.

APS Packages This privilege controls the following operations with application packages:

Operation Name / Privilege State Disabled View Manage

Manage APS Packages Disabled Disabled Enabled

View APS Packages Disabled Enabled Enabled

Provider Control Panel


The Services > Applications screen is not displayed.


On the Services > Applications screen:

• List of imported Applications is displayed.

• APS Catalog is displayed.

• List of available for import Applications is displayed.

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List of Privileges and States

• Application properties are displayed.


On the Services > Applications screen:

• List of imported Applications is displayed.

• APS Catalog is displayed.

• List of available for import Applications is displayed.

• Application properties are displayed.

• Application can be imported or removed.

• Application cam be made enabled or disabled.

• APS Catalog settings can be modified.

Reseller Control Panel and Customer Control Panel

Not applicable.

Backups Configuration Management This privilege controls the ability to configure VPS backup settings:

Operation Name / Privilege State Disabled Enabled

Configure VPS backups Disabled Enabled

Provider Control Panel


On the SELECTED_VPS_HARDWARE_NODE > Stored VPS Backups tab screen:

• VPS Backup Configuration is displayed.


On the SELECTED_VPS_HARDWARE_NODE > Stored VPS Backups tab screen:

• VPS Backup Configuration is displayed.

• VPS Backup Configuration can be modified.

Reseller Control Panel and Customer Control Panel

Page 44: Parallels Operations Automation 5 - · • Modules in this guide are divided into sections, which, in


List of Privileges and States

Not applicable.

See also: Backups Management privilege (on page 44).

Backups Management This privilege controls the following operations with VPS/QMail Mailbox/Database/Webspace Backups:

Operation Name / Privilege State Disabled Enabled

Create backups Disabled Enabled

Delete backups Disabled Enabled

Restore backups Disabled Enabled

View backups Disabled Enabled

View HW nodes backups Disabled Enabled

Create VPS backups Disabled Enabled

Delete VPS backups Disabled Enabled

Restore VPS backups Disabled Enabled

View VPS backups Disabled Enabled

Provider Control Panel


The following screens are not displayed:


SELECTED_VPS > Backups tab


On the SELECTED_VPS_HARDWARE_NODE > Stored VPS Backups tab screen:

• List of VPS Backups is displayed.

• VPS Backup properties are displayed.

• VPS Backup can be restored or removed.

On the SELECTED_VPS > Backups tab screen:

• List of VPS Backups is displayed.

• VPS Backup properties are displayed.

• VPS Backup can be created, restored, or removed.

Page 45: Parallels Operations Automation 5 - · • Modules in this guide are divided into sections, which, in


List of Privileges and States

Reseller Control Panel

Not applicable.

Customer Control Panel


The following screens are not displayed:

More Services > Backups

VPS Management > Scheduled Backups

VPS Management > Manual Backups


On the More Services > Backups screen:

• List of Webspace/QMail Mailbox/Database Backups is displayed.

• Backup properties are displayed.

• Backup can be created, restored, or removed.

On the VPS Management > Scheduled Backups and VPS Management > Manual Backups screens:

• List of VPS Backups is displayed.

• Backup properties are displayed.

• Backup can be created, restored, or removed.

See also: Backups Configuration Management privilege (on page 43).

Billing Access This privilege controls the ability to log in to PBA Control Panel from POA Control Panel:

Operation Name / Privilege State Disabled Enabled

Switch to billing Disabled Enabled

Provider Control Panel, Reseller Control Panel, and Customer Control Panel

Page 46: Parallels Operations Automation 5 - · • Modules in this guide are divided into sections, which, in


List of Privileges and States


All POA screens:

The Billing link is not displayed. Login to PBA is not allowed.


All POA screens:

The Billing link is displayed. Login to PBA is allowed.

Branding Configuration This privilege controls the following branding operations:

Operation Name / Privilege State Disabled View Manage Admin

Create brands Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Delete brands Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Edit brands Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

View brands Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

Change website template for brands Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

Configuring branding of Parallels Plesk Sitebuilder for Linux/Unix

Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Create website templates Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

Custom Menu / Access Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

Custom Menu / Bound STs to item Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

Custom Menu / Change security settings Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

Custom Menu / Change state for items Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

Custom Menu / Create items Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Custom Menu / Delete/reset items Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Custom Menu / Edit Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

Custom Menu / Import menu structure Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Edit helpboxes Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

Edit interface settings Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

View interface settings Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

DNS / Manage branding configuration Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

DNS / View branding configuration Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

Databases / Edit databases branding configuration

Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

Page 47: Parallels Operations Automation 5 - · • Modules in this guide are divided into sections, which, in


List of Privileges and States

Operation Name / Privilege State Disabled View Manage Admin

Delete website templates Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

Download website templates Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

Edit website templates Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

Change branding configuration of Exchange services

Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

View branding configuration of Exchange services

Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

Edit qmail services branding settings Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

Configure branding of Parallels Plesk Sitebuilder for Windows

Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Update website templates Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

View website template for brand Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

View website templates Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

Provider Control Panel and Reseller Control Panel


All screens of Customer/Reseller/Provider Control Panel:

Help Box content cannot be customized.

The following screens are not displayed:

System > Settings > Brands in the Branding group

Services > Web Hosting > Website Templates in the Other group

System > Settings > Customer CP Navigation in the Control Panels group

System > Settings > External Links in the Control Panels group


All screens of Customer/Reseller/Provider Control Panel:

Help Box content cannot be customized.

On the System > Settings > Brands in the Branding group:

• List of Brands is displayed.

• Brand properties are displayed.

On the Services > Web Hosting in the Other group:

• List of Website Templates is displayed.

Page 48: Parallels Operations Automation 5 - · • Modules in this guide are divided into sections, which, in


List of Privileges and States

• Website Template properties are displayed.

System > Settings > Customer CP Navigation in the Control Panels group

System > Settings > External Links in the Control Panels group

CCP Menu Configuration properties are displayed.


All screens of Customer/Reseller/Provider Control Panel:

Help Box content can be customized.

On the System > Settings > Brands in the Branding group:

• List of Brands is displayed.

• Brand properties are displayed.

• Brand properties can be modified.

On the Services > Web Hosting in the Other group:

• List of Website Templates is displayed.

• Website Template properties are displayed.

• Website Template can be uploaded or removed.

On the System > Settings > Customer CP Navigation in the Control Panels group

System > Settings > External Links in the Control Panels group

• CCP Menu Configuration properties are displayed.

• CCP Menu Configuration properties can be modified.


All screens of Customer/Reseller/Provider Control Panel:

Help Box content can be customized.

On the System > Settings > Brands in the Branding group:

• List of Brands is displayed.

• Brand properties are displayed.

• Brand properties can be modified.

• Brand can be created or removed.

On the Services > Web Hosting in the Other group:

Page 49: Parallels Operations Automation 5 - · • Modules in this guide are divided into sections, which, in


List of Privileges and States

• List of Website Templates is displayed.

• Website Template properties are displayed.

• Website Template can be uploaded or removed.

On the System > Settings > Customer CP Navigation in the Control Panels group

System > Settings > External Links in the Control Panels group:

• CCP Menu Configuration properties are displayed.

• CCP Menu Configuration properties can be modified.

• CCP Menu item can be created or removed.

Customer Control Panel

Not applicable.

Configuring External CMS This privilege controls the following operations with Parallels Plesk Sitebuilder:

Operation Name / Privilege State Disabled View Manage Admin

Edit Parallels Plesk Sitebuilder for Linux/Unix server properties

Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

Edit Parallels Plesk Sitebuilder for Windows server properties

Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

Register Parallels Plesk Sitebuilder for Linux/Unix server

Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Register Parallels Plesk Sitebuilder for Windows server

Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Unregister Parallels Plesk Sitebuilder for Linux/Unix server

Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Unregister Parallels Plesk Sitebuilder for Windows server

Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

View Parallels Plesk Sitebuilder for Linux/Unix servers

Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

View Parallels Plesk Sitebuilder for Windows servers

Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

Provider Control Panel


Page 50: Parallels Operations Automation 5 - · • Modules in this guide are divided into sections, which, in


List of Privileges and States

The Services > Web Hosting > Parallels Plesk Sitebuilder 4.5 for Linux/Unix Servers and Services > Web Hosting > Parallels Plesk Sitebuilder 4.5 for Windows Servers screens are not displayed.


On the Services > Web Hosting > Parallels Plesk Sitebuilder 4.5 for Linux/Unix Servers and Services > Web Hosting > Parallels Plesk Sitebuilder 4.5 for Windows Servers screens:

• List of the registered Parallels Plesk Sitebuilders is displayed.

• Parallels Plesk Sitebuilder properties are displayed.


On the Services > Web Hosting > Parallels Plesk Sitebuilder 4.5 for Linux/Unix Servers and Services > Web Hosting > Parallels Plesk Sitebuilder 4.5 for Windows Servers screens:

• List of the registered Parallels Plesk Sitebuilders is displayed.

• Parallels Plesk Sitebuilder properties are displayed.

• Parallels Plesk Sitebuilder properties can be modified.


On the Services > Web Hosting > Parallels Plesk Sitebuilder 4.5 for Linux/Unix Servers and Services > Web Hosting > Parallels Plesk Sitebuilder 4.5 for Windows Servers screens:

• List of the registered Parallels Plesk SiteBuilders is displayed.

• Parallels Plesk Sitebuilder properties are displayed.

• Parallels Plesk Sitebuilder properties can be modified.

• Parallels Plesk Sitebuilder can be registered or unregistered.

Reseller Control Panel and Customer Control Panel

Not applicable.

Content Management Systems This privilege controls the following operations with Content Management Systems (Parallels Plesk Sitebuilder and FrontPage):

Page 51: Parallels Operations Automation 5 - · • Modules in this guide are divided into sections, which, in


List of Privileges and States

Operation Name / Privilege State Disabled View Manage Admin

Administrate CMS Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Manage CMS Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

View CMS Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

Provider Control Panel and Reseller Control Panel

Not applicable.

Customer Control Panel


The Websites screen is not displayed.


On the Websites screen:

• List of Websites is displayed.

• Content Management System configurations are displayed.


On the Websites screen:

• List of Websites is displayed.

• Content Management System configurations are displayed.

• Content Management System configuration can be modified.


On the Websites screen:

• List of Websites is displayed.

• Content Management System configurations are displayed.

• Content Management System configuration can be modified.

• Content Management System can be installed or removed.

Page 52: Parallels Operations Automation 5 - · • Modules in this guide are divided into sections, which, in


List of Privileges and States

CRM Administration This privilege controls the following operations with Hosted Dynamics CRM:

Operation Name / Privilege State Disabled View Manage Admin

Microsoft Dynamics CRM Administrative Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Microsoft Dynamics CRM Manage Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

Microsoft Dynamics CRM View Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

Provider Control Panel


The Services > Collaboration > Hosted Dynamics CRM group is not displayed.


On the Services > Collaboration > Hosted Dynamics CRM group:

• List of Hosted Dynamics CRM services is displayed.

• Hosted Dynamics CRM service properties are displayed.

• List of Hosted Dynamics CRM Organizations is displayed.

• Hosted Dynamics CRM Organization properties are displayed.

• List of Hosted Dynamics CRM Users is displayed.

• Hosted Dynamics CRM User properties are displayed.


On the Services > Collaboration > Hosted Dynamics CRM group:

• List of Hosted Dynamics CRM services is displayed.

• Hosted Dynamics CRM service properties are displayed.

• List of Hosted Dynamics CRM Organizations is displayed.

• Hosted Dynamics CRM Organization properties are displayed.

• List of Hosted Dynamics CRM Users is displayed.

• Hosted Dynamics CRM User properties are displayed.

• Hosted Dynamics CRM Organization can be made enabled or disabled.


On the Services > Collaboration > Hosted Dynamics CRM group:

Page 53: Parallels Operations Automation 5 - · • Modules in this guide are divided into sections, which, in


List of Privileges and States

• List of Hosted Dynamics CRM services is displayed.

• Hosted Dynamics CRM service properties are displayed.

• List of Hosted Dynamics CRM Organizations is displayed.

• Hosted Dynamics CRM Organization properties are displayed.

• List of Hosted Dynamics CRM Users is displayed.

• Hosted Dynamics CRM User properties are displayed.

• Hosted Dynamics CRM Organization can be made enabled or disabled.

• Hosted Dynamics CRM service properties can be modified.

Reseller Control Panel


The Services > Collaboration > Hosted Dynamics CRM group is not displayed.


On the Services > Collaboration > Hosted Dynamics CRM group:

• List of Hosted Dynamics CRM Organizations is displayed.

• Hosted Dynamics CRM Organization properties are displayed.

• List of Hosted Dynamics CRM Users is displayed.

• Hosted Dynamics CRM User properties are displayed.


On the Services > Collaboration > Hosted Dynamics CRM group:

• List of Hosted Dynamics CRM Organizations is displayed.

• Hosted Dynamics CRM Organization properties are displayed.

• List of Hosted Dynamics CRM Users is displayed.

• Hosted Dynamics CRM User properties are displayed.

• Hosted Dynamics CRM Organization can be made enabled or disabled.


On the Services > Collaboration > Hosted Dynamics CRM group:

• List of Hosted Dynamics CRM Organizations is displayed.

• Hosted Dynamics CRM Organization properties are displayed.

• List of Hosted Dynamics CRM Users is displayed.

Page 54: Parallels Operations Automation 5 - · • Modules in this guide are divided into sections, which, in


List of Privileges and States

• Hosted Dynamics CRM User properties are displayed.

• Hosted Dynamics CRM Organization can be made enabled or disabled.

Customer Control Panel


The Hosted Dynamics CRM screen is not displayed.


On the Hosted Dynamics CRM screen:

• Hosted Dynamics CRM Organization properties are displayed.

• List of Hosted Dynamics CRM Users is displayed.

• Hosted Dynamics CRM User properties are displayed.


On the Hosted Dynamics CRM screen:

• Hosted Dynamics CRM Organization properties are displayed.

• List of Hosted Dynamics CRM Users is displayed.

• Hosted Dynamics CRM User properties are displayed.

• Hosted Dynamics CRM Organization properties can be modified.

• Hosted Dynamics CRM User properties can be modified.


On the Hosted Dynamics CRM screen:

• Hosted Dynamics CRM Organization properties are displayed.

• List of Hosted Dynamics CRM Users is displayed.

• Hosted Dynamics CRM User properties are displayed.

• Hosted Dynamics CRM Organization properties can be modified.

• Hosted Dynamics CRM User properties can be modified.

• Hosted Dynamics CRM Organization can be created or removed.

• Hosted Dynamics CRM User can be created or removed.

Page 55: Parallels Operations Automation 5 - · • Modules in this guide are divided into sections, which, in


List of Privileges and States

Crontabs Management This privilege controls the following operations with CronTab service:

Operation Name / Privilege State Disabled View Edit

Activate crontab entries Disabled Disabled Enabled

Create crontab entries Disabled Disabled Enabled

Create crontabs service for webspace Disabled Disabled Enabled

Deactivate crontab entries Disabled Disabled Enabled

Delete crontab entries Disabled Disabled Enabled

Edit crontab entries Disabled Disabled Enabled

View crontab entries Disabled Enabled Enabled

View crontabs for webspace Disabled Enabled Enabled

Provider Control Panel and Reseller Control Panel

Not applicable.

Customer Control Panel


The Websites > WEBSITE_NAME > More Tools > Cron Management screen is not displayed.


On the Websites > WEBSITE_NAME > More Tools > Cron Management tab screen:

• List of CronTab Entries is displayed.

• CronTab Entry properties are displayed.


On the Websites > WEBSITE_NAME > More Tools > Cron Management tab screen:

• List of CronTab Entries is displayed.

• CronTab Entry properties are displayed.

• CronTab Entry properties can be modified.

• CronTab Entry can be activated or deactivated.

• CronTab Entry can be created or removed.

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List of Privileges and States

See also: Scheduled Applications Management privilege (on page 171).

Customer Accounts This privilege controls the following operations with child Customer Accounts:

Operation Name / Privilege State Disabled View Manage Admin

Admin customer accounts (Create Customer Accounts)

Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Delete accounts Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Disable accounts Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Edit accounts Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

Enable accounts Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Manage all customer accounts (Manage indirect child Customer Accounts)

Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

Manage customer accounts (Manage direct child Customer Accounts)

Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

View accounts (View direct child Accounts)

Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

View all accounts (View indirect child Accounts)

Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

View all customer accounts (View indirect child Customer Accounts)

Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

View customer accounts (View direct child Customer Accounts)

Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

Provider Control Panel and Reseller Control Panel


The following screens are not displayed:

Operations > Customers

SELECTED_RESELLER_ACCOUNT > Accounts tab > Customers subtab


On the Operations > Customers screen:

• List of Customer Accounts is displayed. This list contains all child Customer Accounts.

• Customer Accounts' properties are displayed.

On the SELECTED_RESELLER_ACCOUNT > Accounts tab > Customers subtab screen:

Page 57: Parallels Operations Automation 5 - · • Modules in this guide are divided into sections, which, in


List of Privileges and States

• List of Customer Accounts is displayed. This list contains all child Customer Accounts of the selected Reseller Account.

• Customer Accounts' properties are displayed.


On the Operations > Customers screen:

• List of Customer Accounts is displayed. This list contains all child Customer Accounts.

• Customer Accounts' properties are displayed.

• Customer Accounts' properties can be modified.

On the SELECTED_RESELLER_ACCOUNT > Accounts tab > Customers subtab screen:

• List of Customer Accounts is displayed. This list contains all child Customer Accounts of the selected Reseller Account.

• Customer Accounts' properties are displayed.

• Customer Accounts' properties can be modified.


On the Operations > Customers screen:

• List of Customer Accounts is displayed. This list contains all child Customer Accounts.

• Customer Accounts' properties are displayed.

• Customer Accounts' properties can be modified.

• Customer Account can be created or removed.

• Customer Account can be made enabled or disabled.

On the SELECTED_RESELLER_ACCOUNT > Accounts tab > Customers subtab screen:

• List of Customer Accounts is displayed. This list contains all child Customer Accounts of the selected Reseller Account.

• Customer Accounts' properties are displayed.

• Customer Accounts' properties can be modified.

• Customer Account can be created or removed.

• Customer Account can be made enabled or disabled.

Customer Control Panel

Not applicable.

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List of Privileges and States

Notes: 1. Provider/Reseller Account can be an owner of the subordinated Reseller/Customer Accounts. These Reseller/Customer Accounts are direct child Accounts of the Provider/Reseller Account. For example, the HostingCompany Provider Account owns the ResellerLevel1 and CustomerLevel1 Accounts. The ResellerLevel1 and CustomerLevel1 Accounts are the direct child Accounts of the HostingCompany Provider Account. The ResellerLevel1 Account is the direct child Reseller Account of the HostingCompany Provider Account. The CustomerLevel1 Account is the direct child Customer Account of the HostingCompany Provider Account. In turn, the Reseller Account can be an owner of the subordinated Reseller/Customer Accounts, which are indirect child Accounts of the top-level Provider/Reseller Accounts. For example, the ResellerLevel1 Account owns the ResellerLevel2 and CustomerLevel2 Accounts. In this case, the ResellerLevel2 and CustomerLevel2 Accounts are the indirect child Accounts of the HostingCompany Provider Account. The ResellerLevel2 Account is the indirect child Reseller Account of the HostingCompany Provider Account. The CustomerLevel2 Account is the indirect child Customer Account of the HostingCompany Provider Account. 2. The View accounts and View all accounts operations are the 'system' operations, which are used for internal purposes only.

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List of Privileges and States

Customer Directory Integration Administration This privilege controls the following operations with Customer Active Directory Synchronization Service:

Operation Name / Privilege State Disabled View Manage Admin

Customer Directory Integration / Edit configuration of Customer Directory Integration

Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

Customer Directory Integration / Enable and disable Customer Directory Integration

Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Customer Directory Integration / View configuration of Customer Directory Integration

Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

Exchange / Edit Exchange service configuration in Customer Directory Integration

Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

IIS / Edit SharePoint service configuration in Customer Directory Integration

Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

Office Communications / Edit Office Communications service configuration in Customer Directory Integration

Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

Provider Control Panel and Reseller Control Panel

Not applicable.

Customer Control Panel


The More Services > Directory Synchronization screen is not displayed.


On the More Services > Directory Synchronization > Service screen:

Configuration of Customer Active Directory Synchronization Service is displayed.

On the More Services > Directory Synchronization > Synchronized Objects screen:

• List of synchronized objects is displayed.

• Synchronized object properties are displayed.

On the More Services > Directory Synchronization > Sessions screen:

Page 60: Parallels Operations Automation 5 - · • Modules in this guide are divided into sections, which, in


List of Privileges and States

• List of sessions is displayed.

• Session properties are displayed.


On the More Services > Directory Synchronization > Service screen:

• Configuration of Customer Active Directory Synchronization Service is displayed.

• Configuration of Customer Active Directory Synchronization Service can be modified.

On the More Services > Directory Synchronization > Synchronized Objects screen:

• List of synchronized objects is displayed.

• Synchronized object properties are displayed.

• Synchronized object properties can be modified.

On the More Services > Directory Synchronization > Sessions screen:

• List of sessions is displayed.

• Session properties are displayed.


On the More Services > Directory Synchronization > Service screen:

• Configuration of Customer Active Directory Synchronization Service is displayed.

• Configuration of Customer Active Directory Synchronization Service can be modified.

• Customer Active Directory Synchronization Service can be activated or deactivated.

• Password and contact synchronization settings can be modified.

On the More Services > Directory Synchronization > Synchronized Objects screen:

• List of synchronized objects is displayed.

• Synchronized object properties are displayed.

• Synchronized object properties can be modified.

On the More Services > Directory Synchronization > Sessions screen:

• List of sessions is displayed.

• Session properties are displayed.

Page 61: Parallels Operations Automation 5 - · • Modules in this guide are divided into sections, which, in


List of Privileges and States

Customer Directory Integration Synchronization This privilege controls the following operations with Customer Active Directory Synchronization Service:

Operation Name / Privilege State Disabled Enabled

N/A Disabled Enabled

Provider Control Panel, Reseller Control Panel, and Customer Control Panel

Not applicable.

It is a system privilege that controls the ability to perform synchronization. POA automatically manages this privilege.

Note: POA Synchronization Agent performs synchronization under credentials of a system Staff Member, which is created/removed when Customer Active Directory Synchronization Service is activated/deactivated. When POA Synchronization Agent tries to initiate the synchronization process, POA validates the following: 1. credentials of the Staff Member; 2. this Staff Member has the enabled Customer Directory Integration Synchronization privilege; If these conditions are not satisfied, the synchronization process fails.

Customer Dedicated Servers This privilege controls the following operations with Customer Dedicated Servers:

Operation Name / Privilege State Disabled View Edit Add/Remove

Add/remove Dedicated Servers Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Edit Dedicated Servers Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

View Dedicated Servers Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

Provider Control Panel and Reseller Control Panel

Not applicable.

Customer Control Panel


The Servers screen is not displayed.


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List of Privileges and States

On the Servers screen:

• List of Dedicated Servers is displayed.

• Dedicated Server configuration is displayed.


On the Servers screen:

• List of Dedicated Servers is displayed.

• Dedicated Server configuration is displayed.

• Dedicated Server configuration can be modified.


On the Servers screen:

• List of Dedicated Servers is displayed.

• Dedicated Server configuration is displayed.

• Dedicated Server configuration can be modified.

• Dedicated Server can be added or removed.

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List of Privileges and States

Customer's CP Access This privilege controls the ability to log in to Customer Control Panel of all child Customer Accounts from Provider/Reseller Control Panel:

Operation Name / Privilege State Disabled Enabled

Access to all customers CP Disabled Enabled

Access to own customer CP Disabled Enabled

Customer CP access Disabled Enabled

Provider Control Panel and Reseller Control Panel


On the System > Users > Users tab and SELECTED_CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT > General tab > Staff Members subtab screens:

The Login as Customer link is not displayed for Staff Members of the child Customer Accounts.


On the System > Users > Users tab and SELECTED_CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT > General tab > Staff Members subtab screens:

The Login as Customer link is displayed for Staff Members of the child Customer Accounts.

Customer Control Panel

Not applicable.

See also:

Own Customer's CP Access privilege (on page 132)

All Users privilege (on page 33)

Own Users privilege (on page 148)

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List of Privileges and States

Databases Management This privilege controls the following operations with MySQL/PgSQL/MSSQL Databases:

Operation Name / Privilege State Disabled Use Edit Admin

Add database access-hosts Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

Add database users Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

Create databases Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Delete database access-hosts Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

Delete database users Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

Delete databases Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Edit database users Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

View database Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

View databases Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

Provider Control Panel and Reseller Control Panel

Not applicable.

Customer Control Panel


The More Services > Databases screen is not displayed.


On the More Services > Databases screen:

• List of Databases is displayed.

• Database properties are displayed.

• List of Database Users is displayed.

• Database User properties are displayed.

• List of Access Hosts is displayed.


On the More Services > Databases screen:

• List of Databases is displayed.

• Database properties are displayed.

• List of Database Users is displayed.

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List of Privileges and States

• Database User properties are displayed.

• List of Access Hosts is displayed.

• Database properties can be modified.

• Database User can be created or removed.

• Database User properties can be changed.

• Access Host can be added or removed.


On the More Services > Databases screen:

• List of Databases is displayed.

• Database properties are displayed.

• List of Database Users is displayed.

• Database User properties are displayed.

• List of Access Hosts is displayed.

• Database properties can be modified.

• Database User can be created or removed.

• Database User properties can be changed.

• Access Host can be added or removed.

• Database can be created or removed.

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List of Privileges and States

Dedicated Servers Management This privilege controls the following operations with Dedicated Servers:

Operation Name / Privilege State Disabled View Edit Add/Remove

Add/remove Dedicated Servers Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Edit Dedicated Servers Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

View Dedicated Servers Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

Provider Control Panel


The following screens are not displayed:

Services > Cloud Infrastructure > Servers in the Dedicated Servers group

SELECTED_RESELLER_ACCOUNT > Resources tab > Dedicated Servers subtab

SELECTED_CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT > Resources tab > Dedicated Servers subtab


Services > Cloud Infrastructure > Servers in the Dedicated Servers group:

• List of Dedicated Servers is displayed.

• Dedicated Server properties are displayed.

On the SELECTED_RESELLER_ACCOUNT > Resources tab > Dedicated Servers subtab and SELECTED_CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT > Resources tab > Dedicated Servers subtab screens:

• List of Dedicated Servers is displayed.

• Dedicated Server properties are displayed.


Services > Cloud Infrastructure > Servers in the Dedicated Servers group:

• List of Dedicated Servers is displayed.

• Dedicated Server properties are displayed.

• Dedicated Server configuration can be modified.

SELECTED_RESELLER_ACCOUNT > Resources tab > Dedicated Servers subtab and SELECTED_CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT > Resources tab > Dedicated Servers subtab screens:

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List of Privileges and States

• List of Dedicated Servers is displayed.

• Dedicated Server properties are displayed.


Services > Cloud Infrastructure > Servers in the Dedicated Servers group:

• List of Dedicated Servers is displayed.

• Dedicated Server properties are displayed.

• Dedicated Server configuration can be modified.

• Dedicated Server can be added or removed.

On the SELECTED_RESELLER_ACCOUNT > Resources tab > Dedicated Servers subtab and SELECTED_CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT > Resources tab > Dedicated Servers subtab screens:

• List of Dedicated Servers is displayed.

• Dedicated Server properties are displayed.

Reseller Control Panel and Customer Control Panel

Not applicable.

Dedicated Servers OS Images This privilege controls the following operations with dedicated server OS images:

Operation Name / Privilege State Disabled View Edit Add/Remove

Add/remove Dedicated Servers OS Images

Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Manage Dedicated Servers OS Images Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

View Dedicated Servers OS Images Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

Provider Control Panel


The following screens are not displayed:

Services > Cloud Infrastructure > OS Images in the Dedicated Servers group

Services > Cloud Infrastructure > Image Storages in the Dedicated Servers group


Page 68: Parallels Operations Automation 5 - · • Modules in this guide are divided into sections, which, in


List of Privileges and States

Services > Cloud Infrastructure > OS Images in the Dedicated Servers group:

• List of OS Images is displayed.

• OS Image properties are displayed.

Services > Cloud Infrastructure > Image Storages in the Dedicated Servers group:

• List of OS Image Storages is displayed.

• OS Image Storage properties are displayed.


Services > Cloud Infrastructure > OS Images in the Dedicated Servers group:

• List of OS Images is displayed.

• OS Image properties are displayed.

• OS Image properties can be modified.

Services > Cloud Infrastructure > Image Storages in the Dedicated Servers group:

• List of OS Image Storages is displayed.

• OS Image Storage properties are displayed.

• OS Image Storage properties can be modified.


Services > Cloud Infrastructure > OS Images in the Dedicated Servers group:

• List of OS Images is displayed.

• OS Image properties are displayed.

• OS Image properties can be modified.

• OS Image can be added or removed.

Services > Cloud Infrastructure > Image Storages in the Dedicated Servers group:

• List of OS Image Storages is displayed.

• OS Image Storage properties are displayed.

• OS Image Storage properties can be modified.

• OS Image Storage can be registered or unregistered.

Reseller Control Panel and Customer Control Panel

Not applicable.

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List of Privileges and States

DNS Configuration This privilege controls the following operations with DNS configuration of domains:

Operation Name / Privilege State Disabled View Manage

DNS / Add DNS records for own domains

Disabled Disabled Enabled

DNS / Change DNS hosting for domain Disabled Disabled Enabled

DNS / Change TTL for domain Disabled Disabled Enabled

DNS / Change TTL for own domains Disabled Disabled Enabled

DNS / Delete DNS records Disabled Disabled Enabled

DNS / Delete DNS records for own domains

Disabled Disabled Enabled

DNS / Edit DNS records Disabled Disabled Enabled

DNS / View DNS configuration for parked domains

Disabled Enabled Enabled

DNS / View DNS records Disabled Enabled Enabled

Domains / Change DNS hosting for own domains

Disabled Disabled Enabled

Web / View DNS configuration Disabled Enabled Enabled

Web / View DNS records Disabled Enabled Enabled

Provider Control Panel and Reseller Control Panel


The following screens are not displayed:

Services > Domains > DOMAIN > DNS tab

SELECTED_RESELLER_ACCOUNT > Resources tab > Domains subtab > DOMAIN > DNS tab

SELECTED_CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT > Resources tab > Domains subtab > DOMAIN > DNS tab


On the Services > Domains > DOMAIN > DNS tab, SELECTED_RESELLER_ACCOUNT > Resources tab > Domains subtab > DOMAIN > DNS tab, and SELECTED_CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT > Resources tab > Domains subtab > DOMAIN > DNS tab screens:

• DNS Hosting configuration is displayed.

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List of Privileges and States

• List of DNS Records is displayed.

• DNS Record properties are displayed.

• DNS Zone Settings are displayed.


On the Services > Domains > DOMAIN > DNS tab, SELECTED_RESELLER_ACCOUNT > Resources tab > Domains subtab > DOMAIN > DNS tab, and SELECTED_CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT > Resources tab > Domains subtab > DOMAIN > DNS tab screens:

• DNS Hosting configuration is displayed.

• List of DNS Records is displayed.

• DNS Record properties are displayed.

• DNS Zone Settings are displayed.

• DNS Hosting configuration can be modified.

• DNS Record properties can be modified.

• DNS Record can be created or removed.

• DNS Zone Settings can be modified.

Customer Control Panel


The All Domains > DOMAIN > DNS tab and Websites > DOMAIN > DNS tab screens are not displayed.


On the All Domains > DOMAIN > DNS tab and Websites > DOMAIN > DNS tab screens:

• DNS Hosting configuration is displayed.

• List of DNS Records is displayed.

• DNS Record properties are displayed.

• DNS Zone Settings are displayed.


On the All Domains > DOMAIN > DNS tab and Websites > DOMAIN > DNS tab screens:

• DNS Hosting configuration is displayed.

• List of DNS Records is displayed.

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List of Privileges and States

• DNS Record properties are displayed.

• DNS Zone Settings are displayed.

• DNS Hosting configuration can be modified.

• DNS Record properties can be modified.

• DNS Record can be created or removed.

• DNS Zone Settings can be modified.

See also:

Own Domains privilege (on page 134)

All Domains privilege (on page 28)

Subdomains privilege (on page 186)

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List of Privileges and States

E-Mail Administration This privilege controls the following operations with QMail and Exchange Mail Hostings:

Operation Name / Privilege State Disabled View Manage Admin

Exchange / Create and remove Exchange contacts

Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Exchange / Create and remove Exchange distribution lists

Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Exchange / Create and remove Exchange mailboxes

Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Exchange / Create and remove Exchange public folders

Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Exchange / Edit Exchange contacts Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

Exchange / Edit Exchange distribution lists

Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

Exchange / Edit Exchange mailboxes Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

Exchange / Edit Exchange organizations Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

Exchange / Edit Exchange public folders Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

Exchange / View Exchange contacts Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

Exchange / View Exchange distribution lists

Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

Exchange / View Exchange mailboxes Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

Exchange / View Exchange organizations Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

Exchange / View Exchange public folders Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

QMail / Administrate mail-hosting Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

QMail / Create autoresponders Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

QMail / Create mailboxes Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

QMail / Create mailgroup users Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

QMail / Create mailnames Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

QMail / Delete autoresponders Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

QMail / Delete mailboxes Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

QMail / Delete mailgroup users Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

QMail / Delete mailnames Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

QMail / Edit autoresponders Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

QMail / Edit mailbox configuration Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

QMail / Edit mailgroups Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

QMail / View autoresponders Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

Page 73: Parallels Operations Automation 5 - · • Modules in this guide are divided into sections, which, in


List of Privileges and States

Operation Name / Privilege State Disabled View Manage Admin

QMail / View mail configuration Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

QMail / View mail hosting Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

QMail / View mail redirects Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

QMail / View mail-hosting Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

QMail / View mailbox configuration Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

QMail / View mailgroup Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

QMail / View mailname autoresponders Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

QMail / View mailnames Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

QMail / View webmail access Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

Provider Control Panel and Reseller Control Panel


The following screens are not displayed:

• Services > E-mail > Mailboxes in the Hosted Exchange group

• Services > E-mail > Organizations in the Hosted Exchange group

• SELECTED_RESELLER_ACCOUNT > Resource tab > Exchange organizations subtab

• SELECTED_CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT > Resource tab > Exchange organizations subtab


Services > E-mail > Mailboxes in the Hosted Exchange group:

• List of Exchange Mailboxes is displayed.

• Exchange Mailbox properties are displayed.

Services > E-mail > Organizations in the Hosted Exchange group:

• List of Exchange Organizations is displayed.

• Exchange Organization properties are displayed.

On the SELECTED_RESELLER_ACCOUNT > Resource tab > Exchange organizations subtab and SELECTED_CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT > Resource tab > Exchange organizations subtab screens:

• List of Exchange Organizations is displayed.

• Exchange Organization properties are displayed.


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List of Privileges and States

Services > E-mail > Mailboxes in the Hosted Exchange group:

• List of Exchange Mailboxes is displayed.

• Exchange Mailbox properties are displayed.

• Exchange Mailbox Storage Usage Report can be retrieved.

Services > E-mail > Organizations in the Hosted Exchange group:

• List of Exchange Organizations is displayed.

• Exchange Organization properties are displayed.

• Exchange Organization Storage Usage Report can be retrieved.

On the SELECTED_RESELLER_ACCOUNT > Resource tab > Exchange organizations subtab and SELECTED_CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT > Resource tab > Exchange organizations subtab screens:

• List of Exchange Organizations is displayed.

• Exchange Organization properties are displayed.

• Exchange Organization Storage Usage Report can be retrieved.


Services > E-mail > Mailboxes in the Hosted Exchange group:

• List of Exchange Mailboxes is displayed.

• Exchange Mailbox properties are displayed.

• Exchange Mailbox Storage Usage Report can be retrieved.

Services > E-mail > Organizations in the Hosted Exchange group:

• List of Exchange Organizations is displayed.

• Exchange Organization properties are displayed.

• Exchange Organization Storage Usage Report can be retrieved.

• Exchange Organization OAB can be marked for rebuilding.

On the SELECTED_RESELLER_ACCOUNT > Resource tab > Exchange organizations subtab and SELECTED_CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT > Resource tab > Exchange organizations subtab screens:

• List of Exchange Organizations is displayed.

• Exchange Organization properties are displayed.

• Exchange Organization Storage Usage Report can be retrieved.

• Exchange Organization OAB can be marked for rebuilding.

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List of Privileges and States

Customer Control Panel


The following screens are not displayed:


Mail > Catch-All Configuration


On the Mail > Mailboxes screen:

• List of QMail Mailboxes is displayed.

• QMail Mailbox properties are displayed.

The Mail > Catch-All Configuration screen is not displayed.

On the Exchange > Mailboxes screen:

• List of Exchange Mailboxes is displayed.

• Exchange Mailbox properties are displayed.

On the Exchange > Contacts screen:

• List of Exchange Contacts is displayed.

• Exchange Contact properties are displayed.

On the Exchange > Distribution Lists screen:

• List of Exchange Distribution Lists is displayed.

• Exchange Distribution List properties are displayed.

On the Exchange > Public Folders screen:

• List of Exchange Public Folders is displayed.

• Exchange Public Folder properties are displayed.

On the Exchange > Storage Usage Report screen:

Exchange Storage Usage Report is displayed.


On the Mail > Mailboxes screen:

• List of QMail Mailboxes is displayed.

• QMail Mailbox properties are displayed.

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List of Privileges and States

• QMail Mailbox properties can be modified.

The Mail > Catch-All Configuration screen is not displayed.

On the Exchange > Mailboxes screen:

• List of Exchange Mailboxes is displayed.

• Exchange Mailbox properties are displayed.

• Exchange Mailbox properties can be modified.

On the Exchange > Contacts screen:

• List of Exchange Contacts is displayed.

• Exchange Contact properties are displayed.

• Exchange Contact properties can be modified.

On the Exchange > Distribution Lists screen:

• List of Exchange Distribution Lists is displayed.

• Exchange Distribution List properties are displayed.

• Exchange Distribution List properties can be modified.

On the Exchange > Public Folders screen:

• List of Exchange Public Folders is displayed.

• Exchange Public Folder properties are displayed.

• Exchange Public Folder properties can be modified.

On the Exchange > Storage Usage Report screen:

Exchange Storage Usage Report is displayed.


On the Mail > Mailboxes screen:

• List of QMail Mailboxes is displayed.

• QMail Mailbox properties are displayed.

• QMail Mailbox properties can be modified.

• QMail Mailbox can be created or removed.

On the Mail > Catch-All Configuration screen:

• QMail Catch-All Configuration is displayed.

• QMail Catch-All Configuration can be modified.

On the Exchange > Mailboxes screen:

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List of Privileges and States

• List of Exchange Mailboxes is displayed.

• Exchange Mailbox properties are displayed.

• Exchange Mailbox properties can be modified.

• Exchange Mailbox can be created or removed.

• Exchange Mailboxes can be imported.

On the Exchange > Contacts screen:

• List of Exchange Contacts is displayed.

• Exchange Contact properties are displayed.

• Exchange Contact properties can be modified.

• Exchange Contact can be created or removed.

• Exchange Contacts can be imported.

On the Exchange > Distribution Lists screen:

• List of Exchange Distribution Lists is displayed.

• Exchange Distribution List properties are displayed.

• Exchange Distribution List properties can be modified.

• Exchange Distribution List can be created or removed.

• Exchange Distribution Lists can be imported.

On the Exchange > Public Folders screen:

• List of Exchange Public Folders is displayed.

• Exchange Public Folder properties are displayed.

• Exchange Public Folder properties can be modified.

• Exchange Public Folder can be created or removed.

On the Exchange > Storage Usage Report screen:

Exchange Storage Usage Report is displayed.

Events This privilege controls the following operations with mail and HTTP notifications:

Operation Name / Privilege State Disabled View Manage

Create notification subscriptions Disabled Enabled Enabled

Delete HTTP notifications Disabled Enabled Enabled

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List of Privileges and States

Operation Name / Privilege State Disabled View Manage

Delete notification subscriptions Disabled Enabled Enabled

Edit notification messages Disabled Disabled Enabled

Edit notification subscriptions Disabled Enabled Enabled

Read HTTP notifications Disabled Enabled Enabled

View HTTP notifications Disabled Enabled Enabled

View notification messages Disabled Enabled Enabled

View notification subscriptions Disabled Enabled Enabled

Provider Control Panel


The System > Settings > System Notifications group is not displayed.

The Operations > Tasks > Events tab is not displayed.


System > Settings > System Notifications group:

Operations > Tasks > Events tab:

• List of Mail and HTTP notification subscriptions is displayed.

• Mail and HTTP notification subscription can be created or removed.

• System notification messages are displayed.

• Notification log is displayed.


System > Settings > System Notifications group:

Operations > Tasks > Events tab:

• List of Mail and HTTP notification subscriptions is displayed.

• Mail and HTTP notification subscription can be created or removed.

• System notification messages are displayed.

• Notification log is displayed.

• System notification messages can be customized.

Reseller Control Panel and Customer Control Panel

Not applicable.

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List of Privileges and States

Events Log Configuration This privilege controls the following operations with Events:

Operation Name / Privilege State Disabled View Manage

Edit event handlers Disabled Disabled Enabled

View event actions Disabled Enabled Enabled

View event handlers Disabled Enabled Enabled

View event users Disabled Enabled Enabled

View events configuration Disabled Enabled Enabled

View system event handlers Disabled Enabled Enabled

Provider Control Panel


System > Settings > Event Handling in the Events & Logs group is not displayed.


System > Settings > Event Handling in the Events & Logs group:

• List of Events is displayed.

• Event properties are displayed.


System > Settings > Event Handling in the Events & Logs group:

• List of Events is displayed.

• Event properties are displayed.

• Event handling can be customized.

Reseller Control Panel and Customer Control Panel

Not applicable.

Exchange Domain Configuration This privilege controls the following operations with Exchange domain configuration:

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List of Privileges and States

Operation Name / Privilege State Disabled View Manage

Edit Exchange domain configuration Disabled Disabled Enabled

View Exchange domain configuration Disabled Enabled Enabled

Provider Control Panel and Reseller Control Panel

Not applicable.

Customer Control Panel


The Hosted Domains > DOMAIN > Exchange tab screen is not displayed.


On the Hosted Domains > DOMAIN > Exchange tab screen:

Exchange domain configuration is displayed.


On the Hosted Domains > DOMAIN > Exchange tab screen:

• Exchange domain configuration is displayed.

• Exchange domain configuration can be modified.

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List of Privileges and States

Exchange Mailbox Templates Administration This privilege controls the following operations with Exchange mailbox templates:

Operation Name / Privilege State Disabled View Manage Admin

Create and remove exchange's mailbox templates

Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Edit exchange's mailbox templates attributes

Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

View exchange's mailbox templates Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

Provider Control Panel


Services > E-mail > Other in the Hosted Exchange group > Mailbox Templates screen is not displayed.


Services > E-mail > Other in the Hosted Exchange group > Mailbox Templates:

• List of Exchange Mailbox Templates is displayed.

• Exchange Mailbox Template properties are displayed.


Services > E-mail > Other in the Hosted Exchange group > Mailbox Templates:

• List of Exchange Mailbox Templates is displayed.

• Exchange Mailbox Template properties are displayed.

• Exchange Mailbox Template properties can be modified.


Services > E-mail > Other in the Hosted Exchange group > Mailbox Templates:

• List of Exchange Mailbox Templates is displayed.

• Exchange Mailbox Template properties are displayed.

• Exchange Mailbox Template properties can be modified.

• Exchange Mailbox Template can be created or removed.

Reseller Control Panel and Customer Control Panel

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List of Privileges and States

Not applicable.

Exchange Public Folder Stores Replicas Administration This privilege controls the following operations with Public Folder Store Replicas:

Operation Name / Privilege State Disabled View Admin

Administer Exchange Public Folder stores replicas

Disabled Disabled Enabled

View Exchange Public Folder stores replicas

Disabled Enabled Enabled

Provider Control Panel


Services > E-mail > Other in the Hosted Exchange group > Public Folder Stores > PUBLIC_FOLDER_STORE > Replication tab screen is not displayed.


Services > E-mail > Other in the Hosted Exchange group > Public Folder Stores > PUBLIC_FOLDER_STORE > Replication tab screen:

• Replicas of Public Folder Store are displayed.

• Replica properties are displayed.


Services > E-mail > Other in the Hosted Exchange group > Public Folder Stores > PUBLIC_FOLDER_STORE > Replication tab screen:

• Replicas of Public Folder Store are displayed.

• Replica properties are displayed.

• Replica can be added or removed.

Reseller Control Panel and Customer Control Panel

Not applicable.

See also: Hosting Services Configuration privilege (on page 93).

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List of Privileges and States

Exchange Company Disclaimers Administration This privilege controls the following operations with Exchange Company Disclaimers:

Operation Name / Privilege State Disabled View Manage Admin

Exchange / Create and remove Exchange company disclaimers

Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Exchange / Edit Exchange company disclaimers

Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

Exchange / View Exchange company disclaimers

Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

Provider Control Panel and Reseller Control Panel

Not applicable.

Customer Control Panel


The Exchange > More Services > Company Disclaimers screen is not displayed.


On the Exchange > More Services > Company Disclaimers screen:

• Exchange Company Disclaimers are displayed.

• Exchange Company Disclaimer properties are displayed.


On the Exchange > More Services > Company Disclaimers screen:

• Exchange Company Disclaimers are displayed.

• Exchange Company Disclaimer properties are displayed.

• Exchange Company Disclaimer properties can be modified.


On the Exchange > More Services > Company Disclaimers screen:

• Exchange Company Disclaimers are displayed.

• Exchange Company Disclaimer properties are displayed.

• Exchange Company Disclaimer properties can be modified.

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List of Privileges and States

• Exchange Company Disclaimer can be created or removed.

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List of Privileges and States

Exchange Resource Mailbox Administration This privilege controls the following operations with Exchange Resource Mailboxes:

Operation Name / Privilege State Disabled View Manage Admin

Exchange / Create and remove Exchange resource mailboxes

Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Exchange / Edit Exchange resource mailboxes

Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

Exchange / View Exchange resource mailboxes

Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

Provider Control Panel and Reseller Control Panel

Not applicable.

Customer Control Panel


The Exchange > More Services > Resource Mailboxes screen is not displayed.


On the Exchange > More Services > Resource Mailboxes screen:

• Exchange Resource Mailboxes are displayed.

• Exchange Resource Mailbox properties are displayed.


On the Exchange > More Services > Resource Mailboxes screen:

• Exchange Resource Mailboxes are displayed.

• Exchange Resource Mailbox properties are displayed.

• Exchange Resource Mailbox properties can be modified.


On the Exchange > More Services > Resource Mailboxes screen:

• Exchange Resource Mailboxes are displayed.

• Exchange Resource Mailbox properties are displayed.

• Exchange Resource Mailbox properties can be modified.

• Exchange Resource Mailbox can be created or removed.

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List of Privileges and States

Exchange Unified Messaging Administration This privilege controls the following operations with Exchange Unified Messaging Access Number Pools and Unified Messaging Access Numbers:

Operation Name / Privilege State Disabled View Manage Admin

Exchange / Create and remove UM Access Number Pools and UM Access Numbers

Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Exchange / View UM Access Number Pools and UM Access Numbers

Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

Provider Control Panel


Services > E-mail > Other in the Hosted Exchange group > UM Access Number Pools screen is not displayed.


Services > E-mail > Other in the Hosted Exchange group > UM Access Number Pools screen:

• Exchange Unified Messaging Access Number Pools are displayed.

• Exchange Unified Messaging Access Number Pool properties are displayed.

• Access Numbers of Exchange Unified Messaging Access Number Pool are displayed.


Services > E-mail > Other in the Hosted Exchange group > UM Access Number Pools screen:

• Exchange Unified Messaging Access Number Pools are displayed.

• Exchange Unified Messaging Access Number Pool properties are displayed.

• Access Numbers of Exchange Unified Messaging Access Number Pool are displayed.


Services > E-mail > Other in the Hosted Exchange group > UM Access Number Pools screen:

• Exchange Unified Messaging Access Number Pools are displayed.

• Exchange Unified Messaging Access Number Pool properties are displayed.

• Access Numbers of Exchange Unified Messaging Access Number Pool are displayed.

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List of Privileges and States

• Exchange Unified Messaging Access Number Pool can be created or removed.

• Access Numbers of Exchange Unified Messaging Access Number Pool can be added or removed.

Reseller Control Panel and Customer Control Panel

Not applicable.

Global Relay Archiving Management This privilege controls the following operations with Global Relay Archiving:

Operation Name / Privilege State Disabled View Manage

Manage Disabled Disabled Enabled

View Disabled Enabled Enabled

Provider Control Panel


Services > E-mail > Global Relay Archiving in the Archiving group is not displayed.


Services > E-mail > Global Relay Archiving in the Archiving group:

Global Relay Archiving configuration is displayed.


Services > E-mail > Global Relay Archiving in the Archiving group:

• Global Relay Archiving configuration is displayed.

• Global Relay Archiving configuration can be modified.

Reseller Control Panel

Not applicable.

Customer Control Panel


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List of Privileges and States

The More Services > Global Relay Archiving screen is not displayed.


On the More Services > Global Relay Archiving screen:

Global Relay Archiving configuration is displayed.


On the More Services > Global Relay Archiving screen:

• Global Relay Archiving configuration is displayed.

• Global Relay Archiving configuration can be modified.

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List of Privileges and States

Hardware Nodes This privilege controls the following operations with Hardware Nodes, VPS Hardware Nodes, and VPSs:

Operation Name / Privilege State Disabled View Manage Admin

HW nodes / View HW nodes Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

Hosts / Acquire hosts Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Hosts / Admin NW nodes Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Hosts / Manage HW nodes Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

Hosts / Restore host configuration Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Hosts / View HW nodes Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

Hosts / View hosts Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

Monitoring / View host state Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

NW nodes / Admin HW nodes migration settings

Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

NW nodes / Manage HW nodes migration settings

Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

VPS / Create VPS Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

VPS / View VPS general settings Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

VPS / View VPSs Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

Provider Control Panel


The following screens are not displayed:

Infrastructure > Hardware Nodes

Services > Cloud Infrastructure > VPS Hardware Nodes

Services > Cloud Infrastructure > VPSs

Services > Cloud Infrastructure > Migration Tasks


On the Infrastructure > Hardware Nodes screen:

• List of Hardware Nodes is displayed.

• Hardware Node properties are displayed.

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List of Privileges and States

On the Services > Cloud Infrastructure > VPS Hardware Nodes screen:

• List of VPS Hardware Nodes is displayed.

• VPS Hardware Node properties are displayed.


• List of own VPSs is displayed.

• VPS properties are displayed.

On the Services > Cloud Infrastructure > VPSs screen:

• List of own VPSs is displayed.

• VPS properties are displayed.

The Services > Cloud Infrastructure > Migration Tasks screen is not displayed.


On the Infrastructure > Hardware Nodes screen:

• List of Hardware Nodes is displayed.

• Hardware Node properties are displayed.

• Hardware Node properties can be modified.

On the Services > Cloud Infrastructure > VPS Hardware Nodes screen:

• List of VPS Hardware Nodes is displayed.

• VPS Hardware Node properties are displayed.

• VPS Hardware Node properties can be modified.


• List of own VPSs is displayed.

• VPS properties are displayed.

On the Services > Infrastructur > VPSs screen:

• List of own VPSs is displayed.

• VPS properties are displayed.

On the Services > Cloud Infrastructure > Migration Tasks screen:

• List of migration tasks is displayed.

• Migration task properties are displayed.

• Migration task properties can be modified.

• Migration task can be removed.

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List of Privileges and States

• Migration task logs are displayed.


On the Infrastructure > Hardware Nodes screen:

• List of Hardware Nodes is displayed.

• Hardware Node properties are displayed.

• Hardware Node properties can be modified.

• Hardware Node can be registered or unregistered.

On the Services > Cloud Infrastructure > VPS Hardware Nodes screen:

• List of VPS Hardware Nodes is displayed.

• VPS Hardware Node properties are displayed.

• VPS Hardware Node properties can be modified.

• VPS Hardware Node can be registered or unregistered.


• List of own VPSs is displayed.

• VPS properties are displayed.

On the Services > Cloud Infrastructure > VPSs. screen:

• List of own VPSs is displayed.

• VPS properties are displayed.

On the Services > Cloud Infrastructure > Migration Tasks screen:

• List of migration tasks is displayed.

• Migration task properties are displayed.

• Migration task properties can be modified.

• Migration task can be removed.

• Migration task logs are displayed.

Reseller Control Panel and Customer Control Panel

Not applicable.

See also:

All VPSs privilege (on page 35)

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List of Privileges and States

Own VPSs privilege (on page 151)

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List of Privileges and States

Hosting Services Configuration This privilege controls the following operations with hosting service configuration:

Operation Name / Privilege State Disabled View Manage

Active Directory / Edit Active Directory services configuration

Disabled Disabled Enabled

Active Directory / Set preferred Active Directory service

Disabled Disabled Enabled

Active Directory / View Active Directory services configuration

Disabled Enabled Enabled

Databases / Manage database service Disabled Disabled Enabled

Databases / View database services Disabled Enabled Enabled

Exchange / Edit Exchange services configuration

Disabled Disabled Enabled

Exchange / View Exchange services configuration

Disabled Enabled Enabled

Hosting / Manage hosting services Disabled Disabled Enabled

Hosting / View hosting services Disabled Enabled Enabled

Log-files / Edit logfiles rotation configuration

Disabled Disabled Enabled

Log-files / View logfiles rotation configuration

Disabled Enabled Enabled

Mail / Antispam / Add entries to server-level SpamAssassin blacklists

Disabled Disabled Enabled

Mail / Antispam / Add entries to server-level SpamAssassin whitelists

Disabled Disabled Enabled

Mail / Antispam / Delete E-mail addresses from server-level SpamAssassin

Disabled Disabled Enabled

Mail / Antispam / Delete entries from server-level SpamAssassin blacklists

Disabled Disabled Enabled

Mail / Antispam / Delete entries from server-level SpamAssassin whitelists

Disabled Disabled Enabled

Mail / Antispam / View SpamAssassin server-level configuration

Disabled Enabled Enabled

Mail / Antispam / View server-level SpamAssassin blacklists

Disabled Enabled Enabled

Mail / Antispam / View server-level SpamAssassin whitelists

Disabled Enabled Enabled

Mail / Antivirus / Edit DrWeb E-Mail addresses

Disabled Disabled Enabled

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List of Privileges and States

Operation Name / Privilege State Disabled View Manage

Mail / Antivirus / Edit DrWeb categories Disabled Disabled Enabled

Mail / Antivirus / Edit DrWeb notifications configuration

Disabled Disabled Enabled

Mail / Antivirus / View DrWeb E-Mail addresses

Disabled Enabled Enabled

Mail / Antivirus / View DrWeb categories Disabled Enabled Enabled

Mail / Antivirus / View DrWeb licenses Disabled Disabled Enabled

Mail / Antivirus / View DrWeb login Disabled Disabled Enabled

Mail / Antivirus / View DrWeb notifications configuration

Disabled Enabled Enabled

Mail / Antivirus / View DrWeb services Disabled Enabled Enabled

Mail / Edit LDAP servers configuration Disabled Disabled Enabled

Mail / Edit LocalSMTP services Disabled Disabled Enabled

Mail / View LDAP servers Disabled Enabled Enabled

Mail / View LocalSMTP services Disabled Enabled Enabled

Mail / View antispam services Disabled Enabled Enabled

Mail / View drweb services Disabled Enabled Enabled

Mail / View qmail services Disabled Enabled Enabled

Mail / View mail services configuration Disabled Enabled Enabled

Mail / Edit mail services configuration Disabled Disabled Enabled

Monitoring Disabled Enabled Enabled

Monitoring / View applications state Disabled Enabled Enabled

Monitoring / View customer services state

Disabled Enabled Enabled

Monitoring / View service controller applications

Disabled Enabled Enabled

Monitoring / View service controllers state

Disabled Enabled Enabled

Services / View logrotate services Disabled Enabled Enabled

Services / View service types Disabled Enabled Enabled

Services / View services Disabled Enabled Enabled

Streaming Media / Edit Streaming Media services

Disabled Disabled Enabled

Streaming Media / View Streaming Media services

Disabled Enabled Enabled

Web / Edit IIS services Disabled Disabled Enabled

Web / Edit apache service default includes

Disabled Disabled Enabled

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List of Privileges and States

Operation Name / Privilege State Disabled View Manage

Web / Edit apache service includes Disabled Disabled Enabled

Web / View IIS services Disabled Enabled Enabled

Web / Edit apache services Disabled Disabled Enabled

Web / View apache services Disabled Enabled Enabled

Web Statistics / Edit AWstats services configuration

Disabled Disabled Enabled

Web Statistics / View AWstats services configuration

Disabled Enabled Enabled

Provider Control Panel


The following screens are not displayed:

Services > E-mail > LDAP servers in the Linux Mail group

Services > E-mail > Qmail Services in the Linux Mail group

Services > E-mail > Other in the Hosted Exchange group > Services

Services > E-mail > Mailbox Stores in the Hosted Exchange group

Services > E-mail > Other in the Hosted Exchange group > Public Folder Stores

Services > E-mail > Other in the Hosted Exchange group > Exchange Settings

Infrastructure > Services in the System Services group

Services > Cloud Infrastructure > VPSs > VPS > Applications tab

Infrastructure > Hardware Nodes > HARDWARE_NODE > Applications tab

Infrastructure > Services in the System Services group

System > Settings > Auto-generated Names in the Integration group

System > Settings > Monitoring Setup in the Events & Logs group

Infrastructure > Hardware nodes, the Web Clusters tab, the Apache Extensions tab of a selected web cluster


Services > E-mail > LDAP servers in the Linux Mail group:

• List of LDAP servers is displayed.

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List of Privileges and States

• LDAP server properties are displayed.

Services > E-mail > Qmail Services in the Linux Mail group:

• List of QMail services is displayed.

• QMail service properties are displayed.

Services > E-mail > Other in the Hosted Exchange group > Services:

• List of Exchange services is displayed.

• Exchange service properties are displayed.

Services > E-mail > Mailbox Stores in the Hosted Exchange group:

• List of Exchange Mailbox Stores is displayed.

• Exchange Mailbox Store properties are displayed.

Services > E-mail > Other in the Hosted Exchange group > Public Folder Stores:

• List of Public Folder Stores is displayed.

• Public Folder Store properties are displayed.

Services > E-mail > Other in the Hosted Exchange group > Exchange Settings:

Exchange settings are displayed.

On the Infrastructure > Services screen:

• List of Applications is displayed.

• Application properties are displayed.

On the Services > Cloud Infrastructure > VPSs > VPS > Applications tab screen:

• List of Applications is displayed.

• Application properties are displayed.

On the Infrastructure > Hardware Nodes > HARDWARE_NODE > Applications tab screen:

• List of Applications is displayed.

• Application properties are displayed.

Infrastructure > Services in the System Services group:

• List of Service Configurations is displayed.

• Service Configuration properties are displayed.

System > Settings > Auto-generated Names in the Integration group:

• List of Auto-generated Names is displayed.

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List of Privileges and States

System > Settings > Monitoring Setup in the Events & Logs group:

• Hardware Nodes, VPS Hardware Node, VPSs can be monitored.

• Service Controllers and Applications can be monitored.

At the Customer Services tab of a web cluster selected at the Web Clusters tab in the Infrastructure > Hardware Nodes screen:

• List of webspaces is displayed.

• List of FTP protocols is displayed.


Services > E-mail > LDAP servers in the Linux Mail group:

• List of LDAP servers is displayed.

• LDAP server properties are displayed.

• LDAP server can registered or unregistered.

Services > E-mail > Qmail Services in the Linux Mail group:

• List of QMail services is displayed.

• QMail service properties are displayed.

• QMail service properties can be modified.

Services > E-mail > Other in the Hosted Exchange group > Services:

• List of Exchange services is displayed.

• Exchange service properties are displayed.

• Exchange service properties can be modified.

• Exchange Mailbox Store can be registered or unregistered.

Services > E-mail > Mailbox Stores in the Hosted Exchange group:

• List of Exchange Mailbox Stores is displayed.

• Exchange Mailbox Store properties are displayed.

• Exchange Mailbox Store properties can be modified.

Services > E-mail > Other in the Hosted Exchange group > Public Folder Stores:

• List of Public Folder Stores is displayed.

• Public Folder Store properties are displayed.

• Public Folder Store properties can be modified.

Services > E-mail > Other in the Hosted Exchange group > Exchange Settings:

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List of Privileges and States

• Exchange settings are displayed.

• Exchange settings can be modified.

On the Infrastructure > Services screen:

• List of Applications is displayed.

• Application properties are displayed.

On the Services > Cloud Infrastructure > VPSs > VPS > Applications tab screen:

• List of Applications is displayed.

• Application properties are displayed.

• Application properties can be modified.

On the Infrastructure > Hardware Nodes > HARDWARE_NODE > Applications tab screen:

• List of Applications is displayed.

• Application properties are displayed.

• Application properties can be modified.

Infrastructure > Services in the System Services group:

• List of Service Configurations is displayed.

• Service Configuration properties are displayed.

• Service Configuration properties can be modified.

System > Settings > Auto-generated Names in the Integration group:

• List of Auto-generated Names is displayed.

• Template of Auto-generated Name can be modified.

System > Settings > Monitoring Setup in the Events & Logs group:

• Hardware Nodes, VPS Hardware Node, VPSs can be monitored.

• Service Controllers and Applications can be monitored.

At the Apache Extensions tab of a web cluster selected at the Web Clusters tab of the Infrastructure > Hardware Nodes screen:

• Apache extensions can be synchronized.

At the Customer Services tab of a web cluster selected at the Web Clusters tab of the the Infrastructure > Hardware Nodes screen:

• Customer webspaces and FTP protocols can be deleted.

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List of Privileges and States

Reseller Control Panel and Customer Control Panel

Not applicable.

IIS Configuration This privilege controls the following operations with IIS mappings:

Operation Name / Privilege State Disabled View Manage Admin

Apply IIS mappings to hosts Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Manage IIS mappings Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

Toggle customizing of IIS mappings Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

View IIS configuration Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

Provider Control Panel


The following screens are not displayed:

Services > Web Hosting > IIS Configurations

Services > Collaboration > SharePoint group


Services > Web Hosting > IIS 6 or IIS 7:

• List of IIS Mappings is displayed.

• IIS Mapping properties are displayed.

Services > Collaboration > SharePoint group:

List of the installed SharePoint Foundation 2010 Site Templates can be updated.


Services > Web Hosting > IIS 6 or IIS 7:

• List of IIS Mappings is displayed.

• IIS Mapping properties are displayed.

• IIS Mapping properties can be modified.

• IIS Mapping can be created or removed.

Services > Collaboration > SharePoint group:

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List of Privileges and States

List of the installed SharePoint Foundation 2010 Site Templates can be updated.


Services > Web Hosting > IIS 6 or IIS 7:

• List of IIS Mappings is displayed.

• IIS Mapping properties are displayed.

• IIS Mapping properties can be modified.

• IIS Mapping can be created or removed.

• IIS Mappings can be applied to IIS webservers.

Services > Collaboration > SharePoint group:

List of the installed SharePoint Foundation 2010 Site Templates can be updated.

Reseller Control Panel and Customer Control Panel

Not applicable.

Infrastructure Configuration This privilege controls the following operations with infrastructure (Clusters, Load Balancers, Racks, Switches, Host network settings):

Operation Name / Privilege State Disabled View Manage Admin

Create clusters Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Create load balancer Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Delete clusters Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Delete load balancer Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Edit clusters Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

Edit load balancer Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

Edit load-balancer rules Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

View clusters Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

View load balancers Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

Create switches Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Delete racks Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Delete switches Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Edit racks Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

Edit switches Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

Page 101: Parallels Operations Automation 5 - · • Modules in this guide are divided into sections, which, in


List of Privileges and States

Operation Name / Privilege State Disabled View Manage Admin

View racks Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

View switches Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

Create racks Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

View infrastructure Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

View host network settings Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

Provider Control Panel


The following screens are not displayed:

Infrastructure > Hardware Nodes, the Web Clusters tab

Infrastructure > Load Balancers

Infrastructure > Racks in the Other group

Infrastructure > Switches in the Network group


At the Clusters tab of the Infrastructure > Hardware Nodes screen:

• List of Clusters is displayed.

• Cluster properties are displayed.

• List of Load Balancer Rules is displayed.

• Load Balancer Rule properties are displayed.

On the Infrastructure > Load Balancers screen:

• List of Load Balancers is displayed.

• Load Balancer properties are displayed.

• List of Load Balancer Rules is displayed.

• Load Balancer Rule properties are displayed.

On the Infrastructure > Racks, in the Other group, screen:

• List of Racks is displayed.

• Rack properties are displayed.

On the Infrastructure > Switches, in the Network group, screen:

• List of Switches is displayed.

• Switch properties are displayed.

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List of Privileges and States


At the Clusters tab of the Infrastructure > Hardware Nodes screen:

• List of Clusters is displayed.

• Cluster properties are displayed.

• List of Load Balancer Rules is displayed.

• Load Balancer Rule properties are displayed.

• Cluster properties can be modified.

On the Infrastructure > Load Balancers screen:

• List of Load Balancers is displayed.

• Load Balancer properties are displayed.

• List of Load Balancer Rules is displayed.

• Load Balancer Rule properties are displayed.

• Load Balancer properties can be modified.

• Load Balancer Rule can be created, modified, or removed.

On the Infrastructure > Racks, in the Other group, screen:

• List of Racks is displayed.

• Rack properties are displayed.

• Rack properties can be modified.

On the Infrastructure > Switches, in the Network group, screen:

• List of Switches is displayed.

• Switch properties are displayed.

• Switch properties can be modified.


At the Clusters tab of the Infrastructure > Hardware Nodes screen:

• List of Clusters is displayed.

• Cluster properties are displayed.

• List of Load Balancer Rules is displayed.

• Load Balancer Rule properties are displayed.

• Cluster properties can be modified.

• Cluster can be created or removed.

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List of Privileges and States

On the Infrastructure > Load Balancers screen:

• List of Load Balancers is displayed.

• Load Balancer properties are displayed.

• List of Load Balancer Rules is displayed.

• Load Balancer Rule properties are displayed.

• Load Balancer properties can be modified.

• Load Balancer Rule can be created, modified, or removed.

• Load Balancer can be created or removed.

On the Infrastructure > Racks, in the Other group, screen:

• List of Racks is displayed.

• Rack properties are displayed.

• Rack properties can be modified.

• Rack can be created or removed.

On the Infrastructure > Switches, in the Network group, screen:

• List of Switches is displayed.

• Switch properties are displayed.

• Switch properties can be modified.

• Switch can be created or removed.

Reseller Control Panel and Customer Control Panel

Not applicable.

IP Pools & Addresses This privilege controls the following operations with IP Addresses and IP Pools:

Operation Name / Privilege State Disabled View Manage Admin

Admin IP addresses Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Edit VPS IP-addresses Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

Manage IP addresses Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

View HW nodes network configuration Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

View IP addresses Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

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List of Privileges and States

Operation Name / Privilege State Disabled View Manage Admin

View host network settings Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

View ip-addresses Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

Provider Control Panel


The following screens are not displayed:

Infrastructure > IP Addresses

Services > Cloud Infrastructure > VPS Hardware Nodes > VPS_HARDWARE_NODE > Networking tab

Services > Cloud Infrastructure > VPSs > VPS > Networking tab

Infrastructure > Hardware Nodes > HARDWARE_NODE > Networking tab

SELECTED_RESELLER > Resources tab > IP pools subtab

SELECTED_CUSTOMER > Resources tab > Used IPs subtab


Infrastructure > IP Addresses:

• List of IP Pools is displayed.

• IP Pool properties are displayed.

• List of the used IP Addresses is displayed.

• List of IP Translations is displayed.

• IP Translation properties are displayed.

• List of IP Translation Rules is displayed.

• IP Translation Rule properties are displayed.

On the Services > Cloud Infrastructure > VPS Hardware Nodes > VPS_HARDWARE_NODE > Networking tab screen:

• List of the attached IP Pools is displayed.

• List of the bound IP Pools is displayed.

• VPS Hardware Node's IP Addresses are displayed.

• VPSs' IP Addresses are displayed.

On the Services > Cloud Infrastructure > VPSs > Networking tab and Infrastructure > Hardware Nodes > HARDWARE_NODE > Networking tab screens:

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List of Privileges and States

• List of the attached IP Pools is displayed.

• List of the bound IP Pools is displayed.

• IP Addresses are displayed.

On the SELECTED_RESELLER > Resources tab > IP pools subtab and SELECTED_CUSTOMER > Resources tab > Used IPs subtab screens:

• List of the assigned IP Pools is displayed.

• List of the used IP Addresses is displayed.


Infrastructure > IP Addresses:

• List of IP Pools is displayed.

• IP Pool properties are displayed.

• List of the used IP Addresses is displayed.

• List of IP Translations is displayed.

• IP Translation properties are displayed.

• List of IP Translation Rules is displayed.

• IP Translation Rule properties are displayed.

• IP Pool properties can be modified.

• IP Translation can be created or removed.

• IP Translation properties can be modified.

• IP Translation Rule can be created or removed.

• IP Translation Rule properties can be modified.

On the Services > Cloud Infrastructure > VPS Hardware Nodes > VPS_HARDWARE_NODE > Networking tab screen:

• List of the attached IP Pools is displayed.

• List of the bound IP Pools is displayed.

• VPS Hardware Node's IP Addresses are displayed.

• VPSs' IP Addresses are displayed.

• IP Pool can be attached or detached.

• IP Pool can be bound or unbound.

On the Services > Cloud Infrastructure > VPSs > VPS > Networking tab and Infrastructure > Hardware Nodes > HARDWARE_NODE > Networking tab screens:

• List of the attached IP Pools is displayed.

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List of Privileges and States

• List of the bound IP Pools is displayed.

• IP Addresses are displayed.

• IP Pool can be attached or detached.

• IP Pool can be bound or unbound.

On the SELECTED_RESELLER > Resources tab > IP pools subtab and SELECTED_CUSTOMER > Resources tab > Used IPs subtab screens:

• List of the assigned IP Pools is displayed.

• List of the used IP Addresses is displayed.

• IP Pool can be granted or revoked.


Infrastructure > IP Addresses:

• List of IP Pools is displayed.

• IP Pool properties are displayed.

• List of the used IP Addresses is displayed.

• List of IP Translations is displayed.

• IP Translation properties are displayed.

• List of IP Translation Rules is displayed.

• IP Translation Rule properties are displayed.

• IP Pool properties can be modified.

• IP Translation can be created or removed.

• IP Translation properties can be modified.

• IP Translation Rule can be created or removed.

• IP Translation Rule properties can be modified.

• IP Pool can be created or removed.

On the Services > Cloud Infrastructure > VPS Hardware Nodes > VPS_HARDWARE_NODE > Networking tab screen:

• List of the attached IP Pools is displayed.

• List of the bound IP Pools is displayed.

• VPS Hardware Node's IP Addresses are displayed.

• VPSs' IP Addresses are displayed.

• IP Pool can be attached or detached.

• IP Pool can be bound or unbound.

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List of Privileges and States

On the Services > Cloud Infrastructure > VPSs > VPS > Networking tab and Infrastructure > Hardware Nodes > HARDWARE_NODE > Networking tab screens:

• List of the attached IP Pools is displayed.

• List of the bound IP Pools is displayed.

• IP Addresses are displayed.

• IP Pool can be attached or detached.

• IP Pool can be bound or unbound.

On the SELECTED_RESELLER > Resources tab > IP pools subtab and SELECTED_CUSTOMER > Resources tab > Used IPs subtab screens:

• List of the assigned IP Pools is displayed.

• List of the used IP Addresses is displayed.

• IP Pool can be granted or revoked.

Reseller Control Panel


The following screens are not displayed:

Infrastructure > IP Addresses

SELECTED_RESELLER > Resources tab > IP pools subtab

SELECTED_CUSTOMER > Resources tab > Used IPs subtab


Infrastructure > IP Addresses:

• List of IP Pools is displayed.

• IP Pool properties are displayed.

• List of the used IP Addresses is displayed.

On the SELECTED_RESELLER > Resources tab > IP pools subtab and SELECTED_CUSTOMER > Resources tab > Used IPs subtab screens:

• List of the assigned IP Pools is displayed.

• List of the used IP Addresses is displayed.


Infrastructure > IP Addresses:

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List of Privileges and States

• List of IP Pools is displayed.

• IP Pool properties are displayed.

• List of the used IP Addresses is displayed.

On the SELECTED_RESELLER > Resources tab > IP pools subtab and SELECTED_CUSTOMER > Resources tab > Used IPs subtab screens:

• List of the assigned IP Pools is displayed.

• List of the used IP Addresses is displayed.

• IP Pool can be granted or revoked.


Infrastructure > IP Addresses:

• List of IP Pools is displayed.

• IP Pool properties are displayed.

• List of the used IP Addresses is displayed.

On the SELECTED_RESELLER > Resources tab > IP pools subtab and SELECTED_CUSTOMER > Resources tab > Used IPs subtab screens:

• List of the assigned IP Pools is displayed.

• List of the used IP Addresses is displayed.

• IP Pool can be granted or revoked.

Customer Control Panel

Not applicable.

Licenses This privilege controls the following operations with POA license:

Operation Name / Privilege State Disabled View Manage

Activate product key Disabled Disabled Enabled

Add product key Disabled Disabled Enabled

View licenses Disabled Enabled Enabled

View product key Disabled Enabled Enabled

Provider Control Panel

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List of Privileges and States


System > Information > License tab is not displayed.


System > Information > License tab:

• List of licenses is displayed.

• License properties are displayed.


System > Information > License tab:

• List of licenses is displayed.

• License properties are displayed.

• License can be uploaded, activated, or removed.

Reseller Control Panel and Customer Control Panel

Not applicable.

Logfiles Access This privilege controls the following operations with Apache Webspace log files:

Operation Name / Privilege State Disabled Enabled

Create log-files access to webspace Disabled Enabled

Edit log-files access configuration Disabled Enabled

View log-files access configuration Disabled Enabled

Provider Control Panel and Reseller Control Panel

Not applicable.

Customer Control Panel


The Websites > select a WEBSITE > More Tools > Log Manager screen is not displayed.


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List of Privileges and States

On the Websites > select a WEBSITE > More Tools > Log Manager screen:

• Apache Webspace Log Files are accessible.

• Log Manager configuration is displayed.

• Log Manager configuration can be modified.

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List of Privileges and States

Login As to MyCP This privilege controls the ability to log in to MyCP from Provider/Reseller/Customer Control Panel:

Operation Name / Privilege State Disabled Enabled

Login to MyCP from PCP or CCP Disabled Enabled

Provider Control Panel and Reseller Control Panel


On the System > Users > Users tab > Service Users subtab, SELECTED_RESELLER_ACCOUNT > General tab > Service Users subtab, and SELECTED_CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT > General tab > Service Users subtab screens:

Link to MyCP is not displayed.


On the System > Users > Users tab > Service Users subtab, SELECTED_RESELLER_ACCOUNT > General tab > Service Users subtab, and SELECTED_CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT > General tab > Service Users subtab screens:

Link to MyCP is displayed.

Customer Control Panel


On the Users screen:

Link to MyCP is not displayed.


On the Users screen:

Link to MyCP is displayed.

See also: Service Users Management privilege (on page 178).

Maillists This privilege controls the following operations with QMail maillists:

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List of Privileges and States

Operation Name / Privilege State Disabled View Manage

Create maillists Disabled Disabled Enabled

Delete maillists Disabled Disabled Enabled

Edit maillist info Disabled Disabled Enabled

Edit maillist intro Disabled Disabled Enabled

Edit maillist properties Disabled Disabled Enabled

Edit maillists Disabled Disabled Enabled

Send maillist info Disabled Disabled Enabled

Send maillist intro Disabled Disabled Enabled

View maillist properties Disabled Enabled Enabled

View maillists Disabled Enabled Enabled

Provider Control Panel and Reseller Control Panel

Not applicable.

Customer Control Panel


E-mail > Maillists screen is not displayed.


E-mail > Maillists screen:

• Maillists are displayed.

• Maillist properties are displayed.


E-mail > Maillists screen:

• Maillists are displayed.

• Maillist properties are displayed.

• Maillist properties can be modified.

• Maillist can be created or removed.

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List of Privileges and States

MessageLabs Management This privilege controls the following operations with MessageLabs messaging service:

Operation Name / Privilege State Disabled View Manage

Manage Disabled Disabled Enabled

View Disabled Enabled Enabled

Provider Control Panel and Reseller Control Panel


Services > E-mail > MessageLabs in the AS/AV group is not displayed.


Services > E-mail > MessageLabs in the AS/AV group:

MessageLabs messaging service configuration is displayed.


Services > E-mail > MessageLabs in the AS/AV group:

• MessageLabs messaging service configuration is displayed.

• MessageLabs messaging service configuration can be modified.

Customer Control Panel


The More Services > MessageLabs screen is not displayed.


On the More Services > MessageLabs screen:

MessageLabs messaging service configuration is displayed.


On the More Services > MessageLabs screen:

• MessageLabs messaging service configuration is displayed.

• MessageLabs messaging service configuration can be modified.

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List of Privileges and States

MX Logic Configuration Management This privilege controls the following operations with MX Logic messaging service:

Operation Name / Privilege State Disabled Enabled

View and edit global MX Logic Configuration (registration status, credentials, settings)

Disabled Enabled

Provider Control Panel


Services > E-mail > MX Logic Email Security in the AS/AV group is not displayed.


Services > E-mail > MX Logic Email Security in the AS/AV group:

• MX Logic messaging service configuration is displayed.

• MX Logic messaging service configuration can be modified.

Reseller Control Panel and Customer Control Panel

Not applicable.

See also: MX Logic E-mail Security Administration privilege (on page 114).

MX Logic E-mail Security Administration This privilege controls the following operations with configuration of MX Logic messaging service:

Operation Name / Privilege State Disabled View Admin

Activate MX Logic E-mail Security for subscription

Disabled Disabled Enabled

View MX Logic E-mail Security settings in subscription

Disabled Enabled Enabled

Provider Control Panel and Reseller Control Panel

Not applicable.

Customer Control Panel

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List of Privileges and States


The More Services > MX Logic Email Security screen is not displayed.


On the More Services > MX Logic Email Security screen:

MX Logic Email Security messaging service configuration is displayed.


On the More Services > MX Logic Email Security screen:

• MX Logic Email Security messaging service configuration is displayed.

• MX Logic Email Security messaging service configuration can be modified.

See also: MX Logic Configuration Management privilege (on page 114).

News This privilege controls the following operations with newsletters and notification messages:

Operation Name / Privilege State Disabled View Publish Admin

Admin newsletters Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Publish news & notification messages Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

View announcement categories Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

View announcements Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

View messages Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

View newsletters Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

Provider Control Panel and Reseller Control Panel


The following screens are not displayed:

System > Announcements > Newsletter Categories in the Newsletters group

System > Announcements > Messages in the Announcement group

System > Announcements > Newsletter Issues in the Newsletters group

Broadcast Messages (Notification Messages) are displayed.

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List of Privileges and States


System > Announcements > Newsletter Categories in the Newsletters group:

Newsletter categories are displayed.

System > Announcements > Messages in the Announcement group:

News Messages are displayed.

System > Announcements > Newsletter Issues in the Newsletters group:

Broadcast Messages (Notification Messages) are displayed.


System > Announcements > Newsletter Categories in the Newsletters group:

Newsletter categories are displayed.

System > Announcements > Messages in the Announcement group:

• News Messages are displayed.

• News Message can be published.

System > Announcements > Newsletter Issues in the Newsletters group:

• Broadcast Messages (Notification Messages) are displayed.

• Broadcast Message (Notification Message) can be published.


System > Announcements > Newsletter Categories in the Newsletters group:

• Newsletter categories are displayed.

• Newsletter category can be modified.

• Newsletter category can be created or removed.

System > Announcements > Messages in the Announcement group:

• News Messages are displayed.

• News Message can be published.

• News Message can be removed.

System > Announcements > Newsletter Issues in the Newsletters group:

• Broadcast Messages (Notification Messages) are displayed.

• Broadcast Message (Notification Message) can be published.

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List of Privileges and States

• Broadcast Message (Notification Message) can be removed.

Customer Control Panel


The My Account > Newsletters screen is not displayed.


On the My Account > Newsletters screen:

• News Subscriptions are displayed.

• News Subscription properties are displayed.

• Newsletters Archive is displayed.

• List of Broadcast Messages (Notification Messages) is displayed.

• News Settings are displayed.


On the My Account > Newsletters screen:

• News Subscriptions are displayed.

• News Subscription properties are displayed.

• Newsletters Archive is displayed.

• List of Broadcast Messages (Notification Messages) is displayed.

• News Settings are displayed.


On the My Account > Newsletters screen:

• News Subscriptions are displayed.

• News Subscription properties are displayed.

• Newsletters Archive is displayed.

• List of Broadcast Messages (Notification Messages) is displayed.

• News Settings are displayed.

• News Subscription can be created or removed.

• News Settings can be modified.

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List of Privileges and States

See also: Broadcast Messages privilege.

ODBC DSN Management This privilege controls the following operations with ODBC DSN:

Operation Name / Privilege State Disabled Use Edit Admin

Edit DSN Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

View DSN Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

Provider Control Panel and Reseller Control Panel

Not applicable.

Customer Control Panel


The More Services > DSN Management screen is not displayed.


On the More Services > DSN Management screen:

• List of ODBC DSNs is displayed.

• ODBC DSN properties are displayed.


On the More Services > DSN Management screen:

• List of ODBC DSNs is displayed.

• ODBC DSN properties are displayed.

• ODBC DSN properties can be modified.

• ODBC DSN can be created or removed.


On the More Services > DSN Management screen:

• List of ODBC DSNs is displayed.

• ODBC DSN properties are displayed.

• ODBC DSN properties can be modified.

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List of Privileges and States

• ODBC DSN can be created or removed.

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List of Privileges and States

Office Communications Management This privilege controls the following operations with OCS hosting:

Operation Name / Privilege State Disabled View Manage Admin

Edit general settings Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

View general settings Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

Provider Control Panel and Reseller Control Panel


Services > Collaboration > Office Communications group is not displayed.


Services > Collaboration > Organizations in the Office Communications group:

• List of OCS Organizations is displayed.

• OCS Organization properties are displayed.


Services > Collaboration > Organizations in the Office Communications group:

• List of OCS Organizations is displayed.

• OCS Organization properties are displayed.


Services > Collaboration > Organizations in the Office Communications group:

• List of OCS Organizations is displayed.

• OCS Organization properties are displayed.

Customer Control Panel


The Office Communications screen is not displayed.


On the Office Communications > Users screen:

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List of Privileges and States

• List of OCS Users is displayed.

• OCS User properties are displayed.


On the Office Communications > Users screen:

• List of OCS Users is displayed.

• OCS User properties are displayed.


On the Office Communications > Users screen:

• List of OCS Users is displayed.

• OCS User properties are displayed.

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List of Privileges and States

Office Communications Meeting Policies Administration This privilege controls the following operations with OCS Meeting Policies:

Operation Name / Privilege State Disabled View Manage Admin

Create and remove meeting policies Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Edit meeting policy properties Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

View meeting policies Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

Provider Control Panel


Services > Collaboration > Meeting Policies in the Office Communications group is not displayed.


Services > Collaboration > Meeting Policies in the Office Communications group:

• List of OCS Meeting Policies is displayed.

• OCS Meeting Policy properties are displayed.


Services > Collaboration > Meeting Policies in the Office Communications group:

• List of OCS Meeting Policies is displayed.

• OCS Meeting Policy properties are displayed.

• OCS Meeting Policy properties can be modified.


Services > Collaboration > Meeting Policies in the Office Communications group:

• List of OCS Meeting Policies is displayed.

• OCS Meeting Policy properties are displayed.

• OCS Meeting Policy properties can be modified.

• OCS Meeting Policy can be created or removed.

Reseller Control Panel and Customer Control Panel

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List of Privileges and States

Not applicable.

Office Communications Pools Administration This privilege controls the following operations with OCS Pools:

Operation Name / Privilege State Disabled View Manage

View pools Disabled Enabled Enabled

Provider Control Panel


Services > Collaboration > Pools in the Office Communications group is not displayed.


Services > Collaboration > Pools in the Office Communications group:

• List of OCS Pools is displayed.

• OCS Pool properties are displayed.


Services > Collaboration > Pools in the Office Communications group:

• List of OCS Pools is displayed.

• OCS Pool properties are displayed.

• OCS Pool can be registered.

Reseller Control Panel and Customer Control Panel

Not applicable.

Office Communications Phone Numbers Administration This privilege controls the following operations with Office Communication Phone Numbers:

Operation Name / Privilege State Disabled View Manage Admin

Office Communications / Create and remove phone numbers

Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

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List of Privileges and States

Operation Name / Privilege State Disabled View Manage Admin

Office Communications / Edit phone numbers properties

Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

Office Communications / View phone numbers

Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

Provider Control Panel


Services > Collaboration > Phone Numbers in the Office Communications group is not displayed.


Services > Collaboration > Phone Numbers in the Office Communications group:

• Office Communication Phone Numbers are displayed.

• Office Communication Phone Number properties are displayed.


Services > Collaboration > Phone Numbers in the Office Communications group:

• Office Communication Phone Numbers are displayed.

• Office Communication Phone Number properties are displayed.

• Office Communication Phone Number properties can be modified.


Services > Collaboration > Phone Numbers in the Office Communications group:

• Office Communication Phone Numbers are displayed.

• Office Communication Phone Number properties are displayed.

• Office Communication Phone Number properties can be modified.

• Office Communication Phone Number can be added or removed.

Reseller Control Panel

Not applicable.

Customer Control Panel


The Office Communications > Phone Numbers screen is not displayed.

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List of Privileges and States


On the Office Communications > Phone Numbers screen:

• Office Communication Phone Numbers are displayed.

• Office Communication Phone Number properties are displayed.


On the Office Communications > Phone Numbers screen:

• Office Communication Phone Numbers are displayed.

• Office Communication Phone Number properties are displayed.

• Office Communication Phone Number properties can be modified.


On the Office Communications > Phone Numbers screen:

• Office Communication Phone Numbers are displayed.

• Office Communication Phone Number properties are displayed.

• Office Communication Phone Number properties can be modified.

• Office Communication Phone Number can be added or removed.

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List of Privileges and States

Office Communications User Profiles Administration This privilege controls the following operations with OCS User Profiles:

Operation Name / Privilege State Disabled View Manage Admin

Create and remove user profiles Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Edit user profile properties Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

View user profiles Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

Provider Control Panel


Services > Collaboration > User Profiles in the Office Communications group is not displayed.


Services > Collaboration > User Profiles in the Office Communications group:

• List of OCS User Profiles is displayed.

• OCS User Profile properties are displayed.


Services > Collaboration > User Profiles in the Office Communications group:

• List of OCS User Profiles is displayed.

• OCS User Profile properties are displayed.

• OCS User Profile properties can be modified.


Services > Collaboration > User Profiles in the Office Communications group:

• List of OCS User Profiles is displayed.

• OCS User Profile properties are displayed.

• OCS User Profile properties can be modified.

• OCS User Profile can be created or removed.

Reseller Control Panel and Customer Control Panel

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List of Privileges and States

Not applicable.

Office Communications Users Administration This privilege controls the following operations with OCS Users:

Operation Name / Privilege State Disabled View Manage Admin

Create and remove users Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Edit user properties Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

View users Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

Provider Control Panel and Reseller Control Panel


Services > Collaboration > Users in the Office Communications group is not displayed.


Services > Collaboration > Users in the Office Communications group:

• List of OCS Users is displayed.

• OCS User properties are displayed.


Services > Collaboration > Users in the Office Communications group:

• List of OCS Users is displayed.

• OCS User properties are displayed.


Services > Collaboration > Users in the Office Communications group:

• List of OCS Users is displayed.

• OCS User properties are displayed.

Customer Control Panel


The Office Communications > Users screen is not displayed.


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List of Privileges and States

On the Office Communications > Users screen:

• List of OCS Users is displayed.

• OCS User properties are displayed.


On the Office Communications > Users screen:

• List of OCS Users is displayed.

• OCS User properties are displayed.

• OCS User properties can be modified.


On the Office Communications > Users screen:

• List of OCS Users is displayed.

• OCS User properties are displayed.

• OCS User properties can be modified.

• OCS User can be created or removed.

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List of Privileges and States

Own Account Info This privilege controls the following operations with properties of own Account:

Operation Name / Privilege State Disabled View Manage

Edit own account address Disabled Disabled Enabled

Edit own account contacts Disabled Disabled Enabled

Provider Control Panel and Reseller Control Panel


YOUR_ACCOUNT > General tab screen:

• Account Address is displayed.

• Account Contacts are displayed.


YOUR_ACCOUNT > General tab screen:

• Account Address is displayed.

• Account Contacts are displayed.


YOUR_ACCOUNT > General tab screen:

• Account Address is displayed.

• Account Contacts are displayed.

• Account Address and Contacts can be modified.

Customer Control Panel


On the Account > Account Settings screen:

Account Address is displayed.

On the Account > Account Settings screen:

Account Contacts are displayed.


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List of Privileges and States

On the Account > Account Settings screen:

Account Address is displayed.

On the Account > Account Settings screen:

Account Contacts are displayed.


On the Account > Account Settings screen:

• Account Address is displayed.

• Account Address can be modified.

On the Account > Account Settings screen:

• Account Contacts are displayed.

• Account Contacts can be modified.

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List of Privileges and States

Own Applications This privilege controls the following operations with Applications of own account:

Operation Name / Privilege State Disabled View Manage

Manage Own Applications Disabled Disabled Enabled

View Own Applications Disabled Enabled Enabled

Provider Control Panel and Reseller Control Panel

Not applicable.

Customer Control Panel


The Applications screen is not displayed.


On the Applications screen:

• List of Applications is displayed.

• Application settings are displayed.

• Application Backups are displayed.

• Application Backup properties are displayed.

• Application Add-ons are displayed.

• Application Add-on settings are displayed.


On the Applications screen:

• List of Applications is displayed.

• Application settings are displayed.

• Application Backups are displayed.

• Application Backup properties are displayed.

• Application Add-ons are displayed.

• Application Add-on settings are displayed.

• Application can be installed, upgraded, or uninstalled.

• Application Backup can be created, restored, or removed.

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List of Privileges and States

• Application settings can be modified.

• Application Add-on settings can be modified.

• Application Add-on can be installed, upgraded, or uninstalled.

See also: Application Users privilege (on page 41).

Own CP Access This privilege controls the ability to log in to POA Control Panel:

Operation Name / Privilege State Disabled Enabled

Own access to CP Disabled Enabled

Provider Control Panel, Reseller Control Panel, and Customer Control Panel


POA login screen:

Login to POA is not allowed.


POA login screen:

Login to POA is allowed.

Own Customer's CP Access This privilege controls the ability to log in to Customer Control Panel of direct child Customer Accounts from Provider/Reseller Control Panel:

Operation Name / Privilege State Disabled Enabled

Access to own customer CP Disabled Enabled

Provider Control Panel and Reseller Control Panel


System > Users and SELECTED_CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT > General tab > Staff Members subtab screens:

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List of Privileges and States

The Login as Customer link is not displayed for Staff Members of the direct child Customer Accounts.


System > Users and SELECTED_CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT > General tab > Staff Members subtab screens:

The Login as Customer link is displayed for Staff Members of the direct child Customer Accounts.

Customer Control Panel

Not applicable.

See also:

Customer's CP Access privilege (on page 63)

All Users privilege (on page 33)

Own Users privilege (on page 148)

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List of Privileges and States

Own Domains This privilege controls the following operations with domains:

Operation Name / Privilege State Disabled View Manage Admin

Add domain via Billing Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Domains / Change registrar status for own domains

Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

Domains / Convert parked domains Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

Domains / Create own domains Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Domains / Delete all domains Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Domains / Delete own domains Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Domains / Delete parked domains Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Domains / Disable own domains Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Domains / Edit parked domains Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

Domains / Enable own domains Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Domains / Select default domain Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

Domains / View domain services Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

Domains / View domains Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

Domains / View own domains Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

Exchange / Manage Exchange hosting configuration

Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

Parallels Plesk Panel / Delete domains assigned to Parallels Plesk Panel VPSs

Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Parallels Plesk Panel / Register domains for Parallels Plesk Panel VPSs

Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Parallels Plesk Panel / Resubmit domains to Parallels Plesk Panel

Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

Parallels Plesk Panel / View domains assigned to Parallels Plesk Panel VPSs

Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

View Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

Web / Create apache websites Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Web / Delete addons from apache webspaces

Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Web / Delete apache websites Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Web / Disable apache websites Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Web / Edit addons for apache webspaces

Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

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List of Privileges and States

Provider Control Panel and Reseller Control Panel


The following screens are not displayed:

Services > Domains

SELECTED_RESELLER_ACCOUNT > Resources tab > Domains subtab

SELECTED_CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT > Resources tab > Domains subtab


On the Services > Domains screen:

• Own domains are displayed.

• Domain properties are displayed.

On the SELECTED_RESELLER_ACCOUNT > Resources tab > Domains subtab and SELECTED_CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT > Resources tab > Domains subtab screens:

• Account's domains are displayed.

• Domain properties are displayed.


On the Services > Domains screen:

• Own domains are displayed.

• Domain properties are displayed.

• Domain properties can be modified.

On the SELECTED_RESELLER_ACCOUNT > Resources tab > Domains subtab and SELECTED_CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT > Resources tab > Domains subtab screens:

• Domains of child Accounts are displayed.

• Domain properties are displayed.


On the Services > Domains screen:

• Own domains are displayed.

• Domain properties are displayed.

• Domain properties can be modified.

• Domain can be made enabled or disabled.

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List of Privileges and States

• Domain can be created or removed.

On the SELECTED_RESELLER_ACCOUNT > Resources tab > Domains subtab and SELECTED_CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT > Resources tab > Domains subtab screens:

• Account's domains are displayed.

• Domain properties are displayed.

Customer Control Panel


The All Domains and screen is not displayed.


On the All Domains screen:

• List of domains is displayed.

• Domain properties are displayed.


On the All Domains screen:

• List of domains is displayed.

• Domain properties are displayed.

• Domain properties can be modified.


On the All Domains screen:

• List of domains is displayed.

• Domain properties are displayed.

• Domain properties can be modified.

• Domain can be made enabled or disabled.

• Domain can be created or removed.

See also:

All Domains privilege (on page 28)

Subdomains privilege (on page 186)

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List of Privileges and States

DNS Configuration privilege (on page 69)

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List of Privileges and States

Own Login History This privilege controls the ability to view the login history of Staff Members and Service Users:

Operation Name / Privilege State Disabled Enabled

View own login history Disabled Enabled

Provider Control Panel and Reseller Control Panel


The following screens are not displayed:

My Profile > My Login History

System > Users > Login History tab


System > Users > Locked Users tab


My Profile > My Login History screen:

Login history of the currently logged in Staff Member is displayed.

System > Users > Login History tab:

Login history of own Staff Members and Service Users is displayed.

On the SELECTED_STAFF_MEMBER > Login History tab screen:

Login history of Account's Staff Member is displayed.

System > Users > Locked Users tab:

• List of locked Staff Members and Service Users is displayed.

• Lockout history of own Staff Members and Service Users is displayed.

Customer Control Panel


On the Account > More Tools > My Login History:

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List of Privileges and States

Login history of the currently logged in Staff Member is not displayed.

The Account > More Tools > Login History screen is not displayed:


On the Account > More Tools > Login History screen:

Login history of the currently logged in Staff Member is displayed.

On the Account > More Tools > My Login History screen:

Login history of currently logged in Staff Member is displayed.

See also:

All Logins History privilege (on page 31)

System Login History privilege (on page 192)

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List of Privileges and States

Own Reseller's CP Access This privilege controls the ability to log in to Reseller Control Panel of direct child Reseller Accounts from Provider/Reseller Control Panel:

Operation Name / Privilege State Disabled Enabled

Access to own resellers CP Disabled Enabled

Provider Control Panel and Reseller Control Panel


On the SELECTED_RESELLER_ACCOUNT > General tab > Staff Members subtab screen:

The Login and Login as Customer links are not displayed for Staff Members of the direct child Reseller Accounts.


On the SELECTED_RESELLER_ACCOUNT > General tab > Staff Members subtab screen:

The Login and Login as Customer links are not displayed for Staff Members of the direct child Reseller Accounts.

Customer Control Panel

Not applicable.

See also:

Resellers CP Access privilege (on page 170)

All Users privilege (on page 33)

Own Users privilege (on page 148)

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List of Privileges and States

Own Security Configuration This privilege controls the following operations with Roles, Privileges, and Security Configuration of own Account:

Operation Name / Privilege State Disabled View Manage Admin

Add roles to staff members Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Assign own roles Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

Assign roles to staff members Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

Define password expiration policy Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Delete roles from staff members Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Edit privileges for staff members Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Edit roles of staff members Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Unlock locked users Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

View customer roles Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

View own roles Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

View password expiration policy Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

View privileges Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

View privileges for staff members Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

View roles Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

View roles of staff members Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

Provider Control Panel and Reseller Control Panel


The following screens are not displayed:

System > Settings > Security in the Core group > Roles tab

System > Settings > Security in the Core group > Privileges tab


SELECTED_STAFF_MEMBER > Password Expiration tab

System > Users > Locked Users tab:

List of the locked users (Staff Members and Service Users) is displayed.


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List of Privileges and States

System > Settings > Security in the Core group > Roles tab:

• List of Staff Member Roles is displayed.

• Role properties are displayed.

System > Settings > Security in the Core group > Privileges tab:

• List of Staff Member Privileges is displayed.

• Privilege properties are displayed.

On the SELECTED_STAFF_MEMBER > Roles tab screen:

List of the assigned Roles is displayed.

On the SELECTED_STAFF_MEMBER > Password Expiration tab screen:

Password Expiration parameters are displayed.

System > Users > Locked Users tab:

List of the locked users (Staff Members and Service Users) is displayed.


System > Settings > Security in the Core group > Roles tab:

• List of Staff Member Roles is displayed.

• Role properties are displayed.

• Role can be granted or revoked.

System > Settings > Security in the Core group > Privileges tab:

• List of Staff Member Privileges is displayed.

• Privilege properties are displayed.

On the SELECTED_STAFF_MEMBER > Roles tab screen:

• List of the assigned Roles is displayed.

• Role can be granted or revoked.

On the SELECTED_STAFF_MEMBER > Password Expiration tab screen:

Password Expiration parameters are displayed.

System > Users > Locked Users tab:

• List of the locked users (Staff Members and Service Users) is displayed.

• User can be unlocked.

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List of Privileges and States


System > Settings > Security in the Core group > Roles tab:

• List of Staff Member Roles is displayed.

• Role properties are displayed.

• Role can be granted or revoked.

• Role properties can be modified.

• Role can be created or removed.

System > Settings > Security in the Core group > Privileges tab:

• List of Staff Member Privileges is displayed.

• Privilege properties are displayed.

• Privilege properties can be modified.

On the SELECTED_STAFF_MEMBER > Roles tab screen:

• List of the assigned Roles is displayed.

• Role can be granted or revoked.

On the SELECTED_STAFF_MEMBER > Password Expiration tab screen:

• Password Expiration parameters are displayed.

• Password Expiration parameters can be modified.

System > Users > Locked Users tab:

• List of the locked users (Staff Members and Service Users) is displayed.

• User can be unlocked.

Customer Control Panel


The following screens are not displayed:

Account > More Tools > Hosting Roles Configuration

Account > More Tools > Password Expiration Policy

Account > More Tools > Locked Users

Account > Admins > STAFF_MEMBER > Roles tab

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List of Privileges and States

Account > Admins > STAFF_MEMBER > Password Expiration tab


On the Account > More Tools > Hosting Roles Configuration screen:

• List of Roles is displayed.

• Role properties are displayed.

On the Account > More Tools > Password Expiration Policy screen:

Password Expiration Policy configuration is displayed.

On the Account > More Tools > Locked Users screen:

List of the locked users (Staff Members and Service Users) is displayed.

On the Account > Admins > STAFF_MEMBER > Roles tab screen:

List of the assigned Roles is displayed.

On the Account > Admins > STAFF_MEMBER > Password Expiration tab screen:

Password Expiration parameters are displayed.


On the Account > More Tools > Hosting Roles Configuration screen:

• List of Roles is displayed.

• Role properties are displayed.

• Role can be granted or revoked.

On the Account > More Tools > Password Expiration Policy screen:

Password Expiration Policy configuration is displayed.

On the Account > More Tools > Locked Users screen:

• List of the locked users (Staff Members and Service Users) is displayed.

• User can be unlocked.

On the Account > Admins > STAFF_MEMBER > Roles tab screen:

• List of the assigned Roles is displayed.

• Role can be granted or revoked.

On the Account > Admins > STAFF_MEMBER > Password Expiration tab screen:

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List of Privileges and States

Password Expiration parameters are displayed.


On the Account > More Tools > Hosting Roles Configuration screen:

• List of Roles is displayed.

• Role properties are displayed.

• Role can be granted or revoked.

• Role properties can be modified.

• Role can be created or removed.

On the Account > More Tools > Password Expiration Policy screen:

• Password Expiration Policy configuration is displayed.

• Password Expiration Policy configuration can be modified.

On the Account > More Tools > Locked Users screen:

• List of the locked users (Staff Members and Service Users) is displayed.

• User can be unlocked.

On the Account > Admins > STAFF_MEMBER > Roles tab screen:

• List of the assigned Roles is displayed.

• Role can be granted or revoked.

On the Account > Admins > STAFF_MEMBER > Password Expiration tab screen:

• Password Expiration parameters are displayed.

• Password Expiration parameters can be modified.

See also: Security Configuration privilege (on page 172).

Own User This privilege controls the following operations with Staff Member of own account:

Operation Name / Privilege State Disabled View Change Password Change Info

Change regional settings for own user Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Edit own user info Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Edit own user password Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

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List of Privileges and States

Operation Name / Privilege State Disabled View Change Password Change Info

Update language for own user Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

View own user info Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

View own user password Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

Provider Control Panel and Reseller Control Panel

Not applicable.

Customer Control Panel


The Account > Admins > select USER > Login and Password and My Account > User Data > Change Contact Info screens are not displayed.

On the Account > Admins > select USER > Advanced Settings screen:

Regional Settings of Staff Member are displayed.


On the Account > Admins > select USER > Login and Password and My Account > User Data > Change Contact Info screens:

Staff Member properties are displayed.

On the Account > Admins > select USER > Advanced Settings screen:

Regional Settings of Staff Member are displayed.

Change Password

On the Account > Admins screen:

• Staff Member properties are displayed.

• Staff Member password can be modified.

On the Account > Admins > select USER > Advanced Settings screen:

Regional Settings of Staff Member are displayed.


On the Account > Admins screen:

• Staff Member properties are displayed and can be modified.

• Staff Member password and Contact Information can be modified.

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List of Privileges and States

On the Account > Admins > select USER > Advanced Settings screen:

• Regional Settings of Staff Member are displayed.

• Regional Settings can be modified.

See also:

All Users privilege (on page 33)

Own Users privilege (on page 148)

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List of Privileges and States

Own Users This privilege controls the following operations with Staff Members of own account:

Operation Name / Privilege State Disabled View Manage Admin

View staff member notifications Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

Add own account staff members Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Change password for own account staff members

Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

Change regional settings for own account staff members

Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

Create staff members Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Delete own account staff members Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Edit own account staff members Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

Edit own user password Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

Update language for own account staff members

Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

View own account staff members Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

View staff member personal data Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

View staff member system data Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

View staff members Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

Provider Control Panel and Reseller Control Panel


The following screens are not displayed:

System > Users > Users tab > Staff Members subtab

My Profile


System > Users > Users tab > Staff Members subtab:

• List of own Staff Members is displayed.

• Staff Member properties are displayed.

My Profile screen:

• Regional Settings of the currently logged-in Staff Member are displayed.

• SSL Certificates of own Account are displayed.

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List of Privileges and States

• SSL Certificate properties are displayed.

• SSL Certificate can be uploaded, downloaded, created, or removed.


System > Users > Users tab > Staff Members subtab:

• List of own Staff Members is displayed.

• Staff Member properties are displayed.

• Staff Member properties can be modified.

My Profile screen:

• Regional Settings of the currently logged-in Staff Member are displayed.

• SSL Certificates of own Account are displayed.

• SSL Certificate properties are displayed.

• SSL Certificate can be uploaded, downloaded, created, or removed.


System > Users > Users tab > Staff Members subtab:

• List of own Staff Members is displayed.

• Staff Member properties are displayed.

• Staff Member properties can be modified.

• Staff Member can be created or removed.

My Profile screen:

• Regional Settings of the currently logged-in Staff Member are displayed.

• SSL Certificates of own Account are displayed.

• SSL Certificate properties are displayed.

• SSL Certificate can be uploaded, downloaded, created, or removed.

Customer Control Panel


The Account > Admins screen is not displayed.


On the Account > Admins screen:

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List of Privileges and States

• List of Account's Staff Members is displayed.

• Staff Member properties are displayed.


On the Account > Admins screen:

• List of Account's Staff Members is displayed.

• Staff Member properties are displayed.

• Staff Member properties can be modified.


On the Account > Admins screen:

• List of Account's Staff Members is displayed.

• Staff Member properties are displayed.

• Staff Member properties can be modified.

• Staff Member can be created or removed.

See also:

All Users privilege (on page 33)

Own User privilege (on page 145)

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List of Privileges and States

Own VPSs This privilege controls the following operations with VPSs of own account:

Operation Name / Privilege State Disabled View Manage Admin

Add/Remove IP addresses on own VPS Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

View VPS network configuration Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

Deinstall packages from own VPSs Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

Install packages to own VPSs Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

Upgrade packages on own VPSs Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

Delete Parallels Plesk Panel VPSs Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Manage Parallels Plesk Panel VPSs Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

Reinitialize Parallels Plesk Panel in VPSs Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

View Parallels Plesk Panel VPSs Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

Acquire own VPSs Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Change root password for own VPSs Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

Delete own VPSs Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Edit QoS settings for own VPSs Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

Edit own VPS offline-management Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

Migrate own VPS Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Restart own VPSs Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

Start own VPSs Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

Stop own VPSs Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

Switch autoupdate parameter for own VPSs

Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

View VPSs Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

View own VPSs Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

Reload UBC Statistic Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

Provider Control Panel


On the Services > Cloud Infrastructure > VPSs screen:

• List of own VPSs is displayed.

• VPS properties are displayed.


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List of Privileges and States

• List of own VPSs is displayed.

• VPS properties are displayed.


On the Services > Cloud Infrastructure > VPSs screen:

• List of own VPSs is displayed.

• VPS properties are displayed.


• List of own VPSs is displayed.

• VPS properties are displayed.


On the Services > Cloud Infrastructure > VPSs screen:

• List of own VPSs is displayed.

• VPS properties are displayed.

• VPS properties can be modified.

• VPS can be started or restarted.


• List of own VPSs is displayed.

• VPS properties are displayed.

• VPS properties can be modified.

• VPS can be started or restarted.


On the Services > Cloud Infrastructure > VPSs screen:

• List of own VPSs is displayed.

• VPS properties are displayed.

• VPS properties can be modified.

• VPS can be started, stopped, or restarted.

• VPS can be migrated.

• VPS can be created or removed.


• List of own VPSs is displayed.

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List of Privileges and States

• VPS properties are displayed.

• VPS properties can be modified.

• VPS can be started, stopped, or restarted.

• VPS can be migrated.

• VPS can be created or removed.

Reseller Control Panel

Not applicable.

Customer Control Panel

The following screens are not displayed:

VPS Management

Parallels Plesk Panel


On the VPS Management screen:

• VPS properties are displayed.

• List of Application Templates is displayed.

On the Parallels Plesk Panel screen:

Parallels Plesk Panel properties are displayed.


On the VPS Management screen:

• VPS properties are displayed.

• List of Application Templates is displayed.

• VPS properties can be modified.

• VPS can be stopped or started.

• Application Template can be installed or removed.

On the Parallels Plesk Panel screen:

• Parallels Plesk Panel properties are displayed.

• Parallels Plesk Panel properties can be modified.

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List of Privileges and States


On the VPS Management screen:

• VPS properties are displayed.

• List of Application Templates is displayed.

• VPS properties can be modified.

• VPS can be stopped or started.

• Application Template can be installed or removed.

On the Parallels Plesk Panel screen:

• Parallels Plesk Panel properties are displayed.

• Parallels Plesk Panel properties can be modified.

• Parallels Plesk Panel can be re-initialized.

See also:

All VPSs privilege (on page 35)

Hardware Nodes privilege (on page 89)

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List of Privileges and States

Own Websites This privilege controls the following operations with Websites of own Account:

Operation Name / Privilege State Disabled Enabled

View own websites (View websites of own account)

Disabled Enabled

View websites (It is auxiliary operation) Disabled Enabled

Provider Control Panel and Reseller Control Panel


The Services > Web Hosting > Websites screen is not displayed.


On the Services > Web Hosting > Websites screen:

• Websites of own Account are displayed.

• Website properties are displayed.

Customer Control Panel

Not applicable.

See also: Websites privilege (on page 208).

Packages This privilege controls the following operations with POA packages:

Operation Name / Privilege State Disabled View Manage Admin

Install / Update modules Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

Native repositories / Administrate Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Native repositories / Manage Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

Native repositories / View Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

Packaging / Activate PPM mirrors Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Packaging / Add PPM packages Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Packaging / Create PPM group operations

Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

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List of Privileges and States

Operation Name / Privilege State Disabled View Manage Admin

Packaging / Create PPM mirrors Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Packaging / Create duplicate host PPM group operations

Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

Packaging / Deinstall components Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

Packaging / Delete PPM URLs Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Packaging / Delete PPM mirrors Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Packaging / Delete PPM packages Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Packaging / Edit PPM URLs Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

Packaging / Edit PPM mirrors Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Packaging / Edit PPM packages Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Packaging / Install components Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

Packaging / RPM / View RPMs installed to hosts

Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

Packaging / Synchronize PPM mirrors Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Packaging / Upgrade components Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

Packaging / View PPM URLs Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Packaging / View PPM packages Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

Packaging / View PPM repository Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

Packaging / View components Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

Packaging / View packages Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

View modules Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

Provider Control Panel


The following screens are not displayed:

Infrastructure > Native Repositories in the Packages group

Infrastructure > Package Repository in the Packages group

Infrastructure > PPM Group Operations in the Packages group

Infrastructure > Modules in the Packages group

Infrastructure > Hardware Nodes > HARDWARE_NODE > Packages tab

Services > Cloud Infrastructure > VPSs > VPS > Packages tab


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List of Privileges and States

On the Infrastructure > Native Repositories, in the Packages group, screen:

• List of Native Repositories is displayed.

• Native Repository properties are displayed.

On the Infrastructure > Package Repository, in the Packages group, screen:

• List of POA Packages is displayed.

• POA Package properties are displayed.

The Infrastructure > PPM Group Operations, in the Packages group, screen is not displayed.

On the Infrastructure > Hardware Nodes > HARDWARE_NODE > Packages tab and Services > Cloud Infrastructure > VPSs > VPS > Packages tab screens:

• List of Packages is displayed.

• Package properties are displayed.

On the Infrastructure > Modules, in the Packages group, screen:

List of Hosting Modules is displayed.


On the Infrastructure > Native Repositories, in the Packages group, screen:

• List of Native Repositories is displayed.

• Native Repository properties are displayed.

On the Infrastructure > Package Repository, in the Packages group, screen:

• List of POA Packages is displayed.

• POA Package properties are displayed.

• POA Package can be removed.

On the Infrastructure > PPM Group Operations, in the Packages group, screen:

PPM Group Operation can be scheduled.

On the Infrastructure > Hardware Nodes > HARDWARE_NODE > Packages tab and Services > Cloud Infrastructure > VPSs > VPS > Packages tab screens:

• List of Packages is displayed.

• Package properties are displayed.

• POA Package can be installed, upgraded, or uninstalled.

On the Infrastructure > Modules, in the Packages group, screen:

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List of Privileges and States

• List of Hosting Modules is displayed.

• Hosting Module can be installed or updated.


On the Infrastructure > Native Repositories, in the Packages group, screen:

• List of Native Repositories is displayed.

• Native Repository properties are displayed.

• Native Repository can be added, re-indexed, or removed.

On the Infrastructure > Package Repository, in the Packages group, screen:

• List of POA Packages is displayed.

• POA Package properties are displayed.

• POA Package can be added or removed.

• List of PPM Mirrors is displayed.

• PPM Mirror properties are displayed.

• PPM Mirror properties can be modified.

• PPM Mirror can be added or removed.

On the Infrastructure > PPM Group Operations, in the Packages group, screen:

PPM Group Operation can be scheduled.

On the Infrastructure > Hardware Nodes > HARDWARE_NODE > Packages tab and Services > Cloud Infrastructure > VPSs > VPS > Packages tab screens:

• List of Packages is displayed.

• Package properties are displayed.

• POA Package can be installed, upgraded, or uninstalled.

On the Infrastructure > Modules, in the Packages group, screen:

• List of Hosting Modules is displayed.

• Hosting Module can be installed or updated.

Reseller Control Panel and Customer Control Panel

Not applicable.

Postini Management

Page 159: Parallels Operations Automation 5 - · • Modules in this guide are divided into sections, which, in


List of Privileges and States

This privilege controls the following operations with Postini messaging service:

Operation Name / Privilege State Disabled View Manage

Manage Disabled Disabled Enabled

View Disabled Enabled Enabled

Provider Control Panel


Services > E-mail > Postini E-mail Security in the AS/AV group is not displayed.


Services > E-mail > Postini E-mail Security in the AS/AV group:

Postini messaging service configuration is displayed.


Services > E-mail > Postini E-mail Security in the AS/AV group:

• Postini messaging service configuration is displayed.

• Postini messaging service configuration can be modified.

Reseller Control Panel


Services > E-mail > Postini E-mail Security in the AS/AV group is not displayed.


Services > E-mail > Postini E-mail Security in the AS/AV group:

Postini messaging service configuration is displayed.


Services > E-mail > Postini E-mail Security in the AS/AV group:

Postini messaging service configuration is displayed.

Customer Control Panel


Page 160: Parallels Operations Automation 5 - · • Modules in this guide are divided into sections, which, in


List of Privileges and States

The More Services > Postini E-mail Security and Exchange > Mailboxes > MAILBOX > Protection tab screens are not displayed.


On the More Services > Postini E-mail Security and Exchange > Mailboxes > MAILBOX > Protection tab screens:

Postini messaging service configuration is displayed.


On the More Services > Postini E-mail Security and Exchange > Mailboxes > MAILBOX > Protection tab screens:

• Postini messaging service configuration is displayed.

• Postini messaging service configuration can be modified.

Page 161: Parallels Operations Automation 5 - · • Modules in this guide are divided into sections, which, in


List of Privileges and States

Provisioning Configuration This privilege controls the following operations with provisioning configuration:

Operation Name / Privilege State Disabled View Basic Advanced

DNS / Manage Reverse DNS Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

DNS / Manage nameservers Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

DNS / Manage restriction rules Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

DNS / View Reverse DNS Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

DNS / View nameservers Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

DNS / View restriction rules Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

Hosts / Edit host attributes Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Provisioning / Activate service templates Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

Provisioning / Add resource type attributes

Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Provisioning / Add resources to service templates

Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

Provisioning / Add/delete host consumers

Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Provisioning / Create capacities Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Provisioning / Create service templates Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

Provisioning / Deactivate service templates

Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

Provisioning / Delete capacities Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Provisioning / Delete resource type attributes

Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Provisioning / Delete resource types Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Provisioning / Delete resources from service templates

Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

Provisioning / Delete service templates Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

Provisioning / Edit host capacities Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Provisioning / Edit parameters for resource type sub-resources

Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Provisioning / Edit resource type Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Provisioning / Edit resource type params Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Provisioning / Edit service template parameters

Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

Provisioning / Edit service template resources

Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

Page 162: Parallels Operations Automation 5 - · • Modules in this guide are divided into sections, which, in


List of Privileges and States

Operation Name / Privilege State Disabled View Basic Advanced

Provisioning / Edit service templates Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

Provisioning / View capacities Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

Provisioning / View host capacities Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

Provisioning / View resource type Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

Provisioning / View resource type attributes

Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

Provisioning / View resource type params Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

Provisioning / View resource types Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

Provisioning / View service template parameters

Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

Provisioning / View service template resources

Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

Provisioning / View service templates Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

Subscriptions / View service template subscriptions

Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

VPS / Edit VPS attributes Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Provider Control Panel


The following screens are not displayed:

Products > Service Templates

Products > Resources

Products > Resources, the Attributes tab

Services > Domains, the Reverse DNS Zones subtab of the DNS tab

Services > Domains, the Nameservers subtab of the DNS tab

Services > Domains, the Restriction Rules subtab of the DNS tab

On the SELECTED_VPS_HARDWARE_NODE > General tab, SELECTED_VPS > General tab, and SELECTED_HARDWARE_NODE > General tab screens:

• List of Capacities is displayed.

• Provisioning configuration is displayed.


On the Products > Service Templates screen:

Page 163: Parallels Operations Automation 5 - · • Modules in this guide are divided into sections, which, in


List of Privileges and States

• List of Service Templates is displayed.

• Service Template properties are displayed.

On the Products > Resources screen:

• List of Resource Types is displayed.

• Resource Type properties are displayed.

At the Attributes tab of the Products > Resources screen:

• List of Provisioning Attributes is displayed.

• Provisioning Attribute properties are displayed.

On the following screen: Services > Domains, the Reverse DNS Zones subtab of the DNS tab:

• List of Reverse DNS Zones is displayed.

• Reverse DNS Zone properties are displayed.

On the following screen: Services > Domains, the Nameservers subtab of the DNS tab:

• List of Nameservers is displayed.

• Nameserver properties are displayed.

On the following screen: Services > Domains, the Restriction Rules subtab of the DNS tab:

• List of DNS Restriction Rules is displayed.

• DNS Restriction Rule properties are displayed.

On the SELECTED_VPS_HARDWARE_NODE > General tab, SELECTED_VPS > General tab, and SELECTED_HARDWARE_NODE > General tab screens:

• List of Capacities is displayed.

• Provisioning configuration is displayed.


On the Products > Service Templates screen:

• List of Service Templates is displayed.

• Service Template properties are displayed.

• Service Template properties can be modified.

• Service Template can be created, cloned, or removed.

On the Products > Resources screen:

• List of Resource Types is displayed.

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List of Privileges and States

• Resource Type properties are displayed.

• Resource Type properties can be modified.

• Resource Type can be created.

At the Attributes tab of the Products > Resources screen:

• List of Provisioning Attributes is displayed.

• Provisioning Attribute properties are displayed.

• Provisioning Attribute properties can be modified.

• Provisioning Attribute can be created or removed.

On the following screen: Services > Domains, the Reverse DNS Zones subtab of the DNS tab:

• List of Reverse DNS Zones is displayed.

• Reverse DNS Zone properties are displayed.

On the following screen: Services > Domains, the Nameservers subtab of the DNS tab:

• List of Nameservers is displayed.

• Nameserver properties are displayed.

On the following screen: Services > Domains, the Restriction Rules subtab of the DNS tab:

• List of DNS Restriction Rules is displayed.

• DNS Restriction Rule properties are displayed.

On the SELECTED_VPS_HARDWARE_NODE > General tab, SELECTED_VPS > General tab, and SELECTED_HARDWARE_NODE > General tab screens:

• List of Capacities is displayed.

• Provisioning configuration is displayed.


On the Products > Service Templates screen:

• List of Service Templates is displayed.

• Service Template properties are displayed.

• Service Template properties can be modified.

• Service Template can be created, cloned, or removed.

• Activation Parameters of Service Template are displayed.

• Activation Parameters of Service Template can be modified.

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List of Privileges and States

On the Products > Resources screen:

• List of Resource Types is displayed.

• Resource Type properties are displayed.

• Resource Type properties can be modified.

• Resource Type can be created or removed.

• Activation Parameters of Resource Type are displayed.

• Activation Parameters of Resource Type can be modified.

At the Attributes tab of the Products > Resources screen:

• List of Provisioning Attributes is displayed.

• Provisioning Attribute properties are displayed.

• Provisioning Attribute properties can be modified.

• Provisioning Attribute can be created or removed.

On the following screen: Services > Domains, the Reverse DNS Zones subtab of the DNS tab:

• List of Reverse DNS Zones is displayed.

• Reverse DNS Zone properties are displayed.

• Reverse DNS Zone properties can be modified.

• Reverse DNS Zone can be created or removed.

On the following screen: Services > Domains, the Nameservers subtab of the DNS tab:

• List of Nameservers is displayed.

• Nameserver properties are displayed.

• External Nameserver can be registered or unregistered.

• External Nameserver properties can be modified.

On the following screen: Services > Domains, the Restriction Rules subtab of the DNS tab:

• List of DNS Restriction Rules is displayed.

• DNS Restriction Rule properties are displayed.

• DNS Restriction Rule properties can be modified.

• DNS Restriction Rule can be created or removed.

On the SELECTED_VPS_HARDWARE_NODE > General tab, SELECTED_VPS > General tab, and SELECTED_HARDWARE_NODE > General tab screens:

• List of Capacities is displayed.

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List of Privileges and States

• Provisioning configuration is displayed.

• Provisioning Attributes can be assigned or revoked.

• Capacities can be modified.

• Provisioning configuration can be modified.

Reseller Control Panel


The Products > Service Templates screen is not displayed.


On the Products > Service Templates screen:

• List of Service Templates is displayed.

• Service Template properties are displayed.


On the Products > Service Templates screen:

• List of Service Templates is displayed.

• Service Template properties are displayed.

• Service Template properties can be modified.

• Service Template can be created, cloned, or removed.


On the Products > Service Templates screen:

• List of Service Templates is displayed.

• Service Template properties are displayed.

• Service Template properties can be modified.

• Service Template can be created, cloned, or removed.

• Activation Parameters of Service Template are displayed.

• Activation Parameters of Service Template can be modified.

Customer Control Panel

Not applicable.

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List of Privileges and States

Public API Management This privilege controls the following operations with POA Public API configuration:

Operation Name / Privilege State Disabled View Settings Change Settings

Change Settings Disabled Disabled Enabled

View Settings Disabled Enabled Enabled

Provider Control Panel


System > Settings > Public API in the Integration group is not displayed.

View Settings

System > Settings > Public API in the Integration group:

POA Public API configuration parameters are displayed.

Change Settings

System > Settings > Public API in the Integration group:

• POA Public API configuration parameters are displayed.

• POA Public API configuration parameters can be modified.

Reseller Control Panel and Customer Control Panel

Not applicable.

Reseller Accounts This privilege controls the following operations with child Reseller Accounts:

Operation Name / Privilege State Disabled View Manage Admin

Admin resellers Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Create resellers Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Delete accounts Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Disable accounts Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Edit accounts Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

Page 168: Parallels Operations Automation 5 - · • Modules in this guide are divided into sections, which, in


List of Privileges and States

Operation Name / Privilege State Disabled View Manage Admin

Enable accounts Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Manage resellers Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

View accounts (View direct child Accounts)

Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

View all accounts (View indirect child Accounts)

Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

View all resellers (View indirect child Reseller Accounts)

Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

View resellers (View direct child Reseller Accounts)

Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

Provider Control Panel and Reseller Control Panel


The following screens are not displayed:

Operations > Resellers

SELECTED_RESELLER_ACCOUNT > Accounts tab > Resellers subtab


Operations > Resellers:

• List of Reseller Accounts is displayed. This list contains all child Reseller Accounts.

• Reseller Accounts' properties are displayed.

On the SELECTED_RESELLER_ACCOUNT > Accounts tab > Resellers subtab screen:

• List of Reseller Accounts is displayed. This list contains all child Reseller Accounts of the selected Reseller Account.

• Reseller Accounts' properties are displayed.


Operations > Resellers:

• List of Reseller Accounts is displayed. This list contains all child Reseller Accounts.

• Reseller Accounts' properties are displayed.

• Reseller Accounts' properties can be modified.

On the SELECTED_RESELLER_ACCOUNT > Accounts tab > Resellers subtab screen:

• List of Reseller Accounts is displayed. This list contains all child Reseller Accounts of the selected Reseller Account.

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List of Privileges and States

• Reseller Accounts' properties are displayed.

• Reseller Accounts' properties can be modified.


Operations > Resellers:

• List of Reseller Accounts is displayed. This list contains all child Reseller Accounts.

• Reseller Accounts' properties are displayed.

• Reseller Accounts' properties can be modified.

• Reseller Account can be created or removed.

• Reseller Account can be made enabled or disabled.

On the SELECTED_RESELLER_ACCOUNT > Accounts tab > Reseller subtab screen:

• List of Reseller Accounts is displayed. This list contains all child Reseller Accounts of the selected Reseller Account.

• Reseller Accounts' properties are displayed.

• Reseller Accounts' properties can be modified.

• Reseller Account can be created or removed.

• Reseller Account can be made enabled or disabled.

Customer Control Panel

Not applicable.


1. Provider/Reseller Account can be an owner of the subordinated Reseller/Customer Accounts. These Reseller/Customer Accounts are direct child Accounts of the Provider/Reseller Account. For example, the HostingCompany Provider Account owns the ResellerLevel1 and CustomerLevel1 Accounts. The ResellerLevel1 and CustomerLevel1 Accounts are the direct child Accounts of the HostingCompany Provider Account. The ResellerLevel1 Account is the direct child Reseller Account of the HostingCompany Provider Account. The CustomerLevel1 Account is the direct child Customer Account of the HostingCompany Provider Account.

In turn, the Reseller Account can be an owner of the subordinated Reseller/Customer Accounts, which are indirect child Accounts of the top-level Provider/Reseller Accounts. For example, the ResellerLevel1 Account owns the ResellerLevel2 and CustomerLevel2 Accounts. In this case, the ResellerLevel2 and CustomerLevel2 Accounts are the indirect child Accounts of the HostingCompany Provider Account. The ResellerLevel2 Account is the indirect child Reseller Account of the HostingCompany Provider Account. The CustomerLevel2 Account is the indirect child Customer Account of the HostingCompany Provider Account.

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List of Privileges and States

2. The View accounts and View all accounts operations are the 'system' operations, which are used for internal purposes only.

Resellers CP Access This privilege controls the ability to log in to Reseller Control Panel of all child Reseller Accounts from Provider/Reseller Control Panel:

Operation Name / Privilege State Disabled Enabled

Access to all resellers CP Disabled Enabled

Access to own resellers CP Disabled Enabled

Access to reseller CP Disabled Enabled

Provider Control Panel and Reseller Control Panel


On the SELECTED_RESELLER_ACCOUNT > General tab > Staff Members subtab screen:

The Login and Login as Customer links are not displayed for Staff Members of the child Reseller Accounts.


On the SELECTED_RESELLER_ACCOUNT > General tab > Staff Members subtab screen:

The Login and Login as Customer links are not displayed for Staff Members of the child Reseller Accounts.

Customer Control Panel

Not applicable.

See also:

Own Reseller's CP Access privilege (on page 140)

All Users privilege (on page 33)

Own Users privilege (on page 148)

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List of Privileges and States

Scheduled Applications Management This privilege controls the following operations with Scheduled Applications:

Operation Name / Privilege State Disabled View Edit

Activate crontab entries Disabled Disabled Enabled

Create crontab entries Disabled Disabled Enabled

Deactivate crontab entries Disabled Disabled Enabled

Delete crontab entries Disabled Disabled Enabled

Edit crontab entries Disabled Disabled Enabled

View crontab entries Disabled Enabled Enabled

View scheduled applications for webspace

Disabled Enabled Enabled

Provider Control Panel and Reseller Control Panel

Not applicable.

Customer Control Panel


The Hosting > Configuration & Administration > Webspace > Cron Management > Scheduled Applications tab screen is not displayed.


On the Hosting > Configuration & Administration > Webspace > Cron Management > Scheduled Applications tab screen:

• List of Scheduled Applications is displayed.

• Scheduled Application properties are displayed.


On the Hosting > Configuration & Administration > Webspace > Cron Management > Scheduled Applications tab screen:

• List of Scheduled Applications is displayed.

• Scheduled Application properties are displayed.

• Scheduled Application properties can be modified.

• Scheduled Application can be activated or deactivated.

• Scheduled Application can be created or removed.

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List of Privileges and States

See also: Crontabs Management privilege (on page 55).

Security Configuration This privilege controls the following operations with Roles, Privileges, and System Security Configuration for child Accounts:

Operation Name / Privilege State Disabled View Manage Admin

Add customer roles Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Add reseller roles Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Assign roles for all users Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

Assign roles to customers Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

Assign roles to reseller users Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

Delete customer roles Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Delete reseller roles Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Edit customer privileges Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Edit customer roles Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Edit password quality level Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Edit reseller privileges Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Edit reseller roles Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Unlock locked users Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

View customer privileges Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

View customer roles Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

View password quality configuration Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

View privileges Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

View privileges for all users Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

View reseller privileges Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

View reseller roles Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

View roles Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

View roles for all users Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

View security Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

View security configuration Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

Provider Control Panel and Reseller Control Panel


Page 173: Parallels Operations Automation 5 - · • Modules in this guide are divided into sections, which, in


List of Privileges and States

The following screens are not displayed:

System > Settings > Security in the Core group > Roles tab

System > Settings > Security in the Core group > Privileges tab

System > Settings > Security in the Core group > Setup tab




System > Users > Locked Users tab:

List of the locked users (Staff Members and Service Users) is displayed.


System > Settings > Security in the Core group > Roles tab:

• List of Reseller/Customer Roles is displayed.

• Role properties are displayed.

System > Settings > Security in the Core group > Privileges tab:

• List of Reseller/Customer Privileges is displayed.

• Privilege properties are displayed.

System > Settings > Security in the Core group > Setup tab:

Security Configuration is displayed.

System > Users > Locked Users tab:

List of the locked users (Staff Members and Service Users) is displayed.

On the SELECTED_STAFF_MEMBER > Roles tab screen:

List of the granted Roles is displayed.

On the SELECTED_RESELLER_ACCOUNT > Security tab and SELECTED_CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT > Security tab screens:

• List of Account's Roles is displayed.

• Role properties are displayed.

• List of Privileges is displayed.

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List of Privileges and States

• Privilege properties are displayed.

• Security Configuration is displayed.


System > Settings > Security in the Core group > Roles tab:

• List of Reseller/Customer Roles is displayed.

• Role properties are displayed.

• Role properties can be modified.

System > Settings > Security in the Core group > Privileges tab:

• List of Reseller/Customer Privileges is displayed.

• Privilege properties are displayed.

• Privilege properties can be modified.

System > Settings > Security in the Core group > Setup tab:

Security Configuration is displayed.

System > Users > Locked Users tab:

• List of the locked users (Staff Members and Service Users) is displayed.

• User can be unlocked.

On the SELECTED_STAFF_MEMBER > Roles tab screen:

• List of the granted Roles is displayed.

• Role can be granted ot revoked.

On the SELECTED_RESELLER_ACCOUNT > Security tab and SELECTED_CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT > Security tab screens:

• List of Account's Roles is displayed.

• Role properties are displayed.

• List of Privileges is displayed.

• Privilege properties are displayed.

• Security Configuration is displayed.

• Role can be granted ot revoked.


System > Settings > Security in the Core group > Roles tab:

• List of Reseller/Customer Roles is displayed.

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List of Privileges and States

• Role properties are displayed.

• Role properties can be modified.

• Reseller/Customer Role can be created.

System > Settings > Security in the Core group > Privileges tab:

• List of Reseller/Customer Privileges is displayed.

• Privilege properties are displayed.

• Privilege properties can be modified.

System > Settings > Security in the Core group > Setup tab:

Security Configuration is displayed.

System > Users > Locked Users tab:

• List of the locked users (Staff Members and Service Users) is displayed.

• User can be unlocked.

On the SELECTED_STAFF_MEMBER > Roles tab screen:

• List of the granted Roles is displayed.

• Role can be granted ot revoked.

On the SELECTED_RESELLER_ACCOUNT > Security tab and SELECTED_CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT > Security tab screens:

• List of Account's Roles is displayed.

• Role properties are displayed.

• List of Privileges is displayed.

• Privilege properties are displayed.

• Security Configuration is displayed.

• Role can be granted ot revoked.

• Security Configuration can be modified.

Customer Control Panel

Not applicable.

See also: Own Security Configuration privilege (on page 141).

Server Management

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List of Privileges and States

This privilege controls the following operations with Hosts:

Operation Name / Privilege State Disabled View Edit Admin

View host applications Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

View customer services on host Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

View host packages Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Provider Control Panel

Disabled, View, and Edit

The following screens are not displayed:

Services > Cloud Infrastructure > VPSs in the Virtuozzo group > VPS > Customer services tab

Services > Cloud Infrastructure > VPSs in the Virtuozzo group > VPS > Applications tab

Services > Cloud Infrastructure > VPSs in the Virtuozzo group > VPS > Packages tab

Infrastructure > Hardware Nodes > HARDWARE_NODE > Customer services tab

Infrastructure > Hardware Nodes > HARDWARE_NODE > Applications tab

Infrastructure > Hardware Nodes > HARDWARE_NODE > Packages tab


Services > Cloud Infrastructure > VPSs in the Virtuozzo group > VPS > Customer services tab and Infrastructure > Hardware Nodes > HARDWARE_NODE > Customer services tab screens:

• List of Customer Services is displayed.

• Customer Service properties are displayed.

Services > Cloud Infrastructure > VPSs in the Virtuozzo group > VPS > Applications tab and Infrastructure > Hardware Nodes > HARDWARE_NODE > Applications tab screens:

• List of Applications is displayed.

• Application properties are displayed.

On the Services > Cloud Infrastructure > VPSs in the Virtuozzo group > VPS > Packages tab and Infrastructure > Hardware Nodes > HARDWARE_NODE > Packages tab screens:

• List of POA Packages is displayed.

• Package properties are displayed.

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List of Privileges and States

Reseller Control Panel and Customer Control Panel

Not applicable.

See also:

All VPSs privilege (on page 35)

Own VPSs privilege (on page 151)

Hardware Nodes privilege (on page 89)

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List of Privileges and States

Service Users Management This privilege controls the following operations with Service Users:

Operation Name / Privilege State Disabled View Manage Admin

Manage Service Users / Admin Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

Manage Service Users / View Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

Service Users / Add/remove Service Users, change Service Users' properties and password

Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Service Users / Add/remove Service Users, change Service Users' properties

Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

Service Users / Change Service User's (mailname) password

Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Service Users / View Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

Provider Control Panel and Reseller Control Panel


The following screens are not displayed:

System > Users > Users tab > Service Users subtab

SELECTED_RESELLER_ACCOUNT > General tab > Service Users subtab

SELECTED_CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT > General tab > Service Users subtab


System > Users > Users tab > Service Users subtab:

• List of all Service Users is displayed.

• Service User properties are displayed.

On the SELECTED_RESELLER_ACCOUNT > General tab > Service Users subtab and SELECTED_CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT > General tab > Service Users subtab screens:

• List of Account's Service Users is displayed.

• Service User properties are displayed.


System > Users > Users tab > Service Users subtab:

• List of all Service Users is displayed.

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List of Privileges and States

• Service User properties are displayed.

On the SELECTED_RESELLER_ACCOUNT > General tab > Service Users subtab and SELECTED_CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT > General tab > Service Users subtab screens:

• List of Account's Service Users is displayed.

• Service User properties are displayed.


System > Users > Users tab > Service Users subtab:

• List of all Service Users is displayed.

• Service User properties are displayed.

On the SELECTED_RESELLER_ACCOUNT > General tab > Service Users subtab and SELECTED_CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT > General tab > Service Users subtab screens:

• List of Account's Service Users is displayed.

• Service User properties are displayed.

Customer Control Panel


Users screen is not displayed.


Users screen:

• List of Account's Service Users is displayed.

• Service User properties are displayed.


Users screen:

• List of Account's Service Users is displayed.

• Service User properties are displayed.

• Service User properties can be modified.

• Service User can be made enabled or disabled.

• Service User can be created or removed.


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List of Privileges and States

Users screen:

• List of Account's Service Users is displayed.

• Service User properties are displayed.

• Service User properties can be modified.

• Service User can be made enabled or disabled.

• Service User can be created or removed.

• Service User password can be modified.

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List of Privileges and States

Sessions This privilege controls the following operations with POA UI Sessions:

Operation Name / Privilege State Disabled View Manage

Change session timeouts Disabled Disabled Enabled

Kill active sessions Disabled Disabled Enabled

View active sessions Disabled Enabled Enabled

View session timeouts Disabled Enabled Enabled

Provider Control Panel and Reseller Control Panel


The following screens are not displayed:

System > Users > Sessions tab

SELECTED_STAFF_MEMBER > Session Timeout tab


System > Users > Sessions tab:

• List of active Sessions is displayed.

• Session properties are displayed.

• The Default Session Timeout property is displayed (for Provider Account).

On the SELECTED_STAFF_MEMBER > Session Timeout tab screen:

The Session Timeout parameter is displayed.


System > Users > Sessions tab:

• List of active Sessions is displayed.

• Session properties are displayed.

• The Default Session Timeout property is displayed (for Provider Account).

• Session can be terminated.

• A value of the Default Session Timeout parameter can be modified (for Provider Account).

On the SELECTED_STAFF_MEMBER > Session Timeout tab screen:

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List of Privileges and States

• The Session Timeout parameter is displayed.

• A value of the Session Timeout parameter can be modified.

Customer Control Panel

Not applicable.

Setup VPS Hosting This privilege controls the following operations with VPS Hosting configuration:

Operation Name / Privilege State Disabled View Admin

Add RAM QoS Presets Disabled Disabled Enabled

Add backup job Disabled Disabled Enabled

Change attribute of backup job Disabled Disabled Enabled

Delete RAM QoS Presets Disabled Disabled Enabled

Delete backup job Disabled Disabled Enabled

Disable backup job Disabled Disabled Enabled

Edit RAM QoS Presets Disabled Disabled Enabled

Edit backup job Disabled Disabled Enabled

Edit destination of backup job Disabled Disabled Enabled

Edit general settings Disabled Disabled Enabled

Edit migration limits Disabled Disabled Enabled

Edit period of backup job Disabled Disabled Enabled

Enable backup job Disabled Disabled Enabled

View menu Disabled Enabled Enabled

Provider Control Panel


Services > Cloud Infrastructure > Setup in the Virtuozzo group is not displayed.


Services > Cloud Infrastructure > Setup in the Virtuozzo group:

• VPS Hosting configuration is displayed.

• VPS Backup Jobs are displayed.

• VPS Backup Job properties are displayed.

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List of Privileges and States

• Migration settings are displayed.

• List of VPS RAM QoS Presets is displayed.

• VPS RAM QoS Preset properties are displayed.


Services > Cloud Infrastructure > Setup in the Virtuozzo group:

• VPS Hosting configuration is displayed.

• VPS Backup Jobs are displayed.

• VPS Backup Job properties are displayed.

• Migration settings are displayed.

• List of VPS RAM QoS Presets is displayed.

• VPS RAM QoS Preset properties are displayed.

• VPS Hosting configuration can be modified.

• VPS Backup Job can be created or removed.

• VPS Backup Job properties can be modified.

• Migration settings can be modified.

• VPS RAM QoS Preset properties can be modified.

• VPS RAM QoS Preset can be created or removed.

Reseller Control Panel and Customer Control Panel

Not applicable.

SPLA Reports This privilege controls the following operations with SPLA reports:

Operation Name / Privilege State Disabled Enabled

View CRM SPLA Reports Disabled Enabled

View Exchange SPLA Reports Disabled Enabled

Provider Control Panel


Services > E-mail > Other in the Hosted Exchange group > SPLA Reports and Services > Collaboration > SPLA Reports in the Hosted Dynamics CRM group are not displayed.

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List of Privileges and States


Services > E-mail > Other in the Hosted Exchange group > SPLA Reports and Services > Collaboration > SPLA Reports in the Hosted Dynamics CRM group:

• List of Hosted Exchange SPLA Reports are displayed.

• List of Hosted CRM SPLA Reports are displayed.

Reseller Control Panel and Customer Control Panel

Not applicable.

Streaming Media Configuration This privilege controls the following operations with Streaming Media service configuration:

Operation Name / Privilege State Disabled View Manage Admin

Admin Streaming Media publishing points

Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Edit Streaming Media publishing points Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

View Streaming Media publishing points Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

Provider Control Panel and Reseller Control Panel

Not applicable.

Customer Control Panel


The Hosting > Configuration & Administration > Streaming Media screen is not displayed.


On the Hosting > Configuration & Administration > Streaming Media screen:

• List of Streaming Media Publishing Points is displayed.

• Streaming Media Publishing Point properties are displayed.

• Media storage login link is displayed.


On the Hosting > Configuration & Administration > Streaming Media screen:

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List of Privileges and States

• List of Streaming Media Publishing Points is displayed.

• Streaming Media Publishing Point properties are displayed.

• Media storage login link is displayed.

• Streaming Media Publishing Point properties can be modified.


On the Hosting > Configuration & Administration > Streaming Media screen:

• List of Streaming Media Publishing Points is displayed.

• Streaming Media Publishing Point properties are displayed.

• Media storage login link is displayed.

• Streaming Media Publishing Point properties can be modified.

• Streaming Media Publishing Point can be created or removed.

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List of Privileges and States

Subdomains This privilege controls the following operations with sub-domains:

Operation Name / Privilege State Disabled Enabled

Create sub-domain Disabled Enabled

Create wildcard domain Disabled Enabled

View sub-domains Disabled Enabled

Delete apache sub-domains Disabled Enabled

Edit apache sub-domains Disabled Enabled

View IIS sub-domains Disabled Enabled

Provider Control Panel and Reseller Control Panel

Not applicable.

Customer Control Panel


On the All Domains and Hosting > Configuration & Administration > Domain Overview > Domain Administration screens:

• List of sub-domains is displayed.

• Sub-domain properties are displayed.


On the All Domains and Hosting > Configuration & Administration > Domain Overview > Domain Administration screens:

• List of sub-domains is displayed.

• Sub-domain properties are displayed.

• Sub-domain properties can be modified.

• Sub-domain can be created or removed.

See also:

Own Domains privilege (on page 134)

DNS Configuration privilege (on page 69)

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List of Privileges and States

Subscriptions This privilege controls the following operations with Subscriptions:

Operation Name / Privilege State Disabled View Manage Admin

Upgrade Exchange organization from Exchange 2003 to Exchange 2007

Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

View resource usage Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

Change resource limits Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Create subscriptions Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

Delete subscriptions Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

Disable subscriptions Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

Edit subscriptions Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

Switch to another ST Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

Upgrade service template subscriptions Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Upgrade subscriptions Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

View all subscriptions Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

View subscriptions Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

Provider Control Panel and Reseller Control Panel


The following screens are not displayed:

Operations > Subscriptions

Products > Resources, the Resource Usage tab




Operations > Subscriptions:

• Subscriptions of the indirect child Account's are displayed.

• Subscription properties are displayed.

Products > Resources, the Resource Usage tab:

Account's Resource Usage statistics is displayed.

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List of Privileges and States

On the SELECTED_RESELLER_ACCOUNT > Subscriptions tab screen:

• Account's Subscriptions are displayed.

• Subscriptions of the indirect child Account's are displayed.

• Subscription properties are displayed.

• Account's Resource Usage statistics is displayed.

On the SELECTED_CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT > Subscriptions tab screen:

• Account's Subscriptions are displayed.

• Subscription properties are displayed.

• Account's Resource Usage statistics is displayed.


Operations > Subscriptions:

• Subscriptions of the indirect child Account's are displayed.

• Subscription properties are displayed.

• Subscription can be created or removed.

Products > Resources, the Resource Usage tab:

Account's Resource Usage statistics is displayed.

On the SELECTED_RESELLER_ACCOUNT > Subscriptions tab screen:

• Account's Subscriptions are displayed.

• Subscriptions of the indirect child Account's are displayed.

• Subscription properties are displayed.

• Account's Resource Usage statistics is displayed.

• Subscription properties can be modified.

• Subscription can be created or removed.

• Subsciption can be made enabled or disabled.

• Service Template of Subsciption can be switched.

On the SELECTED_CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT > Subscriptions tab screen:

• Account's Subscriptions are displayed.

• Subscription properties are displayed.

• Account's Resource Usage statistics is displayed.

• Subscription properties can be modified.

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List of Privileges and States

• Subscription can be created or removed.

• Subsciption can be made enabled or disabled.

• Service Template of Subsciption can be switched.


Operations > Subscriptions:

• Subscriptions of the indirect child Account's are displayed.

• Subscription properties are displayed.

• Subscription can be created or removed.

Products > Resources, the Resource Usage tab:

Account's Resource Usage statistics is displayed.

On the SELECTED_RESELLER_ACCOUNT > Subscriptions tab screen:

• Account's Subscriptions are displayed.

• Subscriptions of the indirect child Account's are displayed.

• Subscription properties are displayed.

• Account's Resource Usage statistics is displayed.

• Subscription properties can be modified.

• Subscription can be created or removed.

• Subsciption can be made enabled or disabled.

• Service Template of Subsciption can be switched.

• Subscription limits can be modified.

• Subscription can be upgraded.

On the SELECTED_CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT > Subscriptions tab screen:

• Account's Subscriptions are displayed.

• Subscription properties are displayed.

• Account's Resource Usage statistics is displayed.

• Subscription properties can be modified.

• Subscription can be created or removed.

• Subsciption can be made enabled or disabled.

• Service Template of Subsciption can be switched.

• Subscription limits can be modified.

• Subscription can be upgraded.

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List of Privileges and States

Customer Control Panel

Not applicable.

See also: View Own Subscriptions privilege (on page 196)

System Configuration This privilege controls the following operations with POA system configuration:

Operation Name / Privilege State Disabled View Manage

Customization / Edit system-wide properties

Disabled Disabled Enabled

Customization / View system-wide properties

Disabled Enabled Enabled

DNS / View DNS services Disabled Enabled Enabled

Localization / Add file Disabled Disabled Enabled

Localization / Add locale Disabled Disabled Enabled

Localization / Delete file Disabled Disabled Enabled

Localization / Delete locale Disabled Disabled Enabled

Localization / Edit locale properties Disabled Disabled Enabled

Localization / View locale properties Disabled Enabled Enabled

NTP / View TSS services Disabled Enabled Enabled

Notifications / Edit mail-messenger configuration

Disabled Disabled Enabled

Notifications / View mail-messenger configuration

Disabled Enabled Enabled

Packaging / View PPM mirrors Disabled Enabled Enabled

Services / View service controllers Disabled Enabled Enabled

Provider Control Panel


The following screens are not displayed:

Infrastructure > Service Controllers in the System Services group

System > Settings > System Properties in the Core group


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List of Privileges and States

Infrastructure > Service Controllers in the System Services group:

• List of Service Controllers is displayed.

• Service Controller properties are displayed.

System > Settings > System Properties in the Core group:

System Properties are displayed.


Infrastructure > Service Controllers in the System Services group:

• List of Service Controllers is displayed.

• Service Controller properties are displayed.

• Service Controller properties can be modified.

System > Settings > System Properties in the Core group:

• System Properties are displayed.

• System Properties can be modified.

Reseller Control Panel


System > Settings > System Properties in the Core group is not displayed.


System > Settings > System Properties in the Core group:

System Properties are displayed.


System > Settings > System Properties in the Core group:

• System Properties are displayed.

• System Properties can be modified.

Customer Control Panel

Not applicable.

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List of Privileges and States

System Login History This privilege controls the following operations with login history configuration:

Operation Name / Privilege State Disabled View Manage

Edit login history configuration Disabled Disabled Enabled

View login history configuration Disabled Enabled Enabled

View whole login history Disabled Enabled Enabled

Provider Control Panel and Reseller Control Panel


System > Users > Login History tab > Setup subtab screen is not displayed.


System > Users > Login History tab > Setup subtab screen:

Login history configuration is displayed.


System > Users > Login History tab > Setup subtab screen:

• Login history configuration is displayed.

• Login history configuration can be modified.

Customer Control Panel

Not applicable.

See also:

All Logins History privilege (on page 31)

Own Login History privilege (on page 138)

Security Configuration privilege (on page 172)

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List of Privileges and States

Tasks This privilege controls the following operations with POA tasks:

Operation Name / Privilege State Disabled View Manage Admin

Advanced tasks Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Simple tasks Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

View tasks Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

Provider Control Panel


The following screens are not displayed:

Operations > Tasks

System > Settings > Resources Usage Log Settings in the Events & Logs group


Operations > Tasks:

• Task list is displayed.

• Task properties are displayed.

System > Settings > Resources Usage Log Settings in the Events & Logs group is not displayed.


Operations > Tasks:

• Task list is displayed.

• Task properties are displayed.

• Task can be started.

• Period of task can be modified.

System > Settings > Resources Usage Log Settings in the Events & Logs group is not displayed.


Operations > Tasks:

• Task list is displayed.

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List of Privileges and States

• Task properties are displayed.

• Task can be started.

• Period of task can be modified.

• Task can be canceled or removed.

• Task log settings can be modified.

System > Settings > Resources Usage Log Settings in the Events & Logs group:

• Resource usage log retention settings are displayed.

• Resource usage log retention settings can be modified.

Reseller Control Panel and Customer Control Panel

Not applicable.

User Repository Access This privilege controls the following operations with User Repository:

Operation Name / Privilege State Disabled Enabled

View account repository Disabled Enabled

Provider Control Panel and Reseller Control Panel


The following screens are not displayed:

My Profile > User Repository in the Personal Data group

SELECTED_RESELLER_ACCOUNT > General tab > Repository subtab

SELECTED_CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT > General tab > Repository subtab


On the My Profile > User Repository in the Personal Data group, SELECTED_RESELLER_ACCOUNT > General tab > Repository subtab, and SELECTED_CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT > General tab > Repository subtab screens:

• List of User Repository Items is displayed.

• User Repository Item properties are displayed.

• User Repository Item can be uploaded, downloaded. or removed.

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List of Privileges and States

Customer Control Panel


The My Account > Account Data > User Repository screen is not displayed.


On the My Account > Account Data > User Repository screen:

• List of User Repository Items is displayed.

• User Repository Item properties are displayed.

• User Repository Item can be uploaded, downloaded. or removed.

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List of Privileges and States

View Own Subscriptions This privilege controls the following operations with subscriptions of own account:

Operation Name / Privilege State Disabled Enabled

View all subscriptions Disabled Enabled

View own subscriptions Disabled Enabled

Provider Control Panel and Reseller Control Panel


Operations > Subscriptions screen is not displayed:


Operations > Subscriptions screen:

• Own Subscriptions are displayed (for Reseller Account).

• Subscriptions of the direct child Account's are displayed.

• Subscription properties are displayed.

Customer Control Panel


On the Select Subscription screen:

• List of Subscriptions is displayed.

• Subscription properties are displayed.

The My Account > Account Data > Subscriptions screen is not displayed.


On the Select Subscription screen:

• List of Subscriptions is displayed.

• Subscription properties are displayed.

• Subscription can be marked as 'Default Subscription'.

• Subscription can be selected.

On the My Account > Account Data > Subscriptions screen:

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List of Privileges and States

• List of Subscriptions is displayed.

• Subscription properties are displayed.

See also: Subscriptions privilege (on page 187)

VZ Templates This privilege controls the following operations with PVC templates:

Operation Name / Privilege State Disabled View Manage Admin

Packaging / Deinstall VPS packages Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

Packaging / Deinstall packages from own VPSs

Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

Packaging / Install VPS packages Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

Packaging / Install packages to own VPSs

Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

Packaging / Upgrade VPS packages Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

Packaging / Upgrade packages on own VPSs

Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

VZ Templates / Add VZ templates Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

VZ Templates / Associate VZ templates with HW nodes

Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

VZ Templates / Deinstall VZ templates Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

VZ Templates / Delete VZ templates Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

VZ Templates / Install VZ templates Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

VZ Templates / Synchronize VZ templates

Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

VZ Templates / View VZ templates Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

Provider Control Panel


The following screens are not displayed:

Services > Cloud Infrastructure > Application Templates in the Virtuozzo group

Services > Cloud Infrastructure > OS Templates in the Virtuozzo group


SELECTED_VPS > Application Templates tab

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List of Privileges and States


Services > Cloud Infrastructure > Application Templates in the Virtuozzo group:

• List of Application Templates is displayed.

• Application Template properties are displayed.

Services > Cloud Infrastructure > OS Templates in the Virtuozzo group:

• List of OS Templates is displayed.

• OS Template properties are displayed.

On the SELECTED_VPS_HARDWARE_NODE > Templates tab screen:

• List of OS Templates is displayed.

• OS Template properties are displayed.

On the SELECTED_VPS > Application Templates tab screen:

• List of Application Templates is displayed.

• Application Template properties are displayed.


Services > Cloud Infrastructure > Application Templates in the Virtuozzo group:

• List of Application Templates is displayed.

• Application Template properties are displayed.

Services > Cloud Infrastructure > OS Templates in the Virtuozzo group:

• List of OS Templates is displayed.

• OS Template properties are displayed.

On the SELECTED_VPS_HARDWARE_NODE > Templates tab screen:

• List of OS Templates is displayed.

• OS Template properties are displayed.

• OS Template can be installed or uninstalled.

• Application Template can be installed or uninstalled.

On the SELECTED_VPS > Application Templates tab screen:

• List of Application Templates is displayed.

• Application Template properties are displayed.

• Application Template can be installed or updated.


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List of Privileges and States

Services > Cloud Infrastructure > Application Templates in the Virtuozzo group:

• List of Application Templates is displayed.

• Application Template properties are displayed.

• Application Template can be added or removed.

• Application Template Update can be installed.

Services > Cloud Infrastructure > OS Templates in the Virtuozzo group:

• List of OS Templates is displayed.

• OS Template properties are displayed.

• OS Template can be added or removed.

• OS Template Update can be installed.

On the SELECTED_VPS_HARDWARE_NODE > Templates tab screen:

• List of OS Templates is displayed.

• OS Template properties are displayed.

• OS Template can be installed or uninstalled.

• Application Template can be installed or uninstalled.

On the SELECTED_VPS > Application Templates tab screen:

• List of Application Templates is displayed.

• Application Template properties are displayed.

• Application Template can be installed, updated, or uninstalled.

Reseller Control Panel and Customer Control Panel

Not applicable.

Web Applications Management This privilege controls the following operations with Web Applications:

Operation Name / Privilege State Disabled Use Manage

Change hosting for OSC (Admin) Disabled Disabled Enabled

Delete web-applications Disabled Disabled Enabled

Install web-applications Disabled Disabled Enabled

View advanced web-applications Disabled Enabled Enabled

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List of Privileges and States

Operation Name / Privilege State Disabled Use Manage

View application vault Disabled Enabled Enabled

View basic web-applications Disabled Enabled Enabled

Provider Control Panel and Reseller Control Panel

Not applicable.

Customer Control Panel


The Hosting > Configuration & Administration > Application Vault screen is not displayed.


On the Hosting > Configuration & Administration > Application Vault screen:

• List of Web Applications is displayed.

• Web Application properties are displayed.


On the Hosting > Configuration & Administration > Application Vault screen:

• List of Web Applications is displayed.

• Web Application properties are displayed.

• Web Application properties can be modified.

• Web Application can be installed, upgraded, or uninstalled.

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List of Privileges and States

Web Applications Management (for Provider) This privilege controls the following operations with Web Application Groups:

Operation Name / Privilege State Disabled View Manage

Edit web-application groups Disabled Disabled Enabled

View web-application groups Disabled Enabled Enabled

Provider Control Panel


The following screens are not displayed:

Services > Web Hosting > Web Applications > Groups

Services > Web Hosting > Web Applications > Vault

Services > Web Hosting > Web Applications > Statistics


Services > Web Hosting > Web Applications > Groups screen:

• List of Application Groups is displayed.

• Application Group properties are displayed.

Services > Web Hosting > Web Applications > Vault screen:

• List of Applications is displayed.

• Application properties are displayed.

Services > Web Hosting > Web Applications > Statistics screen:

Application installation statistics is displayed.


Services > Web Hosting > Web Applications > Groups screen:

• List of Application Groups is displayed.

• Application Group properties are displayed.

• Application Group properties can be modified.

• Application Group can be created or removed.

Services > Web Hosting > Web Applications > Vault screen:

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List of Privileges and States

• List of Applications is displayed.

• Application properties are displayed.

Services > Web Hosting > Web Applications > Statistics screen:

Application installation statistics is displayed.

Reseller Control Panel and Customer Control Panel

Not applicable.

Web Statistics Access This privilege controls the following operations with Web Statistics Services:

Operation Name / Privilege State Disabled View Edit

Edit web-statistics configuration Disabled Disabled Enabled

View web-statistics configuration Disabled Enabled Enabled

Edit AWstats web-statistics settings Disabled Disabled Enabled

View AWstats web-statistics Disabled Enabled Enabled

Provider Control Panel and Reseller Control Panel

Not applicable.

Customer Control Panel


The following screens are not displayed:

Hosting > Configuration & Administration > Statistics & Analysis > AWStats Web Statistics

Hosting > Configuration & Administration > Statistics & Analysis > Webalizer Web Statistics


On the Hosting > Configuration & Administration > Statistics & Analysis > AWStats Web Statistics and Hosting > Configuration & Administration > Statistics & Analysis > Webalizer Web Statistics screens:

• Web Statistics is accessible.

• Web Statistics Service configuration is displayed.

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List of Privileges and States


On the Hosting > Configuration & Administration > Statistics & Analysis > AWStats Web Statistics and Hosting > Configuration & Administration > Statistics & Analysis > Webalizer Web Statistics screens:

• Web Statistics is accessible.

• Web Statistics Service configuration is displayed.

• Web Statistics Service configuration can be modified.

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List of Privileges and States

Website Administration This privilege controls the following operations with Apache/IIS/SharePoint Websites:

Operation Name / Privilege State Disabled Configuration Protected Directories All

Manage brand certificates Disabled Enabled Disabled Enabled

Remove Website Disabled Enabled Disabled Enabled

Add apache protected directories Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

Administrate website Disabled Enabled Disabled Enabled

Delete apache protected directories Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

Edit IIS website MIME types Disabled Enabled Disabled Enabled

Edit IIS website configuration Disabled Enabled Disabled Enabled

Edit IIS website defult documents Disabled Enabled Disabled Enabled

Edit SharePoint configuration Disabled Enabled Disabled Enabled

Edit apache protected directories Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

Edit apache protected directories users Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

Edit apache webspace configuration Disabled Enabled Disabled Enabled

Edit error documents for apache webspaces

Disabled Enabled Disabled Enabled

Manage IIS virtual directories Disabled Enabled Disabled Enabled

View CGI configuration for apache webspaces

Disabled Enabled Disabled Enabled

View IIS virtual directories Disabled Enabled Disabled Enabled

View IIS website MIME types Disabled Enabled Disabled Enabled

View IIS website configuration Disabled Enabled Disabled Enabled

View IIS website default documents Disabled Enabled Disabled Enabled

View IIS website error documents Disabled Enabled Disabled Enabled

View IP deny configuration for apache webspaces

Disabled Enabled Disabled Enabled

View MIME types configuration for apache webspaces

Disabled Enabled Disabled Enabled

View SSL certificates Disabled Enabled Disabled Enabled

View SharePoint configuration Disabled Enabled Disabled Enabled

View apache protected directories Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

View apache webspace FrontPage configuration

Disabled Enabled Disabled Enabled

View apache webspace SSL configuration

Disabled Enabled Disabled Enabled

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List of Privileges and States

Operation Name / Privilege State Disabled Configuration Protected Directories All

View apache webspace WAP configuration

Disabled Enabled Disabled Enabled

View apache webspace configuration Disabled Enabled Disabled Enabled

View error documents configuration for apache webspaces

Disabled Enabled Disabled Enabled

View error documents for apache webspaces

Disabled Enabled Disabled Enabled

View handlers configuration for apache webspaces

Disabled Enabled Disabled Enabled

View hotlink protection for apache webspaces

Disabled Enabled Disabled Enabled

View website Disabled Enabled Disabled Enabled

Provider Control Panel and Reseller Control Panel

Not applicable.

Customer Control Panel


The following screens are not displayed:

Hosting > Configuration & Administration > Webspace > WebSite Configuration

Hosting > Configuration & Administration > Webspace > Protected Directories

Hosting > Configuration & Administration > SharePoint


On the Hosting > Configuration & Administration > Webspace > WebSite Configuration screen:

• Apache/IIS Website configuration is displayed.

• Apache/IIS Website configuration can be modified.

• Apache/IIS Website can be created or removed.

On the Hosting > Configuration & Administration > SharePoint screen:

• SharePoint Sites are displayed.

• SharePoint Site configuration is displayed.

• SharePoint Site configuration can be modified.

• SharePoint Site can be created or removed.

• SharePoint Site Users are displayed.

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List of Privileges and States

• SharePoint Site User properties are displayed.

• SharePoint Site User properties can be modified.

• SharePoint Site User can be created or removed.

The Hosting > Configuration & Administration > Webspace > Protected Directories screen is not displayed.

Protected Directories

The following screens are not displayed:

Hosting > Configuration & Administration > Webspace > WebSite Configuration

Hosting > Configuration & Administration > SharePoint

On the Hosting > Configuration & Administration > Webspace > Protected Directories screen:

• Protected Directories are displayed.

• Protected Directory properties are displayed.

• Protected Directory properties can be modified.

• Protected Directory can be created or removed.

• Protected Directory Users are displayed.

• Protected Directory User properties are displayed.

• Protected Directory User properties can be modified.

• Protected Directory User can be added or removed.


On the Hosting > Configuration & Administration > Webspace > WebSite Configuration screen:

• Apache/IIS Website configuration is displayed.

• Apache/IIS Website configuration can be modified.

• Apache/IIS Website can be created or removed.

On the Hosting > Configuration & Administration > SharePoint screen:

• SharePoint Sites are displayed.

• SharePoint Site configuration is displayed.

• SharePoint Site configuration can be modified.

• SharePoint Site can be created or removed.

• SharePoint Site Users are displayed.

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List of Privileges and States

• SharePoint Site User properties are displayed.

• SharePoint Site User properties can be modified.

• SharePoint Site User can be created or removed.

On the Hosting > Configuration & Administration > Webspace > Protected Directories screen:

• Protected Directories are displayed.

• Protected Directory properties are displayed.

• Protected Directory properties can be modified.

• Protected Directory can be created or removed.

• Protected Directory Users are displayed.

• Protected Directory User properties are displayed.

• Protected Directory User properties can be modified.

• Protected Directory User can be added or removed.

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List of Privileges and States

Websites This privilege controls the following operations with Websites of child Accounts:

Operation Name / Privilege State Disabled Enabled

View other websites (View websites of child accounts)

Disabled Enabled

View websites (It is auxiliary operation) Disabled Enabled

Provider Control Panel and Reseller Control Panel


The Services > Web Hosting > Websites screen is not displayed.


On the Services > Web Hosting > Websites screen:

• Websites of child Accounts are displayed.

• Website properties are displayed.

Customer Control Panel

Not applicable.

See also: Own Websites privilege (on page 155).

Webspace Access This privilege controls the following operations with Webspace access configuration:

Operation Name / Privilege State Disabled FTP Filemanager All

Activate File Manager Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

Deactivate File Manager Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

FTP / Create FTP access to webspace Disabled Enabled Disabled Enabled

FTP / Create FTP users Disabled Enabled Disabled Enabled

FTP / Delete FTP users Disabled Enabled Disabled Enabled

FTP / Edit FTP configuration Disabled Enabled Disabled Enabled

FTP / Edit FTP users Disabled Enabled Disabled Enabled

Page 209: Parallels Operations Automation 5 - · • Modules in this guide are divided into sections, which, in


List of Privileges and States

Operation Name / Privilege State Disabled FTP Filemanager All

FTP / View FTP configuration Disabled Enabled Disabled Enabled

FTP / View FTP users Disabled Enabled Disabled Enabled

View File Manager information Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

Web / Filemanager / Create filemanager access for webspace

Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

Web / Filemanager / View filemanager access for webspace

Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

Web / Filemanager / Use filemanager for webspace

Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

Provider Control Panel and Reseller Control Panel

Not applicable.

Customer Control Panel


The following screens are not displayed:

Hosting > Configuration & Administration > Webspace > File Manager

Hosting > Configuration & Administration > Webspace > FTP Access

On the Hosting > Configuration & Administration > Webspace > WebSite Configuration screen:

FTP configuration is not displayed.


The Hosting > Configuration & Administration > Webspace > File Manager screen is not displayed.

On the Hosting > Configuration & Administration > Webspace > FTP Access screen:

• FTP configuration is displayed.

• FTP configuration can be modified.

• List of FTP Users is displayed.

• FTP User properties can be modified.

• FTP User can be created or removed.

On the Hosting > Configuration & Administration > Webspace > WebSite Configuration screen:

• FTP configuration is displayed.

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List of Privileges and States

• FTP configuration can be modified.


On the Hosting > Configuration & Administration > Webspace > File Manager screen:

• File Manager configuration is displayed.

• File Manager can be installed or uninstalled.

The Hosting > Configuration & Administration > Webspace > FTP Access screen is not displayed.

On the Hosting > Configuration & Administration > Webspace > WebSite Configuration screen:

FTP configuration is not displayed.


On the Hosting > Configuration & Administration > Webspace > File Manager screen:

• File Manager configuration is displayed.

• File Manager can be installed or uninstalled.

On the Hosting > Configuration & Administration > Webspace > FTP Access screen:

• FTP configuration is displayed.

• FTP configuration can be modified.

• List of FTP Users is displayed.

• FTP User properties can be modified.

• FTP User can be created or removed.

On the Hosting > Configuration & Administration > Webspace > WebSite Configuration screen:

• FTP configuration is displayed.

• FTP configuration can be modified.

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List of Privileges and States

Wireless Services This privilege controls the following operations with wireless services (BlackBerry and Good Mobile Messaging):

Operation Name / Privilege State Disabled Manage

Manage Exchange wireless services Disabled Enabled

Provider Control Panel


Services > E-mail > BlackBerry group and Services > E-mail > Good Mobile Messaging screens are not displayed.


Services > E-mail > BlackBerry group and Services > E-mail > Good Mobile Messaging screens:

• List of wireless services is displayed.

• Wireless service properties are displayed.

• Wireless service configuration can be modified.

• List of accounts is displayed.

• Account properties are displayed.

• Wireless service configuration can be modified for account.

Reseller Control Panel


Services > E-mail > BlackBerry group and Services > E-mail > Good Mobile Messaging screens are not displayed.


Services > E-mail > BlackBerry group and Services > E-mail > Good Mobile Messaging screens:

• List of accounts is displayed.

• Account properties are displayed.

• Wireless service configuration can be modified for account.

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List of Privileges and States

Customer Control Panel

Not applicable.

Wireless Services Administration This privilege controls the following operations with configuration of wireless services (BlackBerry and Good Mobile Messaging):

Operation Name / Privilege State Disabled View Manage Admin

Create and remove Exchange wireless services

Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

Edit Exchange wireless services Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled

View Exchange wireless services Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

Provider Control Panel and Reseller Control Panel

Not applicable.

Customer Control Panel


The following screens are not displayed:

Hosting > Configuration & Administration > Exchange > Good Mobile Accounts

Hosting > Configuration & Administration > Exchange > BlackBerry Accounts

Hosting > Configuration & Administration > Exchange > Mailboxes > MAILBOX > Wireless Services tab


On the Hosting > Configuration & Administration > Exchange > Good Mobile Accounts and Hosting > Configuration & Administration > Exchange > BlackBerry Accounts screens:

• List of Wireless Service Accounts is displayed.

• Wireless Service Account properties are displayed.

On the Hosting > Configuration & Administration > Exchange > Mailboxes > MAILBOX > Wireless Services tab screen:

Wireless Service configuration is displayed.

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List of Privileges and States


On the Hosting > Configuration & Administration > Exchange > Good Mobile Accounts and Hosting > Configuration & Administration > Exchange > BlackBerry Accounts screens:

• List of Wireless Service Accounts is displayed.

• Wireless Service Account properties are displayed.

• Wireless Service Account properties can be modified.

On the Hosting > Configuration & Administration > Exchange > Mailboxes > MAILBOX > Wireless Services tab screen:

• Wireless Service configuration is displayed.

• Wireless Service configuration can be modified.


On the Hosting > Configuration & Administration > Exchange > Good Mobile Accounts and Hosting > Configuration & Administration > Exchange > BlackBerry Accounts screens:

• List of Wireless Service Accounts is displayed.

• Wireless Service Account properties are displayed.

• Wireless Service Account properties can be modified.

• Wireless Service Account can be created or removed.

On the Hosting > Configuration & Administration > Exchange > Mailboxes > MAILBOX > Wireless Services tab screen:

• Wireless Service configuration is displayed.

• Wireless Service configuration can be modified.

• Wireless Service can be created or removed.

See also: Wireless Services privilege (on page 211).

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All Domains - 28 All Logins History - 31 All Users - 33 All VPSs - 35 AntiSpam Management - 39 AntiVirus Management - 40 Apache Configuration - 41 Application Users - 41 APS Packages - 42


Backups Configuration Management - 43 Backups Management - 44 Billing Access - 45 Branding Configuration - 46


Concept of Privileges - 12 Concept of Roles - 13 Configuring External CMS - 49 Content Management Systems - 50 CRM Administration - 52 Crontabs Management - 55 Customer Accounts - 56 Customer Dedicated Servers - 61 Customer Directory Integration Administration

- 59 Customer Directory Integration

Synchronization - 61 Customer Staff Member's Privileges - 25 Customer's CP Access - 63


Databases Management - 64 Dedicated Servers Management - 66 Dedicated Servers OS Images - 67 DNS Configuration - 69 Documentation Conventions - 8


E-Mail Administration - 72 Events - 77 Events Log Configuration - 79 Exchange Company Disclaimers

Administration - 83 Exchange Domain Configuration - 79 Exchange Mailbox Templates Administration -

81 Exchange Public Folder Stores Replicas

Administration - 82 Exchange Resource Mailbox Administration -

85 Exchange Unified Messaging Administration -



Feedback - 10


General Conventions - 10 Global Relay Archiving Management - 87


Hardware Nodes - 89 Hosting Services Configuration - 93


IIS Configuration - 99 Infrastructure Configuration - 100 IP Pools & Addresses - 103


Licenses - 108 List of Privileges and States - 28 Logfiles Access - 109 Login As to MyCP - 111


Maillists - 111


Page 215: Parallels Operations Automation 5 - · • Modules in this guide are divided into sections, which, in


Managing Customer Accounts - 15 Managing Reseller Accounts - 15 Managing Staff Members - 15 MessageLabs Management - 113 MX Logic Configuration Management - 114 MX Logic E-mail Security Administration -



News - 115


ODBC DSN Management - 118 Office Communications Management - 120 Office Communications Meeting Policies

Administration - 122 Office Communications Phone Numbers

Administration - 123 Office Communications Pools Administration

- 123 Office Communications User Profiles

Administration - 126 Office Communications Users Administration

- 127 Own Account Info - 129 Own Applications - 131 Own CP Access - 132 Own Customer's CP Access - 132 Own Domains - 134 Own Login History - 138 Own Reseller's CP Access - 140 Own Security Configuration - 141 Own User - 145 Own Users - 148 Own VPSs - 151 Own Websites - 155


Packages - 155 Postini Management - 158 Preface - 8 Provider Staff Member's Privileges - 16 Provisioning Configuration - 161 Public API Management - 167


Reseller Accounts - 167 Reseller Staff Member's Privileges - 21

Resellers CP Access - 170


Scheduled Applications Management - 171 Security Configuration - 172 Security Model - 12 Server Management - 175 Service Users Management - 178 Sessions - 181 Setup VPS Hosting - 182 SPLA Reports - 183 Staff Members - 14 Streaming Media Configuration - 184 Subdomains - 186 Subscriptions - 187 System Configuration - 190 System Login History - 192


Tasks - 193 Types of Accounts - 14 Typographical Conventions - 8


Understanding Concept of Roles - 12 Understanding Hierarchy of Accounts and

Users - 14 Understanding POA Privileges Management

Concept - 11 User Repository Access - 194


View Own Subscriptions - 196 VZ Templates - 197


Web Applications Management - 199 Web Applications Management (for Provider)

- 201 Web Statistics Access - 202 Website Administration - 204 Websites - 208 Webspace Access - 208 What is Account - 14 What is Administrator Role - 14 Wireless Services - 211 Wireless Services Administration - 212